LIST FILE ON MARGIN IS 76 STATUS: ALL ALLOWED NUMBER OF LINES: 623 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask...... 2 ********************** REMOVED: 25 NOV 83 ************************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION PLACED ON 6 THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privatly owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. 10 It is intended that the system be normally used for messages and 11 advertisments by the users. As the system is privatly owned, I retain the 12 right to remove any and all messages which I may find offensive 13 to me. Additionally because of the limited size of the system, it will be 14 periodically purged of older messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 15 The saved information will be cycled to drive 'B' while the information on 16 drive 'B' will be archived, and a fresh disk will be installed in drive 'A'. 17 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out 18 of the enter mode. The message is automaticly stored. 19 If after entering the message you find you made a mistake, 20 use the replace command to replace the line. 21 To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 22 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 23 ======================================== 24 25 ******************************************************* 26 Chuck: If you are going to spend $60 on a modem, you might as well 27 buy a Signalman. At $69 you can get a modem already put together that 28 is the same design that appeared in the magazine. As for costs of 29 the other way, $15.00 for the circuit board. $17.00 for the modem chip 30 $4.00 for telephone transformer. $4.00 for crystal. $5.00 for misc 31 support parts. $5.00 for power supply. For a grand total of - $50.00 32 Other things you will need to add to the mess, some kind of case, and 33 misc connectors and switches to interface to the outside world. 34 One possiblity as I indicated before, offer the circuit board only, and 35 maybe some of the other parts. but keep the 'sub-kit' cost down to the 36 price you want and let the buyers finish the kits off themselves. So 37 if you offer the modem chip and circuit board for $32.00 you have your 38 cheap modem kit. Though you would probably want to also supply the 39 crystal and telephone transformer as well, as they are a bit difficult 40 to find. This would bring the price up to $40.00. Now if you wanted to 41 buy in qty 1000, we could probably drop that price in half. 42 ***************************************************************** 43 PAM: Our trigger happy el presidente' is probably what frightens me 44 the most about the current state of afairs. Well, maybe after tonight 45 things will get back to normal again (at least I hope so) as this 46 depressive atmosphere is not good. Amazing isn't it how a movie that 47 hasn't even been shown yet can cause so much fear and depression. 48 ****************************************************************** 49 Well, on to other things.. I wonder how the party is coming, I havn't 50 seen anything here of late about it. How about it people, what's 51 happening? 52 ********** CISTOP MIKEY ***** 20 NOV 83 ******* 1:00PM ************* 53 P.S. ANYBODY GOT A SPARE BOMB SHELTER? 54 ****************************************************************** 55 Anybody got a spare bomb? 56 !?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 57 To:DJJ 58 The one world government to which I was refering has nothing 59 to do with the rapture that many people feel is in the Bible. Personally I 60 do not believe the Bible teaches a rapture. (wanna know why?) Actually 61 the Bible indicates that the earth will never be destroyed, by nuclear 62 war or otherwise. The concept of a rapture is relatively new religious- 63 ly speaking. 70 71 hi im beverly this is something i never thought i would 72 be doing gee this is so neat 73 too bad i wont be able to sleep after tonight 74 all these terrible movies about death and worse 75 is there any way to get online with someone 76 to get the bad feelings out of my system 77 after its over???????? 78 hello all [ i'm ] just testing out the graphics capabilities 79 of my new term package { know what I mean ?? } \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 80 ~~~~~ ^^^^^^^^ |||||||| `````````` how many pounds is that ? 