1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask.... 2 ************************ INSTALLED: 10 DEC 86 ************************ 3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator 4 ************************************************************ 5 GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6 PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned 8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public. 9 no restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is 10 privately owned, I retain thepright to remove any and all messages which 11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be 12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved) 13 to leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the 14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16 The line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18 ************************************************************************* 19 20 If I make make a comment (something I normally don't do -- especially something 21 as volatile as politics is -- but I will let loose to opinions. 1) To 22 Mr. Interceptor, while I don't necessarily agree with many of your 23 postulations, I do agree completely with your last message. As many 24 on the system who were around a couple of years ago remember, I did 25 not vote for Reagan or Carter, not liking either alternative. Nor 26 have I liked Reagan since, and this latest action only goes to prove 27 in my own mind that I was right. 28 2) In regard to the Cubain missile thing, you stated that there were only 29 two possibilities, one that there weren't any missles, and two that there 30 were but that the government wasn't acknowledging their existance. 31 There is a third possibility that you seem to refuse to accept. and that 32 is that there are indeed missiles there and the goverenment does not 33 know about it. That is a possiblity. I agree it has a low probability, 34 but there is still the probability, and it must be considered in any 35 scenario. Of course the obvious advantage of such a location is two 36 fold, one is that it would be almost impossible to stop any missiles 37 launched from Cuba into the southern states since there would be no 38 real time to react to the launch. And of course on a larger scale, 39 land based launches would be far more accuarate. All of this is why 40 Russia tried to set up a missile base there back then. Whether they 41 have succeded in later years, who is to say. Doubtful, but a possibility. 42 They do however have a refueling base there. 43 Having said that, I'll go back into hiding as is my whaughnt. 44 ******************************** CISTOP MIKEY **************************** 45 Ted, er Mr. Interceptor, can I ask you a question? Are you a skater dude too? 46 47 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 48 THORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHOR 49 THOR wishes to acknowledge that CISTOP MIKEY is most probably correct. 50 As THOR has been around this blue green earth for a few score years he has 51 seen much in the way of weapons and their modernization. 52 During the days of Nikita and Kennedy, the missiles that were cut off and sent 53 back to mother Russia were of the 5 and 10 megaton capacity. They were very 54 cumberson and needed stationary bases to be launched towards their targets. 55 They were not very effective in that they were especially slow in rising from 56 those bases and would have been easily recognized by our now sophisticated 57 monitoring devices. The probability of their reaching their targets in the 58 good old U.S. of A. were one in three. 59 Still not very good odds especially if you happened to be that particular ONE 60 that was not intercepted. But since 61 the time of the infamous BLOCKADE we 62 have signed a treaty with the USSR in 63 which we agreed to do away with ALL antimissiles. Hard to believe, huh? But 64 sadly true. We HAVE NO ANTIMISSILES anywhere, anymore to try and stop an 65 incoming attack. To make matters worse, with the advent of the CRUISE type 66 missile which is only 1/5th the size of the original 60's missiles, it is 67 virtually impossible to detect their incoming as they have the ability to 68 fly at heights of only 60 to 100 feet from the surface of this planet on their 69 way to a 10 to 20 megaton bone tanning 70 party. The Russians have their own 71 variety of this kind of missile and it is of the mobile type which means it 72 does not need a fixed land base to launch from. 73 The missile can be shipped in the guise of crated farming supplies to Cuba 74 and assembled in any large garage or warehouse. It can be mounted on a 2 1/2 75 ton truck and transported to any launch 76 site when needed. It is an almost certainy that those missiles are present in 77 Cuba with our own Cruise missiles stationed in Europe on Mother Russias door 78 