From: TURTLE To: DEATH FENNEC Subject: Life (sigh) Date & Time: 04/10/91 23:11:39 Message Number 14901 >...and I do have a life! Yes, that is certainly true. It's DEMENTED, but it's definitely a life. :) >And so does Dragonfly... Yep. There are some really fascinating people in the SCA, and there are plenty of SCA-ians(?) (like Dragonfly) who have lives. Unfortunately, the SCA has the same problem Dungeons & Dragons acts like a crutch for people without lives. I've met D&Ders who have no life of their own; ditto for SCA-ians. And accountants. =========== From: TURTLE To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Life (sigh) Date & Time: 04/10/91 23:14:57 Message Number 14902 >You were implying before that it was universal. I was being sarcastic before. Hence :P, sticking out my tongue. =========== From: TURTLE To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Anything 2 add? Date & Time: 04/10/91 23:16:22 Message Number 14903 >(Quickly slapping Saavik's spiked collar around The Specialist's >wrist...) *Pow!* (crunch) Yikes, that looked painful. Are you okay, Dragonfly? ....Dragonfly? Well, serves you right...Saavik said I could have the collar. Hmph. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: votes on ST Date & Time: 04/10/91 23:25:41 Message Number 14904 >But then again, I love ST so much, I would have liked it even if it had >been a complete bomb. I got news for you...Star Trek V /was/ a complete bomb. Financially, critically..."Star Trek: The Search for God" just didn't do it somehow. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Chains & whips Date & Time: 04/10/91 23:28:08 Message Number 14905 >Naw, I'll just bring along the buggy whips from my sister's tack >room... Now you /are/ teasing! Cut that out. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/10/91 23:29:16 Message Number 14906 >Hehehe. Now I know what to get Kelly for her birthday. Too late; somebody beat you to it. I kid you not. >Ask her what color whip she prefers.......... Okay...done. She says "I kind of like black ones, you know? I don't want anything pink or purple or green. They may be toys, but they need to be kept in the correct perspective." Tease. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: ]:) Date & Time: 04/10/91 23:31:10 Message Number 14907 >Like I said, I'm married, I'm NOT dead. No, but you /are/ a tease. :( =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Life (sigh) Date & Time: 04/11/91 00:02:15 Message Number 14908 T> I've met D & Ders who have no life of their own; ditto for SCA-ians. T> And accountants. Grrr....I play D & D and I'm studying to be an accountant. I'm sorry to have to informed, but I do have a life.....well, at least I think I do? =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/11/91 00:05:47 Message Number 14909 It's bad enough, what happened last time Saavik got a hold of your handcuffs, and not you're telling me that Kelly's got a whip too. Uh-oh, me thinks I be avoiding your place for a while. Kelly's dangerous enough as it is. I'd hate to see what might happened if both her and Saavik got a hold of a couple of whips and a few pairs of handcuffs. =========== From: ROBERT To: KYARA TOKYO Subject: Continuing... Date & Time: 04/11/91 00:27:56 Message Number 14910 Robert leans back in his chair again as Kyara makes her move. "Well, now, truth be told, the idea of, ahem, 'having you' is fascinating. Still, that's 'hardly a sporting wager, now, is it? It 'ardly matters who wins, now, doesn't it?" He advances his king's knight to her king's knight 4. Almost immediately, she advances her rook's pawn to attack the knight. "There, you see? Aggression. Splendid!" Robert moves the knight again, this time bringing it down on Kyara's king's bishop's pawn. "We still 'haven't discussed terms, though, 'ave we? Should I win this wager...", he says as he examines her captured pawn, "what might there be in it for me? And should you prove victorious, 'ow might you take advantage of your victory?" Robert notices Kyara seems somewhat frustrated by his two-pronged attack. She hesitates for a moment, then decides on a queen move, bringing her queen to her king's 1. "A game this interesting needs stakes. Something to play /for/." That said, he captures her king's rook with his knight. She responds by attacking the knight with her queen, bringing it in to her king's bishop 1. Immediately, Robert moves the knight to Kyara's king's knight 3; after a brief moment she advances her queen's pawn to queen's 4. "Tsk," Robert says as he captures the pawn with his king's pawn. Kyara moves her queen to king's bishop 2. "Persistence," Robert says, "is an admirable trait. If you want it, it's yours." He shrugs and moves his king's pawn to her queen's bishop's 3, capturing her queen's knight. "So," he says as he removes the knight from the playing field, "the game is wide open. Your move, an' your wager." =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Anything butSex Date & Time: 04/11/91 00:49:58 Message Number 14911 Sorry to hear your answer to question #2. Oh, well. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Life (sigh) Date & Time: 04/11/91 00:50:56 Message Number 14912 SS> Only you could come up with something as totally useless and SS> boring as that. Would you, perhaps have preferred the "Complete Scott Steel," compromizing all the messages written by Scott Steel? //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Anything butSex Date & Time: 04/11/91 00:53:40 Message Number 14913 That's a position I could be comfortable with. (What? We're in agreement? Well -- not totally. But it would be acceptable to me.) I have no problems, so long as no one actually sets up barriers to learning religion -- and they at least mention when religion is vital to understanding history. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: Life (sigh) Date & Time: 04/11/91 00:58:58 Message Number 14914 Basically, that's how I see the Society: as a chance to escape reality for a short while. (Same as why I BBS.) Only when that becomes your reality (as Turtle points out) that it's a problem... //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: :> Date & Time: 04/11/91 01:00:13 Message Number 14915 <:SMOOCH!:> <:SMOOCH!:> <:SMOOCH!:> Dragonflies buzz all the time, when they're searching for a new pond, when they're having dinner, and when they're contemplating the contradictions between the General Theory of Relativity and quantum theory. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: Smart or Chain? Date & Time: 04/11/91 01:03:10 Message Number 14916 DrF> The "no bark" collar... S> The hard part is convincing them to put it on. It's very simple. First tell them that this collar will make them much wittier. Once they have it on, tell them "Brevity is the soul of wit." //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: TURTLE Subject: Smart 1 or Cat? Date & Time: 04/11/91 01:06:38 Message Number 14917 TS> But [cats] still beat dogs all hollow. T> Bravo! Well spoken. Thfffffffffffpt! //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: TURTLE Subject: Anything 2 add? Date & Time: 04/11/91 01:07:59 Message Number 14918 Mommy? =========== From: KYARA TOKYO To: ROBERT Subject: Continuing... Date & Time: 04/11/91 01:53:15 Message Number 14921 Kyara, not seeing the error that she had made in leaving her queen wide open for Robert's bishop, decides to capture Robert's more powerful piece (meaning the bishop). She moves her queen from king's bishop's 2 to his queen's bishop's 4 and removes the piece with a sign of joy and relief. "Well", she begins, "you're right. Whether I win or lose, I'll soon enough be alone with you. But /you/ were the one who asked if I wanted to up the stakes. What did you have in mind?" =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: votes on ST Date & Time: 04/11/91 11:32:24 Message Number 14924 T>ST V was a complete bomb. See, I told you I would have liked it even if it was a bomb. What can I say? There's very few ST things I don't like. Even if it wasn wasn't the best, I still walked away with something I enjoyed. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/11/91 11:34:17 Message Number 14925 Come on, seriously now. I don't see what fascination that /anyone/ would have with whips..... (ouch). Yeah, I was just teasing, I wouldn't whip any body..... in pain there is no pleasure. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: ]:) Date & Time: 04/11/91 11:36:52 Message Number 14926 T>No, but you /are/ a tease. :( Who? Me? (batting eyelashes) Never!!!! I leave all the teasing to Lady in Red....., she's the expert. =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/11/91 11:39:11 Message Number 14927 SS>I'd hate to see what would happen if Kelly and Saavik got a hold of a couple of whips and handcuffs. Hmmmm. (side note to Turtle) Maybe I *do* see some "fun" in whips and chains........ We could have a new convention..... Sadistcon. Naw! =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Life (sigh) Date & Time: 04/11/91 11:44:27 Message Number 14928 DF>Only when that becomes your reality that it's a problem. Same with everything. Too much of anything may not be too good (guess it depends on what it is). I know too many people who have a hard time relating to reality after slipping off into some "fantasical phase". Like performing... as in muscicans and actors/actresses. Most of the muscicians I know lead very unhappy day lives because of it. The reality of a "day" job and bills, checkbooks, life bullshit is almost too much for them to handle after a night of "rock n roll". =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: :> Date & Time: 04/11/91 11:49:31 Message Number 14929 Is that to imply that all that Dragonflies do is pond-hop, eat, and philososize ( I know that's not how you spell it). Saavique =========== From: ROBERT To: KYARA TOKYO Subject: Continuing... Date & Time: 04/11/91 15:46:02 Message Number 14930 Robert, for his part, promptly advances his king's pawn again, capturing Kyara's queen's knight's pawn. He sets the captured piece carefully next to the other pieces waiting on the sidelines, and steeples his hands together in front of him. "'ardly seems fair, negotiating terms when I have the advantage," he says, indicating the board before them. "Shall we discuss terms? Seems pretty straightforward so far, victor to 'ave 'is way with the vanquished, yes? For a length of time to be determined by both parties...shall we say, two days?" Kyara captures Robert's kings pawn with her queen's bishop as he continues, "Conditions to be met by the vanquished in bed and out, naturally." He reaches down without looking at the board and moves his knight to capture Kyara's king's pawn. Kyara moves her queen from queen's bishop's 5 to queen's 5; Robert responds with a queen move, moving his queen from queen's 1 to king's 2. He smiles slightly at Kyara's evident frustration; she does not appear to realize the position she is in. Her queen's bishop captures Robert's pawn at his king's knight's 1; an excellent tactical move, he thinks, if a little late. With the barest smile, he moves his knight from king's 5 to queen's bishop's 5. "Check," he says. Nope, she doesn't see the danger of his attack; she moves her king to queen's 2. Robert's knight captures Kyara's queen. "'Ave yourself at a bit of a disadvantage 'ere, Mate." Robert says. "Care to resign the game? Or shall we play for the other for three days?" =========== From: KYARA TOKYO To: ROBERT Subject: Continuing... Date & Time: 04/11/91 16:21:04 Message Number 14931 Kyara moves her pawn from her bishop's 2 to bishop's 3, this way she can block Robert's rather imposing queen. Robert effortlessly moves his queen up two spaces and takes Kyara's knight's pawn. For crying out loud, I never got to move the damn thing, she thinks, and to top it off he just put me in check again. She moves the king back to his starting position. Robert nonchalantly captures Kyara's rook. Another piece dead where it stands, and again, Kyara's in check. "Robert, I want you to understand something," she begins, "Two days is fine, but nothing degrading, like wanting to tie me up. I won't go for that. I assume that, if you win, I'll be your servant as well? Would you consider having that be the terms of the next game? You have me at quite a disadvantage as it stands now." Seeing that Robert seems to be concentrating on the game, yet confident that he did indeed hear her she moves her king to king's bishop's two. Robert moves his king's rook over to where the knight started out. Obviously, he's attacking my bishop, so she moves it in front of his rook's pawn. Well, the tension of the game has seemed to relaxed some, so she decides to ask Robert again, "Robert, how about next game?" =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Anything butSex Date & Time: 04/11/91 17:09:19 Message Number 14932 DF> Sorry to hear your answer to question #2. Oh, well. Deal with it! =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/11/91 17:12:49 Message Number 14933 SA> pain there is no pleasure. "Pleasure and pain feel the same when the night is through." (Quoted) Did John Cougar Melonhead write a song about pleasure and pain. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: ]:) Date & Time: 04/11/91 17:14:22 Message Number 14934 SA> Who? Me? (batting eyelashes) Never!!! I leave all the teasing to SA? Lady in Red....., she's the expert. Bullshit, well, at least, partially. She is an expert at flirting, but you run a close second. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/11/91 17:16:37 Message Number 14935 SA> We could have a new convention...Sadistcon. Well, I wouldn't be there. =========== From: ROBERT To: KYARA TOKYO Subject: Continuing... Date & Time: 04/11/91 17:24:31 Message Number 14936 "Degrading? My dear, there is nothing at all 'degrading' about being restrained." Robert smiles again as he sacks her queen's bishop's pawn with his king. "Tsk. Besides, what would be the sport of degrading one's worthwhile opponent, now? I think it's a wee bit early to be setting terms for our next game. But, I'm sure if the prospect of my taking advantage of your services out of bed as well is a trifle steep, you would resign the game, yes? There is no dishonor in resigning a lost cause." He smiles in what is calculated to be an infuriating manner and covers her hand with his on the tabletop. "Or do you plan to see this through to the end?" =========== From: OPUS To: ALL! Subject: Uh/. Date & Time: 04/11/91 18:06:23 Message Number 14937 Something to Ponder: If I am as I was, was I as I am, since there's a darn good good chance I wasn't yet? Opus! =========== From: KYARA TOKYO To: ROBERT Subject: Continuing... Date & Time: 04/11/91 19:25:16 Message Number 14938 Robert says "Or do you plan to see this through to the end?" Kyara coos back, "Oh, yes, I do. But on my terms." She stands up and walks around the table and straddles Robert's lap, 'accidently' knocking the game on the floor. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that." she chuckles. Kyara leans over and kisses Robert, and whispers softly, "I guess, I lose? Or did I win?" "Shall we ajourn to the room? " Seeing that a little resentment is still in Robert's eye about her dumping the game. She reaches for his cheek and turns him to face her. She kisses him again, and sweetly coos, "I promise that I'll play you again when we're done playing." Returning to his lips again, she kisses him even deeper. =========== From: WHITE KNIGHT To: SYSOP Subject: tink,s Date & Time: 04/11/91 20:36:25 Message Number 14939 YO ON TINK'S HOURS ARE FROM 10PM TO 6AM. THANKS, SYSOP AT TINKS, CALL AN JOIN IN FELLOW SYSOP. TERRY =========== From: JONBOY To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Anything butSex Date & Time: 04/11/91 21:15:49 Message Number 14940 DF> What do y'all think about... Well I'm in wholehearted agreement with the spirit of what you propose but unfortunately there are always those that would pimp their own brand of theology at the expense of another. WOuldn't happen? I livewd in Utah where the Mormons literally run the state. It is no coincidence that there is an Mormon "Institute of Religion" next to every school in the state. It is an "optional" class but it is also widely known as a easy "A" so that most people take advamtange of it to boost their grades. Next to the colleges and Universities there are grown up versions of these same institutes. Then the other extreme is where folks that are firm believers in the sciences without religious faith ridicule, hound and lambast those that are so "ignorant" and "foolish" to believe in a divine being. Bahh! We for the most part are at the mercy of opinionated fools whatever direction their opinions may take. A disilli\usioned JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Character Date & Time: 04/11/91 21:24:00 Message Number 14941 Whoa there Hoss! Jeez bub - I really hate to be a literary critic but wow - I can't help it. First you have a charactewr that is ninja pulling up a raft and starting to eat lunch first. She complains about eating fish? Man the orientals subsist on fish! That would be a most unusual thing for an oriental. Then she stashes her raft and tries to camoflage it. In character she would have stashed it first, surveyed the area, THEN made camp and ate lunch. As far as relief at finding a path... in a strange country a path is the LAST thing that someone that was trained in stealth would consider taking. Then you have her ordering steak and eggs and /milk/ in the bar. Now personally I have a tough time seeing the steak and eggs but the milk is a definate faus pas. Most orientals lack the necessary enzymes needed to break down milk - it makes them physically ill to drink milk! Matter of fact caucasians are the only race that can consistenly drink milk as adults. Then before she even eats she butts in on a partially finished chess game and starts seducing the guy even though she has to be pooped. Slow down Scott - the story ain't goin anywhere - you'll get laid soon enough I'm sure! A Critical JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: DRAGONFLY Subject: TRS-80 Date & Time: 04/11/91 21:48:07 Message Number 14942 DrF> Two mainframes that were housed with him... I thought theye were still there... =========== From: CRYSTAL To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/11/91 23:52:58 Message Number 14943 SS> It's bad enough, what happened last time Saazick got a hold of your handcuffs, and now you're telling me that Kelly's got a whip too. Uh-oh, me thinks I be avoiding your place for a while. Kelly's dangerous enough as it is. I'd hate to see what might happened if both her and Saavik got a hold of a couple of whips and a few pairs of handcuffs. Oh Scott what is the matter, afraid of a little bit of erotic pain? Look I got two whips, they come in two sizes small and large. Any way some things are much more appealing then they at first may sound. * CRYSTAL * =========== From: CRYSTAL To: SAAVIK Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/12/91 00:04:31 Message Number 14944 S>... in pain there is no pleasure. I disagree, in a little bit if pain their can be a great deal of pleasure. * CRYSTAL * =========== From: CRYSTAL To: OPUS Subject: Uh/. Date & Time: 04/12/91 00:08:43 Message Number 14945 Always remember and never forget, Over is over Under but Under is under done. * CRYSTAL * =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: JONBOY Subject: Storyboard Date & Time: 04/12/91 00:30:56 Message Number 14946 Stop being so critical Jonboy. I t's my character, let me run it the way I want to. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: CRYSTAL Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/12/91 00:32:20 Message Number 14947 I didn't know about that. I wonder about you sometimes Cystal. =========== From: TURTLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Life (sigh) Date & Time: 04/12/91 00:39:13 Message Number 14948 >I'm sorry to have to informed, but I do have a life... Yes. A sense of grammar, no. A life, yes. ("I'm sorry to have to informed"??) =========== From: TURTLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/12/91 00:40:05 Message Number 14949 >Uh-oh, me thinks I be avoiding your place for a while. Me thinks you be a chicken. >I'd hate to think of what would happen if her and Saavik got ahold of a couple of whips and a few pairs of handcuffs. Yeah...wouldn't it be wonderful? (Staring dreamily off into space.) By the way, shouldn't that be "if Saavik and she got ahold of..."? (Heh, heh, heh.) =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/12/91 00:43:17 Message Number 14950 >Come on, seriously now. All right, if you insist. Hmph. >I don't see what fascination that /anyone/ would have with whips... Ditto. It's good for making people ner...Ah say, NERVOUS, though. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: ]:) Date & Time: 04/12/91 00:44:20 Message Number 14951 >I leave all the teasing to Lady in Red....., No, you don't. >...she's the expert. I'll take your word for it...but you must be at the very least a talented understudy, yesssss? =========== From: TURTLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/12/91 00:46:20 Message Number 14952 >Did John Cougar Melonhead... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! *snurk* Hee, hee, hee. *gasp* *gasp* "John Cougar Melonhead"...oh, that is classic! Heh heh heh. =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: Character Date & Time: 04/12/91 00:49:52 Message Number 14953 >A Critical JonBoy Hey, you ought to introduce a character, you know? =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: TRS-80 Date & Time: 04/12/91 00:50:25 Message Number 14954 >I thought theye were still there... The PDP's? Naah. They're living with Dragonfly now. Kelly put her foot down on living with computers that draw more power than the rest of the apartment complex put together. Plus they're noisy, ugly, and kind of tempermental. (OTOH, if we ever get a bigger place...) =========== From: TURTLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/12/91 00:52:37 Message Number 14955 >I wonder about you sometimes Crystal. Yeah--But I gotta live with her! :D =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Anything butSex Date & Time: 04/12/91 01:14:29 Message Number 14956 Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot you! :) ::SMOOCH:: to you! /! Death Fennec -- ;> =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Life (sigh) Date & Time: 04/12/91 01:15:39 Message Number 14957 Okey Dokey, I was just stating that I think that Dragonfly is cool... /! Death Fennec -- ;> / =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Anything 2 add? Date & Time: 04/12/91 01:17:20 Message Number 14958 Blah, I shan't really care to mention what...But I shall have to anyway... Well, it seems that I have gotten a female pregnant, and I am only 17 years of age, in sept. I shall be 18. Anyways, she has had a test, in which case, it turned out POSITIVE. BLAH! Anyways, I do want a kid, but I don't...See, I want a real relatinship, but all of the females around here are not mature enough (never thought I would hear me saying something like that!) and I would really like to have a good one. But it seems that this has just occured, since I was over there tonight, and she told me this while we were in the pool together, and BOY, I was kinda stunned, 'cause I was kinda thinking that she was kidding, but I guess that we shall have to be together. BUT I LIKE HER A LOT! And I would not really mind being with her the rest of my life, and she asked me tonight, if I would mind marrying her, and I kinda said, Not really, 'cause I like you a lot, and as I went under, I heard her say 'I would- n't mind marrying you', although I acted like I didn't hear her. So, anyways, that is my most wonderful story, and I think that I am going to commit Suicide or something ignerant like that. I mean, hell, I know that I get along with children GREAT!, but I df -- But I don't think that 'I' need one...Especially now ... 