1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 ************************* INSTALLED: 24 NOV 85 ********************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 ********************************************************************* 21 Kristi: It was passed on to me that you had entered a message here 22 and that it disappeared, and that you thought that maybe I had erased 23 it for some reason. Fear not! it was not me. You are more than welcome 24 here! There are a number of possiblities as to what might have happened. 25 So, I'll pass on some hints about catches and just plain weird things 26 about the system here. 27 First, as you've found out, the spaces in the commands are important. 28 When you are entering, always finish each line with a carriage return. 29 To get out of the enter mode, do a control C. If you do a control C 30 in the middle of a line (before the carraige return) the line will be 31 thrown away. So always do the CR, then the control C (unless you don't 32 want the line to be stored). 33 There is a bug in the FI and FA commands such that if a line has exactly 34 128 characters in it, the FI and FA commands will always show the lines 35 with 128 characters in them. Thus try not to use 128 margins. (Anything 36 less is fine.) The FI command always starts at line one. To find the 37 next occurance after it stops, type the command EXACTLY as you did 38 before. If you type something else it will start all over again at the 39 top of the disk. And of course, turn the line numbers on first so that 40 you will know where the line is. Because of the problem, most people use 41 the FA command. 42 One other bug is that if you enter the very last message on the disk, 43 (the system responds with *File full* and dumps you back to the command 44 prompt > ) you MUST type OFF or the message will not be saved. 45 It is a good idea to get in the habit of typing OFF before you leave just 46 to be sure. 47 Don't hangup in the middle of a message, or it will be lost. Do a 48 conntrol C first so that you are back to the command prompt. There is 49 no BYE command like on other systems, so just type OFF, and hangup. 50 Finally, sometimes I leave the system in all allowed (as opposed to 51 enter only), usually as a result of forgeting to put it in enter only 52 after putting in a new disk. The reason for enter only is because there 53 are some out there who are destructive, or just don't care about other 54 people, and vandlise the entries left. So if you see something disapear 55 during all allowed, don't be surprised. If it disapears during enter only, 56 it was me. I have not deleted nor modified anything you have put on here 57 to date, so don't worry in that regard. 58 59 Hope this helps, have fun, enjoy the system, and I'll look forward to 60 your entries! 61 ************************ CISTOP MIKEY ******************************* 62 P.S. Uploaders, always remember to set the margin to at least 8 characters 63 longer then your longest line of text so that the beep margin won't 64 interfer with your upload. 65 <><><><><><><>atthetop<><><>don'tyouwishyouwerehere?<><>...!psu-cs!nelsons<> 66 |||||||||||||||||||||||||| Living to Lurk |||||||||||||||||| PEN NAME ||||||||| 67 off 68 (((*)))(((*)))((( Well I was closer this time )))(((*)))(((*)))((( Ripple ))) 69 pppppppppppppfreezing in the cold and snowpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 70 """"""""""""""""""You know its cold when your washing machine freezes. SOLI... 71 :::::=====::::: 72 All: Sorry 'bout the extra-lng entry. They'll all be shorter. 73 :::::=====:::::Zephyr 74 Wondering with curiosity at the machine in front of me. I pawed at the 75 cmany different buttons, and my paw came to rest on the one marked with a great 76 quantity of hen-scratch": STeleporter. P.P.H. (tm) Portable Planet Hopper. 77 And suddenly the universe went mad. A bright gray beam lept from the screen of the device, and encompassed 78 me, Dreamtoucher, and her wolf. I had 79 the sudden feeling of dropping about four fours feet. (16) . The light was 80 almost blinding, and I closed my eyes tightly. 81 When I opened them, I found that I was in a pile of grass,, with the elf 82 and wolf beside m. Dreamtoucher sat up, shaking his head, and surveyed our 83 surroundings....nothing but forest as far as my eyes could see. 84 "Where are we?" sent the elf. 85 "I have just as good an idea as you. But it isn't in the Inn...that's 86 for certain."...." 87 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==Zephyr::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::===== 88 ch: her wolf/his wolf (I'm not tired, am I?) 89 :::::=====::::: 90 O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+ POPPING IN O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+ 91 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 92 quickly now....... 93 94 The Chase 95 96 The moon peered suddenly from behind a cloud, casting eerie shadows on 97 the ground below. A moonless night, the weatherman had said. So much for his 98 'predicted forecase.' The house on the hill loomed over the surrounding 99 countryside like a vigilant guard, seemingly aware of everything. Nothing 100 escaped its view, there was no safe hidden approach. Why does the moon have to 101 be out tonight? At least the cover of darkness would offer some concealment. 