LI NUMBER OF LINES: 592 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 ***************** REMOVED: 22 AUG 84 ************************ 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 To: ;-;-;-;-;-;- Shoes? Shoes? Wearing shoes? Now that's going too far! 21 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< capt'n barefoot >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 22 ^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^ 23 CISTOP MIKEY - While I have defended your right to vote for Mickey, or 24 Noneoftheabove, I too am standing up for my beliefs. 25 While Mr. Reagan is not perfect (who among us can claim 26 that distinction ?), he has done a great deal of good 27 for the country. Pride in the U.S. is way up, the 28 actual number of people who have jobs is up very 29 dramatically, inflation is held to a reasonable level, 30 and personal income taxes have been cut. Disposable 31 income is at its highest level in history. That is 32 what is really important. 33 There will not be a nuclear war as long as MAD is still 34 operative. That is why we need to continually upgrade 35 our delivery systems. The bombs themselves are ample, 36 but we must ensure that they will be delivered in an 37 effective manner. 38 I am definitely voting for Mr. Reagan. Any other 39 choice is not only a vote for socialism, it is a vote 40 to destroy the good that has been built in the last four 41 years. 42 Social programs, not religion, are the opiate of the 43 masses. 44 45 MiG - I use a VT102. That is why all my responses are composed on-line 46 and I have no archives. I appreciate a fine woman as much as 47 anyone however, and like our erstwhile bufoon, I have lusted in 48 my heart. (Remember the Jody and Luke saga ? Jody was worth a 49 lust or two!) 50 51 ^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$ Laissez-faire (Look it up) $^$^$^$^$^ 52 53 LAISSEZ-FAIRE: RE REAGAN-OXYMORONIC POPPYCOCK. (LOOK IT UP). SAVOIR FAIRE 54 sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 55 Lais`ser Faire`: A doctrine opposing governmental interference in 56 economical affairs beyond the minimum necessary 57 for the maintenance of peace and property rights. 58 and, a philosophy or practice characterized by a usu. 59 deliberate abstention from diection or interference 60 esp. With individual freedom of choice and action 61 you dumb clodd with the UPPER CASE message. 62 ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 63 As I understand it the Libertarian Party has been making steady gains 64 in the last couple of presidential elections. They may have even gotten an 65 electoral vote last time! 66 Speaking of electoral votes, they only have to vote the way their state 67 did ONCE! If the election isn't decided on the first vote the electors are 68 free to vote for whomever they wish! 69 _____________________________________Leonard________________________________ 70 dear mikey, join me and vote for pat paulson. I have voted 71 for paulson since 68 and find it more to the point than voting for none 72 of the above, as paulson is a comedian. Of course, i did vote for real can- 73 didates twice, reagan and carter. This year it's back to paulson, rather 74 than be involved in this sordid re-run of the last two elections. Even the 75 year i worked on the mcgovern campaign i ended up voting for paulson, because 76 of the eastland issue (for those of you who were born by then). 77 78 if you vote for none of the above, they just lump you in with those who don't 79 vote at all in the statitics. If you vote for paulson, or mickey mouse, they 80 have to count the number of people who did that, so the protest is more effec- 81 tive. 82 83 and so on.... 84 85 ----------------- batpoop, in magnificat regis ----------------------------- 86 ****************************************************************************** 87 ANYONE INTERESTED IN A TOSHIBA BETA VCR FOR ONLY $150.00? 88 MY FRIEND NEEDS TO SELL IT RATHER QUICKLY. LEAVE A MESSAGE FOR ME HERE OR 89 CALL 682-xxxx AND ASK FOR PAUL ROSENQUIST. 90 91 DANKE 92 UNBELIEVER 93 ****************************************************************************** 94 95 { ^+/* ---------------- ^+/* ---------------- */+^ ---------------- */+^ } 96 Mellow Man - Well said, as true as a metaphor can be. 97 98 Laissez-faire - I too enjoyed your elaboration on the reality metaphor. 