1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ************************ INSTALLED: 9 NOV 85 ************************ 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 no restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain thepright to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 to leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 The line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************************* 19 20 Hmmmm..... I've never been one to resist temptation.... 21 22 AT THE TOP! 23 24 Dr. Frankenstupe 25 +_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_ 26 27 A DAY IN THE LIFE- LAST WEEK I DISCOVERED THAT WE ARE SHARING OUR HOUSE 28 WITH MEESES. I WAS ON MY WAY TO RAID THE KITCHEN AND THERE THEY WERE ON 29 THE FLOOR, JUST STARING AT ME. WELL, I DON'T KNOW AOUT YOU, BUT I'D JUST 30 AS SOON NOT HAVE MEESES. APPARENTLY THEY HAD THE SAME IDEA AS I, FORAGING 31 FOR FOOD. I IMMEDIATELY ORDERED THEM TO PACK UP ANDGET OUT, BUT THE LITTLE 32 BUGGERS JUST TWITCHED THEIR LITTLE NOSES AT ME, AND DISAPPEARED BEHIND 33 THE STOVE, NARROWLY AVERTING THE JAR OF ADAMS NATURAL (CRUNCHY) PEANUT 34 BUTTER I THREW AT THEM. WELL, MICE LIKE PEANUT BUTTER, SO THIS IS NOT A 35 GOOD WAY TO GET RID OF THEM. 36 THAT NIGHT BEFORE I WENT TO SLEEP, I PLOTTED AGAINST THEM. NEXT DAY 37 I WENT OUT AND BOUGHT MOUSE TRAPS. GARDEN VARIETY 69 CENT WOOLWORTHS MOUSE 38 TRAPS. THREE DAYS, SEVERAL STUNG FINGERS AND FOUR AND A HALF POUNDS OF 39 TILLAMOOK LATER, I REALIZED THIS WOULDN'T WORK. MEESES ARE WISE TO THIS 40 OLD TRICK. NOT ONLY THAT, BUT THEY MADE A CATAPULT FROM ONE OF THEM, AND 41 WHEN I'D GO TO THE KITCHEN DURING A LATE NIGHT MUNCHIES ATTACK, THEY'D 42 START LOBBING OLIVES AT ME. VERY OLD OLIVES THEY FOUND UNDER THE FRIJ. 43 YUCK. SO BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD. MICE, I REASONED, ARE AFRAID OF CATS 44 RIGHT? SO, I'D GET A CAT. WELL..., CATS ARE LIKE COPS. YOU NEVER CAN FIND 45 ONE WHEN YOU NEED THEM. NOW THERE MUST BE A FEW STRAYS AROUND, SO I DECIDED 46 TO GO LOOKING FOR ONE. AFTER ABOUT AN HOUR, I STARTED THINKING, I PROBABLY 47 SHOULDN'T HAVE BROUGHT THE DOG. WELL, BY THE TIME I GOT BACK HOME, I WAS 48 BURNED OUT ON THAT IDEA. 49 WE HAVE THESE NEIGHBORS WHO HAVE A CAT, BUT SOMEHOW I COULDN'T SEE MY SELF 50 GOING OVER THERE AND SAYING, HI!, UM, COULD I BORROW YOUR CAT... 51 THERE ARE PLACES LISTED IN THE YELLOW PAGES THAT CLAIM TO RENT ANYTHING. 52 THEY LIE. NOT ONLY THAT, BUT SOME OF THEM WERE DOWNRIGHT RUDE. 53 ESPECIALLY THE GUY AT U-HAUL WHO APPARENTLY MISUNDERSTOOD ME. 54 THE PHONE NUMBER HE GAVE ME WAS FOR AN ALL NIGHT BOOK STORE AND MASSAGE 55 PARLOR. BY THEN, I WAS TOO BEAT TO CONTINUE, SO I CRASHED, AND DREAMED 56 ABOUT KANGAROOS AND SATURDAY MORNING CARTOON SHOWS.DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY 57 SUGGESTIONS ON HOW TO GET RID OF MEESES? 58 ---Suggest you simply turn on all your old television sets, specifically to 59 the Pete-and-Now-Tracy Show, On the Spot Hype, any noon-time local drivel, 60 the violence and treachery of the K2 network, and Portland Rasslin'. With 61 their rodent IQs, said meeses will hop the Lite Trail to settle into the 62 stacks of the county library. PS. Try vacuuming twice a year; even your 63 landlord/mortgagor will appreciate that! Ex-rodentia 64 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 65 **************************************************************************** 66 To whomever wrote that simply charming little editorial on the woes of 67 meeses? Chuckle, snort, giggle, wipe the eyes hilarious, snort a couple 68 more times. thanks, we both needed that... 69 **************************kathyD******************************************* 70 ------------------------ 71 ***Kathy***: Both of us? Did you have children or have you gotten married? 72 ------------------------ 73 To whomever replied to KathyD, 74 This is Kristi 75 g 76 replace 77 78 79 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 80 Ok , I'm starting over(darn enter only). 81 To whomever replied to KathyD, This is Kristi 82 Galt , roommate and new BBS user (read klutz) . Am open 83 to conversation and helpful advice and criticisms. 84 bye now, 85 Kristi 86 ^^^^^ 87 ^^^^^^^*wng*WNG^^^^^^^^^^^^NEW USER^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*WNG****************^^ 88 how 'bout a new modem? 