102 But no! If I didn't have bad luck I'd have no luck at all. So the song goes. 103 Gawd I hate country music. 104 105 A tightened cloak and a quicker pace add little solace to the 106 journey up the hill, to the house, and what lay inside. It all started on a 107 harmless dare. I'll bet you ANYTHING you can't go up to the Gould House on 108 the hill and stay the night. You are TOO chicken. Squak! Squak! Squak! 109 Children can be so cruel, especially when they are 18 years old. So it's off 110 to see the Goulds, and come what may, try to collect on a dare. 111 112 The old Gould House had been abondoned many years ago. No one lived 113 there, but who can say for sure about the spirits that remained. It was 114 a constant source of ghost story material, never an overnight stay at a 115 friend's house went by without at least one tale of horror centering on the 116 local spook central. Childhoods went by, and still the house remained, a silent 117 sentinel overlooking the town, offering nothing but scares to children and 118 worried looks to parents. What if my little Johnny should decide to visit the 119 house by himself one night? It should be torn down. That would be the end of 120 it! But the house remains, as does the talk. Sure it's an eyesore, but don't 121 ask ME to put up the money for its demolition. 122 123 To be continued 124 sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 125 126 #$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$can't write today (puke!)#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# 127 me thinks this pen 128 cil is broke. Hey! 129 what's wrong with 130 the margins? Yikes 131 ! Well, so much fo 132 r writing today. 133 ################## 134 ################## 135 ************************************************************************** 136 think-mode 137 *********************************kathyD**************************** 138 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 139 "The Talis-men" 140 in 141 "Catch a hot star" 142 143 Part - One 144 145 "Well?" 146 "It's true, they have it." 147 "And?" 148 "And we've got to recover it, soon." 149 "Yes...how then?" 150 "I think we'll have to call on mercenaries." 151 "What's wrong with one of the guards?" 152 "Well, I don't think they can do it." 153 "Umm...which one then?" 154 "A group. Headed by Mitch Ryder." 155 "Talis-men?" 156 "Yes." 157 "Brock! Bring me the Net! I hope your right." 158 "So do I." 159 160 "Three...two...one...now!" and a destroying beam of light shot 161 from the point of the "Turnstyle", ruining the boulder that acted 162 as a target. There was nothing like filling time with some 163 practice, and Mitch never got enough. 164 Recently, he had been actually missing some of his 165 stationary targets. So he had ordered his group to drill and 166 drill, so as to make sure that this laxity did not catch; they 167 couldn't afford it. 168 And the Net reciever buzzed in it's high-tune to let 169 him know that someone had something to say. 170 "Mitch?" came the voice of the radio operator, Lok, 171 back at base,"There's a call for you on two-nine-one-point-four 172 from a Mr. Enas of Enas Gallary. He says it's vital." 173 "Okay, patch him through." An audible click and the 174 open ambience. A voice, powerfull, filled the cockpit of his 175 ship. 176 "Mr. Ryder? Mitch Ryder?" 177 "Yes. Who is this?" 178 "My name is Gallen Enas, President of Enas Gallary. 179 We want to hire your services." 180 Good. "What for?" still calm and collected. 181 "There has been a robbery, a robbery of our most valued 182 piece." 183 "What piece? And why not take this to Imperial Patrol?" 184 "The Star of Elsior has been stolen, and the Imperial 185 Patrol have no juristiction where it has been taken." 186 Ummm. "Where, has it been taken?" 187 "Ursa Minor, third belt." 188 Great. The third belt of Ursa Minor, only the hottest 189 spot for an outworlder. "How much?" 190 "Your standard fee." 191 "No chance." 192 "Twice your standard fee." 193 Chance. Hmmm. "We would want the money ahead of time, 194 plus coverage for needed special equipment." 195 "How soon do you want it?" 196 He reached. "Today." 197 "It shall be done. Report here for more information." 198 Mitch switched off the Net. This looked good. A few 199 dead outworlders, and a priceless piece returned to a stuffy art 200 gallary. Mitch dipped low and took-out a second boulder. 201 "Things are looking up for Talis-men!" 202 (What's the deal with these spaces? Suggestions?....) 