NUMBER OF LINES: 999 001=Usr:0 Null User 06/10/87 20:54 Msg:0 Call:0 Lines:19 1$If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2$************************* INSTALLED: 10 JUN 87 **************************** 3$Welcome to BWMS II (BackWater Message System II) Mike Day System operator 4$************************************************************************** 5$GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6$ PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7$BWMS II was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS II is a privately 8$owned and operated system which is currently open for use by the general 9$public. No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system 10$is privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages 11$which I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it 12$will be periodically purged of messages (only 999 lines of data can be 13$saved). To leave a message, type 'ENTER'. Use ctrl/C to get out the 14$ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the 15$message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace 16$the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up. 17$Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18$************************************************************ 19$ 002=Usr:0 Null User 06/11/87 02:09 Msg:181 Call:887 Lines:4 20 I wonder - does the new BWMS II continue the tradition of 21 AT THE TOP 22 ? 23 003=Usr:0 Null User 06/11/87 04:17 Msg:182 Call:893 Lines:60 24 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. 25 Emu looked into what was to be used as a classroom. Simply 26 labeled, a sign said 'Conf D' above the opening to the room. This was 27 where Emu was to start his apprenticeship, along with other new 28 recruits. Late. 29 He didn't mean to be late, but it really couldn't have been 30 helped. Emu's horse hadn't been cared for properly before his 31 departure. After cleaning up the oats spilled by his nervous hands, 32 he had to saddle and bridle the beast. Those of the equine nature can 33 smell nerves a furlong away, and this one had been absolutely no help. 34 In the stables at the Hallowed Farm, Emu gladly turned the reins over 35 to the stable boy. 36 Now, Emu is not normally a nervous person. He had gone 37 through the preliminary hearings and interviews with a strong will and 38 a quick mind, but now that he was accepted, he *had* to measure up to 39 expectations. Looking 'quality' for an hour long interview is one 40 thing: being 'quality' for the rest of one's life is quite another. 41 Nonetheless, here he was, about to step into the rest of his life. 42 This first meeting turned out to be a very fast and 43 overwhelming overview of the philosophies and practices of those who 44 would learn The Cube. Themes were explained and expounded upon, and 45 the "Theme Angels" were introduced: "Mr. Quality", "Mr. Clean", and 46 especially "Mr. Punctual". (Emu grimaced on the last.) 47 Then came the formalities: promisories, signatures, and the 48 final will and testament (just in case). Emu and the others were 49 reeling when lunch was finally served. 50 51 After lunch, Emu joined those who were learning the 52 fundamentals of The Cube. Here, he met several other apprentices. 53 These students had come from such far away places as Tejas, City of 54 Lost Angels, and City of Late Saints (also known as Utah). Together, 55 they delved into some of the simpler secrets of The Cube. 56 57 .-.-.-. 58 59 "Teacher?" 60 "Yes Emu, my son?" 61 "What is the meaning of my title, 'Apprentice, d0'?" 62 "That, my son, gives designation of your progress. You are as 63 a point: as it gains depth, it gains dimension." 64 "As a beginner, then, I have no dimension." 65 "That is true." 66 "As I gain enlightenment, I will gain dimension." 67 "True again." 68 "The Cube is said to have limitless dimension. If so, it must 69 be difficult to conceive. How does one command tha which he cannot 70 imagine?" 71 "One does not 'command' The Cube. One entreats The Cube with 72 magicks and incantations." 73 "To learn all of the spells will take much time. If all of 74 the students work, each can learn a different set at the same 75 time. Together, we can do what would take one many weeks in a short 76 time." 77 "Very good." 78 "Teacher, at what level may we begin to use The Cube?" 79 "You have used The Cube already, Apprentice d1." 80 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu 81 Hmmm - uploading, I seem to be loosing characters here and there. Is BWMS II 82 slower in processing input than BWMS was? 83 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu 004=Usr:0 Null User 06/11/87 04:37 Msg:183 Call:894 Lines:17 84 Rumbling, battering, boiling-- 85 Boom! 86 Grumbling, clattering, toiling-- 87 Doom! 88 Tumbling, splattering, broiling-- 89 Boom! 90 The only silence is the tomb! 91 92 Brawling, binding, burning-- 93 Boom! 94 Sprawling, winding, turning-- 95 Doom! 96 Bawling, grinding, churning-- 97 Boom! 98 The only silence is the tomb! 99 A 100 005=Usr:0 Null User 06/11/87 05:33 Msg:184 Call:897 Lines:1 101 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6~11~87~~01~13~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 006=Usr:0 Null User 06/11/87 06:13 Msg:185 Call:898 Lines:58 102 It seems to be about half as fast as it used to be. Sincerely, 103 104 R A D I O F R E E E U R O P E 105 106 "I am," She sat in the chair and kept her head tilted defiantly. Her speech 107 was deliberate and emphatic, without losing the rough tone that kept it from 108 sounding at all vulnerable. "Against your nation, your homeland, everything 109 your father died for during the War. And you," She looked out through the tall 110 windows and into the forests. "You are an officer of your laws. A lieutenant 111 in the National Police Force. Sworn to defend the Constitution of the United 112 States. Just get real. There is nothing for us together." 113 114 He stood in his robe, and held a white mug in hands. Looking down and through 115 his own tears, he answered her. "My name is Pasha. I went to elementary school 116 in the Pacific Northwest. Grew up alone in a coastal town. After landing a job 117 with the Force, I met a wonderful girl on a trip to New York. I fell in love 118 with her, and want her to marry me. Isnt that real?" 119 120 "I wish." She just frowned while staring into the forest scene. Arguing was 121 not her strong point, and neither was accepting the other point of view. 122 123 "I love you." He had said it a thousand times in the last two years. Each time 124 in a different situation, although none was as grave as this. Imagining the 125 death penalty applied to your only love does that to most conversations, I 126 guess. 127 128 "I am due on the dock in twenty minutes. In thirty minutes, I and this tube 129 are going to be on our way to an agent in the Sea of Japan. He poses as a 130 fisherman and ferries agents to and from Tokyo. A real hot spot, Tokyo. From 131 there, I go to Nichibitsu and deliver this tube to the twentieth floor. I get 132 eighty thousand to retire with for a few weeks. Then what?" 133 134 Pasha looked out the window to avoid the challenge of looking to her while she 135 confessed. He nervously wondered if he ought to reach into his pocket for his 136 cuffs. He nervously wondered about what else she was going to say. 137 138 "Another trip. Another apartment in the," She smiled as she thought of the 139 most elaborate phrase. "Bleak part of town. Another new secretary, quick 140 romance, and another mechanism gets sold to a wealthy Japanese manufacturer. 