LIST FILE ON MARGIN IS 76 STATUS: ALL ALLOWED NUMBER OF LINES: 629 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ********************* REMOVED: 22 DEC 83 **************************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION PLACED ON 6 THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privatly owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. 10 It is intended that the system be normally used for messages and 11 advertisments by the users. As the system is privatly owned, I retain the 12 right to remove any and all messages which I may find offensive 13 to me. Additionally because of the limited size of the system, it will be 14 periodically purged of older messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 15 The saved information will be cycled to drive 'B' while the information on 16 drive 'B' will be archived, and a fresh disk will be installed in drive 'A'. 17 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out 18 of the enter mode. The message is automaticly stored. 19 If after entering the message you find you made a mistake, 20 use the replace command to replace the line. 21 To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 22 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 23 ======================================== 24 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 25 WELL, I FILLED UP THE END OF THE LAST DISK, AND HERE I AM STARTING THE 26 NEW ONE. OK, EVERYONE, HAVE AT IT!! 27 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]PAM![][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 28 That train analogy reminds me of an old joke: 29 Adult to Kid:What if you saw two trains heading for each other at 30 70 Mph on the same track? 31 Kid to Adult:I'd jump, yell, scream, and wave my hands to try to 32 get their attention so they'd stop the train. 33 AtK:But what if that didn't work? 34 KtA:I'd get my older brother Joe. 35 AtK:What could he do? 36 KtAOh, nothing, but he's always wanted to see a train 37 wreck. 38 ------------------------------------------------------- P. V. Jeltz -------- 39 <<-->><<-->><<-->> 40 Greetings and salutations again. This is the real Merlyn (a.k.a. 41 Merlyn #2, a title I hope will disappear in time). The train analogy 42 ends at the point that you start discussing the size or direction 43 of track. I have discovered that (believe it or not) when one drops 44 ones need to be right about a subject, THERE IS NO WAY THAT THE 45 EVENTUAL OUTCOME CAN BE "WRONG!". Fundamental metaphysics here. 46 Also an important point. The person that talked about "the right 47 gauge track" or "leading to the proper destination" only elevated 48 the problem to a new one of right vs. wrong. Right and wrong 49 are merely an illusion... a comparison of HERE and NOW to some 50 previously formed picture, thought, or pattern. THERE IS NOTHING 51 BUT HERE AND NOW. Everything else is a lie, a hallucination 52 made up by the observer to justify a particular behavior. 53 Life wants to work... we merely stand in its way by being 54 stuck with an old belief. Please notice that. It's true for 55 you, for me, for all participants in the game. Nobody has 56 a real, inherent, right way of doing things. Everything is made 57 up from events from the past. Look! Listen! Feel it! The message 58 has always been there. Listen to "Grand Illusion" by Styx from 59 a while back. They had to have had a fairly accurate observation 60 of this universe to write that song. Merlyn of old did too. He 61 had to, to perform his miracles. Einstein was a modern Merlyn, 62 in a sense, 'cause he had vision to see things that the rest 63 of the world didn't yet. He saw the splendid order of the universe, 64 and tried to bring the message back into a world of newtonian 65 physics (definitely a hard job). My thoughts are running wild now, 66 I'll go back to my point. Operating within a point-of-view is 67 futile. All possible thoughts are shaped by the box in which 68 you must think in order to maintain that point of view. In math, 69 it's the same as solving a system of equations with one too many 70 unknown variables... no matter how many contortions you do, the 71 variable just keeps showing up, and the problem can never be solved. 72 I'm here for no particular purpose at all, but to describe things 73 that are as obvious to me as the sky above and the ground below 74 is to you. Ask to get answers, but remember that all statements 75 (including this one) are lies. Don't BELIEVE ANYTHING I SAY! 76 Look for yourself, and see if what I SAY IS TRUE! 77 Enough. Time for a viewpoint (it'll probably be on "illusions 78 of reality"). 79 -- Merlyn (from times before, to present time, and in no time or place) 80 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 81 >>> Hi, Alex. Long time, no hack. Just 82 >>> here to say hello. Bill 83 >>> Saturday, High Noon. 84 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 85 *************************************************************** 86 OK...THE COLLEGE KIDS HAVE HAD THEIR TURN. NOW IT'S TIME FOR 87 SOMEONE TO SAY SOMETHING INTERESTING FOR A CHANGE. 