203 PEN NAME 204 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 205 NEW COMMERCIAL BOARD IN THE PORTLAND AREA. GREAT PRICES ON ALL COMPUTER 206 ACCESSORIES. YOU CAN EVEN USE YOUR VISA OR MASTERCARD RIGHT OTHROUGH YOUR 207 COMPUTER!!! GIVE IT A TRY AT 630-xxxx. 208 EVERYTHING FROM SOFTWARE TO COMPLETE SYSTEMS. ON -LINE 24 HOURS. 209 off 210 [*=*] I'd like to rent a safe deposit box, please. The young woman with 211 the long blonde hair looked up to see a powerfully built man looking at her. "Oh, yes, sir, uh, what 212 size did you want, we have..." The man interrupted her. "I'd like to have a look at the vault, I can 213 decide there". It was not a question, and the girl got up from her desk. " Please come with me..." 214 Delta Five looked around quickly, and found what he had come for. It was a small size box, as he 215 had expected. He then selected a larger box, a few rows below. "I think this size, is this one rented?" 216 The blonde woman looked at him inquisitively, perhaps sensing something. Well, yes, you may rentis 217 one..."Delta followed her back to her desk, where the necessary papers were signed. He paid cash, as 218 he always did. The woman loked at him again, puzzeled, and said "did you want to use the box now?" 219 "yes, I'd like to". "I can find the way back" He enered the vault, and working with the speed of ex- 220 perience, and of near desperation, he removed from under his jacket, a steel plate six inches square. 221 Through the plate, were two steel pins,set in snug fitting bushings. One was fixed in place, and te 222 other could be moved back and forth in a slot. At each end were small magnets. Quickly, he made a 223 few mental calculations, and just then, the blonde woman entered the vault, carrying a ring of keys. 224 "Sir, It takes two keys..." Delta feigned ignorance and stood there, waiting. "Oh, yes, of course" 225 The box was opened, and the woman started to leave. "Will you need a booth?" "SIR. Will you need a 226 private booth---" "Delta scowled at her. "No, that won't be necessary" His tone implied that he wanted 227 228 to be left alone, and the woman returned to her desk. Now. He placed the plate on the small box so 229 that one of the pins was directly over one lock, an moved the second pin over the other lock. Reaching 230 into his pocket, he took out a fistful of the old coins he had bought, and laid them in the box that 231 he had just rented. Pulling that box out so that it was about to fall, he removed the hammer from 232 his belt, and using it endwise, smashed the head aginst the two pins. Both locks were ripped from the 233 door of the box. As he stuffed the hammer back in 234 his belt, he pulled the newly rented box the rest of the way out, and it crashed to the floor. Every 235 second counted now. He opened the door of the littl box, and removed the contents-a large manila n 236 velope folded in thirds, and placed it in an inside jacket pocket. Then he closed the smaller box, 237 and, cursing, dropped to his knees, and started to pick up the coins that were all over the floor. 238 The blonde woman hurried into the vault-"what is going on here, what was that noise..." Delta cut 239 her off. "I dropped the damned box, if it's any of your business..." "Listen, I work here, and any 240 thing that happens here IS my business", she retorted. "Well, I dropped the damn box, like I said. 241 He had finished picking up the coins. "Will you please lock this thing now?" The woman complied. 242 Delta looked at her, and his features softened a little..."I'm sorry, miss, these coins belonged to 243 my son. He was killed in a motorcycle accident last week, and I've,..I'm just..." The woman looked 244 at the floor, ashamed. "I'm sorry, Sir, Please forgive me..."I guess I'd better go", and then he was 245 gone. As was the contents of a safe deposit box rented by two men who had once been his friends, then 246 his enemies, and who were now dead. Delta Five was on his way to Switzerland... 247 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 248 Bear walked for what seemed like hours. He was tired and hungry, and unnerved 249 by the silent marchers around him. His thoughts wandered to better times, 250 worlds with sun... light, wind, his Ladyship-- suddenly he was shaken from 251 his thoughts with a yank on the ropes which bound his hands. He had no time to 252 look about him, but found himself hurled into a small room. He landed with a 253 thud against the far wall, and the door slammed shut behind him. 254 255 Complete darkness. Complete silence. 256 257 He lay in the room for a moment, and then began working his hands free from 258 the rope. He was loose in short order, having pulled at them during the 259 entire journey. His eyes were adjusting as much as possible, but where there 260 was no light, little vision could be had. His hands searched the room, noting 261 its size, the height of its ceiling. 