LI[ FILE ON MARGIN IS 76 STATUS: ENTER ONLY NUMBER OF LINES: 627 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 ******************** REMOVED: 7 JUN 84 ********************* 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 This is The Doctor. (VERY MAD!!) I don't know who got rid of my message here, 21 but I'm PISSED!! It isn't very good etiquette to remove a message that isn't 22 even yours!! Tell me who you are!! I want revenge. Don't let it happen again. 23 "My Ninja mind can overcome such a spell! My Ninja body can slip 24 through the woods! My Ninja spirit can keep me alive!" 25 "Gaius shall die." 26 He said the last statement quietly. Not as an outburst of anger, but as a 27 statement of what will pass. Every muscle, nerve, and sinew was prepared to 28 destroy this enemy. 29 The Ninja 30 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj 31 WHOEVER IS AWAKE BY KNOW SEE A DARK FIGURE RIDING UP OABOVE THE HOUSE TOPS AND A 32 HORRIFYING SCREAM IS CARRIED INTO THE MORNING SUNRISE AS THE DARK HORSE GIVES A 33 NOTICE THAT THE WARRIOR IS AROUND AND WISHES TO KILL THE PERSON WHO SENT THE 34 ANTS. WITH THAT, THE WARRIOR LANDS HIS MOUNT AND DISMOUNTS HIS HELL-HORSE AND 35 CONTINUES BACK TO THE INN. HE JUST RELAXES AT A TABLE AND DEMANDS AN ALE TO TAKE 36 HIS MIND OFF THE MASSIVE PAIN THAT GAIUS WILL SUFFER FROM THE WARRIOR. 37 ****************THE WARRIOR************** 38 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 39 Good evening,I trust you are all any of you oldsters remember me? I pre-date just about everbody I see here, 40 except the Bard and the ever-present Innkeeper.My name was Nicholas,Nicholas Haflinger.A little poetry for you all; 41 There is a starship leaving for the heart of the sun/at a 1/4 after 3/leave your senses behind as you climb abord/ 42 can you trip as fast as me? (I said a little poetry,thats what you have) 43 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\N.J.H.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 44 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*DREAMTOUCHER*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 45 FORTUNATLY THE SIDE OF THE STREET THEY ARE ON IS BY A SMALL PARK. THE BUILDINGS 46 ACCROSS THE STREET ARE ONLY A FEW STORRIES TALL. 47 HOW LONG IS THIS TANK CLEANING GOING TO TAKE? HE ASKS OF NO-ONE IN PARTICULAR. EVEN THE UNPHASABLE PIPER APPEARS TO 48 BE SHOWING SIGNS OF IMPATIANCE ( NOT NERVIOSNESS, JUST IMPATIANCE), OR AM I IMMAGINING THAT? 49 FOR A FEW MOMENTS THE GROUND BUCKS AND HEAVES BENEATH THAIR FEET. THERE IS A CRACK LENGTHWISE OF THE STREET AND ON 50 THE OTHER SIDE ARE BUILDINGS WHICH WERE TWO STREETS AWAY MOMENTS AGO, WHILE THOSE WHICH USED TO BE THERE ARE NOW A 51 SIMMILAR DISTANCE FURTHER ON. 52 REPEATED SCRAPING NOISES CAN BE HEARD AS SHADOW, BOUNCING ON IT'S SPRINGS, BOTTEMS OUT FROM TIME TO TIME. THE 53 SHAKING LETS UP BUT THE DEFFINING RUMBLE GOES ON AND ON. L'OMME AND VOYER GO BACK TO WHATEVER THEY WERE DOING TO THE 54 CAR WHILE BARD SEAMS TO HAVE ENTERED THE LAST SERIES OF KEYPRESSES ON HIS 'CONSOLE'. 55 "LOOKS READY ANOUNCES L'HOMME". AND THEY ALL PILE BACK IN. 56 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 57 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJTMNXIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 58 THEMNAX TURNES TO FAST FRED IN THE TEMPORARILY SOMEWHAT CRAMPED AS WELL AS DISORGANIZED CELLARS. 59 "PERHAPS AN ASSESMENT OF THE ACTUAL DAMAGE MIGHT BE MADE BEFORE ANY DRASTIC ACTION BE TAKEN. MY SHIP IS AVAILABLE FOR 60 TRANSPORT SHOULD THAT PROVE NECESSARY. IT ONLY SLEEPS AND FEEDS TWO BUT THERE IS AIR AND STANDING ROOM FOR ABOUT FIVE. 61 IN THE MEAN TIME I THINK A GOOD IDEA WOULD BE TO VITRIFY THE TUNNEL BY WHICH THE ANTS ENTERED AND CLOSE IT OFF WITH A 62 DOOR WHICH ONLY OPENS FROM THE INN-SIDE. LOOKS TO ME THAT FOR ALL THAIR POWER AND BULK, GIANTS ARE POORLY TRAINED AS 63 SABATOURS! THEY MISSED THE OTHER 48 WINE RACKS AND THE OTHER 19 GIANT ALE KEGS." 64 "LOOKOUT HE SHOUTED TO THOSE REMAINING BELOW", AS EVEN THAT WHICH HAD BEEN DESTROIED, QUASI-EMPLOSIVELY RE-UNDESTROIED 65 ITSELF! 