FILE ON MARGIN IS 80 STATUS: ENTER ONLY NUMBER OF LINES: 615 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 **************** REMOEVED: 24 JUL 84 *********************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 [*=*] - No problem as to size/case/word length. I was only bringing up a 21 point that might give your entry greater appeal. You must make your own 22 decisions though as to what you like and want. I can only tell you what 23 I like. I perfer 76 characters per line, but I am not fussy about it. 24 as for breaking words, break them where it looks ok. But I have enjoyed 25 your entries to date either way. 26 L'Homme - Most certainly there were times of emotional outbursts, and they 27 were also commented on as not being in keeping with proper debate structures. 28 Good writing is like bits of wheat amongst the chaff, you have to dig 29 through the chaff to find the wheat. It seldom occurs in big splotches. 30 Let's see now, who else have I managed to miss offending? 31 ************************** CISTOP MIKEY ************************************* 32 ---------------------------------------- 33 Bard, I remember it well. 34 --------Shtoner------------------------- 35 HELP!!! 36 37 OK, SO NOBODY IS THERE TO HELP!!!! 38 DANG! 39 OFF 40 whatnowwhatnowwhatnowwhatnowwhatnowwhatnowwhatwnowwhatnow. 41 NOW THAT WAS REAL DELIGHTFULL. 42 whatnoewhatnowwhatnoewhatnowwhatnowwhatnowwhatnowwhatnow. 43 +++()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() 44 IS THIER ANYONE WHO HAS A GOOD IDEA FOR A STORY? 45 I AM NOT HAVING ANY LUCK THINKING OF A GOOD ONE, MINE ARE ALL TOO CHEESY. 46 ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() 47 48 (-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-) 49 TO THE MORBY FRANTIC; 50 CUTE A.B CUTE, YOU JUST COULDN'T 51 STOP AT SPOOK C. COULD YOU? 52 (-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-)_(-) 53 54 Can i~ belong too this ~clube? it looun he 55 @@@@ I have a question; how do you leave private mail on CBBS? @@@ 56 57 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 58 Drive b looks so enlightening, and then I read a, ho hum such is life. 59 I refuse to use the cute french saying! I seem to have missed a disk on the 60 last swap, was there anything good on it? 61 MiG 62 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 63 You know how they talk about apple-cheeked midwestern girls 64 who out of restlessnwss or cussedness leave their sweet country 65 towns and fond families, take a bus to the Big Slimy City and 66 devote their tender earnest souls to heartless gangsters and 67 pimps? well. Some girls go the other way. Girls like me from 68 Big Slimy Cities where parents believe in permissive child- 69 rearing and early access to birth-control. Girls like me who 70 know too much too soon about easy money and easy virtue take 71 the Amtrak to Oklahoma City to Discover America: the America 72 of hard work, chastity, and moral order. Girls like me are 73 fodder for the McKane Financial and Spiritual Organization. 74 We answer an ad (decent humble females wanted...) and are drug 75 ged and indoctrinated as "counselors" for the scam run by Hon- 76 ored Matri, McKane's trusted assistant. It's easy. We ad- 77 vertise on Paul Harvey. The rubes come in with their budget- 78 ary problems and after a little sodium pentathol and some pa- 79 laver about the ecstacy of spiritual elevation, they gleeful- 80 ly sign it all over to McKane's current clayfoot guru. You 81 don't even usually have to drug them. Midwesterners may be 82 wholesome but they are definitely not quick. This work is 83 not the spine-stiffening stuff of our fore-fathers and I would 84 gladly go back to the Slimy City where you can at least get 85 a decent cup of cappachino but I know too much to be let go. 86 So far I've seen 2 possible chinks in this outfit: 87 1. Hon. M. went to check out a possible defector and came 88 back all dazed and flushed mumbling about "physical and 89 spiritual assets." A few days ago she got the same look 90 and yelled, "We've got to save the Rickshaw Driver.!" 