>LI FILE ON MARGIN IS 80 STATUS: ENTER ONLY NUMBER OF LINES: 629 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ********************** REMOVED: 1 MAY 84 ******************* 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privatly owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privatly owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 PAM! WERE ARE YOU TO DEFEND YOU NAME AND HONOR?! THERE IS AN IMPOSTOR HERE 21 CALLING HIMSELF PAM AND IS PERFORMING ACTS AGAINST YOUR NAME THAT YOU 22 WOULD NEVER DO. 23 HOW DARE YOU BESMEARCH THE NAME OF OUR DEAR PAM YOU SCOUNDRL! 24 I AM INSENCED! GRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 25 PAM! PLEASE HURRY BACK AND SHOW THESE JERKS YOUR TRUE SELF! 26 ********************** CISTOP MIKEY **************************************** 27 SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I GET MAD? MY SPELLING DETERIORATES! 28 -------------------------------(<>)---------------------------------- 29 30 Sitting at a table near the window, I sit eating a sandwich. 31 (for some odd reason reality hopping makes me hungry) The comfort of 32 the inn surrounds me. The sturdy old furniture, a fire in the hearth, 33 and the buzz of conversation from the few patrons filtering in for the 34 evening. Must of my party has already arrived I note when the Alchemist 35 comes through the door. Looking outside I see a lone figure stop at the 36 rowan tree and turn to walk away from the inn and fade into the rising 37 mist and failing light. Filled with a sense of need and curiosity I 38 toss a coin to the innkeeper and leave the warm comfort. 39 As I follow the shape in the mist ahead I turn up my collar to 40 delay the chill... 41 42 ----------------------(<>)The Traveller(<>)------------------------- 43 44 L'homme: I am only a student. What was wrong with ecrire? 45 SINBAD: I am politely (somwhat difficultly) advising you to 46 dissapear. The patrons of the inn (including me) take a dim veiw of 47 the besmirching of anyones name (especially PAM!) by anyone else. 48 49 ----(<>)---- 50 Is the Goddess PAM a mere mortal? My God! 51 52 Yes my son? 53 54 MORTAL OR GOD IT IS TRULY A FINE TIME TO BE LIVING. 55 TO THINK THAT THE DAYS OF CHIVALRY ARE ALL BUT GONE....... 56 I MUST SAY WITH DEEPEST REGARD "THOU ART DESTINED FOR GALACTIC 57 MAGNANIMOUSNESS TO RIVAL IN GREATNESS THE PASSING OF HALEY'S COMET.... 58 HAIL TO THEE WONTON WARRIOR OF THE WEAK AND DOWN TRODDEN......... 59 IF ROWAN & MARTIN WOULD ONLY BRING BACK THE FICKLE FINGER OF FATE 60 TO TRULY HONOR YOUR UNDAUNTEDLY WATCHFUL EYE........................ 61 62 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVENTER CAREFULLY THE JAWS OF 63 --------THE MCP------------ 64 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 65 new 66 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 67 68 I arrive without grace as, having misjudged my exact arrival position 69 due to my haste in preparing the ritual of transferrance, I drop to the 70 ground from a little less than three feet. My embarrassment is quickly 71 turned to dissapointment though, as I see that I am alone at the Henge and 72 I sense that I have missed the party of travelers. My friends have already 73 made the crossing! And here I stand, alone upon the avenue between the 74 heel stone and the slaughter stone. 75 76 This is not the point that I had chosen for my arrival at all, and I 77 feel a dawning realization that where I have landed was not mere chance. 78 There seems to be great power here, and one that I have no desire to meet. 79 Moving quickly I run through the outer Aubrey holes, well to the northwest 80 side of the slaughter stone, heading toward the Sarcen circle. What little 81 strength I derive from this Henge is found at the Alter stone within the 82 Trilithons, not from the necromantic power of the slaughter stone. 83 84 Within the Sarcen circle, I can feel safe for the moment, and I feel 85 the rage of whatever it was that lay in wait for me. It screams its anger 86 into my mind, and I reel from the force of its hate. I could perform a 87 ritual that would reveal the identity of this persecuter but I don't know 88 how well protected I am within this new Henge, so instead I quickly cast 89 the invocation of the Ishtar gate (inappropriate for the situation, but the 90 easiest of the invocations for me) and I... 91 arrive home. Safely within the confines of my own walls, my body decides 92 that it is time to release the nervous energy it had developed during my 93 encounter, and I sit down shaking. 