FILE ON MARGIN IS 79 STATUS: ALL ALLOWED NUMBER OF LINES: 629 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask...... 2 ********************* REMOVED: 11 SEP 83 ****************************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION PLACED ON 6 THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privatly owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. 10 It is intended that the system be normally used for messages and 11 advertisments by the users. As the system is privatly owned, I retain the 12 right to remove any and all messages which I may find offensive 13 to me. Additionally because of the limited size of the system, it will be 14 periodically purged of older messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 15 The saved information will be cycled to drive 'B' while the information on 16 drive 'B' will be archived, and a fresh disk will be installed in drive 'A'. 17 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out 18 of the enter mode. The message is automaticly stored. 19 If after entering the message you find you made a mistake, 20 use the replace command to replace the line. 21 To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 22 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 23 ======================================== 24 25 YES, THIS SYSTEM DOES SOMETIMES SEND THE LINE FEED BEFORE THE CARRAGE 26 RETURN. WEIRD HUH? 27 ******************************************************************* 28 SORRY TO THOSE WHO TRYED TO USE THE SYSTEM TODAY, I HAD IT OFFLINE TO 29 DO BACKUPS THIS MORNING AND FORGOT TO PUT IT BACK ON LINE. 30 AGAIN, SORRY IF IT INCONVIENENCED ANYONE. 31 ****** A VERY APPOLIGETIC CISTOP MIKEY ***** 6 SEPT 83 ***** 10:20PM *** 32 33 We need some mental stimulation to flex our heads. The imagination is 34 a bottomless well which can be drawn from and is never exhausted. Here are 35 some ideas I have gathered from friends and acquaintances to titilate your 36 imagination and just possibly end in something than makes a difference to 37 someone or all of us in a positive way. 38 39 What would happen if two black holes collided? Would they eat each 40 other up? Would you have a BIG BLACK HOLE? Or would you have a really small 41 black hole? Or would they cancell each other out and result in no black hole 42 at all? 43 44 ****************************************************************************** 45 46 Who wants to believe in things that are not true? What is truth? Is it 47 necessarily a subjective evaluation of reality, since none of us have any way 48 of verifying that our perceptions are identical with others' perceptions? 49 For example, what makes you think that the moon is NOT made of green cheese? 50 You take it on faith that the authorities who claim to have investigated the 51 moon would not tell you something that was not true, right? 52 Does truth boil down to defense of an argument using mental tools that 53 are generally acceptable (e.g. logic, rationality, persuasion)? If you can 54 defend your argument well then you create a belief and increase your credibil- 55 ity as a source of truth. But doesn't personal subjective experience ultimately 56 determine whether your "truth" is true? 57 ******************************************************************************** 58 A GOOD IDEA: You could write a program that would display requested 59 quadrants of the night sky from any place on earth at any time. Constellations 60 could be displayed automatically or by individual request, which would be a 61 really valuable tool for teaching astronomy. But how would you write this 62 program and where would you get the raw data? 63 ******************************************************************************* 64 Did you ever wonder if it is possible to have a "fast-forward" feature 65 for ordinary television? Perhaps it could be done using bubble memory to 66 continuously recycle the transmission through the memory. Perhaps two or three 67 minutes of video and audio information could be stored in a relatively 68 economical bubble memory circuit so that under normal circumstances you are 69 watching what was transmitted two or three minutes previous. When you get to 70 a commercial segment, you push the fast-forward and zip through the commercials 71 to arrive at "real time" transmission. When you leave the room for a beer or 72 a bathroom break, you push the bubble memory buffer switch and it loads it up 73 again. 