LIST FILE ON MARGIN IS 80 STATUS: ALL ALLOWED NUMBER OF LINES: 560 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ************************ REMOVED: 28 MAR 84 **************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privatly owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privatly owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 21 22 A new disk, that makes it twice in a couple of weeks for me. 23 I apologize for the rather messed up intro. but I fell that what 24 the previous user had done to it was inexcusable and slightly 25 --------------. Hmmmm, thats the first time I've actually felt 26 like calling names on this system and I consider myself fairly 27 tolerant. 28 29 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 30 31 (<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>) 32 33 Dorothy, Ozma, Tick-Tock, this is getting a bit confusing 34 if not a bit nostalgic. I suppose the Sawhorse, Proffessor Wogglebug, 35 and everything else are around also. This is getting a bit unusual, 36 wizards zapping in and out, and the newly arrived salazar babbleling 37 about orcs, of all things, orcs in the sewers of the Emerald City! 38 Let's see here, a quick cover spell to make sure no one takes notice 39 of me, |he apprentice might notice but nobody else will. If I take 40 my handy-dandy reality phase controller and place me half out of sync. 41 I should be able to scout out the vest of the city easily and rejoin 42 the party as they leave. I slip a small silver object into the bard's 43 pocket and leave through the nearest wall wondering what I will find 44 in the rest of the wizard's apartments. 45 46 (<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)The Traveller(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>) 57 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--= 58 All this talk about meetings and d&d gatherings. do you all want to 59 hear what I'm doing? I'm working from about 10am to 10pm. 60 61 !!!! IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!!!! 62 tearfully, 63 Bo 64 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 65 Ps: Mig:are you who I think you are. If you are then you 66 know who I am. I couldn't get CSF to work well. 67 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-= 70 71 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 72 yes Bo,I am,give the Nerd a call,I KNOW you have a password to that one. 73 yes,I feel sorry for you,but when you read your mail at the nerd you will 74 wonder what kind of masochist i am...If the Nerd is down,wait an hour and 75 try again,the OTHER sysop and I are doing upgrades.we try to do them during the 76 night at about 4 am(which we like due to our nocturnal nature) but may do some 77 tomorrow. 78 The Man in Gray 79 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 80 81 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 82 #whats this# thought the wizard as a thin blue strand only he could see waifted 83 over to him and beconed him twords his lab.#oh,yes that spell,so old and it 84 still works.Well,blue means peaceful so I will let him go for now# 85 "All of you,get out of here,unless you need me for something I have work to do" 86 he normaly did not like to rush his visitors,he got so few of them nowadays,but 87 the Ninja was soon to try and use the egg the wizard had allowed him to steal.#I 88 will grant him a few wishes,but if he gets out of hand that little jewel will 89 get him# thought the wizard.the jewel was made from translucent PETN. mans most 90 deadly non-magic explosive,set to go off at the slightest tug at a gray strand 91 set close to his ear. 92 ::::::::::::WIZARD:::::::::::::: 93 94 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 95 Voyeur:sence the Backwater bunch has the uncany ability to know and answer 96 anything I can probably ask,I will nicely request a day of time for you on this 97 one... 98 99 "you know,the day destroys the night,night divides the day." 100 "try to run,try to hide,xxxxx xx xxxxxxx xx xxx xxxxx xxxx." 101 102 finish the lyric,tell me who the keyboard player was for the group. 