NUMBER OF LINES: 990 001=Usr:0 Null User 06/30/87 20:34 Msg:0 Call:0 Lines:19 1$If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2$************************* 24 DEC 90 ************************************** 3$Welcome to BWMS II (BackWater Message System II) Mike Day System operator 4$************************************************************************** 5$GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS II IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6$ PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7$BWMS II was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS II is a privately 8$owned and operated system which is currently open for use by the general 9$public. No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the 10$system is privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all 11$messages which I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the 12$system, it will be periodically purged of messages (only 999 lines of data 13$can be saved). To leave a message, type 'ENTER'. Use ctrl/C to get out 14$the ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering 15$the message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to 16$replace the line. To exit from the system, type 'BYE' then hang up. 17$Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18$************************************************************************** 19$ 002=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 12/24/90 23:51 Msg:5755 Call:32677 Lines:3 20 People are so hard to please. In the summer they want snow, 21 yet when they get it in the winter they want sunshine instead. 22 ******************************************************************* 003=Usr:165 Bart Simpson 12/25/90 08:10 Msg:5756 Call:32679 Lines:6 23 696969696969 24 AT THE TOP...Just the place to wish everyone a Very Merry CHRISTMAS!!!, 25 and ALL THE BEST in the new decade, including PEACE on Earth!! 26 27 696969696969696969 28 004=Usr:458 Dragon Lady's Si 12/26/90 20:03 Msg:5759 Call:32700 Lines:17 29@Hello, 30@Has anybody ever wondered where Cains wife came from? It's interesting to real 31@realize that some people think that this means that there is contridictions 32@in the Bible. How many of you out there have actually found a contridiction 33@???? (in the bible, that is). When you read the context, you will find that 34@Later on, Adam and Eve actually had sons and, note this--daughters! Cain was 35@much closer to perfection then and could marry his sister and have children 36@without birth defects. Who out there believes the bBible contridicts itself? 37@Speak out or write up a storm, as the case may be. And the case about wicked- 38@ness who will speak out for God? Why does he allow it to continue for so long? 39@ 40@There are some valid reasons..... interesting too. Remember back in the garden 41@of Eden when the serpent (actually Satan as you could read in Revelation 42@chapter 12--"the original serpent") talked Eve into eating of the forbidden 43@fruit? And did that deprive Adam and Eve--that is, not being able to eat of 44@the fruit? No, it certainly did not because the garden of Eden was very large 45@they had plenty to sustain them. So Eve ate of the fruit and got Adam to do 005=Usr:458 Dragon Lady's Si 12/26/90 20:45 Msg:5760 Call:32701 Lines:1 46@this is line 46 006=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig 12/27/90 10:43 Msg:5762 Call:32707 Lines:12 47 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Back from college and high on life!!!!!!!!!! 48 49 Just signing on to say hello to everybody and lurk my brains out. I know I 50 haven't been about much lately, but I was off getting an education. So, 51 untill I figure out what the main chains of conversation are, I think I'll 52 just lurk about. 53 54 The problem with other peoples trains of thought is that I allways seem to 55 end up tied to the tracks. 56 57 KKKKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Harvey Mudd is hell. Real Life is worse!!!!!!!!!!! 58 007=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 12/29/90 08:54 Msg:5767 Call:32746 Lines:7 59 *%()@*(%_)@#($_)(#~!@_+$@#)%+_@$^@$*_)(@$(!_)$(!@$(@#%*(_(@%(#)(%(%@%*@%*@_) 60 AD: Two weeks w/o TP! Some holiday season. 61 voyeur: How is your schedule looking? Please don't ignore this message... 62 Even a ZZTOP rules in reply would be better than silence. At least I think 63 it would. 64 *%(*#%@)*%_)@*%_)@#*_)@#*%@#)*%_)@ L'homme sans Parity *$!*$_@$*_@$*!_*$$*! 65 008=Usr:461 Drew Cooper 12/29/90 21:52 Msg:5768 Call:32751 Lines:16 66 -<>- 67 68 After five years I am glad that Backwater hasn't really changed. Wha 69 What is all this password stuff? 70 I'm just home for the holidays, and checking up on old haunts. After living 71 up to one of the names I used back then. 72 73 -<>- Traveller 74 75 76 Nice sermon on the de-Chistizing of Christmas, it all ignores the fact 77 that the christians hi-jacked the much older pagan midwinter holiday 78 to make Christmas in the first place. 79 80 -<>- 81 009=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 12/30/90 09:27 Msg:5770 Call:32754 Lines:12 82 &*&*&*&* 83 's (Whoops) 84 85 L'homme, I agree Re: Twin Peaks. Atleast the two weaks is up now. Next 86 Saturday we get a new episode. 87 88 (Hmm, I suppose that should have been "Atleast the two weaks are up now." 89 ) 90 91 An Astral Dreamer (To lazy to deal with the editor today.) 92 &*&*&*&*'s 93 010=Usr:13 voyeur 12/31/90 01:32 Msg:5771 Call:32771 Lines:7 94 L'homme: ZZTOP RULES! 95 Otherwise, my schedule is very unsettled. I *may* be changing employers in 96 the near future (assuming I don't stick my foot TOO far down my throat during 97 the interview). Other things also... basically, I dunno yet. 98 Oops, forgot my border. It's been too long. Maybe we need a new nemesis 99 for a story... Rajneesh Hussein? 100 :::::O O::::::12/31/90:::::::::::::::voyeur::::::::::::::::01:55::::::O O::::: 011=Usr:165 Bart Simpson 12/31/90 03:29 Msg:5772 Call:32773 Lines:130 101 696969696969 Happy New Year 102 UP 12/31/90 A quick look back at 1990 By THOMAS FERRARO 103 In a year marked by high hopes and deepening fears, big names and sweeping 104 change, Mikhail Gorbachev won the Nobel Peace Prize, Saddam Hussein pushed the 105 world to the brink of war and "The Godfather, Part III" opened on Christmas Day 106 Margaret Thatcher got the boot, South African black leader Nelson Mandela wa 107 freed, the Cold War formally ended and the upstart Cincinnati Reds won the Worl 108 Series. 109 1990 began with peace and the illusion of prosperity, but ended in a 110 recession and with hundreds of thousands of American troops in the Persian Gulf 111 ready for combat. 112 "Let me assure you, should military action be required, this will not be 113 another Vietnam," President Bush assured a concerned nation. "This will not be 114 a protracted, drawn-out war." 115 Taxes went up. So did unemployment, oil prices and the murder rate. Real 116 estate prices dropped, along with voter turnout and drug use. The stock market 117 rose and fell, sometimes on the same day. 118 The year was marked by transition. 