1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 *************************** INSTALLED: 4 JAN 86 ******************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 **************************************************************** 19 20 He had been climbing for what seemed like forever. His poor equipment and 21 the skis on his back made it difficult to move well. Finally, and incredibly, 22 he discovered there was no more mountain before him. He stood there, looking 23 out over the vast distances, the hazy blue horizon, the clouds like an ocean 24 below him, and the purpose of this great endeavor - the pure white utouched 25 snow spread out in every direction. Just waiting for one person to pass 26 across it, leaving his mark, saying to everyone, "I was here first. This is 27 MY mountain. Everything the rest of you do from here on is merely a reflection 28 of what I have already done." 29 He put his skis on, checked the bindings, then studied the surface before 30 him. Satisfied at last with his plan, he pushed off, and began moving down the 31 slope. Turning, turning, floating in the powder, floating in the ecstacy of 32 being first. Suddenly as he passed across the snow hiding a crevasse, it gave 33 way and swallowed him up, and he was never seen by mortal man again. 34 From below, other skiers who shared his zeal for being first studied the 35 mountain. There appeared to be a slight blemish near the very peak, but for 36 all intents and purposes the snow was still intact, waiting the primal touch. 37 +Dante- 38 39 I AGREE, TIME FOR A MAJOR POLITICAL DEBATE. 40 SUBMITTED 41 1)TIME TO GET EMOTIONS OUT OF GOVERMENT.WE NEED SOME SOUND BUSIN 42 DECISIONS TO BE MADE 43 WITH A MULTI TRILLION $ BUDGET THE USA 44 IS ONE OF THE LARGET BUSINESS'S IN THE WORLD 45 PEOPLE ARE IMPORTANT. HOWEVER HOW LONG CAN WE CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THINGS 46 THAT GIVE NO RETURN OR REDEAMING SOCIAL VALUE? 47 (SUCH AS COLLEGE STUDENTS?)(JUST KIDDING) 48 RESPONSES? 49 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////THOR/////////////// 50 ///////////////////AS/////////////////////////////////////HECK////////////// 51 ////////////////////////////////////////IF THIS DOESNT START A FIGHT 52 NOTHING WILL/ 53 OFF 54 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. 55 Destroyer: keep writing. 56 Others: more soon. 57 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu 58 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 59 Destroyer: I disagree about your story becoming boring, but do agree that 60 interest is waning. Wrapping it up would be a good idea. 61 Please keep the slurs about college students and Commodores to a minimum, 62 I am one and own the other. (First person who says that 64s should not own 63 college students gets to wear the dunce cap and write five zillion times, 64 'I shall not make fun of poor college students with Commodores.' It's gotten 65 me THIS far, chum. Although I would like a new one... Amiga, mayhap? Anyone 66 have a spare Amiga to give away?) 67 Post Script; it seems, by looking at my words above, that I am still writing 68 to the Destroyer when 'Please keep the slurs...' comes up. Not so, those 69 comments are meant for others. My apologies. 70 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milchar ++++++ 4 Jan 86, 1:50pm ++++++++++++++++ 71 apologies accepted i suppose. what is wrong with punks?....... 72 ************************************************************************** 73 74 WKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWKWK 75 76 __________________------------------|\/~~\/|------------------_________________ 77 78 Give us all a break. Commodores belong in "Toys 'R' Us!!" TRASH-80 will rule 79 the keys forever! 80 Radical Slugslime 81 \/~~\/ 82 83  84 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 85 So much for the interesting political debates. It is a mark of those who 86 debate, that their eventual debate comes down to a hackneyed argument of which 87 computer is racially superior. Of course, I am no better, so here I go. 88 It depresses me when movie reviewers dictate that a movie must either be 89 good or bad. There is no fair, in movie reviews. And people seem to think 90 the same thing of personal computers. Commodore are only a little less usefull 91 than an Atari 800 and yet you will see the respective owners locked in mortal 92 struggles to defend the honor of their own coomputers. 