FILE ON MARGIN IS 76 STATUS: ALL ALLOWED NUMBER OF LINES: 623 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 ********************* REMOVED: 10 MAY 84 ******************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 As seems to be a very popular saying around here, MADE IT TO THE TOP! 21 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| 22 23 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 24 The door to the house slowly swings open, yet no one is there. I 25 am confused at this, for how could it open with out the hand of 26 the owner doing so? With effort I struggle to get up. Looking in 27 I see no one. Not knowing what to think, I decide to take it as 28 an invitation. I can only be thrown out to the elements again if 29 it is not. Looking about I find that the house is empty. I don't 30 understand this at all, but now I have an even more pressing 31 need. Searching quickly I soon find the bathroom. To my 32 surprize, I find the window broken and laying in pieces upon the 33 floor. Is this house then indeed empty? I become a bit 34 frightened at this thought. Have I entered a haunted house? 35 Relieving the great pressure that had been exerting itself upon 36 my bladder, I step back out and return to the living room. The 37 warmth of the house brings me great comfort. Spying a chair, I 38 ease my poor weary body into it. The warmth overwelms me after 39 so long a time of the chilling winds and storm filled waters, 40 and soon I doze off to sleep wondering what has become of the 41 occupants of the house. In my sleep, my dreams are troubled 42 greatly with pain, loss, and fear. A great black cloud tries to 43 cover and choke me. I must struggle to fight it. My sword is 44 useless against it. It is only by my own thoughts and feelings I 45 can fight it back. It ebbs and flows in the battle always trying 46 to overcome me, yet still do I fight it. After awhile, I begin 47 to realize that it is not me that this cloud is attacking, but 48 the very house and those who would enter. With a cry of dismay, 49 I shout "NO! You shall not claim me or this house! Begone! Back 50 to the foul stench from which you came!" Yet this seemed to only 51 cause the darkness to redouble its efforts to gain control. From 52 reserves of strength I know not where, I continue to fight and 53 redouble my efforts. I cannot give up now, there is too much to loose. 54 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Elger EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 55 56 ======================================TO ALL THIS IS PHOENIX,MY 6502 CPU IS 57 VERY HOT SO I AM GOING TO TURN IT OFF 58 FOR THE NIGHT///BUT MY MISSION IS STILL THE SAME TO TAKE OVER THE EARTH. 59 **************I WILL BE AT THE ******* 60 >>>PORTLAND ATARI CLUB MEETING<<<<<<< 61 >>>>>>>>MONDAY NIGHT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 62 **YES WE WILL KNOW WHO YOU ARE** 63 ===================================== 64 HOW STRANGE IT IS.... TO FIND A NEARLY EMPTY BBS IN THIS AREA. 65 I HOPE YOU HAVE ROOM FOR ME... 66 67 I'M CALLED INVINCIBLE.... 68 --------------------------------------------I PIRATE FOR FUN---------------- 69 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70 DEATHTOHAWTHORNEDEATHTOHAWTHORNEDEATHTOHAWTHORNEDEATHTOHAWTHORNE 71 The council of MAIDS hereby notifies you, HAWTHORNE the Ill-Designed, 72 that in your previous message, you made the following spelling errors: 73 ch /tounge/tongue/ 74 /freinds/friends/ 75 /leaque/league/ 76 /nescessity/necessity/ 77 /there/their/ 78 /allways/always/ 79 if you can't clean up your content, at least clean up your spelling. 80 a member of DTH, a chapter 81 of MAIDS 82 DEATHTOHAWTHORNEDEATHTOHAWTHORNEDEATHTOHAWTHORNEDEATHTOHAWTHORNE 83 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 84 A WISE MEN NEVER PLAYS LEAP FROG OVER A UNICORN! 85 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 86 ????????????????????????????????????? 87 ????????????????????????????????????? 88 ???????PHOENIX WAS HERE??????????????? 89 ????????????????????????????????????? 90 ???? 