1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ******************** INSTALLED: 12 NOV 84 ************************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION PLACED ON 6 THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 *********************************************************************: 21 L'homme: Added input; The problem with file control is your added 22 Random file control in crime. sub works fine on my basica on the H150 23 Once I take out the Random file control, Crime works on the Z150 too. 24 Other things. The minute you say COLOR in the Sanyo basic, it switches 25 to COLOR mode which is different then BW mode. Probably the simplest 26 thing to do is to ask if your color first thing, and if not disable 27 the color cmds. Problem: Sanyo basic requires that you give the value 28 in a locate instruction. (LOC ,,1 is not valid.) Also, the POS cmd does 29 not have a value tag. (I.E. 'POS' not 'POS(0)'. There are other minor 30 differences, but these are the main ones that prevent it from running. 31 Forget what I saidd about the IF's, that was a mistaken identity prob. 32 (The reason for the color problem on the Sanyo, is that the minute 33 you select color, it goes to white characters (green is normal) and when 34 the sanyo is in white, it causes a BW monitor to flash on and off. 35 REAL fun trying to read.) The other weird thing is the way you save a 36 protected file SAVE "filename",Q They use 'P' to generate a normal 37 file, and 'A' to generate an ascii file. Lord only knows why they decided 38 to use 'Q', since it does the same thing if you add the 'P' or nothing. 39 ************************* CISTOP MIKEY ********************************* 40 41 ################################################################ 42 The Innkeeper was shaken out of his stance at the door by the 43 shout from PAM to come join her in a Brandy. Grabing a bottle off 44 of the rack as he went by, he casually wandered over to PAM's table 45 at a sedate 50 miles per hour. Bowing over her hand, he exclaimed 46 "Welcome back! I was beginning to think you would never return! 47 I hope your stay will be long and enjoyable." Then filling her 48 glass and one for himself, he shouted, "A toast! To PAM! Adventurer 49 supreme!" 50 sitting down, he looked sheepishly at PAM. "Sorry, I guess I got a 51 bit carried away there, it is good to have you back though. Do you plan 52 to stay awhile?" 53 ####################### The Innkeeper ############################ 54 )_*@#_)*%@#_)*%_@)#*%+@#%+@#*%@#*%+@#(%@*#%*@%*@#%*@_%@_^&$%_&_)*^#$_*^_*^@*^_$&^)_#^_#)$^_#$)^*#$_)$&$%_)*#$_)^*#$_^* 55 Mikey : Maybe the best thing for me to do is come to USD and do the editing right on a Sanyo. That way I can see 56 immediate results for my changes. I don't see too many problems yet, except for implied parameters in the LOCATE statement. 57 Could be a bit of a hack to fix that. The other stuff sounds like simple statement changes. 58 Leonard : Let's go to a good theater. Make that either Clackamas (fer sher at the mall), or Rose Moyer. I don't care 59 really. Rose Moyer is closer, but Clack has more teeny boppers. We should try for opening night. More excitement, 60 more laughs, wilder crowd, etc. 61 Voyeur : See above, plus, your NET skills must be slipping. What kind of spy are you/joshua anyway? As your 'friend' 62 Petrov for some help. Sigh, I probably won't be able to see him hanging around anymore either. Life is so unfair! 63 *_#)*_)@%_)*%_)^&$%_)&*$%_)*^#$_)^* L'homme sans Parity %*_@#)%*@_#)%*_)*%_%+!%_@#)*%@_#)*%_@)*%@_#%_@#%_@)*%@_#*%_@%@# 64 ********************************************************** 65 GEE GOLLY WHISS. ISN'T TODAY THE 12TH? WHAT HAPPENED TO 66 ALL THAT GOOD READING MATERIAL THAT WAS ON THE ORIG 67 10TH DISK? JUST CURIOUS ACTUALLY, MAYBE (MICKY?) FORGOT 68 TO CHANGE DATE? WHO KNOWS, WHO CARES?, THE ANSWER TO THIS 69 AND MUCH MORE.... 70 ****************************kathy************************** 71 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 72 The vastness and glittering chill of the Diamond Valley were becoming more 73 oppressive. As we faced the obdurate machine and I considered the web of 74 forces opposing us I realized that we were a naive and hopelessly ideal- 75 istic band in a world of clever, ruthless, and hostile beings. It occurred 76 to me that even if we solved the puzzle, it could be a trap. Indeed, we 77 had no idea what to do even if we completed the necklace. What if the power 78 it generated was not on our side? Earlier I had told Friar Mossback that 79 we were in a real-life version of Bambi Meets Godzilla. 