17? And so is she... Think about it... /! Death Fennec -- ;> =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Anything 2 add? Date & Time: 04/12/91 01:26:58 Message Number 14959 Thank you, and the same applies to you too! :) ::smooch:: /! Death Fennec -- ;> =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: SAAVIK Subject: ??:) Date & Time: 04/12/91 01:28:06 Message Number 14960 You forgot cute, too! :) ::smooch:: /! Death Fennec -- ;> =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: TURTLE Subject: !!:> Date & Time: 04/12/91 01:29:22 Message Number 14961 Damn, and I thought that I say things that I don't even under- stand... /! Death Fennec -- ;> =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: TURTLE Subject: Life (sigh) Date & Time: 04/12/91 01:30:58 Message Number 14962 HAH, Anyways, I suppose that is true, I have met some myself! /! Death Fennec -- ;> =========== From: PROFESSOR To: TURTLE Subject: TRS-80 Date & Time: 04/12/91 08:27:42 Message Number 14966 Three Model I's? What in the world would you do with them? I had one until a year ago. I gave it away when I moved. It didn't get used anymore. Got replaced with a Tandy 1000EX. Radio Shack may be expensive, but their stuff is reliable and they support it FOREVER. You don't know of a Model 4P anywhere, do you? Professor =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: ALL THAT CAN HELP... Subject: SERIOUS PROBLEM Date & Time: 04/12/91 15:13:29 Message Number 14968 To all of you : I have a serious problem that I would like some feedback on...I am only 17 years of age, I am going on 18 fairly soon, and there is this slight problem of me getting a female pregnant, and I don't know if this is such a good idea, because of the fact that she wants to keep this child. I am in a very intense situation that I am not completely ready to handle. I TRULLY do want a relationship like this one, although I am not really sure that it is the right thing to do. She is also 17 years of age, and she still thinks that she wants to keep it. I have no problem with that, except the fact that /WE/ will not be able to run a normal life with a kid. She asked if I would be likely to marry her, and I said, of course, I like you a hell of a lot, and I would do anything for you, (as I have before.), and I would not mind marrying her, except that I think that I am too young, and, I am not sure of this. So /PLEASE/ if you have anything (NICE) to say towards this problem, then please help me out here. I picked this BBS because I thought that all of you were very inteligant, and people that I could concur with. So please, write me...::sigh::...Thank you... /! De(pressed)ath Fennec -- ;> (more like -- Demoralizing Fennec -- ;> =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: OPUS Subject: Uh/. Date & Time: 04/12/91 16:51:15 Message Number 14969 O> If I am as I was, was I as I am, since there's a dran good chance I O> wasn't yet? Today was tomorrow yesterday, ain't it funny how the time just slips away. (Ozzy Osborne) =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: JONBOY Subject: Anything butSex Date & Time: 04/12/91 16:54:21 Message Number 14970 Well, let me tell you something about Mormons. FIrst of all, I can;t (can't) stand them. I doesn't surprise me that they would have an easy A type class just to expose more people to their twisted religion. When I was a strong Christian I was witnessing to this guy I worked with. He was considering Mormonism, and was trying to convert him to Christianity. He asked me if I was willing to meet with him and some mormons. I said that I would and when I got there. I was facing off against three mormons. Not just your run-of-the-mill mormons, mind you, these were ELDERS! Me, sixteen years old, if that, trying to argue mormonism with three mormon elders. The incredible thing was that I won. After I had done some more research, I discovered that the entire Book of Mormon (which they believe is even more divinely written than the Bible) was supposely written by the seed of Ephraim. (Ephraim was one of the twelve sons of Abraham, who were supposed to lead the Israel- ite people.) Well, I found a passage in the Bible that said, "I shall cast you out of my sight, you and the entire seed of Ephraim." That was God speaking to Ephraim. Well, I called the mormon elder and told him what I had found. He was like ",.....I'm sure there's a explanation for that." He never called again. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: JONBOY Subject: Character Date & Time: 04/12/91 17:05:28 Message Number 14971 Well, thanks but no thanks for your opinion of my character. If you recall, this storyboard is fictional. Morphs and the like. Well, I can modify my character anyway I see fit. Period. I haven't seen /your/ character on the storyboard yet! Also, I just didn't see the sense of wasting time resting and adding /all/ the little details. I think it would have been boring for the other users. Secondly, I worked rather hard on that intro, I like it. I'm sorry if it didn't match up to /your/ standards. (dripping with sarcasm) =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: CRYSTAL Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/12/91 17:10:16 Message Number 14972 CR> ...Any way some things are much more appealint than they at > first may sound. I don't know about you sometimes! =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/12/91 17:13:13 Message Number 14973 SS> I'd ahte to think of what wuold happen if Saavik and sher got ahold SS> of a couple of whiops and a few pairs of handcuffs. T> Yeah...wouldn't it be wonderful? (Staring dreamily off into space.)'m not into pain Turtle. I try to avoid it. But, I must admit that when one chick I was with gripped my thighs with her nails during orgasm, it was rather pleasureable. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/12/91 17:18:23 Message Number 14974 T> HAHAHAHA!! *snurk* Hee, hee, hee. *gasp* *gasp* "john Cougar T> Melonhead"...oh, that is classic! Heh heh heh. Thanks. It's always nice to make you laugh. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/12/91 17:20:46 Message Number 14975 T> Yeah--But I gotta live with her! :D Like you /don't/ enjoy it. hehehehe =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: DEATH FENNEC Subject: Anything 2 add? Date & Time: 04/12/91 17:23:31 Message Number 14976 DEFE> ..I think I am going to commit suicide or somethin ignorant like DEFE> that. Don't even think about pal! You told me in chat once that you wanted a serious relationship, well, now you've got one. Work with it. Show me that you're the responsible person that you said you could be. Your going to be a father now, so work with it. And call me if you nee (need) to talk. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: DEATH FENNEC Subject: SERIOUS PROBLEM Date & Time: 04/12/91 17:29:23 Message Number 14977 Like I said, stick it out. If she loves you and you love her then at least try to work it out. I've been through an abortion and it damn near destroyed me. And if she's thinking about keeping the baby, there's no way that she' (she'd) give it up for adoption. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SAAVIK Subject: Smart 1 or Amy? Date & Time: 04/12/91 18:38:17 Message Number 14978 SA>No One will ever enter my yard with intent to harm my family or SA>property as long as she is patrolling. Unless they have a gun with a silencer. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Lori Date & Time: 04/12/91 18:39:28 Message Number 14979 Good. You & me & Jonboy can gang up on her. Or maybe just me & JB... or maybe just me...heheheh. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Anything 2 add? Date & Time: 04/12/91 18:41:42 Message Number 14980 DF>...slapping ...spiked collar... T>*Pow!* (crunch) Yikes, that looked painful. HEHAHHEEHAHEHAHAHHEHAHEEEEHAHAHAHAHH*gasp*HEHSHAHEHSHEHHEHEHAHAHEHAHEHEH *cough*HEHEHAHEHAHEHEHEHHehehehhehee hee hee...*breath* *whew!* =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: JONBOY Subject: Anything butSex Date & Time: 04/12/91 18:54:59 Message Number 14981 JB>We for the most part are at the mercy of opinionated fools whatever JB>direction thier opinions may take. Ah, an excellent point! And extrememly well spoken! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: JONBOY Subject: Character Date & Time: 04/12/91 18:56:34 Message Number 14982 JB>[Unneeded critique on Scott Steel's character] Hey, you. Shut up...I don't see *your* character anywhere in there. "Critics are people who do nothing...therefore they feel entitleed to judge. Bah!" Jubal Harshaw =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: PROFESSOR Subject: TRS-80 Date & Time: 04/12/91 19:04:23 Message Number 14983 P>Radio Shack may be expensive Expensive junk... P>but thier stuff is reliable Yes, you always know that sooner or later it's going to break down. P>and they support it FOREVER. Yes, or until they come out with the next one, whichever comes first. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: DEATH FENNEC Subject: SERIOUS PROBLEM Date & Time: 04/12/91 19:07:02 Message Number 14984 Rough. Have you two spoken with your parents yet? What do they think of the situation? =========== From: RAT To: DEATH FENNEC Subject: SERIOUS PROBLEM Date & Time: 04/12/91 21:00:30 Message Number 14988 My girlfriend and I had the same situation. She had the test but didn't wait long enough and it came out positive. A little while later, she looked at it and it was negative. The test your girlfriend had was one of the self quick tests, wasn't it. If it was, those things are sometimes have specific directions and if you don't do it exactly, it goes out wrong. If your positive she's pregnant, and she wants the kid, just stay with her and don't leave her. I think it's kinda silly keeping a baby at 17 though. I'm not saying that you're wrong or anything(hell, I'm only 1? myself) but do you know how much it's going to cost? What do your parents think of all this... if they know. And will they help you with the money and everything? Whatever happens, I hope you and she are happy toghther and I hope everything happens for the better. =========== From: RAT To: ALL Subject: 1500 Date & Time: 04/12/91 21:13:06 Message Number 14989 Do you all realize that I'm really close to getting 15000? Pretty neat huh? =========== From: RAT To: ALL Subject: modems Date & Time: 04/12/91 21:14:17 Message Number 14990 Does anyone have anything above a 1200 baud modem for sale. Please drop a message if you do. I'm looking for one to buy and I'm going to sell my 1200. =========== From: RAT To: ALL Subject: 15000 Date & Time: 04/12/91 21:15:45 Message Number 14991 This message is even closer to the greatest message in the world. =========== From: RAT To: ALL Subject: 15000] Date & Time: 04/12/91 21:16:47 Message Number 14992  11111 55555 000000 0000000 000000 11 55 00 00 000 000 00 00 11 55555 00 00 000 000 00 00 11 55 00 00 000 000 00 00 11111111 55555 000000 0000000 000000 e  iiiii sssss i ss i sssss i ss iiiii sssss mmmmm iiiii nnn n eeeee m m m i n n n e m m m i n n n eee m m m i n n n e m m m iiiii n nnn eeeee =========== From: RAT To: ALL Subject: anything Date & Time: 04/12/91 21:23:04 Message Number 14993 If anyone has anything to say, please go ahead and do so... I now give you permission. =========== From: RAT To: ALL Subject: everything Date & Time: 04/12/91 21:24:22 Message Number 14994 I don't suppose any one had any modems because i didn't get a message from anyone. Im lonely. And i can't spel eiter. Please leave me a message if you're bored because i am too. =========== From: RAT To: ALL Subject: all Date & Time: 04/12/91 21:26:24 Message