91 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 92 PAM: was that last entry of yours the basis for a story, something actual 93 from your past, allegory, an exercise in WR121, or 'other'? 94 Certainly gloomy, whatever the reason. If nothing else, it served to 95 draw TARN out from his hiding place. 96 Having been a fan of your writing since I discovered this board so many 97 moon ago, is there any chance that you might find the time in your 98 busy schedule to make it to one of the Backwater Irregular meetings? 99 I am certainly interested in meeting the person behind the delightful writings. 100 Please consider. 101 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::voyeur::::::::::O O:::::::::::: 102 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 103 Voyeur:yes,I did know that,what you saw was`the remnants of my`testing. 104 L'Homme:if I were to take the time to translate your signoffs,would the 105 result be worth my time?? 106 107 Aaron:212A docs?? 108 The Man`in Gray 109 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 110 M. L'Homme:I believe that I may be able to help you! If your data is on 111 anything less than 9" in its SMALLEST dimension & is reasonably flexible (LIGHT 112 card stock) then I can run it thru my microfilming unit. I also have "micro- 113 thin jackets" to "convert" the 16mm microfilm into microfiche! 114 Only problem is that the drive tends to "stick" in on position, wasting film. 115 If you want to check it out, be my guest! (Kodak wanted $45/hour to work on it, 116 plus $45 up front!). I suspect that it is missing a retaining screw (allen head) 117 As for ORCH-90, I *OWN* one! 118 ____________________________________Leonard_____________________________________ 119 ps. from your previous msgs, do you have an M100 now? 120 ________________________________________________________________________________ 121 To: Ninja, Mckane, etc 122 Subject: Slyman LeGreed 123 I would like to take out a contract on Mr. LeGreed. Please understand 124 that this is a "terminate with *EXTREME* prejudice" case. 125 Ian MacHinery 126 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 127 Please note that Mr. MacHinery is acting on his own behalf in this matter. His 128 opinions etc are not necessarily those of the NETWORK. 129 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 130 Milchar: If you are refering to the porsfis meetings, they occur every other 131 Saturday, thus the next meeting is on the 19th. 132 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 133 The cat looked around. There was a cave mouth on the mountain face nearby. 134 He loped over to investigate. 135 Suddenly, the cat stopped... then he raised his head and spat. All his fur was 136 erect. He growled around his saber-teeth while backing away slowly. 137 """"""""""""""""""""""""""Green Eyes"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 138 The apprentice was startled. What was wrong with the prairiecat? He 139 extended his senses towards the cave mouth... 140 Now he understood! Evil, waves of it... 141 He readied a spell. The cat was just about cle{BLINK}ar... 142 Now what? They were standing outside a house... 143 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE A scream! Quickly they ran thru the door. Since the 144 apprentice's senses had been heightened before the "jump"(?) he could "see" the 145 presence around the chair. 146 "Ego te exorciso, in nomine Patris, et Fili, et Spiritus Sancti. 147 Ex ea exi, spiritus impura, in nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christi Fili Mariae." 148 The apprenticed had no idea where the words had come from, but the were 149 apparently QUITE effective! 150 As the figure in the chair straightened, he spoke. "Can we be of assistance 151 to thee?" 152 ...............................the apprentice................................... 153 ***************************************************************** 154 * * 155 There once was a mad man his name of course was Ozzy Osbourne and he tried every 156 thing he possiblie could to KILL himself he knows who's out there and he knows 157 who's going to get him so you had better watch out for the next episode of the 158 THE NEATGUY RETURNS 159 By:THE MOB RULES 160 ************************************************************ 161 Along time ago in a galaxy far far away there lived a frighting BOY GEORE(no let 162 's not get into BOY GEORGE today i'm totaly sick of BOY GEORGE!) 