LIST FILE ON MARGIN IS 128 STATUS: ALL ALLOWED NUMBER OF LINES: 629 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ********************** REMOVED: 30 MAR 84 ****************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privatly owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privatly owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 OscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscar 21 Ahh... the sun feels good. The grass is soft, and the gentle 22 sonorous rumble of the brook nearby... It's so relaxing and 23 comfortable I hardly want to get up... Brook?! Grass?!! Sun?!!! 24 Quickly I climb out of my sleeping bag and look around me. The forest 25 is gone, and now I am in a bright sunny glade. This leaves me very 26 confused. I don't know what is going on. Where am I? What has 27 happened?! 28 After a moment I regain my composure and take a look around. 29 Obviously something happened in the night, but I don't know what. 30 The camp fire is gone, but my equipment is still here. Looking around 31 further, I notice that the area I am standing in is surounded by a low 32 wall, and as was the clearing of last night it is shapped in the form 33 of a pentagram though it is twice as big as the one in the forest. 34 From the looks of the crumbling stone it would appear that it has been 35 here for a very long time. I wonder what connection it might have 36 with the one in the forest from last night? 37 Well, I guess I'll have to make the best of the situation. 38 Putting my equipment back into my backpack, I shoulder it and stepping 39 over the wall, I decided to head north towards the brook as I was 40 thirsty and could use some fresh water to sooth my parched throat. 41 Within a few moments I reached the brook. Kneeling down at its 42 bank I drink my fill of the wonderfully tasting water. Never have I 43 tasted such water! So pure and clean! Never again could I drink 44 water and not remember this. Getting back up I turn around to get my 45 bearings, and stumble into a bush. 46 What's this? It's a young rowan tree! Could this mean that she 47 has been here? Looking down I see an imprint of a bare foot in the 48 mud heading south. Well, I guess that is as good as any other 49 direction to continue my search for PAM. 50 OscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscar 51 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 52 Obituary:the Ptavvs were slaves of the slavers and created the whitefoods for 53 the slavers bucause they were supirior genetic engeneers. 54 the main charicter defeated the demon by drawing said demons reentry pentagram 55 on his chest,when the demon made himself smaller,the pentagram grew smaller 56 the demon is still growing smaller now. 57 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 58 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 59 Apprentice? Bard? Wassir? Salazar? I'm not sure this crew should have ever 60 gotten in the same reality. Wassir and Salazar need to go after the Ninja 61 and Jonathan Chance -- they have the Phoenix' Egg. Good luck, guys, and I'll 62 be glad to pipe you into whatever reality you want. 63 Apprentice and Bard -- are we accomplishing anything here? I would prefer 64 to be some(reality)where else if the battle starts. 65 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 66 to the people discussing Ptavvs, slavers, Bandersnatchii, etc. 67 Ptavvs ARE slavers (actually then proper term is thrintun 68 ), they just don't have the power that a "normal" thrint 69 has. 70 The bio-engineers who built the white-foods were the tnuctipun! 71 ________________________________________________________________________________ 72 Mikey:I was refering to the disks you sell. Are they "standard" 8 SSSD disks? 73 I have a friend who can read such disks. We are planning to do an XMODEM xfer to 74 my system. 75 If your disks had been one big file, they wouldn't FIT on one of my disks! 76 (I don't want to find out what would happen when XMODEM ran out of room!) 77 ___________________________________Leonard______________________________________ 78 "Milord piper, I have not yet determined why we came here! If thou 79 seest no reason to remain, then let us make haste." 