81 well I hope everyone is bummed out about the movie tonight, 82 "The Day After". After all folks, it is Hollywood. I realize 83 the full impact of nuclear war, but....... there is more to the 84 issue than a 2 1/2 hour docu-drama. Certainly, it would be nice to 85 go back to the pre-atomic era [ 1944 ] but we can't. 86 An it would be equually nice to do away with ALL atomic 87 weapons, but this isn't feasible either. What happens if 88 Russia, China, India, France, Israel, England, Germany, the U. S. 89 and all other the other nuclear {read-SUPER} powers dismantled 90 atomic weapons tomorrow ??? In a worst case scenario, Khaddafy 91 or some other madman {Indira Ghandi} decides to "acquire" atomic 92 weapons outside of recognized, legitimate channels, without 93 this evil, yet necessary deterent, the super powers would be 94 powerless. International terrorism is on an enormous upswing 95 now, what happens when the powers that be relinquish their trump 96 card ???? Tell me, if you were the individual in power, would 97 you give up your position of power to let the ebbs and flows 98 of time direct the course of society & culture ?? I think not. 99 Remember, a sure thing is always more appealing than the unknown. 100 And nuclear disarmamant is the unknown. Don't get me wrong, 101 I'm not a John Bircher looking for a soapbox. In reality, I 102 am a product of the liberal 60's with a better than average grasp of 103 reality and a better understanding of current issues. If I 104 could, I would vaporize all nuclear weapons tomorrow but I don't have this 105 power. And if I did, I would certainly think twice before using it, 106 wouldn't you ??? 107 The same concept applies to first strike use of nuclear weapons. 108 Before anyone exercises the power to launch the first warhead, 109 they are undoubtedly going tto do one thing before all else, 110 and that is =====>>> they too shall think twice, or thrice, or 111 more. I guess it boils down to public trust in those that weild 112 the power [nuclear or otherwise]. Without public confidence in 113 the man that controls the button, fear and anxiety run rampant. 114 And after tonight, fear and anxiety will reign. Reflect on 115 this ---- we've had the capacity to annihilate the world for 116 over forty, with all of the evil that nuclear weapons 117 pose, why are any of us still here ????????? 118 Well, didn't mean to offend anyone but, I just wanted to express 119 a few insignificant thoughts...... 120 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 121 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ B. B. from Fishcity, Ore. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 122 123 124 125 129 . 130 I've been reading this stuff for about a week. I'm still trying 131 to figure our what kind of folks you are. My guess is that this 132 board is popular with the college crowd. At least that's 133 first impression. I'd appreciate it if someone whose followed 134 it for awhile could give me an overview of 1) what ki 135 people hang out here, 2) what kind of people would you prefer 136 participated, and 3) who is LeRoy McKane. 137 138 Thanks 139 140 Big Bill Broozy 141 142 143 :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. 144 145 Luke: I have been gone for a while but I'm back now. What BBS did you say 146 you left me a message on? DB? Maybe you should give me the number. I will 147 respond as soon as I know how to get ahold of the message. 148 See ya later mon petit amie! 149 :.:.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:Jody:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: :.:.P.S.:.:.:. 150 To All: Can't we find something else to discuss. It seems the only topic 151 on this system that you have chosen is nuclear warfar. I am afraid of what 152 will happen and I don't want to be reminded of how fa tragic it will be when 153 half of the people of the world die from nuclear war. 154 :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. 155 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 156 SO... WHATS BEEN HAPPENING AT THE INN WHILE I WAS AWAY? ANY NEW TOPICS OF 157 GREAT INTEREST? I SEE JODY DOESN'T LIKE NUCLEAR WAR. MAYBE SHE IS JUST MAD C 158 AUSE WE WERE GIVING HER AND LUKE A BAD TIME. TOO BAD EH? 159 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""ANON/20"""""""""""""""""""""""P.S."" 160 SORRY JODY--- AND !!!!!!HAPPY BIRHTDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! 