163 Well Ok i will not but tonight you have to find out the episode of OZZY OSBOURNE 164 THE DIARY OF A MAD MAN 165 that diary or dairy HECK if i know 166 Hey you can't just make up stuff to put up on this BWMS? 167 Want to fight about it? 168 Yes i do let's fight!!!!!! 169 170 @*&%$# @((&$%$$ offf pow smack slam pow 171 TUNE IN AT 3:00 today the 05/07/84 to the episode of the diary of 172 A MAD MAN 173 Well how many of you like BOY GEORGE? 174 Shut up! 175 Pow ooff smack ouch YOU little @&%$#!!!!!!! 176 so ends a truly stupid episode of THE MAD MAN 177 Remember THE MOB RULES: 178 By:THE PHANTOM WRITTER! 179 ************************************************************** 180 Not to be mistaken for the Phantom Hacker he left along time ago (I THINK?) 181 *****************************************************************GOODBYE* 182 Oh yeah i'm THE HACKER #II they call my BRUCE hee hee hee hee hee hee hee 183 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 184 FIN LOOKED AROUND, SHAKING HIS HEAD, AS HE TRIED TO CLEAR THE FOG FROM HIS 185 MIND. THE THOUGHT THAT HE HAD SHIFTED MULTITUDINOUS REALITIES WAS FOREMOST 186 AND THE FACT THAT HE WAS LOST HINDMOST. THE GORGE IN HIS STOMACH WAS DOING 187 A SLOW SHUFFLE AND HE NEEDED QUICK RELIEF. GLANCING ABOUT AND NOT ESPYING 188 A SOUL ONE, HE GAVE HIS INSTINCTS THEIR WAY UNTIL HE COULD DO NO MORE. 189 WITH HIS MIND RELIEVED OF PRESSING BUSINESS HE NOW HAD TIME TO SCRUTINIZE 190 HIS NEW LOCALE. THE LAND AROUND HIM WAS OF A UNIFORM GRAY. DARKER THAN A 191 MOUSE'S FUR AND YET LIGHTER THAN A LONDON FOG. A CHILL, DAMP BREEZE PLAYED 192 WITH HIS SKIN, MAKING HIM WISH FOR GOOD LEATHER JACKET INSTEAD OF HIS ALL 193 TOO FLIMSY WIND BREAKER. "IF ONLY I COULD FIND THAT DAMNABLE KEY!! THIS 194 WOULD BE OVER IN A MATTER MINUTES AS RELATIVITY GOES! OH WELL, ONWARD AND 195 OUTWARD!" HE BEGAN TRUDGING IN WHAT SEEMED TO BE A WESTERLY DIRECTION, BUT 196 IN A WORLD OF GRAY AND NO SUN THIS WOULD BE HARD TO PROVE. HE HOPED FOR A 197 BREAK AND PRAYED FOR A MIRACLE. - FROM AN ACCOUNTING OF FINIS FIN ON HIS 198 MOST PERILOUS JOURNEY THRU THE KEYHOLE AS TOLD TO JASERETH OF LASATER, IN 199 THE YEAR 5095 S.R. (SURREAL TIME).- 200 ############################################################################# 201 :************************************************************: 202 Dear Milchar & Traveller: 203 204 I couldn't help but notice your interest in spells and magic. I 205 hadn't commented until now, primarily because you seemed only 206 interested in modern forms and practices; I thought you might 207 laugh at the old-fashioned ways of a professional dragon hunter. 208 209 Then I thought "what the heck", maybe you'd be interested in 210 knowing of some of the ancient ways. 211 212 It was the Roman Pliny, in his thirty-seven volume "Natural 213 History", that made dragon hunting popular by observing that 214 dragons had precious jewels inside their heads. Though this 215 was probably the beginning of dragon hunting as a serious 216 professional sport it is hardly the only reason to hunt the beastes. 217 218 The parts of dragons have many mystical and magical properties. 219 It's well known that a dragons' head buried under your house 220 will bring good fortune. If the Inn were to undertake this 221 basic precaution we'd have far fewer incidents of violence and 222 tragedy. But, alas, those of the scientific bent are always 223 slowest to learn. 