LIST FILE ON MARGIN IS 80 STATUS: ALL ALLOWED NUMBER OF LINES: 615 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ********************** REMOVED: 25 JAN 84 ****************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privatly owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privatly owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of older messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 CONGRATES (?) GO TO YOU USERS, THAT WAS THE FASTEST THAT A DISK HAS FILLED 21 UP EVER! (PAM, JUST FOR INTEREST SAKE, WHEN DID YOU PUT THE LAST MESSAGE 22 ON IT?) ANYWAY, I FINALY GOT A NEW ONE ON FOR YOU, SO HAVE AT IT! 23 *************** CISTOP MIKEY ******************************************** 24 P.S. I'M LUCKY, WHEN IT GETS FULL FOR ME ALL I HAVE TO DO IS PUT A NEW 25 DISK IN NO WAITING.. << SNICKER >> 26 *********************************************************************** 27 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 28 Suddenly the lights blaze on to find PAM looking down on the sorry 29 state of affairs in the old little used room. There in a jumbled pile 30 on the floor was a mixture of broken table, chair, glass, and Tarn. 31 Grasping his left foot and moaning, with tears streaming down his 32 cheeks. PAM chuckles a bit at the sight knowing that more hurt was done 33 to pride then body. Just then another patron rushes in and pushing PAM 34 aside moves to help poor Tarn to disentangle himself from his self made 35 trash heap. For heavens sakes she cries to PAM, "Get a decent chair! 36 Can't you see he's hurt?" A low moan escapes Tarns lips "Emer?" 37 * Tarn * 38 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 39 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 40 The piper smiled as the bard finished a song. Another person took the 41 floor! A happy, smiling woman that the other patrons addressed as Pam. 42 She seemed to be lively and bright, and brought a general air of warmth 43 and gaity to the group. 44 After Pam's song, the piper turned to the apprentice: 45 "Sir, I am certain that we are not acquannted within any other universes 46 with which I am familiar. As myself, I am but newly formed in this universe 47 in which we do converse. Here I represent the fusion of logic and emotion 48 for which the person with whom I share a different identity on a different 49 plane of existance -- has worked quite hard in the past. That person has 50 had very limited contact with persons who participate in the activities 51 of the SCA, to which I assume you are referring. Sorry to sound so stuffy 52 and formal, but here, I am I, and there, I am that person. I do not wish 53 to allow the two an indiscriminate mixing, for I would not wish to draw 54 the attention of Mr. Owens to such an unfortunate circumstance." 55 "However, friend apprentice, I am overejoyed to make your acquaintance, 56 and hope that such a meeting can in time ripen into full friendship!" 57 58 Smiling to soften any roughness that might have confused his tounge, the 59 piper stepped out and winded his pipes. 60 The drones slipped into synchronization quickly this time. Hmm... thee 61 thaa ... a quick run of the fingers... 62 that chanter reed was about to go. Oh, well, it should last the evening. 63 Such is a piper's lot-- much time making painful sounds while breaking 64 a new reed in, a short life while it has become sweeet and easy to blow, 65 and then it is blown out and useless, exept as a pattern for a new reed. 66 67 Slipping into a soft lament, the piper lost himself in the revery of 68 his song. 69 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 70 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< *.* >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 71 ... T.P.W.E.B (cont) 72 ... after taking a long slow drink and a scan of the gathered 73 group, the strange bearded newcomer continued. 74 Nila looked around at the assembled wise men. She hadn't known 75 there were so many. They were a little intimidating to Nila so 76 dignified in their robes of honor and golden badges of achieve- 77 ment. Great thinkers were there, whose names she knew with awe, 78 though she didn't know what exactly it was they thought. There 79 were philosophers and astrologers, mathematicians and professors, 80 writers of fact and fancy alike. The more she considered their 81 learned somber faces the more confused she became. She couldn't 82 think of a question she could ask. Finally she just blurted out 83 what was on her mind. "But why are there so many of you?", she 84 cried. 