141 Its all very ordinary with me. I dont want to give it up, and I dont want to 142 take you with me." 143 144 "I dont want to go, to Tokyo." His mind followed her on the ship there, into 145 the air conditioned offices of the Nichibitsu office tower. He could see her 146 white tank top and her cigarette and her defiant attitude. Then he returned to 147 his apartment on the West Coast of the States. "Let the damned Nichibitsu 148 corporation down. Spend your time with one person who loves you and wants you 149 to stay. Stay here, in this apartment," He added with deliberate emphasis and 150 care, "with me." 151 152 She stood up and put her arms on his shoulders. Fondling the hair that fell in 153 front of his eyes, she told him he had absolutely wonderful eyes. She walked 154 out the front door. She drove her Porsche down to the dock. She was arrested 155 as soon as she stepped onto the wharf, and he got a robust promotion in return 156 for dropping a quarter on his only lover. 157 158 R A D I O F R E E E U R O P E 159 007=Usr:0 Null User 06/11/87 17:33 Msg:186 Call:914 Lines:1 160 Say something! 008=Usr:0 Null User 06/11/87 19:34 Msg:187 Call:916 Lines:4 161 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 162 Emu - I like it, this could be good. Promise that you will 163 keep us informed. 164 [][][][][][][][] Friar [][][][][][][] 009=Usr:0 Null User 06/11/87 21:06 Msg:188 Call:918 Lines:1 165 Testing...Testing. -qs 010=Usr:0 Null User 06/11/87 22:08 Msg:189 Call:920 Lines:10 166 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 167 HEY EMU! 168 THAT WAS AN INTERESTING VIEW OF THE FAMOUS INTEL ORIENTATION! 169 WHEN I WENT THROUGH THAT MANY MOONS AGO I ALMOST FELL ASLEEP ABOUT 170 SEVERAL THOUSAND TIMES! WE VETRANS OF INTEL OFTEN REFER TO OUR FUN 171 LOVING COMANY AS "THE INTEL CIRCUS" CAUSE THATS BASICALLY WHAT IT IS! 172 OR A ZOO MAYBE? WELL ANYWAY IF YOU EVER WISH TO TELL ME WHO YOU ARE 173 OR WHERE YOUR GONNA WORK I'LL GIVE YOU SOME WORDS OF WISDOM ABOUT 174 MR. CLEAN AND THE SORT. 175 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 011=Usr:0 Null User 06/12/87 03:17 Msg:190 Call:931 Lines:26 176 ***************************************************************** 177 A slow curdling of space and time began to take place. If 178 anyone had been present they would have seen a glowing form in 179 the shape of a square. After an indeterminant time lettering 180 began to form within the square. 181 182 BWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMS 183 BWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMS 184 BWMS BWMS 185 BWMS On Saturday, the 13th day of June BWMS 186 BWMS in the year of our lord BWMS 187 BWMS One thousand nine hundred and eighty seven BWMS 188 BWMS there will be held a wake to observe the BWMS 189 BWMS passing of BWMS. The wake shall be held at BWMS 190 BWMS the establishment of Sam's Hof Brau located BWMS 191 BWMS at 1850 SW 6th in the city of Portland, OR. BWMS 192 BWMS Participants are invited to attend at 6:00pm BWMS 193 BWMS BWMS 194 BWMS Family, friends, and all other interested BWMS 195 BWMS individuals are invited to attend this BWMS 196 BWMS most momentous event of the bbs community. BWMS 197 BWMS BWMS 198 BWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMS 199 BWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMSBWMS 200 201 **************************************************************** 012=Usr:0 Null User 06/12/87 04:52 Msg:191 Call:934 Lines:1 202 That's not what to say! 013=Usr:0 Null User 06/12/87 05:07 Msg:192 Call:935 Lines:1 203 EMU LOTUS IS THE BEST -GODFAT 014=Usr:0 Null User 06/12/87 17:09 Msg:193 Call:944 Lines:1 204@TAFDOG$- TEB EHT SI SUTOL UME 203 015=Usr:0 Null User 06/13/87 04:19 Msg:194 Call:963 Lines:5 205 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 206 There appears to be something wrong with the FA command. Instead of listing the 207 lines I want found, it lists lines that have just carriage returns and 208 various other random lines as well. Just something I thought you should know. 209 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6~12~87~~22~54~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 016=Usr:0 Null User 06/13/87 04:48 Msg:195 Call:964 Lines:2 210 Oh good grief! Now you're defaulting to NU Y? You're regressing! 211 017=Usr:0 Null User 06/13/87 06:58 Msg:196 Call:970 Lines:2 212@FA does indeed do that. Well, Mikey? *I* didn't write that. :-) 213 %%%%%%%%%%%% Wake: 16 hours 31 minutes to go. %%%% 870613012900 %%%%%%%%%%%%% 018=Usr:0 Null User 06/13/87 16:11 Msg:197 Call:972 Lines:8 214 SAME PROBLEM WITH THE FA COMMAND HERE, TOO, EXCEPT 215 FA ]]]]]]] 216 FOUND CARRIAGE RETURNS & VOYUER'S HEADER LINE INSTEAD OF WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR 217 .HMM. DEFAULT TO NU Y. WHEN I LOG ON, IT'S DEFAULT TO NU N. LET ME GUESS MIKE: 218 NU STAYS TO WHAT THE LAST USER SET IT TO, CORRECT? IF I DO NU Y & SOMEONE ELSE 219 LOGS ON, THEY GET NU Y. IF THEY DECIDE TO TURN IT OFF, THE NEXT PERSON WHO LOGS 220 ON WILL SEE NU N, CORRECT? 221 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]JIM MICHAELS]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 019=Usr:0 Null User 06/13/87 21:08 Msg:198 Call:977 Lines:10 222 ******************************************************************************* 223 224 225 NO FAIR HAVIN' A GOOD TIME! 226 227 228 229 230 ******************************************************************************* 231 020=Usr:0 Null User 06/13/87 22:22 Msg:199 Call:983 Lines:51 232 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 233 I was sitting in front of this cafe, which was about the only thing there 234 to do, when these two guys in black Triumphs came hauling around the dust. 235 One yells, Did I know where he could get a travelers check cashed in this 236 town. I'd been there three days, so I told him where the bank was. He told 237 me, get in, and I showed him and his friend where to go. We got to talking 238 he was in law school up in Connecticut. I told him about going to Columbia. 239 He got his check cashed and asked if I wanted to come along with them- 240 which was better than two bucks a night I didn't have, so I said, Yeah. 241 A whole bunch of kids were staying out on this island just off the coast. 242 One of the kids' fathers was head of a land development company 243 down there. The company had moved the fishermen who lived on the island 244 someplace else, built a whole bunch of hundred-and-fifty-thousand, two- 245 hundred-thousand dollar homes, lawns in the front, swimming pool on one 246 side, garage on the other, and boat house in the back onn the canal so 247 you could get your boat out to sea. They were all for the executives 248 of Dow Chemical, who just about owned the city. So prospective buyers 249 could check them out first, the houses were furnished, the freezers 250 were filled with steaks, the closets stocked with liquor, towels in the 251 bathrooms and all the beds kept made. The executives could bring their 252 families in for a weekend to try out the house before they bought it. 253 On Monday, a truck would come by with maids, carpenters, plumbers. and 254 supplies to replace anything that had been used up, to clean out the 255 mess, and fix anything broken. There wasn't anybody on the island, so 256 the doors had all been left open. The kid's father had told him since 257 he was in the area, why didn't he stay there. So the kid, with about 258 n't he stay there. So the kid, with about 259 twenty of his friends-they went from about seventeen to twenty-five- 260 had moved in. They'd start on one house, drink up all the liquor, eat 261 up the food, destroy the furniture, break the windows, tear up every- 262 