93 That being cleared up, anyone what to debate the subject of groves? 94 95 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 96 with thanks to the twilight zone - phj 97 i love the twightlight zone but besides that..... 98 99 i wondered how long i would want to stay in this town. there where so 100 many new things waiting to discover, the oppurtunites were great and 101 he was here...a mystery guy in a leather jacket seen in "wheres the are 102 " strange people around here" 103 104 forget it 105 ********************************************************************** 106 What is going on here????? 107 . 108 It would seem that there's more bluster than anything else! 109 _____________________________________ 110 but isn't bluster the funnest............ 111 112 nah. they are all one line cutesies. i just despise one line cutesies! 113 *************************************************************************** 114 ______________________________JD 2446435.6028____________________________ 115 ################################################################ 116 THE SUBJECT OF GROVES IS ME !!! 117 118 ################################################################ 119 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 120 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 121 OFF 122 123 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 124 THIS BOARD MAKES LESS SENSE DAY AFTER DAY............WIE GEHTS ES INHEN? 125 THE DAY WILL COME WHEN THE TRUTH SHALT BE DELIVERED UNTO THE POPULOUS, 126 AND THEN ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE: 127 BOOK OF JIM:CHAPTER 9:PAR 3: 128 HEY, WHO IS THE BOARDER THEIF UP THERE? 129 NOT THAT I CARE ANYWAY........... 130 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 131 ::::::::::::::::::::...... 132 I LOOK A THE CLOCK, AND ALL I CAN SEE IS WORLD WAR 3, 133 I TRY TO SLEEP AT NIGHT, BUT ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT IS WORLD WAR 3, 134 I TRY TO LIVE LIFE, BUT ALL THERE IS GONNA BE IS WORLD WAR 3, 135 ARMAGEDDON IS COMING, ARMAGEDDON IS SOON, DONT RUN AND HIDE, 136 IT SPELLS ALL OF OUR DOOMS...... 137 (A VERY LOOSE TRANSLATION OF 'WWIII' BY THE MINUTEMAN) 138 ::::::::::::::......... 139 IS THAT ALL THERE IS? 140 IS THAT ALL THERE IS? 141 THEN LETS KEEP ON DANCING... 142 BREAK OUT THE BOOZE 143 IF THATS ALL THERE IS... 144 /EXIT 145 146 1/04/86.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.002 147 148 Slipping through the quite streets, Miranda felt good. Finally, 149 she was doing something on her own. She had never really been able to 150 do anything alone before. She had spent most of her life in exile with 151 her father on a lonely isle, but was always watched over by her father 152 or one of his spirit-servants. She learned a lot about taking care of 153 herself then, but she never felt like she had been tested. There were 154 always the spirits around to make sure that she was never in danger. 155 With their return to Milan, Miranda's world changed radically; 156 suddenly she had to deal with hundreds of people and the busy activities 157 of a major governmental city. To try to keep some semblance of the 158 quiet isle, she kept to the confines of the home, but then she didn't 159 have the room to roam that she despairately desired. To make up for it, 160 she ventured into her father's library. There, Miranda had found a 161 place to let her mind roam. Now it was again time for her body to roam 162 though, and she was on her way to start her adventure. 163 In the dark streets, Miranda saw not a soul. She knew that it 164 wasn't safe for her to be out after dark, but she felt confident that 165 her powers would keep her safe. After all, she'd practiced everything 166 that she had learned. So busy was she at thinking of how safe she was, 167 Miranda didn't even hear the two men behind her. She did see the stars 168 explode in her head, though. 169 170 "Uuhn", Miranda said dizily a couple hours later. "Where am I?" 171 "Ssshhhh!" Came the insistant answer. 172 Looking around, Miranda saw many colors. She tried to rub her 173 eyes to bring the colors into focus and found that her hands were tied 174 behind her. Slowly, vision returned on its own, and the colors turned 175 into an old man playing solitare. As more colors came together, Miranda 176 found that she was in a small dirty room with several other young women, 177 also tied, but all unconscious. 