161 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 162 163 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 164 165 Any perspective problems after the "DAY AFTER " ?? 166 I feel at a loss of words regarding its content 167 168 I keep saying "perspective.....I need perspective " 169 170 171 172 ::::::::::::::::::Alex:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 173 174 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 184 185 186 Alex: 187 188 You want a different perspective? Here's a dif 189 perspective. When I was in grade school, during the late 190 fifties, the country when through a similar period of mass 191 hysteria over "THE BOMB". 192 Every neighborhood had a warning system called Conalrad. 193 Once a month this siren went off and the whole nation 194 practiced hiding from the bomb. Children in school did bomb 195 drill where they were told that in case of nuculear attack 196 they were to hide under their desks and cover their eyes to 197 protect themselves from shattering glass. 198 A bomb shelter industry emerged as hundreds of thousands 199 of frightened Americans dug holes in their backyards so they 200 could hide from THE BOMB. 201 That was twenty-five years ago. The bomb never droppe 202 Maybe it never will. Who knows? 203 The thing to remember is that the odds of dying of 204 nuclear war are about the same as dying from a car accident. 205 Now that's pretty frightening if you think of all the drunk 206 drivers on the road. But if your not terrifed of driving a 207 car why be terrifed by a bomb that is no more likely to 208 hurt you? 209 There is currently a very sophisticated public relations 210 campaign going on designed to feed the flames of hysteria. 211 There is certainly cause for concern, yet a time comes when 212 the rational person need turn from the hysteria of the herd. 213 214 LeRoy McKane 215 216 ************************************************************ 217 BIG BILL: 218 219 I'm too new to this board to answer your first two 220 questions but perhaps the message above will give you a 221 clue to the answer to number three. 222 223 LeRoy 225 *********************************************************** 228 "The odds of dying of nuclear war are about the same as dying froma car 229 accident." I'm afraid that I can accept that comment. If there is no 230 war, you won't die of it. If there is a war, I would estimate the 231 chances of dying to be closer to 3 out of 4, since Pentagon estimates 232 are that there would be at least 75% casualties in a full-blown con- 233 frontation. And while there is indeed a public relations campaign by 234 the anti-nuclear groups, the consensus of the general public is based 235 more on the attitudes of our leaders than on any campaign. The Green 236 party in West Germany was originally an environmental-oriented group that 237 was taken over by the anti-nukes. It still wasn't very popular until 238 Reagen started making belligerant threats and foolish comments about 239 winning a limited nuclear war. To the people of Europe, this meant 240 limited to Europe. Reagen is the best friend the anti-NATO forces ever 241 had, since he is almost single-handedly destroying our allies faith in 242 us and the alliance. 243 The fear has always been there, it merely needs an occasional push 244 from violent war-mongers to bring it to the surface. Most have long 245 thought that nuclear war was unthinkable, and so thought little of it. 246 With our current attitudes on the national level, citizens now realize 247 our government no longer considers it unthinkable, and in fact seems to 248 welcome it. 249 By the way, why were there 13 blank lines before your message? 250 Rather a waste, wouldn't you say? 251 252 Barf the Barbarian 253 254 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 255 dear mike: $50 over our budget, and the members of my club are not the 256 type that are equiped to deal with half a kit. also they wouldn't think it 257 was worth the money. i was looking for something reletively painless, that 258 is something i could figure out and then guide them through all in the 259 course of one night of saughtering. where is the signalman available for 260 69$ in qty of 1? i appreciate your help with all this very much by the 261 way. but the thing that originally hooked all these people into this deal 262 was the poorly thought out PCS offer of $35 kits. since i can't deliver 263 anything close to that even with the large numbers of buyers i dug up, i 264 am obligated to find the best deal i can in tailor-made's, i guess. at 265 this point i have had, by the way, people call me from 4 other cities 266 about modems too. i think what i might have to do is guarentee the sales 267 myself, put up the money and distribute the modems. i got myself into 268 this and will have to see it through. anyway, i can appreciate that the 269 economies of scale are not going to be good enough here for you to 270 be able to get any lower. thanks anyway. when i have gotten them all modems 271 i will be sure to give everyone copies of your copylink handout. chuck. 