1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 ******************* INSTALLED: 26 NOV 84 ******************************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************************* 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 11 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 12 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 13 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 14 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 15 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 16 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 17 ************************************************************ 18 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 19 I BELIEVE THE COMMENT IS "AT THE TOP!" 20 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 21 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""POOH BEAR"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 22 23 24 "#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#" 25 SAMMY TWIT WAS HERE!!! 26 2#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#"#" 27 WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL THE MESSAGES. HAS THE SYSTEM BEEN PURGED? 28 && && && 29 It does look that way... 30 MiG: does he drive worse than I do? At least I've never run anyone over... 31 (I think.) 32 && && && 33 The Poet was having trouble hanging on to his perceptions. Things started out in three dimensions, alright, but 34 what appeared to be natural lines rapidly shifted before his eyes into crystalline fractal shapes extending off 35 into the n-dimensional spaces of this reality. Perhaps extending into realities beyond. Strange, he thought, it 36 usually takes at least half an evening's drinking before things look like this... A buzzing grew insistently in his 37 ears, rising to an agonizing level as he raised his gaze to the sky and saw slicing through the unseen spaces... 38 "The golden Eagle!" The words exploded from him, startling his companions (whose attention was somewhere else 39 entirely). They were less startled, but more disturbed, when he then stiffened and keeled over onto the Piper. 40 && The Mad Actor && 41 <+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+> 42 Dear MIG: 43 According to her last entery, Kathy also asked for some hints on 44 ZORK. 45 ASP. 46 <+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+> 47 GOODNESS! Drive B only has 461 lines on it, and it's already been demoted. 48 I guess Mikey must be planning on being OUT for a while? 49 _innocent bysitter_ 50 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 51 I have come across a rather bizarre catalog. It's for the SOF EXCHANGE. 52 Among the knives, guns, camo fatigues, etc they have slogan T-shirts. 53 A list follows: 54 Peace through Superior Firepower 55 Death Rides a Pale Horse 56 Special Forces - Living by chance, Loving by choice, Killing by profession 57 Marines - Let me win your hearts and minds or I'll burn your damn huts down 58 Participant Southeast Asia Wargames - 2nd place 59 Visit Lebanon, Help a Syrian meet Allah 60 (backed with: "Hey, we just stepped in some Shiite.") 61 Grenada: When you care enough to send the very best 62 Communism is CONTRA-Banned 63 C.A.T.T. - Central America Training Team 64 65 (Pity, they don't have my all-time favorite: Kill 'em all, let God sort 66 'em out) 67 Ian MacHinery 68 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 69 ::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::11/26::::::::::20:41::::::::::::O O:::::::::: 70 Ian: bring that along to PorSFiS Saturday (Yes boys & girls, it happens 71 again this Saturday at the Mult. Cnty. Library at 2 PM); I'd like to 72 take a look at it. Some of those T-shirts tickle my fancy (I won't say 73 which ones, I'm not in the mood to defend myself against hordes of angry 74 whatevers here). 75 And if you happen to have any extra archive disks by then......? 76 And by the way - are you related to Francis X. MacHinery? Your position 77 as head of the Network and his as hereditary head of the FBI are somewhat 78 similar. (name that 'tune'...) 79 Given the presence of a certain party, do you suppose it would be a good 80 time to pick up on our McKane story again? (Where it left off, of course..) 81 babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble babble 82 oooops! I mean 83 :::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::::::::voyeur:::::::::::::::O O:::::::::::::: 84 Voyeur: I have on good authority that Ian's branch of the family was 85 disowned by Francis's branch (something about selling the Jupiter Bridge..) 86 As for archive disks, I should have 2 - 3 boxes of them back by Sat. 87 (& yes, I'm sure Mr. MacHinery will bring the catalog) 88 L'homme: As for archive disks, for any sessions after the current one, 89 could you put files FOUR (4) to a disk? And in *ORDER*? 