103 see ya saturday. 104 The Man in Gray 105 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 106 to all:the sysops of the Nerdolux BBS have been contemplating what to do with 107 the 200 or so k-bytes of free memory on our 108 system.would the users of this BBS be willing to have another just like it?? 109 would you want some more/different commands? suggestions please! 110 The Man in Gray 111 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 112 113 MIG: I see I'm not the only one to put 2 and 2 together. I figured 114 I was giving too many clues away, but thought I would probably expose 115 myself (figuratively!) at the meeting. Time to create a new identity, I guess. 116 Actually, I do (did) know what C-41 was, but as I do not dabble in 117 photography, I didn't have the details at hand. I was able to 118 ascertain the 7-step 24.5 minute timing, but could only narrow the 119 temp to 90-100. (my father develops B&W, not color). 120 Oh yeah: Break on through to the other side. 121 Keyboards-Ray Manzarek. 122 Damn, you have good taste! (They were popular during my 'formative' 123 years, I've always been partial to ... ..... (keep 'em guessing)). 124 :::::::::::::O O::::::voyeur::::::::O O::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 125 **************************************************************** 126 DAMN! I WISH I WOULD HAVE MADE IT ON HERE BEFORE VOYER DID! I KNEW THAT 127 ONE. UGH!!! 128 BO: THE WORKING MAN HAS LITTLE TO COMPLAIN ABOUT. AT LEAST YOU HAVE WORK! 129 *************************************DRAMBOUIE********************************** 130 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 131 People look to me and say 132 Is the end near when is the final day 133 What's the future of mankind 134 How do I know, I got left behind 135 136 Everyone goes through changes 137 Looking to find the truth 138 Don't look to me for answers 139 Don't ask me - I don't know 140 141 How am I supposed to know 142 Hidden meanings that will never show 143 Fools and prophets from the past 144 Lifes a stage and we're all in the cast 145 146 Ya gotta believe in someone asking me who is right 147 Asking me who to follow, don't ask me, I don't know 148 149 Nobosy ever told me I found out for myself 150 Ya gotta believe in foolish miracles 151 It's not how you play the game 152 It's if you win or lose you ca choose 153 Don't confuse win or lose, its up to you 154 155 Hey you nerds out there. 156 Tonite, Ozzy Osbourne 157 Motley Crue and Wasted 158 are going to rock Portland! 159 Are you miserable 160 goons ready?????? 161 162 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.rocker:%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 163 164 "No, my liege is not a wizard", said the apprentice, "he merely has some 165 magical aids. Surely, you saw the sword at his side? Since when does a wizard 166 carry a sword?" 167 .....................................the apprentice............................. 168 169 ps Traveller, art thou planning to attend the meeting? 170 ................................................................................ 171 (<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>) 172 173 I WOULD LIKE TO BUT I HAVE PRESSING OBLIGATIONS. RELATIVES ARE COMING 174 AND I GET MY NEW APPLE IIE TODAY. MAYBE NEXT TIME. 175 176 (<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)THE TRAVELLER(<>)(<>)(<>) 177 178 PS- COULD YOU PLEASE REMIND EVERYONE OF THE NEXT MEETING WHEN 179 TIME COMES AROUND 180 181 (<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>) 182 183 Hmmmmm.... Wassir's representative would like to attend the meeting. 184 Unfortunately he works 2PM to 11Pm on Saturdays. Thanks for the invite. 