LIST FILE ON MARGIN IS 76 STATUS: ENTER ONLY NUMBER OF LINES: 618 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ***************** REMOVED: 8 APR 84 ************************ 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privatly owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privatly owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 department, with better education for all, especially the young. Now I'll probably 21 My first new disk in quite a while. To Mr. Tim, while you are right about the 22 "congressional" check on the supreme court appointies, I can't remember the 23 last time they have refused a president's selection. If anyone can correct me, please 24 * * COPY DISK ERROR * * 25 * * COPY DISK ERROR * * 26 of the Inn. Although I enjoy lively debate, and don't wish to quell any of the 27 * * COPY DISK ERROR * * 28 aren't all wasting our times talking about something there isn't much chance 29 changing at the current time. Excuse me, but I seem to have forgot where I 30 am, and since I can't go back and erase my last few comments, just let them 31 * * COPY DISK ERROR * * 32 part with Leonard, and some of the others who have proported training in 33 the use of hand guns. There would be a lot less accidents (although they will 34 * * COPY DISK ERROR * * 35 feel what it is like to actually shoot a gun might change a few minds about what 36 guns really are. I almost hate to bring this up, but gun education might be equated 37 with sex education. Most advocate better, shall we say conditions in that 38 PHERIC F. 39 get the old 'Knowledge can be dangerous', but that is a crock (not the cartoon 40 character either). If people were better educated, I think they would respect guns, 41 (and sex), a little more than they might do know. I guess I better batten 42 down the hatches for the next salvo against me, but hey...if deborah can dream about 43 * * COPY DISK ERROR * * 44 I can make crazy analogies! 45 * * COPY DISK ERROR * * 46 PS Anyone here seen the latest Dirty Harry Movie, Sudden Impact. A sure MUST SEE 47 for all debating gun control! 48 "!#!"#!"($)"#(%#$)&'#"%"#$!%%$'&%$'&%(&)&'%$&#%$&%$#&%#$&$%&$&!!"$"!#$!#"$"! 49 * * COPY DISK ERROR * * 50 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 51 CAN ANYONE TELL ME EXACTLY WHAT THE BBS CALLED "THE ELECTRIC ARK" IS.IS IT A GLORIFIED ANSWERING MACHINE OR WHAT? 52 53 TO:MIKE DAY 54 LLY GIVES ME A DISK ERROR THEN GOES DOWN ABOUT 20-30 LINES AND RESUMES(WHEN LISTING THE MESSAGES) 55 56 ********************************************************* 57 SORRY ABOUT THAT, BUM DISK. 58 ******************: CISTOP MIKEY *************************** 59 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 60 piper: seeing that i have already stated my case (education), i will let 61 the whole topic die a natural death. 62 0101011: whats news? 63 1 64 Aaron 65 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 66 && && && 67 In all honesty I eschew violence. Not for any deep philosophical reason or from squeamishness, but because I used 68 to be a very violent person. It took my nearly killing someone to make me go through the years of therapy it took 69 to make me the relatively peaceful man I am now. I used no gun, I nearly ripped his lower jaw off with my bare hands. 70 I'm no great bruiser, either: 5ft 7in and 155lbs after a heavy meal. I suppose my point is that the problem isn't 71 gun control, it's SELF control. As long as there are individuals in a society who are unwilling to take adult r 72 responsiblilty for their actions, there will be killing and maiming, whether from crime, auto accidents, or 73 whatever. The solution must begin in the way we raise our children. 74 && The Mad Actor && 75 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 76 Ahh yes -- this discussion has run it's course. I must agree with the 77 mad actor -- there are no dangerous weapons, only dangerous people. Society 78 has a number of more or less effective ways of instilling "proper" behaviour 79 in children, but the majority of their behaviour is taught by their peers. If 80 their peers esteem behaviour that you or I would not like, tough, that's what 81 they learn. Churches used to teach morality and the "correct" behaviour, but 82 if a child is sent to a fundamentalist church he seems to be taught that any 83 questioning of a serious nature is sinful and will send him to hell. Slammed 84 in the face with that, most kids cave in. With more maturity, comes a reaction 85 against that type of church. (I'm getting over mine -- I can tolerate the 86 vocally religous now, but with distaste.) 