1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ************************* INSTALLED: 5 AUG 86 ********************** 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 no restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 to leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 *********************************************************** 19 20 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZAP! 21 Should I say it? 22 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZoom... 23 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 24 AH, SO CLOSE, YET SO FAR.... 25 TO ALL WHO PREACH ABOUT THE GREATNESS OF THE GOOD OLE DAYS, HERES MY PERSONAL 26 PERSPECTIVE: 27 I HAVE HAD A MODEM FOR 3 YEARS. MY FIRST MODEM WAS A C-64 MODEM, AND NOW I 28 AM USING AN ATARI SYSTEM. I HAVE PROB 29 BEEN MODEMING FOR A BIT LONGER THAN SOME OF YOU, BUT WHO REALLY CARES. MY 30 MEMORIES OF YOUR GOOD OLE DAYS ARE NOT SO NOSTALGIC. IT SEEMS THAT ALL THAT 31 YOU ARE SEEKING IN A SYSTEM, SUCH AS BACKWATER, IS TO KEEP A RELATIVELY 32 SMALL GROUP OF FRIENDS TOGETHER. INSTEAD OF WELCOMING NEW USERS, YOU PROD 33 THEM BY CALLING THEM NAMES, SUCH AS "TWIT". BIG DEAL, HOLY MEN. ITS NOT GONNA 34 MATTER TO ME MUCH IF BWMS GOES DOWN. OR ANY GIVEN BOARD. BW HAS CONSTANTLY 35 SHOWN ME LITTLE REASON TO STAY AND CONTINUE TO LOG IN EACH AND EVERY (OR EVERY 36 OTHER) DAY. THINGS HAVE BEEN SLOW LATELY. OK, THIS IS LIFE. BUT PLEASE DONT 37 PRETEND LIKE THE PAST WAS SO GREAT. IT WAS RELATIVELY THE SAME AS TODAY. 38 THINK: CHILDREN LIVE IN "TODAY", THE PRESENT 39 ADULTS LIVE IN THE FUTURE 40 THE OLD LIVE IN THE PAST... 41 IM TRYING TO SAY, THE PRESENT IS ALL THAT MATTERS! IF YOU BLOW IT NOW, THERE 42 WILL BE NO BW TOMORROW..... 43 TED SALLIS, THE SWAMP THING..... 44 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 45 =+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+= 46 47 <<->><<->><<->><<->><<->><<->><<->><<->><<->><<->><<->><<->><<->> 48 There is chaos and there is nothing. There is no light, 49 there is not even the concept of light. Reality is 50 disintegrating. The very fabric of existance collapsing in on 51 itself. Life itself grown in complexity, one with the cosmic all, 52 infinate knowledge and nothing. No knowledge of self, no self to 53 have knowledge of, only the feeling of fullfilment, all 54 encompassing, completeness, peace and serenity. Feelings of loss, 55 death, decay, a forever perception disinegrating, disapating into 56 nothing, the end of everything... and the beginning. 57 <<->><<->><<->><<->><<->><<->><<->><<->><<->><<->><<->><<->><<->> 58 Yeah, I noticed that too. 59 60 How about listing other bbs numbers on this system ----- & 61 7e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e1 62 63 The Nevada landscape spread out like a giant hand laid flat upon some 64 plain. Hills like knuckles rose in the distance, and a speeding car threw up 65 a small cloud of dust along the palm. The car flew straight across the 66 desert. The thin line of blacktop it followed the only thing that appeared 67 man-made on the sun-drenched tableau. 68 From the car's viewpoint, the knuckle-hills were the only relief to the 69 otherwise flatness this part of Nevada offered. Miles and miles of empty 70 spaces. 71 But looks can be deceiving, and Parity knew this to be true. They were 72 only two hours out of Vegas, heading for a place he had not seen in many years. 73 But the destination held fond memories of friendship and security, and that 74 was enough to push Parity's foot further down on the accelerator. 75 Fellows had seen better days. Even with the compound bandage Parity had 76 fixed outside of town after the escape from the hotel parking lot, blood 77 seeped through, staining the car's cloth seatcover. Parity realized that any 78 place equipped to give medical help was also equipped to call the police. From 79 the car's radio Parity knew that the Westward Ho explosion was the talk of 80 the town, and the number-one unsolved crime on the law enforcement books. 81 He had one alternative. Four years back on another mission in the area, 82 an injured Parity had stumbled onto a farm house out in the middle of that not- 83 so-popular place called nowhere. Barely able to stand, Parity had crawled to 84 the door, and collapsed against it. The next thing he remembered was lying 85 in bed, discovering his wounds expertly dressed, and hearing soft country music 86 playing in the background. The occupants of the house turned out to be a 87 retired doctor and his wife, who after years of living in the city had 88 decided, with more than a little trepidation, to live in the country. Their 89 approximate three-hour normal drive to Vegas was the one compromise they made 90 to getting back to their roots. 91 Doctor Buchan, and his wife, Ionna, took care of Parity for one week, until 92 he had enough strength to stand the ride back to the airport in the doctor's 93 old Cadillac. Parity never forgot them, and they had said to be sure and 94 drop in again sometime. Agent Parity was about to take them up on their offer. 95 The scenery of Parity's drive with Fellows unconscious in the passenger 96 seat blended into that of Buchan's drive with Parity four years ago. Parity 97 remembered what he and the doctor had said during the trip. 98 "Son, I won't ask you what you do for a living or what you were doing in 99 the desert on foot half-dead. But I've seen wounds like the one's you have, 100 and I know how people get them. You aren't a Fuller-brush salesman on a long- 101 distance call." The doctor thought humor was one of the best medicines, and 102 rightly so. 103 "Then you probably also know I can't really tell you what I do, even if 104 you did ask. I appreciate your not asking too many questions. I realize it 105 is not every day a bleeding stranger comes up to your door." 106 "No, Ionna and I don't get many visitors. Our monthly trip to stockpile 107 the cupboard is just about the exposure we get to people anymore. I'm too 108 old to live completely off the land, besides this land isn't worth a hoot- 109 in-Hell for growing anyway." As Buchan said this, his friendly eyes turned 110 to Parity and he smiled. "We came out here to get away. I think you did too." 111 112 The road changed consistency, from blacktop to older cracking pavement. 113 Parity remembered when the road had changed the other way before, and knew 114 he was only a few more minutes to the house. He looked at Fellows, whose 115 head lay back between the head rest of the seat and the window. A slight 116 rise and fall of Fellows' chest told Parity his friend was still alive. But 117 the rise and fall was not regular, and Parity knew he didn't have much time. 118 As the car drew closer to the doctor's old homestead, a multitude of 119 worries flashed through Parity's mind. What if they were gone? What if they 120 had given up their place and moved back to the city. What if the doctor isn't 121 up to taking care of Fellows? There were so many questions that Parity had 122 not had the time to ask. He started to worry. His hands clenched the steering 123 wheel even tighter. 'Almost there.' he said to himself. 124 125 7e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e17e1 126 127 ************************************* 128 * * 129 * Call the Road House BBS * 130 * * 131 * (503)286-xxxx * 132 * 300/1200/2400 * 133 *8 data bites, No parity, 1 stop bit* 134 * * 135 * Open 24 hrs a Day * 136 * 1.2mgb of disk space * 137 * * 138 * The only Portland Area Mac Board * 139 * devoted to the Macintosh! * 140 * * 141 * 'ey Mate give us a rin' * 142 * * 143 ************************************* 144 . 145 Boards devoted to Advanced Dungeons 146 andDragons, BattleTech, programming, 147 and many others. 148 Two download sections with many 149 games and programs. If ya' don't see 150 something, ask for it. 151 If you have a Mac and a Modem this is 152 the place to call. 153 . 154 'ey Mate give us a rin' 155 Who really gives a &%$&%%(&# about D&D!!!!!!!!!!! 156 157 ***** 158 *Triple Five* 159 Was Here! * 160 ************* 161 162 163 ************* 164 *Triple Five* 165 * Was Here! * 166 ************* 167  168 169 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 170 171 S P E C I A L N O T I C E 172 ---------------------------- 173 August 3, 1986 174 ---------------------------- 175 176 Bit Bucket BBS is now officially OFFLINE. The 'bbs' and 'bucket' logins will 177 no longer function, as of 11:00 AM on 03-AUG-86. Notification will remain 178 online through 31-AUG-86, at which time the 'bbs' login on this system will be 179 removed. Please spread word to other BBSs that Bit Bucket is no more! 180 ################################################################################ 181 182 Excerp from Current Bit Bucket Logon 183 184 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 185 186 GAWD! YOU'D THINK AFTER TRYING TO GET IN HERE ALL DAY ONLY TO FIND IT BUSY, 187 THERE'D BE SOME MORE INTERESTING STUFF THAN A STORY AND YET ANOTHER BIT BUCKET 188 EXCERPT! 189 190 ____08/06/86__________________JD 2446649.6618_________20:53:12_PDT_________ 191 NKNKNKNKKKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKN 192 LEONARD, GIVE ME A CALL, NEED THE PRINTER OP-MANUAL ASAP. ... JIM ... 193 NKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNKNNKNKNKNKKN 194 c 195 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 196 197 Gentlemen, 198 I just got off the phone with Mark. He claims he might be 199 persuaded to come to town....provided ( to use his terms ) there were 200 sufficient " Lambs ". I told him I would pass the word...and because of 201 such short notice...I was unsure that we would have a quorum.... 202 So riskers ...diplomats all...is it....Yea or Nay. 203 Saturday night same time same place... 204 205 ::::::Alex:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 206 207 NAY!!!!!! Risk is bad. Forget it. 208 7e1: Knuckle-hills? Oh, please... 209 210 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 211 FTU: I had wondered about that piece of mail. 'Tis a wonder I was able to 212 read it, so little I know of UN*X, mail, uucp... 213 +++ Shifting into infrequent lurk mode, Milch. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 214 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 215 CONCERNING THE BIT BUCKET: 216 AND GOOD RIDDANCE I SAY. THE SYSOP WAS A STRICT S.O.B., THE MAJORITY OF THE 217 USERS WERE STUFF-SHIRT BROWN SHIRTS, AND THE SOFTWARE WAS SLOW AND OUTDATED. 218 HARDWARE TOO. I SHANT MISS IT A BIT.. 219 THE SWAMP THING 220 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 221 Shifting into Barf mode... 222 <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0> 223 I would hardly consider a multi-user Tektronix Unix workstation with 224 80 megs of hard disk storage 'outdated hardware.' But then, you're only 225 here to stir up a fight...right? 226  The Defender Thing 227 228 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 229 I think 'The Defender Thing' was right about the drivel posted about 230 me by 'The Swamp Thing' (what an appropriate monker!)--he does seem only 231 to be interested in starting a fight. In any case, I truly do not care 232 what Swamp Thing cares concerning whether Bit Bucket was slow, outdated, 233 or whatever. That is "it's" privilege. However, the reference that I 234 am a "S.O.B." is something that sticks with me, and this, I resent. 235 It's types such as this that really make me glad that I took the system 236 down when it did. I wouldn't want the stench of such beasts to cause 237 . 238 .END 239 Hey, don't worry. Anyone who pays money out of pocket four years to provide 240 a service for many people can't be all that bad. I think I'm not the only 241 one here who understands that. 242 243 %*@#_)%*@_)#%*_)!%*!_)%(*_)#@+(%*#@+^_@)*^_)$*^_)#$_#)*&_)*@#_)*%@#_)*%@_)*^ 244 Alex: Lambs? The Pro from Dover will do better next time. Short Notice? There 245 is no such thing. I'll make some calls. I have a new person who is interested 246 in coming. He hasn't played risk much but he is experienced at war games. I'll 247 explain later. Riskers? Are you out there? 248 7e1: Watch the knuckle-head references, will you? People might get the 249 impression you are playing on words again. 250 Milch: As someone who has mastered the far-reaching intricate nature of C64 251 operating systems, I am sure you can get the feel of little old unix. It isn't 252 that tough - there has been a lot of bad press from neophytes - and neophytes 253 sell Inforworlds. 254 &%&#@(&%#@&%@_#)&^@%&!_)%&!_& L'homme sans Parity &%)#@(&%)(&%!_%_)!*%_#!&%%@# 255 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 256 FLAMES TO UNIX! 257 FLAMES TO /ETC/PASSWD. 258 259 -FTU- 260 261 =+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+= 262 263 264 WHAT A BUNCH OF CHILDISH CHATTER!! 265 266 267 ************* 268 *Triple Five* 269 * Was Here! * 270 ************* 271 272 273 =+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+= 274 275 ____08/07/86__________________JD 2446650.5221_________17:31:55_PDT_________ 276 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.LurkusModius.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu 277 I'm look for a Texas Instruments Professional Computer users group 278 If you know of one leave a message for peanut 279 280 ........................................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 281 {+|+} <281> 860807^2208 ! 282 283 284 285 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPHIL 286 287 See the lonely man there on the corner. 288 What he's waiting for, I don't know. 289 But he waits, every day now. 290 He's juat waiting for that something to show. 291 292 293 -Phil 294 295 296 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPHIL 297 298 299 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 300 Something cold hit my forhead. And again. Coughing, I opened my eyes. 301 I was met witha veiw of green walls and a white ceiling. I felt tired and 302 weak. I wanted to go back to sleep, but the constant dripping on my 303 forhead wouldn't allow it. I tried to get up. At first my body wouldn't 304 respond, then I realized that my arms were tied. With that came the memory 305 of how I got here. 306 A robot, an android had drugged me and now I was laying in my own 307 bath tub tied up. The dripping water had been a help though, it lossened 308 the cloth bindings about my arms. With a little difficulty I was able to 309 break free. 310 Grasping the shower door for support, I climbed out of the tub. I 311 felt very week, but I had to get out of there. Stumbling towards the door, 312 I held on to it. My vistor appeared to be gone. The front door was open, 313 letting the warm outside air inside. I moved to go close the door. 314 Halfway there I slipped and fell. Oil... fine machine oil. It 315 appeared the android had a leak in it's lubrication system. Picking 316 myself up I closed the door. 317 My computer! Avoiding the oil slick, I headed back to the living 318 room. The CD drive was gone, as was the computer. A rather large amount of 319 oil stained the rug where I kept the computer. On impulse, I went to the 320 closet where I kept sveral cans of motor oil... sure enough, they were 321 gone. 322 Going back into the living room, I looked at the desk where I had 323 kept my computer. A glint of metal on the floor caught my eye. A cuff- 324 link? It was in the shape of a cog, and had the inscription IM5. 325 00000000000000000 8-7-86 21:48 000000000 Rupes Dern 0000000000000000000000 326 Rupes Dern: What ever happened to rescuing fair maidens? Somehow, the rescue 327 of a fair computer pales by comparison. Who knows? This is the 80's. 328 We have ERA, gay-rights and I guess you can rescue a computer if you want to. 329 But *what* would you do with it once you had it? Call Backwater? 330 I can think of more interesting things to do with maidens than modeming 331 BWMS. 332 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Huea Trang Choi Dang Truen Hung Nguyen 333 334 NOW IS THAT A MOUTHFUL OR WHAT? 335 336 what. 337 338 Rupes Dern? anagrammatically Super Nerd? How incredibly Euct. 339 340 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 341 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- 342 343 You know, 344 It seems to me that no matter what anyone does on this system 345 someone must complain. Let it be a debate, story (cheap or well weathered), 346 comment, marker, or even an excerpt someone finds a way or a reason to bitch. 347 Why don't these people do one thing -- TAKE SOME ADVICE OF MINE!!! -- 348 Do one of two things, first, SHUT UP!!!!!!! Or second, make some grown-up 349 logical suggestions as to what they think BWMS is to be used for. Once you've 350 completed the second suggestion why not try out the first?!!!! Come on folks 351 lets all grow up!!!! 352 353 BAC... 354 355 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- 356 357 What ever happened to the good old days on Backwater? Are the days of desent 358 modeming gone for good? 359 360 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Bobby%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 361 362 =+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+= 363 Awwww.. WHY DON'T YOU 364 GO CRY IN SOMEBODY ELSES 365 -- DUCK SOUP!! -- 366 367 368 ************* 369 *Triple Five* 370 * Was Here! * 371 ************* 372  373 =+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+= 374 375 Milch: no PorSFiS tomorrow. Most members are attending CON IV at the Nyberg Inn 376 in Tualitin. 377 There won't be a meeting on the 23rd either. That's the PorSFiS picnic. 378 ____08/08/86__________Leonard_JD 2446651.5718_________18:43:25_PDT_________ 379 .-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=- 380 ZXCXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXZZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXZZXCZXCZXCZXCZXZZXCZXCZXC 381 Well, how can I leave an invitation likethe above alone? 382 I'll tell you whasat Backwater means to me; even if you don't want to know. 383 384 I was intent on shootinga recently completed story through the lines, but after 385 reading what I have, I feel compled to 386 put my cents in. 387 All, and I mean ALL, of my life, I have wanted nothing more than to write. 388 No riches, fans, or concubines did I pursue, only that one day someone should 389 see my by-line and say, 'Now, I think 390 this guy can write something worth 391 reading!'. That's it. To the letter. 392 393 It was Hemmingway who said, 'To be a 394 writer, one must write'. It may sound 395 simple, but the implications go deep, though that's only in the meaning to the 396 reader. I find it hard to focus all of the ideas I have into a beam of thought, 397 and that is what plauges me. For lack of a horse... 398 399 I call Backwater to sharpen my senses. No drug effects me like a 'good' call to 400 Backwater. A cold numbs my chest and slows my respiration. An awareness 401 encompasses me. My jumbled ideas are grouped and I can, when dropping carrier, 402 begin to write. Not expirament or test;really write! I have no explination 403 for this, and want none. It may be thatone day Backwater will no longer effect 404 me in this manner. If it goes down, that will surely be the case. 405 406 I've used up my space. Please ignore these ramblings. 407 408 Dedicated - PEN NAME 409 ZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZXCZX 410 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 411 412 Emu: Can we talk? I think you know how to find me. 413 414 Miss Nomer 415 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 416 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. 417 Miss Nomer: I guess we do know someone in common. I'll see what I 418 can do about getting your phone number, or you could get mine 419 thru the same source? I'm not working next week, so don't try there. 420 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu 421 Comxing soonx to xa screexn near you: Smudge the Ottoman! 422 423 THORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHOR 424 It had been many months since THOR's last visit to the INN and as he settled 425 his square frame down upon a chair near the hub of the visitors he overheard 426 one of the visitors speak of the loss of another of THOR's favorite resting 427 spots. The Bit Bucket gone? How could this be THOR thought to himself. 428 So many friends and even some worthy foes had been met at that fine place. 429 THOR thought of the wonderful and colorful tales and stores told by the 430 visitors he had met there and his heart felt heavy in his great chest. This was 431 indeed a sad day for such a place was hard to find where friends can exchange 432 views and ideas. Tales of Wizards, Trolls and warriors. Even a cookie eater or 433 two. Men and women shared their thoughts with not only each other but with the 434 youthful visitors who were sometimes novice in their methods and words. 435 The terrible battle scars upon THOR's mighty frame began to ache and he hurt 436 inside and out for the loss of a place to see and hear about life on this 437 world of poets and writers. 438 THOR ordered a large ale to toast the absence of BIT BUCKET and while waiting 439 for the beer keeper, set out his pipe to smoke a blend of turkish tobacco he 440 had been saving for his visit to their Inn. As the flame touched the shredded 441 tobacco it began to sparkle and snap wand THOR made a wish upon this lucky 442 sign that the BIT BUCKET would not forever be absent. 443 THORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHOR 444 BOREDOM-BORDER 445 That aboveformentioned Tek UNIX workstation was dropped by Tek from it's 446 product line. I think there may have been a reason for this, like speed, 447 crappy Kernel implementation and a host of other problems. As for me and 448 the Bucket, I was kicked off of said BBS after staying on one night for 449 20 extra minutes. I don't know about you folks, but I consider this extream. 450 So yes, this could be considered a quip from a random name, but the random 451 name comes from having known what happens when a known name says something 452 bad about something everyone else is greaving over. 453 BOREDOM-BORDER [r6 /extream/pristine correctness] 454 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 455 =============================================================================== 456 457 Too bad the above comments are incorrect in their assumptions about the reasons for the demise of Tek Graphic 458 Work Stations. First of all, the Tek 6130 is *not* a discontinued product. You can ask the hundreds of customers 459 who are using the 6130 right now. I don't know where you got the idea that Rick's system was an orphan. He put it 460 together a piece at a time to save costs, not because that was the only way it was available. There is another unix box 461 in town that is an orphaned Tek product. That is a 6205, not a 6130. There is a difference even though both are based on 462 the same chip set/future bus. As for kernel implementation, let's see some credentials before you start making such 463 brash statements. The Kernel is the most important part of unix, and if you think Tek was sloppy with their modification 464 of the original National Semiconductor kernel, what's your proof? Half-truths and anonymous snide remarks just don't 465 cut it. 466 Marketing drives Tektronix, not engineering. This may not be the best way, but it is the way things are done. If you 467 can't understand the real reasons behind some products going to market and other products not, any discussion about the 468 success or failure of Tek's CAD/CAM effort is useless. 469 French Toast 470 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 471 472 =+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+= 473 474 Hey, you bunch of 475 weakies why don't you 476 go cry somewhere, where 477 I don't have to listen 478 to you. 479 480 ************* 481 *Triple Five* 482 * Was Here! * 483 ************* 484  485 486 AND HAS SPOKEN! 487 488 =+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+= 489 490 491 ============================Ornac has returned!=========================== 492 G2 * 493 G2 BOMM 494 .-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-. -=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-.-=-. 495 496 KMA FOR AUTOPATCH 497 498 Well, that was a productive session. Hope the rest goes as easily. 499 VI NOFF ;-) 500 ____08/09/86__________Leonard_JD 2446652.5789_________18:53:43_PDT_________ 501 THOR says hello to those who remember. 502 REMEMBER WHAT? 503 504 ************* 505 *Triple Five* 506 * Was Here! * 507 ************* 508  509 510 511 Question ???????????????????/ 512 why do cowboys roll up the sides of their hats?????????? 513 514 answer [[[[[ so they can fit three in a pickup......... boo 515 516 off 517 exit 518 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 519 /////////////////////////////MC\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 520 Who let Yellow Donald loose on this system? Am I going to have to blow 521 up his back yard with some M-100's again? maybe I should go knock on 522 his door... 523 have fun cowering in your basement, Donald. 524 /////////////Triple Five's mortal enemy, MC\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 525 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""&""""""""""""""""""""""""""PEN NAME 526 Nitey-nite!!! 527 lurkius barfius 528 529 530 531 >> << >> << >> << >> << >> << 532 533 534 Well, I tell you what MC.... You come sit outside my house all night 535 long. You set one foot on my property and your a dead man. 536 537 That's all there is to it. No B.S. about it out here...... 538 539 540 D.E.M. 541 542 543 544 Well hello "R F" 545 546 547 ************* 548 *Triple Five* 549 * Was Here! * 550 ************* 551  552 553 554 555 >> << >> << >> << >> << >> << 556 557 555 & 530 . . . . . 558 559 /////////////////////////////MC\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 560 hate to tell you this, whoever you are, but the real Yellow Donald doesn't have 561 the brains to dial a phone, much less use a terminal. Why do you think he 562 ent 563 /////////////////////////////MC\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 564 Well, Donald, I don't really have to set foot on your property to do anything 565 about you. I have the equipment to deal with you from any distance I please. 566 Not to mention I don't have to worry if I DO set foot on your property. 567 remember, I did that once and you refused to come out. I believe you hid in a 568 closet and there was a little yellow puddle running out from under the door 569 made your dad pretty upset. Anyway, that's how you got your name. Do you 570 remeber that? 571 /////////////////////////////MC\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 572 573 Oh wow, friends turning on one another. Sad sight. Pardon me for a moment. 574 Its Midsummer, and warm outside. There is little chance of a nuclear war, and 575 you're reasonably healthy. So, barring accidents, or a stupid act on either of 576 your parts, you are both going to live out this time in your lives. Keep it 577 pleasant. Don't frustrate yourself with a cold hate. 578 An attempt at providing advice, from one who has wasted a lot of tears and 579 tried to hurt his fists on his walls. [FLOURESCENT] [11] [57] [191] 580 581 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 582 Leonard: I was aware. My Pulsar detailed both days accurately enough... 583 Oh, I plan to show up to the picnic on the 23rd. I believe it is to be held 584 in the Hoyt Arbortorium, oui? 585 +++++tootiredtoeventhinkaboutwriting++++++ Milchar ++ 10 Aug 86, 10:30pm +++++ 586 =+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+= 587 588 MC or should I say "R F" are you really the one who called 555 Yellow Donald? 589 If so tell me where this took place. You know, what type of media did this 590 act take place on. 591 592 Various CH'es Right??? 593 594 Are you "R F" that has returned?? 595 You Know the term "R F" has two meanings to you. Right??? 596 597 598 599 ************* 600 *Triple Five* 601 * Was Here! * 602 ************* 603  604 605 =+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+==+-+= 606 ////////////////////////////////////MC\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 607 No, I ain't "R F". I don't know who that is. Yellow Donald got his name about 608 three years back when I stood on his front porch and called him out and he 609 failed to show. All he would do was yell threats through the door. Ever since 610 then, I, and soon everybody else, called him Yellow Donald. He raised hell 611 on the CB back then, trying to interrupt everybody's communications as best he 612 could. His reign of terror ended when I and a few friends made a raid on his 613 house with BB guns and M-100's. We managed to do some damage and after that 614 night we hardly heard from him anymore. I think his dad shut him down. Eventually he moved but his new location was too 615 far out to bother anyone of consequence. And I don't know who this guy pretending to be him is but he does have a 616 working knowledge of the person in question and how he acts. I just hope he isn't intending to do to backwater what 617 Yellow Donald did to channel 11. 618 //////////////////////////////MC\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 619 620 621 622 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 623 What is happening? 624 625 I don't follow this. 626 627 Please explain. 628 629 thanks  .