185 Maybe next time... 186 Dr. Frankenstupe 187 +_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+ 188 189 190 191 OscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscar 192 The woods were dark and forboding as I made my way through them in my 193 search. I had been stumbling through the underbrush for sometime now, and 194 still there was no trace of what I had been looking for. Brushing aside a 195 branch, I peer ahead. What's that? Is it? No... just a decaying stump, a 196 shadow of its own once greatness. Pressing on, I wander further untill it 197 begins to turn dark and the trees start to reach out for me for their own 198 evil purposes. Then as the last light is fading I trip over an extended 199 root and land in a clearing. Well, this looks like as good a place as any 200 to spend the rest of the night. 201 Sitting my backpack down, I begin to open it up. I had to open it up 202 to about the size of a small auto to dig out a sleeping bag and enough 203 equipment to make a fire and something to eat. It nearly filled the little 204 clearing, and I had great difficulty getting the food out of the storrage 205 compartment. But, finally I had everything I needed and closed it back up 206 to backpack size again. 207 Setting up camp, I started a fire going to get a bit of warmth going 208 in this cold and damp place. While I sat there eating I considered what my 209 next course of action would be. Perhaps I should give up trying to find 210 any trace in the woods. For weeks now I have looked, and still found 211 nothing. That cloaked man at the Inn who called himself Tarn had said I 212 would find a clue here, but I haven't seen anything yet. Perhapps he was 213 mistaken, for his mind was fogged with too many drinks, and he seemed to be 214 greatly depressed. 215 Finishing my supper, I decided to not open the backpack tonight to put 216 away the dinner equipment, and instead I would wait until after I had 217 breakfast in the morning. 218 Settling back to relax, I was gazing at the fire when I happen to look 219 to one side and noticed that the ground had been disturbed sometime in the 220 recent past. Getting up, I took a look at it. Though it had been 221 disturbed at one side, it was a pentagram that someone had drawn. This 222 could very well be what I am looking for! Tracing it around, I found that 223 it went completly around the clearing except for the north side which had 224 been partially erased. Taking a stick, I retraced the distrubed line so 225 that I could better see that pattern. Yes, it was most definatly a 226 pentagram! I will definatly have to check this out in the morning when I 227 can get a better look at it. 228 With that thought I returned to the fire and rolled out my sleeping 229 bag, and settled in for the evening feeling far more relaxed and confident 230 now that I had finally found a clue. Tomorrow I will have more information 231 to continue my search. Strange, things seem much quieter then they were 232 earlier. All I can hear is the crackling of the fire, none of the normal 233 sounds that you would normally hear in the forest at night. And I could 234 have sworn that I heard the chuckling of a streem off in the distance, yet 235 I know that there is none within several miles. Most strange. I will have 236 take a look in the morning. Turning my back to the fire, I snuggle down 237 into the sleeping bag and go to sleep. 238 My dreams were troubled all night with demons, wizards, dragons, 239 elves, and other strange and bizare creatures. Once I woke up in a cold 240 sweat and it seemed like the entire clearing was bathed in pale bluish 241 green shimmering light. I passed it off as just a trick of my bleary eyes 242 and the dying fire. Settling back once more, I went back to sleep knowing 243 that I would soon be able to make more effective headway in the morning in 244 my search for the elusive PAM. 245 OscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscar 246 247 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 248 249 I HAVE THIS FEELING MY LUCK IS NONE TO GOOD 250 THIS SWORD HERE RIGHT BY MY SIDEDONT ACT 251 THE WAY IT SHOULD 252 253 KEEPS CALLING ME ITS MASTER BUT I FEEL LIKE 254 ITS SLAVE,HAULING ME FASTER AND 255 FASTER TO 256 AN EARLY,EARLY GRAVE 257 258 259 FROM 260 PHERIC FOERENDER 261 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 262 it seems that somebody here listens to the blue oyster cult,albium-cultisorius erictus-trac 1,side 2. 