262 263 It all appeared to made of soft clay, save the door. He felt the ceiling 264 again. The clay crumbled around his hands as he touched it. In a primitive 265 frenzy, he began gouging the soft material. For no special reason he could 266 think of, he dug upwards with his strong hands. The ceiling was low, so at 267 first he could dig flatfooted. Up he clawed, until he was reaching on his 268 tiptoes. 269 270 He gave one final reach with his hand, and just then, felt something solid 271 touch his finger. Puzzled, he swiped at it again, ignoring the falling clay 272 around him and on his face. Again, something hard. Wooden perhaps. He reached 273 up with all his height, and clawed with a frenzy... 274 275 00000000000000000000000 THE BEAR 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 276 277 ...It was a quiet night at the Inn. The patrons sat at their cozy tables, 278 speaking in hushed whispers. The cold wind rattled the huge doors, the fire 279 crackled, and the bartender wiped some glasses dry. An odd feeling came over 280 him despite the apparent calmness. He couldn't quite put a finger on it--- 281 282 There was a faint sound underneath the floor in front of the bar. Damn! Rats 283 again! he thought. He peered over the edge of the bar to get a better look. 284 285 The beer glass fell with a loud crash, everyone in the Inn gave the barkeeper 286 a startled look. But his own face was even more startled. "Look!" was all he 287 could cry, pointing at the wooden floor in front of him. 288 289 Everyone looked down at the floor. An audible gasp could be heard from the 290 entire group. 291 292 One of the floorboards was shaking, rising up from its mooring. Underneath, 293 on one side, poked a small, round, dirty thing, not unlike a worm. The board 294 shook some more, and then creaked against the strain of the nails holding 295 it. With a sudden crash and a flying of dirt and dust, the board flew from the 296 floor and landed about six feet away. Another board screamed, and flew in 297 the opposite direction. 298 299 The patrons could only stare in amazement. Hands poked through the ever-widen- 300 ing hole, and two more boards flew into the air. In the hole was complete 301 darkness. 302 303 The hands grasped either edge, and a grunt was heard. 304 305 A filthy, sweaty, squinting face peered out of the hole. Then an entire body, 306 lifted up by his hands on either side. The man lifted himself up, and sat on 307 one side of the hole. He wiped his forehead and squinted around himself. 308 309 "Where the hell am I?" he asked suddenly. 310 The barkeep could only shake his head. "Backwater Inn. But who the hell are 311 you?" 312 313 Before he could finish the question the man grinned a huge grinned and 314 looked around like a young boy who had been promised an entire candy store. 315 "My name is Bear. And I'll be a pigeon's butt if I haven't found what I've 316 been lookin' for." 317 318 The Bear just sat there and grinned at everybody. "Give me a beer, bartender. 319 And, uh, you got a phone anywhere?" 320 321 000000000000000000000000 THE BEAR 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 322 323 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 324 325 The glowing sphere quivered in his hands, engulfing them with tenta- 326 cles of an eerie light. Betraying no emotion he slowly, ever so slowly 327 set them on the oaken table in front of him. Seeing it "slither" onto 328 the the tabletop, yielded it a slight smile, which was quickly wiped off 329 frowned sharply, it shrank, gripping the table and mentally squealing. 330 Sensing it's pain he offered it a tear, changing it to a cheery hue of 331 purple. 332 333 An involuntary grin crashed through his teeth an threw itself 334 at his lips. Instantly the thing grew twice its original size, now 335 a happy blue. a giggle kicked his mouth, muscles erupted along 336 it's tentacles length. Fingers grew through it's stub, growing long 337 razor sharp nails. White, pointed teeth ripped out it's previously 338 oothless mouth. It began to pulse black. 339 340 He felt it sinking it's newly found fangs into his soft skin. Pain 341 shot through his body, enveloping every nerve, every precious part of 342 his whole, soul and all. He laughed like a madman, remembering his 343 little 3 year old brother falling to the bloodied ground after being 344 it by a cadillac, black cadillac. He laughed as his whole was slowly, 345 painfully sucked from beneath him. 346 347 Then he was no more. 348 349 It cried. 350 351 aaaaaaaa 352 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa costable aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 353 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i mean constableaaaa curse enter only!!!aaaaaaaa 354 SOLI... 355 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagarganzolaaandacreamacheeseadeluxeaaaaaaathisablasphemeaaaaa 356 aaaaenvironmentaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 357 )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 358 With regards to the last story... 