LI FILE ON MARGIN IS 80 STATUS: ENTER ONLY NUMBER OF LINES: 629 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ********************** REMOVED: 20 AUG 84 ****************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION PLACED ON 6 THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 Hmmmmmm.... Everyone else beats their chest when they make the top. 21 What can I do? I know. 22 GO DUCKS!!!!!! 23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 25 @*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@* 26 Although I an not of that peculiar artistic bent I enjoy the the stories the 27 others write. Please continue .... 28 CDP 29 @*@*@*@*@*@*@*@**@*@***@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ 30 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 31 This is disturbing - looking back through my copies of the Archives, I 32 have discovered that SEVERAL of my entries have been on here before! 33 The Systems Analyst Final Exam, the Chemereta Community College Schedule, 34 another I can't recall at the moment - this is awful! 35 I admit I am guilty of lifting them from other sources, but RERUNS??! 36 I am aghast! I am depressed. My only consolation is that if they were new 37 on BackWater to me, then they were new on BackWater to a majority of the 38 current Inn-goers. 39 I must admit that reading the Archives is both an interesting and a 40 frustrating pastime. Interesting to see how different yet how similar the 41 arguments, discussions, and jerks were then and now. Frustrating because I 42 am reading along, see something that makes me want to respond, but Alas! 43 It's History! Dr. Who, where are you when I need you? 44 ??????????????????????????? QUIZMASTER ?????????????????????????????????? 45 <+|+> {045} 09150129 46 47 '"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"' 48 Dotti Digital? Are you the Dotti Digital that used to call CBBS a long time 49 back? If you are or aren't please leave a message on this board. 50 '"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"The Shade"'"'"'"' 51 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 52 The piper lifted his left arm quickly, snapping off the last wail of the 53 pipes, leaving an aching void of silence behind. In the sudden silence, 54 a clatter, thump, and a person whom the piper did not recognize made a 55 sudden and definitely ungraceful entrance down the stairs. Folding the 56 blowpipe and chanter of his pipes in his left hand, the piper picked his 57 way to the landing at the bottom of the stairs and offered a hand to the 58 new arrival in the common room. Helping him up and brushing off some of 59 the dust that seemed to have accumulated in Pam's long abscence (oh, how 60 I wish someone else knew those domestic witcherys that prevent dust from 61 settling, wood from warping, and cloudiness from accumulating on glass!) 62 and making sure he was uninjured, helped him to a seat at the table. 63 The innkeeper drew a glass from one of the darkest oaken barrels that 64 sat on trestles behind the bar; the spicy aroma seemed to invigorate the 65 very air of the inn with a sparkle and memory of golden barly nodding 66 its heads as the field rippled under a warm summer breeze. Taking the 67 glass, the piper sat it before the bruised newcomer and said "Here, this 68 noble draft will help restore your equilibrium!" 69 Turning to the bard, who had just come in holding a book, the piper 70 replied, "Yes, I know the Garyowen ... and a right cheerful tune it is. 71 It's just the thing we need now... perhaps that, and Queen Victoria's 72 Jubilee will put our new friend here in a mood to chat. He seems to 73 have something on his mind." Turning to the newcomer, the piper said, 74 "You'll find a sympathetic ear here, my friend. We may be short on 75 effective action, but we have sympathy, advice, and opinions aplenty!" 76 Before their new companion could reply, the piper turned with a smile, 77 placed the blowpipe into his mouth, winded the pipes, and launched into 78 the tunes. 79 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 80 81 =========================================================================== 82 Well, come on all you big strong men. The Survival Game would like your 83 help (again?). Yes, (groan, not again!) another Survival Game Sunday, 84 Sept. 16 at 10:oo a.m. To play, call 1-206-693-xxxx or 1-206-272-xxxx, 85 or (503)-293-xxxx. Voice only. You must be 18 or older. The Game will 86 played in Barton. Hope to see you there!! 87 ================================================ Sudden Death ============= 88 )"#(%)"#'(%)"#('%)#"'%)"#'%")#'%")#'%#")'%!'%#")"'%"#'%#"%"#)'%"#)'%"%'"#%' 89 ____Leonard___ : Glad to hear it. Let me know when the disks come in, and 90 I am sure we can figure out something interesting to hack together. 