1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 ************************* INSTALLED: 2 DEC 84 ********************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 ************************************************************************** 21 Enough is enough! You don't like the way I run this system? Fine! Go 22 find another one, because as of the 31st I am pulling the plug. 23 I am tired of wasting $30 a month and as many hours of my time just to 24 put up with this. There are many users who know and understand the rules 25 of the Inn, and they have helped to maintain them. To them I say thank you. 26 But I am feed up with continually having to clean and repair things, 27 and to be lambasted about it is just too much. This is a message system, 28 not a bathroom wall to scrible lewd remarks on. 29 I hope you're happy. 30 ************************** CISTOP MIKEY *********************************** 31 {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c} 32 I'm sorry I'm one of the newer users of this board. Maybe I didn't 33 read the intoduction all the way through. I'm sorry. I should have 34 done something different but I'm not sure what I could have done. I 35 heard that the Inn had been around for a long time, gone through something 36 called a 'juvie hunt' or something really bad. Can't it live through 37 something like this? I hope so. Well, I have been thinking about a story 38 but I'm not sure if it is good enough to enter in. I am not a writter, 39 I just like talk to people. I better get running. Oh, am I at the Top? 40 Feels like the bottom. 41 {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{Tammy}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c} 42 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 43 From Prometheus; Ill Prepared 44 Ah, are you serious about closing BackWater down before New Years? I am, 45 ah, er, truly sorry for what I seem to have done, please accept my apology? 46 I do not know who Limercist was, but I sorrowfully admit to being Odds & 47 Ends. I am sorry, and I apologize with the most sincerity I have felt in... 48 I am not sure how long. 49 Please don't forsake BackWater, whatever has been said in criticism of 50 BackWater was only in hopes of making the system perfection. 51 None of it was meant as shaming you or your system, I'm sure. And for my 52 small part, I must say that I have never maligned the system in Word or in 53 Deed. Please, I'm sorry... 54 55 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 56 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 57 Ahem, uh, uh ( Picture this realy dumb look on my face.) Imagin my suprise 58 when Mr. Hawthorne told me to go read BackWater. And what I found. 59 A world of non-creative BBS systems awaits the user of BW when this system 60 falls. I know that I have stopped using most of the other boards around, 61 they are pale by comparison. BackWater is a board that has genuine deep 62 human interaction. One of the very few around. This system caused me to 63 meet my current employer, and a good deal of my friends. Mikey has made 64 his decision, and I respect that. I just can't help thinking of the loss of 65 this forum, something that has helped me grow and mature. Snif. 66 ????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/MiG/? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? > ? ? ?/ 67 [=---------------------------------------------------------------=] 68 Double snif. I haven't been around for a long while and reading 69 the beginning of this disk was a large blow. It's true, all the 70 other boards are very dull next to this one. I didn't believe it 71 until I read it. What will all the original people of the do, where 72 will they go? Well, I better get running along. Se ya, Maybe I 73 could call back before the 31st. Bye. 74 [=---------------------------------------Red-Fox-----------------=] 75 &'&'&'&'&'&'&4'&'&'&4'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&4'&4'&4'&'&4'&'&'&4'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&4'&4'4&4'&'&'&4'&4'4&4'4&'&4'&4'&'&'&4'4&4'&'&4' 76 All I can say, this all to bleary night, is that words fail me. Nary a sentence or word comes to mind that would exhibit the 77 fear that i now have for the First Day in 1985. 