LIST FILE ON MARGIN IS 76 STATUS: ALL ALLOWED NUMBER OF LINES: 629 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ******************** REMOVED: 19 JAN 84 ******************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privatly owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privatly owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of older messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 Ahh, But the insanity of it all remains... I.S. 20 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 21 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 22 They can erase our minds but they can't erase our souls. They think they 23 are in control but what little do they know. 24 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 25 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 16 Jan 84 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 26 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 23:55 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 27 The shutters of Pam's cottage rammed home abrubtly, cutting off the 28 voices intense in battle, and a shrill cry rose in indignant protest-- 29 there, the eyes that had been so rapt now shimmered with annoyance at 30 this greivance! So quiet had this little creature been, the birds had 31 not even noticed it, but now there was a sudden hush of awe pervading 32 the forest, as it arched its silky length and swept out wings of incred- 33 ibly frail appearance. How regal it looked, how stunning the shade of 34 purple that glittered into burgundy and deepest ruby on its sleek body! 35 The fire lizard soared effortlessly from the evergreen where it had kept 36 watch, mood changed to concern as swiftly as a vagrant breeze, and 37 circled Pam's home, uttering chirrups soft and worried, prying for an 38 open window. Finding none, it hesitated, hovering by the door, and 39 its little brow furrowed--wha--? It disappeared! So unexpected was 40 this occurance that all the birds fled as one, squawking in dismay! 41 She had found a sheltered streamlet where naught but the wild had 42 stepped, where the sun had cheated the winter; where peace dwelt. There 43 she loosened her bound-up hair and dipped her feet into the lazy stream, 44 allowing the caress of the water to soothe her fears. Surrendering to 45 sleep, she noticed not the wisp of lace that escaped from her hem to 46 meander downstream... Her dreams were entwined with memories, cameos of 47 old friends, images of welcoming faces--and a smile curled softly on 48 her lips as she nestled closer to the fresh earth scent in sleep--the 49 Inn in its many fascinating phases paraded past: the controversies, the 50 storytellers, the voices of song, a kite and a man needing comfort from 51 troublesome dreams, sassafrass tea and justice dealt to an interloper, 52 a back room meeting... The awakening was dramatic, for she snapped bolt 53 upright with a gasp, her eyes still dilated from sleep, and whispered 54 in what was meant to be a shout of joy: "The Believer--'tis he!" 55 Weaving unsteadily from so sudden an awakening, she sat for a moment, 56 her face aglow with the steadily-growing recognition. "Yes, I'm sure 57 of it!" Gathering her skirts, she scrambled to her feet in haste, 58 for tonight she would dine at the Inn & renew old friendships! 59 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 60 The runes were clear, but their meaning was clouded. Pam is home, that much 61 is clear. And she is alive and well. Yet they will say nothing regarding the 62 future, save: stay away! 63 Sighing, he returned them to the bag and drew them forth again, this time to 64 ask of d. What is this? She returns! 65 Swiftly, he put away the stones. He then returned to his chores with a speed 66 that would have impressed his master, had that worthy been present. 67 An hour later, he was on his way to then inn..... 68 .............................................................................. 69 Milord BARD: Ah, then I do indeed know thee! Well met old friend. Remember the 70 gostaks? 71 the hour of Tierce of this 17th day of January............ 72 .............................the apprentice................................... 