LI FILE ON MARGIN IS 76 STATUS: ENTER ONLY NUMBER OF LINES: 629 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 *********************** REMOVED: 20 JUL 84 ****************************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************************* 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 FRANK: PART OF THE REASON WHY YOU GOT THE EMOTIONAL RESPONSE IS BECAUSE THE 21 SUBJECT YOU PRESENTED IS BASED ALMOST ENTIRLY ON EMOTIONAL ISSUES. AS 22 MUCH AS BOTH SIDES TRY TO JUSTIFY IT VIA SCIENTIFIC BACKING, IT UP COMES 23 DOWN TO WHAT IS SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR. THIS IS NOT TO SAY I AGREE 24 WITH THAT SORT OF BEHAVIOR, BUT NONE THE LESS, IT IS STILL A SOCIALLY SET 25 UP THING, IT IS NOT AN INBORN TRAIT, THERE HAS NOT BEEN ANY EVIDENCE 26 PRESENTED WHICH INDICATES THIS. THE OTHER REASON THOUGH AS TO WHY YOU 27 DID NOT RECEIVE AT LEAST SOME WELL THOUGHT OUT ARGUMENT IS SIMPLY THAT 28 THE DEBATERS ARE CURRENTLY NOT HERE. PAM, HROTHGAR, DOM, CYM, DEBORAH, AND 29 OTHERS THAT I AM SURE I AM FORGETTING HAVE GONE ON TO OTHER THINGS. BWMS IS 30 CURRENTLY BEING USED BY A GROUP WHO ARE INTO SPY/VIOLENCE FANTASY STORIES 31 THUS THEIR RESPONSES BY THE VERY NATURE OF THESE INDIVIDUALS IS GOING TO 32 BE EMOTIONALLY BASED. 33 OTHERS: WHAT HAPPENED TO THE BAN AGAINST HIGH TECH IN OR NEAR THE INN? 34 REMEMBER, THE INN IS IN A MEDIEVAL SETTING SURROUNDED BY FORRESTS WITH 35 A ROAD LEADING NORTH SOUTH, AND ANOTHER LEADING EAST WEST. THE EAST/WEST 36 ROAD LEADING TO THE MOUNTAINS, WHILE THE SOUTH ROAD LEADS TO A CITY 37 THAT SEEMS TO BE A BIT MORE MODERN. WHILE THE NORTH ROAD LEADS TO 38 WASTE LANDS. THE INN IS ACCESSEDFROM THESE CROSS ROADS VIA THE FOOT BRIDGE. 39 THE STREAM WHICH FLOWS UNDER THE BRIDGE HAS NOT BEEN WELL DEFINED AS 40 TO DIRECTION OF FLOW, BUT APPEARS TO BE NW TO SW. 41 ************************** CISTOP MIKEY ********************************* 42 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 43 Grand D. 44 I think I might be able to help you out with this rabble known as 45 the NET. They don't seem very impressive to me. More a bunch of amateurs 46 playing with secret codes and cloak and dagger games than anything else. 47 Have you any direction in which you would like to move. There seems 48 to be little substance in your conflict with them. 49 I only hope that Salazar doesn't get involved. He's always been 50 a do-gooder. I like him, but he's always getting in my way. As for d 51 perhaps Serena should stay in the shadows for a while. I'm sure if she 52 started kicking ass and taking names, it would bring out the Dragon 53 in the Dragon Lady. 54 Let me know your plan of action. 55 Mohammed Wassir 56 57 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 58 59 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 60 " I'm really touched by the offers of your help. You won't 61 regret your actions, no sir. Whisper, contract sounds fine. 62 We'll steal some money up for you. " 63 He turned to Dawg and whistled and the animal lumbered over. 64 " Good boy. Archer would you get out the contents of his 65 back pack, and lay them out on the table for me. Here is the 66 layout of the major holes for dimesional travel. Here we are, 67 and right above that mustard stain is the portal for Blackpool. 68 Whiteliner, could you look through the first volume of submaps 69 for traveling. " 70 Whiteliner sorted through the pages of maps and 71 advertisements til he came apon the map for the Inn area. He 72 noticed that the Inn was surrounded by portals. 73 " Anybody her smoke? I can't anymore, so would someone 74 please take that pipe, light up, and blow some smoke over here. " 75 The smoke created a atmosphere where Morby could determine 76 the locations of things with the the help of the reference maps, 77 and even sometimes alter their position. He had a hard time 78 concentrating over the sound of loud coughing and weezing, 79 but he was able to determine the mode of transportation in which 80 the Band of Not Altogether Very Merry Men ( and Women ?) could 81 get to Blackpool in. 82 " You can stop the causes lung cancer. Well, 83 pack you bags, bus comes in about half an hour. 84 :::::::::::::::::::::::::: 85 To those who may have just cried " foul " because of my 86 entering a bus into " the medival Inn ", well don't worry. The 87 road which it will travel on will only be there long enough to hop 88 on the bus. Youa may be amused by my description of the bus, or 89 90 maybe you won't, either way it arrives next entry. 