LIST FILE ON MARGIN IS 80 STATUS: ALL ALLOWED NUMBER OF LINES: 629 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ********************** REMOVED 15 FEB 84 ******************* 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privatly owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privatly owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 IT IS LATE AND I HEAR A SCRATCHING NOISE OUTSIDE THE INN. NOW I WONDER 21 WHAT THAT COULD BE AT THIS HOUR? OPENING THE DOOR I SEE A TREMBLING 22 FIGURE GRASPING THE ROWAN TREE TIGHTLY. MOVING OUTSIDE TO SEE IF I 23 CAN HELP, MAYBE THEY ARE IN NEED OF SHELTER ON THIS COLD NIGHT? THEN 24 AS I APROACH I SEE TO MY AMAZMENT IT IS PAM!!! QUICKLY RUSHING TO 25 HER, I PUT MY ARM AROUND HER TO STEADY HER AND HELP HER TO RETURN 26 ONCE MORE TO THE INN. "WELCOME BACK! FIRST LETS GET YOU WARM, THEN 27 YOU MUST TELL ME OF YOUR ADVENTURES. BUT FOR NOW JUST RELAX AND 28 BASK IN THE WARMTH OF THE GLOWING FIRE. 29 ****** WELCOME BACK PAM! ****** I MISSED YOU! ****** CISTOP MIKEY ****** 30 ######################################## 31 32 Well, Well! at last we hear from DOM. What's this about you leaving us for the 33 land of the rising sun? You will be sorely missed. As you can see the Inn Has gone to hell in a handbasket lately. 34 this is not too bad but then it can't hold a candle to our old "discussions". I have become what they call here, a lurker 35 not joining in unless either politics or religeon are on the burner. 36 How long before you leave? Will try to get back to you in about a week. 37 38 ################C.Y.M.###############################2/12/84 12:50am############ 39 !~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~! 40 41 It was raining outside tonight 42 Inside on the carpet, 43 A man lay dying. 44 I stood by, helpless... 45 46 Not batting an eye, Mr. Macho, 47 Except for the trickle of sweat 48 Running down my forehead. 49 50 Oh sweet Jesus, 51 God, how it scared me. 52 53 I'm not a religious man; but I might take it up. 54 Just in case... Dear God, don't let me go like that. 55 56 !~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!Valinor!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~! 57 58 &&&&&&&&&&&&&& 59 Oh Imaginary Fig, jump not to conclusions! There are indeed Ninja in this 60 country, although few and quiet. 61 This is spoken from sure knowledge and personal experience. 62 Their terrifying arts are now passed from master to student in a way 63 not unlike that of the more accepted martial arts, but always without 64 fanfare, without advertising. 65 They are among us, but I must echo your doubts about our "Ninja". Then 66 again, are you truly a Figment? I am an Actor, yet barely a Poet. This 67 is part of the beauty of the world we are creating here: we can be what 68 we wish to be, limited only by our imaginations, our verbal acuity, and 69 the all-powerful one who looks over us all. In this last I speak, of 70 course, of Systop Mikey. 71 Flights of Fancy Sing Thee to Thy Rest, 72 && The Mad Actor && 73 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 74 Pam,I know not who you are or were but judging from the amount of grief your 75 not being at the inn has caused I welcom you back,I am The Man in Gray or 76 M I G. 77 Deborah,no I have'nt forgoten you but a VERY good friend of mine came back 78 from an 8 week training mission and I hav not 79 been able to use my stuff at night because i'm usualy ah,well... occupied. 80 at the inn... 81 Sir,there is likely to be severe danger in this trip,whoever is importing 82 the weapons from up-time will be as ruthless as a hari krisna triing to get a 83 donation! 84 Graymalken could see that his warning had no effect on the demented player. 85 "have you ever seen the likes of thease sir?"said the mad actor 86 "no,they look deadly enough,try them out on that unnamed person in the corner 87 who critisezes my spelling and grammar" 88 "no sir,I will not,not when there is a lady present" 89 "I should think that lynn is accos..." 90 "not her,the lady that the innkeeper just brought in,she looks lost and a 91 needless display of violence would only upset her"said TMA 92 "as you say,I still want to do something to that person with the disgustingly 93 correct typing.and you my daughter,why have you been so silent?" 94 "while you and this unknown mann have been blabbering,I have been trying to 95 find out how the weapon transfer took place,I think we should see the wizard. 96 same time-frame(more or less) same chanel(only one there is) next disk(maby). 97 to be continued 98 The Man in Gray 99 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 100 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 101 Getting no response from the back room, the piper turned and picked his 102 way back to his table with the bard. Gancing around he saw several figures 103 with their heads close together. One, a man dressed in some grey cloth 104 seemed to be speaking to a woman and another man. 105 The piper reached to the ledge where he had folded his pipes and drew 106 them down. Shaking the folds out of the moist leather bag, he lifted them 107 by the bass drone and chanter, placed the bass drone on his left shoulder 108 and let the two tenor drones fan out over his arm. Tucking the bag under 109 his elbow, he placed the blowpipe between his teeth and inflated the bag 110 with two quick breaths. 111 As the piper started the pipes, a movement caught his eye. The group he 112 had noticed earlier seemed to have accumulated a group of deadly weapons. 113 114 Ah well, perhaps the problem would be solved in the resolution of another 115 he was working on. He had not ever spoken to Pam directly, but had seen 116 and approved her demeanor and actions. 117 The pipes were droning now. The piper reached up to adjust the bass drone 118 slightly and the room wavered slightly. Nodding in comprehension, he firmly 119 twisted and slid the adjustment fully out of tune, then back in. The inn 120 seemed to waver in and out of focus. Adjusting the two tenors, and a quick 121 run on the chanter -- the pipes were in tune. 122 First -- for Pam as a welcome back -- 123 the piper played "The Australian Ladies" and watched as the debris from 124 the mini-war became transparent and dissolved. That particular reality, 125 vulnerable because it was not accepted by enough patrons, dissolved into 126 the mists of might-have-been. In the place of broken tables, demolished 127 benches and chairs, broken glass and shell craters, well-worn tables mellow 128 with age and use and plain but sturdy seats firmed into view. 129 The piper ended the first song, then immediately broke into an irish jig, 130 sensing the touch of the gael in Pam's presence. Hoping to lift her heart, 131 he ran through "Paddy's Leather Breeches" and "Cork Hill". 132 Finishing his tunes, he turned to her, and hesitating to approach as she 133 appeared exhausted and cold, bowed with a flourish, then sat back at his 134 table with the bard. 135 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 136 Piper:If you would be so kind as to oblige me, I would sing of a reality 137 that those "disturbing" patrons are better suited for. Do you know "Banks of 138 Sicily"? 139 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 140 Green Hills of Harmony (words: Al Frank, music: Banks of Sicily) 141 Well, the Sergeant is sad and the piper is fey, 142 There's no Dorsai whiskey we'll have on this day. 143 The sky to the eastward is cloudy and grey, 144 And all of the soldiers are leaving. 145 CHORUS:So it's march! March! Down to the landing 146 And set down your pack while the ferry's away. 147 And it's fare ye well, you green hills of Harmony, 148 All the poor soldiers are leaving. 149 Well, one contract's filled out but another's been made. 150 The Elders have told us our time's overstayed. 151 So light up if you got 'em, lie back in the shade. 152 When the ferry comes down we'll be leaving. 153 chorus 154 Well, the clouds movin' westward have blotted the sun. 155 It's a helluva life when you carry a gun: 156 You're hot when you're fighting, you freeze when you're done, 157 And it rains on the day that you're leaving! 158 chorus 159 Well, some fight for glory, some fight for the pay, 160 But we are the Dorsai, and fighting's our way. 161 It's a hard life to live, but it's harder to stay, 162 When all of your buddies are leaving. 163 So it's smoke out! There by the landing' 164 The ferry is back. Saddle up, come away, 165 And it's fare ye well, you green hills of Harmony, 166 All the poor soldiers are leaving. 167 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 168 A free drink to the first patron to identify the reality that the above song 169 is from. 170 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 171 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 172 Welcome back Pam! Even those who dared not speak to one with such influence 173 around the Inn missed you. I hope you won't be leaving again soon, the 174 Inn is just never as bright when you're away. 175 Bo 176 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 177 178 {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ 0! < 1 }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} 179 180 DEBORAH Dear (et. all)--- If it is a topic of discussion that 181 you seek, if I may make a small suggestion, there is one 182 subject of both a historical and topical nature that has 183 never failed to bring out diversity of opinion and at times 184 heated discussion. 