87 Well folk -- time for a new topic, a new adventure or whatever. As stated 88 before, If needed to get a topic going, I'll take either side of an issue. 89 Some of the best discussions that I have been involved in were those that 90 I held a side other than the one I would have chosen out of conviction. 91 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 92 93 ####################################### 94 Ever notice that no matter what we choose to discuss here it always gets back 95 to religion? I thought we had gone over that subject with a fine tooth comb. 96 But now I see that even Gun control is the job of the Church! When, oh when 97 will people be responsible for themselves and get rid of all the mumbo-jumbo of 98 organized religion!!!! What we need are enforceable laws and ways to enforce 99 them to put the fear of MAN into the criminal. As I said before and it bears 100 repeating "Anyone caught with an unliscenced firearm (hand or otherwise) 101 would face a mandatory sentance with no hope of parole or plea bargaining." 102 Those using a weapon (regardless of type) in the commision of a crime would 103 automatically be guilty of a felony and should get ten to life. We must remembe 104 that even the worst criminal wants his freedom and I feel that a certain 105 justice is the only deterent. 106 107 ##############C.Y.M.##################################4/4/84 8:53am############ 108 CYM:Please note that until we get enforceable & ACTUALLY ENFORCE them, 109 we will have trouble. & until we have had them in effect for quite a while 110 (say a couple of generations) we are going to need LOTS of prison space! 111 And guards etc. No one wants to pay for these things now..... 112 113 Dave:next time please let me know if you will be calling AM or PM! 114 ___________________________Leonard_____________________________________________ 115 ps. MIG: NO SALE! I need it for some tests. You'll just have to waterproof 116 your current one better & run cold water thru it! 117 _______________________________________________________________________________ 118 "Fast Freddie, I have a friend who would like to talk to you about 119 establishing an new Bolo franchise" said the Bard. "He is planning on opening 120 an establishment somewhat similar to the Inn, but at a much higher tech 121 level." 122 "Are you interested? Oh, almost forgot, you'll have the HEAVY weapons 123 franchise. Isher Weapons already got the personal weapons franchise" 124 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 125 In other words, please show up at one of the meetings. The offer is more or 126 less genuine! 127 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 128 Perhaps we could use some of the apprentice's giant frogs to protect 129 the Inn! They do a good job on his house! 130 131 The Battle Hymn of the Ranapublic (words: John Boardman) 132 Mine ears have heard the croaking of the Giant Barded Frogs. 133 They are swimming through the marshes, they are leaping over logs. 134 They are eagerly devouring people, vampire bats, and dogs, 135 As they go hopping on! 136 Chorus:Glory, glory, ribbit, ribbit! (note: ribbits are spoken,not sung) 137 Glory, glory, ribbit, ribbit! 138 Glory, glory, ribbit, ribbit! 139 As they go hopping on! 140 Their hides are leather shields on which a sword has never stung. 141 They have claws upon the forefeet, they have barbs upon the tongue 142 With which they torture women who are sensitive and young, 143 As they go hopping on! 144 CHORUS 145 They have armor-plated eyeballs and their teeth are made of brass, 146 Their breath corrodes titanium, their voices shatter glass, 147 They shoot snake venom from their jaws and napalm out their ass, 148 As they go hopping on! 149 CHORUS 150 They'll jump a seven-meter fence, they'll float like a ballon. 151 They'll swim like Flipper's brothers and they're fast as a typhoon. 