66 "I WAS WARNED THIS A WONDROUSE PLACE YET STARTLED I BE NO THE LESS" 67 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJTMNXIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 68 INN EPOXI BE THE IN ???????? 69 AMBER (THE SUBSTANCE) BE DEFINED?? 70 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 71 ALL: "FOFNGKDJGONJIGJTJRTJ" 72 or, in other words (?), time for the pendulum to swing. Things are going 73 smoothly...NOW. Can anyone notice the slow, almost imperceptible rise in 74 the "background radiation"? That the story lines are becoming disjointed, 75 incoherent, and showing ragged edges? I actually (Gasp!) used good 'ol CRC 76 HoC&P (58th version) to check that sucrose is insoluble in ethanol! WHAT 77 is the BW coming to? Trivial spot checks of each others' chemistry? (Now 78 THAT sounds down right kinky..) 79 Who are all these people(?) ? persons? 80 Not that I want to start talking religon (hmmmm...) (well, maybe..), but 81 how about SOMETHING other than (of all things) GIANT ANTS! Any subject, pick 82 a subject. Is anyone (else) out there eidetic? Cigaretts supply the valuble 83 nutrient, nicotenic acid. Marxism has definate advantages. Apple sucks. Nuke 84 the whales. Wholesale software piracy is the American way. ANYTHING!!!! 85 No, seriously... Anyone out there remotely familiar with PSYCHO- 86 ACCOUSTICS please drop me a line. Or ISLAM. Or 4116's (where to buy). 87 Religion, anyone? 88 BARD: If your world-view is internally consistent, why are you grinding 89 silicon wafers, instead of predicting what the stock market will do next? 90 All: so i'm sleepy... so sue me... 91 L'homme: q: what do you get if you leave a geometry book at a dairy 92 farm???? give up??? a: homogenous transformations (groan!) 93 BAD: I am replacing my small PBX with a operator and plug-board. 94 Aaron 95 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 96 Despite the Apprentices good works I think we should consider a multiple 97 reality trip to locate new wines, ales, and other forms of ingestable 98 alcohol. Consider that we should all benifit from increasing the range 99 and quantity of the inn's cellars. Besides I've read my 250 books for the 100 week and I could use a temporary break. 101 ******************************************** THE LAZY ONE ****************** 102 PS. Apprentice I intended to make use of the Law of similarity to get rid 103 of all the ants. Your way seems to have provided more lasting and unexpected 104 side benefits though. 105 ***********************************************************************] 106 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::::::: 107 piper: I don't know if you got in the car or not. If you want to accompany us, Great. If not, good luck! 108 ::::::::: 109 L'homme announced the car ready to go, and the bard proclaimed his gadgets also operational. As they all began entering 110 the car, a loud moaning and rumbling was heard, followed by severe shaking of the earth and other such disturbing events. 111 The nearby city was more-or-less leveled, and the surrounding topography was rather rearranged. As they all regained their 112 feet, the bard made reference to a 'ricter scale' and a 5 or 6. He then suggested that they make great haste to leave the 113 area, due to something called 'aftershocks'. They all hurried into the car (which was fortunately not damaged {more}) and 114 began to drive toward the road. Voyeur sat back and thought about something strange which had happened just befor the quake. 115 He had felt 'something', a kind of in-gathering of great forces, reminiscent of his experience in the auto-doc. It had 116 peaked just as the earthquake climaxed, then tapered off, until now he felt drained. (no, you dirty minds...). 