91 and started beating on Rocky. 92 2. Rocky is not as docile as McKane's cult heroes. Rocky 93 looks like Robert Mitchum, the only human emotion he ever reg- 94 isters is scorn, and he swears in Alabanian whenever he gets 95 letters from home. "i don't understand these big-deal bombs," 96 "Just send a couple of gats,Wassir" Rocky's all man. 97 98 Oh yeah, I was named during my Mom's trendy Bolshevik phase 99 and I'm known as 100 Gaudy Minsky 101 ##==##==##==##==##==##==##==##==##==##==##==##LYSIAS##==##==##==##==##==##==##==##==##==##==##==##==##==##==##==##==##==##==##= 102 103 LYSIAS SAT AT HIS USUAL TABLE AT THE BACK OF THE INN, INGESTING ANOTHER PIZZA. HE HAD HOPED TO ORDER HALF ANCHOVIES/HALF CANADI 104 N BACON, BUT SINCE HE HADN'T HEARD FROM SLARTI OR DREAMTOUCHER FOR SO LONG, HE DECIDED THEY WEREN'T COMING. LYSIAS HAD HAD A LO 105 OF TIME TO THINK, AND HE WAS STARTING TO REALIZE HE WAS IN THE WRONG PLACE AT THE (APPARENTLY) MOST INOPPORTUNE TIME. NOT ONE T 106 BEGRUDGE HIS MISGUIDED EFFORTS, OR THE LACK OF INTEREST SHOWN BY THOSE HE OFFERED TO HELP, HE SIMPLY DECIDED TO WITHDRAW FROM T 107 E SITUATION. " I'LL TAKE THAT VACATION I'VE BEEN PROMISING MY SELF FOR SEVERAL THOUSAND VARPTRS, HE THOUGHT TO HIMSELF". BUT-JU 108 T FOR THE HELLUVIT, HE MADE HIMSELF A PROMISE. I'LL POP IN ONE OF THESE DAYS, AND USE MY TIME WARP KEY, AND TAKE SOME OF THESE 109 HARACTERS BACK IN TIME, AND SHOW THEM HOW IT COULD HAVE BEEN IF THEY WOULD HAVE ONLY ALLOWED ME TO HELP. OH WELL, SIGH, I 110 GUESS I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN. LYSIAS MOUTHED THE TIME WARP KEY, (BETWEEN MUNCHES) AND RELIVED WHAT HAD NOT YET HAPPENED AT THE INN 111 MCKANE DEAD OF A COLON INFECTION. MCKANE INDUSTRIES FALLING APART WITHOUT THE LEADERSHIP OF "LEROY". THE FBI, THE CIA, THE NATI 112 NAL SECURITY COUNCIL, THE TRI-LATERAL COMMISSION, THE HARPER VALLEY PTA ALL CLAIMING CREDIT FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF MCKANE INDUS 113 RIES. CONGRESSIONAL SUB-COMMITEES SPENDING MILLIONS IN TAXPAYERS DOLLARS TO FIGURE IT OUT. 114 LYSIAS THOUGHT ABOUT ALL THIS, AND FOR ONCE, WISHED HE DIDN'T HAVE CONTROL OF THE TIME WARP. 115 BUT, AS HE DID, HE MOUTHER THE KEY, AND FOUND HIMSELF ON THE SHORE OF A SMALL ISOLATED LAKE SOMEWHERE ON A SMALL PLANET IN THE 116 LEIADES CONSTELLATION, IN SIDEREAL TAURUS. LYSIAS DECIDED TO STAY THERE UNTILL - WHENEVER."I GUESS I WON'T BE GOING BACK TO THE 117 INN ANYMORE". 118 }:{-}:{+}:{-}:{+}:{-}:{+}:{-}:{+}:{-}:{+}:{-}:{+}:{-}:{+}:{-}:{+}:{-}:{+}:{-}:{+ 119 I found this in a textbook on Business Communications. 120 It reminded me of the discussion about how great Pam and d's writing is. 121 A tale often told in direct-mail circles concerns two sales letter writers. 122 One was a budding neophyte; the other was a wise old-timer. One day after 123 long hours of hard work, the old-timer handed his first draft of a sales letter 124 to the neophyte. "Read it," he said, "and tell me what you think." 125 The neophyte read. He was wonderfully impressed. "It is beautiful writing-- 126 simply beautiful," he responded. "Without question, it is the most beautiful 127 sales writing I have ever read!" 128 After hearing these words, the old-timer took the letter, crumpled it, and 129 tossed it into a wastebasket. Then without uttering a word, he returned to 130 his typewriter and began work on a new letter. 131 The neophyte was dumbfounded. After some moments of bewilderment he asked, 132 "Why did you do that? Why did you destroy that most beautiful writing?" 133 The old-timer replied, "Beautiful was not the right answer. What I wanted 134 to hear was `That's a good product.'" 