1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 ************************* INSTALLED: 9 APR 86 ************************ 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************ 19 20 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 21 Uhh..err.. party? I'm not really prepared enough (or rich enough) to throw 22 a party. Apartments are expensive. Perhaps, though... 23 Harumph. PorSFiS meeting this Saturday, I'll try to attend at the BPA 24 auditorium. Wonder what buses go by... 25 Straxi: Do you eat a plant that looks like a cellophane cactus? 26 Piper: We've a good bit to solve before wrap- fixing Bard's craft, helping 27 Cragmore deal with the mental noise, satisfying a curious alien... 28 ++++++++++++++++++ 29 Oh, yes. At the top! 30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milchar 12:07am 10 Apr 86 +++++++++++++++++++ 31 (<>)(<>)(<>? 32 33 34 .-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=--.-=-.-=-. 35 ONE DISK OF JUNK IS MORE THEN SUFFICIENT 36 WHY DON'T WE START OVER? THIS BOARD IS SUPPOST TO BE FOR THE WRITING 37 OF STORRIES, AND THE EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION, NOT THE SAVING OF SOALS 38 BY EITHER SIDE, AS NEITHER SIDE CAN OR WILL WIN, SO STOP, OR START 39 YOUR OWN BBS TO TAKE CARE OF THIS THIS NONSINCE, AND LEAVE THE REST OF US 40 IN PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 41 STARPATH:CALL N.KEEP/ 42 LEONARD GOOD LUCK WITH THE JOB 43 J.D.:WHEN?MORE/ 44 .-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=PRINCE DRAGON-.-=-.-=- 45 Actually, if you were to read the openning comments by the Cistop, you will 46 see that there are no statements to the effect that this is only a writers 47 board. it has been many things in the past, including religous debate as is 48 currently going on. 49 50 ************************************************************* 51 L'homme: Glad to hear things went OK, give me a call ASAP, 52 I have some information for you. I also have money for you. 53 You can catch me at USD between 10 and 12 this week, and 54 Hawthorne Technology between 2 and 6. (My hours are becoming 55 less stable lately.) 56 *********************** CISTOP MIKEY ************************ 57 KISS OFF PRINCEY 58 59 I HAVE LITTLE VIEWS OF THE OCCULT THAT COME FROM LITTLE MEN. MY LITTLE MEN 60 TELL ME OF SECRETS AND POWER FAR BEYOND MORTAL MEN. THEY TELL ME OF DEMOS 61 (CH:DEMONS) AND MAGIC AND FORCES SO POTENT THEY CAN KILL ANY MAN. AMULETS, 62 RITUALS, MAGICKS AND GIMMICKS MOST MEN DO NOT COMPREHEND. TALES OF NATURE, 63 TAILS OF DEMONS THAT WOULD CHILL ANY MAN TO THE BONE. OF WISHES AND WEAPONS 64 THEY SAY MAY EVEN EXIST AND CAN CONTROL ANY MAN. AND WHY DON'T I DABBLE AND 65 BABBLE AND BUBBLE WITH POWERS SO POTENT TO MAKE MEN POWERLESS? I AM A MAN 66 MUCH MORE A MORTAL MAN POSSESSED WITH AN INSATIABLE DESIRE TO FIND THE TRUTH 67 AND NEVER BE SATISFIED WITH IT. I AM POWERLESS TO DO OTHERWISE. 68 69 - A MAN - 70 71 #$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ 72 I want to apologize for my irregular frequency of late. This is the last written episode of this 73 story and I have to find time to sit down to write more. Please bear with me and I will have things back 74 on the track ASAP. Thanks. 75 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 76 The Hell Machine 77 (6) 78 79 Jean sat up slowly, blinking the sleep out of her eyes. The clock read 7:51. She clicked off the alarm. Quietly she 80 got out of the bed, trying to disturb Frank's sleep as little as possible. Not bothering with a robe, she padded out 81 into the front room naked. 82 She opened the curtain on the big floor-to-ceiling picture window, letting the sun flood the room. She gazed out 83 over the magnificent view of Portland from his home high up Rocky Butte. The sun hung over the west hills. She stood 84 there for a long moment, letting the warming rays bathe over her body. The window was made of one-way glass, so she 85 wasn't giving anybody a free show. Still, the feeling of exhibitionism was delicious, made all the more so by the fact 86 that nobody could really see her. Something was bothering her, but she couldn't put a finger on it. 87 Things had pretty much settled in the month since Mt. Hood had disappeared. The estimated death toll had been around 88 twelve thousand, and everybody was thankful it hadn't been much higher. One death, though, had hit very close to home. 89 The police had found Roy's truck on the 205 bridge with a wrecked transmission. Coast guard boats had found him 90 floating face down several