178 "Who are you?" she asked the old man. He looked at her bleakly 179 and shushed her again. "I said, who are you?" She whispered it this 180 time. 181 After a long empty stare, he said "I'm your guard." 182 "Why am I here?" 183 Another odd look. "You don't know?" She shook her head. "You 184 are soon to become a representative of Milan to the harems of Arabia." 185 186 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu 187 #$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ 188 189 One Long Saturday... 190 (Part 6) 191 192 It was full dark by now. Jim had been driving around aimlessly for the last hour or so. His six passengers had 193 been silent all this time, which was fine with him. He didn't feel too talkative at the moment himself. The whole world 194 would soon be destroyed (Conquered and enslaved! Why couldn't he get that right?) and his attempts to prevent it had 195 been completely futile. As far as Saturdays went, this one sucked. 196 After more driving, Amogo finally spoke up. "This is the fourth time that we have passed this particular landmark. 197 Where are you taking us?" 198 "I don't know." 199 Jim turned right instead of left at the stop and found himself coming up on a local resturant. He had been too 200 busy to eat all day and his stomach suddenly realized that. He pulled into a spot in front of the door and got out, not 201 caring if the aliens followed or not. Of course, they did, and Jim found himself holding the door for them without even 202 thinking about it. It was about an hour before the Saturday rush was to start, and the place was almost empty. Good 203 thing, as his entourage probably would have caused a panic. He took a nice, dark corner booth and the aliens crowded in 204 with him, three on a side. Just one big happy family. 205 The waiter showed up a few minutes later, a high-school kid with more pimples that brains. He stared at Jim's 206 company for a full minute, growing steadily paler by the second. "Wh-wh-what are t-t-those?" 207 Jim assumed a stern demeanor. "This," he said in his best lecture voice, pointing at the aliens, "is what happens 208 when you take large amounts of controlled substances over a long period of time. You don't take drugs, do you, 209 son?" 210 "N-no sir!" the kid swallowed hard. "I just quit!" 211 "Good for you!" Jim said. He sliped a menu out from under the waiter's arm (since he seemed rooted to the spot) 212 and glanced through it. "Aw, hell, just gimme a large pepperoni pizza with the works and seven cokes." Then he put the 213 menu back under the waiter's arm. 214 After he left (rather hastily), Amogo spoke up again. "I'm afraid I have a confession to make. I told a slight 215 mistruth about our mission here." 216 "Oh, yeah?" Jim's interest had definitely been raised. "Then what are you here for?" 217 "Well, in the past, we have discovered that to conquer a planet our greatest challenge lies not in the world's 218 military might but in the populace. Some peoples can be amazinly stubborn and clever in the face of invaders. We were 219 actually sent here to test the resourcefulness and ingenuity of an average human being, like yourself. This was to be 220 the true guage by which we measured this planet's value for occupation." 221 Now Jim knew how the waiter felt. It took him a moment to get his mouth working in synch with his brain again. 222 "You-you mean all this time you knew I was trying to do you in?" 223 "Of course. You appear to have badly underestimated our level of intelligence." 224 "I'll... be... damned..." Jim wondered, rubbing his chin. "That's why you went along with me. You knew you'd be 225 able to survive whatever I threw at you." 226 "We hoped we would, anyway. We were to sacrifice ourselves, if necessary. Had we not returned, the invasion might 227 have been postponed or cancelled. This planet would have been classified too dangerous to contact." 228 Jim was quiet for a moment. He had been right all along, more than he knew. Of course, they had known what he 229 would think, obviously. Not only were they smarter than he thought, they were a hell of a lot smarter than he was. "I 230 suppose you've got some kinda special fate in mind for me for everything I did to you." 231 "Well," Amogo said with a chilling matter-of-factness, "We do have something particular in mind for you..." 232 233 (To Be Concluded...) 