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If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 DEBORAH: HERE, HERE?? I DON'T UNDERSTAND. 21 22 TO PARITYLESS PERSON: THE SPEED IS DEPENDANT UPON THE CLOCK RATE OF 23 YOU SYSTEM. WITH 4 MHZ CLOCK THE MAXIMUM RATE IN THE TERMINAL MODE 24 IS 4800 IF NOT RECEIVING A FILE, AND 2400 IS RECEIVING TO DISK. IF 25 YOU ARE TRANSFERING A FILE VIA THE XMODEM PROTOCOL, THEN THE MAXIMUM 26 RATE IS 38400. THESE RATES OF COURSE WILL CHANGE IF YOUR SYSTEM 27 CLOCK IS AT SOMETHING OTHER THEN 4MHZ, AND ARE SUBJECT TO ANY OTHER 28 SYSTEM LIMITATIONS AS WELL. AS FOR THE REPROGRAMING, THE SOURCE 29 FILE FOR THE MACHINE INTERFACE IS PROVIDED WITH THE SOFTWARE SO 30 THAT YOU CAN MODIFY IT TO YOUR HEARTS CONTENT. 31 *********************** CISTOP MIKEY ******************************** 32 33 ################################################################# 34 Ahh, I wonder how that mercinary that I hired to search for PAM 35 is doing? I haven't heard from him since he left. I hope he hasn't 36 run into some misfortune, it's so hard to find good soldier of fortune 37 types these days what with times as they are. 38 ###################### The Innkeeper ############################## 39 40 (<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(>)(<>)(<>)8<>)(<>) 41 42 While wandering around the wizards quarters I found some curious 43 things, but nothing conclusive. Maybe if I look in these rooms... 44 Whats this, I feel an odd tugging, with musical undertones... 45 Of course! pipes! well I just have to see where and when the Piper 46 has in mind... 47 As familiar shapes fegin to coalece around me I relax, maybe I will 48 have time for a few drinks... 49 50 (<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)The Traveller8<>)(<>)(<>)(<>)(<>) 51 52 Has 'Green Eyes' read the Horseclan Novels? 53 54 (<>)(<>)T.T.(<>)(<>)(<>) 55 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 56 57 SAM PECKINPAH 58 WHAT WAS IT YOU WANTED TO TALK TO ME LATER ABOUT? 59 PHERIC FOERENDER 60 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 61 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!!! ATTENTION !!! 62 ANYONE WHO KNOWS ABOUT THE FLATHEAD PORTRAIT 63 IN ZORK II ,PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE ON THIS BBS TELLING HOW 64 TO GET AROUND THE BANK ALARM SYSTEM WITH THE PICTURE 65 66 PHERIC FOERENDER 67 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 68 69 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 70 hello! just popped in for for a quick look about..... 71 72 how bouts a little teeny-weeny discussion/debate/name-calling match? say, 73 firearm control? ( do I hear 2 sets of muffled chuckles in the background? 74 it WAS the only thing left, right?) I'll take round 1. 75 76 1) All firearms should be removed from the public sector. 77 (here comes the sharps commitee...) 78 79 Aaron 80 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>{}<><><><><><><><><><><> 81 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 82 Aaron -- sure! Here's round two: 83 2) Every person should be required to complete a firearms safety course and 84 fire a qualifying score at a target range before recieving a high-school 85 diploma. Use and maintanance of firearms should be required just as other 86 survival skills such as mathematics and english. No restriction should be 87 placed on purchase and ownership of firearms. 88 89 Have at it! ................ 90 The piper placed his pipes on his shoulder and played "When You Go to the 91 Hills Bring Your Gun". 92 Deborah -- I'll check through my back issues this weekend and try to 93 find issues you might like to look at. Since you are interested in space, 94 are you aware of the L-5 society? I don't have an address for them but 95 I'm sure that someone here must have it. 96 Bard and Apprentice -- Ok, I'm game for any expedition you want to name. 97 I won't be able to contribute much but I can try to hold to the rules of 98 whatever reality we head off to. 99 (my goodness -- my english teacher didn't like me to end a sentence with 100 ONE preposition. Look at that last one!) 101 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 102 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 103 With all the trouble in the world, I think that we would all be a lot 104 safer if there were much stricter controls on guns. I'm not saying 105 that we should get rid of guns, just that we should be more careful. the 106 safty course should be manditory for any who buy or use guns, and those 107 who live in the vicinity of those who do. 108 109 I missed who said it, but the radio just had a report about some interesting 110 views. some polititian said that it was the duty of the old to die to 111 make room. He also said drugs that allow terminally ill people to 112 live longer was wrong. I'm not kidding. Although I didn't catch his 113 name, I did hear that he was Democrat. 