99 Yes, change is the very nature of this reality we experience. Since all 100 of us have a part in it, each of us has their part to play. As to the 101 model for describing the brain, I prefer the idea of the brain viewed 102 as a multi-dimensional hologram. The laser which illuminates this memory 103 is consciousness. This develops to the idea of a means of perception that 104 determines the direction of it's own perception. Voila`, feedback! 105 106 { ^+/* --------------- The Mesolithic Mathematician --------------- */+^ } 107 108 109 ************************************************************** 110 If you truly do believe in Reagan, then yes, vote for him. Just don't expect 111 me to do so. Yes, (horrors!) I voted for him last time, as at the time I 112 was so fed up with Jimmy's wishy washyness running the country into the 113 dump that I was willing to vote for anything that would have even the 114 remote chance of doing something to change things. And yes, I will agree 115 that things have at least slowed down from the head long charge into 116 federal backrupcy. But that doesn't mean I feel that Reagan is now 117 suitable for the position. His continual verbal blasting of the soviets 118 makes me extremly nervous. Nor do I feel any safer because there are 119 going to be more missles pointed at Moscow. It in fact makes me feel 120 even more nervous particularly when we have someone as trigger happy 121 as Reagan with his finger over the button. I am no more happy with 122 Mondale and his traditional democratic liberal spending policies of 123 'lets create some niffty programs out there, we'll worry about where 124 the money will come from some other time. Right now I want to look 125 like a good guy.' Sorry Friz, but irresponsible expenditure of funds 126 you don't have makes you a bad guy in my viewpoint. As was said elsewhere, 127 as far as Jessy, religion and politics don't mix. It has been proven time 128 and time again in history. (but then we seem to seldom learn from history.) 129 Glenn is a nice guy, but hardly leadership material. The same goes for 130 Cranston. I was actually rooting for Hart, not because he was best, but 131 rather because I didn't find anything excessivly negative about him, 132 and he seemed to have slightly better then average intelligence. He at 133 least didn't subscribe to the excessive spending sprees that Mondale 134 does. Being a registered Republican, my choice of note voting for Reagan 135 is a bit more significant. I basicly agree to the Republican structure 136 of less government is best. but I am against the direction it has taken 137 of late in making things cushy for the rich. (I don't agree with the 138 Democratic concept that there shouldn't be any rich however, I just don't 139 think the rich should be given any more advantages or restrictions then 140 anyone else.) Nor do I agree with the Libertarian concept of no 141 government is best. There are many advantages to has a responsible 142 government. An example: The extensive road system we have today that 143 has been the backbone of our enormous progress could not have been 144 done by private industry. Private industry does not care about the 145 individual, they are only concerned with themselves. As such, roads would 146 only have been installed where they needed them, and cross country 147 freight would still be done by the railroads which is a far more efficient 148 way to do long distance travel anyway. (The problem is that it doesn't 149 deliver to your front (or rear) door.) But I've ranted far too long, 150 and said more than I had intended, (I hadn't even intended to say anything 151 on the subject at all, but somehow I seem to have done so.). 152 ************************** CISTOP MIKEY ********************************* 153 ........L. Binklywalker - If you did that on db, you really chickened 154 out, and that makes be perturbed. If you were not responsible, then 155 we kick ... and take names. Andrew........................ 