234 235 #$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# J.D. SILVERMAN $#$#$#$#$#$ 236 "i love the words you wrote to me 237 but that was bloody yesterday 238 i cant survive on what you send 239 everytime you need a friend 240 241 i dont want to change the world 242 im not looking for new england 243 im just looking for another girl 244 245 i saw two shooting stars last night 246 i wished on them but they were only satellites 247 is it wrong to wish on space hardware 248 i wish, i wish, i wish you'd care..." 249 250 BILLY BRAGG 251 252 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 253 254 &'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'& 255 256 The girls were gone and the mother was scooting off after them by the 257 time her story was over. 258 "Let mme get this straight, someone is going to maim your husband, 259 maybe kill him, and you don't care?" 260 "I care. I care about his will. If the old lump does die and his will 261 leaves me destitute, I care," She was ice cold. 262 "As long as he's alive and well, you are as rich as he is, that right?" 263 "Essentially," Her look dripped icicles. 264 "And I'm supposed to save him, and in doing so, save your purse," 265 "Essentially," The ice cracked, "Must you say that?" 266 267 He swallowed the last drops of his soup and dried his mouth with his 268 napkin. Throwing it onto the table, he said yes. 269 He strode over the carpet and then the marbe and was soon down the 270 stairs. And was sooner across the street, on his noisy way throught the rainy 271 air, to his office. 272 273 Whether this story is interesting or not dictates the continuance. What 274 you have just read, will dictate whether the story is good enough to occupy the 275 time and space of Backwater. Discern carefully, and remember my ego is not so 276 easily bruiised. 277 278 &'&'&'&'&'M'U'R'D'E'R'&'&'&'&'&'C'O'N'S'E'Q'U'E'N'T'I'A'L'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'&'& 279 280 Oh, c'mon, don't be so worried about what people will think. Give it a few 281 entries, and THEN let us rip you apart, bit by bloody bit. Just write, dammit, 282 and we'll let you know when the story is further along. Your writing is fine, 283 just make it a nice story and everyone will be happy! 284 Silverman: great going! 285 Destroyer: Don't be peeved, it all seems like constructive criticsm to me! 286 Delta: where are you? 287 Emu: nice writing, but boy you're speling is lowsy. That's okey, though. 288 289 290 ..... 291 The problem with government is that it IS a business, but it's not run like 292 one. If everything were run like the free enterprise system, we'd be making a 293 profit instead of being so in debt. That's why I voted for Reagan, warts and 294 all. I felt he was so free enterprise oriented that he would try and steer 295 government that way. Apparently, it's an impossible course to take. 296 297 But it's a simple fact that unless human beings are motivated by profit and/or 298 reward for doing things right, they generally won't. That's why big government, 299 government aid, etc. (i.e. the democrats who want big brother to take care 300 of everyone) is so stupid and will never work. Profit is the only motive. 301 302 Furthermore, there always must be a lower class. All cannot be equal. Poverty 303 Poverty that is, can never be eliminated, because the lowliest workers will 304 always have an existence below the rest. But poverty is very subjective, how 305 many starving Africans would give their left nut to live the life of one of 306 our poverty-stricken peoples? We can only do so much, and there are those who 307 will crawl under the lowest form of life as long as you let them. 308 309 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ THE RABBLE ROUSIN' RIGHTIE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 310 311 $%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$% 312 BE IT KNOW THAT TO ANY THOUHTFUL PERSON THAT THE CONSTITUTION OF THE U.S. 313 IS A VIOLATION OF YOUR 314 &(MINE ) CIVIL RIGHTS TREATIES AND AGREEMENTS ENTERED INTO WITHOUT THE 315 FULL CONSENT OF THE POPULANCE IS A CRIME AGAINST YOU AND YOURS. 