89 90 91 The dragon advanced toward the Bear. The Bear was now the dragon's prey, and 92 it was in no hurry to end Bear's worried agony. It made its way toward Bear, 93 one step at a time. Its green eyes gleemed with passion: anger, hunger, 94 revenge and pure evil all buried deep within. The long, red mouth drooled red 95 goo, like lava. They made hissing sounds as they hit the ground. 96 97 The Bear backed away, just as slowly. Suddenly his back hit the craggy wall. 98 He gasped for breath, every muscle in his body, every pore of skin screaming 99 for relief from the pain. He coughed slightly, it hurt his chest to do so. 100 101 He examined his sword, still embedded in the dragon's chest. Black-red blood 102 oozed out around it, dropping beneath the dragon and mingling with the searing 103 hot spittle that already lay there from its drooling mouth. 104 105 He looked at the monstrous teeth and the huge, sharp claws- both mighty 106 weapons which would impede his path toward grabbing the sword from the 107 serpent's underside. 108 109 His head buzzed with plans. He thought of--- suddenly! Before his mind could 110 turn one more plan over- the dragon was upon him. It leaped with a fierce 111 energy Bear hadn't counted on. It's gaping, blood-red mouth opened before him 112 as the dragon pounced. Bear froze in that split second of an instant, and the 113 dragon was upon him! 114 115 Bear was crushed against the wall as the dragon's mouth hit him full force. He 116 could only scream as it wrapped its lip s over his body and picked him up. 117 118 The dragon shook the helpless Bear like a dog shakes a rag- back and forth in 119 ferocious hatred. It opened its mouth slightly and shook its head one more 120 time, and Bear sailed across the large cavern and smashed against the far 121 wall. He lay in a heap, and growned. With every ounce of reserve energy he 122 could muster, he stood, propping himself against the wall. He gasped for 123 breath, and stared at the dragon between squinted eyelids. He wiped his brow 124 of the trickling blood, and faced his enemy with defiance in his near-closed 125 eyes. 126 127 And the dragon drew closer, an evil smile seemingly gracing the ends of his 128 mouth. And he coiled his legs beneath him, and lept at Bear once again.... 129 130 00000000000000000000000 THE BEAR 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 131 132 P.S. With all the recent talk about downloads and uploads, etc., it's apparent 133 that some of you lucky people are able to write your stuff, edit it, and 134 *then* enter it here. Therefore, please forgive me for any grammatical or 135 spelling errors, but especially for those many improvements editing or even 136 pre-writing can provide, since I just pound this in here on my modem with no 137 such forethought. TB 138 139 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 140 141 (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (* 142 143 On the French Toast/Pen Name question: perhaps a mediating influence is needed 144 ? Let's just say that true, PN, the media is full of misinformation. Many 145 reports are given from the simple result of one conversation (rumor), and 146 facts are often distorted to fit the case. HOWEVER, 147 French Toast and anyone else must gather whatever information they can, weed 148 out the bad, and read between the lines to gleen what is the truth. To crit- 149 icize someone for that and put on a holier-than-thou act is as misinformative 150 as those terrible people you see in the media. And before you tart blaring 151 your horn about this and that, how 'bout a solution. I love people who display 152 their knowledge about the ills of society but have no cure. 153 And if you're in the journalistic field (and get paid for it), I'm a horned 154 owl's poo-poo. 155 156 AIDS is a killer, it will spread into the heterosexual community soon like 157 you won't believe, and will quickly be the no. 1 topic on this country's 158 mind. Only time will prove me right... and it's the gays fault for tampering 159 with nature... and I wish it didn't have to be this way. But perhaps it is 160 best, and our long-forgotten Maker is simply reminding us that he wants us 161 to be faithful to ONE person. 162 163 You'll see! 164 165 (*) (*), etc. 166 167 >>> Excuse me above, let me correct you. It will spread to the maler 168 homosexua;ll community. Gay women run less of a risk of getting it than 169 a married women does. (Unless, of course, they are bisexual or are 170 with someone who is). Isn't it strange how people here have talked 171 about t"those gays" as if the men and women were the same. But, in 172 fact (I doubt you know any) they are very different in behavior. 