263 The Man in Gray 264 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 265 266 Mikey, about those disks (the archival copies), how is the data stored? Is it 267 one big file, or 1 file per BWMS disk? If the later, fine. If it's the former 268 I'm gonna have REAL trouble getting them onto my machine! 269 ____________________________Leonard___________________________________ 270 HELLO 271 OFF 272 273 ????????????????????????????????TO: 274 THE MAN IN GRAY 275 276 LEAVE MESSAGE ON THE NERD. 277 PS.I KNOW YOU ARE EITHER MIKE OR JAY, 278 BUT PLEASE TELL ME. 279 YOU MUST HAVE AN AWESOME KNOWLEDGE OF MUSIC. 280 BOC IS ONE OF OUR FAVORITE GROUPS AND 281 I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW ALSO IF YOU HAVE A 282 CAPABILITY TO ORIGINATE 283 SCOTT... 284 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXON OCTOBER 31FST MANY YEARS AGO 285 THREE 286 FRIENDS WENT OUT FOR A RIDE 287 FOR IT 288 WAS A FAMOUS PARTY NIGHT AND TO PARTY 289 WAS TO GET HIGH 290 291 THEY LOADED UP ON BEER AND COCAINE 292 AND STARTED THEIR BIKES WITH A ROAR 293 THEY COULDNT HAVE KNOWN THAT ON THAT NIGHT 294 THEY WERE BEGINNING THEIR LONGEST TOUR 295 296 297 SOLVE 298 299 THAT ONE 301 OH MAN IN GRAY 303 PHERIC FOERENDER 308 *<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<><*<>*<>*<>* 309 310 I'M NEW AT THIS. THIS IS THE FIRST EVER 313 BOY, DID I EVER MESS THIS UP. 317 OH, HELP ME, TRAVELLER!!! 323 *<>*<]>>*<><*<>*<>*<>*<>*<><*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>* 324 (<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>) 325 326 YPLEASE EXCUSE MY FRIEND, THIS IS HER FIRST TIME ON A COMPUTER 327 AND YOU MUST ADMIT THIS IS NOT THE EASIEST SYSTEM TO USE, OH WELL. 328 (YOU MIGHT HEAR MORE FROM HER AS SOON AS SHE GETS HER ACT TOGETHER) 331 (<>)(<>)(<>)(<>(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)THE TRAVELLER(<>)(<>) 333 12345678901234567890123456789012 334 WHO ON THIS SYSTEM LIKES 335 336 WALTER "FRITZ" MONDALE? 337 338 AND WHO THINKS JOHN GLENN IS A 339 340 QUICHE EATER? 341 YES? 342 WELL JOIN THE CLUB!!!!! 343 344 FROM, 345 346 POLITICO LUNATICO 347 SECOND TRY, LET'S SEE WHAT HAPPENS THIS TIME.... 348 TO ALL ILLUSTRIOUS USERS, GREETINGS FROM CHLOE 349 YOU SEEM TO BE VERY DIFFERENT IN PERSONAE; 350 HOWEVER YOU ALL SEEM TO SHARE A LOVE OF THE WILDER 351 SIDE OF COMPUTING. SO FOR YOU AND THE WAY YOU THINK, 352 A SMALL MISSIVE: 353 354 "I WOULD SLIP AWAY FROM REALITY 355 AND SIGN INTO YOUR MAGICAL REAL-TIME WORLD 356 SWING ME HIGH HEAVENWARD 357 IN YOUR LOFTY STARRY GRID, 358 LOSE ME IN YOUR BATCHES; 359 TELEPORT ME COAST TO COAST AND BACK AGAIN, 360 WHIRL ME DIZZILY THROUGH THE NANOSECONDS 361 AND SNEAK ME DEEP, DEEP INTO YOUR 362 MYSTERIOUS TEMPTING DEPTHS; 363 TRANSFORM ME INTO A BIT OF DATA 364 AND PULSE ME THROUGH YOUR REGISTERS, 365 LET ME LIGHTNING-BOLT THROUGH YOUR CPU'S 366 AND DRIFT IN LAZY, SHIVERING WONDER 367 ALONG YOUR STAR NETWORKS LIKE A BIT OF CHAD... 368 O ARPANET ! O ETHERNET ! 369 I LONG TO OPEN YOUR ACCESS GATES, ONE BY ONE, 370 AS THE SUN OPENS THE PETALS OF A BLOOMING ROSE, 371 AND SLIP INTO THE HALLOWED CENTRE 372 LIKE DARK DANTE ON A MIDNIGHT TRYST, 373 TO SUP THE SWEET NECTAR WITHIN -- 374 A SYSTEM YET UNTOUCHED, UNKNOWN, 375 AND READY TO BE BORN INTO FANTASY !" 376 377 PLEASE EXCUSE ANY TECHNICAL GAFFES -- EMOTION IS NOT TECHNICAL! 378 PRINT 379 *************===========*************================*************======== 380 JLGVY WKWVT UEWUK QGUOW FGLFJ TAPTN SBNHU 381 QJEUT LFRHA TARUU ZOODI SKQGW OCFWU 382 *************===========*************================*************======== 383 To the person who wrote the poem above: 384 (please note, the following is ADVICE, not criticism!) 385 You were using an ESC D (1Bh, 44h) sequence to backspace. This will 386 cause the cursor on some terminals to back up, but it does *NOT* 387 erase the characters on BWMS. Please use ctrl-H to erase, otherwise 388 some users will get nothing but gibberish on their terminals! 389 (I went thru and made the erasures you were trying to make 390 so the poem is ok now!) 391 _______________________________Leonard__________________________________________ 392 TO: ALL NET OPERATIVESSTAND BY FOR CODE GROUPS 393 PRTCA HWQBE VRMBO ZOSKM OIRNB NIYVH NTISO QIOVR TSQWO DOPCC UDOBS 394 END OF CODE GROUPSNET CENTRAL OUT 395 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 397 TO THE MAN IN GRAY:ANSWER THIS; WHAT ARE THE NAMES OF SLIPERY JIM DEGRIZ'S TWO 398 SONS? IF YOU CAN NOT ANSWER THIS CORECTLY YOU MUST GIVE UP YOUR TITLE "THE MAN I 399 N GRAY"AND GIVE YOUR FULL (REAL) NAME. 400 ********************************:::::ANONIMOUS F 401 OR OBVIOUS REASONS::::::::::::::******************************** 402 403 WACHYADOINOUTHEREINTHBOONESDOC?? 404 405 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 406 Man in Grey: 407 I've been trying to get to the nurd for 2 hours now, without anything 408 more than a busy signal to mark my progress. I'll keep trying. 409 Bo 410 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-==-=-=-=-= 411 ps: does anyone know what the value of a used 4051 would be? 412 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 413 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 414 415 Man In Gray, 416 To the best of my knoledge I cannot find 417 any reference to the afore mentioned " White fruit " ?? Perhaps all I need 418 is a bit more information 419 420 ::::::::::::::::::::Alex:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 421 Its terrible to have vacation over sooooooo soon ! 422 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 423 Vacation? What's that? I just spent the whole week working (during a sale, 424 with 30% of the other employees on 'vacation'). Now I get one day off to 425 relax & do what I want, and what I want turns out to be laundry! AAAAAGGGH!! 426 I missed the meeting b/cuz I had to work for a fellow worker who was called 427 out of town--to Hawaii! Is there no justice?!? 428 && The (VERY) Mad Actor && 429 430 TO: WHOEVER 431 FROM: RANDY 432 SUBJ: BWMS 433 434 What the heck is this mess. I don't quiet understand. 435 Randy 436 3/25/84 437 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 438 VACATIONS WERE NOT MADE FOR YOU 439 TO HAVE FUN.THEY WERE MADE SO YOUR PARENTS 440 COULD HAVE CHEAP SLAVE LABOR 441 PHERIC FOERENDER 442 ******************************************************************** 443 LEONARD: ABOUT THE ARCHIVAL DISKS; THE DISKS ARE SAVED ONTO 8" CPM DISKS 444 AS INDIVIDUAL FILES. (ONE PER BWMS DISK). ALSO NOTE THAT I DON'T LOAN THE 445 DISKS OUT, ONE BECAUSE THEY ARE THE ONLY BACKUP THERE IS OF THE OLD BWMS 446 DISKS, AND TWO BECAUSE NOBODY ELSE CAN READ THEM. OF COURSE I AM PERFECTLY 447 WILLING TO SELL COPIES OF THEM. THE REASON THEY ARE NOT READABLE IS THAT 448 THEY ARE FORMATTED AS NORMAL 8" DISKS WITH IBM 3740 FORMAT, BUT THEY ARE 449 HARD SECTOR DISK. YOU SEE, I GOT THIS GREAT DEAL ON 200 HARD SECTOR 8" 450 DISKS, SO I FIGURED WHAT THE HECK, I'LL GET THEM AND MODIFIY MY DRIVES SO 451 THAT I COULD READ THEM. OF COURSE UNFORUNATLY NOBODY ELSE CAN READ THEM, 452 SO THEY ARE ONLY USEFULL FOR MY OWN BACKUP USES. OH WELL. WITH LIMITTED 453 NOTICE (AND AN EXTRA CHARGE TO COVER THE TIME TO DO THE COPYING) I CAN 454 DOWNLOAD ANY FILE ONTO A 5" DISK, THOUGH YOU'LL HAVE TO FIGURE OUT HOW 455 TO READ IT YOUR SELF IT IS A WEIRD FORMAT. (STRANGLY ENOUGH VERY SIMILAR 456 TO BWMS. SINGLE DENSITY, 128 BYTES PER SECTOR, 18 SECTORS PER TRACK, 457 40 TRACKS PER SIDE, DOUBLE SIDED, WITH TRACK 0 AS FIRST TRACK ON SIDE A 458 AND TRACK 40 AS FIRST TRACK ON SIDE B. THE FIRST 3 TRACKS ARE THE CPM 459 SYSTEM TRACKS. IT ALLOWS 64 DIRECTORY ENTERIES. TOTAL SIZE = 171K OF 460 AVAILABLE STRORRAGE. 