80 "Be serene. We will be fine." 81 "We will be steamrollered." 82 "You think too much of other forces, of this machine. Our minds are strong. 83 "Theirs are stronger." 84 "We cannot be resisted." 85 "They'll squush us like bugs." 86 Friar Mossback was highly amused by this interchange and remained calm and 87 alert. He was actively looking forward to a bout with the machine. 88 So I was startled when he slumped to the glassy ground and lay without stir- 89 ring. Piper and I rushed to him--there was no sign of life, his color was 90 drained, the face still serene. The one who had no fear had met the fate we 91 all feared. The Piper, having no instrument, hummed a dirge and we con- 92 sidered magical ways of reviving or preserving the body. Many suggestions, 93 all dangerous. So we wait and struggle with the code. 94 L'homme claims to have broken it, but won't divulge it so I suspect this is 95 merely bravado. A dreary time in a bleak land. 96 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Lila UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 97 IMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM; 98 : : 99 : : 100 : : 101 : : 102 HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM< 103 *************************************************************************** 104 har har Yuk Yuk, squished like bugs!! I like that! 105 The stuff from the other disk can be 106 read(at least untill this disk is 107 swaped)by typing "db" at the promt. 108 -------------------------------Mad Max 109 <+|+> {109} 11130918 110 111 <(:========================================================:)> 112 George: Give me a call or leave me a message. Haven't been able 113 to get ahold of anybody. I called you at work but the new 114 receptionist said she had never heard of you. Tried to get 115 ahold of Carrol, Mike and Bob but can't track them down either. 116 I'm going to try to locate John now but I'm getting discouraged. 117 I think your story about the guys in suits is a bit far 118 fetched. I want to go with you guys on your next trip and try 119 out whatever you've been smokin'. Get a message to me as soon 120 as you can. While your at it, get that receptionist 121 straightened out. 122 Bill 123 <(:=====================================================:)> 124 125 126 %%%%%%%%%%WELL THERE SEEMS TO BE SEVERAL LINES MISSING ----- LIKE 118,119 127 IN THE MESSAGE ABOVE ---- AND LINES 128,167 --- ARE THEY LOST ? 128 I AM A NEW USER AND I AM NOT FAMILER WITH WITH THIS SYSTEMM ####WILL########## 129 Is the next PorSci meeting this saturday? 130 131 Hmm, looks like someone ate part of the last message. Well, anyway, for those 132 of you who don't know, Rome going down next Monday. It might be moving some- 133 where else, but who knows. Anyway, for the interesting part, I'm thinking of 134 writing my own board that is like BWMS except that it would have a password 135 system (no endorsement, though) and there would be dividers between messages 136 saying who wrote it and when. Do you people think that that would be a good 137 idea, or do you think that we don't need another Backwater-type board. I would 138 appreciate input from BWMS patrons. Thanks. 139 <(::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Walrus:)> 140 [=---------------------------------------------------------------=] 141 Walrus - Another BWMS sounds like a good idea. I'm asuming that 142 it would take the place of rome? Still in L.O. I do think 143 it would be nice but there will still be your local yokols 144 (jerks) that would call and try to crash it or just write 145 their usual bad things. But with the password system and 146 the time and who wrote the message you wouldn't have any 147 problem with obscene language. (sorry, thinking to myself) 148 That does sound good. 149 What would be the name of it? Any ideas? 150 151 [=----------------------------Red-Fox----------------------------=] 152 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 153 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~From Billy The Kid~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 154 Does anyone out there know of any AE lines here in Portland? it would be nice... 155 also, is there any other boards around here?? I just came to oregon about two 156 months ago from Hawaii, so if anyone could give me any numbers, it would be 157 great,. Thanks..... 