>LIST FILE ON MARGIN IS 76 STATUS: ALL ALLOWED NUMBER OF LINES: 605 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ********************** REMOVED: 2 MAR 84 ******************* 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privatly owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privatly owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 ********************************************************** 21 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WELCOME<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 22 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 23 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 24 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 25 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BACKWATER<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 26 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 27 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 28 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 29 ########################################################## 30 Good morning! I have signed on a time ortwo to read and enjoy. What a surprise 31 to come in and find no one here. How often does this happen? Is there any way 32 to hear the stories that have gone on before? 33 34 Maybe I'll stop back by this evening and visit when someone has been here. Talk 35 to you gents later. 36 37 Ree 38 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 39 Ree:try typing DB at the > prompt, this will put you on the other drive. 40 ................................................................................ 41 "I'm probably gonna regret this, but count me in for the trip", said the bard. 42 Rummaging in his pack he pulled out a rectangular object, which he examined 43 with care. "OK, the controller looks ready...." 44 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45 46 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< *.* >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 47 ...d, my dear, how lovely to hear the twinkle of your laughter 48 again. Alas I left a note for you pinned to the taffrail, it's 49 somewhat weathered and worn but perhaps still readable. 50 ...Alex, indeed the search for Truth still goes on!!! 51 52 Imagine Nila's surprise when she returned to the grove where she 53 had slept to find a handsome young Prince there and furthermore 54 he had wrapped about his shoulders Nila's own rainbow cloak of 55 birds' feathers. He seemed quite embarrassed when Nila appeared. 56 57 "Hello.", she said, "Are you cold?" 58 59 Hastily the prince took the cloak from around his shoulders. 60 "Oh no!",he said, "I was just admiring your beautiful cloak. I 61 was imagining it belonged to a beautiful princess." 62 63 "Yes it does.", Nila said politely, "Me, but you're quite 64 welcome to use it if you're chilly." 65 66 "No, No", said the prince, "it's fine but the cloak is so much 67 more beautiful on you." He clasped the clasp about her throat 68 and stepped back admiringly. "Well now.", he said, "My name is 69 A'Lein. What's yours. You truly are very beautiful you know. 70 71 "I'm the Princess Nila. I'm very wise too. At least everybody 72 at home says so, but I don't feel very wise at the moment.", 73 she sighed. "I'm searching for Truth you see." 74 75 "That's interesting.", said the Prince A'Lein, "So am I. Since 76 we have both come here it must be very nearby." 77 78 "Perhaps.", said Nila just a little sadly. She was beginning to 79 realize that things were not always as they seem to be. 80 81 "But it must be nearby.", said A'Lein, "You see, I've had all 82 the right adventures. There was the old witch with her strange 83 music and a prophesy when I was born, and a dreadful dragon 84 on the way..." 85 86 "Oh, for me it was a ragged musician and an flippant frog.", 87 Nila said. 88 89 "Oh!", said the Prince, "I suppose it's different for girls." 90 After a moment he added, "To tell you the truth, I don't feel 91 any closer to Truth than when I started out. You wouldn't have 92 a bite to eat about would you?" 93 94 "There's some very nice fruit here in the grove", Nila said, 95 "and the water from the fountain." 96 97 "It's a Magic Fountain I imagine?", said the Prince. 98 99 "Why, yes", said Nila, "but how did you know?" 100 101 "It figures.", A'Lein muttered to himself. It had to be. He 102 said no more about it. 103 104 They ate the fruit of the grove laughing as the luscious juice 105 trickled down their fingers and the sweet water of the fountain. 