85 86 At this the wise men began to confer among themselves in low 87 voices, ignoring Nila all together. At last the oldest and wisest 88 of them stepped forward. "Beautiful princess", he said, "the 89 answer to your question is this. We are many because Truth is 90 many. "But surely", Nila said, "If there is one among you who 91 knows Truth, he alone is sufficient to instruct me. The rest 92 of you can go home and quit standing around then." The philos- 93 opher cleared his throat, "umm!, no my dear, you don't understand 94 yet, you see there are many, many truths and each of these 95 revered gentlemen is in posession of one humble part. By 96 combining all our knowledge and wisdom perhaps you may arrive 97 one day at Truth. Of course, he added, only after years of 98 arduous study and calculation, correlation and confabulation. 99 100 Nila thought about this then shook her head sadly. "Compared to 101 your wisdom I am ignorant indeed and I do not wish to be an 102 obstinate princess of the kind one reads about. But I know, 103 rising from deep within me, that the Truth I seek is not many 104 things, but only one thing. It can't be put together from a 105 bunch of parts like some broken toy and I do not think it can 106 be distributed like hot buns among many men." This caused a 107 stir among the wise men and Nila caught the ocassional flicker 108 of a glance, sometimes thoughtful sometimes admiring as their 109 discussion proceeded. Finally the philosopher left the group 110 and bowed deep before Nila. "Beautiful Princess", he said, 111 "you are more wise than any of us for your search begins where 112 ours ends. We only ask that if you succeed you will return and 113 instruct us. With this each of the wise men bowed deeply 114 before Nila and left the room in ceremonious single file in 115 order of eminence. When they had gone, Nila sat down at the 116 foot of the throne and tears came to her eyes. However, in 117 the natural course of events her sadness vanished completely. 118 It was a beautiful day at the palace, as always, and she 119 thought she might take a walk in the garden before trying to 120 figure out what to do next. From that direction she heard a 121 faint humming sound, like the sound of bees seeking nectar. 122 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< to be continued >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 123 124 He shook his head and smiled. So d was in a playful mood eh? Pulling on his 125 beard! Apparently she had forgotten that apprentices are famous for their 126 mischevious nature. He'd have to remind her....... 127 First, however, there was another matter to be taken care of. "Piper? I have 128 no wish to contradict thee, but I must say that the fault was mine. It was I 129 who first brought up the ... shall we say, the matter better left unmentioned?" 130 He and the piper bandied the matter back and forth in a friendly manner until 131 the piper's next set. 132 While the piper played, the apprentice was apparently idly doodling on the 133 table with some of his cider (spilled when his beard had been tweaked, no doubt) 134 If any one had been paying close attention, they would have noticed that he was 135 reciting something under his breath. The only word that was intellegible was 136 "Maxwell". 137 Having finished, he smiled and his eyes were focused on what appeared to be 138 empty air. He inclined his head towards another table and his eyes appeared to 139 be following something as it flew(?) across the room. 140 He called the innkeeper over and slipped him some coins, with a whisper. 141 He sat back and grinned, wondering how long it would be before d noticed that 142 her mug was always full and always at EXACTLY the right temperature. Behind the 143 counter, the innkeeper just shook his head with a wry grin. 144 ................................the apprentice................................. 145 To the worried persons: I am very careful to restrict the amount of space *I* 146 devote to songs on a disk. I can only hope others will do likewise. 147 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 148 I Dream of Unicorns (words: Teri Lee, music: Catherine Cook) 149 My brothers dreamed of spaceships and fighting men from Mars. 150 Of building giant ringworlds, and flying to the stars. 151 But I dreamed of unicorns and centaurs sleek and wise, 152 Pegasus, the phoenix, and cats with golden eyes. 153 154 But mostly I found soldiers or Conan with a mace, 155 Robots by Asimov, and Heinlien's ships of space. 156 But I dreamed of unicorns and centaurs sleek and wise, 157 Pegasus, the phoenix, and cats with golden eyes. 158 159 I spent my childhood searching for fantasy and dreams. 160 They told me I was foolish, but still it always seems 161 That I dreamed of unicorns and centaurs sleek and wise, 162 Pegasus, the phoenix, and cats with golden eyes. 163 164 The tales and songs I longed for weren't on the bookstore shelf. 165 I guess they are the stories I'll have to write myself. 166 For I dream of unicorns and centaurs sleek and wise, 167 Pegasus, the phoenix, and cats with golden eyes. 168 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 169 As I finish the song, I observe various reactions. Some are puzzled by the 170 unfamiliar references. But I see that others are nodding as if in agreement. 171 Good, it had been a risk to sing such a song here, but perhaps it will have 172 been one worth taking. 173 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 174 ************************************************************** 175 LEONARD: 176 Hmm...Mr Olson, huh? Don't recall anyone getting called Mr 177 before. Wonder if that's respect, sarcasm, or a sign that I'm 178 getting old. Whatever. 179 180 Sounds like JDH or McLaren. The politics of which kids get put 181 in institutions is ridiculous. I won't ask the particulars of 182 your experience, but I can imagine what happened. It's a 183 strange juvenile system we've got. Not a particularly good 184 one at that. 185 186 You certainly survived it admirably. You impress me as some- 187 body whose got his head pretty well together. 188 189 Speaking of heads. 190 191 You impress me as having adopted a very rational approach to 192 life. You often create verbal images of "insufficient data", 193 "guidelines", and other such rational imagery. You appear to 194 be very logical. 195 196 I wonder if there is a philosophical base behind 197 rationality. What books, or thinkers, or experiences 198 most influenced how you perceive life. 199 200 What do you see as the essential nature of man.? 201 ================ 202 GENERAL: 203 "Set goals for myself few mortals would dare". Surely you 204 don't think I'm going to let that one go by. 205 206 OK, General, tell it like it is. What goals have you set, 207 how did you accomplish them, and what is the philosophy that 208 sustained you in these pursuits? Do you feel a sense of 209 personal destiny? Tell us about it. 210 211 Your attitude towards life sounds familiar but I can't quite 212 place it; a bit of Neitzsche perhaps? 213 214 Tell us more. 215 ============= 216 Debbie: 217 Got your note. I'll get the "Nuts To You" stuff in the mail as 218 soon as I can. The money wasn't necessary, but thanks. 219 ============ 220 Leonard & the General: The foundation of my own personal 221 philosophy is the belief that it is the lopesided man who runs 222 best on the sidehills of life. This is the philosophical 223 principle that guides my life, as it obviously does for other 224 patrons of the Inn. 225 Gary 226 P.S. - Enjoyed talking with everyone. Take it easy and enjoy 227 life when you can. 228 ************************************************************ 229 230 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 231 232 IT HAS BEEN A LONG NIGHT, BUT ENJOYABLE! STANDING OUTSIDE OF THE INN, 233 I LOOK AT THE MOON AND STARS, AND GAZE AT MY SURROUNDINGS WITH A SMALL SENSE 234 OF LOSS. I'VE LEFT A SMALL SPRIG OF ROWAN WITH DEAR CISTOP, AND UNKNOWN TO 235 HIM I HAVE PLANTED A ROWAN TREE BY THE ROADSIDE AS A GUIDE TO ME WHEN I NEXT 236 RETURN. 237 238 AS I BEGIN THE WALK DOWN THE ROAD, I FEEL THE PRESENSE OF BHARNAE. "SO 239 WHERE WERE YOU ALL EVENING?" I ASK, WONDERING AT THE SLIGHT SMELL OF WINE 240 THAT ACCOMPANIES HIM. 241 "Well, I've been in the cellar with the resident Cluricaun, a nice old 242 elf named Moderagh." THOUGH I KNOW HE MUST HAVE IMBIBED GREATLY, THERE IS 243 NO SLUR IN HIS SPEECH OR TREMBLE IN HIS GAIT. "We merely sampled the wares 244 of the Innkeeper, and left some of our own in payment." 245 "I, TOO, TOOK PART IN MORE REVELRY THAN IS NORMALLY MY WANT, AND I DID 246 ENJOY MYSELF!" I AM LIGHT AT HEART, DESPITE KNOWLEDGE OF MY CURRENT PATH. 247 "Yes, I heard your song. And how could I fail to notice the Rowan? Do 248 you now not wish to travel the road you're chosen?" THERE IS SYMPATHY, AND 249 SOME PAIN, IN HIS TONE. "Such as this can be hard for a mortal, and for a 250 woman in particular." 251 "NO," I ANSWER, "I'VE CHOSEN THIS PATH, AND I WILL TRAVEL IT. I MERELY 252 THINK THAT I WILL MISS MY FRIENDS, AND THE INN. BUT I KNOW I WILL RETURN 253 WHEN I AM DONE, AND I KNOW THAT TIR-NA-N-OG MUST BE A COMELY LAND." 254 "It is, and you will learn much. Come, the night is growing old, and 255 we must meet at the Faerie Hawthorn!" 256 257 WE WALK THE ROAD TOGETHER, AND THOUGH I LOOK FORWARD TO WHAT LAY AHEAD, 258 I THINK OF OTHERS WHO HAVE ALSO FOLLOWED THE HAWTHORN. PLEASE, DON'T LET ME 259 LOSE TRACK OF THE PASSAGE OF TIME... 260 261 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]PAM.[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 262 263 SIR OLSON: 264 AS YOU KNOW, GOALS COME IN MANY FORMS, AND GROW WITH THE INDIVIDUAL. 265 ALTHOUGH THERE HAVE BEEN MANY SMALL ONES, I RECALL THAT THESE WERE (ARE) 266 THE MOST SIGNIFICANT. THEY GAIN IN LONGEVITY AS WE GET FURTHER ALONG. 267 AT FIRST GLANCE, THEY MAY SEEM TRIVIAL OR FANCIFUL, BUT CONSIDER HOW 268 MANY PEOPLE (ASIDE FROM OUR GOOD FRIENDS AT THE INN) HAVE ACCOMPLISHED 269 THEM: 270 *DEVELOP INTO A PERSON I CAN RESPECT, WITH NO "MIGHT HAVE BEENS" 271 TO CLOUD THE PERSONALITY. 272 *OBTAIN THE BEST EDUCATION POSSIBLE, TO FULLY DEVELOP INNATE 273 TALENTS AND ABILITIES, AND MINIMIZE AS FAR AS POSSIBLE WEAK 274 SPOTS. 275 *WORK AS HARD AS NECESSARY TO RETIRE BEFORE AGE 30. 276 *DEVELOP AT LEAST ONE NEGLECTED TALENT TO PERSONAL SATISFACTION. 277 *ORGANIZE, FUND, AND COMPLETE A LUNAR MINING STATION BEFORE TOO 278 OLD TO VISIT IT. 279 OK, THAT'S WHAT I AM DOING. HOW ABOUT YOUR GOALS, SIRRAH? 280 281 GENERAL MACAIBO 282 ****************************************************************** 283 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 284 Marcus spent the next seven years much as a small boy would 285 on any world. He went to classes, slept in the creche with the 286 other children and the guardians, and played games. Only the 287 games were changed. The older children, those who'd been 288 initiated and had broken through the shell of their senses to 289 become Aware, were fiercely competetive with their newly 290 acquired senses. Their games were more like throwing darts, blind- 291 folded, or sneaking back into the commissary without being seen 292 or sensed by anyone. Going somewhere without being seen was a 293 major feat on Ankira. With a whole planet full of room, Marc 294 could never understand why they all lived in one crowded 295 settlement. 296 he didn't see Ben again, as he guessed it, for three or 297 four years, until one day he appeared again in the hall as 298 they were returning from the playgrounds. 299 "Marc!" he called, "Is that you?" The almost adult-tal 300 boy stopped, eyes wide with surprise. 301 "Ben Avery! Hey, wehre've you been? I started thinking 302 you were Watching me again or something." 303 "No," he laughed. "those days are over. I've been on 304 Journeyman status in the Cluster. You should have known that." 305 "Well," Marc gestured, "it has been a long time, and you 306 know how they keep you cooped up in here. But no matter. Tell 307 me about Outside!" 308 For once Ben's face lost its familiar joviality and looked 309 pained, as if some hidden facet of his life had just emerged for a 310 moment, then resubmerged. he looked Marc in the eyes for a moment, 311 considering his words. This was a familiar trait with Ben, then 312 he spoke in low tones, "They're sad and lonely and they hurt each 313 other. They're just people." 314 *********************************************daver 315 $$ $$$ $$$$$$ $$ $$ $ $$ $$$$ $$ $$ $$ $$$ $$ $$ $$$ $$ $$ $ $ 316 Inspector Salizar rubbed his fingers across the cool, oily 317 metal of his service revolver nervously. There had been nothing 318 here in Marakesh, no one would talk, and then Serena had called 319 saying she had found something, and would be at the hotel in 320 an hour. That was three hours ago. He flicked the safety on 321 and off repeatedly, and lowered his chair back down on all four 322 legs. He was seated in the corner, facing the door. 323 Suddenly, so quickly that even his trained reflexes took 324 time to respond, the door burst almost from his hinges, the 325 lights went out, and a burst of flame and white smoke obscured 326 his vision. Blindly he began firing into the smoke, his 327 nervousness taking hold as he emptied the entire clip into the 328 dark doorway. 329 When the smoke began to clear, all he could see was Serena's 330 lithe form stretched out on the floor in the entrance. At the sound 331 of an ominous 'snick' from behind, he turned suddenly. Barely 332 silhouetted by the dark outside, a black, robed figure stood before 333 the open window, a long, dark sword emerging from its sheath like 334 a living, hungry thing.... 335 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$contremon v. 336 >>----------------------------------------------------------------------------<< 337 338 He had been following this roughhewn forgotten path since dawn. 339 Its ceaseless lacing back and forth across the spine of this craggy peak 340 had tired the sailor. He paused to quench thirst and reflect on his journey 341 ....He had followed the instructions that the parchment had offered...and 342 the map he had discovered was as accurate as any pilot chart he had ever 343 seen. He had followed the stream and never, for a moment, let it from his sight 344 for that phrase he had read still rang strong in his ears........ 345 "Mark well the streams passage. The answers only it will provide. " 346 "Follow it until the gorge and their thy path will lie" 347 He had reached the gorge the day before and had swam in a languid pool at 348 its base. It had been there that he had found the lace ....another gift from 349 the stream ....As he walked from the pool holding the damp fabric he discovered 350 a much overgrown staircase that lead from the pool to the side cliffs. 351 352 .....Taking another swallow of his water he put his flask into his rucksack. 353 Leaning on his staff he massaged his knee and admired the rowans fine carving. 354 How fortunate he had been. With a sigh he started walking ...letting 355 his strides become regular....He knew the top was near..... 356 ...... 357 ..........After many hours travel and the sun low in the sky...He reached a 358 landing . From there the path lead downwards. He decided to camp there for the 359 night. To the east he could see the streams course through the trees.... 360 as it made its way defiantly to the sea.... 361 And at his feet ...the the west ...following the gorges path it 362 seemed that stream again joined the surface.... and hidden from sight behind a 363 bend in the stream ..Was what looked like a whisp of smoke....rising above the 364 trees.....Another travler he thought... 365 ..And just before the turn in the stream...a bridge....How odd he mused . 366 Taking his rucksack off. And sitting with his back to the cliff. He closed 367 his eyes ...for a moment..and let his mind drift......Softly the sonorous and 368 plaintive chords of the pipes entered his mind and he began to sleep........ 369 >>--------------------------------------------------------Brendan-------------<< 370 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 371 I would like to say that I think that Carl Sagen is lacking of common sense in 372 his evolutionary myths. It is not to hard to notice that the universe was created 373 about 10,000 years ago by a devine being. 374 Dr. Buck 375 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 376 help 377 is there any other data here? 378 [][][][][][][][][][][][][] 0115 01/21/84 [][][][][][][][][] 379 380 Pushing away from the desk in his office in the city, he pauses for 381 a moment to think about dear Pam. He feels she must have missed 382 the note he left on the table a day or so ago. He fels a sadness, as ~ 383 he did not get the chance to tell her what had happenned. 384 He winces at the thought that she might think his establishment 385 closed forever, when it is in fact being merely remodeled, with 386 new tables and fine services installed for all of the patrons. 387 He opens a drawer and looks inside, just making sure it is still 388 there. He sees the disk of wonderful and wise utilities and programs 389 is resting quite so, waiting for a place to go and be useful. Ah, fair 390 Ms. C. You have done me a disservice in being frightened of me. I 391 carry nothing with me to be fearful of! Underneath the business veneer 392 veneer lies a playful, fun loving nature. 393 Oh well. Perhaps she will want it when she returns. 394 He closes the drawer and goes quietly ack to his work. 395 The lights burn late, for there is much to be done. 396 397 [][][][][][][][][][] DJJ [][][][][][][][][][] 398 to all, 399 C-64 keychains for sale.!!They are C-64 400 integrated circits embedded in beautiful 401 clear plastic.They are only $3.00!!,what 402 a bargain!Leave me a msg here or almost 403 any place else to work out the details. 404 Thank you, 405 Mike Tuell 414 thanks, 415 mike tuell(188 BEE COLOR) 416 (MTT KGON) 417 (34 BIT BUCKET) 418 419 ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 420 Ah, the dear inspector was rattled indeed if he fired a full CLIP from his 421 REVOLVER! I don't mean to gritch, but please be more careful. I am careful about 422 what *I* do and do not put into my "on-line fiction". I have referred to magic, 423 but I also made sure I followed accepted practice and procedures. (I know some 424 people who practice various forms of magic.) I don't know if it "really" works, 425 but I treat it as if it does. I even consult various references. 426 I must also add that I have some familiarity with some forms of martial arts & 427 with some things oriental. Your ninja should have a Japanese name, NOT a Chinese 428 (Bad Chinese, at that). 429 I'm impressed with your characters and writing, so I am leaving this msg. 430 Not to rake you over the coals, but in hopes that you will become even better! 431 '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 432 Gary: I'm not really sure where I got my principles, etc. I have read Heinlein's 433 books (and Norton's, and...). Almost all the philosophy I have read was "sugar- 434 coated" in one SF novel or another. 435 I've made mistakes all right. Hoo boy, have I! I've learned from most though. I 436 do have some unusual spots in my background though. I'm single (never married) 437 yet I've helped raise a kid. I learned QUITE a bit from that. I don't think I 438 made as many mistakes as my mother did, but only time will tell. 439 Actually, most children seem to start out being logical & then the adults 440 confuse them. Most of the "silly" ideas that I've heard from kids (Patrick, & 441 several others I used to babysit for extended periods) are just logical 442 deductions or inferences based on insufficient data. If adults keep going "where 443 did you get that silly idea" instead of talking to the child & explaining where 444 he went wrong, it won't take long for the child to decide that logic doesn't 445 work in the adult world (sometimes I think they are right, but that's a 446 different topic). 447 Rule #1 for dealing with a kid. Do NOT treat any child who is old enough to 448 talk in a manner that YOU would not wish to be treated. At the same time be 449 ready to treat HIM the way he treats you and others occasionally. 450 (the first insures that you will treat him as a PERSON. The second insures that 451 he will treat others as persons.) 452 My talk of "insufficient data" and guidelines stems from personal observations. 453 It's too easy to pigeon-hole people -- in the WRONG hole! As an example, when I 454 was in the 4th grade I was tested. They were trying to decide whether I should 455 skip a grade or not. The final decision was: No, he might not get along with the 456 older kids. Unfortunately, they never stopped to consider whether or not I got 457 along with my "peer" group! 458 ________________________________Leonard_________________________________________ 459 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 460 A shrill whistle echos thru the Inn causing the patrons to hastily 461 cover their ears and glare at this person who would disturbe them so. 462 Emer who was so bold to try to garner the Inn keepers attention 463 thus then looked around for surly he would be on duty at this hour. 464 Yet he was nowhere to be found. So she must accept having her thrist 465 slaked thru the service of PAM instead for now. "Where has the dear 466 Innkeeper gone off to now?" She asks of PAM. "Duty calls, and I'm 467 afraid he will be late again tonight. Leaving me to run things while 468 he's gone. He damn well better pay me overtime this time!" She mutters 469 under her breath as she moves to serve another waiting patron. 470 With that Emer leans back on her chair balancing it on the two rear 471 legs and enjoys the atmosphere of the Inn. 472 Far away a figure trudges on towards the Inn his black cloak wrapped 473 tightly around him to ward off the chill of the night. Though the 474 distance had seemed short before, now it was an endless eternity to 475 travel. He must hurry to reach the Inn for fear of missing his new 476 found friend Emer, and the minutes seem like hours, every stone an 477 obstruction to his path. Though the time is late he hurries on. 478 * Tarn * 479 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 480 !~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~! 481 CONTREMON: 482 You seem to have some ideas for Inspector Salazar. Be my guest and 483 continue with the tale. Just don't kill off dear Alberto, I've got some 484 ideas I'd like to use with him. Also there might be a lot of me in him, 485 and I'd hate to lose him. 486 Valinor 487 !~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~! 488 489 LEONARE: FIRST, SOOORRRREEEEEE. I KNEW I'D SLIPPED WITH THE REVOLVER 490 BIT, WAS JUST TOO LAZY TO FIX IT. I REPENT, ADEQUATELY CHASTIZED. AND 491 THANKS FOR LETTING ME KNOW THAT READERS REALLY DO NOTICE THESE THINGS. 492 I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE NINJA, AND MANY OTHER FACTORS THAT ARISE 493 FROM A MULTI-AUTHOR STORY, WE DOES THE BEST WE CAN.......CV 494 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 495 496 The Inspector swallowed with a dry throat as the hollow click 497 of an empty chamber seemed to fill the room. He pulled the trigger 498 once more just to be sure, or out of reflex, hope. Same click. The 499 dark figure advanced slowly, seeming to take pleasure from Salizar's 500 helplessness. Then the light from the open entrance was suddenly 501 blocked, and a voice rang through the room. 502 "Salizar, down!" the man yelled. Alberto sprang backwards and 503 turned simultaneously, only glimpsing the tall blocky figure raising 504 an Uzi into firing position. The act seemed to flow in slow motion 505 as the gun barrel raised, and then steadied as the Inspector reached 506 the floor. But the gun never fired. Just as he steadied himself, 507 two small daggers seemed to appear in his arms, and he spun, fell. 508 Salizar had just enough time to see the Ninja raise that sword for 509 a final blow when.... 510 * * * * * * * * CONTREMON VALERIUS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 511 REMEMBER, NEXT SATURDAY, 28 JAN, THE INNCOUNTER... 512 GOODIES, BEVS, ETC. MEET AT 6-6:30 TO CARPOOL TO THE WASH SQ. 513 HYDROTUBES, THEN MAIN PARTY AT 9:00. IN ALOHA, 514 OFF TV HWY AT 219TH. SEEE YOUUUS THERREE.....CV 515 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 516 517 *************************************************** 518 MIKE DAY.... 519 I FINNALLY GOT THE MODEM AND WAS INVITED TO ACCESS BWMS TO SEE HOW THINGS 520 RUN. I MUST ADMIT, IT'S A BIT BAFFLING UNTIL ONE GETS 521 USED TO IT. I WOUOULKD (LERR, A BIT DIFFICULT TO BACKSPACE TO 522 CORRECT SPELLING ERRORS). I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT 523 THIS GEM INCLUDING HOW TO PRINT MESSAGES FROM A BULLETIN 524 BOARD ONTO MY GEMINI 10 PRINTER. ANY SUGGESTIONS? 525 526 I HAVE AN OSBORNE I. IF OTHERS ARE INTERESTED, I WOULD 527 BE HAPPY TO EXCHANGE INFORMATION WITH THEM ON OPERATIONAL 528 PROCEDURES. I'M JUST A BEGINNER AND NEED ALL THE HELP 529 I CAN GET. 530 531 HOME PHONE (UNTIL 9PM) : 666-xxxx IN GRESHAM. 532 THANKS!!!! I REALLY LIKE THE SYSTEM. (IS THE STORY THE THE 533 ONLY OTHER MESSAGE ON??? 534 535 KEN MANSKE 536 O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O00O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O 538 BACKWATER SURE HAS LOST ITS FUN. WHO NEEDS THESE STUPID STORIES? 540 NEVER COMING BACK, SO DON'T GRIPE TO ME! 542 0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0:STUD:0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0 544 --------------------------------------------------------------- 545 The evening is long, as is my patience. I know that Tarn will arrive 546 for our scheduled appointment, will come sometime during the long eve, and I 547 will continue to search for him between pulls at my glass. Perhaps by the end 548 of the night he will come, but will I be in any condition to speak to him by 549 then? This wine is strange to me, with an odd but lovely flavor. I have never 550 had its like. I wonder if there is any more, this bottle is empty. Where is 551 Pam? Was that her leaving? 