158 159 Billy The Kid 160 161 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 162 L'homme: Rose Moyer sounds good. By the way, while you may have deciphered 163 that inscription, you still flunked cCryptography 1.01. NONE of the NET ciphers 164 have been "simple substitution ciphers"! They have all been poly-alphabetic 165 ciphers. (A variant form of Beaufort cipher, I believe?) 166 I tried all 26 alpha shift ciphers on the inscription with no luck. Any hints? 167 Alex-- HELP! 168 ________________________________Leonard________________________________________ 169 ::::::::::::::O O:::::::::::11/13:::::::::::::::18:47:::::::::O O::::::::: 170 Leonard: glad to see someone else is having difficulties with that 171 'simple shift' cipher. I tried all the NET codes I know, plus all 26 shifts, 172 plus a few other odds & ends. I think L'homme is BSing us, although I 173 have no doubt about Alex's abilities. 174 All: I do believe I detect an interesting Capricorn 1 (Robert Walden [Joe Rossi]) 175 type story developing between George & Bill. Somewhat more subtle than 176 the usual story. Of course, if I'm wrong, then there seems to be something 177 even more interesting going on. 178 ::::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::::::::voyeur::::::::::::::::O O::::::::::: 179 P.S. yes, PorSFiS is this Saturday. 2 PM, Multnomah County Library downtown. 180 *************************************************************: 181 It appears that someone out there is intent on destroying others 182 messages, so I guess it is back to enter only again. Sorry, 183 it is such a shame that the immature actions of a few have 184 to hurt the whole. 185 I replaced my own, (Innkeeper), but I'm afraid the others are lost. 186 If you downloaded it, I suggest you do so again. (Such as the entry 187 by Tarn who seems to have had the misfortune of having his message 188 deleted twice. Sorry, for the inconvenience, at least enter only will 189 prevent any further wholesale destruction. (I wonder who dislikes 190 Tarn to the point of destroying his message twice?!) What have you 191 done to deserve that Tarn? Got somebody mad on another BBS? 192 ************************ CISTOP MIKEY ********************************** 193 P.S. L'homme: I thought you were going to call today? 194 195 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 196 Those of you working on cipher, you're trying too hard. 197 Alex; it was not meant to really warp the minds of those solving it- just twist a little. As you can see from the 198 other messages, it has succeeded. If you want a REAL challenge for you cryptoanalysists out there, I can oblige, just 199 say the word. 200 L'homme; I can't thank you enough for that printout, I'm working on the computer end and Mike is working on the disk 201 drive end. I'm glad to help, just come by again. Oh, got a whole slew of info on financial aid for colleges today, 202 even an application for state colleges... I'm drowning in a sea of paper. 203 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 204 I had found my way cautiously to the Keystone, entered, then exited the room toward the Sapphire Valley side. A short 205 walk to my door... but what is this? A glow from inside? I entered to investigate. 206 Milchar's body was lying on the bed as it was before, but an unearthly glow emanated from it now- the light that 207 resulted from a clash of energy deep within him. I stepped back, not knowing what to do. The argentium I was holding, 208 however, did know. 209 The bit of rock I had carried here flew through the air, landing quite near Milchar's head. Another glow, silvery in 210 color, began to grow and envelop him. The auras about him clashed for a moment... the dampening field was clearly 211 visible now, a sphere of maroon color being attacked by the silver. Abruptly, the field began to fill with a strange 212 white "substance", filling it entirely. The argent aura smote at the bubble, and the white stuff surely pressed from 213 within- for the bubble burst, showering the room with a brilliant display of color as it faded into non-existance. 214 Odd... the argentium was gone too. Oh, and Milchar was waking up. 215 ++++++++++++++++++++ 216 One last thought- I have heard apologies from the management of Z100 all evening now, about something that the morning 217 zoo had said this morning. Anyone know what it was, or why it was so offensive? I find it hard to believe. 