173 So, I thought it needed correction. As for nature, well... I can not 174 talk of gay men, fo I kmow few. I do know gay women who have been 175 raped or molesteded when they were children and now thwey do not choose 176 to go out with men. After that kind of suffering, I think it quite 177 within the bounds of human nature to be gay. I don't think it the 178 least bit queer or something to be shunned as perhaps you do. The 179 pains of little girl will follow her through out her entire life. 180 Bah! Enough of this seriousness. What has it to do with AIDS? 181 Now I ask you to excuse me for dribbling on like this. <<< 182 Oops! I read you wrong. Please cut out the second sentence. The next 183 few references following may be off, but once you get to human nature, 184 that still applies. After all, it's only a reaction to human nature. <<< 185 186 ///////////////////////////////////////////********************** 187 ********************** HOW DARE YOU THINK 188 YOU KNOW WHAT GOD IS 189 ****GOD*** 190 *** MADE *** 191 *** THE **** 192 *** gays *** 193 GOD is light,love 194 and if you are not loving the gays as god's own then you are in hel now 195 and for all time 196 GOD is 197 you come here by god will 198 you will go by god . 199 ******SEKER********** 200 *****OF************** 201 *****love************ 202 ****for god 203 ********************* 204 bill wheeler 205 ***************************************************************** 206 207 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 208 To: >>> above (could you sign a name of some sort, it is hard to indicate 209 who you are trying to respond to without a name.) 210 I agree in your reference to human nature. It is not unnatural for 211 one human being to love another. Male/female aspects have nothing to do 212 with love. Male/female relationships are built from natures patterns, but 213 as with all natural things, it is easily modified or overriden by other 214 input, possibly internal natural input in some cases, (no one really knows 215 for sure) and definately as a result of external enviornmetal trauma. 216 But to say that it is wrong for someone to enjoy the company and favors 217 of another just because they happen to be the same sex is a bit much for 218 me to accept. I do not hate gays, I do not love them, they are simply 219 human beings like anyone else, and deserve to be treated as human beings. 220 As for AIDS, it is not just male homosexuals that are in danger of 221 contacting AIDS, any group that has for one reason or another exposure to 222 the body fluids of someone who has AIDS is at increased risk. The reason 223 why there is a greater danger among the African tribes where it has been 224 supposedly traced is because it is common practice for them to chew a 225 baby's food for it. They don't have the convenence of baby food there, 226 so they must make do with what they can. And thus the transference of 227 AIDS through the saliva mixed with the food causes a much higher risk 228 than in more 'advanced' countries. 229 The reason male gays are at such high risk is only because of their 230 sexual practices, alowing sperm fluids that might contain the AIDS virus 231 to gain access to the partners blood stream through a tear in the anal 232 passage. Anyone who engages in practices which allows body fluids to mix 233 is in some danger of transferring the desease. This includes 'straight' 234 sex since kissing is a rather common associated aspect, and this 235 certainly allows transference of body fluids. But, the most assured 236 and almost gaurenteed means of transfer is through direct large infusion 237 of one persons body fluid into anothers most particularly if it is blood, 238 or closly derived from blood. The reason why it is so difficult to 239 detect and control AIDS, is because it works through the T4 white blood 240 cell. The very cell that is a basic part of the immune system. And, it 241 can lay dormant for years before making itself known. Detection of AIDS 242 currently is only possible when it becomes active in the body and the 243 body tries to combat it with the immune system, but since the desease itself 244 prays on that very immune system, it is all too often a losing battle. 