miles downriver. Apparently he had been walking when the shockwave from the mountain's 91 disappearance had blown him over the barricade. Jean felt a little tug in her throat when she thought of it. Despite 92 his irresponsibility, they had all liked him. 93 Except for Frank, she didn't see too much of the others. Norbert was working on some kind of new power source that 94 NASA had contracted Mechtronix to develop for their proposed space station. Doug was back at his job washing dishes for 95 a diner somewhere on Sandy Blvd. Frank was working on a design for a new high-speed CPU that could give a micro speed 96 to rival a Cray. If it worked out, he could kiss off Mechtronix and their slave wages to open his own business. Hell, 97 in a year he could probably buy them out. Jean herself had been offered a teaching position at PSU and she was 98 considering taking it. Somehow the thought of staying around that place seemed unbearable. 99 She had been spending more nights here than at her own home lately. Not surprising. Since the Mt. Hood incident she 100 had a definite aversion to being alone. Alone, the ghosts of the dead would haunt her sleep. Frank understood this 101 feeling very well, and offered to put her up in his guest room. She hadn't intended to wind up in his bed, but after a 102 while it seemed to be inevitable. He was strong, sensitive, intelligent, funny (sometimes)... she couldn't name all of 103 it but she had been attracted to him almost from the beginning. Not to mention he was great in bed. She smiled at the 104 memory of the previous night. 105 But ghosts haunted his sleep, too. Ghosts of a different kind. At night she would sometimes be awakened by his 106 thrashing and moaning. What little she could make out of his words had something to do with guns and madmen. In the 107 daytime he would pass it off as just a nightmare and say nothing more. But high on his left bicep was an ugly scar that 108 might have been from a bullet. She dropped the subject, hoping eventually he would relent and talk about it. Whatever 109 it was, it must have been terrible. And the worst scars were where nobody could see them. 110 She stretched luxuriously. The sun felt wonderful. Something was still bothering her, though. How could anything be 111 wrong on a beautiful morning like this? The birds were singing outside, there wasn't a cloud in the sky, and the sun 112 hung like a giant golden orb in the west... 113 West? 114 She glanced sharply over at the wall clock. A little after eight. And the sun was just a little over the west hills. 115 It was unreal but so natural that she froze for a second, her heart pounding rapidly. Finally the spell broke and she 116 ran to the bedroom screaming for Frank. 117 Nobody else found anything strange about a western sunrise, or at least that was the impression the news gave. They 118 flipped through all the channels back and forth for two hours, finally settling on CNN Headline news. They had features 119 on war, murder, political corruption, Halley's Comet--but nothing about the sunrise. It was as if things had always 120 been this way. An oppressive feeling of unreality settled down over the both of them. Were they going crazy? 121 There was a knock at the door. Frank went over to answer it. It was Norbert. "Hi." He peeked around Frank, "Hi, 122 Jean." He opened his mouth to say something else and the stopped with a puzzled look on his face. "What is this, a 123 nudist convention or what?" 124 They both looked down at themselves and remembered that neither had thought to put anything on in the excitement. 125 Visitors had been the last thing on their minds. Jean yelped and ducked into the bedroom. Frank followed her close 126 behind (so to speak). He was more self-concious than she was, because he knew that Norbert was AC/DC. From the front 127 door, Norbert called out loudly, "I'm glad to hear you're not. I've had my fill of strangeness for one day and it's not 128 even lunch yet." 129 Jean came out tying the sash on her robe. "You noticed it too. The sunrise, I mean." 130 "Yep," Norbert replied, "Me and no one else. Took me an hour before I thought to ask you people." 131 Frank came out, fully dressed and wearing a jacket. He ignored the funny look they both gave him. "We're in big 132 trouble, you know. The whole world is." 133 "Tell me about it. I thought it began and ended with the mountain. Apparently we weren't so lucky." 134 Jean looked at them both, confused. "What are you talking about." 