74 ******************************************************************************** 75 IF YOU HAD THE ATTENTION OF THE ENTIRE WORLD FOR A MINUTE, WHAT WOULD YOU SAY? 76 ******************************************************************************* 77 When the space shuttle comes into the atmosphere there is a blackout 78 period of about 15 minutes. This has to do with the plasma that is generated 79 as it enters the atmosphere. I know there is a way to communicate with the 80 space shuttle during this period. In any plasma or dielectric field there is 81 a certain frequency that will not penetrate and there is at least one frequency 82 that will. They just haven't been playing around hard enough to find those 83 frequencies. 84 ******************************************************************************* 85 Is PEACE something that is attainable? Is it a quality of human 86 civilization or is it merely a state of mind? And if you are in that 87 state of mind can external events disturb your "peace?" Is there such 88 a thing as a "moderate degree of peace" or is peace an absolute, either 89 totally here right now or totally absent right now? 90 **************************************************************************** 91 What do Christians mean when they say they are surrendering their 92 life to Christ (God)? Is it perhaps the "FLOW" of human energy generated 93 by other peoples wills, what they consider best for you and society, what 94 they want to happen and what they believe needs to be done? 95 Are they perhaps surrendering their will to the will of others? 96 *************************************************************************** 97 Imagine for a minute that UFO's were actually the vehicles of 98 extraterrestial beings who are watching us as we evolve into higher order 99 beings. How could we communicate with these beings and persuade them to 100 use their advanced intelligence and technology to assist us in surviving 101 the nuclear age? What could we say to them that would be persuasive enough 102 to get their cooperation? Could we tell them that we are willing to be 103 used by them, as agents of their empire, in return for their assistance? 104 What superior qualities could we show them that we possess to convince them 105 that our race is worth their effort? Why should they get actively involved? 106 Are they already actively involved in guiding our evolution into cosmic 107 beings? What are their motives and goals in observing our civilization? 108 Is there any way we could assist them in achieving what they desire to 109 achieve? 110 ****************************************************************************** 111 Many studies have indicated that we have a propensity to 112 enter into either heterosexual or homosexual experiences at various times in 113 our lives. Why then do we persist to claim validity in the terms "homosexual" 114 and "heterosexual" when in fact we are neither? Homosexual and heterosexual 115 are valid terms to define specific actions, not to describe the complete 116 behavior pattern of an individual. Could it be that we use these words to 117 feel "safe" or "right" in comparison to others? How many people who claim to 118 be heterosexuals are just ignoring the truth of the matter ... that they 119 actually have homosexual desires, fantasies and experiences? 120 ****************************************************************************** 121 It has been said that competition breeds prejudice and that prejudice 122 is a form of evil. If this is true, why do we find such amusement in sports 123 competition? Are sports evil? It doesn't appear that there is a simple 124 answer, but most popular sports today are structured so that there is a 125 winning team and a loosing team. How could we structure sports so that 126 more than one party could "WIN" and that no party would need to loose? 