73 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 74 75 Patrons of this fair Inn..... 76 With the new year behind us my thoughts turn to what is yet to come. 77 78 My major preoccupation of recent years has been sailing....and after crewing 79 for others I have decided to throw my fair craft into the fray. For better or 80 worse. And since a majority of the sailing experience is dependent on the 81 crew I can think of no better forum to make my inital request. 82 I am looking for 4-5 sailors...and my requirements are few. 83 (A) A working knowledge of sailing & its terms. 84 (B) Availability; Tuesday nite SYSCO series, occasional Friday nite 85 beer can race ( a la MT Bottle & Deli ) and a few weekend regattas. 86 And the last which is open to individual interpretation because..... 87 As is often the case , the conclusion of a race is frequently cause for 88 celebration or solace.......So being of legal drinking age has its benifits 89 Should any of you be so aquatically inclined leave a small note where & when 90 you can be contacted. 91 ::::::::::::::Alex::::1-17-84::::9:00am::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 92 Thomas the Rhymer (based on a poem by Rudyard Kipling) 93 True Thomas lay on Huntlie Bank; 94 A ferlie he spied wi' his e'e 95 And there he saw a lady bright, 96 Come riding down by the Eildon Tree. 97 98 Her skirt was o' the grass-green silk, 99 Her mantle o' the velvet fine, 100 At ilks tett of her horse's mane 101 Hung fifty silver bells and nine. 102 103 True Thomas he pulled off his cap 104 And louted down low on his knee; 105 "All hail, thou mighty Queen of Heaven! 106 Thy peer on earth I ne'er did see." 107 108 "Oh no, oh no, Thomas," she said, 109 "That name does not belong to me; 110 I'm but the Queen of fair Elfland, 111 That am come hither to visit thee. 112 113 "Harp and carp, Thomas," she said, 114 "Harp and carp along wi' me; 115 But if ye dare to kiss my lips, 116 Sure of your body I will be." 117 118 "Betide me weal, betide me woe, 119 That wyrd shall never daunten me." 120 Syne he has kissed her rosy lips, 121 All underneath the Eildon Tree. 122 123 "Now ye maun go wi' me," she said, 124 "True Thomas, ye maun go wi' me, 125 And ye maun serve me seven years 126 Through weal or woe, as may chance to be." 127 128 She has mounted her on the milk-white steed, 129 She's ta'en True Thomas up behind; 130 And aye whene'er her bridle rang, 131 The steed flew swifter than the wind. 132 133 Oh they rade on, and farther on, 134 The steed gaed swifter than the wind; 135 Until they reached a desert wide, 136 And living land was left behind. 137 138 "Light down, light down now, True Thomas, 139 And lean your head upon my knee; 140 Abide and rest a little space, 141 And I will show you ferlies three. 142 143 Oh see ye not yon narrow road, 144 So thick beset wi' thorn and briar? 145 That is the road of righteousness, 146 And after it but few enquire. 147 148 And see ye not yon braid braid road 149 That lies across the lily leven? 150 That is the path of wickedness, 151 Though some call it the road to Heaven. 152 153 "And see ye not yon bonny road 154 That winds about the ferny brae? 155 That is the road to fair Elfland, 156 Where thou and I this night maun gae. 157 158 "But Thomas, ye maun hold your tongue, 159 Whatever ye may hear or see; 160 For if you speak word in Elfinland, 161 Ye'll ne'er win back to your ain countrie." 162 163 Oh they rade on, and further on, 164 They rode through blood aboon the knee; 165 And they saw neither sun nor moon, 166 But heard the roaring of the sea. 167 168 Syne they came to a garden green; 169 She pulled an apple from a tree; 170 "Take this for they wage, True Thomas, 171 'Twill give thee a tongue that can never lie." 172 173 "Me tongue's me ain," True Thomas said; 174 "A goodly gift ye'd gie to me! 175 I'd neither dought to buy nor sell, 176 At fair or tryst, where I may be. 177 178 "I'd neither dought speak to prince nor peer, 179 Nor ask of grace frae fair ladye." 180 "Now hold your peace," the lady said, 181 "For as I say, so it must be." 182 183 He has gotten a coat o' the elven cloth, 184 He's gotten shoes o' velvet green; 185 And 'till seven years were gane and past, 186 True Thomas on earth was never seen. 187 188 this song is dedicated to our own "Queen of Elfland", d 189 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 190 Apprentice: thanks for the call! This board is fun! 191 Piper: Having finished his song the bard sat and waved towards the piper. 