316 IF YOU HAVE COMMENTS PLEASE REPLY TO THIS BBS 317 AN AMERICAN SAMUEL MARK 318 $%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$% 319 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 320 What happened to Tripping on Books? Come back, it was fun| 321 322 Slugslime: Is that slugslime as in the secondary fuel for the Azure 323 Crosstime Express? If so, welcome fellow fan|| 324 325 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$[K][G]$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 326 Here we sit trying to figure out how to use this new contraption. Can anyone 327 read this message? 328 (((*)))(((*)))((( that all the boarder you get on this keyboard! )))((( ripple 329 Juggler: Call. 330 L'Homme : Yes I need to talk to you but would be easier voice. Ok? 331 (((*)))(((*)))((( Ripple ))) 332 333 334 YET ANOTHER BOARDER YET ANOTHER BOARDER YET ANOTHER BOARDER 335 "Mister MacHinery" 336 (To the tune of "Doctor Livingston" -The Moody Blues) 337 338 Mr. MacHinery, having fun 339 With your ciphers and pulse guns? 340 You ran into the night. 341 What did you find there? 342 Did you stand awhile and glare? 343 Did you kill anyone? 344 "There were villians by the score 345 In many places that I saw. 346 I've still not found what I'm looking for." 347 348 Wassir, what's on your head? 349 Are you still with the living-dead? 350 The Helix is a threat. 351 What will you find there? 352 Will you stand awhile and stare? 353 Will you kill anyone? 354 "Calm your fears and doubts my friend. 355 (Though you may get yours in the end;) 356 I've still not found what I'm looking for." 357 358 LsP, have you found V yet? 359 Or learn that he's in a jet? 360 The world shall see some harm. 361 What will you find there? 362 Will you stand awhile and stare? 363 Will you kill anyone? 364 "Fool! Begone from my sight; 365 There is much more to this plight! 366 I've still not found what I'm looking for. 367 368 (Agents and operatives, 369 friend or foe in any case, 370 join arm-in-arm to do this jig. 371 Do this now, without hesitation, 372 as a pleasant celebration, 373 chantin' chorus 'round Ian's desk!) 374 375 chorus: "We're all looking for someone, 376 We're all looking for someone. 377 We're all looking for someone, 378 We're all looking for someone." 379 YET ANOTHER BOARDER YET ANOTHER BOARDER YET ANOTHER BOARDER 380 381 BLUE -- CALL AND I WILL UPLOAD -- GREEN 382 383 ttttttt ttt t tt t t gee... i feel left out... t t t ttt tt tttt 384 385 Where are all the dreams we dreamed, 386 That never came to pass? 387 Where are all the hopes we had 388 Which, in youth, we knew would last? 389 What has happened to those words 390 That we vowed to speak? 391 We still have ever question; 392 Yet the answers we still seek. 393 394 The dreams have died within our hearts, 395 Growen cold and hard with time. 396 The fire of our youth's great hopes 397 Is smothered in the brine. 398 And all the words we vowed to speak, 399 When life was young and dear, 400 Died in silence, for they were 401 Words no one wished to hear. 402 403 %$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$$%$%$%$%$%$%$ 404 Someone use my boarder 405 But they may have been 406 here first. ?????????? 407 But that last entry @ 408 this boarder was not me 409 so I did not use it again. 410 %$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$] inmate 557 [%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$% 411 off 412 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 413 AT LAST, AN OPERATING SYSTEM!(MIKEY YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN) ANYWAY, TO THE ABOVE 414 ON GOVERNMENT: YOUR COMMENTS INDICATE A LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OR THOUGHT ABOUT YOUR 415 IDEAS. FIRST, THE GOVERNMENT IS RUN LIKE A BUSINESS, TRUE. IT IS ALSO LOSING 416 MONEY AT A RATE THAT WOULD BANKRUPT AN ORDINARY BUSINESS. HOWEVER, THERE IS AN 417 EXCELLENT REASON FOR THIS THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHETHER OR NOT THOSE IN 418 CHARGE ARE COMPETENT. THIS IS BECAUSE WHAT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PRODUCES IS 419 / ARE PRODUCTS THAT NO PRIVATE BUSINESS COULD PRODUCE AND MAKE A PROFIT ON. 420 TAKE THE POSTAL SYSTEM, WHY DON'T FEDERAL EXPRESS, OR ANY OF THE OTHER PRIVATE 421 MAIL SERVICES ATTEMPT TO EXPAND INTO THE FIRST CLASS MARKET, IN A COMPETIVE 422 MANNER? THE ANSWER IS THAT NO PRIVATE ORGANIZATION COULD PROVIDE THE SAME MAIL 423 SERVICE OF THE SAME MAGNITUDE THAT IS PROVIDED BY THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE, AND 424 EXPECT TO MAKE A PROFIT. IF ONE COULD, IT LONG AGO WOULD HAVE BEEN FORMED, AND 425 ESSENTIALLY PUT THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE OUT OF