1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 ************************* INSTALLED: 27 FEB 85 ************************************ 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ***************************************************************** 19 20 /?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/? 21 It is a sad fact but true that even "regulars" can cut an ego when it is not 22 deserved. Long-time precedence does not make one kind or even uncruel. It just 23 prevents those who have been cut from responding or ever entering again. Would 24 you object to an insult if it came from someone whose name was hallowed through- 25 out the Inn? 26 AnynoMiss 27 /?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/? 28 Backwater users:A call for help for a friend who owns a dinosaur. It seems he 29 was interested in computers before computers were interesting and bought himself 30 this dinosaur called:Heathkit H8 or H89 or whatever. Any how he has been 31 smitten with the telecommunications bug and unfortunately there is no cure 32 other than to give in to the urge. BUT unfortunately, his dinosaur has a very 33 hard time digesting modeming without a term program(of which he has none) but= 34 in one of his old dust covered catalogs it talks of one called a MCS Modem term 35 program #885-105x(Heathkit was real good with numbering everything) so if any 36 of you great BW users knows of a term program that would work on his dinosaur 37 it would be much appreciated. I want to see this friend get his "fix" real 38 soon so that he can be as crazy as the rest of us. I don't know what works with 39 dinosaur but there must be something(outside of the museums) that will make his 40 machine talk with the boards. Any assistance would be much appreciated. 41 Thank you 42 THOR 43 P.S. His name is Leon and he can be reached at 774-xxxx. OR leave me a message 44 here at the INN. Thanx again. 45 46 *********************************************************************** 47 THOR: I HAVE A COPY OF THE PROGRAM YOU MENTIONED. I WOULD BE HAPPY TO 48 SELL IT TO YOU/HIM AT THE PRICE I PAYED FOR IT. $10 IT IS A HARD SECTOR 49 DISK, ASSUMING THAT IS THE FORMAT NEEDED. IF NOT, OH WELL... 50 CALL ME AT WORK IF YOU ARE INTERESTED. 654-xxxx 51 52 LEONARD: I HAVE AN OLD BROCHURE FROM THE OLD LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR OF THE 53 PIED PIPER MACHINE. I'LL LET YO HAVE A COPY NEXT TIME I SEE YOU, I'LL 54 ALSO LEAVE THE PHONE # HERE TOMORROW NIGHT IF YOU WANT TO TRY CALLING. 55 **************************** CISTOP MIKEY ***************************** 56 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 57 It was a strange February for this land from what those who have 58 resided here long have told me, certainly a rare gift to be cherished to 59 find such warmth and pleasant dryness under the deep blue skies of winter. 60 Memories of the last two winters jumped unbidden to mind, the coldness of 61 the rain arguing with the grey skies for first place in the race to depress 62 the spirits, but each laughing secretly over the green surprises they had 63 in store for all in later months. Ah, but this February! Surely a month 64 to be remembered, catalogued, filed and then pulled forth again and again 65 from the stacks of memories lodged in the halls and upon the shelves of the 66 mind. 67 Gears complain raucously as I attempt to shift from the 4th to the 5th 68 position, finally they engage with a oddly reluctant rattle, and I push my 69 ancient Schwinn LeTour forward toward the extinct volcano known to we 70 current inhabitants of this land as Mt. Tabor. I wonder to myself what it 71 was known as to those who lived here before, but this thought leaves my mind 72 as I return to watching the world as it moves by. There is an elderly man 73 tending to the bed of his recently trimmed rosebushes, while nearby some 74 children play a joyful and noisy game in happy celebration of spring come 75 early. I think of stopping and joining them, but the unfortunate realities 76 of being an adult crowd such thoughts from my mind, and I settle into a 77 sullen melancholy as I begin the long climb to the top of the hill. Oh 78 Peter Pan, where were you when I was young? Wendy was a fool. 79 It seems like days later when I finally reach the park at the top, 80 covered with sweat and legs shaking from the effort needed to bring me 81 here. And once here I see that half the cars and a majority of the 82 teenagers in this part of town have decided that this is a great place to 83 come on such a nice day; the park is crowded with them, as well as the 84 occasional police car that inevitably shows up where any group of the young 85 