LIST FILE ON MARGIN IS 80 STATUS: ENTER ONLY NUMBER OF LINES: 622 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 *************************** REMOVED: 3 JUL 84 ************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION PLACED ON 6 THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 ALAS. I HAVE "MADE IT TO THE TOP", AND I HAVE NOTHING PROFOUND TO SAY. SIGH.##== 21 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 22 For those of you who worry about such things, this Saturday is the 23 normal PorSFiS/PC&S meeting. Due to the Westercon SF convention this 24 weekend, PorSFiS/PC&S has been cancelled. Normal programming resumes in 25 two weeks. 26 If you think Backwater has some crazies, go to Westercon! 27 ####################################################################### 28 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 29 As I sit here, unaware of any part of my body except my mind, I wonder about 30 things. I ask of all of you, if Planck's constante were, say 10 instead of what 31 it is now, what would happen? What would be our life styles? 32 Think of it, everything defracts everything else! Think of the social 33 consequence of it all! Does anyone remember the equation for time dilation? 34 Something like the suare root of tau over t *C where tau was the amount of 35 time spent in dilation and t was the dilation factor. I thing that a time travel 36 ship would be easy to construct, given that for 20 years in space at .54C you 37 would find 30 years gone by on earth. I take trusty welding torch in hand and 38 begin to make my ship. Does anyone know how to get clean fusion w/o ll those 39 "#$%$#ing n 40 eutrons making you ship into fissionable material? I know lithium and s few other 41 things will block it, but I want a somewhat perminante solution. 42 Carefull not to burn eyebrows when lighting fusion drive 43 The Man in Gray 44 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 45 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 46 Tarn found himself walking in the moonlight night unable to 47 find sleep, he decided to continue his trek. Looking up at the 48 moon, he is reminded of that night long ago when he had first 49 come to the Inn, and the foot bridge where he had parted with the 50 last trace of his painfull past. 51 Though he had continued to be haunted by the specter of the 52 woman who had hurt and deceived him, at least he had broken the 53 tie which had prevented him from continuing with his life. The 54 kind folk at the Inn had helped him to heal the wounds and grow 55 back to health. 56 They had offered companionship when he needed friends, and 57 peace when he needed to be alone. Tarn doubted that he could 58 ever repay them, or express his gratitude enough, but then Emer 59 had come, offering her friendship. 60 At first he was delighted to just have another friend, but 61 soon he had found it grew into something more. He had found a 62 kindred soul. Someone he could reach his hand out to and not 63 have it returned as a bloody stump. 64 Then the day came when he reached out to touch her, a desire 65 to bring the friendship even closer. Yet when he had touched 66 her, she had disappeared in a wafting cloud of coloured smoke. 67 After that, she began to appear less often. Seemingly growing 68 more distant with each encounter, as if avoiding him for fear of 69 his touch again. 70 He had fallen into remorse at this, not knowing how to 71 combat this everwidening gap. Until finally she no longer showed 72 up at the Inn, and he had fallen into a deep depression. Then 73 not knowing what else to do, he had struck out in search of her, 74 following cold trails and missleading spores. And now he found 75 himself on this mountain, on a moolight night, underneath an 76 overhanging ledge, with no place left to search. 77 Not able to go any farther, he sat down against a small 78 boulder. How could he express his affection for her when he 79 could not even find her? Pillowing his head on his pack, he 80 pulled his cloak about him, and tried to get even a few hours of 81 sleep. After a while, a small shudder passed thru his body. 82 "Oh, Emer, I miss you so." 83 *O* Tarn *O* 84 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 85 86 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*DREAMTOUCHER*=*=*=*=*=*==*=*==*=*=*=* 87 BARD: I PICKED DAVID M'S STUFF FOR WIZARD CON. WILL BE AROUND TOMMAROW 88 AM. AT THE CON THAT IS. WILL PROBABLY BE IN THE GAME ROOM OR ONE OF THE 89 VIDEO ROOMS UNTIL AT LEAST 1500 OR SO UNLESS I DROP BY ART SHOW OR DEALERS. 