461 THE REASON FOR THE WEIRD FORMAT, IS BECAUSE IT WAS CREATED BACK IN '75 462 AND WAS INTENDED TO BE UPWARD COMPATIBLE (DOWNWARD?) FROM 8" DISKS. 463 IT STARTED ON SHUGART SA400'S WITH ONLY 35 TRACKS AND THEN WENT TO 464 40 TRACKS WHEN THEY BECAME AVALABLE. THEN WHEN DOUBLE SIDED CAME OUT 465 WE JUST ADDED MORE TRACKS ONTO THE BACK SO THAT THE NEW MACHINES 466 COULD STILL READ THE OLD MACHINES DISKS WITHOUT HAVING TO USE A DIFFERENT 467 DISK READ ROUTINE. CONSIDERING THAT THE OPERATING SYSTEM WAS IN EPROM, 468 AND THERE WAS ONLY 8K AVALABLE (ONLY 2K OF WHICH WAS ALOCATED TO THE 469 DISK ROUTINES) YOU CAN SEE THE PROBLEM. YOU'VE SEEN BWMS, SO YOU KNOW 470 WHAT THE MACHINE LOOKED LIKE, SINCE BWMS IS THE MACHINE THAT I AM 471 TALKING ABOUT. 472 ANYBODY WANT TO BUY A SHUGART MINISTREAKER CONTROLER? ANYBODY KNOW 473 WHAT A SHUGART MINISTREAKER CONTROLER IS? 474 ***********************: CISTOP MIKEY ************************************ 475 *********************************************************************** 476 P.S. CHUCK: REMEMBER C&L TERMINALS? WELL, IT SEEMS THAT THEY ARE LOOKING 477 FOR SOMEONE TO DO SOME PROGRAMING ON A MICRODATA COMPUTER. IF YOUR 478 INTERESTED YOU MIGHT GIVEN THEM A CALL. I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT THEY ARE 479 LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO DO SOME PROGRAMING IN Z80 (8080) CODE ON A 480 PIECE OF COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT BUILT BY EDGE TECH. I DON'T KNOW FOR 481 SURE WHAT IT IS HE WANTS DONE ON IT, BUT IT SOUNDS LIKE A SLIGHT MODIFICATION 482 TO SOME EXISTING CODE. HE SAYS HE HAS THE SOURCE AND ALL THAT. SO AGAIN, 483 IF YOUR INTERESTED, GIVE HIM A CALL. 484 IF ANYONE ELSE IS INTERESTED, THE NUMBER TO CALL IS 231-xxxx ASK FOR 485 KEN LANDGRAVER. 486 ********************************************************************* 487 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 488 Alex:white FOODs are animals bred sfor food use by the now defunct by several 489 million years PTAVV,rthe rest of the world knows them as bandersnatchi. 490 491 For the people playing"stump the MIG":I have not time for now but will soon. 492 The Man in Gray 493 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 494 TO WALLY OWNER 495 496 WHAT IS SLIPPERY JIM DIGRIZ'S 497 498 FAVORITE DRINK???.... 499 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 500 SS.Rat:your kids names are your first and middle names. 501 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 502 _^_^^^^_____^^^^^^^_^_^_^^^^^^^^ 503 504 BANDERSNATCHI ARE SLAVER FOOD ANIMALS 505 I DONT THINK THE PTAVV HAVE ANYTHING TO 506 DO WITH IT. 507 508 HOW DID THE MAIN CHARACTER IN "CONVERGENT SERIES" DEFEAT THE DEMON??? 509 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOBITUARY 510 511 AZRIC OF KAARLAK 512 513 ELRIC OF MELNIBONE 514 515 THORN OF THARNA 516 517 JERRY CORNELIUS 518 519 CORUM JHAELAN IRSEI 520 521 ____________________________________________________________________________ 522 Pheric Foerender : 523 524 Before I began my career at Tandy Corp, and more recently as CEO of 525 Reality Corp (don't ask), I was a big BOC groupie. My hair still stands on the 526 back of my neck when I get my old albums out and listen to such songs 527 as 'Black Blade', 'Debbie Denise', et al...Ah yes...the searing vocals 528 of Eric Bloom, and the wonderful relation between guitar and drum the band 529 enjoys. Thank you for bringing a little happiness to my office, in a time where 530 meetings with disgruntled employees and excitable creditors have my stomach 531 in notes most of the time... 532 533 Sam Peckinpah 534 535 536 ___________________________________________________________________________ 537 538 539 !"#!#$#%$&'&'(')(' .