152 In fact, they say that Armstrong found a couple on the Moon, 153 As they go hopping on! 154 CHORUS 155 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 156 Notes: Barded is an old term for "armored" 157 & I must, in all fairness, state that Eric's frogs aren't quite 158 THAT bad! 159 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 160 161 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 162 To: Mr. PHERIC FOERENDER 163 164 I haven't been on the Electric Ark much since it changed 165 format, but I some messages before that about it going to be 166 part of a network of computers around the country that send 167 information around and automatically or something like that. 168 169 There was also a message that the system sometimes runs 170 some sort of artificial intelligence programs that acts like 171 a person asking questions and responding to what the user is 172 typing. All that goes on is stored and can be read by people 173 on the system. I may have gotten that a little confused it's 174 been a few months ago. That's all I can tell you except that 175 I think there are some people here on the backwater that can 176 use it. 177 178 Back to being a SILENT LURKER. 179 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 180 181 THIS IS ANOTHER TRY AT IT. SO! THE TALK IS STILL ON "GUN" CONTROL. WELL, 182 THERE ISN'T MUCH MORE TO BE SAID, SINCE IT'S ALREADY ALL BEEN SAID. HOW 183 ABOUT PARALLEL UNIVERSES? FOR INSTANCE- A FRIEND OF MINE USED TO KEEP 184 THE KEY TO HIS MOTORCYLCE LOOSE FROM THE REST OF HIS KEYS. ONE NIGHT 185 AFTER GETTIN TO WORK HE DROPPED THE KEY UPON A CEMENT RAMP LEADING UP TO 186 THE DOORS OF THE BUILDING. "TING!" AND THAT WAS THE LAST HE SAW OF THE KEY 187 FOR THREE AND ONE HALF WEEKS. WE SEARCHED ABOUT 40 SQUARE FEET, DRAGGED A 188 MAGNET ON THE GROUND AND EVEN CONTEMPLATED BORROWING A METAL DETECTOR. NO 189 SUCH LUCK AND NO KEY. THEN ONE NIGHT THE BOSS CAME ALONG AND ASKED AL IF 190 HE HAD LOST A MOTORCYCLE KEY. "WHY, YES SAID AL, "BUT WE LOOKED ALL OVER 191 AND COULDN'T FIND IT!" "WELL BEGAN THE BOSS, " IFOUND THIS BIKE KEY LAYING 192 ON THE RAMP JUST OUTSIDE THE DOOR." NOW, CAN ANYONE TELL ME HOW THAT KEY 193 JJUST LANDED ON THE CEMENT AND VANISHED? WE ALWAYS WALKED VERY CAREFULY 194 ON THAT RAMP AFTER THAT. AFTER ALL, FALLING THROUGH A TIME DISCONTINUITY 195 ISN'T EXACTLY AFUN PROPISITION. SEE YOU ALL LATER!! F. FIN 196 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 197 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 198 199 Mikey, 200 I know that the BWMS is all in ROM ......... However would it be 201 a great problem to alter the REPLACE command so that it could only be used 202 on a line number greater than the one you logged in on ? 203 204 CYM, 205 There have been many studies ( references available ) to determine if 206 strict penaltys and mandantory prison terms have any "deterrence factor". 207 In crimes that have been premeditated the effect has been moderate to marginal 208 and in crimes of "passion", the condition that most firearm related crimes 209 occure , the violent act has happened with little regard to the penaltys 210 attached to the crime. Consider two hypothetical cases . 211 1. Average man comes home finds wife in a compromising situation with 212 a dwarf, two pygmies and a a fit of rage he shoots them all. 213 2. Deranged Satanist methodically kills three Benedictine monks with a 214 shotgun over a period of three months . 215 Should both receieve the same sentence ? Should there be any consideration 216 in either case as to motive ? Sanity ( temporary or otherwise ) ? 217 Are they guilty of 1st Degree ? 218 2nd Degree ? 219 Wha 220 t 221 222 :::::::::::Alex::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 223 SICK HUMOR(?), Alex.... Do any of your kind perform good deeds, ever? 224 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 225 .....a faint smile crossed my face.... 226 "Well, I'd be very interested in such a proposition. However," I added, 227 "I work on saturdays if the meeting was the one I was thinking of. If some 228 people would like to get together after 6pm, though, I doubt if you could 229 keep me away" 230 Turning to the barkeep, I added "Come now, some of my best friends 231 are lawyers (including my DM). They aren't all bad, just mostly." 