LI FILE ON MARGIN IS 80 STATUS: ENTER ONLY NUMBER OF LINES: 560 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ******************* REMOVED: 3 AUG 84 ********************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day system operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 to A. User: The reason you got so much flack, was because of the 21 50 or so lines of 'this is a test'. BWMS has limitted disk space, 22 and that is a waste of that space. The testing itself is not a 23 problem, even I use BWMS for that purpose now and then. As long as 24 the on line times are held to a minimum, since BWMS is also a 25 very busy system with lots of users. tying the line for hours, 26 and or wasting 50 lines of the disk is not considered to be very 27 polite. To use you own analogy of ham radio, it is in the relm 28 of throwing a dead carrier on a very busy frequency. Sure you 29 can do it, but you are ruining it for others. There are more 30 users out there then just you, so please consider them as well 31 when you make use of any public system. 32 So, please clean up after yourself, it is considered to be polite 33 to do so. If you don't, then expect to get a lot of flack for 34 making a nusance of yourself. End of lecture. 35 Thank you 36 ************************** CISTOP MIKEY ************************** 37 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 38 Mikey - out of curiosity, how come you didn't leave Drive A on 'til 39 morning? You condensed it sometime between 12:30 and 3:30; the 80 blank 40 lines probably wouldn't have been totally filled. Now you have a short 41 file on Drive B. Oh well. 42 Prometheus Hawthorne - Your entries are getting to be as exciting to read 43 as MiG's. What new wonders will your stray control characters do to my 44 poor terminal program? Tell me, if you would--what do YOU see when you use 45 the control-Q's for your internal borders? All those XON's keep trying to 46 dump my buffer, which makes for interesting happenings on the CRT. 47 It's no major problem (I'm not going to shout vulgarities at you), I can 48 bypass the problem with a few tweaks to my program. Just curious. 49 The reason you haven't seen me here lately is that I haven't come across anything 50 interesting to upload. Quizmaster seems slightly more appropriate for the 51 current state of BackWater than my other personnas now, though. 52 It's interesting how much we get from appearances. Your short experiment with 53 lower case gave me a substantially different impression than your usual 54 upper case. How shallow I am, huh? 55 ????????????????????????????? QUIZMASTER ????????????????????????????????? 56 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 57 Deborah -- nice to hear from you again. Sorry, I missed the concert 58 in the park... I would have liked to have been able to attend. (Grammarians! 59 was that a conditional subjunctive??) I am not presently a member of any 60 pipe and drum band ... if time were to permit I would consider joining 61 one. The problem that I now face is that the jobs required overflow the 62 time available to accomplish them. I am now learning Smalltalk-80 on the 63 new Tektronix AI machine, as well as my way around the operating system and 64 other pieces of it. (It's a super little machine, by the way. I'd really 65 like to see a bbs on one -- one megabyte of RAM and a 20mb hard disk give 66 a lot of room to play!) After Xmas, I may have some time available to 67 devote to other things. 68 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 69 Bowing to the lovely lady, the piper (somewhat clumsily, since the 70 beast still has no repeat function on the keys) leaped aboard his winged 71 steed to be carried off into a misty and still unexplored realm. 72 (Yes, this has come to you off a Pegasus -- AKA Tektronix 4404 ) 73 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 74 { ^+/* ---------------- ^+/* ---------------- */+^ ---------------- */+^ } 75 A forum, such as this one, is no more or no less than the sum of the opinions 76 and expressions entered. The person operating the system formulates the 77 general boundaries and sets the tone. In the case of the Backwater Inn, Cistop 78 Mikey provides quite a vast latitude. All of this is obvious. Given such a 79 golden opportunity, it would seem one should feel an obligation to make the 80 best of it. Very few other places can people exchange diverse ideas and 81 debate issues, with complete impunity. Perhaps one of the best self tests of 82 an entry is to ask "Is that something I'd like to read here?". Consideration 83 for others and a little thought before 'shootis from the lip' is bound to 84 improve the content and quality. 