thing they could, then move on to another one. On Monday the maids, 263 carpenters, and plumbers would fix the damages. I stayed with them 264 for two weeks. I'd pick out a room, lock the door, annd read most of 265 the time, while all the noise went on outside. Every once in a while, 266 you know, I'd come out to get something to eat-wade through the beer 267 cans in the kitchen, scrape the grease out oof some pan and fry a 268 piece of steak. Then I'd go down to the swimming pool maybe if it 269 wasn't too bad and, if there wasn't too much furniture floating in 270 it, or bottles, or broken glass around, I'd swim a while. Pretty soon, 271 when it would get too crowded, I'd go back to my room. There'd be 272 people in my bed, or somebody would've gotten sick all over the bureau, 273 So I'd take my book annd go lock myself in another room. A couple of 274 days after I got there, the two guys who'd brought me suddenly decided 275 to fly back somewhere else. They gave me the keys to the Triumphs and 276 said I could have them. I don't even know how to drive. One of them 277 had got the front smashed in by now, but the other one was still good. 278 The plice came twice. The first time the kids told them to get lost 279 and said they were supposed to be there, and the police went away. 280 The second time, I thought it was better I split. When the crap came 281 down, I wouldn't have any rich Texas relatives to run home to. 282 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Whillim Dhalgren @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 021=Usr:0 Null User 06/14/87 12:58 Msg:200 Call:1001 Lines:10 283 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. 284 To the powers-that-be: Possible-Bug-Report #31 285 When the character (ctl-I) is sent, I see up-arrow, then the 286 space left by the tab. Before today, I've not seen the up-arrow character 287 with a tab when in cc y. 288 Own Preference Dept: 289 I would rather see each session automatically start in cc y and 290 nu n, no matter what the last person had used. 291 Any comments on the up-load speed? 292 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu 022=Usr:0 Null User 06/14/87 18:58 Msg:201 Call:1006 Lines:1 293 Things are really looking odd here. Full report later. 023=Usr:0 Null User 06/14/87 19:23 Msg:202 Call:1008 Lines:10 294 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 295 Emu: It looks like Mikey is fiddling with the low-level CC handling. There 296 is other evidence of the same problem. As for defaults, there are plans in 297 the works. 298 The Enter command now works perfectly if you just wait for a character to 299 echo before sending the next one. BW does not echo the carriage return until 300 it is ready for another line. I, myself, just use ZCOMM (subset of YAM) in 301 "tw" mode, i.e. "f -tw filename". This sends at 8 char/sec and waits .7 sec 302 at end-of-lines. 303 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Grann %%%%%%%% June 14, 1987 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 024=Usr:0 Null User 06/14/87 22:35 Msg:203 Call:1012 Lines:15 304 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 305 The University of Portland Really SUCKS! I majored in electrical engineering 306 there for 2 and 1/2 years and got a really bad education...I finally switched 307 to the University or Oregon and went into Computer Science, what a difference! 308 It costs less, it has better profs, and it considered to be the hardest 309 computer science program in the North West...AND IT KICKS UofP's ASS!!!!!!!! 310 So if you just graduated from high school and some one is telling you about 311 U.P.'s reputation your being had! BIG TIME! They'll lie to you... 312 They lied to me! OOOO-WEE! I'm back frm the U.ofO. what a difference! 313 Any how--live and learn! 314 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 315 316 POOPDLE (E. Walker) If your out there, wewe got very pissed at you!!!!!!!!! 317 So welcome back to Portland...And you better be checking over your shoulder 318 025=Usr:0 Null User 06/14/87 23:53 Msg:204 Call:1017 Lines:1 319 testing 026=Usr:0 Null User 06/15/87 01:23 Msg:205 Call:1019 Lines:1 320 Just checking... 027=Usr:0 Null User 06/15/87 10:51 Msg:206 Call:1027 Lines:8 321 Mike, 322 Do you know where I can get an unprotected copy of PREP in order to fix some 323 bugs and improve some reports? perhaps you have Jim Farriers number? 324 325 Give me a call at 299-xxxx please. 326 327 Scott Edwards 328 HYPERtech, Inc. 028=Usr:0 Null User 06/15/87 11:53 Msg:207 Call:1029 Lines:21 329 SALE***SALE***SALE*********************** 330 A TON OF CPM, COMMODOR, PET, APPLE, TRS80, AND MSDOS, PLUS OTHERS 331 INCLUDING SUCH STUFF AS HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, REFERENCE MANUALS TERMINALS... 332 HERE'S A SHORT LISTING OF THE GOODIES: 333 80287's 334 5 1/4" DRIVES 335 8" DRIVES & FLOPPIES 336 LOTS OF S-100 BOARDS 337 CPM SOFTWARE & HARDWARE 338 PET COMPUTERS 339 COMMODORE BOOKS & PROGRAMS 340 EPSON & OKIDATA PRINTERS 341 64K RAM's 342 MSDOS 343 344 WHERE HAVING A BIG GARAGE SALE THIS WEEK END ON THE 20th & 21st 345 346 PORTLAND, Or. 97266 347 777-xxxx 348 DON'T MISS OUT ON THESE HARD TO FIND ITEMS!!! 349 029=Usr:0 Null User 06/15/87 20:38 Msg:208 Call:1043 Lines:11 350 ************************************************************************ 351 352 353 MIKE! 354 355 Still crazy after all these years......... 356 357 -Cleve 358 359 ************************************************************************* 360 030=Usr:0 Null User 06/15/87 20:48 Msg:209 Call:1045 Lines:5 361 Wow, talk about coincidence! Now I have to figure out how to get ahold 362 of you. The old number I have for you doesn't work. I have something of 363 yours that I would like to return to you. 364 Mike 365 ************************************************************************** 031=Usr:0 Null User 06/15/87 21:05 Msg:210 Call:1046 Lines:3 366 Okay, okay, okay. No matter what I say, people will still be posting those 367 dreaded advertisements. All I can say is: Please *proofread* your copy!!! 368 Mistakes such as "Where" instead of "We're" make me physically ill. 032=Usr:0 Null User 06/15/87 22:30 Msg:211 Call:1048 Lines:1 369 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6~15~87~~21~21~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 033=Usr:0 Null User 06/15/87 22:57 Msg:212 Call:1051 Lines:2 370@ *********************************************** 371@ * TeBtBcket(Potlnd,OR Bllti Bar Lit (hor) * * 8-AY87Edtin 034=Usr:0 Null User 06/17/87 01:05 Msg:225 Call:1116 Lines:16 372 I sense the sense in sensing me, 373 intensive, pensive, scents have me, 374 incensing me and tensing me, 375 I sense the sensor sensing me. 376 377 Who scents the sense that's scenting me? 378 Incensive, tensive, scents of me, 379 and when my sensor censors me, 380 just how intense is the sense of me? 381 382 So since the scents I sense of me 383 I sense have sent no scent of me 384 intense in sense--then pensively, 385 I cannot make no scents of me! 386 387 035=Usr:0 Null User 06/17/87 02:02 Msg:226 Call:1118 Lines:12 388@**************************************************************************** 389@ He stood over L'homme's prone form, chainsaw in a whit knuckle grip, 390@sweat running in rivulets down his naked body. He grasped a small back knob 391@at the back of the saw, and paused for a moment, offering up a prayer to 392@whatever insane gods inhabited his tormented mind. Then he pulled the cord. 393@ he engne roared to life, its awful stuttering roar hammering deafeningly 394@off the concrete walls of the basement. He wund the engine up to an 395@**************************************************************************** 396@ 397@ 398@ I'd like to find this guy and pull the cord on *him* -The Lemming 399@ 036=Usr:0 Null User 06/17/87 10:24 Msg:227 Call:1130 Lines:7 400 DEAR 6~15: 401 DON'T SHOOT THE WRITTER, 402 WHERE AVOIDING MISTEAKS 403@ YOU YOU DO. 404@ 2l~2l~ 405 WEREVER IT lS. 406 {{{{{{{{{l}}}}}}}}}} 037=Usr:0 Null User 06/17/87 15:07 Msg:228 Call:1133 Lines:1 407 General Purpose Marker Number 1. 