135 Norbert turned to her. "At a guess, my dear, we have undermined the fabric of reality with our little experiment. 136 All the clues point to it. I've been watching carefully and there's been some subtle random changes around here along 137 with the obvious ones. We've screwed up the universe." 138 Frank sighed, "And I don't see how we can fix it." 139 140 (To Be Continued...) 141 #$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$# J.D. SILVERMAN $#$#$#$#$#$ 142 DMDMDMDMDMDMDMDM-- 143 I SHALL BUY SOME MAHLER AND LET YA KNOW MY THOUGHTS, PROMOTER-OF-MAHLER- 144 WHOSE-NAME-I-HAVE-FOOLISHLY-FORGOTTEN. 145 THANKS FOR THE TIP. JUST THINK, I WOULD STILL BE LISTENING *TOTALLY*, INSTEAD 146 OF JUST USUALLY, TO KGON IF IT WERENT FOR "A CLOCKWORK ORANGE". I LOVE IT! 147 LATER, DM 148 DMDMDMDMDMDMDMDM-- 149 And now for 15 lines of utter trash... 150 ................................................................................................................. 151 IJXVV AIDYF P[ND_ SCEDL XPDSJ XLZDF LDEPC P\ALP DXMDG LF][E D_ALN JUVP[ \HB_E F\VRA D\ACE GJAED UXGDI AENJF YAIDS 152 AJADX MD]AL F][E_ EDNJU VP[\D _GLF] HBFED E\CJP AJDPT CLDPT CP[LD _OLXS [C_FP [C_CR R[\HB HB_TX SDVCE ESXJI EDCJA 153 D^AJF MFAID SFPTD GLF][ ND_FL FPFCR RUDAL PAJDU XGJHB VCEES XJI[L D_FPD ALNJU VPE[L D_CLI DVRCN AEDFL D[]_A PN[]_ 154 VCEES IHB[O C_JS[ C_J[C C_J[C CR\D_ XLDEG YEAWG ALPDR XZFLE [LD_A LPAJD VCEES XJIDS TALHB VJX\V PAI[\ D_PTA DEUEP 155 A\DPT ALDAL NJUVP EDUXG JDALP JUDCL IDNX\ VCJAE HBPXD ALPJU DMXJD UXGJD CNNXG LPDFL D[]_A PN[]_ VCEES I[\HB HB_PX 156 DIAMF LAD[K _FEDE \CJPA JDPTC LDPTC P[K\D _FPDF EDEX\ APTFL ZDRFO AHBRA ^ARDM XGJ[L D_PTA DALNJ UVPFX LDGEA IDSFR 157 RDVCI DSFPT DA]NA EE[\D _IFIH BUXGD OLXSD FPDCR EXDNX \VJAE EAEDF PA\E[ \D_FP DFED[ K_LXP [KD_C DJXPC PFXL[ \HBHB 158 _XLDC DRAEE DXMMF NFCRD LXPA[ ND_FD RFOAD CD\CL DPTCP DFEDO LXSRA IZCYR AHBXL DCDPX VFN[L D_YGP DFDIX DLXPD RFOAD 159 FPDST ALDPT CPDOL XSRAI ZADFE HBMRC GLPAI DFLDS CUEDP TCPD\ COADP TADFZ LXJCL PDRXX ODCED MXXRF ETDCE HBUXG D\CIA 160 D\ADM AAR[\ DK_UX G[E_J ADSJX LZ[\K D_LX[ LD_UX GDSAJ ADSJX LZ[\D _CEHB RFPPR ADCED FDOLX S[LD_ FDIFI DOLXS DSTCP 161 DFDSC EDPCR OFLZD CYXGP [\D\D \HB_M XJDXL NA[\H BHB_E NCJRA PDRFX LEDCL IDYRC NODET AAVD[ CCD_Y JXPTA JDOHB HBV[\ 162 _E[\D _PTAD VCEES IDUXG DSCLP AIDSC EL[E_ PDCNN AVPAI DEXDF PDSCE D\CIA HBPXD YAD[K _OFRX ZJC\[ K\D_N TCLZA DFP[\ 163 ................................................................................................................. 164 up 20 165 NEAT! 166 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 167 O.K. I have agreed to stop on the religious stuff, and I will. So, I will make 168 no more comments to those written after the 8th... 169 Prince Dragon: You keep telling me to call these places. Just give me 170 some mail on rebel, telling where to call and what the number is. I just can't 171 deal with this stuff....(sorry...) 172 *** STARPATH *** 173 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 174  175 176 Start again, damn it! 177 178 As I clentched my sword in the black of the night, I felt the mighty warrior rush towards me. His sword in hand 179 180 181 182 damn, hey sysop, get rid of these lines, !!!! NOW!!!! 183 184 185 Ok, Take 3..... 186 187 As I clentched my sword in the darkness of the night, the mighty warrior rushed towards me with all his force, his mace dangling188 in front of him, and his sword in the other hand. I only had one weapon to fight this mighty beast, my sword, no shield...just 189 the sword. He ran toward me like a runaway train, I held my sword straight in front of me waiting for this Knight, He pulled 190 his mace up high and struck me with it, my sword flew out of my 191 hands and into the dirt, I was doomed, I saw him full plated 192 armored & dangerous, he threw his mace straight at me, I ducked 193 but it was no good, his mace struck me as I fell to the ground 194 I felt great pain as I stopped to touch my wound. I felt blood 195 run down my lip , I had the power to scramble for my feet as I 196 saw him running again, He picked up his mace and hearled it to- 197 ward me with all his might, I tried to duck again, but now it 198 was straight for my heart, again I felt the blow of the mighty 199 mace againts my body, blood everywhere as I fell to the ground 200 for I was in terrible agony, above I could hear is laugh... 