232 233 Fast Fred 234 BSAL (ret. least for now...) 235 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 236 Adrienne: 237 The man from Schlitz brewery should be contacting you soon about your 238 beer. Did you want 3 kegs or four? 239 Officer Multoon 240 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 241 @$@#$@#%^%$&^%$&^%&%$$&&%^&&^%&^$%^*&^(&*(^&*%^$%@^$%^&%^&*^&*()&%$^&$&$&#$& 242 Whaaa!!! Mikey!!! Why did the disk go bad on my message??? Why not the intro 243 that everyone has read 100 times??? Boohoo!!! Maybe these computers are trying 244 to tell me something??? 245 246 To all adventurers...In the recent past we have gone from the Land o 247 f Oz(bourne) to Gun control, and almost back to religion! Now just where could 248 this dangerous course of events be leading us? Do we need someone bold and 249 imaginiative to lead us? Or should it be the individual adventurer who makes 250 a story and who ever wants to follow does? The death of imagination could 251 lead to an unhappy inn, and I don't think a giant frog, regardless of its 252 stature, is going to save us! Come on bold people! Raise up your swords, or 253 blasters, or songbooks, or pipes, let us again make another temptous journey 254 into the unknown, where danger lurks around every corner! 255 Aaron, what do you say? Methinks an adventure into the inner workings of an 256 '11, to solve a strange hardware bug that could speel D O O M for mankind 257 as we know it sounds like fun for a saturday afternoon. We have all had 258 experience fighting hardware bugs. Its not like we are children being lead 259 to the slaughter. It is time for action! 260 (And the Navy is not the answer...) 261 $@#$#@%#$%@#$^@#^ L'homme sans parity $#@$@#%#$@#$^()%@#$@^#!^$%^$&$&#$&$&&$ 262 263 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 264 new topic: (prompted from above "commentary") (which if our CISTOP 265 dissolves before anyone can read it, was another epsilon-minus dumping his 266 total life experience in 3 BWMS lines.....) 267 and that topic is, of course, Computer control! i know, i know, 268 "computers don't kill BBS's, PEOPLE kill BBS's"....maybe mandatory 269 computer education classes (for the above, simple "education" would be a 270 satisfactory start) would be a access to computers a sacred 271 god-given self-evident inalienable right promised us by our founding 272 fathers? Or perhaps modem control? even self-control? ........... 273 Man w/o parity: in other words, an adventure into a machine, a journey 274 such as can be found in..... TRON! (yii ii ieee!) 275 no, but seriously L'homme, have you heard from our mutual friend and 276 employer recently? are you out there m.f. & e. ????? yes? no? 277 Aaron 278 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 279 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 280 C.Y.M......MAY I REMIND YOU THAT RELIGION IN WEBSTERS POCKET DICTIONARY 281 MEANS "A CAUSE, PRINCIPLE, OR BELIEF HELD TO WITH FAITH AND ARDOR." 282 IN OTHER WORDS WE'RE ALL RELIGIOUS ANYTIME WE DECIDE ON A DEFINATE 283 OPINION OF SOMETHING AND STICK TO IT. NO WONDER EVERYTHING COMES BACK 284 TO IT. 285 ALSO WHAT ABOUT THE ONES THAT ARE GOOD AT IT (killing with guns) AND GET 286 AWAY WITH IT. THEN WHAT GOOD IS A STRICT SENTENCE? IT MERELY TELLS THE 287 SLOPPY ONES THEY BETTER GET GOOD AT IT......OR LET SOMEONE GOOD DO IT. 288 BESIDES PRISON ISN'T A DETERENT, IT'S ACTUALLY A BETTER EXISTANCE FOR 289 MOST THAT END UP THERE. MANY WHEN THEY FIND THEMSELVES OUT, WOULD'NT 290 MIND A WAY BACK IN. THE PRISONS HAVE VERY FEW FIRST TIME OFFENDERS. 291 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?DEBORAH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 292 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 293 Sad that something so great can be defaced by something so illiterate. 294 At least he could have done is swritten straight. A pretty sorry 295 commentary on the current level of responsibility on the part of some 296 of the public out there. 