91 About the debating remark...when we are presented with a 92 emotional outcry such as Frank's, it makes it quite hard to give 93 a rational and logical response. When I began logging on this system, 94 adventure writing was the rage. I have never seen any of the classic 95 prose by some of the BW's literary giants, therfore I have no way of 96 conforming to their work. If in fact these great debators re-appear 97 at the Inn, I will be glad to argue, and drop my trite fantasy and 98 spy stories. Until then... 99 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Morby [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 100 101 HI GUY'S JUST WHAT IS THIS GAME YOU'RE PLAYING? 102 103 0707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707 104 TO : ALL NET AGENTS 105 FROM : NET 07 AND OVERSEAS RADIO NET 106 REG : MIDDLE EASTERN THREAT 107 108 THE NETWORK HAS PICKED UP ADDITIONAL TRANSMISSIONS THAT HAVE 109 CONFIRMED THERE DOES INDEED EXIST A SMALL BAND OF FANATICS 110 LEAD BY A MANIACAL PERSON WITH THE NAME MOHAMMAD WASSIR. 111 112 THIS GROUP CENTERS ITS OPERATIONS IN THE COUNTRY OF ALBANIA. OTHER 113 SECURITY AGENCIES HAVE CONFIRMED THEIR EXISTANCE PRIOR TO THE 114 CURRENT OPERATION UNDERGOING AGAINST THE MCKANE GROUP. 115 116 IT IS BELIEVED THAT THIS MOHAMMAD CHARACTER IS A VERY SMALL WORRY 117 INDEED, FOR HE IS NOTHING MORE THAN A LOUD TALKING DISREPUTABLE 118 TERRORIST OF LITTLE NOTE, BUT HE HAS BEEN KNOWN TO ASSOCIATE WITH 119 LEROY MCKANE, AND HAS AIDED MCKANE ON SEVERAL PAST ADVENTURES. HIS 120 EXACT ALIGNMENT IS UNKNOWN, EVEN TO HIM APPARENTLY, BUT HE IS TO 121 BE CONSIDERED DANGEROUS NONETHELESS. 122 123 THE NET HAS DISPATCHED NET 06 TO TAKE CARE OF THIS NEWEST THREAT 124 TO OUR OPERATION. IF YOU ARE WONDERING WHY WE ARE DEVOTING AN 125 ENTIRE NET AGENT TO SUCH A MINOR PROBLEM, PAY IT NO MIND. NET 06 126 IS A NEW JUNIOR LEVEL AGENT, BUT HE IS CAPABLE OF DISPATCHING 127 HIS FELLOW NOVICE WASSIR WITHOUT MUCH TROUBLE. 128 129 AS WE STAND NOW, THE NET IS ABOUT TO LAUNCH ITS LATEST OFFENSIVE 130 ON MCKANE. IT IS DOUBTFUL THAT ANYTHING WILL REMAIN OF THE 131 ORGANIZATION AT THE COMPLETION OF THE OFFENSIVE, SO ALERT ALL 132 YOUR MOLES AND ALL DOUBLE AGENTS OF THE IMPENDING OPERATION. 133 134 070707070707070707 July 18th, Year of Our Lord, 1984, at 11:29:23PM 07070707 135 136 *%)#@*%_#@%_!@*%_@%_^@(^+%*$^_*^_*+#(^+#$*^_*^$%_^+#(^+#*^#_+*^+!#(^!#*^#^*!!^_ 137 As our little 'group' descended into the Dragon Room, I thought about 138 the rationale joshua and I had worked over in case the impossible happened, 139 and we were captured. We had discussed the use of our NET issue weapons, but 140 decided that in close quarters there was too much danger in a cross-fire. 141 Our tiny platic grenades, another NET central issue, were also not suited 142 to narrow stairwells and tiny torture chambers. With a signal to joshua not 143 unlike that found in "The Sting", we made it clear to each other we would 144 sit on our concealed weapons, and see what happened next. Our guards had 145 managed to overlook certain sections of our garmets when they made their 146 body checks, and a few of our NET issue items remained where Ian had 147 told us to place them, no matter how uncomfortable it was when we sat down! 148 As the huge chinese motif double doors opened, and our hosts 149 escorted us into the abyss known as the Dragon Room, I began to realize that 150 NET training and all, we might just be in for a heap of trouble. In the room 151 were some torture devices that I shudder even to think about. Some were 152 so obscure that Ian probably hadn't even thought of them yet, and all the 153 NET agents knew what a perverse pleasure Ian took in devising new ways to 154 extract information from enemy agents. 155 Petrov and joshua certainly realized by now unless we did something 156 quick, we would be in for possibly the worst evening of our in contrast 157 short lives. Worse than the time I had to make time with the East German 158 female shot putter only to find out it was her sister who was the courier 159 for the Russian silo blueprints. Worse than the time I had to endure a 160 thousand mile camal ride to ensure the safe delivery of the Kuwaitie Crown 161 Jewels to the new Prince, only to find out I was a decoy intended to divert 162 attention away from the real route for the jewels. But enough of this 163 reminiscing, we were in real trouble here, and I had to think of something 164 quick. 165 Funny, all that comes to mind is "Ian MacHinery! Get us the #*!% 166 out of here!" 167 (#%($#%)$#%$#% L'homme sans parity -Je m'attirer une mauvaise affaire )*%$#)* 168 169 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj 170 AAaron: I was planning to pay the money at the next PorSFiS and give L'homme 171 the floppies. I still would like printing if you can handle it. 172 jjjjjjjjjjj 173 Another figure clad in black silently through a piece of twine across 174 the now darkened room. His awareness was ready to stop almost any trap. He 175 pulled himself through the air and descended into the Dragon room. 176 The Ninja (Net irregular at large) 177 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj 178 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 179 Mikey:I have had that cryo-capsule sence the dawn of my character, and besids, 180 it is in the baths. 