80 #I doubt even my liege would try disturbing those in the city. 81 He and the others have, no doubt, altered the spells that brought the orcs here 82 so as to send them to Agnath. There they will probably let the squires use them 83 for practice!# 84 .......................................the apprentice........................... 85 PRTFM YDJRF UHIUK PECAV EKVBM UJGKQ GIEMT RUEUT CHQRD CUXOQ WATGS PFDSI 86 EWPWQ DTXBY 87 ................................................................................ 88 :*************************************************************: 89 90 Dear Mr. Wassir: 91 92 I am writing because I know you are, once again, on good terms 93 with the McKane organization. Quite frankly, with LeRoy out of 94 town I have no where else to turn. I do so hope you can help. 95 96 Monsieur d'Autun is missing; I think he has been kidnapped. 97 98 When I tried to contact him his phone was disconnected, his 99 number given to a telephone switching company, and his office 100 turned into a GTE telephone outlet. There has been no ransom 101 note, so far anyway, but I am very worried. 102 103 If you could see yourself clear to help me find Monsieur 104 d'Autun, at least until Mr. McKane gets back, I'd be so 105 thankful. If we could return Monsieur d'Autun I'm sure I 106 could talk Mr. McKane into delivering the earmuffs he promised. 107 108 Wufus Penfield 109 110 :*************************************************************: 111 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 112 Mr. Penfield: 113 Since he chose to ignore our wishes, M. d'Autun has been "put on hold" 114 (so to speak). Perhaps the next time we request a meeting, your representative 115 will attend? 116 In the meantime we suggest that you not get involved with Wassir. He 117 seems to be having some troubles of his own. The Libyans wish to discuss 118 the whereabouts of several nuclear devices with him. Somehow they seem to have 119 gotten the idea that he had something to do with their diasappearance. A word to 120 the wise, eh? 121 | | || || | | || | | || || | | | || || | | || | | | || | || || | | | 122 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 123 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 124 And still.... realities shift once more. who knows what may come of this 125 next? a light on the horizon, tis but the rising sun. but rising onto 126 this plane, or the next? If my message was recieved, all may right itself 127 soon. But if not, who can tell what is to come. I certainly don't want 128 to guess......... 129 F.F. 130 BSAL (ret.) 131 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 132 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 133 Mig: beaverton is quite a trip, if you make it I'll see 134 you at the mall, perhaps. Beware of microwaved corndogs. 135 Bo 136 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 137 ONCE AGAIN I SLIP AND SLIDE THROUGH THE SLIME 138 FIGHTING THE SERPENTS OF TIME. 139 NO MOTHER TO CALL ME HOME 140 NO WOMAN TO HAVE AS MY OWN. 141 142 THE WAR WE WAGED WAS ALL A GAME 143 WILL MY HOMELAND BE THE SAME? 144 THE POLITIC MAN SAYS TRY IT! 145 THE SALESMAN CRYS BUY IT! 146 147 CAN YOU GUESS WHO I AM? 148 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 149 "I need some help," said the Ninja. "Conjure me up something, fast!" 150 151 "You hit me at a bad time," the gem replied, "like I said, I'm missing 152 a fragment. All I've got is a band of 23 Aborigine warriors." 153 154 "Complete with boomerangs?" 155 "Complete with boomerangs. Blow guns, too" 156 "Ok, I'll take 'em." 157 In the blink of an eye, the 23 warriors appeared before the startled 158 ninja. 159 "Well, guys, looks like we've got work to do. Better slam this gem back 160 to it's storage reality" 161 The Ninja 162 163 ********************************************************************* 164 LEONARD: THE DISKS SOLD ARE INDEED STANDARD 8" CPM SINGLE DENSITY 165 DISKS THE FILES ARE STORED ONE BWMS DISK PER FILE. 166 ********************************************************************* 167 AS FAR AS XMODEM, IT WILL SIMPLY ROLL OVER AND GO POOP WHEN THE DISK 168 GETS FULL. 169 WHAT YOU NEED, IS COPYLINK. WHEN THE DISK GETS FULL WITH COPYLINK, 170 IT ASKS YOU IF YOU WANT TO SPLIT THE FILE INTO OR NOT INSTEAD OF 171 BLOWING UP. IF YOU WANT TO SPLIT THE FILE, IT WILL CLOSE OFF THE CURRENT 172 DISK THEN ASK FOR A NEW DISK AND CONTINUE SAVEING ON THE NEW DISK. 173 ************ CISTOP MIKEY ***************************************** 174 PAGE!!! 175 NOW WHERE DID HE GO? 176 OH !THERE YOU ARE,WHAT WERE 177 YOU DOING? 