201 "Ha, YOU FOOL, YOU ARE NO MATCH FOR ME!" then silence struck 202 he got on his horse and rushed away to kill more............ 203 -THE TEMPTER- 204 205 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 206 Tempter - Did you spend a long time on that entry? I know how difficult it is 207 to pay attention to a story after the third week of editing, but it pays back 208 in spades. Things like, noticing the way wounds act in real life, and dealing 209 with abstracts as important parts of life, are important in storywriting. But 210 the twist ending finished the story well, so your instincts are fine. 211 Look at this! I am suggesting writing styles eight months after enroling into 212 the creative writing class! Do ignore me, but I did like the story. 213 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 214 215 AAAAAAAAACCCCCCDBBBBBBBB 216 I assume that the line above was intended to edit someones entry. I regret 217 to inform them of the following: 218 1. It only works on *some* terminals. 219 2. It only works if you have the *same* screen width. 220 3. It only works if the line numbers are off. 221 .... but nice try anyway... 222 ______________________Leonard_JD 2446531.6663______________________________ 223 !"#$%&!"#$%&'()('&%$#"!"#$%&'()'(((()&%$#"!!!#!#!#"&%$$)('(&%$&%!"#!#"#$&%$(')(&%$$&%)(')('&%$&%&#"#!#"$&%$)()'&%$&%&#"! 224 Obie-term works! 225 Milch: No no, you have it all wrong. All you need to do is supply the location, all your guests supply 226 the food/drink/entertainment. We don't expect you to move in someplace AND have to pay for the party, 227 so for the party damages.... hmmm, I'll check my law books. So? When? :-) 228 Leonard: Again good luck, I am sure, if anything, you are over qualified for the job. Tell me more about those PC's 229 and I'll give you a fair market price. Are you thinking of getting a used machine? 8.9 on the Norton program? Ha, I got 230 you beat with my new machine. Is the next PorSFiS this weekend? 231 Mikey: I'll try to call, but old PPS has been keeping me mighty busy either in front of a camera or behind a keyboard. 232 It's a long strange story which I will tell you all about another time (sigh of relief?) Did you say money? I'll be 233 by A$AP! haha. 234 Emu: I hope the family problem isn't too bad. I'll hear from you when you get back. Take care. 235 !"#!&%$&()'&%$&%#"!#"!%$&%')('&%$#"!#"$&%')('&%$&$#"!&%$)(')$&%$ L'homme sans Parity !"#!&%$)'(%&$#"!&%$)(')&%$$#$%&)('$ 236 :::::::::::O O:::::::04/10::::::::::::::::::::::21:06::::::O O::::::::::::::::: 237 Milchar: PorSFiS is not this Saturday but the week after - the 19th. 238 But let's party anyway :-) 239 L'homme: Of COURSE Obie-Term works. That's a first-rate hacked-up streamlined 240 terminal program, and beats the pants off most every program out there. 241 (Even Async...) 242 Sorry about the phone. I was wondering why I kept seeing RING RING RING 243 on the screen but nobody every left any messages. Turns out the switch 244 was just slightly out of the 'answer' position. All those dates and 245 obscene phone calls I missed... 246 Speaking of obscene phone calls, is Nerd totally gone now? I thought 247 you could get past the 'Percival logon' by answering BBS, but then it 248 asks for a password, and none of the ones I could think of work (not 249 even the 'four letter' ones I tried in frustration). With Bit Bucket 250 down to not much, Nerd gone, PCS gone, Aloha never busy, and all the 251 religious garbage on here, I don't get to do much BBSing anymore. 252 Next time you see a small plane wobbling around the sky, look closely - 253 it's probably LO (of the House of) flying out of Hillsboro. Ah to be 254 rich (and young). 255 :::::::::::::O O::::::::::::::voyeur::::::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::::::::::::: 256 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 257 voyeur: That's strange. My Pulsar says it's April 12... as in this Saturday. 258 Letsee, One on 8 Mar, one that should have been on 22 Mar but wasn't, one on 259 12 Apr, one on 26 Apr. Am I wrong? Leonard, what does YOUR Pulsar say? 260 Well, if 'party' is a concept I can communicate to my apartment-mate here, 261 can do. Not that I expect problems with that... 262 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milchar +++ 10 Apr 86 at 9:53pm +++++++++++++ 263 [\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\+\\+\\++\\\+\+\++\+\\+\ 264 265 266 Dear Mr. Silverman.... 267 268 Have you seen the film " The Quiet Earth?" It's story bears strong parralels to 269 yours. I think that you would enjoy it. On the subject of films, has anyone seen 270 " Brazil "? It is THE BEST FILM EVER! I mean that sincerely and from the bottom 271 of my heart. When I was but a slip of a girl, I thought that STAR WARS was 272 pretty neat, but ah, the follies of youth. GO SEE BRAZIL TODAY!! 