156 MIKEY: ISN'T THAT WHY REAGAN WON-BECAUSE THE COUNTRY WAS SICK 157 158 OF ITS BUMPKIN LEADER? DITTO CLARK OVER IVANCIE, NO? 159 BAT POOP HAS THE RIGHT IDEA. AND TOMMY SMOTHERS FOR VEEP. [*=*] 160 MhoramMhoramMhoramMhoramMhoramMhoramMhoramMhoramMhoramMhoram 161 Is that you, Unbeliever and White Gold Wielder? 162 Melenkurion Abatha! Duroc minas mill khaball! 163 MhoramMhoramMhoramMhoMhoramMhoramMhoramMhoramMhoramMhoramMhoram 164 AW SHUCKS! ALLAN, GARY, JESSE, AND JOHN. 165 # # # # # # # # # # # 166 167 AT LEAST THE RUSSIANS WILL THINK TWICE ABOUT PANDERING IN 168 AFFAIRS THAT HAVE AMERICAN INTERSTS. AFTER ALL WHAT FOOL 169 WOULD PROVOKE A MAN WHOSE GREATEST DESIRE IS TO NUKE THEM 170 BACK TO THE STONE AGE ? AND WHOSE ONLY BEING STOPPED BY 171 PUBLIC SENTIMENNT .-----M.A.D. REALLY WORKS IN THE REAL 172 WORLD. 173 # # # # # # # # # # #$-$ 174 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 175 YOU NON-VOTERS OUT THERE DON'T SEEM TO REALIZE THAT A 176 VOTE FOR NONEOFTHEABOVE IS A VOTE FOR STUPIDITY. CAN'T YOU 177 UNDERSTAND THAT BY VOTING FOR A NON-ENTITY, YOU ARE 178 MERELY CASTING YOUR VOTE IN THE ROUND FILE CABINANT? 179 WHEN THE DUST HAS SETTLED, AND THE VOTES ARE COUNTED, 180 ALL WHO VOTED FOR NONEOFTHEABOVE WILL BE COUNTED AS 181 "DID NOT VOTE". YOU ARE ADDING TO THE APATHY THAT SPREADS 182 ACROSS THE NATION LIKE VERMIN. YOU ARE NOT HELPING 183 THINGS. YOU ARE NOT CHANGING THINGS. YOUR ARE NOT MAKING 184 YOURSELVES HEARD. YOU WILL APPEAR LIKE BUFFONS. WITHOUT 185 VOICE, WITHOUT THOUGHT, WITHOUT IDEAS. IF YOU REALLY 186 WISH TO PROTEST ABOUT YOUR CHOICES THIS NOVEMBER, THAN 187 YOU MUST DO SOMETHING BETTER. MAKE YOUR STANCE VISIBLE. 188 BY VOTING FOR NONEOFTHEABOVE BEHIND THE CURTAINS ON THE 189 VOTING BOOTH, YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A COWARD WITH 190 LOTS OF TALK AND LITTLE ACTION. 191 OOOOOOOOOOOOOTHE ELECTORAL COLLEGEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 192 GOOD SHOW,OLD CHAP! THAT'LL TELL THEM. QUINCY. 194 195 THEY'RE RIOTING IN AFRICA 196 THEY'RE STARVING IN SPAIN 197 THERES HURRICANES IN FLORIDA 198 AND TEXAS NEEDS RAIN 199 THE WHOLE WORLD IS FESTERING 200 WITH UNHAPPY SOULS 201 THE FRENCH HATE THE GERMANS 202 THE GERMANS HATE THE POLES 203 ITALIANS HATE JUGOSLAVS, SOUTH AFRICANS HATE THE DUTCH 204 AND I DON'T LIKE ANYBODY VERY MUCH. 205 BUT WE SHOULD BE THANKFUL, AND TRANQUIL AND PROUD 206 FOR MAN'S BEEN ENDOWED WITH A MUSHROOM SHAPED CLOUD 207 208 AND WE CAN BE CERTAIN THAT SOME LOVELY DAY 209 SOMEONE WILL SET THE SPARK OFF, AND WE WILL ALL BE BLOWN AWAY. 210 THEY'RE RIOTING IN AFRICA 211 THERES STRIFE IN IRAN 212 WHAT NATURE DOESN'T DO TO US 213 WILL BE DONE BY OUR FELLOW MAN. 214 (DAVE GUARD) 215 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 216 To continue studying the impacts of placing a "none of the above" option 217 on the ballot via initiative, we must define what happens if "none of the 218 above" wins. To be really meaningful, a majority for "none of the above" 219 must cause major political dislocation (indeed, is that not the purpose of 220 that choice?) Let's take the local level first. If in city or county 221 government, for example the race for a city councilperson or county 222 commisioner, the position recieved a "none of the above" vote, it must imply 223 that none of the available candidates is acceptable to those who felt 224 strongly enough about the issue to vote. The question then becomes one of 225 how to get the acceptable candidates to run for the office, get their views 226 known, and get a majority to allow them to serve. I feel that a second 227 election, open to all comers, should be held within 30 days of the election 228 in which "none of the above" won. The rejected candidates could run again, 229 but should have marked against their names on the ballot the words 230 "previously rejected" in type size, color, and style identical to that in 231 which their names appear. This process should continue until offices are 232 filled. (somehow I can't feel too worried about the office remaining 233 unfilled through its term -- and it might not hurt anyway) 234 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 235 ============================================== 236 Andrew, me chicken out? sorry. I did take my name out of your speach 237 on db. I had my own a little lower about all these clods votes and how 238 much they don't count worth a darn at all. Me chicken out? All this 239 talk won't change a thing, well maybe your ego's. Fealing neat because 240 they had a little say in what was going on. But does it realy matter 241 what president you vote for when they anounce the winner before you even 242 get to vote? 243 ============================================== 244 ............................. L. Binklywalker - Indeed! ........................ 