181 Morby:are you just ignoring me or have you not seen the bottom of drive B yet? 182 (I can still hope) 183 To any who care...Le Nerd is back up for about 18 hours a day. Aall old messages 184 are intact and it all works much the same. 185 except for one minor difference. It is the fastest board around. The only time 186 you have to wait is in killing a message which takes all of .3 seconds. 187 only because it is manipulating more then two files at one time. 188 The rest is all instant. We are now running one of the 6 fastest Epsons around 189 due to the prototype .5meg semidisk we have thanks to Jim Bell. 190 As usual, 1200 baud works welll, I have no idea about 300. 191 Sence no one in the Inn wants to interact, I may just go back to sleep... 192 Alex:hope the leg is healing nicely, if not, hope you don't care. If you get 193 my meanings! We need to get a risk game between the 2 of us some daay for an all 194 out contest. It has to be daytime because Ii am cursed with having to ride Tri- 195 mess. 196 MiG 197 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 198 [*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=][ 199 AHHH-, SUCH A RESTFUL SLEEP. I AWOKE REFRESHED, ANS ANXIOUS TO BEGIN A NEW DAY. 200 MY TREK TO THE DISTANT MOUNTAINS, AND THE PLACE SHOWN ON THE MAP I WAS GIVEN 201 THAT LONG AGO DAY. I LAY THERE THINKING ABOUT THE DREAM I HAD BEEN LIVING FOR SO 202 LONG, WHEN I FELT SOMETHING MOVE BESIDE ME. ALARMED AT FIRST, I SUDDENLY REMEMBE 203 RED- THE RACCOON! HE WAS STILL HERE!. I REACHED OUT TO PET HIM, AND HE YAWNED, 204 AND THEN CRAWLED UP ON MY CHEST, AND LOOKED AT ME AS IF TO SAY " WELL, DON'T YOU 205 THINK IT'S ABOUT TIME TO GET GOING?". 206 AS I CRAWLED OUT OF MY LITTLE TENT, I BEHELD THE FOREST, RESPLENDANT IN IT'S 207 GREENS AND BROWNS. LITTLE POOLS OF LIGHT COLLECTED HERE AND THERE AS THE SUNS 208 RAYS FILTERED DOWN THROUGH THE BRANCHES ABOVE ME. I REALIZED IT WAS LATER THAN I 209 HAD THOUGHT. NO TIME FOR TEA, NO TIME TO BUILD A CAMPFIRE-I MUST BE ON MY WAY. 210 I PACKED UP MY LITTLE TENT AND BEDROLL IN MY RUCKSACK, AND PICKING UP MY WALKI 211 NG STICK, SET OFF FOR THE MOUNTAINS. LOOKING DOWN, I SAW THAT THE RACCOON WAS 212 RIGHT BESIDE ME, AND I WELCOMED HIM AS A TRAVELLING COMPANION. CONTINUED.[*=*][* 213 ******************************************************************************** 214 ALL: RINGWORLD IS PUT OUT BY CHAOSIUM GAMES. EVERYTHING IS ALMOST EXACTLY THE 215 SAME AS SET FORTH IN NIVEN'S BOOKS. ONE INTERESTING THING IS THAT ALL RACES 216 HAVE OCCASIONAL DEFECTS, BUT PUPPETEERS WHO ARE EXPLORERS ARE BY DEFINITION 217 INSANE. FOR EXAMPLE, THEY MAY BE MANIC-DEPRESSIVE, AS NESSUS WAS, OR MAYBE 218 A PUPPETEER WHO IS A CURRENT ADDICT OR COMPULSIVE GAMBLER. THERE IS EVEN ONE 219 DEFECT WHEREIN FOR NO APPARENT REASON ONLY ONE HEAD TALKS. 220 A POSSIBLE ADVANTAGE TO HAVING A PUPPETEER CHARACTER IS THAT THEY ARE CAPABLE 221 OF HANDLING TWO DIFFERENT CONVERSATIONS IN TWO DIFFERENT LANGUAGES SIMULTANEOUSL 222 Y. 223 224 THE COMBAT SYSTEM CONSISTS OF ROLLING EQUAL TO OR BELOW YOUR SKILL PERCENTAGE 225 FOR THE WEAPON YOU ARE USING, AND THEN ROLLING FOR HIT LOCATION. WHAT COULD 226 BE SIMPLER? AS I HAVE SAID, THEY HAVE ALL SORTS OF WEAPONS, INCLUDING PNEUMO- 227 PISTOLS AND PNEUMO-RIFLE WHICH USE COMPRESSED ATMOSPHERE AS A BULLET OR PROJ- 228 ECTILE. PUPPETEER DISINTEGRATORS ARE VERY RARE AND RUN ABOUT 40,000 STARS. 229 TASPS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE. TASPS ARE FUN BECAUSE THEY ARE LIKE WIREHEADING 230 SOMEONE AT A DISTANCE, ALSO KNOWN AS "MAKING HIS/HER DAY". 231 232 THE GAME ALSO INCLUDES DESCRIPTIONS OF RINGWORLD AND THE KNOWN SPACE WORLDS. 233 THE WHOLE OF THE GAME CONSIST OF 4 BOOKS BETWEEN 36-60 PAGES LONG DETAILING 234 TECHNOLOGY, CREATURES, EXPLORERS (CHARACTERS), AND GAMEMASTERING. 235 SOON TO BE OUT WILL BE A SUPPLEMENT, "THE RINGWORLD COMPANION WITH MORE 236 CREATURES AND TECHNOLOGY AND TWO FULL LENGTH ADVENTURES. 237 I'LL HAVE FURTHER INFORMATION LATER FOR YOU AS I FIND OUT. 238 IF SOMEONE IS EXTREMELY INTERESTED THEN POSSIBLY GET IN TOUCH ON MODEM HOOKUP 239 BETWEEN OUR COMPUTERS. PERHAPS MIG OR MIKE GALASSI CAN ACT AS A GO-BETWEEN 240 FOR SENSITIVE INFORMATION (PHONE #'S)....... 241 THAT'S IT FOR NOW............................................................... 242 [=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=] 243 Standing in the doorway, I look around for a moment. Then 244 a rather discordent rasping sound came from a table near the 245 rear of the Inn. Looking there in annoyance, I see a piper 246 busily working on his pipes. Since he half-heartedly waved to 247 me, I decided to accept his invitaion and start to move towrds 248 his table. 