178 WELL I WAS LOOKING FOR JAN,BUT I JUST CAN'T FIND HER 179 BUT THE KING WANTS YOU,I SAID 180 "WELL THEN,LET'S GO",SAID HE 181 WHEN WE ARIVED AT THE THRONE ROOM WE FOUND THE 800 WAITER OGRES SUR 182 -ROUNDING THE KING 183 WE SLOWLY PUSHED THROUGH THE MOB AND SAW THE KING LYING THERE WITH A FORK HIS 184 BACK!!!! 185 NOW WHAT WERE WE TO DO 186 THEN I THOUGHT ABOUT WHO WOULD BE NEXT!!!!! 187 188 ME!!! 189 --TUNE IN NEXT TIME FOR THE -----FURTHER ADVENTURES------- ------OF------ 190 -------THE KNIGHT---- 191 192 MAN IN GRAY: 193 WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE NERD???? 194 WHEN I LOGGED ON I GOT A BUNCH OF ____________ CHARACTERS 195 IS IT THE RESULT OF A NEW IMPLEMENTATION, 196 OR IS IT SOME SORT OF HARDWARE PROBLEM???? 197 DANKE 198 PHERIC'S FRIEND 199 ******************************************************************************** 200 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 201 Observing that the quest had run out of steam the piper raised his pipes to 202 his shoulder, inflated them, and begain the strains of "The Black Bear". 203 The wizard's chambers grew silent as thesound filled the area. Several figures 204 moved over near the piper and entered an area that seemed to quiver in the 205 air, as the air over a heated stove. The piper segued into "Too Long In This 206 Condition" and the members of the group grew first translucent, then transparent 207 then faded out altogether. 208 The innkeeper was polishing the aged wooden bar, meditating on how peaceful 209 the inn had been of late, when he heard in the distance the sound of pipes. 210 "Oh no!" he groaned to no one in particular. "Not that bunch back again. 211 Oh well, as Confucus say, when inevitable..." he began lining up mugs of ale 212 on the wooden counter top just as the group faded into view. 213 The piper lifted his arm from the bag and snapped of the last notes of the 214 song. Looking around, he saw the smiling face of the innkeeper behind a row 215 of filled glasses, those quickly falling to the onslaught of the returning 216 adventurers. Wading into the fray, the piper retrieved a glass and sat back 217 at his old table. As he looked about at his companions, he said, "You know 218 of course, that we have not suceeded. We still are open to the importation 219 of advanced weapons into the inn. Does anyone have a plan?" 220 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 221 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 222 NOT TO BREAK THE MOOD HERE OR ANYTHING BUT.......HERE'S SOME INFO. I 223 FOUND QUITE INTERESTING ON QUASARS AND PULSARS. IT IS ESTIMATED THAT AT 224 LEAST TEN MILLION ARE VISIBLE WITH A LARGE TELESCOPE. QUASARS THAT IS. 225 THEY ARE BELIEVED BY ALL BUT A FEW ASTRONOMERS TO BE AT VAST DISTANCES 226 FROM THE EARTH. LIKE 2 TO 15 BILLION LIGHT YEARS. JUST AROUND THE BLOCK 227 IN THE UNIVERSE. 228 DR. EDWARD R. HARRISON, AN ASTRONOMER AND PHYSICIST, DESCRIBES THEM THIS 229 WAY:" IMAGINE THAT A LARGE ROOM REPRESENTS THE GALAXY; ON THIS SCALE THE 230 HIGHLY LUMINOUS QUASAR IS NO MORE THAN A SPECK OF DUST FLOATING IN THE 231 AIR." YET EACH OF THESE SPECKS OF DUST PUMPS OUT ON AN AVERAGE, A HUNDRED 232 TIMES MORE ENERGY THAN ALL THE BILLIONS OF STARS IN OUR GALAXY PUT TO- 233 GETHER! WHAT ARE THESE QUASARS?..........NO ON KNOWS, BUT THERE ARE 234 THEORIES. HERE'S AN INTRIGUING ONE. THE LIGHT FROM THE MOST DISTANT 235 QUASAR TAKES 15 BILLION YEARS TO REACH US. THAT MEANS THAT WE SEE THEM 236 AS THEY WERE 15 BILLION YEARS AGO. NO KNOWN QUASAR IS MORE THAN 15 BIL- 237 LION LIGHT-YEARS AWAY; HENCE THEY REPRESENT SOMETHING THAT STARTED HAP- 238 PENING 15 BILLION YEARS AGO. 239 ACCORDING TO THE CURRENT POPULAR THEORY, THAT THE UNIVERSE WAS STARTED 240 WITH A 'BIG BANG' ABOUT 18 TO 20 BILLION