NUMBER OF LINES: 999 001=Usr:0 Null User 06/30/87 20:34 Msg:0 Call:0 Lines:19 1$If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2$************************* INSTALLED: 9 DEC 88 **************************** 3$Welcome to BWMS II (BackWater Message System II) Mike Day System operator 4$************************************************************************** 5$GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS II IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6$ PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7$BWMS II was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS II is a privately 8$owned and operated system which is currently open for use by the general 9$public. No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the 10$system is privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all 11$messages which I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the 12$system, it will be periodically purged of messages (only 999 lines of data 13$can be saved). To leave a message, type 'ENTER'. Use ctrl/C to get out 14$the ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering 15$the message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to 16$replace the line. To exit from the system, type 'BYE' then hang up. 17$Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18$************************************************************************** 19$ 002=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 12/05/88 22:55 Msg:2675 Call:72115 Lines:3 20 Though the familar use of things about us takes off our wonder, 21 yet it cures not our ignorance. -- John Locke 22 ********************************************************************* 003=Usr:28 troy wirth 12/05/88 23:31 Msg:2676 Call:72116 Lines:7 23 ------- 11:52 PM Monday 24 ------- WOW! so this is what its like to be first 25 ------- pretty neat. 26 ------- GEE... I better enter some words of wisdom for all to read 27 ------- 28 ------- NAHHH.... 29 ------- By the way the names Cutter 004=Usr:507 todd rogers 12/05/88 23:36 Msg:2677 Call:72117 Lines:7 30@------- THIS IS FOR THE SYSOP 31@------- YOU MAY DELETE USER 28 CAUSE ITS ME 32@------- IN MY RUSH TO LOG IN FIRST I MUST HAVE HIT MY 'CAPS' KEY 33@------- AT SOME TIME SO WHEN I ENTERED MY PASSWORD BWMII DIDN'T 34@------- LIKE IT... AND I BEING SO DUMB SOMETIMES DIDN'T NOTICE 35@------- SORRY FOR ANY INCONVENANCE 36@------- Cutter 005=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 12/06/88 00:32 Msg:2675 Call:72127 Lines:2 37 006=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 12/06/88 01:20 Msg:2678 Call:72123 Lines:9 39 &*&*&*&*'s 40 Ah I see I am second. Onwerd and downwerd. 41 42 Thanks, 43 Mike Miller. 44 45 46 &*&*&*&*'s 47 007=Usr:651 Frank Booth 12/06/88 15:30 Msg:2679 Call:72131 Lines:11 48 If Jim Bakker wants to blow his head off, let him. 49 -- Jessica Hahn 50@li 51@re 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 008=Usr:465 Gregg Harris 12/06/88 19:34 Msg:2680 Call:72135 Lines:7 59 @@@####@#@#####@@@@@##@######@@@@@@###@#@#@###@@##@#@##@ 60 61 Pop Goes the Weazel! 62 63 Games General 64 65 @@#####@@@@@@####@@@@#@#@#@#@###@@#####Q@@@#@#@#@##ack@#@##@#@# 009=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 12/06/88 19:46 Msg:2681 Call:72136 Lines:18 66 67 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | No message here t'dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 68 69 What, another of those bible based con artists is attempting to get cash 70 by threatening suicide? Well if he doesn't get it, might I suggest having 71 him drown in his own water theme park? It appeals to my sense of irony. 72 73 In any case: 74 Demons? Bring em on! I'm sure they'l just be popping in for a drink 75 and a little conversation. I don't suspect it'd be very fun to be a 76 demon, what with all the arch-gods ordering you around and making your 77 exhistence miserable, so cut 'em some slack. Besides, nobody really works 78 this close to Yule that can get away with it, and they've probably spent 79 a hard days work at the soul brokerage that has hired them. "Never take 80 your job to an inn, 'cause it'll spoil your fun" is a well known proverb 81 in almost all dimensions. 82 83 KKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | We want Smurfs! We want Smurfs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 010=Usr:28 troy wirth 12/06/88 22:18 Msg:2682 Call:72142 Lines:13 84 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 85 Ok all you science majors out there. I'm having a little trouble with 86 this problem. 87 here it is: 88 Zinc selenide,n 89 90 znse, crystallizes in a face-centered cubic unit cell and has a density 91 of 5.267G/cm cubed, Determine the edge length of the Unit Cell. 92 I have a test on this tomorrow. any help would be greatly appreciated. 93 94 thanx 95 tw 96 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 011=Usr:507 todd rogers 12/06/88 23:50 Msg:2683 Call:72144 Lines:15 97 ------- it would really help if you would put a date on questions like 98 ------- the one above. 99 ------- WORKING.......... 100 ------- WORKING............. 101 ------- The density is defined as the mass in grams of a unit cell in one 102 ------- unit volume. 103 ------- The following rules may be used to determine the number of unit 104 ------- particles (atoms) associated with the face-centered lattice: 105 ------- 1) An atom at a corner contributes 1/8 of its volume to each 106 ------- of 8 adjacent cubes. 107 ------- 2) An atom in the face of a cube contributes 1/2 of its volume 108 ------- to each of 2 adjacent cubes. 109 ------- 110 ------- All available data.... 111 ------- if this is of any help at all... BOY are you in a lot of trouble!! 012=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 12/08/88 00:36 Msg:2684 Call:72158 Lines:10 112 &*&*&*&*'s 113 and a minute passed, and then after a minute yet another minute passed. 114 a minute passed and the another nother minute passed. then yet again 115 another minute passed. 116 117 paraphrased from Monty Python. 118 119 An Astral Dreamer 120 &*&*&*&*'s 121 013=Usr:272 Talos 12/08/88 09:55 Msg:2685 Call:72161 Lines:4 122 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 123 Man has not evolved an inch from the slime that spawned him. 124 Talos Valheru 125 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 014=Usr:665 Rayall Von Jerri 12/08/88 18:41 Msg:2686 Call:72169 Lines:34 126 Harharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharhar 127 Rayall gasped his thanks as he downed the flagon of foul spirits. 128 Then, tossing the cup with perfect precision onto the hook from whence it 129 came, he studied his surroundings. 