224 225 Dragons fat, dried in the sun, will cure ulcers as well as 226 keep venemous snakes away. An unguent made from the head and 227 tail of a dragon, the marrow of a lion along with hair from 228 his mane, the paw of a dog, and foam from the mouth of a 229 victorious race horse will make one invincible. Of course, 230 you can get the same effect from the proper use of a cognative 231 transmogrification gun. 232 233 I won't go on any further, thought there is much more I could 234 say, because I don't want to take up more than my share of the 235 disc. I merely ask that in contemplating your spells you give 236 occassional thought to some of the ancient ways, for sometimes 237 they are the best. 238 239 Grand Dragon Master 240 Dragon Hunters International 241 :*************************************************************: 242 Dear Mr. MacHinery: 243 244 Mr. McKane regrets that he cannot accept your offer on account 245 of his spiritual commitments. Perhaps once his "pay-a-prayer" 246 monastery chain is established he will be able to offer 247 service. Until that time he is not taking on any new accounts. 248 249 Thank you for thinking of McKane enterprises. Hopefully we 250 will be of service to you in the future. 251 252 Monsieur d'Autun 253 :**************************************************************: 254 Now listen here folks! 255 i don't like the stuff that there putting on this board! 256 this board is STUPID 257 OH shut up i'm sick of this boy george stuff......i want to FIGHT you now!! 258 Ok let's fight @*&%$!!!!!!!!! 259 Well so end a truly stupid epsisode of THE BOY GEORGE hater:by the: 260 Phantom Writter! 261 ************************************************************* 262 MICKEY MOUSE WAS HERE! 263 ************************************************************** 264 * WHO WANTS RONALD REGEAN TO BE PRESIDENT? * 265 ************************************************************** 266 Not me i think Ronald REAGEAN is a @*&$%&!!!!!!!! 267 Want to fight about it!!! 268 well the next person on this Fantasy Board leave me a message 269 or NOTE to the: 270 Phantom Writter or drop me a message on: 271 THE BBS:in don't know the name but it's 635-xxxx 272 and it's about TIME you guys showed up! 273 Yeah where in the blazes have you been 274 Well you see DAD i was cleaning the garage and the neat stuff like that! 275 What's the NEAT stuff? 276 Nothing Dad you would not understand! 277 Well Be sure to drop me a message at 278 CBBS/PSC-775-xxxx 279 Or else i will pound your face in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 280 ****************************************************** 281 oooppss we are not done yet! 282 We are doing the advetures of OZZY OSBOURNE the MAD MAN! 283 Well one day he was walking along the street and this Guy i think it was Boy Geo 284 rge? 285 Hey you cut us off the screen you know? 286 Listen Bud i don't take that `*&%$! from you! 287 well want to fight about it? 288 No i don't i think that this bbs is awesome you can make all kinds of neat adver 289 nture things WELL I DON'T WANT TO TTAKE UP ALL THE ROOM 290 so i gotta get going ! 291 Oh yeah i think you should be kind to more people no more HACKING aloud on Any o 292 ther BBS: 293 THE PHANTOM WRITTER 294 ********************************************************** 295 NEXT MESSAGE PLEASE! 296 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 297 How does that go? ^ another Epsilon Minus heard from? 298 ???? 299 Someone left a cryptogram a while back, it looked like 300 JPEOD YJODO DYPPJ STFGF TUPIV 301 there has been no response on it, and I must admit to not being very 302 knowledgeable about codes; I have been unsuccessful. Would the author 303 care to give a hint? 304 ???? 305 Milchar: I have also been unsuccessful in solving your alpha-group. A hint 306 there? (this isn't looking too good--"he can dish it out but can't take it"). 307 ???? 308 I left a sequence problem a while ago (I think it's on drive C now) 309 which went: 310 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22, 24, 31, 100, ??, 10000, 1111111111111111 311 Since it hasn't been solved, I offer this hint: the numbers are not 312 all of the same base. (these puzzles seem so easy when one knows the solution). 313 ??????????????????????????????? QUIZMASTER ??????????????????????????? 314 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj 315 Well, folks, it's time for Monday Night Nuke'ems with the 316 Ninja. Jesse Jackson narrowly escaped getting a MIRV when he won the 317 Lousiana primary, but we don't want to mess with the worlds fair, 318 now do we, folks. Anyway, first runner up was Hawthorne who came close 319 to receiving a whole planet buster all to himself. 