YEARS AGO, THIS COULD MEAN THEY 241 CAME INTO EXISTANCE ABOUT THE TIME THE UNIVERSE WAS ONLY FROM 3 TO 5 242 BILLION YEARS AGO. ACCORDING TO THE THEORY, THAT IS ABOUT THE TIME WHEN 243 GALXIES STARTED TO FORM. HENCE, QUASARS MAY BE GALAXIES IN THE PROCESS 244 OF BEING BORN!.................AND THEN THE PULSARS.......IN 1967 ASTRON- 245 OMERS WERE STARTLED AGAIN WHEN THEY DISCOVERED AN OBJECT SO BIZARRE THAT 246 THEY THOUGHT IT WAS SOME EXTRATERRESTIAL INTELLIGENCE TRYING TO CONTACT 247 EARTH! IT WAS A RADIO SIGNAL THAT FLASHED ON AND OFF, PULSATING IN A 248 REGULAR RHYTHM. THIS TIME THE SOURCES SEEMED TO BE STARS LOCATED WITHIN 249 THE GALAXY. THEY CAME TO BE CALLED PULSARS. TO EMIT THEIR DISTINCTIVE 250 SIGNALS THEY MUST BE ROTATING, RATHER LIKE A LIGHTHOUSE BEACON. AND 251 SINCE THEY PULSATE EVERY SECOND OR SO (there is one that pulsates 30 252 times a second) THEY MUST BE VERY SMALL AND SPINNING LIKE A TOP. AS- 253 TRONOMERS NOW BELIEVE THAT PULSARS MAY BE ONLY 24 KILOMETERS ACROSS, BUT 254 SO DENSE THAT A CUBIC INCH WOULD WEIGH MILLIONS OF TONS. THEY ALSO FEEL 255 THAT THEY MUST BE VERY HOT AND HAVE A HUGE GRAVITATIONAL FIELD. STRANGE 256 OBJECTS INDEED! 257 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!DEBORAH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 258 259 BETCHA CAN'T GUESS WHO THIS IS DONE BY, WHAT ALBUM, AND WHICH ARTIST SONG 260 261 "WELL I KNOW I COULD MAKE THIS WORLD PEACEFUL AND CALM- 262 IF I COULD JUST GET MY HANDS ON A HYDROGEN BOMB" 263 F. FIN 264 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 265 The bard had been listening to a conversation started during the 266 trip back. It reminded him of a song.... 267 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 268 Kzanol, Teela, and Friends (words: Jordin Kare, tune: Tie me kangaroo down) 269 Tie me bandersnatch down, Brown, 270 Tie me bandersnatch down; 271 All half-million pounds, Brown, 272 Tie me bandersnatch down. 273 274 Ain't me tnuctipun fun, son, 275 Ain't me tnuctipun fun? 276 Just beware of their guns, son, 277 But ain't me tnuctipun fun? 278 279 Treat me sunflowers right, mate, 280 Treat me sunflowers right; 281 And don't go out when it's light, mate, 282 Treat me sunflowers right. 283 284 Me racing virpin are quick, Nick, 285 Me racing virpin are quick; 286 Their looks would make you feel sick, Nick, 287 Me racing virpin are quick. 288 289 Turn me stasis field on, John, 290 Turn me stasis field on; 291 When it shuts off you'll be gone, John, 292 Turn me stasis field on. 293 294 So we turned his field on, it's true, Lou, 295 There wasn't much we could do; 296 We'll leave the problem for you, Wu, 297 With a Thrint, what else could we do? 298 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 299 (note: the above is sung with a THICK Aussie accent - thus mate becomes "mite". 300 The weight of a Bandersnatch is closer to .5 billion lbs! All references can be found in the works of Larry Niven) 301 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 302 While sipping his drink after the song, an idea came to the bard. 303 "Of course! Why didn't I think of it before!", he exclaimed. 304 "Piper, apprentice, I think I've got it! All we have to do is get 305 ARDNEH to help!" 306 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 307 The apprentice looked startled, "Yes, but that is not what any man 308 would call an easy task milord!" 309 ..................................the apprentice................................ 310 CUDOE LJUIO VNHJP WHFEQ QKUEP FXIGH ATTWF TLETB CGTHD TAFFT KAHER CQRKT AVFVK 311 ECLED MPOVN XBKQS DHEOI HLJNK FCUTI AREVK ECRSL GQLBN HTPRT JNXIC WOSDI SVKOV 312 GLCCU DYXBY 313 314 ******************************************************************************** 315 Thanks for the sales pitch, Mikey, but I don't have a CP/M system (or an MS/DOS 316 one either). My XMODEM program runs under TRSDOS, and somehow I doubt that 317 Copylink does! 318 _________________________________________Leonard_______________________________ 319 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 320 Dear Dufus; 321 Regarding your request to find the funny French guy, I would be glad 322 to assist. It seems things are