88 *************************************************************** 89 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 90 Ditto. How much arrogant pomposity must one 91 endure. Never have so many known so little 92 yet talked so much. Enough 93 Merylin #3 94 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 95 So say something! Say something! Don't just complain, say something! We 96 are waiting for your marvelous words! Or do you find it easier to complain 97 about the work of others and not contribute anything of your own? There 98 is a lot of space available here, so let's hear it from you. The worst 99 form of "arrogant pomposity" is that which only detracts and never adds 100 to the discussion. So get off your fat duffs and contribute, instead of 101 just griping! 102 Tired of the above Fools 103 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 104 <<-->><<-->> 105 For us newcomers, can some one please describe the leftover terms 106 I noticed like "Inn" and "characters" and where BWMS got its name? 107 Thanks.... Merlyn (the one and only, a.k.a. for now #2) 108 By the way, I know who the other Merlyn was, so everything is cool. 109 <<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->> 110 MICKEY, LETS DO IT WITH THE COPYLINK (A GREAT AND DIVERSIFIED DEAL 111 FOLKS, AND AVAILABLE FROM COMPUTER RE-MART, (I AM A DEALER FOR THIS 112 FINE PIECE OF SOFTWARE AM I NOT CYSOP). 113 I COULD NOT GET ON AT ALL TODAY SO HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON. 114 HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 115 DON'T REMEMBER WHO ASKED, BUT DON'T HAVE ANY RELATIONS OR FRIENDS NAMED 116 BILL, BUT HAVE A COUSIN FRED IN IOWA WHO IS MY NEAREST RELATIVE. NOT A 117 BAD GUY BUT STILL OWES ME 20 BUCKS. 118 TO EVERYONE WHO CARES DEPARTMENT* SOMEDAY I MAY GET INVOLVED IN YOUR 119 MANY VARIED DEBATES, BUT I MUST TELL YOU THAT YOUR INSIGHT, CONCERN, ETC 120 IS GREAT AND I THINK THAT IT IS GREAT THAT THERE IS A BOARD WHERE PEOPLE 121 COMMUNICATE BEYOND THE I LOVE YOU AND FOR SALE LEVEL. (IT IS HARD NOT 122 TO PUT A FOR SALE PLUG IN BUT REALIZE THAT IS NOT FOR THIS BOARD) 123 MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL 124 PPS-THERE WAS SOMEONE WHO SEEMED TO BE OFFENDED THAT I TO WAS USING THE 125 ><><><> TYPE SIGN OFF SO I WILL STOP THAT WHEN ON THE BWMS AND CHANGE TO 126 SOMETHING MORE APPRPRIATE 127 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$RE-MART$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 128 $=SAVINGS 129 ................................................................ 130 ALRIGHT. I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS. I AM THE FIRST MERLYN TO USE THIS SYSTEM 131 THE FIRST MERLYN TO USE THIS DISK IS MY TEACHER AND THE ORIGIONAL. 132 BUT I AM THE FIRST AND WISH TO REMAIN IT. TO MERLYN #3: FIND ANOTHER ALIAS. 133 MY GRIPE IF YOU WOULD NOTICE IS THAT PEOPLE DON'T USE THIER IMAGINATIONS 134 ENOUGH. BEING THE 3RD IN A LINE OF METAPHYSICAL MERLYNS IS HARDLY A 135 POSSITION YOU WILL PROPHIT FROM. TO THE MERLYN WHO USED THIS DISK FIRST: 136 IF YOU ARE GOING TO USE MERLYN TOO WE BETTER FIGURE SOMETHING OUT. WE 137 CAN WORK ON IT SUNDAY AT THE PARTY OK? I AM NOT A HORSE!!!!!! I WILL GET YOU 138 FOR THAT MY FRIEND. DID I TELL YOU ABOUT THIS WONDERFUL SYSTEM OF BODIES 139 WITHOUT MINDS (NO ONE NEEDS ONE ANYWAY RIGHT?)? I THUNKS ME DID. 140 WHO EVER SAID THE KNOW ME IS PROBABLY FULL OF IT. UNLESS THEY WERE TALKING 141 ABOUT MY TEACHER. (CANT SAY HIS NAME) I AM UNKNOWN BY MANY BUT KNOWN 142 RYWHERE. 143 TO MY TEACHER (ONCE AGAIN): IF YOU ARE GOING TO CONTINUE TO USE MERLYN HOW 144 ABOUT IF YOU MAKE A COMPROMISE SOMEWHERE. WE MAKE A COMPROMISE THAT IS. THAT 145 IS MY REQUEST. GRANTED??? 146 ................................STILL MERLYN................................ 147 ........................................................................ 148 Leonard...button, button, who's got the button??? How is the you-know- 149 what going? Finished yet? 150 To Aaron...Discussion of major computer networks in this forum is a bad 151 idea. The 'U' is a good place to meet. The lounge is good also. We can 152 arrange times when stuff starts up again. 153 To the person who keeps refering to 'College kids' in a derogatory manner, 154 Why must you do things like that? Some of us 'College kids' don't appreciate 155 such comments. I personally don't leave 150 line 156 frech poems and such, but even if I did I don't think more space needs to 157 be wasted with your griping about it. I could say alot more, but I don't 158 really want to waste space on the subject, but I will use just enough to 159 let you know how I feel. 160 To Hrothgar...Here here on Rich's Cigar Store! I have never seen such a 161 good selection of magazines! I too occasionally buy foreign magazines, and 162 I totally agree with your opinion on the subject. Many things are written 163 in those magazines that you would never see in the likes of Time, Newsweek, 164 or shudder, the National Enquirer! Way to spread the word! 165 ................tHE dROPPED bIT....................................... 166 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 167 The E.P.A. today reported a new threat to the climate, 168 called the "Whitehouse effect", which is producing 169 overheated air masses, melting principles, and rapidly 170 rising bilgewater levels. This is apparently caused by 171 the uncontrolled yearning of fossil fools for higher 172 office. 