119 Saving was in and spending was out. 120 Work boots were in and loafers were out. 121 Bart Simpson was in and Bill Cosby was out. 122 East Germany and West Germany were reunited, Ted Turner and Jane Fonda got 123 engaged, Donald and Ivana Trump got divorced and Manuel Noriega got jailed. 124 Japan got glamorous and bought up Hollywood. 125 Dan Quayle got a $45,000 raise, John Kennedy Jr. finally passed the New York 126 bar exam, and Neil Bush became the "poster child" of the savings and loan 127 scandal. 128 CBS founder William Paley died at age 89. Actress Mary Martin died at 76. An 129 AIDS victim Ryan White succumbed at the age of just 18. 130 Much of life unfolded in the courts. 131 The Supreme Court upheld rulings that prohibited begging in New York subways 132 and required the Army to permit homosexuals to re-enlist. The high court also 133 limited the ability of minors to get abortions. 134 Rap group 2 Live Crew was acquitted of obscenity charges, junk bond "king" 135 Michael Milken was sentenced to 10 years for securities violations and Pete Ros 136 got five months for tax evasion. 137 Imelda Marcos was acquitted of fraud, and John Gotti was accused of becoming 138 head of the nation's largest organized crime family by plotting the 1985 murder 139 of reputed mobster Paul Castellano. 140 There were lots of pressures. 141 McDonald's, under pressure from environmentalists, agreed to replace plastic 142 food containers with paper. And Lauro Cavazos, pressed by White House Chief of 143 Staff John Sununu, resigned as education secretary. 144 An embattled Navy reopened its investigation into the 1989 fatal explosion 145 aboard the USS Iowa, and a defeated George Steinbrenner agreed to be banned fro 146 the New York Yankees. China lifted martial law. 147 George Bush said, "I don't like broccoli," Roseanne Barr screeched the 148 national anthem and Washington Mayor Marion Barry, busted for cocaine in a 149 girlfriend's hotel room, wailed, "The bitch set me up!" 150 White House occupants, past and present, wrote best-sellers. 151 Former first lady Nancy Reagan came out with a vindictive one, "My Turn," an 152 Ronald Reagan penned his memoirs, "An American Life." Millie offered a tender 153 view of dog's life at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. -- "Millie's Book." 154 Many looked for new challenges. 155 William Bennett resigned as anti-drug czar and to write a couple of books, 156 and Elizabeth Dole stepped down as labor secretary to become head of the 157 American Red Cross. 158 Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze abruptly quit, warning that his 159 nation was headed toward a dictatorship, and moody superstar Darryl Strawberry 160 abandoned the New York Mets for the Los Angeles Dodgers. 161 The year's winners and losers came from all arenas. 162 Atlanta beat out Athens to become host of the 1996 Olympics, Lech Walesa was 163 sworn in as the first popularly elected president in the thousand-year history 164 of Poland, and heavyweight boxer Buster Douglas walloped champ Mike Tyson -- an 165 then got flattened himself. 166 Republicans lost one seat in the Senate and 10 in the House. They also lost 167 gubernatorial contests in Texas and Florida but captured one in California. 168 Air Force Chief of Staff Michael Dugan was fired for talking too much, and 169 talk show host Larry King got married again and then divorced again. The Hubble 170 Space Telescope was out of focus. 171 Congress couldn't decide much of anything, other than giving themselves a bi 172 pay raise. Bush decided to drop his "no new taxes" pledge, toughen the Clean Ai 173 Act and veto a civil rights bill. 174 There were human and natural tragedies. 175 Fire erupted in the canyons above Santa Barbara, Calif., and earthquakes 176 rocked Iran and the Philippines. An arson fire swept a New York social club and 177 a serial killer stalked students at the University of Florida in Gainesville. 178 Israeli police killed 17 Moslems on Temple Mount. 179 Earth Day marked its 20th anniversary, the San Francisco 49ers won their 180 second straight Super Bowl, Philippine President Corazon Aquino survived a 181 seventh coup attempt and Rose Kennedy turned 100. 182 The world was indeed a busy place. So were scientists. 183 The Food and Drug Administration approved a nationwide test of a 184 post-exposure AIDS vaccine, the U.S. stock of Perrier water was recalled and a 185 new study concluded that oat bran might not cut blood cholesterol after all. 186 The world got more crowded, too. 187 During 1990, an estimated 52 million people died, 143 million were born and 188 the Earth's population grew to 5,292,195,000. The Census Bureau counted heads 189 across the United States, 249,632,692 of them. 190 12/30/90 Procrastinators predict best seller for Millie in 1990 191 PHILADELPHIA (UPI) -- It's taken nearly a year of work but the 192 Procrastinators Club of America said Sunday it has finally come up with its 193 predictions -- for 1990. 194 Les Waas, president of the Philadelphia club, said he expects its 195 predictions, like those made in the past, to prove to be true, as outlandish as 196 they might be. 197 The more outlandish they are, he said, the greater the shock value when they 198 turn out to be true. 199 "I've been doing this about 20 years. It seems each year the predictions 200 become more and more outlandish," Waas said. "Some of them are actually 201 unpredictable." 202 Perhaps with the New England Patriots in mind the club predicts "an NFL team 203 will show more of its stuff in the locker room than on the field." 204 It also predicts "The biography of a dog named Millie will outsell one 205 written by a former resident of the same house" and that "Liz Taylor will parla 206 one scent into many dollars." 207 Among other predictions: 208 "A non-singing lip-synching group named Milli will mourn the loss of their 209 beloved grammy; 210 "Interest by TV viewers will be 'peaked' by a lady talking to her pet log; 211 "A TV star will grab more than attention while singing our national anthem; 212 "Russian cosmonauts will get a taste of an expensive Japanese "whine" in 213 space; 214 "V.P Dan quayle will not bungle something on a few occasions; 215 "An Ambitious blonde will express herself too much for MTV; 216 "East Germany and West Germany will become Germany; 217 "Turtles will make more money than baseball players, and 218 "A trumped-up fortune will crumble as a Donald ducks charges of infidelity." 219 Waas said the big discovery of 1990 was that U.S. presidents "don't have to 220 eat broccoli." 221 He said the club is supposed to have a committee to draw up the list but the 222 were so slow he does it with a friend in Connecticut. 223 "Actually we were a little bit early this year because we wanted to get the 224 year taken care of." 225 They'll start compiling their 1991 predictions Jan. 1. 226 Waas said given their record for accuracy, "We don't want to make any errors 227 now so we work a whole year." 228 229 696969696969696969 Happy New Year 230 012=Usr:467 donald price 01/03/90 10:57 Msg:5775 Call:32820 Lines:4 231 now the big question is do we learn from all the above or do we continue to hod 232 our heads in the sand refusing to hear the drums roll ? Hi folks a new particip 233 ant in the message base >chef< I will Return. 