1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 ************************* INSTALLED: 23 MAR 85 ********************* 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 21 It is customary, I believe, to say something when one finds oneself 22 at the TOP! I can say only that the Innkeeper and Patrons of this 23 Inn are to be congratulated for what they have offered to one who enters 24 from what is essentially a different world.... 25 Also I should say that for the first time in many weeks I am having 26 a line noise problem and have been cut off twice! I am not sure just 27 what this entry is going to look like. 28 ooooooooooooooooooooooo OBSERVER FROM ANOTHER GALAXY oooooooooooooooooooooo 29 (^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^) 30 31 ThorPlease forgive me if I seemed short in my reply. Thank you for both the 32 correction and the good intentions. 33 34 Ronin 35 36 (^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^) 37 (Darn those bad phone connections) 38 (^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^) 39 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 40 (Another try, different story) 41 @( "Milchar!", Dimat exclaimed. "I had begun to worry. You had taken so long 42 to respond, I wasn't sure what to think. A terrible conflict is raging." 43 Milchar, still stunned to see that his homeland, at least this part of it, 44 was no longer the beautiful park-like place he had known, paused a long time 45 before he answered. 46 "Dimat," Milchar began slowly, "Who has done such a thing? 47 How were we defended? What force could have torn Celene at it's very 48 roots?" 49 "Do you remember the Spellbinders of Trill?" 50 Thinking a moment, Milchar remembered the odd group of illusionists that 51 entralled audiences with there clever cantrips and deceptions. "Yes, master." 52 "And do you remember what they wrought here in Celene, when you last 53 came here?" 54 "They had put on a grand show for the townspeople. I still remember the 55 clarity of their work." 56 "Good, your memory is as sharp as ever. The Spellbinders have done 57 something that no one ever supposed they would succeed at. They've crossed 58 that boundary between illusion and reality. Some of their figures are 59 now of true flesh and blood. And now, my questing pupil, they wish to 60 possess all that they can of Celene." 61 "Do you mean that some of this waste about us is false? Illusion? How 62 much is not?" 63 "Only a True Seeing can tell for sure. I called you to aid me to 64 cleanse our land of their danger." 65 A sudden blast rocked the ground. "Cover!", Dimat yelled as he dived 66 behind a nearby boulder. 67 Outlines of gruesome creatures lined the mist about Dimat and Milchar, 68 augumenting their imaginations of the shapes of the beasts. 69 Milchar wished desparately for more of his equipment in his tower. 70 After a few moments, Milchar decided that the stars were not in the right 71 alignment for wishing, and gave it up. 72 (Well, at least this time the lines are complete. I wonder what causes 73 those two characters at the beginning of the file?) 74 +++++++++++++++++ Milchar ++++++++++++++++ 14:27 - 03/23/85 +++++++++++++++++ 75 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/MiG/? ? ? ? ? ? ? 76 Well, after being cut off 5 times, I finaly found some wire and made this thing 77 think that it always had a signal. Mr. Smith, I will reply in time, when I 78 can be sure of an upload finishing before being rudely disconected. 79 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?MG/? ? ? ? ? ? ? 80 81 (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( LXIX )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 82 I won't even attempt to upload tonight, the line is full of junk, might as well go back to soup cans and string. 83 (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( LXIX )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 84 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 85 Early on, a disk seems a lot different than one that has filled up. Right 86 now it seems pregant with innumerable possibilities, later -- around half way-- 87 it seems more mature and its personality established. Somewhere around line 88 500 or somewhere after old age has set in. Some disks go gracefully into 89 retirement, but some squeeze out the last byte... 90 ppppppppppppppppppp 91 The main street of the little village showed no life as the piper dismounted 92 pppppppppp 93 after getting knocked off the line for the fourth time, we'll just have to 94 leave the piper there 'till conditions improve! 