173 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 174 ######################################################################## 175 greetings, and may your yule log burn bright! 176 ############################ ARAFEL3 ################################### 177 dROPPed bIT: i don't think the remark to "college kids" applied to 178 you, he was just blown away over the little bit of imitation 179 philosophy about the unknowable universe. Those of us who think, 180 ore who merely read a little went through that phase too. I think i 181 was in about 8th grade when i passed beyond it (or was it 6th??) 182 #3, if that is where you are at, come back in about 6 months, even you 183 may grow up. Or else validate your claim. Most of us have found out that 184 there is a real world, and it is real, and knowable. 185 ...................................RAY................................... 186 !?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 187 MERLYN, THE TRAINDRIVER: YOU'RE RIGHT ABOUT ONE THING, NONE OF US REALLY 188 WANT THIS TO END, BUT MOST OF US SEE THE NEED FOR CONSTRUCTIVE CHANGE. OR 189 WOULD YOU RATHER ALL STAY SEATED, QUIETLY. 190 !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?DEBORAH!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 191 <<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->> 192 Greetings and salutations (Unnecessary by now, I assume, but still 193 a polite way to enter the conversation.) I DO NOT suggest that 194 you, as interested parties in the continuance of the game simply 195 sit by the sideline, but you may be spending more of your efforts 196 convincing and conning the "opposing" sid than you are solving the 197 problem. That may not be accurate either... remember that everything 198 that I say is a lie. Some have referred to me as "#3", I dunno 199 how I got that title. As far as I can perceive, I am only number 200 two, and the one that "IS NOT A HORSE" is number 1, my student. 201 I know nothing but what is immediately before me. I also know that 202 the world will not exist as we know it today by the end of this century. 203 It is time for the game to take a turn. It is the ending of the 204 current phase, and a beginning of the new one. At the end of this 205 phase, all survivors on the planet will realize that their brother 206 is not a separate creature, but merely an extension of themselves. 207 People are beginning to notice this already. Hooray for the good 208 side of the force! I come only to point the way. It is simple, and 209 you notice it from time to time already. The question "Why am I 210 alive?" might be a good starting place. No, I am not trying to 211 be religious... just a little bit of observation is all I ask. 212 What is the purpose of the game (also called "reality")? What is 213 you and your part in it? Enough talk... I'll fill up the disk in 214 no time. 215 -- Merlyn (from times of old, to present time, yet still timeless) 216 <<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->> 217 **************************************** 218 Cute, but pointless. Solipsism is marvelous for philosophical discussions, 219 but the action you called for is not possible from solipsistic thought. 220 And if everything you say is a lie, oh Zen master, why should I pay any 221 attention to you? What is the purpose of the "game"? There is no purpose. 222 At least, none that pre-exists your definition of reality. Any purpose is 223 created by individuals, for their own uses. And what action could one take 224 through this medium? None, of course. You seem to assume that none here 225 take actions outside of this medium, and that is typical of your mode of 226 thought, which is filled with assumptions that you have no way of knowing 227 or proving. As was said above, grow up a little. Sometimes pragmatism is 228 more helpful than philosophy. 229 ************Captain America************ 230 Merlyn, Master of Philosobabble 231 ____________________________________________________________________________ 232 I'm going to stay out of this whole conversation. 233 ---------------------------------------------------- P.V. Jeltz ------------ 234 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 235 APOLOGY 236 I wish to apologize for my irresponsible slur 237 against college students. My comment was 238 immature and unnecessary. It was inspired by 239 an unfortunate lapse of judgement brought on 240 through exhaustion and discouragement. I am sorry. 241 /////////////////////////TOO-EMBARRASED-TO-MONIKER///////////// 242 [][][][][][][][][][] 1324 12/18/83 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 243 ALL: Whew!!!! Too rich for my blood. 244 PAM: BASBBS is down. Fried IC. Glad that you are back, though, and 245 I missed meeting you at the Not a Pizza. I have some goodies for 246 you, do you have a disc, or are you cassette only ? 247 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][] DJJ [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 248 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 249 YES DJJ, I DO HAVE A DISK, AS I LONG AGO GOT TIRED OF "ERROR 143". 