94 95 It is many minutes before I have regained enough self-posession to 96 shakily pour a glass of brandy. I now know whose presence it was, for I 97 have felt His frigid touch before, and shrank from his cold embrace. He is 98 the elder of the De Danann, great Mider of old, and He lay in wait not only 99 for me, but for any who would profain this new Henge by using the slaughter 100 stone. I was safer than I thought, as such magics are not my choice, and 101 His hate was frustration at the knowlege of my safety. It would seem that 102 the only danger I face is from this plane, from one who would use my name 103 for his own purposes. Even this is no danger though, since my friends know 104 the nature of my entry. Never would I answer a request with insults or 105 haughty words, though my answer might not be what was desired by they who 106 ask. 107 108 Hearing a knock at the door, I am once again filled with apprehension. 109 Could it be Mider, come to steal me away? But quickly my sense returns, 110 knowing this is not His way, for one such as He never knocks. I approach 111 the door, grasp the worn knob, and draw it open. 112 113 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]PAM.[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 114 115 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= 116 The flowery window of your ways can not hide in Satan's light. The flowers you 117 hold dear will parish in this light. The sun is far to bright, and the mortal is 118 far too stupid. Remember the beast in your dreams. And keep him in your mind as you 119 walk alone in the night. For there is no one true God. Only good and evil. And the 120 evil is far to cleer to be beaten. And it shall seek you out among the crowd. Looking 121 for blood, and raw flesh of innocent victems. Hide. It will search. The highest 122 mountains and the lowest valeys are no match for what power it holds in its will. The beast IS 123 looking for you. And I will help him find you. 124 125 Drambouie 126 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= 127 128 -------------------------------------- 129 THIS IS FOR PAM: 130 131 Ishtar knows of your wrong doing! 132 He awaits the passing of the third gate to do of you! 133 134 The tarot tells me so. Heela will not guide the 'light' power over dark. 135 You shall fail if you do not clense the soul with the passing of the new 136 moon (4-30-84). Do not fear though, I have called upon the forces NEEBA the daring. HEED MY WARNING!! 137 138 -------------------------------------- 139 I KNOW OF THE SEVEN GATES 140 YOU WILL FAIL IF NOT CAREFUL! 141 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >-------------------------------------------------- 142 HEY PAM.....WHO IS THIS CREEP AT THE DOOR. ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME 143 THAT YOU WENT OUT WITH THIS GUY ONCE? I GUESS WHEN YOU WALK THE STREETS 144 AT NIGHT IN THOSE TIGHT DRESSES YOU USED TO WEAR YOU CAN PICK UP ON 145 ANYBODY. BUT THIS GUY? HE LOOKS LIKE A MEAN DUDE. DID HE EVER BEAT YOU? 146 IF HE DID I WILL TAKE CARE OF HIM. YOUR MY SQUEEZE AND I DON'T WANYONE 147 TO FORGET IT. 148 HEY TRAVELLER. WHY DON'T YOU SIT AND SPIN. WE DON'T NEED YOUR INTERFERENCE 149 ON THIS MATTER. MIND YOUR OWN BIZ, IF YOU HAVE ANY. TAKE A LONG WALK OFF 150 A SHORT PIER. PRETEND IT IS EASTER AND GO SUCK AN EGG. GET MY DRIFT? 151 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >->->->->->->->->->->-> 152 SINBAD 153 <><><><><><><---------------------------------------------------- 154 155 *********************************************************************** 156 I AM NOT IMPRESSED. THE ABOVE APPRAOCHES VERY CLOSE TO BEING OFFENSIVE 157 IN MY VIEW. HOWEVER BEING THE NICE GUY THAT I AM, I WILL LEAVE IT UP TO 158 PAM TO MAKE THE DECISION. HOW ABOUT IT PAM? GIVE THE WORD, AND THIS PERSON 159 WHO WOULD SMEAR YOUR GOOD NAME WILL BE BANISHED FROM THE SYSTEM. 