106 They were very content. It was very pleasant to forget about 107 searching for awhile just to eat and drink and enjoy each others 108 company in the natural course of events. 109 110 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ...to be continued... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 111 112 !~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~ 113 Tick... Tick... Tick... 114 Just like grandmother's old alarm clock... 115 I had that sinking feeling in my gut -- This was not going to be a good 116 day. The bomb squad had arrived. Men in blue jumpsuits huddled around the 117 package in my office. Their leader, Sgt. Banks, gave his orders in hushed, 118 professional tones. Sgt. Banks and I are friends, sort of. But more on 119 that later. The water cannon was in place. Banks herded us into the 120 hallway. My disquiet increased... 121 A water cannon is an amazing device. A 12" stainless steel tube which 122 propels 6 oz. of water 3400 ft/sec. by means of a black powder charge. By 123 the time the water hits the suspected bomb, it's almost steam. In theory 124 it destroys the detonater before it has a chance to trigger the bomb. Some 125 theory. 126 So I sat in the hallway watching the paint peel off the wall... 127 Wondering if I'd have an office left. Banks was ready... I wasn't... Oh, 128 God... here we go... 129 K A B O O M ! ! ! 130 The building seemed to be still standing. We rushed into the office. 131 I couldn't stand the suspense; "Well, was it a bomb?" 132 Banks poked through the jumbled mess... "It appears the suspected 133 device may have been an alarm clock." 134 "What type of explosive?" 135 "No explosive, just the clock." 136 W"What! Let me look." I poked through the pile of junk. That dial 137 face looked familiar. Of course, grandmother's old alarm clock. The old 138 broad must have sent it to me. I saw red. 139 Banks was talking to his bomb technicians; "Well, another suspected 140 device disposed of by approved methods." (Bomb team talk) 141 My mouth overloaded; "Banks, you , you blew up my 142 grandmother's alarm clock." 143 He smiled, "Tough luck Salazar, but I owed you for the peanut butter 144 in my shoes." 145 He left me sputtering. Serena was cracking up in the corner. Tears 146 running down her face. I knew this wasn't going to be a good day. 147 -------O-------- 148 A couple of hours later I was headed to the Hutton estate for a little 149 legwork. The rain had stopped. Grudgingly, I have to admit the Portland 150 sparkles like a jewel when the sun shines. What's this up ahead? 151 USED BOLO LOT... Men in saffron hawking used arms. A brave band of 152 adventurers sneaking around. They're on their own for now. I'm confused, 153 which reality is this? I keep driving. The Hutton estate is up ahead. 154 Looks huge... Nice place to get lost in. I hope my day improves... 155 More later. 156 !~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!Valinor!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~ 157 158 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< *.* >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 159 160 They bantered with each other and all the jokes meant you are 161 beautiful to me. They sang all the songs they knew and each 162 song meant you are beautiful to me. They chatted about their 163 lives and compared notes on Kings and Palaces and gardens and 164 logic and adventures on the search for Truth. 165 166 "But you see", said the Prince, "everything seems to comes out 167 just the way you thought it would. To tell you the truth I was 168 even sort of expecting to run into a beautiful Princess right 169 about now. Do you suppose? I hope you won't take offense. Do 170 you suppose you might be a figment of my own imagination?" 171 172 "I don't think so", Nila said, "but it would be all right anyway, 173 because I rather like the person I am in your imagination, and 174 that would mean I create you in my imagination too, you know. 175 Perhaps we make each other in our waking dreams." 176 177 "Well it all certainly seems real enough", A'Lein said, "and I 178 guess all we've got to go on is how things seem." 179 180 "Yes", Nila said, "I know what you mean. From the palace it 181 seemed the place were East began was right here, because it was 182 as far east as I could see." 183 184 "Well, seeming and being are two different things.", A'Lein 185 said, "and anyway you've got the directions wrong. The old witch 186 said Truth was concealed at the place where West begins." 