135 136 Think about it. 137 }:{+}:{-}:{+}:{-}:{+}:{-}:{+}:{-}:{+}:{-}:{+}:{-}:{+}:{-}:{+}:{-}:{+}:{-}:{+}:{- 138 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 139 The morning sun streamed in through the half-open door of the inn 140 as the piper came down the stairs to the common room. No one else was 141 stirring, the slanting rays cut golden swaths through the smoke 142 that still filled the air from last night's fire. He walked to the 143 door and stood in the opening for a moment, looking at the fresh morning, 144 waiting for the stiffness of sleep to fade. Streching, the piper walked 145 back inside and into the bathroom of the inn. Stripping of his tunic 146 and kilt, he slid into the huge pool heated by natural springs that 147 nearly filled an adjoining room. Laying back with the water up to his 148 chin, he mused about the recent goings-on. 149 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 150 Mikey -- I agree with you about keeping the Inn sancrosact. I enjoy 151 disporting with the patrons as time goes by. Unfortunately, with the 152 Frank matter, I cannot engage in a debate -- I consider his activities 153 a threat to my family's well being. Obviousy, the problem is not as 154 severe as someone breaking into the house wielding a gun, but I 155 cannot consider it any the less a crime of violence. Perhaps I 156 reacted too much to the threat -- I do think that I mentioned that 157 I wanted to think things through -- but Frank and others in his 158 situation should remember that my priorities set my family before 159 my own well-being. I feel that violence to children from adults 160 is normally indefensable. (No kids, I don't want to spank you 161 but if, under certain circumstances I must, it is MY failure 162 you are being punished for, and yes -- I have failed.) I cannot 163 accept that turning a child into an emotional cripple is any less 164 serious than turning one into a physical cripple. Now we come to 165 the heart of the matter -- does an adult forcing a sexual encounter 166 on a child emotionally cripple the child? My intuition tells me 167 yes so strongly that I will react as emotionally as I have. In fact, 168 I would treat any evidence given by an admitted child molester such 169 as Frank with great caution. It is obvious that he wishes social 170 approval (or at least no criminal penalties) for his particular 171 actions. I, for one have registered my strong disapproval (and 172 perhaps some overreaction). O.K., Frank -- I will at least look at 173 some evidence that what you do doesn't hurt anyone. I will probably 174 not be convinced, but will check out any references you care to 175 name. Also relevant is the age of your victims. I would react less 176 strongly as they are older -- at 18 they have been on their own 177 for some time. 178 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 179 To all: 180 The piobareachd competition was delightful. Most of the pipers 181 did quite well, unfortunately my favorites did not win except for 182 a young lady from B.C. Canada, who took the second place. (she 183 did well last year too). 184 Today are the athletic, dancing, lesser piping, and band events. 185 drop by David Douglas High at any time today (before 4:00) and 186 check out the action. 187 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 188 189 ********************************************************** 190 Piper : I agree with you on the Frank thing. I don't think I could 191 effectively debate the issue myself, though not having children 192 myself it is not a subject as close to home as it is with you. 193 But I certainly agree with you in spirit. I was only pointing out 194 to L'homme that the discussion taking place was not a debate, 195 but simply a plain ordinary argument involving two opposing views. 196 You don't engage in name calling and threats in a proper debate. 197 ********************** CISTOP MIKEY **************************** 198 P.S. Enjoyed the competition. 