273 I was pretty ticked when it didn't win any oscars. It should have been up for 274 best picture. 275 "Highlander" is about the WORST sci fi film iv'e seen in a long time. All it 276 is is a chance for Sean Connery to wear a red velvet doublet and say a lot 277 mystical junk. The guy that plays the Higlander.. He has one stock expression 278 that covers every emotion. It is supposed to be smoking, eternal knowledge and 279 thinly controlled inner tempest. Instead, it looks as if he needs an analyst. 280 Hey! I should go on tv like them other guys and review movies for fun and 281 profit. Maybe i'd get to meet all the stars, or be like Ted Mahar of Corey (ugh) 282 Brunish. ( I have no reason to dislike the man, but for his odious appearances 283 during thePbs festival breaks. He alwaysseems to end up right after Dr Who, and 284 is condecending...." Boy, you Whovians out there! I wonder if the TARDIS is for 285 real ..But seriously folks.." Give it up corey.) 286 Anyhow, forgive my loquacity and verbosity, but after a hard day, one's fingers 287 tend to want to loosen up and get down. 288 Here with all your favorite film reviews..... 289 290 Alahna Rivania (the Reel thing) Phelps. 291 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 292 dear mr. silverman....smile!................ 293 morrissey 294 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 295 off 296 Alhana Rivania Phelps?,? 297 :::::::: milchar- if, as you say, PorSFis was 3/8, then should have been 3/22 298 but wasn't because of the 'con, then +2 weeks would be 4/5, +2 weeks = 299 4/19. Or is it now 2nd/4th Saturday? One of us (at least) is confused 300 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::O O::voyeur::O O:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 301 '-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'- 302 303 "Most men live lives of quiet desperation." Ain't that the truth? 304 305 The body of the young woman lay on the pavement. She had been crushed 306 by a semi-truck. I looked at it and faced my own mortality. 307 308 Sometimes we must make a conscious decision to live. I have reached 309 that point in my life. Nine days and counting..... 310 311 '-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-' The Jung and Restless '-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-' 312 313 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 314 Lurkin' round with nothing better to do. 315 ........PENDRAGON........ 316 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 317 318 319 hello 320 --------------------------------------- 321 A B D U L B R I A N 322 323 --------------------------------------- 324 This will probably be my last message, 325 so please read it especialy you 326 Mr. Dougnut...... 327 Throught out the last couple of weeks, 328 I have viewed this board and its 329 arguments about religeon and I have 330 something to say to you, Dougnut: 331 I have seen God in you, more than 332 anyone I have met(or come close to meeting)before. I would also like to say 333 that this message system is a wonderful 334 utility,but it shouldn't be used to 335 put religeons down.... 336 The Bible pleads for no one to put any 337 religeon down,even if it contradicts 338 your own........ 339 340 341 How have I seen God in you???? 342 343 You figure it out, 344 345 and maybe you will find God in yourself! 346 347 348 so long for now!!! 349 350 In The Name Of God 351 ABDUL BRIAN. 352 ///////////////////////////////////// 353 //////////////////////////////////// 354 355 I now offer you my right cheek 356 357 see you later 358 ABDUL BRIAN 359 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 360 Brazil: A picture that has captured the imagination of many. It is a total 361 concept movie; it builds a premise, a city, a world, characters, total 362 society, and it never, never fails its premise. It is a wonderfully 363 constructed film, not once cheating the viewer. The concepts presented are 364 fully developed, and no logical complaint about the completeness can be 365 leveled. 366 It is for precisely those reasons the film will remain a stigma on 367 the art of film making. A contradiction you say? Quite the opposite; my 368 premise follows exactly the one set down in the film. Brazil is devoid of 369 the milk (however you may think it) of human kindness. There is no love 370 that can not be defeated. Conscience has been cut from the mind. It is as 371 black as any void. Hope which sparks is doused. The strongest propoganda 372 was never so effective in drawing the lines of a world and filling in the 373 bleak colors between those lines. A hero will evaporate before the bright 374 onslaught of the bureaucratics. Brightness does not exist. 