1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 ************************* INSTALLED: 7 MAY 85 ********************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 *********************************************************** 19 20 Marc: In response to your quiry, as has been noted before, I perfer that 21 overtly descriptive sexually based stories not be placed on BWMS, and in 22 fact I have removed them in the past. (See first 19 lines of disk please) 23 The reasoning behind this is not that I am a 'prude', but rather experience 24 has shown me that whenever I have allowed such, no matter how well written, 25 the less intellengent types have taken it to mean that BW has turned 'porno'. 26 I then have to spend the next week to a month fighting such abuse. There 27 are more then enough other 'porno' boards around town, and I have no intention 28 of allowing BW to turn into one. I have very few limits as to what I will 29 allow on BW, but sexually explict writting is one. The other reason I have 30 this restriction is that I try to keep BW open to as many different users 31 as I can, and since many are uncomfortable with such things, it is another 32 reason for such a limitation. 33 There is no such thing as freedom, there is only the continually shifting 34 balance of one persons desires and goals against anothers. Freedom as we 35 have come to know it is when those goals and desires have reached true 36 balance. This will always mean that there will be restrictions though as 37 we give up one freedom to obtain another. 38 39 L'homme: Correction, the RND 19 + 1 should be 1 + RND 19 so much for copying 40 BASIC programs without checking the structure... 41 left to right left to right left to right left to right left to right 42 ************************** CISTOP MIKEY ******************************* 43 5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%Greetings once again from Blue Beard the Pirate....Really a 44 benevolent fellow I am. I see I was somewhat in error about going 45 on a tirade regarding all the problems that were going on about 46 two weekends back. Tho my identity shall forever remain anonymous, 47 suffice it to say that I've been in these waters for 4+ years now. 48 It seems that there were a few misunderstandings generated thru 49 the actions of a single (?) individual who we (as in the collective 50 sysops of this town) would gratefully strangle. If you haven't gathered 51 it by now, I am indeed a sysop. Again, my apologies for stepping on 52 toes. 53 5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5% 54 5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5% 55 Alas, after reading all that drive B: had to offer, I come away feel- 56 ing somewhat depressed. We all of us have our good and our bad days. 57 God only knows that sometimes bad things happen to good people. To 58 whomever it was that said they felt that they had to "impress" other 59 people, I only have this to say. We all of us must march to the beat 60 of our own drummer. Our facades that we try so hard to create are 61 mere feathers in the wind, subject to the whimsy of nature. A single 62 puff and it's gone, revealing that which is really us. My drummer is 63 not your drummer, nor should it ever be so. I view with great trep- 64 idation the effects of all of us marching to the same drummer. Imagine! 65 a world where we were all faceless, nameless robots! . 66 Cheers......Blue Beard the Pirate...... 67 5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5% 68 To the person asking about modems & baud rate: 69 The confusion is because 'baud' does NOT mean bits per second (bps). 70 The baud rate is (as I recall) a measure of how fast a signal is changing 71 state. The phone lines can only handle about 1200 *baud*. Since you need 72 TWO channels (one send & one receive) that means they only have 600 baud 73 apiece. What a 1200 *bps* modem does is have more than two STATES for the 74 signal (It uses some sort of phase-shifting arrangement) Thus each 'state 75 change' carries more than one bit of data (on a 2400 *bps* modem each one 76 carries FOUR bits of data...), 77 I hope this is of some help. If not someone else will have to help 78 as I'm at the limit of MY technical info on the subject.... 