1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 ****************** INSTALLED: 20 OCT 84 *************************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day system operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 16 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 17 ************************************************************ 18 19 OH MY GHOD! The Phantom Glitch has Reached The Top!!!         20 080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808 21 YEAH! WOOPY! WEEEEEE, WE ARE ALL SOOOO THRILLED FOR YOU. 22 nosrepersonosrepersonosrep...................................................... 23 oh never mind 24 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ?? ??? ? ? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? 25 Jello all, not to say much. Theus: I don't need anything more except a modem and a real serial port, which I will 26 not get from anybody. Remember that tribble you gave me? its growing a little fast... 27 ? / ? ? ? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???????????????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??? MiG? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ??? 28 29  30        31 One more tyme..... 32 - /- / /- / -/- / / 33 try and try a GUN<<<<<<<<<< 34 up 8 35 -NONPERSON-NOSREPNON-NONPRESON..... 36 AS PERSON REACHED TO TOUCH OBJECT; REALITY SHIFTED. CONCENTRATE PERSON THOUGHT. 37 Closing both eyes person visualized object as a small box held in hand with actuator close to thumb. 38 Cautiosly Person opened eyes. Concentrating first upon object. This seemed to work. The reality storm subsided. 39 NOSREPERSONOSREPERSONOSREPERSONOSREPERSON-------------------- 40 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 41 If I EVER get my hand on the twit who just kept pushing the 'RETURN' key at the end of the last disk, consider him 42 nonexistant. I am not naturally a violent person, but everything has it's limits. 43 ++++++++++++++++++ 44 Milchar found himself in a void, an inky black area of indetermiable dimensions. The Green Stone seemed to have 45 vanished some time ago. "How I hate booby-traps. Especially if I am the subject of one of them.", Milchar commented 46 to himself. 47 More later, Milchar at 6:37 on 10/20/84 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 49 <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+> 50 Hello all, 51 I was wondering if anyone could tell me about 'porSFis' and how someone like me(No craks) becomes a 52 member. Or even if memberships are taken? 53 thanx 54 ASP 55 <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+> 56 HELLO~~~~~~~ 57 n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,a ship,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n 58 Hello, I'm a visitor from the north. I'm sitting here beside my brother, stretching and preening my long black 59 wings. I'm getting awfully hungry...gotta fly. 60 n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n, a ship,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n, 61 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 62 The Inn was quiet and empty. A distant sound of a flute 63 could be heard if one listened carefully. The source of the 64 sound was indeterminate, but seemed to come mainly in the 65 direction of the rafters. A huddled dark figure in a corner of 66 the Inn stired. Letting out a small groan, he lifted his head to 67 see where the sound was eminating. At first, he saw nothing, but 68 as he watched, a spot began to glow and grow into a small elfin 69 figure holding a small flute and sitting crosslegged on one of 70 the support beams. Probably just his imagination, too much 71 drink, and too long a night. With a small sigh, he sat up and 72 hugged his knees to his chest. Matted hair covered his 73 bloodshoot eyes. He rested his chin on his knees, closed his 74 eyes and breathed a deep sigh. 75 "So, what's eat'n you hairbrain?" 76 Startled, Tarn looked up to see the Elfe standing in front 77 of him. "Are you talking to me?" he asked. 78 "You don't see anyone else in this dump do you?" the Elfe 79 responded, "It's a woman isn't it?" "Yes, how did you know?" 80 Tarn asked. "It always is... You never learn do you? You're 81 all alike, a sucker for a kind voice and a warm hand. Then when 82 she leaves you think the world has ended. Well, I got news for 83 ya buddy boy, the world doesn't give a damn about what you think 84 or do. You could drop dead right this moment, and the world 85 wouldn't even bat an eyelash." With that the elfe sat back in a 86 handy chair and laughed. That was when Tarn noticed that the 87 elfe's legs were covered with fur, and instead of feet, he had 88 hooves. "Yeah, What do you know? Do you know what it's like to 89 find a friend you can talk to and loose her? But then you 90 probably never have fallen in love with anyone, have you? 91 Spending all your time dancing and prancing around in the woods 92 like a bloody fool fairy. Oh yes, I know who you are, Robin 93 Goodfellow. Always out for a good time seducing people with your 94 flute and then leave them stranded and alone. Yeah, your a real 95 fun guy alright." 96 The elfe roared with laughter at the out burst. "I suppose 97 you expect me to screem 'Lies! All Lies!', but I won't, because 98 it is true. You are all such fools, you fall for the simplest of 99 seductions. What sillyness! And you call me the fool!" 100 Tarn was only momentarily taken aback by this verbal assult. 101 "Never the less, it doesn't change my feelings, so why don't you 102 beat it instead of sitting there telling me what a fool I am." 103 The elfe got up and with a laugh, snatched up his flute and 104 danced out the door of the Inn, with music trailing as he went. 105 Tarn dropped his head to his knees after the elfe had gone 106 and sighed. "Oh Emer, how I miss you. I wish I knew where you 107 were. I miss your sweet voice and soothing touch. Where have you 108 gone? Will I ever see you again? God, how I miss you." 109 *O* Tarn *O* 110 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 111 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 112 Each time I am borne away I learn more about my imperfect soul-travel skills 113 and still more about my imperfect soul. I went to a farming village in 114 South America so remote that the people did not speak of their country but 115 only of their tribe so I know only that the land was high and dry and that 116 the air was thin and clear and that I slept without dreaming perhaps because 117 I was tired and perhaps because the fabric of my life had become a dream. 118 Someone's mind had entered mine or my mind experienced someone's body or 119 some dream was having me rather than the reverse. The person I was one with 120 had such a feel for the earth that I could feel the moods, the will, the 121 very breath of the soil. We used clumsy tools, unbalanced and dull, but I 122 learned to get beyond the blisters and bruises to a state of harmony where 123 I could exert my will on the earth and could in turn receive the deep 124 power and sweetness of the land. My dream-mate was deeply religious and 125 every part of life was soaked in art and ritual--a certain way to arrange 126 food on the plate, to tie the long belts with the mysterious designs, a way 127 to bathe children to keep them safe, a way to speak to old people. And if 128 everything was done perfectly, life was safe. The demons of earth and forest 129 and sky could not penetrate the web of sacred acts. We sought to perfect 130 our rites, my dreamer and I, in every movement and thought. And so it was 131 that We were swinging a scythe allowing the weight of the tool, the resistance 132 of grain to tell us how to move, teaching us perfect humility, perfect grace, 133 perfect clarity with every stroke so that on one backswing in which we became 134 the instrument and the earth and air the user, we were suddenly for an infin- 135 ity and for no time the fulcrum, the point of axis about which revolved many 136 worlds and light flooded in to my completely inadeqate brain-soul and I lost 137 not only the moment of clarity, but my fellow traveler as well. I now found 138 myself in a rocky region near a cave. I could smell food cooking, but could 139 see no smoke. 140 141 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Reluctant Traveler UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 142 ========------- HELLO -------======= 143 ANYONE HERE TRY T DRINK AN ELF UNDER THE TABLE? 144 IT WON'T WORK,BELIEVE ME 145 GOD MY HEAD HURTS 146 147 ANYWAY SOMEONE WANT TO GET A FRPG GOING? 148 HO NO HERE COME THE GNOMES..........GOTTA RUN 149 -------======= BYE =======------- 150 ******************************************************************************** 151 MIG- How come I can never get on the Nerd anymore? 152 every time I call it is busy and I have not been able to get on for quite 153 some time. 154 offhand, would you be, by any chance, an Autoduellist? perhaps we could ex 155 change cars and plans. oh, beware of treacherous women drivers like Amanda!!!! 156 anyway, could you reply here. 157 158 sincerely, 159 The Unbeliever 160 ******************************************************************************** 161 auf wiedersehen 162 WEIRD, WEIDISK. WEIRD, WEIRD, DISK. WEIRD, WEIRD, DISK. WEIRD, WEIRD, DISK. 163 OFFFO 164 RICK SLAVENS, IF YOU EXIST IN THIS BULLETIN BOARD WORLD, LET ME KNOW 165 BY TOMORROW. CALL GEORGE AT 246-xxxx. 10-21-84. 166 BREAK 167 &$@#)(&%@)#(%&)(&!_*!_*_&#&%@*!@#_)*%!_)*%!+_%_#&%_@#%!_#)%*_#&%_@#&%_@#&% 168 QUIZMASTER : Is that what the people at the Fish and Wildlife Dept. are up 169 to these days? 170 $&@#(_)&$_@(#&%_!#@&%_)#@% L'homme sans parity *%#_%*_@#)*%#!_)*%_!*%!*%_* 171 ******************************************************************************** 172 Quizmaster: I heard rumours that there was a bag limit of 25 Rajneeshees 173 per day. This was done in order to let more hunters have a chance at them. 174 Is this really true? I thought that stocks had to be protected. Don't you 175 guys at the Fish and Wildlife usually post bounties for eradicating pests? 176 THE NON COMPOS MENTIS 177 ******************************************************************************** 178 QUIZMASTER: I find your hatemongering repulsive. It's interesting 179 how members of the Inn are repulsed by other forms of prejudice and bigitry 180 but have tolerance for yours. Backwater if filled with hypocracy and 181 hatred. It makes me sick. You make me sick. Mark 182 ******************************************************************************* 183 I WISH I COULD TAKE A SCRUB-STEEL BRUSH TO THIS DISK. IT IS A COLLECTION OF RAMBLINGS AND INCOHERENCIES MUCH DIFFERENT 184 FROM THE NORM. 185 Wholesome Distractor 186 ************************************************************************************************************************ 187 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 188 From Prometheus: Ill-Gotten 189 QUIZMASTER; You must admit the naure of your entry was at best dark humor. It is easily interpretable as bigotry. Even if it 190 was not conceived as such. 191 TRAVELLER; Do you still frequent Backwater? Lack of response will of course be considered as you not. 192 THE MAD ACTOR; I enjoyed our discussion greatly. Perhaps it should be done again sometime. I decided against being classy. 193 MURDER CONSEQUENTIAL; Thank you for considering me, I would enjoy that. I'll follow your lead. 194 MAN IN GRAY; Would anyone have told you about the shakiness of having one apple continuously? 195 AARON; If you would, pleas, respond about the forthcoming pente game. Preliminary grid size is 17 intersections by the same. 196 BW REWRITERS; Please include a mu;liple command character. That would be of immense aid, both in time and well; frustration. 197 GEE; This one was rather large. Got a lot done, I'm pleased with it. 198 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 199 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 200 Well, well, my last upload seems to have annoyed some people. Unfortunately, 201 I can't take credit for its authorship--it's something that has been circulating 202 rather widely lately. However, I do subscribe the philosophy indicated by it. 203 Call it bigotry if you want, labels are merely words. To be perfectly 204 blunt, one of my favorite fantasies is to lead a 'Nam type air strike 205 on Rajneesh Puram. 206 Mark - if Back Water sickens you so much, you are cordially invited to depart. 207 ????? 208 Not my usual entry. Must be the phase of the moon or something. Oh well. 209 ???????????????????????????????? QUIZMASTER ????????????????????????????? 210 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 211 Another suburban family morning, grandmother screaming at the walls. I love my 212 relatives, I love my relitives... 213 Theus:Yes, I know, that it causing a few minor problems but not to many. 214 Lerry Cornelius:The old Nerdolux has been relaced by RKAMAS. It is busy less then 215 the olld one. Are you dialing the correct number? 216 Theus again, anything to get away from my relates, brain brake on tuesday? 217 ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? / 218 ########################################################################### 219 QUIZMASTER: THOUGH I THOUGHT MARK WAS A BIT OVER EMOTIONAL I ALSO THOUGHT 220 HE HAD A GOOD POINT. BACKWATER HAS GENERALLY BEEN KNOWN FOR ITS TOLERANCE 221 AND REJECTION OF BIGOTRY AND PREJUDICE. I DON'T SEE THAT THERE'S MUCH 222 CONSTRUCTIVE IN YOUR HATEFUL ATTITUDE. PERHAPS IT'S MORE APPROPRIATE 223 THAT YOU SHOULD GO ELSEWHERE. THERE'S ENOUGH FRICTION HERE WITHOUT 224 YOU FANNING THE FLAMES. BIGOTRY AND HATE MONGERING HAVE NO PLACE AT THE INN. 225 WHY DON'T YOU BE A GOOD AND MOVE ON. THE RED NECKS OF EASTERN OREGON 226 NEED YOU MORE THAN US. MAX 227 ############################################################################ 228 *::: 229 Mark: The "hatemongering" that Quizmaster put up is circulating ALL OVER THE CITY! 230 I saw the SAME text a week ago. I've talked to others who've seen it elsewhere. 231 I admit the humor is heavy-handed & in bad taste but.... 232 In any case, while I would not approve of physical assaults on the Rajneesh 233 people, they ARE obnoxious BIGOTS! Just listen to Sheela or most of their other 234 spokesmen. 235 _____________________________________Leonard____________________________________ 236 Mikey: the missing lines (241-262) were CRs and a lone "HELP". 237 ________________________________________________________________________________ 238 Leonard: I agree that there is bigotry on both sides. My objection is 239 in using the Inn to fan the flames of hatred. It's a terrible situation all 240 around. I lose patience with those who actively try to make it worse. I've 241 never been very tolerant of bigitry of any sort. I'm afraid I'm not very 242 tolerant of this kind...even if the whole state believes in it. 243 Mark 244 ======================================================================== 245 Mikey - Yes, if you could, I would like to know more about the MBC1000. I have 246 the opportunity to purchase 1 or more for $500. Includes RS232, 1 drive 247 Monitor and CPU. Is that appropriate ? Can I get anything to run on 248 it ? Help!?!?!?! 249 250 ^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^ 251 Messolithic - Hi. Am lurking for the present. Rajneesh discussion leaves 252 me confused. Am not normally a bigot. (Prejudice, yes, but 253 I defy anyone to prove themselves not.) I have a hard time 254 dealing with the strategems proposed by Sheela and Co. 255 256 Riskers - My house is in SW Portland, close in. I invite five of you to 257 come and play. Includes Non linear Risk. Time and date are 258 very flexible. 259 260 ^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$ Laissez-faire $^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^ 261 262 *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* 263 The travelling companion was indeed very hungry. "Have you not eaten recently ?", I queried. "Yes, I have, but I 264 also worked very hard at my last place. I just wish that I could stay in one place for a length of time.", she 265 replied. 266 "Perhaps we can work on that together, it would help if you would tell me your story, and what your journey is for." 267 "May I have another muffin ?" 268 Buttering the muffin, she told me a most incredible story, about just concentrating, and then being there. I 269 believe she was telling me the truth, and I am rarely mistaken in such things. I asked, "But, why have you chosen 270 this particular path ? Is there something you need to learn here ? May I help you ? Are you here to help me ? I 271 have a thousand questions, but even more basic, what may I call you ?" 272 273 Friar Mossback 274 *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* 275 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 276 For some reason, I find myself disliking 'neesies also, but am at a loss to back up my feeling. I cannot name any 277 one thing that they have done that I wholly disapprove of, unless you count Sheela. Another thought: Listening to 278 Z-100 this week, I find a lot of satire about 'neeshies... Rajneesh Dangerfield, the debate between John McEnroe an 279 Sheela... the list goes on. 280 +++++++++++++++ 281 Milchar found himself dreaming while wide awake, a startling experience by itself, but the nature of the dreams were 282 strange also... 283 (Scene One:) Friar Mossback speaking with an old woman, and the woman teleporting to the south end of the valley. The 284 Friar follows. 285 (Scene Two:) A disfigured gentleman finds the Gazebo and levels it with dark emerald blasts of force originating from 286 his fingertips. He wears a necklace made of a string of Emeralds. 287 (Scene Three:) Piper is sitting on an outcropping of rock at the west end of the Valley, quite near the Valley 288 perimeter. Flies off in search of the others. 289 (Scene Four:) A robed figure is standing amidst a field of transparent pinnacles, seeming to absorb a strange energy 290 from them. 291 (Scene Five:) Milchar is drifting in a void, but now there is a hole in the void, milky-white... Milchar is drawn 292 toward it... 293 DRAWN TOWARD IT!?! 294 Milchar came instantly awake, to find himself in the exact situation as he had dremt it. Summoning his will, he found 295 spell-casting much easier here... A short blast of argent checked his forward momentum, but the two forces meeting 296 created a temporary gate... Milchar promptly used it, and found himself... 297 At a door. "Knock three times before entering.", the sign read. 298 Looking about, Milchar found that he was at the very southern point of the Ruby Valley... back in "normal" space! 299 Milchar had little time to think on this, however, as another explosion rocked the ground. "The Gazebo... leveled, as 300 predicted. Is this the door I saw in the Great Map? Is THIS my destiny?" 301 Milchar crossed his fingers, and knocked thrice. 302 +++++++++++++++++ Milchar ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 10:32 on 10/21/84 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 303 Distrusting and mocking the Rajneeshi is not bigotry. It's good sense. More- 304 over, Mark, if you are as tolerant as you purport to be, have some tolerance 305 for us bigots. A true sanyasin scorns sympathy and respects a healthy sense of 306 irreverence. The satires don't bother the Rajneeshi; why should they bother 307 you? You're right to try to keep BWMS entries of good quality, but many feel 308 that in this case using reason is madness, 309 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Asleep at the Wheel ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 310 if we really want to see how un-bigoted we all are, let's invite Frank back 311 for a discussion 312 _innocent bysitter_ 313 ****************************************************************** 314 I MIGHT NOTE THAT TOLERANCE TOWARDS OTHERS INCLUDES TOLERANCE TO 315 THEIR IDEAS WETHER YOU AGREE WITH THEM OR NOT. BIGOTRY IS A VERY 316 DIFFICULT THING TO DEFINE IN REAL APPLICATION. DISLIKE OF A GROUPS 317 ACTIONS AS A WHOLE DOES NOT ENTAIL BIGOTRY. BIGOTRY IS PREDETERMINING 318 ONES LIKE OR DISLIKE OF ANOTHER PERSON OR GROUP WITHOUT EVIDENCE 319 TO PROVE THAT DISLIKE. IF YOU HAVE VALID REASONS FOR DISLIKING SOMEONE 320 OR GROUP, THAT IS NOT BIGOTRY. SO OF COURSE NOW COMES THE PROBLEM 321 OF DECIDING IF YOUR IDEAS OF EVIDENCE ARE REASONABLE OR NOT. SO 322 YOU CAN SEE WHAT A DIFFICULT THING BIGOTRY IS TO DEFINE. OF COURSE 323 IN EXTREEM CASES IT IS EASY TO POINT AND SAY BIGOT. SUCH AS SAYING 324 THAT JUST BECAUSE YOUR SKIN IS A DIFFERENT COLOR OR YOU PROFESS TO 325 A DIFFERENT RELIGON THAT YOU ARE INFERIOR. 326 ******************************************************************* 327 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 328 WHOW CAN YOU TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A RUN-OVER POSSUM AND A RUN-OVER RAJNEESHIE? 329 THERE ARE USUALLY SKID MARKS IN FRONT OF THE POSSUM. 330 @ @ @ WILLIE THE SKATE @ @ 331 !|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!| 332 I THINK ALL OF YOU VIOLENT AND INTOLERANT PEOPLE SHOULD BE TAKEN OUT AND SHOT! 333 !|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|___THE SILVER GHOST___!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!|!| 334 && && && 335 Milchar-- you were the Object of the booby trap, not the Subject. 