359 I assume that the whole refers to his whole body. 360 How can his whole body be sucked from beneath him. Do I smell Engfish? 361 ----------- 362 The darkness outside permeates my entire being and I am left alone 363 in the cold to fend for myself as an animal seeking food and shelter. 364 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 365 TITLE: BBS Etiquette 366 Courtesy of the BYTE Information Exchange Network 367 Computer Etiquette, By Mel North 368 ________________________________ 369 The following are a few points of general BBS etiquette. If you 370 wish to maintain your welcome on whatever system you happen to call, 371 it w be to your advantage to observe these few rules. (Sysops - 372 feel free to download this & display it on your BBS) 373 1. Don't habitually hang up on a system. Every Sysop is aware 374 that accidental disconnections happen once in a while but we do tend 375 to get annoyed with people who hang up every single time they call 376 because they are either too lazy to terminate properly or they labor 377 under the mistaken assumption that the 10 seconds they save online 378 is going to nificantly alter their phone bill. "Call Waiting" is 379 not an acceptable excuse for long. If you have it and intend to use 380 the line to call BBS systems, you should either have it disconnected 381 or find some other way to circumvent it. 382 2. Don't do dumb things like leave yourself a message that says 383 "Just testing to see if this thing works". Where do you think all 384 those other messages came from if it didn't work? Also, don't leave 385 whiney messages that say "Please leave me a mess-age". If ever there 386 was a person to ignore, it's the one who begs someone to leave him a 387 message. If you want to get messages, start by reading the ones 388 that are already online and getting involved in the conversations 389 that exist. 390 3. Don't use the local equivalent of a chat command unless you 391 really have some clear cut notion of what you want to say and why. 392 almost any Sysop is more than happy to answer questions or offer 393 help concerning his system. Unfortunately, because about 85% of the 394 people who call want to chat and about 99% of those people have 395 absolutely nothing to say besides "How old are you?" or something 396 equally irrelevent, fewer Sysops even bother answering their pagers 397 every day. 398 4. When you are offered a place to leave comments when exiting 399 a system, don't try to use this area to ask the Sysop questions. It 400 is very rude to the other callers to expect the Sysop to carry on a 401 half visible conversation with someone. If you have a question or 402 statement to make and expect the Sysop to respond to it, it should 403 always be made in the section where all the other messages are kept. 404 This allows the Sysop to help many people with the same problem with 405 the least amount of effort on his part. 406 5. Before you log on with your favorite psuedonym, make sure 407 that handles are allowed. Most Sysops don't want people using 408 handles on the system. There is not enough room for them, they get 409 silly games of one-upmanship started, it is much nicer to deal with 410 a person on a personal basis, and last but not least, everyone 411 should be willing to take full responsibility for his actions or 412 comments instead of slinging mud from behind a phoney name. 413 Also when signing on, why not sign on just like you would 414 introduce yourself in your own society? How many of you usually 415 introduce yourselves as Joe W Smutz the 3rd or 4th? 416 6. Take the time to log on properly. There is no such place as 417 RIV, HB, ANA or any of a thousand other abbreviations people use 418 instead of their proper city. You may think that everyone knows 419 what RIV is supposed to mean, but every BBS has people calling from 420 all around the country and I assure you that someone from Podunk, 421 Iowa has no idea what you're talking about. 422 . Don't go out of your way to make rude observations like 423 "Gee, this system is slow". Every BBS is a tradeoff of features. You 424 can generally assume that if someone is running a particular brand 425 of software, that he is either happy with it or he'll decide to find 426 another system he likes better. It does nobody any good when you 427 make comments about something that you perceive to be a flaw when it 428 is running the way the Sysop wants it to. Constructive criticism is 429 somewhat more welcome. If you have an alternative method that seems 430 to make good sense then run it up the flagpole. 431 8. When leaving messages, stop and ask yourself whether it is 432 necessary to make it private. Unless there is some particular reason 433 that everyone shouldn't know what you're saying, don't make it 434 private. We don't call them PUBLIC bulletin boards for nothing, 435 folks. It's very irritating to other callers when there are huge 436 blank spots in the messages that they can't read and it stifles 437 interaction between callers. 438 9. If your favorite BBS has a time limit, observe it. If it 439 doesn't, set a limit for yourself and abide by it instead. Don't tie 440 up a system untitem as a new user and run right to the other numbers 441 list. There is probably very little that's more annoying to any 442 Sysop than to have his board completely passed over by you on your 443 way to another board. 444 11. Have the common courtesy to pay attention to what passes in 445 front of your face. When a BBS displays your name and asks "Is this 446 you?", don't say yes when you can see perfectly well that it is 447 mispelled. Also, don't start asking questions about simple operation 448 of a system until you have thouroghly read all of the instructions 449 that are available to you. I assure you that it isn't any fun to 450 answer a question for the thousandth time when the answer is 451 pnently displayed in the system bulletins or instructions. Use 452 some common sense when you ask your questions. The person who said 453 "There's no such thing as a stupid question" obviously never 454 operated a BBS. 455 12. Don't be personally abusive. It doesn't matter whether you 456 like a Sysop or think he's a jerk. The fact remains that he has a 457 large investment in making his computer available, usually out of 458 the goodness of his heart. If you don't like a Sysop or his system, 459 just remember that you can change the channel any time you want. 460 Besides, whether you are aware of it or not, if you make yourself 461 enough of an annoyance to any Sysop, he can take the time to trace 462 you down and make your life, or that of your parents, miserable. 463 13. Keep firmly in mind that you are a guest on any BBS you 464 happen to call. Don't think of logging on as one of your basic 465 human rights. Every person that has ever put a computer system 466 online for the use of other people has spent a lot of time and money 467 to do so. While he doesn't expect nonstop pats on the back, it seems 468 reasonable that he should at least be able to expect fair treatment 469 from his callers. This includes following any of the rules for 470 system use he has laid out without grumping about it. Every Sysop 471 has his own idea of how he wants his system to be run. It is really 472 none of your business why he wants to run it the way he does. Your 473 business is to either abide by what he says, or call some other BBS 474 where you feel that you can obey the rules. 475 476 Try this rad new BBS, White Plum Mountain at 477 246-8617. It's more than just a boaring old BBS. 478 Check it out and see, or miss out on the fun!! 479 Goat Herder 480 481 482 help 483 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 484 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 485 To whoever got that from BIX and put it here: It's really out of place. It's 486 all very good advice, I can tell you from experience it's correct, but it 487 really belongs elsewhere. Also, it used up so many uneccesary lines. 488 489 PEN NAME 490 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| White PLUM Mountain? ||||||||||||||| 491 Just wHat are the kids doing when they come home from school and their parents r |l 492 493 ############################## Tetra ############################## 494 ppppppppppppppppppppplurkingpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 495 White Plum Mountain? Oh well... PEN NAME is right, in my unasked opinion. 496 [*=*] I have been saving all McKane entries starting 22 Nov. If anyone 497 is interested in a hardcopy, I'll supply the disk if you have a line 498 printer, please advise. Delta Five. 499 ??????? Dorun Rubicon. 500 Lurking, lurking, oh such fun... SOLI... 501 Pen Name: If by 'extra spaces' you meant the 'blank lines' in your upload 502 what is happening is that you are sending linefeed characters which are 503 getting stored & redisplayed to you. The person who uploaded that stuff 504 from BIX was doing a straight 'dump' of what he downloaded as he was 505 sending lf's too! (this is something that the 'old-timers' here know & 506 hate! If someone is going to expect us to read something he uploaded, the 507 least he can do is edit it (remove the lf's, perhaps change the margins, 508 etc)) 509 ALL: there are *three* different ways of getting a successful upload to 510 BWMS. As far as I know, these are the *only* ways to do it! 511 1. Send a character, wait for BW to echo it back, send the next character 512 (I can provide a simple BASIC program to do this if you can't figure 513 it out yourself) 514 2. Send a character, wait, send next character (amount of delay varies 515 with computer and other conditions) 516 3. use a program (like Compuserve's VIDTEX) that has 'prompted upload' 517 & supply the prompt char yourself (ie. tell to do a prompted upload 518 with say, ":" as the prompt char, then after it sends the first line 519 *you* type the ":" and it will (usually) send the next line). This 520 works best if you pick a character that isn't in your file. And you 521 will be stuck with having all the lines from #2 on starting with 522 that char. 523 __________________Leonard__JD 2446396.5323_______________________________ 524 O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+ POPPING IN O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+ 525 ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() 526 o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+ popping in o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+ 527 I tried to tell you all before, but you wouldn't listen. The Tripods are on 528 their way, and unless we gather together and fight them, we are all doomed! 