552 Ah, Pam! More of this wine please! 553 - Emer - 554 --------------------------------------------------------------- 555 ][--][--][--][--][--][--][--][--][--][--][--][--][--][--][--][--][--][--][-- 556 Over in the corner, behind a post, where it is usually very quiet, where the 557 lurkers often sit, a large bearded journeyman looks up from his work and calls 558 for a refill of the dark sweet beverage he has been sipping. After muttering 559 something about "the real ting" (sic) he rises and walks over to the Piper. 560 "I beg your pardon for this interuption but I could not fail to hear what you 561 and the other said. Your words raise old memories better left dead, but I fear 562 that they will not sleep again." the Piper nodded and asked him to continue. 563 "I am now known by a name which is a jest of matters technical (a disturbance on 564 the 67 line of a machine that processes information), but once I was called 565 Yngvi, and sometimes crazy. When last this subject was discussed, the world 566 went from gunpowder to wooden clubs in three seasons. if we must do this again, 567 I point out that Nuclear Weapons may act as a reminder of our folly. 568 If you have the courage, Piper, and think we may benifit from the wisdom of 569 the young ones who know not the passions of their fathers, write the words 570 that all agreed where correct on the slate on yonder wall." 571 With this the bearded one once known as Yngvi, that some once called crazy, 572 returned to his place to sip the sweet, dark liquid. 573 ><)(><)(><)(><)(><)(><)(><)(><)(><)(><)(><)(><)(><)(><)(><)(><)(><)(><)(><)( 574 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 575 576 Pam was halfway through her belated breakfast when the idea came to her mind. 577 Although she knew operational characteristic as well as she knew her own 578 body, it seemed strange to her to see the semiconductor protruding from her 579 navel. She thought about it for a while and then finished her meal. After 580 all she was just a women. 581 582 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@signed.....Phologiston the King...@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 583 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 584 Rushing towards the Inn, for now he was very late, Tarn flings open the 585 door striking a patron who was standing too close, learning the leason the 586 hard way about hanging around too close to the door in a public place. 587 Muttering his appology, Tarn seemed little interested in the poor patrons 588 plight other then that he was not seriously hurt. Searching the tables 589 Tarn begins to worry, "Have I arrived too late?" 590 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 592 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 593 In the wee hours of the morning while speaking to Emer of 594 many things past shared and otherwise, Tarn felt himself growing 595 sleepy and before he knew it he soon was fast asleep with his 596 head in his arms. A smile played across his face in a sleep that 597 for the first time in ages was not troubled. Looking upon Tarn 598 with a kindly gaze, Emer pulled Tarns cloak over his shoulders, 599 Then lightly Kissing him on the forehead quitly slips out of the 600 Inn into the still night air. A smile on her own face. 601 * Tarn * 602 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 603 !~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~! 604 It seems that either Pam is sleeping on the job, or has left the Inn 605 for a while. I guess this table will have to be cleaned by someone else. 606 !~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!Valinor!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~! 607 608 IT USED TO`BE SO LONG AGO THAT BWMS HAD A FORMAT THAT WAS`FULL OF 609 MANNY DIFFERENT THINGS,LOOKING AT`IT NOW I FIND 95% POETRy/PROSE. 610 NOTHING AGAINST IT BUT I LIKED THE FUN`OF LOOKING`AT VERBAL BATTELS 611 ` ` BECKER 612  613 AARON,IF YOUR STILL OUT THERE, BRING SANDYS BOOKS BACK,PLEASE!! 614 "SLOUCHING TWORDS`BETHLEHEM & THE WHITE ALBIUM. 615 ` BECKER`AGAIN > .