199 ******************************************* 200 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 201 Discussion 202 Here is a question that we (everyone) could discuss if they wanted to. 203 For the sake of the argument I will take the side of "Pro" instead of "Con". 204 205 "Is limited nuclear war possible?" There it is. I think that if both 206 sides were to agree to only hit missile silo's it could be a possibility. 207 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 208 LIMITED NUCLEAR WAR? NO. NO WAY. CONSIDER THE ELECTRO MAGNETIC PULSE AS ONE REAS 209 ON. WHEN A NUCLEAR DEVICE IS DETONATED THE EXPLOSION 'KNOCKS' COUNTLESS TRILIONS 210 OF ELECTRONS OUT OF THE ATOMS THAT MAKE UP THE ATMOSPHERE. THESE ELECTRONS 'COND 211 ENSE' ON ANY METALLIC OBJECT. AFTER AN H BOMB TEST IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC TELEPHON 212 E EQIUPMWNT, POWER DISTRIBUTION STATIONS, RADAR, ETC ETC WERE RENDERED INOPERABL 213 E HUNDREDS OF MILES AWAY. AND THIS FROM ONE "DEVICE" DETONATED AT LOW ALTITUDE. 214 DELICATE SOLID STATE EQUIPMENT IS ESPECIALLY SUCEPTIBLE TO THIS EMP. ONE MEDIUM 215 SIZE BOMB DETONATED AT HIGH ALTITUDE (100 MILES, EG) WOULD DEVESTATE COMMUNICATI 216 ONSZ, RADAR, ETC, OVER MOST OF THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE. WHOEVER STRIKES FIRST WIL 217 L "WIN". NOTE QUOTE MARKS ON WIN. BOTH SIDES KNOW THIS, OF COURSE, SO TO USE ANY 218 THING LESS THAN EVERYTHING WOULD BE A VERY BAD MOVE FOR EITHER SIDE. IT WILL MOS 219 T LIKELY BE ALL OR NOTHING. THE INN WOULD BE DESTROYED BY 'HI-TECH'.(AS WELL AS 220 THE REST OF THE WORLD). I PROPOSE A QUESTION MORE BEFITTING THE SPIRIT OF THE IN 221 N. "HOW WOULD YOU RATE THE QUALITY OF THE INKEEPERS ALE?" 222 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 223 Yes, that question is High tech and should be dropped! 224 By the way, how good is the quality of the ale? 225 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 226 Lysias: Please do NOT use lines longer than 126 chars. 128 char lines mess up 227 the FA & FI functions! 228 To: The person above. That test was practically in ORBIT! It was NOT a low 229 altitude test. Otherwise your entry was ok. 230 ________________________________________Leonard_________________________________ 231 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 232 Net 7: Am awaiting call. If contact not established by 2000 Sat 233 do NOT attempt until Wed. 234 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 235 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 236 Leonard, what test in orbit? I don't follow you. 237 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 238 "The ale at this Inn is the best ever!", a voice cried. 239 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 240 241 IF YOU ARE READING THIS AND DON'T PLAN ON ENTERING A MESSAGE, 242 PLEASE DO. IT IS WIERD WHEN YOU CALL AND ITS BUSY, THEN WHEN 243 YOU FINALLY GET ON AFTER AN HOUR THERE IS THE SAME MASSAGE AS 244 BEFORE. PLEASE ENTER SOMETHING. TAKE IT EASY 245 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 246 This Inn really slows down saturday around two pm. 247 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 248 I JUST HAD OCCASION TO EXPERIENCE SOMETHING I WANT TO SHARE 249 ----------------------------------------------------------- 250 | | 251 | DEEP WITHIN THE CRUDE OIL HOLDING TANK OF A SHIP | 252 | BEING OUTFITTED AT THE LOCAL SHIP YARDS, I FOUND | 253 | I DISCOVERED THIS OUTSTANDING PIECE OF GRAFFITTI | 254 | | 255 ----------------------------------------------------------- 256 ........................................................... 257 . DID YOU KNOW THAT SHIT RUNS DOWN HILL ? . 258 ........................................................... 259 260 MAYBE THIS UNSEEMING BIT OF WIT MIGHT CAUSE A RIPPLE OR TWO 261 IN THE RANDOM DISCUSSIONS , OR THE LITERARY EFFORTS OF LOCAL 262 AUTHORS USING THIS SYSTEM AS A TESTING PLACE FOR THEIR WORK 263 264 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 265 Does anyone out there have an idea for a story? 