90 DIDN'T PICK UP ARTHER'S AND JOYCE'S 'CAUSE JOHN ANDREWS INSISTED I SHOULD 91 HAVE HAD SOMETHING IN WRITING! OY! SUCH AS THEY SAY IS LIFF! 92 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 93 :************************************************************: 94 MIG: Yes, you are correct. The formula for time dilation is 95 the square root of TAU over T * C. I've become very familiar 96 with the practical aspects of this theory in my work 97 recalibrating transmogrification guns for McKane Industries. 98 99 I'm currently working on a feedback loop theory that would 100 modify the time echo factor so the transmogrification gun 101 could be used under water. I haven't been successfull yet but 102 am expecting a break-through as soon as I get the water out 103 of my ears. 104 105 Professor Erzats 106 Research Department 107 McKane Industries 108 109 :*********************************************************: 110 GDM: I also use Vidtex Plus, but uploading to BWMS is NOT very practical. 111 If you wish to try however... 112 1. use Meta-Y (xmit w prompt) 113 2. pick a prompt char that does NOT appear in the text 114 3. be prepared to either have the char at the beginning of every line or to use 115 the CH function to remove it (one line at a time!) 116 4. set the margin >> your line length (MA 120 works well for 80 col lines) 117 5. after the first line is sent wait AT LEAST 10 seconds, then type the prompt 118 char. 119 6. repeat step 5 until you reach the end of text. 120 7. exit enter mode 121 8. list your msg 122 9. use CH to correct the INEVITABLE errors 123 124 The alternative is to write (or buy) a terminal program that 125 will send 1 line at a time when you hit a key (eg SPACE). 126 Sincerely, 127 Your enemy 128 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 129 Mig: tau factor= sqaure root(1-(v^2)/(c^2)) 130 mass = rest mass/tau 131 time rate = tau 132 length (in direction of travel) = rest length * tau 133 All of the above apply for CONSTANT velocity. Mass & length & time rate are good 134 AS INSTANTANEOUS VALUES ONLY if you are accelerating. I can give you formulae 135 for calculating the elapsed time aboard a ship at constant ACCELERATION, but 136 they are VERY messy! 137 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 138 Oh, you don't need to worry about neutron flux IF you use one of the 139 reactions that doesn't PRODUCE them! (ie 4 H -> 1 He, or the carbon-nitrogen 140 cycle to name a couple) They DO require higher pressure/temperature/density but 141 it is worth the trouble! (You DON'T want to know what my power packs are like!) 142 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 143 I am Jason Shaw and would like to join a club with my modem. 144 If you have any imfo please reply to me at my home 145 PHONE # 646-xxxx 146 147 print 148 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 149 Talk about intimidation, ever since the GDM challange, I'm don't know 150 if I really want to give another chapter out. Oh well, nobody 151 probably remebers the story but..... 152 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 153 I heard a sound near my foot. Looking down, I noticed a throwing star 154 has just taken the laces off of my shoes. Rabindranith had a daggar out, 155 looking up at nothing. "What was that? Were you followed!" he managed 156 to get out. 157 I examined the star. The insignia on it was a stickshift. "Probably, 158 but it dosent matter." I tossed him the star, "Believe it or not, this 159 came from a friend." I knew however, that the bolo gate wouldn't last 160 much longer. I doubt if the Ninja would be around, but I hoped he 161 arrived at his location safely. No telling where (or when) he might land. 162 The event was quickly forgotton. We made our way down the road to 163 a small establishment where we could talk, while Salsman decided to 164 chow down. excessivly. 165 "What about this group, Rab, how far is it?" 166 "about 10 hours trip from here. We got horses, so we can pack whatever 167 we want." 168 "I hope that won't be nessesary. I have a feeling we'd better traval light" 169 Fast Fred 170 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 171 ================================================================================ 172 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 173 TO THE MAN IN GRAY AND PROFESSOR ERZATS: 174 175 AS SOON AS YOU BOTH COMPLETE YOUR STUDIES, I WILL BE NEEDING A RIDE TO THE 176 GREAT SPIRAL IN THE ANDROMEDA GALAXY. PLEASE!!FOR ALL OUR SAKES DON'T 177 SCREW UP THE CEPHEID VARIABLES. 178 179 YOURS IN HISTORY,(PAST AND FUTURE) 180 181 GRIGORI RASPUTIN 182 ################################################################################ 183 184 OFF 185 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 186 Greg:I am just going for simple time dilation by good ol' enstines method. 187 I already have a full complement of people on this ship and have not the space 188 for more. Most sorry, perhaps someone else with a higher physics background ca 189 n build you something FTL for your trip. 190 Leonard:Carbon-nitrogen?!?! ye gods,you must be kidding. 