297 bo 298 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 299 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 300 Maybe we could use a bolo.......... 301 F.F. (bsal ret) 302 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 303 MMMMMMMM666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 304 MIN THE WORDS OF THE PROPHET, REGARDING GUN CONTROL VIS A VIS SEX 305 EDUCATION: 306 307 THIS IS MY RIFLE, 308 THIS IS MY GUN. 309 ONE IS FOR FIGHTING, 310 AND ONE IS FOR FUN. 311 312 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 313 P.S. AARON COME GET YOUR PAYCHECK. 314 P.P.S DEAR PERSON WHO ALMOST TORE A JAW OFF, 315 SAMPSON FOUGHT OFF AN ARMY WITH THE JAWBONE OF AN ASS, 316 NOW WE HAVE AN ASS FIGHTING WITH A JAWBONE. 317 318 666 319 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 320 321 PKQQOQ4|~`\`|~`\`|~`\|~`\`\||~|`\`~|~`\~|~`\~`~|~|\`~|~\`~|~\``\\|~|~| 322 Aaron...I see you got the joke...The RETURN OF TRON Yiiiii yiii 323 As you probably noticed, our favorite family is OFF the air... 324 Another coup de grace... Onward to more "Three's Company" 325 M F and E obviously got your message, whiz... C U Tango.... 326 <<.[]=-+_`~|`\`|~|<>,.-='';'}{ L'homme sans parity <.>>\`|~`|~|~ 327 328 329 <><<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< 330 331 666, so you are into satanism eh? Well we have places here at the 332 inn to take care of "people" like you...First we subject you to a 333 wicked tounge lashing by CYM. Then we make you listen to baby 334 talk from high school users for 20, no make that 30 minutes. Then 335 you must cross the room amid mindless banter from gun control 336 enthusiasts, then you must listen to L'homme sans parity speak 337 French and insult americans for at least 10 minutes. Mis-spellings 338 will be forced down your throat until you throw up. Had enough yet 339 mr. 666? Not enough yet? Well have we got more for you. Just wait 340 until the next installment of this series, which features sexual 341 experiences by the Man in Grey, and some of Bard's singing. Boy will 342 you crawl for shelter... 343 344 <><><><><><><><><><><><> Linda Blair <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< 345 346 347 STRANGE ABOVE. MIKEY, I HAVE AN INTERESTED PARTY FOR COPYLINK ON AN 348 LNW. ACTUALLY 2 PARTIES...IS IT POSSIBLE TO GET A DEMO BEFORE BUYING? 349 THANKS 350 351 **************************************************************************** 352 SUCH A STATE OF AFAIRS. JAIL IS BETTER THAN THE OUTSIDE WORLD SO DON'T PUT 353 CRIMINALS IN JAIL? AT LEAST THE OUTSIDE WORLD INPROVES AS CRIMINALS ARE 354 PLACED INSIDE JAILS. MUST BE ANOTHER PROSPECTIVE ATTORNEY OUT THERE THAT 355 356 SAID THAT. WHY PROTECT CRIMINALS? AREN'T WE REALLY INTERESTED IN 357 THE NON-CRIMINAL? 358 CARRY ON 359 GEORGE LURKER 360 **************************************************************************** 361 ******************************************************************* 362 AARON: I SURE AM GLAD YOU WEREN'T BORN A PIDGEON! 363 ******************* CISTOP MIKEY **********************************: 364 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 365 sorry, folks...linda and i are of no relation... surprising similarity 366 stylisticly, though. definatly no comparison on content. 367 M. F. & E.: will be there..... 368 (forgive me BARD) 369 Oh, we're the Marines of Uranus, 370 (The greatest planet of all) 371 We're big and we're smart and we're famous, 372 And wealthy and witty and tall! 373 374 Our Flag is of red, white, and yellow, 375 (The spectrum's most beautiful hues) 376 When we see it we stand up and bellow 377 And take off our hats and our shoes! 378 379 Our Cannons are deadly and heinous, 380 And shiny and turgid and stout; 381 And if you don't love Uranus, 382 You can pack up and get yourself out! 383 Gilbert Shelton 384 from "The Hydrogen Bomb and Biochemical Warfare FUNNIES" 385 chapter "Wonder Warthog and the invasion of the PIGS from Uranus" 386 April 1970 387 of the ZAP COMIX genere..."Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers & F. F. cat!" too.. 388 All: maybe a new topic (if not computer control)...say, the trend of 389 today's youth. (being a member of that persuation, i will rephrase..) 390 The trend (of most of) todays youth (in the direction of self-destruction). 391 Has anyone recently had the displeasure of riding TRI-MET? Game for some 392 extra credit for anthropology 101? RIDE IN THE FAR BACK (on a decently 393 travelled line...) what is this collection of organisms that lurk back here? 394 Examples of the future of the vast majority of today's young.....devolution. 