BUSINESS. THE SAME PRINCIPLE 426 HOLDS TRUE FOR ROADS, DAMS, POWER LINES, MILITARY GEAR, AND SO ON. FURTHER, 427 WHENEVER THE GOVERNMENT VENTURES INTO A SERVICE PROVIDING AREA IN WHICH IT 428 COULD HOPE TO MAKE A SMALL PROFIT, IT IS QUICKLY CROWDED OUT OF THAT AREA BY 429 PRIVATE INDUSTRY. SO, THE GOVERNMENT ENDS UP PROVIDING ALL THE PRODUCTS AND 430 SERVICES THAT HALF THE PEOPLE WOULD AGREE WERE NEEDED, AND PRACTICALY NO ONE 431 WOULD AGREE TO PAY FOR. IF YOU LOOK AT IT, THERE IS REALLY NO WAY YOU CAN 432 ORGANIZE THE GOVERNMENT TO MAKE MONEY BETTER THAN PRIVATE INDUSTRY, SO IN A 433 COMPETIVE FREE MARKET, THE CONCEPT OF AN EFFICIENT GOVERNMENT IS LUDICROUS. IF 434 YOU WANT AN EFFICIENT GOVERNMENT, MOVE TO RUSSIA, THEY ARE VERY EFFICIENT AT 435 DOING THE ONE THING THAT GOVERNMENTS CAN DO WELL; REPRESS THEIR CITIZENS. 436 THERE ARE MANY THINGS WRONG WITH OUR GOVERNMENT, BUT INEFFICIENCY IS NOT ONE OF 437 THEM. RATHER, IT IS THE PREVALING DEMAND OF SOMETHING FOR NOTHING THAT IS AT 438 THE ROOT OR OUR BUDGET PROBLEMS. AND THERE IS ONLY TWO SOLUTIONS FOR THAT, 439 RAISE TAXES, OR CUT BACK ON SERVICES, OR BOTH. YOU CAN'T HAVE IT ANY OTHER WAY. 440 THE QUESTION REALLY IS WHICH WILL IT BE?+++++++++++++++++00000001TED+++++++++++ 441 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 442 Oh, God, not a political debate! That's even more boring than computors! 443 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 444 Ahh, politics! Love it. Personally, I believe that the US government 445 is much too efficient and productive. It produces laws, promulgates 446 regulations, and issues paperwork at an astounding rate. Does anyone here 447 have the date that more than 50% of the working population shifted from 448 "productive" jobs to government? 449 Alternatives? It's not original, but I favor a limit on the absolute 450 number of laws a government is allowed. A bicameral legislature, of 451 course -- one house writes the laws, while the other (the house of 452 dunces) rejects those they can't understand. If they want a new law, 453 they have to eliminate an old one, or combine it in an understandable way 454 with an old one. 455 Sigh, I wonder how many laws I've broken today? 456 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 457 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. 458 To whomever: what did I misspell? Please enlighten me... 459 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu 460 political debate? ugh.-.-.-.-. 461 GREEN - NO PROBLEM WILL DO - BLUE 462 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ G $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$4 463 TED, How on earth can you say money can't be made from Power lines, dams, 464 military gear, roads, etc? Of all the things you mentioned, only roads are 465 or can be initiated and regulated by the government. All other goods are 466 produced by profit-hungry private industry for use by citizens and regulation 467 by the government. The government is the largest buyer of military goods, and 468 their needs turn companies like Rockwell and Honeywell Avionics and MacDonnel 469 Douglas into multi-billion dollar concerns. Power companies, who are under 470 regulation by the government, are also very large and rich companies. Ever 471 heard of Detroit Edison, PGE, and PPL? 472 First and foremost, Government supplies citizens with items they can not 473 easily supply themselves. These items are courts, military protection, public 474 services (and that is now questionable), international monetary logistics 475 (also questionable), social service, welfare, and democratic leadership. 476 Unless a private concern can provide something like medicare and social 477 security for the entire populace of the country, the government will be 478 forced to handle it. Unless private industry can raise armies to defend 479 national interests such as pipelines and oil fields, the government will 480 have to do it. Until someone chas a better idea, government must continue 481 administering laws and handing down punishment. There are some things that 482 a society can not handle on its own without having a separate entity to 483 administrate those tasks. This leaves out the profit motive debate entirely, 484 but it is important to distinguish between private industry working for and 485 with government from governmental pillars like Social Security and revenue 486 collection. In every organized group of people as far back as history will 487 take us, men and women have formed governments, and those governments have 488 dealt with taxes and laws and the military and social need, just as ours 489 does, and just as any future government will find itself doing. 