266 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 267 /////////////////////////////////////////////////// 268 269 well, im back, but it doesnt seem a good time around bw.sorry about the lon 270 cense, i guess no one saw when i flashed out of existance not to come back 271 again until now.i had unpaid taxes on my homeworld that had to be paid so 272 they sent me to work.ially know of a story line now but ill try to think of 273 one. 274 /////////////////////pheric//////////////////////////////////////////// 275 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 276 OK, I know I was a bit (well very) emotional in my responce (actually I 277 just ranted) to the Frank episode. Well, that's because I get very emotion 278 -al with such a subject. this is neither an apology or explanation for 279 my behavior. It's just a statement. And should we have a similar topic 280 in the future, I'm sorry to say that I may most probably end up ranting again. 281 Fast Fred BSAL 282 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 283 [=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=] 284 I watched the Piper leave after anouncing his intention to 285 go to some sort of competition. Now I wonder what this 'kaber' 286 thing was that he was muttering about as he left. 287 That and the dour mood of the Innkeeper leaves me a bit 288 puzzled. After his chasing out the odd looking individuals 289 that were brandishing some strange implements, I found myself 290 alone in the Inn. After the intense and loud background noise 291 of people talking laughing and occasional shout, the ensuing 292 silence left my ears ringing. Inquiring of the Innkeeper what 293 it was all about left me with no answer, so I just shrug my 294 shoulders, settle back in my chair and wait for the madness to 295 return. Actually, it is rather nice to be able to hear myself 296 think for a change after all the hubbub. 297 I wonder who this 'd' was that one of the louder arguments 298 had been going on about. And what of this PAM person who 299 seemed to somehow be associated. Perhaps if I stick around 300 I'll findout the answers to these questions and many others I 301 have about this strange place. 302 [=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=]<+><*><+><*><+><*><+><*><+><*><+><*><+><*><+><*><+><*><+><*><+><*><+><*> 406 Concerning "Limited Nuclear War" 407 This entry is based on an article entitled '"No First Use" of Nuclear 408 Weapons,' written by Kurt Gottfried, Henry W Kendall, and John M Lee--as found 409 in the March, 1984 issue of Scientific American.(pp 33-41): 410 NATO currently subscribes to a first-use policy as a means to deter enemy 411 agression. "...under the present first-use policy nuclear weapons are integral 412 to the training, planning and equipping phases of all NATO military operations. 413 In the event of reverses in a major conflict there would be almost irresistable 414 pressure to use them." This is most unfortunate because "...even the most 415 limited use of nuclear weapons could well lead to the ultimate catastrophe of 416 global nuclear war." 417 Unfortunately, no method has been proposed for stopping a nuclear war once it 418 has been started. An organization called the Union of Concerned Scientists (of 419 which the article's authors are members) conducted a thorough investigation of 420 current political and military situations. Their report calls for an increase 421 of conventional weapons and the adoption of a "no first-use" policy. 