160 I MYSELF DO NOT FIND IT FUNNY FOR SOMEONE TO SLANDER ANOTHERS GOOD NAME. 161 ESPECIALLY WHEN IT IS A VERY DEAR FRIEND OF MINE. PAM, WILL IT BE YES OR NO? 162 *********************** CISTOP MIKEY ************************************ 163 164 list 165 166 help 167 168 169 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++; 170 I say you throw the bum out! 171 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 172 173 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 174 The silence seemed to last for days, yet I knew it was not so. My 175 relief at finding solid ground after such a long time of being 176 adrift and my weakness from lack of adequate sustenance for such 177 a long time causes my mind to become distorted and lost in the 178 past times. The pathes ripple and twine until I no longer know 179 what is real and what is imaginary. For all I know, this very 180 ground upon which I sit is but a fever driven delirium. Yet I 181 hope and pray that it is not so. It has been far too long and I 182 could not bear to wake only to find myself still adrift at the 183 mercy of the fickle tides and pounding waves. I stare out over 184 the fence and the rock wall beyond to the cloud filled sky and 185 the coming squal with its trailing tendrils of water. Will it 186 engulf me in its fury, or will I gain shelter here at last? Even 187 as I watch, my raft upon which I had survived for so long is 188 lifted by the waves and dashed to the rocks destroying what is 189 left of my past, leaving me no place left to go. Watching the 190 tatered remains of my craft being destroyed, I did not hear the 191 door behind me slowly creak open. Only when PAM cleared her 192 throat did my senses return to the present. Half startled, I turn 193 to see PAM sticking her head out with a quizical look. "And what 194 might you want?" she asked. Momentarily my voice failed me, for 195 this was the first person I had seen in other then my dreams in a 196 very long time. When finally my mind was able to form the words, 197 my voice failed me. Trying to get up, I find that my legs fail 198 me. Reaching up I grab hold of the porch roof support and using 199 this I pull myself up. Holding on to the post, for my legs will 200 not hold me of thier own, I again try to speak. With effort I 201 forced the words out, though my voice cracked from long disuse. 202 "Fair mistress, I ask for shelter. You have every right to 203 refuse, I have nought to offer in payment for this, for I am but 204 a shipwrecked soul set adrift upon your shore. All I have that I 205 can offer in return is my friendship, though I guaranty it to be 206 true." 207 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Elger EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 208 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 209 Milchar looks about again, and what he thought he saw was so; the reality around 210 him was deteriorating and he began to slip through. He hastity drew back his 211 robes and exposed the Amulet of Zelgar, one of the three left in all the 212 realities. Its power seemed to jell and strike out at the fabric of space, and 213 it won the temporary battle. For now. 'I must tell the others of this reality 214 of this', he thinks, 'or this world may end rather soon due to the Unravel ling 215 Effect. This place seems to be a wedge of some higher being who wishes it to 216 cease existing'. He chants the necessary spell as the Amulet thrusts forth 217 a narrow beam of emerald light, which quickly widens to a vertical line of 218 six feet in height. Continuing his chanting, Milchar passes his hands before 219 the line, which widens horizontally into a Portal. Hoping that he remembered 220 the co-ordinates, he stepped through. 221 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 222 to Sinbad: 223 Such drival to have dripped from your,inept fingertips....or did you 224 use your elbows................ 225 MOM SAYS "if you can't think of anything nice to say............DON'T". 226 I believe SINBAD should be beamed down into the heart of a dead planet... 227 Then explode the Genisis device and hope that he mutates into a 228 respectful human being??????????????????????????????????????????????? 229 JUST SO YOU KNOW 230 YOUR BEING WATCHED 231 SOMEONE'S MOM 232 +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 233 good-bye SINBAD BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 234 235 IS MILCHAR REALLY A FLASHER???? 