336 && && && 337 The Poet looked around the valley in which he found himself. There was a structure in the distance, just barely 338 visible. In the other direction was a might mountain range. "Hmm," thought he, "I may be able to find some help or 339 advice near that building," and he began walking in that direction. Suddenly the building disappeared in a violent 340 burst of energy. "On the other hand, those mountains look mightily inviting." He turned and began double-timing 341 towards the tall, rocky horizon. 342 && The Mad Actor && 343 344 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 345 After thouroughly warming his mount's flying muscles the piper was warm 346 himself. (I hope the local grammarians don't spot that comma fault) 347 He packed his bedding back into his sporran and tightened his kilt straps 348 another notch. Peg was getting restless -- the massage had stimulated the 349 great flying muscles and she indicated her impatience to be going with many 350 nudges and nuzzles. The piper leaped to her back, just behind her front 351 shoulders, and locked his knees under the root of her wings. The mighty wings 352 were stretched out now, twenty feet to each side, the pegasus sweeping them 353 slowly through the air. Slowly, the pegasus increased her wing sweep; the 354 huge pinions brushing the ground at the downstroke, moving higher and higher on 355 the upstroke. Quivering with eagerness, the pegasus began to rear up with 356 each downstroke, actually moving the wings below her body, causing the piper 357 to grip her neck. She gave a ringing cry, dropped her front feet to the ground, 358 raised her wings high, then galloped and leaped off the pinnacle. For a long 359 moment, she held her wings high, picking up airspeed, then slowly extended them 360 into the passing air. Slowly, and with exquisite care, she transformed their 361 headlong fall into a controlled dive, then with a force that tried to push the 362 piper through her shoulders, she was in straight and level flight. 363 The flew high, and caught the heat of the morning sun. It burned the grey 364 haze of sleep from their minds and bodies, and the pegasus and her rider began 365 to frolic high in the morning sky. Caught up in their play, both were taken 366 unaware by the explosion below. 367 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 368 ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL: Though I never considered myself a true Sanyasin, 369 I certainly can't argue with having a healthy respect for irreverence. 370 The emphasis being on healthy. 371 372 But this is not a situation of healthy irreverence. This is a situation 373 of people making provocative statements during a very volatile situation. 374 They are bating for violence, and that is entirely different than 375 demonstrating healthy irrevence. 376 377 If the satires don't bother the Rajneeshis, then why are they carrying 378 automatic weopons? Would a true Sanyasin demonstrate such "healthy" 379 irreverence if he knew it might lead to increased hatred, bigotry, 380 and violence? If so, I take pride in being an unbeliever. 381 382 Mark 383 ========================================================================== 384 { ^+/* ---------------- ^+/* ---------------- */+^ ---------------- */+^ } 385 Laissssez ---I found the time and nature of your return, to the entry mode, 386 to be interesting. Yes, you are indeed confused. I've not been one of 387 those engaged in the ravings about the eastern Oregon spiritual commune. 388 It would seem that the newspapers, TV, radio, and numerous messages on 389 computers systems around town, have covered most of the considerations 390 both pro and con. A poor backwoods philosopher, such as myself, would 391 find little to add to such a weighty mass of utterings. Did you have 392 some more subtle intent that escaped me? If so speak up Lad. As if to 393 defy my previous statement, the following observation seems appropriate. 394 If someone had wished to devise a test of the laws of Oregon, as well as 395 the tolerance of the population, they would have been hard pressed to 396 create a more definitive situation than this one. A great deal has been 397 revealed. 398 399 All ---Backwater was not a place that I would have expected to see some of 400 the entries of the last few days. To paraphrase a famous writer, 401 Violence, or advocating violence, is the last refuge of the ignorant. 402 Certainly many people feel threatened by new ideas and especially new 403 social concepts. This tendency seems to be more prevalent in those who 404 have not had the opportunity to travel and experience other cultures 405 and ways of living. I submit that there are more appropriate responses, 406 to this fear, than advocating violence. 407 { ^+/* --------------- The Mesolithic Mathematician --------------- */+^ } 408 409 ;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;0-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;- 410 To those concerned about whether or not we treating the BVog whine and his followers with respect : Lest we all 411 forget, the good book warns of such people and their followers. I can't picture the good right hand of God or God 412 himself advocating the kind of behavior I have witnessed from these people. Their goal has been from the beginn8ing, 413 i believe,to take over a township by sheer numbers an expand from there. As we have all seen from the papers and TV 414 this is just what they are accomplishing. I believe that every naturalised or native born US citizen has a right to 415 speak his or her piece and do as they please, so long as it does not infringe upon the rights of others. By calling 416 all Oregonians bigots etc.... the demonstration is that they have no respect for anyone who isn't of their party or 417 belief. Unfortunately, this smacks of bigotry also. I would have been content to let sleeping dogs lay if it weren't 418 for their present apparent course. This has left the area of just buyilding a quiet little commune to taking over 419 a considerably large portion of the county that they are now established in. And to top it all off they purprot to 420 be a religous group. Ever hear the saying that politics and religion don't m ix? Well in this case i believe it. 421 The contoversy over voter registration in Wasco county is a prime example of what I am trying to illustrate. I guess 422 my over all feeling is that the guru and his peop,le should have stayed in the religion business and out of government. 423 Sigh! My soap box is getting rickety so I'll cl;imb down for now. Bye all. 424 ;;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-3-;-;-;-;fin 425 PS, THE "TERMINAL" I WAS USING DURING THAT ENTRY WAS AFU. CAN YOU TELL? 426 ;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;- 427 ...additional afterthought 428 Laissez-faire --- You appear to be searching for a shorter reference handle 429 to address the Mathematician. Feel free to use 'Mez'. Even though 430 Mesolithic does not contain a 'Z'it has the correct ring, when sounded. 431 { ^+/* --------------- The Mesolithic Mathematician --------------- */+^ } 432 433 steve says hello there in computerland 434 Hello there. This board is the most 435 original board I've ever seen. I like 436 the fiction even though it is a little 437 hard to follow with all the stuff 438 betwen instalments. From the looks of 439 it, this board has been around for som 440 e time now... I guess thats all I 441 have to say. Bye now! 442 -------------------------------------- 443 exit 444  445 1 446 `'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`' 447 Just as the alchemist emerged from the hatch a large, winged creature 448 flew across the face of the sun. As it passed close aboard the port side it 449 let out a squawk that gave him goose bumps over his entire body. Glancing 450 down, he suddenly realized that in his haste he had forgotten to put on any 451 clothes. There he stood naked, shivering in the cool morning mist. It wasn't 452 modesty but discomfort that sent him diving back down the hatch. Drawing a 453 blanket around his shoulders, he went over to the port porthole to see what 454 manner of bird inhabited these northern bays. Sailing across the mist, that 455 was rising off the water, it looked mysterious and somewhat prehistoric. 456 Its blue-gray body tapered gracefully to a white face and long pointed beak, 457 obviously designed for fishing. All this was punctuated by an intense yellow 458 eye that seemed to look right inside you. 459 The great bird swooped low over the water, nearing the shore it flared 460 its wings and landed, standing in the water on long stick-like legs. While 461 he dressed the practitioner continued to observe this amazing creature. Such 462 grace and beauty was truly a sight for the gods. Ah!, he suddenly recalled, 463 it's the legendary Great Blue Heron. The heron was now standing perfectly 464 still, knee deep in water, looking intently at the water's surface. It was 465 either admiring its own great beauty, reflected in the mirror surface, or it 466 was fishing for breakfast. As he was thinking this the heron reached down with 467 its long beak and plucked a small feather from its chest. It stretched its 468 long neck to the limit and carefully dropped the feather on the surface of 469 the water, then began peering intently at the feather. With a sudden flash a 470 fish broke the surface and grabbed the feather in its mouth. Just as quickly 471 the heron had the fish in its beak. A quick flick of the head lined up fish 472 and beak. A few gulps and the fish was transformed into instant breakfast. 473 He was amazed at what he had just seen. A bird that makes its own fishing 474 tackle. 475 "Ahoy Southwind" 476 "Ahoy Southwind" 477 Oh, that's right, someone had been calling from the beach. Looking out 478 the starboard porthole, he could just make out a shape under the trees. 479 Perhaps he was going to have company on the walk to the Inn. 480 `'`'`'`' -alchemist- `'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`' 481 <(::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::)> 482 All: I don't know whether other people have noticed this or not, but it 483 seems that in most of the violent statements about the Senyasin (sp?) 484 have been directed towards the people themselves rather than the people 485 you love to hate (Sheela and the big guy). It seems that all too often 486 the people in general of a disliked group are put on the chopping block 487 rather than the people that you >>know<< you dislike. Has anyone else 488 noticed this? 489 <(::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::)> 490 I DON'T KNOW WHO THE SENYASIN ARE, PLEASE EXPLAIN. PERHAPS A HERBAL BLEND TEA? 491 SIGNED, PROHA :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 492 A couple of points in response to some of the above entries: 493 1. I can't judge the Rajneeshies by their beliefs as I am not aware what those 494 beliefs are. I can judge SOME of the beliefs of their spokesmen (ie we are 495 all stupid, etc..). From the apparent lack of complaints by Rajneeshies about 496 the way their spokesmen carry on, I can make the quite reasonable assumption 497 that they agree. 