395 sorry "de-evolution"...ignorant, rude, 100% motivated by their visceral 396 sensations...or in good 'ol prude notation, PUNKS. What percentage of youth 397 today are Punks? 50%? 75%? who knows?? they want to grow up to be welders. 398 (ooops, sorry MIG, forgot about ENTER ONLY) rephrase: they want to be 399 any sort of grungy low tech profession that will support thier drug and 400 alcohol habits. are they the product of their peer influence? TV? parents? 401 Now, in the spirit of fair play and BW (and piper), i will, from this 402 point on, advocate the pro-punk viewpoint...... 403 Aaron 404 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 405 { 406 oh we're off to see the wizard.... 407 it seems that Aaron is intentionally trying to shock the 408 inn back to it's state of trans-reality cosmic camp-fire...... 409 } 410 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 411 Aaron -- Gulp! No, I've never ridden Tri-Met. (The closest line runs 412 about 3 miles from my home.) But to be consistent I need to research that 413 group don't I? Ah -- a quote to the rescue -- 414 "Consistency is the bugaboo of small minds." 415 --- (help! I've heard Emerson for this but don't have the source!) 416 I love it!! I don't care who said it!! I get to stay off the back of the 417 bus!! No extra costs (Tri-Met doesn't go anywhere that I do.) 418 If you care to research the subject I would be most interested in hearing 419 your findings. Anything to stay off the back of the bus!! 420 Bard and Apprentice-- I wiil try to get to the meeting on Saturday. I 421 have no bizzare identifying features. Will that make me stand out enough? 422 I no longer have a wearable kilt ... I suppose I could wear spats, but they 423 don't work as well for rain as sand. Shall I throw my pipes in the truck? 424 (Yes, in the mundane world I do carry a set -- reality invariant however.) 425 Barring unforseen developments -- 426 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 427 428 =-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 429 Believe me piper, you really should do everything to keep off the bus. 430 I have to ride tri met regularly (probably punishment for a past life) 431 and stay far away from the front as possible. Especially during rush 432 hour. I ride west side lines so most of them aren't all that bad, 433 but you can imagine what it's like (or maybe you're lucky and you 434 can't) 435 Bo 436 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 437 I must ride the bus when I visit this mundane world. (Hast THOU ever tried 438 to tell DMV that your address is c/o Goodgulf the wizard, route 2, Inisfall? 439 The rear portions of these conveyances are indeed strange, and their 440 denizens wondrous. I frequently find myself wondering about them! I have on 441 occasion wished that I could use my powers here, so that they would stop 442 removing the seats before I can use them.... 443 ............................the apprentice.................................. 444 Fast Freddie:We seem to have a problem here! I'm sure that something could 445 be worked out regarding a place for you to meet the rest of us... 446 but it would require the use of voice, not modem! Any ideas? (I suspect that 447 you are about as willing to reveal your phone # online as I a. i.e NOT 448 VERY!) 449 Piper: Will look forward to seeing you! (You may have SEVERAL surprises in 450 store!) 451 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 452 ******************************************************************** 453 ALEX: I HAVE LOOKED INTO IT, BUT SO FAR I HAVEN'T FIGURED AN EASY 454 WAY TO DO IT. I AM AS TIRED OF ALL THIS AS EVERYONE ELSE. 455 FAST FRED: JUST KIDDING, SOME OF MY WORST FRIENDS ARE LAWYERS... ERR AHH... 456 PARITY LESS TYPE PERSON: SURE, YOU CAN CAN A DEMO WHEN EVER YOU WANT, 457 JUST POP OUT TO U.S. DIGITAL ANYTIME. 