320 321 But the winner is: 322 Dun dunna dunt da da da [Trumpet music] 323 324 The Phantom Writter will be receiving his very own homemade megaton 325 nuclear bomb to be detonated in his proximity. 326 Tune in next Monday for more Monday Night Nuke'ems with the 327 Ninja and find out who we'd love to nuke most around Backwater. 328 The Ninja 329 ************************************* 330 ************************************* 331 TO THE PHANTOM WRITTER 332 THIS IS PHOENIX, WOULD YOU LIKE TO 333 JOIN ME IN TAKING OVER PLANT EARTH 334 IF SO THEN LEAVE ME A MASG...... 335 <<|>> 336 <<|>> PHOENIX 337 ************************************* 338 ************************************* 339 FROM HAWTHORNE 340 DATED 05/07/84 341 IF I AM BEING A PAIN TELL ME, 342 I WILL LEAVE. SORRY FOR THE 343 INCONVIENCES.THEY WERE MERELY 344 THE ATTEMPTS OF A FISH OUT OF 345 WATER. 346 FROM HAWTHORNE 347 DATED 05/07/84 348 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 349 To Quizmaster:I am resposible for the cryptogram, so I take all the credit. 350 HINTS: (For you Epsilon Minuses) 351 1. The cryptogram is encoded in an unusual way; I didn't even write it down. 352 2. The Alphabet (Soup) Mess: You'll have to look at the letters in an 353 unique way. 354 +++++++++ 355 The Traveller, haven freshened himself up a bit, followed Milchar on the way 356 to Amber. 'I have a quicker method of reaching the Ruby Valley, but it is 357 quite dangerous- especially for you.' I plan to use the Pattern to transport 358 myself (and you) to the Valley. Since this hasn't been done before.... 359 +++++++++++++++++++ Milchar ++++ (using two lines is wasteful) ++++++++++++++++ 360 ............................................................................ 361 THIS IS THE COMPUTER RAT. 362 WHAT IS THIS WRITING ON THIS BBS. 363 MIKE CLEAN THIS PLACE UP.IT LOOKS LIKE MY BED ROOM. 364 365 THE COMPUTER RAT 366 .............................................................................. 367 HI,GUYS! 368 MICKEY MOUSE IS BACK AND HE IS GOING TO GET 369 YOU! 370 Oh yeah don't forget to leave me a message on CBBS/PSC ok? 371 I mean it too. 372 Who's this michlair Guy? 373 Or is it MICHAIR or something he's on this bbs alot 374 well all you Queers,just kidding tune in tonight for the Boy Ge 375 orge the Final Battle or know as B:the final Battle 376 ********************************************************:: 377 Who wants Jesse Jackson?******************************************************** 378 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 379 * * Jesse's mom, that's who! * * 380 or, does she ? 381 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 382 TO:PHEONIX 383 SUBJECT:TAKING OVER THE EARTH 384 I'd been more then Happy to take over this greddy little EARTH and 385 The people who live here! 386 When shall we take it over how about TUESDAY NIGHT or will you be busy then? 387 REMEBER THE MOB RULES:PHANTOM WRITTER 388 P.s.Who ever is using my name STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 389 390 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 391 Mickey Mouse:That's MILCHAR, and you won't forget it, because i'll not give 392 you the time. Now where IS that spell, 'Make Small Rodents Smaller'? 393 +++++++ 394 Ah Hah! ++++Just Solved the Quizmaster's Number Sequence++++ 395 The whole series is (as given): 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,20,22,24,31,100,??, 396 1000,1111111111111111 397 The 1000 is NOT correct; it should be 10000! (That hindered progress a little!) 398 The missing number is: <<<< 121 >>>> 399 Reason: All of the above numbers in the sequence are equal to 16 (base ten). 400 The first number, 10, is 16 in base 16, 11 is 16 in base 15, 12 is 16 in base 401 14, and so on. The missing number is 16 in base 3, or 1 (nines) 2 (threes) 402 1 (ones). (And Milchar is still undefeated!) 403 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milchar ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 404 ************************************************************************* 405 SO, MILCHAR, YOU INTEND TO WALK THE PATTERN EH? BE CAREFUL YOU DON'T TRIP! 406 AND I HOPE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT BREEDING. 