larger than twenty appears. Strangely enough, the police don't seem to 86 take notice of the obvious smell of marijuana in the air, concentrating 87 instead on reducing the volume of the stereos. I knew that there was going 88 to be quite a congregation here when I arrived, since I had spent much of 89 the climb avoiding the cars speeding by and ignoring the suggestive remarks 90 that sometimes came from the open windows. Cruising slowly to regain my 91 strength and wind, I once again ignore the remarks as I pass by; I guess 92 I'm supposed to be either impressed or flattered. They don't realize that 93 the emotions I feel are a combination of disgust and fear. For once I wish 94 I looked older than I do, maybe they'd leave me alone. 95 The statue of a bald headed gentleman stands as he must have stood for 96 years, flaunting his age with the green of oxidation. He appears intent on 97 his purpose, and he is pointing back the way I've come as if advising me to 98 return in that direction. But the grass beneath him is soft and inviting, 99 and I would prefer to rest just a bit before I try to go back down the long 100 hill. Yes, it is soft. I can smell the chlorophyll of the grass, hear the 101 wind in the trees above, the sun beats down on me with a warmth that is so 102 relaxing. 103 I awaken with a start, I didn't intend to fall asleep! I jump up 104 quickly, it has gotten chilly now and the sun is much lower than before. 105 Darn, I won't be home before dark now, and I don't have a light of any sort. 106 I grab my bike and walk it down toward the paved street a few feet below 107 my unintended bed. Strangely enough, the street isn't there. And I see 108 now that the grass isn't neatly trimmed as I remember, it's long and filled 109 with weeds. It seems that the entire world around me has changed, or else 110 my perception of it has been altered. 111 I try to extend my senses, but nothing happens. Obviously this isn't 112 where I was before, and it isn't Inisfall or else I would sense the Inn and 113 its energy. But where could I be? Wherever I am, it is totally unfamiliar 114 in feeling, and not pleasant. As I survey this strange world around me, I 115 see that there is one familiar object: the statue remains, but it seems to 116 be subtley changed. Perhaps it is just my imagination, but it seems to be 117 smiling. 118 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]PAM.[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 119 120 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (recanting...) 121 I eat my words as desevance fills the screen. Fame and recognition are there. 122 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->the Guardian with an open mouth 59:01 123 124 (*==marker==*) 125 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 126 127 "How long will it take?" he asked, squatting beside the edge of the water. 128 "I'm not sure" was the soft answer,"The water's very warm and I don't 129 weigh much. Probably not long." 130 He looked up into the sky. 131 She smiled up at him and streached as she felt the warmth of the water 132 around her. The rock she sat on was a foot or so beneath the surface and the 133 sun kept the pond quite warm. Even the little stream running down to the 134 house would feel warm this late in the day. 135 She looked up at him again, this time he met her eyes. 136 137 "This doesn't have to happen you know." he said. 138 She tipped her head back, resting it on the grass of the bank. 139 "I need you here." he said, his eyes were fixed on the ground now. 140 Without turning her head she spoke. "You don't. You only fear being alone 141 with your feelings. You have learned much about yourself while I have been 142 here, now you must learn to be yourself." 143 He thought about her words. He did not understand all she said. It was a 144 credit to her teaching that he did not let his questions force his words. 145 "You know the ways of a Speaker." she reminded. 146 "I am not ready." 147 "But you are." 148 His eyes met hers, firmly this time. "Speak for me now, before...." 149 She smiled. Her hand moved up through the warm water. She lifted it to 150 his face and gently touched his forehead. Her eyes closed and for a moment 151 her lips moved without sound. 152 "You fear..." 153 "You fear my parting will leave you less of who you are. That somehow 154 without a Speaker you will not be heard, or that your words will fall only on 155 the uncaring." Her voice was soft, almost a whisper, and flowed as thought 156 she were reading from a page, flowed like the small stream caressing the rocks 157 a few feet away. "Your words are so important to you. So much pride you have, 158 so much fear. Fearing more your own goals that anything else. The one person 159 you cannot live with disappointing is yourself." 