getting a little slow in the land of OZ. 323 We've created as much havoc here as is possible, so we might as well move 324 on to another adventure. Now if only we can find our way back to the 325 Inn. It seems when the brave adventurers left, we didn't. The Wizard is 326 a sour old goat who is trying to get rid of us... 327 A word of advice: DON'T USE THE TELEPHONE or you'll end up like 328 d'Autun. All further contacts should be either by bonded carrier pigeon 329 or via the Backwater. Please forward all information to Serena. We'll 330 pick it up when we get back to your reality... Now where did that paisley 331 door go? 332 Mohammed Wassir 333 334 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 335 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# 336 I HOPE NOT TO OFFEND ANY PEOPLE OF THE BLACK PERSUASION. 337 HAVE YOU EVER WATCHED THE 20,000 DOLLAR PYRAMID? 338 WELL, NOT TO LONG AGO, A STAR WAS GIVING CLUES TO AN ELDERLY BLACK 339 WOMAN. SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO GUESS THE WORD "DEER". HIS FIRST CLUE 340 WAS "DOE". SHE REPLIED "NOB" 341 342 DOE NOB,,,, GET IT!!!!!!! A TRUE STORY.... 343 #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#* 344 DEAR GET IT: SINCE YOUR JOKE COULD HAVE BEEN DONE ON SOUTHERN PEOPLE IN 345 GENERAL OR NOT TOLD AT ALL, BUT YOU WENT AHEAD AND MENTIONED BLACK 346 PEOPLE TWICE GRATUITOUSLY, I ASSUME THAT YOU WILL FAIL IN YOUR WISH NOT 347 TO OFFEND ANY BLACK PEOPLE, HERE AND ELSEWHERE IN YOUR LIFE. 348 THE REASON IS THAT THE JOKE DEPENDS FOR IT'S IMPACT ON AN UNFLATTERING 349 BLACK STEREOTYPE. JOKES ABOUT HUMAN FAILINGS IN THOUGHT, GRAMMER, OR DEED 350 ARE INDEED PERMISSABLE, BUT IN OUR PLURALISTIC SOCIETY IT IS BETTER NOT TO 351 IDENTIFY THE BUTT OF YOUR JOKE AS TO RACE, RELIGION, SEX, AGE OR ANYTHING 352 ELSE. THE ONLY TIME A SPECIFIC REFERENCE CAN BE IN GOOD TASTE IS WHEN 353 ONE REFERS TO ONESELF, A WELL KNOWN PUBLIC FIGURE(SOMETIMES, USUALLY WHEN 354 THEY ARE A POLITICAL FIGURE), OR TO SOMEONE BEING CONFRONTED FACE TO FACE. A 355 GOOD GUIDELINE IS WHETHER YOU WOULD FEEL COMFORTABLE TELLING THE SAME 356 JOKE WITH THE PERSON IN QUESTION RIGHT NEXT TO YOU. IF YOU FELT COMFORT- 357 ABLE TELLING THIS JOKE WITH THE ELDERLY WOMAN RIGHT NEXT TO YOU, I'D SAY 358 YOU QUALIFIED AS A SOCIOPATH. 359 **************************************************************************** 360 P.S. GIVING UP GAME SHOWS WOULD BE A GOOD FIRST STEP TOWARDS ADOPTING A 361 MORE COSMOPOLITAN, LESS PROVINCIAL, SENSE OF HUMOR. 362 **************************************************************************** 363 AN NOW. . . THE MOMENT YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR. . . 364 AND NOW. . . IT'S TIME FOR. . . 365 THE WIZARD OF OZ MEETS GODZILA'S SECOND COUSIN THRICE REMOVED! 366 THIS MOVIE IS NARATED BY YOUR FAVORITE NARRATOR. . . MERLEN NAPTHASH! 367 SHOWING NOW AT A THEATRE NEAR YOU. . .BE SURE NOT TO 368 MISS THIS FASCINATING MOVIE. . . TICKETS ONLY $78934.87 369 370 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 371 XXXXXXXXXXXXX 372 I DONT WANT TO INTERUPT ANYTHING BUT COULD SOMEONE LIST FOR ME ALL THE B.O.C 373 ALBUMS? 374 CC 375 376 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 377 Bard, If I remember correctly (since I just looked it up, I'm sure I do!), 378 ARDNEH and ORCUS destroyed each other. Or were you considering 379 requesting his/its help at some point in his/its time line prior to 380 his/its 'termination'? 381 While reading through the messages here, coming across the name ARDNEH 382 causes a severe reality shift of its own to me. In a previous existence, 383 in a different reality, when I was involved in D&D, my main character, 384 a magic-user/thief, was named Ardneh. My first reaction to your 385 'get Ardneh' suggestion was 'huh? How does he know about Ardneh? And 386 he's only a 5th level, hardly in the same class as even the apprentice!' 387 Then, of course, I realized who you were referring to. 388 Liked your last song. Having just finished (re)reading the Ringworld 389 books, its particularly fresh in my mind. 390 Regarding OZ, I think the group left a little too soon. TWOOz is 391 going to be on the boob this Friday. Or is that why you left--it 392 might be a bit strange to have this mob appear on network television. 