90 _____________________________Leonard_______________________________________ 91 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 92 So there we were levitated above the floor of the citadel by a glorious 93 ring of light. This is the feeling I h ad always associated with the 94 phrase "gyre and gimble in the wabe." Except that we were wafting over a 95 sea of little rotund creatures who, no longer lulled by the music, were 96 baring their cute little fangs. Milchar scouted out possible exits through 97 time, space, and whatever other dimensions he commands. 98 (pause for switch to present tense.) 99 Suddenly the tide of globuloids is galvanized into quivering attention. A 100 large unhappy creature strides into the hall with a retinue of wide-eyed 101 smurfs. They fear him. He despises them. The more they try to please 102 him, the more he holds them in contempt. The Blue Demon is bored with his 103 conquest of this cuddly horde and if there were an easy way to do it, he 104 would casually annihilate them. This is sad, but we have our own problems 105 to consider. 106 Blue Demon has seen us. He smiles. Company, at last. A challenge. Fresh 107 meat. He seats himself in a lush chair and smugly awaits the dissipation 108 of our spell. We swim about helplessly as Milchar thumbs through his spell 109 collection muttering, 2here is pellxszfaalert189:0phgtirirowpw@ 110 111 muttering "where is spell alert when youneed him? 112 (This is not a code) 113 We dropped to the ground at Blue Demon's feet just as Milchar yelled, 114 "Of course, of course, we knew it all along!" 115 "Thank you, my little pilgrims, for collecting all the parts of the neck- 116 lace for me," simpered Blue Demon and put his huge hand around 117 Milchar's neck." 118 Knew what all along? 119 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Lila UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 120 121 *********************************************************************** 122 I'm slightly disapointed, I had hoped to find some helpfull hints so 123 i could dtop tearing my hair out when sitting down at adventure again. 124 Zork is worse, I have managed to get the painting upstairs, and kill 125 the troll, not much else. help!!! but what did I find? what I expected 126 a new disk. I think there is a cure for the smurfs and a way to get the 127 smurfs to go against "papa". but I'm not telling!! Ill be baccck later 128 with another "thrilling" chapter. 129 *********************************kathy************************************ 130 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 131 Wasp:White Anglo Saxon... My country is the U.S., my aftershave is blitz 132 dark, my computer, SV328. My skin colour? depends on how much welding I do. 133 I have yet to find a Vic-20 user who doesn't have a better machine, write a 134 decent program. Nor have I seen one who enjoys his Vic-20 ever input any- 135 thing of great import. Any Vic-20 lovers out there care to disprove me? 136 Asp:Oops! thanks for setting me forward. 137 CDP:EEK! what an enjoyable evening, lets do it again sometime? We can get 138 into more and better Microcode. 139 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? ? ? ? ~ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/MiG/? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? ? ?/ 140 ************************************************************************* 141 HMMMMMM 142 **********************.************************************************** 143 As we speak, Leo and Ontho are circling the northern wasteland of 144 Iceland watching for strange things that go "FLASH" in the night, err 145 or day, depends.. 146 ************************************************************************** 147 148 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 149 >> ALL ALLOWED << Wow, that's a change... I guess a couple of people 150 have had a change of thinking. 151 Prometheus: Would you happen to be one of the people that got to see a 152 private showing of `Star Trek III...' at ten o'clock the day it opened 153 at the JB Cinema? I was there also... 154 Voyeur: Since you were the last to bring up PorSFiS, is its meeting a 155 regular occurance? 156 And is the M.C.L. you mentioned the one downtown? 157 158 Yarn Weavers of The INN: Is it just my imagination, or is there more than 159 one person sharing the by-line to the same story? Every time I read another 160 installment of what seems to be the same story, there's a different name pinned 161 to the bottom line of it all. [` I'm so confused! '] 162 The Doctor: Does the name Lady Romanadvoratrelunder mean anything? If not 163 then it would be pointless to ask: Which re-generation? 164 To all: The young Master West should be on his way soon as probably only a 165 weekly installment from here on; I still need to consider alternate paths. 166 Three cheers for poetic license!  