529 o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+ popping in o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+ 530 BEAR, the second entry was your best yet. I like the butt's metaphore, very 531 revealing. 532 o+o+o+o+o+ 533 534 THE COMMITTEE 535 536 "Well Ian, have you delivered the packets to the appropriate agents?" 537 "Yes, the packets have been delivered. My schedule for tomorrow has been 538 set with individual interviews as we discussed. Each agent is being alloted 539 25 minutes in which to speak his mind regarding the changes." 540 "What were the reactions of agents Fellows and Parity?" 541 "Reserved and without emotion. They exhibit their NET training constantly. 542 I could get no response out of them after I had handed them their packet. I 543 expect them to be much more talkative tomorrow afternoon." 544 "Good. All our plans our proceeding on course and without delay. Send 545 Fellows and Parity to level thirteen after their apointments. We wish to 546 speak to them directly." 547 "Ah, as you wish. May I ask the nature of these personal interviews?" 548 "As you noted, they are personal in nature. You will be informed when the 549 time comes." 550 "Of course. I did not mean to sound..." 551 "We understand." 552 "Goodbye." 553 554 THE COMMITTEE 555 ************************************************************************** 556 SO IS THE PELL-MELL FLOATING IN FREE SPACE OR WHAT? AND ALL THE CHARACTERS 557 ARE THEY STILL ALIVE? LAST I HEARD SOME WERE DREAMING AND SOME WERE MENDING 558 AND OTHERS WERE SITTING DOING NOTHING. IT IS ALL SO CONFUSING. I WISH THEY 559 WOULD FIGURE OUT WHAT THEY ARE DOING AND GET ON WITH IT. 560 ************************************************************************** 561 You are not alone in your observations 562 ex 563 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 564 THE PAPAER-MACHE DALL BURNED SLOWLY ON THE BEACH, ITS HEAD AND LIMBS BURNING 565 YELLOW-ORANGE ON THE POST-APOCALYPSE LAND. ON CLOSER EXAMINATION, WE SEE THAT IT IS NOT A DOLL, BUT WAS ONCE A MAN, 566 HOWEVER MUTATED BY THE KAAS-VIRUS HE MAY HAVE BEEN. SO IT GOES. 567 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 568 569 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 570 all: Horror of horrors! Measured phone service....... What about us poor modemers? If any of you are interested in 571 a campaign to fight measured phone service, I will get you the phone number or someone to get in contact with, in a 572 few days. Measured phone service is a detriment to communications and to the people who enjoy that form of communicatio 573 n. Anyway, could you please leave me a message if you are interested, and I will get the number in a few days. 574 Back long at last!!!!!!!!! Piotr (once the Unbeliever. Still heathen) 575 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 576 What's this? Measured phone service? You're kidding! I they really going to do that? Yips! Please explain... 577 ch/I/Are/ 578 ************************************************************************ 579 Lenord: Actually, you forgot the method that I use all the time, send a line 580 terminated with a carraige return, then wait one second, then send the next 581 line. Repeat until done. 582 While the BIX file was basicly correct, I found it to be a bit obnoxious, 583 obviously written by a computer nerd with little or no social skills. 584 **************************** CISTOP MIKEY ******************************** 585 SOLI... 586 Shucks, I knew that a long time ago. Now if I could just remember to set 587 the margin before I send the first line, and to look at the screen before 588 I send the next one... [*=*] 589 (((*)))(((*)))(((*)))(((*)))(((*)))((( lurking )))(((*)))(((*)))(((*))) 590 What? FIle not full? But I am... and turkey day tomorrow no less... 591 592 TURKEY LURKEY 593 594 ------------BUT WHAT ARE YOU FULL OF? (HEH, HEH)---------------------------- 595 --- Ask me that about 18 hours from now --- 596 ********************** 597 ***************************+++++++**********hi bill here, what is this with both drives not full? 598 COME on I know you 599 people can do better than that! 600 ********************** 601 ***************************+++++++**********off TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 601 .