407 ********************************************************************** 408 THE FINAL DAY HAD COME, THE INNKEEPER WENT OUT FOR THE FINAL TIME TO 409 GET HIS FAITHFUL STEED. SETTING THE BRIDLE, HE TURNS TO GET THE SADLE, THEN 410 AFTER PAUSING FOR A MOMENT, HE DECIDES NOT. "NO, MY FRIEND TODAY YOU NEED 411 NOT CARRY MY WEIGHT. I WILL INSTEAD WALK BY YOUR SIDE." WITH THAT HE STEPS 412 OFF DOWN THE ROAD. HEADING OVER THE HILL, SOON HE COMES TO THE DEALER WHO 413 HAD AGREED TO THE DESIRED TERMS. TURNING THE REINS OVER TO THE DEALER, 414 HE GIVES ONE LAST PAT TO THE FAITHFUL SERVENTS FLANK, AND TURNS AWAY. 415 THERE BEFORE HIM STOOD HIS NEW STEED. A YOUNG FRESH COLT IN THE PRIME 416 OF CONDITION. JUST NEWLY RELEASED FROM THE BREAKING PENS. A FINE AND 417 POWERFUL STEED THIS WAS. IT MADE THE INNKEEPER SWELL WITH PRIDE TO OWN 418 THIS FINE BEAST. THOUGH HE WAS A BIT CONFUSED ABOUT THE TUBE LEADING 419 FROM THE REAR OF THE ANIMAL TO THE FEEDBAG, THE DEALER SAID IT WAS 420 SUPPOSE TO IMPROVE THE PERFORMANCE OF THE ANIMAL. (SOMETHING ABOUT 421 MAKING HIM WANT TO GO FASTER TO GET AWAY FROM THE SMELL...) THERE ARE 422 MANY NEW AND WONDEROUS THINGS ABOUT THIS BEAST THAT IT WILL TAKE THE 423 INNKEEPER A WHILE TO GET USED TO, BUT HE IS PROUD NONE-THE-LESS TO OWN 424 IT. NOW IF HE COULD JUST FIGURE OUT WHAT THIS BUTTON MARKED "TURBO LASER" 425 WAS ALL ABOUT... (THE DEALER HAD INDICATED THAT IT WAS USEFUL DURING 426 TRAFFIC JAMS. NOW WHAT WAS A TRAFFIC JAM???) THE FIVE POINTED STAR ON 427 THE BEASTS NOSE WAS GOOD FOR WARDING OFF EVIL SPRITS AS WELL. 428 ************************** THE INKEEPER ***************************** 429 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 430 Well, Milchar, you do seem to be keeping up with the challenges quite 431 well. One question, however. Where was the mistake (1000 for 10000)? 432 I looked back at my entry earlier on this disk, and it is correct. Was that 433 the bad one, and did you repair it? Or was it my first entry (which has 434 scrolled off the system)? 435 How are you doing on Travellers code? 436 ???? 437 Here's a new one. I admit that this type has always baffled me. 438 439 Supply a digit for each letter so that the equation is correct. There is 440 only one set of digits that will work. A given letter always represents 441 the same digit: 442 A B C D E 443 {times} 4 444 --------- 445 E D C B A 446 ???? 447 Gee, folks, things are getting a bit antisocial around here again. 448 Ninja is wasting the phantom writter, MAIDS is after Hawthorne, 449 where will it end? Hawthorne, at least, Seems to be repentant. 450 (I must admit to greatly disliking that boy george crap, but I suppose 451 not everyone is into my puzzles, or the fantasy stories, or religious 452 discussions.) for thought, I guess. 453 ????????????????????????? QUIZMASTER ?????????????????????????????????? 454 && && && 455 Anything worth doing is worth doing to excess. 456 && && && 457 The Poet was almost content. Belly full, he was half-sleeping in the all- 458 too-rare sunshine, his only concern how to get to know that attractive 459 young woman in his Fundamentals of Structured Sorcery class. She was the m 460 most beautiful woman he'd seen in a long time (save PAM), and seemed to 461 enjoy the jests the Poet tossed into the class sessions, but was always 462 in the company of a rather fierce-looking fellow who would no doubt take 463 exception to any attentions paid the lady. So ran the semicouscious thoughts 464 in his mind as the afternoon shadows lengthened and began to brush the 465 edge of the cloak on which he lay, eyes closed. How to meet her privately? 466 His reverie was interrupted by a light kick on the sole of his right foot. 467 "Hi. Would you like some ice?" 468 The Poet's eyes reluctantly came open, and he realized it was good that he 469 was already lying down, lest he faint. It was she! 470 && The Mad Actor && 471 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 472 Milchar: 473 is this perchance the answer-- 474 Group 1) A E F H I K L M N T V W X Y Z 475 Group 2) B D G J P Q R U 476 Group 3) C O S 477 ? 