245 ************************************************************* 246 PIPER: NICE SPEECH. AS TO THE PERSON ABOVE SAYING I AM NOT REALLY 247 VOTING IF I VOTE FOR NONEOFTHEABOVE. SURE, I COULD VOTE FOR PAT LIKE 248 BATPOOP, BUT THAT WOULD BE THE SAME AS VOTING FOR NONEOFTHEABOVE 249 AS FAR AS ANY REAL RESULTS ARE CONCERNED. (I'M NOT FOOLING MYSELF, 250 I DO KNOW THAT REAGAN OR MONDALE WILL WIN NO MATER WHAT I DO.) BUT 251 RATHER THEN THROWING AWAY MY VOTE BY VOTING FOR ONE OF THEM WHEN 252 I DO NOT FEEL THAT EITHER ONE IS ACCEPTABLE, OR NOT BOTHERING TO 253 VOTE AT ALL BECAUSE IT WON'T MATTER ANYWAY, INSTEAD I HAVE DECIDED 254 TO AT LEAST SATISFY MY OWN SELF RESPECT AND VOTE IN A WAY THAT I 255 CAN FEEL GOOD ABOUT. SURE, I KNOW THAT IT WILL PROBABLY BE IGNORED 256 EXCEPT FOR MAYBE A SNICKER AND OR SNORT BY SOME POOR VOTE COUNTER 257 WHO HAS TO GO THROUGH AND COUNT ALL THE WRITEINS, BUT I AM NOT VOTING 258 FOR YOU NOR FOR ANYONE ELSE, "I AM VOTING FOR MYSELF!" SINCE I KNOW 259 THAT IT WON'T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE WHAT I DO, I CAN AT LEAST PROVIDE 260 MYSELF A LITTLE BIT OF SATISFACTION IN KNOWING I VOTED IN THE WAY 261 I FOUND ACCEPTABLE. I REMEMBER IN MY YOUNGER DAYS WHEN I TOO WAS 262 BRAINWASHED INTO BELIVING THAT YOU HAD TO PLAY THE GAME BY THEIR 263 RULES, AND I HAD TO VOTE FOR 'THE WINNER'. SINCE THEN MY MORALS 264 HAVE GOTTEN IN THE WAY, AND NOW I VOTE FOR MYSELF INSTEAD. AND, 265 I'VE FOUND THAT IT MAKES ME A LOT MORE COMFORTABLE WITH MYSELF 266 TO EXPRESS MY OWN OPINION IN MY OWN WAY RATHER THEN FOLLOWING THE 267 HERD AND ECHOING WHAT SOMEONE UP FRONT SAYS IS RIGHT. 268 ******************* CISTOP MIKEY ******************************** 269 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ 270 271 Swiftly darting doubts 272 Swim crazily through my thoughts, 273 As sly Rainbow trout. 274 275 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/random 276 277 Focus on essentails: 278 279 280 281 From far, from eve and morning 282 And yon twelve-winded sky, 283 The stuff of life to knit me 284 Blew hither; here am I. 285 286 Now - for a breath I tarry 287 Nor yet disperse apart - 288 Take my hand quick and tell me, 289 What have you in your heart. 290 291 Speak now, and I will answer; 292 How shall I help you say; 293 Ere to the wind's twelve quarters 294 I take my endless way. 295 296 A.E. Housman. 297 298 (this is for you political sceptics - keep the faith.) 299 300 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/R\/\ 301 ======================================== 302 Andrew, binkeleywalker is "no more". You don't have to call me that at all. 303 you might try one of these, Luke Binkeleywalker, Whiteliner (as in motorcycle) 304 or the Archer, Bowman, xxxxxxxx, ssssssss, ========, and all the other boarders 305 that I have used in the past (ask MiG, he said he keeps track of boarders so 306 I should havea whole page by now. Along with all the other names that I 307 didn't write down above. 308 ======================================== 309 .............Good, good, good. Ta ta =======, Andrew ..................... 310 *%)#*@%)@#*%!)#*%)!*(%_!(%_(%_!+_(%_(*%_!(%!%_!(_#*(%@_)(%)+!(%_#(%_@#(%_@#(% 311 Hey Prometheus : What ever happened with your loud cries for archive info? 312 I answered all your questions in my next entry, but as usual, you seem 313 to have forgotten all about it. Maybe you should get together with d. You 314 both seem to have a knack for getting all fired up about getting in on 315 the archive, and then forgetting all about it, leaving others holding the 316 bag. If you are really interested, let us know. If not, leave us be. 317 Alex : Since this useless talk of voting is getting nowhere, how about a 318 discussion on the pros and cons of playing the stock market. Surely you 319 must have some stories that can warm the hearts of players all over this 320 great land of ours. What do you think of this latest rally? How about 321 the suddent downturn the dollar is taking on foreign markets? Have you 322 ever tried your luck at any stock market simulations? Do you use your 323 computer to chart the stocks you own? Just to get things going... 