78 &'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&' 79 MIKE: YOU MUST DO WHAT YOU FEEL YOU MUST, BUT BELIEVE ME, FOR 80 EVERY CRETIN OUT THERE WHO HAS COMPLAINED ABOUT SOME INSIGNIF- 81 ICANT PROBLEM, THERE ARE TEN WHO ARE IN FULL SUPPORT OF YOU AND 82 YOUR EFFORTS TO RUN THIS FINE SYSTEM. I AM ASHAMED FOR THE 83 COMPUTER WORLD IN GENERAL TO HAVE SUCH LOW-LIFES AS TO MAKE FUN 84 OF YOUR SYSTEM AND YOUR OPERATITON OF THE SYSTEM. WHAT EVER 85 HAPPENS, YOU WILL ALWAYS HAVE SUPPORTERS, AND HOPEFULLY WHAT 86 YOU CONSIDER FRIENDS. THE PAST FEW YEARS HAVE BEEN GREAT, AND 87 IF THE SYSTEM GOES DOWN, WE WILL ALWAYS HAVE OUR MEMORIES OF 88 GOOD TIMES ON BACKWATER. FOR NOW, JUST CALL ME 89 A LOYAL SUPPORTER 90 ................................................................................ 91 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 92 or to put it more coherently... 93 I feel like a doctor just told me that I've got four weeks to live... 94 95 (uhhhh, Mikey? I don't want to seem like a vulture or anything, but if you 96 ARE serious about shutting down the system, would you consider {gasp, shudder} 97 SELLING it?) (yes, I know, my presumption is exceeded only by my stupidity..) 98 99 100 Well, it's been fun folks.. 101 _________________________________Leonard________________________________________ 102 We all hate to say goodbye. 103 ........................................even us........BAD.......... 104 sadness... 105 106 Well,Mike, what is tehe price????? 107 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 108 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 109 I keep the computer on re-dial, not suspecting the terrible news that waits to spring itself upon me. Then, it 110 beeps, informing me that I am on. I go to drive b, read what is there, and then switch drives. A load of bricks falls 111 upon me from the top of drive a. 112 I do not have to repeat that Backwater is an unusual system, the best I have ever seen. I do not have to say that I 113 respect everyone here and hope that they call me 'friend'. I don't have to say that I enjoy everything that is entered 114 here, no matter what the source. I do have to say that I will miss BW, and that I will miss the gems of literature 115 found here. The 31st... it seems so near now. Where will I go? 116 Farewell, my friends, 117 A sad Milchar. 118 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 119 NO! NO! Say it ain't so!!!!!! For all of us who have just discovered the 120 Inn, and who have been stimulated and intrigued by the writing here, I beg you 121 to reconsider, Cistop Mikey. Can there not be some lesser step than "pulling 122 the plug"? While part of the charm of BWMS was its accessibility to one and all 123 maybe the validation approach used by many other systems could be added...or 124 even (ughhh)the system used by the late Rome BBS--two users must vouch for a new 125 user before he/she can be allowed to use the board. Please, please, please, 126 please reconsider...but if you still find the BWMS too demanding, well, perhaps 127 it was too good to live. Deep appreciation for a job well done, 128 JSD 129 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 130 131 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 132 133 Well, ONE LESS BBS FOR PORTLAND! too bad 134 this system was great! It has a good user community, and a great atmousphere. 135 (spelling?) but, I hope you dudes (users) can find another bbs to use.... (that is unless Cistop Mikey changes his 136 mind) 137 138 Bye----- F. Youth ----- 139 140 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 141 Someone tell me it isn't so! I can't 142 belive the only real bbs in portlannd 143 is going down! Tell me I'm dreaming it. If I'm not then 144 I'll be sorry to see it go. Were 145 (THAT MESSAGE SEEMS TO HAVE LOST CONNECTION FOR THE TIME BEING...) 146 (I FEEL AS IF I WAS ONLY A CHILD AND AM NOW SEEING THE FUNERAL OF MY MOTHER,) 147 (SISTER, EVERYONE ELSE I DO NOW, OR EVER HAVE CARED ABOUT...) 148 (I FEEL REAL PAIN, NOT SIMPLY WONDERING WHERE ELSE I'LL GO, BUT PAIN, STABBING 149 (UNDER A RIB...) 150 (I AM SORRY FOR WHAT WE HAVE DONE, WHATEVER THAT IS, TO CONVINCE YOU TO TAKE 151 (BACKWATER AWAY FROM US ALL...) 152 153 (NOW, TO LET THE AX FALL ONTO THE HEADS OF EVERYONE ELSE ELSE, WHO DOES NOT KNOW...) 154 155 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 156 Tammy: I haven't been at The INN much longer than you have, but what you've 157 said at the bottom of your 'letter' is what we all hear from almost all of the 158 newcomers. The truth is that I leave alot more messages than chapters of the 159 story I have. I'm not a writer either, and I'll wager that alot of the others 160 weren't either until they stumbled across a telephone number to something 161 called 'The BackWater...' Understandably, this place fills one with excitement 162 and turns them towards the direction of creative writing- IT DID IT TO ME! 163 So for those who haven't told you yet, I'll tell you: DO IT! POST YOUR STORY 164 AT THE INN! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR INHIBITIONS! 165 Speaking of inhibitions, maybe we should give one to Mr. Day... 166 O.K., you're up next... 167 *CISTOP*: STOP! Don't do it! Call suicide prevention... ANYTHING but 168 pulling the plug! I'm not too outward, but half the (future) friends I have 169 are at The INN. This place isn't different, it's ORIGINAL and we all love 170 you for what you've given us. This is the ONLY place with ANY atmosphere at 171 all. I've only been to The INN for about three weeks, and yet I see new 172 pen-names tagged on to letters of praise almost every other day; praise- 173 doesn't that tell you something? You've got a good... (scratch that) GREAT 174 thing going here. Isn't there an alternative to locking the door to the 175 Think Tank? Yes, and it is this: TRY to let the insults of the uneducated 176 malcontents flow right on by, and concentrate only on the items with any 177 real input or insight. 178 I could go on for eons, but I won't. (thank god) Only two words stand clear. 179 Don't... Please! 180 one of The New Creators- 181 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->Sondargaard 182 183 /'\./'\./'\./'\./'\./'\./'\./'\./'\./'\./'\./'\./'\./'\ 184 RIGHT NOW I'M ONLY A READER, BUT WHY SHOULD I START WRITING 185 IF THERE WILL NOT BE A PLACE FOR ME TO PUT MY STORY 186 WHEN I GET IT ALL TOGETHER. THIS REALLY BUMS ME OUT! 187 I AGREE, DON'T QUIT! THE SCOTS 'RED LION' 188 /'\./'\./'\./'\./'\./'\./'\./'\./'\./'\./'\./'\./'\./'\ 189 190 191 MYy friends you know agllong time ago in a galaxy far,far away there was once sua BBSsuch as this. Unfortunately, it 192 too was shut down, because too many CLUTSES abused the system. The Exalted Ruler became weary of cleaning up after FOOL 193 S!!!!! And NOW we have to drive 55!! 194 I aogree, DON'T QUIT..................... 195 196 Replace 197 198 199 |\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 200 OH PLEASE!!! 201 202 It is true, I have only been a reader 203 the 'BACKWATER' so far, but I was real- 204 ly starting to get into it. It's a 205 shame to see you pull the pin........ 206 Please reconsider.................... 207 It will be a grave mistake........... 208 DON'T DO IT.......................... 209 I'd rather see you get MARRIED....... 210 211 Your Friend, 212 The SINGLEHANDER>. 213 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Replace 214 215 My friends, along time ago I could'nt see my mistaakes so I I entered them but, along time ago in a galaxy far, far, 216 217 away I discovered them, and reco~ngnized them.Recently I've disvcovered another mistake (one of my earlier messeages) 218 . And probably this one also. 219 And I still ca~n't drive 55,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,55,54,,55,55,555,55,55,55,55,5555,555,55,5,,,,,,,,66,,,, 220 But who really cares? .......>..>............... 221 Dear sirs I would Kindly like to shut 222 off please......... 223 224 225 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 226 Oh no! I have to leave town for a least two weeks tomorrow, and now I find that 227 the Inn may not be here when I return! D--n it! Perhaps user donations would 228 take some of the agravation out of running this system? I know I would 229 contribute, and I generally just read, not write. Is there anyone out there who 230 is saving BW files in Atari (gasp!--yes,Atari) format? Would like to see you 231 when I return. Will be on again tomorrow, before the plane leaves. 