393 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^DANTE^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 394 395 CC: Interesting that your self righteous indignation is 396 aroused by a derogatory joke about a black person yet you 397 see no harm in inflicting the same joke on a Southerner. 398 Perhaps you should examine your own prejudices before 399 condemning those of others. Max. 400 ########################################################### 401 "Onward aborigine army!" sohuted the Ninja as they marched a raid on 402 no one in particular. 403 The Ninja 404 405 !"##$#$&&'&('&%(%&'!#%$!"#%"%#!"$#"%$%&$&%''$#%&#%$"!$#"%#$%#&%$'&%&''#' 406 CISTOP MIKEY: When is the famous COPYLINK going to be available for the LNW 407 computer? If and when it does become available for that computer, I can 408 certainly help ______leonard______ out since I can send directly from the 409 8" drives to his system at whatever the highest baudrate Copylink can 410 stand, or over the phone at 300, or whatever else we can think of. Are you 411 listening _____leonard______? 412 !"!#$$%#%$#&$'%()('%('&'&%'$%&#%"#%!"%$"#%"#$%#$&%%$&%$&$#&"!$#"!!"$!"$ 413 PS MIKEY, WAS THAT MESSAGE TO CHUCK THE SAME CHUCK WE BOTH KNOW?YOU TALKED 414 TO HIM (TYPED) THE OTHER NIGHT WHILE I AND ANOTHER YOU KNOW WERE BUSY 415 BLASTING PEOPLE WITH LASERS... 416 IF SO, I CAN RELATE THE MESSAGE TO HIM... 417 !"!$#"!$#"%$%&$&$%&&#$&%$&'%&$'%&(&'&%'%$&&"#$&%#"&%$#%#"$%$#"$%"#%"#% 418 419 420 __________________________________________________________________________ 421 BOC Albums...this may not be all, but these are all of the ones I have in my 422 collection. 423 (in no particular order...) Cultosaurus Erectus, Mirrors, Some Enchanted 424 Evening, Extraterrestrial Live, Fire of Unknown Origin, Agents of Fortune, 425 On Your Feet or On Your Knees, Spectres...Embarrassingly, I can't remember the 426 name of their latest album, and I believe I am missing their first 3 or 4 albums 427 , although I have listened to them all ( a friend who is even a bigger fan 428 than I am ) 429 430 Sam Peckinpah 431 Tandy Corp (reassigned) 432 ____________________________________________________________________________ 433 434 I'm sorry he said I can't out a word of what you're saying. Bye 435 436 ************************************************************************** 437 TO PERSON ABOVE ASKING ABOUT COPYLINK ON THE LNW, COPYLINK RUNS ON 438 THE LNW NOW! IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, GIVE ME A CALL AT 654-xxxx 439 (U.S. DIGITAL). ALSO, YES, THE CHUCK IS THE SAME PERSON. 440 LEONARD: SORRY, NO NOT ON THE TRS-80 YET, BUT HOPEFULLY IN TIME.... 441 ********************* CISTOP MIKEY ******************************* 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 OscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscar 452 For hours now I had been walking south through the grass plain, 453 and still no sight of anything to break the monotony of it. What had 454 started out to look like a pleasant grassy glenn has turned into a 455 scortching grass covered plain. Even my hat I removed from my pack 456 does not keep out the heat. It is sweltering! 457 Finally in the afternoon I can take no more and I sit down on a 458 rock and take out a small tent from my pack to try to provide some 459 shade to rest in. Setting it up, I go inside and lay down to rest. 460 Soon I am fast asleep. 461 Later on I wake up to the chill night air. Going outside I 462 decide to light a small fire to ward off the cold. Getting out my 463 matches to strike a fire, I am quite surprized when nothing happens! 