192 As the piper got to his feet the bard poured himself some more Drambuie. 193 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 194 THERESA: NOTES ON RESEARCH REGARDING HI-TECH GREEN; 195 By microscopic examination, I have discovered that it is not the carpet 196 itself that is causing this insideous blight, but an organism which 197 infects the carpet, and then mimics it as a form of camouflage. This 198 orgamism is greatly affected by high wind velocities, so it only exists 199 indoors. Also, the application of high wind velocity devices, such as 200 the common household vacuum cleaner, can kill great numbers of these 201 organisms. This is evident in the number of lost items found during 202 application of the vacuum, and that for a short period of time after 203 the organisms are removed, lost items may still be found on the floor. 204 Since it is impossible to prevent re-infestation, however, the carpet 205 will soon regain its voracious appetite. 206 In addition, it is not the items themselves which are needed by 207 Hi-Tech Green, but the body oils and residues on the item are absorbed 208 and used as food by the system. This startling fact leads us to have 209 seconds thoughts regarding close contact between these infected flooring 210 surfaces and any large amounts of unclothed body area. The organism 211 has evolved, however, to closely simulate normal carpeting, and cannot 212 infect rugs derived from animal hairs. Bear Skin rugs are safe. 213 Finally, through extensive research, I have determined that light 214 interferes with the digestive processes of Hi-Tech Green, and thus 215 most edible items are quickly removed from the spots where they land 216 on to the carpet, to darkend areas such as under chairs, sofas, etc. 217 ------------------------daver--------------------------------------- 218 219 The spectators found it hard to contain their emotions, for the 220 day had not gone well. One child had already died on the platform 221 that morning. Another child had struggled so long that brain damage 222 had occurred, leaving him to wander on lonely paths of insanity, 223 perhaps without cure. To be sure, others had survived and found the 224 way out of that place, but the strain of another Initiation was 225 telling on those who watched. 226 Marcus stepped onto the platofrm and turned back to see Ben 227 standing only a few feet away. it would be all right, he'd said. 228 It was in that moment that Marc knew that men could lie. 229 ---------------------------daver again-------------------------- 230 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 231 THE DWARF SAT DANGLING HIS FEET OVER THE SEAT EDGE AS THE JET 232 SILENTLY MADE ITS WAY TO MARAKESH. ON HIS LAP HE HELD AN ORNATE 233 METAL BOX, WITH A LARGE HOLE WHICH WOULD APPEAR TO NEED A LARGE 234 KEY. "THE OTHERS MAY NEED THIS" HE THOUGHT TO HIMSELF. 235 AS INSPECTOR SALIZAR SLEPT ON THE NIGHT TRAIN TO MARAKESH, 236 HE SEEMED UNDISTURBED, BY THE GLOVED, FEMININE HAND SLIDING 237 THROUGH THE SLOWLY OPENING DOOR. THE GLOVE HELD A SMALL, BUT 238 DEADLY PISTOL. 239 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CONTREMON++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 240 REPEATING EARLIER MESSAGES: YOU'RE ALL WELCOME TO THE FIRST 241 SEMI-NOCTURNAL BACKWATER INNCOUNTER AND AMATEUR DEBAUCH (AND 242 OPOSSUM HUNT?) 28 JANUARY, 21845 SW YORK, IN ALOHA (OFF TV HWY AT 243 219TH). 6:30 MEET FOR MELEE AT THE BRIDGE (WASH SQ. HYDROTUBES) 244 THEN 9:00 BACK FOR PARTY. SEE YOU. 245 CONTREMON VALERIUS 246 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 247 248 249 Sitting in 250 the early dawn light, 251 reassembling the pieces of self; after a 252 night charitably described as confusing. The flow of 253 awareness roams toward its limits. 