232 233 Brian Duffy 234 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 235 236 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 237 It was a chill autumn wind that lashed round the inn, bending the bare 238 branches of the rowan tree at the front door, driving sheets of rain nearly 239 horizontal across the path. The piper was bent against the driving rain, 240 soaked through, his kilt flapping wetly against his legs, his plaid giveing 241 very little protection from the wet. Numbly shouldering past the lashing 242 branches of the rowan tree, he paused at the scarred oaken door. Holding the 243 latch tightly, he pressed the door open and entered in a gust of rain, wind, 244 and bluster. Immedeately inside, he placed a shoulder to the door to keep the 245 cold outside, and closed the latch. Turning to the bar , he became aware of a 246 most uncharacteristic quiet. An atmosphere of mourning pervaded the fire-lit 247 room. After warming himself at the fire and with an ale, the piper in a 248 quiet conversation, discovered that the innkeeper was thinking of retiring 249 and closing the inn. Standing at the bar for a time, the piper became aware 250 of the signs of fatigue. He realized that he and the other patrons could come 251 and go as they chose, but the innkeeper was always tied to his post. The 252 gossamer webs of obligations undertaken thicken, in time, to heavy chains of 253 bondage to others' will. Leaning over the counter, he spoke softly. 254 "My friend, you must do what you feel is right for yourself. You have given 255 of yourself in full measure. If the fun goes away, if the magic loses it's 256 allure, then you may be right to depart. We will miss you, should you go. 257 Should this be simply a minor irritation, please do not over-react. You have 258 a tremendiously supportive group here -- but again, you must do what is right 259 for yourself. None of us *really* understand the effort it takes to maintain 260 the inn -- but, it cannot be much less taxing than raising animals. My largest 261 caution is, perhaps this system has gotten to be too much a part of you -- 262 you might just want to take a vacation -- see if two weeks without the inn 263 makes it better or worse. 264 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 266 Hello all. I, too, was hurt by the 267 knowledge that The Inn would be taken 268 away from us. I mostly read, but I never 269 have a dull moment here. After A lot of homework dealing mostly with chemistry, trig, or whatever, I find it most 270 relaxing to come here to escape. 271 ---------------------------------------------- Crazy Walt ---------------------- 272 { ^+/* ---------------- ^+/* ---------------- */+^ ---------------- */+^ } 273 One cannot always be sure what is fact and what is fiction around these 274 parts. Since the messages signed by CISTOP MIKEY have, in the past, been in 275 the fact category I feel obliged to respond accordingly. 276 277 Mike, this is not a plea to ask you to make or change your decisions to 278 correspond to the desires of myself or the other patrons of the Inn. If you 279 feel that it's time for a change in your life, only you can decide what new 280 course to follow. I would like to suggest that anger may not be a sound basis 281 for making decisions. Having gone through a similar experience I certainly 282 sympathize with your feelings. 283 During the years I have frequented the Backwater, (yes, I have been 284 around since very near the beginning, under various pen names) it has been a 285 source of great enjoyment, relaxation, and sometimes learning for me. You 286 have many reasons to be proud of the way you have operated the Inn. Know that 287 whatever the outcome the Backwater Inn will live on in the minds of myself 288 and others. Please accept my thanks and an I.O.U. for a debt that I probably 289 can never repay. 290 May you find happiness along your chosen path! 291 { ^+/* --------------- The Mesolithic Mathematician --------------- */+^ } 292 293 <<:*********************************************************:>> 294 Mikey: Those of us who are long time patrons of your marvelous 295 Inn appreciate what you have done here. I know the McKane 296 adventure, and the medium that made it possible, helped me 297 maintain my spirits during a very difficult time. 298 299 Those of us who followed the ups and downs of backwater can 300 certainly appreciate your frustrations. I've often been 301 amazed that you've had the determination to keep such an 302 outstanding board going for so long. 303 304 Considering the work, expense, and time that Backwater must 305 involve I can certainly understand how you would have times 306 when you'd just like to flick it in. I hope you decide to 307 stick it out. Backwater is something you should really be 308 proud of. I hope you find it worth your time to continue it. 309 310 Grand Dragon Master 311 Dragon Hunters International 312 313 <<:********************************************************:>> 314 {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ 315 to cistop mkey: ABUSUS NON TOLLIT