464 Try as I might, I cannot get them to strike! Now I am really 465 confused. What is wrong? Then on an impulse I get out my lighter and 466 try that. It worked! So, it appears that matches do not work here 467 wherever I am. 468 Warming my hands over the fire, I think about what I have gotten 469 myself into. Why did I ever let that Innkeeper talk me into this 470 crazy quest to search for PAM. Not only do I not know where I am, I 471 don't even know how I got here, or how to get back! My only hope I 472 have is to find PAM and try to persuade her to show me the way back, 473 and I have almost no clues as to how to find her. Oh Lord! Why did I 474 ever let him talk me into this? No reward is worth this! 475 OscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscar 476 477 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTO:SAM PEKINPAH 478 THE SONG "BLACK BLADE" WAS BASED ON A 6 BOOK SERIES BOOKS BY 479 MICHAEL MOORCOCK,ABOUT ELRIC OF MELNIBONE. I WOULD SUGGEST YOU READ THEM (IF YOU HAVENT ALREADY) IN ORDER THEY ARE: 480 ELRIC OF MELNIBONE 481 SAILOR ON THE SEAS OF FATE 482 WEIRD OF THE WHITE WOLF 483 THE VANISHING TOWER 484 THE BANE OF THE BLACK SWORD 485 STORMBRINGER 486 THEY ARE REALLY GOOD BOOKS!! 487 488 PHERIC FOERENDER 489 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 490 The above mentioned books are all totally bizzare. I loved every one of 491 them. Moorcock has written several other series that I would like 492 to read but have not had the time. Rumor also has it he watched 493 Dr. Who. 494 Bo 495 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 496 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% WORDS 497 ------- 498 WORDS 499 THERE ARE SO MANY 500 DOUBLE AND TRIPLE MEANING 501 WORDS 502 503 WE TOSS THEM ABOUT 504 AND THEY BOUNCE OFF 505 NOT HEARD OR HEARD TOO WELL 506 BEGATTING SILENCE OR GOSSIP 507 508 HONESTY-WHO WOULD BELIEVE US 509 SINCERITY-WHO WOULD TRUST US 510 UNLESS WE LIVE THE WORDS WE SPEAK 511 THEY ARE BUT A JUMBLE OF SOUNDS. 512 513 BY 514 BEN HANCHETT 515 516 517 Computers and the Arts - a national conference to be at Thunderbird/Jantzen Beach 4/1-3. Gene Youngblood does two presentations 518 Sun. 3:30pm, Mon. 7:00pm - lots of computer graphics - latest film/video - $4 each event. Call 378-xxxx for more info. If 519 you want to bring your hardware with management software packages, call Donovan Gray at 378-xxxx to arrange for free full coon- 520 ference pass. Spread the word! 521 25 workshops in all. daily rate available @ $30 (includes lunch) $75 for full conference 522 exit 523 524 exit 525 + 526 end 527 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 528 Ahh! It's nice to relax for a few minutes after getting back to the inn. 529 530 Deborah -- do you take Scientific American? It's a good, reputable, magazine 531 that carries quite a few blockbuster stories in a very low key. Granted, some 532 issues are dull, but for general keeping up it is hard to beat. They had an 533 article on pulsars about 6mos to a year back that was an excellent overview 534 of just what they do and how and why they do it. If you would like I'll try 535 to find the issue. 536 537 Bard -- I must have missed that reference. I don't recall ARDEH (how about 538 a hint -- like author's name? Or -- even-- a title to go with it?) but from 539 contex I deduce a supercomputer of some sort. Knowing both our tastes in 540 literature and action away from the inn, it sounds like you may have a quite 541 difficult task in mind. I'm game. 542 543 Finishing his mug of ale, the piper stood and began "The Skye Boat Song." 544 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 545 Piper:ARDNEH (see refs under Saberhagen, Fred; Empire of the East; The Broken Lands; The Black Mountains; Changeling Earth) 546 Ardneh STARTED as a computer (sort of) what it finished as..... 547 Dante: In the above timeline, Ardneh & Orcus may have eliminated each other. 548 But the prime rule for dealing with alternities is "ALL possibilities DO happen" 549 Thus, SOMEWHERE Ardneh survived! All we have to do is find the right timeline. 550 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 551 The man-scent was strong, but the thoughts were disorganized. Finally, 552 the cat decided that the man was asleep. Moving closer, he examined the camp. 553 Hmph! Not much here, maybe his dreams would be more informative... 554 ... he is seeking a female. Perhaps the one that had passed by earlier? 555 Not having a human type time-sense the cat wasn't sure how long it had been - 556 at least several sleeps. 