From: SAAVIK To: SAAVIK Subject: BBS BS Date & Time: 03/21/91 13:23:56 Message Number 14001 Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!! I got 14000!!!!!!! I know, (sigh), who cares? =========== From: KEN SABLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Humor Date & Time: 03/21/91 13:36:26 Message Number 14002 Ya, but after you hit 'em with a Mercury, they don't look and say "Wow! what a nice car!" heheh \\ Sable =========== From: KEN SABLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Humor Date & Time: 03/21/91 13:37:32 Message Number 14003 Hey, I thought you liked IBM! hehehe Anyways, naw, BMW's are fairly nice-looking (I think) .. They go faster than my Toyota .. The new one has 12 Cylenders, and they are well-built ... No, the IBM of the car market would be a company that charges $100,000 for a new car, and when a belt breaks, you have to replace the entire engine for $70,000 instead of the $25 belt! \\ Sable =========== From: KEN SABLE To: TURTLE Subject: Humor Date & Time: 03/21/91 13:39:33 Message Number 14004 > ... wear punp-up tennis shoes ... Nope! I wear Punp-Up CROSS TRAINING SXT shoes. On the tennis ones, the pump looks like a little furry tennis-ball! :pppppppp \\ Sable =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: *snort* Date & Time: 03/21/91 15:27:36 Message Number 14006 SS> (Description of a stud-muffin.) T> I will have to take your word on the last; I wouldn't know. Be careful now, you wouldn't want the Specialist to get after you. heheh =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: P.WHIPPED Subject: handle Date & Time: 03/21/91 15:32:50 Message Number 14007 PW> ..Oh yeah, my girlfriend was watching over my shoulder as I logged PW> on to change my handle and I has to satiate her appetite for PW> complete and total domination over me. In other words, you really are pussy whipped. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Confusion Date & Time: 03/21/91 15:37:42 Message Number 14008 SA> Am I rambling or does anyone know what I'm talking about. Yep, you're rambling. But I understand what you're talking about. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: BBS BS Date & Time: 03/21/91 15:39:20 Message Number 14009 SA. Ha ha ha ha!!!! I got #14000!!!! I know, (sigh), who cares? I care. Grrrrrrrrrrr =========== From: RAT To: SILVERDAWN Subject: Gratitude Date & Time: 03/21/91 15:56:56 Message Number 14010 Uh, Yeah. Thanks a lot Silverdawn.(Sarcastically) =========== From: RAT To: P.WHIPPED Subject: Tights Date & Time: 03/21/91 15:59:42 Message Number 14011 Oh, c'mon! Wimp. When you see girls in tights, don't you think they're not very ugly? Well, They'll think the same about you. (Laugh,Laugh) =========== From: RAT To: SAAVIK Subject: bashing Date & Time: 03/21/91 16:04:32 Message Number 14012 Let's leave your mother out of this. Ok? Just kidding. I don't want to hurt your feelings.(comfortingly) =========== From: RAT To: P.WHIPPED Subject: bashing Date & Time: 03/21/91 16:10:51 Message Number 14013 Let me have the privilage of thanking you for helping him try to make me look like a homo. =========== From: P.WHIPPED To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: handle Date & Time: 03/21/91 16:39:55 Message Number 14014 in a word.... kindamasorta =========== From: DIRTY WRAT To: BEATLE Subject: monopolizing Date & Time: 03/21/91 16:54:32 Message Number 14015 Don't try to feel real important. I look at it this way, noone who would end up at a furry party has an extended-type attention span anyway. In fact (and Crystal and I were just talking about this last night) ... some furries I know who shall remain nameless (actually a few of them) ... you kinda have to talk to them like you'd talk to a sprinkler. Whenever the head is pointed in your direction, you talk to it.... actually, I'm like that... so don't worry about it. Go to the furry party and have fun. Dirty Wrat =========== From: DIRTY WRAT To: KEN SABLE Subject: mercedes Date & Time: 03/21/91 17:01:34 Message Number 14016 Mercedes is like the IBM of the car world.... and they accelerate well too. Dirty Wrat =========== From: MICHAEL ALLEN To: DRAGONFLY Subject: PARTY Date & Time: 03/21/91 01:44:41 Message Number 14018 Will saavic be there she sound's kind of neet I would like to meet hur.  =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: ALL Subject: Hello there ... Date & Time: 03/21/91 02:09:16 Message Number 14020 Well, I was kinda in neighborhood, so I decided to drop in and say to most of you, which I have spoken to before, 'Hi!', and the same to those of you in which I haven't. :) I am currently looking for something to do, and to talk about, so if you have anything to say, please drop me a letter ... I would appreciate it. Oh, by the way, I have 'BMOSJ', --- brought my own straight jacket ... Never leave home without it !!! :) ==-->>> Death Fennec <<<--== =========== From: JONBOY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Message Date & Time: 03/21/91 02:52:28 Message Number 14021 TS> StarBlazer - I played hell out of that game way back when - the absolute most addicting was a litle damned game caled Drelbs - I still boot my Apple just to play that damned game... =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Pervading Date & Time: 03/21/91 02:54:58 Message Number 14022 T> No mention of a filter... I second that Grrrr! I really hae to hear crap like that. =========== From: JONBOY To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Tits UP? Date & Time: 03/21/91 03:00:53 Message Number 14023 SS> I'm not /that/ new,. It;'s all relative my man... I operated my first modem over two Apple //'s back in 1978 - I was hooked. At 300 baud I was still blown away with visions of CyberSpace. Took me two years to get my own (a mentor owned the system) in the meantime i used a UNIX machine and chatted on ARPANET... them's the days... =========== From: JONBOY To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Tits UP? Date & Time: 03/21/91 03:04:00 Message Number 14024 SS> "Hey I'm a ninja... Well - the poinjt I was trying to make is that ninjutsu basically trains to subjugate the body and concentrate your will through self-training exercises. Hardly the kid of person that would be an impromptu lover or sex-object. =========== From: JONBOY To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Stuff Date & Time: 03/21/91 03:05:59 Message Number 14025 SS> What's the seven knots to heaven? First you start with an anal fixation.... =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: ALL Subject: YUPPER Date & Time: 03/21/91 04:11:32 Message Number 14026 Geeeeze, SnakeByte is still alive......well, sort of. I been out of touch a little....loooooong story. I may be getting back on, or maybe not....depends....! Just thought I'd pop in and see if the main boards are still up and if I'm still a user or a newbie. Hope you guys and gals (gals?....hmmmm) are still shakin' the phone lines. See ya around the boards....sooon I hope... =========== From: SAAVIK To: KEN SABLE Subject: Humor Date & Time: 03/21/91 04:17:14 Message Number 14027 Hit anything with my little car and all they do is laugh. :( I'd get the worst part of it, believe me. =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Confusion Date & Time: 03/21/91 04:19:25 Message Number 14028 SS: Yep, you're rambling. But I understand what you're talking about. Er, What WAS I talking about????? See, I'm still rambling. Hey, are we to bring anything to the Furry Party? Opps, I'm asking the wrong person. Never mind. I AM bringing something..... "Lady in Red". =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: BBS BS Date & Time: 03/21/91 04:21:29 Message Number 14029 And the race is on. Next good message 14444. =========== From: SAAVIK To: RAT Subject: bashing Date & Time: 03/21/91 04:22:32 Message Number 14030 RAT: Let's leave your mother out of this. OK? I don't want to hurt your feelings. Too late! What a RAT you are!!!!!! =========== From: SAAVIK To: MICHAEL ALLEN Subject: PARTY Date & Time: 03/21/91 04:24:54 Message Number 14031 Hur will be there with bells on.... lugging a couple of print outs under her arm and accompanied by Lady in Red. You'll really like her. She's cute!! =========== From: SAAVIK To: DEATH FENNEC Subject: Hello there ... Date & Time: 03/21/91 04:26:28 Message Number 14032 Hi, Death Fennec. We chatted on Terran a week or so ago but I got dumped in the middle of our conversation, (damn that Randem's computer!!). Nice to see you in this neck of the woods. You Will be at the Furry Party?? =========== From: SAAVIK To: JONBOY Subject: Tits UP? Date & Time: 03/21/91 04:28:40 Message Number 14033 Well, I AM that new. I just got my modem in January and I am totally hooked (as if you couldn't tell by the millions of messages I leave everywhere). I call the boards in my sleep...... funny, no one ever replies to THOSE messages. =========== From: SAAVIK To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: YUPPER Date & Time: 03/21/91 04:31:58 Message Number 14034 Hi ya, Snakebyte (cute handle). =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Party Date & Time: 03/21/91 04:33:43 Message Number 14035 Do you want me to bring anything inparticular to the party?? I'd like to help out if I can. =========== From: TURTLE To: BEATLE Subject: BBS BS Date & Time: 03/21/91 08:34:10 Message Number 14043 >With ALL the people there [@ Furry Party], you have to share everyone >with everyone else, and it can get frustrating. It may be just me, but I'm having difficulty parsing that...furry parties are very unusual social events, but I'm not quite sure if that's what you were driving at. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Stuff Date & Time: 03/21/91 08:36:02 Message Number 14044 >I am NOT uptight. You're uptight. >I just have a little problem talking about something that kinky. Why??!! Sex is a part of every normally functional adult's life, and it makes little (read: no) sense to treat it as somehow unspeakable or intrinsically different from any other type of experience. I can understand finding conversation about something you don't happen to enjoy distasteful, but why would it be a problem to talk about? >I guess I am uptight. Ding. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Confusion Date & Time: 03/21/91 08:38:58 Message Number 14045 >I have two children depending on me... ....which is precisely why you can't survive with the attitude I have. I am not responsible for anyone other than myself, so I don't have that concern... =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: I never learn. Date & Time: 03/21/91 08:40:15 Message Number 14046 >Divine Justice. Implying that I'm God? =========== From: TURTLE To: KEN SABLE Subject: Humor Date & Time: 03/21/91 08:41:34 Message Number 14047 >Nope! I wear Punp-Up CROSS TRAINING SXT shoes. And you are not disproving my point by noticing the distinction and imagining it to be important... :P =========== From: TURTLE To: DIRTY WRAT Subject: monopolizing Date & Time: 03/21/91 08:44:04 Message Number 14048 > kinda have to talk to them like you'd talk to a sprinkler. What are you tryin' to say, man? =========== From: TURTLE To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: YUPPER Date & Time: 03/21/91 08:47:05 Message Number 14049 Well, like, welcome back, long time no see, and hope you can check in more often. You still workin' at the same place, and have any plans for another Road Rallye in the forseeable future?? =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: PARTY Date & Time: 03/21/91 08:48:41 Message Number 14050 >Hur will be there with bells on... The party to whom that message is addressed will not receive it, I fear. Due to certain unacceptable behavior on his last login session. dear Michael Allen has been twitted. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Hello there ... Date & Time: 03/21/91 08:50:03 Message Number 14051 >You Will be at the Furry Party?? He certainly is. (The furry party actually started on Wednsday, sort of; I expect it'll be going on 'til Monday, with most of the activity concentrated Saturday night and Sunday morning.) 'Fact, as I type this, he's asleep in the damn waterbed...he beat me to it, which means I get to crash on the floor in the living room tonight AND IT'S MY APARTMENT!! *sigh* Turtle's Life, and welcome to it... =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Party Date & Time: 03/21/91 08:52:15 Message Number 14052 Hmm. Well, guests aren't really under any special obligation to bring anything at all to the Furry Party. If you want to help out by dragging over some Dew or edibles, that's fine, and if you happen to have any photographic equipment lying around you'll probably want to bring it too (although that's not the same thing, I suppose). Other than that, whatever seems like a good idea to you... =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Stuff Date & Time: 03/21/91 18:42:56 Message Number 14053 Ding, yourself!!!!! So I am a little uptight when it comes to discussing sex. It comes from having parents who were 40 years old when I was born. Sex was something you DID NOT talk about in my house. Now that I am older, (and wiser?) I can talk about it, but I still get embarrassed. I'm working on it......, I would probably be a "real" prude if it hadn't been for the surrogate family I had as a teenager. Sex is something that lots of people have trouble discussing. It doesn't mean that they are UPTIGHT!!!!! I can fling induendos with the best of them.... but a serious sexual conversation is a little harder for me. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Confusion Date & Time: 03/21/91 18:46:54 Message Number 14054 T:I am not responsible for anyone other than myself, so I don't have that concern.... Yep! Children mold your whole way of living. If I didn't have kids, I'd probably be much more spontaneous and carefree too. (and maybe not so UPTIGHT?) =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: I never learn. Date & Time: 03/21/91 18:49:23 Message Number 14055 SA: Divine Justice. T: Implying that I'm God? I would never imply such a thing. Maybe I just happen to think you are divine. Heheh. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: PARTY Date & Time: 03/21/91 18:52:00 Message Number 14056 T: Dear Micheal Allen has been twitted. And you said you weren't God, Hmmmph! =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Hello there ... Date & Time: 03/21/91 18:53:38 Message Number 14057 Now don't you all go getting burned out before the big event. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Party Date & Time: 03/21/91 18:54:49 Message Number 14058 I will bring a video camera and lot's of tapes as well as some munchies and Mountain Dew. May I bring some Rum and Diet Coke? Or would you prefer not having alcohol on premisis? =========== From: P.WHIPPED To: SAAVIK Subject: sex Date & Time: 03/21/91 19:28:02 Message Number 14059 Don't sweat it. As Dirty Wratt can testify it's a wonder that they knew enough about sex to even have me. They're fine as long as they don't have to face reality (They're also fundamentalists). You'll get more comfortable talking about it as time goes on...probably. =========== From: P.WHIPPED To: SAAVIK Subject: Turtle Date & Time: 03/21/91 19:31:07 Message Number 14060 Turtle isn't god, he's merely a prophet to whom god (i think that would be Jesse Helms if you asked him) has given the power of twitting. =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: SAAVIK Subject: Hello there ... Date & Time: 03/21/91 19:53:55 Message Number 14061 Well, actually, yes, I am, and then if you will show up, then I shall be able to see you, and I will be able to talk to you. This is going to be one hell of a party. Turtle may/may not be able to make his famous 'Hot And Horny Foxes!' Well, they are supposedly good from what I have heard. Have you ever had one before? I have only been to one of the furry parties before, and that was 'RufusCon II', and that was kinda fun in a way. I got to meet other artists, which I had met Jimmy Chin, a very good artist. Hmm. Well, you sound like you would be quite intersting, and I hope to speak, or meet with you soon. Well, I guuess that you are a busy person. So, I shall be going to go for now. Oh, by the way, today is Turtles Birthday! So, leave him mail !!! Death Fennec -- / s =========== From: TIBERIUS To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Tandy Bashing.. Date & Time: 03/21/91 20:21:05 Message Number 14062 >That's government efficiency! I agree, and you are right. Most of the stuff I see for sale in the flyers are from govt. research labs and stuff and the agency selling it is the General Services Administration. They turn over the money to the Treasury and I suppose it goes into a big slush fund somewhere. =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: ALL HOMO BASHERS Subject: It could happen Date & Time: 03/21/91 20:47:34 Message Number 14064 For those of you who enjoy bashing homosexuals, read today's Sarasota Herald-Tribune. (22 March) It seems that one extreme homo- phobe (homosexual hater, okay?) during a routine check-up for his life insurance tested HIV-positive. The gentleman in question had made a habit of literally bashing homosexuals: of beating them up rather viciously. It's guessed that some HIV-positive blood of a homosexual got mixed with his blood while he was engaged in this pursuit... Serves him right. /Dragonfly/ =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: P.WHIPPED Subject: BFE Date & Time: 03/21/91 20:52:28 Message Number 14065 I've had to live out there, too. Not much to do at night but chase poisonous snakes from the pool and listen to the roaring of the lions. /Dragonfly/ =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: Confusion Date & Time: 03/21/91 20:54:52 Message Number 14066 I think many of us know what you mean, Saavik. I'm trying to balance keeping my professors and my parents at bay, and find a job this summer. At New College, you're always clawing to stay afloat. (With some 65-70% of any class being lost by the wayside, it's obvious that we all work hard.) /Dragonfly/ =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: BBS BS Date & Time: 03/21/91 20:58:34 Message Number 14067 Yes, you have to share everyone with everyone else in the party. No hogging, please! There will be plenty of time for seconds or thirds... I think what he was talking about was conversation. On a BBS, there can be a large number of conversations going on all at once, and every- one has time to respond or not to everyone else. In real life, it's hard to "butt in" on a conversation without being rude; on a BBS, it's extremely easy. Also, on a BBS, you have time to type long expressions like this withou boring the other person; that doesn't happen in real life. /Dragonfly/ =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: DIRTY WRAT Subject: monopolizing Date & Time: 03/21/91 21:03:40 Message Number 14068 >Some furries I know... you kinda have to talk to them like you'd talk >to a sprinkler. Whenever the head is pointed in your direction, you >talk to it. Hee hee hee! We're all Turtles under the flesh. /Dragonfly/ =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: MICHAEL ALLEN Subject: PARTY Date & Time: 03/21/91 21:05:04 Message Number 14069 >Will saavic be there she sound's kind of neet I would like to meet hur. I don't know. Why don't you ask Saavik? (Picking Michael up and turning him in the right direction, toward Saavik.) /Dragonfly/ =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: DEATH FENNEC Subject: Hello there ... Date & Time: 03/21/91 21:06:47 Message Number 14070 >I am currently looking for something to do, and to talk about, so >if you have anything to say, please drop me a letter. Okay! I think I'll drop th lttr "e." Or mayb not. Things to do around the Sarasota/ Bradenton area: 1. Practice your jogging. Go to the center of the New College Palm Court and shout, "YOU BUNCH OF HIPPIE FREAKS! DON'T YOU KNOW THE SIXTIES ARE DEAD?" 2. Practice the fine art of spoon-hanging. 3. Try to pickpocket a policeman's gun. (Always wonderful for some laughs!) 4. Start a new religion. 5. Skinny-dip in the ocean and shock the retirees. 6. Practice your jogging. At midnight, take a leisurely stroll down MLK drive with a T-shirt reading "David Duke for LA governor." 7. Try to find a store that sells sealing wax. (I'm serious!) /Dragonfly/ More ideas, later. =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: Stuff Date & Time: 03/21/91 21:20:17 Message Number 14071 It's easier to discuss sex when the words are just "blips on a screen" than when you're discussing it face-to-face. Over a modem, there's not much of a chance the person is trying to seduce you. In person, it's often a thinly disguised attempt. /Dragonfly/ =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: Party Date & Time: 03/21/91 21:23:17 Message Number 14072 The strongest alcohol we've had at furry parties have been "Hot and Horny Foxes" (apple juice, apple schnapps, and cinammon -- and maybe other ingredients.) The second strongest so far was mulled wine. Bring alcohol if you feel like it: use your judgement who to offer it to. (I rarely drink, and won't touch any that night. I'll be driving four hours after I leave that party!) /Dragonfly/ =========== From: SAAVIK To: P.WHIPPED Subject: sex Date & Time: 03/21/91 21:34:14 Message Number 14073 PW: You'll probably get more comfortable taking about it as time goes on.....probably. I'd better hurry up or I'll be too old to Act on it. I ain't getting any younger. Well, I can discuss the subject with close friends........... it's a little harder with total strangers. =========== From: SAAVIK To: P.WHIPPED Subject: Turtle Date & Time: 03/21/91 21:36:26 Message Number 14074 All hail the Twit God. Thou shalt not be a jerk or thou shalt be deleted. A commandment was missed. Better speak with Moses about that....... =========== From: SAAVIK To: DEATH FENNEC Subject: Hello there ... Date & Time: 03/21/91 21:38:36 Message Number 14075 Well, I will Definately be there Saturday night so I'll see ya then. I'm looking forward to it. =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Confusion Date & Time: 03/21/91 21:40:54 Message Number 14076 Yeah, sometimes I'd just like to say "the hell with it", kick back and coast. But if I do, I always pay for it later. Ah, well, such is life. =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: BBS BS Date & Time: 03/21/91 21:42:34 Message Number 14077 Ok, I see what you mean. Well, with so many people at a party, it's not hard to share. Just sort of drift from conversation to conversation. Kind of like the chat lounge on Terran Trace. Hehhe. =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: PARTY Date & Time: 03/21/91 21:44:09 Message Number 14078 Won't do me any good to answer Micheal Allen...... he's in Twit heaven now. =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Stuff Date & Time: 03/21/91 21:45:46 Message Number 14079 It's easier to talk about "anything" over a modem. I mean, if you truly disgrace yourself, you have the option of never calling again or changing your handle. I have made some very good friends over this wire, as I'm sure you have to. I'd hate to have anything stop me from posting here........ I'm looking forward to meeting those I haven't yet. I'm not really worried about a sexual discussion turning into "the big come on". I'm old enough to know how to handle that. Duh! As Nancy Reagan would say...... "Just say no!" Hehehh. =========== From: TURTLE To: DRAGONFLY Subject: It could happen Date & Time: 03/23/91 00:10:20 Message Number 14089 >Serves him right. Heh, heh, heh. Maybe there is justice in the world. =========== From: TURTLE To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Things to Do Date & Time: 03/23/91 00:11:59 Message Number 14090 >"David Duke for LA governor." That's a good one, yep yep yep. Ranks right up there with putting an LSD/DMSO mixture in the sprinkler system at a New Kids on the Block concert and setting off the fire suppression system. =========== From: TURTLE To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Stuff Date & Time: 03/23/91 00:32:47 Message Number 14091 >It's easier to discuss sex when the words are just "blips on a screen" >than when you're discussing it face-to-face. Naah. I don't think that's necessarily true at all; if you have trouble discussing sex, it's gonna be hard no matter how you do it. >[on a computer]...there's no chance that the person is trying to seduce >you. Not true at all. You ever see a case of board rape? >In person, it's often a thinly-disguised attempt. I disagree there, too. There's a difference between 'discussing sex' and 'bragging about your sexual exploits'; the latter is more likely to be a thinly (or not) disguised attempt at seduction. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: sex Date & Time: 03/23/91 00:36:32 Message Number 14092 >Well, I can discuss the subject with close friends............ >it's a little harder with total strangers. And where, pray tell, do we here at A/R fall? :> =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Stuff Date & Time: 03/23/91 00:38:11 Message Number 14093 >It's easier to talk about "anything" over a modem. Huh-uh...try discussing a delicate subject where a misstep is likely to cause the other person to become angry or's very, very difficult to convey anything involving strong or subtle emotion over a computer.. =========== From: SILVERDAWN To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Divine Justice. Date & Time: 03/23/91 02:46:18 Message Number 14096 You know, I really think AIDS is one of the most hideous forms of death, and I wish to G-d it were eradicated from the face of Mother Earth. But heaven help me, I couldn't stop myself from hissing, "Serves you right, you son of a bitch!" upon reading that article. Living proof you don't have to be gay to get AIDS. Silverdawn =========== From: SILVERDAWN To: ALL Subject: Sealing Wax Date & Time: 03/23/91 02:59:52 Message Number 14097 If there *is* a place to get it in Sarasota, let me know. I'm running low. Much better, however, to go to the middle of Palm Court in the midst of a bad wall-- like, oh, say THIS ONE-- and yell, "Hey, Matt! Your taste in music SUCKS!" Whenever it's an all-rap wall, Matt's running it by default. Talk about dictators.... Silverdawn =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: JONBOY Subject: Pervading Date & Time: 03/23/91 08:18:59 Message Number 14098 As far as game addictions game, I've got myself a new one. The Curse Of The Azure Bonds, it's a Dungeons & Dragons game. I played it for about 10 hours straight yesterday. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: JONBOY Subject: Tits UP? Date & Time: 03/23/91 08:21:09 Message Number 14099 JB> Ninjutsu.....spew....blah...blather. *yawn* You're just being argumentative, and you know it. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Stuff Date & Time: 03/23/91 08:26:02 Message Number 14100 SA> I guess I am uptight. T> Ding Ding. =========== From: DIRTY WRAT To: SAAVIK Subject: options... Date & Time: 03/23/91 10:52:45 Message Number 14101 > . . . you have the option of never calling again or >changing your handle. That's true, but one of the worst habits to get into is getting yourself into a situation, realizing you can't deal with it and then evaporating. Trust me, I know. Talking about things like sex on a bulletin board might FEEL safer, because you never have to look who you're talking to in the eye, you can spend time between question and answer thinking about the "truth" of a matter and whether or not you want to let it out, and you DO have an alias, or an option to keep anonymity. In any case, using a BBS for those kinds of discussions can be a sort of therapy, because once you tell a 'secret' and you get a response to it, you can let your guard down because you know what to expect as a response. Sorry, got me off on a little tangent there... 11am is NOT a good time to JUST BE GETTING TO SLEEP!!!! Mind tends to wander. -- Dirty W r a t t =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Korea/ Japan Date & Time: 03/23/91 11:40:13 Message Number 14102 I know what I'm talking about too, I *lived* in Korea for two years. Plus I got the opportunity to take culture classes, and interact with the people; I speak some Korean. Ask your Korean roommate how much the avereage Korean likes the Japaneese.... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Seven knots Date & Time: 03/23/91 11:45:23 Message Number 14103 T>...inserted into the males anal orfice... You mean that they stick something up your ass? Sounds sickeningly gay. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SAAVIK Subject: *snort* Date & Time: 03/23/91 11:48:49 Message Number 14104 SA>Stud bookend? As in two? Shudder the thought... Sure, didn't you know that Turtle was the other one? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SAAVIK Subject: Stuff, IV Date & Time: 03/23/91 11:50:15 Message Number 14105 SA>Why? Why not just ell him you're not interested... Well, that would be my way of telling him...I'm sure that he wouldn't ask again.... SA>Would you feel good about yourself for pounding a guy for asking? Hmmm. Would I feel good? No, but I would feel vindicated. Look at it like this. I hate fags, because they are sick, and they act strangely, and they just repulse me. So, if a fag comes to me and propositions me, then I have to look at it like this: he looked at me, and figured that I looked enough like a fag to come and proposition me. Therefore, he thinks that I look like a fag. Keeping in mind that I find fags utterly repulsive, by association, he has just insulted me. If someone insults me, usually I can pass it off, or let it slide. Some men can't field insults about thier mothers without "going off" on you. I can't (WON'T) field insults which insinuate that I'm gay. Besides, if someone you didn't like came up and gave you the most blatant insult you can think of, what would you do? I think you would find it difficult to ignore.... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Stuff Date & Time: 03/23/91 11:56:58 Message Number 14106 TS>Hey, leave me out of it. SS>Why? You're the one who jumped in and promptly beat the shit out of SS>me for the whole BBS community to see. asked me to! "Here," you said, holding your jaw out. "Kick me!" Well, you were wide open, and you *asked* me to.... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: RAT Subject: Fag Bashing Date & Time: 03/23/91 12:00:18 Message Number 14107 R>BASH BASH BASH BASH BASH Hear, Hear! Well Spoken! Bravo! Encore, encore! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: RAT Subject: Beaver Date & Time: 03/23/91 12:01:21 Message Number 14108 Gosh, Wally. Gee, Beave! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Stuff Date & Time: 03/23/91 12:03:21 Message Number 14109 T>I'm not in the business of policing peoples' conversation or seeing T>to it htat nobody sees anything that might offend them; I'm nin the T>business of running a bulletin board. Well spoken. And IBM is in the business to make money. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: KEN SABLE Subject: Humor Date & Time: 03/23/91 12:10:54 Message Number 14110 KS>They go faster than my Toyota... My Camaro went faster than your Toyota, but it was a piece of sh*t. KS>No, the IBM of the car market would be a company that charges, KS> $100,000 for a new car, and when a belt breaks, you have to replace KS>the entire engine for $70,000 instead of the $25 belt! Oh, then we are talking about Audis...I knew a guy who bought one for untold amounts of money and had to replace the engine.... Not a happy camper, when all said and done. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: *snort* Date & Time: 03/23/91 12:16:40 Message Number 14111 SS>[Description of a stud-muffin] ...and delicious. T>I will have to take your word on that last; I would't know. SS>Be carefull now, you wouldn't want the Specialist to get after you. SS> heheh Actually, I was rather alarmed by your original description of a stud-muffin, since the way you described it sounded like the voice of experience talking.... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: DEATH FENNEC Subject: Hello there ... Date & Time: 03/23/91 12:20:20 Message Number 14112 Greetings Death Fennec. Tell me, have you ever played Dungeons and Dragons, or do you belong to the SFCA? Death Fennec...hmmm. Lemme guess...Lawful Evil thief. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: DRAGONFLY Subject: It could happen Date & Time: 03/23/91 12:27:09 Message Number 14113 DF>[Paper article about poor man who caught AIDS from some goddamn DF>faggot...] DF>Serves him right. Bzzt. It's really too bad that the poor guy caught AIDS. Although, if you're gonna go homo-Pounding, you really should take precautions not to contaminate yourself in the process. Use "tools and picks, and other implements of destruction" to pound on gays, which should keep you at a distance and safe from any of thier diseases. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: It could happen Date & Time: 03/23/91 12:35:51 Message Number 14114 DF>Serves him right. T>Heh, heh, heh. Maybe there is justice in the world. Yes, they call it AIDS...and it started wiping out gays a long time ago. Justice, certainly. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SILVERDAWN Subject: Divine Justice. Date & Time: 03/23/91 12:37:58 Message Number 14115 SD>I couldn't help myself from hissing "Serves you right, you son of a SD>bitch!" upon reading that article. And I suppose you pronounced it, "Thon of a Bithch! right? Pink tights...hmph. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: DIRTY WRAT Subject: options... Date & Time: 03/23/91 12:40:36 Message Number 14116 DW> changing your handle... I have had the same handle since I started BBS'ing, and what I say, I stand behind, and if I am wrong, I say so. But if I'm not, I'll argue the point...until it gets old. But if I'm right, ain't nobody gonna change my mind. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: ALL Subject: Get this... Date & Time: 03/23/91 12:44:41 Message Number 14117 Get girlfriend call me a homophobe! Can you believe it? ARRRRRRRGH! Well, that was a short relationship.... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Ranged weapons. Date & Time: 03/23/91 12:45:48 Message Number 14118 Oh, I forgot to add, to my last post to you, that when going fag-pounding, use a ranged weapon of choice is nunchucks. That way, I can get in a few shots and still keep my distance. And that goes to all you other fag-...lovers out there, too. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: DRAGONFLY Subject: It could happen Date & Time: 03/23/91 12:50:46 Message Number 14119 DF> (Fag-bashing justice?) Well, I. personally, don't bash homos, but I don't particularly like them hitting on me. But, I definitely don't agree with your statement: "Serves him right." I wouldn't wish that kind of death on anyone. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: DRAGONFLY Subject: BBS BS Date & Time: 03/23/91 12:54:23 Message Number 14120 Well, I found your long message boring. hehehehe =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Sainthood Date & Time: 03/23/91 13:01:39 Message Number 14121 T>....Does that make me a saint or soemthing? are now officially sainted. Your title is Archduke of BBS. (I hope you like that better than stud-muffin of the BBS. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Stuff, IV Date & Time: 03/23/91 13:09:54 Message Number 14122 TS> >>Then I haeve to look at it like this: he looked at me, and TS> figured that I looked enough like a fag. There's only one thing wrong with that statement, fags hit on straight men too. Remember, that guy at Winn-Dixie I told you about? You realize we are discussing fags, and fag-bashing again, wasn't this a subject you wanted to drop? =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Stuff Date & Time: 03/23/91 13:12:43 Message Number 14123 TS> asked me to! "Here,"you said, holding your jaw out TS> "Kick me!" Well, you were wide open, and you *asked* me to.... Grrrrrrrrr.......I never asked you to kick me, especially when I was down. Geez, you never let up. (Scott Steel gets up and heads after The Specialtits with a vengeance.) ( Note Specialtits, he called me Scooter, I can call him Specialtits.) =========== From: JONBOY To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: philly Date & Time: 03/23/91 14:29:41 Message Number 14124 KO>Boy do I miss good hoagies, cheesesteaks... A friend of mine (Dave) runs a place in Port Charlotte called Pott's which has all of their meats brought down from Philly and has really wonderful hotdogs and cheesesteaks... I never fail to come up with a reason to drop in at least once a month. JonBoy =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: ALL Subject: party Date & Time: 03/23/91 16:59:43 Message Number 14125 Well, the party has started? Well, maybe, The Specialist, myself, WRAT, P. Whipped are here. Just waiting for everybody to start showing up. The Specialist just went to get his guitar, and Jonboy is thinking about bring some "refreshments", the good kind, and possibly some games. I guess, I'm just bored and waiting for everyone to show up. =========== From: P.WHIPPED To: TURTLE Subject: Helms Date & Time: 03/23/91 22:01:18 Message Number 14126 Well, Jesse Helms WILL tell you what your morals should be so in his own ...mind?....... As for the embodiment of all that is evil and corrupt look no further than our dear beloved president. I say no more. =========== From: HACMAN To: ALL Subject: hi Date & Time: 03/23/91 22:44:27 Message Number 14127 Hello all you people. Yes it has been quite a while since my last call. It was about 2 or 3 months ago I think. You may remember me as /Burney/ Since then I've changed my user name and got a second job and spent it all on computer equipment. Ya know...printers, modems, color monitors, more drives (3), etc. Well I'll go now. Bye. PS: Looking forward to some good debates like I used to get here. =========== From: ODEN To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: ouch Date & Time: 03/23/91 22:57:34 Message Number 14128 T>....inserted into the males anal orfice.... oh gee.. thats gotta hurt... =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: 7kth Date & Time: 03/24/91 01:29:21 Message Number 14129 What was the other name that you've heard '7 knots to heaven' called? Just curious... =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: SILVERDAWN Subject: philly food Date & Time: 03/24/91 01:32:23 Message Number 14130 The one thing that is most noticeable about 'foriegn' cheesesteaks is the roll... they just don't get it right. Even the kaiser rolls are different down here. SEE YA! Knight Owl =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: TURTLE Subject: PARTY Date & Time: 03/24/91 01:55:31 Message Number 14131 Is Ward christian the person referred to in Hackers? Also, is his BBS still up? -- a curious Knight Owl =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: TURTLE Subject: Stuff Date & Time: 03/24/91 01:58:43 Message Number 14132 T>.... it's very, very difficult to convey anything involving strong oor subtle emotion over a computer... I've had that happen before. A friend & I were discussing something of a very delicate nature one evening and all of a sudden he wasn't replying. After numerous attempts to get him to reply, I hung up. We re-connected later, and it turned out that his keyboard locked up on him. Needless to say, I was panicking in the meantime, thinking that I may have said something wrong. Emotions CAn be conveyed on-line, but it's pretty hard.It's not what you say, but the way that you say it. L8R! Knight Owl =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: SILVERDAWN Subject: Divine Justice. Date & Time: 03/24/91 02:06:34 Message Number 14133 The most apalling instance of AIDS being transmitted is in the case of the dentist that infected several patients. I firmly believe that Drs that are infected should either be on a list with the health department, or banned from practice all together. =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: SILVERDAWN Subject: Sealing Wax Date & Time: 03/24/91 02:09:02 Message Number 14134 Just what IS sealing wax? Sex wax is available at the local surf shops though. If what you're referring to is parrifin, look in the hardware stores. Now that I think of it, is the stuff you're after the stuff used to seal letters? Try Mrs. Candlewick's candle shop in venice. The phone # is 488-6266. The shop is located on West Venice avenue. =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Fag Bashing Date & Time: 03/24/91 02:14:34 Message Number 14135 R> BASH BASH BASH BASH BASH TS> Hear, Hear!..... Is Bashed potatoes a part of your diet? I couldn't resist. (grin) L8R! Knight Owl =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: JONBOY Subject: philly Date & Time: 03/24/91 02:33:02 Message Number 14136 Where is this place? Do they also get their rolls from Philly? Yes, the bread *does* make a difference. Do you remember Medford Meats? (hot dogs & Cold cuts) Well, I saw a tee-shirt (up north years ago..) that said: MEDFORD MEATS...... you can't beat uor meat. L8R! Knight Owl =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: HACMAN Subject: hi Date & Time: 03/24/91 02:36:17 Message Number 14137 Yo! Long time no see, hear, type, mail, etc. How much longer with the 2nd job? I'll be getting a second job of my own soon. (gotta get ahead somehow, ya know). L8R! Knight Owl PS Hi Windsor. here's a dog-bone for ya... )--( =========== From: SAAVIK To: P.WHIPPED Subject: sex Date & Time: 03/24/91 10:10:55 Message Number 14138 PW>Age does not have much to do with sexual activity Yeah I know, I know. PW>If you don't believe me visit the nearest nursing home Yeah, I know, I know. I have. There used to be a guy at Pines in Sarasota. Everyone called him Valintino. He hit on EVERYBODY. And everybody loved him. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: P.WHIPPED Subject: Helms Date & Time: 03/24/91 10:48:15 Message Number 14139 PW> As for the embodiment of all that is eveil and corrupt look no PW> further thatn our dear beloved president. What the hell is wrong with George Bush? What's your problem? =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: 7kth Date & Time: 03/24/91 10:50:09 Message Number 14140 KO> What was the other name that you've heard "7 knots to heaven" KO> called? KO> Just curious.... Ummmmm....I'm gonna have to get back to you on that, once I look it up again, I'll post it. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: Divine Justice. Date & Time: 03/24/91 10:53:02 Message Number 14141 Drs. and dentists, I believe should /not/ be able tyo practice. That on (one) case with that 22(?) virgin who got AIDS from her dentist was a tragic thing, but on the other hand I couldn't stand the way the media sucked it for all the sympathical publicity it was worth. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Seven knots Date & Time: 03/24/91 16:29:08 Message Number 14142 T>...inserted into the anal orfice... TS>You mean that they stick something up your ass? Ding. TS>Sounds sickeningly gay. (Scratching head in perplexity, wondering if all this time wh've had different definitions of 'gay') Um...I always thought that 'gay' meant two people of the same sex having sex, so if you've got a female and a male doing this sort of thing it can't be "sickeningly gay" BY DEFINITION... =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: *snort* Date & Time: 03/24/91 16:31:11 Message Number 14143 >Sure, didn't you know that Turtle was the other one? Grrrr... =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Stuff Date & Time: 03/24/91 16:32:31 Message Number 14144 >Well spoken. Why thank you. >And IBM is in the business to make money. Yep. If they would start making /computers/ instead of making /money,/ though, they might actually produce a decent computer. 'Course, it all depends on where your priorities are. I don't really hate /them/ per say; I hate their /computers/ (and their attitude). =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: It could happen Date & Time: 03/24/91 16:35:37 Message Number 14145 >...and it started wiping out gays a long time ago. And now it's wiping out straights, and babies, and hemophiliacs. Justice my ass...even YOU can do better than that. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Divine Justice. Date & Time: 03/24/91 16:36:40 Message Number 14146 >Pink tights...hmph. Um...I'm not sure I should be blowing someone's cover like this, since Silverdawn was getting a great deal of amusement out of the whole thing, but... ...she's female. [ The Specialist's insinuations go down in flames...] =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Get this... Date & Time: 03/24/91 16:38:17 Message Number 14147 >Get girlfriend called me a homophobe! No!!! >Can you believe it? No!!! =========== From: TURTLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Sainthood Date & Time: 03/24/91 16:39:19 Message Number 14148 >Your title is Archduke of BBS. So what does that make you, since you're the one who sainted me? The Pope of aLTER rEALITY?? >(I hope you like it better than stud-muffin of the BBS.[)] Oh, joy is mine. BTW, you forgot to close your parentheses. Run out of correcting fluid? =========== From: TURTLE To: P.WHIPPED Subject: Helms Date & Time: 03/24/91 16:41:36 Message Number 14149 >As for the embodiment of all that is evil and corrupt look no further >than our dear beloved president. No...George Bush is merely guilty of putting self-interest before the good of the nation. He doesn't really want to tackle the country's myriad of domestic problems because, to paraphrase one of his advisors, "the situation in the country right now and the problems it is experiencing are ideally suited to keeping the Republicans in power indefinitely." Jesse Helms, on the other hand, honestly and truly believe that he has God personally behind him, and that makes him much more dangerous...and much more sickening. =========== From: TURTLE To: ODEN Subject: ouch Date & Time: 03/24/91 16:44:25 Message Number 14150 >oh gee...that's gotta hurt... Probably not. We're only talking about a silk cord here. I haven't tried it, but I imagine it wouldn't actually be painful at all (that isn't really the point, figure...) =========== From: TURTLE To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: PARTY Date & Time: 03/24/91 16:45:34 Message Number 14151 >Is Ward christian[sen] the person referred to in Hackers? I believe he's mentioned briefly. >Also, is his BBS still up? No. Ward was running the original CBBS until about three years ago, when he turned it over to someone else and decided to pursue different interests instead. I believe the system has since gone down. When I was calling, about four years ago, it had about a thousand users in its userlog and got several hundred messages a day, mostly on very technical topics. =========== From: TURTLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Helms Date & Time: 03/24/91 16:50:20 Message Number 14152 >What the hell is wrong with George Bush? He's deceitful, dishonest, apathetic about our domestic problems, given to fits of excessive sermonizing, utterly lacking in any real vision, and somewhat ineffective on the home front. Other than that, well, he doesn't speak very well. =========== From: TURTLE To: -ALL- Subject: Fyrry Party Date & Time: 03/24/91 16:53:04 Message Number 14153 (Well, furry party, sort of, but...) Yepperdoggies, the Furry Party was in fact a success; special thanks to all those who attended (Turtle, JonBoy, Saavik, The Specialist, Scott Steel, The Grunt and friend whose name I should have gotten but didn't, Zot Gnop, P.Whipped, Dirty Wrat, Bart Fox, Max, Icefalcon, Black Magic and friend, Crystal, Radagast, Oden, Cyberpunk, Random, Rufus, and non-BBSers Jill, Nick, Nadia, Jimmy Chin, Heidi, Bret, James(?), Misty, Lori, Vincent, Gordon, and I'm sure a few people I've neglected to mention). 'Til next time............ =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Seven knots Date & Time: 03/24/91 20:33:39 Message Number 14154 TS> Sounds sickeningly gay. T> (Pondoring The Specialist's varying definition of "gay" Ding! =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Sainthood Date & Time: 03/24/91 20:36:34 Message Number 14155 T> So what does that make you, sine you're the one who sainted me? T> The Pope of aLTER rEALITY?? Ummm.....I guess I sainted you since you really couldn't saint yourself. But, if I had a title, you would have to give it to me. (I /know/ I'm asking for trouble on this one) BTW, I didn't read out of correction fluid. I just didn't feel like editing the message. =========== From: HACMAN To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: hi Date & Time: 03/24/91 21:25:41 Message Number 14156 Not to much longer for the job. Just a couple of weeks more. Looking forward to some quiet relaxation. Then again if I want my own board, I better continue for a while longer to get 1 or 2 more drives. Then its just the software to buy. Thanks, the pup liked the bone. He is teething quite a lot lately, bleeding from his gums also. Hope he gets over it before long. BTW. Thanks. Will explain in person if needed. =========== From: HACMAN To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Helms Date & Time: 03/24/91 21:30:39 Message Number 14157 I would kinda like to know why you have that opinion of our pres. He has proved his abilities don't you think? =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: I never learn. Date & Time: 03/25/91 11:05:28 Message Number 14159 T:(worried about my theological background) God! I hate it when you take me so literal. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Hello there ... Date & Time: 03/25/91 11:07:48 Message Number 14160 I apologise for doubting your stamina. After seeing you still up and moshing innocent bystanders on Sunday night, I believe you. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Party Date & Time: 03/25/91 11:09:36 Message Number 14161 Diet Coke by itself is, indeed, gross. But splash a little rum in it, and you might be surprised. Try it sometime. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: The demon Helms Date & Time: 03/25/91 11:10:44 Message Number 14162 T:Jesse Helms is the embodiment of almost everything I see foul and evil in humanity. Amen to that. He's a leech. T: The man makes me sick. Me too. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: New Kids Date & Time: 03/25/91 11:13:34 Message Number 14163 Did you hear what (I forgot her name) the girl that was there with Black Magic said about the New Kids concert. There were hords (sp?) of kids there from screaming babies to prepubs and tons of parents. Doesn't soun like a good time to me. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Sex Date & Time: 03/25/91 11:16:02 Message Number 14164 Forgot who said this: (on a computer)there's no chance that the person is trying to seduce you. T: Not ture at all. You ever see a case of board rape? How can you compare seduction to board rape????? One is an art, the othe (other) is a disgusting attempt to humiliate someone. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: sex Date & Time: 03/25/91 11:18:57 Message Number 14165 I'd like to think that we are all friends. After having met you all on Saturday and Sunday...... I feel much closer to you all, (even though I feel a little inadequate, you are all so much smarter than I am). =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Modem Rap Date & Time: 03/25/91 11:20:54 Message Number 14166 T: It's very difficult to convey anything involving strong or subtle emotion over a computer.... That's true, because you can't use facial expressions and body langauge, And you can't tell if the other person is upset or give them a needed hug. But, one on one, you must reply right away to the sensative subject On the computer, you can think about your reply before posting it. Unless, of course, you are in chat mode. I think chat mode is the hardest form of communication. =========== From: SAAVIK To: SILVERDAWN Subject: Divine Justice. Date & Time: 03/25/91 11:24:36 Message Number 14167 Of course, you don't have to be gay to get AIDS. But let a man test HIV positive, and that's the First thing everyone thinks. It will always be considered a "gay diesise(sp?)". We probably have no idea how many people in the world are HIV positive but are showing no signs of AIDS ailments. (did that make sense?) =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Stuff Date & Time: 03/25/91 11:28:09 Message Number 14168 SA: I guess I am uptight. T: Ding. SS: Ding. You can both go *ding* yourselves. Hmmmmph!!!! =========== From: SAAVIK To: DIRTY WRAT Subject: options... Date & Time: 03/25/91 11:29:46 Message Number 14169 Your tangent makes sense to me. I agree. Discussing sex anywhere is good therapy. The more you talk about it, the easier it becomes (to talk about). There's not a whole lot of places you can have an intelligent conversation about sex. You don't just walk into work and say: "So, does anyone here know what the Six Knots to heaven is???" =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: *snort* Date & Time: 03/25/91 11:32:50 Message Number 14170 SA:Stud bookend? TS: Sure, didn't you know that Turtle was the other one? Yeah, I