NUMBER OF LINES: 999 001=Usr:0 Null User 06/30/87 20:34 Msg:0 Call:0 Lines:19 1$If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2$************************* INSTALLED: 6 AUG 88 **************************** 3$Welcome to BWMS II (BackWater Message System II) Mike Day System operator 4$************************************************************************** 5$GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS II IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6$ PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7$BWMS II was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS II is a privately 8$owned and operated system which is currently open for use by the general 9$public. No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the 10$system is privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all 11$messages which I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the 12$system, it will be periodically purged of messages (only 999 lines of data 13$can be saved). To leave a message, type 'ENTER'. Use ctrl/C to get out 14$the ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering 15$the message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to 16$replace the line. To exit from the system, type 'BYE' then hang up. 17$Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18$************************************************************************** 19$ 002=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 08/06/88 23:30 Msg:2030 Call:10003299 Lines:4 20 Independance? That's middle-class blasphemy. We are all dependent on 21 one another, every soul of us on earth. -- George Bernard Shaw 22 ******************************************************************* 23 003=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 08/07/88 01:42 Msg:2031 Call:10003303 Lines:10 24 &*&*&*&*'s 25 I'm at the top! 26 27 Not much else to say right now, except lets see if we can fill this disk 28 in say 5 days. (But lets hope we dont have to deal with any more 29 idiots (stiwt) ) 30 31 An Astral Dreamer. 32 &*&*&*&*'s 33 004=Usr:447 General Zod 08/07/88 08:08 Msg:2032 Call:10003305 Lines:13 34@<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 35@This is General Zod. 36@So, there is one among you that would 37@oppose me. Good, very good. So, 38@come, attack me. I have destroyed 39@others from your midst, so too shall 40@you end. Face me. Come and feel 41@the Might, Power, and Ultimate 42@Superiority of General ZOD. 43@I await you mortal. Come, and meet 44@your eternity. By the hand of ZOD 45@shall it be so. 46@<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 005=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 08/07/88 08:16 Msg:2033 Call:10003306 Lines:29 47 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Zit go homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 48@ 49@Yes Zit, I would oppose you, but you are no match for me. I am a Berserker. 50@You are nothing but an insignificant megalomaniac, and your thin blood is 51@not worth spilling. There is no honour in fighting you. It would be too 52@easy. You are nothing. 53@ 54@I, on the other paw, am a Berserker. I come from a long and mighty line 55@of Vikings and Berserkers, each generation better than the last. I wield 56@Evilbane (which I might rename Twitsbane), the weapon of nothingness. 57@I am mightier than any of your supposed minions, and you yourself, Zit. 58@I may deny you of your pitiful life, though, just to remove your presence 59@from this board. 60@ 61@ PRAY THAT WE NEVER MEET ZOD, FOR I SHALL DESTROY YOU 62@ 63@with that done, on to interesting subjects: 64 65 Hagbard, may I join you on your mission? 66 67 Also, you said that you go not for Honour. I think you meant Glory, for 68 Honour is not something you try to gain. Honour is a code of life. Either 69 you are Honourable, or not. One should do the Honourable deed, not to 70 gain Honour, but because it is the right thing to do. If there is no Honor 71 in an action, that is because it is not the right thing for you to do. 72 Glory, on the other hand, is an entirely different matter. 73 At least this is how I look at things. 74 75 KKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | To speak to twits, you have to know the languageeeee 006=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 08/07/88 10:13 Msg:2034 Call:10003307 Lines:18 76 &*&*&*&*'s 77@Hmm, the 40 column despot is back. Woderfull. Maybe if somone catches 78@him/her they can give him/her a shot of imagination. I have noticed 79@that whomever the zit is they seem to repeat the same old garbage 81@Over and over and over again. I have been toying with the idea 82@that the zit is just some really stupid AI program written in about 83@15 minutes by somone as a joke. 84@ 85 Well, on to important things. Hagbard, I will join your quest, but 86 you must give me a bit of time. I have some other things to attend 87 to. 88 89 The glory is not a important as is the job that is done. 90 91 An Astral Dreamer. 92 &*&*&*&*'s 93 007=Usr:7 Leonard Erickson 08/07/88 13:11 Msg:2035 Call:10003313 Lines:6 94 I wish to draw the attention of certain people to the following: 95 Superman #22 (Oct 1988) p17-19 96 Superman *executes* Quex-Ul, Zaora, and General Zod. 97 Not an imaginary story. He *does* it... 98 All together now.... Awwwwww.... 99 ________________________________________________________________________ 008=Usr:532 James Of Cassand 08/07/88 13:50 Msg:2036 Call:10003314 Lines:53 100 !!!!!@@@@@#####+++++))))) 101@ Well, thats good. It looks like we don't have to worry about zod 102@anymore. Its a good thing superman did it, Saves us the time. 103@ 104 Story : 105 106 John Eddison watched as the island approached. It looked big, 108 Really big. Thinking about it he realized that it was much to big. 109 110 "What button did you hit?" He asked the Brownie. 111 112 "The one to the left of the glove compartment, just below the stereo." 113 114 "I should have known, thats the shrink all living sentiants down to 115 1/3 normal size button, why'd you do that?" 116 117 "Didn't want everyone to drown, as if that wern't obviose. Can you 118 imagine the liablity payoff the department would have to make to these 119 peaples next of kin!" 120 121 "Yes, I knew you did it out of compasion. Hmm, weres the return 122 to normal size button?, Seems to be missing..." 123 124 "Yes," the brownie replied " this model had a small defect..." 