245 There are people who have survived AIDS, but it is not good odds once it 246 has gotten a major foot hold. Sort of like cancer in that aspect. 247 No, french toast, we should not be running around in circles screaming 248 and shouting as you seem to intimidate, we should be earnestly trying to find 249 the mechanisims of the desease, and work towards finding a way to combat it. 250 This includes being realistic about the methods and means of the transfer 251 of AIDS from one person to another. The means of movement of AIDS has been 252 determined, even the makeup if the virus involved is now known, it is 253 simply a matter of determining how to properly detect and combat it before 254 it gets a major foothold on the individual. This is how you combat a 255 desease, not by running around screaming and hollering and creating unneeded 256 and unwarrented panic in the streets as the popular media have done. 257 Education and understanding is what brought hepatitus under control, not 258 panic. The same will be true of AIDS. 259 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ fred +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 260 261 Bravo fred, you typed calmly and apparantly knowledgably. 262 I particurly agreed with your comment about education and understanding. 263 It's a shame that when an unknown or other 'crisis' occurs in 264 our ever widening community that more people don't react in 265 such a rational manner. 266 267 comment#2 I apologize for the messy tracks I'm leaving while 268 learning how to use BBS' and which keys are not working on 269 this terminal. Please bear with me, something intelligent is 270 bound to come out of these fingers sometime. You know what 271 they say about a monkey, a typewriter and the works of 272 Shakespeare.... 273 Kristi Galt[K][G] 274 275 HEY PEOPLE, 276 AM I THE ONLY PERSON ON EARTH WITH AN 277 ATARI COMPUTER? I MEAN, THERE ARE ONLY 278 TWO ATARI BOARDS IN TOWN AND THEY 279 ARE BOTH MEMBERSHIP BOARDS. DOES 280 ANYONE KNOW OF ANY BBS'S WITH D/LOADABLE 281 ATARI SOFTWARE OR DOES ANYONE WANT 282 TO TRADE? I HAVE QUITE A BIT OF GOOD 283 SOFTWARE....... 284 GOOD WORDS, FRED. 285 JCP1 286 ************************************************************************ 287 288 289 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 290 Have you frilled you dog's winkle today? 291 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 292 [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] [*==] [*=*] [*=*] [*=*] 293 No, but I kratzeled my neighbors mingle. kathy D: thank you for your comment 294 ?: replay of that night, NW Connection, 'foxy';advise 'criticize lifestyle, fixed no longer. Dorun. 295 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 296 (*): 'holier-than-thou'? Nay, I make no airs to be perfect, far from. But 297 as far as working in journalism, never said I was. Said I did. And 298 what I saw was, maybe, common. But (and I'd rather beleive) not common 299 in the least. But whatever the truth, I have the uttmost respect and 300 indeed sympothy for media proffesionals, being one at one point. 301 But if I cannot comment on what I believe in, then, in the 302 end, what am I?? 303 304 But enough of this, such squabbles can go on continously, and never be 305 resolved. Certantly the media won't grind to a halt because of it? So 306 onto lighter things! This takes up too much time for fun! What do 307 you say, French Toast, eh? Truce?? 308 309 (excuse sp., cold fingers!) 310 PEN NAME 311 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 312 HI EVERYOAN I CANT STAY ON LONG BCAUS IF THE DOCTOR FINDS ME MESSIN WITH HIS 313 COMPUTER ILL HALF TO GO BACK TO THAT ROOM WITH MATRESS WALPAPER. 314 HEY ITS PRETTY NEAT HERE ITS A LOT LIKE WHERE I AM WHERE PEOPLE CAN TALK ABOUT 315 DIFRENT STUFF ON THE OPEN WAIRDS WOW ITS JUST LIKE HOAM. ITED BE NEET TO 316 MEET SOME OF YOU GUYS SO IF YOU EVER GET OUT THIS WAY, THEY HAVE VISITING 317 ON SUNDAES. I GOTTA GO I THINK I HEAR THE DOCTOR. YOUR FREND CHARLIE ON WARD 318 FOAR. AW REEVOAR 319 da 320 321 322 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 323 THIS IS A COOL SYSTEM! IT REMINDS ME 324 OF THE CONFERENCE TREE FORMAT FOR SOME 325 REASON. THIS SKIPS RIGHT OVER ALL 326 OF THE B.S. THAT MOST BBS'S LAY ON YA, 327 LIKE PASSWORDS AND MESSAGES AND STUFF 328 AND GETS TO THE REAL THING. HEY-HO- 329 DIDDLEY-I-OH. AS FOR AIDS AND THE 330 QUESTION ON HOMOSEXULAITY, I AM