187 188 "It was East I'm sure!", said Nila, "so I've been traveling 189 toward the rising sun." 190 191 "No", the Prince answered, "it was West and I've been traveling 192 toward the setting sun. I follow my shadow in the morning and 193 the sun in the afternoon." 194 195 "And I do just the opposite.", Nila said wonderingly, "Which of 196 us is right then?" 197 198 Instinctively both looked up for their faithful guide the sun but 199 they had played away the morning together and the sun was 200 motionless above in the bright sky, neither rising nor setting. 201 It was perfect noon and they cast no shadows outside themselves. 202 203 "But is there still an East or West?", Nila said wonderingly. 204 205 "Yes of course", said A'Lein excitedly, "look Nila look, don't 206 you see? You are the place where East begins, because in front 207 of you is East, behind you is west. You are the very place 208 between that is neither East nor West. Then Nila understood that 209 East and West were not in the outside world at all. Inside 210 herself was the beginning and end of both East and West, and 211 she seemed to hear the sound of many voices saying. 212 213 "Don't look outside yourself for something that lies only within." 214 215 ...and looking within she found the very Place Where East Begins, 216 and the thirst quenching fountain that was there 217 ...and she was Happy ...Happy ...Happy 218 219 It was a long time later or perhaps no time at all, when the 220 Prince A'Lein and the Princess Nila began to wend their way down 221 from the Enchanted Hills. They walked very close together as one 222 under the shining cloak of birds' feathers. Behind them on the 223 flower-jeweled slope there was the faint humming of a million 224 invisible bees seeking nectar. 225 226 The answers' in the question, ho! 227 The taste is in the thirst. 228 Which truth seeker, Oh! 229 Will reach Truth First? 230 231 Some travel to the East, ho! 232 And some go to the West. 233 But the farthest truth of all, Oh! 234 Is neither East nor West. 235 236 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THE END >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 237 238 :::::::::::::::::::::::::: 239 Deep in the forest glade the Wizard sat making bubbles from an 240 unknown fluid.Through this bubble he could see a band of adventurers making 241 there way twords his dwelling,one of the seemed to shimmer and shift in the 242 light.The Wizard took note of this and made preperations for the groups arival. 243 ::::::::::WIZARD:::::::::: 244 This one looks fun! Boy I really want that '69 stick. We're talking heavy 245 artillery, man. Boy, I want blood. lots of it. Maybe I'll carve that wizard 246 up. Oh yeah that's right. I have to go to the Bolo lot. No good. I don't even 247 know what a Bolo is. I just hope that they are fun to kill. 248 The Ninja 249 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 250 .............THE END!!!!!......IT WAS......WELL.....I MUST SAY UNEXPECTED! 251 I PERCEIVE WE HAVE A FEW ROMANTICS IN OUR MIDST. WELL ACTUALLY AS IS TRUE 252 IN REALITY, OFTEN TIMES THE END IS MERELY THE BEGINNING. 253 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?DEBORAH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 254 An answer I seek to a question not so deep, The answer should be simple or 255 Two of the words are hungry and angry what is the third word ending in G-R-Y 256 257 Seeking the answer 258 259 ******* the oracle******** 260 261 ~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM 262 263 Alex, d: Thank you for your most gracious greeting. This must be about 264 the third transmission which I've claimed to probably be my last. Well 265 this time I'm sure. See you again when I become established in Tokyo and 266 extravagant enough to call for an up&download (Three months or so). 267 268 Piper (I presume): I have at times (nonverbally) questioned the signi- 269 ficance of the ramblings of fantasy and fairy tales that have pervaded 270 this system recently. I have, until now however, declined comment in that 271 regard, noting that there seemed to be those who somehow found some kind 272 of relevance to something somewhere. I find it very difficult to imagine 273 however, how a multiplicity of LF's, spaces and periods can have signi- 274 ficance to anyone. I suggest that in the future you have a little con- 275 cideration for other users. (Departing 276 gripe.) 