117 As the car hurried on, the bard was adjusting his mechanisms, preparatory to another reality shift. Voyeur was uneasy; 118 that 'feeling' was coming back. "Better speed it up, bard. I think one of your 'aftershocks' is imminent." As the bard 119 turned, probably to ask how voyeur knew, it struck. 120 The car started bouncing around on the road, with L'homme fighting the wheel trying to maintain control. Suddenly a giant 121 crevasse opened directly in their path. L'homme slammed on his brakes and tried to avoid it, but the car slid inexorably 122 into the hole. 123 As voyeur felt himself fall, he unconsciously gathered the impalpable energies, and 'twisted'. The car seemed to be gripped 124 by some force even greater than that of the earthquake, was shaken, spun, and somehow turned inside-out (or so it felt). 125 It finally came to rest, and the battered and bruised passengers began to stir and attempt to regain scattered senses. 126 L'homme muttered 'now where am I. My Car!" He began to get out to check for damage, when Dreamtoucher asked, "do I smell 127 formic acid?" 128 ::::::::: 129 I love it! Okay gang, there's a wealth of possibilities there. And I didn't even rip off poor RZ this time! 130 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::voyeur::::::::::::O O:::::: 131 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 132 ok, now what?? block off the ant tunnel then kill gaius then get more wine? 133 where will we find this gaius fellow?? 134 135 ///////////////////pheric/////////////////////////////////////// 136 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 137 I'm back, after a brief respite. 138 Well, I think that all our story lines are getting a bit weak, so I will 139 refrain from making things more complicated. 140 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 141 Morby steped out of his room, chipper as ever. He looked in suprise at the 142 rather confused crowd. 143 " Yes, I know your plans. The noise of you talking about them woke me up." 144 He walked over to a table and sat down. 145 " I have three remarks - 1) I'll be glad to go 2) Can some one lend me 146 a short sword 3) Has anyone seen Dawg? 147 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 148 I'm thinking about introducing a new ultra nasty soon... 149 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 150 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 151 Fred thought for a moment at Morby's last question. Dawg? DAWG! I forgot 152 that I set that mini-bolo for approxomite dog size! I rushed out and tuned 153 my homer. Over beyond those trees. I look over and see the mini bolo........ 154 ................... With a large dog riding on top! 155 Blast! More bugs in the software. Oh well, at least this was the right 156 time to find out. No damage done to either dog or bolo, so I readjusted and 157 stored my machine, and led Dawg back to his master. 158 "Now for more pressing matters. I deal in wepons occasionally, but I 159 usually stay out of the direct confrontation. If you all remember I got here 160 originally by YOUR attacking ME. And since it seems enough of you want to 161 personally dismember Gaius, have at it. Who's with me for the resupplying?" 162 He then went to his table, sat and added, "By the way, any of you killers 163 need to rent a Bolo?" 164 Fast Fred BSAL 165 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 166 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 167 Milch: Where are you?????? 168 ?????????? 169 The Doctor and Psycho step out of the Mtardis, into the real Tardis. The 170 Doctor pulls out the vial and the paper-clip and hfands them over tho Milchar. 171 "Now will you tell me your plan..." "Later." replies Milchar... 172 ?????????????????????????????????????????????? The Doctor & Milchar ???????????? 