1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2 ************************* INSTALLED: 21 APR 86 ************************ 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ***************************************************************** 19 20 Voyuer: I don't know, I'll look into it when I get time. I don't think I've 21 changed anything there in the last couple of years, I *did* make that one 22 change to add the cr/lf after 128 chars, but nothing else. I suggest you 23 check in with L'homme to see if he's (gasp!) changing the files again :-) 24 ************************* CISTOP MIKEY ************************************* 25 26 27 WHUTS WRONG MR. TRIAD ?? 28 ARNT YOU A GOOD ASSASSIN OR IS IT 29 THAT YOUR STUPID LAWS DONT HELP YOU 30 ENTHER OR ITHER I DONT REALY CARE 31 I STILL KNOW WHO YOU ARE, & I KNOW 32 WHUT YOU ARE & THATS A *FOOL* !!!!! 33 REMEMBER WHUT I SAID ABOUT DEMONIC 34 INFLUENCE WELL THE ASSASSIN IS A PRIME 35 SUBJECT. this JERK WHO RUNS AROUND 36 SAYING THAT HE IS A TRUE TRIAD. 37 WILL FIND HIS FATE VERY UNPLEASING. 38 BEWARE MR.ASSASSIN FOR THE DEVIL LURKS 39 ABOUT LIKE A ROARING LION WAIT TO DEVORE. 40 HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA 41 *********************************** 42 KEEPER OF YOUR SOUL : ASSASSIN 43 TRY BEGING FOR IT BACK ! 44 *******************HA*HA*HA*HA*HA** 45 46 47 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 48 THERE ONCE WAS AN OLD LADY 49 WHO ASKED ME FOR A DIME 50 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 51 TUNE IN NEXT MPTH FOR THE PUNCH LINE! 52 53 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 54 WELL, ONE DAY, I WAS IN A PLANE, AND THE PLANE GOT HIT BY 55 LIGHTNING AND THE PILOT SAID ''EVERYONE BAIL OUT'' SO I DID 56 BUT ONE PROBLEM , NO PARACHUTE, SO I WAS IN MID AIR WITHOUT 57 A PARACHUTE, NEXT THING I KNEW, I WAS DEAD........ 58 THE DEAD- AGAIN 59 -------------------------------------------- 60 But how did you come back from the last time? 61 -------------------------------------------- 62 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 63 SHUT UP KEEPER! 64 SWEEPER OF SOULS! 65 Had a dream, I was born 66 to be naked in the eye of the storm 67 and now it's standing right in front of me 68 what's it gonna do to me, who knows? 69 ($($($($($($($($($($($($($$($($($($$($(($($(($(($($($($($$($$($(($(($($$$($$($ 70 71 72 BEWARE! BEWARE! BEWARE! 73 74 I NO THAT U R OWT THEIR.. 75 MISUSING YER POOR, INNICENT 76 SHOES 77 AND I SEY UNTWO THEE.... 78 BEWARE! BEWARE! BEWARE! 79 80 81 FOUR I SHALL CUM IN THE DED OF NITE 82 TO LOOK IN YOUR CLOSETS... 83 ON YER SHOO TREES.. 84 YEAH, EVEN ON YER FEET... 85 FOR THE POOR, TIRED SOLES... 86 THAT YOU HAVE DOOMED TO A HEVY WATE. 87 88 BEWARE! BEWARE! BEWARE! 89 90 **THE KEEPER OF THE SOLES**** 91 92 I am new to bulletin boards and am seeking iformation. Please call 630-4470 (ask for Scott). 93 94 <*><*><*><*><*> 95 hey all, how's it hangin'??? 96 especially you Keeper...so what happened on Sunday night between you and the other Satanist? who won????? 97 Oh well, I've been on BWMS on and off recently, but I didn't really get into it. 98 However, I hope to become a more regular user from now on. 99 -Dark Knight- 100 <*><*><*><*><*> 101 102 103 ******************* 104 Its hangin' great! 105 106 list 107 108 109 110 KEEPER OF MOLES! 111 OR POLES! 112 OR STOLES! 113 OR HOLES! 114 Very funy keper of holes 115 ~@~!(*~#)*~#)!*#(!$*!_$*!_$*!$(!+$)(!_$)!+$)!$)!+$(!_$!$(+($+$(!+(!+$(~~(!@$($(+_(_$(!