490 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ G $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 491 ATDT9,9,646xxxx 492 CBBS NW - 300/1200/2400 baud. 24 Hours/day. System Operators Jim Willing and Bill Marx. 493 Chuckle of the day... 494 495 You of course remember old Milt Famie? He was that sensational pitcher 496 in the late forties. His first year out as a rookie saw him climb up the 497 ladder, until at the end of the season, he was pitching in the world series. 498 499 Well, Milt had a method. He never told anyone, but it eventually came 500 out in all the publicity around his downfall. (More on that later). Anyway, 501 it was the second game of the series. The first had been a no-hitter. Quite 502 a feat for a rookie. The second game went the same, no hits, no runs, etc. 503 504 This remarkable record continued right up to the fourth game. This 505 would be it. The first time in history... a no-hitter series. The pressure 506 was on. The fans were ecstatic, and the opponents (no one remembers their 507 name now) were at their peak, ready to stop this deadly trend. Now we can 508 tell of Milt's secret... He drank beer. 509 510 Every time he went to the mound, he would secret a bottle of beer 511 in his mitt. Whenever he appeared to be wiping the sweat from his brow, he 512 was actually sipping a few suds. No one knew...yet. 513 514 The top of the ninth came around, and so far the opponents hadn't had 515 a hit. Then came the first pitch of the inning. A ball. The second was a ball. 516 The third, and finally the fourth pitches were all balls. The crowd was in a 517 frenzy. A base was taken by the opponents for the first time in the series. 518 The pressure was even more severe. The second batter came up to the plate. 519 The pitch... and it's a ball too. The second batter eventually walked to 520 first. The manager called a timeout. Milt came in, and got a pep talk. He 521 went out again, but... with another bottle of cold brew. He was worried, and 522 he needed it now more than ever. 523 524 Well, the third batter was walked too. Now the bases were loaded. The 525 next batter came up to the plate. The crowd hushed.... Milt sweated.... wound 526 up.... and threw. A hit! No, a home run.... four runs in one pitch.... A 527 Grand slam.... the no-hitter series was now unattainable. The crowd rose as 528 one and booooooooooed. 529 530 The end came fast. The other team wgn that game, and because Milt's 531 team was morally wiped out, they lost the next three games and the series. 532 At the end, the truth came out, and Mylt was banished forever from playing 533 professional baseball. 534 535 But the beer he drank lives on in history, as "The beer that made 536 Milt Famie walk us!" 537 538 Chuckle of the day... 539 540 NOW IS IT MYLT OR MILT? MILT! 541 *%_@*)_@#*%@_%*_@)%*_)%*!)+%*!_%*@#_%*_)%*@_%*!_)%*_!)%*@_@_^&@_)^&@_)^*^_@^*^_*@_*^@_#^*@_)^*#$_^*#$^&*#)_*@)_%*@#)_%* 542 Mikey: The address of the Sanyo owner is: ANNE I. McKenrick, 5733 SE King Road, Milwaukie, OR 97222. If you could send her 543 an updated disk I would appreciate it. I assume she is a paying customer. I have a Turbo 2.0 version of Terror that needs to 544 be tested on the Sanyo under DOS 1.25. I will bring it along when I next visit USD. 545 YET ANOTHER BOARDER: Thanks, you made my day. 546 Leonard: We need to talk archives. Please check Le Nerd for latest listing. 547 *_)%#*_%)*@#_)%*#@_)%*@_)%*@#_)*%@#_^* L'homme sans Parity $*#_@*_%@)_#*_)*%)#%_)*%_@)#&)_@#*%@)_&@_#)&_)@#^*_%&@#_%&@# 548 IS Messenger stillup? 549 Ted 550 There is nothing more pitiful than some 551 one who cries "your comments indicate a lack of knowledge" when their own 552 comments and apparent knowledge are far from expert. Keep it on the amatuer 553 level Ted, because you're far from an expert yourself. 