1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 ************************* INSTALLED: 30 MAY 85 ********************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 WOW! I CAN NOT BELIEVE THIS! I ACTUALLY GET TO SAY "AT THE TOP"! 21 <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+>+><+><+><+><+> long time semi-lurker<+> 22 [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] 23 No one ever remembers number two . . . . 24 [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] THE TIN MAN [/] I think [/] [/] 25 D D D D D D D D D D 26 And the third is never even thought of. 27 D D D D D D D D D D 28 Standing on the terrace that overlooks the sea, the crashing 29 waves could be heard as the father paused during this meeting with his 30 son. He was glad that they could see each other even if it was only to 31 be for a short time. Looking out over those waves his mind had been 32 drawn back to an earlier time. Then he drew his gaze back to his son. 33 "I'll miss the sea... But a person needs new experiences. They 34 jar something deep inside, allowing him to grow. Without change, some- 35 thing sleeps inside us... and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken." 36 D D D D D D D D D D 37 38 39 My name is Garago. 40 I am a fighter from the Soviet Union. 41 I fight all my life and I never lose. 42 Soon I will fight Rocky Balboa and the world will see his 43 DEFEAT. 44 Soon the whole world will know my name. 45 COMING SOON: ROCKY IV -- GET READY FOR THE NEXT WORLD WAR 46 -------------------- 47 Give us a break! 48 -------------------- 49 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 50 My friend, If you're out there, please read the other system. 51 A stupid silly fool 52 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 53 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$# 54 Er.....yeah. I see I have missed something since last Saturday. Such are 55 the disadvantages to concluding a high school career. The ceremonies, the 56 celebration... 57 Oh, well, off to break out my decoder. Now where did I put that thing? Under 58 the clipboard? Behind the disk drive? Beside the soldering iron? I can see 59 that this is going to take a bit of searching. 60 (for hubcaps?) 61 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$# Farley #$##$##$##$# 151/85-14:43 #$# PorSFiS Sat.? #$# 62 07070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707 63 UAEDF DBTFL ODBTA DLASD \FEEF YLDNC LDEGN NAAID YANCG EAHBF BDSFR RDYAD 64 EG\\A JDLCI DZ\ZJ UXLAD TCED\ XJADP F\ADS FPTHB ENTXA RDXGP DLCID CRR[\ 65 D_EDO LXDDE SDCLU DUXDU COADV CJUDE LHBCD ZXXID XRIDM CETEX LDCI^ ALUGJ 66 QDRFO QD\FF FFXLD VJQFQ LPFHB FPFQR MDPXD YQ[\H B 67 68 0707070707070707070707070707070707070707 05/31/85 15:43:56 0707070707070707070707 69 70 _______________________________________________________________________________ 71 72 Voyage 73 Part 3 74 75 That was nearly 2 months ago. In those two months, things happened 76 that no civilized human should be forced to witness. Men and women revert 77 to the simplest kill or be killed instincts when confronted with such a 78 situation. The crew as an entity broke apart as groups tore the ship asunder 79 in an attempt to get the equipment they felt they needed to make it on Dry 80 Gulch. They didn't realize that no human could make it on Dry Gulch except 81 within Sahara. Instead, Sahara was gutted like slaughtered livestock, her 82 entrails being the one last hope these crazed groups had for life. It was 83 hopeless of course, but mass lunacy has a way of clouding the mind's eye, 84 making everything murky and dark and foreboding. Suicide and murder seemed 85 the only real way off Dry Gulch, and many a former crew mate and friend 86 turned enemy and executioner in the horrible days of the peek of Madness. 87 Only a few survived in the ship after that, and they too soon followed their 88 mates in death; all but one. Sahara could not provide like she once had. 89 She was only a shell, a broken shadow of past triumph in the stars. 