191 The Man in Gray 192 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 193 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj 194 The reality around the Ninja seemed to be growing unstable. 195 Something was wrong with the bola gate. Lights started to flicker on and off 196 all around him. The strain was too much. He passed out in spite of his Ninja 197 training. 198 The Nija started to stir again. He was no longer in the same reality. 199 This one looked vaguely familar. Why, he was in Japan -- outside of the 200 ninja temple where he was trained. There was something different, however. 201 There seemed to be loud chants of prayer coming from the temple. Something 202 about patrons of McKane enterprises. 203 The Ninja 204 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj 205 * * * W A N T E D * * * 206 207 Atari disk drive or any drive that works with the At 208 ari. Also wanted ATR-8000 or 850 interface. Can trad 209 e CPM computer or pay cash. Call Peter 657-xxxx 210 211 **************************************************** 212 213 My word! trading a CPM computer in for an Atari?! 214 What's this world coming to?! 215 (I think I'm going to be sick!) 216 217 218 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 219 To: All those who know what's going on... 220 What is going on??? I leave for a week, and miss at least 3 disks and mass 221 amounts of messages. Could someone please fill me in a little??? Sundownor 222 told me very little. Yes, I do know who Sundownor is. I wont tell though. 223 Well, I've got to go now. See Ya' Later!!!!!!! 224 225 ?????????????????????????????????????????? The Doctor ?????????????????????????? 226 P.S: Milchar, reply to the messages on PCS, will you??? 227 228 ?????????????????????????????????????????? The Doctor ?????????????????????????? 229 :***********************************************************: 230 231 URGENT - PRIORITY ONE 232 233 Mr. McKane: 234 235 Professor Erzat has been kidnapped. I discovered he was missing 236 when I visited the laboratory and he was gone. There was a note 237 saying the abductors would spell out their demands later. 238 239 Fortunately, the cognative transmogrification gun was locked 240 safely away in the hidden vault. Yet without the professor to 241 complete the recalibration it is useless. 242 243 What are we to do. Your instructions are urgently needed. 244 245 Monsieur d'Autun 246 247 :*************************************************************: 248 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 249 DEAR TRUE BELIVER: 250 THANX FOR THE SUPPORT. IT'S GOING TO BE A TOUGH TASK BUT WE'LL DO IT 251 J.C.&T.B. 252 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 253 254 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 255 Are you still being bothered by those pandimentional beings in you 256 refrigerator or backyard ??? 257 Well, if so, you can still contact us. 258 Parapsychologists at large. (P.A.L) 259 Bye all, 260 Mark Forsyth.. 261 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 262 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 263 264 How about a Bruce Lee spin-off. We can make a movie called"EXIT KING 265 SILICON". Then make a sequel called"ENER THE GRIZZLY". Pretty spiff 266 huh? 267 Have a nice day, 268 THE GRIZZLY 269 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 270 271 PARAPSYCHOLOGISTS: YES, I COULD USE YOUR HELP. BESIDES THE UFO'S(UNIDENTIFIED 272 FROZEN OBJECTS), THERE SEEM TO BE SOME GREMLINS OR WHATEVER IN THERE. I DON'T KN 273 274 *********************************************************************** 275 Uploading to BWMS: First, change all carriage return/linefeed sequences 276 to carriage return/wait one second. This will allow you to down load in 277 most cases. If you are having problems with dropped chars, or garbled 278 characters during the transmission, you may want to add a wait after 279 sending each character until it is returned to you before sending the 280 next one. I have been downloading most of my text to BWMS for over two 281 years automatically with COPYLINK which can do all of the above and more. 282 Oh yes, when doing your down load, be sure you go to the bottom before 283 using the ENTER command. This prevents the 2 to 3 second delay that can 284 occur on the first line entery as the disk drive would have to seek 285 a number of tracks to write it on the disk if it isn't on the bottom 286 already. Since the drives are SA-400's, they take 40ms per track to 287 seek, that means to go from top to bottom of a full disk it takes 288 1.6 seconds plus 400MS to find the sector. For a total worse case 289 time of 2 seconds. Conversly, if it is already there, it only takes 290 100MS to seek the new track plus 400MS to find the sector, for a total 291 worse case time of 500MS (or 1/2 second). Speaking of the drives, I 292 am continually amazed that they are still running, considering that 293 they were resurected from dead hulks, and currently sound like a 294 rock crushing machine. I keep expecting them to die any day, yet they 295 still keep on running. Those Shugarts have got to be one of the most 296 reliable drives around I have ever seen. They really need to be given 297 a decent burial, but they keep on working. 