254 At one level there is 255 the awareness that all 256 is well and as it should 257 be. It always was and 258 always is. The question is 259 how does one continue to make 260 this awareness a reality in 261 their own life? ...moment 262 by moment by day. 263 As I place these thoughts into 264 symbols and words, freeze dried into 265 language, I look up just in time to see a 266 beautiful Great Blue Heron as it walks along 267 the river bank; only a few feet away. Elegance 268 and beauty with its feet stuck in the mud. There 269 it is sloshing along knee deep in water searching 270 for food. How does this creature of such grace and 271 stature rise up from the mud and soar, free on the 272 wind? As if reading my thoughts, it chooses that 273 moment to spread its wings. In a flash, with 274 one swift motion this huge winged 275 creature rises above it all 276 and skims across the water. 277 After witnessing such 278 a sight, could I do 279 less than give my 280 awareness wings, 281 that it might 282 chance to 283 soar, 284 r b 285 e e 286 f a 287 l u 288 e t 289 c y 290 t 291 i o 292 n f 293 g 294 b 295 t e 296 h i 297 e n 298 ...... g 299 ...... 300 301 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 302 ----------------------------- Captn' Barefoot ----------------------------- 303 304 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 305 306 THE WEATHER IS DRY AND COLD, BUT THE SKY CLEAR AND THE SUN SHINES 307 BRIGHTLY UPON MY FACE. MY PACE IS BRISK, SO MUCH SO THAT I BREAK INTO A 308 RUN, AND CONTINUE FOR ALMOST A MILE BEFORE I STOP AND COLLAPSE, LAUGHING, 309 INTO THE TALL WINTER GRASS THAT LINES THE ROAD. AM I OUT OF BREATH FROM 310 THE RUN, OR IS IT MY LAUGHING THAT CAUSES MY BREATH TO COME IN GASPS? AH, 311 THE WORLD IS GRAND! AND I AM A PART OF THAT WORLD, SO MY VERY EXISTANCE 312 CAN BE GRAND IF ONLY I LET IT BE SO! 313 314 MY LAUGHTER CONTINUES, BUT LIGHTLY, FOR A FULL FIVE MINUTES, AND IT IS 315 ANOTHER FIVE BEFORE I CARE TO RISE AGAIN FROM THIS MOST COMFORTABLE OF 316 NATURE'S THRONES. O, GOOD BHARNAE, THE CHANGES YOU'VE HELPED BRING TO ME 317 ARE MORE IN ATTITUDE THAN APPEARANCE, BUT EVEN APPEARANCE CHANGES WHEN 318 ONE'S ATTITUDE IS ALTERED SUFFICIENTLY. WILL ANYONE AT THE INN RECOGNIZE 319 ME? MY GRACIOUS INNKEEPER KNOWS MY MANY MOODS AND FACES, SO HE WILL NOT 320 FIND SURPRISE HERE, BUT MANY OTHER INN-GOERS MAY WONDER WHO THIS STRANGE, 321 HAPPY MAID IS. 322 323 I THINK OF THE YOUNG APPRENTICE WHO OFFERED HIS AID TO ME NIGHTS AGO. 324 HE PROBABLY REMEMBERS ME AS AN UNHAPPY AND DOUR WITCH, FILLED WITH THOUGHTS 325 OF DEATH AND TURMOIL. I BEGIN TO CHUCKLE AGAIN, THINKING OF HIS REACTION 326 WHEN HE SEES ME NOW. I'LL KISS HIS CHEEK AND PULL HIS EAR, YOUTHFUL ROGUE, 327 TO SEE THE SHOCK THAT WILL ARISE! 328 329 TURNING THE FAMILIAR BEND IN THE ROAD, I SEE THE FOOTBRIDGE AND THE 330 INN BEYOND. I SUSPECT THAT THE USUAL TABLE AT THE BACK WILL NEED CLEANING, 331 BUT I WON'T ATTEND TO IT JUST YET. I'LL STOP AND HAVE AN ALE MYSELF, 332 RELAX, AND MERELY ENJOY MY SURROUNDINGS FOR AWHILE. I CAN TEND TO THAT 333 TABLE LATER, AFTER I'VE TAKEN SOME TIME FOR MYSELF. MY THOUGHTS TURN TO 334 BHARNAE, WHOSE NAME FIRST APPEARED TO ME IN THE FORM THAT WAS MOST 335 RECOGNIZEABLE TO ME RATHER THAN ITS TRUE FORM. LIKE SHAKESPEARE'S PUCK, 336 HIS SENSE OF HUMOR HAS BROUGHT ABOUT SERIOUS CHANGES IN A MORTAL, AND TO 337 THE BETTER. 338 339 "Puck?" a voice cries in my ear, "Puck is a fag!" 340 341 "WHAT?!" I CRY, STOPPING DEAD IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PATH. 342 343 "You hoid me," THE VOICE RESPONDS, CHANGING TO THAT OF ONE ARCHIE 344 BUNKER, "Puck is a simpering, limp wristed, pansy! A F-A-G-G-O-T!!!" IT 345 FINISHES, SPELLING THE LAST WORD FOR EMPHASIS, AS IF THAT CLOSED ALL 346 DISCUSSION ON THE SUBJECT. 347 348 LAUGHING AGAIN, I RESPOND "GO TO HELL, YOU ANCIENT FRAUD!" I CAN 349 ALMOST SEE THE SARCASTIC GRIN ON BHARNAE'S FACE, THE GLEAM IN HIS EYE. 350 SUDDENLY, HE IS WALKING BESIDE ME, STRUGGLING A BIT TO KEEP UP WITH THE 351 PACE SET BY MY LONGER LEGS (WHAT JOY TO HAVE LONGER LEGS THAN SOMEONE!). 352 353 "You're learning," HE WHISPERS, "you're learning..." 354 355 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]PAM+[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 356 357 !~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~ 358 The Marakesh Express rumbled along...the gentle swaying taking him to 359 the land of fantasy he loved so much. He dreamed of the gentle 'd', the 360 one he admired. Of Pam... once so reticent, but now a blossoming creative 361 force, involving many patrons on the Inn in her adventures. Of bards and 362 pipers...of melancholy, terror, and suspense... Of poetry and beauty. 