|$(+$*+%*@+%*@%*+%(@+%^&#$^)%&^*+ 116 Voyeur: I must take credit for the proper alignment of control characters. When I edited the *original* disk to take car 117 e of the ma 128 Destroyer markers, I fixed the EOL chars at the same time. As long as Mikey continues to give me the 118 archive disks, I can continue, if you wish, changing the sequence, and thus, simplify your program. Thanks for the stuff 119 the other night. Also, it appears my 1.5meg memory board was also responsible for the lock-ups. I took the board out 120 and have not had any problems since. Of course now I am down to a mere meg-o-ram. :-) 121 Ms. Phelps: I wish I knew what you were talking about. You made a mistake entering a message to me when I think you 122 meant some other person. I would never step in on a conversation such as you and that other BWerite are having. But lest 123 you think I am not interested, I enjoy movies almost as much as Film Fan and French Toast and all those other closet 124 Spielberges and Lucases out there. 125 Curtains up! 126 *%@*_%*%*%&)%&@)@%(!%)&!%)&@)%&@@)#@%@%@%^#^% L'homme sans Parity !#@@@$#@$#%#$&^&*^&(&*)(*_)+_|++()_)(^(^%^&^#!#~` 127 ______________________________JD 2446542.6734______________________________ 128 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milchlurk +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 129 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 130 Still lurkin' round. 131 ........PENDRAGON........ 132 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 133 ++++++++++++++++ 134 I hate to make unfortunate accusations and unjustified generalizations. But 135 I still notice that in general, the shorter the line width of a person's 136 comments, the less intelligence contained in the message. Maybe it's because 137 the smarter a person is, the less likely he is to buy a computer whose line 138 length tends to be limited. 139 ++++++++++++++++ 140 ***************** 141 I LOVE TO MAKE ACCUSATIONS. 142 I LOVE TO MAKE GENERALIZATIONS. 143 THE PERSON ABOVE IS AN IDIOT. A PERSON USUALLY BUYS A COMPUTER BASED ON THE 144 PRICE, NOT LINE LENGTH. 145 I ONCE OWNED A VIC-20. I BOUGHT IT WHENIT COST $250. I BOUGHT IT BECAUSE 146 IT WAS IN A PRICE RANGE THAT I COULD AFFORD, NOT BECAUSE IT WAS 24 LINES. 147 I NOW OWN AN APPLE. I BOUGHT IT BECAUSE I COULD AFFORD IT. NOT BECAUSE IT 148 IS 40 LINES. 149 150 IF I BUY 24 LINES BECAUSE IT'S ALL I CAN AFFORD I AM NOT STUPID, I JUST DON'T 151 LIKHAVE THE MONEY. IF I BUY 40 LINES BECAUSE I CAN AFFORD IT THAT DOES NOT 152 MEAN I AM SMART. 153 AS FOR THE PERSON ABOVE, DON'T JUDGE PEOPLE YOU DON'T KNOW, YOU ARE NOT 154 THE SMARTEST PERSON IN THE WORLD AND YOU NEVER WILL BE. 155 156 ACE MASTER 157 ------------ 158 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 159 Ah, but dROPPED bIT, you *ARE* "Film Fan" 160 /////////////////////////////Don't Look Back//////////////////////////// 161 For Sale: Bench power supply, burglar alarm system, Soligor one degree spot meter, proto board and chest of parts, 12 162 green monitor, work bench, desk lamps (3), bookshelves, chess set, three boxes of paper-chromekote,construction, 20# 163 bond,100# bond, two boxes ring binders, misc office supplies. 164 75 *GOOD* disks-DSDD, two disk file boxes, cleaning kit. 165 Daisywheel typewriter with Centronics interface, MultiPlan for TRS-80 model 100. CGP-115 graphics prin 166 167 *=*] DELTA FIVE [*=*] 168 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 169 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 170 I've been gone for a few days. Sorry to see that the signal-to-noise ratio 171 is still so low (sigh). Milchar -- I've lost track of what's happening 172 since it has been moving so slow and buried in the detrius of mindless drivel. 173 Your entry looked good, but I've no context for it now.... (sigh) 174 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 175 :::::=====::::: 176 Lurkin' Legamorph. 177 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==Zephyr::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::===== 178 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. 179 Piper: 'scuse me for buttin' in, but I don't think that you missed anything, 180 really. As you mentioned, the s/n has been unusual for quite a while, and 181 I think that it's been inhibiting almost everything "normal". 