234 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 013=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 01/04/90 16:24 Msg:5777 Call:32832 Lines:11 235 &*&*&*&*'s 236 Perhaps the world is more black and white then we thought. Perhaps the myth 237 of grey is meerly our own defense against the compromises we make everyday. 238 239 Maybe the world would be a much better place. 240 241 If we all cared as much as we think we do. 242 243 An Astral Dreamer (Depression is a bitch sometimes.) 244 &*&*&*&*'s 245 014=Usr:322 Stray Cat 01/04/90 21:13 Msg:5779 Call:32835 Lines:16 246@ 247@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 248@ 249@Went to file for my retirement benefits so I could hire a lawyer today!!! 250@They said they'd gotten quite a few similar requests from PPS secretaries 251@because of Ballot Measure #5 lately ... The union told me when I called to 252@inquire if they'd finalized the classified staff's contract before the 253@election that no reductions in staff would be made until the end of 1991. 254@I thought the "public" was supposed to have something t say about the 255@way reductions are to be made??? Seems to me it's the secretaries that 256@hold the place together (SOME of them, anyway), and Randi Nolan-Post just 257@made a public declaration that secretaries needed to be more vocal regarding 258@their right to dignity. When will it ever end? 259@ 260@???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 261@ 015=Usr:322 Stray Cat 01/04/90 21:36 Msg:5780 Call:32837 Lines:9 262@ 263@Uh, Steve ... you probably won't call in here for two weeks or MORE but I 264@just hung up your system, I think. 265@ 266@And your phone is ALWAYS busy, you know. We never did figure out a system 267@for alerting you when I did this to you, did we? 268@ 269@Hope you're not gone for the weekend. 270@ 016=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 01/07/90 11:41 Msg:5785 Call:32881 Lines:9 271 *@$()@#*$@#*($_)($($_)%*_)$*(!_($!@$(_)%*!)($!@($_)%&*_)(_)~(#_)%&*_)^*&_)%*@(% 272 Stray Cat: Yes, you hung up, but I caught it and killed your shell (how 273 terrible!!!). It's ok, don't worry. Thanks for the note here though... 274 voyeur: At least ZZTOP came out with a new album. It was getting pretty 275 long between releases there for awhile. Good luck on your job stuff, and I 276 hope it works out for you. Let me know when things calm down a bit so we 277 can get distopia up and working again. 278 *%@()*%_)@(*%@(_!@($@*%$)#*%# L'homme sans Parity *$_)*$_(_($@%*@_)*%_(@!_)(#!@ 279 017=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 01/08/90 19:00 Msg:5787 Call:32908 Lines:1 280 TWIN PEAKS RULES!!! 018=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 01/08/90 22:02 Msg:5788 Call:32912 Lines:1 281 AA Bottom rues!!!! 019=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 01/13/90 17:25 Msg:5792 Call:32963 Lines:8 282 &*&*&*&*'s 283 Dum de Dum de Dum. 284 285 Hmm, I don't seem to have anymore to say then anybody else. Sigh. 286 287 An Astral Dreamer 288 &*&*&*&*'s 289 020=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 01/15/90 08:47 Msg:5800 Call:32986 Lines:6 290 &*&*&*&*'s 291 This just doesn't seem like an interactive medium anymore 292 293 An Astral Dreamer 294 &*&*&*&*'s 295 021=Usr:322 Stray Cat 01/16/90 10:57 Msg:5801 Call:33000 Lines:31 296@ 297@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 298@ 299@More interesting developments with the District, huh? The editor of the ORE- 300@GONIAN is calling for the resignation of the Board members for authorizing 301@a 14% increase in secretarial salaries AFTER Ballot Measure #5 ... AND 302@questioning the authority of a strong senior adminstration. And for once 303@**McELROY** was forced to comment. This should provide some fuel of support 304@for the Black United Front (let's hope so, anyway). 305@ 306@Seems to me PFT-CE has made the whole issue much the same as the BLOOD FOR 307@OIL war policy. Makes PPS secretaries look like they don't care about any- 308@thing except wages ... like working conditions don't count. And, of course, 309@they have to make up for the fix they put many secretaries in with their 310@RECLASSIFICATION process of a few years back, where many secretaries were 311@kept from step raises forever while other secretaries received gigantic 312@raises in pay. Some secretaries are STILL probably being forced to concoct 313@endless versions of RE-EVALUATION OF RECLASSIFICATION documents, adding more 314@and more responsibilities to their already extremely vague, yet all-inclusive 315@job descriptions. Makes you wonder what other leverage the Union had to 316@warrant such an unprecedented increase considering the position the District 317@has claimed themselves to be in. And it really is too bad that working 318@conditions aren't a concern for many union members who must be aware that 319@many fellow secretaries lost their jobs to allow for that raise, which WILL 320@make your already confusing and hectic jobs just that much more difficult... 321@to say nothing about the effect fewer secretaries would have on the frustra 322@tion levels of teachers and junior administrators who are already forced to 323@operation with a minimum level of such help???? 324@ 325@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you big sneak ... why didn't you say anything yesterday? 326@ 022=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 01/18/90 20:19 Msg:5804 Call:33027 Lines:3 327 328 This medium is only as interactive as you make it! 329 023=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 01/18/90 21:15 Msg:5805 Call:33028 Lines:5 330 Are you gonna make something of it? 331 I can`t be;eive that there have been no comments/debates/whatever 332 about the war. In the past the board would have been overflowing 333 with it.You people are slipping! 334 -------------------------------------------------------------- 024=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 01/19/90 11:58 Msg:5806 Call:33035 Lines:49 335 &*&*&*&*'s 336 Thats true. OK, here is my point of view. 337 338 1. I don't like war. I never have. 339 340 2. I don't believe in rolling over and playing dead when a bully picks on 341 somebody smaller then them. 342 343 3. I've never been in the military, and don't intend to sign up now, so 344 Begin positive towards the war is somewhat absurd. Its way to easy to be for 345 something when you yourself have very little to lose. I don't even 346 know anybody who is over there, though I do know some people who are 347 very close to going. 348 349 4. Lives will be lost on both sides. The Iraqis should have known what they 350 were getting into. I suspect the civilians were to misinformed though to 351 have a realistic opinion. Our soldiars signed up knowing they could be asked 352 to risk their lives. Thats a commitment I can't seem to make, but its one 353 I admire in many ways. 354 355 356 5. Many people are oversimplifying the issue at hand. This war is not about 357 blood for oil. It is not about naked aggression. It is in fact a very 358 pragmatic war. It seems obvious to me that the leadership of this country 359 feel that Sadam is a man who has to be dealt with now. The feel that ignoring 360 him would only be to Sadams advantage. The man was known to be working hard 361 on developing nuclear capability, and had spent a very large amount of money 362 on chemical and biological weapons. He would eventually have been succesfull. 