363 Suddenly, the soft click of a door opening brought the Inspector to 364 full wakefullness. Without thought he moved as with the wind--flying to 365 the door. When he arrived, no one was there. 366 A low, sweet chuckle came from his right; "Alberto, I see you're still 367 as quick as a tiger. But you're getting a little careless." 368 The tenseness drained from Salazar's body. He knew the one before him 369 could kill instantly and without remorse, but he knew she would not. "Ah 370 Serena, I had a feeling we would meet again, but not so soon. As for 371 carelessness," he shrugged, "I would have killed a normal human being the 372 moment the door opened." 373 Serena switiched on a small reading light revealing her beauty. "Yes, 374 I guess I'm not normal, am I? Neither is the Ninja...Beware, he will be 375 your greatest challenge." 376 Salazar smiled, "Where is he? Tell me what you know of him." 377 "He has retired to the abandoned monastary known as the 'Rat's Nest' 378 to do battle with you. First you must grapple with his minion in Marakesh. 379 Philippe will help you; look for him at the Inn of the Blue Parrot. As for 380 the Ninja himself... they say that his Iron Palm did in Bruce Lee." 381 "Hm," Salazar speculated, "I always thought there was something 382 strange about that affair... the delayed death technique would explain alot 383 of things. What about McKane and the Russian?" 384 "I'm not sure, the last I heard they were in South America. We 385 received payment from the Afganistan Freedom Fighters to keep the Russian, 386 but I don't know what McKane plans now." 387 Salazar's eyes flashed; "I've missed you, Serena." 388 "And I you, Alberto. I have something for you." She moved close to him 389 taking a jeweled amulent from her neck and placing it around his. "It is 390 said to ahve been a talisman of an ancient and powerful wizard." 391 He took her in his arms, "Let's forget murder and intrigue for a while 392 and create our own world of love." 393 She smiled softly, "We'll have to do without the donkey and the dwarf. 394 Does that matter?" 395 Laughing, "I think we'll manage." He reached for the light. 396 397 (Fade to Black) 398 !~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!Valinor!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~ 399 Contremon: I'd like to attend your Inncounter, but happen to be one of 400 those unfortunate souls that works Saturday night. Will try to take it off, 401 I'll let you know my status later. -Valinor- 402 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 403 The piper swung his pipes to his shoulder, took a deep breath to inflate 404 the bag, then paused. Someone was talking to his new acquaintance, the 405 bard who had just finished an old song of surpassing beauty. A ref- 406 erence caught his ear. 407 "Gostak??" 408 Quickly he stepped over to the bard and whispered: 409 "Quietly, I don't want to start a riot, but please ask your 410 friend if he is one that holds that a relationship between the 411 Doshes and the Gostak is defined by the act of distimming. If 412 so, to which persuasion does he hold?" 413 ------------------------------------the piper----------------------------- 414 ############################################################################ 415 ############################################################################ 416 IS THERE LIFE IN THE GALAXY 417 OF PARADOX ?????? 418 IT IS ANOTHER DIMENSION ..... THE GREATER THE DISTANCE TO TRAVEL 419 THE FASTER THINGS HAPPEN...GREAT DISTANCES ARE FOUND IN SMALL 420 OBJECTS. 421 ############################################################################ 422 ############################################################################ 423 ================================================================---------------- 424 WHERE IS HE??? I HAVE COME ALL THE WAY FROM THE DEPTHS OF MY DOMAIN TO 425 SEEK HIS LEAVINGS OF EXISTANCE AT THE INN. HE IS NO WHERE TO BE FOUND ON THE 426 PREMISISE. AHHHH, WHERE CAN HE BE. MY HEART LONGS FOR HIM. 427 WHERE IS MY JIMMY C.? 428 =========================THE AUBERN HAIRED **MAIDEN**=========================== 429 ------------------------------------------------------ 430 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 431 ---------------- Dragon's Flame & close on the Starboard bow-------------- 432 433 Oh! lovely creature of intelligence & style... 