167 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->Sondargaard ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 168 169 *************************************************************************** 170 FYI: SONDARGAARD, YES IF YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT THE STORY CURRENTLY 171 EMPLOYING SMURFS, BLUE MEANIES ACTUALLY AND SOME 3/5 CARDS? I PERSONALLY 172 AM NOT INVOLVED WITH THAT ADVENTURE, BUT SEVERAL OTHERS ARE. 173 ***************************************.*********************************** 174 Meanwhille back at the "ranch", Alex is starring up into the night 175 sky, giving his thoughts to the air. He had grown quite attached to Leo 176 and hoped she would endure the mission well. He could console himself in 177 knowing he passed on his knowledge to her with the best of his ablities. 178 And her test would also be his test of teaching. Sigh.. As he turned and 179 walked back to the shelter, he meet the old woman who offered her support. 180 No words were exchanged, but they clasp hands and went inside. 181 The sun was beginning to break and Leo wiped her eyes with the inside 182 of her mitten. the deck of the disk was covered with a fine coat of ice 183 that made moving about quite dangerous. Ontho was stirring too. Looks like 184 both of them had fallen asleep on the job. (tsk tsk!) 185 ***************************kathy******************************************** 186 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 187 Milchar & Co. -- sorry I've not had time to contribute much lately, but 188 I'm up on a deadline at work (known as 16 hr days, 7-day weeks). 189 I'll try to help more when I can. Keep it going -- it's a pretty good 190 adventure so far! 191 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 192 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 193 I barely had enough time. I yelled, "NARTQ RLOOJF!" A small ball of light appeared in my right hand, and I threw it 194 at the beast and ducked. 195 The ball travelled in a long arc, then decended down into the beast's eyes. The ball disappeared, but from the look of 196 the demon he wasn't too happy about what had happened to him. A brilliant light that close to his eyes had blinded him 197 temporarily. #Let's regroup, and plan out our defense from this thing. I have a small idea, but I'd like to hear 198 from the rest of you first. He'll be busy with trying to see for a little while.# 199 I looked about and tried to see what else existed here besides a huge demon and more crystal. Hmm... the citidel 200 was much more close to us now than before. And the little blue things were nowhere to be seen, although they could be 201 heard (to the west). I realized just how tired I was after all this effort. #How about we find a good spot to rest 202 for a while, after we get a good distance from this thing?# 203 +++++++++++++ Milchar ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 06:47am / 11/27/84 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 204 ::::::::::::::::O O::::::::::11/27::::::::::08:19::::::::::::::O O::::::::: 205 Sondgaard: correct on both counts. PorSFiS is the Portland Science Fiction 206 Society, and meets every other Saturday at 2 PM at the Multnomah County Library 207 downtown on 10th. It is also an informal BackWater meeting (see what strange 208 faces lurk behind these even stranger personas). And Yes, some of the stories 209 here are multi-authored. The one about the smurfs is being written in 210 various amounts by Milchar, bard, piper, Lila, L'homme. 211 Kathy: West from the Troll room is the maze. Gather up all the junk you can 212 carry, then enter. Drop a piece in each room, then start mapping 213 (which way(s) can I go in each room - N,S,E,W,NE,NW,SE,SW,U,D). It takes 214 a while, but there are at least three reasons to figure out the maze. 215 :::::::::::::::O O:::::::::::::::::voyeur::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::::: 216 { ^+/* ---------------- ^+/* ---------------- */+^ ---------------- */+^ } 217 "Sometimes this place is like an oak tree in summer." Mez mumbled to no 218 one in particular. 219 "That doesn't make any sense at all", remarked the person with long 220 silver hair at a nearby table, "I don't suppose you'd care to explain?" 221 "Easy, there may be 'twittering at the top' but there's a great deal of 222 substance beneath, however, not all of it is readily visible." 223 "Oh, talking in riddles again, right?" 224 "Not at all, it's just that things are not always what they seem." 225 "Perhaps you might give a few examples. Would that be possible?" 