298 ************************** CISTOP MIKEY ******************************* 299 300 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 301 & i was here. .......................................... & 302 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 303 304 &*)#@%)*)!%*#$)*^!^_(_^!#_$^+#!(&_!(&+#%*&_@$%^*&*$_^%*&_@^$*&_*%_&*_*#_&*_&*# 305 As I pulled in to the Plaza Hilton, I realized how close I really was to 306 McKane. Now I realize that Oklahoma City is not the most exciting place in 307 the country, but I had a feeling that things would start poppin Real Soon 308 Now. "He must be close...I can feel it in the air." 309 "Park you car sir?", interrupted an attendant... 310 "No thank you, I will park it myself. There are too many tricky things to know 311 to allow someone besides myself to drive it." 312 "A car is a car.", argued the attendant, visibly angered by my response. 313 "This is not a normal car, as you so glibly say. Anyway, why am I arguing 314 with you for..." 315 There is nothing like the sound of spinning tires on blacktop, and this time 316 was no exception. I had things to do and places to go, and I wasn't going to 317 waste my time with the parking attendant. 318 As I entered the hotel, trying to balance a suitcase, a backpack, and a special 319 coding device, I spyed an interesting looking figure. The figure was interesting 320 only because he was so plain looking. This man reminded me of the perfect 321 Bogart character from any of a dozen movies made during the 40's and 50's. 322 I approached the desk, and told the desk person my name. 323 "We have your room all ready sir. My that's an interesting name you have. Where 324 are you from?" 325 "It's a long story, and one I don't feel like retelling now. But maybe later." 326 "Would you like some help with those bags?", she asked, looking at my 327 collection of bags and cases. 328 "No...I'll be fine. Thank you though." 329 I made my way to the elevators, and while I was waiting for any of the half 330 dozen operating at the moment, I noticed that the plain looking man had 331 repositioned himself, now closer to the elevators, and he was occasionally 332 peering from over an old newspaper. 333 Finally the elevator arrived..."Let's see...floor 14...Lucky thing I didn't 334 get floor 13." 335 The doors closed, and I watched the lights as the elevator rose. 1,2,3,4 336 ,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14. "12 to 14!!!", I thought..."Oh I get it...the old 337 13 cute. I wonder if they do that at all high rise hotels?" 338 The door opened and I stepped out into the hall. Room 1428 was to the left, 339 and I found it quickly, thanks to the guiding signs on the walls. As I 340 unlocked and opened my door, I immediatly set down my parcels on the floor. 341 But to my surprise as I entered the main part of the room, there sat the 342 plain looking man, and next to him, an arrangement of flowers. 343 "They are from McKane", he said, pointing at the flowers. "He knows you are 344 here, which means he probably knows I am here too. We must be on our guard. 345 I haven't read the note yet, I thought I leave that to you, since they 346 are addressed to 'L'homme sans parity. By the way, before I forget, My 347 name is Joshua, and I am on your side. I am here to help you put an end 348 to the McKane organization once and for all." 349 "How do you know so much about me and what I am doing here", I queried 350 suspiciously. 351 "Do the initials RYRYRY mean anything to you?", he retorted. 352 " you know about the net, but how can I be sure?" 353 "Let me see that box you set down by the door. I think I can prove who I 354 am to you." 355 Within five minutes, I was convinced. Well now at least I had some help. 356 But now to see what these flowers have to say... 357 &*)#*%)$#*%$# L'homme sans parity aven un ami et comrade *)#*%)@*%)@#%*@)%*@ 358 Notice I have changed to the first person. This is to better fit in with 359 the rest of the characters on my side. It should be a little easier to 360 interact with the others now. 361 Joshua...nice to have you aboard. I am not certain who you are yet, but 362 I have my guesses... 363 *%)#@%*!$)@#*^%)#$!^*!*^)!#$*^)_*!)