114 It's hard to believe that it's sick minds like this that run our lives 115 through the government.. 116 WAIT! I just found it on the front page of the oregonian. It was 117 Colorado gov. Richard Lamm. The article is more disgusting than the 118 radio report. There's one politian who probably just talked himself 119 out of re-election. 120 Bo 121 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 122 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 123 124 I feel there are enough laws restricting firearms......The easier way 125 to insure ( at least with the least trouble ) a safer future 126 would be Control the amunition that is available to the public. 127 128 Just a thought , 129 :::::::::::::::::::::::Alex:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 130 The cat shook its head. Where had THAT thought come from? He knew 131 the horse clans and their two-leg friends, but what was a "novel"? 132 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Green Eyes"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 133 Alex: If you are referring to that law that some groups are trying to push 134 thru Congress, let me fill you in on a few details the media seems reluctant 135 to mention. 136 1. The teflon bullets are no longer being made. 137 2. Many police organizations (not necessarily departments) don't support it. 138 3. The way the law is written, MOST hunting ammo would be outlawed. (there 139 are a lot of specialty pistols that will handle rifle ammo) 140 141 I don't have time to dig up references for all of the above. If 142 anyone has DOCUMENTED evidence supporting OR countering the above, feel 143 free. (I can't remember which organizations for #2, but I believe it was 144 something like the FBI & the National Association of Police Chiefs) 145 On the gun safety bit, you will have to teach EVERYONE because 146 guns are a LOT more common than is generally realized. Remember, if it 147 looks like a gun - treat it as real until proven otherwise. A gun is 148 ALWAYS assumed to be loaded. Don't point a gun at anything you don't intend 149 to KILL (wounding is MUCH more difficult!). There, did I miss any? 150 _______________________________Leonard______________________________________ 151 && && && 152 How about this: every American citizen is required to complete a gun- 153 safety course to qualify for full adult rights (i.e. voting, driving, 154 drinking), after which they are REQUIRED to carry a functioning firearm 155 (loaded[the gun, not the user]) whenever in a public place. I also 156 propose that death from shooting could then be placed in the "natural 157 causes" category, thereby freeing up our court dockets and helping 158 reduce the overcrowding in our prisons. The lack of concern we show for 159 the hideous rate of death on our highways indicates to me that if every- 160 one carried a gun then people would accept shooting deaths as the price 161 we pay for preserving our way of life. 162 && && && 163 The Poet settled into his seat in the inn with a sigh. It was good to 164 be back. He was just adding his comment to a discussion of weapons 165 control, with his usual flair for the bizarre, when the Inn door opened 166 and a robed man stepped inside. The Newcomer's face was hard to make out, 167 but something about him seemed to upset the adventurer. 168 "Excuse me," he told his companions, "Ifeel a sudden call of nature." 169 With this, he all but flew into the Roman bath that served as the Inn's 170 restroom. 171 "Innkeeper, seven ales!" 172 Every eye in the adventuring party turned to the newcomer. That voice... 173 those words... this was the Poet! The Innkeeper was the first to shake 174 off his confusion and speak. 175 "I don't understand, are there two of you?" 176 "Odd that you should ask. There is of course only one of me, but I do 177 have a twin brother. I haven't seen him for years; the family disowned 178 him for his criminal activities. Last I heard of him he was running an 179 import-export business in a 47th-century reality, although rumor has it 180 that he is involved in selling weapons to various unsavory groups." 