91 QuizMaster : Don't let it trouble you too much. Your skills in other areas 92 are much more worth while. While the archives are memories from the past, don't 93 forget those forward thinkers who are trying to make memories for the future. 94 The past is just that, gone, but not forgotten. While we may look upon the 95 past for guidance, it should not rule our lives. I look forward to new and 96 exciting things to happen in the future. I, in part, am trying to forget certain 97 deeds of the past. I am trying to change into, a brand new L'homme! Please 98 take these words and remember them. The next time you feel slightly frustrated, 99 think of others who are worse off than you. And think of those who are trying 100 to improve their own situation, and hopefully the situation of others, for what 101 greater thing can Man but sacrifice himself for others? This message, quite 102 obviously, was written while under the influence of VOL, taken in large 103 quantities after yard work. 104 )#'%)#"%'#")'%)(#"%!( L'homme sans parity ()"%")%")#'%"#)'%"#)'%#"!%'"#)%" 105 SAM: I didn't mean it! I'm sorry I did it! I will try to do better! Sorry! the Phantom Glitch 106 [==][==][==][==][==][==][==][==][==][==][==][==][==][==][==][==][==][==][==][==][==] 107 ^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^ 108 Where should the ducks go if they are going ? 109 ^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^ 110 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 111 Where should the Ducks go you ask? You NEED to ask? Aaron 112 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 113 HI, I AM LOOKING FOR AN OSBORNE COMPUTER FOR A 114 FRIEND OF MINE. IF YOU KNOW OF ANY USED ONES, 115 PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE ON HERE. FRANCO. 116 117 118 ..................................................... 119 Garryowen 120 Let Bacchus' sons be not dismayed, 121 But join with me each jovial blade, 122 Come booze and sing and lend your aid, 123 To help me with the chorus! 124 Chorus:Instead of spa we'll drink down ale, 125 And pay the reck'ning on the nail, 126 No man for debt shall go to jail 127 From Garryowen in glory! 128 We are the boys that take delight in 129 Smashing the Limerick lights when lighting. 130 Through all the streets like sporters fighting, 131 And tearing all before us. 132 CHORUS 133 We'll break the windows, we'll break the doors, 134 The watch knock down by threes and fours; 135 Then let the doctors work their cures, 136 And tinker up our bruises. 137 CHORUS 138 We'll beat the bailiffs out of fun, 139 We'll make the mayors and sheriffs run; 140 We are the boys no man dares to dun 141 If he regards a whole skin. 142 CHORUS 143 Our hearts so stout have got us fame, 144 For soon 'tis known from whence we came; 145 Where'er they dread the name 146 Of Garryowen in glory! 147 CHORUS 148 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 149 By the end of the song the entire company was singing (loudly if not 150 very well). Bard looked around and commented to piper, "That's what I like 151 a cheerful place!" 152 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 153 ps Garryowen is most famous for being the song of Custer's 7th Cavalry 154 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 155 L'homme: What do you mean, "tinker something up"? I was not aware that 156 anything NEEDED to be tinkered up! 157 ______________________________________Leonard_______________________________ 158 TO BLUE**** 159 HI, THIS IS GLEN****** 160 I WILL BE ON LINE FOR A WHILE THIS EVENING, IF YOU WANT TO CHAT 161 LET IT RING, THEN CALL BACK, TO GIVE ME TIME TO SET UP AUTO- 162 TO CONTINUE, SINCE THIS BBS DIDN'T PUT ON ALL OF MY MESSAGE, 163 164 ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() 165 He felt very fortunate to have someone take some interest in his checkered past. 166 All of the reasons he had come here to the inn came flooding into his mind like 167 the rushing waters of a river just being freed from the confines of a dam. There 168 were so many things he wanted to say, so many things he wanted to tell, but 169 there remained a twinge repression deep in his soul. Could he retell his story 170 to these kind folks, and keep some semblence of pride within himself? What 171 would their reaction be to his sad story? Piper and the rest seemed to be 172 suspended for a moment, waiting for him to speak. The words came slowly at first, 173 then his voice grew in strength as did the quickness of his speech. 174 " ago...but in a place very much different from this...I 175 attended a party of sorts. It was unlike anything I had experienced before. The 176 hosts had seemed nice enough at first, but as the evening wore on, they began 177 to change, slowly at first, but there was a definite difference from when I had 178 arrived. They had a large house, set far away from neighbors or main roads, and 179 the only way in or out of the grounds was a single crude roadway that circled 180 the main house. I was not too intent on going when I had first received the 181 invitation, but instead of facing jeers from my drinking companions for not going, 182 I decided to see what all the hoopla was about. 183 Most of us in the village had heard rumors about the 'LO' parties, but no one 184 I knew personally had ever been invited. It was considered quite a honor to 185 even be considered worthy of an invitation to LO. I decided not to pass up the 186 chance to see for myself the mysterious happenings at LO. Which brings me back 187 to our hosts. When I say 'our', I mean myself and the other three people in 188 my 'group'. We all seemed to notice the change. Maybe it was my noticing it first 189 that saved me...I don't really know. Even the time since that evening has not 190 healed the open wound I feel in my soul." 191 And with that, he took up his ale, and let some more of the golden liquid 192 find its course down his throat, hoping it would help him forget The Evening. 193 The Evening that he could probably never forget. He looked into the eyes of those 194 seated around him, wondering what their opinion of him was, and wondering if 195 they could help him in any way... 196 ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()Bygone Runner()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() 197 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 198 Alex:Got my phone bill today, you do *NOT* want to know how much my parrents want 199 from me! When do you leave? get back? 200 Aaron:Ellen seems to be quite addament about getting her PDP 11/04 back. 201 If I can still get an OS I may be able to get it back, so I would still like 202 to swap some disks with you, just the public domain ones. Have you talked to 203 David recently? He hasn't been home for the past few days, makes me nervious. 204 ?`? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?//MiG// ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 205 @*@*@*@*****@@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@* 206 Jonathon - 207 Not to long ago you asked a question of identity. I see that not to 208 many have responed to your request. I don't know if you read scifi at all 209 ,but the gap reminds me of a story called 'Moon Moth'. Basically the story 210 told about a culture on another world that would no show their face. As 211 a matter of fact, there was a more that said 'You Must NOT Show Your Face'. 212 I see a parallel here. You are dealing in an alternate culture that see 213 a benifit in no one knowing (other then those they choose) who they are. 214 I do not wholly understand why this is. 215 CDP 216 @*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ 217 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 218 CDP: NO, I HAVE NOT READ THAT STORY, BUT I DO REAL A LOT OF SF&F. SOUNDS 219 SIMILAR TO A BUCK RODGERS EPISODE. WHO IS THE AUTHOR OF THAT WORK? THAT STORY 220 IS QUITE APPLICABLE. THE BUCK RODGERS STORY WAS BASICIALLY THE SAME, BUT THE 221 REASON THAT PEOPLE COULD NOT SHOW THEIR FACE WAS THAT EVERYBODY LOOKED THE SAME. 222 OTHER PEOPLE COULD NOT BEAR TO SEE THAT EVERYBODY LOOKED LIKE THEM. ALTHOUGH 223 THIS IS S.F., COULD IT BE THAT THE PATRONS HERE DO NOT WANT TO FIND OUT 224 THAT THEY HAVE A LOT IN COMMON? CAN SO FEW PEOPLE SAY, "YOU ARE LIKE ME, IN 225 SOME WAYS, AND I ENJOY IT."? ANYWAY, I AGREE TOTALLY WITH YOU, AND LOOK FOWARD 226 TO FUTURE CONVERSATIONS. 227 228 RUNNER: DON'T FEEL TOO UPSET. MANY PEOPLE CAME HERE, LOOKING FOR REFUGE 229 FROM SOME PRIOR BAD EXPERIENCES (MYSELF FOR ONE). THE THING TO DO IS TO TRY 230 TO PUT THOSE THINGS BEHIND YOU. DON'T FORGET THEM, JUST REALIZE WHAT HAPPENED, 231 AND USE THAT AS A GUIDE IN THE FUTURE. MEANWHILE, RELAX AND BE REASSURED! YOU 232 WILL FIND MANY FRIENDS AMONG THE ASSEMBLY HERE, AND WE WILL TRY AND MAKE 233 YOUR STAY AS PLEASANT AS POSSIBLE. REMEMBER, CONFUSION SAY: 234 "MAN WHO ALWAYS LOOKS BACK OFTEN TRIPS OVER HIS OWN FEET!" 235 NOW, TALK IF YOU FEEL LIKE IT, OR DON'T IF YOU DON'T FEEL LIKE IT. 236 237 BARD: A GOOD SONG, BUT ARE YOU IMPLYING ANYTHING BY THAT SONG, THAT BEING THE 238 THEME FROM CUSTAR'S TROOPS? HOW ABOUT SOMETHING TO CHEER UP RUNNER HERE? 239 JONATHAN CHANCE 240 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 241 BYGONE RUNNER - CUTE. REALLY CUTE. CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HOW YOUR TWISTED VERSION 242 ENDS. 243 ALL - THERE IS ANOTHER, TRUER, VERSION OF THE TALE THIS BYGONE RUNNER PERSON 244 IS ATTEMPTING TO TELL. AFTER HE IMPLICATES HIMSELF WITH HIS FOUL LIES, 245 WE SHALL REVEAL WHAT ACTUALLY OCCURED. 246 JONATHON CHANCE - PERHAPS THE GREATEST REASON FOR ANONYMITY ON THIS BOARD IS 247 THAT IT ENABLES THE MESSAGE-ENTERERS TO SAY WHAT THEY 'REALLY' FEEL, UNENCUMBERED 248 BY WHAT THEIR FRIENDS AND ACQUAINTANCES MIGHT THINK. HOW MUCH OF WHAT YOU 249 SAY IS REALLY WHAT YOU FEEL, RATHER THAN SOMETHING WHICH HAS BEEN FILTERED 250 BECAUSE OF YOUR AUDIENCE? MOST PEOPLE TEND TO PHRASE THEIR OPINIONS ACCORDING 251 TO WHO IS RECEIVING IT, SINCE BY PUTTING THINGS IN A MANNER UNACCEPTABLE BY 252 THE RECIEVER, THEY MAY LOSE FRIENDS/EMPLOYMENT. HERE, ON THE OTHER HAND, 253 THEY MAY SPEAK THEIR MIND, WITHOUT FEAR OF REPRISAL OTHER THAN, AT MOST, 254 NAME-CALLING. THIS IS THE IDEA BEHING THE SUGGESTION BOX. GRANTED, PEOPLE 255 LEAVING MESSAGES HERE SHOULD HAVE SOME KIND OF SIGNATURE, SO RESPONSES MAY 256 BE ADDRESSED EASILY, BUT TRUE NAMES ARE A DEFINITE DETRIMENT ON A BOARD WHERE 257 DIALOGE AND DISCUSSION ARE PREVALENT. IN SOME WAYS, IT IS UNFORTUNATE THAT SO 258 MANY OF US KNOW EACH OTHER'S IDENTITIES; IT REDUCES THE ADVANTAGES MENTIONED 259 EARLIER. 260 THE `LO'S THE `LO'S THE `LO'S THE `LO'S THE `LO'S THE `LO'S THE `LO'S THE `LO'S 261 @*@*@*@*@*@*@@*@*@@*@@*@*@*@***@**@*@**@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@**@****@*@*@*@@*@*@*@*@ 262 The Lo's - 263 That paranoid outlook doesn't prove to me why I should not know who 264 I am talking (writing) to. 265 CDP 266 @*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ 267 CDP - 268 And you haven't proven why you need to know who you are talking (writing) 269 to. We can still exchange ideas, stories, philosophies (half-baked or not), and 270 so forth. What do you have in mind that requires everyone's identities? 271 272 Wombat-Vomit-Wombat-Vomit-Wombat-Vomit-Wombat-Vomit-Wombat-Vomit-Wombat-Vomit 273 @*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ 274 W.V.- 275 I don't have anything in mind that requires anyones identities. You can 276 as far as I'm concered exchange ideas, stories, philosophies (half-baked or 277 not) and so forth. I was only questioning the mos of an emerging culture. CDP 278 @*@*@*@*@*@*@***@*@*@*@*@*@*@**@**@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@@*@*@*@**@*@*@*@**@*@*@*@*@*@ 279 FRANCO: 280 Why not get a kaypro instead of an Obscene-1? It appears to me that the 281 Kaypro is the 'Osborne-done-right'. 282 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> P.V. Jeltz <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 283 284 MiG: 285 Mikey is right about the 'Peltier device', also called a thermoelectric 286 device. The amount of heat pumped is somewhat proportional to the current, but 287 a TE device is a rather neat gizmo. They are available from at least one other 288 place than CAMBION. I could look it up if necessary. 289 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> P. V. Jeltz <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 290 CDP - I DO NOT CONSIDER IT 'PARANOIA'. THERE ARE THOSE WHO ARE EITHER 291 TOTALLY SELF-CONFIDENT, OR INDIFFERENT TO THE FEELINGS OF OTHERS. I ADMIT 292 THAT I HAVE NOT REACHED THE EXALTED LEVEL OF THE FORMER, NOR YET SUNK TO 293 THE DEPTHS OF THE LATTER. I AM A MERE MORTAL, SUBJECT TO THE SAME FAULTS WHICH 294 PLAGUE MOST OF MY PEERS. IN ORDER TO CO-EXIST WITH THEM, THERE MUST BE 295 CERTAIN CONVENTIONS TO EASE THE FRICTION. BLUNT SPEAKING IS NOT ONE OF 296 THESE CONVENTIONS. ONLY IN SPECIAL SETTINGS CAN TRUE COMMUNICATIONS TAKE 297 PLACE. BACKWATER, WHILE NOT IDEAL, DOES ENABLE THOSE WHO ARE WILLING, TO 298 APPROACH A MORE HONEST EXCHANGE OF VIEWPOINTS. I SUGGEST THAT IF YOU NEED 299 TO KNOW THE TRUE IDENTITIES OF THOSE TO WHOM YOU SPEAK, SEEK OUT THE MORE 300 CONSERVATIVE BULLETIN BOARDS SUCH AS CBBS AND BIT BUCKET, WHERE IDENTITIES 301 ARE DEMANDED AND VERIFIED. THERE YOU CAN FEEL SAFE, POLITELY EXCHANGING 302 YOUR MEANINGLESS PLEASANTRIES WHILE NOT SAYING ANYTHING OF IMPORTANCE AND 303 DEFINITELY NOT INSPIRING THAT MOST DANGEROUS ITEM: CREATIVE THOUGHT. 304 THE `LO'S 305 @**@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@* 306 The Lo's - 307 The only thing that I have suggested has that I can question the 308 emergining rituals of this culture and still try to deal with people 309 on a one-to-one basis. My question is still why people have chosen to 310 deal with others on a level of ambivalence. If i don't have a real feel- 311 ing for who you are how can I engage in constructive 'creative thought' 312 with you? These things do not occur in a vacumn. There has to be at 313 least a mininum of trust for these things to occur. I understand that 314 many of the people on this board already know each other. I have not had 315 the oppurtunity to meet these people face to face. What you are suggesting 316 to me is that I can have a better understanding of a person by dealing 317 with them on an impersonal level. Is this really what you are trying to 318 get across? I don't think so. My questions are not meant to be an 319 attack, only questons. 320 CDP 321 @*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@ 322 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 323 The piper listened intently as the newcomer began his story. After he 324 paused, another person remarked in a rather sneering voice that he could tell 325 the 'real' truth. The piper looked in confusion from one to the other, but 326 finally returned to the newcomer at the table. "Continue," the piper said. 327 "Let us hear your story in full. We cannot judge you or your opponent here 328 without facts. Indeed, who are we to judge? We welcome, but do not demand 329 your story -- not only yours but your opponents. We welcome you without any 330 prejudgement, but will judge you on your contributions to our collective 331 reality. And oddly enough," the piper said as he sat down, "we can also 332 accept the one who calls himself Lo -- for it is what you do now, not your 333 past that matters. The telling of the tale, not the living that produced 334 the memories is the stuff from which the inn is built. 335 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 336 To the person asking about names -- 337 Names have a peculiar and oftimes stulifying power. To take a name is to 338 take on many of the attributes that that name connotes. Many of us at the 339 inn chose names for rather personal reasons, or choose them for a freedom that 340 our mundane names lack. In addition, should you wish to articulate a point 341 of view that you really would not like to be personally identified with, yu 342 have the complete freedom to choose another name under which to pomulgate your 343 views and defend your position. (A certain Frank was sure that he used a 344 different name not to long ago, I'm sure!) If you wish to take part in flights 345 of fancy, you can indicate that by the name you choose. You can choose to 346 interact with use under multiple names -- if you have something to say that 347 has several points of view, choose a name for each point of view and show us 348 the complete arguement. We are not necessarily debating. There is no 349 "inner game" subset of a zero-sum outer game -- the game is for each point 350 you score, everyone at large gains. For each loss we are all diminished. 351 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 352 ()#"(%%#")(%")#(%"#)(%%")#(%!("*#+(%*!"(%*"(%*"()%*)"%=%)"=#!%)"#(%"*%(!"=% 353 CDP : I hate to bring up such mundane trivialities, but if within you burns 354 this overpowering desire to know who is who, and to associate backwater 355 character with real name and face, I encourage you to attend the 2nd almost 356 annual Not Another Pizza Party. The reason it is not annual is that it has 357 only been about 11 months since the last party. Our last gathering was, at least 358 for me, quite successful. It was indeed fun to match backwater personalities 359 with flesh and bone reality. I can't give you the exact date, some other good 360 irregular will have to do that. I can tell you that the location is the MT 361 Bottle and Deli, which is a nice little deli over near Jantzen Beach. 362 MIKEY : I seem to recall you saying something about not being in the party 363 mood. Is this true? It sould be nice to have the guest of honor at the NAPP. 364 I bet the rest of us can even pool our resources to buy you your meal and one 365 of those fine ales the MT is so famous for. Instead of the innkeeper, you can 366 be the innkeepy for awhile. Wadaya say??? 367 LO : My you seem like a rather spitefull person. Is your reaction to stories 368 always so strong, or is this some sort of special case? You seem to be taking 369 a different tack from the others... 370 Aaron : Any progress? And would you please turn that stereo down!!! 371 %#"(%*"(#%*#("*%*"(#"(!) l'homme sans parity )'$"#('$)"$(#")$'"#%'")%'"#)%"# 372 AND BEFORE I FORGET, AFTER LOOKING AT SUNDAY'S SPORTS SECTIONS... 373 GO DUCKS! 374 AND WHERE DO THEY GO?, ASKS THE SPORTS NOVICE. TO THE TOP OF THE PAC10, AND 375 ONWARD, I REPLY. 376 -------------------- 377 It is nearly uncontrollably enticing to comment on so much of the quality of 378 thought and style offered by patrons here...but then, on the continuum of 379 quality, most of your thoughts, arguments, pseudonyms, mental gyrations, 380 vocabularies, spelling, punctuation, and witticisms have negative values! 381 ---------------------- Too bad....for Today and Tomorrows ------------------- 382 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~84 Sept 16 1133~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 383 Hello, It seems that messages scroll through this system fairly quickly. 384 I presume that means you have to be on just about everyday to be able to use 385 it successfully. Nicht wahr? That's time consuming! And a problem for anyone 386 who has a busy schedule. Perhaps this system is not for some people. 387 Anyway, I took a file copy of the messages from top and I will peruse them 388 to determine if there is anything worth responding to. Otherwise, take care! 389 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TROLL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 390 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~84 Sept 16 1150~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 391 Well, the only thing I did see of interest was the debate on names. 392 Consider it logically, a name is a pointing device. It is a means of 393 identifying a known individual (or, better perhaps, a known persona). 394 If you behave in some given fashion while under the assumption of some 395 name, then that manner of behavior is the person identified with that 396 name. If you switch names to often then each of the identities becomes 397 a mere chimera - an apparition of no substance. On the other hand, if you 398 switch between to modes of behavior while using a single name, then you 399 are inconsistent and people will think you to be slightly schiziod. 400 The only proper way to live is to keep your multiple identities consisten 401 with the name you have chosen for each. 402 403 Now it is possible to have several pointers all identifying the same object. 404 In this case, you have a single individual with many names. For the most 405 part, this is a common occurrence. I know of an individual who was known 406 to some as "Mom", to others as "Julia", others as "Mrs. Smith", and others 407 as that "!@#$%^&* :?~+*&#%$@" [does obscenity offend anyone here? if so 408 please delete the reference to :?~+*&#%$@]. In this ladies case, there 409 were two identities - each of which had two persona. 410 411 For a while I spent some time thinking about the sociological value of 412 names. How often have we associated name with reputatation. To me, they 413 are synomynous. My name is of value. And there are other times when I 414 would prefer anonymity. Yes, I sometimes wish to hide my actions. Not so 415 much because I am ashamed of them, but because I interface to a world that 416 does not have sufficient understanding and perspective to appreciate all 417 of me. Many of the people who I must deal with professionally would never 418 understand a certain weekend in Texas. 419 There is a lot more to add to this subject. But I should not monopolize 420 (or is it, monologue). Besides, there are some important efforts to get 421 done today. Take care all. 422 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TROLL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 423 (-)_(-)---------______ _____ xxxxxxxxxxxxx::::::::::/\/\/\///\\\=-=-=-==-=- 424 TROLL: Your comment about calling in every day to get on. Yes, if you 425 want to be like CDP call in every 5 minutes to see if there is a 426 new message then you can reply to it. 427 Names are important, I should know a little on this matter since 428 I have had about 30-35 names on this board alone along with boarders. 429 It is nice to meet a person face to face and it might be just the 430 opposite too. It would be good to go to something like a 'Pizza Party' 431 to see the people on Backwater. I think something like that could help 432 a lot. But the people in this system probably wouldn't agree with what 433 I have said and probably don't care either. 434 CDP: Just one question, why do you call so many times in one day? Do you 435 think that your interests are much more important than everyone else? 436 Just why DO you call so much? 437 (-)_(-):=:=:=:+:+:+:+|+|+|+||_|_|_|_"/."/."/."/.%\%\%\%\%\%\%Mark{}{}{][][][][] 438 439 Frankly, I don't give a rat's furry behind about any of it! 440 ^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^ 441 ALL - If it will not be vandalized, here is another comment about the 442 N.A.P.P. (Not a pizza party, a name coined by the innkeeper last 443 year in view of the general quality of food at pizza restaurants) 444 The time selected (or suggested) was 1900 on 5-OCT-1984 at the 445 MT bottle and deli. Let us see a show of hands. (One per body 446 please, not one per name. Last time six people showed up and 447 only took one chair. Big Bill Broozy, I believe) 448 449 MIKEY - I agree, someone, or a collection of someones, will find the funds 450 to purchase one of the reuben's that MT is famous for, as well as 451 a stout or to (or three or four). It was interesting last time, 452 I am sure it would be this time. 453 454 RISKERS - Are there six who would like to play ? I know of one. If there 455 are 5 others, we can then decide on a board to play on and other 456 important info. 457 458 ALL - Read the editorial cartoons in The Sunday Oregonian. Quite amusing, 459 albeit sad. 460 461 ^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$ Laissez-faire $^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^ 462 ....................... HELI ................................ 463 To All of the Inn 464 The OCTOBERFEST ends today. Why not attend and enjoy a Poka, 465 a sausage and a beer ? 467 Ever seen Upper State New York in the autumm ? This North- 468 west boy was impressed !!! 470 471 ............................................................... 472 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 473 FROM PROMETHEUS: THE STYLIZED 474 IF ANYONE HAS A THURSDAY ISSUE OF THE OREGONIAN TURN TO STYLE SECTION PAGE SIX AND FIND ME. 475 IF ANYONE REALLY WANTS TO KNOW MY REAL NAME IT IS LISTED THERE (PROMETHEUS HAWTHORNE) 476 477 IS THE CONTROL SPACE (&1A) THE STANDARD DELAY CHARACTER YET? I WOULD REALLY LIKE A QUICK REPLY SO I CAN MODIFY MY TERMINAL 478 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 479 480 MAN IN GRAY; NON- FUNCTIONING INTERFACE CARD?!? WHAT THIS?!? 481 RISKERS; I WOULD LOVE TO PLAY A GAME. AND I'M AVAILABLE ALMOST ALL TIMES. 482 NAPPERS; OCTOBER FIFTH IS FINE WITH ME, HOW MUCH MONEY ARE TO CONTRIBUTE TO THIS ENTERPRISE? 483 PATRONS IN GENERAL; I AM TO RECEIVE A COMMUNICATIONS CREDIT FOR GIVING HARD COPY ARCHIVES TO MY COUNSELOR. I NEEDED ONLY TO 484 TELL HER ABOUT THE NATURE OF BLACKWATER AND SHE ACCEPTED. 485 IT MIGHT BE ADVISABLE FOR SOME OTHERS TO TRY TO GET A CREDIT FOR IT. 486 AM GOING AWAY NOW. SEE YOU. 487 PROMETHEUS HAWTHORNE SD8409.14 488 FROM IKV DENTHIER... MT2???.?? 489 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 490 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 491 Prometheus - Control Space is 1AH? That is normally considered Control Z. 492 In any case, it is a normally non-displayed character (for me), but I have set up 493 my terminal program to print out a certain graphics character when encountering ^Z. 494 On the other hand, if I download the file, then read it using most of my text 495 reading programs, ^Z causes a line feed. If that is one of the control characters 496 that get removed when Mikey moves the file to DB, then that is no problem either. 497 All in all, I have no real negative feelings about your using X'1A' as your delay character. 498 (there are some I would prefer, but we can't please everyone). 499 I glanced thru the Oregonian section you mentioned (trying to see what 500 I'm missing out on), but I didn't look closely enough to notice you. Outside of the 501 settings in which I am used to seeing you, I probably wouldn't recognize you anyway. 502 (not being a people-oriented person...) 503 ???????????????????????? QUIZMASTER ??????????????????????????????????? 504 505 TROLL - 506 You haven't missed anything. You're last message is still on disk b. If you weren't aware that there was a disk b, to 507 get there just type DB at the > prompt. Your last message ended at line 563. Now type 563 at the > prompt, and you will find 508 yourself where you left off. 509 510 Wombat-Vomit-Wombat-Vomit-Wombat-Vomit-Wombat-Vomit-Wombat-Vomit-Wombat-Vomit-Wombat-Vomit-Wombat-Vomit-Wombat-Vomit- 511 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 512 Laz: Are you sure it was Mikey who coined "NAPP"? Aaron 513 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 514 (later...) Mig: I havn't tried calling David for about a week... However; if 515 you need to get ahold of him, he is probably at his Mother's house. Will try 516 and scrape the RT-11 disks up.... Aaron 517 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 518 Prometheus: Please do *NOT* use ^Z as the delay character. It can cause 519 far too many problems on my Model 100. (It can terminate my connection, or 520 if I'm downloading with the WRONG program setup it can scramble my file 521 pointers!) 522 NAPP: 10/05/84 sounds ok to me... 523 CDP: I can't remember any names at the moment, but MANY cultures believe 524 that knowing someone's "true name" gives you mystical power over them 525 Also, WHY do you equate not knowing someone's "real" name with "impersonal 526 interaction"? I knew a close friend for YEARS before I found out that his 527 real name was not what I'd know him by (he was known by a nickname because 528 he'd been named after his father). 529 By your reasoning pen pals are impersonal relationships, after all, 530 they haven't met face to face! 531 _______________________________________Leonard______________________________ 532 ******************************************************************* 533 Most definately DO NOT use the control Z! It happens to be the clear 534 screen character for over 25% of the microcomputers in existance! 535 A rather large number of terminals generate a null (00) if you do a 536 control space. Most notible ADM3A's and many DEC terminals. 537 Personally, I vote for using the control C. 538 I might also point out that the control Z happens to be the end of file 539 marker for CPM systems, which I am sure a number of people would very 540 disturbing to be randomly ploped around in their files. 541 ********************************************************************** 542 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 543 Hum, as I recall, Jonathan's message delt with his desire to have a name, 544 any name, to call people by when he replied to there messages. Interesting, 545 if BW will argue over anything this trivial, then it must be time for a 546 *REAL* argument. 547 Aaron:Hum, you have the number for his mothers place? I sure don't! 548 NAPP:Just *WHERE* is the MT bottle&deli? it would help me find out weither I 549 can go or not. Or is the whole idea not to have me go? (getting paranoid) 550 Prometheus:What is Crispens real name? does she have one? does Flipper have 551 one? 552 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/MiG/? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 553 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 554 Milchar was in a hurry. Astral travel, while tiring, was the fastest mode 555 available. There was so much that was happening at the Inn that Milchar had 556 difficulty tracing all of the thought patterns in the ether. Maybe Voyeur 557 would help fill in a few of the scetchy areas since his last contact, about 558 a week or so ago as time runs in one reality. 559 Nearing his destination, Milchar grasps the Amulet and concentrates.... and 560 S->H->I->F->T->S into the Inn's reality... in one of the darker corners of 561 the common room. The first thing that Milchar noted was that the Inn was 562 in a state of disrepair. He found the reason floating at the top of the 563 Innkeeper's conscience: Pam was nowhere to be found. Milchar was saddened. 564 Piper had just finished a tune. Mayhap that was what speeded his arrival. 565 Just then, Milchar spied Voyeur at the far side of the room, near Piper... 566 +++++++++++++++++ 567 So much to say, so little time to say it... it's now 11:33 pm on 9/16/84, 568 and I have to go to school tomorrow... I would like any/all information on 569 N.A.P.P. on the 5th, as I don't know exactly where it is. The ComputerFair 570 sounds good, and a story about the Ruby Valley to come... 571 Milchar, M.C.P. (Mad Commodore Programmer) 572 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 573 ::::::::::16Sept84:::O O:::::::::::::::::::O O::::::23:55::::::::::::::: 574 As near as I can tell, the MT Bottle & Deli (the site of the NAPP), is 575 at 11925 N Center, which I believe is somewhere in the vicinity of Jantzen Beach. 576 (that is Definitely outside of my normal stomping grounds, so I am guessing 577 based on what I vaguely recall reading in the Archives of the first NAPP). 578 The time/date so far seems to be Friday, October 5th Post Mortem. 579 Currently, the big hangup seems to be trying to bribe Mikey to attend. 580 MiG: I believe that Jonathon Chance was merely asking that people put SOME 581 identification on their messages. Remember how hard it was to address [*=*] ? 582 Then, it was CDP who entered the arena and started the discussion 583 on the use of TRUE identities. I have thoughts on the matter, but voyeur is 584 NOT the personna I use for discussions/debates/arguements. I shall remove 585 this hat and put on one more appropriate for the subject. 586 (as [I think it was piper] mentioned, some of us have personnas for different 587 purposes. We are all two-dimensional people here, not well-rounded. 588 (drat - there I go, getting out of my proper realm...)) 589 ::::::::::::::::::O O::::::::::voyeur::::::::::::O O:::::::::::::::::::: 590 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 591 FROM HAWTHORNE: THE COMMONLY 592 I AM IN THE STYLE SECTION; I SWEAR IT! 593 CRISPIN'S REAL NAME IS CRISPIN HEIDEL, AND FLIPPER'S IS SARAH ADAMS, OF THE ADAMS FAMILY. 594 THERE WAS A TIME (WESTERCON ) THAT THERE WERE FIVE SARAH'S TO DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN. SO SHE POPPED UP WITH THE NICKNAME WE 595 ALL KNOW AND LOVE. 596 WHEN SHE WENT TO V-CON A MAN NAMED PHIL FOGLIO AUTOGRAPHED HER THUSLY; 597 TO FLIPPER, A GIRL WITH A PORPOSE. PHIL FOGLIO 598 WE ALL KNOW AND LOVE. 599 600 601 CONTROLLERS; I THOUGHT THE HEX OF CNTRL- SPACE WAS &1A. IN ANY CASE, I HAVE SINCE HEARD THE SUGGESTION OF CONTROL O. IS 602 *THIS* OKAY? 603 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 604 ----------------------------------------------------------- 605 Please do not use a control O it causes my terminal to go into graph mode. 606 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 607 But please try to use some self-control. That doesn't bother my terminal at all! 608 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 609 Yes, but that doesn't help my feeling so depressed. Sigh... 610 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 611 \\ This is the MSD-PS SAT-COM Network 612 613 \\ Call (206) 695-xxxx 614 615 \\ This is the MSD-PS SAT-COM Network 616 617 As light fell upon my faceshield, a howl of the night crept to 618 my ear. Is it thy brother's spirit un leashed at rage's delight? 619 Of course not! It is only thy own's 620 calling of pain...... 621 The acceleration of my viper put me back into my seat with a G force 622 greater than ever. 623 624 625 This is the MSD-PS SAT-COM Network 626 627 Ken the Creator 628 Damn! I miss Pam too! 629 ++++++++ T ++++++++++++++++ > .