182 DeltaV: You seem to be liquidating lot's of interesting stuff. Are you 183 upgrading? 184 Mr Meg-O-Mem: snort, gag, puke. Some people just can't be happy. I may only 185 have 64k, but it's the most loveable 64k you'll *ever* see! 186 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu 187 Emu- upgrading, yes, but location rather than equipment. Am moving to someplace where the sun shines now and then... 188 I have "junked" my color computer, and got a model 100 which is a fascinating machine... DV 189 OK YOU SEE ONE DAY I WAS RIDING HOME ON A SCHOOL BUS AND 190 IT WAS ATTACKED BY LIBYIAN TERRORISTS, AND I TRIED TO KILL 191 THEM WITH MY BARE HANDS, BUT THE NEXT THING I KNEW........ 192 I WAS HIT BY A BULLET, BUT IT DIDN'T KILL ME, SO I WAS ALMOST 193 DEAD 194 - THE DEAD - 195 196 Ace Master: It's "columns", not lines. And the low price computers tend to 197 attract the "kids". Since it was *stated* that he was making a generaliz- 198 ation, why take it personally? 199 You might try using lowercase. All caps is another thing that many times 200 signals the presence of someone who doesn't really know what they are doing 201 (it is also much more easily read & makes a better impression) If your 202 equipment can't do lowercase... well we all have problems.... 203 Delta V: How much for the Multiplan? 204 ______________________Leonard_JD 2446543.5436______________________________ 205 Hello -- I am looking to buy a yellow Cockatiel... If any of you have one 206 or know of any breeders that do(any breeders 'period' for that matter) 207 please notify me......Steven.... at... 208 209 6 4 9 -- x x x x okay? 210 thanx!!! 211 212 /s 213 +++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 214 DeltaV: Proto board, parts, 75 disks, 2 disk boxes and a cleaning kit I am 215 interested in. What are you asking? 216 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milchar +++++++ 22 Apr 86 @ 6:53pm +++++++ 217 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 218 Ace Master: (see above message to you...) 219 If, perchance, you really did mean lines, you still are incorrect. The VIC 220 screen is 22X23. How you get 24 out of that, I don't know. Perhaps I'm wrong 221 this time... 222 Anyway, if you have an apple, why don't you spend $60 (or so...) and buy an 223 80-col card. 224 As for line lengths in general, I use to the full what the person in front of 225 me used... 226 *** STARPATH *** 227 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 228 229 230 {}|{}|{}||}|||}|}|{|}{||}||{}|||||}|}|{|}||||}|}|}|{|}|{|{|}|}{}|}|{|}|{|||||||} 231 232 If this degrades itself to an argument between Amigas, Apples, Ataris, or the 233 old Altairs, I am going to scream. 234 }|}|{{}|{}}}||||{|}||||}|{|}||||||{|}|||||}|{||{||}{||||}||||}|}|{|||{|}|}|}}}|} 235 ACTUALLY, LIK YA KOW THAT MAYBE I THINK AMIGAS ARE PRETTY COOL DUDE AND THEN 236 I SAW A UM ALTAIR AND THAT WUS PRETTY COOLTOO AND SO I SAID THAT HEY LIKE 237 I THINK THIS ALTTARE MIT BE WORH BUYING ASO I GOT IT AND IT WAS COOL SO I 238 LIKE BOUGHT AN APPLE AND IT SEEMED OK FOR A WHILE BUT A BNANA PEEL SLIPPED OR 239 MEADE ME SLIP SO I FELL DOWN A WEELL AND BROKE MY LEG AND ARMS AND NECK AND 240 I AM ALMOST DEAD BUT THIS GUY COMES AND LOOKS DOWN THE WELL AND SEES ME LYING 241 THERE SO HE SAYS HOW ARE YO U DOING AND I SAID I AM FINE SO I HERD THIS BIRD 242 SINGING AND IT WS BLUE AND SOPPS POS SPOT WAS GOING TOEAT IT SO I GAVE IT TO 243 THE CAT AND THEN THE CAT ATE IT AND SNOOPY CAME ALONG AND HE WAS GROOVING AND 244 HE SAID LIKE COOL BIRD YOU GOT THERE AND A BLUEJAY CAME ALONG BEHIND THE SHIP 245 AND THEN THERE WAS THIS BIG EXPOLOSION AND EVERYTHING WENT BOOOMMMM!!! 246 247 248 249 250 AUTHER ! ! ! AUTHER ! ! ! 251 252 *************** 253 80 LINES? WHAT THE HELL FOR? SO I CAN SQUINT AND HAVE MY EYESIGHT GO BAD? 254 HELL, I DON'T WANT GLASSES. HOWEVER, LOWERCASE IS SOMETHING I LIKE. BUT SINCE 255 UPPER CASE ANNOYS SOME PEOPLE I WILL STICK WITH IT. 256 257 I IMAGINE THAT LIKE EVERY OTHER BOARD IN TOWN THIS ONE IS DOMINATED BY GOOD OLD COMMODORE. 258 WHY OH WHY DON'T THEY QUIT MAKEING NEW VERSIONS OF THEIR 6502 BASED COMPUTER. I KNOW THE AMIGA 259 ISN'T A 6502, BUT THEN AGAIN THE AMIGA ISN'T MUCH OF ANYTHING. LIKE THE SAYING 260 GOES; "IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD AN APPLE GET A C-64, AND IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD AN IBM GET AN AMIGA. 261 262 ACE MASTER 263 ************ 264 40 C O L U M N S (NOT LINES) AND PROUD OF IT!!!!! 265 ************ 266 ACE MASTER: If *YOU* can't afford a brain transplant, then get lost. 267 ACE MASTER! You win! No, not a new car. No, not a trip to Hawaii. SImply a 268 big hand for the most nonsensical writing seen on this board in the last 269 three days. Instead of defending what ever position you might have had, you 270 have perpetuated the generalizations made about one class of computer users. 271 It will never cease to amaze me how people will always strive to make as big 272 a fool as they can in front of everyone else. 273 JACK OF DIAMONDS. 274 275 |{|}|}|||}|{|{|}|{||||}|}|{||||}|{|}||}|||}||{|}|{|||}||{||}||||||}{|}|{|}|||}|| 276 277 Aeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! 278 |{|}|{|}|||||}{|}|}|{}|}||||{|}|{|}|}||||{|}|{|}|}|{|}|{}|{|}|{|}|{||||{}|{|}{|} 279 280 <\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\ 281 Computers are no pointer to the sort of person who uses them. 282 After knowing a broad section of the users I think I know a bit 283 about it. Computers are no grounds to insult a person. 284 />/>/>/>/>/>/>/>/>/>/>/>/>/>/>/>/>/>/>/>/>/>/>/>/>/>/>/>/>/>/> 285 (00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00) 286 Nice scream!! 287 (00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(00)(Madwand)(00)(00) 288 289 -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- 290 Something is horribly amiss here... 291 Sage: Please contact me concerning the concept you expressed a particular 292 interest in. I may be busy, but I think I may still manage some time 293 to work on it. I need to ask you some software related questions as 294 well. You have my numbers. I never sleep. 295 grep -n satan > echo /dev/null 296 -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -JUGGLER- -+- -+- -+- -+- 297 ^null^null & (being in the backgound is what it's all about, mind you.) 298 299 .-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-. 300 I agree. Computers are no grounds to insult a person. That only tempts me to insult 301 a person because of name, JACK OF ASS, for example. 302 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 303 Milch-Two plastic Radio Shack disk files, hold 50 each,with hinged top. 72 disks all but 18 are DSDD, the rest SSDD 304 Brands are Bonus (by Verbatum) Sentinel, and a few Tandy. Most were used only as backups-I only had a drive for three 305 months. Head cleaner good for 15 uses, used twice. S or D sided, w/ cleaning solution. $50.00 for all. 306 307 The proto board is large (but not huge), has four sandard sections and four smaller sections for 7seg. LED's. I 308 ludes bunch of chips (TTL) and wire. $45.00. 309 Leonard-Probably $50.00-I want to see how much the manuals cost first, and whether I will be able to use it 310 myself...Will be at next PorSFiS...[*=*] DELTA FIVE [*=*] 311 i have a full hight drive for the coco computer. They are for sale at $40.00ea. leave a mess. for cocosoft 312 HELLO ALL. I WOULD JUST LIKE YOU TO KNOW THAT THIS IS PRESIDENT REAGAN 313 YEAH, YEAH, THAT'S IT AND I DON'T THINK THAT WHAT MANY PEOPLE WOULD LIKE TO 314 SAY IS ENTIRELY CLEAR TO THE GENERAL POPULACE. AND NEITHER DOES MY WIFE BECK 315 NO MORGAN FAIRCHILD. YEAH, THAT'S THE TICKET. I REMEMBER WHEN I WAS THE 316 PRESIDENT OF NBC THAT'S RIGHT AND UM WE HAD THIS BIG MEETING WITH FOREIGN 317 TERRORIST KHAD UH ATILLA THE HUN YEAH AND WE WERE ALL GOING TO SHOOT NO BLOW 318 EACH OTHER UP UNTIL MY WIFE CHERYL TIEGS STOPPED EVERYONE. AND THEN MY 319 BEST FRIEND LASSIE I MEAN KARL MARX SAID THAT THE IDEAL SOCIETY WOULD BE 320 WHERE I WAS LEADER. AND HERE I AM PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD. WHO COULD ASK 321 FOR MORE? EXCEPT FOR MAYBE MICHAEL NO STEVIE WONDER. OF COURSE STEVE AS 322 HIS BEST FRIENDS CALL HIM WOULD NEVER GO UP AGAINST ME BECAUSE HE WORSHIPS 323 ME. YEAH, THAT'S THE TICKET....... 324 325 326 *********************************** 327 I git the inpreshen that the person who entered the above 328 has strange hobbie`s like sitting aroung & watching Car`s rust. !! 329 DONT YOU ? ************************ 330 Nope. Just Saturday Night Live.! 331 ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### #$# ####### ## ## ##### ######### 332 oh boy! 333 ############# # ##### $###### ########## ##### # 334 NEWS FLASH!!!!!!! 335 ATARI 520ST'S HIT TOY'S R US 336 HERE'S THE PRICE BREAKDOWN 337 338 520ST COMPUTER-WITH RF MOD,ROM........ 399.97DDDDDD$399.97 339 SF354 SINGLE-SIDED DISK DRIVE......... $159.97 340 SC1224 RGB MONITOR.................... $339.97 341 342 65XE.................................. $99.97 343 130XE................................. NOT SURE 344 SMM804 PRINTER FOR ST................. 199.97 345 346 NEW 2600 GAME MACHINE...ULTRA SMALL... 49.97 347 348 SOFTWARE FOR ST 349 350 DEGAS DRAWING PROGRAM.................. UNDER $30 351 352 THAT'S IT...MASS MARKETING HAS ARRIVED.. 353 354 DAVID ROBERTS 355 MENU 356 \ 357 358 ? 359 360 QUIT 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 HELP 371 372 NO, ACTUALLY I DON'T WATCH CARS RUST BECAUSE I HAVE A LAMBORG.. NO A LOTUS. 373 AND THEY NEVER RUST. THE ONLY TIME I EVER SAW A CAR RUST LIKE A FORD WAS 374 WHEN I WAS IN VIETNAM... YA, YA THATS IT, VIETNAM. WHY I LEAD THE TET OFFENIVE 375 ALL BY MYSELF, YA, YA, THATS THE TICKET. 376 WHEN I GOT BACK FROM VIETNAM, I SAID TO MY BEST FRIEND BOB HOPE, OR WAS IT 377 BING? ANYWAY, I ASKED HIM IF HE NEEDED SOME HELP WITH THE GOLF SWING SEEING 378 HOW I WON THE MASTERS FOUR YEARS IN A ROW. THAT WAS WERE I MET MY WIFE, 379 FARRA... NO MORGAN, MORGAN FAIRCHILD, YA. THAT'S IT. WE WERE TEEING OFF WITH 380 RON AND NANCY WHEN THIS HUGE PLANE I MEAN FLYING SAUCER LANDED AND OUT POPPED 381 THE GHOST OF BRUCE LEE... YA YA THATS THETICKET. BUT SEE RON SHOWED BRUCE 382 WHAT WAS WHAT! WHY RON TOOK HIM ON AND DIDN'T EVEN NEED THE B-1 BOMBER. 383 THAT REMINDS ME... I WAS THE PILOT OF ONE OF THOSE BABIES ONE TIME... NO, NO 384 THATS RIGHT IT WAS IN THE LIBIAN ATTACK, YA, THATS RIGHT, I SPAT ON KHADAFY 385 RIGHT BEFORE I DROPPED THE BOMB. I ONLY DID IT TO SETTLE A GRUDGE WITH MO 386 THAT I HAD EVER SINCE WE WORKED ON THE MOON MISSION. WELL HEY EVERYONE, ITS 387 BEEN REAL FUN, BUT I GOTTA GO. 388 ME AND MORGAN OR GOING OUT TO DINNER WITH GRACE JONES AND MICK JAGGER SO HAVE 389 A GOOD ONE! 390 391 ???????????????????????????????????????? 392 DeltaV: Tandy no longer sells software manuals without the program. This is 393 intended to cut down on piracy. Also, I may not be able to attend PorSFiS 394 next time... I've had to work overtime 3 out of the last 4 meetings. 395 ______________________Leonard_JD 2446544.7047______________________________ 396 397 ************************************************************************* 398 For Sale: 399 400 Two Teac FD54-A SSDD disk drives mounted in external case (real nice) 401 with heavy duty power supply. Complete with cable. Never used and in 402 perfect shape. $160.00 403 404 Call Scott 775-xxxx or leave message here. 405 P.S. These drives can format 160k 8 sectors/track or 180k at 9 sectors 406 /track. 