step. With Cuba being the USSR's closest 79 ally to the USA they would have been moronic not to put those kind of missiles 80 their in order to 81 void the threat of ours in Europe. Not only is our intelligence departments 82 failures in their abilities(as shown 83 recently with the Reagan fiasco where 84 no two departments knew what the others were doing)but they are inept in their 85 methods of carrying out even the most 86 minor clandestine activity. Remember, 87 they couldn't even find where the 88 terrosist are keeping the hostages in the middle east. So not to sound too 89 pessimistic, I do not believe that the 90 Russians do not have missiles in CUBA 91 but I do not believe that they would 92 attempt to use them on a first strike 93 basis. I feel they are their ACE in the hole in case we imperialistic capitalists 94 decide to attack them first from our European bases. They would not and could 95 not advertise or use them as bargaining 96 pieces as they can admit of their existence without fear of more reprisals 97 against Fidels Fools. THOR apoligizes 98 for talking of such morbid matters for 99 so long of a time. 100 THORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHORTHOR 101 THOR REBUTE: 102 THOR! I CAN REALIZE YOUR FRUSTRATION, HOWEVER IF EVERYONE IN THIS COUNTRY FELT AS 103 AS YOU DO THEN WE SHOULD ALL LEARN TO APPRECIATE THE FLAVOR OF VODKA AND FISH EG 104 EGGS. 105 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: 106 THE REALIZATION OF THE TRUIUTH DOES NOT PRECLUDE THAT _NEONE MUST BE A DEFEATIST. 107 IN FACT, BY REALIZING THOSE TRUTHS PERHAPS IT MIGHT BE POSSIBLE TO STRAIN 108 FOR A PEACEFUL AGREEMENT INSTEAD OF ONE BASED ON DESTRUCTION. 109 BRAVO THOR, I DO NOT SEE THAT YOU HAVE GIVEN IN BUT ARE WILLING TO ACCEPT THE 110 MOST PROBABLE CONCLUSION. 111 THE CRITIC++++++++++ 112 PUKE, BARF, RETCH, ULLLLLLGGGGGHHHHHH! 113 BURP, VWOOOOORRRRRRPPPP! 114 115 116 117 118 Desparatly 119 seeking Adam 120 121 If anyone knows of t this man 122 ADAM SHANK 123 124 Please contact Dee 125 126 Portland,OR 97206 127 503-775-xxxx 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 enter message 137 138 139 140 "enter message" 141 142 THOR = ROTH = JEWISH = THAT EXPLAINED YOUR REFERENCE TO YOUR "MOTHER RUSSIA" 143 AMERICA, THE BEAUTIFUL........... 144 de10 145 146 --- 147 After reading all of the last disk and this disk up to this point, I have come 148 to my own opinion. I am extremely tired of political discussions and prolific 149 screen-graphic drawings by 10-calls-a-day skater dudes. If I want to engage 150 in some fascinating political discussion, I need only go to school. If I wish 151 to hear from hard-a** skater dudes, I'll go down to the local gang hangout. 152 Don't get me wrong. I am absolutely, unequivocally (1 l or 2?) saying that 153 such comments are acceptable occasionally (2 l's, definitely), but I have 154 personally grown tired of them in the last 10 minutes. Maybe some of you 155 skater dudes know what I'm talking about... it's like listening to a 156 Led Zeppelin tune for the 256th time! Or making love for 20 hours straight. 157 (Note: This was to catch the attention of twits and self-proclaimed studs.) 158 I'm not going whine. I know that doesn't work. I'm just asking for a little 159 variety. This does not mean to fill up Backwater with stories and otherworldly 160 names. Even that gets old after awhile. I know all this is useless, but 161 maybe, just maybe someone will disagree with me and respond, thereby forcing 162 the change I so desperately want. Unfortunately, I won't be able to come back 163 to see what's happened until mid-January. (L'homme, Voyeur, or French Toast 164 please insert French equivalent of such is life here). I realize that you are 165 more than likely getting bored with my ravings. GOOD!! 166 Now you know how I feel. 167 ---More aliases than you can imagine or remember. 168 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 169 Yea, me too, that's what I was going to say. I don't particularly care what the 170 Soviets have got up their ..... Big deal if the Soviets have got missiles on 171 Cuba, does it really matter? So we'll all get blown to bits, BIGL!!!!!!!!!! 172 Enjoy life, don't give us depressing thoughts. WHO CARES? 173 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>><><><><>< 174 175 176 HOW ABOUT GIVING REGAN A BREAK. 177 I CARE NOT WHAT ANY OF YOU THINK. 178 IF YOU DO NOT LIKE AMERICA---LEAVE 179 IF YOU DO LIKE AMERICA---BLESS YOU 180 IF YOU DONT CARE----------**** YOU 181 GOD BLESS THE U.S.A. 182 [][][][][[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 183 I have just been lurking, of late. I think the discussion has been 184 very good, although I am somewhat surpised at the switch from Middle 185 East weaponry to Cuban. Does anyone out there believe that perhaps the 186 time has come to change the presidency ? (The office, not just the 187 current occupant.) 188 My proposal would be to limit the CEO to 1 term of six years. It seems 189 that with the exception of FDR, six years is as long as anyone can remain 190 coherent as president in this century. 191 The second item would be to have both a President and perhaps a Premier. 192 One for domestic policies, which Reagan seems to be somewhat adept at, 193 and one for foreign relations, where Mr. Reagan seems to have his head 194 in a surprising anatomical position. 195 What do you think ? Would it be too cumbersome ? 196 How about the Canadian version, where a chief of state is elected until he 197 is defeated ? (If that is correct, something about a vote of 'no 198 confidence'.) 199 Just some thoughts. 200 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Friar [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 201 ____12/11/86__________________JD 2446776.5995_________18:23:18_PST_________ 202 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 203 Did any of you catch the bizarre entry on 204 the Parrott about the WHO CARES? thing? I 205 thought it was well written but I don't 206 quite know what to think of it. What was 207 your reaction? 208 209 Sandy 210 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 211 212 ====================================== 213 I DONT BELIEVE IN ANY OF YOU. YOU ALL EXIST IN A COMPUTERS MEMORY BANK. 214 ====================================== 215 216 -------------------------------------- 217 HUH??????????????????????????????????? 218 -------------------------------------- 219 GUMBY FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 220 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 221 222 ###################################### 223 IN RESPONSE TO THE IDEA ABOUT CHANGING 224 THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, I SAY THIS 225 226 THE FOUNDING FATHERS KNEW WHAT THEY 227 WERE DOING 228 229 LEAVE IT ALONE 230 231 A TRUE AMERICAN 232 ******--------- 233 ******--------- 234 ******--------- 235 ******--------- 236 --------------- 237 --------------- 238 --------------- 239 240 241 ###################################### 242 'Scatology', (n) frequent reference to excretory process in literature; study 243 of fossil excrement; gross obscenity - extract from the Penguin English 244 Dictionary. 245 246 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 247 248 Well, maybe we are all doomed by the actions of out fellow humans, but 249 what does it really matter when you are having a good time.... 250 (take that Theaus...) 251 Maybe what this board needs is a little creative writing.. 252 So be it. 253 254 SYSTEMS OF ROMANCE NO.3 255 256 A room in an Elizabethan period house. 257 Diamond pane leaded windows. Snow falling 258 outside. Log fire blazing in the stone fireplace. 259 The old gentleman in a dark green tweed suit 260 coughs nervously as he opens the door into a 261 lead lined aquarium room. The first time this 262 door has been opened since he placed an object 263 in the tank in 1948. He was a young man then. 264 265 The object was a radioactive isotope wrapped in 266 human skin. And it was submerged in an 267 aquarium full of organic fluids with a small 268 electrical current running constantly through it. 269 This arrangement was left undisterbed in the 270 dark sealed room until now. 271 272 An incredible stink meets him as he goes into the 273 blackness. He coveres his nose and mouth with a 274 hankerchief while he gropes for the rusted light 275 switch. The room is illuminated under rust 276 speckled fluoresent lights. 277 278 He sees a delicate pale fungus has developed 279 and spread over the ceiling and walls. The big 280 aquarium is now only partly full of a black 281 highly concentrated liquid. There is a half 282 submerged shape inside. 283 284 The doctor snaps on a pair of shiny rubber 285 gloves and throws an earth wire into the tank. 286 There is a black crackel of released energy. He 287 reaches down into the tank, brushing off the 288 accumulated sediment from the shape. He rolls 289 the thing over to inspect it and there is a flash of 290 broken gold among the glistening slime. The 291 thing looks like a small ancient Egyptian 292 mummy, thin and dark with fluid. Its limbe hang 293 from the tank into a shower. 294 295 The stink of many stagnant years spreads as the 296 warm needle spray cuts through the layers of 297 organic soup. Pieces of a filmy material, 298 tarnished gold on one side and black on the 299 other, break off and slide like wet gelatine down 300 the drain, as the old man eagerly washes off all 301 traces of the foul sediment. 302 303 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 304 305 More later, perhaps... 306 307 *--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--* 308 309 I want to know what the U.S.A. and Iran 310 are up to. 311 312 *--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--* 313 Sorry, you will probably never know, and neither will the rest of us. 314 - Pessemist 315 ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` 316 Ahhhhhh! The board is finally back to normal. 317 First, no I am not a skater dude, a simple comparison of writing styles 318 should tell that. I see you had to dig back into the files to find out my REAL 319 name, an action that is almost unheard of on backwater. I guess I have been 320 stirring up trouble, then. 321 Also, I think it is very probable that there are missles on Cuba, but I 322 think that we are keeping quiet about it. It is possible, yes, that we don't 323 know about it, but if we don't know about missiles that close to our borders, 324 then we might as well go home and go to bed. I still feel that sub launched 325 missiles in WWIII would make Cuban missiles insignificant. 326 I remember reading an analysis of the procedures that the President would have 327 to go through in case of a sudden launch. From his desk in the White House, a 328 special limo would rush him at top speed to the nearest airport(I believe Dulles) 329 and a warmed up helicopter would rush him to the airport out of town where a 330 jet would race him off to Wyoming. Or, a helicopter on the White House lawn 331 would race him to Dulles.. Anyway, the fastest route out of the White House 332 took twelve minutes before he was out of the city. This was after many trial 333 runs and experimenting. A sub launched missile would take an estimated 10 334 minutes at the longest to reach Washington. The general conclusion was that 335 if the President was in Washington and WWIII broke out then he was dead. 336 So from a stratigic point, what does it matter if Cuban missiles could 337 destroy the country. As soon as the nerve center goes, you've won. 338 ``````````````````````````Mr.Interceptor``````````````````````````````````````` 339 O\=<([V2V])>=/O 340 WHO CARES? 341 342 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 343 SOMEONE PLEASE DEFINE THE FOLLOWING.. 344 345 SKATER DUDE 346 PUNK 347 HUMAN 348 349 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 350 Since no one else seems to be in a very up mood, how about something 351 completely different: 352 353 Merry Christmass!!! 354 355 ******************************************************************** 356 TEST 357 TEST TEST 358 I guess the previous was a test. Merry Christmas accepted, but what does 359 it really mean? 360 361 Skater dudes nonwithstanding, Backwater enters another evolutionary stage. 362 363 Political discussions are interesting, because none of us are professional 364 politicians. We can't hide behind a facade of acronyms and sacred knowledge 365 like any discussion of computers, cars, stereo's, foriegn countries, etc. 366 would contain. In one sense of the word, we are all on equal ground. Then 367 again, I read some of the comments: The 'who cares', the 'it does not matter', 368 the typical apathetic head-in-sand attitude that so many users here appear 369 to have. People who offer such opinions are only further proving that they 370 have nothing useful to say. The can't add anything positive to the conversation 371 so they add something very negative. It is always easier to come up with 372 insults that it is to think of something constructive. Many people are taking 373 the easy route. If you don't like the discussion, don't make a pain-in-the- 374 ass of yourself telling everyone else your nihilistic point-of-view. Those 375 of us who are interested in conversing with other intelligent computer users 376 over an electronic media don't give a flying-fig about your lack of ability 377 to take part in the conversation. We don't want to hear it, so knock it off! 378 To the WHO CARES people, the I HATE DEBATE people, the CHARACTER GRAPHICS 379 people, all of them - Feel free to partake in discussions, but leave the 380 garbage at home. Clutter your own disks, and leave Backwater's disks free 381 for callers who have something worthwhile to say. 382 383 A. Debater 384 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~```````````````````````````````````````` 385 WHO CARES? 386 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 387 Boy, I've never seen such a pack of political animals. I agree with the fellow who wants to know what a skater dude is. 388 Also I want to know the rest of the story and what the man found in the tank. 389 And finally...Did you know that at 4:00 am on Wednesday December 31st, our 390 time, millions upon millions of people will be gathering in cities, towns and villages around the world (including Portland) 391 and including Russia to pray, meditate, cogitate, think, visualize, etc. on 392 world peace. There should be well over 50 million people simultaneously 393 concentrating on healing the planet of strife at that time. In Portland 394 there will be a group meeting at the Northwest Service Center 395 18th and NW Everett (I think - check phone book) starting at 3:30 am on 396 December 31st. It is free to all. Or take the time out on that morning 397 in your own home to make a move for world peace FOR US ALL!!!! 398 -----------Blessings be and a Very Merry Christmas--------------- 399 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 400 401 Well, here I am again, no thanks to the call-waiting, which I how have 402 disabled. I thought that I might call up and reveal some more of the 403 story. It seems that no one else has any thing of any literary interest 404 to say. Let's try and do a little better at this. Ok? Anyway, about my 405 political views, if we get nuked, which we will not, we will all be dead, 406 or as good as dead, so, who cares about missles, what we should really 407 worry about is a possible invasion or just ( this is more likely ) a 408 continuing cold war and arms race. However, who am I to say this, because, 409 I am but a mere speck... 410 411 SYSTEMS OF ROMANCE NO.3 (cont.) 412 413 The creature beneath resembles a thin, ten year 414 old boy with wet golden hair, and water 415 wrinkled skin like a feotus. The doctor dries him 416 off in heavy towels and places him on a sterile 417 trolley after massaging his skin with lanolin to 418 smooth it out. 419 420 There appears to be something wrong with the 421 left side of the boy's face and shoulder. In the 422 dimness of the room his face resembles an 423 antique paintings from a damaged religious 424 Icon, one side of it is corroded by a faint 425 irradescent bluish glow. 426 427 The doctor is deeply disturbed by this 428 unexpected imperfection, but nevertheless still 429 excited by the result of his long experiment. 430 431 With a small catheter tube he expertly clears the 432 boy's nose, mouth and ears of mucous, then 433 slides him into the body of a complex 434 life-supporting and monitioing system. 435 436 The machine hums and pumps, and after a 437 while the boy begins to breathe. His pale face 438 flushes delicately as his heart suffuses his skin 439 with blood. 440 441 After some hours, when he is at last certain that 442 the boy can function independantly the doctor 443 lifts him out of the machine and carries him into 444 a warm, darkened bedroom. 445 446 In the rustling dimness, winter birds sining 447 outside the curtained windows, the doctor is 448 quiet moved to tears by the boy's sleeping 449 religious aspect. The eroded edges of that 450 delicate face and shoulder seem unbearably 451 poignant. 452 "My own flesh and blood, all this time, all this 453 time and still not perfect, so damaged, so 454 damaged." 455 The doctor whispers softly, realising with 456 suprise that this is the first time he has felt any 457 strong emotion for many, many years. 458 459 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 460 461 I know, a bad place to leave off, but more later... 462 463 O\=<([V2V])>=/O 464 ====================================== 465 I DONT BELIEVE IN ANY OF YOU......... 466 467 IF YOU DONT LIKE THE U.S.A. 468 469 LEAVE..!!!!!!!!!!!! 470 471 *****---------- 472 *****---------- 473 *****---------- 474 *****---------- 475 --------------- 476 --------------- 477 --------------- 478 479 A TRUE AMERICAN 480 481 P.S. MERRY CHRISTMAS. 482 GOD BLESS AMERICA 483 484 ------------------------------------- 485 OFF 486 ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()HOWDY! 487 YEP ITS ME! 488 FOR THOSE DUDES WHO DONT KNOW ME IM THE GUY EVERYBODYS BEEN PICKIN ON! 489 YEA... THATS RIGHT.... SKATER DUDE.. 490 WELL ITS TIME FOR ME TO PICK ON OTHER PEOPLE LIKE...... 491 WHO THE HECK IS THE FLAG FREAK... 492 YOU KNOW THE GUY WHO DRAWS THE USA FLAGS ON THE SCREEN. 493 AND I WILL DEFINE THOSE TERMS FOR YOU. 494 495 SKATER DUDE-RAD 496 PUNK-SUCKS 497 HUMAN-OK 498 499 PUNK=SAMOAN..... ALGEBRA 500 501 OLLIE, JUDO-AIR, BONELESS, ENGLISH TWIST, FINGER FLIP 502 503 I AINT NO HARD-ASS.... BUD! 504 WELL HERES A SKATEBOARD...(BETTER THEN A FLAG!) 505 506 507 \__________ 508 O O 509 ........LATER........ 510 ()()()THE ONE AND ONLY()SKATER DUDE()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() 511 HI WE AGREE WITH THE SKATER DUDE!!!!! TOTALLY & TRULY!!! 512 513 \___________________________ 514 OO OO OO O 515 A PETERBILT SKATE!! 516 TRUE BETTER THAN A FLAG...??? 517 THE CHRISTMAS BUNCH 518 EXIT 519 520 521 \________________________________|___|. 522 OO OO 00 00 0 523 OH GOOD GRIEF! I'M GOING TO BARF AGAIN!!! 524 ULLLLLLKKKK! HACCCCCKKKKK!! BLURRRRRPPPPPP!!! 525 REEEETTTTTTCCCCCHHHHHHH! SPLAT! 526 527 528 529 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 530 531 MEMO 532 TO: A. Debater 533 FROM: Me 534 535 Are you A.K.A. A. Complainer? 536 537 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 538 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 539 who knows what IVAN BOESKY's real name is? 540 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 541 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 542 ivan boesky 543 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 544 ...started already in progress. 545 "No I won't. You can't pull that St. Fred crap with me! 546 I'll find a way to get you back, I swear I will." 547 With venom were these last words spoken. 548 Little did they know what foul ecstasies were being enjoyed 549 by Gloria and Susan upstairs. 550 Gloria was almost having 551 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 552 553 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 554 555 A joke: 556 Q: What is a the name of a suspended zero-dimensional object 557 on the surface of the ocean? 558 A: A floating point. 559 560 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 561 `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` 562 Well, I can see that finals week is taking it's toll. It looks like the 563 political discussions are winding down. Is anyone yet in the mood for 564 adventuring? 565 566 567 The son entered the fathers small room, moved over to the edge of the bed 568 and sat down in the chair facing his father's face. Heavily lined and old, it 569 had many years of life stored away, and deep grey eyes looked out. 570 "You know that I am going to be dead before the morning, Eldrin." 571 "No, father, you will get better, the doctor said!" insisted his son. 572 "The time for lying is over, Eldrin. I feel Death near, I have been burning 573 up inside for the last week. I know the time is come." 574 The old man spoke simply, with no emotion. 575 "It has not been permitted for you to know, yet, but years before you were 576 born I did a favor for the Tecontar. In return, I was given a ring that had a 577 matching mate to it." 578 Here the man removed the ring from his left hand, and pointed out the ripples in 579 the edge of one side of the ring. 580 "these ridges correspond exactly to the ridges on an otherwise identicle 581 twin of it. If they are placed together with the ridges interlocking with other 582 the rings will display the symbol of the High house of the Tecontar. That 583 house is now no longer in existence, but there may be decendents from it. 584 The mate of this ring was kept as a heirloom in that house. At the time that 585 I was given it, I was told to pass it on to my son When he came of age. This 586 you have not yet done, but I must give you this ring before I die. There is a 587 prophecy on these rings that will be fufilled when they are once again joined, 588 one that I know but cannot tell you. You must take this ring, and find the 589 mate, to fufill my promise to the Tecontar." 590 "Who are the Tecontar?" Eldrin asked. 591 The old man smiled, "zThey live in the far east, go to the city of Roan and 592 ask about them. There you may still find news of them." 593 "Take about you certain companions of yours who might be interested in 594 this errand. You may search a long time." 595 At this the old man closed his eyes. 596 ```````````````````````````Mr. Interceptor```````````````````````````````````` 597 ************************************** 598 HEY, SKATER DUDE. 599 600 WHAT COUNTRY ARE YOU IN RIGHT NOW????? 601 THE AMERICAN FLAG STANDS FOR ALOT, MUCH 602 MORE THAN A SKATEBOARD. 603 IT INCLUDES EVERYHING ABOUT AMERICA. 604 EVEN YOU. 605 DO YOU THINK YOU COULD SKATE FREELY 606 IN RUSSIA????????? 607 NO WAY! 608 609 *****---------- 610 *****---------- 611 *****---------- 612 *****---------- 613 *****---------- 614 --------------- 615 --------------- 616 --------------- 617 618 A TRUE AMERICAN 619 620 Mr. Interceptor: Last I heard the copter would take him to Camp David. They havequite a bunker there. There are rumors of 621 another shelter under the white house. The only time that they'd have to do this is if there was no reason to expect the 622 attack. Otherwise, in times of crisis the president stays close to shelter. And all he needs to do is send one signal to 623 launch *our* attack. Plus there are contigencies that allow sub commanders to launch without orders. I suspect that if 624 Washington went, SAC would launch orders or no orders! 625 ____12/13/86__________Leonard_JD 2446778.1813_________08:21:07_PST_________ 626 (&)(&)(&)(&)(&)(&)(&)(&)I was informed that one of the poems I wrote, was seen on this bbs. The title ..TRANSITIONS.. 627 I personally posted it on the cop-shop and on my msg. bs. on trache de vie bbs. I was told it was not the compleate version 628 I do not want my writing adulterated!! I also would prefere if someone wishes to post it elsewhere, that they notify me 629 Through my bbs(Trache de vie(235-xxxx)I'm Falcon!!)If anyone has any more info. PLEASE let me know. (@-Falcon)(&)(&)(&)(&) TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES = 629 .