324 Gaudy : You seem to be bringing in things from other realities. like PPS. 325 Should my next message contain remarks about D&D, paperclips, Fiats, 326 and dirty laundry? Well shall see... 327 (%)_(%(@#_%(@#%@#%_@#( L'homme sans parity *)*%@)(%_#(%_#!_)%!_*%_(_#@(_%(@#_# 328 L'HOMME: I'M INTERESTED IN ARCHIVES, IF THERE IS TO BE A 329 HARD COPY MADE. IF SO, HOW MUCH?[*=*] 330 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& How about we talk RELIGION? &&&&&&&&&&&&& 331 {*{*{*{*{*{*{*{*{*{*{*{*{*+*}*}*}*}*}*}*}*}*}*}*}*}*} 332 Religion? I'm all for it! I maen against it. But I am all for talking about 333 it. Let's strike up a debate about that instead of this political junk. It 334 would be a change in pace talking about something different for a change. 335 {*{*{*{*{*{*{*{*{*{*{*{*{*+*}*}*}*}*}*}*}*}*}*}*}*}*} 336 Hey mon, let's have a party, right here. 337 We've got enough birdseed for everyone. 338 339 ][][[][][[[][][][][][][}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}}}{{{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{][][][][] 340 TO THE NINJA AND MIG: 341 342 LISTEN HERE YO )***%&^#$@11-HEADS I WANT ALL THE INFANTILE LIES ABOUT HOW 343 TOUGH YOU GUYS ARE. BRIAN YOU TOLD ME THAT JAY KICKED TEDDY SALADS BUTT. 344 WELL HE DIDN'T. HOW DO I KNOW? I ASKED HIM(TEDDY). IF ANY OF MY FRIENDS ARE 345 TOUCHED OR INSULTED IN ANY WAY EVER AGAIN I AND A FEW GOOD BUDDIES ARE 346 GOING TO KICK SOME RIGHTOUS $%&. NO MORE FLIPPIN' FOOLIN' AROUND I AM 347 DEAD SERIOUS AND TIRED OF MY FRIENDS AND MYSELF GETTING THE LAST PICK OF 348 THE COW CHIPS. 349 350 ONE MORE THING IF I FIND OUT WHO THE LITTLE JERK IS THAT TOOK MY HANDLES AND 351 MY BOARDER IS. THAT PERSON IS DEAD MEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 352 HAVE A NICE DAY, 353 THE REAL HAM CUTTER SALAD AND 354 THE REAL GRIZZLY 355 ][[[[[][[][][][][}{}{}{}{}{}{}{][][]{}{}{}{}{}{][][][}{}{}{}{][][][][][][][ 356 P.S. BILL AND OPUS FOR PREIDENTIAL CANDITATES!!!!!! 357 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 358 Well, let's take another look at an 'official' nonoftheabove ballot entry. 359 Local governments could, indeed, live with it. The major problem seems to 360 lie with federal elections. Where US law conflicts with state law, US wins. 361 (remember the golden rule -- tjehem that gots the gold makes the rules) The 362 real purpose of an 'official' noneoftheabove ballot entry is to provide a 363 visible measure of dissatisfaction. Certainly a noneoftheabove entry would 364 be in order for the party primarys. (Since I am registered repub., I voted 365 where I thought it might have some effect and left the pres. spot blank.) 366 I certainly would have liked to have a 'noneoftheabove' entry there, and I 367 suspect several dems would feel the same. 368 Since we have been accused of all talk and no action, I therefore put 369 forth, as a serious proposal, that we as residents of Oregon begin an 370 initiative campaign to place a noneoftheabove entry on each office voted 371 on in the state of Oregon. Folks, I'm dead serious about this -- I've 372 been disenfranchised and don't like it. Even if you like one of the 373 (words fail me here -- politicians??) running for office, you may not like 374 the "choice" in the future. We do have a method for really changing things. 375 It will not be a cheap and easy battle -- resistance to change is almost 376 always difficult to overcome -- but it can and will be done. I estimate that 377 it will take at least one or two tries, a lot of time, a lot of effort, and 378 some real commitment. What are the problems? What are the objections? 379 What wording will give the disenfrancised some teeth to sink into the legs 380 of their political opressors? 381 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 382 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 383 Ah, the infamous "grizzly" returns. He calls me infantile and yet threatens 384 death to anyone who used his boarder. I find this amusing. 