181 An explosion was heard form the restroom. The entire room rushed to 182 investigate, and found that one of the marble walls of the bath had been 183 removed, and the words "Gaius Was Here" burned into one of those that 184 remained. 185 "That's his handwriting, alright," said the Poet. "I hope none of you 186 loaned him any money." 187 && The Mad Actor && 188 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 189 Ian: 190 Picked up the game. Sounds interesting, although I am a rank novice 191 at RPG's. Do you have something to suggest? 192 Wassir 193 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 194 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 195 So now we discuss the issue of firearms control!! Well if we must, we must. 196 Here's the way ever person in the good ole U.S. of A should look at it: 197 1. The U.S. was founded with the lives and gun powder of many brave and 198 desperate people. They had been paying up to a king across an ocean 199 and were seeing none of the benefit. In writing the Constitution it 200 was obvious to them that a people should have the right and ability 201 to defend not only themselves, but also their country. 202 2. The countries who have fallen before the mighty Russian bear have 203 all been nations that, in part or whole, possesed not enough weapons 204 to fight their way out of a street brawl. To wit: Poland, as just 205 one example, did not have even the basic peice of pipe to as their 206 defense. In essence, the big, bad bear just waltzed in and said 207 Thanks! 208 3. The only a rifle or hand weapon EVER kills some person is when it is 209 accidently discharged in the direction of some unfortunate soul or 210 it's trigger is squeezed by someone. The key here, as with all man 211 made devices, is that it requires HUMAN input. 212 4. To control these devices would be nigh on impossible because there 213 are a number of people who not have several firearms in their house- 214 hold a number of people who not only posses several firearms but also 215 have the knowledge and ability to reload their own ammunition!! 216 I 217 have met some of these folk and they are, I assure you, neither the 218 stereotyped bloodluster nor the paranoid. They are practical people. 219 220 The one suggestion that really rings true is the idea of education in the 221 handling and use of firearms. Ignorance is no excuse! Neither is the idea 222 of total abolishment. Rather, we must try and obtain both a degree of yhe 223 [C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C 224 control some people are determined to shove on the rest of us and the 225 ability to go out and realise one of the basic rights as guarenteed by 226 our Constitution. 227 F. Fin 228 **************************************************************************** 229 BO I DIDN'T MEAN TO STEP ON YOUR TOES. I JUST THOUGHT YOU MIGHT BE 230 INTERESTED. THIS PORTLAND SF SOCIETY SOUNDS GREAT! UNFORTUNATELY I 231 MUST BE VIGILANT AND GUARD THE SKIES THAT WEEKEND. I WOULD TRULY 232 LIKE TO GO TO THE FOLLOWING ONE AND WILL DO MU UTMOST TO BE THERE. 233 OH! ALMOST FORGOT TO MENTION ALSO, THE NAME OF THE ALBUM IS MIRAGE. 234 BUT UPON LISTENING TO THE LYRICS I MIGHT HAVE JUMPED TH "GUN". 235 WHILE ON THE FIRST COUPLE SONGS IT SEEMED TO ME THAT THEY WERE SINGING 236 OF ERIC(GOOD OLE ERIC) IT MAY BE THEY ARE,INACTUALITY, SINGING OF 237 THE TRILOGY. LYRICS SUCH AS: 238 "ONCE HE WENT AWAY, A MAN DRESSED IN GRAY NOW HE COME BACK 239 WEARING WHITE" OR SOME SIMILAR VERSE. BIT BE THAT AS IT MAY... 240 OOPS! I HEAR MY REALITY CALLING!! GOTTA GO FOR NOW. 241 F. FIN 242 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 243 { 244 1001010 245 1 : it was just a joke! how could they have taken me seriously? 246 maybe "laser control" next.......... we know one proponent, don't we! 247 "don't aim that thing over there! yieee! are you trying to get us arrested?" 