249 Just then, I am nearly bowled over by a group of rowdy 250 citizens entering the Inn, and a moment later by another group 251 leaving. Slightly dazed, I make my way towards the pipers 252 table. Stopping momentarily at the bar to ask the Inn keeper 253 for a hot cider, I finaly manage to find my way to the piper's 254 table. 255 Sitting down, I ask him; "Is it always this loud in here? 256 I can hardly hear myself think with all this ruckus." 257 [=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=]-M'Lan[=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=] 258 259 [*=*]: A nice start, but who are you and where do you go? I 260 hope you don't go the way of so many others and only leave an 261 entry or two, then get discouraged or bored and give up. I 262 haven't seen that sort of writting here since PAM disappeared. 263 --------------------------------------------------------------- 264 265 *************************************************************************: 266 MORBY: YOU DON'T BECOME A BW LITERARY GIANT OVER NIGHT. MOST OF THOSE WHO 267 ARE CONSIDERED GIANTS HAVE ENTERED LESS THEN SOME OF THE NEWER USERS. IT IS 268 RATHER THE QUALITY OF THE WRITING THAT MAKES THEM GREAT. THIS IS SOMETHING 269 THAT BULIDS UP OVER TIME. SOME KICK AROUND FOR SOMETIME BEFORE BLOSSOMING 270 INTO AN ACCEPTED WRITTER BY OTHER BW USERS. THIS HAPPENED TO PAM, SHE WAS A 271 LURKER FOR SOMETIME, THEN ENTERED INTO A DEBATE, THEN ONE DAY SHE BURST 272 FORTH WITH AN EXCELENT ENTRY WHICH SUDDENLY THRUST HER INTO THE LIMELIGHT AS 273 ONE OF THE GREAT BW WRITTERS. D ON THE OTHER HAND ALMOST FROM THE START WAS 274 CONSIDERED TO BE GREAT. SHE HAD AN INITIAL HALF-HEARTED ATTEMPT AT ENTRY, 275 THEN WAS SILENT FOR A LONG WHILE UNTIL SHE GOT ACCESS AGAIN. THEN FOR A 276 LONG PERIOD SHE LEFT SOME EXCELENT ENTRYS. SHE HAS NOT DONE SO OF LATE DO TO 277 HAVING GREATER INTEREST IN OTHER AREAS. AS FAR AS THE HIGH-TECH BAN AT THE 278 INN IS CONCERNED, I MIGHT POINT OUT THAT THERE IS NO NEED TO START YOUR 279 ADVENTURE (OR FOR THAT MATTER END IT) AT THE INN. THE ONE THING I WON'T 280 STAND FOR IS THE DEGRADATION OF THE INN FROM WHAT IT HAS SO CAREFULLY BEEN 281 BUILT UP TO BE. THIS IS WHY I BECAME ANGERED AT THE ATTEMPTED DESTRUCTION 282 BY THE HIGH TECH GROUPIES. I WILL CONTINUE TO COMPLAIN VERY LOUDLY AT THE 283 DISRUPTION OF THE INN'S ATMOSPHERE (THAT BEING MEDIEVAL; I.E. NO HIGH TECH 284 STUFF ALLOWED). EVEN A TEMPORARY INFRACTION LEADS TO GREATER INFRACTIONS. 285 P.S. YOU ONLY NEED TO WAIT ABOUT ONE SECOND AT THE END OF EACH LINE, NOT TEN 286 SECONDS AS LONG AS YOU REMEMBER TO TYPE BOTTOM BEFORE GOING TO THE ENTER 287 MODE THIS WILL SPEED UP YOU UPLOAD A BIT. 288 ******************* CISTOP MIKEY **************************************** 289 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 290 The piper finished the latest adjustments to his drone reeds and 291 saw the newcomer making his way over to the table. Sliding his drones 292 into the stocks on the bag, the piper adjusted the cords that held the 293 drones nicely fanned out when they lay on his shoulder. Satisfied, he 294 set down the pipes, and asked the newcomer to sit down. 295 "Welcome to the inn," the piper said. "I don't recall seeing you 296 here before. Do you prefer adventuring or arguing? There is 297 usually someone willing to accomidate you for either activity." 298 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 299 To all -- re the discussions produced by Frank* 300 I do not find it necessary to justify the laws making child molestation 301 illegal. As a parent, I am willing to go to much greater personal risk 302 to protect my children than for nearly any other reason. This is pure 303 emotion -- no scientific research, no logical justification, no rational 304 basis for decision -- just the way I totally and without reservation 305 respond. Obviously Frank will accept no answer other than one that allows 306 him free sexual access to all children he feels an attraction for. 307 The purpose of law in society is to control the behaviour of those who 308 refuse to control their own behaviour. If I can discover Frank's true 309 name and address, I will immediately inform whatever authorities I can 310 contact. Hopefully this will restrain his activities. I consider it a 311 much lesser evil to destroy his life (if, indeed, this action did destroy 312 his life) than to allow him to destroy a number of other lives. 313 If he approaches a child of mine, the first step will be the police. 314 I feel that I'll give the "social machinery" a chance to handle the 315 problem. If it works (i.e. prevents his contact with other children) 316 that's all that's necessary. If it doesn't -- that's the time to look 317 at options like amateur surgery. 318 To Frank: 319 One point should be abundantly clear. I will not tolerate your "lifestyle". 