127 If we managed to do this, and I believe we could, would it be a positive 128 step forward in human evolution? Would the masses accept it or are they 129 so programmed with the dualistic winner/loser mentality that they could 130 not appreciate a sport unless there was a "top dog?" What about 131 the possibility that we could challenge each other in positive ways without 132 creating losers and without the need for winners? What would the rules of 133 such sports be like? 134 ******************************************************************************* 135 Imagine if you will that every person you meet already knows every 136 piece of information you could possible tell them about your personal life. 137 How would you react to people? You probably would not bullshit them, because 138 you would see immediately how they perceived that you were just bullshitting. 139 You would probably be more willing to talk about intimate details of your 140 life with relative strangers and your capacity to love friends would be 141 greatly enhanced. Try it and see. I have been living this way for several 142 years and my experience tells me that there is a certain element of truth 143 to the basic proposition that we all know everything about each other. 144 Perhaps there is some subtle wavelength of mental or spiritual communication 145 or perhaps we simply read each others body language and physical character- 146 istics like you would read a book. It is well known that lovers can 147 telepathize and "hear each other think." Perhaps we do this subconsciously 148 all the time and that it only becomes conscious when we are "high" on love 149 or drugs. 150 **************************************************************************** 151 152 PEACEFUL PAUL 153 154 SOURCE: ABBS PCNET, SAN FRANCISCO 415-948-xxxx 155 | 156 DATE: 7/25/83 157 158 *** SPACE.INITIATIVE.TEX 28-JUN-83 159 PARENT=SPACE.INITIATIVE USAGE= 19 160 THE SPACE INITIATIVE 161 Findings and Declarations 162 Section 1: We the People of the State of California do find 163 and declare that, 164 a) The National Goal of Landing a Man on the Moon 165 demonstrated that American talent, committment, and resources 166 could accomplish a task once believed impossible, and 167 b) An unprecedented quarter-century of Space Exploration 168 has greatly expanded our understanding of the Earth, our 169 companion planets, and the universe beyond, and 170 c) NASA's programs have resulted in extraordinary 171 scientific and technological advances that have returned, 172 over twelve years, approximately $14 billion for each 173 $1 billion invested, and 174 d) A reusable Space Shuttle is now available to transport 175 materials and products back to Earth from research and 176 industrial facilities that can utilize the unique resources 177 and environment of space, and 178 e) Establishing such orbiting facilities with international 179 participation will reaffirm our society's creative leadership 180 in a rapidly changing world by combining a pioneering spirit 181 with a positive vision for our future. 182 Text of Transmittal: Section 2: 183 Within one month after enactment of this statute, the 184 Governor of the State of California shall sign and cause to 185 be delivered to the President of the United States, the 186 following, that: 187 The People of the State of California respectfully request 188 the President and Congress of these United States to direct 189 the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to 190 establish, before this decade is out, a permanently inhabited 191 Space Station, as the cornerstone of an expanded and 192 continuing civilian space program for the benefit of all 193 humanity. 194 +++ NO SUBMESSAGES +++ 195 196 COMMAND? READ SPACE.INITIATIVE.PHO 197 198 *** SPACE.INITIATIVE.PHO 28-JUN-83 199 PARENT=SPACE.INITIATIVE USAGE= 22 200 If you wish to help with the petition drive to get the Space 201 Initiative on the ballot, here is the latest list of phone 202 numbers to call to get in touch with the campaign. 203 San Francisco: Bill Patterson, (415) 621-xxxx 204 Santa Clara County: Bruce M. Gowens, (408) 272-xxxx 205 Santa Cruz County: Chris Meek, (408) 429-xxxx 206 *This is a wide area, so volunteers are urgently needed. 207 North Alameda County: Marc Jones, (415) 658-xxxx 208 Marin County: Brooke Graves, (415) 456-xxxx 209 Sacramento: Don Robertson, (916) 489-xxxx 210 Santa Rosa: Lucy Buss, (707) 887-xxxx 211 San Luis Obispo: Richard Sotello, (805) 481-xxxx 212 Anaheim: Ed Sitch, (714) 891-xxxx 213 Los Angeles: Nelson Kruger, (213) 337-xxxx 214 South San Mateo Co: Diana Adamic, (415) 367-xxxx 215 *No calls after 10 PM, please. 216 +++ SUBMESSAGES +++ 217 TSI.PHONE.CHANGES 25-JUL-83 218 219 COMMAND? READ TSI.PHONE.CHANGES 220 221 *** TSI.PHONE.CHANGES 25-JUL-83 222 PARENT=SPACE.INITIATIVE.PHO USAGE= 5 223 There have been a few changes to the phone contacts for 224 The Space Initiative. Bill Patterson (San Francisco) and 225 Lucy Buss (Santa Rosa) are no longer the coordinators for their 226 areas, so don't call them. Don Robertson's number (Sacramento) 227 has changed to (916) 447-xxxx. 228 +++ NO SUBMESSAGES +++ 229 230 COMMAND? READ NUC-WAR-PREVENTION 231 232 *** NUC-WAR-PREVENTION 24-JUL-83 233 PARENT=CONFERENCES USAGE= 13 234 The Nuclear War Prevention Coalition exists to share information 235 and coordinate activities amoung organizations in the mid-peninsula area 236 which are concerned with nuclear arms control and/or disarmament. 237 The Coalition is administrated by the Mid-Peninsula Peace Center. 238 The Peace Center maintains a calender of activities which is 239 also distributed in the area. For your next event, call them at 326-xxxx 240 to choose a time which does not conflict with other plans and to get 241 your event onto this calender. 242 +++ NO SUBMESSAGES +++ 243 244 COMMAND? READ REFERENCES 245 246 *** REFERENCES 2-APR-83 247 PARENT=CONFERENCES USAGE= 80 248 THIS NODE OF THE SACDF COMMUNITREE CONTAINS INFORMATION ON NUCLEAR WEAPONS 249 AND NUCLEAR WAR REFERENCE MATERIALS. 250 +++ SUBMESSAGES +++ 251 BOOKS 2-APR-83 252 NUC-ARMS-HOTLINE 5-APR-83 253 CARL-SAGAN-PIECE 1-JUL-83 254 255 COMMAND? READ NUC-ARMS-HOTLINE 256 257 *** NUC-ARMS-HOTLINE 5-APR-83 258 PARENT=REFERENCES USAGE= 56 259 THE COUNCIL FOR A LIVABLE WORLD MAINTAINS A 24 HOUR HOTLINE WITH RECORDED 260 UP-TO-THE-MINUTE LEGISLATIVE INFORMATION ON NUCLEAR ARMS CONTROL ISSUES. 261 THE NUMBER IS (202) 543-xxxx. 262 +++ NO SUBMESSAGES +++ 263 264 COMMAND? READ BOOKS 265 266 *** BOOKS 2-APR-83 267 PARENT=REFERENCES USAGE= 72 268 HERE IS A LIST OF BOOKS ON NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND WAR. 269 ** GENERAL ** 270 "THE FATE OF THE EARTH" BY JONATHAN SCHELL (1982). THE BEST RECENT TREATMENT 271 OF THE SUBJECT. 272 "WITH ENOUGH SHOVELS: REAGAN, BUSH & NUCLEAR WAR" BY ROBERT SCHEER (1982), 273 RANDOM HOUSE. 274 "THE NUCLEAR DELUSION: SOVIET-AMERICAN RELATIONS IN THE ATOMIC AGE" BY GEORGE 275 F. KENNAN (1982), PANTHEON 276 "NUCLEAR ILLUSION AND REALITY" BY LORD ZUCKERMAN (1982), VIKING PRESS 277 "NUCLEAR WAR: WHAT'S IN IT FOR YOU ?" BY GROUND ZERO (ROGER MOLANDER; 1982), 278 POCKET BOOKS 279 "BEYOND THE FREEZE: THE ROAD TO NUCLEAR SANITY" BY FORD, KENDALL, AND NADIS 280 (1982), BEACON PRESS 281 "WHAT ABOUT THE RUSSIANS ?" BY SANFORD GOTTLIEB (1982) 282 "REAL SECURITY" BY RICHARD BARNET (1981) 283 "THE GLOBAL POLICIES OF PEACE" BY J.H. BARTON (1981) 284 "NUCLEAR NIGHTMARES" BY NIGEL CALDER (1980) 285 "ENERGY/WAR: BREAKING THE NUCLEAR LINK" BY A.B. AND L.H. LOVINS (1980) 286 "THE DANGERS OF NUCLEAR WAR" EDITED BY GRIFFITHS AND POLYANI (1979) 287 "THE LAST CHANCE: NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION AND ARMS CONTROL" BY W. EPSTEIN (1979) 288 "THE GAME OF DISARMAMENT" BY A. MYRDAL (1979) 289 "A FAREWELL TO ARMS CONTROL" BY E. YOUNG (1972) 290 ** TECHNICAL ** 291 "THE EFFECTS OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS" EDITED BY GLASSTONE AND DOLAN (1977), 3RD 292 EDITION, PUBLISHED BY DOD AND DOE. THIS IS THE DEFINITIVE SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT 293 OF THE SUBJECT. 