do know, but I still didn't get my picture. (frown) =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Fag Basher Date & Time: 03/25/91 11:34:39 Message Number 14171 You really should stop attaching labels to people. EI: This one is GAY, that one is a PERVERT, this one is Black, that one is White, she's a GIRL, he's a...... you get my drift. We are all people. Ok, I get your point about being propositioned by another male setting you off. But I'll just bet you have friends who are gay and you don't even know it. And a person's sexual preference should have nothing to do with how you treat them or accept them. =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: *snort* Date & Time: 03/25/91 11:39:58 Message Number 14172 TS to SS: Actually I was rather alarmed by your original description of a stud-muffin, since the way you described it sounded like the voice of experience talking.... Hmmmm. You aren't suggesting Scott Steel is "The Gay Blade" are you?? =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: It could happen Date & Time: 03/25/91 11:42:29 Message Number 14173 TS: Yes, they call it AIDS.. and it started wiping out gays a long time ago. Justice, certainly. Bullshit! AIDS is for everybody, not just for the few. ANyone one can get AIDS, even someone nice like you. (used to be the VD song). Go visit a hospital and see all the little babies and children suffering from AIDS and THEN tell me about justice!!!!! =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Homophobe Date & Time: 03/25/91 11:45:27 Message Number 14174 TS:GET girlfriend called me a homophobe! She calls 'em like she see's 'em. TS: Can you believe it? NOOOO(Sarcasm dripping from my lips). =========== From: SAAVIK To: ODEN Subject: ouch Date & Time: 03/25/91 11:50:23 Message Number 14175 T: ...inserted into the males anal orifice.... OD: Oh, gee, that's gotta hurt.... Yeah, and just think, what goes in must come out. I wonder how many embarrassing trips to the hospital have been made using this practice. =========== From: SAAVIK To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: Divine Justice. Date & Time: 03/25/91 11:54:07 Message Number 14176 KO: I firmly believe that all Drs that are infected should either be on a list with the health department, or banned from practice all together. Now, there's a very debatable subject. I happen to think they should be banned. And that not a prejudice statement. ANY chance of passing AIDS on should be avoided. Certainly a Doctor, of all people, should agree with that. Even if there's only one in a million chance. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Divine Justice. Date & Time: 03/25/91 12:01:11 Message Number 14177 T:Silverdawn ..... she's female. ( The Specialist's insinuations go down in flames....) (Saavik watches The Specialist pause as he draws back his homo-bashing club and smile sheepishly as he lays it down) Now that's divine justice. =========== From: SAAVIK To: SAAVIK Subject: options... Date & Time: 03/25/91 12:09:19 Message Number 14178 Seven Knots you dumb Vulcan broad. NOT six. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Stuff, IV Date & Time: 03/25/91 16:45:22 Message Number 14180 SS>There's only one thing wrong with that statement, fags hit on SS>straight men too. Not me. Not more than once, anyway. SS>You realize we are discussing fags, and fag-bashing again, wasn't SS>this a subject you wanted to drop? Yes, it is. Savvik pushed my button. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: HACMAN Subject: hi Date & Time: 03/25/91 16:48:02 Message Number 14181 Oh, I dunno...I liked /Burney/ better. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Seven knots Date & Time: 03/25/91 16:51:39 Message Number 14182 T>I always thought that 'gay' meant two people of the same sex having T>sex... Yes, and by sickeningly gay, I meant that fags shove things up each other, and by that comparison is where I got the expression "sickening ly gay" (Damn quotes!) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: It could happen Date & Time: 03/25/91 16:54:32 Message Number 14183 T>And now it's wiping out straights, and babies, and hemophiliacs. T>Justice my ass...even YOU can do better than that. Well, if people who "don't care what gays do, as long as they don't bother me" would have noticed and taken greater cares, then the plague which was intended for gays never would have gotten any farther. But no one bothered to filter out the diseased individuals, and "people who didn't care" started having sex with them, and letting them donate thier diseased blood...thus the plague spreads. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Divine Justice. Date & Time: 03/25/91 16:58:10 Message Number 14184 T>...she's female.' T> T>[ The Specialist's insinuations go down in flames...] Not at all. I thought that whoever it was was acting pretty much like a woman. If it had been a man, then I would have been justified in my "insinuations:". =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Seven knots Date & Time: 03/25/91 17:01:54 Message Number 14185 TS> Sounds sickeningly gay. T>(Pondoring The Specialist's varying definition of "gay".) SS>Ding@! Ding dong. Read on, Man of Steel... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SAAVIK Subject: Fag Basher Date & Time: 03/25/91 17:05:38 Message Number 14186 SA>...I'll bet you have freinds who are gay and you don't even know it. HAHAHAH! Wrong, Savvik. Blatantly wrong. I might *know* someone who is gay, but you can bet your little ass that he is *NOT* any friend of mine. SA>And a person's sexual preference should have nothing to do with how SA>you treat them or accept them. Wrong again. Course, that's your opinion, and you are entitled, jsut as I feel differently than you. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SAAVIK Subject: It could happen Date & Time: 03/25/91 17:08:55 Message Number 14187 Can't tell you about justice. I can tell you about injustice...when a homosexual disease starts affecting other lifeforms.... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SAAVIK Subject: Homophobe Date & Time: 03/25/91 17:09:55 Message Number 14188 SA>She calls 'em like she see's 'em./ Yep...and she's wrong, too. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SAAVIK Subject: Divine Justice. Date & Time: 03/25/91 17:10:59 Message Number 14189 SA>(Savvik watches The Specialist pause as he draws back his Homo-bashgi SA>club and smile sheepishly as he lays it down) ....and then decides that these halluncinogenic drugs are just the thing for her, and takes two or three more of the little blue tablets.... Gotta stop with all those sugar cubes, Savvik. =========== From: JONBOY To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Tits UP? Date & Time: 03/25/91 20:14:46 Message Number 14190 SS> You're just being argumentative, and you know it. So what?!!! :> =========== From: JONBOY To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: philly Date & Time: 03/25/91 20:23:32 Message Number 14191 KO> Where is this place? On 41 in Port Charlotte next to a deli right after the Service Merchandi store on the East side of 41. Little place - keeps weird hours during the week - damned good hot-dogs and cheesesteaks - I dunno about the rolls but they make me happy! A cheesy JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Divine Justice. Date & Time: 03/25/91 20:26:54 Message Number 14192 T> Um...I'm not sure I should be blowing someone's cover like this, T> ...she's female. Hehehehehehe! I was waiting for that but I figgured maybe she would milk it just a little more... As the plot thickens.... =========== From: JONBOY To: SAAVIK Subject: New Kids Date & Time: 03/25/91 20:30:21 Message Number 14193 SA> Did you hear what ...girl that was there with Black Magic said about SA> the New Kids concert. Nah! Tell me it ain't true! I figured that she must have had some redeeming qualities to be with Black Magic! Just goes to show that some people can fool you.... =========== From: JONBOY To: SAAVIK Subject: sex Date & Time: 03/25/91 20:32:13 Message Number 14194 SA> I feel a little inadequate, you are all so much smarter than I am). Screeeeeeeetttttttcccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Whoa woman! I'll get a posse and paddle yer ass next time you slam yourserlf like that! There ain't much that I won't tolerate but that's one of 'em. I found you to be a very charming, witty and warm person that has absolutely no reason to take a back seat to anyone. Got it? A-stern-looking- JonBoy... =========== From: JONBOY To: SAAVIK Subject: options... Date & Time: 03/25/91 20:35:18 Message Number 14195 SA> anyone here know what the Six Knots to heaven is???" Sighhhh! That's *seven* knots to heaven (mystical number and all that) (send 'em to school and they still can't ..... grumble grumble) A Picky-Nit JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: SAAVIK Subject: ouch Date & Time: 03/25/91 20:37:26 Message Number 14196 SA> I wonder how many embarrassing trips to the hospital have been made. Funny you should wonder - my buddy in Ca. was training to be a paramedic and they made him pull several stints in the E-room to see what range that human suffering could take (weeds out the idealists in a hurry). Jim was absolutely amazed at the range of articles that the doctors had to remove from the human (not just male!) anus. The most common article was the common soda bottle. Turns out that the warmth of the rectal tract will cause a partial vacuum and literally suck that puppy right up there and it takes a *very* strong pull to get it back out. The second most popular (???!!!) object is the common light bulb - now /that's/ scary! JonBoy =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: ALL Subject: My car Date & Time: 03/25/91 21:18:36 Message Number 14197 Well, after conking out on me the night of Turtle's birthday party, I am pleased to announce the Smog-Monster (which it has become affectionately known) is back in running order...turns out that when I put the 440 in, I neglected to switch the ignition over to point ignition---I just hooked up the point distributor to the electronic ignition and started it up. Well, it ran so I went with it and decided (someday) to put an electronic distributor back in it. Not having the correct voltages to work with results in a shorted out electrical system...which I found out the hard way. So, I ended up replacing not only the distributor, but the ballast resistor, the starter relay, the electronic voltage regulator and (last but not least( the alternator. Not to mention a few fused and separated wires. Expensive? Not too bad, the whole cost of the switchover was around $70...and when he put in the new ignition, he also adjusted the idle and the timing. The upshot of this whole thing is that it's back, and badder than e maybe it wasn't such a bad thing that it died at 8:30 on a Saturday night stranding me out on 301. But it sure sucked the big one at the time. Course, I won't be doing any heavy duty racing for a while...seems that the Smog-Monster is also a Torque-Monster, and I've broken an engine mount. Shit. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: ALL Subject: Oh, BTW! Date & Time: 03/25/91 21:28:15 Message Number 14198 By the way, if anyone out there needs auto work done cheaply and *correctly*, I know a guy who's cheap and really knows what he's doing. If you need help, lemme know...this guy is good. =========== From: TURTLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Sainthood Date & Time: 03/25/91 23:08:38 Message Number 14200 >Ummm.....I guess I sainted you because you really couldn't saint >yourself. Oh. Okay...well, in that case, thanks, I guess. >But, if I had a title, you would have to give it to me... Naah, you've already given it to yourself, kind of. Scott "Scooter" Steel, the Patron Saint of Correcting Fluid. =========== From: TURTLE To: HACMAN Subject: hi Date & Time: 03/25/91 23:10:20 Message Number 14201 >...if I want my own board...then its just the software to buy. You're running an IBM clone, right? I'd suggest checking out TP-Board or RemoteAccess, both of which are Shareware and will only put you out about twenty or thirty bucks to register. The more expensive BBS packages (like Wildcat, which is a couple hundred bucks, I think) are howling dogs that you don't want to come near (if someone offers you Wildcat, run, don't walk, in the other direction). The only commercial BBS package I've seen for the IBM that's any good is TBBS, and it costs about $900 to set up...and you've got to be a pretty good programmer, too, since it's actually a /language/ for writing BBS systems. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: U never learn Date & Time: 03/25/91 23:13:24 Message Number 14202 >God! (so to speak) >I hate it when you take me so literal. Well, YOU weren't supposed to take ME so literally... :) =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Party Date & Time: 03/25/91 23:16:07 Message Number 14203 >Diet Coke by itself is, indeed, gross. Nasty, disgusting, sick, repulsive...yeah. >But splash a little rum in it, and you might be surprised. Actually, I'd be surprised if it were even drinkable. I'm a rum & Coke man, myself. Speaking of which, next time I get my hands on some apple cider I'll have to invite you & JonBoy over for some Hot Horny Foxes... =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Sex Date & Time: 03/25/91 23:18:31 Message Number 14204 >How can you compare seduction to board rape????? Well, since it's hard to actually do anything other than leave messages over a BBS, I'd say the one is a particularly crude and tactless form of the other. The people who engage in blatant board rape are generally much younger than the types who simply come on to everything with a female name on the system, but the attitude is the same. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Friends Date & Time: 03/25/91 23:20:29 Message Number 14205 >...even though I feel a little inadequate... Thpth! That's silly. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Modem Rap Date & Time: 03/25/91 23:21:34 Message Number 14206 >I think chat mode is the hardest form of communication. Yes and no. Sometimes the long turnaround time in the message base is a drawback rather than an advantage. Chat mode is a little more direct and a little more immediate than conversations in the message base, so it's closer to, say, a telephone conversation (only without the tone of voice being communicated). Hmm...I think chat mode is actually easier for talking about delicate subjects, but that may just be because I'm a techno-weenie... :) =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Hey! Date & Time: 03/25/91 23:25:13 Message Number 14207 TS: Sure, didn't you know Turtle was the other one? SA: Yeah, I do know, ... Hey! SA: ...but I still didn't get my picture. No, but you DID get Turtle being soundly thrashed on videotape. Hmph. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Seven knots Date & Time: 03/25/91 23:28:03 Message Number 14208 > sickeningly gay, I meant that fags shove things up each other,... Nice way with words. >...and by that comparison is where I got the expression... Therefore, by extension, since fags kiss one another, the act of kissing must also be "sickeningly gay"; and since homosexuals also undress one another, that must likewise be "sickeningly gay"; and...oh, you get the point. It was a silly statement and you know it. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: It could happen Date & Time: 03/25/91 23:30:49 Message Number 14209 >...then the plague which was intended for them... *snort* Now that is Manifest Bullshit (tm). It is also the single most ridiculous thing I have ever heard you offense. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: My car Date & Time: 03/25/91 23:35:11 Message Number 14210 >But it sure sucked the big one at the time. Tell me about it...I've been stranded so often I figure I must've walked and/or pushed a disabled car 'bout a thousand miles total as a result. Grr. >...I've broken an engine mount. No problem...just get some aircraft cable and lash that sucker back in! (Heh heh heh) =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: SAAVIK Subject: R & DC Date & Time: 03/26/91 08:05:33 Message Number 14211 S> [Trying to convince Turtle of Diet Coke & Rum] Have you ever had Spiced rum & Coke? I have enjoyed Captain Org.. Morgan.. yeah Captain Morgan's spiced rum with coke. It's good to add a little to hot tea too. L8R! Knight Owl =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: SAAVIK Subject: Divine Justice. Date & Time: 03/26/91 08:15:54 Message Number 14212 Your belief of banning Drs. that have contracted AIDS is quite Valid, Rubber gloves just don't cut it. On the other hand (no pun intended), what if you were a doctor... let's say 20 years inpractice, and you contract AIDS from a blood transfusion necessary from a recent operation that you had? Who would pay for your re-training for a new career? The taxpayers are burdened enough with welfare, etc... . One solution that I see would be to put a special tax on medical & surgical supplies...let's say .05%. The half-percent is small enough not to produce sticker shock and the volume of supplies sold is plenty to enable the fund to be functional. The fund would be used to assist afflicted doctors in training for a new career. What do you think? Despite your belief [which I agree with], you can't just drop 'em on the street corner. L8R! Knight Owl =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: JONBOY Subject: philly Date & Time: 03/26/91 08:30:28 Message Number 14213 What's the name of the place? As soon as I get the $, I'm gonna go there with a big appetite. (do they have Tastycakes? The peanut butter ones are GREAT.) L8R! Knight Owl =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: TURTLE Subject: hi Date & Time: 03/26/91 08:36:14 Message Number 14214 T> you're running an IBM, right? Dong! BZZZZZZT! wrong! He's got a C= 128. As for BBS systems go, I'd prefer Remote Access. T> [describes what to do in of an offer of Wildcat software] ROFL *]:) L8R! Knight Owl =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: It could happen Date & Time: 03/26/91 13:46:50 Message Number 14215 Quit being a sick puppy. Who said AIDS was intended for gays only originally. Look at the people of Africa. The statistics on AIDS there i is frightening. =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Fag Basher Date & Time: 03/26/91 13:50:00 Message Number 14216 I guess it would be *wrong* of me to tell you that you are *wrong* for being so intimidated by gay people. I just think it's a shame that any one as intelligent as yourself, limits your ability to see past a persons sexual preference. I've said it before, "Who you love, is not nearly important as how you love." =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: It could happen Date & Time: 03/26/91 13:52:21 Message Number 14217 Again, you are assuming that AIDS is a "gay disease". From what I have read, that's a misconception. I think you will find the statistics on AIDS high for any "group" that is sexually promiscous (sp?)..... What about all the intrevanious drug users who spread it???? =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Homophobe Date & Time: 03/26/91 13:54:29 Message Number 14218 How can you say you're not Homophobic when you are so adamantly against Gay people. =========== From: SAAVIK To: JONBOY Subject: New Kids Date & Time: 03/26/91 13:56:46 Message Number 14219 Well, if it "redeems" her at all. She did say the New Kids concert "sucked". But I think it was because of all the screaming children. Hey! What do you expect from a group whose "groupie's" aren't even in training bras yet???? =========== From: SAAVIK To: JONBOY Subject: sex Date & Time: 03/26/91 13:58:33 Message Number 14220 Easy, JB. I wasn' (damn I'm too lazy to correct that) I wasn't exactly slamming myself. I just happen to feel that you were all much more educated than I am. Plus you all were "UP" on furries and the like, where I am a new comer to all this. Maybe in time, I will feel more adept (is that the word?). =========== From: SAAVIK To: JONBOY Subject: options... Date & Time: 03/26/91 14:00:20 Message Number 14221 RE: Six knots ain't better than seven) If you, and I'm sure you did, read on, you will see that I corrected my numerical slip up. Sowwy!!! =========== From: SAAVIK To: JONBOY Subject: ouch Date & Time: 03/26/91 14:01:51 Message Number 14222 A light bulb up the "Ole Kazoo?" Yich!!!!! Kind of a perverted Uncle Fester stunt. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: U never learn Date & Time: 03/26/91 14:05:05 Message Number 14223 Why is it that I began to tremble in fear whenever the screen scrolls up and I see FROM: TURTLE To: SAAVIK ? You certainly keep me on my toes, Oh great shelled one. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Party Date & Time: 03/26/91 14:06:57 Message Number 14224 T:Next time I get my hands on some apple cider, I;ll have to invite you & JohnBoy over for some Hot Horny Foxes. You're on. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Sex Date & Time: 03/26/91 14:08:08 Message Number 14225 But it is easy to come up with a rapid fire retort to a simple come on or insinuation. Downright Board rape is better ignored. Or even better, twitted. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Inadequate Date & Time: 03/26/91 14:09:13 Message Number 14226 OK, perhaps inadequate was a poor choice of words. I got the distinct impression that almost everyone there had a very nice education (which I basically lack) but I also felt that I was accepted. It was a nice evening and I enjoyed myself. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Modem Rap Date & Time: 03/26/91 14:11:26 Message Number 14227 Well, chat mode is the *ultimate* E-mail. It's instant responce and no one but the two involved are privy to the conversation. But it does demand an instant reply to the subject at hand. Some times it makes for lots of....... "Um......well,,...." If you know what I mean. For instance, there is a lot of (arg, i did it again) A lot of "Chatting" on Terran trace. But many times, there is a loss of something to say. So you end up with: So whats up? Not much, wassup with you? Nothing? Oh? Yeah. Um. Well, Yuppers Uh Huh. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Hey! Date & Time: 03/26/91 14:16:12 Message Number 14228 Yes I did get Turtle's yearly beating on VHS. Hehehe. Copies available!! Of course, I might be inclined to sell you the original. (evil smile) =========== From: SAAVIK To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: R & DC Date & Time: 03/26/91 14:18:06 Message Number 14229 I've had Pina Coladas made with MD Spiced Rum. Yum!! =========== From: SAAVIK To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: Divine Justice. Date & Time: 03/26/91 14:19:02 Message Number 14230 It would be a shame to see a Doctor lose his career because he has AIDS. But what about the other thousands of people who lose their careers and lives and loved ones to the diesise. You can't compensate them all, and indeed, why should it be the responcibility of the tax payers to do this? It's a rough subject........ I know. But throughout history, there have been plagues.... this is just another chapter, hopefully not a final chapter. The statistics are frightening world wide. I've only known, personally, one person who died of AIDS. Before his death, he lost his job, his friends, most of his family (they were afraid to see him and even more afraid to touch him). He was left alone. He died in the hospital and only three people other than the Nurses and Doctors ever contacted him before he died. It was really a travesty. =========== From: RAT To: TURTLE Subject: Hello there ... Date & Time: 03/26/91 16:10:44 Message Number 14231  o o \ / \______/ =========== From: RAT To: DRAGONFLY Subject: It could happen Date & Time: 03/26/91 16:14:01 Message Number 14232 Of course it serves him right. But two dongs don't make a right. =========== From: RAT To: DRAGONFLY Subject: BFE Date & Time: 03/26/91 16:15:57 Message Number 14233 I didn't know there were snakes in Egypt in the desert. =========== From: RAT To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: Fag Bashing Date & Time: 03/26/91 16:36:51 Message Number 14234 It's spring break! Don't you have anything better to do except sit on your ass and call people bashers? You basher you! =========== From: RAT To: TURTLE Subject: Helms Date & Time: 03/26/91 16:42:14 Message Number 14235 Its not that Bush doesn't want to tackle domestic problems, but that he is better at foriegn policy, so he does that instead. And you'v got to admit he done a great job on foreign policy: he's invaded two countries in two years! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Seven knots Date & Time: 03/26/91 17:50:28 Message Number 14236 Y'know, my whole problem with homos is what they do...not just that they are abberant, contra-survival lifeforms. Women "getting it on " (%#&@$$!! quote keys!) with other women and guys "getting it on " (ARRRGH) with other guys is pretty disgusting; the variant forms of how they do it can be even more disgusting. First of all, I wouldn't play with shit, niether would I put my dick into an orfice which contains shit. And I find anything sexual that has to do with excrement (including urine) exceptionally disgusting. Don't try to "Therefore, by extention" on the particular trend I mentioned because it was exclusive to what I mentioned...obviously, hetros kiss and undress each others...and some wierdos even get into anal sex. But when I say "sickeningly gay", I was referring to that particular act of homosexual anal intercourse. (Which seems to be common among fags.) Your extention, while maybe valid, bears no impact on what I said originally...that shoving something up the anal canal sounds sickeningly like what male (or whatever they are) homosexuals do...therefore sounds me. T>nice way with words. Thank you...I try never to beat around the bush. I prefer to be blunt. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: It could happen Date & Time: 03/26/91 18:00:55 Message Number 14237 TS>...then the plague which was intended for them... T>*snort* Now that is Manifest Bullshit (tm). It is also the single T>most ridiculous thing I have ever heard you offense. None taken. Perhaps I should re-word: "the plague which *should have* been intended for them..." =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: My car Date & Time: 03/26/91 18:03:01 Message Number 14238 TS>...sucked the big one... T>Tell me about it...I've been stranded [lots of times]. Grr. Well, I got to walk all the way back to your apt...not so bad, I guess, 'cept I had a headache and could have done without the noise of a party. Course, it *was* pretty cool to see that Japanimation. Tetsuo! TS>...I've broken an engine mount. T>No problem...just get some aircraft cable and lash that sucker [down]! Well, I've already decided to chain it in...get some thick chain and *BOLT* that sucker to the frame. My only alternative is solid engine mounts, and they will pass vibration from the engine right into the frame...and I don't need a vibrating car! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SAAVIK Subject: Fag Basher Date & Time: 03/26/91 18:07:51 Message Number 14239 SA>I guess it would be *wrong* of me to tell you that you are *wrong* SA>for being so intimidated by gay people. Ding. Actually, you are wrong with that expression anyway...I am not "intimidated"...I simply hate faggots. I am "intimidated" by intellectual giants like Turtle & Max, and I am "intimidated" by musical genuises like JonBoy, and I am "intimidated" by guys who are physically larger than me & have the ability to crush me like a tin can, but I am not "intimidated" by pansys who like to pack each others butts. Or even /not/ pansys who like to pack each others butts. As a matter of fact, I have outright contempt for such people. And less respect for women who engage in homopervertual acts, too. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SAAVIK Subject: Fag Basher Date & Time: 03/26/91 18:13:15 Message Number 14240 (Continued...there was more that I needed to reply to) SA> I just think it's a shame that anyone as intelligent as yourself SA>limits your ability to see past a person's sexual preference. I think that it's a shame that anyone who as intelligent as you and as warm and caring would put themselves down. I read you earlier post, and I disagree with the way you described yourself. Although I do appreciate your efforts to get me to see past my prejudice (and that is what it is, a prejudice), I can accurately say that it is my opinion, and that it is not likely to change at any time in the near (or far) future. Please don't misunderstand; I simply am not going to change my mind. SA>"Who you love is not nearly as important as how you love. (Sorry, there were quotes there and I missed it & hit the .) Actually, that expression is totally diametrically opposed to what I believe. Or, you could say in a milder form, "I disagree." Because I do. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SAAVIK Subject: It could happen Date & Time: 03/26/91 18:19:44 Message Number 14241 SA> are assuming that AIDS is a "gay disease". Not assuming, I know the statistics almost as well as anyone else. My intent was to imply that it *should have been* limited to gays. Did you read my post on people who "don't care"? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SAAVIK Subject: Homophobe Date & Time: 03/26/91 18:21:15 Message Number 14242 SA>How can you say you're not a Homophobe when you are so adamantly SA>against Gay people.[?] Easy. I am not a homophobe. I am not afraid of gay people. I simply hate them and want nothing to do with them. How can you say that you are not a "bigotphobe" when you are so adamantly against bigotry? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SAAVIK Subject: ouch Date & Time: 03/26/91 18:23:54 Message Number 14243 SA>A light bulb up the "Ol' Kazoo?" Yich!!!! Kind of a perverted... SA>stunt. Ah, bingo! Now do you see how I feel? =========== From: RUFUS To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: It could happen Date & Time: 03/26/91 18:57:08 Message Number 14244 >...then the plague which was intended for gays... So what you're saying is that this plague was 'made' just for gays? Right, okay, sure thing. =========== From: RUFUS To: JONBOY Subject: sex Date & Time: 03/26/91 18:59:48 Message Number 14245 >...that has absolutely no reason to take a back seat to anyone. Unless someone else calls "shotgun" before she does. =========== From: RUFUS To: SAAVIK Subject: Inadequate Date & Time: 03/26/91 19:09:00 Message Number 14246 >I got the distinct impression that almost everyone there had a very >nice education... Well, I'm still in high school, so you've mis-impressioned (tm) on my education. :) [Seriously, it hasn't been that bad, just that the doofs cutting the budget piss me off.] >but I also felt that I was accepted. one was thinking of hooking a Phoenix box up to your line (not that we would anyways, cause that's very illegal, and we are all law abiding citizens) line. That's a good sign. :) So the shade of blue says to the shade of green, "What's your sign?" hehe...I don't get it. =========== From: RUFUS To: SAAVIK Subject: Modem Rap Date & Time: 03/26/91 19:14:03 Message Number 14247 >...and no one but the two involved are privy to the conversation... And the nice people tapping the phone line. =========== From: JONBOY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: My car Date & Time: 03/26/91 21:00:04 Message Number 14248 TS> seems that the Smog-Monster is also a Torque-Monster, and I've TS> broken an engine mount. Shit. Some people would bitch if they were hung with a new rope.... :) A MOPAR-admiring JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: TURTLE Subject: Party Date & Time: 03/26/91 21:02:19 Message Number 14249 T> Speaking of which, next time I get my hands on some apple cider T> I'll have to invite you & JonBoy over for some Hot Horny Foxes... Waha! I got it on capture Saavik - we have a legal leg to stand on when he tries to weasle out - (well... what /else/ would a furry do?) :> A hot-horny-fox-loving JonBoy PS: BTW - I got the picture of the group grope back. Your wall sucked my flash dry but it is recognizable. Everyone in it will probably shoot me because have you ever noticed that when the flash comes from the side and everyone is reclining but angling their face down to smirk at the photog it gives a really terrible case of double and triple chins? I learned this in "Shitty photography 101". My critique of Wratt wouldn't hold a lot of water next to this photo... =========== From: JONBOY To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: philly Date & Time: 03/26/91 21:08:58 Message Number 14250 KO> (do they have Tastycakes? The peanut butter ones are GREAT.) Ask Groucho - he'll know and I know he has fed me some before - his mom may bring them down. She's up north right now and usually brings back lots of goodies including Birch Beer (yummmmmmm!) you listenin' Groucho? A-beer-swillin JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: SAAVIK Subject: New Kids Date & Time: 03/26/91 21:11:30 Message Number 14251 SA> What do you expect from a group whose "groupie's" aren't even in SA> training bras yet???? My daughter *hates* NKOTB. =========== From: JONBOY To: SAAVIK Subject: sex Date & Time: 03/26/91 21:12:45 Message Number 14252 SA> I wasn't exactly slamming myself. Wudn't pattin' yerself on the back either... SA> you all were "UP" on furries and the like, where I am a new comer to So'm I (next to the founts of all knowledge). SA> Maybe in time, I will feel more adept (is that the word?). Gotta start somewhere (*if* ya wanna start that is). I just objected to the word "smart" in your post. Makes it sound like we were aloof intellectuals instead of syncro-jumping furries and the like.... A-gotta-keep-yer-perspective JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: SAAVIK Subject: Inadequate Date & Time: 03/26/91 21:16:43 Message Number 14253 SA> but I also felt that I was accepted. Now yet talkin' babe! I really enjoyed all the neet furries and other homo replicas and various sentients wandering about. Many thanx to you all for a great time.. =========== From: JONBOY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: My car Date & Time: 03/26/91 21:20:35 Message Number 14254 TS> My only alternative is solid engine mounts, Wrong - they make special; interlocking mounts that even if the rubber seperates they will interlock and not let your motor pretzelize your car. They are a Direct Connection part and also available most speed \ shops. Besides - a wrap-around torque chain has /always/ been a viable means of ensuring that a broken mount will not cause you to twist anything too seriously. Vrooommmm! JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: RUFUS Subject: sex Date & Time: 03/26/91 21:25:08 Message Number 14255 R> Unless someone else calls "shotgun" before she does. I outta pound you.... you are entirely too dry to be totally American. You gotta be an alien here to spy on us. BTW - you must have packed up Heavy Metal when you left 'cause Scott couldn't find it. Coulja puhleaze bring it over (and anything else of like nature to fill out my tape) when you bring the ThunderClock dox by Turtles? I'm just dying to see Heavy Metal again. =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: SAAVIK Subject: $ and AIDS DRs. Date & Time: 03/27/91 06:35:04 Message Number 14256 S> ... shouldn't be the responsibility of the taxpayers... The solution that I mentioned to you would have the least impact on the public at large. C Do you have any other ideas? As for the friend that died, It's a shame that so many people abandoned him. If it were cancer that he had, it would have been a whole different story. =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: RAT Subject: Hello there ... Date & Time: 03/27/91 06:40:12 Message Number 14257 o o o o =========== From: SAAVIK To: RAT Subject: Helms Date & Time: 03/27/91 12:04:32 Message Number 14258 Bushes foreign policy: We came, we saw, we kicked their ass. So much for the peace movement. =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Fag Basher Date & Time: 03/27/91 12:09:14 Message Number 14259 Ever heard the expression : "Live and let live." Get used to "gay rights", TS. It's an issue of the 90's. And I don't what any "fag basher" says. Everyone has the right to be who and what they are. =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Fag Basher Date & Time: 03/27/91 12:12:04 Message Number 14260 Ok, we agree to disagree on the "Gay issue." I know that no one will be able to change your mind and, indeed, it is your right to feel as you do. Prejudice is a black malignant blotch in this world. I'm sorry you feel this way, but I respect the fact that you have the right to your opinion. And as far as my "putting myself down". I wasn't really. It's just a fact. I'm not as educated or as quick witted as most of you. I try to keep up but sometimes I can't help but feel "inadequate". I found myself wishing (at the Furry Party) that I'd stayed in college. But it was impossible for me to continue my Ed. due to funds. I will always regret this..... and I will always feel "inadequate" among others who are more intelligent than I. =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Homophobe Date & Time: 03/27/91 12:40:53 Message Number 14261 I am afraid of bigots, TS. They scare the hell out of me. Because they are so blinded by whatever drives them to hate so completely another human being, I don't trust them. Bigotry really scares me. It brings vision of the KKK and burning crosses. It brings memories of cops wailing on long haired college students. It makes me remember a young guy who was my friend lying in a pool of his own blood because he dared to date a white girl, and he was black. Yeah, I'm afraid of bigots. =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: ouch Date & Time: 03/27/91 12:45:02 Message Number 14262 SA: A light bulb up the "Ol' Kazoo?" Kind of a perverted stunt. TS: Ah, bingo! Now do you see how I feel? No. And I never will. Sticking a light bulb up yourself can hardly compare to pleasurable sexual perversion. Of course, I guess, one person pleasure, might be another person's nightmare. I guess as long as the light bulb isn't plugged into the wall socket, you could live through it. But who'd want to. =========== From: SAAVIK To: RUFUS Subject: sex Date & Time: 03/27/91 12:49:37 Message Number 14263 Yeah, I always end up in the back seat..... er, uh, Hmmmm. I didn't mean that "quite" the way it sounded. :) =========== From: SAAVIK To: RUFUS Subject: Inadequate Date & Time: 03/27/91 12:51:05 Message Number 14264 R: So the shade of blue says to the shade of green, "What's your sign?" And the shade of green says: "Maxwell Street". Guess I didn't get it either. =========== From: SAAVIK To: RUFUS Subject: Modem Rap Date & Time: 03/27/91 12:52:44 Message Number 14265 Aaaaaah. I forgot about the phone tappers. Wonder what kind of dickhead sits there night after night, day after day, monitoring these phone lines. He must be a very bored individual. Probably the only one in the "Secret Service of Phone tappers" who knows what that a "Furry" is not the ball of lint plucked out of one's belly button. =========== From: SAAVIK To: JONBOY Subject: New Kids Date & Time: 03/27/91 12:56:16 Message Number 14266 JB: My daughter *hates* NKOTB. Yeah, but she's *your* daughter. She was raised to know what "music" is. =========== From: SAAVIK To: JONBOY Subject: sex Date & Time: 03/27/91 12:57:45 Message Number 14267 Aha. Syncro-jumping looked like fun. I would have joined in if my insides had been up for it. I liked the "innocent bystander moshing" too Wish I could have gotten some of that outside action on VHS. I didn't get too much on tape, unfortunately. =========== From: SAAVIK To: JONBOY Subject: Inadequate Date & Time: 03/27/91 12:59:53 Message Number 14268 Ditto on Thanx for the great time. Thanks to everyone who attended both the Furry and PentaCon. It was great. Hope we can all get together again soon. =========== From: SAAVIK To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: $ and AIDS DRs. Date & Time: 03/27/91 13:02:00 Message Number 14269 KO: As for the friend that died..... If it were cancer that he had, it would have been a whole different story. Yes, and no. Relatives and friends sometimes shun each other when one is terminally ill. Maybe because they can't deal with it, or maybe because they are somehow trying to protect themselves from the pain of seeing someone slip away. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: New Kids Date & Time: 03/27/91 13:21:53 Message Number 14270 >She did say that the New Kids concert "sucked". Evidence, perhaps, that she is a sapient life-form? >But I think it was because of all the screaming children. Well, maybe not...but at least she did have the proper response, even if it was for the wrong reason. For those of you out there who consider yourselves to be behaviorists, take heed: An organism's responses to its environment do not always give an accurate indication of that organism's mental state. Here we have a behavior (saying the New Kids concert "sucked") which would normally indicate at least a moderate amount of intellectual development in the test subject, yet in this case it does not ncessarily indicate such development. That's not rude, is it? =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: U never learn Date & Time: 03/27/91 13:26:30 Message Number 14271 >Why is it that i begin to tremble in fear whenever the screen scrolls >up and I see FROM: TURTLE > To: SAAVIK >? I dunno; why? :> (I like to think of it as "encouraging alertness in the users," doncha know.) =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Modem Rap Date & Time: 03/27/91 13:30:09 Message Number 14272 >For instance, there is...[a] lot of "chatting" on Terran Trace. Yeah, but you have to bear in mind that quite often the people chatting on Terran Trace are (a) very young and (b) not always terribly profound, so some of the limitations with chat mode may be more because of the people doing it than with the medium itself. I'm sure a phone conver- sation with some of Terran Trace's users would be equally unenlightening. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Hey! Date & Time: 03/27/91 13:32:17 Message Number 14273 >Yes I did get Turtle's yearly beating on VHS. Yeah, I know, I know. >Copies available!! Oh, joy. >Of course, I might be inclined to sell you the original. Jeepers, you mean it? Gosh, that'd be swell! Just lemme save up my allowance money... :) =========== From: TURTLE To: RAT Subject: Helms Date & Time: 03/27/91 13:34:53 Message Number 14274 >And you'v got to admit he done a great job at foreign policy: he's >invaded two countries in two years! Uh...yeah. Well, if one subscribes to the Adolf Hitler Theory of International Etiquette, I suppose one might admire the man's delicate touch and shrewd grasp of all the subtlties involved in the gentle art of diplomacy... =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: It could happen Date & Time: 03/27/91 13:39:05 Message Number 14275 >Perhaps I should re-word: "the plague which *should have* been >intended for them..." Nope, I'm afraid that doesn't help. It's still a patently ridiculous statement. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: It could happen Date & Time: 03/27/91 13:43:06 Message Number 14276 >My intent was to imply that it *should have been* limited to gays. >Did you read my post on people who don't care? The nature of disease is such that a communicable disease will *never* confine itself to one part of a population. Even if everyone on the planet had the same attitude you do toward gays, AIDS would not be con- fined to the gay community, simply because the pattern of disease spread in a given population doesn't work that way. You will always get trans- ferrance through non-sexual means, transferrance from bisexuals to people who do not know their partner is bisexual (and there's no way you will ever convince me that anyone can know with 100% certainty any- thng about his or her partner's past if that person is willing to lie about that past)...and in any event there is no evidence that AIDS even /started out/ in the gay community to begin with; only that it initially spread most quickly in the gay and Hispanic community. Referring to AIDS as a gay disease, or even as a "primarily gay" disease, is ludicrous, just as referring to syphillus as a "black disease" is absurd even though outbreaks are most common in areas with a large population concentration of blacks. It flies in the face of everything we currrently know about disease epidemology. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Homophobe Date & Time: 03/27/91 13:49:04 Message Number 14277 >How can you say that you are not a "bigotphobe" when you are so >adamantly against bigotry? That would be a very good argument except for one flaw: there is a difference between being against Characteristic X and being against people with Characteristic X. The fact that Saavik and I will continue to associate with bigots indicates a difference of kind with people who will not associate with people who are gay. QED. [As The Specialist's analogy goes down in flames... :)] In case you hadn't noticed, I am "against" homosexuality in the sense that the thought of buggering some guy turns my stomach and I'd rather be trampled to death by water buffalo than find myseld in bed with some other male. I am not, however, "against" gays (or against bigots); I am, therefore, not a homophobe...or a "bigotphobe." =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: Modem Rap Date & Time: 03/27/91 13:56:05 Message Number 14278 S>...and no one but the two involved are privy to the conversation... R>And the nice people tapping the phone line. And the nice people who read the hardcopy...and the nice people standing over your shoulder. :) =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: Not Sex Date & Time: 03/27/91 14:01:04 Message Number 14279 >I oughtta pound you.... you are entirely too dry to be totally >American. You gotta be an alien here to spy on us. You gotta watch them go to pound on 'em and they're likely to split down the middle and sprout three heads or something equally John Carpenter-ish. BTW: Rufus told me he snagged Heavy Metal. Maybe sometime we oughta find some apple cider and make it into a moviefest thing too: Akira, Dark Star, Heavy Metal... =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: not Fag Basher Date & Time: 03/27/91 14:03:51 Message Number 14280 >I found myself wishing (at the Furry Party) that I'd stayed in >college. But it was impossible for me to continue my Ed. due to >funds. Well, in that case, I'm kind of glad you didn't, since you probably wouldn't have been at the Furry Party had you starved to death when you got out of high school. So it's kind of silly to wish you had, no? >I will always feel "inadequate" around people who are [silliness >ommitted]. Hmph. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: sex Date & Time: 03/27/91 14:07:15 Message Number 14281 >Yeah, I always end up in the back seat... That's funny; when Rufus drives I usually end up on the hood, clinging like a leech and screaming "Rufus, slow down, you @%&# idiot!!!" 'Course, that happened one day and Tyler, in the passenger seat, yanked on the emergency brake thingie... =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Modem Rap Date & Time: 03/27/91 14:09:14 Message Number 14282 >Wonder what kind of dickhead... Nice choice of words. We generally refer to him as "Richard Cranium," though, so he doesn't get offended. >...sits there night after night, day after day... Actually, he probably doesn't. The information gets recorded and transcribed later, so he only has to spend eight hours a day reading this stuff. Did Rufus and I tell you about the time we dumped the script for the Rocky Horror Picture Show over the phone line 63 times because we had a muting failure? (Grin) =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Adequate & More Date & Time: 03/27/91 14:11:55 Message Number 14283 >Hope we can all get together again soon. Well, be watching for RufusCon III some time this summer... =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Stuff Date & Time: 03/27/91 15:35:00 Message Number 14284 SA> I guess I am uptight. T> Ding. SS> Ding. SA> You can both go *ding* yourselves. Hmmmmph!!!! Are we making you uptight again? =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: ouch Date & Time: 03/27/91 15:38:56 Message Number 14285 SA> (embarassing trips to the hospital from using The Seven Knots to SA> Heaven.) Yeah, try this one on for size, I heard about a guy who got his "thing" stuck in a vacuum hose. You figure it out. BLUSHING !?! =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: JONBOY Subject: ouch Date & Time: 03/27/91 15:47:18 Message Number 14286 JB> ...The second most popular (???!!!) object is the common light bulb JB> - now /that's/ scary. No, that's stupid. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: My car Date & Time: 03/27/91 15:50:51 Message Number 14287 TS> ...seems that the Smog-Monster is also a Torque-Monster, and I've TS> broken an engine mount. Shit. You Monster, you drove it so hard that you actually broke an engine mount, that's incredible. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Party Date & Time: 03/27/91 15:53:55 Message Number 14288 T> time I get my hands on some apple cider I'll have to invite T. you & Jonboy over for some Hot Horny Foxes... What about me? (Scott thinks, he probably still mad at me for pinning his ass to the bed so that Kelly could spank him. ) Consider the matter dropped, I won't be offended. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Hey! Date & Time: 03/27/91 16:03:35 Message Number 14289 SA> ...Copies available!!!! Good! I want one. Nothing like having blackmail material handy. BTW, as far as feeling out of place you should talk. I felt very out of place whenever teh subject of computers came up. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Seven knots Date & Time: 03/27/91 16:08:01 Message Number 14290 T> nice way with words. TS> Thnak you...I try to never beat around the bush. I prefer to be TS> blunt. And stubborn, pig-headed, etc, etc. *yawn* =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: My car Date & Time: 03/27/91 16:10:31 Message Number 14291 TS> ...and I don't need a vibrating car! You already have a vibrating car. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Fag Basher Date & Time: 03/27/91 16:12:24 Message Number 14292 TS> And less respect for women who engage in homopervertual acts, too. Yeah, like you've never watched a f*ck flick with a lesbian scene. Gimme a shovel..the shit's getting pretty deep. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Fag Basher Date & Time: 03/27/91 16:23:05 Message Number 14293 SA> Bushes foreign policy:..... Isn't that "Bush's", it is possessive after all. =========== From: RAT To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: o Date & Time: 03/27/91 17:13:24 Message Number 14294 o o o o o o o o =========== From: RAT To: SAAVIK Subject: Bush Date & Time: 03/27/91 17:14:17 Message Number 14295 Right on! =========== From: RAT To: TURTLE Subject: Bush Date & Time: 03/27/91 17:15:59 Message Number 14296 Have you no sense of humor? I was being sarcastic! ....By the way, how did you know that I subscribed to Adolf Hitler's Theory of International Etiquette? =========== From: RUFUS To: JONBOY Subject: sex Date & Time: 03/27/91 17:34:40 Message Number 14297 I told Scott to get it at PentaCon II since I wanted to have it incase anyone wanted to watch it (which we did). We both forgot about the tape. So sorry. I'll drop it by today or tommorow. =========== From: RUFUS To: SAAVIK Subject: sex Date & Time: 03/27/91 17:37:41 Message Number 14298 >Yeah, I always end up in the back seat... Ah, the images the term 'back seat' conjures up. I took my friend along this one bumpy street near our school and I took him over this really neat bump and he said "I've experienced it [meaning the bump] in the back of Miriam's car." Needless to say, it's a quote on my senior page. (We have such a small school each senior gets a whole page for quotes and pictures, and in my case, weasels in drag...) =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Not Sex Date & Time: 03/27/91 17:44:52 Message Number 14299 Have you seen "Radioactive Dreams?" That's an interesting flick. I picked it up when Camelot had it for sale. You gotta love a movie that starts out with little guys in leisure suits with big guns. =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Adequate & More Date & Time: 03/27/91 17:47:41 Message Number 14300 S>Hope we can all get together again soon. T> Well, be watching for RufusCon III some time this summer... I'll probably be organizing some sort of gathering sometime within the next few months. My excuse could always be a graduation party. I was thinking of having a party with the theme "Come dressed as your favorite unit of measurement," but it's so hard to dress as an astronomical unit. "Hi, I'm an AU, and this it Boopsie, she's a pica. Say, nice rendition of Celsius." =========== .