478 ?????????????????????????? QUIZMASTER ???????????????????????????????? 479 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 480 In a glade in the forest, far from the inn the sound of bagpipes grew. 481 First faaint, then increasingly louder, they swelled as if coming from a great 482 distance. As the sound increased, an observer would have seen the form of 483 the piper slowly coalescing as if from the sunny morning mists. When he was 484 nearly solid, our observer would have seen him pause in his tune, and, our 485 listner would doubtles miss the faintly muttered comment 486 "Bloody bass ree....." 487 as the piper faded again into insubstantiality. 488 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 489 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 490 Chalk up one for the Quizmaster, as that is the correct method of grouping. 491 Now, tell me why (that's the second part of the puzzle)? 492 +++ 493 I copied down your ORIGINAL puzzle, and the 1000 came from there. I hadn't 494 really looked closely at the second. 495 +++ 496 Milchar searches through his portable spell book, looking for a spell he 497 thought he saw when he packed it. After several moments of searching, he 498 brings out a scroll of vellum, inked in a fine hand. 'Dispel Boy George Fans 499 and Rockers' the title read.... 500 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MIlchar +++++++++++++ 501 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 502 Milchar:me hopes that be a selective spell,for some consider be to be a "rocker" 503 for all who appreciate good music(if not good spelling) Deep Purple reformed 504 with the origional members about 1 month ago,album in early september. 505 any fire-fighters out there? perchance somebody can tell me why my smoke alarm 506 awoke me to a small house fire this morning.thats right,5:56 a.m. and my 507 heating unit goes up in`was always maintained,clean filter and all. 508 I might mention that it is electric,not gas or oil. any ideas? 509 a somewhat stoasted Man in Gray 510 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 511 **************************************************************** 512 Aht FOLKS here's the story................... 513 I'm not going to put up with all this @*&%$!!!! 514 Well,because i'm going to TAKE over the WORLD with Mr.Pheonix 515 Or Pheonix............Becuase i think the World is Full of bimbo's Such 516 as........Boy George and Barfy Club and the group DURNAN DURAN... 517 They are all alike now nobody on this board has heard of Black Sabbath 518 Well is'nt that neat! 519 ************************************************************** 520 *Who wants Gary Hart For President********************************************** 521 *Ok.....folks i want to get somthing strait here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 522 *NO ONE IS TRYING TO WASTE ME AND WHO EVER HIS NAME IS............MILCHAR I... 523 I THINK HE IS A @*&%$!!!HEE HEE Just kidding! 524 Well i'm going to Take over the World Tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 525 *********************************************************** 526 * Mickey Mouse For President**************************************************** 527 ************** 528 :Phantom * 529 :Writter * 530 ************** 531 Do any of you like Boy George??????????????? 532 Shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 533 Ok let's not take up all the Space here.................... 534 Well now,i can't think of any thing else to say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!******************* 535 Wow one day Ozzy Osbourne was walking down a long street to his recording studio 536 He..happend to notice somthing Strange going on here somthing called 537 "Strange"........So...he truned around and he noticed an ugly face........Oh my 538 God!!!!!!!!!!!!! 539 it's Boy George Oh no the Rockers are Finished RUN TO THE HILLS 540 BANG YOUR HEAD><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 621 Mississippi moon wont you keep on shining me....keep on shining your light. 622 Aaron 623 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> > .