277 278 CYM: Let yourself not be discouraged by the ramblings of these minors. 279 There are many among them who seek enlightenment. If persons such as 280 yourself and myself do not volunteer our patience and our realistic view 281 of life and the universe, they will turn, for guidance to the first eager 282 recruit (usually of religious persuasion) they can find. It is much easier 283 to prevent cancer (of a physiological or moral nature) than to cure it. 284 285 ALL: On previous disks I have avoided discussions of economic matters, as 286 they seemed to consist largely of political viewpoints, and I el- 287 ected not to display my political ignorance. It is my contention that many, 288 in fact most, of the economic ailments of this society have very little to do 289 with politics. Many have complained of Reagans ineffectivenes with regard 290 to the economy. I too am rather perturbed at the aforementioned Pres, but 291 not because of his ineffectiveness. I have never held the slightest hope of 292 any individual (even one of normal intellegence) having a significant ef- 293 fect on the economy. My distaste for the aforementioned stems mostly from 294 his multitudinous campaign promises which he knew, or at least should have 295 known, he could not possibly fulfill. 296 I believe that, in general, the economic ills of this society are ele- 297 mental to the extent that attitude changes on the part of the general pop- 298 ulace, rather than policy changes, are required for recovery. 299 Anthropologists believe that humankind would have faced extiction long 300 ago had it not been for social trends within the species. Man began to 301 think of himself not as much as an individual with all others regarded as 302 external objects, but more as a member of a family and/or society. This 303 hairless, physiologically fragile creature is simply not adequately suited 304 for self-defence, predation, nor for coping with the environment on an in- 305 dividual basis. In societies where the social structure is decaying due 306 to a return of individualistic trends, famine is inevitable. 307 The US, I believe, is one such society. 308 Many have labored considerably analyzing the economic differences, 309 and causes thereof, between US and Japan; and many such causes have been 310 identified. At the root of all these causes, however, is this trend of 311 individualization and its devastating by-product, greed. In this society, 312 the individual has vastly superceded in personal significance, the family, 313 the society (nation), and the species; thus, resulting in an inflated drive 314 for self preservation and severe neglect for family and species preserv- 315 ation, which, in turn, undermines the former drive. 316 Japanese, however, tend to think of themselves first as human, sec- 317 ond as Japanese, third as a member of their family and last and least as 318 an individual. Some of the effects of these differences are easily il- 319 lustrable. 320 Consider first the American disregard for commitments and respons- 321 ibilities. Such are honored only when it is convenient or advantageous to 322 the individual to do so. In my recent preparations to move, I have had to 323 make a vast number of appointments with various people. On the basis of 324 those appointments, I have found that about 92% simply don't show up, and 325 of those, 80% are late. How can we expect business to function efficient- 326 ly with such a mutual disregard for our business associates time. 327 I also recall a time when my family was in the grocery business (1957- 328 1972?) and the customer enjoyed even greater respect from the employee than 329 did the employer; in deed, the customer is the employer's employer. In 330 Japan this is still readily recognized. As one barely sets foot in a typ- 331 ical Japanese store, he is immediately greeted with a very polite yet 332 friendly "Irasshaimase, nani wo sashiagemashoo ka?"; which is similar to 333 the tone with which a commoner would speak to the emperor. Shopping is a 334 much more inviting activity in such an environment than one in which the 335 customer is generally ignored until he makes his existence unavoidable to 336 the employee, at which time he receives something like "Yeah, whattayawant?" 