422 The use of nuclear weapons on a limited scale requires accurate, prompt infor- 423 mation on army locations and troop movements. The military demands for engaging in 424 nuclear war calls for immediate information and decisions from those in 425 authority. NATO relies on an intricate system to gather information and make 426 decisions (the system is referred to as 'command, control, communications and 427 intelligence', or C3I). If communications lines were attacked (as they certainly 428 would be) field commanders would be helpless as they cannot act alone. 429 Instead, the highest authorities of all NATO countries must agree on the timing, 430 magnitude, and location of ANY nuclear attack. This leads to mass confusion. 431 The political requirements for the use of nuclear weapons openly conflict the 432 military's ability to act effectively. Field commanders are stuck with troops 433 equipped with and trained in warfare with nuclear weapons (thus creating a 434 strong desire to use them) While communications are delayed by indecision, red 435 tape, and are possibly even destroyed. This all leads to the destruction of 436 NATO forces while our missiles lie dormant and/or (even worse) the unauthorized 437 use of nuclear weapons followed by chaotic nuclear escalation. "It would be 438 reckless to assume that escalation far beyond the battlefield could be averted 439 in such circumstances." 440 In order to stop escalation to global nuclear war, superb diplomacy in an 441 extreme crisis would be needed. Such rapid agreements (specific limits on 442 targets and weapon use) would require unprecedented bilateral cooperation such 443 as the Earth has never seen. 444 Taken again from '"No First Use" of Nuclear Weaponry': 445 "In short, there is no plausible scenario for the use of nuclear weapons in a 446 conflict between the two superpowers that does not carry with it the danger of 447 catastrophic escalation." 448 Note: all material found within quotation marks is directly taken from the 449 aformentioned Scientific American article. 450 <+><*><+><*><+><*><+><*><+><*> Tim <+><*><+><*><+><*><+><*><+><*><+><*><+> 451 MA 63 452 453 OFF 454 OFFLINE 455 MA 63 456 [*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*=*][*= 457 IT WAS ALMOST DUSK WHEN I FINALLY REACHED THE LAKE, AND 458 THOUGH I WAS TIRED FROM THE LONG WALK, I FELT STRANGELY REFRESH 459 ED. PERHAPS, I THOUGHT, IT IS BECAUSE I AM SO CLOSE TO THE END 460 461 OF MY JOURNEY. SITTING MYSELF DOWN ON A LARGE STONE AT THE EDGE 462 OF THE WATER, I TOOK OFF MY SANDALS AND IMMERSED MY TIRED FEET 463 IN THE COOL CRYSTAL CLEAR WATER. A DRAGONFLY BUZZED ABOUT ME,AN 464 D FOR A SECOND, IT'S TWIN PAIRS OF WINGS WERE TRANSFORMED INTO 465 TINY STAINED GLASS WINDOWS BY THE SETTING SUN, AND THEN IT WAS 466 467 GONE. THE WAVES LAPPED RHYTHMICALLY AT MY FEET,THE CAT TAILS 468 THAT GREW ALONG THE SHORE SWAYED BACK AND FORTH IN THE GENTLE 469 BREEZE, KEEPING TIME. SUDDENLY THE WIND SHIFTED AND THE AIR WAS 470 471 FILLED WITH DELICATE WHITE SEEDS OF A COTTONWOOD TREE, LIKE TIN 472 Y CLOUDS FLOATING DOWN TO EARTH. MY COMPANION TOOK GREAT DELIGH 473 T IN CHASING THEM ABOUT, AND I LAUGHED ALOUD AS HE SNEEZED, HIS 474 LITTLE PAWS BRUSHING THEM FROM HIS WHISKERS. 475 AS THE SUN SLIPPED BELOW THE MOUNTAINS ABOVE, I AROSE AND SET 476 UP MY CAMP. PITCHING MY LITTLE TENT, AND BUILDING A SMALL CAMP 477 FIRE. HOW FORTUNATE, THAT I FOUND SOME CEDAR BRANCHES, I LOVE 478 THE AROMA OF A CEDAR FIRE. IN THE LAST MOMENTS OF LIGHT, I 479 CAUGHT A CATFISH, AND MY COMPANION AND I DINED ON IT, AND 480 THE WILD STRAWBERRIES THAT HE HAD 481 FOUND. 482 CRAWLING INTO MY LITTLE TENT, I LAID BACK, AND ONCE AGAIN, MY 483 THOUGHTS DRIFTED--BACK TO ANOTHER TIME---. MY COMPANION CRAWLED 484 UP ON MY CHEST, AND LOOKED AT ME AS IF TO SAY,"TELLME ABOUT IT" 485 486 I HAD BEEN ASLEEP, AND WAS ONLY HALF AWAKENED BY THE COMMOTION 487 THE SHOUTS OF THE VILLAGERS. MY SISTER SHOOK ME AWAKE;"COME! 488 FATHER HAS RETURNED. COME GREET HIM. AAKE NOW, I RAN OUT INTO 489 THE SQUARE, AND HE GRABBED ME, AND SWUNG ME UP ONTO HIS SHOULDE 490 R. HOW PROUD I WAS AS THE VILLAGERS CROWDED AROUND US, CALLING 491 OUT GREETINGS, SHAKING HANDS. THEN, SUDDENLY, HE BEGGED TO BE 492 EXCUSED, AND STRODE AWAY. OFF WE WALKED, AWAY FROM THE VILLAGE, 493 AND INTO THE WOODS. SOON, WE CAME TO A SMALL CLEARING, AND MY 494 FATHER SAT ME DOWN ON A LOG. THEN HE SPOKE."MY CHILD, YOU HAVE 495 HEARD IT WHISPERED THAT ONE DAY I WOULD RETURN, AND BRING A 496 GREAT GIFT TO THE PEOPLE OF THE VILLAGE. THIS IS NOT TO BE. 497 INSTEAD, IT WILL BE UPON YOU TO COMPLETE THIS NOBLE TASK. 498 REACHING INTO HIS POCKET, HE WITHDREW A SMALL TIN BOX, WHICH HE 499 HANDED TO ME. THEN HE DREW HIS GREAT BROADSWORD, AND PLUNGED IT 500 501 DEEP UNDER A LARGE ROCK. BEADS OF SWEAT TRICKLED FROM HIS BROW 502 ,AND HIS MIGHTY ARMS BULGED IN HIS EFFORT. SLOWLY, THE HUGE ROC 503 504 K WAS RAISED. "PLACE THE BOX UNDER THE ROCK, HE ORDERED ME. 505 QUICKLY!" THE TERRIBLE STRAIN REDUCING HIS WORDS TO A WHISPER. 506 AND AS I DID, THE BLADE OF THE GREAT SWORD SHATTERED, AND THE 507 ROCK FELL BACK, SHAKING THE GROUND BENEATH ME.AGAIN, HE SPOKE. 508 "ONCE AGAIN I MUST GO AWAY, MY CHILD. I WILL NOT BE COMING BACK 509 510 "YOU MUST GO TO THE VILLAGE ELDERS, AND TELL THEM THAT YOU MUST 511 LEARN THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS. GIVE THEM THIS, HE SAID, TAKING 512 A RING FROM HIS FINGER, AND HANDING IT TO ME.THEY WILL KNOW 513 IT'S MEANING, AND THEY WILL TEACH YOU. ON THE DAY OF YOUR EIGHT 514 TEENTH BIRTHDAY, YOU MUST RETRIEVE THE BOX FROM UNDER THE ROCK. 515 IN IT IS A MAP. WHEN YOU READ IT YOU WILL UNDERSTAND-IF YOU 516 HAVE LEARNED FROM THE ELDERS-AND THEN YOU WILL KNOW WHAT IT IS 517 THAT YOU MUST DO." AND NOW, MY CHILD, I MUST GO. REMEMBER THAT 518 YOU HAVE A MISSION, AND THAT YOU MUST NOT FAIL. AND REMEMBER, 519 MY CHILD, THAT I LOVE YOU." 520 AND THEN HE WAS GONE. TO BE CONTINUED. 521 522 523 LOAM: THAT SHOULD HAVE STATED THAT YOU "WOULD" KNOW ME AS 524 MICHELLE, NOT THAT YOU "DO" KNOW ME AS MICHELLE. MY NAME IS NOT 525 "MICHELLE" 526 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 527 Aaron: True & True...It uses Videotex level 4--If you want I can send you 528 the format. Indeed my writing has been taken up of late with finishing 529 the "PC to Mac and Back" book. I hope to return to the world of let's 530 pretend soon. 531 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Captn' b \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 532 If we're going to pursue a stroy line with wide appeal we 533 shoul incorporate some of the depth of the non-story entries 534 on BWMS I'd like to see a high-tech version of a medieval 535 morality play with Evil characters like Barren Intellect, Ab- 536 solute Power & Unbridled Lust battling Good guys like Pure 537 Love, Sweet Reason, and Justace for all ( all the Good charach- 538 ters sound promiscuous). Have them act out our ideas on the 539 proper use of machines and knowledge. See what strange alli- 540 ances they form (Intellect and Justice start a law firm; Pure 541 Love and Power found the Roman Catholic Church). 542 People that take fantasy seriously grasp that the window 543 of our perceptions is tiny and dim. Our picture of the world 544 is at best a blind-man's-view-of-the-elephant. The internal 545 world that we build from these scraps of information is the one 546 one that we truly inhabit. We want to build it pure and fine. 547 That's why patrons of the Inn are so passionately critical when 548 someone doesn't measure up morally or grammatically--a person's 549 inner world is precious and not to be ligxtly botched. What 550 we're doing is important. Fantasy, the basis of all science, 551 religion and philosphy, creates the "real" world. 552 - 553 Meanwhile we need a fast funny yarn to keep us entertained. 554 Gaudy Minsky 555 TO: NET 7. FROM DELTA V. COMSET PROBLEMS OR INTERFERENCE FROM 556 OUTSIDE SOURCE DELETED RESPONSE TO NET OFFER. WILL REPEAT. AM 557 CONSIDERING OFFER. ANSWER FORTHCOMING. AM GOING FISHING. 