185 I refer to the concept of "Intellectual Property". 186 In other words, Copyrights, and the use and abuse of them. 187 There are many aspects to such a consideration. 188 First of all does it make any sense to say that the published 189 creative output of an individual or collective mind should 190 be protected from reproduction? 191 What of the moral, ethical, and legal implications of what is 192 sometimes referred to as piracy? (both for profit & private 193 use of the material.) 194 Are the same criteria applicable to different media such as 195 printed material, video tapes, computer programs, etc. ? 196 It's interesting to note that in many companies large and 197 small, it is common practice to buy one copy of program disk 198 and clone it for the use of several people on different 199 computers; even though they sign an agreement not to do this. 200 What about suppression of what an individual knows such as 201 the non-disclosure & non-competition agreements people are 202 asked to sign? 203 204 Well, its a big subject and multi-faceted. You might well ask, 205 "Where do you stand on these issues?" 206 I feel that in the end it comes down to the set of values 207 that each individual embraces and uses to guide their actions. 208 It is through discussion that many of these values are formed. 209 Some actions tend to suppress creative expression... others 210 encourage it. 211 212 ...but the true artist will find a means of expression no 213 matter what the circumstance. 214 215 {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ The Mesolithic Mathematician }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} 216 217 P.S.--- PAM I would also like to welcome you back with open 218 arms... although I don't exactly know you, someone 219 with so many superb friends is worth getting acquainted 220 with!!! 221 {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ 1 > 0! }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} 222 223 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 224 225 Aaron..... at PSU 226 227 DOM...Welcome back 228 Your absence was greatly noticed ! 229 230 ::::::::::::::::::::::Alex::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 231 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 232 MATHEMATICIAN: WHEN I BECAME EMPLOYED BY A SOFTWARE COMPANY TO WRITE SOFTWARE 233 I WAS REQUIRED TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT THAT STATED IN ESSENCE: 234 (1) AFTER LEAVING EMPLOYMENT, I SHALL NOT WORK FOR A COMPETITOR FOR 235 A PERIOD OF AT LEAST ONE YEAR. 236 (2) ALL IDEAS, TECHNIQUES, ETC. I DEVELOP ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE COMPANY. 237 I CANNOT USE THESE WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE COMPANY. 238 EVEN THINGS SUCH AS SORTS, FILE ROUTINES, ETC. I CAN'T USE FOWN 239 PROGRAMS. 240 241 242 I THOUGHT THIS RATHER UNFAIR, BUT I WAS ASSURED(VERBALLY) THAT THIS WAS 243 STANDARD PRACTICE AMONG ALL COMPANIES AND THAT USING MY ROUTINES WOULD BE 244 NO PROBLEM. 245 I AM NOW WONDERING WHAT I HAVE GOT MSELF INTO. COULD YOU SUPPLY SOME COMMENTS? 246 JONATHAN CHANCE 247 248 P.S. MESSAGE TO FIGMENT AND OTHERS: 249 IF A=SUCCESS 250 THEN A=X+Y+Z 251 WHEN X=WORK 252 Y=PLAY 253 Z=KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT 254 255 (PURPORTEDLY) EINSTIEN! 256 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 257 <=><=><=><=<=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> 258 IT'S JOKE TIME!! 259 THERE WAS ONCE A PLANE THAT HAD A CARGO 260 OF PARATROOPERS A STUPID MAN AND A SMARTMAN. THE STUPID MAN JUMPED OUT FIRST... 261 PULLED HIS SHUTE...IT OPENED AND HE 262 WAS GLIDING DOWN PERFECT. 263 THE SMART MAN JUMPED OUT...PULLED HIS 264 SHUTE.......NOTHING HAPPENED...HE PULLED THE AUXILLERY SHUTE...NO RESPONCE!!! 265 HE WAS NOW APPROACHING THE STUPID MAN 266 WHO WAS GLIDING DOWN. THE STUPID MAN 267 LOOKS OVER,SEES THE SPEEDING SMART MAN 268 AND REPLIES.....OH SO YOU WANT TO RACE 269 ...OK. THEN HE UNBUKLES HIS SHUTE.................(MASSAVE LAUGHTER) 270 COURTESY OF ... 271 *** * * *** ** ** ** 272 * * * * * * * * * * 273 * **** *** ** ** * 274 * * * * * * * * * 275 * * * *** ** ** ** 276 277 278 279 ** * * ** *** *** ** 280 * * * * * * * * * * 281 ** * * * * *** ** 282 * * * * * * * * * 283 ** ** ** * *** * * 284 285 286 287 <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> 288 To Whomever put the 79 blank lines on the board: 289 I just finished erasing them. Do it again, and someone will erase it again. 290 We at the Inn are a notoriously tolerant lot, but the disks go by too quickly, 291 and wasting them with empty lines is simply intolerable. I will defend to 292 the death your right to say what you will, but saying nothing for 79 lines 293 is a waste. Then again, perhaps you were sharing with us your entire 294 lifetime's collection of wisdom? 295 && The Mad Actor && 296 Bard: 297 "For the inhabited worlds of the human race were split--as they had 298 been split for two hundred years now--into two camps, one which 299 held their populations to 'tight' contracts and the other who believed 300 in the so-called loose contract. Those on the tight-contract side 301 were the Friendly worlds of Harmony and Association, Newton, Cassida 302 and Venus, and the big new world of Ceta under Tau Ceti. On the 303 loose side were ranged Earth, the Dorsai, the Exotic worlds of Mara 304 and Kultis, New Earth, Freiland, Mars and the small Catholic world 305 of St. Marie." 306 From Soldier, Ask Not 307 by Gordon R. Dickson. 308 A part of his Childe Cycle. 309 000000000000000000000000000000000voyeur000000000000000000000000000000 310 I thought it was 'chute', not 'shute'? 311 [][][][][][][][][][][] 1743 02/12/84 [][][][][][][][][][][][] 312 313 PAM: HI. I STILL HAVE THE DISK. 314 315 [][][][][][][][][][][][] DJJ [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 316 317 PS. WELCOME BACK, IT HAS BECOME GHASTLY AROUND HERE. 318 319 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 320 321 Re the NINJA's remark on drive B 322 Not being one to quibble, I thought the Ninja class was a product of 323 feudalistic Japanese society, having nothing to do with China 324 325 Pertaining to DOM's (?) remark about not polluting Japan.. 326 Two summers ago our family hosted two Japanese students for about 327 three weeks. Both were buddhist, coming from buddhist families. We are 328 still in touch with one of them and recently he mentioned in a letter 329 that he wished to become a Christian. Why would an extremely bright 330 young man (about 16 now) want to do this? My own theory is that with 331 Japans westernization has come a longing, especially amongst the 332 young, to emulate their western counter-parts. Call it a sort of 333 peer pressure; A Japanese form of rebelliousness (if there can be 334 such a thing). In the near future Christians could be a majority in 335 Japan, and that saddens me. 336 337 Mr. Tim 338 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 339 Wow! I just recently went to the Portlan 340 Plaza. What a place! 341 342 Tons of good looking women! Any one out there 343 go Saturday night? 344 345 I highly suggest that all new wavers attend! 350 FUTI 351 352 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 353 That should say -> FOTI 354 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 355 ......... Just remember to check your brain at the door 356 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ 357 If the above remark was an insult to new wavers or the Plaza than 358 would the writer please drop dead? 359 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 360 would the above 2 writers explane 2 things,what are "wavers" and what is this 361 "plaza"? 362 Cistop Mikey,what does it mean when I call and nobodys home? 363 The Man in Gray 364 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 365 366 Mr. Tim; I hope your desire that Japan remain non-Christian stems from a 367 fondness for the traditional diversity of a multi-cultural world rather 368 than the sort of close-minded prejudice of which Christians are often 369 accused by their non-Christian detractors. It has been my experience that 370 extremism in either cause tends to go hand in hand with an appalling 371 level of prejudice and an unwillingness to openly communicate that can 372 only make matters worse. Each individual should be allowed to freely choose 373 their own course in life without relying on someone else's concepts of 374 right and wrong. Free-thinkers all at least pay lip service to this idea, 375 and the free will of the individual is central to Christian doctrine as 376 well. What goes around, comes around; if Christianity is on the rise in 377 Japan, there are also more Buddists in the U.S. than there used to be. 378 379 M.i.G.: They are referring to those who listen to New Wave music, an art 380 form which emphasizes pain & ugliness as desirable social traits. Quite 381 popular, I hear. 382 Yours in Wretched Excess, 383 && The Mad Actor && 384 P.S.: to MiG; 385 I believe the answer to your phone question is: 386 "It means the phone keeps ringing until you hang up". 387 && TMA && 388 !|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!| 389 FLASH! 390 THERE'S A NEW BBS IN TOWN! 391 THIS ONE'S A REALLY NEW ONE, ACTUALLY STILL BEING WRITTEN. IT'S NOT 392 FINISHED YET, BUT IT'S GOT REAL POSSIBILITIES. 393 THE NUMBER IS 289-xxxx. THAT'S 289-xxxx. 394 IT'S RUNNING ON AN EPSON QX-10, UP MOST OF THE TIME UNTIL IT'S DONE, 395 THEN UP FULL TIME. 396 GIVE IT A CALL AND LEND THIS GUY SOME MORAL SUPPORT! 397 !|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|___THE SILVER GHOST___!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!| 398 **************************************************** 399 M.I.G. IT MEANS THAT THE SYSTEM IS OFF LINE AND I AM USING IT. EITHER 400 TO DO BACKUPS, OR TO READ WHAT'S GOING ON, OR TO ENTER MY OWN MESSAGES 401 LIKE NOW. 402 ******************* CISTOP MIKEY ************************************ 403 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 404 PIPER: DO YOU PLAY THE PIPES IN ACTUALITY? YOU SEEM YO HAVE AN 405 IN DEPTH KNOWLEDGE OF THEM. I HAVE A COUPLE OF FRIENDS THAT ARE 406 QUITE PRACTICED PLAYERS. THEY MAKE BEAUTIFUL MUSIC! 407 AHAH! A TOPIC.......AND ONE OF INTEREST! BUT I HAVE NO TIME TO 408 RESPOND. BUT I SHALL RETURN. 409 d, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU, SATURDAY? WE SEARCHED AND SEARCHED, 410 EVEN IN THE DITCHES AROUND YOUR HOUSE, AND COULD FIND NO TRACE 411 OF THE VEHICLE THAT WAS STUCK. REFER TO YOUR ELECTRONIC MAILBOX. 412 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!DEBORAH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 413 To New Wavers: I apologise. My earlier comment was of the very 414 intolerant and predjudiced nature that I'd just finished criticizing. 415 Celebrate your sounds! I'm only bitter because I was too late for the 416 sixties, andh had to make do with the seventies. 417 With Hope for Tomorrow, 418 && The Mad Actor && 419 ............................................................................ 420 "Innkeeper, I'm paying for this gentleman's next drink" said the piper, 421 indicating the one who called himself "voyeur". 422 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 423 As for the non-disclosure agreements & the like, they started out 424 because of the way the lawyers have screwed up the patent system. The last I 425 heard, if you took someone to court for violating your patent, there was a 426 90% (!!) chance that your patent would be ruled invalid. Thus, the only 427 means of protection left was to make the process/device/whatever a "trade 428 secret". This requires the non-disclosure agreements, etc. 429 I'm not saying it's right, just (unfortunately) necessary. 430 As for the copyright laws, I "violate" them often. If I need a copy 431 of a copyrighted work (that I already own) in a form other than that in 432 which I bought it, according to the law, I'm stuck. (an example, if I want 433 a microfilm copy of a magazine & they don't sell it that way, LEGALLY, I 434 can't microfilm it myself). My feeling is, OK- if they sell it in the form 435 I need, then I'm morally & legally obligated to buy it rather than convert 436 it to that form myself. If they DON'T have it available, then I see no 437 MORAL problem in buying what they DO sell & converting it myself. (I should 438 ask persmission though I haven't always done so) 439 __________________________Leonard___________________________________________ 443 "Milady Pam, thou hast been sorely missed. May I bid thee welcome on 444 behalf of all the patrons who have missed thee?", he inquired. 445 ..........................the apprentice.................................... 446 My name is Nancy, I'm a seventeen year old girl who isn't 447 glamourous or anything, but I'm not ugly either. My dad and I 448 keep having fights because I think sex with boys is OK. 449 I'm a B+ students, with lots of friends, and I was even a 450 cheerleader once, so I'm no tramp or anything like that. I 451 just like sex a whole lot. 452 I think sex is a natural normal thing and I think girls 453 should have just as much fun with sex as boys. I think the 454 only reason my dads being so weird is cause all men (and boys) 455 think only thier sex should have any fun. This isnt fair. 456 I'd like to hear other peoples opinions so maybe I can 457 get some better arguements for the next time I fight with my 458 dad. 459 Nancy 460 461 ============================================================ 462 ?????????????????????????????? 463 sigh.......if only i were not happily married. 464 to the above lender of "jokes" I would like to meet you on a field of combat 465 one day,backed up by my trusty knife and everybody I know from the local 466 SPCA chapter.I hope your mind can change b4 somebody changes it for you. 467 Mad Actor,perhaps you would like to add a chapter to the story I have 468 somehow managed to start? late nights for me are out for the next week or so 469 because I have to be at work by 5a.m. 470 The Man in Gray 471 ??????????????????????????????? 472 473 {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ + - / * }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} 474 475 JONATHAN C.