385 Alex:Monday is definatly on, I will show up on doorstep <12noon > 9 a.m. 386 chips and pascal in hand. 387 MiG 388 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 389 #################################### 390 391 SUBJECT: PRINTER 4 SALE!!!!! 392 PRINTER IN QUESTION: GORILLA BANANA (OR THERE ABOUTS) 393 ASKING PRICE: ONLY $120.00!!!! 394 395 THIS PRINTER IS IN GOOD CONDITION. IT HAS BEEN ONLY USED A COUPLE OF 396 MONTHS. ALL INTERESTED BUYERS SHOULD CALL KEVIN FOWLER @ 503 253 0844 EVE. 397 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 398 DEAR THEOUS(OR THERE ABOUTS) BE CAREFUL IN SEPTEMBER. THE APPLES HAVE 2 399 WORMS. AND WE DON'T LIKE TO SHARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 400 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 401 &&&&&&&&&&&&& MR Ham CUTTER - You are quite threatening (?) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 402 ................................................................................ 403 Ham Cutter, that was not the best way to re-introduce yourself. Most of 404 the sillyness that you are hollering about is past. And your threats and 405 " my gun is bigger than your gun " contest ( to who ever came up with that 406 first, I love it and I had use it again ) really doesn't impress me a bit. 407 Knowing you, you are now vowing to break my neck, but that is just another 408 one of your problems. It would be best if you chaneled you violent anger 409 towards the creation of your board, linebackers, or at least in-animate 410 objects ( linebackers almost fitting that catagory ). As for your friends, 411 I know them as well as you do, and they are not really put out by some 412 insult trading. I'm not trying to get you ticked, but some of my advice 413 might save your some trouble, and some hard feelings. You should really 414 just calm down, and act rational, or at least inteligent. You will 415 eventually conform to this system, whether you want to or not, or you will 416 leave. Simple as that... 417 As for my entry about Reagan, I was just expressing my fears about him 418 in an irrational teenager fashion. I do not like to live in a country with 419 economic woes, and a President who promises efverything to everyone for a 420 vote, nor do I like a President who plays with nuclear fire. When you play 421 with fire, you get burned ( badly ). Strike another one up for " None of 422 the Above ". 423 Andrew 424 ................................................................................ 425 <+|+> {425} 08182347 426 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 427 Andrew, 428 429 I think that last sentance in the first paragraph was way out of line. How 430 can you or anyone (besides the system operator) tell people what they can do 431 or can't. He, like every other person who writes messages has the right to 432 be an individual. If it offends you thats not his fualt, you don't have to 433 read it do you? I must say that he opened up with a lot of insults but he 434 can type that in if he feels like it. It's his right. Everyone on this 435 system is being themselves, not some fake cover so everyone will think that 436 he is neat. Being yourself is one of our most precious abilities. If 437 people couldn't be so, where would this country be right now? I'm sure it 438 wouldn't be as it is today. Now I'm ticked off, I really didn't want t be 439 this way but thats how it goes... 440 441 Mark .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 442 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 443 444 TO MIG: 445 HEY YOU KNOW WHAT I FIND AMUSING? HOW EVERYTIME I BRING UP A SUBJECT FOR\ 446 DICUSION YOU ALWAYS FIND SOME WAY TO AVOID IT. 447 448 AS J.C. WOULD SAY "DO NOT JUDGE OTHERS UNIL YOU YOURSELF ARE PERFECT" 449 450 NOW WHAT IS THIS LIE ABOUT THROWING TEDDY SALAD UP AGAINST A WALL AT HIS 451 PRIVATEV RESIDENCE? IT SEEMS TO ME YOU HAVE NO RESPECT FOR A PERSONS 452 RIGHT TO PRIVACY! REMENBERA FEW MONTHS AGO WHEN YOU DEMANDED THAT YOU 453 WERE GOING TO GIVE MARK FORSYTH A CALL(THAT IS FORSYTH WITH THE Y PRONOUNCED 454 AS A HARD 'I' AND NO 'E') WELL I THINK I ALREADY GAVE A HINT ABOUT THAT. 455 456 IF YOU DID INDEED THROW SOMEONE AGAINST THE WALL WHO WAS IT? IT WASN'T 457 TEDDY SALAD. 