038=Usr:0 Null User 06/17/87 20:17 Msg:229 Call:1139 Lines:1 408 General Purpose Marker Number 2. 039=Usr:0 Null User 06/17/87 22:13 Msg:230 Call:1144 Lines:5 409 This story was taken from BYTEmagazine, January of 1979, page 174-175 410 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 411 412 GOTOlocks and the Tree Sorts 413 040=Usr:0 Null User 06/18/87 00:46 Msg:231 Call:1152 Lines:3 414@**************************************************************************** 415@ He stood over L'homme's prone form, chainsaw in a white knuckle grip, 416@swea running in rivulets down his naked body. He grasped a small black knob 041=Usr:0 Null User 06/18/87 10:39 Msg:232 Call:1156 Lines:3 417 No, go ahead and shoot the writer. (I use the term writer with toungue in 418 419 cheek.) 042=Usr:0 Null User 06/18/87 11:22 Msg:233 Call:1158 Lines:1 420 Hmmm... would the past tense of writer be 'wroter'? 043=Usr:0 Null User 06/18/87 11:53 Msg:234 Call:1160 Lines:1 421 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6~18~87~~09~24~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 044=Usr:0 Null User 06/18/87 15:45 Msg:235 Call:1161 Lines:10 422 *()*#$(^*()*()#@*&%@#)*%)_%*#)!_)$*@)(_!$)*@_%&_$^*#_$^~)%^_)#$^*(_)^)^*_!^#$_^ 423 Hey ad man, since when were 80287's, MSDOS, 64k RAM chips, Epson printers, 424 and 5.25" floppy disks hard to find? When you start selling OS/2 development 425 kits, IBM Model 80's, Gould PN9000's, and Commodore 64's with hard disks, 426 give us a call and we might visit you. 427 Emu: Your story is very enjoyable. Just watch out for wormholes, Amdahls' 428 Law, mis-firing 82586's, and last but not least, lkill(-1,-1). 429@enter 430 Above: How about the phantom tense of writer spelled 'writter' ? 431 *%_#*%_@#%*_@*%_)%*_#@&^_)@#&^) L'homme sans Parity *%)#@*)_%*@_#%_@%*@_#*%@#_% 045=Usr:0 Null User 06/18/87 20:14 Msg:236 Call:1164 Lines:15 432@Mg 39666 is 04 line(s) on 06/07/87 from JIM MICHAELS 433@Msg 39666 is 04 line(s) on 06/07/87 from JIM MICHES 434@to LISA GRONKE re: WRONG NUMBER 435@ 436@THE BBS WITH THE PHONE NUMBER OF 771-xxxx I INCORRECT. I BELIEVE IT 437@Msg 39666 is 04 line(s) on 06/07/87 from JIM MICHAELS 438@to LISA GRONKE re: WRONG NUMBER 439@ 440@THE BBS WITH THE PHONE NUMBER OF 771xxxx IS INCORRECT. I BELIEVE IT 441@WAS A POLITICAL BBS 442@THE LORDS BBS NOW HAS 1200 BAUD. 443@PLEASE MAKE THESE UPDATES. 444@ 445@Msg 39668 is 02 line(s) on 06/07/87 frm LEONARD ERICKSON 446@to ALL re: CONROY LAPOINTE MODEM 046=Usr:0 Null User 06/18/87 20:53 Msg:237 Call:1167 Lines:3 447 UP/UofO: CP - NO? 448 449 ================== 047=Usr:0 Null User 06/18/87 20:57 Msg:238 Call:1168 Lines:2 450 Ahh, but if you were a lousy writer then you would be a 'roter'. 451 ________________________________________________________________ 048=Usr:0 Null User 06/18/87 22:18 Msg:239 Call:1171 Lines:7 452 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. 453 L'homme: In my studies with the Cube, I've found that one must also 454 be wary of the simple lwaitall(-1, -1). It seems to get rather 455 impatient with some long running tests, and jumps the gun. I 456 won't need to worry about those nasty worms for a few weeks yet, 457 luckily... 458 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu 049=Usr:0 Null User 06/19/87 11:38 Msg:240 Call:1186 Lines:3 459 HEY GUYS: 460 YOU LOOK LlKE A BUNCH OF PlRANHA .. HA.HA.HA! 461 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- :>( 050=Usr:0 Null User 06/19/87 14:07 Msg:241 Call:1187 Lines:7 462 UNIVERSITY OF OREGOON SUCKS AND SWARMS WITH CRAWLING WORMS- FROM STUDES TO 463 PROFS TO ADMINISTRATORS WHOSE FAVORITE DAY IS ANY PRECEEDED BY PAY OR HOLI 464 THE PAPER TODAY MENTION ABOUT THE ANCIENT MEDICAL PRACTICE OF EMPLOYING 465 LEECHES TO CURE DISEASES. GOOD .. WE DON'T HAVE TO IMPORT THEM. WE GOT A 466 GOOD SUPPLY FROM YOU KNOW WHERE. 467 " "" 468 051=Usr:0 Null User 06/20/87 01:38 Msg:242 Call:1217 Lines:1 469 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Grannlurk %%% June 19, 1987 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 052=Usr:0 Null User 06/20/87 12:26 Msg:243 Call:1220 Lines:22 470 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 471 While I do not care what school anyone goes to, as the education one gets 472 is entirely dependant on the person receiving said education, one might be 473 able to determine the best school to attend based on a strict cost benefit 474 analysis. 475 Determine first that which is important to you. You must then assign units 476 of this measure to every facet of the experience. Eg., if money is your 477 measure, then assign $ values to the cost of the education itself, the cost 478 of living (to you) in each environment, the benefits of the social life, 479 the average income of graduates (I have seen statistics that show the median 480 income of graduates fall in this rank OSU, UO, PSU, OCE; but the differences 481 were only barely statistically significant). 482 You should also consider as many alternatives as possible. If you can't think 483 of 10 rational solutions to any problem, then you are not thinking, just 484 rotely regurgitating. 485 Apply these criteria, if money is your object, being sure to get as many of 486 the different costs and benefits tallied as you can. If sex availability 487 is your criteria, then value things differently. If it is pure research 488 capabilities, again it's going to be different, with many values approaching 489 zero. 490 It can produce interesting results. 491 [][][][][][][][][][][] Friar [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 053=Usr:0 Null User 06/20/87 12:56 Msg:244 Call:1221 Lines:5 492 Ah...these scholastic science types. They think everything can be reduced to 493 a formula. The world just don't work that way, but that's something they'll 494 never learn in school. 495 496 =============================================================================== 054=Usr:0 Null User 06/20/87 23:17 Msg:245 Call:1230 Lines:1 497 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6~20~87~~19~17~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 055=Usr:0 Null User 06/21/87 14:54 Msg:246 Call:1247 Lines:18 498 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 499 Hey Everybody! 500 501 There is a hot new BBS in town! It's Houdini's Place! I'm Bartender SLUG 502 at Houdini's Place, and for a limited time only all new members will recieve 503 a free drink on the house! But wait, there's more! We also have Happy Hour 504 everyday from 6pm. to 8pm. when all drinks are half price! And also, there is 505 a drink special everday that's half price! I also take requests. If I can't 506 make the drink you order, you tell me how to make it and you get it free! 507 Thats Houdini's Place 639-xxxx! CALL NOW! 508 509 SLUG 510 511 OO 512 \____/ 513 U 514 Your Happy Bartender! 515 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 056=Usr:0 Null User 06/21/87 15:46 Msg:247 Call:1252 Lines:1 516 lurk lurk lurk lurk lurk lurk lurk lurk lurk lurk lurk lurk lurk lurk lurk lurk 057=Usr:0 Null User 06/22/87 13:13 Msg:251 Call:1275 Lines:1 517 General Purpose Marker Number 3. 058=Usr:0 Null User 06/22/87 19:16 Msg:252 Call:1280 Lines:3 518 General Purpose Marker Number 4. 519 520 General Purpose Marker Number 5 059=Usr:0 Null User 06/22/87 19:41 Msg:253 Call:1283 Lines:16 521 This story was taken from BYTE magazine, Jauary of 1979, page 174-175 522@--------------------------------------------------------------------- 523@ 524@ GOTOlocks and the Three Sorts 525@ 526 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 527 mike: thanx for making the command: prompt to accept a plain cr. 528 question: why can't i simply dump text here (with delays after every char and 529 after every CR)?bwms can't be THAT slow, can it? backwater only takes the first 530 3 lines & chops off the rest. i don't understand it. after xferring the text, 531 for some reason i see the command: prompt. 532 hmm. 533 jim michaels 534 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 535 please answer this time. 536 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 060=Usr:0 Null User 06/22/87 20:14 Msg:254 Call:1286 Lines:4 537 538 539 Jim, maybe you have too many blank lines? Due to abuse, BWMS no longer accepts 540 some things... 061=Usr:0 Null User 06/23/87 02:16 Msg:255 Call:1296 Lines:11 541 && && && 542 Well, well, well. BWMS at 1200 BPS. What will they think of next? I may 543 actually have to return to the Inn. Hmm, when last we saw the Poet, he was 544 stranded in a strange reality by the sudden failure (due to its absorbing a 545 rather large kinetic overload) of his Reality Distorter. Now, reduced to his 546 bare hands, his wits, and his customary robe and immense number of concealed 547 weapons, he must overcome incredible odds in search of the rowan tree and an 548 ale or twelve... 549 550 BTW, I seem to be getting a lot of "Control-I" characters. Any idea why? 551 && The Mad Actor && 062=Usr:0 Null User 06/23/87 13:44 Msg:256 Call:1311 Lines:1 552 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6~23~87~~13~04~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 063=Usr:0 Null User 06/23/87 13:52 Msg:257 Call:1312 Lines:7 553@\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\////////////////////////////////////// 554@// 555@ My boss posted this at work and he said that he was not kidding. How would 556@you take this if you found this type of system where you work?? 557@ Freddy Foneboner... 558@+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- 559@+- 064=Usr:0 Null User 06/23/87 13:56 Msg:258 Call:1313 Lines:156 560@***************************************************************************** 561@ He stood over L'homme's prone form, chainsaw in a white knuckle grip, 562@sweat running in rivulets down his naked body. He grasped a small black knob 563@at the back of the saw, and paused for a moment, offering up a prayer to 564@whatever insane gods inhabited his tormented mind. Then he pulled the cord. 565@ The engine roared to life, its awful stuttering roar hammering deafeningly 566@off the concrete walls of the basement. He wound the engine up to an 567@earsplitting screech as he lowered the bar down onto the exposed flesh of 568@L'homme's leg. 569@ Whirling steel tore through the skin like a knife through paper. Blood and 570@tissue exploded from the wound, spraying everything in sight with crimson. He 571@forced the chainsaw farther down and the engine changed pitch as it began to 572@saw through bone. The corpse twitched as not quite dead nerves protested this 573@gross violation. Finally the saw was grinding into the wood of the table He 574@raised it up again. In a matter of moments, he had amputated the other limbs 575@and the head. He then shut the chainsaw off, setting it aside. Blood poured 576@from the raw stumps, pooling on the floor below. 577@ He reached for a large hammer nearby. 578@ Taking a giant swing, he slammed the claw part of the hammer into 579@L'homme's abdomen with a wet "thunk". The body jumped again, as if still 580@alive. He thought the mouth might open, emitting an agonized scream, but no, 581@that was too much to hope for. He yanked the hammer downwards, and the flesh 582@and muscle tore in a great gaping wound, sounding for all the world like 583@burlap. 584@ He took the hammer and quite expertly dismanteled the ribcage. Then he set 585@it aside in favor of a large, razor sharp butcher knife. In moments he had 586@the heart and lungs in a large plastic bucket. The intestines he wound up on 587@his shoulder like a garden hose and then he hung them on a hook that had 588@originally been placed there for a hose. He carefully lifted the liver out 589@and was about to place it in another bucket and his head jerked up suddenly 590@at a noise from above. 591@ Somebody was at the door. 592@ He dropped the liver back where it was and ran into the next room where 593@there was a shower. With quiet, practiced speed he washed the gore off his 594@body. Throwing on a robe, he ran up the stairs, careful to avoid tracking 595@blood up into the kitchen. He closed the basement door and snapped the large 596@silver combination padlock shut in the hasp. Then he went to the front door. 597@ It was Mikey, of course. With all the fun he had been having, he had 598@forgotten telling Mikey to come by. He apologized for making Mikey wait, 599@saying he had just been taking a bath. No, L'homme hadn't arrived yet, why 600@not have a seat while we wait for him? 601@ While Mikey sat, he went into the kitchen, supposedly to make tea. Another 602@large butcher knife hung on a rack on the wall. He took it down and caressed 603@its gleaming length. Yes, perfect. Planted right between the vertabrae, Mikey 604@would be dead before he even knew what hit him. Concealing the knife in his 605@robe, he brought the tea out into the front room. 606@ It was really quite good tea, and Mikey sipped it contentedly, unaware of 607@the dark figure that was sneaking up from behind the easy chair, eight inches 608@of deadly steel in its hand. 609@ A random twitch of nerves sent the hot tea spilling into Mikey's lap. Ow! 610@Damn! He bent over double from the pain and heard something rip behind him as 611@the chair shook. Looking up in surprise, he saw his erstwhile host struggling 612@to extract a large butcher knife from the back of the chair, where his head 613@had been a split second before. 614@ Damn! It wasn't supposed to go like this! Mikey had gotten up 615@and began backing away, surprise and wild fear in his eyes. The knife was 616@apparently hooked on a spring in the chair, and he couldn't get it loose. He 617@gave a mighty yank and heard a muffled 'sproiinng!' from the chair as the 618@knife pulled free. Hefting the knife, he advanced on his intended victim. 619@ Heart pounding, Mikey ducked into the kitchen. But there was only one door 620@there, and it had a lock on it. Panic boosting his strength tenfold, he 621@slammed his shoulder into the door. The flimsy hasp ripped loose and Mikey 622@all but fell down the stairs. He sat up on the cold wet concrete, shaking his 623@head to clear it. Then he saw the dismanteled body on the worktable. He 624@backed away from the grisley sight, against the wall. The wall was slimey, 625@and when he turned around he saw it was painted red with gore. His stomach 626@gave a great roll and heave as he backed away from the wall. His foot kicked 627@something heavy. He looked down. It was a bucket. Something in his mind 628@slipped, for just a second, and he muttered 'Oh. Hi, L'homme. I thought 629@you weren't here.' Then he returned to reality and screamed. 630@ In his haste to get away, he kicked the bucket over. L'homme's head rolled 631@across the floor and came to a rest against the far wall, grinning at Mikey 632@with dead, bloody lips. Black spots rolled in front of Mikey's eyes and he 633@knew he was going to faint. 634@ Then he saw the dark, robed figure at the base of the steps, and the glint 635@of the blade in his hand. 636@ Panic forced Mikey to move as the figure approached. Suddenly he was 637@within arm's length and the blade was raised to strike. Seeing a chance, 638@Mikey ducked under the man's arm, the blade just missing. He stood up and had 639@to duck again as the killer swung behind him while he turned. Mikey put the 640@worktable with the remains of L'homme's body between them. The stairs! If he 641@made it back upstairs, he could be out the front door and safe in no time. 642@ Just as Mikey made his move his opponent scrambled over the table with a 643@war cry. Surprised, Mikey couldn't dodge fast enough and he felt a bright, 644@sharp pain across his chest. He fell backwards and slammed into the wall hard 645@enough to make him see stars. He slid to the floor as slimy, heavy, cold 646@coils fell on him, draped around his neck. Gray and shiny, flecked with 647@bloodf, it took him a second to figure out what they really were. Then he 648@fought with his rising gorge as he struggled to get the damn things off of 649@him. 650@ His opponent was laughing. From the foot of the stairs. 651@ Mikey gathered the ropy coils and threw them at him. Then he ran back to 652@the table. The man shrugged off the mess and advanced on him slowly, knife 653@raised. 654@ Mikey's shirt was drenched in blood, but he figured the wound was probably 655@superficial, since he was still alive. Still, the blood loss was affecting 656@him, and he suddenly felt very tired. He knew right then that he was never 657@going to get out of here alive. He would be butchered just like L'homme and 658@God only knew how many others. And nobody would ever know. 659@ He was very close now. Mikey could hear his heavy, excited breathing. He 660@towered over Mikey darkly, gleaming death poised to strike in his hand. 661@Already Mikey imagined the cold steel plunging deep into his flesh, and the 662@pain, the awful pain... 663@ But he was just standing there, savoring the moment. 664@A shape caught Mikey's eye, off to one side. He had to stare at it for a 665@long moment, making himself believe he was seeing what he was seeing. 666@ A chainsaw. 667@ A quick prayer on his lips, he rolled to one side just as the man struck. 668@He felt another bright flash of pain in his left shoulder but it didn't 669@matter now. He couldn't let anything stop him. 670@ He grabbed the chainsaw's handle with his right hand, and with a burst of 671@almost superhuman strength, swung the heavy tool up and around. It slammed 672@into the man's midsection, knocking him backwards with a painful whoosh. He 673@quickly recovered, and advanced on Mikey, knife held before him. 674@ Mikey tried to move his left arm. Pain tore at his shoulder, making him 675@want to scream, but he could more. He grasped the small black knob and pulled 676@the cord. 677@ The engine purred, burped, and died. 678@ The man was giggling, and Mikey could feel insane laughter trying to 679@bubble up from somewhere within himself as well. This was just too much. He 680@yanked the cord again, and nothing. 681@ The man quit giggling and said the last words Mikey knew he would ever 682@hear: 683@ "Let's finish this." 684@ He dove in, knife before him. Mikey gave the cord one last, desperate 685@pull. He felt something tear and agony exploded in his shoulder as his arm 686@went limp. But the chainsaw roared to screaming life in his hand. The man 687@twisted, trying to avoid the deadly whirling teeth, and the tip of his knife 688@scored along the side of Mikey's face, cutting a bone deep gash just below 689@his right eye. Swinging his body around, using momentum as well as strength, 690@he swung the saw at him with everything he had. He felt the saw strike 691@something and was torn from his grasp. The motor choked and died and he fell 692@to the ground in deafening silence. And then he blacked out. 693@ It seemed a long time later when he opened his eyes. The dim single light 694@in the room blinded him, then his eyes adjusted and he could see again. 695@ The man was lying draped over L'homme's remains on the worktable, the 696@chainsaw protruding from his back. Shakily, Mikey got up and went over to 697@look. The saw had struck him from the left side and had chewed its way 698@through clear past the backbone before stopping. The man's face was twisted 699@in a rictus of agony and Mikey had to look away. But it was over. 700@ It took almost every bit of strength Mikey posessed to make it back up 701@those stairs. His chest and shoulder wounds were still bleeding heavily and 702@he could feel a large flap of skin hanging from the side of his face. He 703@needed help fast, before he bled to death. He grabbed the phone, knocking it 704@off the table. He fell after it, almost knocking himself out again. Fingers 705@rapidly going numb, he dialed emergency 911. Everything was going hazy. He 706@heard the phone ringing, as if from a great distance away as conciousness 707@slipped from him. Hold on, just long enough to give the address. Hold on... 708@ The phone clicked and a pleasant female voice said: 709@ "This is Portland Emergency. Please hold." 710@ Click. 711@***************************************************************************** 712@ The Backwater Chainsaw Massacre (Reprise). 713@ Original version by The Story Teller. 714@ New version by You Probably Know Who. 715@***************************************************************************** 065=Usr:0 Null User 06/23/87 15:10 Msg:259 Call:1315 Lines:2 716@There appears to be something very strange going on on line 764. 717@This is Very Strange. 066=Usr:0 Null User 06/23/87 17:10 Msg:260 Call:1319 Lines:1 718@In a word: SICK! 067=Usr:0 Null User 06/23/87 17:35 Msg:261 Call:1320 Lines:4 719 ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() 720 Hello to all in here, having fun? 721 Just stopped by to say hi to all. Bye. 722 ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() 068=Usr:0 Null User 06/23/87 19:06 Msg:262 Call:1322 Lines:5 723 724 What is with line 764? Twice I have logged on, and found that line 764 725 (which we haven't even reached yet) will not only list but repeat itself 726 until I stop it. And if I enter a line, then 764 dissappears. I find this 727 Very Strange, and not SICK! at all. 069=Usr:0 Null User 06/23/87 19:36 Msg:263 Call:1326 Lines:4 728 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 729 It's Kearin in lurk mode. Kearin is sorry not to have been able to stay longer 730 at the wake. Another (prior) engagement was calling. 731 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 070=Usr:0 Null User 06/23/87 21:50 Msg:264 Call:1327 Lines:5 732 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 733 First entry on June 23, 1987 - thankyou... 734 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 735 736 071=Usr:0 Null User 06/23/87 22:02 Msg:265 Call:1329 Lines:3 737 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 738 What happened to the story above??? 739 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 072=Usr:0 Null User 06/24/87 09:04 Msg:266 Call:1340 Lines:6 740 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 741 742 Great Deal - 1980 Ford Mustang, excellent condition, must 743 sell, $2850 or best reasonable offer. Call 744 635-xxxx and ask for Tom. 745 073=Usr:0 Null User 06/24/87 13:58 Msg:267 Call:1346 Lines:7 746 ---------- 747 Oh boy, twits are among us once more. Hey, Leonard! Why don't you guys 748 rewrite the software so it won't accept lines that consist of nothing but 749 spaces?! The need for such a revision is, I *HOPE*, obvious! 750 751 A Once and Future User 752 ----------- 074=Usr:0 Null User 06/24/87 19:07 Msg:268 Call:1350 Lines:1 753 075=Usr:0 Null User 06/24/87 21:24 Msg:269 Call:1357 Lines:9 754 #@%*)%*)(*@_%*@)(*!$*@!%)@(%)!&_)#*^_))#*_)*~_%)@+%$_)^*#^*_)@#*%_)@%_(_%(@_%$# 755 Emu: It seems fn(-1,-1) where fn is just about any legal function is bad news 756 on the cube! :-) I enjoyed the tour. Thanks much for the opportunity. Go 757 get 'em! 758 Anon complaining about U of O: I have heard the same thing said about Yale. I 759 wonder if there is a connection? 760 An education gives back what is put in. The best school in the world can also 761 be the worst if misused. 762 *%_@*%@_*!%#_%&!_)^&!_))#!%!*%!_% L'homme sans Parity %*@#%*@_!(+%(!_%*!)%*!_% 076=Usr:0 Null User 06/24/87 21:37 Msg:270 Call:1359 Lines:3 763 764 WHO CARES? 765 077=Usr:0 Null User 06/24/87 21:43 Msg:271 Call:1361 Lines:1 766 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6~24~87~~20~20~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 078=Usr:0 Null User 06/24/87 23:53 Msg:272 Call:1363 Lines:33 767 !^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^! 768 Morwin had said Milchar may be dead, but Grann didn't believe it. 769 The gnome felt something... but he was unsure of the thing he sensed. It 770 was nebulous, not to be trusted- but insistent. 771 Silence had fallen between the two for some minutes. Morwin bent 772 over stones arranged in a small circle where a fire had once been, once more 773 intently examining them. Grann sat still and tried to trace the silent tug 774 upon him. 775 Abruptly, a faint shadow appeared over the nearby brook. Slowly it 776 solidified into a familiar form- that of the R.S. Razor's Edge, the source 777 of the tugging. Grann's heart leapt. Was Milchar aboard? 778 The gnome jumped up, racing toward the ship as bobbed gently in the 779 stream. Morwin's gaze followed him for a moment, and then he too made his 780 way toward the Razor. 781 Grann had already searched the ship as Morwin arrived on deck. No 782 one was on board. It was as if the Razor had somehow managed to drift back 783 to familiar shores, after some disaster at sea... 784 "This was his ship, wasn't it, Grann?" asked Morwin. "I can feel his 785 emanations here." Morwin closed his eyes as he said this. 786 "Yes." Morwin seemed so sure that he was dead. 787 Morwin looked about, seeking some clue. His eyes settled on the 788 horizon. "What is that?" 789 Grann followed his gaze. A multi-colored cloud on the horizon 790 approached at a terrific rate, obscuring everything beyond. The air was 791 charged with power. Milchar had mentioned this phenomena to his apprentice. 792 He had called them... what? He couldn't remember. What Grann did recall was 793 the fact that the storm twisted reality. It was usually caused by huge 794 amounts of magickal energy suddenly released. It was very dangerous... and 795 drawing nearer. Suddenly Grann remembered. 796 "Ether eddy. Prepare yourself, we're 'setting sail' toward Celene. 797 Milchar's tower is proof against that sort of disturbance... if we can make 798 it in time." 799 !^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^! Grann !^! 870624221930 !^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^! 079=Usr:0 Null User 06/25/87 00:51 Msg:273 Call:1364 Lines:3 800 hmmm, the cc flag is "backwards" (cc y gives ^I, but cc n gives the tab) 801 802 ________________________________Leonard________________________________________ 080=Usr:0 Null User 06/25/87 09:46 Msg:274 Call:1369 Lines:1 803 081=Usr:0 Null User 06/25/87 09:52 Msg:275 Call:1370 Lines:4 804 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 805 U.F.O. & YALE (?) - HARRRR .. HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAAARRRRRR! 806 YALE U - NO SIREEE ! YALE LOCK - MAYBE ......... 807 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 082=Usr:0 Null User 06/25/87 14:58 Msg:276 Call:1376 Lines:13 808 ******************************************************************************* 809 810 For all of you Parkrose Grads of '84 who have been wondering what has been 811 happening to your class. Well the latest is that John Blane Harleb and 812 Keith Welburn did the big crash and burn! They've been caught down in San 813 Jose trying to sell computer equipment taken in a kidnap-robbery in Portland. 814 815 Good Going Guys! 816 They are in for charges ranging kidnapping, robbery, assault with a dealy 817 weapon, and transporting stolen merchandise over state lines (oh no...fed time) 818 819 ? 820 083=Usr:0 Null User 06/25/87 23:12 Msg:277 Call:1395 Lines:1 821 .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.Emu 084=Usr:0 Null User 06/26/87 03:00 Msg:278 Call:1403 Lines:1 822 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6~26~87~~00~54~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~payday!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 085=Usr:0 Null User 06/26/87 14:26 Msg:279 Call:1425 Lines:3 823@Eat my corn-big bathroom skint head. 824@ 825@ 086=Usr:0 Null User 06/26/87 19:13 Msg:280 Call:1433 Lines:3 826@ 827@ 828@Eat my corn-big bathoom you skint head. 087=Usr:0 Null User 06/26/87 18:20 Msg:281 Call:1435 Lines:6 829 830 How do you spell wakegan? 831 do you care? 832 my nose 833 is a mother of my ear!! 834 088=Usr:0 Null User 06/27/87 22:26 Msg:282 Call:1462 Lines:12 835 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 836 S.O.C.T. 837 S.O.C.T. 838 S.O.C.T. 839 840 841 The kidddies still are kiddies! 842 843 844 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 845 846 089=Usr:0 Null User 06/28/87 03:25 Msg:283 Call:1469 Lines:29 847 848 849 ******************************************************************************* 850 To any members of Wiley's Raiders: Don't call base 3R of Cal it was Feded to 851 death! CODE/34$f: %1 being is but yet to be %2 Uncle Dynamic has the Oregon 852 plan %3 Enuring rugged stress must be our first principle %4 GSC your employed 853 but can you do this %5 Champions walk // &#zDD r )+l 854 ******************************************************************************* 855 856 I read about those guys who got into that computer ring thing. Sounds like 857 they were really stupid. Come on hitting the same places over and over... 858 they must real idiot high school drop outs! 859 860 Kay Schaum:-) 861 //////////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 862 Yawn! Sure is boring around here! What keeps happening to the messages on this 863 thing? They keep getting cut here and there. I mean I see someones statement 864 or a death threat or general abussive typings get cut right on out. SO WHAT if 865 you don't agree...allow some freedom! The first amendment protects anything 866 that is on this system. 867 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\///////////////////////////////////////// 868 869 The zipperman wasn't here! Ah ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 870 871 Anyone seen that new video from that fag of old WHAM fame. Kind of funny, 872 since he's is know to be a homosexual. Or may be he is bisexual? I guess 873 that would make sence. 874 875 090=Usr:0 Null User 06/28/87 14:40 Msg:284 Call:1478 Lines:44 876 && && && 877 The Poet drifted in an endless mist; the chill seeped into his 878 bones Once the power had been thick, so thick he'd swum in it, but now 879 it seemed thin, somehow warped, and wouldn't support him. He couldn't 880 tell how long he'd been lost -- it seemed like forever. He'd forgotten 881 what he was supposed to look for, but he knew it what the most important 882 thing in all the worlds. 883 Worlds? Why the plural? Something he was supposed to know... 884 Words floated to the top as he drifted... work... money... 885 power... lines... force... shift... ale... power... reality... 886 ale... lost... ale... 887 His reverie was interrupted by a sudden feeling of otherness, as 888 though someone else had entered his mists. Puzzled, the Poet cast about 889 himself for the source of the sensation. It was vague, distant, but 890 unmistakeable. A woman's voice... what was it saying? 891 "Seek the Rowan..." 892 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 893 Waking suddenly, for a moment Pol couldn't tell where he was. He 894 blinked and took a deep breath, and felt a rough wetness on his cheek. 895 Lady Helen. 896 "Hello, Hel-cat. Hungry?" He reached up and stroked the neck of 897 the cat standing on his chest. 898 "Mrrip." Helen didn't waste words. 899 "Alright, alright, just give me a chance to pull on my pants..." 900 Pol rolled over and groped for his pants, left (as always) on the chair 901 beside the bed. Pants... something was wrong there... As he pulled 902 them on, his old well-worn jeans felt oddly confining. 903 "RrreuOww," said Helen, butting at his ankles. 904 "Hang on girl. The floor's cold, just let me get something on my 905 feet." His hand hovered over his running shoes for a moment, reached 906 back under the bed, and retrieved a pair of worn but sturdy sandals. 907 He'd strapped them on his feet and started for the kitchen before he 908 thought to wonder about that. He didn't even remember owning sandals. 909 How did he know where they were? 910 He walked to the kitchen, flipped on the light, and went to the 911 refrigerator for the cat food. As he scraped it into a dish, he looked 912 at the clock. Three in the morning! Shit. He'd thought it was time to 913 get up. Helen was now rumbling like a V-12 Jaguar, rubbing orgasmically 914 along his legs. How could he put her food away now? Oh well... 915 Pol left the cat lapping at her food and went back to bed. He lay 916 quiet for a time, searching for sleep... and something else... As he 917 began drifting off he felt Helen curl purring into his back. 918 (To be continued...) 919 && The Mad Actor && 091=Usr:0 Null User 06/28/87 20:26 Msg:285 Call:1482 Lines:14 920 To the person using the \\\\///// border: 921 Sorry, but the first amendment does no such thing! You have the freedom 922 to say *almost* anything you want to ("Freedom of speech does not include 923 maliciously shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theater) 924 However, you have *no* right to use someone else's property to say something. 925 You do *not* own this computer. The owner can do anything he likes with it. 926 By the way, attempting to destroy other people's postings may be a federal 927 offense under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. But it'll be a long 928 time before the courts sort that mess out. 929 In the meantime, just remember, the only rights you have on a BBS (unless you 930 are paying to use it) are those the Sysop chooses to give you! A good analogy 931 is that if you are in my house, and start making objectionable coments I can 932 *require* you to get off of my property. 933 ___________________________Leonard____________________________________________ 092=Usr:0 Null User 06/28/87 20:54 Msg:286 Call:1483 Lines:1 934 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6~28~87~~19~36~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 093=Usr:0 Null User 06/28/87 23:25 Msg:287 Call:1489 Lines:12 935 936 Thanks for the words of wisdom Leonard. 937 We really appreciate you sharring. 938 WHAM homosexuals? sence? What is with a homosexual that sings about sex? Is 939 there deeper meaning in such a covert statement? 940 What is the meaning of poor spelling? 941 Leonard: is it ok to yell fire in a crowded firring squad? 942 943 944 QUIK 945 (We are Beatrice) 946 094=Usr:0 Null User 06/29/87 01:31 Msg:288 Call:1493 Lines:5 947 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 948 A short lurk entry by a gnome who's tired... Alas, a definite lack of time 949 to create. But that doesn't signify a entire absence from the scene. 950 I shall reappear, no doubt... In other words: 951 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Grannlurk %%%% 870629001620 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 095=Usr:0 Null User 06/29/87 15:14 Msg:289 Call:1503 Lines:5 952 -------------------- 953 Question of the Day: How many aliases does the average Backwater user have? 954 955 A Once and Future User 956 -------------------- 096=Usr:0 Null User 06/29/87 18:54 Msg:290 Call:1506 Lines:2 957 WHO CARES? 958 097=Usr:0 Null User 06/29/87 19:58 Msg:291 Call:1510 Lines:7 959 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 960 Response of the day, which is also a question: What's "average"? I have 961 had several in the past, but I am currently only using one (which is the 962 normal situation for me). I do not switch aliases on a whim, but rather 963 I switch personas as the stories change- perhaps you will find this to be 964 "average"... 965 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Just a BW user @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 098=Usr:0 Null User 06/29/87 22:21 Msg:292 Call:1518 Lines:13 966 90909090909090909090909909090909090909090909090909090909 967 968 Creative border, no? 969 University of Oregon kicks ass. And that is not just whistling dixie! I'm a 970 double major there, and thus can vouch for the integrity of TWO departments. 971 And besides that, Eugene is a lovely, if boring, city. 972 Sorry to butt in like this, but Parrot is down and I feel so displaced. 973 Oh, by the by.. I have a Commodore 64 with a 30mb. Hard disk and a Hercules 974 Graphics card. I'm thinking of getting an AT keyboard for it, but I don't know 975 should buy a set of Joysticks for my Osborne first. 976 Wondering, wondering wondering. 977 978 Alahna 099=Usr:0 Null User 06/29/87 23:56 Msg:293 Call:1523 Lines:8 979 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 980 So strange... so very, very strange. And yet, so like it has always 981 been. The faces may be different, but the conversations are still sometimes 982 brash and bold, sometimes timid... as they've always been. 983 It's good to know that some things can change for the better and still 984 retain much of what was so special! 985 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 986 100=Usr:0 Null User 06/30/87 06:57 Msg:297 Call:1531 Lines:13 987 -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- 30 JUN 87 -=*=- -=*=- 6:45 AM -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- 988 FULL-FOLIAGED WITH SUMMER LEAVES, THE TREES LEANED OVER THE STREAM, CASTING 989 A SHADOW ON THE FRESH EARTH EXCAVATED AROUND IT. DEEPER AND WIDER THIS 990 RIVERLET HAD BECOME, STILL ITS COURSE RAN UNCHANGED PAST THE INN. 'TWAS A 991 LEISURELY PACE IT TOOK, BUT IN THE EARLY MORNING LIGHT IT COULD NOT BE TOLD 992 IF THE WATER RAN CLEAN OR RANK. HER GREEN EYES GLINTING IN THE SUNLIGHT 993 THAT FLICKERED THROUGH THE LEAVES, SHE LOWERED HER HEAD HESITANTLY TOWARD 994 THE WATER. HER WHISKERS QUIVERED AS THEY SLIPPED THE SLIGHTEST RIPPLE IN 995 THE STREAM, BUT SHE DID NOT DRINK. INSTEAD, HER SLENDER FORM BLENDED INTO 996 THE SUMMER GRASSES THAT STOOD, TALL AND UNCHALLENGED, IN A SUNLIT SWATCH 997 THAT HAD ONCE BEEN A PATH TO THE INN'S BACK DOOR. NEVER CAN IT BE SAID 998 THAT SHE DID NOT LIVE UP TO A FELINE'S REPUATION FOR CURIOUSITY! 999 -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- D -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- -=*=- .