557 The prairie-cat dragged a blanket over by the man and settled his 5 foot 558 body on the blanket. He would await morning and try to communicate with the 559 two-leg. 560 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Green-eyes""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 561 AP Washington: A Government source revealed that the Semiconcious 562 Liberation Army and the Eco-Guerillas have joined forces against the Albanian 563 group headed by Mohammed Wassir. 564 It is thought that they may be trying to collect the 50 million dollar 565 reward offered Monday by Libyan leader Khadafi. 566 There is still no official word on why Khadafi posted the reward. 567 30 568 ******************************************************************************** 569 To: Grand Dragonmaster, McKane, Wassir, etc 570 Pick up a copy of a game called Illuminati, if you want to find 571 out what is going on! 572 Ian MacHinery 573 ******************************************************************************** 574 TO ALL INTERESTED: Dr Who has been written by a number of people. Let us 575 not forget that there is such a thing as "PENNAMES" and that a great many 576 writers use them quite freely and often. As for Eric of Melnibone-- 577 BOC is not the first group of musicians to use MM's stories for ideas 578 to wit, a band little known and appreciated in the USA, Camel. I can't 579 dredge up the name of the album nor the song(s) {tho' I have most of their 580 records} at this time. I will bring them here tomorrow. And a question 581 before I return to my work reality: what must a person do to get acquainted 582 with the rest of you folks? 583 F. Fin Mad man at Large 584 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=- 585 I never mentioned any authors for the doctor. I just mentioned his 586 name in passing. I'll just get back into my TARDIS and try to 587 forget I brought it up. 588 Bo 589 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 590 { 591 man w/o parity: "laser" (singular) 592 mssgs for ya on CBBS 593 } 594 ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()( 595 To F. FIN mad man at large. 596 Rumor has it that several of the faces behind the names get 597 together at the Portland Science Fiction Society meetings downtown 598 at the Multnomah County Library. I believe the meetings are every other 599 Saturday, at 2pm, the next one being 1 1/2 weeks from now (April 7). 600 They've been trying to get BW people to show up. I might even make 601 it next time. 602 )()()()()()()()()()()()()()(DANTE)()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() 603 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 604 PIPER: IF YOU HAVE THE TIME OR RUN ACROSS THE ARTICLE MENTIONED I WOULD 605 GLADLY READ IT! I AM VERY MUCH INTERESTED IN SPACE. ESPECIALLY OUTER. 606 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?DEBORAH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 607 MIKEY: HERE, HERE. 608 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 609 BW Classifieds 610 Wanted: Missing sliver of gem known as the phoenix egg. Egg find in 611 land of Oz. Interested parties should contact the Ninja. 612 Want to hire one craftsman to build and mantain boomerangs. Contact 613 the Ninja. 614 For sale: Bolos. All shapes and sizes. Sold only on an as is basis. 615 Can be found at (form.) Fast Freddy's used Bolo lot. 616 !"#"$%#&%$&&%'&%('&)'(&(&%''%$&"#%!#"%$#%$#"&%$'&%)'&(&%'#%$'&$%!""#$ 617 CISTOP : Thankee for the info. I will give your corporation a call as soon 618 as time permits. I will also let Chuck know the message. In the meantime, 619 to keep the conversation going, what is the highest baudrate copylink 620 supports? Does it allow re-programming the RS232 on the NEW LNW II? Thanks 621 for the very quick response (I forgot to put my pseudo name in the border. 622 ______leonard_______ are you listening to all of this? Are you still 623 interested? Do you have another source for help with the BW disks? Speak? 624 Parlez-toi! 625 To { } I realize it was only ONE laser, but the plural sounds so much 626 more impressive! I got the message. Later whiz... de de du da 627 "!#!"$#"$#"!$% L'homme sans parity "#!#!"#$"!#$%#$%#$&%#"&!$#"!$"!%#%!% 628 629 __________ Out of room Pheric. Talk later. Sam Peckinpah ______________ > .