USUM. e.t. brutus 316 }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} 317 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ 318 "My God, Salazar, did you hear the news? Mikey wants to shut down 319 the Inn." Mohammed said. 320 Salazar shook his head sadly. "Yes, what's the world coming to? If 321 the Inn disappears, our reality is lost." 322 "I can't believe it. McKane must be behind this." 323 "We'll just have to wait and see. Perhaps it's a giant hoax." 324 "I certainly hope so." Mohammed took another drink of grog. "I even 325 heard that the Backwater was mentioned in Link-up magazine. We were going 326 to hit the big time." 327 "Yes, and Pam hasn't shown up. Maybe she could talk him into keeping 328 the Inn open. Either she or 'd' could do it, I'm sure." 329 Our heroes lapsed into a morose silence. The once joyful Inn was fille 330 d with the moans and whimpers of its miserable patrons. 331 To be continued (I hope) 332 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*A dejected Valinor*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* 333 334 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 335 Mikey: (Look of utter terror...) PLEASE!! Don't do it. We love this place. 336 It's the only place that we can be ourselves...Milchar is off to my side, 337 crying his eyes out!! See what you've done? Milchar is now just a blubbering 338 fool now. 339 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The Doctor ?????????????? 340 341 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 342 343 "No, come the end of the year, I'm closing shop. I'm just tired, tired 344 of the whole thing, sick of cleaning up after fools. I've had it, that's 345 the end." The Innkeeper sighed. The pressure of his work was obvious from 346 the strain that caused his normally jovial, booming tenor voice to fade away 347 toward the end of his sentence. 348 349 "Good Innkeeper, certainly it isn't as bad as that!" I respond, and the 350 gay laugh that accompanies the happy tone of my words belies the heavyness 351 that weighs down my heart. "I realize that some of our patrons lack a 352 certain... maturity. And the energy expended in running your establishment 353 at no monetary gain could be better utilized in more profitable persuits. 354 But to close the Inn... that would be... I mean...." I suddenly 355 find myself at a loss for words to express how I feel. What can I say to my 356 good friend? How can I console him, lift his spirits, return a smile to his 357 face? I know that no matter what I say, the ultimate choice is his alone. 358 So, finally, I whisper, "You know my feelings about the Inn, its patrons, 359 and its keeper, so you must know that I hope your decision to close shop is 360 revocable, that you'll stay open for business. But whatever your final 361 decision may be, you have my support. Totally and without question." 362 363 I turn quickly from the bar, and hope that I can maintain some form of 364 dignity. I feel like weeping, and the tears inside of me are formed from a 365 sweet combination of sorrow at the passing of this place that has come to be 366 a second home for me, and of rage that glows like a flame within my breast. 367 I have always tried to make the peace, to be a voice of reason amidst the 368 strident discord that has often filled the Inn to the rafters, but today I 369 cannot bring peace or reason. I feel a need to lash out, to strike at these 370 barbarous cretins who may have brought an end to this delightful house. 371 372 Through the scarlet anger that clouds my vision I suddenly see that an 373 old friend, one Salazar, has once again come to the Inn. He sits with a man 374 that I remember as a Mr. Wassir, whom I met once in order to clear up a case 375 of mistaken identity. It had been rumored that Leroy McKane had attempted 376 to perform some dastardly deed upon my person (kidnapped, I think it was), 377 and both he and Salazar had most graciously aided in correcting the error, 378 though I often wondered who it was that McKane had taken and if she had made 379 it out safely. I walk toward the table and sit. By the stunned looks on 380 their faces, I can safely assume that they have also heard the news. 381 382 "Good evening, gentlemen," I say as I slump down in the chair that Mr. 383 Salazar has offered, "I'm sorry that we had to meet again on such an unhappy 384 occasion." We speak for awhile, small-talk really, with large silences 385 intersperced throughout the conversation as we search for words that do not 386 come easily. Finally, after an extremely long silence that none of us has 387 attempted to break, my anger reaches a peak and overwhelms me. I grab the 388 glass on the table before me, throw it against the hearth to smash loudly, 389 and climb onto the table. The Inn has become completely silent at this, and 390 I see many looks of surprise when the source of the outburst becomes 391 apparent. 392 393 "Ladies and gentlemen," I begin, "I now present to you a sight you've 394 never beheld before, and from the looks of things may never behold again! I 395 am filled with such anger, such rage, that I feel that I must speak or I 396 will die of a stroke! To whomever has brought about this turn of events, I 397 curse you! You scabrous, pot-marked little vermin, you disgusting foul- 398 mouthed, snot-nosed brat, may you rot for what you've done. It's Over!!!!" 399 I yell, then slowly return to my chair. "It's over." I sadly whisper. 400 401 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]PAM-[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 402 403 <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+> 404 405 406  I just wanted to add my shoulder to the wheel of support for 407 Mikey.Altho a 'new' user I have grown quite attached to the Inn , and 408 reading all the fine writers who use this board as thier 'meeting of 409 the minds'(so to speek). 410 Well,good by to a wonder full system, and to a wonderful system 411 operator! 412 ASP 413 <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+> 414 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 415 I had to give the following a bit of editing to fit the current frame of things 416 417 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Episode II -the next step- 418 Although uncertain of my path, I thought it would be safe to give my feet 419 a rest at The INN. Although I only had the few coins I was sent away with, that 420 would be enough for a stew and cider before I would have to leave. 421 Being on my own, things took on a new dimension. The color of the trees by 422 the side of the road seemed more brilliant... but not changed. The air semmed 423 colder- maybe even a bit sweeter, but not really changed. 424 As I came closer to The INN it seemed older, and not so strongly 425 constituted as I had remembered... Prehaps the cold was playing tricks on my 426 mind, for I had not noticed the dark cloud hanging over The INN, either, as if 427 by some underhanded bane. 428 Standing by what was now a barren tree, I had arrived at The INN's door 429 and could barely read the inscription on it, it said something like 430 ^` If you are in need of help, you need but ask... '^ As I reached for 431 the door, my hand faultered. This *was* an inn, and how would the clients of 432 the establishment respond to the entrance of one so young into thier company? 433 Oh sure, my elder brother had ventured here alone at times, but he was twice my 434 age and had a habit of telling tall stories of someone called `the Piper'... 435 My hesitation was ended by a brisk wind that chilled to the bone and the 436 sound of Edric's voice within my head. It said, "Choose, Commit, and be 437 Steadfast!" Before I could ponder on this, I had already pulled the door open 438 and began to go inside. 439 Upon my entrance only a few eyes turned my way as a man by the hearth 440 raised his voice as he stood. 441 "All rise as we give tribute to our unthanked friends!" 442 At that, he and all others turned my way. 443 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 444 Cistop, keep the faith. 445 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->Sondargaard 2026 Hrs 3 Dec 84 446 447 WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW 448 449 It is better to have loved and lost 450 then never to have loved at all. 451 452 Help, I can't remember to whom the 453 above quote belongs. Do any of you 454 remember? 455 WAAAAAAAAAAAA ANNA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAW 456 457 ************************************************************** 458 I am quite taken aback by the show of support and concern. 459 I am sorry for the upset and worry I have caused many of you. 460 My temper has once more lead to more problems then solutions. 