294 "THE EFFECTS OF NUCLEAR WAR" (1979), OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT, U.S. 295 CONGRESS, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NUMBER 79-600080 296 "LONG-TERM WORLDWIDE EFFECTS OF MULTIPLE NUCLEAR-WEAPONS DETONATIONS" (1975) 297 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 298 "RESEARCH GUIDE TO CURRENT MILITARY AND STRATEGIC AFFAIRS" BY WILLIAM H. ARKIN 299 (1981), PUBLISHED BY THE INSTITUTE FOR POLICY STUDIES 300 +++ NO SUBMESSAGES +++ 301 302 COMMAND? READ USERS 303 304 *** USERS 16-JUL-81 305 PARENT=CONFERENCES USAGE=158 306 USE 'ADDTO USERS' IF YOU WANT TO IDENTIFY YOURSELF TO OTHERS ON THE SYSTEM. 307 INCLUDE KEYWORDS ABOUT YOUR INTERESTS, BACKGROUND, ETC. IF YOU WISH TO MAKE IT 308 EASY FOR OTHERS TO FIND YOU. 309 310 'ADDTO TO LEAVE MESSAGES TO YOURSELF OR OTHERS (USING 311 OF COURSE). NOTE THAT ANYONE CAN READ MESSAGES ATTACHED TO YOUR 312 NAME. 'READ PRIVATE' IF YOU SEEK PRIVACY. 313 I am a member of the steering committee of SACDF, and a Co-Director of 314 the Palo Alto chapter of CPSR, a part time graduate student in 315 Electrical Engineering/Computer Science, and full time research staff 316 member at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. 317 318 I can be reached at (415) 494-xxxx during the day, 319 and on the ARPANET at JLarson@PARC-MAXC. 320 321 322 Don't hesitate to contact me for information about either CPSR or SACDF. 323 +++ NO SUBMESSAGES +++ 324 325 COMMAND? READ IDF 326 327 *** IDF 27-APR-83 328 PARENT=USERS USAGE= 49 329 IDF is the International Disarmament Forum, a non profit corporation 330 founded by Hal Harvey, Mike Shuman, and Eric Horvitz. We are trying 331 to help educate people on campuses and in general on the arms race, 332 and are working to develop new ideas for solutions to the arms race 333 Our phone number is 415-328-xxxx. Please call or send mail (to 334 644 Emerson St, # 30, P. A. CA 94301) for more informaiton. 335 *** JOHNMATTOX 28-APR-83 336 PARENT=USERS USAGE= 36 337 John Mattox is codirector of SACDF for the spring quarter, and the film 338 series coordinator. John is a PhD student in the department of applied 339 physics. Feel free to contact him at 324-xxxx. 340 +++ NO SUBMESSAGES +++ 341 342 COMMAND? READ *SDL 343 344 *** *SDL 23-JUL-83 345 PARENT=USERS USAGE= 11 346 On April 28,1983 the Stanford Disarmament Lobby was formed. Attendence at this 347 first meeting was seven. Stanford ASSU status will be obtained. Funding 348 and cooperation will be sought. The minimum scope of the effort of the SDL 349 on the MX will be a comprehensive outreach to the constituents of the 12th 350 Congressional District (Ed Zschau's district). It was also noted that 351 the Stanford Campus provides an opportunity to reach constituents of many 352 Districts where students are registered to vote. An effort will be made 353 to coordinate with other efforts locally and nationally. 354 For more information call John Mattox (324-xxxx) or Paul Ashin (328-xxxx). 355 356 +++ NO SUBMESSAGES +++ 357 358 COMMAND? READ WATKINS,R. 359 360 *** WATKINS,R. 28-JUN-83 361 PARENT=USERS USAGE= 35 362 Hi from Orange County, CA. I'm a new (3 mo. or so) member of 363 CPSR, and am right now trying to inform myself on arms race 364 and nuclear issues. Also, my view of Social Responsibility 365 goes beyond nuclear a computer professional I am 366 very aware of the social impact of computers in our lives, 367 and am keenly interested in finding humanistic ways to implement 368 computing systems. 369 Anyone interested in similar issues, or who are responsible 370 for the use of microcomputers in an organization, support, 371 training, etc., please drop me a note. 372 Bob Watkins 373 374 Santa Ana, CA 92704 375 +++ NO SUBMESSAGES +++ 376 377 COMMAND? READ NEW.TO.THIS 378 379 *** NEW.TO.THIS 26-JUN-83 380 PARENT=USERS USAGE= 41 381 Greetings to all from the San Francisco IBM/PC Users Group. My name is 382 Ray Young and I'm president of named organization. I'm new to 383 telecommunications in general and this form in particular. Seems like 384 a facinating idea. Is the disk space limitation the reason for theme 385 of this conference, or just that other branches have not sprouted? 