A 331 HETERO BUT I ALWAYS SAY LIVE AND LET 332 LIVE, AS LONG AS NO ONE BOTHERS ME 333 THEN THEY CAN DO WHATEVER THEY PLEASE. AND YES FRED, AIDS IS ONLY GOING TO 334 GET REAL ATTENTION AND THERE WILL BE 335 A LARGE CALL TO FIND A CURE ONLY WHEN 336 IT SPREADS TO THE HETERO COMMUNITY 337 ON A LARGE SCALE BASIS. IF ANYONE 338 WANTS TO TRADE ATARI SOFTWARE, LEAVE 339 A MSG FOR ME. 340 341 JCP1 342 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 343 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\THE DESTROYER\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\17 344 Technically, they weren't exactly lost. They just didn't know where they were. The difference was that James knew 345 of a central reference point that he could reach from any other point in the universe. They could leave at any time 346 using the same method that he had used to escape the dimensional prison. The only problem was that James claimed he 347 was too wiped out at the moment to attempt to open a warpgate. He needed a few days rest, first. Which left them stuck 348 without any supplies on an unknown and possibly dangerous planet. 349 They walked along the beach until the second sun was low in the sky. Then they came upon a wide path that led deep 350 into the forest. The path was well cleared and obviously not made by animals (They would have called it man-made but 351 there was no positive proof yet that humans inhabited this world.). However, the path probably led to civilization and 352 hopefully benign beings who could shelter them for a few days. 353 By the time the sound of the ocean faded behind them it was almost full dark and they both began to feel like 354 walking zombies. Hardly surprising, when they realized that it had been at least thirty hours since either had slept. 355 Once the excitement and human drama and accompanying adrenalin flow had faded, they realized how tired they were. 356 James said it was time to call a halt to the march and find somewhere to settle for the night. Tariya wasn't too 357 enthused about the idea of sleeping outside in the middle of the woods but admittedly there was little choice in the 358 matter. 359 There were many clearings on either side of the path so they stopped at the next one that presented itself. James 360 said he would stand first watch but Tariya said that wasn't neccesary. She set up a series of mystic guards around the 361 area. If anything even slightly dangerous tried to intrude on them the guards would raise all kinds of pyrotechnical 362 and acoustical hell and if that didn't scare off the threat at least the travellers would be awake and alert to deal 363 with it. James was impressed, not to say a bit surprised, that she could accomplish this, but thought it best not to 364 say so. Privately he had thought her rather inept at her chosen craft. 365 They found a soft spot underneath what appeared to be an oak tree and settle down within an arm's length of each 366 other and Tariya was out within seconds. James took quite a while to fall asleep but then he always did, these 367 days. 368 His sleep was uneasy and restless as the hurts and fears that he normally kept subliminated during his waking life 369 returned to haunt him with a vengence, as usual. He jolted awake completely at one point, when he felt an unaccustomed 370 pressure on his side. It took a momet before he realized it was Tariya, who had snuggled up against him. She was still 371 out like a light, and probably didn't even know she had done it. James smiled and put an arm around her. She moved a 372 little and settled down, apparently quite comfortable. He closed his eyes and went back to sleep. 373 And for the first time in a long, long time, the nightmares didn't come back. 374 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\THE DESTROYER\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 375 To Destroyer: BRAVO! 376 #$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ 377 Holy Jeez! Half a disk gone in one day! I think I'm gonna have to wait for the next one for my next entry. Darn. 378 KathyD: Thanks for the good words. The first ones I've gotten on this one, so far. Also, belated congrats on your marriage. 379 I always was slow. By the way, what machine are you using in place of your old one? 380 JCP1: I, to am an Atari owner/user, and damned proud of it! The biggest collection of PD software on a board you don't have 381 to join that I know of is Oak Grove Underground (659-xxxx). Bee-Cats (233-xxxx) has some OK stuff when the damn board is up. 382 383 Storytime later. 