272 .......................................................................... 273 274 275 276 277 ======================================================================= 278 Well gang the`movie is over, the world is still here and Orsen Wells 279 created more panic with "War of the Worlds." Although the movie was 280 depressing, I thi~nk it was a real eye opener that will start a dialoge 281 world wide. My concern is that the majority of`the people will side 282 with the freeze movement and take the simplistic view that if we get 284 that ain't gonna happen. The people that will get the most milage from 286 the free world then they are going to hold the upper hand. 287 ` 288 This is the`same reaction that caused us to bail`out of Vietnam. 290 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 291 AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFEREN'T!!!!!!! 292 293 294 "I DIDN'T DISLIKE THE DUCKS--THOUGH I DIDN'T MUCH LIKE THEM EITHER, 295 WITH THEIR MEAN LITTLE EYES AND THE WAY THEY WALKED AROUND LIKE THEY WERE 296 THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS ON LAND." 297 298 FROM OMNI, DEC. 1983 299 300 SEEMS OREGON MADE NATIONAL PUBLICATION 301 302 P.S. PAGE #134 303 304 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 305 Sure, the movie was a grim reminder of the horrors 306 of nuclear war, if anyone tends to forget. The 307 really scary part of the evening, though, was 308 listening to Kissinger, McNamara, Buckley, et al. 309 afterwards as they tried to explain how rational 310 the whole nuke/deterrent concept really is. 311 - Pops 312 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 313 [][][][][][][][][][][] 1722 NOV 21 [][][][][][][][][][][][] 314 315 The most depressing thing about the movie itself (not the aftershocks) 316 was that it was way understated. Even ABC admitted as much. 317 There is no way that anything would be left standing after such a war. 318 There are enough Warheads to target toens as small as happy vally and Coburg. 319 I must beleive, for sanity, that it will never happen. If it does, Please God, 320 make me be at ground zero. 321 322 On a happier subject, is there a BWMS party ? I am still enthusiastic about 323 the idea. 324 325 [][][][][][][][][][][][] DJJ [][][][][][][][][][] 326 327 If there is ever a condition or test that restricts who can use this system: 328 Please, OH PLEASE, make it a SPELLING TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!! 329 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 330 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 331 HEAVEN FORBID! A SPELLING TEST, THOU MUST JEST! THE FIRST TO GO WOULD BE OUR BE- 332 LOVED SYSTOP, MIKEY!, TO THE ABOVE, OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!!!!!!!!! 333 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 334 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 335 WELL NOW! 336 337 SEEMS LIKE SOME PEOPLE ARE UPSET ABOUT THE BOMB. SOME OTHER PEOPLE ARE 338 UPSET ABOUT EVERYONE ELSE GETTING UPSET ABOUT IT. ETC. 339 340 DURING THE MOVIE MY WIFE ASKED ME IF WHEN THE BOMB CAME SHE SHOULD TRY TO 341 FIND ME OR RUN THE OTHER DIRECTION. 342 343 I SAID RUN. TROUBLE WAS, I COULDN'T FIGURE OUT WHICH DIRECTION SHE SHOULD 344 RUN IN. 345 346 NORTH? NO GOOD - TROJAN AND LONGVEIW ARE A TARGET. 