458 *******************: CISTOP MIKEY ************************************: 459 P.S. HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT OTHER THEN DEBORAH ALL THE WOMEN HAVE LEFT? 460 I GET THE FEELING THAT THEY HAVE BEEN CHASED OFF. 461 D? PAM? WHERE ARE YOU??? 462 ****************************************************************** 463 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 464 Fast Fred:the problem of how to get together is easyily solved,you have a 465 PRIVATE message on`Nerdolux(god,I love being a SYSOP) 466 Aaron:I realy doubt that thease low-life could weld,the constant drug use 467 makes it VERY hard to hold an arc at exactly .125 inches from the metal. 468 Linda Blair:thanks. 469 for all discussing the beloved tri-mutt,when I ride to PorSFiS on saturday 470 I shall take a tape recorder and ride in the back.when I get home I shall 471 transcribe what is on there and tell the world!!!(well...part of it anyway) 472 C.Y.M. what a GOOD idea!! 473 The Man in Gray(still welding after all thease years) 474 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 475 of 476 :************************************************************: 477 478 Friends: 479 480 Frederich Neitzsche said it best in his 1910 book The Will To 481 Power. 482 483 "...the fundemental tendency of the weak and 484 mediocre of all time, has been to enfeeble the 485 strong and to reduce them to the level of the 486 weak: their chief weopon in this process was the 487 moral principle." 488 489 Neitzsche, Schopenhauer, Machiavelli, along with most 490 western philosophers, acknowledge that lust for power 491 is the motivating force behind history. 492 493 From Genghis Khan cutting a swath of death and destruction 494 through western civilization, to Hitler burning the 495 Reichstag, to the Argentine terrorism of Mario Firmenich, 496 the principle remains the same. 497 498 History rewards those who rise above the moral principle to 499 achieve their destinies through violence and deceit. 500 501 The history of our nation is the history of war. The 502 revolution, the civil war, WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam...these 503 are the markers, the chapters, that define who we are, what 504 we're up to,...and why. 505 506 Our prosperity, our freedom, our position in the world, are 507 built and maintained by our willingness to use a military 508 reign of terror. We can not deny that we support the most 509 costly military establishment in the history of the world. 510 And we are prepared to use it; we are using it now. 511 512 Death and devastation are our national policy, our purpose, 513 our destiny...and you don't have to miss out on it. 514 515 I can give you a real deal on a half million AK assault 516 rifles, ammunition enough for a medium sized invasion, and 517 the technical assistance to get your army into the field. 518 519 This is the opportunity of a lifetime. 520 521 Here's your chance to fulfill your destiny, demonstrate your 522 manliness, while impressing girls with your snazzy new uniform. 523 Military chic is IN. It's guys in uniform that get laid...don't 524 miss out on the action. 525 526 Getting started in the exciting career of pillage and plunder 527 is not as difficult as you might think. 528 529 Fielding your own army merely involves placing thirty-six and 530 a half million dollars, plus your business card, in a brown 531 suitcase and placing it in locker 27 at the bus station. 532 533 If someone has beaten you to locker 27 you can also use either 534 38, 42, or 59. 535 536 Upon receiving the cash I will promptly set you off on your 537 new life of high adventure. Your life will never be the same. 538 539 LeRoy McKane 540 541 :*************************************************************: 542 I BELIEVE THE EMERSON QUOTE GOES " A foolish consistancy is 543 the hobgoblin of little minds". I DON'T RECALL WHICH ESSAY IT 544 CAME FROM AND CAN'T FIND THE BOOK. GARY 545 **************************************************************: 546 !#@!$#%$%&*)())*(%&*&^$%!$#%%^$^&^*^&(&*(*)(*^&*%^&&$%@$!