375 Brazil makes its point. No one can deny that. The effect of the 376 point on people who open themselves to the experience is powerful. Those 377 who enter a theater and never allow the visions within will never under- 378 stand why Brazil is one of the worst films ever made, and in being so, is 379 one of the best films ever made. 380 A Film Fan. 381 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 382 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 383 voyeur: It seems that you've kept careful count, and I have blindly taken the 384 word of my issue of the Pulsar. Security at the BPA auditorium says it's next 385 week, my Pulsar says today. I wonder how many other people will try to attend 386 the meeting that isn't there? 387 I shall miss the meet on the 19th, also- the PSUACM programming contest falls 388 on that date; I have already made arrangements for it. Double Drat. 389 Any other suggestions? L'homme? 390 Emu: I've got a copy of the EE homework for you, XOR and XNOR gates. Yawn. 391 See you Monday? 392 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milch, 12 Apr 86, 2:46pm ++++++++++++++++++ 393 Milchar: dig out your Pulsar. Look at the back page (the one with the 394 mailing label on it). In the lower left corner is a sticker with some 395 blurred felt pen writing on it. If you squint & examine it carefully 396 you may be able to make out the words: 397 APRIL FOOL! CHECK MEETING DATES 398 ______________________Leonard_JD 2446533.5895______________________________ 399 FDOLX SDS@A DIXL[ E_PDL AAIDP TADA] PJC@D _EAN_ GJFPU [LD[_ YGPDR XSAJN 400 EA[L [D_VG LNPGC PFXLD CLIHB PTA@D RF_OA _DS@X GRIDY @ADLF @N@A[ \@HB_ 401 PTA[_ JAMXJ ADF@D [_C\D ZXFLZ DC_TA CI@DS F@PT_ D[K_R A^_A_ R[D@P KD_NX 402 @A[\ HBDDD DDDDD DDDD[ DDDDD DDDDD @_LAP D[VWH B 403 404 FDOLX SDS@A DIXL[ E_PDL AAIDP TADA] PJC@D _EAN_ GJFPU [LD[_ YGPDR XSAJN 405 CEA[L [D_VG LNPGC PFXLD CLIHB PTA@D RF_OA _DS@X GRIDY @ADLF @N@A[ \@HB_ 406 PTA[_ JAMXJ ADF@D [_C\D ZXFLZ DC_TA CI@DS F@PT_ D[K_R A^_A_ R[D@P KD_NX 407 I@A[\ HBDDD DDDDD DDDD[ DDDDD DDDDD _LAPD [VWHB 408 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 409 ::::::::::::::O O:::::04/12::::::::::::::::::::20:09::::::::O O:::::::::::::::: 410 Milchar: OUCH! You found out the truth by actually appearing at the BPA Audit.? 411 I sure hope the Pulsar editor appreciates his little jest. Never having 412 quite gotten around to joining PorSFiS, I've never received a Pulsar, 413 so I've never been led astray by their bizarre sense of humor. (or 414 regaled by notices of moving parties and whatever other useful 415 information may be contained within.) 416 Since this board was filled up with CRs for the past couple days, 417 Leonard left me the correct info on CBBS/NW. I hoped you would see the 418 message there, but alas you seem to have missed it. Well, we can all 419 commiserate with you at your forthcoming orgy-cum-Saturnalia. Looking 420 forward to it. 421 ::::::::::::::O O:::::::::::::::voyeur::::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::::::::::::: 422 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 423 Pulsar talk. 424 I'm going back to lurk mode.... 425 *** STARPATH *** 426 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 427 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 428 429 tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt 430 tonight is saturday... a normal person is out and with friends... i was... 431 and loved every second of it... i danced slowly... long and dismal rides on 432 elongated omnibuses... kept the collar on my trench cropped... even danced 433 at all... something i've never done before... 434 then again... tonight is Saturday... 435 tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt 436 +_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+__+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_ 437 438 wow! did you kno that i can make ththe modem on my Osborne super computer 439 440 work! hoorah!% 441 and it is a lot faster too! zippedy doo da! 442 443 see ya all later!! 444 445 *********************************** 446 BOOK OF SOUL`S 447 revelations 6.5 448 *********************************** 449 450 And came forth from the Beast was the world unto all 451 that thy must worship the secound. & the first & the 452 secound said give worship unto the Wolf, And the Wolf 453 was gave worship & power was given unto the Wolf so 454 that he may govern over all. & the Wolf said unto the Dragon 455 & the Beast look for the time had come. 456 And the Dragon & the Beast were ammused. 457 And the Wolf spoke unto all & said look the time has 458 come. & all who heared were ammused And behold the Wolf 459 held out a rod & broke it in two. & behold for the 460 Boy was changed to a Man, And all who had survayed him 461 cerled in fear. And the Dragon was pleased. 462 And the one who calls himself GOD emerged from the 463 crowed & sang his song of Death unto the Dragon, 464 & the Dragon in return gave unto him the power of 465 dictatorship. & the one that called him self GOD continued 466 to sing his song`s of Death unto his belivers... 467 468 And time will pass & the one called him self GOD 469 returned to the Dragon, & the oneDragon was pleased for 470 the Power he had brought himself. & the one called God 471 bowed befor the Dragon asking for his blessings. And 472 the Dragon held forth A canves. & apon the the canvace was 473 the Devil known to the Lord as Lucifuge. 474 And the one who called himself GOD took the image of the Devil 475 & showed it unto existance 476 And all were Amazed, & bowed to it`s creator, saying we 477 shell bild you A temple so that you may be in peace 478 amoung your own. & a Great fortress was bilt for the 479 Dragon. And santurary 480 was given unto the Dragon, so that no Man nor Goverment 481 would have influnce over him or all he survayed. 482 And he gave a High seat in his relm to the 483 Wolf & the Wolf was pleased at the power he had gained. 484 And the Dragon & the Wolf Gained riches from the image 485 And togerther called them selfs the Bringer`s of Light. 486 487 *********************************** 488 END OF PAGE #7 of NONE 489 *********************************** 490 SHUT UP!!!!! PLEASE? 491 492 "And all who heared wer ammused" 493 494 ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^^^^^^^^*^^*******************^*^^^^^^^^^^^^ 495 496 Dear Keeper. 497 I hate to be per ...petty, but i can ignore bad spelling. I cana 498 ignore strange imagry and odd sentence construction. BUT IT IS NOT KOSHER 499 TO USE THE POSSESIVE FORM OF THE APOSTROPHY WHEN YOU ARE REFERING TO THE PLUAL 500 OF A WORD11!!!!!!! For example... 501 Souls, not SOUL'S!!! 502 I can become quite nast y o 503 I can become quite nasty when basics of english are ignored or overlooked. 504 on't let it happen again. 505 By the way, if anyone decides to leave me a message blasting me for MY poor spe 506 spelling, know niw that my terminal has no edit functions. I cannot backsplace 507 or erase or anything! When tis problem is worked out, my entries will be gramat 508 ically perfe ct!! 509 510 Ha Ha! I shall shall rule the w english world!!! 511 Letterman 512 st testing to see whhat happens 513 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 514 And I am amused.... 515 *** STARPATH *** 516 (What a joke!) 517 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 518 You apparently have *some* sort of editing possible as your msg is full 519 f ctrl chars. Type CC N at the prompt & then re-read your msg. While you 520 are at it you might try just typing at the prompt to see what ctrl chars 521 you get. Ctrl-H is backspace, why not try it? What kind of terminal/ 522 computer/software are you using anyway? 523 ______________________Leonard_JD 2446534.4871______________________________ 524 525 Could he do that with six arms? 526 527 1313 [VGDD CD_@N XLEPC LPRU[ LD_FD EPCLI DNX@J _JAN_ PAI[\ HBV[W DDCDK _R[PK 528 D_SXG [_RID YADCV VJANF CPAI[ \HB@_ CR_RD _[C@D _TC^A @DJAR @F@A^ A@IDP TJF[_ 529 OADXM DFP@E [D_XL RUDOL XS_LD NX@VU D@XM_ D[K_R [J_[K [D@_P CYRA[ @\HBB 1313 530 531 ............. ............. ............. ............. 532 Getting up from the small terminal that belonged in the room joining 533 mine, I headed for the elevator and tried to put the previous weeks work 534 behind me. Either I was getting better at slipping away undetected, or 535 they were letting me get away from the Plaza now and then just for the 536 heck of it. The elevator arrived, I entered. 537 I pressed the button for the rest area and leaned back against the 538 far wall before my transport had a chance to start moving. Just as I 539 braced myself I began to feel the vertigo; I never liked these fast 540 elevators on single bit. It stopped almost as quickly and soon had one 541 less passenger to contend with. 542 Regaining my composure ever so gracefully, I strolled over to the 543 never-lit hearth and removed an instrument from over the mantle. 544 "I hope this is not only for show. It could be oh so powerful if 545 it has been maintained properly..." 546 As I began to inspect it carefully, memories washed over me of times 547 long gone... well not so long ago. Automatic weapons freshly refilled 548 with "thirty little buddies" just waiting to rout the Communist threat 549 within the backward villages on the border of my precious homeland. 550 Flames in the darkness, shrilling cries in the sight of the setting sun. 551 Hot flying lead rapidly finding new homes in valiant opressors. They 552 were the irresistable force and we were the immovable objects. The 553 flames, the smoke, yet always the crying fire. It was soon to become my 554 constant nightmare. 555 Friendly off-road bonfires were the one saving grace of the sight of 556 fire. The fellowship shared in song with brothers was just the ticket 557 to relieve the strain. Music hath ways, thank God they worked. 558 559 Now alone I sit near the fireplace that sheds no light. Dark is the 560 night except for the fluorescent rays seeping in from the hallway. And 561 silent is the night except for the sounds I strive to pull from the 562 balalaika in my grasp. If my fingers could but remember how... 563 ............. ............. ............. ............. 564 565 *&*&*&&**&*&*&*&*&*&*&&&&&&&&&&&&*****************&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&************** 566 567 New movie review time. 568 I just saw " BLISS " today. Well, it is a visually stunning film, done in 569 beautiful, spring like ccolors. Flowers bloom eveywhere, and this is rather 570 disconcertingly nice in comparison tthe sort of things ththat go on around tthem 571 BLISS is not your kind of film if you do not like sex scenes. The sex in this f 572 film is quituite overt in places, and overt in places you would not expect, succ 573 as a restraunt full of people. There re is also quuite a bit of bloody gory 574 stuff. 575 As to story. It is confusing, difficult to follow the major ooutline. But 576 the way it is done in small parts is quite wonderful. It also has a way of 577 drawing you in to a rising interest from a rather slow start. It is very heavily 578 symbolic, and will leave yoou sorting othe meanings out long after you leave the 579 theater. 580 Bliss has been compared to BRAZIL. Well, you all know this reviewers feeling 581 about aforementioned film, so I will not draw comparisons. But I w Will say tha 582 Bliss is worth your money. 583 NEXT WEEK::: 584 I Will be reviewing ttthe new movie LEDGEND. I can't wait to see it. 585 586 Yours truly.. 587 A. Rivania Phelps. 588 589 To Leonard.. 590 It is I tthat isxperiencing such troubles w just got the modem on my 591 Osborne to work and am trying tto use it instread of my regular C. ^64 modem 592 because I like the keyboard better. But ofdd things keep happening to me. When 593 I try to use the arrow keys to backspace and erase, they erase, but when 594 review what I haveerased, it has a nasty habit of stuttering. (As youoou can see 595 in ththe first half of entry above.) Alson, using control H to erase works, but 596 often that Control function will skip letters. AnIs thhere any special stetting 597 I should be using to transmit? I am using Amcall program and a Datacom modem. 598 Any advice would be apreciated. 599 A. R. P. 600 601 Somebody give the fellow M7, please. 602 603 +++++ Leonard: So THAT'S what the funny scribbling says. ++++++++++++ Milch ++ 604 (((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))) 605 I say again: The world (at least BW) would be much better off if the twit(s) 606 who promised to never again log onto this system would simply keep their 607 promises. 608 (((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))) 609 but if they kept their promises, they wouldn't be twits, now would they? 610 **twit*alert** Yeah, so why don't YOU stop calling. But then you don't think you're actions are twitish, do you? **twit*alert** 611 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. 612 THE END 613 614 We reach 615 the empty space 616 at the end of the line 617 where we used to say 618 "I love you" 619 with the empty promise 620 to stay 621 "just good friends" 622 623 And I reach 624 the empty space 625 at the bottom of a bottle of Bushmills 626 where the sharp edges 627 of shattered dreams 628 sting twice as much 629 -Westwind TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 629 .