90 91 The one left is me, Captain Racal. I have lived alone here in what 92 is left of Sahara, making a life out of what remains. It's not really a 93 life, but a prolonged death; it is all I have. I know my time will come 94 soon, and perhaps I will welcome it. It will release me from this death, 95 this Hell on Dry Gulch. Justice does not exist in space, for the final 96 journey of Sahara and her crew has ended here, and now... 97 98 A Story Teller 99 _______________________________________________________________________________ 100 101 -=-=-=-=-=---===---===---=--=-----=-===-----00099568:58:382555 102 103 Well that's like totaly cool man I mean like wow dude totaly 104 tubular wow neato neato cool awesome i mean like really down 105 to earth cool.....Man Man Man Man man i mean awesome this board is totaly cool man,Like Ya can post anything you want ma 106 n as long as its clean man,i've even seen stuff that's not 107 clean on here MAN...so like g'bye man...see ya like later 108 MAN........... ((**)) THE MAN ((**)) 109 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 110 07: YOUR MSG BADLY GARBLED. VOX TOMORROW? 111 RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY 112 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 113 + THIS SYSTEM DOESN'T MAKE MUCH SENSE + 114 + WHAT KIND OF MSGS. ARE YOU SUPPOSED+ 115 + TO PUT ON HERE...OH, WELL, I WILL + 116 + JUST ASSUME THAT A MESSAGE WHICH IS+ 117 + AN AD IS OK.....HERE GOES....... + 118 + + 119 +-------------------------------------+ 120 + + 121 + WANTED..... + 122 + AN APPLE CAT MODEM + 123 + +--------+-------+ + 124 + + 125 + IF YOU HAVE ONE FOR SALE THEN LEVAVE + 126 + ME A MSG ON THE BIT BUCKET OR CALL + 127 + ME VOICE AT 656-xxxx. ASK FOR RICK. + 128 +-------------------------------------+ 129 +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+ 130 +- THATS AN APPLE CAT MODEM I WANT... -+ 131 + .......THANX! + 132 + :> RICK WILLARDSON <: + 133 +----------------+--------------------+ 134 135 <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+> 136 Rick: Just try looking around (lurking) for a while to get the feel of 137 things. 138 <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+> 139 (Absence of function keys, so skip that boarder...) 140 Guardian--> Hello, we must talk. 141 PaPa--> Hello, we will talk 142 Real Me (you)--> Yes, I am here again... 143 Rick W. --> Hmmm.. I thought that I told you about BWMS! Well, just lurk and 144 get the hang of the system. Who knows, you may like it (I do). 145 (The Jiz ///, moving slowly but surely from DEPRESSION mode...) 146 147 /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\ 148 The shackle releases its painful grasp and becomes my life chain 149 instead of drawing me downward. The sense of freedom dizzies my mind as I take 150 flight to new realities. The evanescent shade of sight has been lost with the 151 surreality of failure. My boundries lie unseen, as does the world. The cost of 152 my strength, rising from the crumpled form, has again been the function and 153 inhibitations of my eyes. 154 /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\ eidolaz /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\ 155 ----- Q ---------- Q ----- 156 "EVERYTHING WILL SOON BE COMPLETE. YOU WILL BE ABLE TO LEAVE FROM HERE." 157 THE VOICE I HEARD DID NOT HAVE A BODY THAT COULD BE SEEN. SOMEHOW I 158 THOUGHT IT WOULD NOT BE SO. WHAT I HEARD IN THE VOICE MADE ME THINK THAT 159 THE VOICE DID NOT KNOW SOMETHING WAS WRONG. SOMETHING WAS MISSING, AND I 160 DID NOT KNOW WHAT IT WAS. QUESTOR 200 161 ----- Q --------- Q ----- 162 163 --------------------------- 164 I Am invincible i cannot die. 165 i am invincible i cannot die. 166 i do not ,i will not,i cannot die 167 you won't die,unless i die. 168 so you're IMMORTAL 169 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 170 You know you have an inferiority complex if... 171 172 You write your name smaller than your normal writing. 173 You wait for the other person at a four-way stop. 174 When you hear "Twist & Shout" on the radio, you sing backup. 175 You figure that it's okay if you're robbed because the robber will do more 176 with the money than you would have. 177 You lose all your arguements, especially with yourself. 178 You don't mind performing in front of thousands of people because nobody will 179 notice you. 180 You go to the zoo for conversation. 181 182 If you have any to add, feel free... 183 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Walrus 00000 184 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Forever++++ 185 I stay my haste, I make delays, 186 For what avails this eager pace! 187 I stand amid the eternal ways, 188 And what is mine shall know my face 189 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 190 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 191 THE SOUL SHOULD BE RATIONALLY THOUGHT TO BE 192 BEYOUND EITHER CORRUPTION OR PERFECTION BY MAN- 193 THE PREMISE BEING THAT, SINCE IT IS OF A DEVINE 194 SOURCE, IT LIES BEYOUND HUMAN POWER TO ALTER ITS 195 PRISTINE NATURE IN ANY MANNER....... 