458 459 BY THE WAY YOU HAD BETTER WATCH THE WAY YOU TREAT PEOPLE. YOU ARE 17 AND\ 460 ONCE YOU HAVE ANOTHER ANIVERSERY OF YOUR BIRTH OU CAN GET IN BIG TROUBLE 461 JUST LIKE ANY OTHER GROWN-UP(AGE NOT MENTAL MATURITY) I AM THINKING ABOUT 462 ATTENDING A PORSPISS MEETING SOME TIME. BETTER START CHECKING UNDER THE 463 TABLE HA HA. 464 465 466 LISTEN JAY, I REALLY DON'T WANT ANY TROUBLE. I AM JUST SICK AND TIRED OF 467 BEING TREATED LIKE A FRESHMAN. MY FREINDS AND I HAVE BEEN LOGGING ON LONG 468 ENOUGH TO KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON WE DO NOT LIVE IN 'DWID CITY'. SO LETS JUST 469 DROP IT AND GO ON WITH THE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF A CAT 470 AS A PRESIDENT AND A FAT PENGUIN AS HIS RUNNING MATE? I'M TALKING ABOUT 471 THE BEST QUALIFIED TEAM IN BLOOM COUNTY. BILL THE CAT AND OPUS. ONCE I GET 472 THE TIME I AM GOING TO WRITE A BOARD BASED ON THE STRIP 473 EXPECT A NEW CHARACTER JOINING YOUR STORY. DON'T WORRY I GOT PERMISSION. 474 475 WELL THAT IS QUITE ENOUGH FOR NOW. 476 477 HAVE A NICE DAY, 478 THE 'INFAMOUS'(I LIKE THAT,THANX)GRIZZLY 479 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 480 .***.***.***.***. 481 IT NEAVER CEASES TO APPAUL ME THE OTHERWISE INTELLIGENT, SENSIBLE, 482 WELL EDUCATED, RATIONAL PEOPLE CONTINUE TO SUPPORT OBNOXIOS OBSCIENITY 483 WHICH WE ALL KNOW AND LOVE (SIC) AS SO CALLED CONSERVATISM! 484 .***.****.****.***. 485 --------------------------------------------------------- 486 OBNOXIOS OBSCIENITY? (I love it, hardly a word over 5 letters spelled 487 correctly.) I am intrigued though how the above person relates that 488 to conservatism. Strange concept there. 489 --------------------------------------------------------- 490 491 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ 492 493 494 re: religion. 495 496 497 One afternoon recently, the Pope was sitting in his office looking out 498 over Vatican City. The White phone rings. It's God on the line. 499 500 "Good afternoon Lord", somewhat pensively: "Hows things with you?" 501 502 "Just fine! No need too worry, in fact I have some special news for 503 you. I've decided to accept your suggestion of One World Church." 504 505 "Lordy! That's fantastic!" exclaims the pope, "Just think, everyone 506 believing the same thing, worshiping you, Lord, in the same way. No strife, 507 no more war. And my career! It will sky rocket. Praise The Lord!" 508 509 "Hold on, hold on. Slow down," sayeth the Lord, "sit down while I tell 510 you this: I'm calling from Antelope, Oregon." 511 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\random/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ 512 ^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^..^.^.^.^.^.^.^.^^ 513 God? calling from Antelope Oregon? right! The whole idea of a church is 514 quite silly. Praising something that probably doesn't even exist at all. way 515 back in history i bet there were a bunch of guys sitting around a table. they 516 were so bored they decided to make up someone that could get them attention, 517 and boy did it ever. these twelve con-men are just living it up. just think 518 of it, millions of people believing in a so called god that didn't even exist 519 back when. geez, these were some clever guys. our whole system of everything 520 is based around their little party one night. they have a best selling book, 521 all the coins have " in god we trust " on them and they are having a blast. 522 they had to be pretty blasted when they wrote some of that book too i tell ya. 523 somethings you read in there are written by a person who wasn't in touch with 524 anything, he was gone! plastered! wasted! however you want to state it. just 525 look at some of it. what a swaggerer of a guy you have there. 526 ^.^..^.^.^^.^.^.^..^.^.^.^.^^.^..^.^.^.^..^.^.^.^.^.^.^ 527 ......................................................................... 