1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ********************** INSTALLED: 18 DEC 84 ************************ 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION PLACED ON 6 THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 hi my name is Theresa Morrow and I am a new user in backwash so it is hard 21 to understand all of this information. 22 )-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)- 23 Well, first of all, Theresa, it's BackWater, not backwash. Secondly, 24 should do what everyone else does--lurk(read) until you get some fam- 25 iliarty with what is going on here. Unless you have an auto-dial modem 26 there are better places to leave messages(ie: other BBS's) since there 27 are quite a few writers on this board, and it takes some time to enter 28 a story. To look at the past few days' offerings, type in "DB"... 29 "Robin" 30 )-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)-)- 31 ______________________________________________________________________________ 32 Announcing a new Motion Picture that will make Cinematic History... 33 34 Breakin' II - Electric Babaloo 35 36 Yes! If you haven't felt it before, you better feel it this time or your 37 dendrites must be malfunctioning! If you were dancin' in the aisles for 38 Breakin' I, you will absolutely go wild for Breakin' II - Electric Babaloo! 39 40 Killer, Oxide, and Turbine, the three best breakers we know of, are back. 41 And they are better, hotter, faster, and leaner than before! You'll thrill 42 at the choreography! You`ll scream at the music! You'll light up at the sheer 43 electricity these young performers have to offer! Yes! It's 44 45 Breakin' II - Electric Babaloo 46 47 Music by Ricky (get down Lucy) Ricardo. Produced by Our Gang. Special 48 appearances by Old Blue Eyes, Buckwheat, and Paul A. Traitors. 49 50 A Cannon Fodder Film. Rated Breakin' XIII! 51 _______________________________________________________________________________ 52 53 Dune. What can one say, walking from the theater, visually stunned, but knowing 54 deep in your heart a classic fiction book was massacred at the hands of a 55 director known best for his phallic adolescent in Eraserhead, and a producer 56 who knows no bounds to the word garish. 57 A movie that tried to be all things to all people. A movie that attempted to 58 please the millions of followers of Frank Herbert's fictional worlds, and at 59 the same time cater to the other unenlightened millions who will truly 60 determine whether this movie sinks or swims at the box office. 61 In an attempt to make a comprehensible movie for those unlucky souls who have 62 not had the privilege of experiencing Dune in print, the makers of this 63 film have resorted to short sighted tools to move the story along at a 64 speed not exceeding the sensory input level of its audience. 65 Too many things were changed. Too many characters were altered. Too many 66 scenes ended up on the cutting room floor. A book that needed no help was 67 instead helped beyond the stage of common sense and literary decency. People 68 familiar with Dune will cringe at the Weirding modules, the handling of Keynes, 69 Paul's trial with the Water of Life, the complete idiocy of the Baron, and 70 the incredibly bad characterizations of the emperor, Thufir Hawat, and 71 the Fremen Chani. 72 With all of its shortcomings to the loyal, the movie accomplishes many things 73 in its 2 hour 5 minute run. The very commendable handling of The Voice; the 74 characterizations of the Bene Gesserit witches, Jessica in particular; and 75 the rest of the Attredies household, minor changes from the book not- 76 withstanding; the prescience sequences; the thought processes; the sound, and 77 the cinematography are all excellent. 78 Readers of Dune will have to be satisfied with the imagery of the film. 79 Decisions were made that are often beyond the control of even the most 80 well-meaning film maker. Dune is yet another testament to the foul treatment 81 novels are given in Hollywood. Rejoice in what is left, and perhaps, try to 82 think of Dune as a different story from a different book. Keep those memories 83 of the real Dune close to the heart, and never forget them. 84 A FILM FAN 85 ------------------------------------] 86 87 Go, Tammy! 88 Go, Tammy! 89 MORE! 90 MORE! 91 MORE! 92 93 Isn't that cute? A margin of 7! That might leaves just enough room for error 94 _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ abacab _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ 95 ABACAB DEAR FELLOW. ANYONE WHO LEAVES THE MARGIN AT 7 DESERVES TO BE DELETED 96 AS FOR GO TAMMY. YES TAKE THAT ADVICE AND GO GO GO! 97 98 TO Anon. It was fun, but I'll stop. Just wanted to know the limit. _-_- abacab 99 100 ................................................................ 101 L'homme: Hrmph! I only *ASKED* about using YOUR ROMs and see what I get... 102 By the way, how are you doing with "The Practice Effect"? 103 __________________________________Leonard__________________________________ 104 105 How incredible! I was able to read all 106 the way thru disk B without even one of 107 those static bursts. I'd better write 108 this quick before they catch up with me 109 again.... 110 111 Tammy: Your story is great. I can't 112 wait to see what happens next. I hope 113 my phone line will be nice enough to 114 let me read it before it all slips 115 past drive B. 116 -------------------------------------- 117 Mad Max... 118 *************************************************************************** 119 And indeed strange things have happened to Leo since the recent brawl 120 in the control room. 1. The arcing effect disrupted the controllers 121 power over captive humans and Inmo's. 2. The yuglies are sort of disini- 122 grated, leaving somewhat slimy puddles of yellowish fur and fats. 3. Ontho 123 forgave Leo for being a twit. 3. Transportion was arranged for wandering 124 and cold children and Inmo's back to friends and home's. 4. Even though 125 the defeat of the Yuglies came by accident, Leo was rewarded with a wet 126 kiss from the young duke and a spaceship. 5. Ontho worked with the elders 127 to devise a box to properly house the trident and came up with a workable 128 solution. 6. Alex (young duke) and Leo are now on their own, they have 129 new adventures waiting on their new ship, the great Guaran. The Trident 130 is at the bow of the ship in the new chest designed by Ontho and the Others 131 Ontho was sitting on the head of the old woman when Leo and Alex left 132 the lanch pad. The little Inmo was thinking of upcomming events soon to 133 end *his* life. Just to smart for an Inmo to handle. The old woman reading 134 Ontho's thoughts sent back a warm message of love and thanks for a job done 135 well. 136 *****************************kathy***************************************** 137 hmmm I thought I had people behind me, but now that I look.... 138 *************************************************************************** 139 The seas were calm now as Salty looked out over the water. Had been a 140 terrible storm last night but the crew handled it like the men they were. 141 And such good men they were. "Ship starboard" cried the lookout in the 142 crows nest. Salty got out his scope for a look. A fine English merchant 143 ship could be seen. Salty started to fantasize, gold, silver, guns.. who 144 knows untill it's boarded. "Men!!!" he cried "load the cannons!!, Weve got 145 work to do" 146 The men were as happy to see the ship as their boss, and gleefully 147 loaded the cannons and sharped swords, their guns were loaded and ready. 148 steady as she goes. The men loved this part, for they had stolen their 149 fine cannons from a Spanish galleon before they sent her to the bottom. 150 Salty was up on the top deck looking at the faces of the men on the ship 151 they were attacking. For they had seen the jolly rodger and were doing 152 their best to escape. "Ha Ha" "look at them try to run" Salty was pleased 153 ***************************kathy******************************************* 154 155 SO, NOW I HAVE SEEN DUNE, AND I SEEM TO BE IN THE COMPANY OF A GOOD MANY OTHER PEOPLE. FILM FAN DID, AND PROCEEDED TO WHINE 156 ABOUT THE HISTORY OF IT'S MAKERS, AND I RECEIVED A SMALL LESSON IN ARRAKIAN SPELLING PATTERNS FOR HIS TROUBLE. 157 I HAVE NOT READ DUNE, I TRIED BUT THE LACK OF IMAGERY THAT I RECEIVED FROM HERBERT'S WRITING STYLE MADE ME TIRE OF IT TOO 158 QUICKLY. SADLY, I ONLY READ TO PAGE THIRTY TWO OR SO. 159 160 THE MOVIE DUNE RELIES A BIT MUCH ON GORE, AND DISGUST TO ENFORCE OPINIONS ON CERTAIN CHARACTERS. THE BARON HAS NO CHARACTER 161 DEVOLOPMENT WITHOUT HIS DISGUSTING APPEARENCE, AND MANNER. 162 163 THE CUTTER MADE THIS AWESOME SPECTACLE OF A MOVIE, A SHAMBLES OF WHAT THE FILM WAS SHOT TO BE. NOT BECAUSE OF PARTS LEFT OUT 164 REALLY, BUT BECAUSE THE CUTTER DID A THIRD RATE JOB. SOME SCENES WERE SO SCRATCHED UP THAT IT APPEARED ON THE AUDIO TAPE. 165 THE END IS SO... ANTICLIMACTIC THAT ANY TREMENDOUS WELLING OF PRIDE AFTER THE MOVIE IS SILENCED BY ONE SHOT THAT WAS HANDLED 166 HIDEOUSLY. 167 168 PERHAPS THIS WAS SIMPLY AT MY THEATER, BUT MY SHOWING SEEMED TO PORTRAY AN AWESOME SPECTACLE RUINED BY A HIRRENDOUS CUTTING 169 JOB. WHOEVER WAS RESPONSIBLE OUGHT TO BE FIRED AT LEAST, AND PROBABLY SHAMED PROFESSIONALLY. 170 171 OVERALL, WITH HIDEOUS CUTTING JOB ASIDE, DUNE SUCCEEDED IN BEING ENTHRALLING AND INTERESTING IN THE EXTREME. ALL OF THE SETS 172 AND PROPS, EVEN THE SPECIAL EFFECTS WERE HANDLED PERFECTLY FOR MY TASTES, AS I HAD NOT FORMED IRRESISTABLE IDEAS ON WHAT 173 PEOPLE AND PROPS AND SPECIAL EFFECTS WERE SUPPOSED TO LOOK AND SOUND LIKE. ANY CRITICISM ON THAT POINT SHOULD BE THOUGHT OUT 174 FOR THAT PREJUDICE. 175 176 DUNE WAS A GREAT SAMPLER FOR THE READING OF DUNE. I AM ENTHRALLED... EVERY PART HAD SUCH PROMISE THAT I AM SURE I WILL ENJOY 177 THE READING OF DUNE. 178 179 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 180 181 Does anyone know what the processor speed on the Intel 8088 is? I plan on getting a clone sooN, one month, and am curious 182 to see just how fast it is. 183 184 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (a real big 'oops') 185 If any of you out there saw the last show of DUNE Tues, my deepest apologies. 186 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->the missing Guardian 19 Dec 84 0228 Hrs 187 188 **************************************************************************** 189 I had made no plans to see "DUNE" because I suspected violence to be 190 the key attracting feature. After reading the reviews I believe I made the 191 correct choice. I'll keep my 5 bucks thank-you. 192 **********************************************kathy************************ 193 194 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (no fivers here!) 195 I believe that someone -did- mention gore, but it only related to certain 196 characters- such as, of course, the flying fat man, the Baron. 197 As to the fiver, hmmm... Ah, I see it now! A pass with Ms. kathy's 198 name on it! Now then, how will she get it? (puzzled look on my face) 199 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->the 'H.P.' Guardian 0335 Hrs 19 Dec 84 200 (now where did that thing go?) 201 202 ***************************************************************************** 203 Salty was pleased... His fine ship was currently in the process of 204 bombarding the English vessel. Taking a couple of hits but nothing to fret 205 about. Salty ordered the boarding and swung aboard himself knife in his 206 teeth to fight with his men. Ah this is the life, plundering and looting, 207 shooting and killing, taking of treasures, trading old ships for new. Who 208 could ask for anymore? Ah yes I am a lucky man, said Salty to himself as he 209 knifed a english man who wasn't thrilled to death with Salty's idea's. 210 They rounded up about 15 men and 2 cabin boys, tied them up untill they 211 had their way with them. Salty and his first mate, Salty calls him nosebleed, 212 were opening up the hold. Nosebleed held a lamp and climbed down in. 213 ************yo ho ho and a bottle of rum*****kathy***************************** 214 ....................................... 215 kathy: I presume Salty and his motley 216 crew overcame their foe by holding 217 High Mass until they were bored to 218 death. What else could be done using 219 a loaded canon? 220 ... an amused observer................. 221 ******************************************************************************** 222 thank-you for pointing out my spelling errors, I have corrected the one 223 you brought up. But watchout landlubber, I might find yee in the hold and 224 then yee will be keel hauled. chortle, snicker. 225 ******************************kathy********************************************** 226 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 227 The piper, growing weaker from the loss of blood, slowly realized from where 228 the blood was running. A deep fear gripped him, as the feel of a second slash 229 tore across the same side, followed by another torrent of blood. Unable to 230 staunch a wound that had no source on his physical body, the piper staggered 231 from the path, heart aflame with fear for the pegasus, leaving his bloody 232 shirt marking his point of entry. Not knowing where he was, not knowing where 233 he was heading, he stumbled blindly down the side of a small canyon, tearing 234 a thin, tall tree that had partly fallen over, out of the ground. Grasping at 235 it to slow his fall, he felt the world dissolve from around him. 236 The timid woodland creatures were treated to an amazing sight that afternoon. 237 The spectacle of a large and clumsy two-legs who had previously suffered some 238 terrible wound, blundering down the side of the small, steeply-sloped canyon. 239 Not too terribly remarkable? Ah, but the way he fell... twisting and turning, 240 yet not down the slope -- he seemed to fall in a completely different direction. 241 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 242 *********************************** 243 piper: excellent!! 244 245 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 246 KATHY DO YOU MEAN TO SAY THESE PIRATES ARE GAY? THEY HAD THEIR WAY WITH THEM 247 EH? ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT ON A SHIP LOAD OF MEN MEN MEN THE SEXUAL 248 EXPRESSION OF THESE MEN MEN MEN WOULD BE WITH EACH OTHER. MAKES ME WONDER 249 WHAT WOULD DRIVE A YOUNG BOY TO SUCH A DASTERDLY JOB AS BEING A CABIN 250 BOY. EVERYONE KNOWS THERE ARE BETTER FIELDS TO TOIL IN, SUCH AS BEING A 251 CONGRESSIONAL PAGE. OH FRANK, WHERE ARE YOU WHEN WE NEED YOUR INSIGHTFUL 252 INPUT TO SUCH GOINGS ON. 253 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 254 255 --------------------------------------- 256 To the anonymous person complaining about 'cutting' as you so ignorantly called it. Your message demonstrates a real 257 lack of knowledge about how movies are made. How could you think for one moment one person was responsible for the 258 entire editing job on a film the scale of Dune? Do you think this is some simpleton procedure done in a hurry? Do you 259 think after spending millions of dollars on the making of a film, the makers would be unwilling to spend the same kind 260 of money to have the film edited properly. You mentioned something about the theater you watched the film at possibly 261 having something to do with the look of the film. This is highly unlikely, since films are distributed in a very orderly 262 manner, and prints, except for the differences between 70mm dolby and standard, are very much alike. Perhaps your frame 263 of mind had something to do with the unsatisfactory quality you felt your viewing of the film had? Nevertheless, Dune 264 was a technical achievement of the highest degree. I don't think there can be any quarrel with the quality of the 265 'film'. You may argue, as FILM FAN has done (whining as you so call it) with the content of the film. You may dislike 266 what was chosen to remain in the film, and what was left out, but to complain about the look of the film, seems pointles 267 s at best. You state your dislike of Herbert's writing style at the beginning of your message, then you do a quick change 268 at the end. What gives? If you can't even keep one coherent line of reasoning through a short message, can we really 269 believe or trust anything you say? 270 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 271 $%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$% 272 TO THE ANONYMOUS DUNE CRITIC: The correct term is film editor, 273 not cutter. How do you know the editor did such a lousy job 274 without having seen the unedited material he worked from? You 275 can't just assume he threw away the good stuff. Maybe he could 276 only save the best of the terrible. 277 278 In trying to make yourself appear more sophisticated than you 279 really are you only managed to make yourself look foolish. At 280 least you had the good sense not to sign your name. 281 282 Kathy: Your cabin boy is a lucky lad. Where can I sign up for 283 your crew. 284 285 Frank 286 $%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$ 287 {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c} 288 Sorry no story today, i'm still working on it. I don't know if I should 289 start another one or continue with the one I have. Well, i'll try to get it 290 on tomarrow. The Inn is so busy all the time. 291 Kathy: I like your story, neet! 292 293 Mike: I'm sliding, I was feeling great for a while and now it's just about 294 as bad. I don't know what it is, I walk around town buying presents for people 295 and I see... I feel great when I am talking to that one person but it's like 296 I need to call him every hour just to stay on my feet. Writing these stories 297 has helped, maybe if Milo can be happy then I might be happy too? Well, I 298 almost did something really stupid to myself a day ago, but (he) talked to me 299 and got my thinking again. I'm sorry if I am bothering you with my problems, 300 it's easier to type than talk, sorry. 301 302 {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{tammy}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{sorry}{c}{c} 303 304 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (I know) 305 Claiming ignorance to a good many facets of human emotions and wisdoms, I say 306 these things. I am not one to go 'Ho Ho Ho', for I do not *feel* it. Words 307 of praise and emotion do not easily come from my lips, and because of this, 308 much of how some people 'read' my actions (unless they *really* know me) can 309 easily be mis-inetrpreted (sp!) Oh, I try, but something has happened... 310 I assume that most of the 'downers' at this time of year are holiday 311 related and can be overcome by time, but time sure does have a way of slowing 312 down in these matters, doesn't it? I think so. 313 Tammy, although the following answer doesn't really give a clear solution 314 your dilema with your great writing, allow me to give you this... If you have 315 another idea for a story, and it may not quite fit, save it or start another 316 story. If you would like to stop at where you are with Milo, at least it will 317 serve as a good background for his character in another story... or change 318 the situation and keep the cahacter you have already deveoped. 319 Keep this in mind... 'There are many alternative paths for you to choose.' 320 (Ever heard of Pascal's triangle?) Right now I'm at a slow point because 321 I'm probably trying to develop to much out of my writing... 322 All's well that ends well... 323 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->the Guardin 1822 Hrs 19 Dec 84 324 325 Suddenly, the INN grows quiet. All eyes turn toward a stranger, whom none recognize. 326 "My name is Starpath." the explains in a depp, mysterious voice. "I had feared this place would 327 be closed upon my return." 328 "It is likely that none of you recognize me, for I have been gone a long time, and my 329 previous visit was brief. 330 "While I was here my steed became ill, and I had to go find someone to help her, as she is 331 a good mount, and I have no other. 332 "Though ever so often I gazed into my StarGem and saw you all, I have been seperated from  333 the Inn for a very long time." 334 He sits down and waits for a reply. 335 336 (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)STARPATH(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) 337 338 To Luingin: 339 The proper term is Trekkie, not Trekker 340 341 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 342 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 343 344 kathy: I use my "fine English merchant chip" to trade commodities with; 345 what do you use yours for? I still haven't figured out how they 346 crammed the poor bugger into ROM... 347 348 The Gardin(huh? Nobody could spell Sondergaard? (oh yeah-(sp?))): The 349 IBM 8088 chip runs at 4.77 MHZ. There are several other compatibles 350 on the market(Leading Edge PC, Compaq Deskpro, Eagle Turbo(I think), 351 and the Sperry(I think) that have a switch that enables them to run 352 twice as fast to speed up spreadsheets, etc., or to run at 4.77, 353 thereby maintaining compatibility with timing-dependent programs. Do 354 you like Stargate? Running twice as fast?(assuming it would run, and 355 wouldn't simply crash...) 356 The Crimson Blues 357 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 358 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (corrections) 359 Luingin: Nevermind the uninformed, *WE* know that the group has OFFICIALLY 360 changed their name to 'Trekkers' 361 The Crimson Blues: I metamorphisized my name of Sondagaard (one '0' 362 the rest are 'A's) which not many could spell, to 'the Guardin'. 363 Thanks for the information, but it wasn't I who had asked for it. 364 It was enter before before my border ^^^^^^^ Thanks anyway... 365 PromeTHEUS: Drop a parcell or dial a number... 366 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->the Guardian 2024 Hrs 19 Dec 84 367 368 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\\/\/ 369 TO THE UNINFORMED: IT'S L U I N G I L ! (more tomorrow)... 370 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/Guess 371 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/Who? Bah Humbug!/\/\/\/\/ 372 L'homme: It has ocurred to me that we may have a misunderstanding here. I was 373 asking if there was a reason why you could not (or did not want to) use your 374 ROMs for a TEST! I did not expect you to give up YOUR ROMs to fix HIS machine. 375 OK? 376 ______________________________________Leonard__________________________________ 377 I HAD MY FIRST PREMONITION THAT DUNE WOULD BE BUTCHERED WHEN I SAW DINO 378 DE LAURENTIS NAME ON IT. (I HAVE A BAD MEMORY FOR MOVIE TRIVIA - COULD 379 L'HOMME PERHAPS, OR SOMEONE ELSE REMIND ME OF WHAT DDL HAS EVER DONE RIGHT?) 380 THE SECOND SHOT OF FOREBODING HIT ME WHEN I GOT FOUR PEOPLE INTO DUNE FOR 381 6 BUCKS AND TWO FUN PACK COUPONS ON THE THIRD DAY AFTER THE PORTLAND OPENING. 382 ONE SHOULD PAY ATTENTION TO THOSE LITTLE VOICES, BUT I BADLY WANTED THE MOVIE 383 TO SUCCEED, BECAUSE I LOVED THE BOOK (FIFTEEN YEARS AGO). 384 ANYHOW, SINCE MOST PEOPLE SEEM TO HAVE FELT THE SAME WAY (SO I INTERPRET 385 THESE APOLOGISTS REMARKS), I WISH TO ADD A FEW EXPLANATIONS FOR THE DISATER MYSLF. 386 1. PRESSURE TO FIT THE FILM INTO UNDER 2 1/2 HOUR FORMAT SO AS TO SELL IT TO 387 T.V. THIS WAS A *BIG* BOOK. THUS THE EXTREME EDITING (OR CUTTING, AS THE SLANG 388 USED TO BE) THAT KEPT US FLITTING FROM ONE SCENE TO ANOTHER, BARELY TOUCHING 389 ON ANY. HOWEVER A VERY MEDIOCRE DIRECTOR COULD HAVE HAD THE SAME EFFECT. I 390 WOULD HAVE BEEN HAPPIER WITH THIS BOOK SPLIT IN TWO OR THREE PARTS. 391 2. I DIDN'T THINK THE SPECIAL EFFECTS WERE ALL THAT GREAT. THE SCENES WITH THE 392 FREMEN RIDING THE GIANT WORMS REMINDED ME OF THOSE PHONY LOOKING DINOSAUR FILMS 393 OF THE FIFTYS. THERE WAS A LOT OF GREAT STUFF IN THERE TOO, NO DOUBT, BUT IT O 394 ONLY TAKES ONE BLOWN SPECIAL EFFECTS SHOT TO RUIN THE 'WILLINGNESS TO SUSPEND 395 DISBELIEF. I THINK ABOUT 95% OF THESE WERE GREAT - AND THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH. 396 397 3. HOW ABOUT LOSING DUNCAN HALFWAY THROUGH THE FILM? 398 4. HOW ABOUT A LITTLE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT? LIKE MAYBE IN PLACE OF THOSE MARTIA 399 MARTIAL ARTS TRAINING SCENES THAT REMINDED ME OF BRUCE LEE MOVIES - THE EARLY ON 400 ONES? 401 5. JOSE FERRER AS AN EMPORER? HOW ABOUT LASSIE AS THE QUEEN MOTHER, THEN? 402 -----BATPOOP, THE MAGNIFICENT, PORTLANDS ANSWER TO SISKEL AND EBERT ---------- 403 Batpoop - a good DDL? CONAN. (the first, not that miserable The Destroyer). 404 _innocent bysitter_ 405 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 406 Whenever a book is made into a movie, even if the book is followed faithfully, 407 it is an entirely different THING: different characters, different setting, 408 different action-from the book because most of that stuff is brought to the 409 book-experience by the reader. I am always startled by movie versions of books, 410 especially books I care about, and am usually disappointed. The thing on the 411 screen, no matter how well done, is not the thing that is dear to me. I did 412 like "French Lieutenant's Woman" where they did a severe modification of the 413 story line in the book (which had some severe modifications of its own) which 414 announced forthrightly "This is different; this is a movie, not the book you 415 read." The emotional flavor of the author came across better in this not-so- 416 literal version. 417 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 418 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~not the bard~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 419 TO THE ANONYMOUS DUNE CRITIC: Since everyone else ragged on you I think 420 that I will not. Lucky you. 421 422 Sorry to here about Tammy having problems, but I do agree with the cheer 423 for her, or whoevers name it is. Go Tammy!, Go Tammy!. 424 smile a little, it can't hurt. 425 426 What's this about Cabin boys? Sounds kinky. 427 PromeTHEUS: Please take the quarter out of your pocket and dial. All I 428 hear is PromeTHEUS this or PromeTHEUS that. 429 Lucky new user THERESA was at the top and noone bothered to mention it 430 to her. Sham Sham. THERESA, being the first user of line 19 is 431 an ice cream cone on a very hot day. (ie. N-E-A-T) and much sout after 432 I was woundering about that SNODERGAARD guy and where he went, no wounder 433 I didn't find many references - The First Regeneration is at hand (I think 434 really I missed it). I do wish he would wake up and rejoin the real world. 435 That of course is our real world, and not the one he thinks he's in. ha 436 Merry Christmas <<<<< 437 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PaPa Smurf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 438 ***************************************************************************** 439 Nosebleed shouts from below. "Hey, thars people down har, women!" 440 On deck Salty groans, "gawd, that's all we need is a bunch of silly 441 women, well bring them up." Salty's crew has mixed emotions about 442 the cargo, some like salty think it's time to dump garbage into the 443 sea to attract sharks. In preparation for the joy of plank walking. 444 The pirate with the most kills gets to do the final pushing. Such fun! 445 On the other hand, or hook soom of the men have different idea's 446 about the lassies. (they are not all MEN MEN MEN) 447 448 One by one the women climbed up on deck, a total of 8. These gals 449 were all wearing black clothing and crosses (gasp!!! nuns!!!). 450 451 Salty ordered the retreat!!! Ieeeee Let's get out of here!! His 452 men were off the english ship faster than you can say pokeacabinboy. 453 (they did manage to hire on one young spud.) And they were on their 454 way, sighing in relief. too close for comfort that one. "Full sail" 455 could be heard as the Jolly Rodger fled like a dog with it's tail 456 between it's legs. And such good men they were. ( not the end...) 457 ************kathy*************************************gotya,ha,ha****** 458 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/lurk mode/? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 459 Ride, captain, ride, upon your mystry ship. On your way to a world others 460 might have missed. 461 Frank: Your justification is showing! 462 Tammy:the name you use on PCS/CBBS, is it your real last name? Do you intend 463 to keep using it? 464 Speaking of names... WHERE are they people? How the heck am I to reply to 465 people who have no name? 466 8088 person:The 8088 is SLOW, no matter how you look at it. Go for a nice 467 fast 68000 system, or, if you must go MS-DOS 468 look at an 8086-186 system. Showing a little bias, the Tandy 2000 is a nice 469 little machine... 470 Papa Smurf:C.W.?? 471 Theus:Strange, last time I used the phone at your locker, there was no 472 quuarter slot. Have I missed a recent addition? 473 CRYP-TAC/TIC:Well, when doesith I getith mein first assignment eh? Or d 474 do I get to start? 475 ALL:How adverse are you to having the BW archives on a public BBS system? 476 Mikey:How would YOU feel aboout having the arhives on a public BBS system, 477 your opinion has a bit more weight! 478 There I go, messing up my sentence strugture again, better sign off... 479 Halucenigenicly yours... 480 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/MiG/? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 481 DUNE I was VERY disappointed. My critizism is aimed at the 482 director. His poor choice of actors (Paul from Yakima) and his 483 inability to develop characters has made this a CLASS C movie. 484 Good acting and dialouge was replaced with dry and lifeless 485 thoughts (telling the audiance the story). A good movie brings 486 characters alive, special effects enhance the scene, proper 487 editing gives continuity. DUNE is a good sci-fi novel because 488 the characters are WELL developed and several novel ideas are 489 introduced ie... the scaricity of water. The movie isn't good 490 because of bad acting, bad casting, bad script, mediocre special effects, and poor directing. Movie 491 goers expect (and deserve) better quality. 492 493 Roger 494 ................................................................ 495 .................................................................... 496 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 497 Color surrounded the piper as he floated -- gold shining around him in an 498 infinite sphere, black streaking and spiraling through the gold, red shimmering 499 in a flat spiral from a nucleus of white, orange, and more black. Slowly these 500 shapes took on solidity until, with an almost audible snap, he recognized them. 501 Fighting for her life, surrounded by a haze of blood, the pegasus had been 502 wounded twice on one side. The tiger-like winged carnivore had not gone 503 unscathed. The hooves and wings of the pegasus had taken their toll, and 504 catlike in the extreme, had increased the determination of the carnivore. 505 The pegasus' wingspan was a liability here. The carnivore, with a much shorter wingspan was 506 more manuverable. Only extreme care, and lashing hooves had kept the pegasus 507 in the fight this long. The piper waited helplessly, unable to move, still 508 holding the dead tree that he had plucked out of the ground as he fell. 509 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 510 *********************************************************************** 511 to the more vocal observer: I'm a writer of short stories and I'm just 512 having fun. I don't give a rip about details. comeon lighten up and enjoy. 513 ******************yo,ho,ho and a bottle of rum*******kathy****************** 514 hi how are you 515 ctrl/s pause 516 ctrl 517 Merry Christmas 518 I SAID MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! 519 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 520 ......Another long night draws to a close.....One of many in the last 521 few weeks. The malady...integer insomnia, digital depression or the 522 all too familiar " Numeric based multiple substitution Blues "....maybe ? 523 ..At least it keeps pointing that way...Arrrgggggg!! 524 CRYP/TAC/TIC/TOC ???...I have not been following it....sounds diversionary... 525 whats the game thats "afoot" ?? 526 Riskers, 527 Any chance of MAD before Jan 4 ?? 528 529 kathy, 530 Detail in, nomenclature, period idiom and fact provide an author a 531 means to give life to an illusion. To dismiss these details is to deprive 532 a story of another dimension it would otherwise have. Just a thought.. 533 534 :::::::::Alex::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 535 536 537 Batpoop is back. 538 Hmmmm.... Do I see the storm clouds of a debate gathering over the 539 Southern mountains? 540 Pam; I have a bone to pick with you. 541 Dr. Frankenstupe 542 +_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_ 543 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 544 545 MESSAGES FOR EVERYONE******************** ************** 546 DISCS THAT ARE ON SALE AT " PAPER PLUS " 547 GREENBURG IN TIGARD RD. LISTED TIL 12/29/84 ARE GENERIC 5-1/4 DSDD 548 WITH JACKET FOR .99 CENTS WITH 30 DAY EXCHANGE 549 $$$$$SENTINEL DISKS-5-1/4 ,DSDD WITH JACKET ARE 1.60 TIL THE END OF THE 550 MONTH********REG.-1.95 OR 10 OR MORE FOR 1.75( LIFE TIME GUARANTEE ) 551 ELEPHANT SSDD OR DSDD SAME GUARENTEE AT 21.95 OR 26.95................ 552 ======================================================================= 553 HAVE ACCESS TO ALPHA-COM VP-42 COMPUTER PRINTERS FOR COMMORDORE VIC-20 554 64K -----FACTORY SEALED WITH WARRANTY FOR 49.95......GIVE BRIAN A CALL 555 AT 297-xxxx............................................................. 556 557 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 558 SPORTS TRIVIA PERSONAL COMPUTERS THAT COVER SPORTS BACK TO THE 30'S FOR 559 12.95 --------------------297-xxxx--------------------------------------- 560 **************************************************************************** 561 NEW WORK SHIRTS-----MANY COLORS---SHORT OR LONG SLEEVE----50 SHIRTS FOR 562 100.00 $ ----------CALL BRIAN AT 297-xxxx--------------------------------. 563 @#(_)($%_)($%_)!#*%_)@#*%#)_$*^)_%$&*)_&*_+&+@%#*&_%*&_)*%_!&*#_)&*_%)$*&_@$)&* 564 Alex:Good to hear from you again. I would be willing to lob a nuke or three 565 in mine enemy's general direction at any date before the 4th. I don't have to 566 return to school until the evening of the 7th. 567 BATPOOP:DDL did the job on Flash Gordon and King Kong. I would have to agree 568 with Inn. bysitter regarding Conan. I have never been a big fan of that 569 genre, but I did enjoy Conan, and James Earl Jones (I am your father Luke & 570 The competition was good, so we had to be better, etc) makes a great villain. 571 Leonard:Let's move this conversation over to CBBS/NW. 572 Kathy:Have you given up on your challenge? And we were waiting with such 573 excitement for 'The Wrath of Kath.' (sorry!) 574 %*_)#*%)_@#*%_)@#*%_)@#*%_)@#*%_@)# L'homme sans Parity *_)%*@#)_*%_)@*_@)%*@_ 575 {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c} 576 577 Milo started to walk away towards the nearest town. The town where 578 he must show that he is able to take care of himself, he had something 579 comming to him and he wasn't going to let anyone take that away , 580 no matter how old he was. He had to show them for one last time and then 581 that would be the end of it. Milo walked along, eating a little and 582 admiring his new weapons. 583 584 Behind Milo, back on the edge of the forest there stood a tremendous 585 winged being. Riding it was a pitch black figure, a shadow against the 586 white snow on the branches of the trees. The being waited, never moving, 587 not even a twitch, just waited there watching milo as he walked along. 588 The men, after picking themselves up and collecting the dogs, saw the huge 589 being sitting there. They found thier rope and walked up behind it. They 590 were going to get this creature, it must have helped that little guy escape. 591 They let out a battle cry and rushed up behind the dark rider. They were 592 running up when the fire hit, both men were ablaze. They rolled in the snow 593 and tried to put out the flames but within seconds they were burnt to the 594 bone. 595 596 The figure returned it's gaze to milo, who was almost out of sight. It 597 gave the being a small command, the great wings opened wide with such 598 strength the branches on the trees were swaying back and forth loosing the 599 snow that had weighted them down. The huge being rose off the ground and 600 into the air and was suddenly gone along with the flurry of the wind. The 601 snow was then back on the branches just like before and the tracks were 602 just as easily erased. 603 604 {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c} 605 The story goes on, oh well. what kind of trouble will Milo get himself 606 into next? I'll have to think of something. 607 It's snowing! I love it. I wish I could go outside and stay there and 608 just watch the snow fall. Too bad I would freeze by bippy off! Burrrrr. 609 Well, I'll go now. 610 {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{tammy}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{snow fight!}{c} 611 612 ************************************************************************* 613 lhomme: Mikey makes the rules here and I am responsible enough to abide. 614 and besides the continuation of my challenge whould put me in a 615 company with MiG and Mad Max, who don't seem to write much but 616 are so quizative about who people are. You know how picky I 617 I am about my privacy, I'll give everyone else the same 618 respect. 619 **********************************************************kathy******* 620 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 621 Kathy: Everybody knows who MiG is, thats why I write using other names. To say 622 that I do not write much is somewhat wrong. Max on the other hand, I don't know. 623 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/MiG/ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 624 L'homme: ok, but dthat means that I can't guarantee responses from Sun-Wed! 625 ___________________________________Leonard_________________________________ 626 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 627 Sigh. Not much room on the end of a disk. At last, vacation has come. 628 ++++++++++++++ 629 ++++++++++++++++ Milchar ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 09:42 on 12/21/84 +++++ TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 629 .