---Your note certainly has a familiar ring. Have you 476 noticed have often the phrase "Every body else does it" is 477 used when people want to coerce someone into doing something 478 that they have apprehensions about? 479 480 Yes, indeed, the practice of having everyone sign away all of 481 their rights to any creative effort or intellectual property 482 has become all too widespread, in my opinion. 483 484 I, for one have decided to resist this trend, and in all my 485 software contracts it specifically specifies I retain the 486 copyright to the code and the right to utilized the functions 487 in future works, at my discretion. (I'll be the first to admit 488 that I've been fortunate to be able to take such a stand, but 489 people who hold a strong position are the very ones who should 490 stand for individual freedoms and rights.) 491 492 What I'm saying is that each person has to decide whether they 493 wish to sign away certain portions of their future creative 494 endeavours or allow present stored knowledge that they have to 495 be locked up and not available to use as they wish. It may be 496 that they feel the compensation is worth signing away. The 497 only suggestion I make is don't sign without thinking about it 498 first." Everyone's doing it" is not a good reason in my opinion. 499 500 In your case where it's after the fact you still have the same 501 choices. Worse case you're only restricted for a year from 502 this moment and your question indicates you're already a year 503 wiser than when you signed it. 504 505 There's a recent article in PC Magazine Vol. 2 Number 7 for 506 Dec. 1983, "Who Owns The Software?" by Stephen Becker. He gives 507 a good explanation of the changes in the copyright laws that 508 were enacted in 1978. They give a lot more rights to the 509 individual and probably had some influence on the trend of 510 companies to get people to reassign the newly acquired right 511 back over to them. 512 513 Well, I've rambled enough and expressed my own biased opinion 514 quite loudly... Hope it also answered your question! 515 516 {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ The Mesolithic Mathematician }}}}}}}}}}}}}}} 517 518 519 ~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM 520 521 Deborah, CYM, Alex: I truly appreciate your kind remarks.... 522 THANK YOU! 523 It happens that the majority of my personal (as opposed to digital) 524 friends are already in Japan, so I'm sure the one attribute of Portland 525 I will miss most will be BWMS and the patrons thereof; without which I 526 would find this city intolerably boring. I hope there are similar systems 527 in Tokyo! In any case, funds permitting, I will try to up/download some- 528 thing to/from BWMS upon occassion. I am delighted to see that I am leav- 529 ing BWMS with all of the necessary constituents for a rather active re- 530 ligious exchange; CYM representing us heathens, Deborah representing the 531 Holy contingent, PAM regulating the bloodshed to a non-fatal level, and 532 Leonard antagonizing everyone possible (just kidding {kind of}). 533 I am trying desparately to depart by the end of the month, but I still 534 have an apartment full of furniture and other miscellaneous "junk" to find 535 new homes for. I hope to be able to use this equipment once or twice again 536 before I go. 537 538 Mr. Tim: Americanization in Japan although existant to some extent in 539 nearly all cross-sections of the society, is most prevalent among high 540 school students. American fashions (especially 1950-60's era), American 541 lifestyles and American individualism (as opposed to the traditional 542 Japanese family structure) are now the "fad". My hope and belief is that 543 since most of them have never been to the US, their knowlege of American 544 thought and attitudes is only superficial, from magazines, TV, etc.; and 545 their values, which will emerge as they reach adulthood, remain largely 546 Japanese. I would guess that your student s desire to convert is moti- 547 vated by social gratification (as it often is here in the US) and will 548 desist as he makes the transition from the educational realm to the voc- 549 ational realm. Fortunately, the adult population is considerably more 550 discriminating regarding which aspects of Americanization are beneficial 551 and which are destructive. I too am concerned about the potential effects 552 of Americanization and specifically Christianity, but I doubt (with my 553 fingers crossed) that there is sufficient cause to be overwrought with 554 worry. There is a strong traditional sentiment which will hopefully sur- 555 vive western influences. Thanks for your comment and concern. 