250 I WAS WONDERING WHAT HAPPENED TO BASBBS, I'VE TRIED CALLING IT A FEW TIMES 251 RECENTLY AND GOTTEN NO RESPONSE. WELL, I'M GLAD TO HEAR THAT IT ISN'T A 252 PERMANENT THING, EVEN THOUGH HARDWARE PROBLEMS AREN'T THE BEST THINGS IN 253 THE WORLD. AS TO THE NOT A PIZZA, I HAVE A BAD DEFECT IN THAT I'M TERRIBLY 254 CHICKEN ABOUT MEETING PEOPLE. TOTALLY TERRIFIED! BUT I LOOK FORWARD TO 255 SEEING YOU UP AND RUNNING AGAIN. 256 I WON'T COMMENT ON MOST OF THE ABOVE, EXCEPT THAT I HOPE THAT EVERYONE 257 WILL CALM DOWN A BIT AND REALIZE THAT, WHILE ALL THIS IS FUN, IT REALLY 258 DOESN'T MATTER. NOTHING WE SAY HERE WILL CHANGE THE WORLD ONE IOTA, EXCEPT 259 PERHAPS TO GIVE OURSELVES AND OTHERS SOME NEW INSIGHTS INTO OTHER'S VIEW- 260 POINTS. 261 AARON, I AM WAITING WITH BAITED BREATH (UH, BAITED BAUD RATES PERHAPS?) 262 FOR YOUR NEW SYSTEM. COULD YOU GIVE US AN UPDATE? DID YOU GET YOUR 263 HARDWARE? KEEP US INFORMED! 264 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]PAM.[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 265 DEAR PAM: VOLKOMEMMON, AND SALUTATIONS. AGREE ON CALMING DOWN. HOWEVER, 266 DISAGREE THAT THIS MEDIUM DOES NOT HAVE THE ABILITY TO CHANGE THINGS. 267 AN EXAMPLE: THE CURRENT HEAD OF COMMUNICATIONS FOR THE REAGAN ADMINIS- 268 TRATION WAS ON 'FREEMAN REPORTS' LAST NIGHT. THE SUBJECT WAS THE 269 RELATIONSHIP OF THE PRESS AND THE GOVERNMENT. HE DENIED THAT THE PRESS 270 WAS UNDER ATTACK BY THE ADMINISTRATION. THEN THEY GOT INTO DISCUSSING 271 HIS RESIGNATION. HIS NEXT JOB WILL BE AT THE AMERICAN HERITAGE INSTITUTE 272 , WHICH IS A RIGHT WING POLICY TANK IN DC THAT SPENDS IT'S TIME FIGURING 273 OUT HOW TO SUBVERT BASIC AMERICAN FREEDOMS, AND PASSING THESE IDEAS 274 ON TO IMPORTANT PEOPLE IN GOVERNMENT, INDUSTRY, ETC. IT'S BASICALLY THE 275 SAME FUNCTION AS PERFORMED INTERNALLY BY THE KGB IN THE USSR, BUT IN THE 276 U.S. THIS FUNCTION IS OFFICIALLY 'DIVORCED' FROM THE GOVERNMENT AS 277 SUCH, AND IS FUNDED INDIRECTLY AT PLACES LIKE THE A.H.I. BY GRANTS 278 FROM THE GOVERNMENT AND WEALTHY INDIVIDUALS. 279 ANYWAY, HIS NEXT JOB IS EXAMINING NEEDED POLICY ON "DIFFICULT QUESTIONS" 280 (NEWSPEAK FOR 'WE'RE GONNA SHAFT YA BUT DON'T WANT TO SAY SO') 281 RAISED BY THE NEED TO KEEP ALL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS FROM PUBLISHING 282 ANYTHING AT ALL WITHOUT PRIOR REVEIW BY SECURITY AGENCIES, NO MATTER HOW 283 LONG IT'S BEEN SINCE RETIREMENT AND NO MATTER HOW INNOCUOUS THE SUBJECT. 284 AS WELL AS DISCUSSING AND DESIGNING POLICY FOR THIS AND OTHER MEANS 285 OF SUPPRESSING THE TRUTH IN THE PRINTED MEDIA, HIS GROUP AT THE A.H.I. 286 IS GOING TO BE EXAMINING THE WHOLE AREA OF DATA COMMUNICATIONS LIKE 287 THAT WHICH WE ARE DOING HERE ESPECIALLY, I PRESUME. SO AT LEAST THIS 288 KIND OF COMMUNICATION HAS HAD AN EFFECT IN THAT THE GOV. IS TRYING TO 289 FIGURE OUT A WAY OF CONTROLLING US. 290 THIS MEDIUM IS GOING TO BE MORE AND MORE IMPORTANT FOR PROVOKING 291 DISCUSSION AND DISSEMINATION OF THE TRUTH, I SUSPECT. ANOTHER ONE I 292 AM INTERESTED IN IS THE XEROX MACHINE. IF YOU'RE AROUND OFFICES AT 293 ALL OFTEN YOU'LL RUN INTO A HANDOUT EVERY WEEK ON SOME SUBJECT, OFTEN 294 VULGAR, SOMETIMES QUITE FUNNY. OFTEN THESE HANDOUTS PRESENT THE 295 VEIWS OF SOME GROUP ON SOCIETY. EVEN IF THIS MEDIUM (TELE) IS 296 CONTROLLED EVENTUALLY, I SUSPECT THAT IT WILL BE HARD TO SUPPRESS THE 297 USE OF COPY MACHINES. 298 THIS ACCESS TO ALTERNATIVE PRESS EQUIPMENT CAN BE QUITE IMPORTANT. 299 THE VIETNAM WAR PROVIDES US WITH A GOOD EXAMPLE. DURING ALL THE EARLY 300 (PRE - 1971) PART OF THAT WAR THE REGULAR PAPERS AND NETWORKS GAVE 301 OUT THE OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT VERSION OF THE WAR NEARLY EACH AND EVERY DAY. 302 BUT PEOPLE WANTED THE TRUTH ABOUT THE WAR, AND SO IN NEARLY EVERY CITY 303 A CHEAP TABLOID FORM PAPER OF SOME KIND SPRANG UP TO TELL ANOTHER SIDE 304 OF THE WAR. THESE PAPERS WERE OFTEN QUITE BIASED AND INNACCURATE AS WELL. 305 BUT THEY DID TELL SOME THINGS THAT NEEDED TO BE TOLD. FOR INSTANCE, 306 THE 'LEGITIMATE' PRESS LEARNED ABOUT GOVERNMENT LIES ABOUT ENEMY TROOP 307 STRENGTH THROUGH THE UNDERGROUND PRESS. I MYSELF, WRITING IN ONE OF 308 THESE TABLOIDS (THE SO-CALLED UNDERGROUND PRESS WHICH WAS SOLD ON 309 EVERY STREET CORNER) WAS THE FIRST PERSON WRITING HERE, AS FAR AS I 310 KNOW, TO WRITE ABOUT THE COUP OF POL POT AIDED BY OUR CIA DURING 311 PRINCE SIHANOUKS STAY IN CHINA (THE FORMER PRINCE OF CAMBODIA, A 312 NEUTRALIST WHO TRIED TO KEEP HIS COUNTRY WHOLE AND OUT OF THE VIETNAMESE 313 WAR, STILL LIVING IN CHINA SINCE HIS ESCAPE). POL POT AS YOU WILL RECALL, 314 WAS THE MAN WHO PUT THOUSANDS OF HEADS UP ON STAKES AROUND THE CAPITOL 315 AS DECORATION, AND THE REASON WHY MANY OF OUR OWN PEOPLE THINK THAT 316 THE CAMBODIANS ARE BETTER OFF UNDER THE VIETNAMESE, AHRD AS THAT IS TO 317 BELIEVE. THIS COUP WAS EASY TO PREDICT AS I READ THE PRESS OF 318 OTHER COUNTRIES EVERY DAY, AND THE SIGNS WERE CLEAR. 319 AFTER A WHILE, WHEN IT BECAME CLEAR THAT THERE WERE SOME PROBLEMS 320 WITH THE OFFICIAL TRUTH PUT OUT BY THE GOVT., THE 'LEGITIMATE ' 321 PRESS BEGAN TO DO GOOD REPORTING OF IT'S OWN. BY THIS TIME THE 322 READERSHIP IF THE UNDERGROUND PRESS IN PORTLAND HAD GOTTEN TO BE OVER 323 100,000 PER WEEK. 324 LATER, ALL OF US "CANDY ASS LIBERALS", TO QUOTE A MARXIST AQUAINTANCE 325 OF THE TIME, WERE OUSTED FROM THE PAPERS BY A NATIONAL COUP CARRIED OUT 326 BY THE FAR LEFT. THATS ABOUT THE TIME 'KILL THE PIGS' GOT TO BE A BIG 327 HEADLINE. WE COULDN'T STOP IT, CAUSE THE OFFICIAL OWNERSHIP OF THESE PAPERS 328 WAS OFTEN IN DOUBT, AND THERE WERE MORE OF THEM, THE TAKEOVER WAS WELL 329 CO-ORDINATED, AND SO ON. THEY LASTED ABOUT SIX MONTHS BEFORE PEOPLE 330 STOPPED READING THE PAPERS COMPLETELY, BECAUSE OF THE UGLY TONE THEY HAD 331 TAKEN ON, AND THE FACT THAT THEY HAD BECOME OUT AND OUT PROPAGANDA 332 ORGANS FOR THE FAR LEFT (WEATHERMEN, AMERICAN COMMUNIST PARTY, ETC) 333 MEANWHILE, THE JOB HAD BEEN DONE. THE NATION HAD BEEN AWAKENED. 