1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 ************************* INSTALLEED: 4 DEC 84 ********************* 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 **** FOR SALE ***** 21 CONDOR DC POWER SUPLIES. 22 MODEL TAA-16W 23 SUPPLIES +5 AT 2.0 A. 24 -12 .4 A. 25 +12 .4 A. 26 FOR MORE INFO. CALL JIM AT 646-xxxx 27 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 28 Just give me something to hold on / A piece of the world that won't go wrong 29 Is there somebody there I can talk to / Somebody sharing the same view 30 << Facing the Wind >> 31 One avenue that would lead to / A place on this earth where we all grew 32 Longing for travel, we stood still / Watching the sky that was once blue 33 << Facing the Wind >> 34 For each line we throw gives us false hope / One ray of light, God, I can't go! 35 Thinking about what we all are / One human race that's gone to far... 36 << Facing the Wind >> 37 38 (these are words from a song that sort of express the way I feel) 39 xxxxxxxxxxxxxsong by The FixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxThe Scot's 'RED LION'xxxxx 40 41 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 42 Gee, if it's a song, to bad I can't hear the music... 43 Prometheus: Remember when I said i'd probably leave you a note at the library? 44 Well it's still there; are you even looking, do you remember the hint? 45 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->Sondargaard 46 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 47 Mikey: Thank you for your change of mind, I was truly concerned. I would also like to know what I could do to help. 48 +++++++++++++++ 49 We departed from the forest of crystal. Moving up a short rise, we found ourselves at the base of the citidel. 50 The citidel was quite tall, it stretched up higher and higher as we looked. No entrances were apparent. I collapsed 51 on the grass near it, tired by my efforts. We formed a circle on the ground and began to talk about what we should do. 52 A noise startled me. I whirled about, searching for the source of the noise. A seven-foot tall box-like object sat on 53 the grass even closer to the citidel than we were, and a man stood before it. Odd that no one had noticed him on the 54 climb up. Wait, I recognised him... the Doctor! Bard yelled a greeting. The Doctor popped into his TARDIS for a 55 moment (I realized what it was now), thene popped back out. He carried a handled bag covered with runes. Why, that was 56 my bag! "All right, you don't have do suck the TARDIS down to this godforsaken planet just to get your bag back. All 57 I wanted to do was study it awhile." He set the bag down near me, and I made room for him in the circle. As the others 58 talked with him, I rummaged about in the bag to see what it contained. Spellbooks, empty pocket for the 3x5 cards, two 59 potions of unknown composition, several sticks of various woods, and a pouch of dust. Good, spell components. Things 60 might get interesting now. I smiled and looked up as a large section of wall of the citidel slid up and revealed a 61 deep passage beyond. 62 The Doctor quipped, "Well, someone inviting us to tea. Shall we go?" 63 +++++++++++++ Milchar ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 04:36 on 12/04/84 ++++++++++++++++++++ 20 days until Xmas ++++++++++++ 64 65 ############################################################# 66 The Innkeeper sat at his own bar, staring dejectedly at an 67 untouched drink drawing small circles in a spot of collected 68 moisture on the counter. "It's not worth it I tell you!" He 69 screams to the empty space behind the bar. "I come here to get 70 away from the angry world outside, and all I get is more abuse!" 71 "I don't see why I should continue if it serves not the need." 72 He gives the drink a shove, and it flies crashing against the 73 metalwork covering the back bar. 74 75 At this a collected shout of "NO!" shakes the Inn to its very 76 foundations. The word spreads quickly of the Innkeepers intent of 77 retirement, and he is quite taken aback by the response, as one 78 by one the faithful customers file in to personally express their 79 concern, support and desperate desire that the Inn not be closed. 80 81 Turning around to face the now crowded Inn, He says; "My friends, 82 I don't know what to say. No, I won't close the Inn. It was just 83 my anger and frustration inapproprately directed at the last 84 assult of a string of many. Normally a minor irritation, it was 85 this time a catalysis to the intense internal presure ready to 86 explode on the first touch." 87 88 "Piper, Leonard, Milchar, Valinor, Promethus, Mez, Sondagaurd, L'homme 89 MiG, Kathy, Tammy.... and Pam, dear Pam... All of you! Thank you for 90 your concern, and I humbly apoligize for the distress I have caused 91 you. So the drinks are on the house... The Inn lives!" 92 93 ####################### The Innkeeper ######################### 94 95 Sondargaard; Now see here, Dear Fellow, I went to the library of the school with confused last letters, and yet I found not 96 a single book specifically on or about me. But, I must be remisss, for perhaps I misread a clue along the path. Perhaps I 97 have only lost my way! This must be the case! So I shall go to Archives format for a bit, and find the original clue. Soon 98 thereafter I shall join the game. The game is afoot! 99 h yes, afore I forget, Dear Fellow, I have no official connection to either Ludlum or Christie, but about Nathaniel... 100 101 CRYPTIC CRYPTIC CRYPTIC CRYPTIC CRYPTIC CRYPTIC CRYPTIC CRYPTIC CRYPTIC CRYPTIC CRYPTIC CRYPTIC CRYPTIC CRYPTIC AD NAUSEUM... 102 103 The Former sweeps in from the cold with white cape and leaf, only to find the the color has returned to the cheeks of those in 104 view. And the glare in many peoples eyes turned to reflection of the flames that light the Inn. 105 Assuming only the worst, ven now, he wanders over to an obscure table and climbs on top. Soon he is sleeping and, like all 106 marcupials, sobbs during his dreams. But the dreams are only a portion of his sorrows. 107 Actually they only reflect his fear and shame in downmouthing the Inn enough to make the Innkeeper forsake the whole lot of 108 them. Everyone must sincerely despise him now, and soom, a few will scream at him, and then he will be ostricized forever. 109 Secretly immersing himself in shame and torment, he hears the Lady Pam screaming at him. Cursing the fool forever. 110 Ignoring her screams as they stab into his ears, he returns to his dream state, the only safe place left for him. 111 As her screams die inside his ears, and he dreams, he recinds from the Inn, and takes shelter in the protection of nicer 112 memories of nicer times. Times when anyone liked him, or even would tolerate him. None of that was true anymore... 113 Screaming no as loudly as his voice would allow, in went into a blathering state. Apologizing for everything from the murder 114 of Abraham Lincoln to stealing some string from a girl named Sarah. Any event where people despised the accused he apologized 115 sincerley for. Any event that could be said when blathering, that is... 116 The Lady Pam soothed him in words and explanations of permanency. And a few complements every so often to cheer him up. 117 Sitting on a table and forcing Pam to sit halfway on the table, he started to feel shame again. 118 After giving her a seat, he lanmented that they both ought to apologize for having screamed so loudly. Tears were drying, so 119 were some other peoples tears also, he dared to think. 120 121 {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c} 122 Please don't close down the Inn. This is the last watering hole 123 in a vast desert. I'm sitting here with a sad thought of nowhere 124 to go, nothing to do. But I can imagine the feeling that Mickey 125 is going through so I hope I understand. I'll be sorry to see it 126 here no longer, a brand new year and I'll be feeling so down and 127 worthless. I don't know if this all makes any sence, I fear I am 128 just rambling along like a horrer stricken child, all cold and empty 129 inside. Not knowing what to say or what to do....... 130 If you love something let it go... If it loves you it will come back. 131 I'm sorry but I'm to emotional to say anything constructive. I'm 132 too scared beyond rational thought. 133 Please please think about it please? 134 {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{Tammy}{c}{c}{c}{very sad}{c}{c} 135 As every started on the free drinks , a figure at a corner table stood. 136 Raising his glass he cried, "A toast! To Michael, our innkeeper!" 137 As the innkeeper's face took on a most astonishing expression, the toast 138 was echoed around the room. Barely had the glasses been emptied, when someone 139 shouted - "Three cheers for the innkeeper!" 140 141 "HURRAH!" "HURRAH!" "HURRAH!" 142 143 The inn shook with the thunder of the united voices... 144 ..............................the apprentice................................. 145 L'homme: are you going to PAUG this week? 146 Voyeur: Yes, DEC0582, DEC2282, & MAY2083 are all files that we WILL get in the 147 next batch of disks. (I *DID* leave room!) 148 Film Fan: re-"Exterminator", I believe there is a film by that title in release 149 currently. Thus the criticism of your use of that name. 150 Kathy: I like the story, but I had an unintended reaction to the last 151 installment. You spelled "abyss" as "abbess". Since an abbess is the 152 lady in charge of an abbey, you can imagine my reaction when I read 153 of Leo & Ontho plunging into the abbess.... 154 (oh well, we all make mistakes & I don't think that there is a 155 spelling checker on the market that would have caught that...) 156 Mikey: After careful consideration, I realize that you have extracted FULL 157 revenge from me for making so many 'complaints' (er, I mean 158 SUGGESTIONS, of course...) 159 You gave ME the code and said "Fine, do it yourself." I am properly 160 chastised. (Now about that code at.....)(I never learn, do I?) 161 __________________________________Leonard____________________________________ 162 163 NUMBERSNUMBERSNUMBERSNUMBERSNUMBERSNUMBERSNUMBERSNUMBERSNUMBERS 164 165 Line up all the letters of the alphabet in a row as show below: 166 HIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFG 167 168 Now remove those letters which look the same in a mirror: 169 JKL N PQRS Z BCDEFG 170 171 Now add up the number of letters in each group: 172 31416 (the first five letters of pie) 173 174 Try this one the next time you have your calculator out; Divide 2143 by 22, 175 then get the square root of the answer, and then get the square root of 176 that answer, you will have pie correct to eight digits. Want a quicker 177 calculation? Try the square root of 9.87 (note that they are the last three 178 standard decimal numbers in reverse order.) It is correct to four digits. 179 180 And of course as we all know that pie are square; Pie is the 16th letter in 181 the greek alphabet, which is the square of 4. Or, the english letter P 182 which is also the 16th letter of the English alphabet. 183 184 Did you know that the first 12 dozen numbers (144) of pie add up to 666 185 (The number of the beast, where have I heard THAT one before?) Also note 186 that 144=(6+6)*(6+6). The moral? Don't eat pie, or you will go to that 187 theological place of eternal punishment. 188 189 How about the three numbers starting from the 666th postion in pie '343'; 190 343=7*7*7? ....No, that's pushing it a bit too far. 191 192 The point is that if you look long enough, you can find coincidences just 193 about any place you like. The greater the resources you have to work with, 194 the better the chances of finding the coincidence you want. 195 196 NUMBERSNUMBERSNUMBERSNUMBERSNUMBERSNUMBERSNUMBERSNUMBERSNUMBERSNUMBERS 197 198 I AM AN ENVIRONMENTALIST IN THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. I URGE EVERYONE WHO VLVALUES THE ERTH AND THE GIFTS IT BRINGS FORCONSIDER 199 ----------------------CAJUN BOB-------------------------- 200 UP10 201 PR10 202 I AM AN ENVIRONMENTALIST IN LOUISIANA AND I URGE EVERYONE WHO VALUES THE EARTH 203 AND THE GIFTS IT BRINGS FORTH TO CONSIDER - - - ! ! 204 205 CAJUN BOB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 206 I am a survivalist in the swamps and bayous of Louisiana, and I encourage everyone who values traditional American values to 207 think about the square acreage that the Commie Crud have picked up in the past forty years. 208 209 eat em up hanrahan * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 210 I am a Milk Man in New Orleans, Louisiana and I encourage everyone to think about milk and all the nutrients we receive from 211 this White Gold. 212 213 Milk Man Bob, the Dairyman * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 214 The conservationist was real, the others were figment of your imagination -- pay them no nevermind. 215 216 ************************************************************************** 217 Lenoard: Chuckle, snort, yuk,yuk, too funny for words. Actually 218 I thought I had written that one far enough down on the disk that no 219 one whould take time to read it. and now... 220 As they were moving towards the mind control power sourse, Leo 221 hesitated, She wanted to know what they were getting into first. Ok 222 Ontho lets not attack now, lets find out a little about this culture first." 223 Ontho was surprized at how rational Leo was actting, not like her at 224 all. The Inmo slowed and started crusing down into the rows of dwellings. 225 It all seemed quite tranquil, quiet, children moving about with burdens 226 and running errands. One thing was apparant, A species of Alien Leo had 227 never seen before. They were quite large, the average height about 8 feet. 228 and they were kind of a dirty yellow in color. They had two long arms and 229 two short legs. At the end of the arms were claws. (more like lobster than 230 kitty). At the end of the legs were boots. (no telling what was under those 231 hunkers). It seemed as thought they had heads also, but they were kind of 232 triangles at the top. No eyes could be detected. More importantly these 233 Aliens were carrying weapons. They were definitly in control. ( and they 234 looked mean!) Ontho seemed quite distresed to see that other Inmo's seemed 235 to be caught in the control of the yuglies. ( kinda a cute name ehh?) 236 But why the earthquakes? and why were they underground? It seems that 237 a major quake would knock this place flat. More investiagtion was nessasary 238 before they let every one know they were there with an attack. 239 ***************************kathy******************************************** 240 ****************************************************************************** 241 Tammy, I really liked your last entry... 242 ******************************************************************************** 243 244 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 245 PromeTHEUS: You want a hint? Here's one the size of Detroit... 246 DTMCL stands for no other than the DownTown Multnomah Co. Library 247 (The occassional HQ for PorSFiS I believe?...) 248 I also said that I would leave it in a book ON or ABOUT YOU - 249 I didn't mean that SPY twittering, I meant the GREEK MYTHS and 250 the gods and such, (don't let the 'god' stuff go to your head.) 251 P.S. That phone number is only good, usually, between the hours of 252 0100 Hrs to about 1530 Hrs (obviously it won't work when I'm 253 using it for access to The system) 254 and follow the instructions exactly. 255 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->Sondargaard 0530 Hrs 5 Dec 84 256 Oh, and now that the Backwater is off the Heart-Lung machine, the young 257 Master West will be roaming around a bit more frequently than expected 258 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->Sondargaard 259 260 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 261 Now some of the pressure is off -- from my business life as well as the 262 emotional pressure about the Inn. Ahh, back to adventure. 263 264 The piper was the last to follow the rest into the citadel. He was tired -- 265 deep bone tired, exhausted in body and spirit. To keep his spirits from 266 dragging down the morale of the rest of the party, he had maintained the facade 267 and put forth the impression that he was his old self, but he was tired. 268 At the portal, for the briefest moment, his guard slipped, and had any of the 269 party turned toward him, they would have recoiled from the pain reflected in his 270 eyes. Regaining his composure, he stepped briskly behind the party, his eyes 271 and all senses alert, guarding the rear from any danger that he could sense. 272 Sternly controlling his wandering mind, he withdrew from his emotions -- his 273 overriding sense of loss -- the image of a winged horse-like creature, the 274 pegasus he had left in the Ruby Valley. Somehow he had formed an emotional 275 bond with the animal, and it's absence was continual torment to him. 276 Back in the Ruby Valley, the pegasus was also unhappy. She, too, longed for 277 the presence of someone absent. The emotional bond was strong. Her eyes 278 flashed fire, and the heat from her nostrils crisped the grass she tried to 279 crop, as she tried to reassure herself that he would return. He could not 280 leave that strange collection of sticks and skins thay he loved to play riding 281 her high in the evening air. She nosed the bagpipes and lay down beside it, 282 trying vainly again to wait patiently for his return. 283 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 284 PROMETHEUS;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Do you deserve Zeus's extreme wrath just for stealing the fire from heaven giving it 285 to man? ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;chr;;;;;;;;;;;;;;]34]]]]]]]]]] 286 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 287 288 Mikey, 289 I join in concert with the other patrons of the Inn in expressing 290 my grateful appreciation of this forum you so selflessly provide. Too 291 often we take for granted the sublime atmosphere of the establishment 292 we occupy in favor of the personae found therein. Only when threatened 293 by its death does the contrast of its life take on such an individual 294 absolute value. In my case you provide safe harbor in a sea of banality. 295 For others, an outlet for their creative thoughts. And collectively...... 296 They form infinite facets on a precious stone we call " Backwater ". 297 My support and the support of all but a few is more than available. 298 You need but ask. And when the Inn's time has come the memories will be 299 part of my greatest possesions. 300 301 ::::::::::::::Alex:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 302 303 The men in the funny white coats took me to see Andre Watts, the 304 classical pianist, last night. I never believed that a human being could 305 make music like that, simply amazing. He must be even better than... 306 than... Liberace? 307 I know... Classical music is high-brow, stuffy, and boring. I'm not 308 a real expert on the stuff, but it's better than 309 UNIVERSAL MINDS SUCK DIRT!!!! 310 Er... I think. 311 Dr. Frankenstupe 312 P.S. Pam: The powder blue straight jacket with the rhinestones you sent 313 me for my birthday was darling. The people at the concert kept staring at 314 it and whispering. Boy, was I proud. They say I'll be getting out of the 315 hospital soon. I hope we can get together to talk about old times. Give 316 me a call, I'm in the book. 317 P.P.S. Thing liked the concert, too. 318 +_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_ 319 320 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 321 Till taught by thirst 322 men (women, too) know not 323 what's a good H2O worth! (back or otherwise) 324 //////////////////////////////////////////////boris///////////////////////// 325 Here is Here and There is There 326 327 OH MY DEAR, WE SEEM TO HAVE A RESURGENCY OF THE PSEUDONYMN PROBLEM, BUT 328 DON'T WORRY ONE BIT! THESE THINGS SLIDE IN AND OUT ALL WILLY NILLY LIKE. 329 I TOO AM A PSEUDONYMN, AND LET ME ASSURE YOU THAT IT ALL ISN'T A BED OF 330 ROSES. BEING LEFT AWAY IN A DARKENED CORNER OF THE MIND UNTIL SOMEONE HAS A 331 SHAMEFULL OPINION, AND RUSHES RIGHT AWAY TO USE YOUR NAME FOR THE SHAMEFULL 332 IDEA. I FEEL SO, SO, SO, PSEUDO! YES, THAT IS IT. I FEEL PSEUDO. 333 334 335 AND THAT WAS A PSEUDO BOARDER, IN CASE ANY OF YOU MIGHT BE WONDERING... 336 337 UH, THIS MIGHT SEEM AND ODD THING TO ASK, BUT CAN ANYONE GIVE ME AN ETHIC 338 ORIENTED REASON FOR NOT TURNING OFF THE LIGHTS IN A ROOM WHEN YOU LEAVE. 339 340 No, as a matter of fact, I can't (because I don't pay the power bill) 341 If I DO turn off the light in *this* room inparticular, it turns off my 342 terminal, heaven forbid. 343 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->Sondargaard ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 344 345 CRYPTIC TO CRYPTAC, DEBEIF FROM DROP POINT, ALL BUT R292-K39p WERE DEPOSITED 346 TO CIVILIANS. R292 WAS EMPTY, NO VOXNUMBER THERE. LOOK, SOMEONE HAS THE DAMN 347 NOTE AND I DO NOT. WHAT'S MORE, THE PERSON I ALWAYS THINK IS YOU ON TRI-MET 348 TURNED OUT NOT TO BE, AND I AM SOMEWHAT NERVOUS. 349 AND WHEN I GET NERVOUS, I GET ITCHY, AND WHEN I GET ITCHY, I USE FLEA POWDER 350 SO I SUPPOSE NEXT IS FACE TO FACE AT JCB, SITE OF SCREENING. 351 352 *"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*" 353 Has Anyone been watching the latest of the Dr. Who episodes on PBS? 354 What do you think of Tegan and Nyssa? Wow!! Tonights was some really 355 weird stuff going on. Its too bas that each episode is only 23 minutes long 356 Also who watched that movie "Children in the crossfire" pretty 357 interesting. 358 Lets here some pro's and Con's about it. Personally I think that the 359 British troops should remain because if they left the Catholics and the 360 Protestants would tear each other apart if allowed to. This is probably 361 due to my English heritage and to my great sorrow of the end of 362 PAX BRITTANIA of which N.Ireland 363 and Hong Kong are some of the last. 364 365 *"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*" SPOOK *"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"*"* 366 Inkeeper, i'll drink to that!! 367 <<< no comments on the spelling, after the revival party for BWMS, 368 who can spull anyway??>> 369 370 12/ 5/84 21:49,yup it works here, too. 371 Im' playing with the Popalrm program. It's well worth the stated price, 372 which is "free". Actually it only costs $5. It can put a clock in a 373 window on the screen over most anything, or start a program - or alarm- 374 at any time. Cute. Will I buy the rest of the Pop-clan? No, not in a 375 world with Sidekick. 376 Is it too much tech talk here to ask what brand of discs you use,or 377 don't use, and why? I just had 3 bad out of a box of 10 Maxell. Never 378 had any trouble with them before, but 30% is rather high fallout. 379 ......................................BAD.................. 380 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 381 Slowly we strode into the vast hallway that had appeared out of nowhere. I sensed a vauge longing as I studied 382 the cold, hard walls of the route, but I pushed it down farther back in my mind. Too busy with other things. 383 The hall streched for some time longer. The walls hummed slightly as if precision machinery worked behind them, 384 their noises muffled by the odd metal. We pressed on. Finally, the hall opened up into an enormous chamber. The 385 walls were decorated with many carvings from several cultures, and the ceiling was oramented with precious stones of 386 tremendous size. The floor itself was barren except for a column of metal in the center, a tall pillar extending from 387 top to bottom. We spread out a bit to search more ground. 388 A high whine sounded from behind. The hall that had opened up so convienently before was now gone. Another whine 389 emanated from the pillar, but this time we were quick enough to see the section of wall part with the floor. Ah, an 390 elevator, or so it seemed. 391 "An invitation indeed, Doctor. What do you think of our host, so far?", I asked. 392 "I don't think bloody much of him. No sign of crumpets or tea anywhere.", he replied. Ah, yes, now I remembered the 393 Doctor's infatuation with all food English. "Not a crumb.", he muttered. 394 Piper seemed to grow more agitated as we spoke. I looked at him for a moment, then thought. I concentrated to fling 395 my thought directly at him, with no other overhearing: #No physical pain can match that of longing for a loved one. I 396 cannot help you, but only tell you that I understand.# He nodded slightly, his tension slacking a bit. Nothing helps 397 like sharing the pain, I thought. 398 A surge of warmth from about my neck shook me from my ponderings. The necklace was more impatient than I to continue. 399 #Rest later...#, a weak thought told me. "Did anyone else catch that thought?", I asked. All heads but the Doctor's 400 nodded assent. He seemed to be too worried about his food to catch anything more than a cold. I smiled thinly at my 401 poor joke. I shouldn't pick on the Doctor for his strange thought patterns and habits. His abilities are what count. 402 There must be some reason why his TARDIS had been pulled here..... 403 L'homme led the way into the strange pillar as we continued, I following, Bard next, Lila close after, followed by 404 Piper, Leonard, and the Doctor. A hiss of steam erupted from a pipe somewhere far below as we asended the citidel. 405 +++++++++++++ 406 Anyone's welcome to detail what we find above, your guess is as good as mine... 407 ++++++++++++++ Milchar ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 11:03 on 12/05/84 +++++++++++++++++++++ 19 days till Xmas ++++++++++ 408 JoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshua 409 I couldn't feel my toes anymore. In a way, I was happy, since I couldn't 410 feel the pain anymore either. On a more sensible level, though, I realized 411 that they were frozen. The way things were going, they were only preceeding 412 the rest of me by a few hours. I stopped by a fallen tree, brushed the snow 413 from it and sat down. Bending over, I untied the wrappings from my feet 414 and wrung the moisture from the rags, then retied them over my sandals, trying not 415 to look at the whiteness of my feet. The steam from my breath helped to 416 obscure the unpleasant sight. Straightening, I looked back along my trail, 417 where my footprints disappeared over the hill. When I was finally missed, 418 they would make it all too easy to track me down. My only hope was that it 419 would start snowing harder and cover them, but that would also finish me that 420 much sooner. All in all, a rather bleak situation. 421 I knew that I could always turn around, admit defeat, and return to the 422 commune. They would smile at me, treat me with much kindness, and increase the 423 dosage of whatever it was in my food. Soon I would be one with them again, 424 a mindless automaton, praying their mantras, joining blissfully in their 425 orgies, polishing His latest 4-wheeler, and for all practical purposes being 426 dead. No, I had been an independant soul all my life; if I was going to be 427 dead anyway, I'd do it on my terms - out here where I was nominally Free. 428 If I went back now, I'd never have another chance to get away. It had only 429 been the commotion caused by that other escape that had given me the 430 opportunity to slip away. 431 My chapped lips cracked as I smiled, remembering the strange sight. 432 Two people in costume, one looking like a penguin, kidnapping (or rescuing, 433 depending on your point of view) a collegue who had fallen in with the cult 434 a few weeks earlier. I vaguely recalled his name - Bill; a rather spaced- 435 out character even discounting the drugs in the food. I hoped that they'd get 436 away all right. Their chances were probably a lot better than mine, since they 437 had a car, even if it was a topless convertible. 438 I stood up, pulled the thin blanket over my green cult uniform, and started 439 walking again. The woods looked thicker up ahead, and perhaps I could find 440 some decent shelter from the threatening snow. The junipers hereabouts didn't 441 help too much, but those pine looked more substantial. 442 It was hard walking. The snow was up to midcalf, and my feet felt like 443 blocks on the end of my legs. Unless I found proper shelter, I knew I wouldn't 444 survive the night. On previous occasions when all hope had seemed to be lost, 445 my some-time employer had bailed me out with some deus ex machina, but I had 446 been out of touch with him for at least 4 months. I had probably been written 447 off a long time ago. 448 The though made me wonder about my erstwhile companions. We had been following 449 one of the commune leaders when there had been some sort of accident involving 450 a worker. Ma River's gasp of shock was the last I remembered for a long time, 451 until the haziness began clearing a few weeks ago. (the commune had been 452 importing street people from around the country, in hopes of taking over the 453 county. The great influx of people had overtaxed their supply of drug; they 454 had had to dilute the doses. That, with my increasing tolerance of the drug, 455 and I began returning to normal. When Bill had made his escape, I had been 456 in enough control of myself to make mine too). I had no idea what had become 457 of my two fellow agents; when I lost consciousness, I lost them too. I had 458 not seen them around the commune, though, so they were either escaped or dead. 459 I realized that I had been hearing a noise for a while, slowly becoming 460 louder. Fearing the inevitable pursuit, I began looking around. Finally 461 looking up, I spied a helicopter slowly aproaching. Are they That interested 462 in recovering me? I moved behind a tree, and watched warily. The wind from 463 the rotors was making the snow fly so I could barely see. Then the copter 464 began moving off towards the north, and I saw the Red Cross emblem on the side. 465 Too late I realized that they were out looking for all those missing elk hunters, 466 and my waving of arms accomplished nothing other than to let the cold in under 467 my wrap. Disconsolately I began trodding ahead again. If they had already 468 searched this area, it was unlikely they would be back. I cursed feebly as 469 a glob of snow, dislodged by the passage of the helicopter, fell on my head. 470 Rather a miserable ending, I mused, for someone who had been so successful 471 for so long at getting out of predicaments. Even in my brushes with McKane I 472 had managed to come out with more than just my hide. Now I was likely to lose 473 even that. 474 Ah, McKane. There had been a worthy adversary. I had made a habit of 475 thinking of him as evil, but on reflection, I decided that he wasn't really. 476 He was above good or evil. Evil does what it does Because it is evil. 477 McKane peformed his actions because they helped accomplish his aims - power 478 for powers sake. Amoral, not immoral. The more I thought about it, the more 479 I began to realize that he and I were very much alike. I didn't have his skill 480 or abilities, but in essence, we were two of a kind. That was why I had always 481 survived our meetings. This time, though, I had come up against Religion. 482 The force of the religious fanatic is beyond reckoning. Because they have 483 the authority of 'Right' behind them, they are not stopped by ordinary barriers 484 like death. Where McKane and I had mutual interests, Dangerfield and I could 485 see nothing the same. Hence, my present situation. 486 I was staggering now. I knew I had to stop at a place of my choosing, 487 else I'd collapse and never again rise. I found a likely looking tree, 488 gathered some loose branches, and made a rough lean-to. It would keep out some 489 of the wind and snow, but inside I knew that it was only a token attempt. 490 I would fight to the end, but now the end was all too visible. 491 I gathered what leaves and moss I could, built myself a nest, and lay down. 492 As I lay there reviewing my life, I began to feel a warmth stealing through 493 my body. At first I felt a rise of hope, until I realized that the warmth I 494 felt was merely the onset of hypothermia. I knew I should get up and jump 495 around; get my blood flowing, but it just didn't seem worth the effort any 496 more. My thoughts began wandering, and I remembered stories of the Inn that 497 my associate had told me. As I thought of the Inn, I seemed to feel the 498 echo of some great catastrophe there, but my fading intellect decided that 499 that was merely a figment of my waning consciousness. 500 At last awareness was gone, my heart began to pump slower and slower, 501 the flickering spark of life dimmed...... 502 ------------- 503 Beware the 'deus ex machina'... 504 -------------- 505 funny (annoying, actually); this episode sounded much better last night 506 as I thought about it while falling asleep. Oh well. 507 --------------- 508 L'homme - it's quite likely I will make it to the 2nd event Thursday. 509 If you have anything for me, bring it (them?) along in case. 510 JoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshuaJoshua 511 512 The cold glass was steaming, and the air was getting thick with moisture, and the steel of the engine was fighting for air. 513 Altitude was high, and the snow was swirling above and below the swinging rotors of the white helicopter. Omega leaned his 514 head against the glass, and peered out into the storm. 515 fficially, to the Red Cross, he was newspaper reporter trying to get a first hand account of the search and rescue efforts. 516 Also officially, to Net, he was searching for Agent Carmichael who was doing a surveilance mission for them. When the storm 517 unexpectedly trapped him, intelligence reported a Search and Destroy team was sent out in his general direction. 518 519 Over to his left, a self-conscious telivision reporter was trying to look good for her first quote unquote Real Assignment. 520 She did have talent at her job, regarded Omega. As much talent as is needed in the profession she had chosen. 521 522 Checking his watch, he noted that the Search and Destroy team would intersect their flight plan, in thirty minutes, or was 523 it twenty? Trying to resort all the vectors in his mind, his sharp eyes spotted a purple color on the horizon. 524 525 Realizing quickly that Evergreen trees don't come in purple, he motioned that the helicopter veer away from it, soon. 526 527 The pilot, thinking he meant that he had spotted a hunter, or tent, simply laid course for the purple apparition. Which, as 528 one might suspect, had a bad effect on Omega Six. 529 530 As the helicopter dipped and swirled, trying to find an appropriate spot for off-loading the rescue team, it became apparent 531 that there was no 12 man squad, armed to the teeth, and protecting the faith. 532 533 Someone wearing a neeshie suit was laying in sniper position in a tree. Only the obvious lack of a weapon kept Omega from 534 opening up on him. 535 536 As all of the occupants off-loaded the copter, Omega ran to keep up with the agile rescue team, if he was a neeshie, he was 537 a run-away, and those were a rare and valuable find. 538 539 The newswoman and crew were setting up their microwave gear all over the deep snow. Occaisionally a cord would be obscured 540 by falling snow flakes. 541 542 The pilot was leering at a guage and promising it part of his lunch if it would simply move a bit. 543 544 The machine guns opened up on the newscrew first, sweeping a misty spray of bullets through the already cold flesh. 545 One spray went through the windshield and pilot of the copter, and further into the white dim of snow. Blood covered all the 546 guages now. 547 548 Omega was firing now, having dodged into a pile of fallen brances at the first crack of a gun. Aiming for the throat/head 549 area for quick disbursement. Omega was a Net agent to the end. 550 551 Bodies were slumping to their knees and plunging into the snow at tremendous rates. Those members of the Search and Destroy 552 team still left were spinning long lines of bullets into the brush where Omega was. 553 554 Rocks were protective only to a certain point, after which they explode with each incoming bullet. Omega knew what happened 555 then. 556 He jerked into a kneeling stance and from their contorted himself into running. A bullet stuck his side. 557 Omega found the tree he was running for, and the bullet dug deeper into his thigh, and one more hit him in the calf. 558 559 Sent flying into a thick patch of brambles and rocks with mind splitting agony; he broke a rib and his autopistol. 560 Not yet realizing the utter helplessness he was stricken with, he reached for a long dead branch for use as a club. 561 562 The last remaning member of the Search and Destroy team walked up to the last member of the Rescue team, and said softly, 563 "Dear Lord, look at the," his voice trailed off into ravings about betrayal. And stumbled back in the direction of the Puram, 564 and Dangerfield. 565 566 Omega waited a moment, shock setting in, and then started wrapping his wounds. Then proceded to find the run-away. 567 568 0000000000000000000000 NULL SET 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 569 570 Opinions? As I am a novice writer, I prefer the positive opinions, but I'll settle for mild complaints. 571 572 Hmmmm.. I see Someone remembers the basis of my story from away back when. 573 Welcome aboard. (no comments yet - I don't have time right now & I want 574 to reread it). 575 joshuajoshuajoshuajoshuajoshua 576 577 Seems to me that this character 'Omega Six' sounds alot like another guy 578 I once knew by the name of Jack Frost, SOF. Keep it up Axel... Imean NullSet 579 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->Michael (what-ever-happened-to-fanasy?) SONDARGAARD 580 PromeTHEUS: If *YOU* don't have the note, the world may be in for alot of 581 trouble, but let's not get too hasty, shall we? 582 1) Are you sure you have looked at *every* book possible; you really are a bit 583 more popular than you think. Actually, the topic can be more diversified 584 than you have imagined. I'd really like to give you the title of the book, 585 but someone might get to it before you and leave a different note, or may 586 not leave it for you at all (what a malicious train of thought I have.) 587 2) To make things just a little bit easier, in my own mind, why don't you leave 588 *ME* a note in the subject of your choosing so we can both go cray-zee. 589 3) (as in TRI) Yes, I'm affraid that you are mistaken as to having seen me 590 lately. If I see you first on Tri-Met, you can believe I'll let you know, 591 eventually. 592 4) Would you like me to leave a can of 'flea powder' at EG for you? 593 5) By the way it's not JCB, it's JBC (site of screaming as well) 594 595 SPOOK: I have The Doctor on tape: Everything by T. Baker (#4), the first two 596 years of Davison (#5), and a bit of Pertwee (#3) incluing all available 597 regeneration sequences: 3 to 4, 4 to 5, but nothing of #1, #2, or #6. 598 I quite admire Peter Davison as The Doctor in 'The Black Orchid' which 599 is only a two-parter coming up later on. Well, see you later at UNIT. 600 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->Sondargaard 0355 Hrs 6 Dec 84 ^^^^^^^^^^ 601 P.S. -THEUS, leave a message here as to the times you have a terminal available 602 ***************************************************************** 603 INTERESTING ENTRIES FOLKS, DEFINITLY STIRS ME UP, BUT NOT IN 604 A POSTIVE WAY.. NO FURTHER COMMENT ON THAT. NOT ENOUGH DISK 605 SPACE LEFT FOR AN ENTRY, SO UNTILL TOMORROW. 606 *************************kathy*********************************** 607 The hunter had seen the copter landing just over the ridge. He struggled 608 through the snow, praying that they wouldn't take off before he got there. 609 Then he heard what sounded like shots. Maybe someone else was trying to 610 attract the attention of the crew? 611 He finally reached the scene of the disaster. He stood stunned for a 612 moment then he quickly checked the cabin of the copter. YES! The ELT was 613 intact! He set it to working and went to check the bodies. 614 Two of them were still alive but only just. One had apparently been trying 615 to drag them other from a tree to the copter. He got them both into the 616 copter and bundled them up in all the emergency blankets he could find. Then 617 he dug out some food & sat back to wait, rifle at the ready. 618 .... 619 Mr. MacHinery? We have an ELT beacon from Omega Six's search area... 620 Yessir! Right away! 621 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 622 ppppppppppp lots to say -- no space! (sob)ppppppppppppppppppp 623 Leonard :Yes I am going...I am trying to survive my end-of-term-four-tests-in-the-next-three-days-how-will-i-ever- 624 survive-this-school-term. But then, to misquote Alice Cooper, "School's out for two weeks! de de de dum L'homme etc... TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 624 .