248 } 249 THE SHOOTING OF FIREARMS IS A SPORT NOT ONLY AS AMERICAN AS APPLE PIE 250 AND OLDSMOBILE, BUT IS ALSO AN INTERNATIONAL SPORT THAT REQUIRES 251 PATIENCE AND CONCENTRATION, A COMMON GROUND WHERE ALL NATIONS CAN UNITE 252 IN FRIENDLY COMPETITION. I FULLY BELIEVE IN GUN SAFETY AND AWARENESS, 253 BUT ALSO BELIEVE THAT EXESSIVE LAWS AND RED TAPE COULD SERIOUSLY HURT 254 OUR NATION. ALL YOU UN-GUN PEOPLE PLEASE TRY SHOOTING A TARGET 255 (SILLOUTTE IS A VERY SATISFYING VERSION OF THE SPORT) AND SEE WHAT A 256 CHALLENGE IT REALLY IS. 257 258 IAN M. 259 (A PRO-GUN PERSON) 260 261 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 262 I think that we are forgeting something here.if we arm everybody then the 263 maniacs with less then there alloted amount of brain power would go and 264 start killing.i.e.; 265 "my dad is bigger" 266 "no,MY dad is Bigger" 267 "well my daddys gun is bigger" 268 "well I have my daddys gun!" 269 (blam,boom(sound of crying)) 270 and we have another front pager for the masses. 271 this also applys to the high school crowd,i.e.; 272 "you turned me in for selling drugs,duidn't you?" 273 "no,no,I didn't please..." 274 (blam,thunk(hystarical screems from onlookers)) 275 my law is;when a person can show that they are mentaly stable,they can carry 276 a gun,persons in public schools should not have guns no matter what.I can 277 think of many times in high school when a gun would have gotten me into prob 278 lems,ie shooting people. 279 280 281 282 Aaron:congratulating Tony? on "succeding where you failed" ? 283 as you can probably guess,V&T called this morning... 284 The Man in Gray 285 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 286 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 287 nay, nay.... in fact, congratulating Vichy! "it's the female's job to 288 attract the male..." as I've heard her say too many times..... She seems 289 to have perfected the technology....... Or Tony's has fewer smarts 290 than I credit him with (equally plausible...........) 291 Aaron 292 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 293 OscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscar 294 As the light of the morning began to shine thru the tent walls, I 295 stir and waken. Then strangly, I hear a puring sound, more of a low 296 rumble then an actual purr. Hmmmm odd... 297 What could that be? Then looking over my shoulder at the source of 298 the sound, I see a very large cat. 299 Nice kitty. I'm not going to hurt you. Nice kitty.... 300 I hope he isn't hungry..... 301 OscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscarOscar 302 ****************************************************** 303 Ahh yes, guns.. I am reminded of an article I read in the 304 World Press Review on that very issue. It was written by a 305 Frenchman who was saying how crazy we Americans were to be 306 so lenient with allowing our citizens to have guns. Feeling 307 that we should only allow authorized persons to carry arms. 308 A nice thought, but it doesn't seem to make much difference 309 in reality. It would stop some stupid killings since it would 310 take the guns out of the hands of those who have no idea how 311 to use them to begin with. But as far as the criminal types, 312 it won't make any difference at all. Oh it might rise the 313 price of the gun a bit, but not that much, and certainly not 314 enough to make any difference to someone who wants a gun and 315 knows how to get one. They will still be quite readily available 316 even if they are outlawed altogether. A gun is just far to easy 317 an item to make. And don't forget the enormous volume of guns 318 that are already out there, even an attempt to recapture all of 319 them would not get very far (assuming that sort of thing could 320 even be done). They would simply be hidden away and since there 321 is no records of them, who can say they exist to begin with? 322 Want a look at an outlawed commodity that exists anyway because 323 people want it? Take a look at the underground drug industry. 324 It's a billion dollar business, and it certainly isn't rolling 325 over and playing dead just because it is illegal. And it isn't 326 just criminals involved, it is everyday normal people that 327 support that industry. 