320 I am not making threats, I am making a true statement. No rationalization 321 or other arguement will move me on that point. You get an emotional 322 response because you push several instinctive buttons. When you threaten 323 my young, you place yourself in jeapordy. You don't like the threats, 324 change your behaviour. I'm glad you're seeing a counsellor. I hope that 325 he is working on changing you rather than getting you to accept yourself 326 as you are. If the latter, you're wasting your money. Until you change, 327 you *are* unacceptable. 328 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 329 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 330 331 Voyeur, 332 On reading my last message....ahem...I too am confused.... 333 I did not make much sense...Probably the effect of the muscle 334 relaxant on the higher brain functions. I will be homebound for a 335 few days ( arrrg ) while the tissues attempt to mend. Such is a 336 sailors lot !. 337 020 & 070, 338 My source says and I quote : 339 " To avoid any unnecessary exposure of the current key sequences being 340 used by agents of the NET, I suggest an alternative form of 341 verification. That being either 02 or 07 chose a key totally 342 unrelated to the current one, similar in length but not necessarily. 343 To encode a text containing information of a non-sensitive nature, 344 similar in length to those already transmitted. You should include 345 some form instructions of what I am to do with the deciphered text " 346 347 MiG, 348 Indeed....mano a mano ...would be fun...This being at home S*** is 349 350 for the birds....I'll give you call later goes the research ? 351 ::::::::Alex....Bored as can be....::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 352 YIPPE YAY OH FRANK HAS SPLIT, HE WAS WORSE THAN ANY TWIT. YIPPE YAHOO THAT FRANK IS FINALLY GONE. 353 HI HO THE MERRY-O SING IT HIGH AND SING IT LOW YIPPE YAHOO, THAT FRANK IS FINALLY GONE. 354 I DONT KNOW WHERE HES GONE , I ONLY KNOW HES NO MORE ON, AND THIS IS VERY NICE, HE MUST HAVE TAKEN MY ADVICE 355 SO YIPPE YAY ILL NO MORE SEE, THAT GARBAGE THAT HE LEFT FOR ME YIPPE YAHOO, FRANK IS FINALLY GONE 356 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 357 Alex:I am home today. Go for it. 358 MiG 359 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 360 [*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*] SYSTEM OPERATOR: I HAVE SEEN THE REFERENCES TO 'HI-TECH", BUT I DIDN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS 361 MEANT. NOW I UNDERSTAND, AND I AM FASCINATED! AS MUCH OF WHAT HAS BEEN WRITTEN HERE AT THE INN HAS BEEN 'SPY VS SPY', I NATURAL 362 Y FELL INTO THIS TYPE OF WRITING. BUT NOW- A PLACE WHERE ONE CAN WRITE THE KIND OF STORIES I LIKE TO WRITE-SUCH AS MY TWO 363 (SO FAR) ENTRIES-I AM EXCITED. I JUST DIDN'T REALIZE ANYONE WOULD WANT TO READ SUCH. AND TO BE COMPARED TO THE IMMORTAL, IF ELU 364 IVE PAM? SOMEONE JUST MADE MY DAY. NO, INDEED, I WILL NOT LOSE INTEREST, AS YOU SHALL SEE. MEANWHILE, IF I MAY BE SO PRESUMPTIO 365 S TO GIVE ADVICE, YOU MIGHT CONSIDER ADDING SOMETHING TO THE LOG-ON BULLETIN TO GIVE NEWCOMERS TO THE INN SOME INDIATION AS TO 366 WHAT THE INN ISALL ABOUT.[*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*] 367 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 368 I am well aware that only about a second is necessary to wait before each 369 line. It just so happens that the delay implemented by the modem software 370 I am using is much too long, and I have no way of changing it. Without this 371 delay, I lose charcaters, as you well know. 372 Secondly, I will make no claims to be one of BW's great writers. My 373 style, and the content of my stories do not agree with most others on 374 this system. I was just wondering why you chose this time to complain 375 of the lack of debating talent in the present load of users, because of 376 the lack of quality response. It is my opinion that almost all the entries 377 were quite good, yet it is very hard to argue with someone who is sure 378 that he is right, and sure the we are wrong. His entries only allowed 379 him to hear himself talk, and nothing else. 380 You of all people should realize that if you want to change the nature 381 of the writing on your own system, then you should do it, because no one 382 is going to listen. Yet, many people such as myself prefer to try their 383 hand at Fantasy literature in a environment where they won't be laughed at. 384 If you wish to give me a standard to attempt to reach, why not dig into 385 the BW archieves, and dig out on of Pam or d's classic entries. If our 386 or at least my work is so deplorable, the space which this old entry would 387 fill would be well used. 388 MiG - I assumed that you were with us already. I will have the next 389 entry in soon... 390 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Morby [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 391 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 392 INNISFALL (AP) According to Innisfall Police, a dazed man was discovered 393 wandering nude through the Thieve's Quarter of the city. Police Lt. Harry 394 Chest stated that the man would only identify himself as NET operative 06. 