461 Please forgive my outburst, it was the end result of a long 462 string of negative occurances in the previous two days. I will 463 not go into them as they are private, but the end point came 464 after getting home and having to spend several hours cleaning 465 up the mess left on a disk. Some of it I really didn't want 466 to delete, as it was only marginally outside the bounds of 467 reasonability, but past experience (and indeed it was held out 468 by the results of the very disk involved) has shown me that it 469 leads to far worse problems, and to stave off any problems, I 470 felt it prudent to remove it. This bothered me, but I felt it 471 was necessary for overall peace. But then a message was left 472 indicating that it was a dictitorial (non-reasoning) reaction. 473 This hurt, as it rubbed salt into the wound I had inflicted 474 on myself. Then came a message that indicated that I didn't 475 know how to run my own BBS. This was the final straw causing 476 the dam to break releasing all the pent up anger and frustration 477 of the past two days. 478 479 No, BackWater will NOT go away. I will relent, and continue to 480 provide for its existance. Fear not, for even if I were to 481 give up entirly, I am sure a good home can be found for it. 482 483 Again, I apologize for the disruption I have caused you 484 by my unrestrained temper. And now, back to work. sigh... 485 ********************** CISTOP MIKEY ************************* 486 ::::::::::::::O O:::::::::12/03:::::::::::21:14::::::::::::O O:::::::::: 487 Mikey: As one of many, who has spend uncounted hours of enjoyment due to 488 your favor, I thank you sincerely for your decision to remain a while longer. 489 But, I've seen evidence that running BackWater is not always as much fun for 490 you as it is for us. One of these occasions will be the one that breaks the 491 camels back, as they say. As I enjoy your board too much to willingly face 492 this possiblility, I wonder: 493 Is there anything that we, your loyal patrons, can do to ease your burden? 494 Financial contributions, or babysitting the BackWater for a day or more 495 while you get a vacation from it, or..?? I'm sure that you would have no lack of 496 willing hands. In any case, I hope the responses of so many, all thru this 497 disk (even the lurkers!) helps to give you some idea of what this board and 498 your efforts mean to us. 499 Thank you. 500 ::::::::::::O O:::::::::::::::::voyeur::::::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::: 501 )*_!)_@*$)_!@*)_!*@%_)(*^&_)%(&*^@)_*^&@)#_@_#)*%@_#*^*!#)%&)_%&*!*%@_)%*%@)_*^)_*$)_*@)_^*@)_^_) 502 503 What's Good for the Goose... 504 505 _PART III_ 506 507 "Do not try anything, mortal. Obey this last command, and you are 508 free to go." 509 I nodded, wondering if the genie would understand. Apparently it 510 did, for it began returning to the bottle. The genie lost all definition, 511 as it was sucked into the opening of the bottle, that I had placed back 512 in the sand after cleaning. Just before the genie's form had disappeared 513 into the bottle completely, my head again was invaded by its voice. 514 "Remember mortal. Believe what you see, even if its unbelievable. 515 Don't forget for a moment that I ever existed. Forget me, forget yourself. 516 Learn from this, be the wiser..." 517 I corked the bottle, and grabbing it with my right hand, ran to the 518 ocean edge. One last look at the bottle that now glistened. The sky had 519 opened up, just a bit. Enough for the sun to make a brief appearance. I 520 threw the bottle with all my might. It landed behind a wave. The wave passed, 521 but the bottle was gone. 522 I walked backed to the spot on the beach, fell to the sand, and 523 closed my eyes. I don't know how long I slept, but when I awoke, it was 524 starting to get dark, and the tide was just starting to come in. Was it all a 525 dream? Yes! That's it. A dream! I decided to take a nap here on the beach. 526 No one ever comes by here this time of year. It was all a dream! No bottle, 527 no genie. No wishes. Only dreams...nightmares... I got up, brushed the sand 528 off, and started off for my car. 529 "What's that?", I said, spying a white object lying on the ground. 530 It was a small square of silk, a little dirty, but of very fine quality. 531 532 *_)#*^)_#$*^#$ 533 Mike : What can we say, but thanks! Your efforts for the past few years go above and beyond what anyone could reasonably 534 ask. Backwater has been a gem of precious stone in a gravel pit world. So much of us owe so much to you. You have 535 given us a place to sit and talk and discuss the universe. The archives serve a good reminder of the wonderful 536 times we had in the past here at the inn. Thanks to you, there will be a future to plan and partake in now too. 537 I owe this place so much. I have met so many new people and so many new friends, as well as one of my employers, 538 and now you have given me a chance to strut my stuff on a Sanyo! Ha! I would certainly like to second voyeur's call, 539 and if there is anyway we can ever help you out, you need but ask. See you at PCS, maybe some of the BW contingent 540 can chip in and get you a pizza. To close as L'homme would say, "Merci beaucoup!" 541 *%_)*%_)@*%@_#)*%@#_)*%_#@%*@#)_%*@#)_*%@#_%*@# L'homme sans Parity *_#)*#@_)*%_)*@#_)*@#_)%*@)_*%@#)_*%_)@*%)_@#*%_)@**%@) 542 543 ************************************************************************** 544 I had just gotton to work and logged in to see what was going 545 on with BW and saw Mikey's opening message. You would not belive the 546 shiver that started in my shoulders and worked it's way down, leaving 547 my tiny brain dumb. And then scores of support from backwater patrons 548 expressing support and hope. PAM- great entry, my thoughts exactly. 549 Just when I was begginng to lose all hope and think about killing my 550 charictor (spelling?) off again, we get a stay of exucution. WHEWW!! 551 This was a truely great disk to read, everyone on good behaviour. 552 *************************kathy*********************.*********************** 553 Thank you, Thank you Cistop Mikey!!!!!! 554 I hope you change your mind!!! 555 *****DEREK***** 556 557 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 558 From Prometheus; Gratefull 559 CISTOP MIKEY; My deepest and sincerist thanks to you for all the trials and tribulations with which you deal with for BW and 560 it's users. This is not an easy task to say the least, and yet you still perceviere through hundreds of lines of twit lines. 561 All I cqn do is give my thanks to you, and offer my assistance or aid in almost any manner to keep Backwater going. I am an 562 easy person to manipuate, I woud be at least satasfactory in many capacities, the easiest of which is partly funding BW. 563 While sorting through Twit Lines, please remember that with this system you have acheived a greater goal that every ysop 564 dreams of for his system. 565 BW is all of those analogies mentioned before, but more over, it is intelligent, witty, emotional, and compelling. To name 566 very few of the adjectives one could use... 567 568 Assorted messages follow, which is predictable, is it not? 569 570 Man in Gray; Kendall is sending me pictures of him wearing tight dresses now, and says he's going to be in Portland for a 571 week next month, and he'd like to see me. When did you say that Montana technological conference was? Next month? Great! 572 If I was going to have to deal with them next month, I would try putting him and Retch in a small room for a while. 573 And by the way, Retch found the panel in the Black Van. You know, the one that isn't mentioned in the design sheets. 574 I think he might just soon figuire out what all the cables and line splices might be for, and he already knows we do some 575 maintenance for microwave repeaters on Mount Hood. I thinkk we might have to disconnect him from the vans for a while, no 576 matter if he does want to take Kendall out one night... 577 I got the ANTEATER 450 ammo, but the 460 is missing a firing pin. Don't you remember, we took it out when we gave it to him 578 back in Idaho? 579 I hocked some of the SKORPION timing gear to pay for it, but the Broker is gonna find out about the ammo tester and that it 580 doesn't diagnose carburateur difficulties like I said it did. 581 582 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::@:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 583 ;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-; 584 WELL MIKEY, IT'S BEEN FUN AND EDUCATIONAL! SORRY TO SEE I MISSED OUT ON SO 585 586 MUCH. TAKE CARE AND GOOD LUCK!! THIS IS F. FIN FADING INTO THE DARK GREEN 587 588 PHOSPHER. 589 ;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-; 590 591 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 592 Tarn lifted his head, What was that? it sounded 593 like a death knoll coming from the valley. What 594 could it mean? The Inn? NO! He screems. NO! No! 595 no... he sobs. Please not the Inn, please! No! 596 *O* Tarn *O* 597 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 597 .