556 557 TMA: Thank you for reiterating what I pointed out on the previous disk. 558 An individuals beliefs should (and ultimately are, regardless of any ex- 559 ternal opposing efforts) a matter of free choice; and, furthermore, no 560 religion or devotees thereof should be favored or disfavored by the gov- 561 erning authorities. I certainly hope that American (and a number of other) 562 government(s) will some day see it our way! 563 Regarding your other point; that atheists and non-christians in general 564 view Christians as prejudiced and closed-minded, again I think that you 565 are largely correct. I cannot speak for all non-christians, but it has 566 been my observation that the considerable number of Christians I have 567 known did, indeed, appear extremely prejudice and closed-minded. I am 568 still holding out hope, however, for the Christian with whom I can reason 569 intelligibly. It has long been my feeling theat even if my life were 570 otherwise the epitomy of "pitdom", 571 the saving of only one soul from Christianity would make it all worth while. 572 573 Nancy: Personally I approve of premarital sex only for procreational 574 or recreational purposes. Drop by my apartment sometime and we can dis- 575 cuss it in detail. 576 Well, I don't suppose you left this message with the intention of 577 receiving jokes in response, so I will give you a serious answer too, though 578 I doubt that you will like it (in its entirity, anyway). I would ask that 579 if you wish to use any portion of my response as amunition against your 580 father, that you use the whole thing (which, unfortunately, might not be 581 too effective). 582 I have not the slightest objection, moral or otherwise, to premarital 583 sex, as "performed" (if you will allow me the use of that sometimes con- 584 troversial term) by consenting and responsible adults. The word "consent- 585 ing", I think is rather straight forward, but perhaps "responsible" and 586 "adult" require some clarification. I define neither in terms of age, 587 although there is somewhat of a correlation. In my opinion "adult" ref- 588 ers to one who has developed the ability to apply his conscience and/or 589 common sense to the regulation of his actions. If I may interject a slight 590 diversion here, I just realized that I have never met a Christian adult. 591 "responsible" indicates a natural tendancy to use that ability to obtain 592 pertinent information and consider the possible outcomes of an action 593 before "performing" it. Perhaps age is not a factor, but your father 594 believes that you or your partner do not fit the above description (or 595 his version thereof). .....Pardon, I did not intend a pun in the use of 596 the word "outcomes" above; perhaps I should have said "consequences". .... 597 Anyway, my opinion is that if you live in your parents house, and are 598 supported by them, then it is their responsibility to evaluate whether 599 or not you are a "responsible adult" and you are subject to the rules of 600 the house. Try walking your St. Bernard past the lobby to your penthouse 601 suite at the Hilton Hotel and see how far you get! If, however, you are 602 supporting yourself then the determinaton as to your "responsibility" 603 and "adulthood" should be your own. 604 Though I don't know your father, by the way, I think most fathers 605 are equally approving or disapproving regardless of the kids gender. 606 Also, though this will probably sound terribly conservative, I sug- 607 gest that you think back, sometime, on the things your parents have done 608 for you and consider what their motives were for doing so. Even the worst 609 of parents gives insurmountably more than he ever receives. This is an- 610 other aspect of this society that turns my stomach. The old, who appear 611 to have outlived their usefulness, instead of receiving the care and re- 612 spect they have earned are disregarded and typically shipped to a warehouse, 613 called a "nursing home" where they can spend the rest of their lives sit- 614 ting in a chair, staring at the wall, or if they are lucky out the window, 615 until they rot to death. 616 Anyway, my point is what could possibly motivate a sane person to 617 endure the drudgery and frustration of raising a kid? I think it is sel- 618 dom anything less than a strong desire for the kid's well-being. 619 I too derive considerable enjoyment from sex, but there are things 620 even more gratifying. If I can think of one within the next two weeks, 621 I'll let you know. Seriously, I have been a victim of abstinence due to 622 abscence for more than a year and I can assure you that humping is not 623 one of the basic essentials of life (the FDA has not even established 624 a MRDA on it), and contrary to popular belief, nothing withers up and 625 falls off. 626 627 Dirty Ol' Man 628 629 ~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM > .