Note: Due to the problems once again of someone deleting messages, the system was once again placed into enter only (no deleteing, no changing allowed). 1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 *************** INSTALLED: 13 OCT 84 ***************************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 ******************************************************************: 21 Until further notice, we will be running enter only until someone 22 out there learns a little bit of responsibility. 23 ******************* CISTOP MIKEY *********************************** 24 ]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[ 25 Mike, 26 Backwater is a good board, what is it run on? I have lately 27 been trying to simulate this board on a Apple but there has been no 28 luck yet. Did you write this for yourself or got it from a friend or 29 was it bought? Finding another system like this one has been on the 30 tough side. 31 Mark 32 ]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[ 33 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 34 From Prometheus: Gratefull 35 Cistop Mikey; Please don't get too frustrat, we aren't all like that. In fact most of us aren't at all. 36 [This enter only stuff isn't great for the complexion of my messages...] 37 I appreciate what you do for Backwater, and I thank you very, very much for it. It has done wonders for my maturity [I *am* 38 an adolescent after all] 39 My thanks to you. If I can help in any way please don't hesitate to ask. 40 Leonard; Please explain what you meant in more detail, please? 41 To whom that asked; MLCBBS should be up in about a week or so from what I've heard I go to MLC anyway. 42 [Error; exchange carriage return and periond for comma] and will post updates every few days, or so. 43 I'm going to quit while I'm behind as far as SPELLCHECK is concerned. 'Day all. 44 JUST VISUALIZE ALOT OF COLONS< JUST VISUALIZE ALOT OF COLONS< JUST VISUALIZE ALOT OF COLONS, JUST VISULALIZE ALOT OF COLONS... 45 Oh, yes, MiG; Your Tribble came in at a weight of about three ounces and is with S'rah at the moment. It's grey, don't ask how 46 , it justt is. 47 visualize more colons, so on, and so forth... 48 HI THERE L@THIS IS ABOEUT THE FIRST TIME I HAVE BEEN BABLE TO GET INTO THIS NET. WHATS IT ALL ABOUT ALFE 49 BUT ONE INCH MAKES THREE. BUT THAT IS WHERE THE WEE PEOPLE MEET. THATS HERDE. 50 -=-- 51 --=--==--===--====--=====--======--=======--========--=========--========== 52 Hi all, 53 Why do we help other poeple, even when it puts us in danger? Why do 54 we give money, when we know we will never get it back? Are we as selfish 55 as the cynical cartoonists and editors (A random sampling of cynical sterotypes) 56 would have us to believe? Is there still good left in this world? 57 Of course there is good in the world, otherwise, who would run all the 58 BBS's? Putting up with the rampaging deleters can be a problem, but this 59 enter only mode seems to spoil their fun (Maybe they will go someplace else, 60 or get their own to mess up.) 61 A lot of people start out playing Good Sam, hoping to receive the same 62 the same treatment one day. But then, they get into a strange habit, 63 they start doing helpful things without thinking of future rewards. 64 The gratitude of the people they help seems to be enough to satisfy them. 65 Just go out and do something nice, it may happen to you.... 66 Sunday, 0:43 10/14/84 - Friar Tuck - 67 -==-==-==-==-==-==- 68 PASDOS: I like you add. It explains the need for and the uses of your 69 program. You fill a big gap. If we are going to have ads, keep them 70 useful and informative. (That means no "GALATICSN-SNAK = Great game, 71 send $10.") 72 73 If anyone wants my name, just remember I am a very sili-person on weekends.. 74 --==========--=========--========--=======--======--=====--====--===--==--=-- 75 Is there something strange going on? I just hung up, and BW called me. 76 Freaky. Have you got a flash button Mikey? Or is this WarGames. 77 Please get back to me.... - FT - 78 --==========--========--========--=======--======--=====--====--===--==--=-- 79 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 80 Oh no... enter only. now I have to fix this wretched mess again... 81 Mark:Pascal has one thing over basic, decent file handler routines. It woould take a few days on intense work to do it in 82 basic. The phone number isn/t even known to me yet, I have no idea of when it will be up for public use, it must be twit- 83 proof berefore it goes online. 84 Mikey:I am afraid that I am u~able to understand your reference to Nerdolux, mayhaps you could explane? or tell Aaron? 85 The reason that H would bother to put up a BW type system is that I *ENJOY* seeing people use there minds. I am one of those 86 few folks who get off on creating things and helping people.My only sugestion is that you use the board that I am currently 87 building to replace the one that BW normaly uses. It hooks up to a modem, 2 sa400's and a power supply. Hang in txere, anti-tw 88 it hardware can doo 89 can do wonders for a BBS's looks. 90 Theus:My tribble?!? in gray? why thank you! Can you be at MLC tuesday? 91 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/MiG/? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? > ? ? ?/ 92 ? ? ? ? ? ? 93 Later, after some thought, " a very sili person on weekends"?? 94 perhaps you shoot paint pellits at people? 95 PASdos folks:Half of the functions you mentioned I have public domain stuff for, the other half I have been using a 96 disk editor to do for a coupla years ~ow. 97 thats "years now" 98 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?MiG again/? ? ? ? ? 99 100 && && && 101 The biggest problem with enter only is that I can't delete the above. For those of you who get here after Mikey 102 fixes things up, rest assured it is eminently deleteable. Consider it deleted, in spirit if not in fact. 103 && The Mad Actor && 104 && && && 105 The Poet noticed, as he monitored some of the more distant realities, that several people had taken the Magic 106 Words he had given them (top of drive B) to enter a very confusing but satisfying otherworld. One had even left 107 an addition to the cast of characters assembling there... someone named Chimp or Gibbon or something like that. 108 He smiled at the thought of his Backwater friends having someplace to go when they couldn't get into the Inn, 109 and sipped his last ale of the evening. Life was good. Maybe a quick check of that adventure his friends were on... 110 He gazed into his pocket just in time to see the flying horse he'd seen earlier disappearing into the maw of some 111 huge reality-nexus. Too late, he noticed the regular ripples marching across the Gate's face, ripples that could 112 only be the residual effects of his earlier tampering with reality... waves of shimmering green energy exploded 113 from his pocket, engulfing him. By the time the Innkeeper turned back to ask him to take care of his tab, he was 114 gone. Shrugging, the Innkeeper simply filed it away, without a thought of how he'd left without notice. 115 && TMA && 116 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 117 Mikey -- thanks for the rescue. That entry took quite a bit of work to get 118 right. Just now, only 4 lines look trashed, but just the same..... 119 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 120 Many things in this world are addictive. We come to love our dependencies 121 on automobiles, creature comforts, music, adventure and other pleasurable 122 things. We can grow to despise ourselves due to dependencies on drugs -- 123 alcohol, tobacco, the vast street pharmacopia -- and for some the visceral 124 thrill of combat or the exhilaration of power that comes from taking a life. 125 Others seem positivley -- how can I phrase it? -- anti-addictive. Their minds 126 and bodies reject some of the addictive portions of our lives -- violently 127 reject in mindless spasms of agony -- reject as thouroughly as the piper was 128 rejecting the throat-burning remains of his breakfast. 129 As soon as the adrenaline push, put their by peril, faded, the piper began 130 to reflect on recent happenings. Over the past few weeks he had slipped out 131 of the Inn and befriended the pegasus in a quiet forest glade. He had felt no 132 sense of peril when, fascinated by the incredible beauty of this magnificent 133 beast, he had walked up to press his bearded face agains the silky warmth of 134 her white neck. Oblivious of peril, blinded by a wild, obsessive love, he 135 had spoken his hear to her as he came towards her in that clearing. He had not 136 noticed the tensing of the great flying muscles under the satin softness of 137 her coat -- he was lost in the deep pools of her eyes, caught in the 138 wind-whipped fabric of her mane. Only much later did he realize the mortal 139 danger he had faced that day. He had come to the clearing just to be near her, 140 and she had come out of the sky to meet him. A sudden gust, and she was 141 flung too near a tree, nearly a foot in diameter, over fifty feet tall. Heart 142 beating wildly, the piper waited with that strange sense of loss for her to 143 crash into that tree, the rending, breaking of beloved flesh into shapelessness 144 and death. It seemed to happen in slow motion. 145 His eyes caught every nuance. She turned sideways -- perhaps she would only 146 break a wing. Only break a wing! How do you set a pegasus' wing? 147 Suddenly, quick as thought, her wing snapped forward, propelled by the power 148 of the muscles that gave her the freedom of the skies. The wing was half 149 folded, and she struck the tree just inside the large main joint. The softly 150 feathered leading edge of her wing snapped through the bole of the tree, 151 pulling the base along with her. She had flown clear of the area and landed 152 before the tree had fallen and stopped quivering. He inspected it after she 153 left -- while she was there, he had no though of anything but her presence. 154 Her coat was unruffled, and the most minute inspection of the wing revealed 155 only a few drops of pitch that he carefully removed, but the tree she had 156 felled left a stump over six feet high, and the piper could not span the 157 splintered end with his hand. 158 These images -- the splintered tree, the graceful curve of her neck -- 159 dissolved into the terrible image of her wing striking into the face of the 160 ambusher. He reched helplessly, bent over a rock, as he remembered the 161 startled expression on --- the quick look of amazement and disbelief --- the 162 impact of the wing--- his fierce 163 joy as the being's head seemed to nearly explode in slow motion -- the agony 164 that showed in the eyes as they parted -- NO! NO! 165 166 167 168 He placed his arms about the pegasus' warm neck, buried his face in her mane, 169 and wept his heart out as she nickered and tried to comfort him. 170 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 171 <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+> 172 173 DEAR MIG, 174 175 Hello, do you rember when you suggested a 'C' book for me? Well i still havent found it, however 176 ve a new toy(so to speek). You see one day i was wandering arround PCC. not realy doing aneything and suddenly 177 a rather tall man ran up to me and said(Allmost yelled more like)" Do you want PASCALL?", i said sure so hear i 178 179 am, plagued(sp) with this coppy of pascal. So, what was this message about?. Oh ya now i rember(i have problems 180 on sundays i tend to get a bit long winded ans (did your screen just do something? mine did)oh well, to make a 181 long story even longer. do you know of aney good pascal books? 182 THANX 183 ASP? 184 185 <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+> 186 187 188 PASDOS 189 BY 190 LINNTON SYSTEMS 191 192 193 Portland, Oregon 97231 194 (503) 286-xxxx 195 196 ---- $39.95 INCLUDES SHIPPING ---- 197 198 PASDOS is a utility program written in Pascal and assembly for the Apple II 199 computer to allow transfers of files between Dos 3.3 and U.C.S.D 200 Pascal. 201 Pasdos will run under both the old and new versions of Apple Pascal. 202 203 Using this program one is able to 204 205 1..View a Pascal directory or a Dos 3.3 catalog. 206 A single keystroke command determines and displays 207 the proper directory (Pascal or Dos) from the drive 208 selected. 209 210 2..Transfer text files in both directions with automatic conversion. 211 Text files from Dos 3.3 are made compatible with the U.C.S.D. 212 editor and Pascal compiler. Text files generated with the 213 Pascal editor are made compatible with many word proccessors 214 that run under Dos 3.3. 215 216 3..Transfer other files with optional addition or removal of the 217 Dos 3.3 length and starting address header. 218 219 4..Use the U.C.S.D. Assembler to generate binary files that 220 can be 'brun' under Dos 3.3. 221 222 5..Demonstrations are included to show you how to transfer and 223 load hires picture files, and how to use the U.C.S.D 224 assembler to create binary programs that will run under 225 Dos 3.3. 226 227 6..Various data base programs are written under Dos 3.3 or Pascal. 228 With Pasdos you can transfer hires graphs to your favorite 229 operating system for printer dumps etc. 230 231 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 232 233 Pasdos requires that you have Pascal and Dos 3.3. 234 You must have two floppy drives. 235 236 237 I hear rumors that there are some alleged 68000 knowledgable people out there. All though I doubt they really know 238 what they are talking about, I would like to ask them a few questions regarding the MPU they think they know so 239 well. Many unsuspecting or innocent junior level hardware hackers consider the 68000 to be a very regulat 240 processor. Orthagonal (look it up) is the word the quote-unquote experts use. Defenders, not the ones here I 241 imagine, can make excuses for the many irregularities found equating them with the inline philosophy of the 242 original architects. But some of these irregularities go beyond simple design philishophy. I wish to propose 243 entering some of these irregularities here on this board that is so laden with experts, and see what their 244 reponses are. If I get no reponses, then I will know the rumors of expertise I heard were just rumors, and 245 once again some group is having 246 their collective leg pulled by a phony. 247 1) The CMP instruction performs is subtraction in the opposite order from most other machines; the sequence CMP P,Q; 248 BLT LAB branches if Q 407 OF YOUR GREAT TALENT. 408 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ THE THINKER $$$$$$$$$$$$$ 409 UP 20 410 HELP 411 BACKWATER IS COOL 412 I'M SORRY IF PASDOS GOT IN TWICE I COULD HAVE SWEARED THAT I SAW 413 THE SYSTEM GET PURGED THE OTHER NIGHT 414 415 AUTHOR OF PASDOS 416 Dear "Author of PASDOS": 417 There are *TWO* files. when you "logon" you are on drive a. Type DB 418 and you will be on the previous disk. 419 Type DA to return to the current disk... 420 Mikey: I'm curious. Is there any reason to retain the ON, OFF, & EXIT functions? 421 Do they serve some purpose in maintaining the system? 422 __________________________________Leonard_______________________________________ 423 515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151 424 425 gWEETINS TOO ECHE AN EVEWY WUN AH Y'ALL, MAH NAIM ISZE MISPIKT AN AH WANNA TANK *OH* *TAWRN* *OH* FER NOTT USIN NULZ INN 426 HITH STOWY. 427 DEY SCWEW MEE ALL UHP AN AH DONT LAHK IT! NOTT WUN BHIT! bUTT AHS ISZE KINDA FINNIKY AAH DON WANNA BEE AH PWOBLEM. 428 AHZE ITH GONNA MESSUP SPELCHEK WEAL BAD, AIN AH? SOWWY, AH WEALLY AM! 429 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 430 ******************************************************************* 431 LEONARD: NO, THE ON/OFF IS LEFT OVER FROM OLDER TIMES WHEN THE SOFTWARE 432 WORKED IN A REAL LIFE ENVIORNMENT. THE ON LOADED IN A NEW DISK, WHILE THE 433 OFF CLOSED THE OLD ONE (IT IS DONE AUTOMATICALLY WITH THE CONTROL C NOW, 434 BUT WITH THE VARIOUS METHODES OF STORRING DATA ON THE OLD SYSTEM, IT 435 COULDN'T BE DONE THAT WAY.) THE OLD METHODE WAS TO DO A CHECK POINT AFTER 436 EVERY 5 LINES OF ENTRY (IE SAVE CURRENT POSITION) THEN DO A FINAL UPDATE 437 IF THE OFF COMMAND WAS GIVEN. THE EXIT REALLY DOESN'T DO ANYTHING, IT USE 438 TO BE PART OF THE EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS ROUTINES, BUT SINCE BWMS DOESN'T 439 HAVE THAT CAPABLITIY, IT IS NO LONGER IN THERE, SO ALL THAT HAPPENS IS THAT 440 ANYTHING YOU TYPE GETS ECHOED BACK TO YOU. (THE SPECIAL EXIT IS GOOD FOR GOING 441 TO THE OUTSIDE CPM COMPUTER WHEN IT WAS RUNNING THOUGH.) OTHER THEN THAT, 442 IT IS ONLY REALLY USEFUL FOR TESTING. (SEND A CHARACTER AND SEE IF IF COMES 443 BACK OK.) 444 I'M LOOKING AT THE PACKER'S GAME ON TV, I DON'T BELIEVE IT, IT'S SNOWING! 445 IT'S ONLY OCTOBER! GAD! 446 OH WELL, BACK TO WORK... 447 ************************ CISTOP MIKEY ********************************** 448 L'homme: The SEP2783 file has a slight glitch. part of line 561 is missing. 449 ALL of line 562 is gone & a block of 3 lines from about ln 409 is inserted. 450 (the same block is at the end of the file). Wha' hoppen? 451 _____________________________Leonard________________________________________ 452 --=--==--===--====--=====--======--=======--========--=========--========== 453 Hi All, 454 How about a little SF tonite.... 455 The player looked around, and gunned his turbines nervously. 456 He softly slipped out the field effect clutch and moved slowly down the 457 dirt track. The night was black, good hunting. Hopefully, there would 458 be others out tonight, for he was drasically falling off of his pervious 459 lead. 460 A movement off to the left! The player jumped his car forward, and 461 trained his beams on it. Damm! he thought, only a Shatik, one of annoying 462 animal population. When he looked again, the hugh hippocephalic creature 463 was gone. (THINKER: Damm the critics! Full speed ahead!) As he turned 464 off his lights, he noticed a light in the blackness. Prey at last! The 465 player had lost the thrill of stalking an unknowing oppenent, but he 466 had to fight or run. Running never won The Game. 467 The player crept his car down the road, looking for any signs 468 of life. He turned right, following the light. Suddenly, another car 469 roared out of the darkness, passing in front of him. Getting carless, 470 thought the player, a good driver wouldf had him. Not spending another 471 thought on remorse, he took off after the other car. 472 The player followed the car, turning right, left, skidding around 473 unbanked curves, nethier gaining on the other. The other car turned down 474 another lane, much like the others, 475 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 476 ... and then the person typing in that intriguing story lost his carrier and didn't finish it. Too bad, maybe in 477 another entry... 478 ++++++++++++ 479 "A Pit, you say? Nay, I did not see that, perhaps we all got just a small glimpse of our common goal. What's that?", 480 Milchar asked, referring to the violet glow that was growing stronger by the second. A Voice? "Go... you have your 481 guides now... you have the knowledge. Redeem thy race from the abhorrence that follows you." 482 Milchar was taken aback. That couldn't be, not here, a place where even the most minor magics are tremendous efforts to 483 cast... No One had the power to transmit his voice here, in The Center Of All Things... but someone had, someone that 484 wanted their persuers stopped. Milchar asked the glow, "Who...?" 485 "You shall see." 486 "Why...?" 487 "Is it the place for heroes to ask why they were chosen?" 488 "No, but..." 489 "Would you have gone on this quest anyway, without any side interference?" 490 "Yes, but..." 491 The Voice did not say any more, but silenced the group by slowly dissolving, becoming nothing again. 492 "Let us go, we must find a camp to stay and clear our thoughts. I only wish I had the answers to a fifth of my 493 questions." 494 Everyone heartily agreed, quite tired by the battle, the fast riding, and the exhaustingunset. 495 ++++++++++++++ 496 "They're tired, Master, and should be easy to pick off. Some strange things have been occurring in the valley, though." 497 "What, for instance?", Narfaal asked sarcastically. 498 "When I send someone out to shoot game, they come back with a carcass that revives almost as soon as it touches the pot 499 we cook 'em in." 500 "What? By themselves?" 501 "Aye, We just throw them into the water the boys collected..." 502 +++++++++++++++ Milchar ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 11:35 on 10/15/84 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 503 CARWARS author - as it stands, it bears a striking similarity with 504 The Last of the Wild Ones, by Roger Zelazny. Or possibly its prequel, Devil Car. 505 If true, I find it interesting how that author keeps showing up here. If coincidence, well. . . 506 _innocent bysitter_ 507 ATTENTION FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS! DO YOU FIND NIRVANA IN ONE 508 509 SYLLABLE WORDS? IS YOUR I.Q. NUMBER BELOW ROOM TEMPERATURE? 510 511 YOU MAY QUALIFY INSTANTLY FOR THE "88888888" CLUB. WHY SHOW 512 513 YOUR IGNORANCE ALONE. . .JOIN NOW 514 515 88888888 RAJ_OHM 8888888 8888888 516 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 517 High on a finger of rock, shilouetted against the evening sky, a horselike 518 figure, wings raised against the evening skyglow stood braced. The muscles in 519 her curved neck stood out like cables under the soft white-covered skin, her 520 teeth firmly clamped in the woolen tunic of an unconcious figure that appeared 521 to have nearly fallen from their precarious perch. With a single lunge, the 522 pegasus pulled the unconcious body of the piper from certain death as his 523 body began to topple off the precipice on which they stood. Tugging him gently 524 to a small level area nearly free of rocks, she nudged him gently to straighten 525 his sprawled limbs, then carefully folding her legs under her, covered him with 526 one of her huge white wings. 527 The piper's conciousness was nearly a mile southeast of his body at that 528 instant. His crisis of concience had eased, but left him vulnerable as the 529 creatures of the Ruby Valley began their magnificent show. His attention was 530 caught, and he had not even noticed as his body was left behind as he moved to 531 the center -- drawn like a floating chip into the center of a whirlpool. The 532 glowing red patterns teased his mind along, looping swirls that nearly had 533 complete meaning, leaving partial questions nearly unasked, answering profound 534 questions with those of more profindity. He had just noticed that the patterns 535 were not limited to the ground -- fainter and more subtile traceries filled 536 the air above the valley, seeming to center on a point slightly above a small 537 gazebo in the center of the valley. Mesmerized by the increasing subtleties 538 of the ruby pattern, the essence of the piper passed over the rest of the 539 party, unnoticed, shrinking into the infinite reaches of the pattern -- 540 following it down, down, down the scale of size -- sensing far beyond a glow, 541 a power, perhaps answers for his stained and blackened soul. 542 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 543 increased his throttle? Hah! what amateurs! Car Warz ripoffs. We have seen 544 them before, and we will no doubt see them again. Poor Roger. If he only 545 knew what he had started. 546 && && && 547 Images... Bodiless, floating, somehow sensing the flow of incomprehensible energies all around... Against the roar 548 549 of power, a familiar touch... L'Homme? But he was on the "horse"... did he fall in transit? ...Gone now... helpless 550 in the current, the Poet moved to an unimaginable destiny... and exploded into icy cold air. Suddenly returned to 551 his body, he rejoiced, stretched, thrilling to the feeling of his muscles moving under the skin. Life! How sweet! 552 He turned his senses to the world outside and recieved a rude shock: he was falling! Apparently from quite a height, 553 too, as he'd been falling all through his reverie and the ground was still out of sight in the darkness below. Only 554 one chance: his emergency transport/shift device. Killing his momentum would take most, if not all of it's energy 555 reserves, but he had to not only get to the ground but dissipate the energy or he'd be splattered regardless... 556 As he began the adjustments, he passed through the last layer of cloud and saw the ground below. Suddenly his mind 557 was no longer on the fall, for he was seeing the most amazing pattern, formed by countless dancing crimson lights. 558 A mountain... a gate... an enormous army, destroying all in its path... a huge, golden bird... 559 The pattern shifted and dissolved, and the Poet realized he'd let himself go for too long; the ground was only a 560 hundred meters below! Frantically, his fingers found his device, twisted it to maximum dissipation, activated... 561 ...and he thumped bruisingly to the ground, amid the smell of burning insulation. His device had performed it's 562 final service, faithfully but self-destructively. So he was alive, for now; but with no way out of here--whereever 563 "here" was! 564 && The Mad Actor && 565 <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+> 566 567 DEAR MIG, 568 569 Well, how did 570 571 572 LIKE IT TODAY? I PERSONALY ENJOYED MY SELF. 573 But enof of that(Please excuse the shift in shift, I am using my ATARI 574 as you know and the 'BREAK' key is findeshly close to the CR.) 575 Well, whear was I? Oh well, the pascal we discussed was writen BY Norman 576 Draper, and was produced by Draper Softwear. If you know aneything about 577 ia good book for it I would realy like to know. Meanwhaile(sp) I am 578 looking for that 'C' book but now one seems to have it ( not even B 579 Daltons) so , I gusses i'll be seeing you later. when are you attending 580 our little retreat again? It is nice having you their. I had better be 581 saying ta ta now.(I tend to get mushey when I am tired and i dont think 582 that aneyone wants that) So, TA TA 583 584 ASP 585 586 <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+> 587 ####$$$$####$$$$ TO THE ABOVE: I HAVE DRAPER PASCAL, THE ONLY BOOK THAT'LL HELP YOU IS THE ONE THAT COMES WITH 588 IT. IT'S *VERY* NON-STANDARD. MAY I SUGGEST A GOOD BOOK ON SPELLING INSTEAD? $$$$####$$$$#### <$ WIZEGUY #> 589 590 (PAM, Oh PAM, where have you gone? We miss you terribly!) 591 592 TO THE PERSON WHO FILLED DA W/ LINE FEEDS ONLY - A FOOL WHO CANNOT UNDERSTAND 593 SOMETHING THEN TRIES TO DESTROY IT. AN INTELLIGENT PERSON TRIES TO FIND OUT 594 MORE ABOUT THE ITEM. 595 YOU ARE INDEED THE FOOL. 596 TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 596 .