434 Careful with thy dragon's flame. 435 I am but a poor sea captian following the siren's song...pray that I 436 do not fetch up on the reef. 437 Oh you who fly on dragon's wings do act as guide for in truth 438 it is safe harbor that I seek, and a chance to pause 439 Perhaps to pass the time in idle talk of freedom & adventure. 440 441 -----------------------------------Captn' Barefoot------------------------ 442 *****************************************************************: 443 AHH, DEAR PAM, IT DOES MY HEART GOOD TO SEE YOU SMILING ONCE MORE! 444 TO SEE YOU SKIP ACROSS THE BRIDGE TO THE INN. AYE, THERE IS NOTHING 445 MORE BEAUTIFUL THEN A HAPPY LADY. INDEED DOES IT BRING A SMILE TO 446 MY OWN FACE! BE HAPPY! BE GAY! FOR IT IS A BEAUTIFUL DAY! 447 ************ CISTOP MIKEY ******************************************* 448 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 17 Jan 84 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 449 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 23:33 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 450 A sprightly tune came cavorting out into the forest, with snatches 451 of song intermixed; some voices melodic & flutelike, some throaty with 452 emotion, yet others bellowed out heartily. The general effect was quite 453 cheering, if somewhat ludicrous; in fact, the whole Inn generated an 454 aura of joyousness and a curious expectancy... She wondered why, as her 455 steps became hesitant, as they ever did upon approach to the Backwater. 456 It had become almost a ceremony, this timidness; and she drew close to 457 her usual waiting post, where she could look upon the patrons, observe 458 whom had come to sup and study their faces as they laughed and drank... 459 Ah! There by the rough-hewn door, a familiar figure with eyes bright 460 and penetrating: 'twas the apprentice with a knot of friends clustered 461 about him; he kept twisting around as if looking for something. Oh! 462 She flushed and drew back from the window, for their eyes had met. Just 463 a trace of a smile tugged at his beard, however, and he turned back 464 slowly to his mulled cider. His elaborate show of unconcern elicited a 465 grateful smile from the maiden, and she vowed to pluck up courage to 466 speak to him some time later. Her eyes were drawn to the modest table 467 back near the kitchen...why, where was Pam tonight? The Innkeeper did 468 not seem perturbed, in fact, he was whistling along with the piper as 469 he brought out a tray of foaming glasses. Tarn was nowhere to be found 470 either, but the young blond storyteller called Daver had his audience's 471 attention riveted, his eyes intense and his slim hands dramatically 472 high as if describing anguish and great tension... Eyes traveling on, 473 she nearly burst out laughing at the comical faces of a group who had 474 just walked in. They clustered together, stock still & wide-eyed, 475 with utterly bewildered looks. "What is it?" whispered one; another 476 just wordlessly shook his head. Alex, having come in behind them, 477 slipped quietly around the befuddled group, noting their expressions 478 with a sidelong look, but he couldn't quite conceal the grin that 479 chased across his face as he wound his way through the crowd. Cloth 480 obstructed her view as a cloak was flung on the back of chair stationed 481 near the window, and the flame of red caught her attention: a monogram 482 stitched into the breast "IS"--and she glanced straight up into the 483 grey eyes of its owner! He made a gesture as if to speak, but suddenly 484 there was a commotion by the front door--"Its Pam!" The rippled reaction 485 dashed through the crowd, and all eyes turned towards her, for she was 486 a sight to behold! Her face was aglow and her hair was finally loose, 487 and the shining tresses that reached nearly to her waist were nothing 488 short of breathtaking! Upon her shoulder was a fire lizard of royal 489 hue, chattering excitedly, flashing out his wings to maintain his 490 balance as she strode in the entrance. "So that is why!" murmured the 491 girl as she keenly enjoyed the distraction. "I hope Daon wasn't a 492 nuisance, the way he's clinging to her as if she were going to escape!" 