226 "I'm afraid not, but there is a story that comes to mind that might 227 clear up the point a bit. 228 229 Once, in the days when craftsmanship flowered, there was a tinsmith, a 230 man of strength and character. Daily he worked at his trade, turning out 231 items that were both beautiful and functional. His work was in great demand 232 and there were few households in town that didn't have at least one utensil 233 made by this fine craftsman. His scope of vision extended beyond work, and 234 he could not help but notice the repressive conditions created by the people 235 in positions of political power. A great number of folks were little more 236 than slaves, taxed heavily to provide comforts for the rulers, and few 237 freedoms they could call their own. The efforts of the tinsmith to rectify 238 these conditions did not go unnoticed, he was thrown in jail. 239 As time went by the jailers became fond of the tinsmith and permitted 240 him to have a prayer rug, woven by his wife. One day when he was talking 241 with the jailers he said, "Perhaps you are aware that I am a metal craftsman, 242 and a good one at that. If you would bring me materials and tools I will 243 fashion artifacts. You can take these items to the market and sell them, thus 244 we can all profit from this miserable situation." 245 His keepers, being somewhat greedy, agreed to bring the tools and other 246 items requested. He fashioned many beautiful things. These were sold by the 247 jailers and the profits divided, although not very evenly. One day when the 248 jailers returned from the market they found the jail unlocked and the 249 tinsmith gone. 250 Our story moves forward to another time and place. The one time tinsmith 251 is now the leader of a large following, a group called the 'designers'. One 252 of the new arrivals to the group is inquiring how the name came to be. 253 "It's from a time when I was imprisoned for my beliefs. My wife went to 254 the person who had fashioned the locks on the jail and obtained the details 255 of the design. She then wove these into a prayer rug, at the very place where 256 my head would rest, during my daily prayers. Once I recognized the design for 257 what it was I fashioned a plan for escape. Under a ruse I persuaded my 258 jailers to bring tools and materials. From these I fashioned a key and made 259 my escape. That is how I came to be free, to form this group." 260 { ^+/* --------------- The Mesolithic Mathematician --------------- */+^ } 261 262 263 /$&!)_%&#)_&^_)#&!)_&_!&%+_!)#*&%_)&!#^_)&)_@$^&$)_&@)_#&%^@)_&^_@&_+@#&^_@)^ 264 Lila:Is it safe to assume that you found the elusive 'key' that unlocks so 265 many 'important' things? Things to be treasured, and not ignored. Things 266 that require constant attention, without distractions from cross-country 267 truckers hell-bent of self-destruction. In as much as we try to survive 268 this world in which we live, conditions sometimes warrant extreme action 269 that may go against the first edict of survival. Self-preservation 270 is a strong force, but in preserving pain and suffering, is anything 271 really accomplished? 272 Leonard:And what else would you like sir, the proverbial eggs in your beer? 273 I have all the new archives on PCDOS disks now. I will delete the headers 274 for you, but the ordering of the files will remain as random as wheat 275 thrown 'gainst the wind. That could change however, if the man who is 276 responsible for the xfer of text files from machine to machine, namely 277 one voyeur, can be convinced to copy the files in order. Four files per 278 disk can be handled iff (not a typo, check you math texts) four files 279 fit. We try to please the customers here at Archive Center East, as long 280 as it doesn't mean too much trouble for us. 281 Kathy:Do you still need hints on getting the pirate's treasure chest? As for 282 Zork, voyeur can be a great aid. He recently stumbled through it, and 283 according to rumor, achieved all 350 points. His hints and clues will 284 I am sure be cleverly worded, to avoid giving too much away, unlike the 285 clods who reside on the CBBS systems. 286 PC&S'ers et all : So what exciting things are we going to do the Saturday? 287 I can't stand another early breakup like we had two weeks ago. I need 288 a break from my books. One can only take so much studying before the 289 words and numbers merge into one indistinguishable mass of jejune 290 abstraction. 291 *)_#*@)_%*@#)_%*@#_)*#@_)%*@#)_%*@ L'homme sans Parity *&#)_@*%)_*)_%*)_%@#*% 292 293 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 294 Not to go overboard on the current BUCKAROO BANZAI fascination, 295 I think the unindoctrinated should know just a little about it before they 296 go. Namely, yes there is somewhat of a comic book format to it, but also 297 that the director of the movie has been writing BANZAI stories for years, 298 which may tend to leave a few bases uncovered, such as... 299 *you kind of get a STAR WARS feeling about some of the characters because 300 sometimes there may be a reference to an individuals past or his character 301 trait. No problem, except they don't get back to it to tell you what was 302 so funny about the reference. 303 *And since he's been writing the stories for so long,(a matter of YEARS of 304 unpublished material,) some of the background is lost as to how some of the 305 characters actually developed.