125 126 "A SMALL DEFECT!, Were stuck at 1/3 normal size and you call that 127 SMALL!" 128 129 "Whats wrong with being 1/3 normal size?, I dont suppose you were implying 130 that short peaple were some how deficiant?" 131 132 "No, nothing of the sort!" 133 "Good, you know how sensative the chief is about disparaging referances 134 to ones height.." 135 136 "huh, yes. But be that as it may, I think we are in a small bit 137 of trouble." 138 139 "Well, at least if we meet our end the rest of us will do it in real 140 clothes. You'll be going out in a bathrobe. How about that poker game 141 we were going to have?" 142 143 "Sure, I'm ready." 144 Suddenly a loud scream was heard from the island. standing 145 there on the beach was a huge Tyranesauros Rex, and it was outlined 146 with the glow of an anti-everything shell, nothing the group had 147 out would harm it. It began to move towards the 1/3 normal sized peaple 148 in the tub. Soon it would be upon them. 149 150 James of Cassandra. 151 !!!!!@@@@@#####$$$$$+++++))))) 152 009=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 08/07/88 14:22 Msg:2037 Call:10003315 Lines:13 153 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Goosnarghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 154 155 I couldn't have been shrunk down. Berserkers aren't sentient. Haven't you 156 heard the old saying: 157 158 "You can lead a Berserker to battle, but you can't make him think" 159 160 I would also like to point out that Evilbane, being a Weapon of Nothingness 161 is not affected by an Anti-Everything shell. 162 163 I could've said this creatively, but I'm being lazy at the moment. 164 165 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | I hope this info helpssssssssssssssssssss 010=Usr:532 James Of Cassand 08/07/88 16:48 Msg:2038 Call:10003319 Lines:29 166 !!!!!@@@@@#####$$$$$+++++))))) 167 Kurfer, I wouldn't want to manipulate your charecter, but I felt that 168 we had come to an impass. Everyone seems to be really increadably 169 powerfull. 170 171 This is a bit of a problem to me. In the adventure we just seem 172 to do one increadable thing after the other. Nothing is a chalenge. 173 we move from dimension to dimension without any pain or problem. 174 175 I have been trying to write in a manner that would allow everyone 176 the most fredom of artistic control, but it seems that artistic control 177 means wholsale fantasy trip for some. I do not want to sound heavy, 178 I write because I enjoy it. Agent Eddison is in his own way very powerfull, 179 The Tub is his means of transportaton. It is really I suspect a bit to 180 powerfull. 181 182 I guess what I am trying to say is that we should. 183 184 A> Try not to interfere with other peaples charecters to much. Try 185 to write your part as if you were telling the story from your 186 charecters point of view. 187 B> Please be reasonable on the 'powers' you assign you 188 Alter-egos. As it is now I feel as if there is no place 189 to go. 190 191 C> Lets try to be a bit more subtle. 192 193 James of Cassandra. 194 !!!!!@@@@@#####$$$$$+++++))))) 011=Usr:272 Talos 08/07/88 17:05 Msg:2039 Call:10003320 Lines:33 195@<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 196@ 197@General Zod, 198@ Be you real or not, I openly oppose you. The volume of your idiotic 199@threats is only surpassed by your bad taste in character. Not only do you 200@choose to hide behind the mask of a defeated weakling, you continue to spout 201@word of your power to destroy our mighty world starting with the users of this 202@BBS (Great place to start, get the heavy hitters first huh?). I can't help but 203@laugh at your messages; "I have destroyed others from your midst..." What? 204@Did you force someone to move? Get somebody a job so they couldn't log on here 205@anymore? Hey, if you want to get me a job so I can't call in anymore I'd really 206@appreciate it. Try to keep me in the Portland area though, I've got a few 207@friends I'd like to stay in touch with. 208@ Further more, I have it on the postulation of a few good friends who've 209@been monitoring your commercial breaks here that you are either an only child 210@who didn't get much attention when growing up, or a middle child who was over- 211@looked too often and kept putting snakes in your siblings beds. Being the 212@assumption you are male, you are probably impotant, quite displeasing to look 213@at, and have bad breath. I would suggest you shower more often (Try coast), try 214@to lessen the amount of drugs you intake (the better to get a grip on yourself) 215@, and see a hygeniest, hairstylist, and possibly even a tailor on a regular 216@basis (every four days, two if you're a real basket case). 217@ Au revoir, General Zod. I look forward to meeting you in battle. 218@Obscenities at ten paces? 219@ 220@P.S. By the way, you can find me on most boards. Feel free to contact me at the 221@board of your convience. 222@ 223@ Talos Valheru 224@ 225@ 226@P.P.S. To all: I'm back. How are you? What's with the story line? 227@<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 012=Usr:447 General Zod 08/07/88 18:26 Msg:2040 Call:10003323 Lines:30 228@<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 229@This is General Zod. 230@I find it most interesting that 231@"superman" executed me. I must be 232@sending my thoughts from the realm 233@of the dead. I am here, that is a 234@fact, therfore, I am not dead. To 235@"talos", I find you amusing, you 236@rank with Pee-Wee Herman, a hero 237@of you humans. I find him amusing 238@too. So many of you look up to him, 239@you truly must be desperate. I 240@can only imagine what you look like. 241@To "kurfur":I issue you this 242@challenge.... 243@ Come, and face me. Thou art 244@ one that shall face the fate 245@ first. You shall long be 246@ alone in the Phantom Zone. 247@ For just for you, I will wait 248@ between entries. You shall 249@ be first. You shall know true 250@ fear and loneliness. 251@To the rest:Take heed in my words. 252@Bow before me, you will! 253@Both you, and then one day, your 254@heirs! 255@I, ZOD, shall rule over all. 256@I am Zod, the mighty, I AM ZOD!!!!!!! 257@<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 013=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 08/07/88 21:38 Msg:2041 Call:10003328 Lines:19 258 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | How come nobody can spell my name right????? 259 260 James, 261 If that is the case, then I should guess that I have been decreased in 262 stature. My only comment is that you mentioned that only sentient beings are 263 affected by the reduction, and common sense is not one of my strong points. 264 In the sense of putting things straight, I will now set down my abilities 265 and weaknesses. 266 267 [1] Being a Berserker, I have an inborn ability to go into the battle 268 frenzy known as the Berserkergang. This is what makes a Berserker so 269 terrible in battle. The drawbacks of which, however are that once in 270 this state, I can't recognize friends from foes and everything tends to 271 become a target (clear out when this happens). Another is that the rage 272 leaves the wielder totally exhausted when it has passed, and able to 273 do very little. 274 275 [2] I wield Evilbane, a weapon of nothingness. It does not exist untill 276 I draw it, and does not obey any laws of physics or magic. It, however, 014=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 08/07/88 22:02 Msg:2042 Call:10003329 Lines:17 277 is useable only for combat. It also has a counterpart, Terrorflame. If 278 the two ever meet, all hell breaks loose. 279 280 [3] Most Berserkers, as well as Vikings, can sniff out intoxicants at 281 a great distance. They then almost allways drink themselves into an 282 unconsious stupor. I am no different. At the Inn, only the prospect 283 of dismembering smurfs kept me from acting so. A sleeping drunk 284 berserker is not only useless, but also quite dangerous. 285 286 I think that shrinking the members down was an unfair way to try and 287 limit the powers of the group. Whereas Hagbard and the rest have magical 288 or mental abilities (which don't decrease with size), I, on the other 289 hand, have only my battleskill (and that is next to useless at 2.5 feet 290 tall). I hope that the size thing can be remedied. 291 292 Also, a Tyrannosaur is not a big enough challenge. They can be 293 easily outrun, and are not that bright. Split up and head out tactics 015=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 08/07/88 22:30 Msg:2043 Call:10003330 Lines:8 294 would allow us to be long gone before the beast knew we had even left 295 the water. 296 297 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Who is Mandelbrot???????????????????????? 298 299 Sorry about the critisizm, but it's meant to be constructive. 300 301 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! 016=Usr:532 James Of Cassand 08/07/88 22:56 Msg:2044 Call:10003331 Lines:53 302 !!!!!@@@@@#####$$$$$+++++))))) 303 Kurfur <- (I think I have it right this time :-) ). You might be right 304 about that, I guess I overreacted a bit. So, I'll revise the story 305 a bit. 306 307 (The following replaces my last story entry.) 308 309 Floating in the now huge tub towards the island John Eddison 310 reflected on the unbelievable. It was not without a good deal of strain 311 that he came to the conclusion that There was no such thing. 312 313 They approached the island rapidly. It was a large dark island full 314 of large dark sounds. The beach loomed ever closer> It was made up of 315 a long thin stretch of bolder strewn sand. Just beyond the sand was 316 an UGLY looking forrest. 317 318 "Kind of homey aint' it?" Arthur Brownie said. 319 320 "Looks like the kind of place sadists go for relaxation." Arthur 321 replied. 322 323 "Yeah, that remids me! We have a game of cards to play." 324 325 "Ok, err, does a full house beat 4 of a kind?" 326 327 "Depends," 328 329 "On what?" 330 331 "Special rules." The brownie said vaugely. "I'll let you know 332 as we go." 333 334 But before the game could start the tub beached itself and everyone 335 started to exit. 336 337 "I guess we'll have to wait on that." The Inter-Dimensional Police 338 Officer said. 339 340 "Yeah, Looks like a job for superman." The brownie snickered. 341 342 Suddenly a large and impresive crash was heard from the forest. 343 Out came the largest lizerd John Eddison had ever seen. 344 345 "Looks like Godzila!" He said. 346 347 "You bet I am, and all of you are in some deep trouble!" The monster 348 replied lunging for the group. 349 350 Take it away Whomever... 351 352 James of Cassandra. 353 !!!!!@@@@@#####$$$$$+++++))))) 354 017=Usr:498 Hagbard Celine , 08/08/88 00:08 Msg:2045 Call:10003333 Lines:58 355 {} 356 357 Interesting indeed. 358 359 By your standards, I have been changed. And for some time, 360 I carried a 'drawback' : I had no physical body. Not until now, 361 but even then, my appearence is just manifestation. I am nt 362 'all powerful' or 'magikal / mental / physics feild effect 363 generator' etc. etc. I simply re-shape MY own reality because 364 I carry enlightenment. In return for this, I am not entirely 365 coporal in any universe. That does make for a slight drawback, 366 doesn't it? By physical standards, that is... 367 368 { On with the story ... } 369 370 I managed to manifest as gravity in this dimension. This 371 would allow something like a physical body, with a visual 372 presence, sound for communication, etc., but I was still not 373 entirely coporal. If I should assume a 'body', it would 374 require all of my energies to do so. Simply put, my 375 'powers' would go away, and I would look somewhat like 376 a normal human (except the glowing eyes). I decided to 377 stay with this manifestation and resume my lotus position 378 in mid-air. Some people were talking to me during this 379 time, and they agreed to come with me. Then I remembered 380 The Wonderer's quest, and pondered if it should create 381 problems for him. [Wonderer, I must know something of 382 your quest - if the Dark Lords are enlightened, that is, 383 'neutralized', will this affect you in any adverse way? 384 Bear in mind that if they are enlightened, this will warp 385 and re-form their very essence.] and so the telepathic messae 386 was sent. I did not mean to alarm the others with this, but 387 I sent similar messages to everyone, broadcasting like an 388 old-earth radio with a short radius, least the Dark Lords 389 recieve the energies and 'listen in'. The Inter-Dimensional 390 Policeman was current modifying his time-stream. I 391 found this to be disturbing; he was not aware of the abilities 392 that he possesed. Moreover, he was doing so at an alarming 393 rate - nearly instantaneously. I decided not to play mental 394 peeping tom & keep my new ethics intact. 