334 AND THE WAR DID EVENTUALLY WIND DOWN BECAUSE OF IT. AT THE SAME TIME, 335 THE EVIRONMENTAL AND CONSERVATIONIST, ALTERNATIVE POWER, TRUTH 336 IN ADVERTISING, CONSUMERIST GROUPS, AND RIGHT TO DUE PROCESS GROUPS 337 HAD ALL BEEN GIVEN A GOOD FOOTHOLD IN THE 'LEGITIMATE PRESS' 338 THE POINT OF ALL THIS IS (YES, AT LAST), THAT IT IS NOT THE 339 'LEGITIMATE PRESS THAT ONE SHOULD LOOK TO FOR PROTECTION. THEY ARE NOT 340 THE 'FREE PRESS' THAT THE FRAMERS OF THE CONSTITUTION WANTED TO PROTECT. 341 THEY WERE REALLY MORE INTERESTED IN PROTECTING PEOPLE LIKE PAMPHLETEERS 342 , FOR INSTANCE, THOMAS PAINE. IT IS THE SINGLE INDIVIDUAL, SPEAKIN 343 OUT IN WHATEVER MEDIUM HE OR SHE CAN GET HANDS ON, THAT PROTECTS THE TRUTH. 344 IN THIS DAY AND AGE OF MILLION DOLLAR NEWSPAPER PRESSES AND $200 TERMINALS, 345 THAT MEANS THE TERMINAL IS THE INSTRUMENT OF THE REAL FREE PRESS. 346 AND PEOPLE WITH XEROX MACHINES. AND GRAFFITI SLOGANEERS WITH SPRAY CANS. 347 WHEREVER THE PRESS IS HARD TO LOCATE, THE MACHINE HIDDEN, THE AUTHOR 348 UNKNOWN, THAT IS WHERE THE REAL FREE PRESS EXISTS. 349 BWMS IS A PART OF THAT. HOPEFULLY THEY WON'T DO TO US WHAT THEY DID 350 TO HAM RADIO OPERATORS, WHO ARE EFFECTIVELY GAGGED. 351 SOMEBODY WAS ASKING FOR EXAMPLES OF SUPPRESSION OF THE PRESS BY THE 352 GOVERNMENT, FOR INSTANCE A PARTICULAR STORY. I OFFER THE EXAMPLE 353 OF THE FCC AND NIXON AIDES CALLING UP NETWORK HEADS DURING THE VIETNAM 354 ERA THREATENING TO CANCEL STATION LICENSES IF THE NETWORKS DIDN'T 355 TOE THE LINE ON REPORTING THE WAR. REMEMBER AGNEW? 356 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HROTHGAR, THE IMMANENT AUTHOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 357 P.S. MERLYN IF YOU'RE SO ORIGINAL HOW COME THERE'S THREE OF YOU? 358 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 359 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 360 Pam: official UNICOM status report: 361 It appears that a multi-user version of the operating system that UNICOM 362 was planned to run on is availiable. This OS will permit UNICOM to support 363 more than one user on the system simultaniously (with extra phone/modem); so 364 I have decided to write the system software under it. I should have a copy 365 Monday. As to a BW type section, there is a distinct possibility that an 366 extraordinarily good emulation of BW will be included. This is pending my 367 decision of wether to use the BW hardware in UNICOM or in my private 368 telecomunication facilities (I was originally going to incorporate it in, 369 but looking it over It seems a little to nice to "throw away") (the BW 370 hardware is a distinct module, and is entirely separate from the UNICOM 371 base hardware). Other pending questions are (question was just resolved.. 372 it has to be this way..) wether to make the 256k ram look like memory or 373 floppy or hard disk( resolution is hard disk ) (required for multi-user 374 OS handlers..) System target date is still Jan 1. First month of opertion 375 will be experimental; I will pay all expenses out of pocket, no montly 376 dues will be collected until the system stabilizes. UNICOM member 377 invitations will begin appearing on various boards solicting membership 378 from individuals who have been responsible and creative enuf to attract 379 my and my helpers' attention. General invatations will also be distributed 380 soliciting intrested parties to contact me for membership evaluation; and/ 381 or user referendum (if i havn't seen enough of someone to judge their 382 level of BB interaction, I will submit the question of their membership 383 to the UNICOM public for vote). 384 (note: will edit this text at earliest opportunity; I'm not in an 385 editing mood at the present........) 386 Aaron 387 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 388 THIS IS A GOOD IDEA. I WONDER HOW MUCH IT 389 STS TO START SOMETHING LIKE THIS. IF YOU HAD A WINCHESTR~ER HARD DRIVE,IT WOULD BE ALOT EASIER. 390 HELLO I AM YOUR FRIENDLY HARD DRIVE SALESMAN. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN EXPANDING, 391 GIVE ME A CALL AT 226-xxxx. THANKS 392 ............................................................................................................................... 393 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 394 SO. HERE IT IS FOLKS. THE SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM OF 'TOO MANY 395 MERLYNS'. THIS IS THE FIRST MERLYN (BY THE WAY). 396 I AM GOING TO CHANGE MY ALIAS. MY TEACHER AND I HAVE TALKED IT OVER AND SINCE HE WAS THE ONE WHO CAME UP WITH THE NAME I 397 AGREED TO LET HIM 398 KEEP IT. WE WERE THINKING OF ANOTHER ALIAS FOR ME AND COULD ONLY 399 COME UP WITH 'CYNGUS'. I LIKED IT BUT AM NOT GOING TO USE IT. YOU WILL ALL SEE 400 WHAT I COME UP WITH SOON. SOOOO, THE ORIGIONAL MERLYN IS NO LONGER MERLYN. THE SECOND MERLYN IS NOW MERLYN. THE THIRD MERLYN CA 401 TAKE A HIKE. FIND ANOTHER ALIAS TOO WHILE YOU ARE AT IT. AND DON'T DARE USE THE 402 SAME ONE I DO AGAIN. TO HROTHGAR: I AM ORIGIONAL. THE OTHER ONES MAY NOT BE. THEY ARE JUST CHEAP COPIES. (SORRY TEACH.). 403 TO MERLYN (SINCE I HAVE RETIRED THE NAME): HAD FUN AFTER WE GOT OUT OF THE HAUNTED HOUSE. BUT LETS NOT EVER DO IT AGAIN OKAY?? 404 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NO ONE YET<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 405 TO ABOVE: TYPE "OFF" NEXT TIME, OR YOU MAY FIND PART OF YOUR MESSAGE LOST. 406 SAME TO EVERYONE ELSE. PLEASE TYPE "OFF" WHEN YOU ARE THROUGH ENTERING, OR 407 THE FILE IS NOT CLOSED AND YOUR LAST FEW LINES MAY DISSAPEAR FOREVER. 408 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 409 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 410 I DID TYPE 'OFF'. 411 ALSO TO HELP DILUTE SOME OF THE CONFUSION TO WHICH MERLYN IS WHICH.... 412 THE ONE WHO UNCLAIMED THE TITLE IS THE ONE WHO HAS BEEN HERE AT THE INN 413 LONGEST OUT OF THE THREE. 414 :::::::::::::::::::::STILL DON'T KNOW WHO I AM:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 415 !*!*!*!*!*! Pithy, Deb, pithy. I suspect Merlyn is only one. !*!*!*!*!*! 416 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ 417 HI! I'M NEW! CAN I PLAY? HOPE THIS BORDER DOSN'T OFFEND ANYONE, DOES IT? 418 BOBBY. 419 \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ 420 Hrothgar:I agree regarding usefulness of outside viewpoints (even biased 421 ones!). I was in high school at "height" of 'Nam. Every day in "Humanities 422 we would compare rough "transcripts" of network news with similarly rough 423 "transcripts" made by some of us who could listen to Radio Hanoi, Radio 424 Moscow, Radio Peking, etc. We realized that the instructors were sticking 425 their necks out by encouraging this, so we tried not to be TOO critical of 426 "our" side's news at school. But we still had a few instances of "where did 427 get that DUMB idea". 428 Would you (or anyone else) know where I could pick up or better yet, 429 subscribe to, the English language edition of "Pravda"? The only line I've 430 been able to get so far is on the Russian edition. Since I don't really feel 431 like learning Russian, this isn't much help. (I wonder if CIS could be 432 persuaded to put the TASS newswire on-line. Nah, It'd be too EXPENSIVE.....) 433 Merlyn:re your "once you quit worrying about 'right & wrong' you will 434 find you aren't wrong." I disagree, with the exception of moral questions 435 right & wrong should be defined operationally. In other words, it is right 436 if it works, if it doesn't work it is wrong. (& if it has no effect on the 437 job or problem then it is irrelevant & superfluous). 438 You have fallen afoul of the tendency of most languages to assign many 439 widely variant meanings to the same word. Oh, and by the way, your "all my 440 statements, including this one, are lies" is dealt with in most logic texts. 441 Try "Symbolic Logic" by Irving M. Copi for instance. Basicly, you are 442 confusing the object language & the meta-language. 443 _____________________________________Leonard________________________________ 444 HROTHGAR: AN INTERESTING RANT IF I DO SAY SO. YOU HAVE EXPLAINED BETTER 445 THEN I HAVE SEEN BEFORE THE TRUE CONCEPT OF BWMS. I WONDER IF ANYONE 446 KNOWS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF LAST FRIDAY? I'LL GIVE YOU A HINT, IT HAD TO 447 DO WITH A CERTAIN PARTY IN BOSTON A NUMBER OF YEARS AGO. ANYWAY, AS 448 YOU SAID HROTHGAR, THE CREATERS OF THE CONSTITUTION (AND BILL OF RIGHTS) 449 DID INDEED INTEND TO PROTECT THE LITTLE GUY. LEAST WE FORGET THAT THEY 450 HAD BEEN IN THAT EXACT SAME POSITION THEMSELVES, AND WERE PAINFULLY 451 AWARE OF ITS NEED. THE SANCTIONED PRESS WILL NORMALLY TOW THE LINE 452 SIMPLY BECUSE THEY HAVE A LOT TO PROTECT, SO THEY DON'T WANT TO JEPORDIZE 453 IT BY SAYING NASTY THINGS ABOUT UNCLE SAM OR WHATEVER. BECAUSE THOUGH WE 454 DO HAVE THE RIGHT TO FREE PRESS HERE, UNCLE ALSO HAS THE ABILITY TO 455 HARASS THEM IN ALL SORTS OF WAYS. I SUBSCRIBE TO WORLD PRESS IN REVIEW 456 MYSELF, WHILE I FIND THE STORIES VERY INTERESTING, I FIND A GREAT DEAL 457 OF INTEREST IN THE POLITICAL CARTOONS. YOU CAN TELL AN AWFULL LOT ABOUT 458 WHAT THE FEELINGS OF THE COUNTRY ARE BY A SIMPLE DRAWING. (NOTE: THAT I 459 SAY THE COUNTRIES FEELINGS, AND NOT THE PEOPLE. - TWO DIFFERENT THINGS 460 ENTIRLY -) I ALSO SUBSCRIBE TO A NUMBER OF OTHER RAGS AS WELL, INCLUDING 461 NEW SCIENTIST. WHICH IS A BRITISH SCIENCE WEEKLY THAT GIVES AN INTERESTING 462 VIEWPOINT FROM THE BRITISH DIRECTION. I ALSO SUBSCRIBE TO REASON MAG 463 WHICH THOUGH A BIT OUTLANDISH AT TIMES SOME REAL JEWELS CAN BE FOUND IN 464 IT. THEY DELIGHT IN DIGGING UP NASTY LITTLE HIDDEN THINGS THAT THE 465 GOVERNMENT WOULD JUST AS SOON BE LEFT HIDDEN. THE MAIN INPORTANCE HERE 466 IS THAT REASON SPENDS AS MUCH TIME ON LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AS THEY DO 467 ON THE FEDS. THERE IS JUST AS MUCH (IF NOT MORE) LOCAL NASTIES AS THERE 468 ARE NATIONALY. IN CONCLUSION, THERE IS ONE PHRASE COMING FROM A POLITICIANS 469 MOUTH THAT FRIGHTENS ME MORE THEN ANY OTHER (FOR THAT MATTER OUT OF 470 ANYONES MOUTH) "THIS IS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD." HOW WOULD THEY KNOW, THEY ARE 471 NOT IN MY SHOES. BESIDES I HAVE FOUND THAT 90% OF THE TIME THEY ARE AFTER 472 SOME THING FOR THEMSELVES AND COULD CARE LESS ABOUT MY WELFARE. (THE OTHER 473 10% IS JUST MISGUIDED FOOLISHNESS.) THIS THINKING HAS LEAD TO AMONG OTHER 474 THINGS THE HIGHEST TAX RATE IN OUR NATIONS HISTORY. (I WONDER HOW FAST 475 OUR FOREFATHERS ARE SPINING?) (OH LORD I'M BEGINING TO SOUND LIKE ANON! 476 I BETTER SHUT UP AND GO TO WORK.) 477 ************* CISTOP MIKEY RANTING AGAIN ***************************** 478 P.S. THANKS FOR GETTING THE BALL ROLLING AGAIN PAM. THINGS WERE TO QUITE! 