384 JOHN SILVERMAN 385 #$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ 386 ************************************************************************ 387 John S.: Your quite welcome, Your writing is fun to read. But there was 388 plenty of room left, why keep your fans in suspence? Oh well 389 that's life. Congrats accepted of the wedding, We had a great 390 time. The three of us, Myself, Bob, and Kristy share a Tektronix 391 4024 terminal and a Ma Bell 300/1200 modem, that we are still 392 learning to cope with. ttyl, 393 ************************************kathyD*********************************** 394 ********************** 395 ***********************************************bill wheeler***************************** 396 to the jo.s. i like, 397 to:the destroyer i like 398 french toast I DO GET YOU O>K> i love all people God made them 399 TO FRED ::BRAVO!!! 400 *******************************************************^********************** 401 how do i get out of this ,oh ctrl/c o.k. 402 ++++***+++**+++***+++***+++^*^***-***+++***++++^*^^**++******+++*^ 403 lost tales: 404 the old Fighter could see that in the woods 405 ther are good and evil Monsters the elf was 578 406 and had seen a lot in her life,(I THINK A 407 NEW Dark is in the high forest)the young sorcerer was done with 408 his spell and said: 409 "ai,Ihave 3 days befor I can do a Diviation 410 I CAN NOT HELP YOU 411 send me to my city 412 your Quest is not for me,Varian my lady 413 "no,Grey shaia I have need of you sill" 414 ******************************************************************the l . t . ************************ 415 **********************the lost tales****************************** 416 "but why m'lady if I am no ues to you" 417 "befor you cane in this woods I did not have one to talk to " 418 now grey shaia saw , 419 she was the SYMBOL of elvenkind, 420 <<:*********************************************************:>> 421 422 John Silverman: 423 424 I'm an old Backwater regular who's been too busy to contribute 425 much for the past year or so. I still scan what's happening 426 at the Inn fairly regularly and I noticed your work. It's good. 427 428 You asked about Frank. 429 430 Frank was a Backwater character created by a mental health 431 professional who used to frequent this system. No one at the 432 time knew Frank was only a character. They thought he was for 433 real. 434 435 Frank presented himself as a pedophile. He stated that he 436 preferred sex with young boys and that he was being persecuted 437 for his lifestyle choice. 438 439 You can imagine the result. 440 441 The patrons of the Inn were outraged. They began with a lot 442 angry name calling but soon settled down and attempted to 443 deal with Frank on an intellectual level. This, apparently, 444 was what Frank was waiting for. 445 446 Frank was a composite of the rationalizations, justifications, 447 and denials a real perpetrator might 448 intentionally jab at peoples most tender taboos, getting 449 them totally outraged, then challenge them to discuss their 450 feelings rationally. 451 452 It was more than the Backwater regulars could resist. 453 plunged into battle. 454 455 They attacked Frank and his behavior with some of the most 456 thoughtful writing I've ever seen around here. They soon 457 discovered to their apparent surprise that ol' Frank was a 458 bit smarter than they would have expected. 459 460 This is hardly surprising. After all, Frank's creator has a 461 Masters Degree in Counseling and experience with the real 462 Franks of the world. It's not surprising he could put up a 463 realistic fight. 464 465 Since Frank had no emotional investment in the battle he was 466 free from their barbs. He could approach the conflict an 467 emotional detachment the others couldn't match. I think it 468 gave Frank something of an edge. 469 470 It was an interesting confrontation to observe. It's 471 unfortunate you missed it. 472 473 Anyway, I hope that gives you a better understanding about 474 what the Frank thing was all about. 475 476 Frank was basically the unbridled whimsy of a mental health 477 professional with an over active imagination and a penchant 478 for mischief. 