160 "You fear that you will not miss me as much as you should." she said. He 161 closed his eyes at this. 162 "You think I will be hurt if you do not hurt enought, and that people will 163 see you as uncaring." 164 She took her fingers from his forehead, leaving small drops of water on his 165 brow. One slid down and mixed with his tears. 166 "I am a Speaker." she said, placing her arm back into the water. 167 "I have Spoken." he said, completing the ceremony. 168 For a long time the only sound was the stream making its was down the hill. 169 "I WILL miss you." he said. 170 "And it will be enought." she answered. 171 He rocked backward and sat on the soft grass. 172 "You will learn to look inside yourself as I can look into you, the first 173 step is knowing there is something there to find." she said. 174 He looked at her for a long time. 175 "How do you feel? he asked, looking at the water around her. 176 "Soon now I think. You can go." 177 "I should stay with you." he said. 178 "But you don't want to," she said, "you don't have to prove your feelings 179 to a Speaker." 180 He stood and turned away. 181 "Good-bye." she said. 182 He walked down the hill to the house. He could find no words. 183 But he will, she thought, he will. 184 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 185 186 -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ 187 "Some people don't take credit for something that good sometimes. 188 I don't know why," I said to the White Knight over the phone as I 189 finished reading what was left before me. 190 "But why? I mean that stuff was really good!" 191 "I don't know. But I wish I did..." #I wish I did...# 192 "Has there been others like that?" 193 "Yes, but I think this one is new. The writer isn't new, but 194 the story is. It's patron I'm pretty sure," I said. 195 -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_abacab_-_-_"Su- Sussudio!"_-_-_-_-_-_ 196 197 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Writer of Single Lined Wisdom (for I know no other name for you): Are 199 you sure it is amdient? Encompassing all? For it seems that is only half... 200 and it's contrast always finds notoriety, falling past without proper 201 recognition. It seems to me... Anyways, if you are thee who has wrote those 202 othe single phrases standing alone: they have been noticed, pondered, and 203 enjoyed, just thought I'd say. 204 Gaurdian: And why was it of empty rooms? 205 Milchar: Have you concluded, then, that Melissa and Alchemist are dead 206 and buried forever? I had hoped otherwise... it seems that the price for 207 fallen masks is death... unfortunate. 208 One who takes swift flight and is so akin to the ground that you 209 can move silently across it, with small accustome paws: Although I have 210 never see you write stories or poems or such as that (not knowing if you do 211 scribe such enjoyable things as many others here do), although I know you 212 not well, it seems I must give you welcoming back or something of similar 213 greetings. For some reason, your presence known to me is somewhat pleasing. 214 There followed reasons, but I have forgot them now... oh, well 215 All: The days have tended onwards since last I spoke, for it seems my 216 words have been voiced by someone else or swallowed in my throat. Never-the- 217 less, I have sat here amongst Shadows, observing all which could I see. 218 Now, I take to light momentarily before resigning again to my Shadows. But, 219 as I am here, I would say what has drawn me. I must give you all my regards 220 and compliments. Your writings have been enjoyed by me. Ashamed, I am for not 221 doings so in a better way. But, anyways, this goes to all. Don't think 222 otherwise or personally exclude yourself or you shall give me a guilt trip, 223 okay? Anyways, once again, thank you... it is enjoyed by myself and I am sure 224 many others, as well. -Tanya 225 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 The above writer has the gift of compressing the largest amount of words into 227 the smallest amount of thought. wc 228 ========================================== 229 White Knight - at least you should give the people credit for what they 230 do... Yes, I too have that same book, the same one you have. I don't 231 mind seeing that story typed in, it's a nice story, but the person who 232 realy wrote it isn't you. Please give credit to the authors that write 233 the stories. Especialy when you make it look like that, then blaming it 234 on line noise... 