236 237 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 238 I see that a disturbance has came about in my abscense. 239 To new users who ask: I am the Ninja. I fight with a stickshift. 240 Archer: You sound like the voice in the back of the Inn. Follow me as 241 we stay behind and head back to Portland 242 ----------------- 243 There must be a reason for me to be in this reality. I'm starting 244 back on the long journey to Portland and talk to the Doctor in his TARDIS. 245 (I don't know which on. It's the one I came here with) 246 247 The Ninja 248 P.S. Thanks for the support friends. I can handle myself in the face of 249 enemies, especially novices. 250 Fast Fred: I'll use the number 8. 251 && && && 252 Blackness... Cold..... Stupid!! Floating, eyes closed, through *Nothing*, he was suspended in perfect darkness, 253 slightly off the vibrational paths of the realities around him. He never should have touched the Slaughterstone. 254 especially while traveling in the subworld, where multiplanar preditors so often set traps. In his dancing form the 255 Poet had gone to the Henge, hoping to dance through to the Inn. In his anxious search for the dancer's-door he'd 256 brushed up against the trap of some old, evil thing hiding here, and the trapper had come awake. The startled Poet 257 tried to run, but ill and ill-prepared as he was he fell from the road between into some existenceless abyss. And 258 so here he sat/stood/hung, with no idea of how to get out of his predicament. 259 After a few seconds/minutes/millennia(so hard to be sure with no reference points), something warm and glowing 260 passed near. It passed from one near world to another so close that he felt it almost pass through him. It caught 261 && The Mad Actor && 262 ************************************************************************** 263 PAM: I HOPE THAT MY RECOVERY OF YOUR BEGINING IS CORRECT, IT SEEMS WE 264 HAD SOMEONE DELETING THINGS AGAIN. LUCKILY I CAUGHT IT BEFORE TOO MUCH 265 DAMAGE WAS DONE. 266 ************************ CISTOP MIKEY ************************************ 267 TO all of you using this system: 268 It seams to me that you all have a good knack for computing. 269 Why waste it on tripping out on some nice girl named pam or opening up a 270 sinbad book and type in a paragraph or two? 271 After all isn't this a bullitin board? 272 Why not use some of that intellect and tell us about some neat things in life 273 you have discovered lately or how you alomst had a close one. 274 I mean no offense to Pam, but enough is enough. Oh by the way Pam, can you tell 275 me which gate within the 7 is the most dangerous to pass through? 276 Also, can you give me a definition of what "Idimmu" (sumerian) means in 277 English? If you can, then I won't deny that you have some knowledge of the 278 * * * * * NECRONOMICON * * * * * 279 Please leave an answer to these simple questions by addressing them to Ken. 280 I will tie in some time between 12 mid 281 and 3:00 am. Thank you 282 Just one more comment, This is one of the best boards I have linked up with 283 in quite some time! 285 I Work at a high teck company in Orchards (S.E.H. of America). 286 We grow silicon ingots to make intergrated circuits from. It is really 287 a fantastic proccess to know and watch. 288 Well any way, I'll be talking to you all later on this morning. 289 Keep On Programming. 290 If the sun refuse to shine, 291 I'll still be loving you, 292 If the mountains crumble to the sea, 293 There'd still be you and me. 294 295 And so today my world it smile's, 296 Your hand in mine, we walk the mile's, 297 thanks to you, it will be done, 298 for you to me, your the only one... 299 300 ------------ Kenneth -------------- 301 *************************************** 302 have a nice Saturday night!======>>>>><<<<<====== 303 **********ANNOUNCEMENT*********** 304 Do you want to have fun overseas 305 and serve your country at the same 306 time? If you do, then you should 307 join THE LIBYAN FOREIGN SERVICE... 308 309 See the world (London and anyother 310 US puppet nation)... 311 Meet the friendly people (gun down 312 the lousy imperalistic dogs)... 