493 No longer unsure, she entered the Inn like a whisper, and melted into 494 the background contentedly to enjoy the unique entertainment of the Inn. 495 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 496 ================================================================ 497 Several of the lurkers in the shadows picked up their ears. 498 The apperentice, the piper and the bard were speaking in soft 499 tones, but a word was spoken slightly too loudly. 500 The apprentice, spoke just a trifle too loudly and asked the 501 bard about the Gostak. The piper repeated it, and mentioned the 502 Doshes! Heads turned. The merry atmosphere took on an air of 503 tension! 504 Hands loosed daggers in their sheaths. Tension was building, 505 and whispers passed through two opposed groups. 506 507 One patron, far gone in his cups muttered 508 "The Gostak distimms the Doshes..." 509 510 Silence fell for a moment. 511 512 "Heresy!" muttered another drunken patron. 513 ============================dusty=============================== 514 She who is happy wears seven league boots +++ I.S. +++ 515 =============================================================== 516 "Pam!" The word cut through the conversation like a knife. He 517 looked up and saw her by the door. Ah! Now THAT is how a witch should look. 518 Not like those drawings he had seen, of old withered crones, but bright and 519 cheerful, full of life. Ah, yes. Glinda the Good, not the 'Wicked Witch of the 520 West'. It was strange, but none of the witches he knew looked anything like what 521 common folk seemed to expect. 522 My, this is going to be quite a day, he thought after spying d. He did not have 523 to try to avoid drawing attention to her for long, however. It seemed that a 524 chance remark of the bard had drawn an astonishing amount of interest. Quickly, 525 he spoke, "Gostaks and doshes, distimming? By the Lady! Please Sir, I beg you, 526 do not resurrect that old feud. It has been debated by far better than any here." 527 Continuing, "As for MY opinion, I am but a humble apprentice. Surely thou 528 knowest that apprentices have no opinions. Such tend to result in tender 529 backsides, sir!" Amid laughter he reseated himself. Inwardly, he was trembling. 530 Smaller things than that had caused fights he had no wish to see the likes of 531 again. Most especially, not in the Inn! 532 ***************************************************************************** 533 Dateline --- HOLLYWOOD 534 *** PREVIEWS OF COMING ATTRACTIONS *** 535 536 Coming soon to a CRT near you ---> "DRIVEL: The Terror from Beyond". Yes, soon 537 you too can see the epic struggles of our heros, the Bruise Brothers, in their 538 never ending fight against the advance of the dreaded DRIVEL. Starring: 539 540 Stan Dolson as Billy Bob Bruise 541 and 542 Steve Den Beste as Orville Ray Bruise 543 544 Don't miss Billy Bob and Orville Ray battling against the number one driveler 545 of our time: the teen-aged female. GASP as Billy Bob gets his feet stuck 546 in BUBBLEGUM... SHUDDER as Orville Ray is deafened by ROCK AND ROLL... 547 Will our heros triumph? 548 See it on a green screen near you!!!!! 549 ****************************************************************************** 550 P.S. MIKEY - You may have to delete the above, but I just couldn't resist. 551 ................................................................................ 552 He sat up with a start as he realized that he had been so distracted as to slip 553 into the "other world". Swiftly, he glanced about... good no one else had 554 noticed. 555 ............................................ 556 Milord Bard: I suspect that you will be singing the other lay of the set next, 557 but might I request that you sing "I dream of Unicorns" soon? 558 my (somewhat distracted) hand, at midway twixt Tierce and 559 ...................Sext on this 18th day of January............................. 560 .................................the apprentice................................. 