479 480 That's all their was to it. 481 482 Monsieur D'Autun 483 484 <<:*******************************************************:>> 485 486 487 Oh I'm sick of all this AIDS blather, but I have to throw my thoughts in one more time because it's one a subject 488 *everyone* ignores. 489 490 Okay, think about it. We've lived with V.D. for years. It was a scary thing, but once science got a cure for it, it became 491 simply a nuisance. Now, in the last 20 years, sex with partners other than one's spouse has skyrocketed. Suddenly it's 492 *acceptable* to have sex with whomever and whenever you like. The sexual revolution and all that jazz. 493 Now, contrary to the people who say "God made gays so he loves them and thinks anything they do is just fine," it is 494 stated over and over again in the Bible that not only is homosexuality a *sin*- but so is just plain ordinary sex with some- 495 one who is not your spouse! 496 So! Suddenly there appears a disease, during the middle of this sexual revolution which everyone is now so accepting of 497 and willing to "live and let live," a disease called Herpes. Some media hype, etc. creates a few scares... but it's 498 (suspiciously) incurable, and just as suspiciously, it's forever! 499 Okay, dum-dums, getting the hint yet? You fool around, and you'll bear a *mark* forever! Worth the risk? (God is big on marks 500 remember). 501 And the humans said (most of 'em anyway): "Naw, I probably won't get it. Besides... it's just an inconvenience. I won't *die* 502 from it for God's sake!" (More his sake then they know). 503 504 So! One last time. Okay fine. How about a disease which you can't cure, can't even discover, is highly contagious with 505 the right kind of contact and you'll probably *die* from it! 506 507 Get the message yet? Are human begins so wrapped up in science, sensory feelings and the busy-ness of this world that 508 they (1) forget about God, (2) ignore a blatant message from same, and (3) are so brain-washed from the occurances of the 509 last 20 years that they dismiss such messages as "natural" things? Do you really think this is nature simply saying, "hey, 510 it's ok for dogs and cats to screw around, but people- no, I want them to be faithful, so I'll create a new disease?" 511 NO! God exists! And why not a new plague? Don't you thinthe stench of wanton sex disgusts him? And before someone says "how 512 do you know what God thinks?"- read the Bible! Sodom and Gomorrah (Sodom- y... remember?)- why do you think he flooded 513 the world? With that evidence past, why is the fact that one more disease, which only kills those who allow themselves to be 514 exposed to it (the blood transfusions are an unfortunate side-effect I suppose) seem so preposterous in comparison? Because 515 we're *modern!?@ 516 Open your eyes people! Sure it came first through gays, but the heterosexual community will soon be ravaged as well! 517 The message is... stay with one partner! You also have to remember even divorce is hated by God! Read his own words! 518 519 Ah, well, I'm not a preacher. It just seems so *obvious* to me it's unbelievable how unspirited a people can become in 520 such a short time. Just because you can't see things, doesn't mean they don't exist. And God may have made gays, but he sure 521 as hell, yes, sure as there is hell, he despises what they *do*, he still loves them, but despises their actions. Read the 522 Book, he spells it out in black and white. We're so accepting of wrong and immorality nowadays that people don't feel 523 wrong when they do it. 524 525 Okay someone elses turn.Sorry to blather on, but *someone* has to remind you. 526 527 ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()ANDY()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() 528 529 PEOLPE IN AMERICA TAKE FOR GRANTED THE FREEDOM TO COME AND GO AS THEY PLEASE. 530 WHAT THEY NEED IS A SUBTLE REMINDER THAT THERE ARE PLACES IN THIS WORLD WHERE 531 THERE ARE NO SUCH RIGHTS. WHAT WE SHOULD DO WOULD BE TO LEVY A TEN PERCENT TAX 532 ON WELFARE, UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION, ADC, AND WORKERS COMPENSATION. 533 THIS MONEY WOULD BE USED TO HIRE SQUADS OF RUSSIAN INFANTRY TO COME HERE AND 534 KILL ALL THE KITTENS AND PUPPIES THAT BELONG TO ALL THE LITTLE KIDDIES. A SUBTLE REMINDER THAT 535 BIG IVAN IS WATCHING. 