95 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 96 97 **************************************************************** 98 As you can probably tell, there is enormous problems with the phone line 99 right now, if you managed to get thru, congradulations, you are truly 100 determined. But please, if you are having problems, noisy line, getting 101 dumpped, ect. as seems to be the case with everyone right now, CALL THE 102 PHONE COMPANY! Tell them what you are experiencing. The number to call 103 is 470-xxxx tell them you are having problems when you call 230-xxxx, 104 and describe them. I have been calling them everyday, but they have been 105 a bit lacidazial about it. So, on the squeaky wheel theory, CALL THEM! 106 If you call and all you get is a busy signal, be patient, the problem 107 is a parial short some place that comes and goes. Sometimes it locks 108 up for several hours, other times it just shorts out long enough to 109 dump you off line. So keep trying, and please, REPORT IT TO THE PHONE CO. 110 when it happens! It isn't going to get better until they get off their 111 duffs and decide that their really is something wrong. SO CALL! 112 Thank you. 113 ************************** CISTOP MIKEY ****************************** 114 P.S. It doesn't hurt to call more then once. Like I said, I've been 115 calling once a day. If they get enough calls maybe they'll decide 116 to do something. 117 ********************************************************************* 118 *%_@)#%*_)#$*^_)#$*^&_)#*^&_!)^*_$#)^&*_)$#*^_)#&*^_)#&^_)#$!^&*#&!)_#&^)_!#^ 119 Farley : I can still fill you in on everything that has transpired, even if 120 you tried to call twice yesterday, and missed me both times. I was busy 121 turning green yesterday, after the PC&S meeting. You missed meeting a very 122 rare-in-appearing person, a person that has an interesting personality. But 123 not to worry, I am sure you and the person in question will meet up very 124 soon. 125 Piper : Respond on La Nerd? AOK. 126 Voyeur : Monday I will check in and get as much documentation as possible. 127 Since your friend is in town for awhile, we can probably meet once more 128 before he leaves. The house was awfully quite last night. Did you notice 129 it too? 130 Kosta : We discussed the possibility of a new direction for the current 131 story, but nothing will happen until your are consulted. Gaudy will get 132 the word later today. 133 *)_#@*%@_#)%*)_%*@_#)%*@#_)%* L'homme sans Parity *%_#@)*_%)*%@)_#*%_@*%@_)#% 134 135 Almost forgot : Mikey : Copylink doesn't work on the Tandy 2000 (as delivered.) 136 I think it is a case of COM1: being decoded in a different section of segment 137 0. I have a bit of the same problem with the extended break signal on my 138 Async program, since I have to address the port directly to send the break. 139 I'll read up on modifying the base address and see if that helps. I'll let 140 you know how it works. 141 _)*%)_@*@#_)*%@_)%@#)_%*@#)_@% L.s.P. *%_#*%_)@*%_)@*%@_)*%@)_#*%@_)#%*@#_)%% 142 THOR was getting irritated at the phantom at the INN. Five times he had 143 had his chair pulled out from beneath him and it was becoming unnerving. 144 THOR's patience was stretched to its breaking point and he wanted to place 145 his hands on the phantoms neck just 146 long enough to feel the bones become mush in his fingers. 147 too much, even as he thought it the phantom had the nerve to do it AGAIN. 148 I will leave the INN and come back when this monster has no more victims to 149 prey upon and tires with the boredom. 150 He will leave to do his dirty work in orhter establishments when he has 151 finished searching for other souls to corrupt. 152 ee-eh. watashi wa amehrikano hito des. 153 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 They shouda never took Ma Bell (read as AT&T) apart! All the king's horses & 155 all the king's men....et all 156 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ 157 Good News for all the Patrons...THE LINE WORKS!!!!!! Ma Bell finally 158 got off of her (insert phrase here) and fixed the phne line. 159 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\//\/\/\/Luingil/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ 160 161 |:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:| 162 All: 163 Again,this is an upload test.Please ignor it, and bear with me.It should work t 164 his time. 165 Tsilb 166 167 |:|:|:|:|:|:|:| 168 -'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-' 169 A small child lay alone in the darkness. Creaking floorboards signal the 170 approach of the Boogie Man. The child learns of fear. 171 172 An old man sits contemplating his wrinkled face. He knows the unfeeling 173 nature of the cosmos and is afraid. 174 175 The music-lover listens to a cool jazz saxaphone. Flowing melody cannot 176 soothe his fear. Hearthache's gentle chains bind him. 177 178 Our terrors are lost in talking crowds. Death, love, the unknown... hold 179 us in firm embrace. 180 181 I am a child, an old man, the music-lover. Fear is my nature. 182 I will conquer it. 183 '-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'The Jung and Restless'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'- 184 185 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$# 186 L'homme: C'est la vie... 187 There are definite advantages to working with 'primitive' equipment. My modem 188 won't let go of the line until I physically flip a switch on the modem itself 189 (or tell the computer to tell the modem to go off-line, but I'm not using a 190 terminal program that will do that right now). Makes keeping on-line a lot 191 easier, let me tell you.... 192 #$##$##$# 193 Have you ever felt bored, yet have nearly hundreds of things to get done? 194 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$## Farley #$##$##$##$##$# 14:07 - 03/25/85 #$##$##$# 195 196 ********************seeyouincourt*****longdistancelurkmode*******kathyd******** 197 198 KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA 199 With fear, I knew that to abandon thcrowd was a necessary evil to be 200 preformed. When times are such as these, events seem to pass as if flying 201 with the aid of wings. Prithy, may I come to know what the alterations to 202 the patterns of our fine weavings may be pertaining? I may dare to dial 203 the ever pleasant, ever informative ... 3.3. All I want are the facts, sir. 204 YOU MUST GIVE THEM TO ME!!!! Bound and tied- 205 KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA 206 207 ENT 208 KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA Infernal Enter-only... I forgot to request certain 209 other pieces of information, but you may find the questions elsewhere. 210 211 212 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (hesitation...) 213 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->the patient Guardian... 84:16 214 215 D n o : D n o : d n o : D n o : D n o : D n o :;d n o : D n o : D n o : D n o 216 217 Ronin: 218 I hope that you will give me a call when you are up and running again. I think I have a good name 219 for my new company. 220 221 Dno... 222 223 D n o : D n o : D n o : D n o : D n o : D n o : D n o : D n o : D n o : D n o 224 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Leonard: your point is well taken, yes. But, come now... you have never met 226 me so I doubt that you can judge by my strange appearences. But, honestly, I am 227 no sir. I would not call myself "ladylike" either, but "sir" is definately 228 inproper. -Tanya 229 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 |{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}| 231 Knowledge talks; Wisdom listens 232 Big. Large. Magnificently colossal. It stood there, towering over my 233 head, like a monolith from the past. I reached out to touch it. Hard as a rock. 234 Smooth, like no rock is ever smooth. Smoother than the finest metal, far 235 reaching over gold and platinum. I looked up. It must have been over 236 two-hundred feet taller than I, carved with designs so foreshortened by 237 perspective that I could only see clearly for about ten feet up. The designs 238 resembled heiroglyphs, etched deeply, each filling about a square foot. In rows 239 across the whole face. It was basically a rectangular prism, I thought, and it 240 had these designs on all four sides. I wandered around the sides. Aha, I 241 thought, this one has been, well, corroded. How else could it have been 242 green? Unless copper veins... The symbol was sort of of a man holding a star. 243 