130 Despite the fact that he spotted nothing of a decidedly demonic nature, 131 the bartender aside, he was still 132 feeling quite uneasy. 133 His hands went immediately to the warm familiarity of his leather pouch. 134 From it, he drew a curious object that seemed to be made of a greenish metal. 135 Two cylinders were attached to the top, 136 and a small needle quivered across a readout on the face of the machine. 137 An odd whistling, humming noise. As 138 he moved the curious machine around in 139 the air, the two cylinders rose outward, 140 until they reached polar opposites, 141 sticking out to the east and west. 142 "Perhaps a class 5, or a free 143 floating full torso vaporous 144 apparition. Of course, it might be a class 7... One of these days I've got 145 to get this thing a full overhaul." Cursing in an unknown language,he 146 stuffed the meter back into the pouch. 147 "There's definitely some parapsychic 148 energy here... " 149 Mutterig to himself, Rayall drew his staff and ran his fingers across 150 the edge. Suddenly, there was a mild 151 "pop", and with a puff of pinkish smoke, a longsword took its place. Rayall 152 swung it experimentally, regaining the 153 feel of his favorite weapon, Luckseeker II. 154 "Unfortunately, Arthur Vennnit isn't here right now," he muttered to 155 himself. "Follower would have been a welcome addition to our struggle. 156 After all, the Sword of Yar is known far and wide for its unique ability to 157 disperse demons... when a nuclear 158 accelerator isn't available... " 159 Harharhaharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharhw Rayall Harharharhar 015=Usr:28 troy wirth 12/08/88 19:03 Msg:2687 Call:72170 Lines:9 160 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 161 Sorry I forgot to put a date on that question. I believe it was tuesday 162 night, about 10 pm. I already took the test ( and probably failed) but 163 thanks for the information anyway. 164 165 ****Tw******** 166 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 167@ 168@ 016=Usr:30 JERRY CLARK 12/08/88 22:31 Msg:2688 Call:72174 Lines:12 169 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 170 Question? Is there anything of any value entered on this BBS? Then consider 171 this.... 172 173 "Three square miles measured from the perimeter - yet almost infinite within. 174 A place where time expands and distors. Where mysterious forces tap primal 175 fears and desires. Where myths gain flesh and bloom, forged in the crucible of 176 imagination and man's dark subconscious. Where love and beauty can haunt a man 177 's dreams, and obsession can drive him to madness.." 178 MYTHAGO WOOD 179 Is this not the value of a BBS? 180 017=Usr:32 JOHN SILVERMAN 12/09/88 00:49 Msg:2689 Call:72179 Lines:28 181 ************************************************************************** 182 System News 183 December 9, 1988 184 12:50 AM 185 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 186 187 J.D.'s Place is takinga vacation 188 189 On Saturday, December 10th I am going out of town for probably a week. 190 During that time there will be nobody here to supervise the operation of 191 the board. My main worry is that if there is a blackout and power is 192 restored to the system, the hard disk will go into a continuous loop 193 trying to initialize itself. If I am gone this could go on for days, 194 quite possibly damaging or destroying the disk. So I am shutting the 195 system down for that time, as I figure a short vacation for the board 196 is better than a permanent one. 197 198 So at midnight on Friday I will be taking the system offline, and it will 199 probably be back up on Sunday the 18th, if not sooner. I am sorry I did 200 not give more notice but it just occured to me tonight that I couldn't 201 leave the board running. Not to worry, though, the place will definitely 202 be back up and open for business as usual by the 18th. 203 204 Until then, take care, 205 206 J.D. Silverman 207 208 ****************************************************************************** 018=Usr:465 Gregg Harris 12/09/88 18:15 Msg:2690 Call:72186 Lines:4 209 ###@#@####@@@@#@##@#@#@@@##@####@#@#@@###@@@#@@@@@@#@###@@@@#@#@##@@@#@#@ 211 Mole Lurk, Mole Dig, Mole Needa Job. 212 @@####@@@@@#######@@@@#####@@@@####@@#@##@@@##@#@@@@##@@@@#@#@#@@#@#@@@#@@ 019=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 12/09/88 18:31 Msg:2691 Call:72187 Lines:5 213 KKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Boredom comes to those who are patientttttttt 214 215 No message. Am suffering from writers block. That and apathy. 216 217 KKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Perpetual motion makes the world go 'roundddd 020=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 12/12/88 08:27 Msg:2692 Call:72234 Lines:12 218 &*&*&*&*'s 219 Hm, I think it is time that we recruited some more new blood into here. 220 221 Time to start posting the number of this board all over. 222 223 Let's see some action! 224 225 An Astral Dreamer. 226 &*&*&*&*'s 227 228 229 021=Usr:39 gordon nance 12/12/88 17:10 Msg:2693 Call:72242 Lines:7 230 :[:]:[[:]]:[[[:]]]:[[[[:]]]]:[[[:]]]:[[:]]:[:] - Z-man 231 Well, so this is the famed BW-II. I have been gone for a while, 232 and it is nice to be back. When I roamed these hallowed halls in the 233 past, it was in another form - incarnation if you prefer - but it was still 234 me. It is good to be back to visit an old friend. 235 :[:]:[[:]]:[[[:]]]:[[[[:]]]]:[[[:]]]:[[:]]:[:] - Z-man...returns! 236 ^c 022=Usr:43 john walz 12/12/88 17:33 Msg:2694 Call:72243 Lines:10 237 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 238 239 bearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbea 240 r 241 new on the board. thought it might be time to give it a shot.what do i do now s 242 onny,other than come up with a mini-series,have you heard the one about george 243 the cool corn flake.never mind i just 244 took a reality check,time to get back home and continue writing. 245 bearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbearbea 246 r 023=Usr:196 Cheryl Singer 12/12/88 18:18 Msg:2695 Call:72246 Lines:8 247 Hello, Cassandra here. Anybody heard from Vandervekken? If so, please 248 tell him that Sam Butler and I would very much like to hear from him! 249 Anybody who has any input cocerning the upcoming CON (your generic 250 science fictn convention) next summer is encouraged to leave a message 251 here for me. Also, at the risk of opening a can of worms, does anyone 252 ]have feedback on the last Orycon? 