558 EMERGENCY CONTACT C. LOVONOVITCH 559 FREEBOOTERS LOW SECURITY. HIGH SECURITY CONTACT PRIVATE MESSAGE 560 SUNDAY TRADER OTHER SIDE GENERAL 561 PASSWORD LOW LEVEL CODE FIRST THIRD FIFTH SEVENTH LETTERS OF KEY. EOM DELTA V. 562 RECCOMEND SERIOUS THERAPY. 563 .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: 564 REPENT YE SINNERS. 565 J.C and the Boys are making a second comming... 566 .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: 567 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 568 I've got a question about the nuclear war debate: Regarding the EMP, if 569 it knocks out ALL electrical workings, what about the other missles around 570 it? Dosen't that mean that when one hits, it knocks out the other missles 571 (just by defalt)? If so, a nuclear war is not only crippling to the involved 572 nations, but is still limited in the amount of damge sustained. What do 573 you think? 574 Fast Fred BSAL 575 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 576 The electro-magnetic pulse ruins any unprotected semiconducters by generatn 577 generating a high-voltage potential which blows the transistors. 578 One can harden a circuit with metal plate or "mu-metal", and the 579 warheads are so protected. However, the phone system, among other 580 things, isn't. 581 Scarlet 582 *********************** 583 584 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 585 Here's another question for debate: Do you believe that most Americans (or people in general) are intellectual, 586 anti-intellectual, or non-intellectual? It seems to me, in recent times, that people in general are becoming non- 587 intellectual, being simply not interested in things that are intellectual. William H. Whyte, Jr., cites as one 588 example, a well-known chemical company's recruiting film. At one point, as three scientists are shown in a lab, a 589 narrator comments: "No geniuses here - just a bunch of average Americans working together." 590 Do you believe that intellegent people are given less recognition than is their due? Do you think it is fitting that 591 an official of the U.S. Office of Education blandly lumps together "the blind and the partially seeing, the deaf and 592 the hard of hearing, the speech-defective, the crippled, the delicate, the epileptic, the mentally deficient, the 593 socially maladjusted, and the extraordinarily gifted" ? Strange bedfellows, indeed. Think on it. 594 Entered this day of July 22, 1984, at 9:18 pm, Milchar. 595 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 596 GAUDY- SO WHY DONT YOU WRITE IT.BUT-PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE 597 598 ANYTHING-LITERALLY ANYTHING BUT LAWYERS. 599 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj 600 Mark: Your message was cryptic. I'm not sure I understand. 601 Limited nuclear freeze: Make a deal with someone trying to rob your house; you 602 both shoot at each other's hands. Out of space. The Ninja jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj 603 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 604 HI Y'LL, I HAVE RETURNED.............I THINK!............................... 605 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!DEBORAH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 606 P.S. HI MIKEY, PERHAPS IF YOU HAVE THE TIME, YOU CAN FILL ME IN ON WHAT HAS 607 BEEN OCCURING HERE SINCE MY LEAVE OF ABSCENCE........IT WOULD BE MUCH APPRE- 608 CIATED. BY THE WAY, HOW'S LIFE? 609 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 610 *)%*)#@*%)@*%)*#!%)_%*@_%*)@&%)*(%_!@%_+^_#*&^_#*^_#_^*#_^*_#*^_#@*^_%*^_$*^_ 611 I don't know if you'll get a chance to read this Joshua, but if you do, (&@#! 612 Thanks so much for leaving me holding the bag. I mean really??? A plunging 613 elevator? I mean we can't die, but anyway we get out of this, it's going to 614 sound tacky. Thanks alot!!! 615 &)%*)%*)$*%)@*%@#%*#@)%@* L'homme sans parity *&$)%)@#*%)#*)%*_@#%!_*%@*%@!*% > .