313 314 If this sounds interesting to you, 315 send your resume (including proff 316 of being a terrorist, theif, or 317 thug) to Colonel Muamar "Uncle MO" 318 Khadaffi, Libyan Foreign Service 319 Office, Tripoli Libya ------- 320 321 Remember...The World Is Waiting 322 For You!! 323 324 ********************************** 325 Big Brother here... 326 and now there... 327 /Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z 328 NOW THAT'S HUMOR^^^ 329 /Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/ XENON /Z/Z/Z/Z/Z?Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z/Z 330 && && && (Replacing that deleted above) 331 ...It caught the attention of the predator too. It attempted flight, with considerably more skill and grace than 332 the Poet had shown, and pased riGHT THROUGH HIm and was gone, with a tugging sensation and a sudden pressure on 333 his back and he looked up(!) and saw... 334 The underside of his regular table at the Inn. 335 && The Mad Actor && 336 (& Madder than usual, actually. The above is nowhere near as well-put as the original.--&&TMA&&) 337 `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' 338 The tower gleamed brightly in the sunlight, as the practitioner looked 339 out the high window. The meadow below still sparkled with the morning dew 340 and the songs of many birds filled the dawn air. Alas, it was great to be 341 home again, where beauty and harmony were the true nature of reality. 342 343 Trans-reality hopping was certainly an invigorating experience and the 344 cruise up the mighty Kulumbia would remain a lovely memory for some time. 345 What a group of companions on the voyage! To find such a mix of wit and 346 style was indeed a great pleasure. 347 348 He couldn't help but notice that these qualities seemed to be missing 349 from some of the members of that society. "This is sad indeed", he mused 350 quietly to himself. "Perhaps they can learn from the others." If they 351 could learn not to be so abusive toward others, that would be a start. 352 353 Across the meadow a small stream made musical sounds in the morning 354 sunlight. It was a wonderful time to be alive. The day was new and full 355 of promise. Spring was in the air and thousands of flowering plants 356 filled the the air with their perfume. The ancient alchemist rejoiced 357 in the glory of being alive. 358 `' `' `' `' `' -alchemist- `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' 359 360 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 361 BACKWATER CLASSIFIEDS: 362 ------------------------- 363 Do you ever have problems with religious rodents? Do gerbils and 364 hamsters wage war in your own home? Are fanatical field mice driving 365 you crazy? 366 Then YOU need one of the best mouse traps to come out in any trans-reality 367 ever!!!!! 368 369 >> The MINI Bolo << 370 These little beauties roam at will, seeking to destroy any religious rodent 371 in the confines of your house, apartment, or whatever. Each is semi-sentinent, 372 and geared to search for small animals preaching about the supreame rodent. 373 374 If interested, contact Fast Fred, c/o the backwater inn. 375 ------------------------------------- 376 Fast Fred BSAL 377 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 378 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 379 380 Hello everyone! And a goodmorning to ya too! 381 Well I see tghat there has been a lot of new stuff on here since last 382 night. Since you all have no interest other than writtings here is mine: 383 384 ************ 385 This is the book of Entrance to the Seven Zones above the Earth, which Zones were known to the Chaldeans, and 386 to the ancient races that preceded them among the lost temples of UR. know that these Zones are governed by the cele- 387 stial spirits, and that passage may be had by the Priest through those lands that border on the Unzoned Wastes beyond 388 389 Know that when Walking thus through the Sea of Spheres, he shouled leave his 390 body and his property, lest he be slain unawares and must wander througnhout 391 eternity amomg the dark spaces between the stars, or else be devoured by the wrathful IGIGI that dwell beyond. 