From: DEATH FENNEC To: SINDAR Subject: California ... Date & Time: 05/29/91 19:47:07 Message Number 17202 SI> See you on the other side of the doggy door. Are you feeling all right. Do you think that you can drive that far and be ok? Hmm. Anyways, onto the next quote. SI> No Mushy Mushys. Hmm. I think that you need to see a shrink. I do not know if you are going to be able to make it out to California or not. Then again, I suppose that it cannot be any worse than the way that Tyler drives! :) Just kidding, (I think!) Hmm. Anyways, I guess that we are going to be having one hell of a blast when we get out there. Hmm. Well, I do not know what the future holds, except for a few things, like I will be get- ting into a relationship with Two females, and well, I will talk to you about this at a later time ... Anyways, I shall be going for now. Bye bye! :) /! Death Fennec -- ;> =========== From: RUFUS To: SINDAR Subject: California ... Date & Time: 05/29/91 22:17:51 Message Number 17211 Are you leaving /this/ Friday, as in the 31st? I thought the third Muskateer had final exams, or am I just being a silly Rufus again? SLAP! Yes, you are being a silly Rufus. SLAP! =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: ALL Subject: They who wonder Date & Time: 05/30/91 00:01:50 Message Number 17212 In case you're wondering, No, I'm not leaving Sarasota this summer. (Yeah!) No, I'm not in the same dorm room over the summer. (Drat!) I'm over in a different residential community over the summer... ya want directions? Send E-mail, or call me at 355-6861. Yup, the modem works. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: hi, I'm back. Date & Time: 05/30/91 00:18:00 Message Number 17213 >and you wouldn't believe the number of chicks I've ******* since I >got the car... Ah! So we're into beastiality now, are we? Trust me: stick with full-grown chickens. They're much more fun. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: JONBOY Subject: Republicans Date & Time: 05/30/91 00:21:23 Message Number 17214 >Too bad alternative parties have such a tough time breaking ground. To break ground, an alternative party needs lots of money. Any group that has lots of money wants to maintain the status quo. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: TURTLE Subject: chocolate Date & Time: 05/30/91 00:23:52 Message Number 17215 Bee-youtiful description of gourmet chocolate, especially the last line. Swiss chocolate is wonderful, but all that most Americans ever meet is Toblerone. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: TURTLE Subject: beliefs Date & Time: 05/30/91 00:25:56 Message Number 17216 I see no reason why records should not be labelled with something like: WARNING: This record contains profane language, sexual imagery, and intelligent lyrics. Heck -- it would tell the younger buyers which albums to purchase immediately... More seriously, if such a label were part of the cover (and not just the cellophane wrapping), it would be obvious to parents which albums their child bought that may not be up to their standards. Such voluntary labels would NOT be censorship, any more than listing ingredients in a package would restrict the quality of pre-packaged foods. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: RUFUS Subject: beliefs Date & Time: 05/30/91 00:30:59 Message Number 17217 Hey! Don't pick on George Will! Even if he does wear bow-ties. On the other hand, Rush Limbaugh deserves all the jokes he gets. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: RUFUS Subject: Religion Date & Time: 05/30/91 00:33:18 Message Number 17218 Sorry, Rufus. It's not from your school. (Actually, the original had "trouble" in for "shit," but I like the later version!) It's from some American philosopher -- and I can't remember his name. It got reprinted in U.S. News and World Report. =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: Mosquito God Date & Time: 05/30/91 00:35:41 Message Number 17219 Although some of my friends are fireflies, I am NOT one. Nor do I glow in the dark. Just got my wings a little crispier in the microwave, thank you. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: beliefs Date & Time: 05/30/91 00:38:01 Message Number 17220 I always find it interesting how many pages of information a newspaper has, and that CNN needs to repeat itself every hour. Hmmmm.... //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: DEATH FENNEC Subject: California ... Date & Time: 05/30/91 00:39:58 Message Number 17221 You're leaving us? *SNIFF!* Well, see ya, old chum. Good luck in fair California, and keep in touch! //Dragonfly// =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 05/30/91 02:24:26 Message Number 17223 >...if they continually hear this stuff on TV and the just >becomes acceptable to them to say those things and think about the >implications of the songs. By "say those things," I assume you mean use the colorful metaphors and expletives in the which I say "So what?" There is no such thing, and I mean /no/ such thing, as a "dirty" word. A word gets its meaning only from the society of the people who use it and the context its used in. Who cares if some word for sexual intercourse becomes acceptable to people? If this happens, it is no longer "dirty" at all, is it? As for thinking about the implications of the songs: If they were raised to believe that those implications are wrong, ie, that women are not to be treated as objects, etc, then once they start thinking about the implications of the songs they will probably stop listening to them. The idea that children get their morality and sense of ethics from pop music is downright silly. If the idea isn't there to begin with, they aren't gonna get it from a song, and if they were /not/ raised to believe that the ideas expressed in the song are wrong, they'd probably behave badly regardless of whether or not they ever listened to the music, hmm? =========== From: TURTLE To: SINDAR Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 05/30/91 02:33:03 Message Number 17224 > many cranks did it take you to start your car engine back >then? Don't laugh; I've done it. To a Bug. I needed to get somewhere, see, and my starter motor was fried, and the fan pulley nut is the same size as a lugnut, so...I used the lugwrench on the fan pulley. Damn near took my friggin' arm off, too. It was a lot O' work, but it started the car... =========== From: TURTLE To: ALL Subject: Stuff Date & Time: 05/30/91 02:38:49 Message Number 17225 The following people really ought to think about posting in the Den soon: Scott Steel The Specialist (I don't know if your character was close enough to over- hear the conversation between Tampa and Shandra, but the odds are good that he was...) Saavik Opus Ya know? =========== From: MAXIMILION To: SAAVIK Subject: verbal abuse Date & Time: 05/30/91 11:34:14 Message Number 17226 In the series of t"This is your brain on drugs" things, I saw a new posters at Camelot the other day...labeled "What if famous people's brains were on drugs"....Mikhail Gorbechev with the runny yolk that looked like the birthmark on his head, Ted Bundy's extra fried, Ronald Reagans' Scrambled, etc.... Most humourous....hahahah -Pete =========== From: KEN SABLE To: RUFUS Subject: California ... Date & Time: 05/30/91 13:00:12 Message Number 17228 I do have finals ... But I have requested that we wait until Wed. for our departure ... I'm not sure what Sindar is deciding, but since he -is- my only transportation, I'll have to go with what he decides. I think he is willing to wait until Wed. (Which is when school ends for me.) --- Sable =========== From: DEATH FENNEC To: DRAGONFLY Subject: California ... Date & Time: 05/30/91 15:50:01 Message Number 17229 Gee, tanx ... Hmm. Oh well, it seems that there are a few problems that have come up, that we do not think are helping the situation much at all. Therefore, it will be a little bit longer than what we had been expecting. Hmm. Oh well. Anyways, C-Ya! :) /! Death Fennec -- ;> =========== From: SINDAR To: RUFUS Subject: California ... Date & Time: 05/30/91 16:07:27 Message Number 17232 Exams...fuck, I aint even going to school anymore dude....let alone exams.....third muskateer....grrrr arf, ou shall be hung by your eye lashs over molten lava... Sindar =========== From: SINDAR To: TURTLE Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 05/30/91 16:10:29 Message Number 17233 > but it started the car... Ok yeah, but did the rubber band break? :) Sindar =========== From: RUFUS To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Religion Date & Time: 05/30/91 18:14:14 Message Number 17236 Bloody hell! Do you know if it's in the public domain or whatnot. I'd really like to publish it in QV... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: AL Subject: *yawn ^pop^* Date & Time: 05/30/91 18:39:41 Message Number 17237 The former First Mate sets his mug down, having noticed that none of the barmaids or bartenders seems in the least interested in giving him "another one of these". It occured to him to wonder about how he was going to get off this island. After all, not too many pirate ships are interested in signing on a "former" First Mate. And besides, did he really feel like going back to pirating? He looked over to the bunnymorph, who was looking quite frankly bored. "You know," he says to her, "you haven't said practically word one. If I didn't know better, I'd think that you were bored." She looks suprised, raises her eyebrows. And another thing that's bothering him...there are assorted murmurings around here about "trouble brewing"...and while he could take care of himself, he just plain didn't give a care about anyone else in here. So, he concluded mentally, why stick around and fight a battle which wasn't his? Because he had no way of leaving, and this establishment was for al practical purposes going to be his home until he could make up his mind about where he was going next. And how. He frowns, and the bunnymorph gets up, moves behind him, and starts massaging his back. "Y'know, this situation never would have occured at the Wyvern's Den." The bunny murmurs something in response, and continues working his neck. He couldn't quite be sure, but it sounded like she had said, "It's your fault." He spins around sharply, throwing her hands off. "What did you say?" She gives him another suprised look. "I said, 'It's alright'." She blinks. He takes her hands. "Sorry. Can I get a raincheck on this encounter?" She nods. He gets up and wanders over to Shandra. "Hello," he says by way of greeting. "Need some help?" =========== From: CHARLES DITTELL To: TURTLE Subject: chocolate Date & Time: 05/30/91 21:02:49 Message Number 17239 Whew: not a man to be wishy-washy about his opinions on chocolate!! Re Hershey's, have you tried its "Symphony">...very good (in this person's opinion)....also, the best chocolate I ever tasted was Baker's Milk Chocolate (I don't think they make it any more: they still make baking choc. and semi-sweet, but haven't seen Milk in 20 years)...second best is Godiva...or maybe one of the Northern European chocolates (Droste comes to mind....mmmmm)....  =========== From: CHARLES DITTELL To: RUFUS Subject: music Date & Time: 05/30/91 21:05:21 Message Number 17240 Hahahaha.....Geez...."Horse with no name" motivated me to steal a horse and go riding in the desert.... =========== From: CHARLES DITTELL To: RUFUS Subject: Picnick Date Date & Time: 05/30/91 21:06:17 Message Number 17241 Yes, you are 100% correct (as opposed to 88% correct)...thank you: PICNICK:::::::::SATURDAY, JUNE 8th, 10 AM to NOON::::::::::: =========== From: CHARLES DITTELL To: SAAVIK Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 05/30/91 21:07:27 Message Number 17242 Yes, if they _continually_ hear those songs, but that's where parental influence influences: you can't keep the kids from NEVER hearing a particular piece of music, but you CAN keep them from continually hearing it.... When a teen, I loved R&R - Elvis, "Earth Angel"....etc.....and I still don't dis-like that, but I also love classical, modern jazz, my early music experiences didn't turn me off to "serious" music.... =========== From: CHARLES DITTELL To: SAAVIK Subject: speed of board Date & Time: 05/30/91 21:09:51 Message Number 17243 I think it's your imagination: or should I re-set my modem to 2400???? =========== From: CHARLES DITTELL To: SAAVIK Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 05/30/91 21:10:38 Message Number 17244 Heheheh....I can't include "bee ridge extension" but the rest, I can definitely relate to!! :) =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: DRAGONFLY Subject: chocolate Date & Time: 05/31/91 04:18:55 Message Number 17245 Yes, Toblerone is good... Mmmmmmmm..... There is a variety of imported chocolates available at Wunderbar at the Sarasota Square Mall. They had some /real/ swiss hot cocoa that I would have bought if I had the $. L8R! -a Knight Owl that bites the head off first on those chocolate rabbits. =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: TURTLE Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 05/31/91 19:35:51 Message Number 17251 T> If they were raised to believe that those implications are wrong... T> then once they start thinking about the implications of the songs T> they will probably stop listening to them. Turtle, you never went against your parents' wishes simply to go against their wishes? You never rebelled just for the sake of rebellion? //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: KEN SABLE Subject: California ... Date & Time: 05/31/91 19:38:18 Message Number 17252 Great ta see you're still here! (Though you'd left.) //Dragonfly// P.S. You've got E-mail. =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: RUFUS Subject: Religion Date & Time: 05/31/91 19:43:03 Message Number 17254 Yup! It's in the public domain. But if ya publish it in QV, be sure to star out at least one character per line. (Maybe spell "shit" as "shi*"?) //Dragonfly// =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: isnlsdg Date & Time: 05/31/91 20:16:41 Message Number 17255 TS>Ah, me this, buy me, money, money. And you just say.... "No, No, No....." And you get.... "Wah! Wah! Wah!" Ain't kids great?! =========== From: SAAVIK To: RUFUS Subject: Maas Library,ha Date & Time: 05/31/91 20:18:26 Message Number 17256 What about this.... I got a library book thats, like, 8 years overdue. I lost it. I admit it. So I haven't been to our local library in 8 years...... think the new computer program may have forgotten who I am? =========== From: SAAVIK To: SINDAR Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 05/31/91 20:21:02 Message Number 17257 Yeah, I know what ya mean...... Valarie is walking around singing... ....."I don't want anybody else, when I think about you I touch myself" Oh, Great!!!! Oh, and she's been imitating Paula Abdul...... which at least is better than the "crotch grabbing" Madonna, eh? =========== From: SAAVIK To: SINDAR Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 05/31/91 20:23:22 Message Number 17258 SN> many cranks did it take you to start your car..... Hmmmm, coming from the guy who has a 1967 Mustang parked in his drive way......... I dunno.... How many Gerbils does it take to run those things...??? =========== From: SAAVIK To: SINDAR Subject: verbal abuse Date & Time: 05/31/91 20:24:49 Message Number 17259 SN> Mother, like children....sounds like your mentality level there, Saavik..... Naw, My kids are smarter than I am.... they aren't hanging around with YOU!!!!!! SN>...Queen of all that Bitches... And don't you forget it!!!!! =========== From: SAAVIK To: SINDAR Subject: Religious Logic Date & Time: 05/31/91 20:26:47 Message Number 17260 A race between Thumper and Turtle???? Naw...., Thumper's too lazy.... It would be like a remake of the Tortoise and the Hare.... Thumper would take a nap somewhere along the line.... and you know Turtle, he'd just use his "leap" thingie and probably end up in New Jersey somewhere..... looking for a mead. =========== From: SAAVIK To: SINDAR Subject: Pentacon Date & Time: 05/31/91 20:28:46 Message Number 17261 SN> Yeah sure Saavik.... and the Arf God eats cat food..... Gee, that's something I thought you'd never admit..... but I saw those empty cans of Friskies in your garbage can. =========== From: SAAVIK To: SINDAR Subject: back... Date & Time: 05/31/91 20:30:11 Message Number 17262 SA>how did you (Jonboy) break your toe..... SN>Probably by kicking some lady who asked stupid questions like "How did you break your toe..." You can be replaced, you know, your Arfness.......... =========== From: SAAVIK To: SINDAR Subject: California ... Date & Time: 05/31/91 20:32:11 Message Number 17263 If you guys think for one minute that you are going /anywhere/ without "mushy mushys" from Saavik, you are seriously mistaken!!!!!! =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Mosquito God Date & Time: 05/31/91 20:36:23 Message Number 17264 One question, can a Dragonfly with crispy wings still fly? Or are you forever grounded now...... =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: beliefs Date & Time: 05/31/91 20:37:20 Message Number 17265 Have you ever flipped channels during the "news hour" on the local networks...(of course you have....) It's amazing, the same stories, just different anchorpeople..... but what's strange is the different way they each present that same story...... =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 05/31/91 20:39:17 Message Number 17266 T>If they were raised to believe that those implications are wrong.... then once they start thinking about the implications of the songs they will probably stop listening to them. You have obviously been around /very/ few children. I'm talking 8 year olds here..... if Joe Schmoe down the street thinks the song is cool, and Little Tommy thinks that Joe Schmoe is cool, then Little Tommy is going to listen to the song whether he A)understands it...B)agrees with it's implications... or not. Welcome to Peer pressure 101.....your instructer is Life. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 05/31/91 20:43:02 Message Number 17267 T>I used the lugwrench on the fan pulley.... Just what exactly /works/ on the bug.... I mean besides the new ignition switch...... =========== From: SAAVIK To: MAXIMILION Subject: verbal abuse Date & Time: 05/31/91 20:45:19 Message Number 17268 They left out one on the poster at Camelot "What if famous people's brains were on drugs".... ..... Ronald McDonald in an Egg McMuffin. =========== From: SAAVIK To: SINDAR Subject: California ... Date & Time: 05/31/91 20:47:01 Message Number 17269 Don't you snap at Rufus!!!! Would you rather he'd said "Mousekateers?" =========== From: SAAVIK To: CHARLES DITTELL Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 05/31/91 20:50:06 Message Number 17270 I suppose you are right about the songs NOT influencing children over the long term basis.... I mean, I listened to "disco" when I was a teen and I turned out OK..... uh,....... OH NOOOOOO!!!!! I'm going to burn every Rap cassette in the house!!!!!! =========== From: SAAVIK To: CHARLES DITTELL Subject: speed of board Date & Time: 05/31/91 20:51:45 Message Number 17271 No..... do not adjust your monitor, do not adjust your modem..... and welcome to the twighlight zone.... ..... the board is still running at 1200 baud.... but this program sure is running better alla sudden... Our shelled one must have been tinkerin on it.... =========== From: SAAVIK To: CHARLES DITTELL Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 05/31/91 20:53:13 Message Number 17272 .....ah... I remember Drive In's well... 4 in the car and 4 in the trunk. I had this huge Buick (a 61 Invicta (sp?) that got like 7 miles to the gallon on a good day). We could smuggle a bunch of friends in that!!!!!, AND a cooler. The Bee Ridge extension was the place we all went to race..... fun... bu but dangerous..... =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 05/31/91 20:55:50 Message Number 17273 DrF>Turtle, you never went against your parents' wishes simply to go against their wishes? Touche! He must have been a "Rebel without a Shell" at some time in his life. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SAAVIK Subject: isnlsdg Date & Time: 05/31/91 23:03:23 Message Number 17274 SA>And you get... "Wah! Wah! Wah!" Ain't kids great? Oh, yeah. Really. I just |love| 'em. I hope anyone else has a million of 'em. I can't wait for my own. =========== From: TURTLE To: DRAGONFLY Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 06/01/91 00:34:55 Message Number 17275 >Turtle, you have never gone against your parents' wishes simply to go >against their wishes? You are missing my point. If parents raise their children to believe tha the values and ideals expressed in the type of music Saavik objects to are wrong, then those parents do not /have/ to forbid their children to listen to the music. Therefore, the children in question will not listen to the music to rebel, since they won't be rebelling by doing it. You cannot rebel against a restriction that does not exist. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 06/01/91 00:38:50 Message Number 17276 >You have obviously been around /very/ few children...Peer Pressure... If the child does not understand the implications of the song, it doesn't matter if he listens to it or not. It might as well be in Swahili for all the impact it's gonna have. If, on the other hand, the child /is/ old enough/mature enough to understand the implications of the song, and also has been brought up to believe that the ideals in the song are wrong, it's rather unlikely that he's going to suddenly trash all his ideals and upbringing to go out and start behaving like the song tells him to regardless of how "cool" he thinks it is. People don't work that way. If they did, all you'd have to do is record a song about listening to your parents and cleaning up your room ands all the problems facing parents today would evaporate, yesno? =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/01/91 00:42:38 Message Number 17277 >Just what exactly /works/ on the bug... Right now, everything except the carburetor and the brakes. It runs, although it idles fast and rough; it just don't stop very well. But that problem ought to be fixed by the time you read this... =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 06/01/91 00:44:21 Message Number 17278 >[Turtle] must have been a "rebel without a shell" at some time in his >life. Not really; I never had very strict parents, so I never went through the ritualistic bad-attitude rebellious pubescent teen thing. I just got into the habit of staying away from the house a lot; I'd leave the house Friday morning and come back Monday night, and my mother would say something like "You weren't around all weekend so I vacuumed your rug." My parents always figured I was smart enough to get myself out of any trouble I got myself into...and if not, well, call it a learning experience. =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: islands dog Date & Time: 06/01/91 01:33:42 Message Number 17280 >Ain't kids great?! "Mommy doesn't love me because Mommy won't buy me a Super Bat-Man Cape with real grappling hooks and twenty secret compartments! Waaah! And it only costs $250.99!" //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 06/01/91 01:36:05 Message Number 17281 Immediately stop her from listening to Paula Abdul! I know that Ms. Abdul LIKES Rush Limbaugh's radio show! //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: Mosquito God Date & Time: 06/01/91 01:37:49 Message Number 17282 This Dragonfly still buzzes around... but he looks even more like a Krispy Kritter to some other swamp creatures. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: beliefs Date & Time: 06/01/91 01:38:48 Message Number 17283 Yup. Though it's easier to compare newspaper stories. There's not really any unbiased sources of news around. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: TURTLE Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 06/01/91 01:41:45 Message Number 17284 But wouldn't normal parents think that listening to the music is an act of rebellion against those values? Wouldn't the child use it as such? //Dragonfly// =========== From: RED DRAGON To: TURTLE Subject: Software Trade Date & Time: 06/01/91 04:39:54 Message Number 17285 We got your number from an issue of Furry Bytes, and were wondering if you would be interested in software exchange. I represent a new BBS that will go online in October from Okinawa, Japan. 'NightCity' CYBERFURRIES!!! We will except any kind of programs in exchange for just about any kind of program you can think of! (Non-Commercial please) We will be using an APO in SF, CA for our home address, so mailing costs will be very low. We can read IBM 5.25 DS/DD, 3.5 DS/DD and Amiga 800k 3.5's so you can mail us in any one of those formats. We will call back here Tuesday night, If you leave your address, we will send you a sample of some of our stuff. We also will have Japanimation VHS tapes! =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: isnlsdg Date & Time: 06/01/91 10:59:12 Message Number 17286 Come on, Dave.... You know that there are more to kids than just "Buy me, buy me.. Wah Wah Wah!!" There are a lot of good things too and as soon as I think of a few.....I'll post them... =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 06/01/91 11:01:19 Message Number 17287 T>If parents raise their children to believe that the values and ideals expressed in the type of music Saavik objects to are wrong, then those parents do not /have/ to forbid their children to listen to the music. Therefore, the children in question will not listen to the music to rebel, since they won't be rebelling by doing it. Ah, if only it were that easy, Turtle.....but it's not. It's really not. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 06/01/91 11:04:24 Message Number 17288 It's not that the implications are going to "suddenly" make the child run out and do something completely out of character, Turtle. It's just ....ok.... some of the Two Live Crew lyrics..... blather about fucking and pussy and dick and all that..... now, my 8 year old has heard that before..... he knows that you don't go around saying these things.... but now he's heard this rap tune... with those words in it.... he hums it.... he sings it with his friends.... it's cool... even though he know I DON'T LIKE IT..... =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/01/91 11:07:30 Message Number 17289 By chance does that bug have a name yet? You really ought to give it a title.... besides "The Bug." =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 06/01/91 11:08:23 Message Number 17290 How fortunate you were not like a billion other kids whose parents put no restrictions on them... I believe that most of them are doing time some where... or in drug rehab.... or down at Palms Memorial about six feet under. My sister raised her last one like that....... he ended up really screwed up.... and in therapy... his words to her were.... you never cared what I did..... I did bad things to make you care..... =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: islands dog Date & Time: 06/01/91 11:10:49 Message Number 17291 DrF>"Mommy doesn't love me because Mommy won't buy me......." Actually, you know, I must say my kids know the meaning of "I don't have the money to buy that." Even though they are only 8 and 4... they don't toss fits when I say "No." to something they want me to buy. They are pretty reasonable about most things. =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 06/01/91 11:13:08 Message Number 17292 I can't stop her from listening and watching Paula Abdul... it's too cute... you should see her trying to dance like that. =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Mosquito God Date & Time: 06/01/91 11:14:02 Message Number 17293 DrF>This Dragonfly still buzzes around...but he looks even more like a Krispy Kritter to some other swamp creatures. Good thing we don't have any Kritters that eat insects in here... oh, hmmm. Do Turtles eat Dragonflys???? Hmmm. well, at least there aren't any Frogs about. =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: beliefs Date & Time: 06/01/91 11:16:13 Message Number 17294 DrF> There's not really any unbiased sources of news around. Well, you could always call Compuserve and read the news...... at what? $$$$$ an hour. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SAAVIK Subject: isnlsdg Date & Time: 06/01/91 17:30:10 Message Number 17295 SA>Come on, Dave...You know that there are more to kids than just... SA>...there are a lot of good things, too and as soon as I think of SA>a few...I'll post them... At any rate, I'm sure that the things that you could think of could be only considered good to a parent...tho...I await your pleasure... =========== From: CHARLES DITTELL To: SAAVIK Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 06/01/91 21:27:45 Message Number 17296 Hahahaha.. (re rap music)..... Hey, will you be at the Picnick? BTW, check message re different LOCATION of picnick! =========== From: CHARLES DITTELL To: SAAVIK Subject: speed of board Date & Time: 06/01/91 21:28:52 Message Number 17297 Ahhh....well, I may soon sell my 2400 bauder...hmmmmm... :) =========== From: CHARLES DITTELL To: SAAVIK Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/01/91 21:29:35 Message Number 17298 Ahhhh, I grew up where there was an equivalent to Bee Ridge Extension: a road where no one went, almost no crossroads...we used to race there too...I had a '56 Olds (well, my dad's).... Ah, fond memories... =========== From: CHARLES DITTELL To: ALL Subject: Picnick LOCATIO Date & Time: 06/01/91 21:31:00 Message Number 17299 Our upcoming Picnick LOCATION has been changed: new location will be posted here tomorrow at about 2:30 PM....(close by, tho!) =========== From: KEN SABLE To: DRAGONFLY Subject: California ... Date & Time: 06/02/91 00:22:10 Message Number 17300 Naaww .. I'm not in California yet ... Ah well, anyways, I got the message about the Con a TEENSY WEENY BIT too late ... Oh well, anyways, bye bye -- Sable =========== From: SINDAR To: SAAVIK Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/02/91 12:06:42 Message Number 17302 > coming from a guy who owns a Mustang/ sitting in drive way... True...but it is in the garage. And it is only in the garage because it leaks. Ok, I admit, its a piece of sh*t...major... I do belivev that it is a whopping 5 Hamster power. Sindar =========== From: SINDAR To: SAAVIK Subject: back... Date & Time: 06/02/91 12:09:57 Message Number 17303 Saav> You can be replaced your arfness.... Naw...ya said it yourself.....Arf Gods are ferever.... Sindar =========== From: CHARLES DITTELL To: ALL Subject: NEW PICNICK INF Date & Time: 06/02/91 14:34:45 Message Number 17304 NEW INFORMATION for our Sarasota Monthly Indoor... PPPPP IIII CCCCC NN NN IIII CCCCC KK KK !! PP PP II CC CC NNN NN II CC CC KK KK !! PP PP II CC NNNN NN II CC KK KK !! PPPPP II CC NN NNNN II CC KKKK !! PP II CC NN NNN II CC KK KK !! PP II CC CC NN NN II CC CC KK KK PP IIII CCCCC NN NN IIII CCCCC KK KK !! Sponsored by Suncoast City BBS and Wyvern's Den BBS (Wyvern's Den 'in absentia' temporarily) Incredible giveaways, Incredible food, Incredible talk! NEW TIME: When? Saturday, June 7th, 11 AM to Noon NEW PLACE: Walt's Fish Market, Rt.301 b'twn 5th & 6th St (East side) Who? ALL callers, sysops, friends, spouses, etc. Why? Because there will be great giveaways, great conversation and an inexpensive fun time!! (Last Picnick 'til FALL!!) For more details, call Suncoast City at (813)953-5505 You'll like Walts - costs about a buck more for lunch, but well worth it! Plenty of room, nice atmosphere....see you'all there! =========== From: CHARLES DITTELL To: ALL Subject: new info! Date & Time: 06/02/91 14:36:30 Message Number 17305 NEW INFORMATION for our Sarasota Monthly Indoor... PPPPP IIII CCCCC NN NN IIII CCCCC KK KK !! PP PP II CC CC NNN NN II CC CC KK KK !! PP PP II CC NNNN NN II CC KK KK !! PPPPP II CC NN NNNN II CC KKKK !! PP II CC NN NNN II CC KK KK !! PP II CC CC NN NN II CC CC KK KK PP IIII CCCCC NN NN IIII CCCCC KK KK !! Sponsored by Suncoast City BBS and Wyvern's Den BBS (Wyvern's Den 'in absentia' temporarily) Incredible giveaways, Incredible food, Incredible talk! NEW TIME: When? Saturday, June 7th, 11 AM to Noon NEW PLACE: Walt's Fish Market, Rt.301 b'twn 5th & 6th St (East side) Who? ALL callers, sysops, friends, spouses, etc. Why? Because there will be great giveaways, great conversation and an inexpensive fun time!! (Last Picnick 'til FALL!!) For more details, call Suncoast City at (813)953-5505 =========== From: CHARLES DITTELL To: SYSOP Subject: picnick Date & Time: 06/02/91 14:37:22 Message Number 17306 Hi - note my last message: the picnick will be at ELEVEN AM to Noon (or later) Walt's Fish Market - they also have chicken, salads, etc.... Please put out the word (so to speak)....see ya there...!!(?)! =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: is nails dug Date & Time: 06/02/91 17:24:16 Message Number 17307 S> You know that there are more to kids than just "Buy me, buy me.. S> Wah Wah Wah!!" Hmmm... how much did you pay for your children when you bought them? //Dragonfly// P.S. And did you get them on a blue light special? =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/02/91 17:26:48 Message Number 17308 How 'bout "The Splattered Bug"? //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 06/02/91 17:27:29 Message Number 17309 S> His words to her were... you never cared what I did... I did bad S> things to make you care... Precisely. Some parents put no restrictions on their children because they don't care. But one doesn't mean the other. =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: Mosquito God Date & Time: 06/02/91 17:29:48 Message Number 17310 No, so far as I know, Turtles don't eat Dragonflies. But there's enough OTHER predators out there to make us go crazy. Sheesh... why does Nature hate a pacifist? //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: beliefs Date & Time: 06/02/91 17:31:22 Message Number 17311 I included the A.P. newswire in an unbiased source of news... granted, it's a lot LESS biased than most any other news source. And, besides. I don't want to pay THAT much for the news. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: KEN SABLE Subject: California ... Date & Time: 06/02/91 17:33:41 Message Number 17312 For all I know, the Con is still going on... //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: CHARLES DITTELL Subject: new info! Date & Time: 06/02/91 17:34:55 Message Number 17313 Didn't I hear that somewhere before? //Dragonfly// =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SINDAR Subject: back... Date & Time: 06/02/91 18:13:04 Message Number 17314 Hey, now, don't knock Mustangs. They may be slow, but at least they're pretty...well, cute. Especially the newer ones. Ok, ok, so maybe they aren't even cute. Well, at least they put good tires on 'em. What for, I dunno... =========== From: BUSTER BUNNY To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Mosquito God Date & Time: 06/03/91 13:35:48 Message Number 17315 DrF> Sheesh... why does Nature hate a Pacifist? Well, Why do Humans hunt Foxes? For sport? What a cruel way to treat animals. Why do humans have to treat animals so bad? I mean, hell, Ken Sable Hates Dogs, and just like, shoves them away. Why? I would like to know why people have to hurt animals. I can understand maybe foir food, like Cows, but I mean, I could not go out, and just kill a dog, or a fox, or any othe animal for that matter. I do not, in a matter of speaking, like to hear of anybody, hurting animals. I even bitch at Ken Sable, when he gets pissed off at his cat, and he- throws it across the room. I tell him that if he throws the cat, I- will leave ... For I do not in the slightest believe in that. Why do Humans Hurt Animals...why?... Buster Bunny 6:B 6:B -- bunny with tongue hangin' out ... other way ... =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: BUSTER BUNNY Subject: Mosquito God Date & Time: 06/03/91 17:38:26 Message Number 17326 BB> [Long tirade about hurting animals] Hmmm... are you a vegetarian, then? Humans hunt foxes because it's fun to be cruel. Not many people would go out and kill -- just for pleasure... but there's still a number of hunters out there. Go figure. //Dragonfly// =========== From: CHARLES DITTELL To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Heheh.... Date & Time: 06/03/91 18:23:29 Message Number 17327 Well, the Picnick will at leave have all the room we need....the asst manager said they could accommodate up to 50 people. I happen to love their shrimp dinners (and scallops too!)...but their lunches are fine, too.... Anyway, hope we can get a good turnout.... =========== From: TURTLE To: RED DRAGON Subject: Software Trade Date & Time: 06/03/91 23:49:43 Message Number 17333 Well, hey, I'm definitely interested. If you are interested, I also have an extensive collection of .GIF, .MAC, and PICT-format graphics, including a great deal of Japanimation and Furry artwork. I have a fairly extensive library of MS-DOS, Amiga, and Macintosh software (PD and shareware) and even the odd bits of TRS-80, Apple, Kaypro-II, CP/M, Z-System, and H-86 software (grin). My mailing address is: Franklin Veaux 1895 Sanford Circle Sarasota, FL 34234 =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/03/91 23:58:16 Message Number 17334 >By any chance does that Bug have a name yet? RoboMouse, so called because of the "Mickey Mouse ear" floodlights on the roof. It got the name shortly after Rufus saw RoboCop (the original, not the hacked-up Frank Miller sequel). As a historical aside, my first Bug was named JSYS, since everyone knows a JSYS is a good vehicle for hackers... =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 06/04/91 00:00:04 Message Number 17335 >How fortunate you were not like a billion other kids whose parents put >no restrictions on them... That isn't the case at all. It's not that my parents put no restrictions on me; they simply told me what they thought was appropriate behavior, and /why/ they thought it was appropriate behavior, and figured that as a self-determining and sapient lifeform I was capable of figuring out the rest by myself. They also didn't bail me out whenever I got into trouble, like a number of the parents of the type you describe seem to do. If I got into trouble, it was my own damn problem and I had best figure how to get myself right back out again. There is some middle ground between the "total permisiveness" and "raise the kid as a carbon copy of ourselves" camps, ya know? =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 06/04/91 00:03:52 Message Number 17336 >I can't stop her from listening and watching Paula Abdul... Or 2 Live Crew. >'s too cute... you should see her trying to dance like that. You aren't /really/ being amused at your child's expense, are you? For shame, for shame. Tsk, tsk, tsk. =========== From: TURTLE To: CHARLES DITTELL Subject: new info! Date & Time: 06/04/91 00:06:29 Message Number 17337 >NEW PLACE: Walt's Fish Market, ... Chef Paul's threaten you with a major lawsuit or an impact fee? =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: back... Date & Time: 06/04/91 00:07:54 Message Number 17338 >Hey, now, don't knock Mustangs. They may be slow, but at least they're >pretty...well, cute. Oh, come on. Give credit where credit is due--some of the older 'Stangs have it where it counts. The Mach 1's and Shelby Cobras are pretty quick, all in all. Perfectly adequate. =========== From: TURTLE To: BUSTER BUNNY Subject: Mosquito God Date & Time: 06/04/91 00:09:43 Message Number 17339 Why do Humans Hurt Animals...why?... Because Humans Are Obnoxious. Humans don't treat /each other/ with respect; you don't REALLY expect them to treat other species with respect, do you? Besides, sometimes it's PROFITABLE to hurt animals... 'nuff said. =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: TURTLE Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/04/91 01:01:21 Message Number 17340 What's the 'JSYS ' stand for? =========== From: RED DRAGON To: TURTLE Subject: Software Trade Date & Time: 06/04/91 05:44:31 Message Number 17341 Kool!, We will get 3 sample disks out to ya, If you are looking for anything, tell me and I might be able to get it. Keep an eye out for our package. We will send you our address with the package, cause we are in process of moving. Catch Ya Later, DUDE!! =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: CHARLES DITTELL Subject: Heheh.... Date & Time: 06/04/91 08:40:50 Message Number 17342 Okay, you'll be seeing me there! (I was thinking about going to an event in Gainesville -- but, no real reason to, now.) //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: TURTLE Subject: new info! Date & Time: 06/04/91 08:43:09 Message Number 17343 You remember the last Picnick? And how cramped we were in the back room? And how some people (no names given, here...) couldn't even SIT in the back room? Sheesh -- we need to move to a much larger place. //Dragonfly// =========== From: SINDAR To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: back... Date & Time: 06/04/91 09:30:13 Message Number 17345 > dont knock mustang..... Naw dude.... I aint knocking them.... I wish mine was in better condition an all. Jus that the older ones, ya either got one thats in Mint condition or you dont, theres no inbetween. As for mine, now that we keep finding things, its getting farther and father away from mint everyday....trying to sell it now as it is. For someone who actually knows how to fix em up an all..... tis a good fixer up. The body though looks GREAT! Just wish they could put the Stang body on another car....ha!.... Sindar =========== From: SINDAR To: TURTLE Subject: Mosquito God Date & Time: 06/04/91 09:35:28 Message Number 17346 > animal treatment and stoff.... Well, it seems people treat animals in such ways because they can't hear them scream. They can't listen them say that it hurts. All they can see is their eyes looking back.... Would hearing the animals make people stop? No. Hell no. People are usually ignorant to others feelings. Personal gain has toppled self respect and respect for others that it is so commman now a days jus to push away others for yourself. It weaves itself into every aspect of life includeing that of pets.... hell, animals in general. Life sucks when someone has to kick a dog to take out their frustrations of work and the sort. Sindar =========== From: RUFUS To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Religion Date & Time: 06/04/91 12:44:06 Message Number 17347 Why splat out a character? Of course, it's Tuesday, school's more or less over Thursday, and we haven't even started the actual layout. Ghods, I want a Mac. =========== From: RUFUS To: SAAVIK Subject: Maas Library,ha Date & Time: 06/04/91 12:45:12 Message Number 17348 I don't know if you're name would still be listed. That computer system really sucks. But at least they got the worlds loudest dot matrix printers and people print out the screen instead of writing down the title and number. Aaarrghh... =========== From: RUFUS To: SAAVIK Subject: California ... Date & Time: 06/04/91 12:49:12 Message Number 17349 >Don't you snap at Rufus!!!! Awww...thanks...I feel loved now. Now that I think about it, I'm retracting my "Three Muskateers" in favor of "Three Stooges." :) =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/04/91 13:04:37 Message Number 17350 >It [RoboMouse] got the name shortly after Rufus saw RoboCop. Huh? Is my seeing RoboCop (which I first saw on video...five times in one day) important to the name of the Bug. I don't think I was related in naming the Bug. Or was I. I digress... =========== From: SINDAR To: RUFUS Subject: California ... Date & Time: 06/04/91 14:37:39 Message Number 17352 > Three Muskateers to Three Stooges..... How about.... "Three Blind Mice...." =========== From: GREATLEGS To: DRAGONFLY Subject: same Date & Time: 06/04/91 20:42:41 Message Number 17354 I changed my alias but not much. Wrote to sysop about dropping the previous one then couldn't come up with a new one. Nice to hear you 're a leg man.....Greatlegs. =========== From: GREATLEGS To: RAT Subject: alias Date & Time: 06/04/91 20:44:21 Message Number 17355 You're on! Now where is it? Rat's place, I mean.....Greatlegs =========== From: SAAVIK To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: isnlsdg Date & Time: 06/04/91 22:56:35 Message Number 17356 Naw, I think /anyone/ could understand some of the good points about kids whether they were a parent or not.... For instance, Marshall got an award of Excellence in Math today... that made me very proud of him.... and Valarie performed at the Van Wezel on Sunday and I was /very/ proud of her then... she was really cute... And just today she said...... "Your the best Mommy that I ever had." Aw... isn't that too cute? =========== From: SAAVIK To: CHARLES DITTELL Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 06/04/91 22:59:39 Message Number 17357 I'm not sure that I won't have to work on June the 8th... but if I can I'll go. New location? It's not going to be a Chef Pauls? =========== From: SAAVIK To: CHARLES DITTELL Subject: speed of board Date & Time: 06/04/91 23:00:50 Message Number 17358 CD>Ahhh....well, I may soon sell my 2400 bauder...hmmmm....:) Oh? Going to get a 9600 and break the sound barrier are you? =========== From: SAAVIK To: CHARLES DITTELL Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/04/91 23:01:49 Message Number 17359 CD> .....I had a '56 Olds... Ah, fond memories... Not all fond.... though... I had a Camaro I used to run out on the extension (actually turned 16's at DeSoto *yee ha*).... and I dated a guy who had a Firebird... I think it was a 68? Not sure.. anyway... he was racing me and he hit the shoulder and flipped the Firebird.... Scared the crud out of me!!!!! I was on two wheels doing a 360 in the road to go back and see if he'd killed himself or not... Luckily, the only thing that was damanged was the car.... =========== From: SAAVIK To: SINDAR Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/04/91 23:06:08 Message Number 17360 Hey!!! That Mustang is NOT a peice of sh*t. I still happen to like that car.... even if it does turn into a swimming pool on rainy days. It's still a cool car... I'll take your word about the Hamster Power... you ought to know, you have to feed them... but don't you think Thumper Two would like to go back to his cage now? He told me the smell of radiator water boiling makes him nauseus..(sp?)