528 It just so happens that Ham Cutter has allready now conformed to this 529 system since his first entry. He is now calm, rational, and he doesn't 530 make any claims of violece. When I said that line about conforming, I 531 meant that he would act in a way acceptable to the others on this system, 532 which would happen sooner or later if he stayed on for a period of time, 533 or he would leave under his own free will. That does not mean that the 534 person in question would no longer be an individual, just acceptable. 535 Sorry that you took that wrong, Mark. 536 As for religion, the attitude expressed above is immature, saying all 537 about organized religion being a scam. It is very unlikely that the 538 characters of the Bible did not believe in what they were writing. It 539 is debatable whether the writing and their beliefs are true or not. I 540 would love to see a good ol' BWMS religious discussion. I lean towards 541 favoring the teachings of the Bible, yet I am not so into it that I don't 542 have a open mind. Go ahead sceptics, attack! 543 ............................. Andrew .................................... 544 545 546 THE BIBLE IS A BOOK THAT WAS WRITTEN BY MEN. NOT GODS. A LOT 547 OF PEOPLE BELIEVE - BELIEVE - THAT THE WRITERS WERE DIVINELY 548 INSPIRED. THE WRITERS BY THEIR OWN ADMISSION WERE DIVINELY 549 INSPIRED. THE BIBLE, FOR THE MOST PART IS A GOOD BOOK, BUT 550 IT IS FAR FROM THE LAST WORD,THE ONLY ORACLE. THERE ARE OTHER 551 "BIBLES". IT IS THE PROSLETYZED INTERPRETATION OF THE(SE) BIBLES, 552 WHICH CAUSES THE BREAKDOWN, THE DIGRESSION FROM IT'S INHERENT MESSAGE. 553 THE BASTARDATION OF IT'S TENETS THAT HAVE BEEN 'REWRITTEN' TO SERVE THE PURPOSE 554 THOSE WHO USE IT, AND IT'S TEACHINGS FOR THEIR OWN END. 555 THAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH RELIGION. IN A WORD HYPOCRISY. 556 THE BOG BELIEVES GOD IS ON HIS SIDE. DITTO MOON, HUBBARD, THE POPE 557 AND A. HITLER. YES, ADOLPH WAS "DIVINELY INSPIRED". LIKE ANDREW I BELIEVE IT WAS 558 SAID ABOUT "ORGANIZED" RELIGION. RIGHT. RELIGION PER SE IS A PERSONAL 559 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN AN INDIVIDUAL AND WHAT HE BELIEVES IN. SANS PRICE TAG. 560 SANS SUNDAY SCHOOL, SANS COLLECTION PLATE, AND WITHOUT "CORPORATE CHURCH OFFICES 561 ACCOUNTANTS, TREASURERS, INVESTMENTS IN REAL ESTATE, OIL, ETC ETC ETC. CHURCHES 562 HAVE MORE WEALTH THAN OIL, STEEL, THE AUTO INDUSTRIES,AND FORTUNES FIVE HUNDRED, 563 AND WHATEVER ELSE THROWN IN. THE TIME HAS COME FOR CHURCHES TO START PAYING 564 THEIR FAIR SHARE OF TAXES. LIKE THE BOG, FOR ONE 565 ? ?? ?`? ? ?`?`? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?`? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 566 Grizzly:Just how many subjects have you brought up for discussion? 567 I have never been to T.Salads`home. 568 The lie you speak of is however just that, it was a simple test to see just how 569 much Brian tells you folks. It worked well, the test that is. 570 I, at this moment, believe in no devine entity, so the J.C. quote means nothing 571 to me. Why don't you say things for yourself? I will judge people if I so wish 572 as it is part of my indeviduality. I am sure that most people do. 573 As for having no respect for peoples privacy, I never did call Mr.Forsyth 574 at all, he requested that I not, so I complied and cleared up the matter in 575 another fashion. How I wish, hope even, that people would be able to remember 576 PorSFiS. thats how it is spelled folks! I am unable to attend the next one, but 577 the one after I should be at. 578 And I am unable to understand "DWID CITY" at all, please explane it. 579 MiG 580 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 581 MIG: "DWID CITY": I'M SURPRISED THAT ANYONE KNOWS ABOUT DWID 582 CITY ALREADY. THE DISCOVERY WAS MADE ONLY A FEW DAYS AGO, AND 583 HAS BEEN PUBLISHED ONLY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO'S JOINT 584 GEOLOGICAL/ARCHAEOLOGICAL JOURNAL, THE 'GARCH'. AN EXPEDITION 585 FROM THE U OF C, SPONSORED BY THE SMITHSONIAN DISCOVERED THE 586 REMAINS OF A PRE-COLOMBIAN CIVILIZATION IN CENTRAL AMERICA. THE 587 EXACT LOCATION GAS NOT YET BEEN REVEALED. ANYWAY, WHAT THEY 588 FOUND WAS A ROOM HIDDEN UNDERGROUND, BENEATH ONE OF THE SMALLER 589 PYRAMIDS. IT CONTAINED THE REMAINS OF A HAND OPERATED GENERATOR 590 (ESTINATED AT 300 SLAVE POWER) 591 AND WIRES LEADING INTO YET ANOTHER ROOM. THEY HAVEN'T GOTTEN IN 592 TO THAT OTHER ROM YET, BUT THROUGH A SMALL HOLE IS VISIBLE A > .