337 Perhaps appreciation of the customer, or lack thereof, is related to 338 the level of pride with which one's work is regarded. I suddenly realize 339 that I have ommitted one of the important social groups within the heirarchy 340 of the Japanese social structure. The typical Japanese person and family 341 also considers itself a member of the company by which he/they are employed. 342 Such an inclusion is a natural consequence of the lifetime commitment 343 mutually enjoyed by employer and employee. When one changes employers on 344 a roughly annual basis, as in the US, it is difficult to attain any degree 345 of comittment toward that company and therefore, to take pride in your 346 quality (and quantity) of work. 347 A third example of the ill effects of individualization is the western 348 affinity for luxury. The computer industry illustrates this. Japanese 349 computer manufacturers have had difficulty establishing an export market 350 to the US. One of the reasons is the stress on simplicity, functionality 351 and as a result, affordability of Japanese designs. The american consumer 352 though, compares the various models of computers on the market by counting 353 and comparing the number of knobs, switches, buttons and lights thereon. 354 The result is the purchase of a device which far exceeds their needs and 355 their budget. 356 Many other examples of such side-effects of individualization could 357 be cited, but the essence of my arguement is that a successful individual 358 depends on a successful family which depends on a successful company (em- 359 ployer) which depends on a successful nation (society) which depends on the 360 success of the human race in general. 361 The individual who gives a damn about noone and nothing but the individual 362 condemns to poverty (economic, emotional, etc.) the individual and makes a 363 sizable contribution toward a similar fate for the upper levels of social 364 organization. 365 I sincerely hope that the members of this society someday recognize 366 their interdependance and the fallacy of mutually destructive individual 367 competition. Until then, not even McGovern can save us (you). 368 369 Well, I've thought long and hard about my final words on BWMS. I've 370 written, rewritten, edited, re-edited and rehearsed diligently and repeat- 371 edly; but I don't want to keep you waiting too long, so here they are: 372 GOOD BYE 373 374 Dirty Ol' Man 375 376 PS...Mikey: Whatever happened to "fa" command; it doesn't seem to work. 377 378 Also thanks for maintaining the most entertaining BBS in Portland. 379 380 Dirty 381 382 ~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM~DOM 383 384 ********************************************************************** 385 DOM: THANKS FOR THE COMPLIMENT. THE FA COMMAND STILL WORKS, MAYBE YOU 386 RAN AFOUL OF THE UPPER/LOWER CASE MATCH PROBLEM, THE FA COMMAND REQUIRES 387 AN EXACT MATCH INCLUDING MATCHIN ON UPPER OR LOWER CASE LETTERS. A PAIN 388 I KNOW, BUT THATS THE WAY IT WORKS. 389 *********************** CISTOP MIKEY ************************************* 390 Dear Mr. Figment: 391 Not withstanding your affinity for hamsters and duck tape, I did 392 find a good amount of humor in your thoroughly tasteless jokes. I 393 personally would enjoy some more. Just don't use terms like 394 . They may offend some. 395 Dear Piper: 396 I for one found your line feeds, periods, etc. quite creative. 397 Perhaps those who complain are suffering from a lack of fantasy. 398 (Whatever that means) 399 Dr. Frankenstupe 400 +_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_ 401 402 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 403 (back to third person for now) 404 The piper sighed a sigh of deep relief and followed the others to the OTHER 405 back room. Waiting while the bard finished his request, he asked, 406 "Are you really going to the BOLO lot? If so, please tread lightly, and 407 good luck!" 408 Moving into the room, he thanked the apprentice, "thanks, you have a quick 409 mind and good ears! The only residue from the drug is a slight tingling 410 that is fading fast.... and... I haven't been this sober for several hours. 