253 254 ***Cassandra*** 024=Usr:272 Talos 12/13/88 00:18 Msg:2696 Call:72258 Lines:7 255 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 256 hi. 257 be. 258 Talos Valheru 259 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 260 off 261 oops 025=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 12/13/88 14:28 Msg:2697 Call:72261 Lines:11 262 &*&*&*&*'s 263 264 Ah, yet again I lurk. What is it in the blood of the humen race that allows 265 us to construct our own reality. What is the real truth? is it really all 266 that important. 267 268 Oh well. 269 270 An Astral Dreamer. 271 &*&*&*&*'s 272 026=Usr:507 todd rogers 12/13/88 21:47 Msg:2698 Call:72270 Lines:8 273 ------- In the blood? I think it is cholestral that causes reality. The 274 ------- real truth? Big breasted blonds are the smartest people in the 275 ------- world. And nothing is all that important... 276 ------- Except.......... T R A S H!!!! 277 ------- Thing may come and go 278 ------- but TRASH goes on forever!! 279 ------- 280 ------- Cutter 027=Usr:483 Lord Beaker 12/14/88 14:06 Msg:2699 Call:72277 Lines:12 281 282 283 Hmm. If thats so, the part about the Big Breasted Blonds (would that be the 284 BBB), then they are all invited to my house for an intelectual discussion... 285 286 LB\__/ 287 oo 288 289 Oh, two of my keys broke so no border. 290 291 292 028=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 12/14/88 19:17 Msg:2700 Call:72282 Lines:6 293 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Hi humans etc. Just like to say:::::::::::: 294 295 I just had a terrifying thought. What if absolutely everything written 296 in the National Enquirer were TRUE??? Think on it. 297 298 KKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | ARRRRGGGGHHHHH Reality isn'ttttttttttttttttt 029=Usr:483 Lord Beaker 12/14/88 19:59 Msg:2701 Call:72284 Lines:28 299 -=-========-=----------=-=========-=-------=-=========-=------------=-====== 300 There...fixed the top row on my keyboard, seems a wire was loose. Well now 301 that I've got that off my chest, I'm sure I'll sleep a whole lot better 302 tonight. 303 304 Hey about this li'll bit o' theory...I call it (Dramatic Pause)...The Big 305 Mother Bar-BQ. I figured it all out. A star say about the size of ours or 306 bigger, will cycle through its life, go red giant and then collapse either 307 looseing itself in the explosion our going black hole on us. These are the 308 failed attempts for the BMBBQ and will eventualy recycle. It is the smaller 309 stars I'm concerned with...the ones that go white dwarf. Now if you think 310 about it, these are essentualy carbon...dense hot carbon. And of course if 311 you take all this carbon, put it under that kind of pressure and heat you 312 get...('nother drammatic pause)...Diamonds realy big diamonds!! Actualy a 313 realy big diamond about the size of our planet. Unfortunatly the heat is so 314 much that the final product is simmilar to a big momma lump o' charcoal. 315 Now...the way I figure it. A big mother cow (say the Holy Cow) dies up in 316 divinity land, the gods figure time to have a Bar-BQ. A big mother Bar-BQ 317 (After all who want's a giant cow decaying in there front yard). Soooo they 318 work out this universe thing for the charcoal, proably already had the grill 319 or sometthing like that. Who knows where they get the lighter fluid from. 320 And then (Yet A 'Nother Drammatic Pause) The Big Mother Bar-BQ!!! 321 322 Well, there ya have it. The reason for our Universe. 323 324 Lord Beaker \__/ 325 oo 326 ---=-=--{===------=-===============-=-=-=----------=--=-=========-=--------- 030=Usr:272 Talos 12/14/88 23:41 Msg:2702 Call:72290 Lines:4 327 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 328 Beautiful LB, Loved it, applause, awarding 15 narly points to you. L8r, 329 Talos Valheru 330 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 031=Usr:665 Rayall Von Jerri 12/16/88 15:35 Msg:2703 Call:72310 Lines:16 331 Harharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharhar 332 333 Suddenly, everyone in the group seemed to freeze in place. The Guru 334 stared blankly at his Tome of Eternal Knowledge. A frazzle-topped scientist 335 was frozen in pondering the origins of the universe. In fact, everyone in the 336 Inn was immobile... 337 Except Rayall... 338 The small device in Rayall's hand began to flash with pulsating light. 339 The beams of flourescent energy that wriggled from the device's stalks 340 danced across aged wooden walls. 341 "According to these readings," Rayall said to himself, "the only 342 individuals who aren't being affected on this dimension are those who 343 originate from alternate dimensions... Meaning me, and..." 344 The door crashed open... 345 "The demons..." 346 Harharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharharh Rayall H 032=Usr:666 james kolbet 12/16/88 21:28 Msg:2704 Call:72317 Lines:5 347 Hi! Sorry I've been gone awhile, I had a minor problem with the chicken pox, a 348 a few college applications that were in dire need of completion. Anybody want 349 fill me in on what's been going on? 350 Thanks a bunch! 351 Kaitlyn 033=Usr:219 Friar Mossback 12/18/88 10:48 Msg:2705 Call:72344 Lines:6 352 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 353 All had had their appetite sated, so I flung the bag accross the table, 354 and cleared it off. "You may dissappear the table now, and I will begin 355 the story. A two week feast is enough, don't you think?" 356 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Friar [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 357 034=Usr:49 Robert Culpepper 12/18/88 12:55 Msg:2706 Call:72346 Lines:5 358 359 360 Are there any SCA people on this BBS? this is R. MacFlandry of Dundee. Give a m 361 a msg 362 035=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 12/18/88 18:33 Msg:2707 Call:72352 Lines:16 363 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Mc Flandry, so yer here too! Gooddddddddd 364 365 Well met MacFlandry, 366 You wouldn't happen to be the MacFlandry of the Dunn-Cow-Inn would 367 you? Yes, there are SCA'ers about, namely yours truly, and a few others. 368 I go by the name Kurfur, for it is me, both here and in the SCA, but 369 my name has a nasty tendency to fail to precede me. In any case, I'm 370 here, and if the others would kindly name themselves, they're here too. 371 372 Irreverently, 373 Kurfur Redlig 374 375 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | BTW, everyone should grab a borderrrrrrr 376 377 And if you understand that, more power to you. 378 036=Usr:272 Talos 12/19/88 00:55 Msg:2708 Call:72361 Lines:7 379 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 380 Talos Valheru here. Sort of a SCA wannabe. I've seen a couple events but 381 haven't been able to get to any of them out of the local area and besides that 382 I haven't anything proper to wear, but I am remedying that a.s.a.p. 383 384 Talos Valheru 385 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 037=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 12/19/88 12:41 Msg:2709 Call:72364 Lines:11 386 &*&*&*&*'s 387 An Astral Dreamer here. Not an SCA member. I guess I'm to caught up in the 388 future. I enjoy the past, But am not to into the thought of actually living 389 in it. Even if for only a weekend. 390 391 Guess it's the computer programer in me. Didn't find many PC's of any sort 392 back in the middly ages :-). 393 394 An Astral Dreamer. 395 &*&*&*&*'s 396 038=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 12/19/88 18:58 Msg:2710 Call:72372 Lines:13 397 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | H'lo aginnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 398 399 They didn't have PC's, correct, but they also didn't have pollution, 400 nuclear war, the ozone problem, New York, acid rain etc. to deal with. 401 In fact, before the 18th century, just about the only thing you had to 402 deal with was the Viking threat (unless you are a viking yourself, such 403 as myself). 404 405 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Till next, BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 406 407 Has anyone else here tried out all the commands? Has anyone else actually 408 gotten that bored? 409 039=Usr:322 Stray Cat 12/19/88 20:05 Msg:2711 Call:72374 Lines:8 410 @_)@(#$^)(*@_#)($^@#$(^!@#%(#+#$#$(*^#@()*^)(#$^ 411 412 Yes. And not only that but most of them don't do anything anyway. I was 413 just thinking as I was calling in, this board certainly isn't what it used to 414 be even six months to a year ago. I think Mikey should make a C-drive and 415 provide us with reruns. 416 417 @#)(^$#@)*&)(@#$^%^&*@#)$(*&@#$!@)#(*%!@#_)@!*^$!@#%~^_)(*^@#$&)(*!% 040=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 12/19/88 21:27 Msg:2712 Call:72378 Lines:20 418 419 I think all the other users are dead. That or avoiding us. 420 421 422 423 424 Hmmmm. I think that an editing of the User list is in order, don't you? 425 After all, why keep on people who never post. You know the ones I mean. 426 You know, the ones who's user information looks like: 427 428 #999 = Joe Blow From: Nowhere 429 Applied: 03/14/87 Last on: 03/14/87 12:23 Dur:3 430 431 I mean, do you ever think that these people are going to call again? 432 Probably not, so why waste disk space? 433 434 I know this sounds really nit-picky, but when you are bored, you'll do just 435 about anything. Even read the user list (which is too long from all the dead 436 users out there. 437 041=Usr:507 todd rogers 12/19/88 22:43 Msg:2713 Call:72380 Lines:5 438 439 ------- A period of two months seems (to me anyway) about the right lenght 440 ------- of time for continual users. Longer than that DUMP EM!! 441 ------- just a opinion... 442 ------- Cutter 042=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 12/19/88 23:08 Msg:2714 Call:72381 Lines:12 443 ******************************************************************** 444 Actually, I have been slowly cleaning up the list. but it is a pain to edit, 445 so it is rather low on my priority list. but if you notice, there are 446 sme new users showing up on the lower numbers which happens because the 447 numbers have been freed. 448 Having the users active doesn't take up any more disk space. The user list 449 is a fixed length file, so it takes the same amount of space whether there 450 is one user or 999 users. The same is true of the data files. Everything 451 is fixed length. It makes the program a thousand times easier to write 452 and maintain, and I don't have to worry about system crashes because a 453 disk filled up. 454 ************************** CM ***************************************** 043=Usr:272 Talos 12/19/88 23:29 Msg:2715 Call:72384 Lines:4 455 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 456 That's must be very advantageous. But tell us, how many "active" users are 457 there currently (Have logged on more than once in the last two months)? 458 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 044=Usr:322 Stray Cat 12/20/88 13:29 Msg:2716 Call:72389 Lines:10 459 460 A lot of people call in here, I think, but like me they are only here to be 461 entertained and get real pissed when they're not being entertained by others. 462 You don't have to log on to be able to read. You only HAVE to log on if you 463 wanna write something. The problem is not inactive readers but inactive 464 writers. I've scolded the writers about this to no avail. I still call in 465 though and have left maybe seven messages over the period of a year, probably 466 four of them asking where all the writers went. And Mikey, what did you 467 think of my suggestion??? 468 045=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 12/20/88 13:44 Msg:2717 Call:72390 Lines:16 469 &*&*&*&*'s 470 Ah, Things have been a bit quit. I just can't seem to write storys at this time 471 Don't know why, I used to turn out a few pages a day. I was even able to 472 spport two persona, But not anymore... 473 474 Oh Kurfur, I agree with you on most of what you said, But I must point out 475 that there was pollution. In the streets of large towns and downriver of just 476 about any inhabited area. Of course it was not nearly as bad as it is today 477 to the planet as a whole, But on a per capita basis it might even be the same. 478 479 But I suppose that the polution they had was not nearly as long lasting. 480 481 An Astral Dreamer. 482 &*&*&*&*'s 483 484 046=Usr:465 Gregg Harris 12/20/88 15:14 Msg:2718 Call:72391 Lines:7 485 @@@####@@@@###@#@###@####@#@#@#@####@#@###@#@# 486 487 Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored Lurk. Bored Moleless. Bored. 488 489 The Mole. 490 491 ##@@@##@@# To bored to finish..... 047=Usr:507 todd rogers 12/20/88 22:00 Msg:2719 Call:72401 Lines:5 492 ------- TO THE sys op 493 ------- Just a question... 494 ------- What kind of machine does BW II run on? 495 ------- And what software is it? 496 ------- OK.... So.... It was two questions.... SO SUE ME!! 048=Usr:272 Talos 12/21/88 01:16 Msg:2720 Call:72404 Lines:5 497 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 498 Look out, MOLE OVER-BORED! 499 500 Talos Valheru 501 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 049=Usr:465 Gregg Harris 12/21/88 02:08 Msg:2721 Call:72409 Lines:7 502 @@###@#@##@###@@@@@##@#@####@#@@@#@##@#@@@#@#@#@@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@###@#@#@# 503 504 To Bored to Counter with a Snappy Phrase. 505 506 The Even-More-Bored-Than-Before Mole. 507 @@## Why Even try to finish (*Wait thats not boredom, thats apathy*) 050=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 12/21/88 07:54 Msg:2722 Call:72411 Lines:9 509 ************************************************************************** 510 To person above asking about BW II. To see the machine statistics 511 use the AUthor command. BW runs on custom software the origins of which 512 predate the personal computer. 513 514 Stray Cat, 515 Why not do some writing yourself to help things get moving? 516 517 ********************** CM ********************************************** 051=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 12/21/88 09:49 Msg:2723 Call:72413 Lines:9 518 &*&*&*&*'s 519 Hello All, 520 Might be interesting to hear a bit about the history of this board. I know 521 some of it,but if we asked politly perhaps sysop Mikey would be willing to 522 give a short overview? 523 524 An Astral Dreamer. 525 &*&*&*&*'s 526 052=Usr:322 Stray Cat 12/21/88 13:18 Msg:2724 Call:72416 Lines:10 527 @_)*@(^$&#@_#$)(@#$^ 528 529 AD 530 531 But what would I write about??? ... if I *COULD* write, that is. 532 Perhaps you could suggest a topic and provide me with writing lessons? 533 534 535 @#_)(&!@#!@)*@#^%$!@#(*&%!@#&(*^@#$*&%!@&(&!@^# 536 053=Usr:322 Stray Cat 12/21/88 20:23 Msg:2725 Call:72422 Lines:2 537 538 .a 054=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 12/21/88 21:19 Msg:2726 Call:72424 Lines:22 539 Stray Cat, 540 Well, the best thing to write about is something that you know or 541 enjoy. So just think of sommething that you would like to see written here 542 and start writing it. Writing leasons? Me? surely you jest! I just 543 write things, doesn't mean that I know what I'm doing. ;-) 544 ***************************** CISTOP MIKEY ******************************* 545 Dreamer, 546 What history? Not much to it really, it started out as a private system 547 to test modem hardware. I put it together from a bunch of junk box parts. 548 Patched the code to provide the BW signon prompt and called it a BBS. 549 The original system ran on one 5 inch single sided floppy with 1K of ram 550 and 8K or rom. There was no OS, only the ROM code. The machine itself was 551 designed in 1976 and the code it ran on was derived from a much earlier 552 system. For sometime there was a lot of talk about updating the machine, 553 and finally a couple of years ago three other programmers and I got together 554 to make it happen. The end result was BWMS II. This current version was 555 written in Turbo Pascal 3.0 and there is a Beta test version floating around 556 that has been written in Turbo Pascal 5.0. This was done to fix a few bugs 557 and to open up the code space to allow future additions and enhancements. 558 As for the old BW I system, we gave it a wake last year and it is resting 559 peacfully in a well deserved retirement. 560 ****************************** CM *************************************** 055=Usr:272 Talos 12/22/88 02:24 Msg:2727 Call:72431 Lines:42 561 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 562 It wasn't much of a day, warm, little wind, bright sun with a few clouds. 563 Suddenly a youth running by startled his attention away from the book he was 564 reading. He seemed to be in an awful hurry as he had jumped a fence from an 565 ajoining parking lot and continued through just barely keeping his balance. 566 Just the a van pulled up in the other parking lot and a lady yelled out the 567 window, "Stop him! He just stole an old lady's purse!" 568 A feeling welled up inside of him as he thought "That little shit!" He tore 569 off after the youth across the block and towards the row of trees he'd seen him 570 duck around. "I'll bet he's hiding behind that last tree to swipe at me." 571 As he came to the last tree he threw his right arm in a vicious blow towards 572 the edge of the tree, striking air. 573 "Oh well," he thought as he raced on arund the building. He spotted him 574 running further down the street towards the open market area. "If he gets in 575 there I'll lose him for sure!" And with that bad news he pushed on faster. 576 "HOLD IT!" He screamed as he closed on the youth. With a fluid movement he 577 snaked his right arm around the youth's neck and grabbed the youth's wrist with 578 his left. 579 "Great, now what do I do with him?" he thought as he held him in place. 580 "Okay man, you got me, lighten up okay?" The youth was breathing heavily. 581 "Yeah sure," he thought, "So you can run off again?" He guided him into a 582 nearby flower shop and had the desk lady call the police. 583 While they were waiting, they talked. The youth was babbling about how he 584 never really di this kind of thing but he needed the money bad. He couldn't 585 have been older than 17. 586 Eventually the police came and went on to the scene of the crime. 587 588 589 590 This is a TRUE story. I apprehended the youth. I would like a responce 591 To these questions: 592 593 Was it smart for me to have chased the kid? (He could have had a gun) 594 595 Should I have let him go? (There was plenty of time for him to disappear 596 before the cops showed up) 597 598 Was there another option/What else could I have done? 599 600 L8r, 601 Talos Valheru 602 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 056=Usr:57 Robert Culpepper 12/22/88 07:53 Msg:2728 Call:72434 Lines:18 603 To Kurfur Redlig 604 605 Yes I am the Macflandry of The Dunn Cow Inn. I am new to BBS use and each is 606 confusing that geeting used to each is 607 a little unnerving. It has taken me some time to get back to find out if I have 608 recieved any response. I also wanted to let Astral Dreamer and you know that th 609 e present and the past have the own different problems. /Today we have nuclear 610 misuse and threats but yesterday they had plauge, pestilence no dental, as much 611 war and strife as we, and no electricity. Can't really equate the two periods 612 equally. As in any social group the SCA 613 is made up of a large and widespread 614 cross-section of the population just 615 like real life. I am intrested in hearing more of your thoughts about then and 616 now, and the future. Well I have to run 617 so until we cross electrons again. Have a happy Holiday. 618 619 Robert MacFlandry 620 ******************************************************************************* 057=Usr:483 Lord Beaker 12/22/88 17:15 Msg:2729 Call:72442 Lines:15 621 -=-=====-=---------=-==-=--------=-==============-=---------=-=-=-----=-==== 622 Talos, I think what you did was right. Hmm...the questions, well, he could 623 have had a gun, but doubtful for a 17 year old purse snatcher, I guess thats 624 just what you care to risk (or not) I believe I would have. Should you have 625 let him go. No, if he realy was a first time offender with no past record 626 chance is in his favor that the judge will let him off easy(maybe probation) 627 If he was lying, well then, thats what the court system is for. 628 629 630 Now on a different note...Oh never mind, I can't talk about Her without 631 shudders of intimidation running through my body. 632 633 LB\__/ 634 oo 635 -=-{======-=------=-==========-=-------=-=========-=-------=-===========-=-- 058=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 12/22/88 23:58 Msg:2730 Call:72451 Lines:14 636 &*&*&*&*'s 637 I believe the right action was taken. It is unfortnate but neccasary. 638 639 Some people cry out for victoms rights. They fail to realise that both 640 sides of any crime are victoms. 641 642 Crime is a truelly perplexing thing. Punishment is ussually not a deterent, 643 yet you cannot let people victomize others without some form of formal 644 displeasure being shown by the powers that be. Not if you want to keep 645 a coherent and stable sociaty together. It's a sick world. 646 647 An Astral Dreamer. 648 &*&*&*&*'s 649 059=Usr:58 Moon Head 12/23/88 01:07 Msg:2731 Call:72453 Lines:7 650 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 651 652 A full moon riseth....and snow is in the air. 'Twas two days before 653 Christmas, and under the tree 'tis still bare.... 654 Another day, another dollar - it is late, time for a new caller..... 655 656 A new user comes on board - armed with his pen as his swordG'night (for now)... 060=Usr:666 james kolbet 12/23/88 14:13 Msg:2732 Call:72475 Lines:24 657 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 658 Hidey Ho Hello! 659 I just want to wish everyone out there a very merry merry Christmas ands 660 an even better New Year. As I gaze into my crystal ball, I am reminded of why 661 have Christmas at this time of year, instead of anywhere else . First of all, 662 the stores couldn't make as much mf they h{F 663 oops, something happened. anyway, stores couldn't make money because they have 664 many other sales, and having an entire month of shopping seems to satisfy them. 665 Also, Somewhere back in the past, someone dicided to compete with the Jews and 666 a Christian celebration at the same time of year so that those Christians would 667 not get bored. They would've had it in the spring since everybody's pal Jesus 668 born in early April, but, then Easter would be too close. Another trivial bit 669 history, do you know our calendar is four years behind. I find this rather unf 670 because I could be in college if that were true, and I won't suffer silently. 671 Anyway, enjoy the Christmas season. I personally hope I get a new crystal 672 because mine seems to have clouded over again. 673 * 674 *** 675 ******* 676 ********* 677 *********** Season's Greetings! 678 ^^^ 679 ^^^ 680 Kaitlyn+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 061=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 12/23/88 19:16 Msg:2733 Call:72480 Lines:7 681 &*&*&*&*'s 682 Well, Time to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday. Hope to see all of you 683 here in the coming year! 684 685 An Astral Dreamer. 686 &*&*&*&*'s 687 062=Usr:57 Robert Culpepper 12/24/88 01:50 Msg:2734 Call:72490 Lines:6 688 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 689 Good day to one and all. I too would like to wish a Merry Christmas and best 690 hopes for the New Year any who reads this. Keep the spirits high and if too 691 high don't DRIVE, O.K? 692 robert. 693 063=Usr:483 Lord Beaker 12/24/88 15:31 Msg:2735 Call:72496 Lines:11 694 -----=-============-=-=====-=---------------=-======-=----=-=-=-=-=======-=- 695 Snow...Please snow. SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW. Thanx. 696 697 LB\__/ 698 oo 699 700 Alright...Should I call her? Yes or No, mujoritee rules. 701 =--{-======-=---------=-============-=--------=-==========--------=-======-= 702 Oh yeah. Merry Chistmass and Happy New Year. Make it a good one. And if 703 you run me over while your drunk...There could be Hell to pay! (literaly). 704 =--{-======-=---------=-============-=--------=-==========--------=-======-= 064=Usr:483 Lord Beaker 12/24/88 17:36 Msg:2736 Call:72497 Lines:2 705 Well here I am again...No snow yet. SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW! PLEASE! 706 =--{-======-=---------=-============-=--------=-==========--------=-======-= 065=Usr:507 todd rogers 12/24/88 22:15 Msg:2737 Call:72499 Lines:14 707 ------- 10:47 pm dec 24th 708 ------- the house,... all quiet.... 709 ------- typing this becuase i think i just heard some jingle bell 710 ------- off in the distance.... 711 ------- any one watching for any UFOs?? 712 ------- 713 ------- 714 ------- looking out my window, i see one lone little moving red dot 715 ------- Hmmmm..... i wondoer???? 716 ------- 717 ------- Nahhh...... 718 ------- 719 ------- Merry Christmas anyway! 720 ------- from Cutter 066=Usr:272 Talos 12/25/88 00:58 Msg:2738 Call:72504 Lines:6 721 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 722 Overnight I have watched over the fireplace door. It's beginning to become a 723 giant bore. Santa hasn't shown, and time's getting late. He's supposed to bring 724 me a beautiful date! :) 725 Talos Valheru 726 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 067=Usr:58 Moon Head 12/25/88 22:29 Msg:2739 Call:72508 Lines:27 727 728 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 729 730 Ahhhhh..... Christmas - what a fine time of the year. Crisp air, warm 731 people, lots of good food, good music......good times. 732 Got a new crystal ball for Christmas......beautiful three inch in 733 diameter - and not a flaw to be seen. Nice three legged gold plated 734 stand.. 735 But best of all - it works! 736 During the next week, the crystal shall gain in strength with proper 737 care (sort of like the "breaking in" period for a new car before you 738 can give it full throttle, if you know what I mean....) 739 By the first of the final year in this current decade, I shall be 740 ready to begin.. 741 But my other wizardly practices are partially atrophied from disuse - 742 I can use some help. Perhaps a gatheri~g i~ this venue could be 743 arranged? Tell me of your powers and your strengths (and weaknesses). 744 As we learn of our collected and combined abilities - an adventure 745 could be initiated. 746 I await replies. 747 748 Until the next time..>......... 749 750 MoonHead. 751 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 752 753 068=Usr:498 Hagbard Celine , 12/26/88 05:28 Msg:2740 Call:72512 Lines:56 754 {} 755 756 "The first-ever one-of-a-kynd 25-hours-a-day super-sale is happenning, 757 right now! And you'll find everything at Smidt's Homely Burnishings!" 758 759 And the commercial blared into my mind, only the 107th in the past three 760 days. I was tired. Couldn't there be a butter way to support my life 761 other than listening to this drivel? Sure, Smidt's has a great selection 762 of everything you do and don't need. Sure, they have some of the best service 763 around for anything when it needs it. Sure, they're a growing0company. But 764 I was still upset by the billions of "blitz" commercials passing through 765 my mind like so many paper streamers. Something was interfering with 766 the C-Space dimension, and it affected everyone who used C-Space 768 mental te|epathy, which entailed giving a thought matter and transmitting 769 it to a certain location ("frequency", if you will) to be recieved by 770 the intended party. It could only mean one thing; C-Space had been 771 overrun by the Dread Adverts! Millions of0telepaths will suffer, unless 772 someone physically uprooted the obnoxious funguses. What was there to 773 do? 774 775 Hagbard Celine, yur friendly Mr. "G" of Backwater 776 777 {} 778 BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE! THAT'S RIGHT, WHEN YOU BUY THE RONCOMATIC 779 EGG BEATER AND POOPER SCOOPER UTENSIL, YOU'LL ALSO RECIEVE THIS 780 HANDY NUCLEAR FUSSION PROTOTYPE LASER TANK, COMPLETE WITH YOUR 781 CHOICE OF MATTER OR ANTIMATTER. BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT MATTERS, BECAUSE 782 YOU'LL ALSO RECIEVE THIS AMQJINGLY USELESS ITEM THAT NOT ONLY 783 CLUTTERS YOUR KITCHEN DRAWERS, BUT ALSO ATTRACTS YOUNG KIDS TO 784 IT VIA LARGE ELECTROMAGNETS (batteries not icluded) THAT SUCK THE 785 IRON RIGHT OUT OF YOUR BODY. JUST IMAGINE, NOW YOU CAN BULK 786 ERASE Y_ER CASSETTES AND YOUR MIND SIMULTANEOUSLY, AND WITH 787 SUCH SPEED! BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! YOU ALSO RECIEVE THIS 788 NICE GINSU CUTLERY SET, USEFUL AROUND THE HOUSE FOR FIXING 789 A MEAL OR KILLING AN IN-LAW! NOW HOW MUCH WOULD YOU PAY? 790 $1999.9)? $!99.99? NO, NOT EVEN $19.99! YES, THAT'S RIGHT, BECAUSE 791 WE HAVE TO MOVE THIS WORTHLESS SHIT ONTO THE PUBLIC TO MAKE ROOM 792 AT THE CENTRAL WAREHOUSE, WE'RE SELLING THIS AT THE AMAZINGLY 793 REDICULOUS PRICE OF $1.99! THAT'S RIGHT, YOU DON'T NEUD A0HEARING 794 AID, $1.99! (add $1998.00 COD shipping and handling) FOR THE 795 RONCOMATIC EGG-IN-SHELL-AND-SHIT-ON-A-STICK BEATER, THE 796 PROTOTYPE NUCLEAR LAB, THE STRANGE MAGNET GIZMO, AND THE GINSU 797 "Hack 'n Slash" CUTLERY SET FOR ONE-NINETY=NINU!!!! ORDER 798 YOURS TODAY, OR ORDER YOURS YESTERDAY!!! YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT 799 ONE, AND IF YOU CAN, WE'LL KILL YOUR FIRST-BORN! ORDER ONE, 800 ORDER TWO, ORDER SEVERAL THOUSAND FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING 801 NEEDS!! ORDER YOURS NOW!!! 802 0 80# {} 804 805 That was just bad. I've seen bad, but that's bad-bad. 806 807 H. Celine 808 809 {} 069=Usr:219 Friar Mossback 12/26/88 10:37 Msg:2741 Call:72513 Lines:7 810 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][M[][M[][][][][][][][][] 811 We take time out from this adventure to wish everyone a happy midwinter 812 festival, and great hopes for the coming year now that the sun is indeed 813 returning to our climes once again. 814 A pleasant new year to all of you! 815 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Friar [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 816 070=Usr:4 Milchar 12/26/88 11:43 Msg:2742 Call:72514 Lines:3 817 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 818 Lurkus0Modius.... Just a quick "howdy do!" to all INNhabitants... 819 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milch +++++++++++++ 12/26/88 +++++++++++++++ 071=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 12/26/88 20:11 Msg:2743 Call:72529 Lines:2 820 What's this? A voice from out of the past! Howdy Milch! 821 ========================================================================== 072=Usr:272 Talos 12/27/88 00:17 Msg:2744 Call:72534 Lines:8 822 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*.<*>,:> 823 Howdy all! Welcome back Milch! Staying around? 824 MoonHead, what kind of info do you need to get that thing going? Where do I 825 write to you at? 826 ALL: May your commercials be interrupted by programs, may you never run out of 827 snac{s i~ the middle of a show. 828 Talos Valheru 829 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 073=Usr:322 Stray Cat 12/27/88 07:25 Msg:2745 Call:72538 Lines:14 830 831 LB: I vote **YES** 832 833 834 MH: Braved all forms of hazard to get all the way to Helvetia Tavern. As 835 I got out of the car I said, "wouldn't t be funny if they were closed" 836 and they were. Coincidence or WHAT??/? (37 838 839 DON'T go out there. Helvetia Tavern is closed until after the first of the 840 year. Don't let the cars in the parking lot fool you. A carful of people 841 pulled in right after us. ROCK CREEK was closed too. Had to settle or 842 SPANKY'S. 843 074=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 12/27/88 12:56 Msg:2746 Call:17021 Lines:9 844 &*&*&*&*'s 845 Hello All, 846 I'm back from my holiday trip home. Did any of you know that there is a new 847 feature on Backwater? Type go DOC. I thi~k I0might have been the first person 848 to find this. Anybody get to it before me? 849 850 An Astral Dreamer. 851 &*&*&*&*'s 852 075=Usr:73 TANYA BARFIELD 12/27/88 23:26 Msg:2747 Call:17032 Lines:44 853 ...................... . . . 0. 0 . . . . . 854 855 The young woman in the dark cloak opened the door to the Backwater Inn 856 quickly. She was certainly glad to be out of the cold December night, 857 but as she stepped through the doorway, sxe wac shocked. The Inn was 858 crowded, as usual. That much hadn't changed. But, she hardly recognized 859 a single patron. No, that wasn't true. There were a few faces... 860 although she had never known their names and couldn't greet them. 861 0 0She quietly went over to the bar, telling herself it didn't matter, 862 things always change, and it was good to get out of the cold. 863 "Perhaps, nobody recognizes me either," she mumbled to herself, 864 becoming quite melancholy and self-pityinw. 865 "I do." 866 She looked up to find the Innkeeper smiling at her. She couldn't 867 hide her suprise nor her happiness as she gave him a warm hug. 868 "Am I glad to see you!" They both said. 869 He served her a cup of hot citer, and they chatted about old times. 870 "It's been along time," he told her, "you can't expect everyone to 871 still be here. You went away on your own adventures for two years, and they 872 went on theirs." 873 "I know," she said meukly (once again self-pitying), "it's just that 874 875 I always thought that only I was the only one to change. I never expected 876 everyone else to, too." 877 He fixed her a long look. The Innkeeper wasn't able to see much due 878 to the e~ormus hood she was hiding in. 879 "I had forgotten how young you were." 880 "Well..." She said trying to think of what to say to make herself 881 sound older. She was feeling younger and younger. "I guess I'm being 882 silly." 883 0 Shu looked around, realizing a few patrons whom she didn't recognize 884 where casually listen to her conversation with the Innkeeper. All at once 885 she she felt foolish and embaressed. Foolish, for acting like a silly 886 girl and embaressed besausu she (a stranger to most present) was taking 887 up so much of the Innkeeper's time. Others wanted his attention. 888 "Well," she said, standing up from her stool and pulling her hood 889 over so now she was completely absorbed in her cloak, 2it's good to see 890 you again, friend." 891 The Innkeeper nodded, but the young woman was gone. Of course, he 892 knew her to well. She had hoped to make a somewhat dramatic exit, but 893 he wasn't fooled. She was hiding in one of the corners f dxe crowded 894 room. Completely consumed in the shadows of her cloak. 895 He looked around, but couldn't find her. Then he smiled. 896 . . . . . . . . . . . ............................... 076=Usr:483 Lord Beaker 0 12/28/88 14:16 Msg:2748 Call:17048 Lines:13 897 ---=------======--------================-=-=======-=----------=-==-=------=- 898 And who(m?) might this former patron be. Don't keep us(me) in suspense...or 899 at least not for to long. 900 9 1 Well thanks for the **YES** vote...was that Talos? The final score was 1 to 902 0. A total of 1 vote(s). Sooooooo, I called and (shall we say) dazzled her 903 with my charms. This of course could be the down fall of old LB, but I 904 guess no o~e can hold out forever. Sigh... 905 906 Lord G0d of the 7 Abernackys 907 Beaker \__/ 908 oo 909 ---{=-=========--------=-============-=----------==----====-=------======-=- 0'7=Ucr:70 Kurfur Redlig 12/28/88 15:33 Msg:2749 Call:17049 Lines:28 910 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | I wanna get a Turnip Twaddler!!!!!!!!!!!! 911 912 Beep! Wow, has anyone here tried using ^G for an entry prompt? It gets 913 very annoying. Al}ost0to the extent that I feel like going out and 914 purcashing large amounts of dice, but that's not important, and if you're 915 still reading this, you must be very bored. 916 917 Well, I had a decent enuf yule. First (I know this is materialistyc a~d 918 stupid and you don't care, but yer gonna hear it anyways) some of my 919 'friends' decided that I needed Nerf Fencing. Secondly, I received a 920 stuffed 'Bill The Cat'. Finally, I obtained Infocom's Suspect game. 921 I'm sure you now think0of me as shallow and material, but so what! I can't 922 think of anything else to write about, so there. Also, you may want to 923 hear what the Bill tag said: 924 925 A SOURCE OF ECSTACY FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY 926 927 Bill the Cat is a politisally correct stuffed animal for the true 928 conosewer. Made of the finest petroleum by-products with almost no 929 cholesterol, this fluffy plush doll has been shaved smooth so as to 930 avoid irritating the gums of grandma and grandpa. 931 93"0 -Qvoid Ironing Tongue 933 -Not For Use In Religious Ceremonies 934 -Don't Send To Jean Kirkpatrick As A Gag. She Doesn't Think It's Funny. 935 Well, that's all for now. Remember, he who dies with the most toys, WINS! 936 937 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur0Bedlig | Gimme Gimme Gimme (ha ha ha))))))))))))))))) 078=Usr:272 Talos 12/28/88 23:38 Msg:2750 Call:17058 Lines:10 938 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 939 Lord Beaker, 940 Sorry, was~'t me. I'm not sure who that was. 941 942 That go DOC command is strange enough. Is there any way out of it other than 943 "^C" ? 944 Talos Valheru 945 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*.<*>,:><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 946 P.S. 93 days 'til I turn 21! T.V. 947 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 079=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 12/29/88 10:50 Msg:2751 Call:17065 Lines:9 948 &*&*&*&*'s 949 And0so we are coming to the end of another disk. Things have been a wee bit 950 quit around here lately. 951 952 Oh well, I guess somebody will have to fill the rest of the disk. 953 954 An Astral Dreamer. 955 &*&*&*&*'s 956 080=Usr:79 CHARLES SBAIW 12/29/88 19:48 Msg:2752 Call:17075 Lines:2 957@ 958@ CCM INC 081=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 12/29/88 20:07 Msg:2753 Call:17077 Lines:12 959 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Yes, I am quite saneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 960 961 Hey, I have q quection. Why is that DOC function invading the entry 962 questions, such as: 963 964 Command: Set 965 966 Your answer says some interesting things about you. 967 968 and so on? Is this intentional? It does seem to be a bother. 969 9'0 KK[KKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | No psycho problems hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 082=Usr:379 Phoenix Polymorp 12/29/88 21:12 Msg:2754 Call:17078 Lines:2 971 hAPPY nEW yEAR! HOENIX pOLYMORPH (tHE lATE) 972 ^P 083=Usr:322 Stray Cat 12/"9/88023:21 Msg:2755 Call:17083 Lines:18 973 Hoenix??? 974 975 Beaker, so glad you called her. Was there any particular reason you were 976 holding back? Perhaps you would like to (quoting Dr. Eliza) elucidate. 977 978 I asked the doc if rats hirernated, but she didn't have an answer. Does 979 anybody else know? 980 981 Wish I could think of more to say. Seems like ALL the boards are dead. 982 I could probably quote from a book I've been reading . . . You'd love 983 that wouldn't you. 9(4 985 What happened to the current events editor? 986 987 Only 14 lines left. Maybe if I double spaced I could end it all so we 988 start it all over again. Perhaps later. 989 990 Anbody care to discuss divorce??? 084=Usr:84 Michael Myller j 12/30/88 00:44 Msg:2756 Call:17085 Lines:9 991 &*&*&*&*'s 992 Hmm, Almost the end. Divorce? Hmm, Not a topic I enjoy thinking about. 993 994 I would say that it is (wether it is actually carried out or not) one of 995 the cruelist things parents do to their kids. If you want to have kids 996 either don't get married, or marry somebody you really think you'll be 997 able to stand for the next 20 years atleast. 998 An Astral Dreamer. 999 &*&*&*&*'s .