However, something wasn't right about it, something I could not put my finger 244 on. I looked at the next heiroglyph in the row. Funny, I thought, there is 245 just a blank space. Then the next hieroglyph showed the same man, surrounded in 246 a, well, cloud of fog. Then the next one, and he stood, and the terrain was 247 somehow different. I followed it across to the next face, for two more 248 hieroglyphs this, well, man walked. And walked. Then, and this was strange, 249 he found a flower. It looked like a flower, anyway. In the next hieroglyphs 250 he picked it, smelled it, and died. Or at least it looked like he died. 251 He lay down on the ground with his arms spread wide going blah. This was 252 strange, the row ended there. I went back to the first face. Another 253 incongruiity. There were none on the row between the green one. And it 254 was in the middle of the row. I looked on the other two faces, in the same 255 row, and there was nothing but the usual gibberish, gibberish to me anyway. 256 I went back to the green hieroglyph. I had looked the whole thing over 257 carefully. What the heck. I touched the green hieroglyph. And vanished. 258 |{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|Magus 4|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}| 259 Tanya: What message are you referring to? 260 yours in puzzlement, 261 _____________________________Leonard_______________________________________ 262 ps Mikey: have they told you WHAT was wrong with the line? 263 ___________________________________________________________________________ 264 {*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}!!!isis!!!{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*} 265 Thank you to all for the accolades. That is Encouraging! 266 Guardian: Log who? What? Excuse my naivete. but I dinna 267 understand! 268 MIG: Are you grey because you stand between the shadows and the light 269 in order to know who goes from one to the next? You see us don our 270 masks, and thus know the wearer. But some may slip by ....... 271 Tin Man: One should never take up a loaded pen under the influence of 272 tea without a spellchecker to back one up. Or a secretary. I, for 273 on%, as a charter member of the Society Against Literary Mayhem, would 274 be scandalized. 275 276 {*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}!!!isis!!!{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*} 277 278 Memories long suppressed tore at Arthur's mind as he sat next to a 279 large oak tree in his newly formed body. The return to this form and 280 the renewed association with time allowed him to recall memories in an 281 orderly fashion, and the nostalgia proceeded in a chronological 282 order. 283 For all the joyous romps he had had as a lad, Arthur's life truly 284 began on that day he shattered the legendary stone. The crack of the 285 stone had rent the very fabric of history, much as Alexander had the 286 Gorgon knot. The figure that approached Arthur as he sat 287 contemplating his future existence stood for nearly a quarter of an 288 hour before Arthur looked up. The sight of someone else witnessing 289 his horrible deed gave Arthur quite a start, and the sword bit into 290 his thumb. 291 "OUCH!" 292 "Elegant, but very crude and somewhat clumsy," the voice was tired, 293 but familiar. 294 "But it's a nice sword, and I didn't mean to, I just...I...I just 295 slipped...." Arthur's voice trailed off in panic, muffled by his 296 bleeding thumb. 297 Merlin shook his head. "Lying won't help you now. You meant to, 298 you didn't slip and no one ever said the stone could not be broken in 299 the process." 300 "But I...what if...how can..." 301 "Sputtering ill befits the king of the Bretons, boy!" Merlin's 302 voice shook the forest, or so it seemed. "Look boy, you got it out 303 and that's that. You're going to be king whether you like it or not, 304 so stop bellyaching and help me avoid your first war. If anyone else 305 sees this, they'll think just as you did and use you for tomorrow's 306 practice dummy. Here, help me with this," and a bewildered Arthur 307 moved toward the old man. 308 They worked frighteningly fast, knowing that at any moment a 309 reveler might wander away from the feast and catch them in the act. 310 They hurriedly dug a small depression into which they positioned the 311 two halves of the stone, and piled dirt up the sides to maintain its 312 place. With the stone in position, they carefully replaced the sword 313 so as to appear as it had before. Arthur watched curiously as Merlin 314 prepared a tiny pouch and lit a small candle. As darkness approached, 315 there they waited until a small crowd of feastgoers appeared. 