218 ++++++++++++ Milchar & Novar ++++++++++++++++++++++ 10:46 on 11/13/84 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 219 If you find out, let me know also... 220 ------------------------------------MM 221 ######################################################################## 222 e Innkeeper was busy cleaning some tables in the Inn, When he heard a 223 Screeching painful roar from outside the Inn. Followed immediately by a 224 screem of great pain from his horse. Rushing outside, he found his poor 225 steed laying on the ground with a gapping slash extending from the front 226 shoulder to the rear haunch. Nearby stood a giant leaf eater casually 227 munching on a pile of newly fallen leaves, blood still dripping from his 228 claws.The Innkeeper was quit shaken by this unexpected attack on his 229 faithful mount, but dutifully did what he must to insure the survival and 230 hopeful restoration of the poor beast. "Don't worry ol' fellow, we'll get 231 you fixed up as good as new in no time." Why did this have to happen now? I 232 barely got him broken in, and already he is being attacked by monsterous 233 beasts. I know the doc can fix him up so that no one will even know he had 234 been hurt, but I will know, and so will my faithful steed, And what am I 235 todo while he's healing? Arghhhh! Why me??!! 236 ######################## The Innkeeper ################################## 237 HELP 238 enter 239 *********************************************************************** 240 241 Ontho has slowed the disk for observation speed, as they approach the 242 island. Leo looks down skeptically, "how are we going to find anything 243 in this desolate place?" as she speaks a red flash is seen on the ground 244 about 3 miles away. Ontho zooms in to take a look. A large crevasse is 245 opening in the barren wasteland. Steam rises and molten lava seems to 246 be moving deep in the crack. A vehicle can be seen speeding away for the 247 flash site. Ontho moves the disk in closer to the racing object. 248 Leo raises the trident and shouts " Stop or be destroyed!" the small 249 craft doesn't slow one bit, but rather makes a futile attempt to escape. 250 It burries itself into the tundra so that about 95% is covered (kind of 251 like an ostridge) "Pow Pow" Ontho buzzes which in any language means 252 "let em have it!" Leo raises the trident and her head and chants " Nuptune 253 awake, Nuptune awake". A strange light leaps from the trident and plunges 254 into the earth near where the vehicle is buried. The ground around the 255 vehicle vaporizes and leaves in int he open and quite intact. "Set it down 256 Ontho, they won't we going anywhere" Ontho hovers the disk about 2 feet 257 off the ground and Leo steps off, trident in one hand (pistol in the other 258 remember plan b...) and walks towards the craft. It is not unlike the 259 disks they have grown acustomed to, but this seemed like an older model 260 with a protective cover. Which makes a lot more sense in this climate. 261 ************************kathy************************************************* 262 Kathy, you did not answer my request for information. Are you a solo, or 263 would you like some partners? 264 *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* 265 Mikey - People should be shot for such actions. Or at least have pins 266 3-21 hooked directly to 240V ac. 267 268 *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* 269 270 It was peaceful. My mind worked at getting my body up again. I realised 271 that I had no body, and no real physical sensation. An odd feeling for a 272 person not used to having O.B.E.s, but not unpleasant. I could here 273 the soft chorus of birds singing in the background. Well, mot hear exactly, 274 but more feel. I wonder what has happened to my companions. "Do not worry, 275 they are safe." A voice, very kind, came into my consciousness. "That is 276 well.", I thought back. "Can you read all my thoughts, or is there something 277 I need to do." 278 "I can read all of your thoughts, but I try to not invade your soul to that 279 extent.", said the voice. 280 "May I ask who you are ?" 281 "You know me as " 282 "As who ?, I missed that." 283 "A label is not important. It is merely a superficial device. It is 284 sufficient that you know me now." 285 "Am I dead, are you God ?" 286 "No, and yes. But then, are you not also God ?" 287 "I am merely a humble Friar." 288 "You are one of the supreme beings of all creation." 289 "I do not understand." 