(Sorry, kid. That first screenplay don't cut it) 306 *And the last point is this; you might get the feeling that if it were a book 307 that you somehow read chapter five before you got to chapter two. (What?) 308 But don't let this sway you away, BUCKAROO BANZAI is a terrific show, and I 309 wouldn't miss it. 310 (I'm not too biased because I'm a projectionist at a Portland movie house, 311 but a good movie is a good movie...) 312 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->Sondargaard ^^^^^^^^^^ 313 314 oh yea! More often the case is that the viewer isn't sophisticated enough 315 to tie loose ends together, and make coherence out of chaos. The general 316 public can`t take a complex movie, digest it, and come out feeling secure 317 in the knowledge that they 'understood' the film. Why are movies like ET 318 so popular, while films with real meaning and deep understatement like 319 'The Last Metro' go un-noticed, except for the intellectual set? It is a sad 320 day when movie directors must simplify plots and characters to keep producers 321 rolling in money from moronic masses in movie houses. How many good films 322 could have been great, if they hadn't been Americanized? For a society that 323 considers itself sophisticated, we sure could learn much from our European 324 neighbors. Foreign film directors are the last bastion of intelligence in 325 the movie theater. Without their input in the form of foreign films, what 326 a wasteland the movie industry would be. The few renegade American directors 327 who flush the Hollywood mentality all have been influenced by past and 328 present foreign directors. Without these kindred souls who still believe 329 movie making is an art, and not an industry solely bent on the almighty 330 dollar, the only thing of substance coming out of Hollywood would be the 331 NO SMOKING commercials. Save the dying breed of intelligent film makers. 332 Voice your opinion, support your position. If you revel in the carnage of 333 Friday the 13th part 2^5, then take no heed; but if your are a truly 334 concerned film goer, show your support in the best way possible, at the 335 box office. 336 A FILM FAN. 337 338 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 339 This will be a joint entry, the Doctor is sitting here cracking poor jokes as I type this. I am trying to convince him 340 to come to thee next PorSFiS, would any of you help me? 341 ++++++++++++++ 342 L'homme; what progress? I haven't your working plot routine or the time to finish it anyway. I still have to do 2 343 late AP english assignments. I did talk to Tom about Saturday, I think he will hire someone else soon if my situation 344 doesn't change. Oh, well. Anyway, I can go. 345 +++++++++++++++ 346 Haven't anything to enter for the adventure right now... 347 ???????????????? 348 The Doctor and K-9 were STILL trying to fix the Dimensional Stabilizer floating around in E-Space (Pick a time, ANY 349 time!!). While rummaging through a pile of misc. items looking for a certain replacement part, he comes upon a strange 350 device..."Banzai Oscillation Overthruster...good idea, bad design. I'll have to have a talk with him. After all my 351 teachings and he still can't get it right." The Doctor chucks the 'thruster away. Just then a sudden jolt strikes the 352 Tardis. "What the...K-9, what's going on?" 'Master. We are being pulled somewhere by a force registering 610.4 on 353 the Umu scale.' "Damn that Milchar! I'm going to rip up those #%$'#'% 3x5 cards..." 354 ????????????????? 355 That's it for now... 356 ??????????????? The Doctor ?????????????+++++++++++++++++ Milchar ++++++++++++++------------ 04:43 on 11/27/84-------- 357 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ 358 The wind howled as the door to the Inn opened. A tall lean man entered 359 and ducked to avoid a flying blue smurf. The man mumbled under his breath 360 and threaded his way through the noisy crowd to a table in the rear. He 361 sat with his back to the wall, an old habit. He had been gone for a long 362 time, but recognized many. A faint smile came to his lips. 363 "What can I get you, sir?" It was a woman's voice. The man looked 364 up expectantly, but it was not Pam. 365 "A glass of wine, if you please?" The barmaid turned to go. Salazar 366 laid a hand on her arm. "Have you seen Pam or Leroy Mckane?" 367 "You'll have to excuse me," she said blankly. "I'm new here." 368 Salazar nodded and let her go. The cryptic message said Pam would be 369 here. He could see faint signs of her passing, but that was all. Maybe it 370 was too late. Too late in more ways than one. He had thrown off his 371 pursuers for the moment. But they would never give up the chase. Salazar 372 touched the reassuring weight of the automatic nestling under his right 373 armpit and settled back in his chair to enjoy the tales of adventure. He 374 had experienced enough adventure of his own in the last few weeks. He would 375 let the others entertain him for the present. 