Number 14995 does anyone know why I am typing these messages? =========== From: RAT To: ALL Subject: all Date & Time: 04/12/91 21:27:12 Message Number 14996 If you don't know, read the next message. Does that sound OK to you all? =========== From: RAT To: ALL Subject: because Date & Time: 04/12/91 21:28:17 Message Number 14997 I'm typing this message so I can get the great message. The grand daddy of them all.So far. 15000! =========== From: RAT To: ALL Subject: friends Date & Time: 04/12/91 21:30:12 Message Number 14998 I had to type 13 message just to get the message coming up in two messages. Pretty lame huh? =========== From: RAT To: ALL Subject: 15000 Date & Time: 04/12/91 21:31:17 Message Number 14999 Dont forget to read the next message. =========== From: RAT To: ALL Subject: 15000 Date & Time: 04/12/91 21:33:43 Message Number 15000 111111111111 55555555555 000000000000 00000000 00000000000  11111 55555 000000 0000 000 000 0000 00 11111 55555 000000 0000 000 000 0000 00000 11111 55555 000000 0000 000 000 0000 00000 11111 55555555555 000000 0000 000 000 0000 00000 111111 55555 000000 0000 000 000 0000 00000 11111 55555 000000 0000 000 000 0000 00000 11111 55555 000000 0000 000 000 0000 00000 111111111111111 55555555555 000000000000 00000000 00000000000 This here message is 15000. It is the best message as I am typing. Just because I got it, doesn't mean you cant get the next one. It took me years of school to learn how to get great messages like this one. If you try hard enough, you can have anything. The next good message is 15151 and then 15555 and then 16000 .....but those won't ever be better than 15000! Ha Ha Ha He He He! =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: RAT Subject: everything Date & Time: 04/12/91 22:10:53 Message Number 15001 I'm bored of reading your messages leading up to 15000. BTW, how much are you looking to get for your 1200 baud modem? I will be needing one when The Specialist and I get our BBs set up. Launch date will be sometime in May. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: RAT Subject: friends Date & Time: 04/12/91 22:12:40 Message Number 15002 R> Pretty lame huh? Yep. You accused me of cheating to get a message number and now you're doing to same thing I did. CHEATER!!! =========== From: TURTLE To: DEATH FENNEC Subject: Anything 2 add? Date & Time: 04/12/91 22:55:13 Message Number 15004 >...and I think that I am going to commit Suicide or something ignorant >like that... Well, lesse here. A simple cost/benefit analysis might be in order. First, Suicide. Disadvantages: Well, it's permanent, nothing good can ever happen to you again, the kid gets raised without a father, every- one you know gets pissed off, you don't get to see how things turn out, the world goes on without you. Advantages: None. Staying alive. Disadvantages: Diapers, income tax. Advantages: walks on the beach, the thought that raising a kid doesn't take forever, trips to Disney World, computers, sunsets, driving fast to the middle of no- where in the middle of the night, Mountain Dew, loud music, cool movies, good friends, roller coasters, pizza, Christmas, full moons, Furry Parties, hot horny foxes, good books, The Far Side, George Carlin, voting against George Bush, and the disadvantages from #1 above do not apply. Plus, you still have the option of doing something more interesting than decomposing, ya know? =========== From: TURTLE To: THE PROFESSOR Subject: TRS-80 Date & Time: 04/12/91 23:12:59 Message Number 15005 >Three Model I's? What ii the world do you do with them? Not much, truth be told. I used to have a model 4P, but those machines have some really bizzare problems and tend to eat power supplies. No, I don't know of any anywhere. You want to talk weird ancinet computers? Sitting next to my Model 4 is an Apple Lisa that thinks it's a Macintosh. It'll kinda run Mac software, sort of, as long as the program is reasonably well-behaved and follows all of Apple's guidelines religiously. Games, of course, generally don't do to well on the Lisa. =========== From: TURTLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/12/91 23:17:18 Message Number 15006 T> Yeah--But I gotta live with her! :D SS>Like you /don't/ enjoy it. Well, I didn't say THAT.... heh heh. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Smart 1 or Amy? Date & Time: 04/12/91 23:18:30 Message Number 15007 >Unless they have a gun with a silencer. Or a squirt gun full of ammonia, or a crossbow, or a billy club, or a tazer, or... =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: SERIOUS PROBLEM Date & Time: 04/12/91 23:20:43 Message Number 15008 >Rough. Have you two spoken to your parents yet? Funny you should mention that. Neither Fennec nor his girlfriend are on speaking terms with their parents. It also doesn't help that Fennec's parents are fanatic Fundamentalists of the type that make Jerry Falwell shake his head and say "Those people need to lighten up." =========== From: TURTLE To: RAT Subject: 15000 Date & Time: 04/12/91 23:23:22 Message Number 15009 *Sigh* =========== From: SHANDRA To: OPUS Subject: Moving Date & Time: 04/12/91 23:26:41 Message Number 15010 "Kheblan, huh? How did you get here? Who attacked you?" If anything, the little morph is looking even more incoherent than before, and thoughts of serious brain damage are running through my head. In the rear of the bar, I notice the young human I vaguely noticed before climbing all over Robert. "Oh, God," I think. Under my breath, I mutter "I say, what subtlety!" in my best Cockney accent. In response to the morph's questioning look, I shake my head and say "Never mind." My tail is twitching again; with an effort, I stop it. "Do you remember anything at all?" =========== From: ROBERT To: KYARA TOKYO Subject: Hello... Date & Time: 04/12/91 23:32:36 Message Number 15011 "I say, 'ow subtle!" Robert says when he gets the opportunity. "I may assume you 'ave decided to resign the game, then?" He shifts to one side and slides the young lady off his lap. "Seems like restraint is a con- cept you should become acquainted with." He straightens his suit and adjusts the lapels with exaggerated care. "By the terms of our agreement I rather think I should be making the next move, don't you? An' I think that I still 'aven't eaten my breakfast yet." He signals to the barmaid, and orders two eggs, toast, and coffee. With another grin, he waves his hand over the board and says "While we wait, 'ow about another game?" =========== From: JONBOY To: SAAVIK Subject: Smart 1 or Amy? Date & Time: 04/12/91 23:52:35 Message Number 15012 (On dogs vs cats) Well - I like just about any critter (and I mean ANY) but my buddy Captain has been with me for 9 years now and a more trustworthy companion you couldn't find anywhere. Cats are Ok, but I really prefer the company of my dog because we can /do/ things together and he /wants/ to. Cats are pretty indifferent and absolutely refuse to participate in outdoor events. Besides - I have three neighbors that have been broken into but my neighbor that has a dog and myself were not even considered (or they changed their mind very rapidly!). For sheer versatility and a buddy/buddy relationship - dogs can't be beat. A Dog-Lovin JonBoy =========== From: JONBOY To: DEATH FENNEC Subject: Anything 2 add? Date & Time: 04/13/91 00:07:31 Message Number 15013 DF> marriage Arrrggggghhhhhhh! Bad bad bad bad Death Fennec! Don't screw up even worse than you already have! Marriage is not a solution to a bad birth control problem. Please reconsider at great length. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: SERIOUS PROBLEM Date & Time: 04/13/91 00:38:30 Message Number 15014 T> ...It also doesn't help that Fennec's parents are fanatic Fundamental ists of the type that make Jerry Falwell shake his head and say "Those people need to lighten up." Wonderful, I'd love to be there when he tells them about her being pregnant. I love reminding "Christians" of their obligation to love and forgive endlessly, and how they need to be support their children, no matter how bad to behave. I swear that parents love to quote teh (the) scripture that says, Children obey your parents. But they seem to ignore the scripture that is right next to it. Parents don't do anything to cause your child to be angry. (Not these are not exact quote, sue me.) s =========== From: KYARA TOKYO To: ROBERT Subject: Hello... Date & Time: 04/13/91 00:48:39 Message Number 15015 With a frustrated, sarcastic tone Kyara retorts, "I say, you are so stuffy. I guess we can play another game though." She reaches down and starts picking up the pieces, and realizes that Robert hasn't move, she says, "What, are you dead? You could help me here?" Robert leans down and assists Kyara with gathering the pieces. With that done, they reset the game. "Well, I believe that you have the first move this game." She has a look of frustration and comtempt that is intentionally obvious. =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/13/91 11:49:09 Message Number 15019 "Hurt so good, come one, Baby, make it hurt so good, Sometimes love don't feel like it should, You make it [thump thump] hurt so good" Guitar Rif. John Cougar Melancamp (head). /\/\/\_________Kick start my heart, will ya? Saavik, LTD (tm) =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: ]:) Date & Time: 04/13/91 11:51:04 Message Number 15020 SS>She (Red) is an expert at flirting, but you run a close second. (sigh) Always second best.........(sigh) =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/13/91 11:52:12 Message Number 15021 SA>We could have .......... Sadistcon. SS>Well, I wouldn't be there. We'll miss you. =========== From: SAAVIK To: OPUS Subject: Uh/. Date & Time: 04/13/91 11:53:42 Message Number 15022 Quoting Popeye. "I y'am what I y'am." (Toot Toot) =========== From: SAAVIK To: CRYSTAL Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/13/91 11:58:13 Message Number 15023 CY to SS>Any way, some things are much more appealing then they at first may sound. Hehehe. *Crack that whip* ----- Devo. =========== From: SAAVIK To: CRYSTAL Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/13/91 11:59:24 Message Number 15024 CY>In a little bit of pain there can be a great deal of pleasure. Ok, I concede that. But then it isn't really pain, is it??? :) =======*S A A V I Q U E*========= =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/13/91 12:02:26 Message Number 15025 Say, does Kelly have a nightstick???? Hehehe. Reminds me of that ZZ top song....."She might get out her nightstick, and hurt me real, real bad" =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: ]:) Date & Time: 04/13/91 12:03:25 Message Number 15026 T>But you must be at the very least a talented understudy, yesssss? Aye, Mate, the Lady in Red taught me everything I knows. We been 'mates' since 1975........ =========== From: SAAVIK To: DEATH FENNEC Subject: ??:) Date & Time: 04/13/91 12:11:18 Message Number 15027 Cute??? (blush) My nose is glowing, I'm flying........"Cute!!! He called me Cute!!!!!!" =======*S A A V I Q U E*========= =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Smart 1 or Amy? Date & Time: 04/13/91 12:17:02 Message Number 15028 TS:Unless they have a gun with a silencer. Oh, sure. Well, tell me "what" security system is fool proof!!!!!! I didn't say she was perfect...... in fact, she's rather goofy. She grins and it's the stupidest looking thing......:) =========== From: SAAVIK To: RAT Subject: 15000 Date & Time: 04/13/91 12:22:25 Message Number 15029 I have but one thing to say to you, Oh mighty God of Message # 15000. There ain't no point in movin' on, if ya got no where to go.... 15555 is the number that rules!!!!!!! =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: everything Date & Time: 04/13/91 12:23:58 Message Number 15030 Don't get a 1200, get a 2400. The price difference isn't that much. =======*S A A V I Q U E*========= =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Anything 2 add? Date & Time: 04/13/91 12:25:47 Message Number 15031 T> (speaking on advantages of living) That was beautiful, Turtle. Truly, beautiful. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Smart 1 or Amy? Date & Time: 04/13/91 12:27:27 Message Number 15032 Yeah, yeah, yeah, but before the taser or the billy club, or the ammonia gets her, she's going to bark her fool head off. And have you ever tried to beat of a vicious dog?????? It isn't as easy as it looks in the movies. =========== From: SAAVIK To: JONBOY Subject: Smart 1 or Amy? Date & Time: 04/13/91 12:31:00 Message Number 15033 Yay!!! Chock one more up for the Dogs!!!!!!! =========== From: P.WHIPPED To: SAAVIK Subject: lyrics Date & Time: 04/13/91 14:23:25 Message Number 15035 "Living and dying, laughing and crying, it's all the same when you're six feet below." Metallica =========== From: P.WHIPPED To: P.WHIPPED Subject: why? Date & Time: 04/13/91 14:27:15 Message Number 15036 I got message #15036!!!!!!!!!! hahahahehehahahaha yippee P.Whipped =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/13/91 14:46:02 Message Number 15037 SA> "Hurt so good....." - John Cougar Melonhead. That's the song I was thinking of. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: ]:) Date & Time: 04/13/91 14:47:15 Message Number 15038 SA> (sigh) Always second best......(sigh) Oh, now, don't downing know how we all feel about you. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/13/91 14:48:19 Message Number 15039 SA> We could have ......Sadistcon. SS> Well, I wouldn't be there. SA> We'll miss you. Yep. That's the point. I'd want to be missed by this falling whips. You'd ahve to kidnap me to get me to be there. Of course, I wouldn't put that past Turtle. We know how much he loves kidnapping people. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: 15000 Date & Time: 04/13/91 14:52:12 Message Number 15040 SA> There ain't no point in movin' on, if ya got no where to go.. And the road that I have walked upon, well it filled my pockets, and emptied out my soul.... =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: everything Date & Time: 04/13/91 14:53:28 Message Number 15041 SA> Don't get a 1200, get a 2400. The price difference isn't that much. Let me ask you something, does a 2400 baud modem pick 2400 only, or does it pick up 2400 and lower bauds? =========== From: HACMAN To: SAAVIK Subject: New BBs Date & Time: 04/13/91 15:03:16 Message Number 15042 Yes I did say a NEW BBS. HEY EVERYBODY......LISTEN UP! There's a new BBS in town. Mine. Its called Ye Olde English Den (named after my puppys' breed). I'm running C-Netv4.0 and I'd be thrilled for all of you to call me. I put it up at 9pm-6am 7 days. Tele# is 493-8401, crawling along at 300/1200 baud. If you sign on, leave me a message where I know you from, and you'll have instant full access. I will admit it's kinda small yet...but with you guys help, it'll grow. Try it out. BTW, because of the name of the new bbs, all previous discussion about my handle is now moot. I changed it to Inn Keeper. I needed something appropriate. Thanks. Hacman, Burney, Inn Keeper =========== From: HACMAN To: SAAVIK Subject: young users Date & Time: 04/13/91 15:10:19 Message Number 15043 Well at present, all the users that call me are a little older. (30-65). However, dont let this discourage anyone. Call and make an area for yourselves. Be glad to have everyone! I also enjoy on-line /chatting/ and my message bases are small but growing. I've been up for 4 nites so far. =========== From: HACMAN To: SAAVIK Subject: spiked collar Date & Time: 04/13/91 15:20:51 Message Number 15044 You didn't /really/ use that shock collar did you? I heard of a guy in town that uses one. He guarantees that a dog will be trained after you get him back. Of course, the dog has NO personality other than wimp and is afraid to do anything! I also heard he feels as though he needs to break a dogs spirit in the training process....denies them food, keeps them in a cage in the sun..without water, etc. I'd like him to go to jail for cruelty to animals. He IS legal though...has food and water on property. Also he has high friends too! =========== From: HACMAN To: TURTLE Subject: show dogs Date & Time: 04/13/91 15:35:44 Message Number 15045 Actually, I can show you at least one breeder that /yes/ does make a living out of show, raising, studding, dogs...but does NOT make a BUSHEL of money. It is my personal opinion that it all depends on the popularity of the breed and geographical location. Ex: a Husky or similar breed would be a poor investment in florida, but in Alaska, that might be a diifferent story. Also, the general popularity of the breed itself. A chiuawa(sp) might not ba as financially rewarding as lets say a german shephard or doby. =========== From: HACMAN To: SAAVIK Subject: doby Date & Time: 04/13/91 15:53:34 Message Number 15046 OOOOOhhh boy. I really wish I could've got a doby. But my wife and I were going to look at a doby pup and she suggested tthat we go the the animal shelter to see if they have and /doby/ pups first. After arriving at the shelter, we saw a cage with no dog in it. After my wife inquired, the attendant let us in and out waddled this REALLY cute Old English Bulldog pup...5 weeks old. Needless to say, thats what we brought home that day. She just fell in love with it. After looking at it, and after looking at me, I knew I was out voted. Oh well! =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Anything 2 add? Date & Time: 04/13/91 17:48:02 Message Number 15049 Thank you... /! Death Fennec -- ;> =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: SERIOUS PROBLEM Date & Time: 04/13/91 17:48:49 Message Number 15050 Yes, I know. I think that you are right. Anyways ... Thanks Again ... /! Death Fennec -- ;> =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: SERIOUS PROBLEM Date & Time: 04/13/91 17:49:46 Message Number 15051 AAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH !!! I don't think that I am going to tell them just yet. I know, stupid idea, huh? /! Death Fennec -- ;> =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: TURTLE Subject: Anything 2 add? Date & Time: 04/13/91 17:53:56 Message Number 15053 Blah .... You are right, as usual ... :) /! Death Fennec -- ;> =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: JONBOY Subject: Anything 2 add? Date & Time: 04/13/91 17:55:13 Message Number 15054 Well, I seem to like her a hell of a lot, and my older brother has said that the way that I act, and the way that I speak of her, I am in love with her. Anyways ... THANKS FOR YOUR ADVICE... /! Death Fennec -- ;> =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: SAAVIK Subject: ??:) Date & Time: 04/13/91 17:56:45 Message Number 15055 yes, you are cute! /! Death fennec -- ;> =========== From: OPUS To: SHANDRA Subject: Well.. Date & Time: 04/13/91 20:17:45 Message Number 15056 "it's seems everyoen is intersted in MY memory", sighs Kheblan, " you can probably remember what has happened to me of late better than I can, yet everyone seem to be wanting to know what /I/ remember, well I have never heard of a Sword and Circle clan (or whatever it was), but a Sword inside of a Circle does seem to be a familiar symbol, where did I see it. ahh yes, now I remeber." Kheblan lifts his foot to show you a branding of a sword in a circle etched on the bottom of his foot, "Is this helpful, or imporant?", asks he, and then continues, "I can't remember how I obtained it, but everytime I show it to people they sream and scram." ^^ should be scream =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/13/91 20:59:11 Message Number 15057 S> I don't see what fascination that /anyone/ would have with whips... S> pain there is no pleasure. Some sadists find pleasure in the idea of being punished. Damn if I know why, but some people really like whips... Silk scarves, on the other hand, are wonderful. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: Life (sigh) Date & Time: 04/13/91 21:01:41 Message Number 15058 >...Like performing. Most of the musicians I know lead very unhappy > day lives because of it... life bullship is almost too much for them > to handle after a night of "rock n roll". Ya know, I just had, well -- let's call it an "interesting" time with someone I had hoped would be a new girlfriend, and wound up just being friends. Where did I first turn to, to console me? My guitar. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: :> Date & Time: 04/13/91 21:04:16 Message Number 15059 No. Dragonflies do more than pond-hop, eat, and philosophize. But we're trying to hide all of those activities from zoologists. *SMOOCH! //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: OPUS Subject: Uh/. Date & Time: 04/13/91 21:07:43 Message Number 15060 >Something to ponder: If I am as I was, was I as I am, since there's a >darn good chance I wasn't yet? Sorry. Logical contradictions aren't allowed on this board. (Assuming time span where probability of both existing and non-existing.) //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: JONBOY Subject: Anything butSex Date & Time: 04/13/91 21:10:21 Message Number 15061 Bingo! That's another extreme that I forgot to mention: only talking about one religion. Thanks for adding it in. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: CRYSTAL Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/13/91 21:12:50 Message Number 15062 > Look I got two whips, they come in two sizes small and large. A better way to phrase it is: "They come in two sizes... big and BIGGER!" :P > Some things are much more appealing then they at first may sound. Right on, woman. Ever tried squid? //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: DEATH FENNEC Subject: Anything 2 add? Date & Time: 04/13/91 21:17:31 Message Number 15063 Dear Death Fennec, I'm leaving a response in E-mail. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: DEATH FENNEC Subject: SERIOUS PROBLEM Date & Time: 04/13/91 21:38:08 Message Number 15066 Hang in there. This sure as HELL isn't an easy situation. How supportive are your parents? And how supportive are her parents? Have you talked with her over every alternative? That is, what does she feel about abortion? Adoption? //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: RAT Subject: 15000 Date & Time: 04/13/91 21:49:10 Message Number 15067 I hope that gave you 15,000 orgasms. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: DRAGONFLY Subject: SERIOUS PROBLEM Date & Time: 04/13/91 23:49:50 Message Number 15068 Well, I would like to say to everyone that I /HAVE/ spoken with Lisa about all the alternatives that I can think of...To dragon fly, I haven ---- I haven't told my parents yet about it, and neither has she. I'm kinda feeling wierd about this, AND, I have something else to say, she has said that if/when (more like when) we get married, she wants to be married on Valentines Day, in "91...Blah ... I would like to also, and I would like to say to Scott Steel if he reads this, is that I thank - him for telling me that since I wanted a relationship like this one, I should take it while I have it. I shall be going for now. And thanks again ... ;) ::sniff:: /| Death Fennec -- ;> =========== From: CRYSTAL To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/14/91 01:11:52 Message Number 15073 SS> I don't know about you sometimes! Thats ok, I didn't believe it either, till I tried it. =========== From: CRYSTAL To: SAAVIK Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/14/91 01:25:35 Message Number 15074 S>Ok, I concede that. But then it isn't really pain, it is??? :) I am not sure. But I have heard that when they hung people way back when, that just before death they did become sexually stimulated. Why I don't know, in fact I don't even know if it has anything to do with what we are talking about. I don't know why my body reacts to things the way it does, but I am glad I had the courage to try it just once. I guess you could say I got hooked on it like some people get hooked on Coke. But then again the right partner is just as important as the degree of pain. Anyway it supposed to be a fun thing and if both are not having fun then no pleasure can cum of it. * CRYSTAL * =========== From: CRYSTAL To: SAAVIK Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/14/91 01:37:25 Message Number 15075 Funny you should mention the night stick, I had one but it disapeared with my roomate before Turtle. * CRYSTAL * =========== From: CRYSTAL To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/14/91 01:46:14 Message Number 15076 DRF> Some things are much more appealing then they at first may sound. This is true, however squid is NOT one of them. I have tried squid and it tasted like a limited service spare. * CRYSTAL * =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: CRYSTAL Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/14/91 13:17:20 Message Number 15079 DrF> Some things are much more appealing than they at first may sound. Cr> This is true, however squid is NOT one of them. I have tried squid Cr> and it tasted like a limited service spare. You obviously didn't have it in the right restaurant. If squid is overcooked, it's rubbery and tasteless. If squid is undercooked, it's slimy. But if a real chef gets ahold of squid, and prepares it right, it's one of life's greatest pleasures. //Dragonfly// =========== From: CHARLES DITTELL To: ALL Subject: picnick Date & Time: 04/14/91 15:05:56 Message Number 15081 Join us at our Sarasota Monthly Indoor... PPPPP IIII CCCCC NN NN IIII CCCCC KK KK !! PP PP II CC CC NNN NN II CC CC KK KK !! PP PP II CC NNNN NN II CC KK KK !! PPPPP II CC NN NNNN II CC KKKK !! PP II CC NN NNN II CC KK KK !! PP II CC CC NN NN II CC CC KK KK PP IIII CCCCC NN NN IIII CCCCC KK KK !! Sponsored by Suncoast City BBS and Wyvern's Den BBS (Wyvern's Den 'in absentia' temporarily) Incredible giveaways, Incredible (cheap) food, Incredible talk! When? Saturday, April 20th, 10 AM to Noon Where? Chef Paul's, Tamiami Trail (Rt 41) at 16th ST (Gulf side) Who? ALL callers, sysops, friends, spouses, etc. Why? Because there will be great giveaways, great conversation and an inexpensive fun time!! For more details, call Suncoast City at (813)953-5505 .. -=[ And a SPECIAL invitation to all aLTER rEALITY callers !! ]=- =========== From: CHARLES DITTELL To: SYSOP Subject: hi Date & Time: 04/14/91 15:07:22 Message Number 15082 Greetings, Turtle! I like the new setup - very smoo - ooth !! If you saw previous message, we're having another PICNICK!! I got some great stuff to either give away or get rid of at insane prices (like a real 68000 computer, power supply AND amber monitor for a really silly price!, and 10 current, GOOD books on "C", as well as the usually miscellaneous weird stuff (like a 100 number phonedialer, a water heater timer, a NEW CB monitor, etc., etc., etc)....PLEEZE try to make it to this one, along with the regular gang of crazies....I promise FUN!! :) --regards, Chas. =========== From: SAAVIK To: P.WHIPPED Subject: lyrics Date & Time: 04/14/91 19:35:36 Message Number 15088 "Don't close your eyes, Don't close your eyes (I-yee-I's) Don't sing your last lullabye." --------------- Kix =========== From: SAAVIK To: P.WHIPPED Subject: why? Date & Time: 04/14/91 19:36:43 Message Number 15089 PW> I got message #15036!!!!!!! So? :) =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/14/91 19:37:33 Message Number 15090 SA>"Hurts so good...." SS>That's the song I was thinking of. Yeah, I thought so. =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: ]:) Date & Time: 04/14/91 19:38:38 Message Number 15091 SS> know how we all feel about you. Well, I feel with my hands..... how do you feel? =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: 15000 Date & Time: 04/14/91 19:39:48 Message Number 15092 And all thoses insecurities that have held me down for so long, Might say I found a cure for these, But at least I know them, so they're not so strong. =========== From: SAAVIK To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: everything Date & Time: 04/14/91 19:40:51 Message Number 15093 I have a Zoom 2400. It will automatically adjust 300/1200/2400 to whatever the host modem speed is (the BBS). It's external, I got it mail order for under $100.00. What a deal. =========== From: SAAVIK To: HACMAN Subject: spiked collar Date & Time: 04/14/91 19:44:10 Message Number 15094 I've know trainers whose methods make my skin crawl. both dog and horse trainers. The "no bark" collar was the last resort for a dog that simply would not "shut up". The only step beyond that is surgery. It may sound inhuman....(both the surgery and the "no bark") but it's better than the only other alternative is putting the animal to sleep. A dog that will not stop barking is usually a very nervous and hyper animal anyway. =========== From: SAAVIK To: HACMAN Subject: doby Date & Time: 04/14/91 19:47:06 Message Number 15095 Dobies are peculiar (sp?) critters. They are very faithful and loyal but they don't take disapline well..... they are very insecure. You can break their heart with one mean word or a dirty look...... that is, if you are their person. As far as strangers are concerned, most dobies are instantly suspicious and mistrusting unless "their person" is there and doesn't seem alarmed by the stranger. My dogs can instantly sense how I feel about a person who visits us. =========== From: SAAVIK To: DEATH FENNEC Subject: SERIOUS PROBLEM Date & Time: 04/14/91 19:50:07 Message Number 15096 Don't put telling your parents off too long. They'll just be even more upset that you didn't confide in them. =========== From: SAAVIK To: DEATH FENNEC Subject: ??:) Date & Time: 04/14/91 19:51:13 Message Number 15097 Thanks, Fennec. You're cute too. =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/14/91 19:52:32 Message Number 15098 Silk Scarves.....hmmmm. I know I've got one around here somewhere. Ah, over there, is that it???? Nope, just an old faded bandana.... will that do? =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Life (sigh) Date & Time: 04/14/91 19:53:51 Message Number 15099 "While my guitar gently weeps." I know many musicians who turn inside of themselves and their music when thinks get touch. =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: :> Date & Time: 04/14/91 19:54:54 Message Number 15100 Ah! Velly interesting...... is that a strange man I see following you with a butterfly net and a Khaki hat????? =========== From: SAAVIK To: CRYSTAL Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/14/91 19:57:45 Message Number 15101 ...... no pleasure can cum of it...... cute pun, Cyrstal. And you are right, yet again (shades of Turtle) If both partners enjoy it, then there is nothing wrong with "whatever" sexual practice it is. I've heard that about people becoming sexually stimulated as they are being "strangled". Sick!!! That's way too dangerous! =========== From: SAAVIK To: CRYSTAL Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/14/91 20:00:11 Message Number 15102 So the Nightstick disappeared before you could use it on Turtle, eh? Lucky Turtle. =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: SAAVIK Subject: SERIOUS PROBLEM Date & Time: 04/14/91 21:29:47 Message Number 15104 Well, I dunno how I am going to put it to them. I am have been speaking with Lisa, and h -- she still wants to have this kid, /AND/ she wants to get married to get married, and guess when !!! /ON VALENTINES DAY!/ Wow, it seems she really wants this to go thru. So do I, but there still the thought of us being a little too young. Hmm. Well, it seems that I have been --- having a lot of problems lately, and I think that I am losing friends. I dunno, well, please leave me some feedback...thank you ... /! Death Fennec -- ;> =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: SAAVIK Subject: ??:) Date & Time: 04/14/91 22:36:55 Message Number 15105 Ahh, Gee, Tanx... (blush blush) /! Death Fennec -- ;> =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: RAT Subject: 15000 Date & Time: 04/14/91 23:40:44 Message Number 15108 R>Pretty lame, eh? Not any more lame than someone else I know. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SAAVIK Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/14/91 23:45:57 Message Number 15109 Mellonhead: "I was born in a small town...and I live in small town. I'll probably die in this small town, and that's good enough, for me. Oh, joy. I married an LA doll and brought her to this small town Now she's small town, just like me. Oh, and I bet that endeared her to you, eh, John? Actually, I can't wait for John's next song... "Think I'll have a cheeseburger Yes, I'll have a cheeseburger. Gonna have mustard on that cheesburger. And that's good enough for me...." He is so insipid. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SAAVIK Subject: Smart 1 or Amy? Date & Time: 04/14/91 23:50:43 Message Number 15110 SA>..before the taser or the billy club or the ammonia gets her, she'll SA>be barking her fool head off Ah, right! 'At's my point. With a gun, you don't have to wait for her to bark her head can do it with the gun! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: DEATH FENNEC Subject: SERIOUS PROBLEM Date & Time: 04/14/91 23:54:37 Message Number 15111 Well, Turtle has enlightened me on the situation between you & your folks, and all I can say is that I'm sorry to hear about it. Seems to me that it might be a good idea to make amends...eating a little crow might not be a bad idea when you consider all your alternatives. Sorry if this isn't very helpful. Oh, not that I don't care about your situation, cause I do, but suicide is a piss-poor idea. ONe last time...are you sure that she is pregnant? I mean, absolamente' positivo? If not, then better make *Real* sure. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: OPUS Date & Time: 04/15/91 00:05:25 Message Number 15112 What the hell are we going to do with Kheblan's character? =========== From: TURTLE To: JONBOY Subject: Doggie, kitty? Date & Time: 04/15/91 00:27:13 Message Number 15116 >Cats are pretty indifferent and absolutely refuse to participate in >outdoor events. Yes; that's part of the reason I /prefer/ their company to that of dogs. You don't gotta excercise 'em, they don't come whining up to you with a ball in their mouths when you're otherwise occupied; they can find ways to amuse themselves; and they are not easily impressed. The latter quality is an important one in my book. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/15/91 00:31:08 Message Number 15117 >Hehehe. *Crack that whip* Oh, good. ENCOURAGE her. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/15/91 00:31:41 Message Number 15118 CY>In a little bit of pain there can be a great deal of pleasure. SA>Ok, I concede that. Really? :> SA>But then it isn't really pain, is it??? That doesn't follow...the definition of 'pain' doesn't specify that the recipiant can't enjoy it, now, does it? =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: ??:) Date & Time: 04/15/91 00:33:29 Message Number 15119 SA>"Cute!!! He called me Cute!!!!!!!" Would you prefer 'highly aesthetic?' =========== From: TURTLE To: P.WHIPPED Subject: why? Date & Time: 04/15/91 00:35:36 Message Number 15120 >I got message #15036!!!!!!!!!!! *whimper* Sure, hog the /really/ good ones. Hmph. =========== From: TURTLE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/15/91 00:36:34 Message Number 15121 >You'd ahve [sic] to kidnap me to get me there. Of course, I wouldn't >put that past Turtle. We know how much he loves kidnapping people. I think I'm actually ready to become upper management and supervise other people kidnapping their victims, actually. That way I get to mastermind the operation without having to do any of the grunt work... Hey, I like that! I want to be a criminal mastermind when I grow up. =========== From: TURTLE To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Say what? Date & Time: 04/15/91 00:40:46 Message Number 15122 >Silk scarves, on the other hand, are wonderful. *snort* Too flimsy. =========== From: TURTLE To: CRYSTAL Subject: Squid Date & Time: 04/15/91 00:43:13 Message Number 15123 >I have tried squid and it tasted like a limited service spare. I hate those things...the full-sized variety are much better. Perhapa (or perhaps) kraken? =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: why? Date & Time: 04/15/91 00:45:02 Message Number 15124 PW> I got message #15036!!!!!!! SA> So? So? SO??!! He got the best possible message number before #32712, and and you say SO??? =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: everything Date & Time: 04/15/91 00:46:29 Message Number 15125 >I have a Zoom 2400. I'm sorry...Zoom modems are notorious for having all sorts of problems. They're the Avatex of the 2400 baud community. Uncle Bob's was running off a Zoom...past tense... =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Scarves & You Date & Time: 04/15/91 00:47:57 Message Number 15126 >Nope, just an old faded bandana.... will that do? Well, they're sturdier than silk scarves, but they're also too short. Two of 'em knotted together work pretty well. Silk scarves are for wimps...clothesline works best. (Actually, there is a really big psychological difference between using something that can't really restrain, like a scarf, and something that /can/...and half the fun is /knowing/ you aren't in a position to be going anywhere, you know?) =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/15/91 00:50:59 Message Number 15127 >If both partners enjoy it, then there is nothing wrong with "whatever" >sexual practice it is. "Both partners"? Isn't that assuming rather a lot itself? :> Not to pick nits, but I'd argue that anything that causes physical damage is probably not cool regardless of how much the people involved enjoy it. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/15/91 00:52:42 Message Number 15128 >So the nightstick disappeared before you could use it on Turtle, eh? Naah...she and I started, ahem, 'going out' (I've always thought that was a corny phrase!) before we became roommates. I still haven't let her use the whip, though; nightsticks are just straight out. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: OPUS Date & Time: 04/15/91 00:55:17 Message Number 15129 >What the hell are we going to do with Kheblan's character? You got me...I thinks a lot of that's up to Opus. Kheblan needs to get his memory back...right now he's a babbling Looney Tune. =========== From: SHANDRA To: OPUS Subject: huh? Date & Time: 04/15/91 01:00:20 Message Number 15130 I examine the tattoo on the little morph's foot. Doesn't look familiar, but it does look like it's been there for a long time. Curioser and curioser. This thing has a funny smell to it; not like racial violence, not random at all. Military? He mentioned reporting for duty somewhere, like he was in the military...hmm. A scan of available military records might be in order. Robert might recognize the tattoo, if it is military; he's a storehouse for that sort of information...hmm. I notice my tail is twitching again, and force it to stop. "Wait here," I say, and cross the room. =========== From: ROBERT To: KYARA TOKYO Subject: & OPUS Date & Time: 04/15/91 01:11:41 Message Number 15131 "Well, now, stop pouting. All things come to 'e who waits." Robert kisses the back of Kyara's hand, and smiles at her. "An' isn't the anticipation 'alf the fun? You'll be making good on your wager soon enough, never fear." His breakfast arrives, and he carefully stows the chessmen away and places the set under his seat. "'ello," he says as a tall, tawny cat-morph walks over to the table. "Shandra, I'd like you to meet miss Kyara, my lovely chess partner. Kyara, this is Shandra." "Uh-huh. Listen, this mean anything to you? You ever see a tattoo that looks something like this?" The cat-morph draws a quick sketch on a napkin, sword enclosed in circle. Robert picks it up, studies it for a moment. "I 'ave, rather. Special Operations Unit, French elite military squadron. Rather like the American Special Forces. They were trained in close-combat fighting, infiltration, and special operations for spacecraft-based missions. 'Ad zero-gee combat training, too. Nasty lot, those, very dangerous. Politicians didn't know 'ow to 'andle them. Special Ops Unit 'asn't existed for...oh, lessee, must be almost twelve years now. Lot of them became mercenaries after the Trog Wars. Some of them were involved in that coup attempt in New Panama last summer, from what I 'eard. Why?" Shandra shrugs. "Oh, no reason. I'm just thinking about dating one of them, that's all." She turns and walks away, tail twitching. Robert shrugs and returns his attention to the things more at hand: breakfast, and his companion. "Strange one, Shandra. Bit twitchy," he says. =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: DEATH FENNEC Subject: tellin' them Date & Time: 04/15/91 12:21:45 Message Number 15132 The longer you put off telling your parents about your situation, the harder it will be for you to do. As the sneaker commercial says... JUST DO IT. See ya, Knight Owl =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: SAAVIK Subject: picnic..... Date & Time: 04/15/91 12:44:04 Message Number 15133 Remember thatindoor picnic that I told you about? Well, C. Dittel was back with info about it.... Read message # 15081. L8R! Knight Owl =========== From: THUMPER ONE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Johns Insipid Date & Time: 04/15/91 14:03:17 Message Number 15135 Perhaps Mr. Mellon(Camp)Head is yearning to be just like Jimmy Buffet? Cheeseburger songs are ok in my book. Almost as good as Vulcan Bashing. Hi Saavik ;> Thumper One =========== From: THUMPER ONE To: SAAVIK Subject: Stimulation Date & Time: 04/15/91 14:06:28 Message Number 15136 How about having Turtle or some other Relativly Driven Person to compile an index of Sexual Stimulation. One for Actions, and one for Substances. Where would Yoo-Hoo be on the Substance index? And Where Would BBS'ing be on the Action Index. Probably next to, respectivly, Tofu and Watching Roaches mating. Thumper One =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/15/91 17:21:09 Message Number 15138 > Silk Scarves... Nope, just an old faded bandana... will that do? So long as it's an old, faded bandana and not an old, faded banana. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: Life (sigh) Date & Time: 04/15/91 17:22:14 Message Number 15139 BINGO! During one of my most stressful months, I was practicing the guitar about seven or eight hours a day -- just gently drifting among the clouds of music my hands wove. My guitar teacher was impressed by how much I improved. (He called me the best Gringo student he's ever known -- quite a compliment.) He never knew the real reason. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: ;> Date & Time: 04/15/91 17:24:42 Message Number 15140 S> Ah! Velly interesting.... is that a stange man I see following you S> with a butterfly net and a Khaki hat????? Yipes! SAVE ME! Grrrr... How would you like it if I teased you, saying there's a sabre-toothed tiger over there? //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: DEATH FENNEC Subject: SERIOUS PROBLEM Date & Time: 04/15/91 17:28:19 Message Number 15141 >...and I think that I am losing friends. Here's one friend you WON'T lose. Period. //Dragonfly// =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Doggie, kitty? Date & Time: 04/15/91 17:58:47 Message Number 15143 Hear hear. Chalk five up for the cat-lovers. =========== From: SAAVIK To: DEATH FENNEC Subject: SERIOUS PROBLEM Date & Time: 04/15/91 20:30:28 Message Number 15147 Fennec, if you're friends desert you now, then they weren't your friends to begin with. Well, perhaps they are just having a hard time dealing with, or identifying with what you are going through. Hang in there, Dude. Better times will come, sooner or later. =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/15/91 20:32:16 Message Number 15148 Hey! Are you making fun of "The Cougar" ???? Why, he's brought us such great songs as "Pink Houses" and "Jack and Diane". How dare you (snicker, snicker, snort, snort) Next thing I know, you'll be picking on B-52's. Hmmph! =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Smart 1 or Amy? Date & Time: 04/15/91 20:33:58 Message Number 15149 TS> Hmmmph! Well,whatever. (sniffle) =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/15/91 20:37:30 Message Number 15150 SA>*Crack that whip* T>Oh, good. ENCOURAGE her. Well, it could be worse. She could get some spurs and a cowboy hat and boots........ "Ride 'em, Kelly" =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/15/91 20:38:50 Message Number 15151 Well, if you enjoy the "pain" then it doesn't really hurt. So it isn't really pain anymore. No? =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: ??:) Date & Time: 04/15/91 20:39:44 Message Number 15152 SA>"Cute!!! He called me Cute!!!!!!! T>Would you prefer 'highly aesthetci?' Um, if I knew what that meant......, maybe. Actually I was quoting "Rudolph the red Nosed Reindeer" =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: why? Date & Time: 04/15/91 20:43:36 Message Number 15153 So? What's so special about 15036???? Just another number. Isn't it? =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: everything Date & Time: 04/15/91 20:44:33 Message Number 15154 My Zoom modem has been very kind to me and it comes with a 8 year warranty. In fact I have two, an external and an internal. I know you are "the expert" on modems and such, I'm just saying that I have been happy with my purchase so far. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Scarves & You Date & Time: 04/15/91 20:46:10 Message Number 15155 T>....and half the fun is /knowing/ you aren't in a position to be going anywhere, you know? OK, how about a strand of barbed wire then? =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/15/91 20:47:21 Message Number 15156 I stand corrected........... "If EVERYONE INVOLVED enjoys it, then there's nothing wrong with 'whatever' sexual practice it is. Better? Happy? =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/15/91 20:48:57 Message Number 15157 I'd draw the line at Nightsticks too. In fact, I'm not too fond of the idea of being whipped...... but the handcuffs are intriquing. =========== From: SAAVIK To: THUMPER ONE Subject: Johns Insipid Date & Time: 04/15/91 20:52:53 Message Number 15158 Hello, Bunny Britches!!!!!! Vulcan Bashing?????? Hmmph!!!! I'd sooner kiss a Wookie! =========== From: SAAVIK To: THUMPER ONE Subject: Stimulation Date & Time: 04/15/91 20:54:02 Message Number 15159 BBS and sex..... hmmmm. I dunno, I've had some pretty safe sex in the chat lounge on Terran.... kind of leaves you with that empty feeling after wards too. Bye the way, what in the hell is Tofu????? =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Banana??? Date & Time: 04/15/91 20:55:15 Message Number 15160 Bandana ---vs--- Banana. Yep, bananas would be of no use in this situation. =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: ;> Date & Time: 04/15/91 20:56:56 Message Number 15161 OH, NO not a sabre toothed tiger. (Saavique wheels around pulling her phaser and dropping into a crouch..... seeing that she has been duped, she turns back around, stuffing the phaser back on her belt with a wry grimace) "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on you anyway!!" =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: SERIOUS PROBLEM Date & Time: 04/15/91 21:05:47 Message Number 15162 Well, this is kinda hard to say, today she is 16 days late to have her period, you tell me...Another thing, she wants to get married to me, and I, the same to her, although there