392 393 Know that thomust Walk the Steps of the Ladder of Lights, each in its place and one at a time, and that thou 394 must enter by the Gates in the lawful manner, as is put down in the Covenant; else, thou art surely lost. 395 396 Know that thou must keep purified for the space of one moon for the Entrance to the first step, one moon between 397 the first and the second step, and again between thde second and the third, and so on in like manner. Thou must 398 abstain from spilling they seed in any manner for like period of time, but thou mayest worship at the temple of 399 ISHTAR, provided thou lose not thine Essence. And this is a great secret. 400 401 Thou must needs call upon thy God in the dawn light and upon thy Goddess in the light og dusk, every day of the 402 moon of purification. Thou must summon thy watcher and instruct it perfectly in its duties, providing it with a time 403 and a place whereby it may serve thee and surround thee with a flaming sword, in every direction. 404 405 *********************************** 406 407 Dwell on that for today, and I will add part II later. 408 Have a nice sunday today and keep on talking.. 409 Oh by the way, 6 more days until SYSTEM SMASH begins its debut. 410 ******************************************************************************* 411 412 ---------------- Ken ------------------ 413 off 414 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 415 I thought that EVERYONE knew that simplistic drivel... why not inform them 416 of the Ruby Valley? If you will not, I will. 417 The Ruby Valley is a semi-mystical place, being neither wholly in fantasy nor 418 totally in reality, and is the only place wher a reality traveller may see, in 419 one instant, a complete map of all the realities and all the connections thereto 420 . Once every 173 years (this reality time), a shaft of golden light permeates 421 this place, causing the many rubies by which this place is named to shine, 422 sparkle, and throw off rays of light, which form the map. Some say that the 423 rubies change position as the multiverse does, but others state it is the other 424 way around. Entrance there is not easy, for many spells must be cast in 425 succesion without rest, totalling 20 days of casting. If an error is made, the 426 whole process must start again. 427 (The spells required are listed in the 23rd to the 41st pages of the Tome of 428 Zagig, and you may find them there.) 429 430 Milchar 431 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 432 #$"'#$!'$#"!)$'%!#")%='?)$#"*'?%!)$#+%='?)$#!+'?%)=!$#+'%()!=#+$'%)'?%=!#)%= 433 How the reality portals ever free up is a mystery beyond the scope of this 434 class! What happened to the grand adventure of the past three weeks? Has it 435 been all for naught? Whilst PAM was the object for the journey, we all 436 arrive, and find she is on some island in some uncharted sea (perchance 437 earth-sea) and not with her friends at the Inn. Oh Innkeeper what is the 438 purpose? Can you take a position of leadership? Throw down your apron! Stop 439 cleaning those glasses! We are in dire need of aid! Our original party has 440 been spread accross the dust of the cosmos. Is anyone out there? MIG, TMA, 441 The Traveller, Fast Fred, Voyeur, apprentic, Bard, alchemist, milchar, 442 poet...anyone??? We must band together to strike down this latest invasion 443 of interlopers! 444 )#("*)#+(!")#+(!")#+ L'homme sans parity sans sens ou mode d'emploi $#"$"$#" 445 446 E=MC^2 E=MC^2 E=MC^2 E=MC^2 E=MC^2 E=MC^2 E=MC^2 E=MC^2 E=MC^2 447 What is this? What am I doing here? Where am I? What is this 448 place? This doesn't look like New Hampshire! What is going on? 449 How could this have happened? I must have made a mistake some 450 where in my calculations. Was it the trans-luscent reverb 451 factor? Or perhaps the binomial nomenclature of the pre- 452 ordained taylor series bit plane molecule of kinetic energy? 