386 The tree in Hawaii sounds amazing but I couldn't afford the phone 387 bill. Hope to come up with some seeds for discussion in the future, 388 and will check back regularly. Is there a quick way to tell if anything 389 has been added since you last logged on? 390 Ray Young SOURCE #STU103 391 or SF/BBS # 861-xxxx 392 +++ SUBMESSAGES +++ 393 NEW.STUFF.COMMAND 26-JUN-83 394 ANOTHER.NEW.STUFF 28-JUN-83 395 396 COMMAND? READ NEW.STUFF.COMMAND 397 398 *** NEW.STUFF.COMMAND 26-JUN-83 399 PARENT=NEW.TO.THIS USAGE= 37 400 THIS SYSTEM IS DEDICATED TO DISCUSSION OF NUCLEAR WAR ISSUES; OTHER TOPICS 401 MAY APPEAR, BUT N.W. MSGS WILL BE GIVEN PRIORITY. 402 TO SEE AN INDEX OF NEW STUFF ADDED SINCE YOU LAST LOGGED IN, TYPE: 403 I CONFERENCES S 26-JUN-83 404 WHICH WILL SHOW YOU DATES + TITLES OF ALL MSGS ON OR AFTER 26 JUNE. 405 406 407 END OF FILE. LET'S GET GOING, FOLKS. THIS IS THE NEW AGE AND WE 408 HAVE TO START THINKING AND ACTING IN NEW WAYS! NETWORK!!! 409 SHARED EXPERIENCE MULTIPLIES VALUE! 410 411 412 ...................................................... 413 Please DON'T do the above again! This is supposed to be an open 414 forum, not a private soapbox. I think using 2/3 of the systems 415 storage for one person's idea of what is important is just a 416 bit excessive (at least if it is all in one chunk!). 417 As for some of the topics: 418 1. Tell me the mass, charge, angular momentum, & relative velocities 419 of those two black holes and I can get an answer for you. Most likely 420 result is a bigger black hole. 421 2. The plasma sheath problem is somewhat more complicated than 422 you seem to think. The composition etc are NOT constant, thus the 423 frequency required would be shifting constantly. 424 3. As for your "sports where everyone wins", have you looked into 425 role-playing games? They aren't necessarily sports, but they may 426 provide a starting point. 427 428 As a final note, I might respect your use of the preceding 400 429 lines more if the material hadn't so obviously been dumped UN-EDITED 430 from another system. 431 _________________________Leonard_____________________________ 432  433 }[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 434 THIS DISK FILLED UP SOMEWHAT FASTER THAN I WOULD HAVE THOUGHT POSSIBLE. OH WELL, THAT'S LIFE. 435 I'VE BEEN AWAY FOR THE WEEKEND (AND HAD A LOT OF FUN), SO I'M A BIT BEHIND, BUT I PROMISE I'LL TRY TO CATCH UP. 436 REGARDING THE QUESTION ABOUT RAPE BEING PERFORMED BY SOMEONE THE VICTIM KNOWS IN THE MAJORITY OF CASES, THAT 437 IS A HARD QUESTION TO ANSWER. ACCORDING TO STUDIES DONE BY THE U.S. CENSUS, THE FBI, AND THE N.O.R., 50% OF RAPES ARE 438 "AQUAINTANCE" RAPES, AND ONLY 3.5 TO 10% OF RAPES ARE EVEN REPORTED. IF YOU KNOW THE ASSAILANT EVEN SLIGHTLY, CHANCES 439 ARE YOU WON'T REPORT IT, BECAUSE THE D.A., POLICE, ETC., ASSUME THAT IF YOU KNEW YOUR ASSAILANT, YOU PROBABLY 440 BROUGHT IT ON BY TEMPTING THEM. AND IF IT DOES GET TO COURT, IF THE ASSAILANT DIDN'T HURT THE VICTIM PHYSICALLY 441 (SUCH AS MUTILATION), HE IS LIKELY TO RECEIVE A FINE OR A SUSPENDED SENTENCE. WOULD YOU REPORT A CRIME KNOWING THAT 442 EVEN IF YOU GET A CONVICTION, HE WON'T EVEN GO TO JAIL FOR A DAY, AND WILL WANT REVENGE? NOT ME. 443 CHARLOTTE, I'VE FOUND THE ISSUE OF BYTE MAGAZINE REFERRED TO EARLIER. ITS SEPTEMBER 1982, VOL. 7, NO.9., AND 444 THOUGH IT HAS A NUMBER OF VERY GOOD AND INFORMATIVE ARTICLES, ITS NOT QUITE WHAT YOU WERE LOOKING FOR. HAND-HELD 445 SPEECH SYNTHESIS FOR THE NONVOCAL, NEW TERMINALS THAT TALK FOR THE BLIND, ETC.. WHILE THESE ARE GREAT, THEY AREN'T 446 QUITE THE THING. ANOTHER SUGGESTION MIGHT BE FOR YOU TO CHECK THE LIBRARY AT THE OREGON HEALTH SCIENCES UNIVERSITY 447 UP ON THE HILL. THEY HAVE THE LARGEST SELECTION OF MATERIAL RELATING TO THIS SUBJECT. 448 449 [][][][][][][][][][][][]PAM.[][][][][][] 450 ^^-^^^-^^^^^-^^^^^^^-^^^^^^^^^^^-^^^^^^^^^^^^^-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-^^-^^^-^^^^^ 451 RE Black hole collisions: 452 The January 1977 Scientific American has a great article on the quantum 453 mechanics of black holes. To answer the question, thee result would be a black 454 hole that is larger (i.e. has a larger Schwarzschild radius (event horizion) 455 ) 456 then would be predicted by merely adding the two masses. The formula is: 457 458 R = 2 G M 459 ----- 460 2 461 C 462 463 Where G is Newtons constant of gravity, M is the mass, and c is the speed of light. 