are problems that I do detect, as in MONEY, etc... Hmm. Well, I have also asked her if I may be able to see her take a test, and she says, 'Yes', so we are going to go to a --- Womens Health Clinic in a few weeks to make sure. (She wants to wait so long because in case the tests were wrong, in which I don't think it is) Hmm. Well, there is not really much else to say, because I don't - really want to say anything that I may get yelled at by others that may take this the wrong way. Hmm. Well, I have one more thing to say, and- that is, I haven't told my parents yet about it, and I have no idea when I will... /! Death Fennec -- ;> =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: tellin' them Date & Time: 04/15/91 21:10:37 Message Number 15163 Well, I have this slight fear of doing so, because of the problems that made me leave my house, like my step-father. He used to beat me,- and so I have been scared of what he may do, he is an asshole (pardon), and I don't like him. And if I told him without knowing for SURE, then he would really kill me. Anyways, this is not going the way that I had expected it to. Hmm. Although I love her, and she loves me. /! Death Fennec -- ;> =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: DRAGONFLY Subject: SERIOUS PROBLEM Date & Time: 04/15/91 21:13:11 Message Number 15164 >Here;s one friend you WON'T lose. Period. > //Dragonfly// Thank you CPU, I do appreciate it. And here is one that you won't either... :sniff:: /! Death Fennec -- ;> =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: SAAVIK Subject: SERIOUS PROBLEM Date & Time: 04/15/91 21:15:11 Message Number 15165 At least YOU seem to think so. I am kinda sure, but not really. I don7t want to be hurt after finally getting what I want, and have it come out not to be true... ::sigh:: I guess that is the facts of life ::sigh:: /! Death Fennce -- ;> =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: TURTLE Subject: Doggie, kitty? Date & Time: 04/15/91 22:53:14 Message Number 15170 >...and they are not easily impressed. The latter quality is an > important one in my book. Like pets just like you, eh? Most people have pets to be loved. Except cat lovers, who have pets to be rejected. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: TURTLE Subject: Say what? Date & Time: 04/15/91 22:55:59 Message Number 15171 DrF> Silk scarves, on the other hand, are wonderful. T> *snort* Too flimsy. Okay. I'll send ya ten feet of barbed wire. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: TURTLE Subject: Squid & Kraken Date & Time: 04/15/91 22:57:09 Message Number 15172 You're about as likely to eat kraken as you are to eat gryphon steak. Besides, smaller things have much better taste. Pound for pound, the amoeba is the most vicious creature on earth. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: THUMPER ONE Subject: Stimulation Date & Time: 04/15/91 23:02:02 Message Number 15173 > Where would BBS'ing be on the Action Index. Probably next to... > Watching Roaches mating. Hey! When those bugs get into a real orgy, the high pitched grunts and groans make everyone in a five-centimeter distance stop and stare! //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: why? Date & Time: 04/15/91 23:05:22 Message Number 15174 S> So? What's so special about 15036???? Just another number. Isn't it? Hah! Obviously you don't know the mystical experiences of 15036. First of all, if you remove the zero (which, metaphorically speaking, is removing nothing) and you express the number in the Sacred Hexadecimal Code (God herself speaks in Hexadecimal.), you receive the number 600, one-third of the Biblical Beast, representing the Antichrist Himself. If that doesn't shock fundamentalists, little will. Secondly, the number (again separated by that mystic zero) is composed of two composite numbers: the product of the first two odd numbers, and the square of the first non-square composite number. This represents the Armadillo's desire for Her followers to be extremely odd and square. Thirdly, the fifteenth book of the Bible, third chapter, sixth verse reads, "On the first day of the seventh month they began to offer burnt sacrifices to the Lord, though the foundation of the Lord's temple had not yet been laid." This gives us a new number of 17, which in base 14 arithmetic is a divisor of the mystic number 42, the answer to life, the universe, and everything. (This verse also contains mysteries which I can't reveal to the uninitiated.) //The Kabbalistic Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: Banana??? Date & Time: 04/15/91 23:18:03 Message Number 15175 Oh, I wouldn't say bananas are of NO use in sex... just that I prefer bandanas over bananas for my sexploits. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: DEATH FENNEC Subject: tellin' them Date & Time: 04/15/91 23:20:29 Message Number 15176 > He used to beat me, and so I have been scared of what he may do, > he is an asshole (pardon), and I don't like him. Your stepfather sounds like a hideous person. One idea: when you confront him, could you bring along a friend? (Even your girlfriend would be support.) //Dragonfly// =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: DRAGONFLY Subject: 15000 Date & Time: 04/16/91 00:04:11 Message Number 15177 DrF to Rat> I hope that gave you 15,000 orgasms. Geez...I don't like any human being could survive sure an experience. I think I'd be willing to give it a try. (assuming that I could find enough woman to indulge me.) (hehehe) A still perverted Scott Steel =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: CRYSTAL Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/16/91 00:07:43 Message Number 15178 C> tasted like a limited service spare. Have you been eating tires again? I thought you have reformed. I so disappointed in you. (Sigh) =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: lyrics Date & Time: 04/16/91 00:09:55 Message Number 15179 SA> Don't close your eyes. Don't close your eyes. (I-yee-I's) Did you know that Kix wrote that song in protest to Ozzy Osborne and Lita Ford's song "If I Close My Eyes Forver"? =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: ]:) Date & Time: 04/16/91 00:11:54 Message Number 15180 SS> know how we all feel about you. SA. Well, I feel with my do you feel? I feel fine. I also feel up any female I'm allowed. (YOU should know better than to leave that kind of a post to me.) ( hehehe) =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: 15000 Date & Time: 04/16/91 00:13:39 Message Number 15181 Well, there ain't no point in moving on, until you've got somewhere to go. And the road that I have walked upon, well it filled my pockets and emptied out my soul. And all those insecurities that have held me down for so long, I can't say I've found a cure for these, but at least I know them, So they're not so strong. You look for your dreams in heaven But what the hell are you supposed to do when they come true? Well there's one year of my life in these songs And some of them are about you Now I know there's no I can write those wrongs Believe me I would not lie you've hurt my pride And I guess there's a road without you. But you once said there's a way back for every man, So here I am, Don't people change? Here I am. Is it too late to try again Here I am. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Life (sigh) Date & Time: 04/16/91 00:23:51 Message Number 15182 SA> "While my guitar getly weeps." Who did that song? I love that song. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/16/91 00:24:55 Message Number 15183 SA> I've heard that about people becoming sexually stimulated as they SA> are being "strangled." I've heard that. I've heard that you've got to be very careful if you're going to try it. (NO1 I'm not suggesting you try it. And, NO, I haven't tried it.) =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: 15000 Date & Time: 04/16/91 00:27:28 Message Number 15184 R> Pretty lame, eh? TS> Not any more lame than someone else I know. Grrrrrrrrrrrr....... =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/16/91 00:30:00 Message Number 15185 T> I want to be a criminal mastermind when I grow up. You've already grown up. I'd hate to see what would happen to this country if you actually did lead a team of gangsters or something similar. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Say what? Date & Time: 04/16/91 00:31:23 Message Number 15186 DrF> Silk scarves, on the other hand, are wonderful. T> *snort* Too flimsy. What, can you break them? =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Scarves & You Date & Time: 04/16/91 00:33:15 Message Number 15187 Y'know, I bet you're right about that idea of "feeling" restrained. But the reason for silk scarves in the first place is so that there are no marks afterward. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: TURTLE Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/16/91 00:34:55 Message Number 15188 T> I still haven't let her(Crystal) use the whips, though.... Crystal, I could hold him down for you. hehehehe =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Whips and chain Date & Time: 04/16/91 00:40:42 Message Number 15189 SA> "Ride 'em, Kelly" Y'know, between you and me, we're going to drive Kelly to a frenzy and she'll end up really hurting our beloved Turtle. Now, we wouldn't want that, now would we? =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: ??:) Date & Time: 04/16/91 00:42:22 Message Number 15190 SA> Cute!!! He called me Cute!!!! T> Would you prefer 'highly aesthetic?' SA> Um,...Actually, I was quoting "rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" Figures, Encyclopedia Brown meets the fairy (Bitch) godmother. Geez, what's this world coming to? =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Scarves & You Date & Time: 04/16/91 00:45:09 Message Number 15191 SA to T> OK, how about a strand of barbed wire, then? You are twisted bitch, aren't you? =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Seriously now Date & Time: 04/16/91 00:46:11 Message Number 15192 SA>....but the handcuffs are intriquing. TEASE!!!! =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Johns Insipid Date & Time: 04/16/91 00:46:47 Message Number 15193 SA> I'd sooner kiss a Wooker! That could be arranged. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: SAAVIK Subject: Banana??? Date & Time: 04/16/91 00:47:41 Message Number 15194 SA> Bandana ---vs--- Banana. Yep. bananas would be of no use in this SA> situation. But I bet you could come up with some good uses for them. (snicker) =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: DEATH FENNEC Subject: SERIOUS PROBLEM Date & Time: 04/16/91 00:50:52 Message Number 15195 Tell your parents when you are POSITIVE that she is indeed pregnant. If you tell them now, you'll worry to hell out of them for what might be mothing. BTW, a girl being 16 days late on her period isn't that big of a deal. It's not totally unusual for a woman to skip a period do to stress or a cold or just about anything. Just relax until you know for sure. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: DRAGONFLY Subject: why? Date & Time: 04/16/91 00:56:01 Message Number 15196 You know, that was a total waste of disk space! =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: ALL Subject: Smoking Date & Time: 04/16/91 00:58:58 Message Number 15197 Well, everybody, Scott Steel is goind to try, for the umpteenth, to quit smoking. So please forgive any posts that are exceptionally rude. I start today, I figured that I'd better warn you. =========== From: SCOTT STEEL To: ALL Subject: Speaking of.. Date & Time: 04/16/91 01:00:38 Message Number 15198 Speaking of quitting....I've also decided to quit doing drugs... especially the real addictive coke. Nasty stuff... Anyway, I'm really appreciated any support you people could give along this wonderfully rugged road that I'm trying to walk on... =========== .