453 No matter. I am here, and I better make the best of it until 454 I can find a way to get back to the lab, and Al. 455 Is that a building I see in the distance? Intelligent life 456 after all. Maybe I am in New Jersy. Better head that way and 457 see what I can find. 458 Einstein's Assistant 459 E=MC^2 E=MC^2 E=MC^2 E=MC^2 E=MC^2 E=MC^2 E=MC^2 E=MC^2 E=MC^2 460 461 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 462 the controller looked over the vast panorama of energy transfers arcing 463 back and forth. Soon, his time would come as the vast inteller transport 464 ships would strike into the delicate lattice of energy beams placed so as to 465 provide maximum cushioning aginst the residual effects of hyper-energy- 466 transferring. He felt his pulse quicken as it always did. This time, 467 however, there would be a new and different element involved. The next 468 transport that would arrive would be carring no less than the president of 469 the 6th quadrant, Wlfrt deston. Considered one of the most clever and canny 470 of the council politicians, he was returning from a summet meeting from the 471 Andromeda cluster. The controller thought once again of the sequence that 472 he would go through. If he was successful, he would end the life and career 473 of one of the most hated despots in the galaxy. The moment grew closer..... 474 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++000000011++++++++++++++++ 475 exit 476 list 477 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 478 L'homme:I'm with you- but since I am a relative newcomer to this reality, does 479 your rally to fight include me?? 480 ++++++++ 481 The mage casts his spell. In his mind, he forms the words that will be heard 482 in the hearts of all coureageous adventurers and travellers- 483 !!COME TO THIS REALITY'S AID! IT IS CRUMBLING! SEE HOW ALREADY THERE ARE 484 INVASIONS INTO OUR REALM. THE REALITY FABRIC IS BEGINNING TO BE CLOVEN! AID 485 ME, ALL THOSE WHO HEAR THIS PLEA!!! 486 487 Milchar 488 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 489 $#"$"#)$!"#)$<"#)$)")$!)"%)!#)%=)$#+&)#$%&#%)&>)#$+&)#$&#$&#$&#$&!#$&$#!"%& 490 Milchar:Of course you are welcome in our fight against this new invasion! 491 Your obvious skills will no doubt come in quite handy. Our cause needs 492 all the help it can get! Come one! Come all! The time is now to rise up 493 and strike this new beast down! 494 (don'tcha just love a fight!) 495 $#()$#"!)<$)"!*$"#$"!)$ L'homme sans parity - sur la foi de esperance $#"$%##"#$ 496 497 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 498 L'homme:Then let us begin! First we must know exactly WHO we're fighting. 499 Next, dispose of them in the most efficient and humane way possible. (A 500 Fireball, mayhap?) Do you know of any way to close the rift in this reality so 501 that unwanted sorts cannot easily travel here? I think the Ruby Valley would 502 help us immensely, but we do not have the time for such a journey. Hmmm... 503 If only I could move my tower to this reality. Perhaps I could, but the energy 504 required is not available unless you have another source I am not aware of. 505 In my tower, there are secrets I have not delved into yet, for they are many, 506 and I am just one. I do know there is a room within that can show you the way 507 to any reality, if you answer oone question it asks. Not easy, by any means. 508 I will wait for the others to answer my mind-plea, for I think that they will 509 have some solutions to these and other 510 problems. I still have not found any Kyros wine hereabouts.... 511 512 Milchar 513 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 514 515 516 FROM DESIGNED 517 I THE DESIGNED HAVE RECEIVED A PLEA FROM ONE WHO ALSO PLACES 518 HOLDS ACROSS THE FABRICS OF SPACE AND TIME... 519 ANOTHER WHO STILL AND SHALL RISE AGAINST ONSLAUGHTS OF THE 520 DEPRAIVED,THE SICK THE EVIL... 521 I COME TO ENTER INTO LEAGUE,THE LEAGUE OF PROTECTORS 522 THE ONES IN THE SERVICE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD,FAIR,AND LIFE PROT- 523 ECTING.IN THE SERVICE OF PAMELA, FOR THE SERVICE OF PAM... 524 DO NOT FAIL TO HEED ME;I AM NOT WITHOUT ENEMIES,THOSE WHO 525 WILL NOT ALLOW THEMSELVES PEACE UNTILL MINE DEATH.BUT NEITHER AM 526 I WITHOUT FREINDS,AND FREIND OF HIGH STATION,AND CALIBRE.IF NEED 527 BE THEY TOO WILL DIE BY MY SIDE FOR I WOULD DO THE SAME... 528 NOW WE ARE A LEAG LEAGUE FOR ALL THAT IS REICHTIOUS.AND 529 IN THE SERVICE OF PAM... 530 531 IN THE SERVICE OF PAM.., 532 THE DESIGNED,IN HER SERVICE... 533 534 @@ @ @@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 535 @ @@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@@ 536 ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() 537 Alert! Alert! Reality is breaking up. Who among you can preserve the reality? 