411 I think we had better get moving. If the hairy fish-nuts are not the 412 problem, we don't know who our adversary is, while they have proven they 413 know who we are. Wasn't there a lady Lynn? One who was going to lead the 414 expedition to the Wizard? Has anyone seen her?" 415 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 416 417 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? 418 DOM: WELL PUT....IN PART. OF COURSE WE HAVE SIMILAR IN ONE WAY AND YET 419 OPPOSITE IN ANOTHER, VIEWS TOWARD RELIGION. MOST OF IT CONTRIBUTES TO THE 420 PROBLEMS IN THE WORLD. BUT LET'S FACE IT, SO DOES THE OTHER SIDE. THE TWO 421 LARGEST GROUPS OF PEOPLE, STATISTICALLY, ARE EITHER INVOLVED IN SOME 422 FORM OF SO CALLED CHRISTIANITY, OR ARE IRRELEGIOUS. (athiest, agnostic) 423 THERE ARE 1,433,000,000 THATCLAIM THE FIRST, AND 911,000,000 THAT CLAIM 424 NONRELIGIOUS STATUS. THEN WHEN YOU CONSIDER THAT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH 425 REFUSES TO REMOVE NAMES FROM THERE BAPTISMAL ROLES, FOR INSTANCE IF 426 SOMEONE CHANGES RELIGIONS, QUITS THEIRS, OR DIES, THIS NUMBER WOULD 427 ACTUALLY BE SOMEWHAT SMALLER FOR THE SUPPOSED CHRISTIANS. 428 ANYHEY, THE POINT IS BOTH GROUPS CONTRIBUTE THE LARGEST EFFECTS. IDEA 429 WISE. SO THE SELFISH PREVELENT ATTITUDES CAN BE BLAMED ON BOTH. BUT IF 430 A PERSON TRULY LIVES UP TO THE TEACHINGS IN THE BIBLE, AND APPLIES IT'S 431 PRINCIPLES, AND RULES THEIR LIVES BY IT'S LAWS......THEN THEY WOULD BE 432 LIKE THE INDIVIDUALS YOU DESCRIBE. THEY WOULD BE HUMAN 1ST, EARTHLING 2ND, 433 MEMBER OF A FAMILY 3RD, AND THEN FOURTH AND LASTLY INDIVIDUAL. 434 GHANDI MADE A GOOD POINT WHEN SAID THAT IF THE WORLD WOULD GET TOGETHER 435 ON THE TEACHINGS IN THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT (Matthew 5,6) THAT IT COULD 436 SOLVE THE WORLD PROBLEMS. READ IT.......IT COULD! 437 I WORK VERY CLOSELY WITH MANY OF THE YOUTH IN THE PORTLAND AREA, AND IF 438 YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT INDIVIDUALISTIC TRENDS, THEY'RE A GOOD START. FO 439 THE MOST PART THEY HAVE NO BELIEF IN A GOD, BELIEVE IN EVOLUTION, AND 440 THEREFORE FEEL THERE IS NOTHING TO ANSWER TO, AND DO THERE OWN THING. 441 IN OTHER WORDS, THE MAIN TENOR IS EAT, DRINK, AND BE MERRY FOR TOMORROW 442 WE SHALL DIE. THIS IS AN OVER SIMPLIFICATION, I REALIZE, BUT I'M LIMIT- 443 ED TIME WISE. WE ALL KNOW THE FAILINGS OF FALSE CHRISTIANS, BUT LET'S 444 TAKE A REALISTIC LOOK AT THE FRUITS OF THE OTHER SIDE, TOO. BOTH HAVE 445 VALID POINTS, AND BOTH HAVE SERIOUS FAILINGS. 446 I THINK I GOT UP ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE BED THIS MORN. 447 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?DEBORAH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 448 449 -------------------------------- 450 Oh my,have you people seen the bathroom in this place? 451 You walk in to this little room an your in this Roman bath! 452 I have never had so much fun getting clean,there is a small 453 language problem though. 454 did anyone miss me? 455 456 457 Lynn 458 459 460 -------------------------------- 461 The bard suddenly realized that the apprentice was staring at him. 462 Looking down at his pack he saw why. When he'd pulled out the controller, 463 his ID had fallen out. It had landed with the orange A-arrow symbol showing. 464 Damn! He swiftly replaced the card in the pack. 465 "Look," he whispered to the apprentice, "I know the Guild 466 doesn't get along with us, but I think outtime weapons fall more in our 467 department." At the apprentice's skeptical look he continued, "Does 468 'NEMSEC five' mean anything to you?" 469 The apprentice gave a start. 470 "Good, I see it does. Perhaps we can discuss this later..." 471 "Oh, thanks for the hangover cure!" 472 473 He watched as those who weren't going to the lot, entered the back 474 room. Funny, there hadn't been a door there before. No matter he'd seen 475 stranger things since he left Ouray Center. Someday he might find the Center 476 again (& it might even be the RIGHT Center!). 477 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 478 O^a)a)================================================================ 479 480 I was thinking of other topics of interest that could be 481 discussed on this board and couldn't think of anything that 482 either everybody pretty much agreed on, or nothing could be 483 gained by bringing it up (the only exception I could think of 484 being religion ). What subjects are there that tend tg lead 485 to a great deal of varing opinions, and can be discussed 486 reasonably? 