479 *************************************************************************** 480 <<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->> 481 Greetings and salutations: 'tis I, Merlyn (now the one and only). 482 People like to categorize my philosophy (if one exists) in many 483 ways. Solopsism is *not* entirely accurate. All philosophies 484 and religious knowledge systems FAIL if one approaches them as 485 the answer to the way in which one knows. Only questions are 486 powerful. But of course, questions are not what the Western 487 thinker wants. Hence, the paradox. All your thinking is held 488 within a box... you cannot even recreate my point-of-view within 489 your current box. You attempt to label that which I project 490 with terms that fit your current understanding. What I speak 491 cannot be understood, only known (but not before it really IS 492 known). My student (once known as Merlyn #1) will choose a new 493 name. I will be around, as I always have been. Pragmatism 494 is the ONLY answer. Merely notice what works and what doesn't 495 work. Do not be fooled into believing that what you have 496 figured out that MUST work will necessarily work. Only 497 that which produces results, produces results. Be aware, be 498 concious, but mostly be able to ride the horse in the direction 499 it is going. In a you vs. the universe struggle, the victor 500 is obvious. Think about it, but don't think about it. 501 -- Merlyn (creator of enlightened bullshit, to confront the masses) 502 <<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->><<-->> 503 ############################################################### 504 THIS IS PRETTY PRAGMATIC STUFF, MERYLN, 505 WHERE'S THE IMAGINATION YOU PROMISED? 506 Walt Disney 507 ############################################################### 508 Oh sure, I know all you cynics out there will say Walt Disney 509 is dead. Well so what. Alot of nice people are dead and 510 it doesn't make them any less nice. I think we should be 511 thankful that Walt took the time to join us today. 512 ############################################################### 513 As for me.....give me poetry, or give me a good ol' Tea Pahty. PRevere 514 oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo 515 ......................................................................... 516 Aaron...regarding Unicom, it sounds like your system is moving right along. 517 I imagine you, as a person who knows something about getting on other 518 computers, are trying to incorporate as much protection as you can into 519 the system. Another point...awhile back you mentioned you were NOT going 520 to monitor the system(ala BWMS) as far as message content goes, except 521 for the usual deletion of 4-letter messages and such. With some of the 522 recent rulings and new laws in certain states regarding computer 523 operators(sysops) responsibility for what information is presented on their 524 system, are you thinking of modifying your policy? Also, in registering 525 next term for the `U', what does your schedule look like so far? Like 526 I said before, meeting there sounds like a good idea to me. 527 To Hrothgar...You certainly do have an interesting past! Since I was merely 528 a tyke in the days of vietnam, about the only thing I remember clearly 529 about the media's reporting of the war was the body counts given at the 530 end of the 6:00 news every night. Where they would show a little blue man 531 and he represented the Americains, and a little red man, and he represented 532 the enemy. War reduced to nothing more than statisitcs, given in monotone. 533 A sad state of affairs indeed. 534 To PAM. Another person glad to see you back too. Regarding your comment 535 about the uselessness of our debate: If even one person gets a little 536 better understanding of the world around him through the messages on BWMS, 537 then I think the discussions here have changed something. Maybe nothing 538 major, but something. To me, BWMS has evolved beyond a simple medium to leav 539 messages, it has become something I use to expand my horizon. Several 540 times I have printed or captured text for later perusal. Sometimes I 541 have brought some of the better compositions to work for me fellow 542 workers. It may be small, but BWMS does serve a useful purpose, as I am 543 sure you will agree. thanks 544 ...............tHE dROPPED bIT........................................... 545 PS TO RAY...You are right, but I unfortunatly find a lot of prejudice 546 toward young people, and I sometimes get a little carried away defending 547 my age too. Sorry. 548 .......................................................................... 