347 SOUTH? NO GOOD - TOO MUCH CITY THAT WAY FROM THE EAST SIDE - ALSO MISSLES, 348 I HEAR. 349 EAST? NO GOOD - BONNEVILLE DAM WILL BE A TARGET, NOT TO MENTION HANFORD, 350 WHERE THEY HAVE A WEAPONS GRADE PLUTONIUM REACTOR. A TARGET FOR 351 SURE. 352 WEST? NEVER GET THERE FROM HERE - CITY TRAFFIC WOULD BLOCK OUR ESCAPE 353 FROM THE EAST SIDE. 354 355 IF WE ARE LUCKY, THEY WILL NUKE US AS WE SLEEP. AT LEAST WE'LL BE TOGETHER 356 357 IN RUSSIA THEY HAVE A JOKE ABOUT THE CIVIL DEFENSE PLAN MOST EFFECTIVE 358 IN A NUCLEAR WAR. "IN CASE OF ATTACK, FACE AWAY FROM THE BOMB, GRAB 359 YOUR ASS FIMLY WITH BOTH HANDS, AND KISS IT GOODBY" 360 361 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HROTHGAR, THE RADIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 362 =============================================================== 363 364 LeRoy McKane is in prison. He was captured 365 by C.I.A. operatives who charged him with 366 smuggling arms to Syria and Iraq without the 367 permission of the United States Government. 368 Mr. McKane used the isle of Nicosa has his 369 base of operation for a five hundred million 370 dollar arms smuggling operation. Government 371 sources indicate that Mr. McKane didn't take 372 adequate precautions to ascertain that he was 373 not selling to enemies of the United States 374 of America. 375 376 377 Natasha 378 379 380 ************************************************************ 381 ############################################################ 382 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 383 HOW DEPRESSING!!! COME ON PEOPLE! I AGREE WITH JODY, TO AN EXTENT ANYWAY, I 384 THINK THAT THIS SUBJECT SHOULD BE DISCUSSED BUT ITS THE ONLY SUBJECT I EVER 385 SEE ON THE SYSTEM.(EXCEPT FOR THAT SAPPY AFAIR WE ALL WERE EXPOSED TO). LETS 386 TALK ABOUT SOMETHING POSOTIVE FOR A CHANGE? ALL YOU EVER TALK ABOUT IS BOMBS 387 AND DESTRUCTION. WHAT IS IT WITH YOU? DO YOU ALL HAVE ONE TRACK MINDS? TRY 388 AND SOON THINK OF A MORE POSITIVE SUBJECT, PPLLEEAAASSEEEE!!!! 389 GIMME A BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 390 ARGH!!! 391 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%MAN FROM THE MOON%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 392 393 394 395 AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT 398 399 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 400 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 403 404 .........................GROUCH............................... 405 406 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 407 408 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 409 well it the day after and nobody died yet. 410 the main thing that got me mad at the movie was all the stuff at the bng 411 and the end.the way i see it is we can't disapoint EINSTIEN and prove him 412 wrong on his theory about world war iv.i am niether pro or anti put it seem 413 they should right down allwrite thier ideas down and send it to the main man 414 in the big chair. 415 rev. moses 416 p.s i agree with mike about the spelig test . 417 ==============================----------------================== 418 Enough about the big XXking BOOM.................................. 419 So we've heard what you don't want to talk about. What DO you want to 420 talk about? Let's hear it!! Complaining is fine, but unless you can 421 offer something more than your complaints, you are nothing but hot air. 422 Let's hear it! 423 424 _____________Barf_the_Barbarian________________________________________ 425 426 Okay, folks, here is some exercise for your gre 427 y matter up there. 428 It seems everyone is troubled or enraged not by what the movie 429 "The Day After" portrayed but by the fact 430 that ABC had the yarbles to air it. 431 Wake up and smell the coffee, people...... 432 We, yes you and I, paid for those things..... 22,785 by latest 433 count. That's 22 times the force needed to trigger the much 434 dreaded "NUCLEAR WINTER". 435 Do you realize what that means ???? Referring to stats, 436 (Yes folks, Carl Segan was not quite accurate) it would 437 require on 700 nuclear devices detonated above ground to 438 plunge the earth into a cold spell that would last anywhere 439 from 6 months to several decades. Not a mild Oregon winter, 440 but a winter with temps. diving to -60 below (and that 441 would be in the warmer summer months). 442 Do you comprehend that ????? 443 Using a lesser scenario, if only one middile penetrated our 444 defenses and managed to hit a nuclear power plant, one would 445 have to immediately write off the entire region (SW, NW, East 446 Coast) and with wind drift patterns as they are, long term-wise 447 the North American continent would become totally uninhabitable. 448 Fallout whether by nuclear warhead or powerplant meltdown would still 449 be as effective (smell as sweet ?) 450 So if one missile could spell the demise of the U.S., why do we have 451 stockpiled over 22 thousand of the little beggars ????? 