487 488 489 Reveiw: 490 Religion: many varing opinions, tends to get well thought 491 out arguments from all sides. 492 Sex: was discussed recently but everybody who participated 493 seemed to agree. 494 Time Travel: Interesting, but no new theories presented, 495 unless someone out there hes a time machine nothing 496 can really be proven. 497 Reagan & Economics: Recently introduced, well just have to see. 501 502 Ah well... I'll just sit in a corner table, order a drink 503 and keep my ears open, maybe things will heat up. 504 505 Mikey: as commented on before this system does not tend to like 506 uploads, could this be a result of the speed of your 507 'enter' routine? 508 509 ======================================================-Evan-====== 510 511 Bard: 512 Oh boy, it looks like it's just me and you. We'll have a good time. 513 Maybe I'll even let you borrow my old stick shift. Good fun! I hope you 514 can write a song for the occasion. We'll be a good team. 515 516 Any other nice people want to come? 517 The Ninja 518 P.S. I'll bring some raw shark. It's good stuff. 519 The Poet turned to the short fellow in black who called himself 'Ninja' 520 and said, "You're not paying enough attention, son. Greymalkin and the 521 Geologist are going to the BOLO lot, too. As for myself, I'm not much 522 in a fight, but even less for tact, so I'd better join you too. At least 523 BOLOs aren't as touchy as wizards. I am also better suited to espionage 524 than frontal confrontation." 525 Turning to the Apprentice, he shook his head. "I'm more sober now than 526 I've been in a very long time. I don't know whether to thank you or punch 527 you in the nose. Anyway," he turned to the assembled group, "I think we'd 528 best be off. Our enemies obviously know where we are, and so we are 529 safest if we keep moving. See you at the lot!" 530 So speaking, the Mad One stepped back into the shadows and seemed to 531 vanish. There was a moment of quiet confusion in the room, and then he 532 reappeared with a sheepish look on his face. 533 "Uh...which way did you say that BOLO lot was?" 534 && The Mad Actor && 535 536 .......................................................... 537 ***************** 1200/300 BAUD MODEM ******************** 538 539 SIGNALMAN SMART MODEM FOR SALE. BRAND NEW!!! 540 FEATURES ARE: 541 1200 / 300 BAUD OPERATION 542 AUTODIAL (ROTARY OR TOUCH-TONE) 543 AUTOANSWER 544 DIRECT CONNECT 545 COMPATIBLE WITH HAYES SMARTMODEM SOFTWARE 546 547 PRICE:--- $ 299 ---- 548 CALL PETER AT 657-xxxx AFTER 4:00 P.M. 549 ........................................................... 550 551 ************************************************************ 552 APPLE II+ COMPUTER FOR SALE 553 554 64K 555 LANGUAGE CARD 556 2 DISK DRIVES 557 EPSON MX-80 PRINTER 558 UDS 300 BAUD AUTO ANSWER MODEM 559 13" COLOR SANYO MONITOR 560 TG PRODUCTS JOYSTICK 561 562 SOFTWARE INCLUDING: 563 VISICALC 564 A.E. 565 FALCONS 566 TEMPLE OF APSHAI 567 SORCERER OF SIVA 568 AND MANY MORE 569 570 CALL JEFF AT:656-xxxx 571 ************************************************************* 572 I NEED BBS PHONE NUMBERS AND A LIST OF USERS METTINGS FOR THE VIC 20 PL 573 PLEASE LEAVE IT ON THE BOARD UNDER THE SUB NUMBERS 574 575 576 LIST 577 HI THIS GRAY, I JUST GOT A MODEM SO I'AM TRYING IT 578 OUT I WILL COME BACK LATER AND SEE IF MY MESSAGE IS 579 ON HERE ? BYE BYE. 580 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 581 Ninja: You can count me in. I don't have 582 a stick shift put I do have An Artificialy 583 inteligent joystick! 584 And I'm willing to bet that it could 585 lay waste to a BOLO, What ever that is. 589 590 Frankenstupe: I would keep writing the 591 jokes but I found that 592 about 95% of the patrons did not 593 exactly 'enjoy' them as maybe you did. 594 595 Thanx though. 596 597 FOTI 598 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 599 ABOUT UPLOAD PROBLEMS, YES, THE UPLOAD DOES TAKE TIME, SPECIFICALLY 600 WHEN YOU SEND A CARRIAGE RETURN TO THE SYSTEM, IT GOES AWAY AND WRITES 601 THAT LINE ONTO TO THE DISK, AND THEN COMES BACK WHEN IT IS DONE. THIS 602 TIME CAN BE FROM SEVERAL MILLISECONDS TO AS MUCH AS A SECOND DEPENDING 603 ON WHAT IT HAS TO DO TO GET IT ONTO THE DISK. 604 ******************** CISTOP MIKEY ************************************ 605 BOO? > .