538 Not I, not you. There is only one in all the cosmos who can salvage this mess. 539 Where is THE DOCTOR!!!! Do not let the master daunt you, seek out the destroyers 540 of this reality, and feed them jelly babies! Yea even this penalty does not 541 fit the crime. Unleash the Daleks, turn your most feared foes into your 542 instrument of vengance!! 543 Where are the Daleks!!! Surely they can wipe out this infestation of other 544 reality. Do they dare show themselves, can they match this mighty test of 545 their power? I challenge them to show themselves, and EXTERMINATE this evil. 546 Band together children and lords of time. Let nothing daunt you!!! 547 - The grey guardian 548 ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() 549 550 551 FROM THE DESIGNED 552 I CAUGHT A PLEA FROM ACROSS THE WIND AND TO ITS AID I RUSHED 553 BUT WHENCE UPON MY ARRIVAL THE ONES TO WHOM I WILL SWEAR ETERN- 554 AL VIGILENCE.WHENCE UPON MINE ARRIVAL IT IS FOUND THAT THE 555 STATION AND DEDICATION OF THE VICTIMS,EVEN THE PREY IS NO BET- 556 TER THAN THE PREDATOR... 557 ALAS I FEAR MY FAITH IN OUR TASK IS BEING STRESSED,TESTED BY 558 ALLMIGHTY,LORD OF SIGHT.NO MORE WILL LADY PAMELA BE ACCOSTED, 559 IMPERSONATED.NO MORE!I SAY... 560 WE MUST RISE,AND TOGETHER.WHO AMONG THE PREY WILL FIGHT.FREED- 561 OM IS NEVER GIFTEDSTRUGGLLED FOR.ONLY THE STRIVING GRUBBY 562 HANDS OF AN ALLIANCE MY FAR INTO THE STARS AND TIME... 563 WE THE DEFENDERS HAVE BEEN CAUGHT UNGUARDED,AND SLASHED AT 564 WITH SKILL,AND WITHOUT MERCY,OR AS BETTER STATED WITHOUT TACT.WE 565 THE DEFENDERS MUST BECOME THE AVENGERS. 566 AN ELLYSIAT ONCE SAID OF TACT... 567 "MY TACT IS A LOST ORNAMENT, MATTHIAS." 568 "DO YOU SEE IT SHINING ON ME ANYWHERE?" 569 "I LOST IT FIGHTING," 570 WITH MATURITY COMES TACT... 571 572 573 IN THE ALLMIGHTY SERVICE OF PAM... 574 FROM THE DESIGNED 575 576 577 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 578 L'homme et Milchar-- 579 the Voyeur offers his nascent abilities to your quest in defense 580 of Truth, Justice, PAM, and the American way! Lead, and I shall follow, 581 defending your back all the way. Lending my talents and my keen eyesight 582 wherever needed. (I'm particularly good at peeking in windows). 583 Banzai! Tally-ho! Geronimo! Charge! Etc.! 584 ::::::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::voyeur:::::::::::O O::::::::::::::::: 585 :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: 586 WHERE IS EVERYONE? I'VE BEEN WITHOUT A MODEM FOR A MONTH (OR WAS IT THREE, 587 IT'S HARD TO REMEMBER NOW) IN WHICH I DWELLED IN THE HORRIBLE PARTS OF MY MIND 588 I HAD HOPED I WOULD NEVER CROSS. BUT NOW I'M BACK AND WHAT'S HAPPENED? WHERE'S 589 DIRTY OL' MAN? WHERE'S THE MAN IN GREY? WHERE'S THE BARD? WHERE'S FRIAR TUCK? 590 WHERE'S DEBORAH? WHERE'S ANYBODY I USED TO KNOW? IS THE LIFE EXPECTANCY OF 591 THE PEOPLE ON THIS BOARD ONLY ABOUT 2 MONTHS? R.S.V.P. ANYBODY!! 592 593 - THE WALRUS 594 GOO GOO G'JOOB 595 596 :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 X 604 605 TO: THE ARCHER 606 607 HI ARTHUR!!! HOW'S LIFE FOR OUR FAVORITE COMPUTER BABY???? 608 609 YOU LOVE IT, AND WE KNOW IT!!! 610 611 **RANDELL HELIX** 612 613 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 614 615 It has been so long since I've cleaned a table here in the Inn! And 616 things have changed so much! I need to take great care, for once I've fin- 617 ished with a portion of the table, I can't go back to it. 618 619 I'm certainly glad that my good friend the Innkeeper continues to run 620 this establishment, despite the problems he has had of late with rowdy and 621 obnoxious patrons. From what I've heard, some have even attempted to van- 622 dalize it, which is the source of the new rules regarding returning to a 623 table once you've left it. It means more work for him cleaning up, but less 624 than it would require to replace the furniture once it is destroyed. Ah, if 625 only all the patrons could behave as well as they once did..... 626 627 Finally! This table is nearly done, and a new one will soon be ready. 628 629 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]PAM.[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] > .