549 HAVE YOU EVER NOTICED HOW THEY OVER-USE THE WORDS 'THICK AND RICH ON TV? 550 IT REALY BUGS ME. HAS ANYBODY EBER~~~VER TASTED SHAMPOO TO SEE IF IT IS 551 THICK AND RICK~H? I DON'T UNDERSTAND IT. 552 OH WELL I WILL BE BACK LATER WITH SOME OTHER THINGS THAT ANNOY ME. 553 Andy Roony 554 RTLKMDFS 555 ************************************************************* 556 PAM -- a breath of sweet reason amidst the gnashing of bits. 557 Of course, everything we say is important to each of us who 558 says it, but what most fail to realis 559 PAM -- a breath of sweet reason amidst the gnashing of bits. 560 Of course, everything we say is important to each of us says 561 it, but what most people fail to recognize is that often 562 nobody is really listening. 563 LEONARD -- I don't know where you can pick up an English 564 language edition of Pravda locally, but even the cheapest 565 short wave receiver will pick up Radio Moscow, which has a 566 particularly strong signal here on the west coast. I think 567 you'd find it pretty dreary listening though. 568 - POPS 569 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 570 P.S. -- sorry for the repeat on the PAM message; with 571 call waiting feature on phone it disconnencts modem 572 every time somebody calls; another great Ma Bell service. 573 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 574 WELL NOW! 575 DEAR LEONARD : DO'T KNOW ABOUT PRAVDA. I'VE ALWAYS FOUND IT A PRETTY 576 SLOW READ, MYSELF. IT HAS BEEN YEARS SINCE I SAW IT AROUND PORTLAND, 577 ANYWAY. MIGHT TRY U OF O BOOKSTORE OR REED COLLEGE. REED MIGHT BE THE BEST 578 BET, IN FACT. I AM ASHAMED TO ADMIT THAT I AM NOT READING ANYTHING 579 FROM THE EAST BLOCK REGULARLY RIGHT NOW. READ 'KRUSCHEV REMEMBERS', 580 HIS UNDERGROUND MEMOIRS, RECENTLY THOUGH, AND FOUND IT QUITE INTERESTING. 581 THE FACT THAT BREZNEW AND THE NEO-STALINISTS LET HIM LIVE AFTER 582 TAKING POWER IS REALLY A MILESTONE I CAN APPRECIATE NOW FOR THE FIRST 583 TIME. 584 585 MIKEY : WHERE CAN YOU PICK UP A COPY OF 'REASON' MAGAZINE? 586 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HROTHGAR (BREVITY INCARNATE)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 587 P.S. THAT MEANS I HAVE TO EAT NOW - MUNCH OVER MIND 588 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 589 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 590 hi;; my name is Kathryn, this is my first time, how do you like me so 591 far?! I really wish that everyone could see Yentl it is a really though 592 t provoking movie, Barbra Striesand did a very good job, what do you t 593 hink ? 594 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ KAD @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 595 Howdey, thes har iz batter tha" th" C"m B'm. B. Cata" (BILLY) 596 !@#!@#!@#!@#!@#!@#!@#!@#!@#!@@#!@#!@#$%^#$%@#$@@ 597 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$ 598 I am totally appalled at the ignorance and unconformation of this "year 599 mochine and of speclly that there blilly whats his name. see yall around 600 the pool hall.........8 ball in the corner pocket.............,hyuk hyuk. 601 WDPT 602 ____________---____-----__________----------______--------! 603 TSK TSK PAM, YOUR SLIPPING! YOU MISSED FILLING THE LAST TWO LINES 604 OF THE LAST DB. (I DO ADMIT THAT I HAD BEEN PLAYING AROUND WITH IT 605 THOUGH). IT USE TO BE FULL. OH WELL.... 606 ************** CISTOP MIKEY ************************************** 607 <>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>> 608 Go to the devil Grand Dragon Master. How dare you reveal our governments secret plans for infiltrating the United States! 609 You and your capitalist dog friends will soon feel the hot steel of syrian swords in your gullet. Up until now, we have had 610 total sucess fooling you idiot americans into believing we were one of your kind. How silly you are, trying to protect those 611 horrible jews in Isreal. Do you really think you can fight a war of attrition from 5000 miles away. We know the middle east 612 as if it were our backyard. You are the outsiders, ans you will soon pay for your transgressions. Infidel! Die Die Die!!!!!! 613 614 your friend, Abdoul Muhasiam Addaba 615 <>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><<>><><><>>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>< 616 PAM? HELLO? PAM? HELLO? PAM? HELLO? PAM? HELLO? PAM? HELLO? PAM? HELLO? PAM? HELLO? PAM? HELLO? PAM? HELLO? PAM? HELLO? 617 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 618 619 MIKEY, I THOUGHT I DID FILL THAT DISK UP. IN FACT, I KNOW I DID! THE 620 BW SENT ME THE "* ONE LINE LEFT *" AND "* FILE FULL *" MESSAGES AS I 621 FINISHED, SO I DID INDEED FILL IT UP. OH WELL, UNLESS PART OF MY MESSAGE 622 WAS ERASED, IT PROBABLY WAS YOUR PLAYING AROUND WITH THE DISK THAT CAUSED 623 THE PROBLEM. WOULD THE "COMPRESS" COMMAND THAT YOU HAVE CRYPTICALLY MEN- 624 TIONED CAUSE THIS? OR IS IT ALL IN MY IMAGINATION? 625 YOU DON'T NEED TO WORRY, I HAVEN'T DISSAPEARED AGAIN, BUT MY HOURS HAVE 626 BEEN SUCH RECENTLY AS TO ALLOW ME TO ACCESS THE BW DURING IT'S PEAK HOURS, 627 AND SO I HAVEN'T HAD MUCH LUCK GETTING ON. BUT I DID TODAY! 628 629 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]PAM![][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] .