NUMBER OF LINES: 999 001=Usr:0 Null User 06/30/87 20:34 Msg:0 Call:0 Lines:19 1$If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2$************************* 05 SEP 91 ************************************** 3$Welcome to BWMS II (BackWater Message System II) Mike Day System operator 4$************************************************************************** 5$GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS II IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6$ PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7$BWMS II was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS II is a privately 8$owned and operated system which is currently open for use by the general 9$public. No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the 10$system is privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all 11$messages which I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the 12$system, it will be periodically purged of messages (only 999 lines of data 13$can be saved). To leave a message, type 'ENTER'. Use ctrl/C to get out 14$the ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering 15$the message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to 16$replace the line. To exit from the system, type 'BYE' then hang up. 17$Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18$************************************************************************** 19$ 002=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 09/05/91 23:04 Msg:6411 Call:37049 Lines:2 20 A new disk for the system, and a new era for the USSR. 21 ******************************************************** 003=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 09/05/91 23:40 Msg:6412 Call:37050 Lines:35 22 &*&*&*&*'s 23 24 At the top! 25 26 And now for another poem. 27 28 Food for thought 29 A well used phrase 30 A meaning tied to it 31 32 A table turned 33 A light gone out 34 A laddle in the churn 35 36 Central meanings ofteen hide the outer inner piece 37 And moments turn upon the world with hidden scary feet 38 39 The mantle taken is heavy still 40 Though the thought is not complete 41 The mounting cost of holding it 42 can make of life a cheat 43 44 Shelter holds the wealth of hiding 45 As do the words we speak 46 They carry us into the future 47 And of the past bespeak 48 49 Calous in inception 50 Loose beyond belief 51 Knowing that you've found it 52 And lost it to a thief 53 54 An Astral Dreamer 55 &*&*&*&*'s (And so the world changes.) 56 004=Usr:165 Bart Simpson 09/06/91 18:04 Msg:6414 Call:37070 Lines:101 57 58 By DAN CARMICHAEL 59 WASHINGTON (UPI) -- A federal grand jury Friday returned a 10-count 60 indictment against Clair George, formerly the third highest official of the CIA 61 accusing him of perjury in trying to cover up the Iran-Contra scandal. 62 George was the CIA's deputy director of operations from 1984 to 1987.s The 63 indictment accuses him of perjury, false statements and obstruction in 64 connection with congressional and grand jury investigations into the Iran-Contr 65 sdl. 66 67 Because George was such a high-ranking CIA official, the indictment raises 68 new questions about the extent and nature of CIA knowledge of the worst scandal 69 of Ronald Reagan's presidency. 70 71 Another former top CIA official, Alan Fiers, pleaded guilty in July and bega 72 cooperating with prosecutors. Fiers had testified before the grand jury that 73 returned the indictment. 74 Eight of the 10 charges against George stem from testimony he gave to three 75 congressional committees in October and December 1986. 76 The final two counts of the indictment, handed up to a federal magistrate at 77 3:50 p.m. EDT, accuse him of obstruction and making false statements to a 78 federal grand jury in April 1991. 79 If convicted on all the charges, George faces a maximum sentence of 50 years 80 in prison and fines of $2.5 million. 81 George said in a statement, "This crisis, this indictment merely makes me a 82 pawn in the continuing drama of political exploitation." 83 For almost five years, special prosecutor Lawrence Walsh and his team of 84 lawyers and investigators have conducted a criminal investigation of the 85 scandal. 86 The investigation hit paydirt early this summer with the guilty plea by 87 Fiers, former chief of the CIA's Central American Task Force. Fiers pleaded 88 guilty to two counts in the scandal and began cooperating with prosecutors. 89 90 Fiers implicated George in the scandal. George, 61, was deputy director for 91 CIA operations during the Iran-Contra affair -- in charge of the CIA's overseas 92 spy operations and networks. 93 94 Walsh has stated publicly that he has been investigating "a coverup in the 95 CIA," leading to reports of increasing nervousness among senior officials of th 96 aywith headquarters in suburban Langley, Va. 97 98 George had a 32-year CIA career, but retired in November 1987 -- almost a 99 year after the Iran-Contra scandal exploded into public view. He became a 100 security consultant. 101 102 George told key members of Congress in 1986 that he knew little about Oliver 103 North's secret Contra supply operation. He also claimed he did not know about 104 the diversion of money from secret arms sales to Iran until it was publicly 105 disclosed in November 1986. 106 107 Proceeds from the arms sales were wired to the Nicaraguan Contra rebels, 108 although Congress had outlawed such assistance. 109 110 George told congressional investigators, "Whatever my strengths and 111 weaknesses, I was almost meglomaniacal in trying to prove one thing: that we 112 were not involved in that activity because it would have been illegal." 113 114 But as part of his plea agreement with prosecutors, Fiers said he told Georg 115 a he diversion of arms profits several months before it became public. 116 Fiers said George ordered him to mislead Congress about the CIA's knowledge of 117 North's Contra operations. 118 A prosecution document filed when Fiers pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor 119 counts of withholding information from Congress suggested that George already 120 knew about the diversion when Fiers mentioned it to him. 121 According to that document, George responded to the information by saying: 122 "Now you are one of a handful of people who know about this." 123 124 The accusations against top CIA officials also renew a series of questions 125 about President Bush's nomination of Robert Gates to head the CIA. 126 127 Gates was deputy director of intelligence when the scandal became public and 128 members of Congress want to question him about his claim that he knew little 129 about it. 130 Hearings into the Gates nomination are scheduled to begin in mid- September. 131 132 Former intelligence agents have described George as tough, a consummate 133 spymaster. But others said he had contempt for Congress, and his combative 134 personality and overriding penchant for secrecy mirrored the nature of William 135 Casey, the CIA director who died shortly after the Iran-Contra scandal became 136 public. 137 138 Walsh's investigation has recently focused on whether CIA officials joined a 139 conspiracy to mislead Congress about their knowledge of the scandal. 140 141 The grand jury also is believed to examining the role of Duane Clarridge, 142 another senior CIA official who once headed the agency's European division. 143 144 The indictment of George is the 11th legal action brought by Walsh and the 145 third involving an official of the CIA. Many of the cases involved guilty pleas 146 147 ======================> A new system based on democracy in "The Evil Empire", 148 our enemy for so many years, so many dollars. Meanwhile, here in the the 149 good ole US of A, the same old cold warriors rule, their despotic regimes 150 ignoring the rule of Constitution and law. Perhaps a coup of some kind is 151 in order here. Some are predicting an assassination attempt when Bush visits 152 Portland to campaign for Bob Packwood. Perhaps they will be successful and 153 we'll see what Danny boy does. Perhaps it will be the spark for the New 154 Revolution and lead back to a democratic form of government in this country 155 again.<================================== 156 696969696969696969 157 005=Usr:609 Doctor Duran Dur 09/06/91 22:13 Msg:6415 Call:37073 Lines:33 158 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 159 ("The Evil Empire")-- 160 "Et tu, Brute?" 161 ...................................................Doctor Duran Duran 162 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IN THE EYES OF A STRANGER<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 163 end mess. 164 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 165 166 It facinates the imagination... 167 Look at your hands, then overlap them with your fingers locked. 168 Bring your thumbs to your lips and exhale. 169 Think of your youngest memory. 170 Think of what your oldest thought will be. 171 Open your hands, palms up. 172 Look at them carefully, and imagine yourself without them. 173 then, your arms... 174 then, your legs... 175 then, your eyes... 176 then, your lips... 177 then, your ears... 178 What's left? 179 What happens when we die? 180 People have been on this planet for thousands of years-- 181 and we will only live for one hundred of them, MAX! 182 Your body will not last forever... 183 Just as we are born, we die-- 184 every one of us Is there a spiritual world-- 185 or nothing??? 186 I think about this every once in a while.......... 187 188 AND IT SHOCKS THE HELL OUT OF ME!!!...................Doctor Duran Duran 189 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 190 end mess. 006=Usr:530 Jessie a. 09/07/91 07:28 Msg:6416 Call:37082 Lines:7 191@ 192 !*!*!*!*!* 193 Duran? What would you say if someone told you they remember both a world 194 between lives and past times on earth. Would it be more upsetting to you 195 than there being nothing after death? 196 Jessie 197 *!*!*!*!*! 007=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 09/07/91 19:11 Msg:6417 Call:37093 Lines:11 198 &*&*&*&*'s 199 Jessie, I've heard of that stuff, and even read a bit about it. The thing that 200 struck me was, there just havn't been enough people on this planet for 201 everyone alive today to have lived more then about 1.8 or so times. 202 203 Now, if you want to throw in other planets, or say that only some people 204 do the recycling thing... 205 206 An Astral Dreamer 207 &*&*&*&*'s (No poem today, the muse has gone away) 208 008=Usr:618 ERIC D. VASBINDE 09/08/91 00:09 Msg:6419 Call:37098 Lines:8 209 ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd 210 211 IF odd miscellanious is what you want please check out 212 my message in the shopping mall for great misc.!!!! 213 Thanx, 214 ERIC D. VASBINDER 215 216 ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd 009=Usr:609 Doctor Duran Dur 09/08/91 01:39 Msg:6422 Call:37100 Lines:21 217 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 218 219 Life has so many dimensions to it I get lost inside. 220 I hope that others feel the same... 221 one is alone in this world, or any other; 222 Our feelings get so wrapped up with our own worlds 223 sometimes we feel ignored or left out, 224 especially when we do things for others without recognition. 225 My rewards are painful impressions of silent reactions from those 226 whom I love with a deep respect. 227 More frustrating, yet, is that there exists no cure. 228 This is when I feel alone...and frustrated... 229 BUT, I believe that no one is alone. 230 Spiritually or physically, it seems like there is always 231 someone there to help you out...I don't know why... 232 your guess is as good as mine! 233 All I know is that it's great to be alive..."right here, right now." 234 235 ............................................Doctor Duran Duran 236 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IN THE EYES OF A STRANGER<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 237 end mess. 010=Usr:530 Jessie a. 09/08/91 07:33 Msg:6427 Call:37107 Lines:15 238 *!*!*!*!*!*!*! 239 Astral Dreamer...depends on what civilizations you count as having existed. 240 Depends on what history of the earth one is willing to consider. Depends on 241 one's belief (as you mentioned) in other life on other places. Sometimes it 242 seems to me that a belief that we are the only life form in all of a god's 243 creation is more absurd than the recognition that maybe life is not nearly 244 centric as we make it to be. I never limit what a god can do. And just 245 maybe it is possible that he doesn't like to lose something he puts a lot of 246 time and effort into and he'd rather it grow in understanding instead. 247 Each man chooses what he finds beauty in and some find the beauty in walking 248 back into a life and recognizing people we have walked with before as old 249 friends to love once again. A way of growing love so to speak because each 250 life we love them more. 251 Jessie 252 *!*!*!*!*!*!*! 011=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 09/08/91 09:36 Msg:6428 Call:37110 Lines:20 253 &*&*&*&*'s 254 Jessie, Got it. (Don't neccesarily believe in it myself, but I'm willing 255 to work in your context to see where your coming from.) 256 257 A question or two. I have noticed both in myself and others a 258 predisposition towards certain personality types. Science seems to imply 259 that these are in fact genetic, and that atleast some portion of 260 personality is inherited. Would you please comment on this? 261 262@Next, I have read some on this subject, and 263 Next, how does one get in touch with these past lives. I've read some 264 on the subject, but have yet to have any luck in this myself. I 265 seem to be a fairly unique person, and see little reason for it. 266 Thus, if past lives exist, then the answer may be there. (Not 267 to mention the solution to some problems.) 268 269 An Astral Dreamer 270 &*&*&*&*'s (Mostly open minded. Afraid of GIGO(Garbage In, Garbage Out)) 271 272 P.S. Everyone thinks they are differant. I've had people tell me I am. 012=Usr:530 Jessie a. 09/08/91 16:25 Msg:6429 Call:37115 Lines:31 273 *!*!*!*!*!*! 