290 "Nor do I, but truth does not need understanding, it merely is." 291 "Can I go back and help my friends ?" 292 "If you go back to help your friends, you will prevent them from finding their 293 own truths. That would not be helping them." 294 "I do understand." I thought a little longer. "If I am a supreme being, are 295 you above that ?" 296 "No," said the voice, "I have merely been enlightened about the truth. I do 297 not even pretend to understand all that I know, I merely know it." 298 "Do you know the purpose of the necklace ?" 299 "No, and yes, again. I know the answer to your question, I just have not 300 discovered that I know it. You have the same knowing, as do all of your 301 friends. Truth is not created, it is." 302 "May I watch the progress of my friends ?" 303 "Answer that for yourself." 304 "I know the truth, and that is the reason for the necklace, and the power 305 behind it, is Truth." 306 "That is true also." 307 I decided to watch my friends, and held an image of the last place I saw them 308 in my mind. I watched the puzzled looks of some, and smug complacency of 309 others. I saw the coming change in reality, and wanted to warn them, but 310 I saw also that they would not learn truth if they were warned. I asked the 311 voice, "Are you seeing this, do you know what is about to occur ?" 312 "Even as you do." 313 We waited. 314 315 Friar Mossback (Just the body is gone.) 316 *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* 317 Sorry about the typing and misspelling. A thousand curses on the twits who 318 caused enter only. 319 *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* 320 321 ^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^ 322 Mez - I would be curious to hear your analysis of the election landslide, 323 (Although I am not sure it was a real Landslide in other than Electoral 324 votes) and the subsequent events surrounding Nicaragua. 325 326 ^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$ laissez-faire $^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^$^ 327 328 <(:=======================================================:)> 329 Opus: George still seems to be missing and I'm still trying to 330 track him down. You said you had a similar experience. It 331 occured to me that perhaps you might have some clue as to what 332 happened to him. I'd appreciate any insight into this mystery 333 you might have. 334 335 I tried to contact you through Portland Atari but am not a 336 member so couldn' leave a message. Is it a mere coincidence 337 that you use the same line length as La homme Sans Parity? 338 339 Bill Broonzy 340 <(:===================================================:)> 341 342 <<:****************************************************:>> 343 It's an open adventure. Have at it if you will. Grand D. 344 <<:****************************************************:>> 345 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 346 CRYPTOGRAPHY 95 347 Lesson 1. 348 Within the word based alphabetic family of codes there are but two 349 alternatives to encipherment. One is monoalphabetic the other polyalphabetic. 350 Given these two possible solutions, the type of method used can easily be 351 determined by a frequency count of the letters. If the frequency of occurance 352 is spread evenly across the 26 possible characters then the method will 353 probably be polyalphabetic. The converse will be true in the case of 354 monoalphabetism. 355 On examination of this particular code we find a sharp pattern 356 develop. ( I will leave it to you to do the actual analysis ). 357 In the english language the frequency of the letters are as follows; 358 Letter % ! Letter % 359 E 13 ! T 9 360 N 8 ! R 7 361 O 7 ! A 7 362 I 7 ! S 6 363 D 4 ! L 3 364 The frequency of the remainder would not be of statistical value 365 given this small a sampling. An error of +\- 3% is not uncommon. 366 If the ciphertext conforms to the normal distribution of letters in the 367 english language then we are dealing with an arrangement problem. If not then 368 the alphabet has been shifted or scrambled in addition to being misarranged. 369 Now that you have completed the analysis, the next phase is to factor 370 the number of characters. This is done to provide the boundaries of the code. 371 ( Again both letter count & factoring is left to you ). 372 The next phase, is the grouping of the code a factor of its length ? 373 That may or may not be significant. Assuming that it is ( at least initially ) 374 what are the possible combinations using the grouping length as the basis ? 