554 As the other gentleman pointed out, often services ARE farmed out to private 555 companies because the government is far too inefficient to do them on their own. 556 And you ask why no one will do the post office's job? Simple! The government 557 won't let them! You wouldn't believe the hassle UPS had and has to go through 558 just to compete with the post office. And anyone who has ever used both systems, 559 as I have (extensively), will tell you that UPS runs circles around the post 560 office. Why? Free enterprise, profit motive, you can be fired for screwing up, 561 etc. Other in-city delivery companies have attempted to deliver mail, only to 562 be halted by the postal system! 563 Now, I'm not going to say we should eliminate the postal system altogether, just 564 make it more free enterprise oriented, as perhaps it already is more than most 565 government systems. But take defense. Billions of dollars wasted. Just plain 566 wasted. Why? There's no incentive to make money, each department is in fact 567 obliged to SPEND all it gets, or else it might not get as much next year! So 568 why not make each department its own profit center, with rewards going to the 569 departments with the most money left over AND the proper functioning equipment 570 in stock and working? 571 572 I'm not saying that government has no place, but it cannot EVER run efficiently 573 unless there is incentive (or threat of punishment... speaking of which, do you 574 know how hard it is to fire a government employee? You might as well call up the 575 white house and ask to talk to the Prez as get one of those guys fired). There 576 may obviously be some areas where government simply has to take taxes and spend 577 them, but almost without fail incentive systems could be implemented in any 578 given area and make it more efficient. 579 580 And to the law guy... I agree totally. As President Reagan once said in a speech 581 in Anaheim about ten years ago... "There oughta be a law against saying 'there 582 oughta be a law...' " 583 584 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 585 Emu: despairately/desperately; dizily/dizzily; insistant/insistent; solitare/ 586 solitaire. 587 Picky picky to be sure, but I just hate to see such fine writing even the 588 slightest bit marred by bad spellings, especially when they're perhaps bigger 589 words than maybe you have command of. Anyway, it was just a small note, some- 590 thing we should be aware of, and in no way reflects on my enjoyment of the 591 story; it's live a smooth glass ball with a small chip in it... that may be all 592 you notice but it's not fair to the rest of the craftsmanship. 593 Keep up the good work my good man! 594 595 Mr. Picky 596 597 To the movie critic critic: 598 I totally agree, but not only do they try and paint them black and white, they 599 usually paint them black. They're sooo critical of everything, instead of f 600 just trying to be complimentary. I hatee 'em..... 601 602 *********************************************** 603 I say that after bitching about a small thing like spelling...... think before 604 typing eh? 605 ******************************************************************** 606 1/6/86 `,`,`,` 5:58 `,`,`,` 607 The one thing that I get a good laugh at is how secretive our 608 government is supposed to be! Give me a break. It is so huge and hire 609 our to so many private contractors it would be impossible to keep a 610 secret from getting out. And now they are so hard on the few that ar 611 are caught for selling out secrets to other countries. One more thing, 612 are we still keeping track of who is getting secrets and what country 613 is getting all of the weapons? I didn't think so. 614 Not to change the subject but what is the purpose of the US giving 615 out so many military hardware & knowlage? We shouldn't be worried about 616 other coutries, we are being our worst enemy! 617 1/6/86 `,`,`,` 6:04 `,`,`,` 618 So, enter some gay bbs numbers, already! 619 ___________________________________________________________________________ 620 Piper: Aha! another Anvil fan... I remeber that story well... 621 ______________________Leonard_JD 2446437.6700____________________________ 622 menonotmenonotmenonotmenonotmenonotmenonotmenonotmenonotmenonot 623 First, let me say you all sound like malcontents trying to 624 see who can be most creative about it, Second, a lot of your 625 points are right but you slide opinions in where they should 626 not be, Third, this is where your conclusions become almost 627 unfathomable. 628 Since I am a student devoted to political science, I have 629 absolutely no space left, I'll change my major, see you later. TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 629 .