376 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Valinor*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ 377 378 379 380 HEY, DO ANY OF YOU HITCHHIKER FANS KNOW THAT IT WILL SOON BE COMING OUT 381 IN CINEMA FORM 382 WHERE IT CONTRADICTS EVERYTHING IN THE THIRD BOOK AND THE BRITSH RADIO 383 VERSION 384 385 386 A Film Fan: Do not take what I have said harshly, my words were only in 387 warning to those that might wish to view the film not knowing what to 388 expect, as was the case with ERASERHEAD, another off the wall movie to 389 say the least, but I enjoyed it also. (Am I still so critcal of the 390 current throng of movie goers, well...) 391 Touche' as to the European influence! So, someone else knows where to 392 look when not satisfied with the present lot. Your insight was quite 393 refreshing, a good parry/reposte to the ` I-just-saw-Terminator-- 394 Wasn't-he-awesome? (give me a hammer and put them out of my misery) 395 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->Sondargaard ^^^^^^^^^ 396 397 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 398 Greetings: Hello, and thank you for your interesting stories 399 of FLYING SMURFS, exciting adventures, upset movie goers, 400 and other odds and ends. This is quite an interesting little system. 401 I am real new to your system, and would like to find out what kind 402 of equipment you use. I am using an ALPHA MICRO AM-60 terminal with 403 a SIGNALMAN MK XII 300/1200 baud ANCHOR AUTOMATION, INC. modem. I 404 use this primarily to tie into the computer at work, where I am the 405 system operator. Our system has 2- 60Mb Winchester disk drives, a 406 25Mb Removable cartridge winchester drive and a 25Mb fixed drive. 407 The internal memory configuration is 5-512k memory boards (2.5Mb). 408 To interface with this nice little system, there is 14 terminals, 409 6 Okidata printers, and a 600 lines per minute DATAPRODUCTS printer. 410 Currently we are discussing the purchase of a 400Mb Fujitzu(?) drive 411 which has a lot faster disk access time (however this would be for 412 the next fiscal year probable). 413 I would like to findout from others what they have. 11-27 2040 hours 414 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(they really do call me..) PAPA SMURF~~ 415 416 PaPa Smurf: You begin to remind me of Mez... 417 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->Sondargaard ^ 418 419 M 420 421 Qu%q 422 423 Arrr2rgggcgc!!!! A4ic on my phon! line!!! 424 ::::::::::::O O:::::::::::11/27:::::::::::::::22:38:::::::::::O O:::::::::: 425 Leonard: you made the Cities connection quite rapidly. Is that perchance 426 the origin, or do you merely have every book memorized? Or WAIT - 427 I know - you have them all indexed and cross-referenced on your M100 428 (your high-tech bag of holding). 429 Regarding the archives, last time I did the transfer, I applied as much 430 negative entropy to the order as I could. Judging from the result, imagine 431 the mess *I* recieved. As they say they say (I've never heard it, but I've 432 heard it referred to) - GIGO. 433 L'homme: that msg to Lila, so ambiguous to the outsider, was just Dripping 434 with hidden references/meanings known only to the two of you. Fun being 435 on the inside, isn't it. (the same urge responsible for those AE boards you 436 like so much like Rome...) 437 Oh, by the way - thanks for the kind words vis-a-vis my Zork abilities. 438 ("stumbled through it..... rumor has it.... "). Speaking of which, hows 439 the quest for II & III coming? 440 As far as something exciting to do after PorSFiS/PC&S, hows about we go over 441 to Leonards, warm up his MC-10, and run 10 X = X + 1: PRINT X: GOTO 10. 442 That should keep us interested for most of the afternoon, waiting for the denouement. 443 Kathy: if you want non-blatant Zork answers, how about this: 444 N, W, NE, D, S, N, E. That gets you from SOMEWHERE in the maze, to 445 the troll room. (be warned - the converse does not necessarily work). 446 :::::::::::::O O::::::::::::::::voyeur::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::::::: 447 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 448 film fan--the mass of Europeans, so I understand, regard Clint Eastwood 449 and Jerry Lewis as high art and berate their own filmmakers for being 450 unable to produce similar material. So it goes. 451 voyeur--one can satisfy one's degenerate penchant for sick and hilarious 452 t-shirts at Andy & Bax. They have some real zingers. (universal minds 453 rule the slime pit.) You can also get pure wool Portughese combat 454 jodhpurs. And day-glo watch caps. 455 kathy--leap in with any ideas on getting out of smurfville; you can be 456 a new arrival from the Ruby Valley or Blue Demon's business agent or 457 whatever you want. We're dying to be rescued. 