536 '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 537 huh? Can anyone else make any sense out of what the person above just said? 538 '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 539 540 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 541 Isn't it interesting how when a desease 542 like cancer strikes, it is just another 543 desease, but when it is a desease like 544 herpies, or AIDS, all the sudden it is 545 God's vengence on a group of people 546 the pulpit pounder dislikes. You speak 547 of how nasty it is that someone would 548 love someone else who is of the same 549 sex, and using a desease as the basis 550 for justification of that hatred. As 551 fred stated elsewhere, AIDS got its 552 start in Africa, and not as the result 553 of anal intercourse. It just happens 554 that thatis one of the easer routes 555 for the desease to gain access to 556 another person, but it is not the only 557 means of spreading the desease. As 558 for herpies, that can spread just as 559 easyly thru married coupls as non. 560 Besides, I aint too keen on a god that 561 kills off a bunch of kids just because 562 they made fun of one of his followers. 563 That doesn't sound klike a kind 564 compasionite loving person you make him 565 out to be (besides, who says god has 566 to be a man!). I'll stick to my own 567 veiw of god thank you, not the vengful 568 hateful entiy that you proport god to 569 be. 570 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Jacky $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 571 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 572 573 What! You mean Frank was just a figment of someone's imagination? 574 Yee Gods! I think I've been hoodwinked.... but then that's not hard 575 to do. 576 Dr. F 577 +_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_ 578 579 ********************************************************************** 580 Andy: chuckle,snort,giggle, har har. (muffled ...) 581 **************************kathyD*************************************** 582 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 583 Andy: Not a preacher, eh? Maybe you should look into it, a *real* future. 584 But, if'n you don't mind, I quabble with your view of realities. 585 In my reality, there is no place for somthing or someone of a 586 divine nature. There is simply no place for a creator to exsist. The 587 thought of such is completely preposterous. 588 The Bible the truth?? Hardly. Perhaps another 'Canturbury 589 tales' or another 'Book of Nine Legonds' but not truth. 590 Reality is what you make it, everyones' is different. 591 (of course, then, no one is wrong!) 592 An atheist, PEN NAME 593 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 594 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 595 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 596 looved the response from ? about BIG IBlooved the response from ? about BIG IVA 597 uh, oh here we go again... 598 anyway BIG IVAN... 599 600 {ahem} 601 602 It never fails to amaze and not amuse me how (1) people defer to a 603 document of suspect origin that they KNOW has been 'translated' 604 hundreds of years ago to reflect one mans goals and that generation's 605 beliefs (the King James version) aswhen presenting their view, as opposed 606 using the products of their own mindsand (2) those same people can see 607 one aspect of an issue as a crystal-clear sign from God (particularly 608 if the event occurs within a 'minority,) while another aspect of the 609 very same issue (the innocent people - and their families - who have 610 been victimized through transfusion) is completely dismissed with no 611 message perceived, 'an unfortunate side-effect, I suppose' s/he said 612 blithely about people's LIVES|||| Whoops am getting a bit emotional 613 there. The main point I'm trying to make anyway is that I would much 614 prefer that people would apply their own rational MINDS to an issue, 615 think clearly, and tell me their considered opinion than throw me yet 616 another translation of the bible. 617 Regards, 618 [K][G] 619 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 620 `,`,`,`,`,`,` 621 [K][G]: Good for you! 622 Andy: So you are implying that it serves people right if they get AIDS! 623 We ALL know it is wrong in gods eyes (cough) so they are just getting 624 what they deserve eh? IF you aren't tooo busy I would like to hear 625 the verses that back up your argument, REAL verses and not what you 626 think you remember because what is in your memory can be mutilated by 627 what you feel. 628 `,`,`,`,`,`,` Mark. TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 628 .