328 Probalbly an even closer association would be the prohibition 329 era, as it more closly matches the feelings involved with the gun 330 issue. It hardly made any difference there, it just sent it 331 underground and made problems even worse. At least when it is 332 above ground, you can control it if you work at it. 333 In listening to various people talk about their activities and 334 stories about guns, I have found that there are 3 basic reasons 335 for having a gun, 1. to kill someone 2. for sport 3. for defense 336 of those, there isn't a whole lot you can do about number one, 337 number 2 is not a problem. It is number 3 that seems to cause the 338 big noise that the media likes to write about. Typically the 339 person has had no training in the use of a gun at all, and have 340 no idea what they are doing. Killings by these people either 341 occur as a fit of passion, or out of pure stupidity. Such as 342 killing or wounding oneself or another while cleaning or 343 otherwise handling a gun. Another circumstance that really has 344 no need is using the gun to kill or wound someone who is 345 encroaching upon your teritory. First, often the gun wasn't 346 needed in the first place, next simply bradishing the gun and 347 letting the offending person know of its existance will usually 348 do the trick, and finally firing a warning shot will usually do 349 the trick if all else fails. But to go for the kill right off is 350 a bit stupid. As far as laws, there are so many now that aren't 351 being enforced, I doubt that any more would have any real impact. 352 But back to the French person, his feelings are far from 353 abnormal, many people in France and in other europeon countries 354 feel that way. Yet France sees nothing wrong with selling nuclear 355 plants to counties knowing full well that they will be used to 356 make plutonium and other materials for war weapons. 357 So really, when we get down to it it is really simply a matter of 358 perspective and what you personally feel is important, but don't 359 expect everyone else to feel te same way. 360 As for myself, yes i have been trained in how to handle a gun, 361 being in the service, you don't get much choice. On a good day I 362 can hit the broad side of a barn if I'm lucky. I do feel that a 363 person must be able to prove his ability to handle a gun before 364 being allowed to own one. I myself get no enjoyment from shooting 365 a gun. In conclusion, no I don't care for guns, but neither do I 366 see anything being helped by outlawing them. I would rather see 367 the effort being spent on getting drunk drivers off the road, it 368 is a far far greater killer of inocent people then guns. And it 369 is condoned far more then guns are. st take a look at the number 370 of court cases involved by those getting off easily for killing 371 someone with a car compared to killing someone with a gun. 372 Killing with a car is always more lenient, yet the person is just 373 as dead. Enough already! 374 *************** CISTOP MIKEY *********************************** 375 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 376 How sad but true the above statement is. No matter how the person was 377 killed, that's one less soul to keep us company, and the world is 378 already too lonely of a place. 379 Personally, I have had no training in the use of firearms, but if 380 I were to want to use one, I would not pick it up without having some 381 kind of formal training. At this time I would not want it so I don't get 382 it. 383 As far as use in sports, although I do not participate in any 384 sports (outside pinball and occasional vollyball), I feel one sport 385 I could enjoy if I had the time would be the biathalon (combination of 386 cross-country skiing and rifle marksmanship). 387 I guess it all comes down to one statement, guns don't kill people, 388 PEOPLE do. 389 Bo 390 (a non-gun person despite the state of the world) 391 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 392 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 393 AND YOU PEOPLE WERE ALL BLAMING ME FOR THE PROBLEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 394 395 Thank you to the poet for clearing my good(?) name. 396 Fast Fred 397 BSAL (ret.) 398 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 399 Poet: Do you think your brother could have the missing sliver to the 400 Phoenix Egg? 401 The Ninja 402 !"#!"$#"$#"%#$&$%'&%(&')(&%'%$&'"%!#"$!#"%$#&%$'%&(&')%'(#'#$%'#"&%#"$&# 403 CISTOP! The LNW in question can either run at 1.7, 4.0, or 5.3 mhz. 404 Just fixed the backspace. I had been talking to a Honeywell(the bad taste!) 405 just a sec...there...all set now...Thanks for the info, someone will call 406 US Digital in the near future... 