363 Now, can anybody take a guess or two at what he might have done then? Would 364 anybody like to make some estimates on what it would have cost to take him 365 out? 366 367 To summerize, Isolationism (Which is what the peace movement is.) has in the 368 past proven to be a VERY bad idea. Both world war one and world war two are 369 very good examples of this. Many MILLIONS of people died because the US 370 was reluctant to commit at the start of these conflicts, when it was inevitable 371 that we eventually would be drawn in. This should have been obvious in WWII, 372 373 374 even if it wasn't in WWI. And it should be VERY easy to see in this case. 375 376 377 Thats my point of view. I would appreciate it if people would respond to my 378 points and not spew emotional invecative at me. I AM VERY disturbed and 379 upset by this war as well, but I cannot and will not let emotion be the 380 only guiding force in my life and opinions. 381 382 An Astral Dreamer 383 &*&*&*&*'s 025=Usr:92 Katherine Dohert 01/20/90 14:16 Msg:5807 Call:33051 Lines:10 384 ********************************************* 385 As a secretary, a 14% raise just might get me a little closer to a 386 reasonable standard of lv iving. (Using a window's comm program, still 387 need to figure out the fine points...) As for war, Kuwaitt was a great little 388 western country that got stomped on very bad ly. We coul dn't let fellow 389 capitalists get put down. We had to help them, they were trying so hard 390@to come into the modern ge. The attack was truely an outrage. truely n outrge. 391@to come into the modern age. The attack was an outrage. 392 to move into the modern world. The attack on them was an outrage. 393 *********my *threecents**********kathyD ******************* 026=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 01/20/90 18:48 Msg:5808 Call:33058 Lines:29 394 Astral, I don't think that anyone feels good about going to war. 395 There are times though when you have to do somethng. The war is 396 about many things. Oil is only a minor part of it. Oil is what 397 allowed Saddam to get into the position he is in. Were it not 398 for the oil income he would be a two bit bully just making a lo 399 t of noise. Oil gave him the money to be a big time bully. 400 Were it not for the oil we would not be there. Even if he did 401 invade Kuwait. But, Oil is an important interest for us. 402 America would have major convulsions should the flow of oil 403 be restricted. At the same time, Saddam is a very dangerous 404 man to be left running around loose. He has killed people 405 out of hand because he doesn`t like them or because they disagreed 406 with him. He has visions of controlling the mid-east because that 407 would control the world econemy. He will stop at nothing to obtain 408 that end. In and of itself, that is not bad, but it is his willingness 409 to kill anyone that opposes him without thought that is a problem. 410 It is his demand for absolute control that is a problem. It is 411 his willingness to use any and all weapons, even those considered 412 taboo such as chemical, biological, and nuclear that is a problem. 413 Saddam is not just a problem to America, he is a problem to the 414 world. His methods and actions are counter to what world society 415 has considered acceptable behavor. Even those based in dictatorship. 416 The reason why is because Saddam has made it clear that he wishes 417 to control all and will do anything to achieve that end. 418 For that reason if for no other he must be stopped. The amount 419 of economic distress and lives lost will be nothing compared to 420 what Saddam would cause should he be allowed to gain what he 421 is after. 422 ********************* CM ************************************** 027=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 01/21/90 10:18 Msg:5809 Call:33066 Lines:8 423 &*&*&*&*'s 424 I agree CM. You summed up my point of view very well. I just wish somebody 425 would explain the peace protesters side to me. I tend to be a liberal in 426 many things, and I can't for the life of me understand what they are saying. 427 428 429 An Astral Dreamer 430 &*&*&*&*'s 028=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 01/21/90 21:10 Msg:5810 Call:33068 Lines:17 431 It is hard for some people to understand, but I am a pacifist. 432 But, I am not a blind pacifist, I am a pragmatic pacifist. 433 I will bust my butt to work for peace, and I promote the ideas 434 and actions of peace. But, I also recognize that sometimes you 435 have to fight. Not because you want to fight, but because the 436 other side does not allow any other option. 437 I understand those who proclaim peace at all costs, but I worry 438 about those who refuse to consider all aspects, prefering to 439 believe that if they ignore the problem it will somehow go away. 440 When I see the activist in her nylon panty hose and rayon dress 441 and gortex jacket and plastic earrings chanting no blood for oil, 442 I can't help but wonder if she truely understands what she is saying. 443 Does she undersand how closely her life is intertwined with oil? 444 Would she truely be willing to give it all up tomorrow? 445 It's a long walk to work, especially when you don't have any 446 clothing on. 447 ************************* CM ******************************** 029=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 01/22/90 10:09 Msg:5812 Call:33073 Lines:6 448 &*&*&*&*'s 449 How very true. 450 451 An Astral Dreamer 452 &*&*&*&*'s 453 030=Usr:232 bob lindski 01/24/90 11:03 Msg:5814 Call:33105 Lines:7 454 There are also some lucky persons, who do not really wanted to fight, because 455 they do not really need to, but pretending they're very eager, and showing that 456 they could be persuaded to be restrained by a very naive US president, would 457 likely end up with $13 billion in their coffer. In war time, there is confusion 458 and in confusion there is profit! $hrewd! $hrewd! $hrewd! $crooge! 459 Bob L. 460 $*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$ 031=Usr:467 donald price 01/26/90 08:37 Msg:5817 Call:33132 Lines:24 461 ************************************************************************ 462 I was in the last "war" in Vietnam and I have a few mixed feelings towardt 463 the situation in The PersionD 464 the Persian Gulf "crisis". The feeling of helplessness when any person has 465 to argue a point with someone else who won"t follow the rules of viable 466 communication where both parties come out with answers to a single problem. 467 AKA Mr. Saddam, He has through the past provided us with many times the 468 proof that he is to his own set of rules a very dangerous person to the world a 469 and would continue to be a danger in the future. The U.S. is at fault for 470 being the dupe that up untill the madman pulled the invasion was a supporter 471 of mr. Saddam. as for the statement of "Oil for Blood" we have yet to 472 understand that there isn"t anything in our world that shouldn"t be available 473 to anyone who can afford it. We have and always will pay a price for Peace. 474 wheather is 475 wheather it is through a moneytary value or via blood. The world isn"t but a 476 spaceship flying around in space and when etities like Saddam tries to rule an 477 areas to his total advantage through the violent means he has shown himself to 478 want to use, then it can only be up to the world to do there best to stop that 479 Man with anything possible. I feel sorry for the truly Innocent people in that 480 area who wan"t nothing better than to live their life as quitely as possible 481 but when the leader of their country leads them around by the nose because they 482 don"t know better then there will be a price to pay. as I said I"m happy we ar 483 are ther but since we are then we need to stop Him as soon as possible. 484 Now he has opened the valves to allow the crude to flow directly 032=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 01/28/90 12:12 Msg:5823 Call:33157 Lines:8 485 &*&*&*&*'s 486 Ha! bet you thought there wouldn't be any new messages. 487 488 You were right. 489 490 An Astral Dreamer 491 &*&*&*&*'s (Well mostly right.) 492 033=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 01/28/90 20:00 Msg:5826 Call:33165 Lines:2 493 Messages? We don't need no stinkin' messages! 494 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 034=Usr:486 jim bell 01/30/90 12:43 Msg:5829 Call:33183 Lines:3 495 To: Mike Day From: Jim Bell Called the system for the first time in 496 a few years. Glad to see it is still up and running! 497 ------------------ 035=Usr:92 Katherine Dohert 01/30/90 16:34 Msg:5830 Call:33186 Lines:1 498 **********themefrom thetwilightzone*********kathyD*********************** 036=Usr:165 Bart Simpson 01/30/90 17:25 Msg:5831 Call:33187 Lines:131 499 PRODIGY(R) 1/30/91 500 WORDS OF WAR 501 Here is the text of the Democrats' response to the State of the Union 502 Address as delivered by Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell (D-Maine): 503 504 MITCHELL: Across the Persian Gulf, dawn is now breaking. For Americans 505 there, another night of danger is passing. Another day of combat begins. In 506 the skies over Iraq, aboard the ships in the Gulf, on the sands of Arabia, 507 they're Americans--not Republicans or Democrats--but Americans who've answered 508 their country's call. 509 Before the war began, we debated openly, as democracy demands. We agreed 510 that Iraq's aggression was brutal and illegal and that Iraq must leave Kuwait, 511 by force if necessary. 512 The difference was not in the goals, but in the means: Whether force should 513 be used immediately, or only as a last resort if other means failed. No one 514 will ever know if that other course would have worked. Now that war has begun, 515 we'll work to see that it's swift and decisive, with the least possible loss 516 of life. Our hearts go out to the prisoners of war who've endured brutality 517 and exploitation. We honor their bravery. We care for their families. We warn 518 their captors that they'll pay a heavy price for mistreating our men. 519 There's nothing a democratic society can do that's more difficult than to 520 ask a few to risk everything in behalf of the many who risk nothing. We've 521 done that. Our troops deserve our full support. They have mine and that of the 522 Congress. 523 Our support will not end when the fighting ends. Those who risk their lives 524 in our behalf, and their families, must know that a grateful nation cares 525 about them; not just during but also after the war. And then, when the war's 526 over, there's one lesson we must never forget: The dictator we help today may 527 turn his weapons on us tomorrow. For ten years US policy favored Iraq. We 528 can't repeat that kind of mistake. Out of the tragedy of war, we seek a world 529 where the force of law is more powerful than the force of arms. We seek a 530 world where justice and human rights are respected everywhere. Students 531 massacred in China, priests murdered in Central America, demonstrators gunned 532 down in Lithuania--these acts of violence are as wrong as Iraqi soldiers 533 killing civilians. We cannot oppose repression in one place and overlook it in 534 another. 535 We seek a world where the burdens of freedom are shared by all who enjoy 536 its benefits. For half a century, from the Berlin airlift to the Persian Gulf, 537 America has done its part. Those allies who've prospered behind the shield of 538 a common defense must contribute their fair share. They're not doing it yet. 539 It's time they did. 540 One nation, Israel, has done much by its brave refusal to be provoked. This 541 crisis has given us powerful new proof of the importance of Israel's 542 friendship. But as critical as the Gulf conflict is, the other business of the 543 nation won't wait. The President says he seeks a new world order. We ask him 544 to join us in putting our own house in order. We have a crisis abroad. But we 545 also have a crisis here at home. 546 We're in a recession. More than a million Americans who had jobs last year 547 are out of work today. Bankruptcies are rising. The banking system is in 548 trouble. People are worried about their economic future. 549 We can meet this crisis by providing for the well-being of the American 550 family. That's our strength. Working families, the men and women who toil in 551 industry, tend our farms, work our computers and run our small businesses, the 552 children and students who are the future--they're the true measure of our 553 national vitality. In just 2 weeks, this war has shown us the enormous 554 potential of our people and of our technology. We've combined superior 555 equipment with concentrated training, high skill with great courage, to do the 556 work of war. Now we should apply our talent and technology to the work of 557 peace. 558 If we can make the best smart bomb, can't we make the best VCR? If we can 559 build a high-speed Patriot missile, can't we build a high-speed train? I 560 believe we can. Our first priority must be economic growth. A skilled and 561 dedicated work force, modern equipment and innovation are essential to a 562 rising standard of living. And economic growth solves many problems. The old 563 saying is true: The best social program is a good job. The first step to 564 growth is a sensible energy policy. We should have learned the lessons of the 565 2 oil price shocks of the '70s. But we didn't. For 10 years, we've had no 566 energy policy. We've just relied on imported oil. We must change that. We need 567 a new energy program which encourages conservation, promotes the use of 568 alternative fuels, and reduces our dependence on imported oil. 569 We're outraged by the environmental disaster in the Persian Gulf. But 570 there's a broader threat: To the global environment. We must combat pollution, 571 before it makes much of the earth unfit for life. We must strengthen the 572 banking system now, before it's a full national crisis, not after. 573 Last year the Senate passed a good bill to limit spending in political 574 campaigns and to eliminate political action committees. We're going to pass it 575 again this year and push until it becomes law. We want a better society, not 576 just for our returning service men and women, but for their children and all 577 children. We owe them not just a safer world but safer streets at home. So 578 we'll put the emphasis and the resources where they belong--at the state and 579 local level. That's the front line of the war on drugs and crime. 580 We'll provide care, food and early education for the millions of children 581 who don't get them. We spend more on health care than any other country. We 582 get the best of care--but only for those who can afford it. That leaves out a 583 lot of Americans. Thirty-seven million don't have any health insurance. And we 584 don't have any policy on what will be the crisis of this decade: Long-term 585 care for the elderly. We can provide better health care at less cost. We all 586 have to do more with less. Your families have to. Government must do the same, 587 to be more careful with your tax dollars. For 10 years, we've had record 588 budget deficits and record trade deficits. We've lost a lot of American jobs. 589 We've got to bring the deficits down and the jobs home. 590 The President's way to do that is to give huge tax cuts to those with 591 incomes over $200 thousand a year. We disagree. It's working men and women, 592 the middle class, whose taxes should be cut. They're already bearing most of 593 the tax burden. They're also bearing the burden of war. Not many kids whose 594 families earn more than $200 thousand a year volunteer to join the army. It's 595 mostly the children of working people, the middle class and the poor who'll do 596 the fighting and dying. Their families shouldn't have to bear all the burdens. 597 What they need, what all Americans need most of all is opportunity--the chance 598 to succeed through hard work. Before I entered the Senate, I served as a 599 federal judge. It's a position of great power. But what I enjoyed most was 600 presiding at citizenship ceremonies. 601 People who'd come from all over the world gathered before me in a federal 602 courtroom. There, in the final act, I administered to them the oath of 603 allegiance to the United States, and they became Americans. After every 604 ceremony I spoke personally with each new American. I asked them how and why 605 they came. Through their answers ran a common theme, best expressed by a young 606 man who said, in halting English, "I came because here in America everyone has 607 a chance." He summed up America in a sentence: Here everyone has a chance. 608 I know that's true. I know that in America you can go as high and as far as 609 your talent and willingness to work will take you. That means there must be a 610 quality education for every American child. 611 There must be jobs, fairness in the workplace, with no discrimination, with 612 equal rights and economic independence for women. No guarantees for anyone, 613 but an equal chance to succeed for everyone. 614 So tonight, as we take stock of our country, we acknowledge our good 615 fortune to be Americans, citizens of the most free, the most open, the most 616 just society in human history, even as we recognize that there remain wrongs 617 to be righted. But most of all, we think of our grave responsibility: To half 618 a million of our fellow citizens who bear the burden of battle. To support 619 them now, and to respect them when they return. 620 I think tonight about a young airman from Winslow, Maine. I met him in 621 December in Saudi Arabia. He has 4 children, including 1-year-old twins. 622 He hadn't seen them for months and didn't know when he would. But he didn't 623 complain. He was quiet, but it was the quiet strength of someone committed to 624 his country and his duty. Our duty now is to support the men and women serving 625 in the Persian Gulf, to work and pray for their swift and safe return home, 626 and to build an America worthy of them and their children. May God bless and 627 watch over each of them. 628 Thank you and good night. 629 (End of Democrats' Response) 037=Usr:232 bob lindski 01/31/90 09:15 Msg:5834 Call:33198 Lines:8 630@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@ 631@NOW everybody knows what happened to the fearsome Sad-DEM Hussein's 632@Republican guards: They've switched party! Now, they're called 633@DEMocratic guards. I wonder if there will be let up in B-52s' 634@otherwise relentless pounding of the desert. Will the Buffs' jockeys 635@refuse to carpet bomb the DEMocraps? 636@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@ United States of AmIRAQa ? 637 038=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 01/31/90 14:04 Msg:5835 Call:33201 Lines:8 638 &*&*&*&*'s 639 To whomever entered that last message. Care to enter that in english? I 640 didn't parse even one of those sentances. If it was meant as satire, then 641 it failed as far as I can see. 642 643 An Astral Dreamer(Hyper critical today. Down with 13 hour workdays!) 644 &*&*&*&*'s 645 039=Usr:322 Stray Cat 02/01/90 10:35 Msg:5838 Call:33216 Lines:14 646@ 647@{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ 648@ 649@Surprising how the war dead families have a slight ring of the POW 650@propaganda. A few hours after they find out their kin have been killed, 651@possibly by "friendly fire", they all seem to state they still say, without 652@being asked, that they still support the president. 653@ 654 Surprising how the war dead families' statements have a slight ring of the 655 POW progaganda from Iraq. A few hours after they find out their kin have 656 been killed (possibly by "friendly fire"), they all seem to state, without 657 being asked, in wooden voices to a national audience, that they still support 658 the president. 659 040=Usr:322 Stray Cat 02/01/90 11:00 Msg:5839 Call:33217 Lines:17 660 661 !_)#@(@#$^*&#!@+_#!(*@^#$@&$_)(!#@#^!@ 662 663 Haven't checked in here since the war broke out. Must say I am shocked and 664 saddened by the attitudes towards the war ... and frustrated because it's 665 too much to respond to. But then it seems much the same attitude I found at 666 PPS, i.e., as long as you are not directly inconvenienced too much, you will 667 go along with about anything. Reminded me of a huge dysfunctional family. 668 And we certainly are a dysfunctional nation. Maybe at the conclusion of this 669 war, when the winds have changed and people have to really wonder why we 670 feel we need to be world cops and put our poor and minority PARENTS at the 671 front lines of what has been stated as a WORLD battle, the United States will, 672 like Saddam has said, FOR ONCE, learn a lesson. We will undoubtedly win but 673 I'm sure it should be nothing to be proud of. 674 675 ~)!_(*$^*#&#@)(*!&(#^)!@#)(!*^$#^!#&)@!(*@#^%#!@&#) 676 041=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 02/01/90 16:00 Msg:5840 Call:33218 Lines:19 677 &*&*&*&*'s 678 And what lesson will we be learning? That war is hell? No kidding. My 679 mother was a child in Britain during WWII. She was on one occasion nearly 680 machine gunned to death by a german pilot flying over london, and on another 681 got to see her best friend pulled out of a bomb shelter in a body bag. She 682 understands war from the civilian point of view far better then just about 683 anybody in this country. Would it surprise you to know that she supports 684 the war with Iraq? 685 686 I've recently found out I know around a half dozen people who are over there. 687 Scary, very scary. I worry about them a lot. Chances are good that atleast 688 one of them won't make it back. Does this change my (reluctant) support for 689 the war? No. I can't help but believe that given time, Saddam would have 690 had to be dealt with. I see no reason for us to repeat the lesson of the 691 evil of isolationism. But do not for a moment believe that I blithly 692 support the war because it does not inconveniance me, because it does. 693 694 An Astral Dreamer 695 &*&*&*&*'s 042=Usr:322 Stray Cat 02/03/90 17:01 Msg:5846 Call:33257 Lines:23 696@ 697@ 698@ 699@.............kill, kill, kill for peace, near & middle and very far east .... 700@ 701@I hope you all prayed for the president, as he directed you to do, and pray 702@for the support of our troops and their families. I pray there will be 703@governmental economic/psychological/social support for the troops IF they 704@make it back home .... that it won't be another Vietnam. 30% of our homeless 705@ ARE veterans. I hope they will be able to find jobs 706@and most of their money won't have to be used to pay for the Gulf War and S&L 707@cris/bank failur. Too bathe money couldn't have been used for educa- 708@tional or housing support programs for the troops of minorities, poor and 709@dwindlinmiddle class back hI hope all the churchs had a rational 710@explanation for our national policy of starving a nation of people and then 711@carpet bombing them day and night for weeks at a time, then making reference 712@to the situation as "the super bowl," and "taking our toys to the party I f 713@find it hard to believe that people actually write to tv stations to say they 714@resent being presented with too much information about the war or that they 715@find anti-war demonstrations offen. 716@ 717@So our president things we can buy off god like we can buy off Israel ($13 718@billion not to retaliate) or Egypt or Turkey, etc. 043=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 02/05/90 23:14 Msg:5851 Call:33300 Lines:10 719 &*&*&*&*'s 720 If this silence keeps up I'll be forced to write about history. Specifically 721 about the late 19th century US, the subjects being Populism, bimetalism and 722 the Free Silver movement. If it gets really bad I might even start typing 723 in letters that Grover Cleveland wrote to friends and associates. Now 724 you wouldn't want that to happen would you? 725 726 An Astral Dreamer 727 &*&*&*&*'s 728 044=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 02/06/90 07:57 Msg:5852 Call:33303 Lines:7 729 *$!@*$(!%()_)(%$*^&_)(^+@_%)+_)$+_$(^_+(!+_@$)#_+%(+_$!+_%*!#+_$(!+$)!+_%$*!#+_ 730 731 Milchar and AD: Don't give up on your new equipment. Still waiting for cables. 732 I'll let you know as soon as we are ready to bring the stuff down... 733 734 $*@#$*_)$!$(*!%*!($$)!_*%)!($!$( L'homme sans Parity *$_!*$_)!($!(&@*#%__)*!_$ 735 045=Usr:322 Stray Cat 02/06/90 12:23 Msg:5853 Call:33307 Lines:8 736 737 ??????????? 738 739 I wonder if the president will lose some sleep tonight ... Jordan's President 740 has again protested the damage being done to Iraq and indicated support for 741 Saddam and Iraq has broken off diplomatic relations with all allies except the 742 Soviet Union. Turkey's inflation rate is close to 80%, Israel wants to re- 743 settle all of the occupied territories and $13 billion "not to retaliate ... 046=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 02/06/90 17:54 Msg:5854 Call:33309 Lines:30 744 &*&*&*&*'s 745 Can you say political expediancy? I knew you could. Jordan's President 746 knows what he has to say to avoid major bloodshed in his country, not to 747 mention his possible overthrow. This is also true of Morroco and the other 748 north African nations. I also find it interesting that the Iraqis didn't 749 break of relations with the Soviets. 750 751 There are a lot of very annoyed muslims in the middle east. You have the 752 kurds and the palastinians, neither of whom have a homeland. The kurds 753 get beaten on by the turks, the Iranians and the Iraqis. (Hmm, are the kurds 754 actualy muslim? I'm not sure, though I belive they are.) The palastinians 755 don't have a homeland either, and neither they nor the Isrealis seem the 756 least bit interested in coming to a peacfull compromise. And then you 757 have the increadible gap between the rich and the poor. This can be 758 applied to both nations and people in the region. 759 760 Yes there are problems there, and much of the blame in recent times can 761 be lain at the feet of the US. But I still havn't heard anything that 762 convinces me that eliminating Iraq as a threat is a bad idea. Peacfull 763 means would have been better, but I just don't believe that there was 764 an alternative. 765 766 BTW, try not to use people who agee with your point of view as evidence 767 in support of said point of view. There were plenty of people who used 768 to think the earth was flat. Their agreeing with each other did not in 769 any way change the reality of the situation. 770 771 An Astral Dreamer 772 &*&*&*&*'s 773 047=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 02/07/90 14:54 Msg:5855 Call:33318 Lines:13 774 775 The lonely road, the quite stream. The abandoned barn thats begun to lean, 776 To the side. 777 778 A trestle bridge above a canyon. The desire for a companion, 779 but not today. 780 781 To measure ones life and not grow bored. To not play the song in a disonent 782 chord, to belong. 783 784 The table at which we seat and eat. Today a special treat, 785 Our pasts within reach. 786 048=Usr:165 Bart Simpson 02/07/90 22:37 Msg:5856 Call:33326 Lines:104 787 788 CASUALTIES 789 Operation Desert Storm Casualty Report 790 Source: US Dept of Defense (Hometown listed when known) 791 792 Killed in Action 793 (as of Feb 7) 794 795 --US Marines-- 796 797 Lance Cpl Frank C Allen, 22, Wianae, Hawaii 798 Cpl Stephen E Bentzlin, 23, Wood Lake, Minn 799 Cpl Ismael Cotto, 27, New York City 800 Capt Jonathan R Edwards, 34, Terrace Park, Ohio 801 Lance Cpl Felix Eliseo, 19, Avondale, Ariz 802 Lance Cpl Thomas A Jenkins, 20, Mariposa, Cal 803 Lance Cpl Michael E Linderman Jr, 19, Douglas, Ore 804 Lance Cpl James H Lumpkins, 22, New Richmond, Ohio 805 Maj Eugene McCarthy, 35, New York City 806 Sgt Garett A Mongrella, 25, Belvidere, NJ 807 PFC Scott A Schroeder, 20, Milwaukee, Wis 808 Lance Cpl David T Snyder, 21, Kenmore, NY 809 PFC Dion J Stephenson, 22, Bountiful, Utah 810 Lance Cpl Daniel B Walker, 20, Whitehouse, Tex 811 812 Missing-In-Action (MIAs) 813 (as of Feb 7) 814 815 --US Air Force-- 816 817 1st Lt Clifford T Bland Jr, 26 818 Staff Sgt John P Blessinger, 33 819 Senior Master Sgt Paul G Buege, 43 820 Sgt Barry M Clark, 26 821 Capt Arthur Galvan, 33 822 Capt William D Grimm, 28 823 Staff Sgt Timothy R Harrison, 31 824 Tech Sgt Robert K Hodges, 28 825 Maj Donnie R Holland, 42, Bastrop, La 826 Sgt Damon V Kanuha, 28 827 Maj Thomas F Koritz, 37, Rohelle, Ill 828 Air Force Master Sgt James B May II, 40, Fort Walton Beach, 829 Fla 830 Sgt John L Oelschlager, 28, Niceville, Fla 831 Sgt Mark J Schmauss, 30 832 Capt Richard D Storr, 29 833 Capt Dixon L Walters Jr, 29, Navarre Beach, Fla 834 Maj Paul J Weaver, 34 835 836 --US Navy-- 837 838 Lt William T Costen, 27, St Louis, Mo 839 Lt Cmdr Michael S Speicher, 33, Jacksonville, Fla 840 Lt Charles J Turner, 29, Richfield, Minn 841 Lt Robert Wetzel, 30, Virginia Beach, Va 842 843 --US Marines-- 844 845 Capt Michael C Berryman, 28, Yuma, Ariz 846 847 --US Army-- 848 849 Spc David Lockett, 23 850 Spc Melissa Rathbun-Nealy, 20 851 852 Non-Hostile Deaths 853 (as of Feb 7) 854 855 --US Army-- 856 857 Specialist Gary W Crask, 21, Cantrall, Ill 858 Staff Sgt Garland V Haily, 37, Baltimore, Md 859 PFC Rueben G Kirk III, 19 860 PFC Scott A Rush, 19, Blaine, Minn 861 Spec Peter L Swano Jr, 20, Salem, NY 862 Charles S Walker, 19, Jonesboro, Ga 863 864 --US Air Force-- 865 866 1st Lt Jorge I Arteaga, 26, Trumbull, Conn 867 First Lt Eric D Hedeen, 27, Malaga, Wash 868 Capt Jeffry Jon Olson, 27, Grand Forks, ND 869 Senior Airman Ramono L Poole, 22 870 871 --US Marines-- 872 873 Cpl Kurt A Benz, 22, Garden City, Mich 874 Cpl Albert G Haddad Jr, 22, Denton, Tex 875 Capt David R Herr Jr, 28, Fort Worth, Tex 876 Cpl James H Sylvia, 23, Putnam, Conn 877 Capt James K Thorp, 30, Valley Station, Ky 878 879 Prisoners-Of-War (POWs) 880 (as of Feb 7) 881 882 --US Marines-- 883 Lt Col Clifford M Acree, 39, Oceanside, Cal 884 Chief Warrant Officer Guy L Hunter, 46, Camp Pendleton, Cal 885 886 --US Navy-- 887 Lt Lawrence R Slade, 26, Virginia Beach, Va 888 Lt Jeffrey N Zaun, 28, Cherry Hill, NJ 889 890 049=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 02/09/90 22:36 Msg:5858 Call:33351 Lines:8 891 &*&*&*&*'s 892 Tonights twin peaps was... interesting. Disturbing, funny, and to 893 soapish in places. I'd have to say though that overall it was 894 the most disturbing TP episode since the BOB kills Maddy episode. 895 896 An Astral Dreamer 897 &*&*&*&*'s 898 050=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 02/10/90 23:17 Msg:5860 Call:33359 Lines:11 899 &*&*&*&*'s 900 Ah, the joys of smail.(A smart mailer that runs uner the Unix 901 operating system.) I've just got it working on my system at home 902 . Its really nice to be able to send mail to anybody with a simple 903 internet adress. 904 905 (Yes, this is another of my never ending attempts to fill the disk.) 906 907 An Astral Dreamer 908 &*&*&*&*'s 909 051=Usr:165 Bart Simpson 02/11/90 06:42 Msg:5861 Call:33361 Lines:53 910 Following are excerpts from Saddam Hussein's radio address to the Iraqi 911 people Feb 10, as carried by the official Iraqi News Agency. The opening 912 references are to the UN embargo against Iraq. 913 914 "We are in the 7th month since the infidels imposed the unjust siege 915 against the Iraqi people, ignoring the things that the laws exempt from the 916 embargo. By this they violated even the thin veil with which they tried to 917 cheat those who wanted to be cheated. The embargo extended even to children's 918 milk." 919 920 "And when the heathens discovered that the siege would not force the 921 faithful to give up their faith, they thought weapons would force them to give 922 up. But shame was the fate of their crime and armed aggression." 923 924 "Iraqis, your enemy believed it was capable of achieving its goals and 925 reversing the course of history (through the embargo) and when he failed, he 926 resorted to direct armed aggression. Here we are in the 4th week of this 927 aggression with the Iraqis becoming more firm in their faith, and shining out 928 more in front of the whole world." 929 930 "The resistance of our heroes to the warplanes and rockets of aggression 931 and shame is the strongest indication of the steadfastness, faith and light in 932 the hearts of the Iraqis and their great readiness not to give up the role 933 willed to them by God, the will to which they responded, faithfully and 934 obediently." 935 936 "All the good people will be victorious as Iraq, and victory will restore 937 to the Iraqis all the requirements for a free and honorable living that they 938 will merit as a reward for their patience and steadfastness." 939 940 "Those who look for triumph should search for it not outside the great 941 chapter of time that has elapsed, because it exists in each hour of the 942 confrontation, in each day and week since the first hour of the siege, since 943 the first day of the armed confrontation until the last day and hour, God 944 willing." 945 946 "Those who question when and how aggression was defeated should see it in 947 the first moment that the president of the so-called greatest country was 948 forced--as he said--to take the decision of war after the decision of the 949 embargo instead of dialogue, and to ally against us those whom he did bring 950 together when America's power looked so small to him, or thus God willed it." 951 952 "With this he (Bush) lost his prestige and made America lose its prestige 953 as the biggest, or greatest, nation, as he calls it." 954 955 "Bush lost his prestige when he lost conviction and lost the ability to 956 convince through dialogue in order to avoid the course of using arms." 957 958 "He lost prestige when he brought in the arms which the West had intended 959 against the Warsaw pact, (for use) against one of the countries of the 3rd 960 World, which is an Arab country." 961 962 ### ### 052=Usr:493 michel shannon 02/12/90 00:26 Msg:5862 Call:33369 Lines:2 963 l'homme call DV 415-923-xxxx [*=*] 964 053=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 02/12/90 08:28 Msg:5864 Call:33374 Lines:14 965 &*&*&*&*'s 966 Interesting propoganda. All these reference to god and infidels is really 967 quite amusing in light of the fact that the man belongs to a party of 968 acknowledged atheists. 969 970 Also, callin Iraq a third world country is at best misleading. I believe the 971 y had either the 3rd or the 5th largest military in the world before the 972 war started. And if it weren't for their war with Iran (See any paralels 973 between what sadam says bush is doing, and what sadam did in that situation.) 974 They would be very well off economically. 975 976 An Astral Dreamer (Never believe anything you hear. Nobody tells the truth.) 977 &*&*&*&*'s 978 054=Usr:165 Bart Simpson 02/12/90 18:11 Msg:5865 Call:33382 Lines:12 979 696969696969 to: Astral Dreamer 980 Just remember you comment about believing what you hear, and Nobody tells 981 the truth, when the Pentagon releases its next briefing. Or does your maxim 982 only apply to "them"? I agree with you comment about it being difficult to 983 accept Iraq as a "third world country" (altho by strict definition, it is),but 984 from the Muslum, Arab, Middle Eastern perspective, might Saddam not make a 985 certain amount of sense? That is one of the many problems with the U.S. 986 involvement in a situation that really is none of our business (except for the 987 oil greed thing). 988 989 696969696969696969 990 .