395 "It was horrible;" said Lt. Chest. "It appears the poor man was attacked 396 by a person or persons unknown wielding the dreaded Albanian toilet 397 plunger." Hospital officials report that the subject is in serious 398 condition, suffering from 3rd degree hickies over 80% of his body. They 399 added that the man will be transferred to the Innisfall Insane Asylum 400 when he recovers from his injuries. Authorities state the inveswtstigation 401 is continuing, but no suspects are known at this time. 402 403 PORTLAND (AP) Talent agent Lance Q. Pinkstaff announced today that the 404 famed KGB drag queen, Petrov, will come out of retirement shortly to 405 perform in an all-male revue at Darcelle XV. It is unknown whether the 406 Russian female impersonater's lamb, Fluffy, will accompany him on the 407 comeback trail. 408 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 409 410 MORBY: STOP COMPLAINING 411 :*************************************************************: 412 Joshua: 413 414 I would like to apologize for offending you in my message to 415 Wassir. I had no intention of putting you down or hurting your 416 feelings. I'm sorry. 417 418 I never intended to criticize you or your writing. From what 419 I've read of your work you appear to be quite good. I was 420 merely saying that I find an exclusive use of narrative 421 limiting. 422 423 Narration is great for describing scenes, characters, or 424 action...but it's slow in moving the plot along. I find sudden 425 plot twists are what make adventures fun. If you've followed 426 the McKane adventure you've seen that major plot developments 427 usually happen through memos, news bulletins, announcements, 428 but seldom through narration. 429 430 So you see, I'm not criticizing your writing at all. It's 431 merely that I have a preference for a faster paced style. 432 433 I started the McKane adventure probably about a year ago and 434 have been the primary force keeping it going. I've put a great 435 deal of time, thought, and imagination into it, and quite 436 frankly, I need a break. 437 438 As to the current adventure, I'm watching with interest as 439 it develops. My intention, for the moment at least, is to sit 440 on the sidelines and take a well earned rest. 441 442 Good luck in destroying the McKane organization. You'll 443 it. LeRoy McKane is one slippery son of a bitch. 444 445 Once again, my apologies, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. 446 447 Grand D. 448 :*************************************************************: 449 ############################################################################ 450 NEWCOMERS TO THE INN - Some of you appear intimidated by the legend of the 451 "greatness" of the writing of PAM and d. The legend is purely myth. 452 Neither of these women is any better at writing than most of you. The 453 only thing that makes there contributions stick out is that they are 454 virtually the only women here. 455 Someone suggested that an example of the best of PAM and d be 456 re-entered on Backwater. I strongly suggest that this be done. It would lay 457 to rest forever the myth of there greatness. 458 ############################################################################ 459 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 460 Grand D. - Believe me, you would know when I was complaining. I was 461 just making a comment to Mikey, wondering about his sudden change in 462 mood and temperment. 463 I requested the re-publication of Pam's or d's work, just so I and the 464 others who are reasonably new could see their work. If there writing 465 allows their myth to hold water, so be it. Otherwise, I wish that we 466 could stop dwelling on the input of the departed members, and maybe 467 honor the great writers that are presently here such as Piper and Joshua. 468 These and many more don't need to be constantly reminded that they are 469 not as good the people who frequented the Inn some time ago. 470 Personally, I do not wish to be associated with this group, because 471 that means I would have to be a role model, and not be controversial, 472 such as I am being now. I am waiting for replies... 473 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Morby [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 474 |+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+|+| 475 FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO WANT MORBY'S HIDE, HER ARE SOME VITAL STATISTICS 476 AGE - 16 LIVES IN LAKE OSWEGO 477 HOBBIES - BEING A CLASS OFICER AND A REAL CLOWN. 