^&*%_&*@_%#$*&)@#%*&)@#$*&)@%$*&)*)&*& 364 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 365 The essence of the piper found himself wafting along above the treetops 366 surrounding the inn. The piper had surrendered to the pull that had caused 367 his essence to leave his body -- the so-called "astral travel" that one hears 368 so much about nowadays -- and was waiting to see just what would transpire. 369 After a few long moments 370 The piper began to quest out in increasing circles, examining the landscape 371 below him, looking for the source of the call that had brought him. Logically 372 he should be directly above the source of whatever seemed to be pulling him, 373 but nothing was visible. "Oh, well," he said to himself, "I may as well see 374 if I really can go underground." Figuratively taking a breath (you really 375 needn't breath if you are little more than a vagrant breeze, yourself) the 376 piper plunged directly downward. The astral essence of a person is still 377 tenuosly connetcted with our material being. In astral form you cannot drink 378 a cup of coffee, but can savor the aroma of the steaming cup. (In point of 379 fact some acquaintances have mentioned that this is by far the best part of 380 that omnipresent brew -- at least as it is most often prepared.) Thus it took 381 all the piper's courage to plunge into that dank, damp ground of the forest 382 floor. It was an unpleasant reminder of the cold grave that is in the future 383 of each of the living. His ethereal essence penetrated the ground slowly. 384 Seeping between the grains of soill, visiting the busy acid factories at te 385 tips of countless plant root hairs, learning secrets and knowlege never ment 386 for the human brain the piper oozed on. Protracted immersion in an environment 387 inevetably has its effects on the psyche. As the piper found himself recounting 388 his adventures to a sympathetic group of slugs (really, they are rather charming 389 creatures once you get to know them) he realized that he must continue with 390 his previous quest. Some time later (for time had long since lost it's meaning) 391 he found himself near a large, glowing, red stone. 392 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 393 Scarlett -- I thought you had somehow left L'Homme's car -- is this true? 394 If indeed, I have found the Rothmann ruby, I should be beneath its notice! 395 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 396 397 :*************************************************************: 398 Dear McKane: 399 400 Thank you so much for your "Rent a Miricle" program. I never 401 would have passed my English lit class without it. 402 403 When I first heard about your program I never dreamed I could 404 afford your prices. How lucky for me that you accept 405 merchandise in trade. 406 407 I'll deliver Candi, my fifteen year old sister, to the man you 408 called the pimp. Anyway I think that's what you called him. 409 By the way Mr. McKane, what is a pimp? 410 411 Thanks again for getting rid of my two biggest problems, my 412 F in English lit and my stupid sister. I'll be praying for you 413 and your good work Mr. McKane. God Bless You. 414 415 Danny 416 417 :************************************************************: 418 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 419 "The move from the McKane Building was a good one. It will not buy us much 420 time, however. All I hope is that they will not find out my true nature." 421 "Quit babbling, will you? I've just got a message that my top scientist has 422 been kidnapped." 423 "What was he doing that was so important?" 424 "Working on an underwater transmortification gun." 425 "Faugh! And I thought that Earth was at leaset a little civilized. Playing 426 with those toys? What need you of them, when there lies power untapped in the 427 Sun itself?" 428 "Well, we use solar energy... I have a chain of Heavy-duty cigarette lighters 429 in the Southwest." 430 "You use just the very outermost shell of the true energy. Let me demonstrate." 431 Sundownor moves to the side, eyeing a chair in the corner. Gauging the 432 intensity of the sun for a moment, he points two fingers at the chair. A 433 yellow glow springs from his hand, enveloping the chair. An instant later, 434 the chair disintergrates, leaving a fine dust to settle to the floor. 435 "If your world had true science, you would know how to do that. And many more 436 things. I am again appalled at the primitiveness of this world." 437 McKane was speechless, his jaw having already dropped a ways. "Can...can... 438 you build something that will do that?" 439 "Yes....." 440 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Sundownor %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 441 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 442 443 Dear McKane Industries: 444 What is your purpose, storie/other? I am very confused because I 445 not been up(bwms) for a while. Please help! I'm confused . 