79 _________________________________Leonard___________________________________ 80 {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c} 81 please dont be depressed! it changes you all over. friends will 82 notice the change and back off, thats not good, times when you are 83 depressed is when you need you friends the most! if you have lost 84 touch with them give em a call, go out, talk to them! 85 life is hard sometimes, i egree! but its the only one you have so take 86 good care of it. dont let other people or things take it away from you. 87 okay? 88 {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{tammy}{c} 89 90 I HAVE A QUESTION: IF THERE IS A GOD, AND YOU DO EVENTUALLY SHOW UP ON 91 HIS DORR STEP FOR THE FINAL DISCISION ON WHERE YOU ARE GOING TO SPEND 92 THE REST OF TIME... WHAT IF THAT GOD WASN'T THE ONE YOU BELEIVE IN? 93 SURE THERE IS A GOD BUT MAYBE IT'S A SHE? WON'T SHE BE MAD THAT YOU 94 SPENT YOUR WHOLE LIFE PRAYING TO THE WRONG GOD? WOULDN 95 'T THAT MEAN THAT YOU WERE ACCEPTING ANOTHER GOD BEFORE HER, AND THAT 96 THAT ACT IS PUNISHIBLE BY GOING TO HELL? WELL, WE'LL JUST HAVE TO 97 WAIT AND SEE WON'T WE? =RABBIT 98 99 =!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!= 100 GOD IS WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART TO BE, NO BOOKS OR 101 TOMES WILL SUFFICE THAT THAT...OUT OF ALL THE RELIGIONS 102 IN THE WORLD THEY TEACH YOU THAT THERE IS NOT ONLY 1 BUT 103 MANY, EACH HEART BELIEVES IN THE ONE THEY CHOOSE AND 104 THAT IS ALL THEY NEED...THERE IS NO 'ONE GOD' BUT EACH 105 HAS THERE OWN...JUST BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART WHAT YOU WILL 106 NO ONE ELSE CAN TELL YOU WHICH IS RIGHT OR WRONG...IF 107 YOU DECIDED TO BELIEVE OR NOT TO BELIEVE IN ONE THAT 108 IS STILL ONLY UP TO YOU...NOW ON THE THE GAMES (OR LIVES)... 109 110 SHIFTIN' PLANES (PART 1) 111 112 THERE WAS ONCE A MAN CALLED FLIP WHO HAD TO SPEAK AT A SURVIVAL 113 CLUB MEETING ON TUESDAY MORNING. THE WEATHER HAS TAKEN A STRANGE 114 TWIST WHEN HE HAD ARISEN FROM BED. THE BRITISH 303 HUNTING RIFLE LAY 115 IN THE CORNER OF THE LIVING ROOM ALONG WITH VARIOUS OF SURVIVAL 116 EQUIPMENT HE HAD PACKED THE NIGHT BEFORE. "HMMM... " THOUGHT FLIP AS 117 HE CHECKED HIS INVENTORY BEFORE SETTING OUT TO THE CLUB..."DISTILLED 118 WATER, PURIFYING TABLETS, WATERPROOF MATCHES, FISHHOOKS & LINE, 119 SNARE WIRE, SPARE AMMO..." THE LIST WENT ON...SOON HE WAS READY FOR 120 THE LECTURE AT THE COLLEGE. THEY WANTED HIM TO SPEAK BEFORE THE 121 HUNTING SEASON STARTED FOR THE YOUNG HUNTERS WOULD KNOW WHAT TO DO 122 IF THE SITUATION AROSE THAT THEY WERE STRANDED IN THE WILDERNESS. 123 GUN IN HAND AND SURVIVAL KIT ON HIS BACK FLIP STARTED OUT HIS FRONT 124 DOOR...!WHOOOOSH!! SSSNNNAAAPPPPP!!!!! A LIGHTNING BOLT STRUCK DONE 125 AT THE SAME TIME HE STEPPED OUT...HE AWOKE ON HIS FEET IN A CLEARING 126 OF A VAST FOREST OF TALL FIRS. "WHAT THE..." SAID FLIP AS HE LOOKED 127 ABOUT HIS SURROUNDINGS. "I MUST BE DREAMING" HE THOUGHT AS HE SAT 128 DOWN TO TRY TO FIGURE OUT WHAT HAD HAPPENED. HIS WATCH (WHICH WAS 129 ELECTRIC) WAS BURNT OUT WHEN HE LOOKED OVER HIS BODY AND EFFECTS. 130 THE CLOTHS HE WORE WERE NOT MARKED, NOR HIS HAIR BUT THE FLASHLIGHT 131 STRAPPED TO HIS BELT WAS ALSO BURNT OUT. "HMMM...I NOT DREAMING 132 AFTER ALL" HE DECIDED. "WELL, I MIGHT AS WELL FIND MY BEARINGS AND 133 TRY TO GET HOME..." HE MUTTERED TO HIMSELF WHILE ADJUSTING THE LOAD 134 HE WAS CARRYING. HE PULLED OUT THE COMPASS AND FOUND THAT IT NOTHING 135 BUT SSLOWLY MOVED AROUND POINTING IN NO PATICULAR DIRECTION. "THATS 136 STRANGE, I WONDER INF THE MAGNETIZED NEEDLE STILL WORKS..." HE DUG 137 IT OUT OF HIS KIT AND WALKED OVER TO THE SMALL STREAM FLOWING 138 NEARBY. TAKING A BIT OF SWEAT FROM HIS FOREHEAD HE WIPED THE NEEDLE 139 WITH IT AND VERY SWLY LAYED THE NEEDLE IN A STILL POOL OF WATER. IT 140 DIDN'T POINT NORTH EITHER. WHILE PUTTING IT BACK IN THE KIT HE 141 LOOKED OUT UPON THE TERRAIN AND SPOTTED A HIGH SPOT THAT WOULD GIVE 142 HIM A BETTER LOOK OF THE COUNTRYSIDE...AFTER A 1/2 HIKE UP THE HILLS 143 HE REACHED THE POINT AND LOOKED OUT...SEEING NO SIGNS OF CIVILIZATION 144 BUT MILES OF FOREST IN ALL DIRECTIONS. SCANNING THE SKIES HE NOTICED 145 THE MOON HAD RISEN, JUST BARELY VISIBLE TO HIS LEFT. SMILING TO IT 146 HE DECICED TO WALK THAT DIRECTION INSTEAD OF FOLLOWING THE STREAM 147 WHICH SEEMED TO END AT THE POOL. LOOKING OFF TO RIGHT HIS JAW 148 DROPPED OPEN AS HE NOTICED THE CLOUDS OPENING UP, A NOTICED A 149 SECOND MOON..."THIS IS NOT EARTH" THOUGHT FLIP AS HE SAT DOWN AND 150 DUG A PINT OF WHISKEY FROM HIS KIT... 151 152 (TO BE CONTINUED...) 153 =!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=! BIGFOOT !=! 154 155 A British 303? Not exactly your mainstream rifle. I have one, but I could 156 never get its accuracy to match that of my sporterized Springfield 30-06, 157 so it's been relegated to the back of the closet as a spare. As a 158 "survivalist's" rifle I'm a bit sceptical - its relative scarcity means a 159 concomitant unavailability of ammunition, which is not a desirable situation 160 once "it all falls apart." But then, not being a participant of that 161 philosophy, I could be wrong. Maybe it's an advantage? Whatever the case, 162 I acknowledge your use of a realistic prop in your tale. Here's your 163 "pat on the back." 164 _innocent bysitter_ 165 [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [little tin prints] [/] THE TIN MAN [/] [/] 166 So wer'e telling stories now, are we? Here's one for you... 167 UNDERCOVER By John Silverman 168 (c) 1985 John Silverman 169 So wer'e telling stories now, are we? Here's one for you... 170 UNDERCOVER By John Silverman 171 (c) 1985 John Silverman 172 part one of six) 173 Frank still couldn't believe this was happening. He stood against the wall of the laundry room, shivering 174 n his damp dishwasher's uniform, with the other surviving members of 175 he hotel staff. Facing them were a dozen men dressed in olive-drab 176 uniforms complete with black ski masks, all armed with various sorts 177 submachine guns. They were waiting. 