452 On another note, don't fool yourself into beleiving that 453 since we live in Oregon, we can backpack away from the 454 disaster. I've lived here 30 years ans fooled myself for a 455 long time with that belief. I finally had to wake up to 456 reality, however. With the size of nuclear weapons today, and with 457 projections on what size bomb Portland would be hit with 458 (in the 20 to 35 megaton range), everything, that's EVERYTHING 459 from Tektronix on the west side to Mt. Hood Comm. College would 460 be obliterated. TOutside of this initial (5 sec.) blast zone, 461 up to Mt. Hood, radiation is projected to fall in the 560 to 462 900 range per hour. 463 Well, at least you won't need a skillet to fry eggs, you can do it 464 on your forehead. 465 So, what's the purpose of talking (typing) about this ? 466 To wake people up...... If the missiles leave the silos, don't fool 467 yourself, humanity will CEASE to EXIST ---- PERIOD !!!!!! 468 In addition, most of the higher forms of life would be totally 469 destroyed. Estimates figure that even simple to m 470 oderately complex proteins, amino acids and RNA/DNA components 471 would be drastically altered if not destroyed. 472 In other words, from a chemical standpoint, the bonding coefficients 473 of these compounds would be destroyed. In other words, 474 we would have a sterile EARTH with none of the biological 475 units around that contribute to evolution. Not only would a 476 nuclear confligration destroy life that exists now, but, with 477 high levels of U-235, U-238, plutonium, and the highly ionized, 478 radioactive atoms of EVERY element, evolution would be halted. 479 At least for 6 to 10,000 years. 480 Anyone wanting to check my figures & estimates can refer to 481 the last 300 issues of "The Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists". 482 So, no one will survive, PERIOD..... 483 What do we do now ????? 484 We can wake up and realize that the Earth is now a global community with 485 everyone having a vested interest to STAY ALIVE. 486 What good will DEMORACY be if everyone is gone ????? 487 Again, I'm not a peace loving dove, although I'm not sure 488 that is so bad. I reacognize deterrent needs and the aggressive 489 posture of Russia but..... have any of us tried to look at it 490 from a Soviet citizens point of view ???? 491 After all, the U.S. just INVADED Grenada, the U.S. also supplies 492 enormous arms to third world countries (Mid-East?). 493 Sure, Russia has the KGB, but how would you deal with a country 494 that at the end of WW II, blew 400,000 Japanese away with 2 495 atmospheric nuclear devices ? Wouldn't you be a little 496 unsettled ???? 497 Sure, after the war, the U. S. "paid back" Japan by rebuilding 498 the country, but if there is a nuclear war in the future, 499 there won't be ANYTHING to rebuild, nor ANYONE to rebuild it. 500 I propose that we should be scared 501 scared stiff......... 502 Then after we mentally assess the situation.......ACT !!!!! 503 Whether you are pro or con ..... ACT .... tell the people in 504 power exactly how you feel.... or, you can become a member 505 of a bygone era....... THE SILENT MAJORITY ......... 506 We'll see who's silent when the bombs drop.......... 507 Also, let's not kid ourselves into believing that the movie 508 was truly representative of what really would happen. 509 510 511 Unless one lived right next door to a silo, there would be no 512 civil defense sirens, no broadcasts, no town cryer.. 513 Just the blinding flash and seconds later...blazing heat 514 (7500 degrees F). (Who says there's an energy shortage?) 515 After the heat wave, blasts of hot radioactive gases would soon follow.... 516 Run fast ???? Not likely. If you see the blast, it's already too 517 late. In that first blinding flash, you will have been exposed to 518 enough radiation to kill instantly, depending on locale and conditions. 519 So, why give a darn ???? Because someone has to... I've lived 520 with this menace for 30 years, I think it's time we ended it. 521 DJJ earlier said it. Read his message. And, don't put your 522 faith in Conalrad. The system is presently plagued with systems 523 failures and is not presently considered operational. 524 Also, there isn't a standby or backup system, folks. When it 525 hits, we will all be on our own. Any Jeanne Dixons out there ?? 