173 THE WARRIOR LOOKS OVER AT MORBY AND SAYS "YES...I HAVE A SHORT SWORD FOR YOU OR 174 WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE A LONG SWORD? I'VE GOT BOTH." 175 TH EN HE SITS UP AND REPLIES "YOU HAD BETTER KEEP YOUR BOLAS FOR A FINAL 176 CONFRONTATION WITH GAIUS". HE ADDS, "HOW DID YOU BECOME A MEMBER HERE IN THE 177 INN"? 178 ****************TH E WARRIOR***********************************************j**** 179 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 180 I'm here somewhere... just didn't get a chance to get on last night. I DID finish that book though... 181 Archer: Who, me? 182 ++++++++++++++++++ 183 ...a supersaturated solution? That's even better than I expected! Let's see... we have the paperclip, map, two sonic 184 screwdrivers, Gizmo's machine... That's all of it. Doctor, please set the Tardis for Gallifrey, but make it a slower 185 than-normal journey through the Space-Time Vortex... no cutting across uncharted areas, as I need some sleep, and 186 undoubtedly the others need it too. Be prepared for the reteival of the sceptre, as we're all going to need to be 187 at our physical peak. Good 'night'... 188 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milchar ++++++++++++++++++++ (Doctor, you got lucky once) ++++++ 189 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 190 Milch: Lucky?!?!? You're dang right!!!! I want that book back Monday, then. 191 ??????????? 192 The Doctor only half awake, sets the controls for Galifrey. "We are now set on 193 the longest course to Galifrey. I've also set the T/S Jammer to register 194 absolutely nothing when we pop back into Galifrean space." "Great." says 195 Milchar. "Then until then, we rest. Doctor, aask K-9 to keep a 'look-out' for 196 anything that might disturb our rest." "Certainly. K-9, go for it!!!" 197 With that, the four adventurers set off to their respective rooms to sleep. 198 199 ??????????????????????????????????? The Doctor & Milchar & Psycho & Gizmo ?????? 200 ? 201 I am a New User to this system and I noticed a few peculararities 202 What the 7734 is going on? Is this board based at damish, is there 203 a special line from there, or what? 204 //////////// Refuse to give name until proven safe ///////////// 205 206 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 207 To the New User : The 7734 (upside down on a calculator, for those who missed 208 that ) should be fairly evident. Hint - this is a fantasy, and then some, 209 BBS. I won't comment on the remark about Damish.... 210 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 211 Morby looked at the Warrior. 212 " I prefer a shortsword, because they are easier to use when backstabing. 213 Also they are the favored weapon of my type, and you know what my type is!" 214 Morby pulled a pipe from the a fold in his cloak, and some pipeweed from 215 a pouch on his belt. After no one offered to light it for him, the pipe 216 lit itself. He then rested his feet on the table. 217 " You like the pipe? It and the special weeds are my only magical items." 218 Dawg, looked rather run down rested came in and rested at Morby's feet. 219 " Before we leave on the quest for beverages, lets have a little talk 220 about religion..." 221 If Dawg could have only spoken, he would have laughed. 222 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 223 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 224 ->Milchar: you were correct with the chessboard solution. (so correct, 225 do you have my source book?) 226 Regarding the coffee/sugar problem, since it is obviously impossible to 227 divide 14 into 3 odd groups, it is probably something offbeat like 228 drinking one cup black, then split the 14 into 7 & 7 for the other two. 229 Eve/odd infinity. I'm inclined to assume infinity is a prime number, and 230 is therefore an odd number, since the only even prime is 2. 231 (aside: I wrote an assembler program for the 370/138 at school, and got a 232 printout of all the primes up to 1,000,000. Got some funny looks from 233 the computer operators and my BAL instructor, though. Sigh. 234 Genius is rarely appreciated.) 