407 REGARDING THE GUN CONTROL ISSUE: I personally have mixed feelings about the 408 whole thing. I had formal training in firearms a few years ago, and own 409 7 guns. But I don't really care to hunt, at least not any more, when a large 410 number of your fellow hunters are beer guzzling poachers who would gladly 411 put a 30 ought 6 into anything that moved, be it 4 point buck or human 412 wearing proper orange attire. I really enjoy target practice, and harmless 413 plinking with a .22. I don't keep ammunition around the house, and buy it 414 only when I am going out to shoot. I also have good friends, like retired 415 police officers and the like, who are also quite knowledgable about guns, 416 and keep loaded guns in the house, and they are some of the most rational 417 reasonable people I know. Our basic right to keep arms is one of our most 418 important basic rights:it was important when it was written, and it is 419 important today. I am not so sure the fact that people are armed is going to 420 keep a foreign power from 'invading', hand guns do very little against 421 Mig 25's and tacticle nuclear weapons, but I might make that other nation 422 think twice before sending troops into a country like the troops that were 423 sent into afganistan. I guess my basic belief, like many others on the 424 system, is that we should spend more time doing something about things 425 like hunger(so Ed Meese), education, and death on the roads, which by 426 the way has killed far more people than all the wars the US has been involve 427 d in have caused. 428 I on the other hand must agree with Aaron. Rampant use of lasers, no matter 429 how 'small', must be nipped in the bud. There is no telling when the first 430 big incident of someone being killed while cleaning their ruby or something 431 is going to be the front page story. Why some unsuspecting sole walking 432 down the street may be a victim, and not even know what hit'im! 433 T$#"$"%#$&%#$&$%&#$%"#! L'homme sans parity !"#!"#"$#%$'&%$'('(#!$!#$"$! 434 435 ______________________________________________________________________ 436 Pheric......I was just curious about your interest in BOC. It is not common 437 to find another person in our little electronic world who even has heard of 438 them! 439 Sam Peckinpah 440 Two Tandy Towers 441 Fort Worth Tex. 442 ___________________________________________________________________________ 443 444 A thought occurs to me (Yes! Really!). Pam has mentioned a couple of 445 times recently on Bit Bucket that she's going to get back on BW any 446 day now. Now consider-how many stories have been on here with the 447 search for Pam as a primary or secondary objective? The infamous Pm 448 has been built up to the point where, if I was her, I wouldn't want to 449 make an appearance here because the only possible responce is 450 anticlimactic. (well, I suppose it's possible that she Could live 451 up to her reputation, but then why isn't she nationally syndicated?) 452 Don't get me wrong. I'm not putting her down. I'm just saying that 453 if I had a build-up like that, I'd be a bit apprehensive about meeting 454 expectations. 455 Just a thought. 456 :::::::::::::::::::::::O O::::::voyeur::::::::::O O::::::::::::::::: 457 && && && 458 Be careful, people! My brother is clever, & a master of disguise. 459 Accept no substitutes! He may even try to pass himself off as PAM! 460 && The Mad Actor && 461 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 462 Aaron -- sorry about that, I just wanted to take the other side! Would you 463 like some support for your position? (I REALLY didn't think that BWMS was a 464 hotbed of closet gun supporters.) Let me just step away from the screen and 465 lock something up. (various ,mmetallic clincs, sounds of objects being moved, 466 scrape of a key in a lock) There, let's see what can be said in defense of 467 your position. 468 1) Firearms are inherently dangerous. They are, first and foremost WEAPONS 469 designed to propell a projectile into and kill something. If killing is 470 morally wrong, owning the means of killing is morally wrong. Handguns are 471 designed to kill PEOPLE. If killing people is wrong, then owning a means to do 472 so must also be wrong. 473 2) Firearms are dangerous to handle. Many untrained and ignorant people 474 are damaged or wounded each year through carelessness or outright stupidity. 