235 ========================================== 236 -------------------------------------- 237 To the person erasing my markers: 238 could you please stop? By erasing the 239 marker, you cause me to take up more 240 time finding the point where I left 241 off. This wasted time could have been 242 used by others with more talent to 243 write more entries. I don't know why 244 you are killing them off, but please 245 cease. Thank you. 246 -------------------------------Mad Max 247 ---MM@15:40'10on8502.28--- 248 [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] 249 What is all this talk 250 of invisible Dragons? 251 Dragon move as suits them, 252 either on mightly wings 253 or on tiny cat feet. 254 255 Tanya - A face from the shadows. 256 Sage - A story to look forward to, please continue. 257 "+ +" - I like........ I think. 258 To the Oreo Appreciation society - Last birthday I recieved three packages of 259 Double Stuff. My friends know my habits. ( also three packages of Blue Bell 260 Snaps and a two liter Coke ). How do I become a member? 261 tilean - still at it. A strong as ever. Keep it up. 262 All - I'm going to move my chair up by the fire, if there's room. No more 263 sulking. 264 [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] THE TIN MAN [/] [/] [/] [/] 265 WKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKwKWKWKWKWK 266 TO THE PERSON WHO LEFT THE LAST COMMENT: 267 I AM NOT TRYING TO TAKE CREDIT FOR SOMTING THAT I DIDN'T WRITE, I WAS 268 _ONLY POSTING SOMTHING THAT HAS SOME MEENING AND WOULD BE ENJOYED BY 269 MOST OF THE USERS. FOR THOES OF YOU THAT GOT THE IMPRESION THAT I WROTE 270 THAT ENTRY, I AM TRULY SORRY. NOW ON TXHE ACCOUNT OF THE "LINE" NOAS, 271 YOU MAY ASK ANY ONE THAT DOES NOT HAVE A DIRECT CONNECT MODEM THAT YOU ARE 272 MORE APT TO NOT ONLY LINE NOIS, BUT JUST PLAIN ROOM NOISE! I TRY TO 273 GO BACK OVER EVERY TXHING THAT I TYPE AND TRY TO CORRECT 274 IT. THIS IS A GOOD EXAMPLE. I AIM NOT TRYING TO COVER UP BAD SPELLING. 275 WK_WKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWGWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWK THE WHITE KNIGHT WKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWK 276 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 277 Either White Knight indeed has a line noise problem, or he is hitting 278 control keys this system doesn't filter out--there's a 14 embedded in 279 one line that turns my cursor on and throws my printer into double-width 280 character mode. There's no way mere misspelling could have put it 281 there. Guess I'll have to add some input filters myself.... 282 ?????????????????????????????????????????? FRUSTRATED PROGRAMMER 283 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 284 285 From Prometheus; Scitzoid 286 As for the subject of markers being apt for use on the system and such: 287 I am not in agreement with the arguement posed by Mad Max, although he was in 288 the right as far as having his messages deleted and everything. 289 If you are worried about the time used by you in locating your last line read 290 then do you not care about the wasted disk space? I know that a scratch pad can 291 be easily used to mark a last line, and what is more is that it takes no time 292 or space to use. 293 294 If you are so worried over the amount of time, then please become a little 295 more worried about the amount of space. It is only fitting. No? 296 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 297 298 white knight, why is ther so much noise anyway? do you play the stereo really 299 loud or something? if so, then turn it down. it shhould stop all the line noise 300 and screwed up characters. i enjoyed the story introduction, and please do try 301 to continue with it. but post a little line saying where you got it from, and 302 where it was published from, and all that. written permition from the publisher 303 is also proper, but not necessary in this case. sincerely, the quotier...... 304 305 306 WKWKWKwKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWWKWKWKWKWKWKwKWKWKWKWKWKwKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKW 307 THE DEEP SPACE PROBE WAS RETURNING FROM IT'S FLIGHT IN TO THE COLD 308 DEPTHS OF SPACE WHEN THE FLASHANG RED DOT OF THE HOMING SIGNAL 309 OF THE MAIN BASE APPEARED ON THE PILOTS SCREEN. THE PILOT OF THIS GRACEFULL 310 FIGHTING MACHINE WAS TANIS. HE WAS YOUR AVERAGE BROWN HAIRED, HAZEL EYE WARRIOR, 311 BUT HE CARRIED MORE STATUS THAN MOST OF THE OTHER FLYERS. HE HAD COMMAND 312 OF HIS OWN WING. 313 AS HE ENTERED THE OUTER LIMITS OF THE DEFENCE SCREEN THE 314 FAMILIAR VOICE OF THE MASTER COMPUTER ASKED FOR HIS IDENTIFICATION CODE. 315 AFTER TANIS ENTERED THE MULTI-DIGIT CODE IN HIS COMPUTER THE VOICE REPLIED, 316 "YOU ARE CLEAR TO LAND ON STRIP ONE, BAY THREE." 317 TANIS GUIDED THE SLEEK, SILVER FIGHTER INTO THE BAY AND LEAPED 318 TO THE GROUND. HIS MUSCULAR BODY SEAMED TO SLICE THROUGH 319 THE AIR AS HE RAN. HE RAN FOR WHAT SEAMED LIKE MILES OF CORRIDORS AND 320 PASSAGES, UNTIL HE FOUND THE WALLS TURNING A RED COLOR. THIS MEANT THAT 321 HE WAS CLOSE TO THE COMMAND CENTER. HE PULLED OUT HIS COM-LINK AND PUNCHED 322 IN THE ACCESS CODE FOR THE CENTER. AS HE ROUNDED THE NEXT CORNER THE BLAST DOORS 323 SLID APART AND TANIS RAN, PANTING, INTO THE CONTROL ROOM. 324 "SIR! I HAVE AN URGENT REPORT!", TANIS SAID OUT OF BREATH. 325 THE COMMANDER WAS A TALL, ELDERLY MAN AND AN EXPERIANCED WARRIOR. HIS NAM 326 WAS PAX. "YES, WHAT DID YOU FIND?", QUESTIONED THE MAN. 327 "I FOUND A SIZEABLE TASK FORCE HEADED THIS WAY." 328 "CURIOUS, I WOULDN'T HAVE THOUGHT THAT THEY WOULD ATTACK AT SUCH AN  329 AN EARLY DATE. VERY WELL," THE COMMANDERS FACE REFLECTED AMAZEMENT BUT 330 SELF CONTROL MASKED THE FEAR THAT HE FELT. 331 "SOUND BLUE ALERT. BATTLE CONDITIONS." THE COMPUTER WENT INTO AN AUTOMATIC 332 MODE AND CALLED CREWS TO THEIR STATIONS. 333 IN THE MAIN BAY THE LARGE FIRE SUPPORT SHIPS WERE BEING 334 READIED FOR BATTLE. THERE WERE HOSES AND MEN RUNNING ALL OVER THE BAY, MAKING^G 335 THE WHOLE FLOOR LOOKING LIKE ONE SOLID GRAY MASS. 336 PILIOTS WERE RUNNING TO THEIR CRAFTS AND LAUNCH GREWS WERE CHECKING BOMBS 337 AND FULE LEVELS. WAVES OF SHUTTLES WERE TAKING PERSONEL TO VARIOUS TASKS THAT 338 NEEDED TO BE COMPLEETED FOR THE DEFENCE, IN THE UNFORTUNATE CIRCUMSTANCES THAT 339 AN ENEMY SHIP SHOULD GET PAST THE FLEET. 340 THE ORDER FOR LAUNCH CAME AND THERE WAS A DEAFENING ROAR OF 341 ENGINES STARTING UP. THE CRUSIERS SLOWLY CAME UP TO POWER AND ROSE OFF THE 342 GROUND. THEY WERE OFF TO SPACE, AND BATTLE........ 343 WKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWK THE WHITE KNIGHT WKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWK 344 THIS IS AN ORGINAL STORY. I HAVE THE MODEM UNDER A PILLOW AND THE COVERS 345 TO TRY TO AVOID THE NOISE. BUT AS YOU CAN SEE, THERE IS STILL SOME INTERFIANCE. 346 Do you think that noise is also tampering with his spelling? I don't think so. 347 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 348 To Prometheus: point well taken. 349 350 To author of above unsigned comment: even if the line noise is not at fault, 351 what does it really matter? It seems strange to me that some people judge the 352 entries here on the basis of the correctness of the spelling. I judge entries 353 on the content, not acording to grammer. Spelling and other such skills are 354 feats of memorization, and are not rare abilities. Being able to create works 355 of fiction, on the other hand, is something that not all are able to do. 356 Since this is not a classroom, or a job setting, why do you insist on judging 357 the entries as if it were? Why not just read the entries and enjoy them for 358 what they are? If you want to read things with perfect grammer and spelling, 359 read a newspaper. If you want to read creative works, check in at the Inn. 360 ----------------------------------------Mad Max(saving on lines)-------------- 361 To person above saying that it isn't important to get permission from a 362 publisher before copying material. It most certainly is, that is what the 363 copyright laws are all about. You shall not copy someone elses work without 364 their permission period, NO EXCEPTIONS! Besides, it is generaly considered 365 bad form to copy someone elses work anyway. Copying someone elses work is 366 hardly being creative. If you must waste time on the system writing something, 367 at least put something on that is new. Copyright lecture is now over... 368 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ fred ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 369 370 Not being one to repeat an entrance over and over again, my name is, well, 371 Prometheus Hawthorne and I did mention something about the copyrightlaws being 372 only the slightest bit ignorable in this case. 373 I only meant that there were going to be no agents waiting for you at your 374 school next morning. I meant it in a slight versiion of humor, and comradery. 375 Have you never spoken that way, as if "No one here tells things to agents" 376 or something like that? Is it not a sign of friendship sometimes, and even of 377 acceptance of apologies? Aw, c'mon, there may be nameless agents lurking here 378 and their, but I was only talking to a friend. And not for them to listen in. 379 380 About it being considered bad form to enter in the work of someone else, I 381 was under the impression that the story was a direct copy of a book somewhere. 382 And that there was no substitution or rewriting going on. At least at the 383 time I left that message. Otherwise, I agree. When people try to steal some 384 other characters, it is bad form and damned lacking in genuinity to the actual 385 stories too. 386 387 What I mean by stealing, is borrowing and not telling, seems proper to me. 388 Copyright selective subversion and deplacement lecture over now. 389 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 390 391 BRAVO Prometheus, stand by your standards!!!! 392 You're a 100% right FRED, stick by your guns. 393 Oh mercy me, where can she be? 394 The one that loves those black and white cookies. 395 I love to watch, I love to see, 396 the words and the prose of kathyd! 397 I am heartbroken as anyone can see. 398 I know I'll see her again, hopefully! 399 PAM-You're terrific!!!(almost as good as kathyd) 400 To the writer with no pen name, I think you're doing well also, I wish that I 401 had the talent you have shown here at the INN. 402 SySOp Mikey, thanx for the offer, if you get a chance give Leon a ring at : 403 774-xxxx. Leon is my friend(me THOR)_God that looks stoic doesn't it? 404 ME THOR, ME AM MODEM USER, ME AM STUPID! 405 Jesus, got to get out of that mode, brains go right to peanut butter. I feel 406 like I should be putting a pinch of snuff or something gross into my mouth 407 when I start typing in that mode. Please excuse this simple user. Well enough 408 of my lingering. Got to leave room for more of those great writers. 409 -`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-` 410 I am a creature of the night. My eyes see only the darkness. As I sit 411 here in the sunlight, it all seems so distant. I wonder why I keep going 412 back... haven't I proved enough? 413 414 It seems the only way I can help myself is by helping someone else. 415 How selfish of me. 416 417 As I shuck off the layers of my soul like a dry yellow onion, I feel 418 the strength I've built up over the years begin to drain away. It's as if 419 my body is saying, "Listen Buster, you ain't taking me along on this 420 adventure. I'm going home, open a brew and catch the Celtics' game on the 421 tube." 422 423 I've discovered the perfect perpetual motion machine.... loneliness. 424 The deeper you sink, the less inclined you are to pull yourself out. 425 426 At times, fantasy seems all too real to me... and reality but a vision. 427 428 A wise person once compared love to a hat. My only problem is that the 429 blasted thing is stuck on my head. If things don't work out, do I cut it 430 off or put another hat on top of it? 431 432 Sometimes, I wish I could reach out, take her hand, and say, "Let me 433 show you the path." I can't though. She has to find her own way. Who 434 knows, her path may not lead to my garden... but I hope it does. 435 436 Once upon a time, I faced down an armed gunman. Now I'm facing myself. 437 Give me the gunman any day. 438 439 Whatever happens, my journey will leave me a better person. But damn, 440 those first steps are a bitch. 441 -'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'- The Jung and Restless -'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-' 442 443 **************************************************************************** 444 The moon was peaking out between the clouds as Marci and Tony drove to 445 the Peter Pan warehouse. They parked the benz with no back window a couple 446 of blocks away and proceded on foot. The two darkly dressed chariters were 447 silent as they approached the building, each engrossed in their own thoughts 448 and expectations. The dock door had been left open as arranged, and the pair 449 entered without trouble. Waiting in the office untill 23 minutes past the 450 hour they watched the night guard stroll by. He was soon out of site and 451 Tony opened the door and they both slid into the darkness. Marci had the 452 floor plan in her hand, Tony the flashlight and they got their bearings in 453 the huge building. 454 "It looks like the stairway to the second floor should be just around 455 this post" Marci said. 456 They turned and sure enough their it was, up they went 4 flights of stairs 457 to the second floor.(tall ceilings in this place..) Tony left the stairwell 458 first and replied in a hushed excited voice. 459 "Bingo!" 460 Marci followed to see what Tony had observed, the floor has huge and 461 covered with huge stainless drums standing 15 feet high with little steel 462 ladders attached to each container. 463 "This will be a cince." Tony grinned and continued "Lets get to work and 464 get out of here" 465 It took about 4 and 1/2 hours to complete the job. Twice they had to 466 scurry for darkness due to unexplained noises. But only staying untill their 467 fears were calmed and then back to work. All of the "Jimmy's" but 10 had 468 been used and Marci carefully packed them out with her. They were out of the 469 building much faster than they came in and were soon in the Benz on the 470 way home. 471 Both our criminals were thirsty so they pulled into a 7/11 and bought 472 soda pops and chips, Just for the heck of it Marci bought 5 lotto tickets. 473 saying "If I win, we all share" Tony smiled and said "Ok Marci, Ill hold 474 you to that." 475 ********************************kathyd************************************** 476 gee i guess i still have another chapter to write.... 477 fyi: i think the OAS (orb appreciation society) already has a waiting list 478 ill check with the secretary and find out if we are due to have a 479 opening. 480 **********************************************************kd**************** 481 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 482 Yes, we do. But only for say, two? Yes, two more would do nicely... 483 Boy, I sure am getting lost... It must be all those numbers that are still 484 swimming around in my mind. #UP 3/8, DO 1/4 WHERE DOES IT END?# 485 And then comes a sight of a big black orb, zooming to crush me in my wildest 486 dreams. #No! Not that! Not an ORB!!!# (Trivia:What was the orb's name?) 487 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ Jack Hoover 3:51 JJJJJJJJJJJ 488 489 490 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (the way...) 491 It was on purpose that I took a slow gait towards the far door, I had hoped 492 to be stopped before I could reach the weathered door that would surely mean 493 my departure for other fields. Talk caught my ear as to how the passing of new 494 information and wisdom was being taken. It seemed to some that the tale telling 495 at the Inn was at one of the slowest. The Innkeeper had almost finished his 496 unending chores of the day only to find a new stack of empty goblets appear 497 before him on the smoothly polished counter of the never empty lounge. 498 "Never comes the day..." he could be heard saying to himself in jest. 499 Those that could not, or would not, comprehend the passages of the day could 500 have been well advised to listen well the first time and save the tale for a 501 an even slower day. Reference to a person of Sagely manner had been understood 502 to say that "it didn't mean anything" to the person yet. (Take the time to 503 read it when you are able. It does have meaning, L.P.) 504 Some one had meant for me to stop by their table for a moment by making a 505 counter-remark to a statement I had just made about the castings of insults. 506 (Insult to injury at times, it seemed.) I had not stopped when I had heard 507 the words meant for my ears, and had lost sence from which direction it had 508 originated. If only I would learn to take these things in stride, and 509 reply with the best of my manners. At times I would feel proud of what I had 510 so foolishly said, only to realize how I had stumbled. 511 I shall say it here before I forget once more. Words are my tool, alas they 512 are also my weapon. I use them all too quickly at times. At times they say what 513 I feel but miss in translation, at others they don't quite express what I want 514 but say it exactly. Was that clear? I think not. Some one understands I hope. 515 There are many things that I long to say if only the proper questions 516 would be asked of me... Am I automaton? 517 I stopped and met with the Inkeepers gaze, my hand pointing a single fingre 518 to the air. His nod meant he knew I would stay awhile longer... 519 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 520 Why is it of the "empty rooms"? Woe be it that it was a double entendre. 521 The first is not an explaination, only a sigh and a smile. (my {our} secret.) 522 The other explains that I feel my ability to emote is lacking... 523 I have said too much. 524 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->the Guardian of empty rooms (smiles) 60:05 525 526 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 527 So sorry that I could not read everything, but I must leave for work in 528 a few so I do have to dash. 529 ALL: Keep up the great work. 530 Prometheus: Great essay on copyrights. A- overall 531 White Knight: Seeya tonight. 532 Kathyd: Thanks for being my alarm clock. You did a great job. 533 GENESIS FANS: The Genesis Connection I understand, is having a 30 day 534 free trial basis, so call and apply for a password and the Sysop will 535 call you and validate you as a user for 30 days. Gives us poor people 536 a chance to see what Genesis has to offer. 537 Thats all folks~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PaPa Smurf 3-1 0705 538 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- 539 I am somewhat new at BWMS and I have seen past entries along with present ones. 540 To all who enter great writings of wisdom and exquisite poetry: I commend you 541 on you achievments here on BW. I know of no other place on the West part of the 542 US that has such a family of users that show creativity instead of hide it from 543 the ugliness of what most call "World". I shall be back on BW to enjoy the 544 writings you have already displayed here. Every now-and-then I might evern gain 545 enough courage to write my own entries here. Once again...congratulations on 546 making BW a most unique place to read at! 547 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-The Warrior-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- 548 film fan film fan film fan film fan film fan film fan film fan film fan film 549 550 To analyze a motion picture: Does it diminish the enjoyment of a film? A true 551 student of the cinema will say 'No!' Watch a film the first time for enjoyment 552 and pleasure. Go back and watch it again and again to appreciate what is going 553 on. Re-expose yourself to film. 554 555 Ask questions: Did I like the film? 556 Why did I like or dislike the film? 557 Was the film used as a creative device or as a recording 558 device? 559 Did the subject lend itself to motion pictures? 560 561 What was the film? Dramatic? Documentary? Poetic/abstract? 562 563 Any good film has at least one strong person behind it. Was it the 564 director or an actor or the producer? 565 566 Think about these four subjects: Camera work, editing, sound, and acting. 567 568 Camera work : What kind of camera was used (Cinemascope)? 569 Why were certain angles used? 570 How was light used within each scene? 571 What kind of movement took place in each scene? 572 573 Editing : Many say the editor makes or breaks the film. 574 Did you notice the editing? You shouldn't... 575 How was the pacing? Even? Uneven? 576 Could you understand the film without sound? 577 578 Sound : Was the dialog understandable? 579 Did the music support or distract? 580 Were the sound effects appropriate? 581 582 Acting : Rate the overall performance. Believable? 583 Examine costumes, props, sets; Do they work in the film? 584 585 Tips : Study the past work, if available, of the director. He is 586 the person most responsible for the film. For comparisons, 587 look at the work of some masters like D.W. Griffin, John 588 John Ford, Frank Kapra, and John Huston. 589 590 Above all, enjoy. Motion pictures are around because of the time lag in our 591 visual systems; Imagine such a tiny thing making possible such a spectacular 592 thing. 593 594 film fan film fan film fan film fan film fan film fan film fan film fan film fan 595 -=*=- From a corner comes a sigh of pure delight--was that the feline? -=*=- 596 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ 597 Hmmmm... years have passed since I've entered the Inn wearing the 598 robes of a warrior Prince. I see that a curiously familiar feline peeks 599 shyly from the corner. 600 Pray tell, sleek one, why not take your accustomed place on the 601 mantle, lest some drunken oaf step on your tail? 602 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*The Dark Prince*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ 603 Mad Max : I know you can't judge the book by it's cover, but it's hard to 604 see the content when you have to study each word and figure out 605 what he is trying to say. It becomes more of a hastle than pleasure. 606 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 607 To above: that is very true. It does tend to reduce the pleasure of reading 608 the material. What I don't support is cutting down the new authors over such 609 things. The spelling and gammer of the users seems to get better 610 as the authors contine to enter their work. I think the newer authors should 611 be given the chance to get started before the other users start putting them 612 down about it. I may have come on a little too strong in my last entry, and 613 for that, I am sorry. It just bugs me when a new writer get nothing but put 614 downs. That kind of thing tends to discourage other new users from entering 615 their own work. 616 ----------------------------------------Mad Max------------------------------- 617 Getting a ( last ) word in edgewise... So seldom do I call, now I'll have to wait some more. -Becky T. btbtbtbtbtbtbtbt TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 617 .