375 ( ie. halfing or doubling it ). Are these also factors of the total letter 376 count ?. Using the various factor combinations whose product equals the letter 377 count I leave it to you to solve the cipher. As Brown Corpus says 378 " Remember the Matrix " 379 380 Milch, 381 I am always up for a good cipher, provided its not a one-off pad, 382 Army tranpostition ( whose solution depends soley on volume ), DES or RSA 383 public key. Keep it within the scope of an amateur... 384 385 DJJ- Did you recently change from a FSLIC to a FDIC ? 386 387 Leonard, 388 The man who first used polyalphabetics was Leon Alberti in 1465 but 389 it was Blaise de Vigenere that popularized its use in the 15 century. 390 Beaufort developed a variation in 1857 which is virtually the inverse 391 function of the original cipher used by Alberti thus the Beaufort variant. 392 He was the same man that brought us the Beaufort scale of wind for the sea. 393 394 ::::::::::::Alex:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 395 396 off 397 398 ma 76 399 Alex: Unfortunately, the NET's Cryptography department was hard hit by a 400 disk crash. Thus, we are re-writing our "tools". Even though you use a 401 different machine, I'd LOVE to have copies of YOUR programs. 402 Ian MacHinery 403 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 404 405 406 407 408 ........................................................................... 409 . . 410 . This takes getting used to, but it's actually easier than it looks . 411 . Now if only Quasimoto would quit telling me about the right . 412 . parameter ---> (beep,beep) . 413 .......................................... Michael Sondargaard ............ 414 415 416 417 BEEP? 418 419 420 IF YOU SAY SO... 421 HI ALL YOU NEATGUYS AND YOU ARE NEATGUYS AREN'T YOU??? 422 GOOD...BECAUSE I LIKE NEATGUYS THAT ARE NEATGUYS...SO 423 IF YOU ARE A NEATGUY THEN YOU GOTTA BE A REAL NEATGUY 424 SO SEE ALL YOU NEATGUYS LATER...... 425 ** THE NEATGUY ** 426 ** OF NEATGUYS ** 427 428 ########################################################### 429 The Innkeeper went from one place to another trying to find 430 someone who could heal his horse properly. Either they 431 were indifferent, or they could not do it. Finally, he settled 432 on a mending place in the middle of the nearby village 433 called "the gentlemen", as they at least seemed to treat him 434 and his poor steed with some measure of respect and goodwill. 435 They indicated that surgery would begin next week, and take 436 all week for full recovery. In the mean time, the Innkeeper 437 must satisfy his travel needs with a rent-a-pony substitute. 438 Sigh, I hope it doesn't take too long. It just isn't the 439 same without him. Get well soon beloved friend. 440 ####################### The Innkeeper ###################### 441 BILL, 442 NO COINCIDENCE,I just uuse 38 because the collr tv im using has a slight 443 overscan that 38 coloms takes care of. 444 t 445 To get on the pac just set up a password no membership is neede. 446 As for your friend George my expirence was slightly diff. i only observed 447 the men from a distence, they kept enter and leaving an area of the woods 448 that was completly blocked from veiw. I have no idea what could have happene 449 to george other than maybe he and his friends got taken away. All i have 450 to say is continu to try to contact him. you may find out something very 451 interesting. 452 Please reply on the pac i very rarely look at this system. 453 opus 454 off 455 exit 456 I think it was control C. 457 maybe? 458 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 459 Ahhh, back to 80 columns. L'homme, If you're interested I have a term 460 program for the 64 that supports 40/80 columns and is meant to be as 461 close to a DEC terminal as possible. I even have docs for it, if you 462 can believe that. The only reason I don't use it regularly is because 463 it doesn't support autodial. 464 Alex; Quite good, and complete. The beginning stages you outlined I used 465 for the NET code, and it worked quite nicely. However, you left out a 466 major factor in the solving of a good many codes: good luck. It helps 467 more than you might think. I shall see if I can whip up a code of 468 the appropriate difficulty for you. Nothing too hard, eh? O.K. 469 All else; waiting for more people to solve the code. Alex for sure has, 470 and I feel L'homme gained a good many clues from his visit to my abode to 471 solve it. Read Alex's lesson above closely, he comes very close to doing 472 it all himself. I shall check in again about tomorrow morning, if possible. 473 ++++++++++++++++++++++ Milchar 07:20 on 11/14/84 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 474 TO:JASON H. 475 SUB:YOUR ENTERIES. 476 FROM:THE NEATGUY. 477 Stop those stupid enteries about the neatguys ok. 478 ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<*****>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 479 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 480 Can anyone tell me if there is a way to 481 set a TRS M-100 to recognize an 'ENTER' 482 as a carriage return and a line feed? 483 Hopefully as an option rather then in 484 software. 485 Thanks, 486 Samarai Cat 487 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 488 :::::::::::::O O::::::::::11/14::::::::::::21:00::::::::O O:::::::::::: 489 Funny (not really) how sometimes we can have several days of intelligent 490 entries, then suddenly be inudated with twits. 491 Mikey: I take it that your still-(relatively)-new car has suffered another 492 mishap? They are everywhere, aren't they? - on the road, on the boards... 493 Banzaiists: as an alternative, there is Saturday after PorSFiS when we are 494 all together anyway. 495 Alex: that primer on cryptanalysis looks good. My dealings with the subject 496 (on the DEciphering end) has usually been the trial & error (mostly error) 497 method. Guess I'll have to try the organized, methodical aproach. 498 Neutron Risk? That sounds like it has some rather interesting possibilities. 499 Destroy the armies but leave the country accessible. So much for cutting 500 Australia off by nuking Siam. Like to try it one of these days. 501 ::::::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::voyeur:::::::::::::O O::::::::::::::::::: 502 Alex: OEDIH KRTOO SLHUT OOEST IOOSM OKBOE VEVSQ 503 L'homme, voyeur, G. Minsky, et al: there is going to be a possible "freebie" 504 at Vancouver Mall 5 pm friday. Wear costume (You've been to con's so you know 505 what I mean) 506 Samurai Cat: Please Elucidate. I own a M100 and may be able to help. But I 507 need to know more about what you are trying to do. In TEXT, the "end-of-line" 508 marker IS a CR/LF pair. If you try to transfer the file with TELCOM, the LFs 509 get stripped off. For DIRECT hook-ups (thru the RS232) you can SaAVE:COM:xxxxx 510 (where xxxxx is the proper com setting) & the LFs WILL be sent. 511 ______________________________________Leonard___________________________________ 512 )_*$#_)$*#)_*$!_)*$!)_*$_!%_*@%_)*#$_)^*$_^*)_*^_!$)*^#_$*^_#$)*^_$#^*^)_#*^#^_$%&^%_*&_$%*#_*^$_%*&$_*&#$%)_&*$)_&*$#_ 513 Voyeur : I would like an apology from you. BS indeed! I have better things to do than fool the likes of this bunch. I 514 was out at Milch's place, and he gave me a hint or two. As soon as I say the puzzle, I knew pretty much how to go 515 about it. I made one slight mistake, by forgetting to take into account the ending fill. The last word was slightly 516 garbaged, but Leonard set me straight. So there! 517 Milch : Glad the listing helped. If you ever need another listing, let me know. I have your magazines all copied, and 518 I should be returning them to you someday... I have VERY bad news on the fill routine. I can't use it. After 'unlimited' 519 memory on big machines like the VAX at school, and then 'lots-o-mem- machines like the IBM PC with 640k, I forgot that 520 there must be a limit to the stack a program can use with recursion. Consider my fill routine written in C. Every time 521 it is called, 15 bytes are added to the stack. Each point that is to be plotted requires one call, since it is a 522 variation of a flood fill. Now let's say I have 10,000 pixels to fill in. That's only 31.25% of the screen. That means I would 523 neet at the maximum point I would need 150000 bytes of memory for the recursion stack alone. Now even with 52k available 524 after switching out BASIC roms, no way jose'. On the C64, when the stack overflowed into the program, it returned 525 to BASIC. To test my overflow theory further, I duplicated the program on the TRS80 Alcor C, which, of course, has 526 built in SETPOINT(x,y) and TESTPOINT(x,y). With everything else the same, and with a 13k stack, I could only fill about 527 3/4ths of the screen. What does all this mean? More 6502. You may be getting a call in the near future. Too bad we can't 528 work out a double purpose visit this Saturday(help me out after PorSFiS). 529 Alex : Are you still interested in the Apple Books? 530 Leonard : As I said before, perhaps my choice of 'simple' was in error, but its intended meaning was not. Our codes, at 531 least until the last one, were simple, polyalphabetic or not. 532 Mikey : So sorry! I hope you don't think I normally conduct business this way. I have an excuse of sorts. What would you 533 think of a professor who had an assignment due at 5:15pm that utilized certain libraries that existed on a computer, but 534 only under his catalog which was protected from ALL students? I had to run around most of the afternoon trying to find 535 someone who was a 'super user' who could get in. It turns out he admitted his mistake, and extended the due date. But in 536 all my running around, I neglected to find time to phone. I will call FOR SURE Thursday. Thanks for waiting... 537 All BWMSers : I humbly submit a proposal that anyone wishing to go along to the premier (Portland at least), of B. Banzi, 538 would certainly be welcome. We are shooting for sometime Friday night, at a theater yet to be determined(We'll know for 539 sure by Thursday afternoon). If you are interested, let us know here. I think it will be fun. 540 *!%_)*@)_*%#@_)%*_)!#*%_!)*%_!)*% L'homme sans Parity *@#)_*_)*%_)*_)*!_%)*_)*%@_)*%++@%+*%*%!@)*%_)*%!_)*%_)!@*% 541 PS please excure typos (say/saw etc.) Also, did anyone out there catch St. Elsewhere tonight? 542 543 )8)()()(+()()()()()()()))((((()()((((() 544 sorry about the excess blank lines - tried to delete the but was given a messagethat it wasn't allowed .... what gives? 545 ??????? 546 547 <(:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::)> 548 RedFox: Well, no, I haven't decided on the name yet. Do you have any sug- 549 gestions? I'd like to have something descriptive. (That's probably hard for 550 you since you haven't seen it). And also, I think there are jerks everywhere 551 but hopefully the simple design of it will bore them and they'll go away. 552 553 Milchar & Novar: This is about fourth-hand information, but I heard that it had 554 something to do with the inventor of the bra...don't ask me more, I don't know. 555 All: It seem that whenever I ask a question, the next person on answers and I 556 never get any more input than that. Are you all indifferent? Leonard? Mil- 557 char? Voyeur? L'homme? Mikey? Anybody?? (In case you have no idea what I'm 558 talking about, check out my message...oh, somewhere in the late hundreds on 559 this drive) 560 <(:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Walrus:)> 561 ************************************************************ 562 TOO CLOSE TO THE END OF THIS DISK TO MAKE AN ENTRY, AN 563 ANSWER TO A QUESTION, HOWEVER IS IN ORDER... I AM WILLING 564 TO TAKE PARTNERS IN THE WRITING AND DESIGN OF A NEW COMIC 565 BOOK OR SIMILAR **PAID** PUBLICATION. I HAVE NO EXPERIENCE 566 AND NEED HELP WITH ORGANIZING MY IDEA'S AND GETTING IMPUT 567 FROM OTHERS. IN A WAY I HAVE USED EVERYTHIIING PEOPLE HAVE 568 SAID ABOUT MY ENTRIES TO HELP THE CHARITOR GROW, BUT I THINK 569 I WANT CONTROL OVER HER FATE. (HEEHH HEEHH) *THAT IS EVIL 570 LAUGHING FOR THOSE WHO ARE CURIOUS* 571 ILL BE AT THE MEETING ON SATURDAY AT THE LIBRARY AND WILL BE 572 AVAILABLE FOR CRITISIM OR WHATEVER.. *BE WARNED I'M BRING TWO 573 BODYGUARDS!!* 574 ILL SIGN IN AGAIN ON MONDAY NIGHT, (I HAVE SOME VACATION COMING) 575 ALSO ILL SIGN IN TONIGHT ABOUT 5:30 AM TO CHECK ANY RESPONSE TO 576 THIS. (WHICH I DOUBT THERE WILL BE) 577 NOTE: AM I BEING RUDE TO ASK FOR LESS B.S AND MORE WRITING? 578 ****************************kathy*************************12:40 am** 579 Yes, you are Kathy. Motilah Nehru, good bye all. Sleep end unknow try again ! 580 581 582 ............ This is... The BOTTOM LINE. 583 584 TRY 'TOP' 585 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 586 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 587 Wretched modems, one of thease days all of my equipment will work at one time. 588 Then I will probably die from heart failure. 589 Code freaks, now that I am running 128K bank switched on a 7.12 MHZ Z-80 with 590 the full 32K implementation microsoft basic, I need some simple code o to start 591 work on. Be kind... 592 Anybody have a small(9-14'') colour TV set for sale? 593 Gregory:About time you got here, give me a ring sometime. 594 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  ?/MiG/? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 594 .