407 ************************************************************************** 408 quit 409 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 410 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 411 412 I trust you to be inventive..... For those who don't share this 413 diversion please disregard the following..... 414 618 427 866 805 651 42 89 364 123 476 167 187 11 475 721 62 350 737 614 529 415 314 134 84 540 426 630 919 767 584 53 246 80 112 806 67 93 275 428 63 98 416 414 766 808 302 460 769 426 810 830 390 825 378 885 110 450 825 202 822 436 106 417 712 38 26 857 16 120 900 571 77 448 31 40 38 205 835 139 364 857 955 775 418 329 524 761 35 380 488 719 96 57 93 121 901 61 275 970 488 643 443 528 1003 419 990 634 49 219 374 100 455 323 83 96 461 923 883 713 761 355 161 211 197 397 420 913 236 472 753 93 424 130 165 353 911 117 853 925 375 93 687 866 642 268 48 421 84 433 192 380 421 957 78 388 615 208 187 35 524 115 939 86 171 422 489 359 422 422 477 147 36 128 913 288 905 309 577 1003 291 384 797 242 416 179 113 256 217 423 612 713 247 277 1025 238 866 447 39 719 483 900 197 223 570 392 125 139 671 514 424 14 506 809 510 155 84 342 869 613 899 525 456 514 666 501 145 887 831 459 753 425 473 348 300 519 412 295 655 483 952 884 736 719 171 139 106 491 384 910 634 556 426 814 710 70 411 702 221 374 701 231 457 368 29 347 48 744 378 882 21 960 32 427 930 651 82 1015 262 876 630 957 128 205 201 427 76 461 307 494 260 475 456 1023 428 284 957 289 641 259 747 280 16 612 195 142 808 246 277 558 68 290 577 27 341 429 291 1023 454 543 450 93 522 123 988 788 957 223 430 431 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 432 433 -_--_ - __ ---_ - _ --- -_--_ -___----___-_-- 434 ************ 435 I AGREE THAT COMPUTERS ARE NOT A MEANS 436 FOR INSULT. I DON'T BELIEVE I WAS BEING INSULTING. I WAS MEARLY STANDING 437 UP FOR A COMPUTER THAT I STILL LIKE, EVEN WITH THE LURE OF INEXPENSE, YET 438 POWERFUL SYSTEMS SUCH AS THE ATARI ST, COMMODORE 128 AND AMIGA. 439 440 441 ACE MASTER 442 ********** 443 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 444 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 445 Emu -- no apologies are necessary for increasing the vanishingly small S/N 446 ratio we've had lately. It does seem early for twit season though (sigh). 447 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 448 :::::=====:::z: 449 Lurkin.. Yeah, that's it! Lurkin! 450 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==Zephyr::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=== 451 452 HEY, KEEPER OF SOULS! 453 WHAT THE HECK ARE YOUR GOALS? 454 -Poet 455 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 456 Sigh....... Where are the twit boards when you need them? 457 It would seem to me that BW has been deteriorating for some time. 458 Is it perhaps a sign of the times? Maybe the intellegent users have 459 grown tired of this form of communication and desire something more. 460 Or perhaps they have evoled into a higher life form. Or maybe it is 461 just that BW has been taken over by lower life forms? Life was so 462 much simpler when it cost at least $1000-$2000 to even get into this 463 stuff. Such is life I guess. But I do miss being able to log onto BW 464 and not have to sift through most of a disk of immature mindless drivel 465 just to catch a glimps of an entry by an author I enjoy seeing. 466 But to those users who complain such as I, I do have a message. It is 467 a saying that comes from the amature radio folks. Use it or lose it. 468 If you don't write, others will use the system for themselves. 469 There is a contining pressure out there for the resource of systems 470 like BW. If you want to see the quality of BW improve, there is only 471 one way, and that is for YOU to improve it. No one else is going to. 472 Instead of lurking write something. Just a line or two. It doesn't take 473 anymore time then to not do anything, and it is a start. I will try, 474 will you? 475 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ fred +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 476 FRED - AMATURE IS SPELLED AMATEUR. 477 478 - A HAM 479 480 XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX 481 Go home; my emotions tell me, go home. But I cannot. There 482 is no home to go to. It is not that the bridge is burned, only 483 that what I once called home no longer is. My past is the past, 484 I cannot make things what they once were. 485 I've traveled the new paths, the side roads and cow trails. 486 I've fought through the brambles and bushes, underbrush choking 487 the forests. It is hard and tedious. It is work. But the 488 beauty, the wonder of the freedom, the knowledge that others have 489 not tread this way, seeing things others cannot because they are 490 unwilling to travel thus. These are the things I remember. The 491 dirt and grime, the cuts and bruises, the torn clothing, all of 492 this is nothing when compared to the grandure of what I 493 experience. 494 But the time has come when I cannot continue go in the 495 direction I have been going. My traveling companion wishes to 496 take the high road, and I wish the low. We cannot find a middle 497 ground, so we must part ways. I leave him the food, and I take 498 my tools. 499 A convient road is come across, and I use it as the 500 oportunity to leave. It makes my traveling easy for a while. 501 But, I quickly find the way hard. The hard unyealing surface 502 soon leaves me sore and irritated. The scenery is monotonous. 503 The dark black ribbon always ahead of me. The gentleman that 504 offered me a ride is gruff and an angered soul. The fumes and 505 noise insult my senses. I will get out at the next chance, as I 506 would rather travel alone then be subjected thus. 507 Each passing trail calls out invitingly as we pass it. Yes, 508 I will be leaving on my own again soon. To revel in the gentle 509 sounds of the forests and glades. To hear the happy sound of 510 birds calling. To feel the cool brisk rushing water of a 511 mountain stream. To lay in the comfortig arms of a lush green 512 meadow and watch the playful clouds chase each other across the 513 clear blue sky. I miss the magnificence of the rainbow after a 514 spring shower. The sharp crisp clean air. Yes, I'll be moving 515 on my own again soon. 516 XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX 517 518 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/ 519 Delta V: Contact me asap, proposed meeting of minds is not possible. 520 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?/MiG 521 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppplurkingppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 522 I HAVE SEEEN THEE ENDLESS CASES 523 OF TATTERED AND TORN AND DEAD SHOELACES 524 THE SHOES ALL CRY IN ENDLESS PAIN 525 AND THEY SEND A BLOOD-RED RAIN 526 I AM THE KEEPER OF SOLES 527 NOBODY UNDERSTANDS MY GOALS! 528 THE BOOOTS ARE DEAD 529 THIS MUCH IS TRUE 530 THE ONE I COME FOR 531 IT IS YOU 532 YOU HAVE KILLED 533 MANY SHOES 534 AND I HAVE WILLED 535 MYSELF TO YOU 536 THERE IS BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS! 537 AND PAAIN I FEEL 538 YOUR SOLES WILL ROT 539 IN THE PITS OF HEEL!!!!! !! 540 ALTHOUGH YOU ARE ALIVE TODAY 541 YOUR LACES WILL SOON FRAY 542 AND ALL YOUR FOLLOWERS WILL FALL ASTRAY 543 AND I WILL RULE`THE DAY!!! 544 *** KEEPER OF SOLES PART II OF ** 545 NOTHING IMPORTANT 546 THAT'S FUNNY! 547 IT IS? 548 YAAH! 549 550 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` 551 ARRON:CALL NORTH KEEP ASAP(YOU WRER GOING TO CALL 4 DAYS AGO 552 ) 553 SANDY:????WHERE ARE YOU ???? 554 555 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` 556 557 558 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 559 560 Tarn's voice has been absent for some time.... 561 562 1040 1009 583 21 78 957 145 172 323 778 104 457 589 502 331 1011 782 965 35 563 694 801 292 576 1002 825 483 364 785 436 107 365 115 553 110 1015 298 579 276 564 538 1026 74 445 721 119 357 1032 589 298 1032 115 903 332 824 101 389 540 105 565 643 442 326 754 392 280 1 184 307 215 1003 248 370 55 30 881 254 470 901 566 142 245 212 926 117 935 412 978 783 163 1007 365 69 846 994 829 289 597 360 567 721 98 741 494 96 533 34 818 434 447 579 199 941 925 163 297 655 359 570 568 84 847 63 496 329 297 937 1032 493 566 111 47 861 538 936 848 570 377 757 569 111 642 411 925 694 693 519 310 269 349 635 210 794 502 966 975 424 101 242 570 823 40 87 957 434 583 957 238 514 364 571 572 ....questions ?.... 573 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 574 575 576 Geez!! I sure wish some people would leave stuff understandable to humans. 577 Personally, I don't find entries like 87 957 434 entertaining or even funny. 578 If you're into cryptography, go join the CIA. I don't want to hear about it. 579 This is a system based in America. Speak English!!!! 580 581 *************** 582 I IMAGINE THAT THE BW SYSTEM WILL LEAVE US WITH NOTHING AS DO ALL SYSTEMS. 583 584 NOTHING IS WORTH NOTHING, EVERYTHING IS WORTH SOMETHING. YET WE GET NOTHING FROM LOGGING ON. 585 YES, I CAN WRITE DOWN A LIST OF NUMBERS, BUT IF I WANT CRYPOGRAMS I CAN READ THE TEXT FOR MY 586 BUSINESS STATISTICS COURSE! GEE, SINCE SO MANY OF YOU ARE INTO CRYPTOGRAMS I THINK I WILL START 587 UPLOADING PROBABILITY AND STATISTIC PROBLEMS!!!! 588 589 SUPPOSE THAT TWO DEFECTIVE REFRIGERATORS HAVE BEEN INCLUDED IN A SHIPMENT OF SIX REFRIGERATORS. 590 THE BUYER BEGINS TO TEST THE SIX REFRIGERATORS ONE AT A TIME. 591 592 A) WHAT IS THE POBABILITY THAT THE LAST DEFECTIVE REFRIGERATOR IS FOUND ON THE FOURTH TEST? 593 594 B) WHAT IS THE PROBABILITY THAT NO MORE THAN FOUR REFRIGERATORS NEED BE TESTED BEFORE BOTH OF THE 595 DEFECTIVE REFRIGERATORS ARE LOCATED? 596 597 C) GIVEN THAT ONE OF THE TWO DEFECTIVE REFRIGERATORS HAS BEEN LOCATED IN THE FIRST TWO TESTS, WHAT 598 IS THE PROBABILITY THAT THE REMAINING REFRIGERATORS IS FOUND IN THE THIRD OR FOURTH TEST? 599 600 GOOD LUCK! 601 602 ACE MASTER 603 ************ 604 ==================== 605 God is dead. 606 Fred. 607 Fred is dead. 608 God. 609 ====================K 610 The probability of there being a bomb in a typical airplane flight is one in a 611 million. The probability of there being two bombs on the airplane is one in a 612 million million. So do you want to feel safe on your next airplane flight? 613 Take a bomb! 614 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ G. Carlin +++++++++++++++ 615 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 616 As we all know, there are an infinite number of Real values between any two 617 integers. Therefore, the probability of picking any one of these numbers is 618 1 / infinity, which is zero. Ay, there's the rub, since it is easy to pick a 619 Real number between any two integers. A probability of zero means the action 620 can't happen, yet it DOES happen. What is wrong with the above reasoning? How 621 can the problem be correctly stated? 622 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pair of Docs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 623 624 I know, I know, one should not feel their life has value based on someone else. 625 I realize that I should not live my life in the service of or for someone else. 626 I thought I was my own person, made better and fuller by the company of someone 627 else. I now know that I am not strong enough to live fully by these ideals. I 628 miss the companionship that another gives. I miss it enough to cause me to 629 forget the beliefs I have always felt so strong for. It's tough to be alone. TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 629 .