478 SIZE - HE IS TALL BUT WEAK 479 I WOULDN'T MIND SEEING HIM DEAD. 480 \+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\ 481 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?`? ? ? ? ? ?`? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 482 Why Mark, such hostility doeso|PD 483 does not become you! 484 MiG 485 ? ? ? ? ? ?`?``? ?`? ? ? ? ?`? ?`? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?`? ? ? > ? ? ? ? ?`?`?o 486 (-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-) 487 488 MIG, Why do you blame everything on me? I have been laying low 489 when in the Inn. Personally, Morby is my friend. I would 490 love to meet whoever entered the message with the"|+|+|" 491 boarder. That person would probibly stop loging onto BWMS 492 for a long time, or any system for that matter. I think I 493 know who entered that in, if I am right he will be given 494 fare trial then I'll kick him into next week. Now that I 495 think of it, I will do that to anyone I meet that had any- 496 thing to do with those juvie hunts. 497 498 Ninja, When are your hours? I just might like to have an icecream 499 cone one of these days. You better make it in advance, I 500 don't think you'll have much time to make one for me. 501 502 All, I think reading a entry from Pam or D would be great! they 503 get alot of public praise but I have never seen anything 504 from either of them. It would be nice to see what every one 505 is talking about. 506 507 (-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-) 508 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 509 LASETER STOOD UP, STRETCHED HIS LIMBS TO WASH AWAY THE FATIGUE AND LOOKED 510 AROUND HIS NEWEST PRISON. THE PIRATES HAD BEEN AFTER THE GALRANIAN GEMS 511 AND HAD CLEANED OUT THE VAULT AND CARGO BAYS TOOT SWEET. THEY HAD THEN 512 SPACED THE REST OF THE CREW LEAVING JUST LASETER (WHO HAD HIDDEN IN THE 513 SLUDGE TANKS OF THE 'PONICS BAY) TO FEND FOR HIMSELF IN A PILOTLESS SHIP. 514 "JUST WHAT I GET FOR LISTENING TO THAT SON OF A SLIME EATER, FIN! HE 515 MUTTERED TO HIMSELF, "AND NOW, HERE I AM, SOME FEW HUNDRED PARSECS FROM 516 THE NEAREST INHABITED SYSTEM!" THE HOLLOW SOUND OF HEELS ON STEEL DECKS 517 ECHOED BEFORE AND AFTER HIM. STARING AT THE DECK AS HE WALKED A GOLDEN 518 GLIMMER CAUGHT HIS EYE. UPON REACHING THE SPOT WHERE IT LAY HE FOUND IT 519 TO BE A KEY. IT WAS SIMILAR TO THE KEYS THAT FIN SOLD AND OR RENTED FOR 520 THAT OUT OF THE WAY COMPANY (WHAT WAS THEIR NAME? OH WELL!) FOR AN EXTRA 521 CREDIT NOW AND THEN. TURNING IT IN HIS HAND HE REMEMBERED THE WORDS TO 522 SAY AND THAT HE MUST FOCUS ON THE PLACE HE WISHED TO BE. GATHERING UP HIS 523 COURAGE, AND A FEW GEMS THE PIRATES HAD MISSED, HE BEGAN THINKING ABOUT 524 HOME AND RECITED THE ACTIVATING WORDS AS HE HELD THE KEY ALOFT: 525 "OVER HILL, OVER DALE I WANT TO HIT THE DUSTY TRAIL THAT SENDS ME, OH 526 SO QUICKLY TO HOME." AT FIRST, NOTHING HAPPENED, ANOTHER ONE OF FINS' 527 BLOODY JOKES! HE THOUGHT. THEN THE KEY BEGAN TO VIBRATE AND HUM. SOON 528 THE HUM BECAME A HOWL AND THE VIBRATION WAS SHAKING HIS ARM. IT THEN 529 FELT LIKE SOMEONE HAD GRABBED HIM BY THE NECK AND SHOOK LIKE A RAT 530 TERRIER, AND HE WAS THERE! WITH A GREAT THUMP, HE LANDED SMACK ATOP FIN. 531 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 532 ***************************************************************** 533 Head of McKane enterprises private office found filled with confetti. Note 534 left on door states "Tired of waiting, Leroy. See you next decade. HUNTER" 535 ***************************************************** HUNTER ********** 536 I do not BELIEVE this! Last night the disk was full, tonight 537 the new disk has only 90 lines left!? HUH? 538 ......... 539 As for Frank, I had a friend once who had been convicted for that sort 540 of thing. I only found this out after I had known him for about a year. He had 541 had a problem. He was (hopefully) over it. Some mutual friends who knew of his 542 past even let him babysit. (I *DO* recall a comment about "arm-breaking" as a 543 deterrent to temptation, though.) 544 ____________________________________Leonard_____________________________________ 545 UPI- Oklahoma City.Police are still investigating the partial demolition of 546 Rocky's Bar and Grill in Chinatown. "It could have been some of Rocky's old Mob 547 connections" stated an officer. 548 Witnesses claim that "some sort of BIG tank" demolished the alley door. 549 One claims that he saw "a man dressed in some kinda funny clothes, black like in 550 them Chuck Norris movies" carry three men out of the building and into the tank. 551 The authorities have no comment on this. 552 There are rumors that a secret room was found in the basement of the 553 restuarant. It has been confirmed that a large number of unconcious men were 554 removed to the prison ward at St Dismas Hospital. 