458 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT G. Minsky TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 459 L'homme: You put 4 (and sometimes 5) files on a disk LAST time! I asked for 460 four so ask to avoid all the shuffling caused by trying to find room for 461 that one last file! 462 In any case, once we start getting the 5 1/4" archive disks, I can see 463 no problem with keeping things in order. 464 Voyeur: I *FIRST* read some of those stories in 5th grade (and got my copy 465 of "A Life for the Stars" confiscated...). You've seen my bookshelves. I 466 have read EVERY book on them AT LEAST once. If it's a good story, I've 467 probably read it 5-20 times. (I have worn out 2 paperback copies of "Stranger 468 in a Strange Land"). 469 As for Blish, have you ever read "Black Easter"? If not, please find a 470 copy and read it! If you have read it, read the SEQUEL(!!) "The Day After 471 Doomsday". 472 __________________________________Leonard_____________________________________ 473 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 474 As Salazar sipped his wine, he noticed that there appeared to be 475 something on the bottom of the glass. He drank some more thinking that if 476 it was poison or a drug, it was far too late already. 477 Peering more closely, he saw that it was a message: 478 479 WELCOME BACK 480 THE NETWORK 481 PS. YOU REALLY SHOULD BE MORE CAREFUL 482 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 483 Reaching into his pack, Bard flipped a switch to TIME-STOP. He then 484 extracted an ancient tome. After locating the appropriate entry, he set the 485 tome down and proceeded to remove a vial of ink(?) and some drawing tools. 486 He hummed to himself as he worked. 487 Finished, he stepped back to admire his handiwork. He then packed 488 everything away, flipped the switch back to NORMAL, and ran! 489 While he had been blinded, the demon was still able to "feel" the 490 pentagram appear. He'd never felt one take shape quite that fast before, 491 but no matter! The foolish mortal didn't know the truth about pentagrams or 492 he would never have tried one! 493 True, the demon was compelled to appear in the pentagram (a limb at 494 each of four points while the head occupied the fifth). However, once he 495 had appeared in the proper spread-eagled position, he was free to LEAVE it 496 and attack. 497 He had shown SOME ingenuity, as the pentagram was only about one- 498 third of the demon's normal size. Unfortunately for the mortal, hthe demon 499 would AUTOMATICALLY change size to fit the symbol. The demon grinned evilly 500 as he disappeared. 501 The grin was gone a split second later when he reappeared in mid- 502 air AND IMMEDIATELY DISAPPEARED AGAIN! 503 "Where in hell... 504 is the bloody.... 505 damn pentagram!" 506 screeched the demon as he 507 continued to disappear and reappear, each time one-third of his former size 508 Meanwhile, bard was smiling as he thought of the demon. True, the 509 solution wasn't ORIGINAL, but it was still elegant. 510 He could picture the demon's wrath when it finally realized that 511 the pentagram was tatooed on its STOMACH! 512 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 513 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 514 Papa Smurf:The industry consensis (and also my own) is that the "eagle" 515 drives from fujitsu happen to be the best avalible. Sounds to me like your 516 running a 34-36 or system 1. Not even close? perhaps one of the select few 517 who had brains enough to get something from DG? 11/750 perhaps? 25 megs is 518 a bit small for a 780. then again, I am a biased speed phreak when it comes 519 to larger processors, I think 4 megs isn't enough when 16 people fire up 520 a compieler. 521 I am currently using a SV328 configured as a terminal to tie into a '780. 522 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/The Man in Gray/? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 523 ************************************************************************ 524 THANKS MUCH FOR THE HINTS MY FRIENDS, SEE YA ALL AT THE MEETING ON 525 SATURDAY. I GOT ZORK CLUES TODAY, ANYONE TO GIVE ME A HINT ON THE 526 PIRATES CHEST IN ADVENTURE? 527 ********************************kathy*********************************** 528 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$h$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$($($$$$$$$$$$$ 529 $$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 530 531 0433 HOURS 11/28/84 532 533 Sondargaard: As it happens you don't remind me of anyone. NO, I have no 534 connection with Papa S. (don't even know who it is). Besides I don't 535 even know what kind of computer I'm using! Does it really matter?----Mez 536 ========================================================================== 537 You know you are really in trouble when.... you steal from old Mad 538 magazines and pass it off as original. 