475 It's much like child-proofing a house. Take all the dangerous breakables away 476 and they can't do as much damage to themselves and those around them. 477 3) America is a culture of violence. With the means at hand of carrying out 478 violent action, the temptation can often become overwhelming. Studies have 479 shown that persons who watch violence on TV or movies are subsequently MUCH 480 more prone to violent behaviour. If a person watches more than 1 hour of TV 481 a week, or 1 movie within three weeks, his or her responses are tainted with 482 violence and their judgement is suspect. Indeed, much of American society 483 could be called insane, if the majority did not share the same non-sane 484 set of reactions. It seems only natural to remove firearms from the eassy reach 485 of non-sane persons. (I wish it were just as easy to get the bombs out of the 486 hands of the boys in the pentagon whose hobby is mass murder.) 487 488 With a smile, the piper set the pipes upon his shoulder and began to play a 489 reel, "The Merry Harriers." 490 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 491 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 492 PIPER: THIS SOCIETY SOUNDS LIKE IT COULD BE INTERESTING. DOES THE L OR 5 493 STAND FOR SOMETHING IN PARTICULAR? 494 MIKEY: PERHAPS I TOOK YOU FOR SOMEONE ELSE.....BUT I THOUGHT YOU HAD 495 BRIEFLY CRITICIZED A RACIAL BLURB ON AN EARLIER DISK, AND I WAS JUST A- 496 GREEING WITH YOU OR WHOEVER. BY THE WAY, HOW ARE THE BUSHES IN YOUR 497 AREA FARING AS OF LATE? 498 499 ON THE GUN THING........I CAN SEE WHERE GUNS COULD BE OKAY, IN SOME AREAS 500 ESPECIALLY WHERE PEOPLE MUST DEPEND ON THEM FOR FOOD. MANY PEOPLE USE THIS 501 EXCUSE THO FOR A ROMP IN THE WOODS, ACCOMPANIED BY THEIR BEST FRIENDS, 502 AND A KEG OR TWO OF SUDS, AND IT'S JUST A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE SOMEONE 503 STOPS BREATHING. UNFORTUNATELY IT'S USUALLY AN INNOCENT PERSON, OR ONE 504 OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED PERSONS CHILD, THAT CAME ALONG FOR THE RIDE. THEY 505 WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER OFF TO GO BUY A SIDE OF BEEF. WHICH WOULD HAVE 506 BEEN CHEAPER THAN A CAMPING TRIP AND TAGS, ANYWAY. 507 I HAVE ALWAYS LIVED IN RURAL COMMUNITIES, UNTIL JUST RECENTLY AND HAVE 508 SEEN MANY UNFORTUNATE ACCIDENTS, AS THE ABOVE MENTIONED, SO I PERSONALLY 509 DON'T OWN A GUN. IN FACT, I WON'T ALLOW ONE IN MY HOUSE, SINCE I DON'T 510 WANT TO EVER BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYONES DEMISE. AS FOR PROTECTION, IT HAS 511 ALREADY BEEN ACKNOWLEDGED THAT PEOPLE ARE NOT TRAINED OR QUALIFIED ON THE 512 WHOLE TO HANDLE GUNS, BUT THIS IS PROBABLY NOT TRUE IN THE CASE OF CRIM- 513 INALS. IF YOU BRANDISH A GUN AT A TRAINED SHOOTER THAT'S BREAKING AND 514 ENTERING OR WHAT HAVE YOU, YOU WOULDN'T HAVE A CHANCE. AND BESIDES THE 515 LAWS ARE ON THEIR SIDE. IF THEY STAGGER BACK AND FALL OUTSIDE THE DOOR, 516 OR EVEN ONTO THE THRESHOLD, CHANCES ARE YOU'LL GO TO PRISON. 517 BESIDES PEOPLE IN OUR SOCIETY ARE SO JADED TO VIOLENCE, ESPECIALLY YOUTHS, 518 THAT A LITTLE KILLING ONCE IN A WHILE IS STIMULATING. WE'VE ALL READ THE 519 STATISTICS ON HOW MANY MURDERS, ETC. CHILDREN HAVE SEEN ON T.V AND MOVIES 520 BY THE TIME THEIR X AMOUNT OF YEARS OLD. SO GUNS ARE VIEWED BY SOME AS 521 A WAY TO SOLVE PROBLEMS. LIKE THE KID WHO SHOT HIS BABY BROTHER OVER A 522 STUFFED TOY. THE PARENTS FAULT YOU SAY? EXCEPT THAT THE KID GOT THE GUN 523 FROM THE NEIGHBORS HOUSE, WHEN THEY WERE GONE AND LEFT THE BACK DOOR 524 UNLOCKED. OR THE TEENAGE GIRL DEVASTED BY A FAMILY DIVORCE AND THEN 525 GILTED BY HER BOYFRIEND, COMMITS SUICIDE. SORRY, I DON'T MEAN TO GET 526 OVERLY DRAMAITIC, BUT THE POINT IS THESE TYPES ARE REPEATED OVER AND 527 OVER AGAIN, DAY AFTER DAY. AND YOU STILL SEE PEOPLE CRYING OUT I HAVE 528 MY RIGHTS! 529 I DON'T KNOW THAT THERE IS ANY REAL SOLUTION AT THIS POINT IN HISTORY 530 TO SOLVE THESE THINGS. PEOPLE ARE SO CONCERNED ABOUT THEIR OWN RIGHTS 531 THAT THEY CARE LITTLE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS. ESPECIALLY THE VICTIMS 532 THAT ARE ALREADY DEAD OR MAIMED. I DON'T FEEL LAWS AGAINST GUNS WOULD 533 WORK, WE'VE ALL SEE THE BUMPER STICKERS.........WHEN GUNS ARE OUTLAWED 534 ONLY OUTLAWS WILL HAVE GUNS.....AND........THEY'LL GET MY GUN WHEN THEY 535 PRY IT FROM MY COLD DEAD FINGERS. I AGREE WITH THE STATEMENT IT SHOULD 536 BE REQUIRED TRAINING IN SCHOOLS, ALONG WITH FIRSTAID TREATMENT. THIS 537 WOULD DIMINISH SOME PROBLEMS. 538 I'LL NEVER FORGET THE MOVIES AND SUCH THEY SHOWED WHEN I WAS 14 AND IN 539 DRIVERS ED. THE STATE I LIVED IN REQUIRED 8 HOUSR OF FILMS, AND I SWEAR 540 THEY PICKED THE GORIEST ONES I'VE EVER SEEN. SURE I PASSED, BUT I DIDN'T 541 DRIVE FOR A WHILE AFTERWARDS. TEENAGERS HAVE A REPUTATION FOR WILD AND 542 CRAZY DRIVING, AND AS I REMEMBER, I DID MY SHARE, BUT THOSE FILMS WERE 543 IN THE BACK OF MY MIND, AND I OUT GREW THE FLIRTIN WITH DISASTER ATTI- 544 TUDE. THE SAME WOULD BE A DETERENT FOR GUNS, TO SOME DEGREE AT LEAST. 