316 When the merrymakers approached, Arthur grasped the sword with both 317 of his hands, and, on cue from Merlin began to fake straining and 318 pulling. The revellers laughed loudly and merrily at what they 319 thought was another fool out to impress his girlfriend. At another 320 cue from Merlin, though, Arthur gave the sword a turn and hoisted it 321 free of the stone. At the same instance, there erupted a mighty flash 322 and a loud BANG! from the stone, which again toppled in pieces. The 323 chuckling group was now speechless, as all color drained from their 324 faces. Arthur, though paralyzed with fear at the proceedings, saw 325 then a sight he would remember for all time: Merlin, hands clasped 326 tightly over his own mouth, turning bright red, suppressing a laugh! 327 328 {*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}!!!isis!!!{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*}{*} 329 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZippydalurker 330 Above: Cute! I've always beena fan of contemporizing classic stories! 331 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZippydalurker 332 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 333 To: All UNDERGROUND operatives 334 From: J.K. O'Hara, DSNAC, UNDERGROUND 335 Subj: A little tidbit to keep you going 336 Since morale within our ranks has been fairly low these past few days, here's 337 a little story to cheer you up: 338 339 Captain Brommel, it was well known, was a sadist. His intense 340 pleasure at inflicting pain could not be mistaken; his favorite place in 341 the entire prison was the torture chamber, right next to the rack. 342 Still, he was excellent at his job, and his superiors decided years ago to 343 just look the other way when he indulged himself. 344 One day, however, a prison riot broke out. It seems that one of the 345 prisoners, taken just the day before, had been beaten almost beyond 346 recognition during an interrogation. The other prisoners, of course, were 347 outraged. They suddenly charged the guards during calisthenics, and in 348 the ensuing battle, seized several firearms and shot every single guard 349 they could find. A few guards escaped to tell their Captain what 350 had happened. Of course, they reported everything in the long and 351 drawn out manner of the military, ignoring not the slightest detail. 352 Finally, Brommel called for support to put down the uprising, but 353 needed one last bit of information. 354 355 so the inquisitive sadist said, "Where's the grief?" 356 (imagine diabolical laughter from John K. O'Hara) 357 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ 358 SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB 359 360 TO ALL CONCERNED: 361 362 If you have a car bilke or motor-bilke and would like a consoled made for 363 car stero installation, or gauges, or whatever, I ghave the resources to 364 do this. I have made center consoles for stereo app;llications for a 365 variety of different cars and would be more then happy to do one for you. 366 367 Rates: 368 369 for center console $40.00 370 for bilke console $25.00 371 for motor bike $30.00 372 373 call 238-xxxx after 5:00 p.m. ask for Dean 374 375 S-N-AAB 376 377 SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB$SAAB 378 379 380 DDDDDD D N N  OOO OOO 381 D D N N N O O 382 D D N N N O O 383 D D N N N O O 384 D D N N N O O 385 D D N NN O O 386 DDDDDD N N OOOOO 387 388 389 rRonin: 390 391 Since you liked my last proverb so much I thought you might enjoy a few more 392 and a quote or two: 393 394 He that is not Handsom at twenty,nor strong at thirty,nor rich at forty 395 nor wise at fifty, will never be handsome, strong, rich , or wise. 396 397 It is not What is she, but What has she. 398 399 The way to feel safebe safe is to never to fellesecure. 400 401 An horrid stillness first invades the ear, 402 And in that silence we tempest fear. 403 (Astrea Redux) 404 405 Genius is one percent cent . inspiration and 406 ninety nine-per cent. perspiratinon 407 (Thomas A. Edison) 408 409 for now my friend, 410 later--- Dno... 411 412 ddddddddddddddddddddddddddnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooo 413 up30 414 (^)(^)(^)8(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^) 415 416 Dno: 417 May you be shot on sight for your lack of taste in proverbs. 418 If you quit now, you may save yourself much pain later. Remember, a stich 419 in time saves nine. 420 421 Ronin 422 423 (^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^)(^) 424 S-N-AAB: 425 My friThanks for the beautiful job you did on building my center console. 426 It's awesome! 427 c-64 428 THORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHOR 429 Some may think that to feel is to reach out your hand and let your 430 fingertips contact the person or thing that you want to touch. 431 But to actually touch something or some one, you must reach out with 432 feelings not found in the tips of ones fingers. For that touch is soon 433 forgotten by the both parties involved. 434 To feel and be felt, one must reach out with ones soul and if contact is made 435 neither party shall ever forget the 436 moment of tangency. 437 438 kathyd:saw your words, glad to have you back at TANIS. My tankard is full. 439 Guardian:Have I missed another message? 440 TIN MAN:Where for goes thy prose? 441 Tanya:who darest call thee a drake, thee is surely a swan. 442 THORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHOR 443 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 444 wow hawaii wazz great. as the song says "Wish they all could be California 445 girls!" 446 COMO ESTA` Ud. SNR MIG? YO SOY MUY BIEN. SABE ESPAN~OL? TAL VEZ SI`. 447 TAL VEZ NO. LE TENGO LASTIMA POR Ud. Ud ES UN PUTO GRANDE. 448 ES UN PUN~ITERO TAMBIEN. QUE? HABLA NO ES VERDAD? SI` ES MUY VERDAD! 449 CUANDO` ES UN POSADO. YO NO SE`. Y Ud.? SI Ud. SABE ESPAN~OL. 450 TIENE LAS VACASIONES DIVERTIDO. 451 BACK TO INGLES. 452 IF YOU DONT UNDERSTAND SPANISH MIG I SUGGEST A CLOSE TO NATIVE SPEAKER TO 453 INTERPRET THE ABOVE PARAGRAPH. OR AT LEAST SOME ONE WHO LIVED NEAR 454 HISPANICS LONG ENOUGH TO PICK UP THE KEY WORDS IN THE MESSAGE. 455 I WONT TELL YOU AGAIN! BUZZ OFF! 456 OH BY THE WAY. 457 TIENE UN DIA ALEGRE!!!!!! 458 EL OSO GRANDE! 459 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 460 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? ? ? ? ? > ? ? ?/MiG/? > ? ? ? ? ? 461 462 Gee, not too much to work with. All uppercase, with imaginary line noise. 463 But I have a few ideas. By the way, your sentence structure sucks, according 464 to the person I had translate that. Oh, your not going to tell me again? I 465 am so happy for you!! Come on EW, I expected better of you. 466 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/MiG/? ? ? ? ? ? ? 467 468 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 469 EW EW EW EW!!!! IS THAT ALL YOU CAN SAY? BY THE WAY THAT WAS NOT LINE NOISE. 470 THE ACCENT AND THE ~(I FORGOT WHAT IT IS CALLED) CANNOT BE PUT ATOP OF THE 471 APPROPRIATE LETTERS SO I JUST PUT THEM AFTER. WHO TRANSLATED THIS? YOU? 472 WHY NOT YOU ARE SUPER STUD!! IF YOU CAN BE 6'3" AND GOD WHO KNOWS HOW HEAVY 473 WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND SPANISH AS WELL. ALSO THANK YOU FOR GETTING RIGHT 474 DOWN TO THE POINT IN YOUR ABOVE MESSAGE. MOST OF THE MESSAGES YOU WRITE TO ME 475 BEAT AROUND THE BUSH WITH ASSANINE COMMENTS. MY PERSPECTIVE OF YOU IS WIDENING 476 TO NEW HORIZONS. MABEY SOME DAY WE CAN BURRY THE OLE HATCHET AND TALK IN 477 CIVILIZED TOUNGE. COME ON NOW WHAT IS THIS "I expected better of you" CRAPOLA? 478 AT LEAT I TRIED TO AD A LITTLE VARIETY BY INTRODUCING A FORIEGN LANGUAGE. I 479 KNOW IT HAS BEEN USED BEFORE BUT I THOUGHT IT WAS A NICE THOUGHT. I DO AGREE 480 MY SENTECE STRUCTURE LEAVES SOME TO BE DESIRED. IN MY CLASS THE MAIN FUNCTION 481 THIS YEAR IS TO CONCENTRATE ON LISTENING AND SPEAKING. NOT AS MUCH WRITING 482 IS INVOLVED BUT I GET A CHANCE TO TRANSLATE A LOT. IF YOU DO NOW SPANISH I 483 WOULD APPRECIATE THE INCREASED VOCABULARY. 484 TIENE UNA DIA ALEGRE 485 don QUIJOTE 486 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 487 ************.********************** **************j.******jz******* 488 **************************************************************** 489 thor: thank-you, its good to be back.... i think 490 guardian thank-you 491 getting line hits, can't type with these conditions. 