%#$%#$$%^$%& 547 MIKEY: I'll relay the message about the demo. I have one of your flyers 548 on COPYLINK, so we'll come prepared with good questions and some 549 understanding of what the program does. 550 linda blair: Would you like to have me speak French to you for 10 minutes 551 and insult americans? It can be arranged, all you need to do is ask! 552 Leroy Mckane: Your offer might be tempting, but you seem to have gotten 553 yourself caught up in your old glory, and are neglecting the issues of 554 modern warfare. A conventional war CAN NOT be won with guns alone. Our 555 past experiences in warfare have proved that to win a war, superior air 556 power is a must. Also the ability to keep vital supply lines open. A 557 little defoliant is handy too, just don't spray your own men, or you'll 558 have a class action suit against you! A mobile quick-to-action unit is 559 also desireable. How about a fleet of tactical submarines, to wreck havoc 560 with enemy shipping, not to mention for spying purposes. What about 561 armoured support. Ground troops can be cut down without proper support 562 from heavy machinery. And you seemed to have left out artillery. Certainly 563 one of the most important options in today's conventional war. And last 564 but not least, several thousand Iranian children to act as mine sweepers 565 for advancing infantry. I'll tell you after watching a little Iraqi TV, 566 the results are certainly effective. I don't mean to criticize your offer, 567 but please in the future don't try to sell a war without backing it up 568 with some substantial forces behind it. Sure the price may go up, but 569 as we all know, "War may be hell, but it is also sure as hell expensive!" 570 !@#!@# 571 Aaron...The pro-punk side?!? Awright! I can't wait to hear this. I bet it 572 all stems from the time that good -lookin girl dressed up like boy-george 573 gave you the eye at Rose's right? "Are we not TRON?" Since you have 574 decided not to attend the same school I am, you are missing out on all 575 the overflow of high-schooler's from St. Mary's Acad...It's like being 576 in the west end of London every day! 577 Have fun punk (er chris) 578 !@#!@#@$@#$@#$%@!$@ L'homme sans parity #@!$#$@#)($)#@$%#%@#$%@#$%#$#% 579 PS Bard: I will try and make the meeting Saturday, do you have transport 580 ation?` 581 #@!#!@#*!@(#!@($@#!%(@&%#$(^!$)#(*^$(^)$@^*#$*&^#$%*^#$)^^#$^$@^%#$^#$ 582 583 SIGH! THE SAME OLE SAME OL'. FIRST WE FIGURE ALL IT TAKES IS FEW MILLION 584 DOLLARS (RUBLES, POUNDS, LIRE, ETC...) AND SOME ABLE BODIED BUT NOT 585 BRIGHT KIDS {SOME OF THOSE PUNKS AS AN EXAMPLE} GIVE 'EM A COUPLE OF 586 MONTHS OF BASIC KILL SKILLS AND SEND THEM OFF TO WAR! WHAT FUN!! ON THE 587 OTHER SIDE OF THE COIN, HOWEVER, LURKS THE DREARY THOUGHT THAT MAYBE,JUST 588 MAYBE, WE DON'T WANT A WAR. IT MIGHT GET SHOVED DOWN OUR THROATS, BUT 589 WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME A WAR WAS VOTED ON BEFORE WE GOT INVOLVED? YET, 590 THAT ISN'T MY REAL CONCERN JUST NOW. LAST THING I REMEMBER WAS WALKING 591 UP THE RAMP TO WORK AND FALLING THROUGH THE CEMENT. WHERE AM I ANY WAY? 592 IS THIS THE FABLED LAND OF USED BOLOS AND WIZARDS? HOW COME EVERYTHING 593 SHIMMERS WHEN I MOVE? WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO GOOD, OLD FASHIONED REALITY? 594 AND LAST, BUT NOT LEAST, THE $64.98 QUESTION: WHO TOOK MY BLUE MOSS?! 595 ============================= F. FIN ================================== 596 :*************************************************************: 597 L'HOMME SANS PARITY: I'M AFRAID YOU MISSED THE POIN 598 OFFERING RECREATIONAL WARFARE, NOT CONVENTIONAL. I DON'T DEAL 599 WITH ANYTHING THAT TAKES LONGER THAN A WEEKEND. ELABORATE 600 SUPPORT IS NOT APPROPRIATE OR NECESSARY. LEROY MCKANE. 601 :************************************************************: 602 ::::::::::*** I'd walk a mil***:::::: 603 :***********************************************************: 604 :::*** That is, I'd walk a mile for a REPLACE Command ***::: 605 :**********************************************************: 606 There is an easy answer to the young punks:time. 607 time. 608 ........ //.....\\... 609 eventually they grow up. 610 611 or become hardened criminals. 612 They need the back of the bus, it gives them identity. 613 Of course, one of the oldest pieces of philosophy was the claim that 614 youngsters were going to the dogs, and not as good as us good old folks. 615 It's still just as phoney as it was 4,000 years ago. 616 School's out, things will cool off as soon as they brats have something 617 to do. 618 /////////////////////////////////////bad\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ > .