LI FILE ON MARGIN IS 80 STATUS: ENTER ONLY NUMBER OF LINES: 629 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ********************* REMOVED: 27 APR 84 ******************* 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privatly owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privatly owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 21 Milchar looks about, seeing an incredible sight before him. 22 Below him, on a great river, was a boat of an unknown type carrying passengers 23 with a one monster-power engine!!! 24 25 Somewhat startled by this strange view he swept in closer, as he cast a spell 26 of Invisibility, to avoid the monster's notice. 27 28 The great sea beast was talking to a strange little man and both were trying 29 their level best to get the other drunk, but it was clear that the monster was 30 winning. Milchar sensed that this beast was something more thatn what was 31 visible, so he continued watching. 32 33 The great monster, the Bore, as much as told the strange man (called the Piper) 34 what the Arch-Mage had suspected all along. 'Hmmm...' said Milchar. 35 36 'There's a waterfall ahead, and the beast shows no sign of slowing- maybe it 37 knows something we don't?????' 38 39 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 40 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 41 Hedra Helix, the handsome fighter, was walking about the streets of Idee when 42 he noticed another lady in distress. 43 44 A very large man was trying to take all of her jewelry of her beautiful bosom. 45 Hedra then headed towards the woman to help her when suddenly, a very large 46 muscular man stepped in front of him. 47 48 "Well now, it looks like I have a fight on my hands.", said Hedra. 49 50 The large man draws his sword and rushes toward Hedra. Hedra 51 then draws his valiant sword, and swings it at the man. The man atempts to 52 stop the sword, but to his suprise, his sword is broken in half. Hedra then 53 swings his sword again, cuting off the mans head in his attempt. 54 55 The other man then runs away after seeing the brawl. Hedra then rushes over 56 to help the lady in distress. She wraps her arms around Hedra, with a tight 57 squeeze. 58 59 WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 60 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 61 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 62 To All: 63 Could I fill in for Piper until he comes back??????? 64 Milchar 65 66 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 67 XRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXR 68 TO: AARON I WAS REFFERENCING THE DISK PRIOR TO THE ONE OF WHICH YOU 69 SPEAK (LINES 123 THRU 136) BY DEBORAH IN WHICH SHE ADDRESSES THE 70 CLOUD QUESTION. APPARENTLY SHE HAS MORE TO SAY RE YOUR REF TO LINES 71 100 THRU 104 OF LAST DISK. 72 I THEN WAS REFFERING TO YOUR LATER COMMENT ON THE SAME DISK AS DEBORAH'S 73 ANSWER THAT I SPEAK OF (LINES 443 THRU 447) IN WHICH YOU RESTATE YOUR 74 QUESTION. I TOOK THIS AS MEANING THAT YOU DID NOT ACCEPT HER ORIGINAL 75 EXPLAINATION. IF I AM WRONG IN THIS, I APPOLIGIZE. 76 XRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRX REX RXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRXRX 77 ALWAYS REMEMBER...A CREATIVE MESS IS BETTER THAN TIDY IDLENESS. 78 !|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|___THE SILVER GHOST___!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!| 79 "arena bait" : Bread and Circuses 80 "Death to Zeon" : Patterns of Force (NAZI replica) 81 the pilot for a spin-off : Assignment Earth (Gary Seven) 82 All three are second season. 83 Lets see..did I miss any? 84 Milchar - it is the Man in Gray who is to be absent for the next 85 two weeks, not Piper. And I doubt that he would appreciate returning 86 to find his alter-ego abused and/or dead. 87 MIG - problems at home finally reached a head? 88 general - I sure hope Bard returns soon, I think his guidance and stability 89 are needed desperately. 90 general - I think the Cecil reference was to Cecil the Seasick Sea Serpent, 91 not C.B. deMille. 92 Dante 93 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 94 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 95 The piper stared entranced out the window. Everything looked so small down 96 there. The footing seemed so -- so -- Soft! He found his gorge rising as 97 he seemed to become suddenly half his normal weight. Clutching desperately 98 at the frame of the window, he suddenly felt extremely heavy. The airborn 99 watercraft creaked alarmingly. 100 ##NOTHING TO BE ALARMED AT ... MERELY A LITTLE TURBULENCE!## sounded the 101 voice in his mind. 102 Looking back out the window, the piper could not help but wish that this 103 strange voyage through the air would soon come to a peaceful end. 104 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 105 \\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\| 106 THE HAMSTERS ARE NOTHING TO US, AND 107 WE FEAR NOT THE EXTERMINATOR. HARRY, 108 YOU ARE AS MISGUIDED AS A LEMMING. 109 THE GERBIL 110 \\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\| 111 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc 112 SUCH TIMOROUS LITTLE MITES! I HAVE THE FRAGILE SHELL OF THEIR CRAFT HELD 113 SNUGLY WITHIN A COIL OF MY BODY. HERE THEY ARE AS SAFE AS ONE OF MY OWN 114 EGGS. SOON WE WILL BE IN SIGHT OF THEIR DESTINATION. 115 116 FEAR NOT, TINY CREATURES. SOON YOU WILL BE DOWN ON THE SOLID GROUND AGAIN, 117 FREE TO GO ABOUT YOUR TINY BUSINESS. 118 119 -CECIL-- 120 cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc 121 ######################################## 122 TO BILL CHARLES & ANDY; 123 I shall not apologize for myself or my thoughts on the religious issue. I am 124 however sorry that you feel that the subject is boring (Andy) and I am re- 125 sponsible only unto myself not to other athiests as they should be to themselves 126 , after all that is the whole point that I have been trying to make. I blame 127 none for my successes nor my mistakes, my actions are my own! If you feel guilt, 128 because of my stand (Bill) that is your problem, you shouldn't feel someone 129 elses guilt nor let their thoughts become your own. 130 It is nice that you agree with my basic ideals but then you should form your 131 own opinions. My thoughts on this subject are Public Domain but that doesn't 132 mean that they may be interpeted at anyones will!! 133 Where o' where is DOM, he would surely understand. 134 135 ###############C.Y.M.############################4/24/84 7:49am################# 136 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 137 Dante 138 The refference to Cecil the serpent was most obvious. I think the person 139 asking the question was simply asking a moot point, since they also 140 indicated the refference to the lovable monster re:"sick of 'C's?" 141 My only question is, where's the Leakin' Lena and Beany? (As opposed to 142 the beef ...) 143 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ I.S. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 144 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 145 Rex: ok, whatever... 146 dante: what? you passed on the "think" and "no, i'm just me" 147 surely theses are simple (if i quoted them correctly...) 148 L'homme: what about you? 149 <><><><><> 150 The 3rd Doctor: Yes, I think I can arange to dispose of your TARDIS. 151 THE MASTER 152 <><><><><> 153 Hedra Helix: No. 154 MIG: (if you are still with us) say hello for me... 155 OBSERVER: the veil of mystery is lifted... 156 leonard: comfy in your new home yet? say something... 157 alchemist: valiant effort, but i don't think DEBORAH went for it... 158 Aaron 159 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 160 xXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX 161 Gerbil, we Hamsters ARE the exterminator! First the Gerbils 162 start riding in the front of the bus as if they (gasp!) are REAL 163 rodents, now they want to go to the same schools as Hamsters! 164 I'll tell you, bucko, it'll be a cold day in hades before any of 165 MY litter goes to school with dirty gerbils! Hey, Gerb, why 166 don't you pack up and go back to Mongolia where you belong! The 167 Hamster is the Future, Gerbil, love it or leave it! 168 Habitrail Harry 169 xXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX 170 ************************************************************** 171 The superiority of Hamsters over Gerbils? What nonsense. 172 Everyone who is anyone knows that Hamsters and Gerbils are 173 effete urban panywaists. There isn't a real mouse among them. 174 175 Face it. Gerbils and Hamsters are over pampered, over- 176 protected, and spoiled rotten. They don't find their own 177 food, they don't make their own homes, and they can't even 178 get laid unless a human (yuk) supplies them with a broad. 179 It's pretty pathetic if you ask me. 180 181 What difference does it make who's better than who? Neither 182 of you holds a candle to a real mouse. 183 184 Freddy the Field Mouse 185 Self reliant and proud 186 187 *********************************************************** 188 Now that's what I call a topical, relevant, and profound 189 philosophical debate. 190 191 What are the spiritual and philosophical ramification of the 192 rodent in modern times? What are the sociological implications 193 of the social stratification of fuzzy little animals? And, 194 most importantly, what effect will the outcome of the 195 discusson have on the role played by the rat fink in society. 196 197 This is heavy stuff. I can see we are on the cutting edge of 198 a philosophical and moral renaissance. 199 200 Grand D 201 202 :***********************************************************: 203 ================================================================================ 204 I VOTE FOR THE FIELD MOUSE - MAX 205 ================================================================================ 206 In order to adress the question of the real Doctor. He's in the 207 TARDIS watching the Aborigines. There's no question about it. 208 The Ninja 209 `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' 210 The whistling wind around his ears and broad the expanse of river 211 valley at his feet made the practitioner happy to be alive. Not only was 212 the river cruise progressing beautifully, the lovely person PAM might be 213 waiting for them up river. It had been a wonderful adventure but it was 214 certainly time to move on to more enthralling company and conversation. 215 Now that the Inn had been tidied up, a round of drinks with friends old 216 and new would be most welcome. Perhaps very little exercise of special 217 skills would be required due to the boost from -CECIL--. Thanks so much 218 large and capable friend. (I hope!)((I'll bet if The Man in Grey had 219 been here the adventure would have been even more colorful)) 220 221 During the lull, while the duty rodents were resolving the on-going 222 issue of the existence of a supreme Ego, (as separate from the creator) 223 the ancient alchemist pulled the transmuter communication module from 224 his tunic. After flipping it open and tuning it to another trans-reality, 225 he began talking into it. "Aaron, I'm not exactly sure of the exact 226 passage to which you refer. None of them were in fact specifically 227 directed toward DEBORAH. You have no doubt noticed that, while some 228 seek in order to find something, others seek simply for the sake of 229 seeking. That's what makes for the glorious diversity of people and 230 ideas. Well I must return. I see events are continuing to develop." 231 232 Looking up to the cliffs above he noticed someone looking back. "Hmm, 233 where did I put my far looker.", he murmured. So saying he pulled a 234 gadget out of his tunic and put it to his eyes. "I do believe it's 235 Milchar.", he said aloud. Then cupping his hands to his mouth he 236 yelled up toward the overhanging precipice, "Come on down and join 237 us. We need all the good talent we can get." 238 239 "Guess I better get the transmuter's gyro up to speed", he mused. 240 `' `' `' `' `' -alchemist- `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' 241 242 243 WELL WELL WELL...... 244 I GUESS IT'S TIME TO TEAYOU PUNY LITTLE 20TH CENTURY PEOPLE 245 THE TRUE EANING OF INTELLIGENCE IN THE 23RD. ASSIGNMENT EARTH; 246 WAS A SCRIPT STOLEN FROM A CANCELLED PILOT FOR DESILU. 247 WAS REWRITTEN FOR A STAR TREK FORMAT.THERE WAS NO INTENTION OF 248 A SPIN OFF.THAT OUGHT TO HELP YOU ,WELL YOU USERS. 249 250 HAWTHORNE, 251 PS SARAH I'M STILL WAITING... 252 253 254 ###################################################################### 255 RESURRECTION OF THE LAND OF THE ROACHES PART 256 PART II. 257 258 So stay close to your end.....or stay even closer to mine. 259 meanwhile nin cubical 12......Noppin sez "is a fellow roach combusting 260 here????? We don't know noppin... "whaddya' do with a chunka cheddar???" 261 penalty for early withdrawl.. 262 263 This week quiz prize given for correct answer!!! 264 265 266 How many members are in the Roach family?? 267 a) can't count that high. 268 b) none. 269 c) only on Friday. 270 d) a,b, and c only. 271 e) all of the above. 272 f) none of the above, below all of the above. 273 274 Till next time this is.......joe. 275 ####################################################################### 276 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 277 From Milchar: Sorry, you're right. It is the Man in Grey who's gone. 278 279 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 280 On the boat below, someone yells to Milchar, asking if he would come down. 281 'Well, I haven't had much excitement recently, the 3rd Doctor is really quite 282 boring and can't play a decent game of chess. How depressing.' 283 284 He yells down, 'Yes of course I will join you. Do you have any kryos wine??' 285 Without waiting for an answer, he asks the man nearest to him, 'How did you 286 see me??' 287 288 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 289 **************************************** 290 SIGH.. I THINK I AM LOST, AND SO 291 APPARENTLY IS THIS COMPUTER! YOU 292 ARE CERTAINLY NO HELP AT ALL!!!! 293 ********************************** 294 One day there was this neat person he was a fat person 295 named"John Cook"he always was fat and never skinny 296 untill he lost some weight only 10 lbs 297 find out next week for the exiting story of JOHN COOK 298 299 300 By.........pirate john 301 302 ------ 303 Jondalar speaks, 304 I don't no your lang. very well. 305 I hope u can accept this. 306 I seek new friends in this new land. 307 I shall look for signs. 308 Let the Great Mother hear my prayers. 309 ----Jondalar has spoken. 310 --------------------------- 311 312 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 313 YES, JON, I HEAR YOU. COME OVER AFTER SCHOOL FOR MILK AND COOKIES. --MOTHER 314 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 315 KEEP UP THE GOOD FIGHT YOU RODENTS. I LIKE TO SEE YOU DISTRACTING 316 YOURSELVES. 317 FELIX 318 319 #"(!)(#!")#("!)#+(!$'!#)(")($)'?$(#")%='!)(%&)$<#+(&)$<#+(&)#+(&#)$<%=&(# 320 Aaron...You're quote's are so amusing, and useless. Why my Mother could 321 answer some of them. Let's get serious here! I finally got finished with 322 my latest masterpiece for MF & E. Now for that ridiculus System 38 to Apple 323 II conversion! Why me??? What do you here from DECUS lately? I still say 324 you pronounce it wrong! Now that MIG is gone, why don't you return those 325 books? It would be such a nice gesture... 326 Ok...this week's Trek questions...#1 - "Na na na ya na na na na" 327 #2 - "They are as far above us on the evalutionary scale as we are above... 328 the ameobe(?)" #3 - "No Kill I" #4 "Captain Kirk! Look Out! Yaaaaaa (not yiii).. 329 OK...these are relatively common...shouldn't be much trouble... 330 Say are you attending PCC this term? Just wondering... to kill 331 some more gerbils... 332 )($)#"$(#")($#" L'homme sans parity qui detester une petite bete %($#)%($#% 333 334 THESE QUESTIONS ARE TOO EASY ANY BODY COULD GET AT LEAST TWO OF YOUR 335 'TREK' QUESTIONS. EXCEPT QUESTION 1 SHOULD READ"Na na na na na...etc." 336 I watch it every time it is on and I have time to. 337 BOB NASH 338 P.S. TRAVELING AGAIN AARON THANKS FOR THE OFFER OF MONEY BUT I'M TOO 339 GENEROUS TO LET ANYBODY PAY FOR ANY GAS...BUT IF YOU INSIST !! 340 341 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 342 The piper had screwed up his courage and ventured out onto the foredeck of 343 their aeronatically inclined watercraft. Somehow the attitude of his fellow 344 travellers -- a kind of "so what were 500 feet up in the air on the back of 345 what we thought was a sea serpent? Pass the pitcher of ale." quieted his 346 fears. Really, this fear of heights was very unmanly. How could he hold 347 his head high when it made him ill to look over the railing of a bridge? 348 After all -- it wasn't the fall that hurt -- it was the sudden stop at the 349 bottom. Nevertheless, he studied the billowing clouds above the deck, rather 350 than the view below as he moved forward. 351 Moving to the fore part of the deck, he could see very little exept the broad 352 swatches of color that were the creature's wings extending to each side. 353 Curiously, he looked back and saw another set behind the loop that held the 354 boat. Looking forward he saw a circle that looked like a henge -- a curiously 355 regular henge in exceptionally good repair. Perhaps he had harshly judged this 356 culture with so little contact. Such a structure could be built only by a 357 people well versed in the Mysteries. 358 Suddenly, he realized that this portion of their journey had come to an end. 359 The sudden solidity of his footsteps came as a shock. The deck of the vessel 360 was canted at a slight angle -- it was firmly placed in the bed of a small 361 valley. Looking for the serpent, the piper walked to the side of the vessel 362 and searched the sky and river. Leaning over the side of the boat, he felt 363 an unfamiliar weight swinging around his neck. Looking down, he found a golden 364 collar fashoned in the form of a serpent with its jaws firmly clamped around 365 its own tail. From the weight, the object was gold, it was too small to slip 366 over his head and he could find tno catch or hinges. Feeling a slight touch 367 of nervousness, a question formed in his mind. Could it really have -- ??? 368 As from a great distance came a reply. #YES LITTLE BEING, IT COULD# 369 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 370 "#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"# 371 HEY ALL OF YOU. YOU SOUND LIKE A BUNCH OF OVER-STUFFED EGGPLANTS TO ME. EITHER 372 THAT OR YOU ARE ALL IN COLLEGE PRACTICING YOUR FALSE INTELECT. SORRY DUMB- 373 DORAS. YOU HAVE FOOLED THE LEAST. HEY NERDS-- YOU HAVEN'T FOOLED THE BEAST. 374 PUUL YOUR HEADS OUT AND GET ROCKIN'! 375 ** JOAN JETT ** 376 "#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"# 377 \\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\| 378 WHAT IS THIS, A DIRTY LITTLE FIELDMOUSE? 379 HOW CAN YOU EVEN ATTEMPT TO COME TO 380 OUR LEVEL, YOU SON OF LEMMING. GO GET 381 HARRY AND JUMP OFF A CLIFF. 382 \\|\\|\\|\\| 383 (NOTE: THIS IS MY CYM IMITATION) 384 THE GERBIL 385 \\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\| 386 xXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX 387 I shall not apologize for myself or my thoughts on the Gerbil 388 issue. I am however sorry that you feel that the subject is 389 nonsense (Freddy) and I am responsible only onto myself not to 390 other Rodents as they should be to themselves, after all that is 391 the whole point that I have been trying to make! Gerbil, sorry 392 that you feel that you need to defend your species, me thinkest 393 that thou protesteth too much! 394 where o' where is PAM, she surely would understand. 395 (my CYM imitation) Habitrail Harry 396 xXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX 397 KgOn RoCkS!!!!!!!!!!!! 398 { 399 yea, sure it does...... 400 } 401 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 402 L'homme: "And (L'homme), I NEVER miss!" 403 404 lesse...where DID i put that holo-disk? of course! aisle 7, shelf 3, bin C.. 405 must be here..(casually drop a disk into wall-mounted viewer), not the 406 ice-ages...(another disk)...certainly not the middle ages!, lessee..(final 407 disk in bin C) yes, yes...1984, Maryhill! 408 Now just to step over to the Atavachron.... ahh, excelent! no compensation 409 necessary for a trip less than 24 hours....gee, this console looks familiar, 410 something Gary Seven might own.... 411 Calling through the time portal, "Hello, hello?" yields no response... 412 hmmmm.. nobody there? That trans-reality audio-gram did arive from this 413 time-line..... puzzled.. until.. ##SMALL CREATURE, YOUR FRIENDS WILL 414 LAND SHORTLY## ...Hmmmm. "Land"? they must be travelling by air..why, 415 there they are now! And there's the one with the multi-phasic transmuter! 416 "Hey, you, the one with the multi-phasic transmuter" "Who, me?" comes the 417 reply.."Yes, you. Say, you don't look like the alchemist!" "I'm not. Sorry. 418 I'll get him. Name's Piper. say, just, uh, where, uh, are you?" stepping 419 through the time curtain.... "Right in back of you." "Oh. I'll get the 420 alchemist...lemme play the pipes to, right?" 421 "Alchemist, in my communique I was refering to your sudden "appearence" 422 coincident with the percieved lack of "true" SF in the adventures. My 423 conclusion was that, though a brilliant effort, you still haven't REALLY 424 brought things to a more, ur, 'scientific', air" I addressed, sensing that 425 my old friend alchemist was very close (i could smell the brimstone cologne 426 he oft used to convince the Monarch that he was still working on the 'ol 427 Pb-Au tripe..), figguring he had sneaked up behind me while I was chatting 428 with Piper, and having delivered my message, I slipped thru the portal that 429 was just to the left of Piper saying "Goodbye,'ll never be 430 able to sneak up on me!" 431 Feeling satisfied, I swept the holo-disks back into their bin, and reaching 432 for the one still in the viewer, noticed that the Piper now stood alone on 433 the deck of the craft, seemingly mumbling to himself.... 434 Having closed the Portal, I couldn't hear the Piper mumble "no, I guess not" 435 Aaron 436 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 437 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 438 EVERYONE'S INVITED FOR DINNER. WE'RE HAVING OVERSTUFFED EGGPLANT. --MOTHER 439 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 440 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 441 Milchar throws his essence 'pon the winds, and asks the burning question, what 442 am I doing here?? 443 <> 445 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 446 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 447 Field mice are a bunch of DRONES! And as far as the puny little man who calls 448 himself the Third Doctor is concerned 449 , he can cram his TARDIS up his nose 450 . He really should learn how to play a 451 decent game of chess. DEATH TO THE 452 FIELD MICETHE "THIRD DOCTOR" IS CLUMSY ENOUGH TO TRIP OVER HIS TARDIS AND 453 BREAK HIS NECK. 454 May Milchar have a nice day! 455 HEDRA HELIX 456 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 457 $#@*$#@(*$@#()$*@#)(*$!#*$%)%*)$*%$)@*%)!$*%)$#*%$#%)$*%)$#*!%)*$)%*$)#%*!#)%*)! 458 Bob Nash: Sure they are easy...why didn't you answer them? 459 Aaron...What's this? You are actually trying to partake in this adventure? 460 How strange...Your mother wouldn't approve... By the way, the agency has been 461 running some scans and we think we have narrowed down 'chez toi'. Concentric 462 circles are doing the trick, along with phone traces, and unathorized access 463 in the library ala Mr. Satos. Why couldn't you pick the 5000 years ago disk 464 and get marooned with Mrs James Garner? Anyway, expect agents to be knocking 465 on your door anyday now, as soon as we get the exact city block calculated. 466 This is what happens when you get caught going through Bell garbage, if you 467 get my meaning... Since you seem reluctant to answer any of the 'trek' quotes, 468 here is my final edition (stop the applause out there)... 469 #1 "E Pleb Neblem..." 470 #2 "I always lie, now listen carefully, I never tell the truth..." 471 #3 "You're an old man Jim..." 472 #4 "I hear you humans are decended from Apes..." 473 #5 "uggg...I seem to have...miscalculated..." 474 Yiiii...those are pretty easy too...I hope I haven't made any mistakes... 475 $%#%#$%#$% 476 During the long journey down the river (which somehow seemed shorter than 477 I expected), I had spent all of my time reading some of the ancient 478 books I had found behind the green door. Thank heavens for the book titles 479 "Rossetta", that allowed me to translate the ancient writings into one of 480 the languages I did speak. There were some interesting stories in the books, 481 as well as several spells that might come in handy to someone who knew how 482 to use them. Playing the role of student, I wrote several of the more 483 interesting incantations down on 3 by 5 cards to study some more later. I 484 still had my voodoo doll, and a couple bottles of foul smelling substances. 