526 Well, enough good news, the bad news is that McKane (see above) 527 has also been charged with selling defense codes and system specs to China 528 & Russia. I wonder how long before they discover that 529 SAC computers are driven by a bootlegged copy of "Stellar 530 Invaders" ??? 531 Well, all, I guess I have said enough. But do think about it. 532 For what we do not contend with today, we must wrestle with 533 tomorrow....or should we merely pass the responsibility off 534 onto our children and their children. We've already given them the 535 responsibilities of acid rain, pollution, nuclear waste disposal, 536 etc. Well, if they can't handle it, no problem... we will all 537 be dead and gone by who cares, right ????? 538 Wake up, America,tis spaceship earth is really not all that 539 big.... and I think the time has come to kind of rake the yard, 540 trim the hedges, clean up the neighborhood.....and....... 541 get our house in order, globally....... 542 Well ???? ............................. 543 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 544 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Bob B. from Fis\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 545 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 546 P. S. - I hope you read this, Alex & Leroy...................... 547 platitudes won't solve our problem....action will............... 548 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 549 550 551 \\\\\\\\\\\\\ Bob B. from Fishcity, Oregon \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 552 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 553 554 i have recieved a whole 4 votes. cancel the voting. I believe Hayden 555 Island is non-TRI-METable. would someone check for me? 556 557 ALL: am going down to SF for the week. will try to hop on a FTS link 558 at Berkely and give 'yall a buzz. if i don't see (?) you a happy 559 thanksgiving to all. 560 561 ALL Aaron-BBS types: i have (after perusing the last 500 lines) decided 562 to go ahead with the system. will be doing some initial design this week. 563 any ideas-input greatly valued. System will be 103 (300 baud) during 564 normal operation, and on special request i would be willing to steal the 565 103/212/3400 from my '11 for intermittent use. Located in SE (ok BAD?) 566 (private joke) Portland. Dedicated line, 24 hrs. Am writing the line editor 567 now. Remote screen editors soon to follow. Probably start with VT-52, C64, 568 and TV-920 compatibility for screen-edit users. Will generate other formats 569 on request. Contemplating supporting program transfers. IDEAS? 570 571 has anyone been in the place called "A Veritable Quandry" ? 572 573 Aaron 574 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 575 <*>#<*>#<*>#<*>#<*>#<*>#<*>#<*>#<*>#<*>#<*>#<*>#<*>#<*>#<*>#<*># 576 SORRY AARON... NEVER HEARD OF IT. WOULD ANYONE LIKE TO DISCUSS THE CIA 577 WITH ME? DID ANYONE READ 'THE FIRESTARTER' BY STEPHEN KING? DO THINGS LIKE 578 THAT ACTUALLY STILL HAPPEN? WHY SHOULD WE FEAR THEM MORE THAN RUSSIA? COMON' 579 FEEDBACK!! 580 581 <*>#<*>#<*>#<*>#NOT A LURKER ANYMORE::LIZ<*>#<*>#<*>#<*>#<*>#<*># <*>#<*>#<* 582 FISHCITY BOB: ENJOYED YOUR PLATITUDE. LEROY 583 584 *************************************************************** 585 ############################################################### 586 *************************************************************** 591 Out of respect for those who tire of talk of THE BOMB I offer 592 the final solution. This idea is so obviously the answer that 593 there can be no further discusssion. 594 595 Under every major city in the United States the government 596 should build gigantic atomic bombs that can only be detonated 597 by a nuclear explosion over the city. Should an enemy attack 598 our cities it would create a nuclear reaction sufficient to 604 throw our planet off its orbit...killing everyone. 605 606 Once this doomsday machine is in place the United States 607 will dismantle its entire nuclear force. The Soviets, seeing 608 nuclear war to be obsolete, dismantle their weopons as well. 609 610 No more's time for action !!! 611 612 613 LeRoy McKane 614 615 ************************************************************* 616 617 LEROY - THEY TOLD US YOU WERE IN JAIL. WHAT GIVES? 618 619 620 BIG BILL BROOZY 621 622 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 623 000000000000000000000000ooooooooo0000000000000000000000000000 .