498 2. I can also judge by their actions. The Automatic weapons (which showed up 499 BEFORE any major provocations), the attempts to stuff the ballot box (yyes, 500 I know they said that it was a coincidence that they quit shipping people 501 in when it would be too late to register them. Do YOU believe that? If so, 502 I have this real estate deal....), etc. 503 ___________________________________Leonard______________________________________ 504 ]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[ 505 After clearing out over 100 lines of just returns (sheez!) I finally have 506 time to type in a message. 507 MiG: 508 How is the board going? Got a number yet? 509 510 About the rajneeshie problem. Maybe we could start some nuclear testing in 511 the southern part of Oregon, right around antolope is a good place to start. 512 Maybe the russians wouldn't mide have a good accuracy test on the big line 513 of Rollsroices down there. NUKE THE SUCKERS! A couple napalms? Couple 514 M1 tanks rolling by could take a few shots. How about we aim a few CBMs 515 in that general direction and make it into a national land fill? 516 I know this can be taken a few ways, I don't feel this strongly 517 about the whole thing but I think they are getting too many advantages. 518 If you or I went out into our front yard and built a wooden shed for some 519 tools the state would be right there demanding a permit. If you didn't 520 have one you would have to tear down your construction. Why don't they 521 enforce the law in Antalope? We are finally getting on the ball when the 522 people in the courts do something they shouldn't have done. Like today they 523 moved the sight of the hearings closer to the Rasjneeshie home. Why? 524 No good reason, they are BagWons! Why can we let them get away with all 525 that? It's not all our fault but we must take a little blame for why they 526 are getting off scott-free. Personaly, I like all of the jokes that are 527 going around, they are funny. The views that Sheela has I don't agree with 528 one bit, how she can say them is over my head. It's like watching one 529 of thos Christian channels with the guy saying "Save GOD! Give MONEY, 530 TO ME!", it's just as bad. Well, my little soap box is in tough shape. 531 Bye. 532 NUKE EM !!! 533 ]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[Mark]-[]-[]-[Griff]-[]-[]-[ 534 **************************************************************************** 535 LEONARD: IT IS EVEN MORE OF A COINCIDENCE THAT THEY ARE NOW KICKING OUT 536 THOSE THAT WON'T TOW THE LINE. NOT TO MENTION THE DUPLICATE REGISTRATIONS 537 AND REGISTRATIONS OF DEAD PEOPLE THAT 'ACCIDENTALLY' WERE ATTEMPTED. 538 BUT WHO AM I TO PREJUDGE THEM? IT IS NOT THE RELIGION I AM AGAINST, NOR THE 539 INDIVIDUALS WITHIN THE GROUP (WITH A FEW EXCEPTIONS AS A RESULT OF EXPERIENCE 540 WITH THOSE INDIVIDUALS I.E. SHEELA ET AL) WHAT I DO OBJECT TO IS THE ACTIONS 541 OF THE GROUP AS A WHOLE VIOLATING OREGON LAWS, AND PERSONAL AND MORAL RIGHTS 542 OF THE RESIDENCES OF ANTILOPE. I AM NOT RESTRAINING THIS DISLIKE TOWARDS JUST 543 THEM, I FEEL THE SAME WAY WHEN A COMPANY, OR GOVERNMENT, OR AOME OTHER GROUP 544 OR INDIVIDUAL PERFORMS THE SAME ACT. AFTER GIVING IT MUCH THOUGHT, I DON'T 545 SEE THAT MY FEELINGS IN THIS FIT THE DEFINITION OF BIGOTRY, SINCE I DON'T 546 FEEL THAT MY REASONS FOR DISLIKE ARE UNJUSTIFIED. AS A RESULT, I REFUSE 547 TO ACCEPT THE LABEL OF BIGOT. 548 **************************************************************************** 549 P.S. BY THE WAY, WE HAVE TO DATE PAYED OUT $40,000.00 TO SEND HOME THE 550 STREET PEOPLE THAT THE RAJSHNEESHES HAVE DUMPED ON US AFTER DRAGGING THEM 551 HERE WITH PROMISES THAT THEY HAVE BROKEN. THANKS GUYS, AND YOU EXPECT 552 ME TO RESPECT YOUR ACTIONS? (BY THE WAY, ALMOST ALL OF THE MONEY HAS 553 COME FROM PRIVATE SOURCES SUCH AS THE SALVATION ARMY TO HELP THESE PEOPLE 554 GET HOME.) I AM NORMALY A VERY TOLERANT PERSON, BUT I DO HAVE MY LIMITS. 555 ***************************************************************************** 556 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 557 What's this?! After all that breast beating about anti-bigotry Mark now 558 is expounding the same line as the very people he was derating. What gives? 559 Joe 560 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 561 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 562 About the 'neeshies: I agree with what someone said up there (too many entries, can't remember the particluar one), 563 that about everything to be said about them has been. 564 TMA: So sorry, Shows what I get for entering things while asleep. Object, object, object... 565 ++++++++++++++++++ 566 "Come in.", a soft voice said behind the door. 567 Milchar opened the door slowly, and took in the view behind it. The door opened into a large room, perfectly formed 568 into a shape of a four-sided pyramid. At the crown of the ceiling was a strange rainbow-colored stone, at present 569 swirling its colors about erraticly. At the other three sides of the room, there were three other doors, each exactly 570 alike in appearance. The source of the voice was not apparent. 571 But it spoke again. "Ahhh, a Seeker. Wouldst thy like a token of your accomplishment?" 572 "I don't understand. What's a Seeker? What have I accomplished?", Milchar queried, shaking his head. 573 "A Seeker is one who looks for something. Are you not seeking answers, and other things?" 574 "Yes, Do you have the answers?" 575 "No. Your second question also has an answer: you accomplished a transition. Can you cast a spell now?" 576 Milchar concentrated, focused his will, and failed. Another try, another failure. "What...why...", he sputtered. 577 A necklace of fine Rubies shimmered into being around Milchar's neck. "This is your token. Ward it well. Also, your 578 spells... they are gone. Only one power still lies in your grasp, but you only know the tip of its abilities. 579 Farewell..." 580 The being was silent, or not present. Milchar sighed, another quest to follow. It seemed he followed a large train of 581 quests. Milchar was getting tired. 582 Abruptly, the necklace began to glow. A trail of crimson light flew from the centerstone in the necklace through the 583 door Milchar had come in, up and out of sight. "I suppose I follow that..." 584 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milchar ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 11:06 on 10/22/84 ++++++++++ 585 $#($!*$)_!*$!@*$_)!*$_+!*$_!@$_!@&_)%*&_^)+*!#+*^_!&%^_!)#&*_!@)*^_!#&^_)&^_!&^_!&^_!&^_@&^_@^&_@&_)#*^_#&^_@&*^_ 586 Don't give the bawgwan too much credit for original thinking. All the rajneeshies did in registering dead 587 people was copy a fine tradition made famous by the democrates and the Daily machine in Chicago many years 588 ago. Just ask Richard Nixon what he feels about the voting practices in the city that Mike Royko hails from. 589 For all the bad things you can say about the Rajneeshies, one thing you can't say about them is that they 590 are stupid. When you consider that a vast majority of the followers of the bawgwan are professional people soured 591 on the opacity of their lives, it is not hard to imagine how they have so far outsmarted and out maneuvered the 592 good people of Oregon. The 1001 Friends of Oregon has been able to do very little in their efforts to check the 593 expansion of Rajneesh Puram. Not until the big guns in Salem opened fire did Shiela and company start hitting snags. 594 If you stand back and clear your head of hate and bigotry, and look and see what they have accomplished in only 595 a couple years, albeit they have used every legal dirty trick in the book, it is actually quite remarkable. They 596 have used the media like no one since the afore mentioned President Nixon. They have dodged more bullets in 597 court than a 60 Minutes camera crew. And even when Bawg himself is "hauled" into court, he gets away with 598 calling his questioners "stupid". They have shown incredible gall, and an unbelievable amount of deceit to boot. And 599 yet not until very recently have they really been stopped in their tracks. A remarkable record if you ask me. How do 600 they do it? Again look at their makeup. Look who they have on their side. The same thing we have on our side. The 601 US constitution. A document written nearly 200 years ago. A document that should be burned according to Ma Prem 602 Sunshine. A document that has saved their collective behinds more times than one cares to admit. To quote Micheal 603 O'keefe in the movie "Night Shift"..."Ain't this country great!" 604 _$*$_)$*@$_)%*@_*%!_*%_!$)*%$_)@%*@$_)%* L'homme sans parity $*_$@*$@$_)*$@$_)*$_@)$*@$)_*@_$)%@$_*%_)@$*%_@$*%@5 605 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 606 If being at the top is cause for congratulations, then being at the bottom??? 607 Actually, it's not too bad. I don't need to be creative, as there is not 608 enough disk space to work up a good head of steam, and the chances of a 609 masterwork getting trashed near 100% 610 Actually, I think that whooz'erface from that generally despised joint may 611 have proved her point about "stuipid" and "bigot". She has at least 90% of 612 the vocal people demonstrating these traits in abundance. 613 It reminds me of the story of the red monkey. It seems that a group of 614 biologists painted a monkey red then returned it to its habitat. Why? Just 615 to see what happened. What happened, you ask? The other monkeys in the band 616 tore it to pieces. It seems that putting on a red costume elicits the same 617 response in the monkey's "more advanced" cousins. 618 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 619 Joe: I haven't changed my position at all, I think you must be confused. 620 La Homme: I think your last entry was the most well thought out, intelligent, 621 perceptive arguement you've ever made. You made a good arguement without 622 getting nasty. I am impressed. Mark 623 the people who enter messages on this disk(excluding me of course) seem to be a little lacking in thier minds. 624 625 occasionally you find a person or two who acually knows what they are talking about but generaally it is just 626 garbage!! 627 **************************************************************************************************************** 628 It seems to me that all of the persons who have written to berate the 629 Rajneeshees are prejudiced. And I HATE people like that! TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 629 .