485 When I felt the ship hit what I thought was our destination, I put away the 486 magic stuff into my pack, and went up on deck. Everyone seemed to be running 487 in different directions...some were quite obviously drunk, while the piper 488 was off the boat, no where to be found. I could't find Bard or apprentice 489 either. Anyway...I tried to tell some of them about what I had been so 490 engrossed in, but again, just as that famous crew member on the Dark Star, 491 my overtures were brutally rejected! "I should turn some of these people 492 into rodents", I thought to myself while thinking about the "Rodent Spell" 493 written on one of the cards. "No...I don't want to misuse this new power, 494 anyway, I might end up shooting myself in the foot!" 495 I then set about looking for the alchemist (he seems to have a good head 496 on his shoulders), and piper, who also seems to know most of the time 497 what's going on. I jumped off the ship..."How in the heck did it get all 498 the way up here anyway???", and went in search of the other adventurers. 499 $#@*$)@*$#@)$*@#$ L'homme sans parity qui perdu les autres )($#@*$#@)*$)@#$) 500 ================================================================================ 501 EITHER L'HOMME SANS PARITY SMOKES DOPE AT HIS TERMINAL OR I AM VERY CONFUSED. 502 EITHER THAT OR I SMOKE DOPE AT MY TERMINAL AND HE IS CONFUSED. AH GEE, I BET IF 503 ANDY ROONEY WERE HERE HE COULD EXPLAIN IT. - MAX 504 ================================================================================ 505 *************************************************************** 506 Habitrail Harry: I was impressed with your imitation of C.Y.M. 507 You really got his essence down pat. You could have been a bit 508 more vicious in insulting those who think differently but other 509 than that it was perfect. Enjoyed it thoroughly. Mickey Mouse 510 *************************************************************** 511 ############################################# 512 Hmmm...C.Y.M.'s thinking is being imitated 513 by rodents. Guess that puts it in perspective. 514 ############################################ 515 Ye Gods... 516 And we accuse C.Y.M. of intolerance! A little moderation, please; else this 517 could drop to the level of a mere name-calling contest. On the second hand, 518 that sounds like fun... 519 <**LET IT BE KNOWN THAT ENTRIES ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED AFOR FOR THE FIRST 520 <**ANNUAL BWMS NAME-CALLING CONTEST!**> 521 && The Mad Actor && 522 ********************************************* 523 *******: I nominate LeRoy McKane :********* 524 ********************************************* 525 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 526 A sudden thump startles the Mage, as the boat he is on runs aground (!!!!UNDER 527 STATEMENT OF THE YEAR!!!!). A small Fly spell puts him on the dry earth without 528 having to dirty himself. He sees piper scramble down the side of the ship 529 just before him. Milchar looks aroupnd at the valley, takes into account the 530 positions of the stars and planets, 531 finds the Nth root of negative i and concludes in a nonchalant manner, "I think 532 we're lost." 533 Piper says nothing, but examines the area closely. Another man looks down on 534 the two, obviously wondering what had happened, while carrying a three-foot 535 stack of 3 x 5 cards. Milchar says, "My spell books are more compact. Did I 536 hear you think of a Mouse Changing spell??" 537 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 538 --------------------------------(<>)---------------------------------------- 539 Sitting watching the events unfold I sit near the bow of our strange 540 craft. Taking a quick look at the display of my reality transphaser I see 541 that the anomaly of the Maryhill henge if just up the hill, less than a 542 quarter mile, we are in between it and the river. The Piper seems to hace 543 acquired himself a torc which fairly reeks of magic. Oh well, let's check 544 and see wheather the henge can be used for reality hopping... 545 ...As I walk amoung the huge stones I keep glancing at the small plasma 546 display, just a few more feet to the right, this ought to do... 547 ...A small rodent squeaks annoyedly as a double clap of thunder 548 accompanies my dissapearance and the my reappearence. 549 "Everyone! Quickly! while I have the way clear to the Inn!" I yell to 550 the others before I step through once more... 551 ...The rowan tree is pretty now that spring has brought new leaves, can 552 it be that the inn seems a more cheerful place than when I departed it? 553 The sign has been repainted, the windows cleaned, and all of autumn's leaves 554 and the fallen branches of winter cleared away, even the roof has been 555 repaired with new slates showing dark amoung the older weathered ones. 556 I feel cheered as I step though the door... 557 ----------------------(<>)The Traveller(<>)----------------------------------- 558 Man without parity who detests small animals, cute. Il faut que je ecrire 559 ces mots pour vous. (Just to inform you that your little sign offs are 560 understood by some) 561 ----------------------(<>)Le Voyager(<>)-------------------------------------- 562 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 563 To the first two 'DOCTORS' concerning the 'THIRD DOCTOR': Don't worry about 564 this puny little creature! He and his TARDIS are both a bunch of WIMPS. Take 565 it from someone who knows. Don't ever ask him to play chess. He has never 566 learned to play a decent game and you will just die of boredom. 567 HEDRA HELIX 568 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 569 $#"$%$#&%$#'&%)(&"#%$&"%$&%#$!#$%$#&%$'#$%&'&#%$'$#%'%&'%'&'#$%$&#%$'%&#' 570 MAX:YOU FORGOT ONE CASE, YOU ARE BOTH SMOKING DOPE (HOW QUAINT) AND CONFUSED. 571 TMA:Haven't heard from you in awhile! Our BW group missed you at the last 572 PC&S get-together...Aren't you a regular attendee? 573 Bon soir Le Voyager...Did you mean to say what you wrote in that last message? 574 Did you mean ecrire? Anyway...merci et a bien tot! 575 %#$%#$%#% 576 "These 3 by 5's are kind of cumbersome. I need to find a better way to store 577 these spells. Maybe apprentice has something in his ever present pack I can 578 use for storage, if he ever gets back!" I put most of the cards away, but 579 kept out 3 or 5 of the best most potent spells, including the rodent 580 incantation, in my jacket pocket, ready to cast on some unsuspecting enemy. 581 "Now where is that piper???" 582 !$#"%#"$%)#$%#$ L'homme sans parity a la recherche des amis $#"$)")$")$"#$"# 583 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 584 L'homme: Could I persue a few of your 3 x 5's in hopes of gleaning a bit of 585 new knowledge? I am sure I could supply you with a few in return. Let's see... 586 How about this nice one called 'Cataclysmic Devestation'? or maybe 'Wizard's 587 Wrath'? How about the ever-popular 'Transmute into Frog'? Here's another 588 called 'Lengthing Orange and Purple Beards on Little Old Ladies Over 72'? 589 Here's a really handy one. It's called 'Make a Burbon with Scotch'. 590 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Milchar++++++++++++++++++++ 591 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 592 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 593 I could even offer you guys a few. 594 How about making an ugly woman beautiful and aroused?$$$$$$$$$$HEDRA HELIX$$$$$$ 595 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 596 THE CAT IS LOOSE!! 597 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 598 599 600 601 HERE YE!! HERE YE!!! 602 603 604 THIS THIS IS THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE ARCHER!!!! 605 606 I HAVE SPENT THE HOLE AFTERNOON READ THIS SYSTEM AND I THINK THAT IT IS FULL OF 607 CRAZIES AND PEAPLE THAT ARE ABOUT TO FALL OF THE WAGON. BUT SINCE THEE IS ALSO 608 CRAZY THEE WILL INJOY IN THE FUN!!! 609 610 611 612 NIJA THEE SIDES WITH THEE. HEDRA HELEX IS A BLOW HARD AND COULD NOT HERT A FLY 613 FROM THE WAY HE TALKS I SAY HE IS A SLOB AND COULD FURNISH A ELECTRIAL PLANT 614 WITH THE HOT AIR TO FURNISH POWER FOR THE NEX 200 YEARS! THEE THINKS THAT BOTH 615 COULD AND WOULD TAKE HIM IN PHYSICAL COMBAT! 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 THE ARCHER 623 624 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 625 ATTENTION ALL USERS----- CLASS B SECURITY MESSAGE 626 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY!!! 627 CODE : PENT4776 DOD/SAC DIGIT 56046 628 629 JUST HERE TO SAY THAT I AM A NEW USER SLUG OF THE TYPE ART-HUR-P-HILI-PDN-ENT > .