395 396 This was not going to be 'easy'. It might cost me 397 the life essence - my very being - to arrive at the point in 398 the dimensional stream that I sought. But with so many 399 'fronts' covered - Kurfur holding the physical world, Wonderer 400 sheilding Majik on his own plane, and the Police securing the 401 time-flow (unknowingly)...I sought another vision, and found 402 myself alive. Barely. Only when the journey was complete would 403 I know. Even in my death. 404 405 I awaited the others to organize and give advice to themselves 406 and myself. 407 408 -fnord. 409 410 H. Celine 411 412 {} 018=Usr:71 David Shult 08/08/88 13:31 Msg:2046 Call:10003347 Lines:61 413 Nomination for the Ten Best Censored Stories of 1987" 414 415 REAGAN'S MANIA FOR SECRECY: GOVERNMENT DECISIONS WITHOT DEMOCRACY 416 417 On December 3, 1986, President Ronald Reagan signed Public Law 418 99-494 proclaiming 1987 "The Year of the Reader" The blatant 419 hypocrisy of that act wa clear throughout 1987 as the Reagan 420 aministration outdid itself in its efforts to control, interpret, 421 manipulate, disinform, and censor all form of information. 422 Typical ofthe Reagan administration's efforts to control its own 423 destiny and the nation's history was the Justice Departent memorandum 424 filed in a lawsuit thatcould enable Reagan to control the history of 425 his involvement in the Iran/contra scandal. The administration i 426 seeking to overturn a 1986 Federal curt ruling which limited Nixon's 427 right o block the release of his White House papers. The Justice 428 Department memorandum would allow Nixon to withdraw ny documentation 429 hethought should be supressed. In effect, Nixon would be in control 430 of U.S. history between 1968 and 1974. If Nion wins, it will pave the 431 way for Reagn to control U.S. history from l980 to 1988. 432 While alarming, this is merely the tip of the iceberg when i 433 comes to Reagan's mania for secrecy.Following are just three groups 434 that tred to warn us about what was happening; the nation's leading 435 press didn't think their stories were that importan. 436 PEOPLE FOR THE AERICAN WAY -- A report titled "Government 437 Secrecy: Decisions Without Democracy," published in December 1987, 438 provides more than 100 pages of well-doumented charges about the 439 growing secrey system and its dangers to American democracy. The 440 report "tells the story of the institutionalization of serecy 441 throughout the federal government .. the story of unprecedented 442 controls o information, not only on defense and foreign policy issues 443 where legitimate serets do need to be protected but on a host of 444 topics vital to our daily lives, from toxic wastes to occupatioal 445 hazards, from new technology to thehealth of our children." 446 THE REPOTERS COMMITTEE FOR FREEDOM OF THE PRESS -- In March, 447 1987, the Reporters Committee issued a "FYI Media Alert" abou how the 448 Reagan administration and itssupporters restrict public and media 449 acess to government information and intrude on editorial freedom. 450 The 50-page report, retroactve to March 1981, lists 135 specific 451 actions, including threatened prosecution of the press for publishing 452 classified information; expulsion of forein journalists; proposed 453 restrictive amndments to the Freedom of Information Act; proposed and 454 actual use of lie detectors, and many other cases. 455 THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION -- Th ALA released its 1987 456 updated "Less Acess to Less Information By and About the U.S. 457 Government: IX," covering 1987. The chronoogy, which was started in 458 1981, provids a damning indictment of Reagan administration efforts 459 to "restrict and privatize government information" whih has led to 460 significantly limited access t public documents and statistics. The 461 ew 1987 report adds 30 pages and 78 specific items to the case for 462 Reagan's mania for secrecy. 463 464 SOURCES: THE NATION, 523/87, "History Deleted," pp 669-670; 465 GOVERNMENT DECISIONS WITHOUT DEMOCRACY, December 1987, b People For 466 The American Way, pp 1-104; FYI MEDIA ALERT 1987, March 1987, "The 467 Reagan Administration & The News Media," by The Reporters Committee 468 for Freedom of the Press, pp 1-50; THE AERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, 469 WashingtonOffice, "Less Access to Less Information By and About the 470 U.S. Government: IX," December 1987, by Anne A. Heaue. 471 472 696969696969696969 473 019=Usr:71 David Shult 08/08/88 14:44 Msg:2047 Call:10003348 Lines:57 474 696969696969 475 Nomination for the "Ten Best Censored Stories of 1987" 476 BUSH'S OILY ROLE IN IRAN ARMS DEAL 477 478 Vice President George Bush's acknwledged support for the 479 ill-fated secret arms shpments to Iran has been interpreted as 480 vidence of his loyalty to the policies of President Reagan. 481 Now, however, other evidence suggests that Bush, far more than 482 President Reagan, promoted the Iran initiative, took part in key 483 negotiations, and conferred upon Oliver North the scret powers 484 necessary to carry it out. It also has been charged that Bsh acti 485 arms sales because of an economic motive the president did not share 486 -- the desire to stabilize the dropping oil prices in 1986. 487 Peter Dale Scott, co-author of THE RAN CONTRA CONNECTION and 488 former seniorfellow at the International Center for Development 489 Policy in Washington, suggests that Bush's primary concernin early 490 1986 was tostabilize falling crude oil prices by promoting a common 491 price policy between the United States and the oil poducers of the 492 Persian Gulf, including, bove all, Iran and Saudi Arabia. 493 Further, Scott says, the interest in higher oil prices was an 494 explicit goal in some of Oliver North's secret ars negotiations with 495 the Iranians. The rice of oil reflected the concerns of Bush, a 496 former Texas oilman, rather than of Reagan, a free market advocae. 497 Scott traces Bus's involvement back to the January 17, 1986, 498 meeting of the president's national security advisers at which the pre 499 sales. The meetig was attended only by Bush and three other known 500 supporters of the arms sales intiative -- Chief of Staff Donald 501 Regan, National Security Adviser Jhn Poindexter, and Poindexter's 502 deputyDonald Fortier. 503 As the Iran-Contra Select Committee Report points out, Secretary 504 of State Goerge Schultz and Secretary of Defense Caspa Weinberger 505 were deliberately kept in he dark about the trip North took with 506 Robert McFarlane to Tehran three months later. Yet Bush not only knew 507 of the trip but he helped in scheduling t. In a little-noticed 508 message of Ari 4, 1986, Pondexter told North that, "If we can manage 509 it, the VP would appreciate it if the Iran trip did no take place 510 until the VPleaves Saudi Arabia. If that screws up planning too much, 511 then he will uderstand that we can't do it." The reques was honored; 512 the McFarlane-North triptook place a month after Bush returned from 513 Saudi Arabia. 514 Bush's mission o Saudi Arabia was to persuade leaders of that 515 country to help stabilize oil prices then rapidly falling to uner $10 516 a barrel. His trip was successul; Saudi Arabia King Fahd received 517 the ranian petroleum minister in the autumn of l986 and the two 518 countries agreed to OPEC arrangemens for boosting oil prices to $18 a 519 barrel. The $18 price brought economic relief to oil-producing states 520 like Texas which were the key to Bush's poliical base. 521 After the arms sale beame public, oil industry sources commented 522 that McFarlane and Poindexter understood the connection between a 523 strong domestic oil industry and national ecurity better than most 524 others in theadministration. 525 526 SOURCE: PACIFIC NEWS SERVICE, 12/21/87, "Bush ha oil policy 527 interest in promoting Iranarms deals," by Peter Dale Scott, pp 1-4. 528 529 696969696969696969 530 020=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 08/08/88 15:23 Msg:2048 Call:10003350 Lines:23 531 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Back to Backwaterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 532 533 Things were brginning to get very strange. The uniformed one and 534 rude, small, brown person were engaged in a deck of cards, which luckily 535 kept their bickering to a minimum. Seeing this as the only understandable 536 thing in the whole scenery, I tried to look on. 537 538 "A young woman once tried to tell my fortune with cards before," I 539 commented, "but she fainted from the results. Is that what your trying?" 540 541 The two, however, ignored me, so I looked towards the dark island 542 we were rapidly approaching. Then i smelled it. WINEFRUIT. 543 544 Ignoring the warnings of my companions, I dove into the water, and 545 swiftly made my way to shore. Hitting the beach, I ran into the forest. 546 After many miles of running after my quarry, I found it, but it was only 547 a ruse. A black rock emanated the sweet odor, but no winefruit was to be 548 found. Angered, I lifted the stone and flung it further into the forest. 549 Only after my rage had subsided did I remember the loud crashings in 550 the jungle. My friends were in danger! I began to run back, hopefully in 551 time to help them, or at least join them in death. 552 553 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Who's next????????????????????????????????? 021=Usr:104 Trokin Korka 08/08/88 16:25 Msg:2049 Call:10003351 Lines:28 554 283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283 555 James- 556 My character isn't overly powerful either, but being the last living 557 member of the tribe of the Lords of Light does have its advantages. All 558 Lords have a magical link to the Blue Pyramid's power source, a quasar, and 559 using the proper spells, they can do almost everything. BUT, even though 560 I am a Lord of Light, I am only the custodian, and have only been taught 561 the most simple of spells, enough to keep the Pyramid safe from harm. 562 Other than the Shield spell, which will shield anything or anyone up to the 563 size of the Pyramid (there is a drawback though, even though it will shield 564 something or someone against anything [including magic spells, and physical 565 weapons], it will only last for 7 minutes, and can be activated only once 566 every week), and the Transport spell (which can be activated at anytime , 567 and has no limit to usage or persons to transport, but it can only 568 transport people or things *to* the Pyramid, and not any other way), I only 569 know about 20 more spells, (not very many are offensive spells). Some of 570 them are useless in a battle (ie. Food & Water spell, and find Location 571 spell), and some will cause harm to me. I will try to keep my character from 572 becoming a god. 573 Trokin Korka 574 P.S. If I ask the Blue Pyramid, then I can learn any spells that my ancestors 575 knew, but I have to be there in person to ask, and I have to have a good 576 enough reason (believe me, *very* good), and it would defeat our adventure's 577 purpose if I was to vanish everytime a problem came up to ask the Blue Pyramid 578 how to get out of it (by the time I got back, most of you [maybe] would be in 579 worse trouble than when I left). I won't pull you back to the Pyramid in the 580 event of a slight battle though. I enjoy challenges. 581 283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283 022=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 08/08/88 18:16 Msg:2050 Call:10003353 Lines:10 582 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Where's my towel?????????????????????????? 583 584 Berserkers don't want godhood, just FUN!!!! 585 586 That and Caffiene, and a new Jeep, and the day off, and a hard drive, 587 and money, and (the list would fill up the disk, so I won't continue). 588 589 But they don't want RESPONSIBILITY. That's god stuff. 590 591 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | All dressed up, no war to go toooooooooooooo 023=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 08/08/88 19:01 Msg:2051 Call:10003354 Lines:76 592 &*&*&*&*'s 593 594 596 It came suddenly as I knew it would. The fountain burst into light, 597 and there stood The vieled one. 598 599 I remembered what my master had said of him 600 601 "You must remember that the vieled one must never gain possesion of the 602 Orb, If he does great evil will occur." 603 604 "Is he evil then?" I had asked. 605 606 "No, not exactly. But the Orb is somthing he must never posses, but which 607 he will always desire." 608 609 "But why." 610 611 "That I cannot tell you now. You are not ready. Only when you control the 612 Orb will you be able to know." 613 614 "But I can not do that while you live!" 615 616 "That is one of the Paradoxes of the Orb." 617 618 As these thoughts ran thru my mind I examined slowly the figure that floated 619 above the Fountain. As his name would imply he was vailed in grey robes 620 that covered his entire body. 621 622 "So, You have finally come into your birthright?" He said, though it was 623 a statment and not a question. 624 625 "Yes, and I suppose that means that we had to meet?" 626 627 "Of course, I wouldn't want you to bear the burden without meeting me." 628 629 "I am hounered, but I have other things to attend to." 630 631 "Ah, yes the black ones are about again. I suppose you feel the need 632 to destroy them?" 633 634 "I only seek to eliminate the threat to the all, Destruction is of 635 course the least desirable of them. But if it comes to that I will 636 be ready." 637 638 "I know of your trouble with the Orb, If you give it to me you will 639 be free." 640 641 "You know I cannot do that, ti would violate the trust put in me 642 by my master. I can not shurk this duty now that I have taken it 643 up." 644 645 "Yes, you were slow in that duty. I sleeped for a good deal longer then 646 I had suspected. I started to think that perhaps your master had 647 made a mistake in chosing you. 648 649 "I'd love to sit here and converse with you for hours, but I really 650 must be going now." 651 652 "Very well, go then. We will meet again." 653 654 "Yes, I know." 655 656 I gathered my strength and eased away from the fountain and into the 657 all. I could feel my companions calling to me. I began to move towards 658 them. 659 660 To Hagbard. 661 662 The mission we are on now should not hurt my quest. What I search for 663 is a means to bind myself to the Orb. Here is as good a place as any 664 to look for this. 665 666 An Astral Dreamer. 667 &*&*&*&*'s 024=Usr:104 Trokin Korka 08/08/88 21:44 Msg:2052 Call:10003360 Lines:38 668 283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283 669 -WHOA! A talking lizard!-, thought Trokin Korka, -They're rare!- 670 Just as Trokin finished that thought the lizard lunged at him, barely 671 missing him. Trokin took off into the woods to get time to remember the 672 Fireball spell, one of the three offensive spells that he knew. The lizard 673 turned his attention to the short, brown guy, who in turn ducked and pushed a 674 button on the tub's control panel, causing all within the boat to vanish and 675 materialize up on top of the highest tree on the beach. The man in the robe and 676 the brown guy were the only ones up in the tree. 677 -That's it!-, I (Trokin) thought, remembering the Fireball spell, just 678 as the lizard spotted me again, and started towards me at an amazing pace. 679 "Nookidor Kenar Sonak!", I yelled, causing a blue fireball to launch 680 from my hand at the lizard, who dodged it. The fireball immediately hit on 681 of the large trees, which promptly burst into flame. 682 -Oh, great!, only 11 left-, I thought, -and if those aren't enough it's 683 by-by Trokin- 684 I opened my hand again, and another fireball shot towards the lizard, 685 hitting it in the tail, causing it extreme pain and anger, not to mention 686 a blackened tail. Its mouth opened, and I could see the 6" razor-sharp teeth, 687 which were hungry for my flesh. Its mouth snapped shut...on thin air, for I 688 dodged by a hair, even though its teeth nicked my shoulder. I fired another 689 fireball, which missed it entirely and headed out towards the sea. It hit the 690 ocean causing steam to flood up over the island, covering everything with 691 0 visibility conditions. 692 Just as the steam started rolling up on the island, I tripped in my 693 flight away from the lizard, landing on my back, with the lizard looking 694 over me savoring its victory. It opened its mouth, and I moved my arm up, 695 launching a fireball into its mouth, exploding the lizard. 696 I slowly got up and spoke the nullify my own spells spell, so I 697 wouldn't hit my companions with the fireballs. 698 -I can't use it again for one full hour-, I thought. 699 I rejoined the others, and the floating man asked me if I was ok. 700 "I'm fine, it's just a scratch", I said, which it was. 701 The Berserker burst through the bushes, and asked, "Is everyone allright 702 ?" 703 The floating man said, "Yes, but don't look so dissapointed that you 704 missed out on a battle, for that was only one of the many guards of this 705 island. There are many more, and some are more dangerous". 025=Usr:104 Trokin Korka 08/08/88 22:28 Msg:2053 Call:10003361 Lines:7 706 Just as he finished syaing that, a roar of the other guards of the island 707 was heard. 708 "We'd better get out of the open and into the forest, but it's going to 709 be hard to see in this fog and steam. Let's get those two down out of the 710 tree and get some cover.", said the floating man in orange robes. 711 ... TO BE CONTINUED BY OTHERS ... 712 283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283 026=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 08/08/88 23:16 Msg:2054 Call:10003364 Lines:3 713 ******************************************************************** 714 Hey, it's 8/8/88! After all that eighting I think I'm full! 715 ******************** CISTOP MIKEY ********************************** 027=Usr:379 Phoenix Polymorp 08/09/88 11:56 Msg:2055 Call:10003378 Lines:32 716 THIS IS WORLD WATCH THREE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>08-09-88>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>12:12> 717 718 I sat in the office, waiting for the night manager to arive. My pulse 719 quickened and I could feel something deep within the pit of my stomach as I 720@reached for the phone.9zV.................................................... 721 reached for the 'phone. I nerviouslyrushed through dialing the number. 722 First ring. Second. Third. Maybe nobody's home. Fourth. CLICK! 723 "Hello?" her voice said. 724 I chuckled nerviously. "Hi." 725 "Well hello! Been a while, hasn't it?" 726 "Yeah, I, ah, Just needed to talk to some one, so I picked on you." 727 She gigled slightly. 728 "Something wrong?" She asked. 729 "Yeah..." 730 "Well....? I know you didn't call so we can listen to each other breath..." 731 "It's about Angela... We...She ended it to day." 732 "God, I'm so sorry." 733 "Leohna?" 734 "Yeah?" 735 "I don't really feel like talking 'bout this over the 'phone, could you, ah, 736 meet me some place?" 737 "Sure. Sherie's in Oregon City?" 738 "Two hours?" 739 "It's a date...See ya then. Bye." 740 "Bye." 741 CLICK! 742 IT'S A DATE, I chuckled. I'd been tryin' to get her to go out with me befor 743 I started seeing Angela. Said she couldn'd 'cos of Charlie. Guess she 744 understood this time. 745 746 12:28>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>wwiii 747 ^C 028=Usr:272 Talos 08/09/88 14:24 Msg:2056 Call:10003390 Lines:6 748 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 749 TO BW II's Sysop, 750 I left a message on here for Gen Zod. It seems to have been 751 erased. Why? 752 Talos Valheru 753 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 029=Usr:532 James Of Cassand 08/09/88 17:46 Msg:2057 Call:10003393 Lines:56 754 !!!!!@@@@@#####$$$$$+++++))))) 755 756 Godzilla almost got the group, but in the nick of time arthur brownie 757 sprang forward and pressed the dimensional eject button. 758 759 Arthur and John ended up perched on the brach of a tree some 760 distance away. 761 762 "That was a close one. You did somthing usefull for a change!" 763 764 Crash! Blowie, kapow $%! 765 766 "Well, someone had to. You were just sitting there looking stupid. 767 I'm going to have to put you on report!" 768 769 Vroom! Screech%$#%! Blowie! etc. 770 771 "Great, do that." Arthur replied deciding to ignore the "little pest." 772 773 "I say, that magic-user fellow seems to be having a bit of trouble." 774 775 "Briliant observation, what are you going to do about it?" The 776 browni replied. 777 778 John ssowlud at him. "Why, I shall arrest him of course." Saying this he 779 jumped out of the tree,only realizing at the last moment that his bath 780 robe was not equiped with the anti-g belt he was accustomed to. 781 782 "ARRRRGGGGGG!!!!!!". (Impact) 7(3 784 "Are you O.K." Arthur called down. 785 786 (Soft Moaning) "What, who?, Huh? (snoaring.) 787 788 "Out cold," the brownie mumbled. "And I dont even no wether he was 789 going to arrest the magic-user fellow or the Lizard>" 790 791 Kaplowe@#$&!!!,Screech??,Thud!!!!. 792 793 Godzilla fell to the ground, his head removed by a (lucky?) fire 794 ball from the hand of Trokin. 795 796 At about this time Kurfur came bounding back from the woods. 797  798 "Scouting were you?" the Brownie yelled from his perch. 799 800 The barbarian growled menacingly. 801 802 "Just kidding." the brownie said scurrying further into the tree. 803 "Cant you take a jock?" 804 805 To be Co~dinued by others. 806 807 James of Cassandra. 808 !!!!!@@@@@#####$$$$$+++++))))) 809 030=Usr:379 Phoenix Polymorp 08/09/88 18:44 Msg:2058 Call:10003395 Lines:9 810 THIS IS WORLD WATCH THREE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>19:00 811 812 I pulled into the carpark. Lehona stood by her car and waved for me to 813 park next to her. I parked and got out of my car. Her greating was wordless 814 as she threw her arms around me and huged me tightly. 815 "How've you been?" Cxe c}iled brightly. 816 817 ''&('&(gotta run 818 ^C 031=Usr:379 Phoenix Polymorp 08/09/88 19:57 Msg:2059 Call:10003396 Lines:18 819 I'M BACK 820 821 "Fine."I said unconvincingly. She took my hand as we headed for the 822 enterance. I could veel my mood lighten, a bit. 823 "Oh, holdit." she said stopping, "I left something in the car, wait here." 824 I watched her walk across the carpark. The sound of tires screaching took 825 my atention from her. She called my name. I turned yn tyme to see a blue 826 bolt of energy shoot from her hand and strike my chest. Falling to the ground 827 I could hear her laugh. 828 "Wh-why?" I gasped, trying to stand. 829 Her laughing persisted. 830 "You fool," she laughed,"Did you not thynk I wouldn't use this power you 831 gave me against you?" 832 My chest tightened. 833 "Now with you oun of the way, I can begin my conquest of this dimension!" 834 835 20:22>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>gwiii 836 ^C 032=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 08/09/88 23:08 Msg:2060 Call:10003403 Lines:13 837 &*&*&*&*'s 838 839 I came in slowly, not wanting to alarm my companions. The sight that beset 840 me was somewhat supprising. The land I now stood upon was desolute and 841 ugly. It was covered by dense ugly trees that made it impossible 842 to see very far. 843 844 My companions were scattered about, and off to one side was a huge lizard, 845 now minus it's head it seemed. I stood, waiting for them0do ~otice me. 846 847 An Astral Dreamer. 848 &*&*&*&*'s 849 033=Usr:379 Phoenix Polymorp 08/10/88 17:13 Msg:2061 Call:10003423 Lines:15 850 THIS IS WORLD WATCH THREE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>08-10-88>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>17:28> 851 852 I sat up0auickly in my bed. My heart was ponding, body drenched in sweat, 853 breathing near a pant. I couldn't figure out the dream. What did it mean. 854 It kept playing in my mind making it posable to 'see' what I missed. 855 In the dream Lehona looket more Elvish than human. Because she was a very 856 slim woman and had long, beautifull blonde hair, I often refered to her as 857 an elf, so I wasn't suprised. Angela and I never had a relatinship more than 858@li750 859 friends, so I couldn't figure ut what I ment when I said she ended it. 860 My heart beet slowed a bit. It was nearly 4 a.m.. I tryed to go back to 861 sleep. 862 863 17:41>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>wwiii 864 ^C 034=Usr:84 Micxael0Miller j 08/10/88 19:07 Msg:2062 Call:10003424 Lines:10 865 &*&*&*&*'s 866 Hello All, 867 What happened? we were filling the disk at what I am sure was near record 868 pace, and then you all went and dissapered! 869 I would like somone to contynue dhe story, I will do it if nobody has 870 started by midnight. 871 872 An Astral Dreamer. 873 &*&*&*&*'s 874 035=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 08/10/88 20:40 Msg:2063 Call:10003426 Lines:7 875 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | I'm still hereeeeeeueeeueeeeeeeeeeeeeee 876 877 Hello, 878 Hey guys, I can't enter something till I know where we're going, so get 879 back here and enter stuff. 880 881 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Just got ProTerm (YAY!!!!)))))))))))) 036=Usr:322 Stray Cad0 0 08/10/88 23:46 Msg:2064 Call:10003432 Lines:8 882 883 884 @#$&*)(*@$%%&(*@*&$^+_)(*$^%$*&()@(*&^$%&#$@)$ *_@(*$^&)# 885 886 I feel like my lifeline's been cut . . . BP doesn't answer and JD's 887 has been busy ALL night. 888 0 88) !@#*_)(*$#@&*$@__(@*$#^*(@#$&_@)@(*#&$^_@(#$&_^@#$_)(&@#$_)(@#&$(_@)_#$(& 037=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 08/11/88 02:01 Msg:2065 Call:10003434 Lines:19 890 &*&*&*&*'s 891 892 Suddenly from the bushes there arose a loud clatter, I sprang to my veet 893 to see what was the matter. from the bushes came forth 15 or so large 894 hairy humenoids. They seemed intent on destruction, and one headed towards 895 be. There was only one thing I could do. I pulled the orb from the small 896 'pocket' it was co~tained in and aimed it at the creature. A bolt of 897 power lanced out, hitting it in the stomach and doubling it over. 898 899 It feel to its knees and continued to sink closer and closer to the ground. 900 But I didn't have a chance to see it vall< another was charging me. Again 901 a bolt of power lanced out from the Orb, again a creature fell. This happened 902 twice more, I felt my energy level droping. Suddenly the Orb flickered and 903 pulled a huge amount of power from me. In that instant0my conciose mind 904 abandoned me. 905 906 An Astral Dreamer. 907 &*&*&*&*'s 908 038=Usr:104 Trokin Korka 08/11/88 09:19 Msg:2066 Call:10003438 Lines:39 909 283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283 910 The Inter-demensional Police officer had fell to the ground during my 911 battle with the lizard, and the brownie was still in the tree. The Berserker 912 had stopped next to that tree where he was glowering very menacingly at the 913 brownie. We~t over to him to try and calm him down, when about 15 very hairy 914 humaniods appeared from the dissapating fog. 915 -I guess they were where the growl came from-, I thought just as they 916 advanced on us. 917 Just then, a bolt of white ligxt sxot towards one of them from an area 918 to my right. I glanced over there and I noticed that the man in the blue 919 jeans and T-shirt had reappeared and was weilding a white orb. Another blast 920 of energy hit another creature from the orb. The Wanduber's orb flickered 921 and he fell to the ground, out cold. 922 The floating man said, "Kufur, now's the time that we need you, use 923 your physical prowess to help defeat our remaining 13 enemies" 924 "Can you, Keeper use your blue vire do help use?", he asked of me as 925 the Berserker went to attacking 4 of our foes. 926 "I'm sorry, but I have to wait one hour, to reactivate the Fireball 927 spell", I said fighting hand-to-hand with one of the humaniods. 928 I punched qt my enemy and dodged his slow punch. -These guys are 929 strong, but slow-, I thought. 930 I yelled, "Kufur, use your quickness, we may have a chance." 931 The brownie jumped down from the tree and ran at one of them, trying 932 to wrestle0him0to the ground, which of course didn't work and the creature 933 carried him off into the woods. 934 I vanquished my opponent with an uppercut to his square jaw. I felt 935 extremely satisfied, when I noticed about 50 more of this baboon-like  936 creatures enter the fray from the woods. I looked at Kufur, who shook his 937 head sorrowfully. The majority of them went over to Kufur, who fought 938 valiantly but against odds which even a Berserker can't overcome. They 939 took him off into thu woods. 940 -Is there no hope?-, I thought as 20 more exited the forest, and 941 I decided to use the once a year vanquish all enemies spell. 942 I tryed to remember it, but twelve of the 20 attacked me, and 943 everything started to go blac{... 944 ... TO BE CONTINUED BY OTHERS ... 945 946 P.S. This chapter was entered from Trokin Korka's point of view. 947 283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283 039=Usr:104 Trokin Krka0 08/11/88 18:08 Msg:2067 Call:10003447 Lines:7 948 FROM: TROKIN KORKA 949 TO: ALL MEMBERS OF THE QUEST 950 SUBJECT: LAST ENTRY MADE BY ME 951 952 I meant for us to be captured, that's why they carried brownie off, 953 instead0of terning him into brownie stew. 954 283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283283 040=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 08/11/88 18:27 Msg:2068 Call:10003448 Lines:21 955 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Get the Beastiessssssssssssscssscss 956 957 The creatures had me, things were getting desparate. I was 958 beginning to get frustrated, to say the least. My only option left was 959 to go Berserk, and my friends were about. Then one of the unclean 960 beasts began to prod0me and comment in his own base tongue. Being 961 slightly paranoid, I took this as an insult. That was it! The 962 Berserkergang came over me in an instant. 963 Drawing Evilbane as a spear, I flung it at the thing. The shaft 964 ripped througx his hide, and the impact force threw the monster a full 965 10 feet through the air. Evilbane then vanished and reappeared again 966 in my hand, this time as a greatsword. "Who's the first to die?", I 967 challenged them. 968 The creaturuc full before my blade like wheat before the scyth. 969 After hours of killing this nearly endless horde, they retreated into 970 the forest, taking my companions with them. With no more foes to slay, 971 I collapsed, unconcious among the hundreds of cbpsec, showing no more, 972 showing no more life than they. 973 974 KKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | The quest continuessssssssssssssssssssssssss 041=Usr:532 James Of Cassand 08/11/88 19:45 Msg:2069 Call:10003451 Lines:24 976 !!!!!@@@@@#####$$$$$+++++))9)) 977 "Oh, my aching head!" The inter-dimension Police officer said 978 slowly sitting up. 979 980 "Where is everybody?" 981 982 In the heat of the battle the creatures had forgotten to pick up 983 the unconciose and hidden John0Eddyson. He struggled to his feet and 984 examined the surrounding countryside. "It appears they have been captured! 985 I will have to rescue them!" So saying he limped off into the brush. 986 987 Somtime later he came upon a much larger scenu of0carnage. And in 988 the middle of all the dismembered bodies he found Kurfur, Unconciose. 989 990 "Wake up, we've got to resucu the rest of the group. except the 991 brownie, no I guess we have to resucue him to." 992 993 But Kurfur continued to sleep, exhausted by the battle he had faught. 994 995 I guess I'll just have to wait for him to wake up." (And for a new disk) 996 997 I'm at the Bottom! 998 James of Cassandra 999 !!!!!@@@@@#####$$$$$+++++))))) .