561 562 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 563 564 A YOUNG DRAGON CIRCLES, THEN PERCHES UPON MY SHOULDER, FLUTTERING IN A 565 GRACEFUL MANNER, AND MY SPIRITS LIFT EVEN HIGHER! JOY, GOOD FRIEND d MUST 566 BE HERE! I WILL SEARCH HER OUT AT FIRST OPPORTUNITY, AS I KNOW THAT SHE 567 WILL NOT BE APPARENT AT FIRST GLANCE. AH, SHY AND UNOBTRUSIVE, WELL DO I 568 KNOW THOSE MANNERS! THEY HAVE BEEN MY COMPANIONS FOR MANY YEARS, AND THOUGH 569 I SEEK TO BREAK FROM THEIR HOLD, THEY STILL DOMINATE ME MORE THAN I WOULD 570 WISH. 571 572 AS I ENTER THE INN, THE LEVEL OF COMMOTION IS HIGH. IT APPEARS THAT 573 THERE IS AN HEATED DISCUSSION OF GOSTAKS AND DOSHES, ONE WHICH THE YOUNG 574 APPRENTICE TRIES TO STEM. HE IS WISE, SUCH AS THAT COULD RUIN THE MOOD OF 575 THE INN, AND PERHAPS RUIN SOME FURNITURE IN THE BARGAIN. PASSING THE SAVAGE 576 ARGUMENT BY, I APPROACH THE APPRENTICE, AND I NOTICE THAT HE IS AWARE OF MY 577 ENTRANCE. 578 579 "WELL, I FIND YOU AGAIN HERE, AND I HOPE THAT YOU FIND ME HERE BUT IN 580 BETTER FORM THAN BEFORE!" I TEASE. "WE MUST TALK AGAIN OVER TEA, NOW THAT I 581 MAY SPEAK WITH A LESS TROUBLED MIEN. I HAVE ONE OTHER I MUST SEE NOW, FOR 582 SHE HAS BEEN AWAY LONG AND I HAVE FELT THE LOSS MOST SEVERELY, BUT YOU CAN 583 BE ASSURED THAT YOU WON'T ESCAPE MY TONGUE IN THE FUTURE!" 584 585 PLAYFULLY, I TUG HIS BEARD, KISS HIS CHEEK, AND SPIN AWAY LAUGHING. I 586 KNOW SHE IS HERE, BUT WHERE? MY EYES SEARCH THE CROWD OVER, BUT I FAIL TO 587 SEE HER. THERE IS A TUG AT MY SHOULDER, AND I LOOK TO SEE THE YOUNG DRAGON 588 IS TRYING TO PULL ME TOWARDS THE BACK OF THE INN, TO MY USUAL PLACE. I LET 589 HIM GUIDE ME (HIM? HER? I'M AFRAID THAT I AM UNABLE TO TELL!), AND HE IS A 590 GOOD SHEPHERD, AS THERE IS d WAITING AT MY USUAL TABLE. SHE RISES, AND I 591 EMBRACE HER AS THOUGH SHE WAS LOST AND FOUND AGAIN. I THINK WE WILL SPEAK 592 FOR A GREAT AMOUNT OF TIME THIS EVE! 593 594 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]PAM+[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 595 596 [][][][][][][][][][] 1219 01/18/84 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 597 ***** I GOTTA START GETTING HOME EARLIER, THESE DISKS ARE GETTING TOO FULL TO QUICK! I CAN'T HARDLY KEEP UP! **MIKEY**** 598 He looks at his watch, as if in a trance, while he crosses the bridge. 599 Perhaps the Inn is uncrowded at this time. Untrue !!! 600 The inn is bursting at the seams with patrons. In his three piece 601 suit, white shirt and a tie, he doesn't fit at the Inn. Perhaps a 602 back door exists, and he can sneak in and leave his message. 603 He spies a side door, and slips in. The days when he came in the front 604 door, brash and full of argument, are gone for a time. This new 605 character (old character?) of the inn is not within the abilities of 606 a common Business Analyst. 607 He looks about, and spies PAM, talking softly with d in the back of the 608 Inn. Now a chance, I know that Pam will be cleaning this table soon, and 609 perchance will see this message if I just leave it here. He opens the note 610 and reads through it, seeing if it is the right slip of paper. 611 It is. "I am still around, let's talk later. - DJJ". He folds and sets it down. 612 613 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 614 615 IT'S GOOD TO SEE YOU HERE, DJJ! I HAD BEEN WONDERING IF YOU HAD JUMPED 616 SHIP FOR GOOD. WELL, BWMS IS A VERY CHANGEABLE BEAST, AND WILL CHANGE OF 617 ITS OWN ACCORD. DON'T WORRY, THE DEBATES WILL RETURN AT SOME FUTURE TIME, 618 THOUGH WHEN I REALLY CAN'T SAY (OR WANT TO). IT IS AN INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT 619 THING TO TRY TO DIRECT THE CONVERSATION ON BWMS, AND THE BEST THING IS TO 620 JUST JOIN IN. I DID, AND I HAD A LOT OF FUN IN THE PROCESS. 621 622 I REMEMBER WHEN OUR DEBATING SOCIETY WAS IN FULL FORCE, AND THE COM- 623 PLAINTS ABOUT "LACK OF IMAGINATION" ECHOED THROUGHOUT THE LAND. NOW THAT BW 624 IS IN A FANTASY MODE, WE HEAR FROM SOME THAT IT'S "WEIRD" HERE. MARK TWAIN 625 WAS WRONG, YOU CAN'T SATISFY ALL OF THE PEOPLE SOME OF THE TIME. YOU CAN'T 626 SATISFY ALL OF THE PEOPLE ANY OF THE TIME! I'M ALMOST OUT OF SPACE, SO A 627 QUICK QUESTION: WHEN WILL BASBBS BE BACK? I MISS IT! 628 629 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]PAM.[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] > .