235 ??????????????????????????? QUIZMASTER ???????????????????????????????? 236 && && && 237 Gaius laughed as he watched the Innhabitants on his interreality scanner. His plan was going just as planned. They 238 were all going to be so busy trying to kill him that they would never know what hit them. The weakening of the 239 reality-structure in the vicinity of Innisfall continued on scedule. Perhaps he should report the use of maxwell's 240 demon to straighten up the Inn. N might get a laugh out of it. Then again, maybe not; N was so unpredictable. 241 Ah, that's it, thought Gaius, I'll just stir them up a little more... 242 && && && 243 "Your mothers married their fathers!" 244 The cry from outside the Inn caused every head in the place to turn. "Hey! Wimps! Come an' get me!" The patrons 245 all rushed to the door to see who could be so bold. Standing before the Inn, under a strangely dark noonday sky, was 246 Gaius. "Come on, I'll take on the lot of ya," he cried, brandishing his shuriken. His form was far enough from the 247 Inn that none of the charging horde saw the faint smile that played across his lips as he watched them surge 248 foreward. tThis ought to be fun, he thought. 249 && The Mad Actor && 250 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 251 THE ARCHER HEARS A LOT OF NOISE OUT SIDE AND HE SEES THE MAD DUM DUM MAKING FUN OF SOME OF THE MOST POWER FULL BEINGS 252 IN THE WORLD AND RIGHT OUT FROUNT WAS THE WARRIOR AND THE APRINTICE. WELL SEEING HIS CHANCE HE SOOTS TO CRANE ARROWS OUT 253 AT THEM PULLING THEM RIGHT INTO HIS ROOM (BOY THEY HAVE GOOD ROOM SURVICE) GRABING BOTH BY THE NECK WITH HIS CYBORNETIC 254 AR,MS THEY BOTH SEE THAT HIS TORSO IS FULL OF GAGETS IN PLANTED IN HIS BODY. "NOW BEFORE I LET YOU TOO DOWN I HAVE A 255 LITTEL FAVOR TO ASK? WILL YOU PROMIS NOT TO TRY TO HACK ME IN LITTEL PEACES? NOW I KNOW THAT THE BOTH OF YOU COULD KIL 256 L ME WORRIOR YOU HAVE NO EQUAL IN HAND TO HAND WEAPONS AND APRINTICE, ANY BODY WHO CAN GET RID OF THAT MESS I WANT ON 257 MY SIDE." THE ARCHER LETS HIS GUEST DOWN AND WAITS FOR AN ANSWER. 258 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MILCHAR !!!!YES YOU !!!!! 259 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 395 ()()()()()()()()()()() PHOENIX ()()() 396 ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() 397 IT'S GREAT TO BE BACK MISSED YOU ALL 398 YOUR ALL CRAZY SO AM I!!!!! 399 SO IAM BACK FOR GOOD! 400 Look at the signs 401 Look at the symptoms 402 Look at the slight 403 Calm before the storm 404 I feel the silence 405 I feel the signals 406 I feel the strain 407 Tension in my head 408 Well,what more can be said... 409 Not a model man 410 Not a saviour or a saint 411 Imperfect in a word 412 Make no mistake 413 BUT I 414 Give you everything i have 415 TAKE ME AS I AM... 416 ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()( 417 ()()()()PHOENIX()()()()()()()()()( () 418 oh wonderful 419 ****************************************************************** 420 Just because you've beaten a sorcerer, doesn't mean you've beaten a sorcerer. 421 *************** THOTH AMON *********************** THE LAZY ONE ****** 422 && && && 423 "Well, are you simpletons just going to stand there with your mouths hanging open or are you going to act like the 424 unthinkingly violent types I know you are? Or maybe you'd like to join the Ninja hiding under the porch, there. 425 Here. I'll make it easy on you." So saying, the robed figure turned his back to the mob... 426 && The Mad Actor && 427 --------------------------------------=- 428 Morby:backstab backstab!! 429 well all,I promissed a story and ah well ah umm,its not done yet.another few days.another problem is the fact that I hav 430 lost the porsfis newsletter with the start of the story that I havg I don't think starting }y0continuation 431 (whoops) my continuation w/o the start would lelx xeople much. 432 (help people much) 433 =--------------------shtoner----------- 434 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJTMNXIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 435 AS THEY MADE THAIR WAY BACK UPSTAIRS, A MOST PECULIAR LOUD TEARINIG SOUND COULD BE HEARD. WITH ALL THE CARNAGE 436 UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS AND OUTSIDE (ALL IN THE MYSTERIOS PROCESS OF REVERSING 437 ITSELF) ONE ANT HAD REMAINED ALIVE. WHEN THEMNAX HAD HASTILY DEPARTED FOR THE 438 CELLARS, HIS SHIP HAD BEEN PHASED IN AND ITS OUTER LOCK OPEN. 439 IN THE DUST AND CONFUSION, ONE OF THE MURAUDING SUPER-ANTS, HAD BLUNDERED ABOARD! 440 IT HAD AIMLESSLY TORE INTO THE CONTROL COMPARTMENT, FIRST SETTING OFF A MASTERBOT 441 WHICH HAD BEEN STOED IN THE AIRLOCK/CARGO HOLD. IT HAD BEEN LAST PROGRAMED TO PICK 442 WILD TOMATOES. IT ROLLED TO A STOP IN THE CENTER OF THE INN. SEEING NOTHING WHICH RESEMBLED TOMATOE PLANTS, IT SIMPLY 443 SAT THERE IDLEY. IT WAS ONLY THEN THAT DISASTER (FOR THEMNAX AT LEAST) STRUCK. 444 THE LESS THAN GENIUS CHETTENOID BLUNDERED INTO ONE OF THE SPACIAL VECTOR TRIMPOTS. THE SHIP TRIED TO MOVE WITHOUT 445 HAVING BEEN SHADOW PHASED AND STILL INTERSECTING THE INN'S EAST WALL! 446 BY THE TIME THEMNAX REEMERGED INTO THE INN'S COMMON, THERE WAS NO SHIP, NO ANT AND A RATHER 447 LARGE HOLE WARE IT HAD INTERSECTED THE WALL. WITH THE CHILDREN OF MAXWELL AND FINAGLE ON THE JOB, THE DAMMAGE TO THE 448 INN WAS QUICKLY REVERSED WITH NOT THE SLIGHTEST EVIDANCE IT HAD EVER OCCURED. UNFORTUNATLY THERE WAS NO LONGER THE 449 SLIGHTEST EVIDENCE THEMNAX'S SHIP HAD EVER OCCURED EITHER! 450 (EXCEPT FOR HIS OWN AND HIS ARTIFACT'S CONTINUED EXISTANCE). SINCE THE ENERGY FROM THIS EVENT HAD TO GO SOMEWARE AND 451 IT HAD NOT BEEN RELEASED AS PHYSICAL ENERGY IN THE REALITY OF THE INN, SEVERAL THINGS HAPPENED SIMULTANIOSLY. THE 452 DOCTOR'S TARDIS'S SETTINGS WERE KNOCKED OFF A BIT (SORRY DOCTOR, ET.C.. ACCORDING TO THE SHOW, EVERY LITTLE RIPPLE IN 453 SPACE-TIME COSMOSE SEEMES TO HAVE THIS EFFECT SO I'M GUESSING IT WILL HAPPEN HERE AS WELL). AN EARTHQUAKE SEEMS TO BE 454 TAKING PLACE IN THE BLIGHT WARE L'HOMME'S CAR AND OCCUPANTS WERE LAST SEEN AND EVEN GIAUS IS KNOCKED ACCROSS THE ROOM BY 455 A SHORT FROM HIS CONSOLE. (THE ACTUAL AMMOUNT OF DAMMAGE CAUSED WILL PROBABLY BE MINIMAL IN MOST CASSES AS IT WAS 456 SPREAD SO WIDELY. SUIT YOURSELVES AS TO HOW MUCH AND EVEN IF AT ALL. INFINITY HAS NOT(!) BEEN SHATTERED, JUST A FEW 457 RIPPLES SPREADING EVER OUTWARD) 458 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJTMNXIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 459 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 460 I MENT THAT THE ARROW TURNS INTO A SUPPORT AND LIFTS THING OFF THE GROUND LIKE 461 A CRANE GOT IT OTHER THAN THAT WHAT WAS WRONG WITH THAT MESSAGE OHH IF YOU ARE 462 REFRERING TO THE MISSTAKES WELL YOU MAKE THEM TO!!! 463 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 464 THE ARCHER SAT DOWN HEARING NO MOVEMENT FROM EATHER HE STARTS TO TELL THEM WHAT 465 HE IS GOING TO DO. I HAVE A LARGE SPACE AND TIME SHIP ON THIS WORLD AND I NEED 466 TO FIND THE DOCTOR OR I WILL DIE I HAVE 8 MOUTHS TO DO THISE IN AND HE ONLY HE 467 CAN SAVE ME. I NEED BOTH YOUR POWERS AND YOUR FRIENDSHIP, TO HELP ME GET TO 468 GALLAFRA. WILL YOU HELP ME??? HE SITS BACK AND WAITS. 469 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ARCHER>>>>> 470 471 P.S. TRY TO DO BETTER IN THE FUTURE. 472 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 623 Somebody actually remembers me! Thanks, Mike! I thought I was fading 624 into BWMS history there for a disk or two. Nice to know somebody knows I'm 625 alive. I havn't looked at the calend., but I think tommorow is a PCS night. 626 See you there? (and the new steed?) Aaron 627 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> > .