464 465 Well let's say we have two black holes, one of mass M1 the other M2. The result 466 is: 467 468 OOPS, one more thing. R is the result of the two combined black holes. 469 470 2 G (M1 + M2) 471 R > ------------- 472 2 473 C 474 475 Well, c and G can't (??) change therefore we must have gotten some more 476 mass from somewhere. 477 478 To pioneer: 479 About my /0 numbers (from now on to be referred to as the "UNREAL" 480 numbers), this is where I got the idea: 481 482 A 483 --- = C 484 B 485 486 Because, 487 488 A = C * B 489 490 Well, if you take 0 491 --- 492 0 493 it can be simplified to: 494 495 0 = C * 0 using the second equation. 496 Therefore the solution set to "C" in either equation is the 497 set of real numbers. 498 499 Now, if you take 1 or any other non 0 number 500 --- 501 0 502 503 it can be simplified to: 504 505 1 = C * 0 using the second equation. 506 Therefore the solution set to "C" in this case is null 507 if we only include the real and imaginary numbers as possible 508 solution sets, but if we include the UNREAL numbers we now have 509 a solution. I remember the imaginary numbers starting the same 510 way. 511 512 One interesting thing is that we loose the "uniqueness" of one dimension 513 the smallest thing we can work with is a complete number line like 514 all the reals, but not a PARTICULAR real number. Talk to me about 4D 515 Maybe these two concepts are more closely related than either of us 516 realizes. 517 BYE THE DOCTOR 518 ^^-^^^-^^^^^-^^^^^^^-^^^^^^^^^^^-^^^^^^^^^^^^^-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-^^-^^^-^^^^^ 519 _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ 520 - Sounds very good Doctor, but what practical use would it be? (Maybe I'm just- 521 - unimaginative.) It would be fun working with problems like that if you were - 522 - a "pure" mathematician who worked with number theory. - 523 - - 524 - As to a four-dimensional creature, here is my theory: - 525 - - 526 - I've always equated Time = the 4th dimension. I don't know how I thought - 527 - this up, but I think somebody told me that was what physicists also equated - 528 - the 4th dimension to. Anyway, a 4th-dimensional creature would have heighth - 529 - length, and width and would also take up some period of time. - 530 - The words are easy to talk about but it is hard to conceive of being more- 531 - than one "time" at a time. (Excuse the pun.) - 532 - - 533 - Here's another thought-provoker: What if two black holes were put into a - 534 - close orbit around each other and sent spinning through the universe. You - 535 - know, kind of like a bolo. What kind of havoc could they wreak and what - 536 - forces would be acting in the space between the two Bhs? ...........Pioneer - 537 -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- 538 ^^-^^^-^^^^^-^^^^^^^-^^^^^^^^^^^-^^^^^^^^^^^^^-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-^^-^^^-^^^^^ 539 Pioneer: First, imaginary numbers were considered impractical for about 100 540 years before some one noticed that they are VERY useful in electronics. So, 541 who knows what this may be useful for. As for the black holes, try this one! 542 "ordinary" black holes are a singularity (a point). How about a black hole 543 that is a line connected on itself (a hoop) then the event horizon would be 544 torodial (a doughnut) shaped. What forces and what would happen to 545 something passing throught the hole? 546 547 Back to the unreals. The set of unreal numbers is a set of infinite lines 548 in which the set of reals is a subset. I keep spotting similarities to the 549 fourth dimension. Unfortunately, I have trouble conceptualizing them, let 550 alone type them out. 551 552 Back to 4D. The easiest way for me to visualize 4D is to take 3D and 553 call it a HYPERPOINT (a piont that has infinite magnitude in 3 dimensions). 554 Then the fourth dimension is a hyperline, a series of hyperpoints. further 555 along the line is the future and on the other side is the past. Now, 556 what makes up a hyperplane and hyperspace? Sorry to bring in the 5th and 6th 557 dimensions. 