85 86 Laissez-faire - The issue being addressed was in relation to techniques of 87 understanding rather than acquisition of power. That is indeed another 88 matter. Knowledge can certainly be used as power but that is perhaps one 89 of the very minor uses. Someone with *real* strength probably finds little 90 need to exercise power. Techniques of interaction which result in other 91 than sum-zero games usually produce more human oriented situations. You 92 appear to be a person who has given a great deal of consideration to 93 the process of understanding. Some say that the answer is contained in 94 the question one asks. If that is *true*, it would seen that the focus of 95 attention should be on the questions rather than on the answers! 96 { ^+/* --------------- The Mesolithic Mathematician --------------- */+^ } 97 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?o 98 To the person commenting on the difference between my spelling and my hardware. 99 do you not realise the fact that a homebrew modem which throws random control letters and such 100 is a pain to work with? rather then spend a half hour editing my stuff every day I leave the 101 line open for others to use. I might mention that you are about 2.5 times older then I am and 102 have had time to learn the proper spellings for words which you use, I usualy communicate by 103 talking with people, not typing to them. 104 A.User:in the course of building my system I used BW quite frequently, but never left 50+ lines 105 of garbage, niether has Prometheus in testing his new lower case mods. 106 Quizmaster:I too was shocked at the lower case difference, perhaps I am also shallow in my 107 ways. Who has the Duophone and when do I get my chance at it? or, shudder, does it WORK? 108 lets see, x-on dumps buffer so  should open it. 109 MiG 110 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 111 *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+*+*+*+ 112 To all the people of this primitive planet-Earth, I salute 113 you, for your efforts in the Olympic Games! 114 *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ 115 YEA QUIZMASTER YOU ARE RELY SHALOW. JUST BECUASE SOME OF 116 US DONT HAVE LOWER CASE MODIFICATONS, YOU MAKE FUN OF US. 117 WHY ARE YOU SUCH A JERK. CANT YOU HAVE PATIENTS FOR OTHERS 118 PROBLEMS. IF YOU SPENT MORE TIME TAKING CARE OF YOUR OWN 119 BUSSINESS, AND LESS TIME WORRYING ABOUT TOHERS, THINGS 120 WOULD BE ALOT BETTER. BY THE WAY YOU'RE QUIZES ARE DUMM. 121 you sure are long winded, sysop! 122 123 This is Deloy Graham from Beaverton High School. Sue me. 124 here 125 Now is the time for all good me, etc. 126 Another case of raving twitius delecti 127 .......................................................................... 128 Cistop Mikey, 129 All very true, but for one thing. The long streams of 'THIS IS A TEST' 130 were NOT done by me. I had 3 short messages in three seperate sessions that 131 accounted for <> 30 lines. At any given time I wasn't on the board for more 132 then 5-10 minutes per session. I definitely believe in short online times 133 with a mininum of wasted space. I do not like being called for something 134 someone else did. 135 A. User 136 ........................................................................... 137 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 138 I seem to have raised a few hackles. Isn't it fun! 139 MiG - the Duophone has been uncooperative, and so is now inhabiting that 140 darker corner of my closet reserved for obnoxious and/or rejected hardware. 141 Since it is doing me no good there, you are more than welcome to try 142 your persuasive skills on it. 143 ????????????????????????????????? QUIZMASTER ???????????????????????????????? 144 Trivia: the current issue of Scientific American is devoted to Software, 145 including an article by Nichlaus Wirth. For those of you who think you 146 know programming. 147 And for those of you who have wondered if you are really as smart as you 148 think you are, here's your chance to find out. 149 MENSA self-tests are available for $8 each from Brewster Gillett, 150 PO Box 3707, Portland OR 97208. Checks payable to Oregon Mensa. 151 Are YOU in the top 2% of the population? If your CEEB or SAT is 1300 or 152 better, you are. Otherwise, take the test and see. 153 *************************************************************** 154 TO A. USER: SINCE THE 50+ TEST LINES WERE SIGNED BY A. USER, I MADE 155 THE LOGICAL CONCLUSION THAT IT WAS YOUR PARTICULAR INPUT. IF IT WASN'T 156 YOU, THEN THERE OBVIOUSLY IS ANOTHER A. USER OUT THERE. HOWEVER, EITHER 157 WAY, THE PREVIOUS LECTURE STILL HOLDS TO ALL. PLEASE DON'T WASTE SPACE. 