196 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 197 198 **-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-*** 199 **************************************************************** 200 THE SPELL HAS BEEN BROKEN. 201 THE CURSE HAS BEEN LIFTED. 202 BLACK IS THE WIND. 203 ON THE HEELS OF THE GIFTED. 204 205 FOUR SWORN TO VENGENCE. 206 SEE THE HATE IN OUR EYES. 207 CALLED BY THE GODS. 208 AND GIVE IN A SIGN. 209 210 ONWARD POUNDING INTO GLORY RIDE. 211 SIGN OF THE HAMMER 212 BE MY GUIDE. 213 214 FINAL WARNING ALL STAND ASIDE 215 SIGN OF THE HAMMER. 216 IT'S MY TIME.. 217 218 POUND,POUNDING WE ARE BACK FROM THE DEAD. 219 THOSE WHO DENIED US.. 220 ARE DELIVERED INSTEAD. 221 222 INTO THE HANDS OF. 223 FOUR SWORN TO RIDE 224 NOW THE PEOPLE WILL TRIUMPH 225 AND IVE BY THE SIGN 226 227 HORUS 228 ON WARD POUNDING INTO GLORY RIDE 229 SIGN OF THE HAMMER BE MY GUIDE.. 230 231 -**--**--**--**--**--**--**=-**--**--**--**--**--**--**--**--** 232 07070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707 233 RY:Message received. So sorry. VOX cleared up confusion, but not reason. Will 234 transmit again ASAP. 235 236 070707070707070707070707070707 06/01/85 22:20:40 0707070707070707070707070707070 237 BEM: We will be arriving at planet three solar units before your 238 advance force. Squaters rights and all that, find another planet 239 to plunder and pillage. 240 Your friend 241 Blasfeme 242 PS We conquer without regard to creed, color, race, ethnic 243 background, language, 244 and place of birth. 245 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]][[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ 246 Luke are you out there? 247 Jody back again 248 249 My God! The Archives are back in force! 250 251 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 252 WAIT a minute. Sqatter's rights? Then we, the members of the human race, 253 should have first dibs, for after all, we're the oldest intelligent sqatters 254 on the planet. So sorry, but the facts remain. Say, tell you what, there's 255 this nice little planet I know of on the far side of Sirius, methane atmosphere 256 and all... 257 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 258 THE PROBLEM WITH THE ABOVE STATEMENT 259 IS THAT IT ASSUMES THAT THE HUMAN 260 RACE IS INTELLIGENT. SINCE THIS IS 261 A FALSE ASSERTATION, SQUATTER'S 262 RIGHTS DO NOT APPLY. H. 263 264 <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+> 265 Boy, are thing starting to look like they used to or what! 266 Does this sound familiar: 267 FROM: B.E.M. 268 TO: WHOM IT MAY CONCERN 269 270 Our planet has been destroyed by a supernova. 271 We will be invading two weeks from Thursday. 272 *** love *** 273 B.E.M. 274 275 (an Equal Opportunity Despoiler) 276 277 This has been a direct quote. 278 I repeat, this has been a direct quote. If this had been original, 279 you would have been where to tune for further original material. 280 <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+> 281 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 282 ...And so the happy Russian pranced through the grassy fields and sniffed 283 the lovely flowers as was so often his wont. True it was that others enjoyed 284 the sole form of wholesome ecstasy known as grass between the toesies, but the 285 Soviet animal lover took pleasure in the fact that his dafodillic musings 286 contained completely subtle yet altogether blatant sarcastic undertones. 287 Alas! 288 A long distance call doth take its toll, 289 I breathe a sigh so deep, 290 It's time to play my favorite role 291 with a round and healthy sheep! 292 ...And so the happy Russian pranced through the grassy fields and sniffed 293 the lovely flowers as others so often won't. 294 --An unnamed and completely anonymous Russian sheep lover 295 (lover of Russian sheep?) 296 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 297 298 {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} 299 POETRY IS THE GAME NOW HUH? 300 LET ME TRY 301 THE HUNTER 302 AS THE HUNTER AWOKE AT EARLY DAWN, 303 HE WASTED NOT A MOMENT TO BE ON HIS WAY. 304 HE BROUGHT HIS WEAPON DOWN FROM THE SHELF. 305 A VALUED POSESSION THAT BROUGHT HIM FAME AND WEALTH. 306 IN THE FOREST HE WAITED FOR THAT PERFECT MOMENT. 307 THE ONE THAT COMES WITHOUT WARNING 308 OR SIGN. 309 LIKE THE GUST OF AN OCEAN BREEZE IT CAME. 310 THE HUNTER AIMED AND SHOT. 311 AND SHOOT HE DID FROM DAWN TIL DUSK. 312 BUT NOT AN ANIMAL WAS HARMED 313 FOR A CAMERA WAS HIS GUN. 314 ALAN KENNEDY 315 {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} 316 P.S. NO NEED TO WORRY. I HAVE DONE A LOT OF GROWING IN THE PAST FEW MONTHS 317 {{{{{{{{}}}}}}}} 318 BACK AGAIN 319 MOVIE REVIEW: FLETCH 320 VERY GOOD COMEDY. IF YOU LIKE CHEVY CHASE, YOU'LL LOVE THIS FILM. 321 LOTSA ACTION SUSPENSE AND FULLBLOWN BELLY LAUGHS. 322 CHEVY CHASE IS A UNDER COVER NEWSPAPER REPORTER OUT TO BUST A DRUG RING ON 323 CALIFORNIA'S BEACHES. AFTER MAKING GOOD CONTACTS, FLETCHER FINDS HIMSELF 324 HIRED BY A MAN TO KILL HIM. THE CHEIF OF POLICE WANTS FLETCH DEAD. 325 THE MAN'S WIFE WANTS FLETCH. THAT IS ALL I AM GOING TO TELL. I DON'T 326 WANT TO RUIN IT FOR EVERYBODY. 327 328 well i finaly figured how to communicate with this. being from an off world 329 its hard to figure out the primitive 330 principles of your computer planet. 331 but as spacial ego's go I prevailed. 332 i hope to here from other space voyagersout there and talk about there planet 333 and spacial adventures. 334 till later this is hans sighning off 335 and will relocate my directional antena 336 to earth and talk about my latest adventure. by! 337  338 339 340 341 342 343 344 ---------------------------------------- 345 save 346 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 347 The chill grey light of dawn was just thrusting icy fingers throught the 348 forest when the piper came awake. No sunrise, just the lightening of the 349 false dawn, cut the stygnian darkeness, washing out the stars far above, 350 leaving only the most brilliant as pale and washed-out reminders of the 351 stellar glory that had graced the night. Dew formed a liberal coating on 352 the surrounding vegitation where last night's mosture laden air had deposited 353 its burden. Not yet warmed and dry, the air brushed against the piper's 354 skin with cool tendrils, caressing the bruises, cuts, and abrasions his 355 last night's exertions had cost him. 356 The piper's return to conciousness was not easy. His emotional, added to 357 the physical pain, made retreat into darkness a most attractive option. It 358 was just part of the piper, not necessarily a sapient person, who pushed 359 his upper torso upward on trembling, blood-streaked arms. True, there must 360 have been at least the intellegence of an infant in the gaze that he gave 361 the nearby four-footed figure, but it was not the instant rush of "fight- 362 or-flight" adreniline that would have suffused a sapient who recognized 363 a watching wolf. It was more with wonder, and a kind of infant's delight, 364 that the husk that had been the piper watched the watching wolf until his 365 arms trembled and dropped him prone once again. 366 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 367 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 368 M O U N T I A N S 369 - - - - - - - - - 370 SO TALL,SILENT AGAINTS THE SKY. 371 AS TALL AS A MOUTIAN. 372 I'M GONNA SAIL THROUGHT THE SKY. 373 LIFE'S FOR THE TAKIN'. 374 LIKE A MAN IS A MOUTIAN SIDE. 375 GREATNESS AWAITS FOR THOSE WHO TRY 376 NONE CAN TEACH YOU,IT'S ALL INSIDE. 377 JUST CLIMB..................... 378 %^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^% 379 when my time's here 380 for me to pass away, 381 I hope you won't fear... 382 This is my last day! 383 384 So I wish they don't pay 385 the same kind of price I did 386 on my very last day. 387 No, not what I did. 388 389 And now for the furniture they will bid 390 they don't know where it's been before. 391 Everyone's here, the people who didn't know me, even their kids... 392 So they take this and that, just what they realy adore. 393 394 I would stop them if I could from taking the things I love. 395 But I can't do much of anything, except look down from above... 396 %^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^% 397 Jody? Is that really you? 398 Luke 399 400 401 Hello loyal bullatin board people of the UNITED STATES: 402 403 I have benn having a problem with connecting on two of my frequently used 404 phone numbers. That is the bit bucket,and the utopia. DOES ANYONE KNOW 405 WHAT HAPPENED? WILL THEY BE BACK? 406 407 Some please leave me a note on what happened. 408 409 thanx, =========> the printer F3 410 ::::::::::::O O:::::::6/02::::::::::::::::::::::16:48::::::::O O:::::::::::::::: 411 printer F3: Bit Bucket's sysop is out of town for a few more days, and the board 412 crashed. I wouldn't start looking for it to be up until Tues. or Wed. 413 CISTOP MIKEY: rumor has it that you are knowledgeable on antique electronics. 414 I have a circuit that calls for a TR1863 UART, which is very difficult to find. 415 Do you know of an alternative that would work with little or no modification? 416 For instance, I've got a TR1602. Is it useable? 417 If you need details, lemme know. (I will probably be at the social on Thursday, 418 late). 419 ::::::::::::O O::::::::::::::::::voyeur:::::::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::::::::: 420 Blasfeme: too late! we've been here for YEARS!! (or did you really think that 421 the humans could get into THIS mess on their own?) 422 B.E.M. 423 ________________________________________________________________________________ 424 Who keeps erasing my name???? 425 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZippydalurker 426 On the politics of Lurk Mode... 427 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZippydalurker 428 To all Commodore users: 429 I am currently trying to set up a BBS whose express purposewill be to be 430 an information line for drug treatment and drug abuse "hot-line" type of 431 actions. Anyone who has any information available and would like to share it, 432 please leave a message for Chari Anang on this BBS. Your help is appreciated. 433 #$# Previous few lines consisted of s and 'help's. DE'd by yours truly. 434 Lurking for the duration (are you listening, L'homme?) #$# Farley, 153/85-22:42 435 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*Forrest Fang*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 436 Held his ground as the others faded back to the security of concealment. 437 All except Grey Shag the alph male whose position did not afford him the lux- 438 ury of security. Yet even Grey Shag 439 held back a pace as Forrest Fang moved 440 cautiosly forward, nostrals flaired to catch every nuance of scent. 441 He could detect neither hostility nor fear. The two legged one was now 442 standing. With deceptive casualness Forrest Fang moved qyarter-sideways tward 443 the human till his own side rubbed against the humans side. He could feel the 444 humans body heat through the thick fur of his side. Still no sign of fight-or- 445 flight. What Forrest Fang could not mis however was the empathic aura of 446 hollow empty longing, the resignation to fate of one whose spirit, at its low- 447 est ebb, sought thirstily for any touch. Seeing Forrest Fang unharmed, 448 Grey Shag pushed him out to administer the test of charicter himself. 449 Without warning, though the rest of the pack knew prettymuch what was 450 comming, Grey Shag did a kind of half-jump and rested his forelegs on the 451 human's shoulders. Roughly he started licking the sides of the humans face. 452 This was not a cheerful greeting but a test, to see if the other would flinch. 453 Surprising to everyone except Forrest Fang, who had already experienced 454 first contact, and perhaps Grey Shag who might have guessed this two legged 455 ones inner strength, He did not. 456 Satisfied, Grey Shag jumped down and moved back three paces leaving the 457 next part of the ritual once more to Forrest Fang who approached, tail down 458 but not tucked, ears slightly forward and head halfway to one side. 459 He let the humans hand scratch firmly his back and shoulder before droping 460 down and rolling on his side waiting for his stomack to be nuzzled. 461 When the human complied he jumped up and half soft-bit, half licked the 462 tip of the humans chin. Then dancing cheerfully asside sang a howel of accep- 463 tance and greeting. 464 The others seeing this, each repeated the process in order of rank. All 465 except Grey Shag who stood off to one side with great dignity and bearing as 466 was the way, as it had always been. 467 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 468 ! 469 >>>>>>>--------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>> 470 Red. That was all I saw as the back of my hand came to meet with the face 471 of the man that sat across from me. I had heard one word too many. 472 "Never speak of our commander in that tone agian! Do I make myself 473 absolutely clear on that point? Never!" said I. 474 "You needn't take offence personally, Captain," said one of the men as 475 they aided their comrade up from the floor. The fury of the blow had been 476 strong enough to send the man realing off the back of his seat. "All I had 477 meant was that I had found it rather strange that he should be missing for 478 so long a time. How can one call himself a 'Guardian' if he is nowhere to be 479 found?" The man rising from the floor pulled at his chain-mail vestiment and 480 wiped the dust from his leggings, not looking at the face of the man that had 481 struck him. 482 "But for you to suggest treason! You cur! Off to handle a diplomatic 483 situation with one of the neighboring villages for our duke and you assume 484 the worst. Gone for too long and you suspect that he has joined with the 485 enemy's house? Be glad I struck you only once, and with the back of my hand, 486 I doubt that you may find the bite of my blade's steel edge to mend as 487 quickly as the scratches of my glove!" My eyes were wide and my breathing 488 short. The scent of the men's alcohol came bitterly to me and I realized 489 it was not the men that had done the talking. "Do not provoke me thusly 490 again... I shall go now." 491 Hearing the din of the barracks return upon my departure, the rattle of 492 the door could only faintly be heard as it was pulled shut. I began to 493 stroll up the hill to a place of solitude, a place where we had often shared 494 our times together, a place where we could be alone. It wasn't really all 495 that long ago, or so it seemed, that I had last conversed with him. 496 Although our leader, I had always considered him more of a brother for we had 497 shared so much of the same hardships in our lives. 498 Upon reaching the cove we had made near the peak of the hill I once again 499 cast sight on the 'Monument to Friendship'. On our own, we had taken five 500 fallen trees and constructed a frame that had those words carved into them. 501 On them were two identical long swords, each bearing words on the blades. 502 On the blade that hung from the top were the words 503 'For the life of my Duke -- the Guardian' 504 And on the blade that rested below it, 505 'For the life of my Duke... 506 <<<<<<<--------------------------------- The Sentry ----------------<<<<<<< 507 508 %^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^ 509 Confusion. 510 511 The things I hear that other people say that hurt others, 512 I'm not involved, I'm just an observer, and a friend. 513 I can't help but to feel sad. 514 If there was anyting that I could say I would, I am a friend. 515 516 There are so many times when I have had something to say. 517 I look around to see all of my peers, 518 I realy do have something that I want to say, 519 But I don't say it, not now, not here. 520 521 There are times when all of the hiding places disappear, 522 I'm left standing all alone on the middle of the world and no one on my side. 523 What can I do, where can I run? 524 There is no one to turn to, so I turn into myself and hide. 525 526 Please help me through the dark times. 527 If I seem to be calm and relaxed it's all a illusion. 528 When there is a smile on my face, and I'm happy 529 it's all to hide my terrible confusion. 530 %^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^% 531 (*--marker--*) 532 ?????????????????? Lurk, lurk, lurk... ??????????????????? The Doctor ????????? 533 !=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=! 534 'TIS GOOD TO RETURN FROM THE WARS AGAIN...SEEMS TO BE A FEW NEW SOULS 535 IN THE INN AGAIN SINCE THE LAST TIME I DRANK HERE...SORRY NOT TO POST 536 A NOTE TELLING THOSE I SIT WITH THAT I WOULD BE GONE BUT I HAD NO TIME... 537 NOW WHERE DID I LEAVE OFF ON THAT STORY??????? 538 !=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=!=! BIGFOOT !=!=!=!=!=!=!=! 539 540 Next person who erases my name will die ''ODIN'' 541 Thanks who ever is erasing it,you're just a real neat guy! 542 ---------------------------------------------------------- 543 Black Clouds on the horizon 544 Great Thunder and burning rain. 545 His chariot pounding ... 546 I heard the heavens scream his name... 547 548 I watched as he shouted. 549 To the giants who died that day. 550 Hammer high. 551 and called to odin for a sign 552 553 Thor The mighty 554 Thor the brave 555 Crush the infidles 556 in your way. 557 by your hammer and now be saved 558 lived to die on that final day 559 gods,monsters and men,will die together in the end! 560 ***************************************************************** 561 ...................................................................... 562 VOYEUR: SORRY, NO GOT INFO ON THE BEAST, BEST BET IS TO TRY MAGRATHEA BOOK 563 STORE AT 88TH AND STARK. IF JOE DOESN'T HAVE IT, HE CAN GET THE INFO FOR 564 YOU. HE NORMALLY SHOWS AT THE PCS SOCIAL AS WELL, SO YOU CAN ASK HIM THERE. 565 THOUGH, YOU WILL NEED TO BE THERE EARLY, HE USUALLY LEAVES AROUND 10:OOPM. 566 567 L'HOMME: HOW'S 3.0 GOING? ANY NEW BUG REPORTS? 568 ***************************** CISTOP MIKEY *******************************: 569 <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+> 570 To those who speak of having thier names ereased, how?? db is in 571 ENTER ONLY mode......... 572 <+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+><+> TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 572 .