178 From the events of the last hour, Frank had arrived at one inescapable conclusion. He, and all 179 is fellow co-workers, were going to die. It was just too logical, 180 iven the situation. His heart thundered as he furiously thought 181 f some slim hope to cling to. Right at the edge of the crowd, by 182 PLEASE EXCUSE THE MESS... IF I CAN EVER GET THE DAMN THING TO UPLOAD RIGHT THEN MAYBE I CAN SHARE IHT NOW, THOUGH, I THINK I'LL 183 JUST TURN THIS THING OFF AND BE ILL...(SIGH) 184 MAYBE TOMORROW 185 186 187 188 OFF 189 ********************************************************************* 190 We laughed as we exited the car, click-click we climbed the 191 stairs. I noticed a note on the storage area "Keep door locked". 192 Hmmm that wasn't there earlier, As we turned to unlock our Apt. door 193 and door across the hall flung open and our neighbor stood there, 194 his eyes blazing with rage. "I want to talk to you about the 195 "condition" of the storage area", his tone was threatening. I faced 196 him. "Great!" I replied and continued," Let's get together and 197 get it taken care of, you move your stuff and we will move ours." 198 I had a smile on my face, willing to compromise. The man steamed. 199 "I don't have time to do that, and if your stuff ever gets in my way 200 again, Ill throw it over the balcony." Surpized at the man's attitude 201 I entered my apt, turning saying "Hey, it's past 11:00 at night, 202 let's discuss this in the morning when we are both a little calmer." 203 The man growled"Ok, lady be up at 5:00 am, I have to be at work early" 204 Odviously the man wanted to fight with me and Kristy, She took up 205 the conversation "Sir, we waited two months before putting anything 206 in there hoping that you would clean out a space for us. We needed 207 to get moved into our apt, you can understand that can't you?" 208 The man fummed and growled, insisting that we had damaged his property, 209 left the door unlocked and our cats were too noisey. We looked at 210 each other(kristy and I) and said goodnight to him and closed the door. 211 The man was persistant, screaming at us thru the door and banging 212 on it. We opened the door again and continued our "talk". After a 213 couple of minutes we realized fully just how unreasonable this man 214 was and instructed him to consult with the management. closing the 215 door in his face. He did not pursure his battle with us, we could 216 hear his door slam and we could hear the battle that he waged with 217 his own wife. Sounds of crashing furniture and angry tougues set the 218 mood for a dismal evening for us. What had we done to deserve this 219 oral thrashing and emotional upset? Oh God, why do you test your children 220 so? 221 ***************************************kathyd******************************** 222 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*Guru of Bliss*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 223 The cacaphony of descension drags the 'Guru' off his mountain and away from 224 the pleasent contemplation of his navel, as it so often does, to join the frey. 225 Optimal Freedom comsists of the maximum latitude for every individual up to 226 but not passed the point ware the freedom of one would diminish the freedom of 227 another. We have NEVER known it! But it is realizable. It is one of the measures of true civilization (though one 228 of the lesser ones). As long as the generating of stress and of mundaness con- 229 tinue to be socialy acceptable true freedom will not be atained. (The pre- 230 meditated generating thereof i mean) 231 As to God vs 'gods': The Unknowable Essence has ever been and ever remains 232 exaulted beyond comming ins and going outs. The revealers, the major dawning 233 points of manifestation, have one and all proclaimed Him to be singular though 234 unknowable. Thair so called fallowers, 235 on the other hand, have often found 236 vested interest in maintaining confusion 237 on that issue. The pronoun 'He' is used to refer to the Causer of Causes, not 238 as an indication of biomorphic polarity, such is absured by deffinition in 239 connection with an infinatly exaulted 240 supreme being, but rather as default of 241 a language which lacks a pronoun for 242 a non-physical and thus non physicaly 243 polarised scentient. Of course other 244 interpretations are possible and far 245 be it from me to set myself up as thair 246 final arbeture. i simply pass on what 247 little understanding i have of the 248 latest 'chapter' of this continual outpouring of Devine will. 249 This IS the day in which the books have been opened. 250 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 251 BIGFOOT: a survivalest on the world of two moons? Dreamtoucher loves it! 252 (might even put in an appearence down the trail a bit after your satisfied that 253 the scene has been fully set if thats ok) 254 INNKEEPER: I aggree with your specific motivation in re 'blackout'. I am not 255 unawaire of the problem. I question only the appearent 'general' motivation 256 in re the question of 'eros'. 257 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 258 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 259 Marc -- Although I have been enjoying "Blackout" very much, I must agree 260 with Mikey that you are coming very close to a fine line of acceptibility 261 for BW. (I'm sure you're aware of that already, your comment proves that 262 you are not unaware of the sensitivity of others here.) So far the writing 263 has been excellent, the situation not completely unbelievable, and the 264 responses of the characters, while not perhaps enlightening as to great 265 universal truths, not unrepresentative of at least some specimans of humanity. 266 The story has been succussful insofar as it has raised erotic expectations 267 although no explicit sexual descriptions have occurred, however it seems that 268 nearly all who have read the story fear that the action will quickly turn 269 from the fine line of erotically stimulating to clinical. I, for one, would 270 prefer to see you hold on the "socially acceptable" side -- a difficult path 271 to tread, and one frought with treacherous traps that could destroy your story. 272 If more than a single erotic incident is involved -- if the persons involved 273 learn more about themselves or the world around them, please, please continue 274 but try to keep away from clinical descriptions. If the single incident is 275 all that occurrs, my imagination has already filled in the rest. 276 pppppppppppppppppp 277 The piper turned to a table where a large, hiristute (sp? I misplaced the 278 damn dictionary!) individual had called out. A flash of polished tin caugh 279 the pipers eye reminding him strongly of a past adventure and a mental picture 280 of two gentlemen who normally inhabited a spy-story reality walking arm-in-arm 281 down a yellow brick road singing an old Judy Garland song nearly brought a 282 tear to his eye. Ah, yes, the tin man was not involved in the incident -- 283 our minds weave strange associative webs sometimes. The piper sat as 284 bigfoot began his story. 285 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 286 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 287 Marc: I, for one, find your story amusing. I don't consider it offensive, 288 and if I did, I could always not read it. Since you clearly identify yourself, 289 why don't those who don't like his story just skip reading it? Be a little 290 user-friendly for a change, instead of just talking about it (all of you who 291 jump on the "user-friendly month" have a continuing tendency to leave messages 292 exhorting others to do what you say, not what you actually do... 293 ------------------------------------The Prodigal----------------------- 294 To Leonard: I'm grateful for your enlightenment about the bit and the baud. 295 Used to be confused ... not anymore ... 296 _^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^__^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^ 297 To All... 298 Thanks you for replying to my comments.. I will observe the rights for 299 those who don't wish to read it and not post the remaining two parts, but 300 just give you the ending. 301 Now can anyone tell me what others BBS's have this format of story telling 302 This is the only one I know. So could anyone give me a few telephone 303 numbers for some others. 304 Thanks---> Marc & Melissa 305 _^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_ 306 "BLACKOUT" Final Episode 307 It was shortly after midnight when the lights went on, more blinding than 308 the darkness that it erased. They staggered to their feet---two strangers 309 who had done almost everything that a man and woman can do to each other-- 310 and they dressed, exchanging neither word nor glance. Within five minutes, 311 they were on the Portland Mall. 312 He found her a taxi. "Can I drop you off anywhere?" she asked, hoping 313 that he'd say no. " 314 He shook his head. 315 "I'll take the Bus." 316 But handing her into the cab, he paused. 317 "Are you sure you'll be okay?" 318 For the first time that night, he spoke with geniune concern. For the 319 first time that night, she looked into his face. 320 "I'll be okay." she said. 321 He took her hand and shook it--two business acquaintances at the eend of 322 a long tiring meeting. 323 "It's been..."--he was sudden;ly awkward--"it's been nice knowing you." 324 Her last glimpse was of a figure in a crumpled business suit, disappearing 325 into the steps of a Tri-Met bus. 326 ^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_ 327 Thanks for those who all read it, and if a offened anyone I give my 328 appoligies. I'll see what I can dig up in another story that's fitfully 329 right for BW and thanks for all the comments... 330 Marc & Melissa 331 _^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^ 332 /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\ 333 My life fades in and out. My thoughts are passionate like the rage of 334 a wild fire, they're the pain of the single flame that licks about inside me. 335 They are often detached and my mind dwells in a nebulous haze that qualifies as 336 something other than reality. 337 My breath condenses on the window to the world, then it evaporates 338 and reappears. I look out at the people beyond the glass. There's a war 339 between them. They have no weapons, but they are fighting each other, although 340 they don't seem to realize it. Either that or they don't care. Every once in a 341 while a person will fall, they'll fade away. And people will wonder what 342 happened. They really do care. 343 /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\ eidolaz /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\ 344 KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA 345 After having made a rather clumsy but successful landing, Kosta removed 346 a small black leather case from within the large tote he had brought with him. 347 "Ah, be things as they may, I could not have set hands on a finer 348 instrument... The lads back at Head Quarters will surely be at a loss when 349 they realize that one of their most traesured pieces are in 'enemy' hands..." 350 Opening the sealed flaps that contained the device within, Kosta prepared all 351 settings before initializing the power-up proceedure. 352 MEM:ON DIR/ACP:DIR ORG/ANS:ORG POWER:ON 353 354 355 [QUERY DIRECTORY] 356 357 [OPERATIVES ON ASSIGNMENT] 358 359 [LIST OPERATIVES: FLAG>STATE] 360 361 $:[CALIFORNIA; SAN FRANSISCO] 362 363 $:[CALIFORIA; SOUTH] 364 365 366 <.....................................................................> 367 <.....................................................................> 368 <.....................................................................> 369 <.....................................................................> 370 371 "What in God's good name has happened here? Why, you blasted infernal 372 contraption! You have failed me! I shall see about that!" In a flurry, 373 Kosta checked and recheck the settings of the device to verify that all was 374 as it should be. Everything on the outside appeared to be in fully operational 375 order. When he came to reset the power switch it finally dawned on him that 376 an internal working had somehow malfunctioned, and that it would most likely 377 not be in fully operational status without having it checked into by one of 378 the technicians back at the labs. The word 'infernal' kept spewing from Kosta's 379 lips. Delicately, he powered off the machine and replaced it in its black 380 leather case to be carried as a reminder that he had at least deprived the rest 381 of one of their impliments of location. Kosta then shouldered his large bag 382 of contents and left the aircraft after having punctuered the wings and 383 setting a small fire downhill from it... He would be a safe distance before 384 the fireworks would go off. 385 KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA 386 Farley: The entry I said I was going to enter was lost with the COMSET. 387 Nothing I can do will make it operational. All files lost. 388 Ian: Not to worry (too greatly), I transcribed the programs to paper before 389 having purged them as non-essential. Now about the COMSET... 390 KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA KOSTA 391 392 ::::::::::__________::::::::::__________::::::::::__________::::::::::__________ 393 Marc--> Indeed, a very fine story, if not a bit incomplete in the middle for 394 rather obvious reasons. I sincerely look forward to your next story, hopefully 395 one that is a bit more fitting to the atmosphere. But don't leave us! 396 ::::::::::__________:::::::::: The Jiz /// __________::::::::::__________ 397 {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} 398 The radiant bride was gay. She had never been so happy in all of her 399 life. She had met her 'knight in shining armour.' Setting her cap for him, 400 she had won his love, znd knew they would make their marriage a blissful and 401 happy one. 402 The bride was gay. She stared in the oval mirror on the wall in her 403 bedroom, tiny beads of perspiration forming under her nose and on her 404 forehead. She had blanketed her sexual preferences for years and was now 405 about to commit a crime against herself, as well as her husband-to-be. But 406 she would go through with it-her cold blue eyes staring back at her told 407 her she had to. 408 409 My brother is cool. He can pop a wheely for almost a whole block! 410 Also, he talks Mom and Dad into anything, pays me 25 cents to clean his 411 room, and has his own walkie-talkie with his best friend, Herb. He's the 412 best brother I ever had! 413 My brother is cool. The fever has been gone for two days now, and 414 he has slipped into a coma. His cheeks are pale and thin. His eyes are 415 always closed. The stale smell of medicines and antiseptics are beginning 416 to nauseate me when I walk into his room. It'll be over soon. 417 418 My teacher is neat. He tells funny jokes, but always in the wrong 419 order: introduction, conclusion, and the story-line filled in at the end. 420 At first, he scared me with his untameable hair and heard and his high, 421 hoarse voice, but now I can see that his bark is much worse than his bite. 422 He is a good teacher and I have learned much from him. 423 My teacher is neat. Everything on his desk is in perfect order. His 424 papers are stacked just 'so-so,' his books are lined on a shelf like 425 soldiers on parade, and the pictures on the walls coordinate. Little dust 426 germs don't stand a chance against his meticulous cleaning. I hear they 427 are going to stage a rebellion, though, and put a stop to the polishes, 428 insectisides, and air fresheners. I don't know whose side I'll be on. I 429 think I'll put my money on the germs. 430 {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{NEW POET-TRYING SOMETHING DIFFERENT}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} 431 432 *%#@)_*%@)_*%)_@#*%@)_*%@#)_*%@&^#$&^_*^)_#*^)_*^!_)*^)_*^#)_*^#)_*^)_^*_^*@ 433 Mikey: Copylink works on the IBM PC/AT! (Big surprise eh?) This is under 434 DOS 3.0, using a Hayes 1200 baud modem. I called a few BBS systems, down- 435 loaded a file, and tried out a very simple script for 'attack dialing.' 436 I have encountered no problems yet, EXCEPT... (you knew there had to be 437 an except didn't you?) Once in a great while, after leaving terminal mode 438 to say, help or command mode, the first word that is printed is missing 439 its first characters. I can't explain it, and there appeared to be no 440 ryhme or reason to the occurrence. Any ideas? (I know this is VERY minor, 441 but as a judicious tester, I wanted to report EVERYTHING) I'll be doing 442 much more testing, and I will of course report everything that happens, 443 or doesn't happen! Thanks for the wumpus program on the previous disk. 444 Anyone: Who or what is Central Intelligence? 445 Kosta : Another entry! Someday I will respond in kind. 446 Piper : I'll be calling regards our 'graphic' problem. 447 *%_)#*%_)@*%)_@#*%)_@#*%@_)#*%@_) L'homme sans Parity *(_#)*%_)#@*%_@)#*_)@ 448 449 =!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!= 450 DREAMTOUCHER!: I WOULD BE HONORED IF YOU APPEARED...I WILL SET THE SCENE 451 IN PART 2...LATER TONIGHT (5-8-85)... 452 THE TIN MAN: I USED THE BRITISH 303 BECAUSE I OWN ONE (DATED 1918 IF THINK) 453 AND IT HAS NEVER FAILED ME (HAS SPIT A BIT OF METAL AT A FEW TIMES BUT THATS 454 MAINLY FROM AGE)...IT'S BEEN THROUGH TWO WARS AND STILL GOING STRONG. BUT 455 I WILL SOMEDAY RETIRE IT AS A SECOND AND GET THAT RUGER MY GUNSMITH UNCLE 456 HAS...HOPE THAT THE UPLOAD WORKS THE NEXT TIME...TIL THE NEXT THOUGHT FLOWS... 457 =!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!= BIGFOOT =!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!= 458 459 SHIFTIN' PLANES (PART 2) 460 461 FLIP TOOK A LONG PULL AT THE PINT OF WHISKEY AS HE TRIED TO FIGHT 462 THE FEELING OF FEAR THAT WAS WASHING OVER HIM. THE WHISKEY SLOWLY CALMED 463 HIS NERVES AND STEADIED HIS HANDS WHILE HE CONTIMPLATED HIS SITUATION... 464 "I'M ON A DIFFERENT PLANET, DON'T KNOW ANYONE AND CAN'T SEE CIVILIZATION 465 FOR MILES" SAID FLIP ALOUD, REMEMBERING THE OLD BOY SCOUT RULES OF WHAT TO 466 DO WHEN LOST. "AT LEASE I DON'T HAVE TO PAY THE FED'S ANY MONEY THIS YEAR!" 467 HE THOUGHT AS HE ATE SOME OF THE RATIONS IN HIS KIT. THERE WAS ENOUGH TO 468 LAST HIM A WEEK AND THERE SEEMED TO BE PLENTY OF WATER AVAILABLE. WISHING 469 THAT HE HAD SOME COMPANY HE BEGAN THE LONG JOURNEY TO 'SOMEWHERE'...AFTER 470 WALKING FOR A FEW HOURS HE NOTICED THAT THE TREES WERE THINING SOMEWHAT, 471 AND THE BEGININGS OF A TRAIL WEAVED THROUGH THE TREES. WHISTLING A OLD 472 SONG HE CONTINUED ON THRU THE DAY FOLLOWING THE TRAIL WINDING DOWN THE 473 ROLLING HILLS INTO A LARGE VALLEY THAT STREACHED TO THE LIMITS OF HIS 474 SIGHT. NEARING NIGHTFALL HE DECIDED TO BREAK CAMP NEAR A SMOOTH FACE 475 OF GRANITE, USING THAT AS A REFLECTOR HE BUILT HIS SMALL TEPEE FIRE AND 476 PROCEEDED TO EAT A LIGHT DINNER. THE BIRDS SANG SWEETLY AS THEY FLITTED 477 THROUGH THE BRANCHES OF THE TREES NEAR HIM..."QUITE A LOVELY LAND I SEEM 478 TO BE IN" THOUGHT FLIP AS HE STRETCHED OUT NEAR THE FIRE. THE TWO MOONS 479 LIT UP THE COUNTRYSIDE LIKE TWO LAMPPOSTS ON OPPOSITE STREET CORNERS, 480 ENABLING HIM TO SEE PERFECTLY THAT NIGHT. WAKING FROM A FITFUL DREAM 481 FLIP NOTICED THAT THE FIRE HAD DIED DOWN REMAINING ONLY AS A FEW WARM 482 COALS OF HEAT. AFTER ADDING MORE TWIGS AND SMALL 'SQUAW WOOD' THE FIRE 483 RETURNED TO ITS BRILLIANCE IN THE NIGHT LIGHT...SUDDENLY FLIP NOTICED 484 MOVEMENT AT THE CORNER OF HIS EYE. QUICKLY HE UNSLUNG THE 303 AND READY 485 THE CLIP FROM HIS POCKET, WONDERING IF THE SHADOW HE SAW WAS A MAN OR 486 SOMETHING ELSE...WATCHING IT APPROACH HE PULLED UNLOADED THE RIFLE AND 487 SET IT TO ONE SIDE...AND WAITED FOR THE STRANGER TO ENTER HIS CAMP IN 488 PEACE... 489 490 (TO BE CONTINUED) 491 =!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!= BIGFOOT =!=!=!=!=!=!= 492 493 5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5% 494 It was a cold morning. Too cold to be out and about, but be that as it 495 may, Josh still had to be there. Grumbling to the great gods in the sky, 496 muttering about the -10 degree weather, he climbed into the cockpit. 497 "Hmph. Damn thing just doesn't want to start this morning. Perhaps a 498 little fuel in the carb might work.". Dumping three capfuls of booster 499 into the carb, Josh pulled himself back into the cockpit. Whirrrrr. Whirrr. 500 Click. Click. Kathunk. Finally. The engine engaged. Taxiing down the runway, 501 Josh knew he had a long day ahead. That run back to Aleut was going to be 502 a tough one, especially if the weather didn't clear up, and soon. The radio 503 reports indicated a gut-busting flurry coming down from the pole. Josh 504 didn't think to highly of this, and moaned out loud when the radio 505 crackled "Josh, honey, you ok this morning?" His wife. Of course. Josh 506 had to put in that two-way radio to pacify his wife. "Yeah, Sandy, I'm 507 doing fine.". "Uh, Josh, you sure you don't wanna wait to make that 508 run?". "Nah. Gotta get it done. The boys up there need me as soon as 509 possible, can't afford to wait any more.". "Ok. But you just be very 510 careful. I don't wanna hear that your little 180 went down in the middle 511 of the sea somewhere. That just terrifies me.". 512 >>>>> Blue Beard the Benevolent Pirate <<<<< 513 5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5%5% 514 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*X^n*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 515 Mark+Mellissa: Other story boards:Tanis=761-0609/Alt World=777-0709 There may 516 be others but these are the two, other than here that i know of. 517 Bigfoot:if not tonight then sometime real soon. Even the pointed eared dream 518 shaper gets streatced a bit thin trying 519 to be in as many places as seems to be. 520 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 521 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 522 Kosta: Ian seems to be pre-occupied with something, so I'll risk this. 523 It's probably too late now, but you'll need the info for the next time 524 the Comset has a malf. It IS possible to recover files after what 525 happend to you. More details at /pcs drop or meeting... 526 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 527 528 __________________________________________________________________________ 529 when two people live under the same roof for long enough they begin to 530 have an edge of concern and maybe even a little possesiveness. after only 531 a short passage of time you begin to feel as if you have known each other 532 for all of your life. at least that is how i feel. something else will 533 happen as well. when the two are around each other for so long they start 534 to share some concepts even if they do not fully believe in them or are 535 able to comprehend them fully. i can tell that this has in some manner had 536 an effect on me as well because there was a time not too long ago that i 537 would feel no pause or inhibition what so ever in responce to effusion. 538 the next thing i know is i am hesitating. it is not me that waits but an 539 ideal that has been expressed by the other one. it is not me. it passed. 540 after many long minutes of talking about how the office was not such 541 a nice thing that one could look forward to going there in the morning we 542 got down to what was on each others minds of late. at first we had both 543 appologized what we both felt were our rudenesses and inconsiderations. 544 as it turns out neither one of us felt the burden of the others worry but 545 only our own repressions. the subject inadvertantly came to how i felt 546 about myself and the break up i just went through. with all the grace and 547 wisdom i could muster i created my disertation. the first words were an 548 explaination that i was quoting off the top of my head from a letter i had 549 just written. then i went on to say that even though it was not an easy 550 time i was not so effcted by the release as were the others that were now 551 on my mind. i knew it had to end because i should never have let it 552 start. it was smoething i have already learned i would never allow happen 553 again and that i felt nothing of it anymore because i knew that the one i 554 had let go was now very much more in love with the one i was only a 555 diversion from. i was then told that i was indeed wise. 556 i am not wise. i am a fool. i lied. i did still feel something but not 557 much anymore. inwardly i turned my back on the situation and looked 558 forward to the happier days i would spend in the future. but all i feel 559 is the now. tomorrow never comes. it is always beyond my grasp. pain is 560 the price we pay for our educations and i am ready for my next lesson. 561 _______________________________________________________________________mg_ 562 563 $#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# 564 *WOW* 565 AFTER READING THE AMOUNT OF TEXT THAT HAS BEEN ADDED ON SINCE LAST 566 NIGHT IT IS EASY TO SEE WHY THE LINES HAVE BEEN BUSY ALL AFTERNOON 567 AND EVENING. ABOUT THAT PARTIAL STORY 'UNDERCOVER'; 568 I AM A COMPLETE NEWCOMER TO BBS'S AND DON'T KNOW EXACTLY HOW TO 569 OPERATE THEM. I HAVE THE STORY, ALL WRITTEN UP, ON DISK. I TRIED 570 TO DO IT THE EASY WAY BY LOADING PART OF THE STORY INTO 571 A MEMORY BUFFER AND THEN LOADING THE WHOLE MESS ONTO THE BOARD. 572 THE PROCESS GOT ABOUT AS FAR AS IS LISTED UP ON THE BOARD NOW 573 AND THEN STARTED GIVING BACK STRANGE, SCREWY CHARACTERS. 574 I ABORTED THE LOADING PROCESS AND TRIED TO DELETE THE INFORMATION 575 ALREADY ENTERED. AFTER THINKING I HAD ALREADY DONE SO, I LISTED AGAIN AND 576 DISCOVERED TO MY MORTIFICATION THAT THE LINES WERE STILL ON THE 577 BOARD AND I HAD NO WAY TO ELIMINATE THEM!! AAAARRRGGGHHH!!! 578 THIS IS VERY EMBARASSING AND NO DOUBT MAKES ME LOOK LIKE A FOOL. 579 ANYWAY, I JUST WANTED TO EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENED, AND THAT 580 I AM NOT A FLAKE WHO IS JUST TRYING TO MESS UP THE SYSTEM 581 THIS STORYTELLING BUSINESS LOOKS TO BE A LOT OF FUN AND I WOULD LIKE 582 TO PARTICIPATE. HOWEVER, IT LOOKS LIKE I'LL HAVE TO ENTER ALL 583 MY STUFF MANUALLY (LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE, NO DOUBT) SO IT MAY TAKE AWHILE 584 I WOULD STILL LIKE TO SEE 'UNDERCOVER' UP ON THE BOARD BUT I THINK 585 I'LL WAIT UNTILL IT'S A LITTLE LESS CROWDED. I DON'T KNOW HOW 586 MUCH ROOM IS LEFT ON THE BOARD BUT MY 'CHAPTERS' TEND TO RUN 1/2 TO 1 1/2 587 SINGLE SPACED PAGES TYPED. 588 I THINK THE STORY WILL BE WORTH IT. 589 TO THE SYSOP: I UNDERSTAND YOUR POSITION ON GRAPHIC SEX, BUT 590 HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT GRAPHIC VIOLENCE AND LANGUAGE IF IT 591 FITS THE CONTEXT OF THE STORY? MY STORIES DON'T HAVE MUCH SEX 592 BUT LOTS OF LANGUAGE AND VIOLENCE AND I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW 593 HOW MUCH I WOULD HAVE TO CENSOR THEM IN ORDER NOT TO BE PURGED 594 FROM THE BOARD. 595 IT'S 4:15 A.M. 5/9 AND I THINK I'VE SAID ENOUGH FOR ONE NIGHT. 596 STAY MELLOW, AND I'LL C U ALL SOON. 597 JOHNATHON $ILVERMAN 598 $#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# 599 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 600 Marc & Melissa -- more, please! 601 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 602 ===============================================All users:====================== 603 Please note that there is a BBS called Tanis (Phone 761-xxxx). Hope to see 604 an influx of new users 605 606 i bet... i just bet... that a precious few of you... few indeed... read this.. 607 608 *********.*******************************************. 609 im reading it, mg: wow!! hope you feel better soon. 610 *******************************kd********************* 611 612 613 _____ ___ 614 615 _______________________________________________ 616 getting tricky now aren't we, hmm? thank you.. 617 ____________________________________________mg_ 618 619 mg, lewis: No, I see it not. Tell me on PCS, where is it? . . . . TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 619 .