158 THANK YOU. 159 ********************* CISTOP MIKEY ******************************** 160 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) 161 Ah yes, the ol' Mensa tests again. Yes, you too can prove that you 162 are one of the top 2% in the country that can get high scores on 163 a Mensa test. Other then that they don't really prove a whole lot. 164 Certainly not that you are 'smarter' then the other guy, (unless 165 you decide to measure smartness as being able to get high scores on 166 the test.) I have seen high scorers who I wouldn't trust to figure 167 out how to unscrew a lid, while at the same time, I have seen average 168 type scorers who could design a better lid to unscrew. There is far 169 more to life then knowing the answers to a bunch of neat logical 170 questions. Of course the Mensa people don't particularly feel this 171 way since they have a vested interest in trumpet blowing. 172 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*) George A. (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) 173 ......................................................................... 174 Actually the etiquette required on this and other bulletin boards might 175 be an interesting topic for discussion. Anyone care to speculate on the 176 mos that may develop as our culture uses electronic augmentation more and 177 more? Will we become more physically isolated and less inclined to do 178 anything about it ( a la 'The Machine Stops')? 179 180 A. User 181 .......................................................................... 182 Graham: You are a 'high'school student? Gee, I never would have guessed!. A USER: OK OK ENOUGH ENOUGH 183 let it pass. OK? You use up more line space rapping about using line space than you used line space. 184 Sheesh. George A.: right on pal. Mensans are nothing but a bunch of pompous arrogant know-it-all's. 185 And I'm not saying that just because I failed the tst, either. I'ts true. Just because I failed does 186 not mean I'm bitter or anything. They really are all snobs. I could have passed, but I was tired when I 187 took the test, and besides that I have hypoglycemia which makes it hard for me to concentrate---. 188 Quizmaster: Stop picking on my pal Migguy, or I'll turn you into a toad. (Which species do you prefer?).(yukyuk) 189 @*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ 190 Would some kind soul that has a valid password on Whispering Pines please 191 transfer a message for me? 192 193 To: Dave Gerton 194 The information that you are looking for can be found in very ease to 195 understand form in two books by Don Lancaster. These are 'The Micro 196 Cookbooks I & II'. They both have a ton of good information on 6502 197 ML and I certianly recommend them to anyone that is going into ML & 198 hardware interface. 199 C. Payton 200 201 I do not have a valid password & I need someone to get the message to Dave. 202 Thanks, 203 CP 204 @*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ 205 Mig: Forgive me but I altered your msg slightly. ^S halts the display 206 on this furshlugginer terminal (luckily there were some ^Q s a bit later) 207 ________________________________________________________________________________ 208 <+|+> {211} 08310029 209 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/blather/blather? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 210 ARG! those X-OFF's were for quizmaster! oh well, sorry if they coused any trouble. 211 Cletus!! How goes the programming at GP? 212 MiG 213 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? / /? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ ? ?/ /? ?Rrh567 214 215 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 216 217 From Prometheus:The Promethean 218 219 Good Morning, EveryOne. 220 Quizmaster is first; I don't wish for you to haTweak' your terminal. Just give me another invisible character 221 and I will then switch. 222 The Control Q's are for a long or short delay; Depending on how confusing I'm feeling that day... 223 I did not understand from your message how your opinion had changed about me since the first lower case exiriments. 224 Mayhaps, for the better? 225 226 MENSA DETRACTORS; I KNOW TWO OR SO MENSA MEMBERS AND THEY ARE NOT JERKS. IN FACT I ADMIRE ALL THE MENSA MEMBERS I KNOW. 227 ABOUT MENSA ITSELF; EVERY ONE THAT I'VE TALKED TO ABOUT IT HAS AGREED THAT A CLUB THAT IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FOUNDED ON THE 228 SUPERIORITY (ESP. INTELLECTUALLY ) OF IT'S MEMBERS IS GOING TO BE RATHER NARCISSISTIC TO SAY THE LEAST. 229 230 A. USER DETRACTORS; FROM WHAT I REMEMBER OF A. USER'S LATEST FULL MESSAGES THEY WERE BETTER AND MORE INTERESTING THAN WHAT 231 I'VE SEEN OF YOURS. 232 233 IGNORED PORSFIS ATTENDEE; DID YOU GO TO THE LEFT FRONT CORNER OF THE ROOM AS YOU COME IN? IF SO THEN MIG SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN 234 AT LEAST A BOTTLE FROM YOU. 235 HE HAS A TENDENCY TO DO THAT, YOU KNOW... 236 237 238 ARCHIVISTS NEXT; HOW MUCH OF WHAT DO I BRING TO PORSFIS? I NEED TO KNOW SOON, SO I CAN GET WHATEVER IT IS I AM SUPPOSED TO 239 BRING. 240 241 I THINK I'LL GO WAKE EVERYONE BY SINGING IN THE SHOWER NOW. 242 243 PROMETHEUS HAWTHORNE SD8408.3 244 FROM THE DENTHIER... MT0521.0 245 246 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 247 Time for my ritual apology for tthis message; I am sorry for the alternating UPPER/lower case but I had some difficultie as I 248 249 got closer to the end. Prometheus 250 251 ########################################################################################################################## 252 MANY PEOPLE ASSOCIATE SURVIVAL WITH THE ABILITY TO FIND FOOD AND WATER 253 . THESE,OF CORSE ARE ESSENTIAL TO SUSTAIN LIFE. 254 255 RICHARD GRAVES 256 ############################################################################ 257 Rather a pointless endeavor, no? 258 "#!$!"#*!$!"#!$!danny darms"#!!$"#!$ 259 260 ^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^ 261 Archivers - I am interested in making a CPM copy. I have a copy 262 of RDCPM on 8" disks. (Incidentally, I have access 263 to, not ownership of, 3 Gazelles.) How many disks 264 will it take ? How much do I pay ? To whom ? 265 266 M.M. - True power, as I see it, is the power to know your own 267 abilities. We are not limiited by anything other than our 268 own minds. If we can convince ourselves that we have the 269 right and responsibility to use our minds for whatever 270 purpose that would further the condition of man as a whole, 271 we can. The power must not be used in a negative manner, 272 however, as that unleashes the power of the oppressed in 273 equal measure. (e.g. Afghanistan under the Russians.) 274 (I am curious, what is your profession ? If you do not 275 want to keep it a secret, I would like to know.) 276 277 ^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$ Laissez-faire $^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^ 278 279 gggggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzllllllllyyyyyyyy 280 Does anybody have docs to 'Cranston Manor' or 'Ulysses and the Golden Fleece'? 281 If so I would really appreciate it if I could have them. Just leave them on 282 the system. I don't think anyone would mind because they would only take up the 283 space of one of the Ninja's stories(no offence intended just an example). 284 ggrriizzzzllyy 285 The Grizzly carefully entered his den. Something didn't smell right. He 286 went into the large sleeping area expecting the unexpected. The unexpected was 287 just what he found. In the corner covered with blood stained blankets was what 288 was left of a small framed man dressed in hiking gear. There was apparent sign 289 of a struggle. The Grizlies only intentions now were to get the mess cleaned 290 up and find the other intruder. In the other room he saw the shadow of another 291 man. This man was much bigger and was clearly injured. Without much thought 292 The Grizzly raced into the other room only to find himself staring down the 293 barrel of a gun. 294 gggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzlllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy 295 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 296 ddjjbb 297 298 Did anybody Know that Hitlers grandmother was a jew? 299 Boy, talking about bad empresions! 300 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 301 Prometheus: I don't think you can AFFORD the archives! Aside from about 302 $5 to cover time & trouble in making the copies, you also have to 303 supply enough disks for your copy. It currently looks like about 304 50 Model III disks, so I'd guess about 55-60 CoCo disks! 305 Mig: I did leave ONE XOFF in the msg.... 306 _____________________________________Leonard__________________________________ 307 ^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^ 308 But please!!! How many 8" CPM disks ? 309 ^$^$^$^$^$^$^$ Laz $^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^ 310 311 %#_%*!#_)*%!_#)*%_(%+_(%+_!(+%#_)*%_)#*%@#)_*@#_)*%@)_#*%@)_%%!)_*%_)@*_)@#*% 312 Laz: After next Thursday, you will need 36 8" disks. Your cost will be $24. 313 If you wish to come to the next PCS meeting (check CBBS PCS for details) 314 you can meet a few of the other archivers there. The 8 inchers go back 315 to Aaron, so you will have to arrange getting the disks from him. 316 Leonard: I must talk to you about REAL breaks on a Model 100 used to talk 317 to a Univac in Denver Co. Please give me a call when you can. 318 Prom. : If you want hard copy, don't hold your breath. Arrangements need to 319 be made with Alex for getting hard copies of the archives. The cost 320 would most likely be somewhere around $20. I don't know if any 321 additional money will be required for those who want hardcopy. I will 322 keep you posted as progress is made. 323 Quizmaster : Your such a controversial fellow. Maybe you would mellow a bit 324 if you had to spend hours a day working on a Commode 64. I think 325 I am being punished for some unknown crime. Otherwise why should 326 I be put through such an ordeal? 327 )%#@*)_%*@%*)_*^)_@*^)_@*)^_*@#) L'homme sans parity *%#@*_%@)_%#*_)%@_#)%@)# 328 @*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@**@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@@* 329 MiG- 330 Give me a hint. 331 CP 332 @*@*@*@*@*@*@*@**@*@@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ 333 ARCHIVISTS; I CAN'T HANDLE DISKS! IT JUST CAN'T BE DONE ON A DISKLESS SYSTEM! I 334 WON'T HOLD MY BREATH BUT I AM INTERESTED IN ARCHIVES. I WILL WAIT UNTIL A PRINT 335 -ER IS AVAILABLE, UNTIL THEN I WILL GO SIT IN A CORNER AND ROT OR SOMETHING. 336 PROMETHEUS HAWTHORNE 1984 337 338 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/blather/blather/? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 339 CP:A hint?!? Oh, well I can't think of any that would not give me away. But I 340 can remember people doing this to me so I will give a few. 341 1)R.S. with A.R. presiding. 342 2)A tree structured BBS system. 343 Enough? 344 MiG 345 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/blather/blather/? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 346 1234567890<>ddnm,/>><><>>;;;;;.,/;+++\\\***^^^^/ghhg/gihytuy7ttfttgyuyyyuii 347 THIS IS A GOVERNMENT COMPUTER. WE FOUND OUT THAT YOU HAVE BENE USING THIS 348 SYSTEM FOR ILLEGAL DROG SMUGELING.WE WILL BE SENDING GOVERNMENT AGENTS TO 349 YOUR HOUSE TO ARREST YOU! BYE HAVE A NICE DAY 350 351 Drog??? 352 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>> 353 Migguy- how long one has lived has little to do with their ability to speal 354 korrektlee. No excuse, Mig! (hyuck hyuck) 355 Dreamyoucher: If you are out there, please call Lysias. Unknownguy. 356 COLOECO VISION FOR SALE 357 PLUS FIVE CARTRIDGES-ZAXXON,DONKEY KONG,DONKEY KONG JR 358 VENTURE ANF TURBO WITH STEERING WHEEL-$200.00 OR BEST OFFER (WILLING TO BAR 359 GAIN. CONTACT JASON AT 503-285-xxxx. 360 THANKS, AND PLEASE TELL HIM WHERE YOU SAW THIS ADD. 361 362 363 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 364 I'm enjoying the exchange between Laissez-faire and the Mesolithic Mathemeti- 365 cian. It's literate and gentlemanly and they are discussing, not arguing. 366 M.M.--Your remark about those with real strength not needing to exercise 367 power reminded me of this quote on a friend's answering machine. "In complete 368 gentleness there is great strength. In complete strength there is great 369 gentleness." Boy, it sounds even better when it's not mixed in with "Have a 370 nice day," and "At the sound of the beep...." 371 Laz--The comment about power being used in a negative manner unleashing the 372 power of the oppressed is excellent. Its current exemplar for me is Poland. 373 The simple stolid part of Polish character that is the germ of cloddish 374 ethnic jokes is also the quality that resists the most sophisticated propa- 375 ganda. Again the issue of knowledge and power. Polish jokes notwithstanding, 376 Poles have a romantic attachment to the intellect. Jan Paderewski, the pianist 377 and composer was elected prime minister of Poland primarily, it is said, 378 because the people were grateful for his music in the dark days of WWI. How 379 much nicer than electing military heroes. How much more effective for har- 380 nessing intellect to the state than the soviet method. 381 382 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ unknown quantity ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 383 P.S. L'Homme---No need to look for unknown crimes. Your known offenses 384 will probably suffice. The god of computer heaven (that's like dog 385 heaven where they tell you your pets go when you're little and your 386 dog gets run over and you feel miseable and helplessand are too dumb 387 yet to ask shy dogs don't get to go to REAL heaven) the god of computer 388 heaven has heard what you've said about Commodore 64 and even apples 389 (not to be confused with eve 'n apples) and is making sure that your life 390 is going to be one long dog heaven on earth. Hah. 391 U.Q. 392 @*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ 393 MiG- 394 OK, but the reference to GP is what is confusing .... but wait ... 395 maybe .... 396 CP 397 @*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@**@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@* 398 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 399 400 A MAGI, OBVIOUSLY ONE OF THE SEVEN, MAKES AN OBSCENE GESTURE AT YOU AND 401 SUGGESTS AN ALTERNATE PLACE TO PARK YOUR DAZZLINGLY PINK WHEELBARROW! 402 YOUR ARE NOT PLEASED !!!!! 403 404 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 405 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 406 (I'm carmming in meassages before leaving for the weekend. The other good 407 topic was the MENSA qualifications. The purpose of using the SAT scores 408 is supposed to be that although the SAT is an achievement (acquired know- 409 ledge and skills)test, you would need a certain amount of intelligence 410 (the capacity measured by INTELLIGENCE test) to get a certain score. (The 411 SAT people are cautious about making such assertions because they don't 412 want to be drawn into the race-intelligence fray. They only say there are 413 correlations.) Anyway, you could have plenty of intelligence and fall 414 short on the SAT because you lack academic skills (like MiG). So MENSA 415 accepts lots of other proof & puts out brain teasers and puzzles to test you. 416 There's a set in this mont's GAMES (the magazine for people who really should 417 be doing something more constructive with their time.) 418 But then last term my friend used me as a guinea pig for a course in how to 419 give INTELLIGENCE tests and the last question on the test was "Who wrote 420 Faust?" Although I don't remember exactly how I learned the answer (Goethe) 421 I'm fairly certain it wasn't innate knowledge. So how does this differ 422 from an achievement test? And how come I do so much better on tests than I 423 do in real life? As my friend Gray(not MiG) once mournfully remarked as he 424 surveyed his domicile, a rented garage, "Intelligence isn't necessarily a 425 survival trait." 426 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Unknown QuantityZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 427 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 428 This is for the one or two of you who haven't seen it yet: 429 An Engineer is a man who knows a great deal about very little and 430 goes along learning more and more about less and less until he knows 431 practically everything about nothing. 432 A salesman on the other hand is a man who knows very little about many 433 things and keeps learning less and less about more and more until he knows 434 nothing about everything. 435 A superintendent starts out knowing everything about everything but 436 ends up knowing nothing about anything due to his association with 437 engineers and salesmen. 438 439 Re: intelligence - intelligence per se is worthless. It's what you 440 do with it that counts. Most people I know have gone farther with their 441 average IQs than I have with my exalted 99%ile. It's great for taking tests 442 (I rarely suffer from test anxiety), but does little to prepare one for 443 interaction with other human beings. In fact, it sometimes tends to be 444 a detriment. Unfortunately, it is rare that a person can get to a goal by 445 test alone. Usually one needs to deal with other people. That's when the 446 lack of social skills (etc.) becomes apparent. 447 oops, gotta go... to be continued... 448 ??????????????????????????????? QUIZMASTER ???????????????????????????????? 449 <+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+> 450 ELRIC, 451 WEAR ARE YOU? 452 ASP 453 <+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+ 454 The apprentice sighed, ANOTHER new plant! He got up from where he had been 455 weeding and trudged back to the cottage to find it in the lore books. 456 Weeding the garden would not be so bad if there were not so MANY different 457 herbs. If he pulled just ONE plant that BELONGED in the garden... 458 ..................................the apprentice................................ 459 Bard strode into the room. Seeing the piper he called, "Well met old friend!" 460 "I've been out gathering new songs" 461 He ordered a drink and sat for a while talking with piper and other old friends. 462 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 463 Maids of The Dales (words: Anne Wilson, tune: Roddy McCorley) 464 Oh see the maids in bridal garb 465 Who ride with faces wan. 466 From castle and from Holder's hall 467 Together, twelve and one. 468 They ride into a strange new life 469 But no hope, no hope have they. 470 For the maids of the Dales go to keep the pact 471 With the Were Riders today. 472 473 At the time of the war against Alizon 474 A bargain there was made 475 If the Dalesmen would find thirteen brides 476 They'd gain the Riders' aid. 477 Now the war is won, the year has turned 478 And their word they've not betrayed. 479 For the maids of the Dales go to keep the pact 480 With the Were Riders today. 481 482 There is never a one of all the maids 483 More bravely rides today 484 Than she whose hair is raven-dark 485 Who was born so far away. 486 True to her heart, true to her heart 487 She chose the unknown way -- 488 Gillan rides with the maids to keep the pact 489 With the Were Riders today. 490 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 491 You may have read an account of the events in High Halleck that inspired this 492 song? "The Year of the Unicorn" by Andre Norton? 493 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 494 I have just upgraded to 1200 baud and need to sell my 300 495 baud Hayes Smartmodem. It is the external model and needs a cable to 496 hook it into your system. I've had it for about 1 year and haven't 497 had a lick of trouble. Price is $150. Leave a message here or 498 on CBBS. Thanks, John Snell. 499 <+|+> {521} 09011405 500 ************************************************************* 501 Intellegence. Just what IS intellegence? Can we measure it with tests? 502 Can it be learned? Of course we all like to think we are intellegent, 503 and in fact for self approval we must feel that we are sufficiently 504 intellegent to live our everday lives. But, what of this superior 505 intellegence being claimed? Does it make these people better than you? 506 Well, that all depends on how you want to view it. If you think they 507 are better then you, then they are. If you don't then they aren't. It 508 is as simple as that. Everyone likes to feel that they are somehow 509 important or better then someone else, and this feeling can be derived 510 from many different sources. For some, the feeling that they are more 511 intellegent then everyone else by using tests and such is how they 512 obtain the gratifying feeling. While for others, the ability to be able 513 to walk through downtown Portland at 2AM unscathed is a much more 514 important aspect to life. (intellegence doesn't do you much good 515 with a knife in your gut.) I doubt that the question will ever be 516 properly answered, simply because of the near impposibilty to measure 517 such a thing as intellegence. No matter how you try to test it, there 518 is going to be improper aspects involved for the individual being 519 tested. I haven't seen the MENSA test that was indicated above, but 520 I have seen a similar test. It consisted largely of a test involving 521 pattern recognition. (I.E. A picture of four balls and a cube; which 522 one doesn't belong) While that may be OK for someone good at pattern 523 recognition, what about someone who has not developed that particular 524 talent? Pattern tests are popular as they supposedly indicate your 525 ability to learn, and thus your IQ. The problem is that they don't 526 account for the ability or non-ability to perform pattern analysis, or 527 worse use patterns that are incomprehensible to the individual. (I.E. 528 in the sequence 18,5,23,147, ,9 what is the missing number.) Your 529 assuming the individual has an understanding of math and number theory 530 which is a learned concept. Maybe we should test on survivablity as 531 was suggested earlier? OK, your put naked on an alien space craft 532 plumeting out of control towards the Earth. Save yourself. Or, you are 533 thrown naked in the middle of the Sahara desert with out food water 534 or shelter. Save yourself. Or, your are thrown naked on a sidewalk 535 on west burnside at 2AM. Save yourself? (sorry, couldn't help it.) 536 I have no idea what my IQ is as determined by the current IQ tests. 537 Not because I fear to take the tests that it might show me to be an 538 idiot, but rather simply because I don't care. A good IQ score won't 539 buy you a cup of coffee. For my own satisfaction I do know that I have 540 above average intellegence in my specific chosen profession (as 541 determined by the fact that I was in the top 10% of my class) but 542 that is only useful in that profession. In school I got a B- average 543 not because I wasn't as smart as others, but rather because I wanted 544 to learn. So I took harder courses with the full realization that it 545 would pull my scores down. I feel that I gained much more as a result. 546 ********************** CISTOP MIKEY ********************************* 547 What's the big deal about walking through downtown at 2 AM? I've done it 548 hundreds of times. Literally hundreds, having lived there for 8 years. 549 Upload test. Sending one line. 550 1 Test line one.Short. 551 552 Sending long line now. 553 2 Test line two.Long. Four years and some months ago our mentors in Austin broug 554 try next(med) line.2. Line three. Medium. Whether such a CPU so concieved and so 555 1 Test line one.Short. 556 nu y 557 558 off 559 560 upload test, end > .