555 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 556 TO: FAST FREDDIE'S BOLO RENTAL 557 FROM: IAN MACHINERY 558 Enclosed is the voucher for rental of the Mk III Bolo. It may be picked up 559 at the usual location. 560 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 561 Mr. McKane: the name is MacHinery. With ONE n. 562 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 563 NINJA: We'll be expecting delivery at the safe house in Texarkana. There will be 564 a bonus. 565 MacHinery 566 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 567 just thought I would give you guys a ring. 568 569 {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} 570 571 Well, I must say that I find my sudden elevation to Godhood somewhat 572 strange. As Mikey can tell you, I never have felt I could write well at 573 all, so seeing myself labeled as one of BW's "Greats" leaves me feeling 574 rather shocked. While I find that I have very little time to make contri- 575 butions, I still enjoy reading the entries of others, and I find that they 576 are all both fun and imaginative. 577 578 Yes, it is me (I?). The reason for the change in border is out of 579 respect for Lord Morby, who is using the border I used the majority of the 580 time. Morby is more than welcome to it, since I have no copyright on it, 581 nor am I currently using it with any regularity. 582 583 Mikey, you will see more of me in the future, but I tend to hesitate to 584 make any entries that I can't give the proper time and effort to, and I 585 simply don't have the time these days. Ah, the life of the working woman! 586 587 {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}PAM.{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} 588 589 [*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*] EVEN IN THE DIS 590 TANCE, THE MOUNTAINS TOWERED MAJESTICALLY ABOVE ME, THE STILL RISING SUN TRA 591 NSFORMING THE HIGH PEAKS INTO OPALESCENT HUES OF SLATE AND PURPLE, BLENDING 592 DELICATELY INTO THE WHITE GLISTENING SNOWCAPS. THE SKY BEYOND, A DEEP AZURE, 593 CONTRASTED HERE AND THERE WITH COTTON PUFF CUMULUS CLOUDS. AN EAGLE SOARED G 594 RACEFULLY ABOVE, PUNCTUATING THE STILLNESS WITH AN OCCASIONAL 'KREEE KREEE', 595 SEEKING HIS LIFELONG MATE, OR PERHAPS JUST ANNOUNCING HIS LOFTY PRESENCE. IN 596 THE FOOT HILLS, A CRYSTAL LAKE MIRRORED THE ALPINE SCENE, VIGNETTED BY GRACE 597 FUL STANDS OF HEMLOCK AND SYCAMORE ON EITHER SIDE. I PAUSED AT THE CREST OF 598 A GENTLY ROLLING MEADOW, DOTTED WITH YELLOW AND PURPLE WILDFLOWERS, AND DRAN 599 K IT IN.AS FAR AS THE EYE COULD SEE,WAS NATURE-UNBLEMISHED BY THE PRESENCE 600 OF MAN.IT WAS SO OVERWHELMING THAT I FELT HUMBLE AMIDST SUCH MAGNIFICENSE. A 601 FLOCK OF YELLOW BUTTERFLIES APPEARED SUDDENLY, AND MY COMPANION SCAMPERED 602 OFF IN PURSUIT, JOINING IN THEIR FUN, HIS RINGED TAIL WAVING HELLO TO THEM. 603 THEN HE AMBLED BACK, AND IN HIS INIMICABLE STYLE, YAWNED AT ME-ANOTHER REMIN 604 DER THAT IT WAS TIME TO GO."OK, LITTLE FELLOW, BUT NOT JUST YET". I SAT DOWN 605 AND RUMMAGED ABOUT IN MY RUCKSACK, AND TOOK OUT THE SMALL LEATHERBOUND BOOK 606 THAT CONTAINED MY JOURNALS, A SMALL ALMANAC, AND THE AGED PARCHMENT MAP. UNF 607 OLDING IT CAREFULLY, I SPREAD IT OUT ON THE GRASS, AND ALIGNED THE APEX OF 608 THE NORTH ARROW TO THE SUN, NOW ALMOST AT IT'S ZENITH, AT THE SUMMER SOLSTIC 609 E; THE FIRST DAY OF SUMMER. CAREFULLY, I LAID A SLENDER TWIG ACROSS THE TWO 610 POINTS ON THE MAP, AND THEN LYING DOWN, SIGHTED ALONG IT, AND LOCATED A TALL 611 TREE, AS A GUIDE TO STEER BY. MY COMPANION AMBLED UP TO ME, HIS CURIOUSITY 612 AROUSED BY A LADY BUG THAT WAS CRAWLING UP MY ARM. REPLACING THE BOOK IN MY 613 RUCKSACK WITH A PRACTISED MOTION, I AGAIN BECAME INTOXICATED WITH THE BEAUTI 614 FUL SURROUNDINGS, AND IN THE SERENITY OF THE MOMENT, MY THOUGHTS DRIFTED BAC 615 K- TO ANOTHER TIME, AMOTHER PLACE----. 616 I HAD SCARCELY KNOWN MY FATHER-I REMEMBERED HIM MAINLY AS A GIANT OF A 617 MAN, WITH A THICK BLACK BEARD, AND A ROARING LAUGH. HE WAS GONE MOST OF THE 618 TIME, AND WHILE I WONDERED WHERE HE WENT WHEN HE RODE AWAY ON HIS GREAT BLAC 619 K STALLION, I KNEW NOT TO ASK. NO ONE IN THE LITTLE VILLAGE TALKED ABOUT HIM 620 EXCEPT TO SAY THAT HE WAS A GREAT MAN, AND THAT ONE DAY, HE WOULD RETURN AND 621 BRING TO THE VILLAGE "SOMETHING WONDEROUS" THAT WOULD BRING ENRICHMENT TO 622 ALL OUR LIVES. I KNEW ONLY THAT HE WAS A KIND MAN, WHO BROUGHT ME EXCITING 623 GIFTS FROM FAR AWAY LANDS-THAT I WISHED I COULD VISIT SOMEDAY----. I WAS 624 UNCEREMONIOUSLY RETURNED FROM SUCH A PLEASANT REVERIE BY MY TRAVELLING COMP 625 ANION, WHO HAD DISCOVERED THE BUCKLE ON MY SANDAL, AND WAS TRYING TO FIGURE 626 IT OUT. "OK, LITTLE FELLA"---. IT WAS TIME TO GO. TOMORROW I WOULD BE ON 627 THE OTHER SIDE OF THE CRYSTAL LAKE, AND AT THE FIRST LUNATION, WOULD HAVE 628 TO BE CONTINUED[*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][ 629 Damned good writing! How about a name to call you by? > .