... =========== From: SAAVIK To: SINDAR Subject: back... Date & Time: 06/04/91 23:08:32 Message Number 17361 I think that should be "Arf Gods are Fur-ever." Woof!!!! =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: is nails dug Date & Time: 06/04/91 23:10:56 Message Number 17362 KO> P.S. And did you get them on a blue light special? (Kids) Hehehe. Funny you should say that... I met my husband when we were both working for Kmart (a billion light years ago) and he's always joking that he got me on a blue light special.... Hmph!!! Did not! I happen to remember that he paid FULL price!!!! =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/04/91 23:12:51 Message Number 17363 Drf>How 'bout "The Splattered Bug"? Hmmmm, more like "The Battered Bug." Although I imagine it's pretty splattered (with mud) after Turtle gets done with an off road adventure. =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 06/04/91 23:14:50 Message Number 17364 Drf>Some parents put no restrictions on their children because they don't care. Well, in some cases, they still love the kids, but they get the attitude that it's easier to let them do what they want than to enforce the restrictions and provide the consequences. Which conveys to the kids tha (that) they don't care.... =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Mosquito God Date & Time: 06/04/91 23:17:40 Message Number 17365 When I was a kid (Saavik launches into yet another childhood story) I used to play with Dragonflies. When they'd lit on the clothesline, I'd sneak up on them and slap them in my cupped hands. It would stun them just a little (never killed them)... then I'd carry them around and feed them stuff (like flies and balony) until they flew away again... ....... same with lizards... =========== From: SAAVIK To: BUSTER BUNNY Subject: Mosquito God Date & Time: 06/04/91 23:21:12 Message Number 17366 Maybe people hurt animals for the same reasons some parents hurt their children..... it's the pitts, isn't it? Like the guy who beats his dog with no mercy.... until one day the dog bites him... then what happens? The Dog gets taken to the pound and terminated.... =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/04/91 23:23:49 Message Number 17367 RoboMouse.... I like it... Yeah, and the car kinda looks like a two button Mouse too. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 06/04/91 23:25:03 Message Number 17368 T>There is some middle ground between the "total permisiveness" and "raise the kid as a carbon copy of ourselves" camps, ya know? Every child is different.. You can have three children... all raised by the same parents in the same house... and each one will turn out differently... with different tastes, etc... you have to raise each chil (child) as an individual and find the best way to "handle" him/her. At least that's been my experience. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: restrictions Date & Time: 06/04/91 23:27:24 Message Number 17369 My daughter is 4... I think it's safe to say that she won't be listening to 2 Live Crew at MY house or at her Preschool.... T>You aren't /really/ being amused at your child's expense, are you? Yep.... but I'm laughing with her NOT at her. She's really a pretty good little dancer. I would never Ridicule or laught AT her when she is doing something... this would discourage her... =========== From: SAAVIK To: SINDAR Subject: Mosquito God Date & Time: 06/04/91 23:31:42 Message Number 17370 Some animals do scream..... but many times it falls on deaf ears. And when an animal tries to defend itself against attack, then it is punished all the harder..... BUT, the law is beginning to prosecute the abusers of animals more everyday.... so maybe there will be more "Yips" of happiness, then "Howls" of pain.... =========== From: SAAVIK To: RUFUS Subject: Maas Library,ha Date & Time: 06/04/91 23:35:05 Message Number 17371 RF> least they got the worlds loudest dot matrix printers Yeah, and it's soooo quiet in the library.... then all of a sudden.... *Screeeeech screeeeech screeeeech* As the printer purrs (more like growls) to life. =========== From: SAAVIK To: RUFUS Subject: California ... Date & Time: 06/04/91 23:37:28 Message Number 17372 RF>.... retracting my "Three Muskateers" in favor of "Three Stooges." :) The Three Amigos??? Maybe??? ( I just got a visual of Martin Short, Chevy Chase, and Steve Martin singing in the desert). =========== From: SAAVIK To: SINDAR Subject: California ... Date & Time: 06/04/91 23:39:37 Message Number 17373 SN> How about.... "Three Blind Mice....." The "Three Arfs"??? Or how about... Hewey, Dewey and Louie. =========== From: TURTLE To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/05/91 04:21:15 Message Number 17378 >What's the 'JSYS ' stand for? Jump to System. It's a TOPS-20 supervisor call (TOPS-20 being the operating system for a DECsystem-20 mainframe, of course). There are almost a thousand of them, for doing all sorts of functions from file access to system maintenance. A catalog of 'em makes a printout six inches thick (I have two of 'em). =========== From: TURTLE To: SINDAR Subject: Mosquito God Date & Time: 06/05/91 04:23:49 Message Number 17379 >Personal gain has toppled self respect and respect for others... So what else is new? That was old news about the time the species was first developing the concept of language. =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/05/91 04:25:05 Message Number 17380 >I don't think I was related in naming the Bug. I believe you coined the word "robomouse," you dip! >Or was I. Um...see above. >I digress. And distress. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/05/91 04:27:25 Message Number 17381 >Although I imagine it's pretty splattered (with mud) after Turtle gets >done with an off road adventure. You ain't kiddin', either. I've had "off road adventures" where I've come back with the only part of the Bug that's visible being these two arcs on the windshield where the wipers are. The rest of the car just gets buried... =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/05/91 04:29:30 Message Number 17382 Yeah, and the car kinda looks like a two button Mouse too. So what the hell kind of mouse do /you/ have attached to your computer, anyway? I ain't never seen one what looks like that! =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: ALL Subject: Trivia Date & Time: 06/05/91 08:06:34 Message Number 17383 Trivia question: Which war made the first use of a submarine, and what was the name of that submarine? //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: RUFUS Subject: Religion Date & Time: 06/05/91 08:09:41 Message Number 17384 R> Why splat out a character? So as not to offend people, silly. People feel (for some really strange reason) much less offended when they see "sh*t" than "shit" in a magazine. Anyone have any ideas why? //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: GREATLEGS Subject: same Date & Time: 06/05/91 08:12:35 Message Number 17385 GL> Nice to hear you're a leg man. Va-va-voom! Stop by more often, eh? //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: i snail sand go Date & Time: 06/05/91 08:14:40 Message Number 17386 > And just today she said.... "Your the best Mommy that I ever had." Just wait 'till they're teenagers. Then they'll say you're the worst mother they've ever had! //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/05/91 08:17:54 Message Number 17387 Pardon my ignorance, but what's "turning 16's at DeSoto"? But I know the feeling, real well. My father had a Mercedes 450-SL, which he would NOT let me touch. But he did, twice, "triple the double nickle" in it when I was riding... (165 mph is FAST!) //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/05/91 08:22:23 Message Number 17388 S> Although I imagine it's pretty splattered (with mud) after Turtle S> gets done with an off road adventure. I remember one of those! Three of the FIVE of us (I think it was five) had to get out, while the bug tried to work its way up a steep hill. Trust me: it's not just the bug that gets splattered in one of those adventures. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: Mosquito God Date & Time: 06/05/91 08:26:22 Message Number 17389 Sigh... if only Dragonflies had stings... or could breathe just a wee bit of fire... And about doing that to lizards... trying to get back on what dino- saurs did to your ancestors? //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: Mosquito God Date & Time: 06/05/91 08:30:14 Message Number 17390 Going on a completely different subject, my roommates have brought in two spiny mouses: Isis and Nefertiti (sp?). It's utterly amazing watching them: a lot of what they do looks like completely cat-like behavior, except at double the speed. I hope I mentioned the "Teenage Mutant Hamsters" that are around? (Unfortunately, not radioactive.) //Dragonfly// =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: SAAVIK Subject: isnlsdg Date & Time: 06/05/91 17:32:51 Message Number 17394 Snif. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Trivia Date & Time: 06/05/91 17:39:25 Message Number 17395 1801, American civil engineer Robert Fulton (1765-1815) produces the first "true" submarine "Nautilus". Exactly 100 years later, the first British submarine was launched. =========== From: CHARLES DITTELL To: ALL Subject: Picnick News Date & Time: 06/05/91 18:58:45 Message Number 17396 I'm exhausted, draggin' out boxes of good stuff for the picnick! So, far, I've gotten over 150 books, hdcvr & sftcvr, about half sci-fi including the classics (Heinlin, etc), Analog magazines, lots of electronics, some lighting/lamps, etc.....I gotta give it away, so please help me out and come to the picnick this Saturday!! Whew, back to the boxes...oh, I'll bring plenty of plastic bags too.... =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Trivia Date & Time: 06/05/91 23:14:26 Message Number 17398 Hmmmm... real, real close answer. Just one question: What's the difference between a "true" submarine and its predecessors? And name a "false" submarine that was actually used in a war before 1801. (Okay, okay... two questions. Well, then... three. Which war was it?) //Dragonfly// =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: TURTLE Subject: mice & bugs Date & Time: 06/06/91 19:34:59 Message Number 17400 I forget who makes it, but there's a mouse that looks like this --> ) <- at least as far as the shape goes, it looks like a bug [well.. kinda]. L8R! Kight Owl =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Trivia Date & Time: 06/06/91 19:54:16 Message Number 17401 I don't know. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE, DRAGONFLY Subject: Hey! You awake? Date & Time: 06/06/91 20:05:21 Message Number 17402 Ok, people have stopped posting in the Den. I move that we bring the Wyverns Den back to aLTER rEALITY...and pick it up right after Angel's departure. Seconds? =========== From: TURTLE To: DRAGONFLY Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/06/91 22:30:02 Message Number 17404 >Pardon my ignorance, but what's "turning 16's at DeSoto"? Making quarter-mile runs in sixteen seconds at DeSoto Raceway, pre- sumably. That isn't really terribly fast, actually. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Hey! You awake? Date & Time: 06/06/91 22:32:53 Message Number 17405 >I move that we bring the Wyverns Den back... I don't think Watts would go for that, considering he now lives a very long distance, telephonically speaking, from here and therefore would be unable to moderate it. Right now it's ceased to exist entirely, seeing how the only board that carried the echo version is down. =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: CHARLES DITTELL Subject: Relationships Date & Time: 06/06/91 23:58:05 Message Number 17406 Ways to break out???? Nawwwwwww.....being a reptile about to slither away from his second mate, I'm one to be talking to (or about..hehe). Well, both times we kind of slithered away form each other. Time to shed or something I guess. I'm an old fashioned sort of serpent thou, would much prefer to fight then switch, but it takes two to make it work and only one to make it fail...... =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: G. Larson Date & Time: 06/07/91 00:00:53 Message Number 17407 >>>Sam Gross..... Yeah, I believe I am a little familiar with him. Have you ever seen any of Kliben's work? He's done a lot of different rags and he's got out some books....ehhh, errrrr ahhhh, "Tiny Footprints and other drawings", "Two guys fooling around with the moon", "Whack your porcupine and other drawings" and my favorite, "Never eat anything bigger than your head". Good stuff, but some of them a pretty deep. Some are not, like his series on Genitals of the Universe. ssssssssssssssssssssssSS =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: SAAVIK Subject: hung up on GOD? Date & Time: 06/07/91 00:04:47 Message Number 17408 >>>holds up a placcard "8.5" ....but the Russian judge gives him a "9.8" taking originality and risk into concideration. "....IN YOUR DREAMS, LONELY REPTILE!!!" Allen Funt replies. (sorry for the sporadic logons....things aren't very stable here at ground zero right now....) =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: SINDAR Subject: Pres. Quayle Date & Time: 06/07/91 00:08:31 Message Number 17409 >>>>smash and smash and SMASH.... A cheap plug for a Sledge-O-Matic, no doubt. Just be sure you see the seal turn green first, that means the flavor is locked in....hehe =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: SCOTT STEEL Subject: hung up on GOD? Date & Time: 06/07/91 00:10:00 Message Number 17410 >>>>(Brady Bunch theme in background)...I hate it even more now. I used the theme most DEFINITELY in a sense or repentance, to punish myself horribly. The show always made my skin come loose from just behind the finger nails and rolls ever so slowly back up my arms until it acheived a turtle-neck (excuse that Turtle) like appearance around my throat. There are many test patterns I'd watch instead.....YEEEUCK!!!! Don't ask me why the song came to me, I thinks it's something to do with the water. =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: TURTLE Subject: Pres. Quayle Date & Time: 06/07/91 00:16:17 Message Number 17411 >>>freeze your brain...futzes your perception. I knew there was a good reason to stop snorting freon. Thanx....hehe =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Trivia Date & Time: 06/07/91 15:17:27 Message Number 17412 I'm going to see if anyone else wants to take a shot at the question before I answer... ...Turtle? //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Hey! You awake? Date & Time: 06/07/91 15:18:18 Message Number 17413 Okay, okay... I'll start posting in the Den. Sheesh! Now, what was my character's name again? BTW, I do NOT recommend bringing back the Wyvern's Den. The story was propelled along by Angel's work, and she's no longer calling us. (Sob!) When Donthen was around, he was also really good at bringing forward the story. Neither is around, now. Heck, the only professional writer we have here is Turtle. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: TURTLE Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/07/91 15:21:58 Message Number 17414 >Making quarter-mile runs in sixteen seconds... isn't really terribly >fast. Seventy-five miles per hour, sez my old slide rule. But if it's starting from a standing position, that's a damn lot of acceleration needed to get up there. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: hung up on GOD? Date & Time: 06/07/91 15:29:44 Message Number 17415 > come loose from just behind the finger nails... Snakes have finger nails? And what's so unusual about a snake shedding its skin? //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: ALL Subject: Wesley, Move 2 Date & Time: 06/07/91 15:38:37 Message Number 17416 As he gets off the 'craft, some long-tailed morph [Shandra] said "Hello" to the young human. He smiled back. He loved the tail. He wandered over to the Den, where Louis is waiting. Before Louis has a chance to ask, Wesley pulls out an I.D. card, and shoves it in Louis' hand. The card, a driver's licence from Georgia, had his 3-D picture, the name of Wesley Simmons, a birthdate that would make him twenty-one years old, a statement that Wesley was born free (and not a slave), and gave his physical dimensions fairly closely. The signature of the Transportation General was illegible. Underneath the driver's license was a hundred-credit note. The license was patently fake: there was no magnetic strip on the back, for example. And Georgia never went through the expense of a full hologram on their driver's licenses. And Louis could really care less about the age of someone who enters the Den. But he pocketed the note, and waved Wesley in. He wandered over to the bar, and tried to look macho. There was nobody behind the counter. "Hey! What do I have to do to get service around here!" he shouted to no one in particular. =========== From: KNIGHT OWL To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: G. Larson Date & Time: 06/07/91 22:51:06 Message Number 17418 No, I haven't seen his stuff... I'd like to find out about where it's available though. L8R! Knight Owl =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: DRAGONFLY Subject: hung up on GOD? Date & Time: 06/08/91 02:22:53 Message Number 17419 >>>Snakes have finger nails..... I keep mine on my key chain right beside my rabbit's foot. And nothing is unusual about a snake shedding its skin. The problem is when you do it about three weeks early and you have to put it back on....ouch!! Lived in a Christmas wrapping paper tube for a week one day, don't care to do it again no time soon. Oh yeah...caught a relative of yours in my living room the other night. Sucker had a good six inch wing span and dive bombed us before we (mercifully) captured and released him/her (I don't know how you tell) outside. Pretty thing...... =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: KNIGHT OWL Subject: G. Larson Date & Time: 06/08/91 02:29:02 Message Number 17420 Kliban's stuff? Should be at any decent book store in the same area as the FarSide stuff and little short wide funny works like that. His books are published the same size as the FarSide stuff (ie Beyond the FarSide, The FarSide, In Search of the FarSide, It Came From the FarSide Night of the Crash Test Dummies, Hound of the FarSide, Valley of the FarSide, The FarSide Observer, Bride of the FarSide and Wildlife Preserves. That's the only ones of Larson's I've got ). =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/08/91 10:25:53 Message Number 17423 >....the only part of the Bug that's visible being these two arcs on the windshield where the wipers are. Robomouse in Mud =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/08/91 10:27:09 Message Number 17424 >...what the hell kind of a mouse do /you/ have.... I ain't never seen one that looks like that! I don't have a mouse. (this could explain a few things eh? ) =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: i snail sand go Date & Time: 06/08/91 10:28:41 Message Number 17425 >..wait 'till they're teenagers. Then they'll say you're the worst mother they've ever had! I know... everyone keeps warning me about this... uhg.. I don't think I could handle their rejection of me.... (sniffle) =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/08/91 10:30:29 Message Number 17426 Triple the double nickel.... (165 mph) Wow.. that's fast... Turning 16's meant that my time on the quarter mile was 16 secs. =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Mosquito God Date & Time: 06/08/91 10:32:18 Message Number 17427 >....trying to get back on what dinosaurs did to your ancestors? Naw, they were my pets..... What can I say? I was an easily amused kid. =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Mosquito God Date & Time: 06/08/91 10:33:28 Message Number 17428 Teenaged Mutant Hamsters? ARG! =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/08/91 10:35:19 Message Number 17429 >Making quarter-mile runs in sixteen seconds at DeSota Raceway. That isn't rally terribly fast, actually. Hmmph! Well, it wasn't bad for a seventeen year old girl with a 283 small block..... and I checked... my best time was a little bit faster but not much... who cares anyway, right? =========== From: SAAVIK To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: hung up on GOD? Date & Time: 06/08/91 10:38:17 Message Number 17430 >(sorry for the sporadic logons...things aren't very stable here at ground zero right now...) Earthquake? Yeah, I'm riding out the eye of a storm myself... =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/08/91 10:40:24 Message Number 17431 >...(turning 16s)...that's a damn lot of acceleration needed to get up there... :) Thank you... at least somebody appreciates my dubious accomplishment as a redneck teenager. By the way... I used to disqualify myself a lot by red lighting... (over anxious gas pedel!) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/08/91 17:49:00 Message Number 17432 DFY>Pardon my ignorance, but what's "turning 16's at DeSoto"? T>Making quarter-mile runs in sixteen seconds at DeSoto raceway, presum- T>ably. That isn't really terribly fast, actually. Understatement of the year. But you gotta understand, that is flat out hauling for a GM product. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Hey! You awake? Date & Time: 06/08/91 17:51:21 Message Number 17433 Ok, we find another moderator. I nominate you. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Hey! You awake? Date & Time: 06/08/91 17:53:44 Message Number 17434 The story was NOT propelled along by Angel's work, as a matter of fact, I found a lot of her stuff boring...especially those useless rhymes she used to post. I simply control X'ed a lot of them. I think that Rufus, Turtle, Max and Me all got along fine before Angel, and I think that it could be done again. (Assuming, of course, that Max would post...and Rufus...Ah, you can never go home.) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: DRAGONFLY Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/08/91 17:57:03 Message Number 17435 DFY>Seventy-five miles per hour... Again, not terribly fast... DFY>...if it's starting from a standing position, that's a damn lot of DFY>acceleration needed to get up there. It's a FAIR amount. How about an ending speed of 225 miles per hour? Howzzat strike ya? What's your slide rule say about that? (Completes in about 5 seconds or so.) Now, THAT'S a "damn lot" of acceleration! I figger my Mopar could do about a 13 or 14 second quarter mile as it stands, but when I get that decent rear end and the sixpack put on, it's gonna do a 12 and some change.... What's your slide rule say about that? =========== From: RUFUS To: TURTLE Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/09/91 13:08:11 Message Number 17436 Umm....when did the car get the name RoboMouse? I had never seen the car till November of 1989. But, if you want to credit me with the name, that's fine with me. =========== From: RUFUS To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Religion Date & Time: 06/09/91 13:10:27 Message Number 17437 > So as not to offend people, silly. Oohh...well, if I didn't want to offend anyone, then I wouldn't be publishing anything, now would I? I'd offend someone out there. Besides, I've already distributed the magazine. =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: ALL Subject: Parents... Date & Time: 06/09/91 17:50:46 Message Number 17438 Just got a bit of a shock. My parents, down in Mexico, have typhoid fever. They're okay -- they just got out of the hospital yesterday -- but they're still shaken up. More news later. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: hung up on GOD? Date & Time: 06/09/91 17:52:40 Message Number 17439 >...and released him/her... Thanks! Actually, a similar incident gave me this moniker. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: i snail sand go Date & Time: 06/09/91 17:54:22 Message Number 17440 >I don't think I could handle their rejection of me... Teenagers never really reject their parents... Think of it like a kite. You begin flying the kite, and slowly let out more string, as it sails higher and higher. Occasionally, there's a crash, and you need to do some mending. But one lucky day, you let your kite out, and you see it climb higher and higher into the sky, until it's free of gravity, and free from your control. Of course, that 'kite' may want a little extra string when he comes home from college... //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/09/91 17:58:20 Message Number 17441 >Turning 16's meant that my time on the quarter mile was 16 secs. From a standing start? //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: Mosquito God Date & Time: 06/09/91 17:59:20 Message Number 17442 >Teenaged Mutant Hamsters? ARG! Yes, but they're cute creatures. And they never learned ninjitsu. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: SAAVIK Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/09/91 18:01:10 Message Number 17443 ...just thinking about trying to put the Stubborn Hamster, or the Green Bitch in one of those drag races. More like turning 61s.* //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Hey! You awake? Date & Time: 06/09/91 18:02:46 Message Number 17444 >I think that Rufus, Turtle, Max and Me all got along fine before >Angel, and I think that it could be done again. Granted. I was a supporting actor. But once Angel came on, she recruited Max into her plot-line, then forced it on us. Face it: it was a good one. (Even if you didn't like her poetry.) //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/09/91 18:05:01 Message Number 17445 >I figger my Mopar could do about a 13 or 14 second quarter mile as it >stands, but when I get that decent rear end and the sixpack put on, >it's gonna do a 12 and some change... What's your slide rule say about >that? *ERROR* I think you broke it. //Dragonfly// =========== From: DRAGONFLY To: RUFUS Subject: Religion Date & Time: 06/09/91 18:06:37 Message Number 17446 >...then I wouldn't be publishing anything, now would I? I'd offend >someone out there. I'm siccing the Legion of Moral Standards on you. Worse than that, I'm going to let the Council for Americanisms, the Republican Conservative Society, and the E. I. B. Network know that you used the word 'Belgium' in a non-poetic form. //Dragonfly// =========== From: HACMAN To: TURTLE Subject: politics Date & Time: 06/09/91 18:49:23 Message Number 17447 >People don't agree with me about anything involving interpersonal rrelationships or politics very often. Well I've heard about the interpersonal relationships, whats your view toward politics? Personally I wouldn't give you a plugged nickle for any of'm. My biggest gripe: always saying the govt. needs more money. All the while people like Sununu fly all over the place, cutting back services to cities, cutting back health services, considering raising the retirement age a few years ago, stuff like that. AND leaving people like the Kurds hanging while we decide what to do if anything. =========== From: HACMAN To: SAAVIK Subject: True Freinds Date & Time: 06/09/91 18:57:23 Message Number 17448 >Why? For your own peace of mind, thats'll continue to bother you until you know why exactly why he chose to end the frienship. Oh, quite the contrary. I think very little of him now. He is, in my opinion, a small person. I could see by his attitude when he told me point blAnk our friendship was over, that he no longer had ANY interest in continuing the friendship. I tried to get him to give me a reason... ......NADA. It actually made me angry at first, but that was over with in a short time. After that, I consider him just somebody I knew once. Maybe I'm a small person too, for not giving a damn what happens to him now, but as fas as I'm concerned, he brought it on himself. Now I'm not trying to say the demise of our friendship was his fault. For all I know, he might have had a legitimate reason for being upset with me. I'll never know and personally I don't care. If he was not man enough to talk to me, then I have no reason to talk to him. Finis. =========== From: HACMAN To: SAAVIK Subject: bones Date & Time: 06/09/91 19:07:12 Message Number 17449 >Not all real bones splinter...... Hmmm. I'll have to talk to him. Are those rawhide or those nyla-bones any good. I'd think they'd get lodged in their intestines =========== From: HACMAN To: SAAVIK Subject: breaking habits Date & Time: 06/09/91 19:09:11 Message Number 17450 Well I wont chastise you, cause I've done it too. JUst keep trying for your own health and because of your loved ones. I, so far, have not cheated. I'll be thinking of you.... =========== From: TURTLE To: SNAKEBYTE Subject: Pres. Quayle Date & Time: 06/09/91 23:23:56 Message Number 17452 >I knew there was a good reason to stop snorting freon. "This is your brain. This is your brain on ice." I hope you at least snort the kind that /doesn't/ eat the ozone, ya know? =========== From: TURTLE To: DRAGONFLY Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/09/91 23:25:56 Message Number 17453 >But if it's starting from a standing position... Of /course/ it's starting from a standing position. That's what drag racing is all about. And you're going a heckuva lot faster than 75 when you get to the finish line, too. Actually, sixteen seconds is about what you can expect a stock Corvette or something along those lines to finish a quarter mile in. A rodded-out Nova with a four-barrel will do it in about fourteen, something like The Specialist's car with six-pack installed can probably make it in twelve or thirteen, and a racing Bug with turbo-charged, nitro-packed engine will do it in about eleven. Faster than that and you gotta be burning something besides gasoline. Top fuel rail dragsters and funnycar will generally do it in seven. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/09/91 23:31:55 Message Number 17454 >Robomouse in Mud. RoboMouse in Traction, right now. I got the engine and tranny work done and it just purrs smooth as silk now, but the *#$% brakes are futzed. There's a hole in one of my brake lines that you can almost poke your finger in, and the damn line's kind of an integral part of the chassis. Can't really see any rational way to replace it. Grr. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/09/91 23:34:13 Message Number 17455 >Triple the double nickel... Wow.. that's fast... Telephone poles look like a picket fence/The lines on the road look like dots. Or something to that effect. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/09/91 23:35:17 Message Number 17456 >Hmmph! Well, it's /not/ very fast! >Well, it wasn't bad for a seventeen year old girl with a 283 small >block... It's still not very fast. And what's the seventeen got to do with it? When Carey (a former roommate of mine) was seventeen she was turning high 13's in a '63 Challenger... =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/09/91 23:37:27 Message Number 17457 >But you gotta understand, that is flat out hauling for a GM product. Guess that 'splains why they can't get much better outta 'vette even with a 350, huh? =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Hey! You awake? Date & Time: 06/09/91 23:38:30 Message Number 17458 >Ok, we find another moderator. Yeah, I'll bet Max'd just friggin' /love/ that. >I nominate you. Oh, good...get /me/ in trouble! =========== From: TURTLE To: RUFUS Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/09/91 23:40:08 Message Number 17459 >Umm...when did the car get the name RoboMouse? Fairly recently, like sometime last year. I believe you actually dubbed it RoboMouse /on this board/, you nitwit. I suppose I /could/ wade through all my archive files and look for the post... =========== From: TURTLE To: DRAGONFLY Subject: i snail sand go Date & Time: 06/09/91 23:41:55 Message Number 17460 >But one lucky day, you let your kite out...until it's free from your >control. take advantage of any aeronautics courses that may happen your way...kites don't work if they aren't tethered. The principle by which they fly is almost the opposite of the principle by which an airplane wing works...they depend on high drag and high attack angle to stay up. As a result, if you let go of 'em they fall down go boom, eventually. You ever notice how kites don't glide very well? Rather low stall speed, that's why. =========== From: TURTLE To: HACMAN Subject: politics Date & Time: 06/09/91 23:46:25 Message Number 17461 >...what's your view toward politics? That it's a damn silly enterprise. That spending so much money to defend a country from real or imagined enemies that you can't afford to maintai your own infrastructure, feed your population, or control crime is ridiculous--and counterproductive. That if you want to take away some- one's right to do something you better be able to show a damn good reason for it--and I mean a reason other than "Well, if little Sally reads this book she might grow up bad". Any other questions? :) =========== From: SAAVIK To: ALL Subject: Zameel Date & Time: 06/10/91 01:18:06 Message Number 17462 As he stepped off of the ship, he cleared his throat and spat a stream of flem past the dock and into the water. Several heads turned in his direction and he shot them a glare that made them quickly look away. He was an evil looking fellow.. Tall and large boned... not an ounce of spare flesh on him but he went a good 240 lbs. A crab sidled across the dock in front of him and he placed one booted foot over it and smiled as it crunched beneath his weight. "Officer's Ashore!!!" He yelled over his shoulder in his deep demanding voice, then he started walking down the dock toward the market place, about 5 men trailing behind him. The men were looking here and there with interest but the man was moving with determination... swift and sure... past the market place and up the path. He didn't slow until he reached the pair of Bear Morphs at the door of the Den. "G'day, Louis." He greeted and shook the Bouncers hand heartily. Louis' smile was more of a grimace... "Zameel! Welcome back." Spoken half heartedly. "I'll have to take your pistol." Louis glanced around the large frame to the other crewmen. "And yours as well.." Zameel pulled the pistol off his belt and handed it to Louis without batting an eye then started to walk by. A large furry arm blocked his path. "And the knife on your right boot, Zameel." Louis locked glares with the large human. Zameel stared him down a moment then with a sigh, he leaned down and pulled out the knife... he paused before trying to pass again. Louis gave him one final glare, then removed his arm from Zameel's path. "Have a nice day." The Bear Morph chuckled deeply. As the crew piled past, following Zameel and handing the Bouncer's their weapons, Louis ted the last time Zameel had visited... It had taken 2 days to clean up the mess from the brawl. Tampa would be "thrilled" to see him, he thought drily. Zameel entered the Den, glancing around as his eyes adjusted to the darkness. He brought a hand to the stubble on his chin and stared =========== From: SAAVIK To: SAAVIK Subject: Zameel Date & Time: 06/10/91 01:22:03 Message Number 17463 Zameel entered the Den, glancing around as his eyes adjusted to the darkness. He brought a hand to the stubble on his chin and stared at Shandra as she stood by the entrance to the brothel. "Shandra, Ole' girl.. Happy to see me? I'll be needing a room for the night.... and all the ammenities." =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Hey! You awake? Date & Time: 06/10/91 16:14:18 Message Number 17465 DFY>...recruited Max More like drafted... DFY>...then forced it on us. On you all, not me. I was gone, member? DFY>Face it: it was a good one. It was ok, I guess. Convoluted, complex, as boring as a poor murder/ mystery. But overall, it was a good idea. (Must say, was more original than mine!) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: DRAGONFLY Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/10/91 16:16:43 Message Number 17466 TS>What's your slide rule say about that? DFY> *ERROR* DFY> I think you broke it. Come outta the pre-renassance days! Break down and buy a calculator. Yes, it's neato and quaint that you can use one, but I stopped using one as soon as I started misplacing my decimals...calculators *so* much easier! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/10/91 16:20:25 Message Number 17467 T>...a rodded-out Nova will do it in about fourteen, [etc] Hmmm. Probably I'm wrong (I almost always am whenever I am at variance with you) but I think your estimates may have been a bit on the conservative side by about 3/4 of a second or so.... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/10/91 16:22:44 Message Number 17468 T>and the damn line's kind of an intgral part of the chassis. Bypass surgery...doc. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/10/91 16:23:41 Message Number 17469 SA>Triple the double nickel... Wow. Uh huh. I've done it, but it's expensive. Got a speeding ticket... But it's fun...! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/10/91 16:24:51 Message Number 17470 T>high 13's in a '63 Challenger. 63? Didn't know they made 'em that year. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/10/91 16:25:52 Message Number 17471 T>Guess that 'splains why they can't get much better outta 'vette even T>with a 350, huh"? Well, really, depends on what year you are talking about...I've seen some really kickass Vettes. (Hell, got beat by several, in my Camaro! and even one in my Charger!) Best Vette engine they made was a 327/350 HP Hi-Rise. Nice, Nice engine...strictly business, no-nonsense type car. Course, they beat 'em at NASCAR with Petty's 71 RT (what else?) Charger. Still though, very nice for the street. =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Hey! You awake? Date & Time: 06/10/91 16:29:22 Message Number 17472 Well, no one is posting in the Den! I hate adding to a storyboard by myself!!! =========== From: HACMAN To: TURTLE Subject: politics Date & Time: 06/10/91 21:12:53 Message Number 17473 Well it certainly sounds like you have your mind made up. Ever consider joining politics to help correct the scituation? I'd bet you'd probably be asassinated for not wanting to play ball. I'd like to think I'd be a honest politician. Kind of a contradiction in terms huh? =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/10/91 22:24:09 Message Number 17474 >It's still not very fast. Maybe not!!! But it was fun... and when you are in the car... it seems awful fast...... =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/10/91 22:25:12 Message Number 17475 >Telephone poles look like a picket fence I'd like to go that fast... but with someone else driving!!! I think I'd wet my pants if I was driving. =========== From: SAAVIK To: TURTLE Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/10/91 22:26:22 Message Number 17476 Arg... poor RoboMouse.... where's the Bug Doctor when you need him? =========== From: SAAVIK To: HACMAN Subject: bones Date & Time: 06/10/91 22:28:35 Message Number 17477 A dog has a real rough time actually chewing up a nyla-bone... so they are the best bet... but a dog will get bored with them too. Those rawhide chewies and bones get soft and a dog can actually swallow them. Especially the small ones  I've assisted the vet in removing them from the intestines before. But lot's of dogs chew them and never have any problems. Guess it's just one of those things. =========== From: SAAVIK To: HACMAN Subject: True Freinds Date & Time: 06/10/91 22:31:40 Message Number 17478 Well, if it doesn't bother you that he terminated the friendship any more..... then you are right to just forget about it. People do things for strange reasons sometimes... and I think that many times, a broken friendship remains that way because one or both parties are just to embarrassed about the whole thing to confront the other. =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/10/91 22:34:38 Message Number 17479 >....just thinking about trying to put the Stubborn Hamster, or the >Green Bitch in one of those drag races. More like turning 61s. Hehehe, Bracket 22... eh? Be like Mazda wars...... =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Mosquito God Date & Time: 06/10/91 22:36:25 Message Number 17480 >Teenaged Mutant Hamsters? >Yes, but they're cute creatures. And they never learned ninjitsu. What /do/ they know? Karate from Japan? Judo from Okanowa? Crow bar from Sears? =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/10/91 22:38:12 Message Number 17481 >Turning 16's meant that my time on the quarter mile was 16 secs. >From a standing start? Yeah, from a dead halt.... the little lights on the "Christmas tree" tell you when to go.... and if you go too soon, it's called red lighting and the rest of your run is a waste of time.... I wasted a lot of time until I got used to it..... but it was still fun... =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: i snail sand go Date & Time: 06/10/91 22:40:18 Message Number 17482 > (Comparing children to flying a Kite. What a beautiful analogy, Dragonfly!!!!!! I think I'll go fly a kite!!! =========== From: SAAVIK To: DRAGONFLY Subject: Parents... Date & Time: 06/10/91 22:41:34 Message Number 17483 Wow... typhoid fever!!!! Remind me NOT to go to Mexico... It's hard to realize that they are diesises (sp) like that still on the rampage in countries other than ours.. I just saw something about the statistics on AIDS in Africa.. SCAREY!!!!!! =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/11/91 01:11:00 Message Number 17484 >...I think your estimates may have been a bit on the conservative side >by about 3/4 of a second or so... Could be. I'm used to ET racing, where you don't really push as hard as you can 'cause you don't want a breakout. Friend of mine had a Nova he could get to make the run in about thirteen five, but that's about the best time he managed. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/11/91 01:12:49 Message Number 17485 >Bypass surgery...doc. Lemme just get out the ol' rubber tubing, and...but that ain't gonna work, is it? If I could find something that'd take the pressure, sure. I just don't want the damn thing blowing off when I step on the brake on 41 in rush hour traffic...any ideas? =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/11/91 01:14:11 Message Number 17486 >I've done [triple the double nickel], but it's expensive. Got a >speeding ticket... Closest I've ever done is 140. Went screaming through a speed trap, too. Blew the cop off...he pulled into the road with lights flashing and siren wailing in his nice pretty Mustang GT, and by the time he was on the road and moving I had jumped off at an exit and done a U-turn across two lanes of traffic on the crossroad...he couldn't figure out where I went and ended up racing off into the distance in *precisely* the wrong direction. Just takes a little quick thinking, ya know? =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/11/91 01:16:46 Message Number 17487 >63? '67, I think. The '63 was something else. Memory fault. =========== From: TURTLE To: THE SPECIALIST Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/11/91 01:17:40 Message Number 17488 >Well, really, it depends on what year you are talking about... The modern ones are still using 350 small blocks, right? I'd love to know how they managed to make 'em so slow. Technology...bah! Who needs it. =========== From: TURTLE To: HACMAN Subject: politics Date & Time: 06/11/91 01:18:57 Message Number 17489 >Ever consider joining politics... WAH ha ha ha ha ha ha! *gasp* *gasp* Hee hee hee hee...I get it. > help correct the situation? Yeah. Right. =========== From: TURTLE To: SAAVIK Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/11/91 01:20:02 Message Number 17490 >I think I'd wet my pants if I was driving. Nah...ya just gotta remember not to overdrive your visibility. At that speed a sneeze can last a quarter of a mile...and that's plenty of time to get yourself into trouble. Figure cars that are being piloted by sane people and sticking to the speed limit are gonna be coming up on you at a hundred miles's kind of like driving an obstacle course, only the obstacles move. I almost bought the farm when I was driving from Sarasota to Ft. Myers at about one-twenty and this guy in this Porsche travelling at fifty-five decided to change lanes right in front of me...didn't realize that I was coming up on him with a relative velocity that was *higher* than his actual velocity. Geeze...thought I was a goner for a second, ended up on the friggin' shoulder still going well over a hundred per. Hate when that happens. =========== From: TURTLE To: ALL Subject: Continuity Date & Time: 06/11/91 01:27:31 Message Number 17491 There've been a few continuity errors in the Den recently...specifically Shandra is now *outside*, and Louis was on his way to the shed when Dragonfly's character arrived. Oh well. =========== From: SHANDRA To: ALL Subject: Moving along Date & Time: 06/11/91 01:33:19 Message Number 17492 "Huh?" I look around in surprise at the "hello"...evidently it wasn't the kid speaking at all. Louis speaks briefly to the kid, who hands him something that he snorts at contemptously and flicks into the sand. I walk back toward the Den, where one of the patrons is standing. "Need any help?" "Dunno yet. Don't know what's going on, really. I just got this bad feeling, you know?" Behind me, I hear Luis talking to someone, who sounds like...oh, no. "And my bad feeling just got worse." I re-enter the bar and walk over to where Tampa is sitting. "Tampa, maam, I think an old friend has just dropped by for a vist. This is going to be a fun night." The patron who addressed me is standing by the door; I flick my tail back over my shoulder and say, "How are you with a gun?" =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: SAAVIK Subject: hung up on GOD? Date & Time: 06/11/91 12:20:58 Message Number 17493 >riding in the eye of a storm myself.... Wanna borrow my umbrella? Don't do much good against the nuclear fallout and sink holes at my place. =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: DRAGONFLY Subject: hung up on GOD? Date & Time: 06/11/91 12:22:47 Message Number 17494 >>>released him/her....Thanks! No problem, I do it ever day. It's kind of like hearding cattle every night before bed. Catch dem lil' frogs, chase the lizards back up the sliding glass doors (they're too fast to catch) and be sure no potentially dangerous bugs are lurking in the corners. >>>incident gave me this moniker. .....I'll bite, got a story to share??? ;) =========== From: SNAKEBYTE To: TURTLE Subject: Pres. Quayle Date & Time: 06/11/91 12:25:42 Message Number 17495 >>>snort the kind that /doesn't/ eat the ozone... If probably would if I ever exhalled any... or if I ever left this airtight garage (ol' HM strip...) =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: Toking/bagartin Date & Time: 06/11/91 22:11:53 Message Number 17496 Copper tubing. Pliable, yet strong. and you can curl it and bend it and weld it and everything! =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/11/91 22:17:28 Message Number 17497 T>Just take a little quick thinking, ya know? Ok, fine, but when you are in the middle of Kansas (at least 20 miles between exits) it ain't quite so easy to come up with a solution... felt like a fly on a plate, knowwhatta mean? =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/11/91 22:20:36 Message Number 17498 TS>63? T>'67, I think. Musta been a typo... =========== From: THE SPECIALIST To: TURTLE Subject: rememb'rin' Date & Time: 06/11/91 22:21:40 Message Number 17499 T>I'd love to know how they managed to make 'em so slow. Matter of compression. matter of smog control. matter of EGR and PCV and all kinds of other valves to weigh it down. Lousy transmissions hooked up to kludgy rear end gear ratios. Next question, please... =========== .