558 BYE THE DOCTOR 559 ^^-^^^-^^^^^-^^^^^^^-^^^^^^^^^^^-^^^^^^^^^^^^^-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-^^-^^^-^^^^^ 561 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 07 Sep 83 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 562 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 19:30 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 563 O heart trampled on: why chase a wraith creature? Why read motives 564 into her gestures, or let your eyes hungrily follow her dusty prints in 565 the path? For the path leads up into the mountains, a winding, tortuous 566 way, and ends in a sand-carved stairwell where the trees are no more... 567 so turn back, O grief-stricken one, to the forest where you thought the 568 path began. Wend your way through the tall sighing grasses, and pause to 569 observe the dew in the grasses where she slept, the dew that bears salt... 570 Thence go your way comforted, and look back no longer, and slowly your 571 healing will begin. Look--your friends await your presence at the Inn! 572 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 573 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 574 Doctor: 575 What prevents a "hoop" from colapsing into a singularity? 576 The Master 577 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 578 The answer is elementary: TIME, the fourth dimension, holds back the hoop's 579 collapse! Silence 580 ================================================================== 581 PAM.--Is rape "performed"? 582 PAM. -- Is rape "performed"? If so, why? If not, why use that verb? 583 ======================================================================== 584 Doctor: 0/0 is of use in the real world. Take Ohm's Law- 585 E=I*R or I=E/R . In a superconductor the resistance is 0. 586 Form a ring of a superconductor, the resistance is zero, the 587 applied voltage is zero. Thus the current is equal to 0/0. 588 What does this mean? It means that the current can have ANY value! 589 As for the toroidal black hole, they have been studied for 590 some time. "All" you have to do is spin a "normal" black hole at 591 a sizable fraction of lightspeed. It is kept from collapsing by 592 the high spin rate. As for what happens if you go thru the hole 593 -- well, first off the tidal forces would rip you into sub-atomic 594 particles before you got there. But it is thought that the "hole 595 in space-time" (in the center of the torus) would lead to another 596 universe. Unfortunately, theory also says that if it does, then going back 597 thru it WOULDN'T get you back here. Instead, you'd wind up in a 598 THIRD universe. 599 The black holes orbiting each other would lose energy in the form 600 of gravity waves which would possibly make things rather interesting 601 but would also cause them to spiral into one another. 602 If I find time, I'll put the formulas for tidal forces & black hole 603 decay on line. 604 ______________________Leonard_______________________________ 605 606 ********************************************************************** 607 WOW! NOW YOU PEOPLE ARE STARTING TO THINK. I AM DULYIMPRESSED. 608 KEEP IT UP. YOU MAY WANT TO KNOW THAT WHAT YOU SAY HERE IS,IN SOME 609 SMALL WAY, GOING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN MANY PEOPLES LIVES ACROSS 610 THE NATION AS I RE-DISTRIBUTE THE BEST OF YOUR THOUGHTS. PEACEFUL PAUL. 611 612 PAUL 613 614 **************** 615 Like it or not, WE ARE FOUR-DIMENSIONED CREATURES! Think about it. 616 **************** 617 Can rape be performed with a toroidal black hole? Would you want to try? 618 **************** 619 Shortest message on disk so far 620 **************** 621 Who was that masked lunatic that did an almost-infinite download to this system? 622 **************** 623 GUESS THIS DISK HAS HAD IT! 624 MASKED LUNATIC? HARDLY. THINK ABOUT IT. 625 ***************** 626 GO DUCKS!!! 627 ***************** 628 To Pam and Ducks fan: Please don't erase my messages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 629 HELP, THERE IS NO ROOM!!! SORRY DOC. ********* SILLY WILLY **** .