539 =================================================== Sudden Death ========= 540 ******************"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*""*""**"*"*"*"*"*"*"*" 541 AND BACK ON THE SUBJECT OF INTERESTING TITLES ON T-SHIRTS 542 543 you should look in a copy of Soldier of Fortune Magazine 544 545 Mercenaries Don't Die.....................they just go to hell and regroup 546 Better Dead than Red 547 Kill a Commie for Mommie 548 GOD,GUNS,&GUTS made AMERICA...lets keep all three. 549 U.S Army..the only thing I feel when I kill is the recoil of my rifle 550 Join the U.S.M.C...travel to distant lands;meet exciting,unusual people and 551 kill them 552 Nuke their ASS and take their Gas 553 WARNING!!!TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT.......SURVIVORS WILL BE SHOT AGAIN 554 NOTICE...ANYONE FOUND HERE AT NIGHT WILL BE FOUND HERE IN THE MORNING 555 IS THERE LIFE AFTER DEATH????...............TRESPASS HERE AND FIND OUT 556 IF YOU COME THROUGH THIS DOOR YOU WILL BE KILLED....SI VIENES POR ESTA PUERTA 557 TE MATO.... 558 CRIMINALS BEWARE..WE SHOOT BACK 559 CRIMINALS BEWARE..NO PRISONERS TAKEN 560 AL TRESPASAR TE PEGO UN TIRO 561 562 *"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*""*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"* ANY COMMENTS*"*"*"*"*"*"* 563 "*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*SPOOK"*"*"* 564 ################################################################################ 565 ################################################################################ 566 PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING 567 NOTICE 568 569 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 570 INSTRUCTIONS IN CASE OF NUCLEAR 571 ATTACK 572 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 573 1. SEEK IMMEDIATE COVER 574 575 2. STAY CLEAR OF ALL WINDOWS 576 577 3. KEEP AWAY FROM OBJECTS THAT MIGHT 578 CAUSE INJURY 579 580 4. AS SOON AS YOU SEE THE FLASH OF THE 581 NUCLEAR EXPLOSION, BEND OVER, PLACE 582 YOUR HEAD BETWEEN YOUR LEGS......... .....AND KISS YOUR ASS GOODBYE. 583 584 585 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 586 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION 587 588 ############################################################################### 589 ######################################## 590 591 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 592 Mez: I only meant [PaPa S] :: [Mez] not [PaPa S] = [Mez] 593 Because you both have the gift of stating something simple that can 594 cause others to stumble if they eavesdrop. And no, it doesn't matter... 595 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->Sondargaard ^^^^^^^^ 596 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 597 From Prometheus: The Designed 598 I am asorry for not being more prompt in returning any messages of late, as I was in Peru for a canference on African Bees. 599 Africanized bees are what some people have taken to calling "Killer Bees". In any case, I am back and, as usual, 600 assorted messages follow... 601 602 Man in Gray; Financing is cleared through NSA and I can't touch it from here. Salog can tell you what he damn well pleases, 603 but I don't get a penny until someone in Washington clears it. 604 Salog is screwed anyway, I payed up on the Red, Blue and Black vans three days ago. And filed it with NSA immediately. 605 Kendall is still sitting on the plane as I enter this. I found out that he and his secretary are heading for the Observtory 606 with about three Federal Marshalls. I can handle the Marshalls, but I think were gonna tip off Kendall in the process. 607 I am due on a flight in an hour to Colorado, and I'll beat them to the Observatory by about thirty minutes. 608 The bastard wouldn't even pay for a direct flight. Would you beleivethe flight plan he bought calls fortwo layovers. 609 I have a little red light here that says someones tapping, gotta go, messages to Sondargaard, and Kathy and such later... 610 611 Anyway, it must've been line interference on this end, but nothing more to say on that, but Grice is all upity about APPLE, 612 and the modem. I am after a modem cord, and then things can get back into action. MLCbbs is quickly becoming reality. 613 614 SONDARGAARD; I was at the 'Screening' and think I know your borne identity, to make sure, please tell me if I have seen you 615 on a Tri-Met line more than once. I am pleased at finding I have met you. 616 KATHY; If you would be so kind as to attend the next PorSFiS, I can bring a very nice Pente set (Just received as an early 617 Christmass present) An interesting pente game passes as exciting. Doesn't it? 618 619 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 620 621 622 ;.,;.,;.,;.,;.,;.,;.,;.,;.,;.,;.,;.,;.,;.,;.,;.,;.,;.,;.,;.,;.,; 623 I disagree that only Foreign films have intelligence. I also 624 disagree that having understandable chacters means having dumb 625 characters. And I also disagree that understanding characters 626 means that the audience is dumb, and unsophisticated. One could 627 say that never grasping what any character ever means is dumb... TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 627 .