446 The GRIZZLY 447 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 448 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 449 To troubled person, 450 to het those pesky UFO's out of your life I suggest that you send~ 451 at least a thousand or so volts of electricity through your body. 452 That should hold them off for a while, and if that doesn't work, 453 eat a gallon of Bresler ice cream an hour. They should be gone 454 within the week. 455 Mark Forsyth. 456 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 457 {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}}{} 458 REPENT YE SINNERS! 459 I have foundthat someone is using my name!!!!"THERE WILL COME FALSE 460 PROPHETS!!".Who ever it is( your initials are A.K. and you are also often 461 referred to as DOI for obvious reasons!) PLEASE STOP!!! Or you will be 462 forever damned to eternal fire and immortal agony! 463 Despair fills me. I have tried to save yur souls and yet I am met 464 with hostility. I am going to leave you all to your decadence while I 465 lie down and bleed awhile. I will leave you with a poem(make of it what 466 you will, and please Mike don't erase it): 467 As you burn upon the stake, 468 As your flesh begins to bake. 469 I remember how pagans flee 470 Because they played D&D. 471 472 As the smoke curls above, 473 I remember my true love. 474 Beautiful was she, 475 Intill she played D&D. 476 477 As you start to die, 478 Tears start to fill my eye. 479 I tried to save you from DAMNATION, 480 All you did was laugh at salvation 481 482 Sickened at heart, Goodbye FOREVER, 483 See you from above- J.C. and the Boys 484 {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} 485 486 Steve: call Dave re Westercon Sunday. Anytime (and you know what THAT means!). 487 eah Steve, better call dave beause you know what that means!!!! 488 489 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 490 SPOOK CENTRAL. 491 Tell your friends, your neighbors, your dog, tell everyone "SPOOK CENTRAL 492 WANTS YOU!!!", WE'RE READY TO BELIEVE YOU!!! 493 494 CALL NOW AT MDJ-XH1B (and thats no code 495 496 Parapsychologist At Large. 497 (P.A.L) fo short. 498 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 499 +----------------------------------------------+ 500 | thats 635-xxxx if you didn't catch that.... | 501 +----------------------------------------------+ 502 503 504 F.T 505 506 JC AND THE BOYS: I WONT MISS YOU A BIT 507 ARE YOU ALL A BUNCE OF CRAZY INSANE PEOPLE. WHAT IS THIS SYSTEM 508 Person directly above, why don't you join the big J.C. You two seem to be in 509 the same class of humanoid subcreatures. 510 BBOORRIINNGG this system is, every one talking about them selves and 511 what group or party they are in, are not bulletin boards set up for the 512 princeple of comunication. It seems that one group is comming down on 513 another group and so on. Can't everyone on this system take everyone 514 else f~or what they are, not what you want them to be. This would be 515 an enjoyable system to log onto if it were'nt for all these contrasts 516 of personalities. I used to be a steady member of this board (called 517 regulary a week) but now it seems to be run over by this group who 518 call them selves 'networks', 'juvie hunters', 'porfis' or whatever 519 it may be, havegiven this system a bad, even horrible name. I wouldn't 520 be on now but I'm so didsturbed by these groups, and what they are doing. 521 And what of these names, 'the man in gray', 'the ninja',and all those 522 others, why can't you show your real name, got something to hide or is 523 it because if those peopl knew your real name they would stop talking 524 to you alltogether. 525 HEY, all juvie hunters, why don't you tell us your real names. Juvies 526 are so dumb and stupid, they won't know what to do with them RIGHT? 527 so why not. Be a couple of real studs that you pretend to be by telling 528 me, or is that to difficult to do? if not, great. Well, I still havn't 529 said enough but I must be going. 530 Mark Forsyth. 531 532 ~ ok, Now that we have all of your attentionMaybe I can have a word with someone 533 Or maybe not at all, thats the usuall pollicy here isn't it. 534 OK, you groups can think that you control 535 but that control is always based on the lower 536 PLUS, what are all those stories about, don't you have anything better to do? 537 I know I don't. 538 This system will never improve, its now stuck with those network creeps 539 540 ****************************************************************** 541 Yes, let's all conform! Death to creativity! No more stories. 542 Let's only talk about computers and IC's and bits and bytes 543 and all that wonderful stuff they talk about on other BBS's. 544 No more of this fantisy garbage that everyone keeps putting on 545 here. Let's hear it now, all together; 546 Death to creativity! Conform! Conform! 547 Death to creativity! Conform! Conform! 548 ect........ 549 ******************************************************************* 550 ..................................................................... 551 Whats this I hear about destroying creativity?? 552 We cant do that, this system is known for its creativity. 553 ..................................................................... 554 555 ******************************************************************: 556 Hmm, the last time didn't seem to get Pam to show, so I wonder 557 what I can say to get her to leave something? Is it because 558 there is too much space here that you feel obligated to fill and 559 can't think of enough to fill it? Are you mad at us all, and don't 560 want to talk to us again? Maybe your just fed up with all the 561 bickering going on and waiting for a better time to return? Or 562 possibly (heaven forbid) you are just tired of BWMS and have moved 563 on to other more interesting things? Come back Pam, Please? 564 ******************************************************************* 565 FORSYTHE: YOU ARE OBVIOUSLY A VERY EASILY CONFUSED AND FRUSTRATED PERSON (?). IF YOU DON'T LIKE BWMS THEN WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE I 566 ALONE? NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TO LOG ON. I AM A RELATIVELY NEW USER HERE AT BACKWATER, AND I LIKE IT JUST AS IT IS:-DIFFERENT. 567 CREATIVE. A PLACE FOR THE CONTINUING ADVENTURES OF SOME STRANGE, BUT REFRESHING CHARACTERS, WHO HAVE SOMEYHING TO SAY BESIDES 568 "I WANT TO BUY/SELL THIS OR THAT, ETC, AD NASEUM. THINK ABOUT IT 569 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 570 Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. 571 (In his house ar R'lyeh dead Cthulxu waits dreaming.) 572 I, Cthulhu, have returned. For a great black serpent bearing many 573 messages has come to R'lyeh beneath the waters. I travel the serpent 574 seeking followers for when the stars are right. 575 Hesitate not, for R'lyeh rises. Seek out the Nicronimconicon. 576 Follow the passage and bring me forth. 577 Cthulhu 578 Follow me and you will die quickly. 579 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 580 ************************************************************ 581 GOD I'M DEPRESSED. 582 ******************************************************** 583 ######################################## 584 ######################################## 585 586 -----------Hello BWMS!! ---------------- 587 This is the MSD-PS board in 588 Vancouver, WA! 589 Here is vancouver's finest 590 board number: 591 (206) 695-xxxx 592 MSD-PS runs 24/hrs. a day! 593 BWMS user's,PLEASEC CALL!! 594 595 Give it a try today!! It won't hurt you too much. 596 You might find a Pen-Pal?!?! 597 ----------<(Ken the CREATOR)>----------- 598 ######################################## 599 Why is drive A full and this one not? 600 Frankly, all of this fantasy on here is boring drivel. There does exist 601 writing in fantasy that is original, thought-provoking, and creative. I 602 have seen none on this bbs that answers to any of those adjectives. Let's 603 get out of this stupid rut. P-L-E-A-S-E!!!!!! 604 {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} Analog Alan {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} July 3 {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} 605 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 606 One called Spock: First off, I want to say that I respect your opinions. 607 Secondly, when I wrote that PART of the 'Heroes' essay, I was writing it in 608 a speculative kind of way. The part about the Empire being a "lawfully 609 constituted government" is in actuallity a true statement. When you 610 talk about government, isn't it the government that says what is lawful of not 611 ????? Yes, it does. So, by that revelation, the statement is true. If you 612 were on the Rebellion's side, (Which I am!!!) then it would not be true. You 613 see, as guoted from Return of the Jedi, 'It all depends on your point of view.' 614 TIn regards to the 'Trouble with Tribbles' episode...When the Tribbles got 615 around the Klingons they became violent. And I was talking about the 616 Federation in general, not the actions of just one individual. 617 To the Unnamed One: I thank you for the compliment. I do have about 4 or 5 618 more enries on the subject of heroes. There is a part of it that is on 619 villans, too!!! Please reveal your name to me. 620 THERE IS MORE TO COME ON THE SUBJECT OF HEROES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 621 622 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Logan... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ > .