1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 ************************* INSTALLED: 21 MAR 85 ********************* 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 Hey, hey... at the top. What can I say? 21 Val 22 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ 23 24 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 25 Gradually the pegasus folded her wings, continuing her canter over the 26 soft grey pavement that had solidified beneath her hooves. The piper 27 finished his song, then began another. Somehow even the soft rocking mothin 28 of the pegasus' canter lulled the piper into a strange mental state. Trees 29 seemed to bow and dance along the sides of the highway, prancin a stately 30 minuet, weaving their way between the underbrush, bushes and shrubs running 31 like children beneath their elder's feet. 32 The road they followed rolled gently up, then down, alternately revealing 33 and concealing small hollows, in which the piper imagined that he could see 34 ghostly dwellings. Breasting one especially large hill, the piper looked 35 down into a larger than usual hollow. The soft road that he was following 36 let down the hill and along the main street of a small village. 37 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 38 39 ^^^^^ --->G 80:06 40 41 ?????????????????????????????????????? 42 With a "Hi Ho Silver" and a hearty "Well done" the Guardian receives a solid 43 thump on the back. 44 ?????????????????????????????????????? 45 *.*.* ANNOUNCEMENT/WARNING*.*.* 46 TO: All Local Skydiving Enthusiasts 47 If you are one of the hundreds of skydivers who bought 48 easy skydiving parachute (model EC-25A) from Bournemouth 49 Broilly Mailorder House; please correct page 7 line 8 of 50 the instruction booklet (Publication 625, 1985); the 51 words "state zip code" should read "pull rip cord." I 52 followed the instruction to the letter, resulting to a 53 very rough landing. I started reciting "97214 -97214 - 54 97214" at 600 ft, but the chute didn't open. I kept on 55 yelling mu zip code till I hit the bough of a fir tree. 56 I learned it the hard way. 57 M. Miller *.*.* 58 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 59 The wraith like phantasm floated lightly in the dimly lit void. He 60 waited patiently, it had been a long hard struggle for him to locate 61 the position he is in now. He is waiting for an occurrence that happens 62 only once in any given life time. 63 For a seemingly endless period of time he had hypothesized about 64 this occurrence. No one had 65 believed him, they had all thought of him as strange. Now it was 66 coming true. They would see, they would suffer, they would pay for 67 their blindness and doubt. Never again would another doubt him. 68 69 the Farseer 70 71 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 72 up 10 73 stop 74 help 75 off 76 HELP 77 78 Gee, I'mm seeing two of everything. It's probably due to having set up my 79 terminal to go into chat with another terminal. Odd to have picked up the 80 phone to hear a carrier signal. After I realized what was going on, I 81 changed the b.p.s. to 300 from 1200 and reset a few of the variables. 82 On the fifth call, success! I was then informed to keep the bells down to 83 an extreme minimum- he was in class, silent typing. This is hard on the 84 eyes. I guess I'll quit for now. Nothing much new here since the last 85 call... Farseer? How interesting... 86 *** The Man from RECALL *** 87 88 8ACICFP< 8ACICFP< 8ACICFP< 8ACICFP< 8ACICFP< 8ACICFP< 8ACICFP< 8ACICFP< 89 90 quark strangeness and charm 91 92 einstein was not a handsome fellow 93 nobody ever called him al 94 he had a long moustache to pull on 95 it was yellow 96 i don't believe he ever had a girl 97 one thing he missed out in his theory 98 of time and space and relativity 99 is something that makes it very clear he 100 was never gonna score like you and me 101 he didn't know about 102 quark strangeness and charm 103 104 i had a dangerous liason 105 to be found out would have been a disgrace 106 we had to rendevouz some days on 107 the corner of an undiscovered place 108 we got sick of chat chat chatter 109 and the look upon everybody's face 110 but all that does not anti-matter 111 now we have found ourselves a black hole in space 112 and we're talking buot 113 quark strangeness and charm 114 quark enessgnarts and charm 115 quark strangeness and charm 116 here it comes it goes "quark quark" 117 quark now 118 119 copernicus had those renaissance ladies 120 crazy about his telescope 121 and galileo had a name that made his 122 reputation higher than his hope 123 did none of those astronomers discover 124 while they were staring out into the dark 125 that what a lady looks for in a lover 126 is charm strangeness and quark 127 128 QUARK STRANGENESS AND CHARM 129 here it comes; quark quark 130 hawkwind, 131 8ACICFP< 8ACICFP< 8ACICFP< 8ACICFP< 8ACICFP< 8ACICFP< 8ACICFP< 8ACICFP< 132 AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! 133 UNABASHED PLAGERISM. MEIN GOTT, ZE DUBERLING EICH 134 VERBOTTEN. MACHT IENSHITZ AGEAN UR BOTE. 135 EEEEEEEEEEUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! 136 <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+> 137 MR.HAWTHORNE: I Have bene trying to call the system we spoke of tooday(3 138 /21/85) from home. It dosn't seem to like my terminal.I can't get a 139 responce what so ever.I have tryed alereing the parity, It didn't work. 140 Do you have any idea? 141 Zippy:Look in the buy&sell section of Le'nerd if you havent recently. 142 Joel is selling his system! And an 80 colum card for Apple also. 143 Did you know about this? 144 145 Asp 146 <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+> 147 148 (^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^) 149 150 Val: So you made it to the top, huh? Well, it's where you belong. 151 Thanks for the kindness and the compliment the other day. My story continues 152 as follows: 153 154 He was now in the shadows of the inner courtyard. Silently he made his way 155 along the base of the wall, muscles ready to spring into action instantly 156 should the need arise. Carefully he proceeded step by step, feeling along 157 the wall about six inches ahead of him with his hands. Somewhere, there should 158 be a...ah, there it was. A small cord, invisible in the darkness, ran from 159 the wall in a straight line towards the palace. Pausing once more to allow 160 a group of samurai pass over him on the wall, he began to follow the cord, 161 careful not to disturb it lest the guards be alerted of his presence. The 162 cord was a new addition to palace defenses; effective - yet here it defeated 163 its own purpose. He was nearing the end of the rope - he could tell by the 164 decrease in the sag of the rope. Yes, here were several wooden blocks hanging 165 close together. Any movement of the rope would cause the blocks to colide, 166 alerting the guards. And there, to the left, was the watchman, looking straight 167 through him in the shadows of the night. Carefully, so as not to make a sound, 168 he eased his way to the side and circled around back of the guard. Slowly, 169 he eased forward and gingerly set his dagger at the base of the man's throat, 170 careful not to betray his presence by any sound of movement. Then, in one 171 quick flash of movement he drew his dagger across the man's throat. The man 172 dropped silently to the ground, blood pooling on the ground where he lay. 173 Quickly and quietly he drug the body into the darkest shadows, and carefully 174 covered the trail of blood and disturbed earth with dust. Searching the scene 175 one more time for anything he might have missed, he quickly produced from 176 his pack four small claw-like items, made of steel - Ashikos and shukos, made 177 for the specific purpose of scaling walls. He slipped the ashikos over his 178 boots, making sure they were secure and would not come off. Then he quickly 179 slid the shukos over his hands, turned to the wall, and began to study the 180 wall for difficulty of ascent. In the darkness, he could barely make out the 181 faint outline of a window, far above him and a little to the right. 182 Positioning himself directly beneath his goal, he began his ascent. One small 183 misjudgement of balance, and he would fall to the ground below. Carefully 184 he made his way up the side of the building: left foot, left hand, right 185 foot, right hand...until he at last arrived at the top. Listening from the 186 outside, he quickly determined there was no one in whatever room or passageway 187 lay beyond. Quietly, as he had been taught to do since childhood, he pulled 188 himself through the window and into the true darkness beyond. 189 190 Ronin 191 (^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^) 192 ---------- 193 (*==marker==*) 194 @(++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 195 Hippocrates regained 196 197 Rodgar was tired. Almost four days had passed since he had last seen 198 ny sign of civilization at all. The shapes of houses and sidewalks, 199 familiar to you and me, faded from his memory. All he remembered was the 200 ss of the snake, the chattering of the birds, and the trickle of water 201 flowing swiftly nearby. 202 Looking up, Rodgar saw that the sun would be at its fullest in a few 203 more minutes. He leaned against a tree to rest, and opened his canteen to 204 drink. So much was he one with the other creatures here that a rodent 205 passed silently by him, hardly noticing his tall frame blocking the sun. 206 A glint of light, a reflection of the sun made by some shiny material, 207 ught Rodgar's attention. A mirror? 208 Intrigued, Rodgar crept closer to the shiny object. Peering through 209 the dense brush, he finally was able to see the rest of the object. 210 In a small clearing was a fountain, about 2 meters high. A 211 lear liquid gushed forth from various openings, falling in an intricate 212 nce to the pool below. Faint markings could be seen upon a plaque. 213 Rodgar stepped through the brush as if enchanted by the strange 214 untain. Almost as if he were dreaming, he kneeled down and drank 215 deeply of the water at the bottom. 216 If anyone had been around to watch, they might have glimpsed Rodgar 217 gin to glow, shine brightly, then vanish altogether. Only an old 218 nteen marked the place where the young explorer had been. 219 Rodgar himself beheld an interesting sight. His mind filled 220 ith disbelief as he found himself shedding light, nearing the 221 luminesence of the sun itself. His mind, unable to go into shock any 222 urther, was unaffected by the larger of the two surprises- he found, after 223 he had stopped glowing, that he was no longer in the world he had known. 224 large building with a stable lay nearby, the rowan tree before them 225 isplayed the early buds of spring. Looking frantically about, then rubbing 226 his eyes four or five times, Rodgar tried to change the scene. Nothing 227 orked. Recovering from shock, he made 228 decision. He got up, brushed himself lightly, then made his way to the doors 229 what seemed to be an Inn. 230 +++++++++++++++++++++ Rodgar +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 231 232 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 233 Please excuse the missing characters at the beginning of the lines- this is 234 my first attempt at uploading. Next time I'll include two spaces at the 235 beginning of each line. 236 +++++++++++++++++ Milchar/Rodgar +++++++++++++ 21:44 - 03/21/85 ++++++++++++ 237 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$# 238 Anyone: About how many disks have I missed? The last I was on, there were a 239 few NET ciphers on drive B. 240 L'homme: I'd call to see what's happened to the storyline, but if my memory 241 is any good at all, I seem to remember that this week is either Dead week or 242 finals week. Either way, I wouldn't want to disturb you. 243 Ian: What? An assassination attempt? Perhaps NET is churning out combination 244 locks for security, if someone can get to you that easily. Or rather, near 245 you. 246 #$# a-too-tired-to-go-to-sleep Farley #$##$##$##$##$##$# 21:55 - 03/21/85 #$# 247 248 13131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313 249 To: Ian MacHinery 250 Fr: 251 Re: Safe Houses 252 253 It might interest you to know that the recent aquisition of the new 254 safe house in the south east Portland vacinity is in its final stages. This 255 facility will be available for necessary usage within the next seven days. 256 Regular office proceedings may begin within the next ten days as electronic 257 systems are being refitted to the surroundings. 258 Debriefing for senior agents will be made available in the near future. 259 1313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131313 260 261 Here was a writer with excitement in his blood, thought THOR of the author 262 called RONIN. Yet, he tells of death and of killing that fill the spaces but 263 not reality. For THOR knew too well the ways of death. Especially the methods of quiet assassins. To feel the 264 victims presence before striking, to smell your victim and to reach out and take him by the throat. 265 It was then that you felt the victims heart stir into high gear and the blood in his veins would race passed your 266 fingertipss. You could feel the gland in his neck, yes it would be there. You 267 could not see it for it would be dark yet even so your fingers could feel 268 the throbbing dove eggs which were your guide to your victims death. 269 The knife must cut below this gland and thrust downward towards the victims 270 sternum. The razor sharp dirk would enter quickly and slash through the victims carotid artery. It would then 271 travel downward across the victims windpipe, under his voice box so that the fight for life would be a silent 272 and losing battle. The only sound that would be heard would be the release of air from the windpipe as the lungs 273 emptied themselves in a vain attempt to scream. But THOR knew there would be no shrill, no cry, no noise, as the 274 victim no longer would have a voice to cryout with. THOR thought to himself how some had spoke of this kind of 275 killings as being an art. Only a mad man or one whose morbid sense of talent and tastes were detached from 276 e method of murder an art form then they must feel like an atomic explosion was some kind of great light-show. 277 THOR hoped that this kind of art would become a lost art for all of mankind. 278 THORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHOR 279 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (the sighting) 280 Just to make things a little easier, I'll try to keep the name dropping to 281 a minimum... (The maiden Indian is Awullsu, and Wipunxit is accompanying us.) 282 Wish I had more time, I'll have to continue tomorrow. Maybe. 283 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->the guardian 81:01 back soon... 284 285 ********************lurkmode****kathyd*********************** 286 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 287 The piper gazed a long moment down the road through the village. The pegasus, 288 impatient at the delay, danced on the soft gray pavement. Down the soft winding 289 road the piper heard whispers and tags of conversation, issuing from what seemed 290 to be some kind of central structure. 291 Urging the pegasus onward, they wound down the hill toward the waiting village 292 below. The brilliance of the moon cast the edges of the road into sharp relief, 293 and cast impenetrable pools of gloom at the base of stately trees edging the 294 road. The sound of the pegasus' hooves was not the crisp clicking "chunk" 295 we associate with a horse's hooves on pavement, rather it was a softly muffled 296 sound like that of the tired head of a three-year old child striking a pillow. 297 ppppppppppppppp(getting lots of line hits ... more later)pppppppppppppppppp 298 299 [no no. 5] [guess who?] 300 301 WKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWK LURKING IN THE LINES WKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWK 302 ----------------------------------------------------------------> 303 THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO WRITE 304 BUT EVIDENTLY COULDN'T READ. 305 IF THEY WOULD JUST READ THEIR STUFF, 306 THEY WOULD DEFINITELY 307 STOP WRITING. WR 308 <----------------------------------------------------------------- 309 *=*=*=*=*=*:-:-:-:-:-:-:::::::::::: 310 RONIN: HAVE YOU READ THE "SUNSET WARRIOR" TRILOGY BY ERIC LUSTBADER LATELY?????? 311 312 STUDENT 313 :0:0:0:0:0:000:9:999999:9:9:0:0: 314 315 ********************************@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@******************************** 316 317 HELLO , THIS IS M!#S , HOW'S LIFE AND RELATED SUBJECTS? DOES ANY ONE WANT TO ARGUE, I'M AN EXPERT 318 WE HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR BUT REALITY IT'S SELF. 319 INTELLIGENCE IS NOTHING IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE WISDOM TO CONTROL IT. 320 THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD, HE IS THE SUN GOD RA,RA,RA 321 322 I AM,THEREFORE .......................I THINK? 323 THIS IS HASBEEN M!#S 324 325 BYE 326 ********************************@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@******************************** 327 M!#S IS A GOOB 328 NNNNNNNNNNNNN 329 *************@@@@@@@@@@@******* 330 I AM NOT 331 @@@@@@@@@@@@@************@@@@@@@ 332 333 =-----------------------------------------------------------------------------= 334 -- VARIED SHADES OF GRAY -- 335 There was to be a time when two men would meet. They would not know 336 what the other looked like, but vague descriptions were all they had to go on 337 in order that they would someday meet. Both men had spoken on the land line for 338 only the shortest of time, and then it was only through a mediator, the only 339 one that knew what these two actually looked like. 340 "I've heard of you, you know. Your reputaion precedes you." It was 341 the darker of the two that spoke first. Darker to some, pale to others. 342 "It has? I'm not at all surprised." The other felt that it was point- 343 less to return the comment of having been heard of. He had learned to mind his 344 tounge while in conversation with ones not know to him. 345 "If you are to meet, you must decide on the place. It is up to you." 346 The words came from the one that had arranged it all and had connected to two. 347 Long drawn out moments passed before either one spoke, each expecting the other 348 to take the initiative. Then the short silence was broken. 349 "How does the city center sound to you?" It was again the darker one. 350 "That's too easy. Yes." 351 "Where then? Would the Francis and Martin Offices be OK?" 352 "Yes that would be OK." Constantly did this one watch his own words. 353 "Fine then. I've named the place, now you name the pin-point. Where?" 354 "Again, too simple. How about the Data Processing Department, do you 355 know where that is?" 356 "Yes," said the dark one. "I can do that. Let's make it for ten 357 thirty in the morning, or is that too soon?" 358 "Make it eleven-thirty, and I'll see you tomorrow." 359 The two then made clear a few more important points, such as what it 360 would be that they would exchange once having met. It would be paper. It was 361 not to be common paper for these papers held secrets to the safety of their 362 nation, papers that would be traded to be used by others that had made this 363 confrontation a mandate. 364 For some reason the two never met on that day, the day they 365 planned for with not enough detail. But noone would pay, time was not critical. 366 Not yet. 367 -- VARIED SHADES OF GRAY -- 368 =-----------------------------------------------------------------------------= 369 370 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371 Thor: I understand your hope, I as well hope it. I say that only so you 372 will not confuse me in my following words. 373 I do not understand how you could call say it had little to do with real- 374 ity. One level, perhaps. For the samurai warrior dwels in quite different 375 reality. It is not quite "human". But, could hardly be called "animal" either. 376 Stripped of there emotions, it is an art. Yes, a deadly one. One that brings 377 a sensation of disgust to our thoughts. But, the art is reality. For the 378 samurai, as well as the ronin, deal with a very different reality than I do. 379 They are murderers. They deal with death. I would say that is pretty real. 380 My thoughts are stumped, when I think of what (on both a social and personal 381 level) one's past would have to involve in order to turn it to such a course. 382 But, then, it is our species' history. Ah, often horrid. But, I think it 383 would follow a more individual level to make one turn to such a thing. It is 384 that way for the samurai, I think, as well as for the ronin. 385 Now what was said up there? Something that implied plagerism? -Tanya 386 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387 . .I think, if you can understand the samurai, you can understand the ronin. 388 He was after all, once a samurai. And, yet, we do not know why he is no 389 longer. I wish to find out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390 To the above: Sir, I fear that you are somewhat confused. A Ronin was merely 391 a masterless samurai. They often took to banditry. The person in the story 392 is obviously a NINJA. A quite different type of person. Samurai are best known as 393 warriors. Ninja are spies & assassins. 394 ________________________________Leonard_________________________________________ 395 SAMURAI, NINJA, TOYOTA, DATSUN, PPPTTTUUUIII....... AREN'T YOU TIRED OF JAPANESE THINGS????? 396 AND SAKI, AND RAW SQUID, AND ROCK N ROLL TEE-SHIRTS WITH KATKANA, AND GODZILLA, AND MITA, AND MIDI 397 AND SPEED RACER, AND GEISHA GIRLS, AND CAMERAS, AND ORIENTAL DREAMS, AND _[i 398 399 #*@%)(#@*%@)#(*%@#)(%*%*@_)%*_)!#%*@#)_*%_)@#%_)#@%*_@#%_)@#*%@#_)%*@_)*%_@)%*%%#$*%#$% 400 Farley: You may call anytime. Finals est fini! I get a whole week off. I can bring you 401 up to date, and fill you in on all the details. Where ya been? (as if I didn't know 402 already.) 403 Ian: What's this? An attempt on your life? Who could be so bold? But of course you 404 grabbed the hand of god again, and dismissed the attempt with a three-line shorty. Oh 405 Ian, how wonderful. 406 *)_#*_)#$*^#_$)^*#$_)^*#$_)^*#)$_^* L'homme sans Parity *%_)*%_#)*%@_)%*@_)%*@_)%*@_)% 407 408 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 409 FDTC^ ADJAN AF^AI DLASD NXIAD VJXZJ C\EDY CEAID XLDIA EDXGP RFLAE [\D_F 410 411 MDLAP DRA^A RDMXG JHBYA NX\AE DXGPI CPAI[ LD_SA DNCLD ESFPN TDPXD PTAEA 412 413 [\D_F DSFRR DZF^A DMGJP TAJDI APCFR EDCED HBPTA UDYAN X\ADC ^CFRC YRA[\ 414 415 D_EAA DCRRD CZALP EDECP GJICU [\D_S ADTC^ ADEXD \GNTD PXDIF ENGEE [\HB_ 416 417 CZALP DVCJF PUHB 418 419 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 420 (^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^) 421 Thor: Your wish for such methods of killing to be forgotten is noble, but is, 422 as you said of the method, not likely to happen in reality. It would, however, 423 be a better world if all thought like you and Tanya. 424 425 Student: Yes, as a matter of fact, I have read The Sunset Warrior Trilogy lately. 426 Even within the last year. I enjoyed them thoroughly. 427 428 Leonard: You are absolutely correct on all accounts. Ronin is simply a word of 429 the Japanese language meaning 'masterless warrior'. Whether or not he was at one 430 time or another a samurai is an independant matter. 431 As for the person in the story, I tend to agree that he must be a Ninja. He 432 certainly does not fit the traditional description of a samurai or ronin. 433 Perhaps time will tell. 434 435 * Sayonara * 436 437 RONIN 438 (^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^) 439 440 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* 441 442 *--*--*-*-*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--* 443 FOR SALE !!! 444 *--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--* 445 446 APPLE II COMPATIBLE COMPUTER WITH 64K 447 1 DISK DRIVE, AMBER MONITOR, 103A/202 448 INTERNAL MODEM, JOYSTICK, TONS OF 449 SOFTWARE INCLUDING WORD PROCESSING, 450 DATABASE MANAGEMENT, ELECTRONIC SPRED 451 SHEETS, TELECOMMUNICATIONS (BBS SOFT- 452 WARE TOO!) PLUS MANY OTHER EXTRAS. 453 454 *** $1000.00 *** 455 OR BEST OFFER...CALL BRANT AT 643-xxxx 456 AND LEAVE A MESSAGE IF I'M NOT AT HOME 457 458 *--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--* 459 :::::::::::::O O:::::::::3/22:::::::::::::::::::::20:02::::::::O O:::::::::::::: 460 L'homme: speaking of things Petrov needs, how about some docs on stuff on the 461 disk, like Speedterm, and the WP program? He's kind of spinning his wheels 462 right now (like someone else we know). If you can, Saturday would be a good 463 time to deliver it (them). Thanks. 464 ::::::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::::voyeur::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::::::::::::: 465 SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB 466 To M. Miller: 467 I see no point in jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. 468 469 S-N-AAB 470 471 SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB 472 ****************** 473 Swedish sports cars, Swedish sports cars... 474 ****************** 475 FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN 476 477 For a good time call 229-xxxx 478 479 FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN 480 TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP 481 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 482 Petrov gazed out the window. The gentle scent of fresh cut grass heralded 483 the coming of Spring. The sunshine taunted Petrov, who had been in hiding since 484 fleeing from Joshua and L'homme. The longing to enjoy the warm weather reminded 485 him of the feeling he got when studying for finalls during Springtime. 486 Only one thing could make Petrov happy, but alas, you don't see too many 487 flocks of wild sheep around any more. 488 Petrov 489 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 490 491 //// darn this enter only (finalls) //// 492 What? Tired of Japanese things? Where would we be without them? 493 A na ta wa ni ho n ji n de su ka? Probably not... 494 495 Alpha Beta Delta Gamma Omega 496 Olpha Geta Atled Bamma Amega 497 THORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHOR 498 RONIN:Please do not be offended, I was very much pleased with your story line. 499 I was just tired and rambling over old and thought forgotten memories. I am 500 not usually a critizer of anyones writing and I apologize if I offended. The 501 method that you described of killing with a knife was not in line with the 502 direct teachings of assassins. I was only describing (too descriptively) the 503 method used by not only warriors but also soldiers. If one cuts the throat of 504 a victim for instance, from ear to ear, you run the chance of having him 505 living long enough to either kill you or warn his comrades. If it is an instant 506 death you are looking for then the blade must be placed into the base of 507 the skull where the brain stem resides and controls the functions of the motor 508 and reflex systems of the body. Enough said and again I am sorry if you thought 509 I was being critical, please write more as you have the talent to do so. 510 kathyd:Lurking huh?....... 511 Guardian:hello friend and I hope to see more of your writings. 512 TIN MAN:where are those great poems of yours? 513 ^^^^^^--------THOR------^^^^^^^***^^ 514 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (the sighting) 515 As we made our way through the field of knee high grass that seperated one 516 clump of trees from the next, our new companion and guide motioned us to stay 517 still. For silence to be maintained in an upright position while moving in 518 this sun dried field was a science in itself, something I had never needed, 519 something he had mastered. While we were forced to slow in our advance we were 520 also afforded greater time in which to seek any foreigners in the approaching 521 strands that were to be called trees. 522 Five! There were five figures to be seen in woods before us. Although 523 scarcely joined, they appeared almost to be of the same party. It was not 524 easy to tell the individuals from the pairs. Before I was able to halt our 525 guide, he had already drawn his bow and was in the process of knocking one of 526 his practice arrows. Practice? This was odd, if he were to draw his bow with 527 such haste, would it not have been for something of grave importance? 528 "It is to be a sign. A gesture to warn the outlanders that they have come 529 to the boundaries of our village." She was calm in saying so, but I felt that 530 there was more to it than just that. Was she holding out on me? I thought not. 531 Before I could even utter the words to say 'nay', the first arrow had been sent 532 on its route to meet with the leader of the group. The whistling of the fletch 533 was thunder in my ears. The time was now and the warning could not be revoked. 534 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->Nagatamen 535 Curses to the random 'bad connection' and the infamously cruel 'line hits' for 536 they have stolen away a work that was sure to have created a new vision. 537 May your next venture be of good fortune, Piper... 538 ANY: What need is there that murder must be preformed that incapacitaion could 539 not aquire the same end? (Unless the one released was to be The target?) 540 ***kathyd***: You have my heartiest applause in responce to your last scribing 541 of your bout with "Desire"! You have made me both laugh and become most 542 still with the recognition that you have realized Desire for what it is- 543 a thing that we must all face and deal with in our own way. How fortunate 544 you were to have retained your escape! I, for one, wish to see more. I am 545 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->the Guardian! 82:04 546 547 548 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 549 Nearing the bottom... well, the story can wait another day. 550 L'Homme -- how goes the quest for deletion of incompleteness? 551 (best place to answer is on Le Nerd board #2) 552 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 553 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 554 For lack of oxygen, I think I can just forget the from Prometheus and stuff 555 for this entry. I lack a little too muc hoxygen right now. Lost it during a 556 pair of long sessions in a Risk game. And after twelve hours of that, I dare 557 anyone to have decent oxygen levels in their heads. 558 The games were a little similar, the advocate of all the other players won. 559 The pair of games was split between myself and the Man in Gray. Who was not 560 playing during the second game. So I did not actually beet him. 561 562 Wow, are we in enter only? I guess we are, oh well, so any talk of oxygen 563 is like, in there forever? Gee, I should have thought, but there was this itsy 564 bitsy problem with oxygen. 565 566 Toward the end of any Risk game, there is such a military escalation that it 567 just fits the exhausted players so well. Their tired minds just kind of adapt 568 and all of a sudden they are making these jokes about death and dying. Cute. 569 Then again, at the front of any Risk game, everyone is calm cool and trying 570 to look collected. It is all an elaborate hoax really, but a social nescessity 571 to psyche fellow players out. Interesting to see them go between the two at 572 the end of one game and the start of the other. 573 574 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 575 576 ever seen them go from trying to seem neat... to trying to seem mean... 577 the do it so well... too many times it is a bluff... so it is not considered 578 as imprtant as it ought to be... the threats i mean.... 579 580 ............................................................................ 581 Mikey: Can we KILL your phone co? The only reason I haven't been disconnected 582 twelve times during this session is that MY modem WON'T hang up until I TELL 583 it to! 584 __________________________Leonard____________________________________________ TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 584 .