545 MY CHILDREN WILL BE TRAINED ANYWAY, AT A GALLERY, OR SHOOTING RANGE, 546 NOT IN THE WOODS, OR STREETS. 547 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!DEBORAH?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??! 548 *******************************************************************: 549 DEBORAH: YES, IT WAS SOMEONE ELSE THAT MADE THAT PREVIOUS RESPONSE. 550 (POINT OF NOTE, I ALWAYS SIGN MY NAME TO ANY OF MY ENTRIES.) 551 AS FOR SOME OF THE KILLINGS AS A RESULT OF GUNS BECAUSE OF VARIOUS 552 PASIONS, MAYBE WE SHOULD GET RID OF POISON AND KNIVES AND RAZORS TOO? 553 THE PROBLEM IS THAT THE GUN IS JUST ANOTHER TOOL THT CAN BE USED 554 FOR KILLING, THERE ARE MANY MORE OUT THERE THAT CAN BE READILY USED 555 AS A SUBSTITUTE. AS I SAID BEFORE, I DON'T CARE ABOUT GUNS AT ALL, 556 BUT I ALSO KNOW THAT THEY ARE NOT IN THEMSELVES THE PROBLEM, JUST AS 557 A CAR DRIVEN BY A DRUNK DRIVER IS NOT THE PROBLEM. MAYBE WE SHOULD 558 GET RID OF ALL THE CARS TO STOP THAT KILLING? 559 AS FOR THE BRANDISHING OF THE GUN, FIRST, MOST PROFESSIONAL THIEVES DON'T 560 CARRY GUNS. THEY KNOW FULL WELL THAT IT IS THE QUICKEST WAY TO GET YOURSELF 561 KILLED. SECOND, I DON'T MEAN TO SAY THAT YOU SHOULD STAND OUT IN THE OPEN 562 AND SAY AHH GEE, I THINK YOU OUGHT TO RECONSIDER WHAT YOUR DOING, I DO 563 HAVE A GUN HERE, SEE..? 564 ALL OF THIS REQUIRES THAT YOU PRESENT A FORCFUL ATTITUDE, AND ARE WILLING 565 TO USE IT AS NECASSARY (THIS DOESN'T MEAN KILLING). I WAS RESPONDING THE 566 PROPER USE OF A GUN AS A DEFENSE MECHANISM. FIRST YOU WARN OF ITS EXISTANCE. 567 THIS CAN BE DONE BY SIMPLY YELLING FREEZE, OR OTHER ATTENTION GETTING. 568 FROM OR NEAR COVER. DON'T WORRY, THEY ARE NOT GOING TO STICK AROUND AND 569 SHOOT IT OUT, THEY DON'T WANT TO GET KILLED ANY MRE THEN YOU DO. ONE 570 THING ABOUT THIS THOUGH, IF THEY HAVE A GUN IN THEIR HAND ALREADY, DON'T 571 POINT A GUN AT THEM, OR EVEN BRANDISH IT, JUST RUN. IF THEY DON'T HAVE A 572 GUN IN THEIR HAND, GENERALY THEY WON'T GO FOR IT, AS THEY KNOW FULL WELL 573 THAT YOU COULD EASILY SHOOT THEM BEFORE THEY COULD EVEN GET IT OUT. 574 MIND YOU I DON'T CONDON ANY OF THIS, BUT IT IS INFORMATION THAT YOU 575 SHOULD KNOW AS AN ASPECT OF HAVING TO LIVE IN THIS WORLD AND WHAT TO 576 EXPECT. AS A PERSON ABOVE INDICATED, I TO AM OFTEN VERY SURPRIZED AT THE 577 GREAT STUPIDITY SOMETIMES SHOWN BY PEOPLE WHO SHOULD KNOW BETTER. 578 P.S. PLEASE DON'T TAKE ANY OF THIS PERSONALLY, I AM JUST ARGUING ONE 579 POINT OF THE VIEW. AS I SAY, I MYSELF AM NOT AT ALL FOND OF GUNS. 580 LEONARD: I AGREE VERY MUCH, I TOO WISH THERE WAS SOMEWAY TO GET 581 THOSE WEAPONS OUT OF THE HANDS OF THE MASS MURDERERS WHO PASS THEMSELVES 582 OFF AS SOLDIERS. 583 ******************************* CISTOP MIKEY *****************************: 584 PAM: What subject would you like to discuss? 585 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 586 The collected thoughts of strange degenerates is available here it seems 587 a street was named after me in Portland. 588 =================================================================== 589 MIKEY: I THINK YOU'VE BEEN WATCHING TOO MUCH TELEVISION. MAX 590 =================================================================== 591 OH WELL, I GUESS I SHOULD QUIT TAKING THE EXTREEM VIEW POINT. 592 IT SEEMS THAT DESPITE MY DISCLAIMERS THAT I PLOP THROUGHOUT 593 PEOPLE ARE STILL PERSONALY ATACKING ME FOR VIEWS THAT I DON'T 594 NECASARILY HOLD. BUT THEN THAT IS HARDLY ANYTHING NEW, I DO GET 595 TIRED OF PEOPLE ONLY READING THAT WHICH THEY WANT TO SEE AND 596 IGNORING THAT WHICH THEY DON'T. SIGH..... 597 ******************** CISTOP MIKEY ************************** 598 BUT, IT SEEMS THAT THE GUN ISSUE DID TURNOUT TO BE A VERY EMOTIONAL 599 ISSUE, FAR MORE SO THEN I EXPECTED. THUS THE LACK OF PERSPECTIVE. 600 ************************************************************ 601 WELL, WHO EVER IT IS THEY DON'T SEEM TO KNOW ABOUT DRIVE B. SEEMS 602 THOUGH THAT SINCE THEY COULDN'T ERASE EVERYTHING, NOW THEY DECIDED 603 TO WRITE GRAFFITI ON WHAT IS THERE. THAT'S ALRIGHT, I HAVE OUTLIVED 604 THIS SORT OF THING BEFOR. IF THEY KEEP IT UP THOUGH, I THINK I MAY 605 SEE IF I CAN GET THE PHONE COMPANY TO PUT A TRACE ON IT AND SEND 606 THEM A NICE LITTLE NOTE TO SCARE THE PANTS OFF THEM. 607 **************** CISTOP MIKEY ********************************** > .