492 ***********iwo~incourt********kathyd**************** 493 494 CONGRATULATIONS KATHYD, YOUR WRITING IS IMPROVING. (ABOVE) IT'S THE BEST SO 495 FAR. 496 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 497 HMMM NOTHING TO DO AROUND HERE IN THE GRAND OLE STATE OF OREGON. 498 IT IS NOW 4:26 AND I HAVE GOTTEN ON TO BWMS TWICE IN A ROW. OH GOLLY GEE WIZ. 499 DOES ANY ONE WANT TO TALK? DOES ANYONE HAVE ANYTHING AT ALL THEY WANT TO 500 GET OFF THEIR CHESTS AND PUT IT RIGHT ON MINE? 501 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 502 ************************************************ 503 now i remember why lurk mode is so inviting 504 i won't miss the jerks, that is fer sure! 505 phfttt!!!! 506 ****************kathyd************************** 507 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 508 Kathy:you must understand we are not jerks. we are just bored. 509 510 MiG:satisfied with the lower case? still waiting i know youre out there 511 you know what 512 you know who 513 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 514 sysop: how do you afford keeping a bulletin board going w/o charging the 515 users (or is just doing it worth it)? 516 from: curious... 517 xXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX 518 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 519 There seems to have been a fantastic improvement in the phone lines! I 520 managed to read the whole disk without getting mung 521 (glitch was fingers -- not fone) knocked off the line. As we're 522 near the bottom, I'll let the story rest another day. 523 -- to the one who left the message about rebuilding consoles and 524 the proverbs. 525 Sir: 526 Your use of control characters is quite obnoxious. I realize tt 527 what you left translates to a backspace with your terminal or atari, but 528 to the rest of it, it is just garbage. To see what it really looks like, 529 type "cc n" (control characters, show instead of send), and reread the 530 message. Looks pretty bad doesn't it? To compound the problem, your 531 character that translates as "^=" puts my terminal into graphics mode -- 532 it expects the character strings coming to be encoded co-ordinates. 533 Very messy. If you want to use a backspace, the system supports the 534 standard ASCII backspace command ... a much more readable message results. 535 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 536 (damn enter only -- the line starting "to the rest of it" should be 537 "to most of us" pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 538 ******************************************* 539 oh, i understand, you are bored so you 540 pick on others. sounds very juvie to me. 541 double phfttttt!!! 542 *********************kathyd**************** 543 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 544 Nothing can generate fear like a dream whenre the line between it and reality 545 is all too near. I awake from this dream of mine, but what about the next 546 time? 547 -------------------Mad Max---------------------------------7:31'50------------ 548 (ch /whenre/where) 549 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 550 ************************************************* 551 LEONARD: NO THEY DIDN'T SAY, BUT I'M NOT HOLDING MY BREATH IT DIDN'T 552 STAY FIXED THE LAST TIME. GIVE IT A COUPLE OF WEEKS, AND I MIGHT START 553 TO FEEL A LITTLE SAFER. 554 L'HOMME: FIGURES, IT ISN'T COMPATIBLE IN ANYTHING ELSE, WHY SHOULD 555 IT BE COMPATIBLE THERE? 556 *************************** CISTOP MIKEY ******************** 557 558 DDDDDD N N OOOOO 559 D D NN N O O 560 D D N N N O O 561 D D N N N O O 562 D D N N N O O 563 D D N N N O O 564 D D N NN O O 565 DDDDDD N N OOOOO 566 567 To: Most of us (or everyone concerned and bothered) 568 569 Thank you for pointing out what appears to be a very major flaw in 570 my Terminal program. Unfortunately, the terminal software I was using 571 is built into my computer, and was the most convenient to use. If you are 572 wondering what type of computer I am using, it is an NEC. (not an ATARI) 573 I do apologize for any mishaps that may have occured. 574 575 Humbly, 576 Dno... 577 578 DNO DNO DNO DNO DNO DNO DNO DNO DNO DNO DNO DNO DNO DNO DNO DNO DNO DNO DNO 579 580 581 please forgive this test 582 INVALID COMMAND 583 584 up 20 585 oh well that was interesting. TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 585 .