274 Astral dreamer, I can't help you on genetics and whether we are predisposed 275 to one discipline or another. I have seen no research on this. So I'll use 276 my own sonher graduated from Cal Tech. His brother went to 277 MIT in computers. His other brother ended up in a computer career. All 278 three sons were scientifically oriented. own son....he is good at 279 math, science, music, art and writing. The science disposition is still 280 there but it is not where he wishes to pursue a career. I was good in 281 scien, math, art and a fair hand at writing. My son wants to be a teacher 282 he thinks, using none of his skills in a career specific manner. Could 283 genetics play a part? Yes. On the other hand I know this kid from other 284 lives....what I see in him is what I have known him for in those lives. The 285 ribald sense of humor, the sense of true caring for mankind, the guts to 286 stick to a task even though it is hard, the harshness upon himself for his 287 failings. Maybe we are a bit of both. He chose his parents before this 288 birth, I remember agreements with the people I was born with that are old 289 friends this time to come here together. Perhaps he chose people of like 290 interests to his own, I do not know. Perhaps genetically it was available 291 to him because his father and I chose who we were to be born to? 292 293 Some questions I cannot answer. I know only of my own memories and those 294 of my child and my friends. We remember things other people do not and 295 have talked of them with each other. Confirming specific times and places 296 and details that we have shared. 297 298 Ultimately each man chooses what concepts they pursue in life. And my path 299 has been to pursue one that general society does not accept in this country. 300 In another country there would be no question that this concept was a viable 301 one. All I know is that my life is far more whole and complete having that 302 knowledge than if I had been without it. 303 Jessie 013=Usr:131 THE VISION 09/08/91 17:24 Msg:6431 Call:37118 Lines:6 304 _________________________________________________The Vision Lurker__________ 305 AD and Jessie: enjoying your conversation about spiritualism/past lives. 306 Pretty interesting stuff although I tend not to believe it (although am 307 open and intrigued by the discussion and topic) 308 ____________________________________________________________________________ 309 014=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 09/08/91 19:45 Msg:6433 Call:37123 Lines:27 310 &*&*&*&*'s 311 Jessie, those are more or less the answers I was expecting. I guess it 312 makes sense that we all have our own paths to tread. 313 314 I don't remember having lived any past lives myself, though I do sometimes 315 find myself having an affinity for certain people. I have also noticed 316 that there is a tendancy for my life to follow some sort of a logical 317 progression. Sometimes its wierd how it works. 318 319 As my alias indicates, dreams are a major area of fascination for me. 320 I almost believe that some sort of communication outside of my own 321 head goes on. I can remember a number of dreams where I heard or 322 experianced things that were outside my own domain. I also have 323 had several very short dreams of the future. Never anything 324 important, just 2 or 3 second snippets that later give me a 325 sense of deja-vu. Generally these happen 6 months to a year 326 before they become true. The implications of this tend to 327 worry me, as I do not believe in predestination. (Just 328 predisposition.) I believe it is possible that I have 329 many others that do not come true, and thus I do not 330 remember them. 331 332 What do the rest of you believe dreams to be? 333 334 An Astral Dreamer 335 &*&*&*&*'s (This space left blank, more or less) 336 015=Usr:609 Doctor Duran Dur 09/08/91 23:49 Msg:6435 Call:37126 Lines:17 337 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 338 339 Dreaming is the complete escape from reality... 340 I look forward to sleeping after a good day-- 341 Half of the time, dreams are lost and forgotten, 342 but for the most part, they are still alive. 343 Dreams are the greatest product of the imagination-- 344 creativity is my best friend. 345 Ponder on this... 346 If it feels so natural to dream, and leave this world 347 for several hours at a time (deep sleep), won't death 348 be the same? It appears that everyone here has survived 349 birth--that wasn't so bad, now that I recall... 350 351 .................................................Doctor Duran Duran 352 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IN THE EYES OF A STRANGER<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 353 end mess. 016=Usr:530 Jessie a. 09/09/91 07:14 Msg:6436 Call:37131 Lines:18 354 *!*!*!*!*!*! 355 Astral Dreamer, do you know there are many types of dreams that humans 356 have? Besides dreams that work out problems in our lives or turn over things 357 we need to deal with in life...there are things called lucid dreams. One 358 becomes aware in the dream one is dreaming. You are awake inside a dream 359 and can manipulate it. Deja Vu dreams are common and people will find them- 360 selves walking through a situation they dreamed about. We also have dreams 361 of places we have been before, we can meet people we know that we are to 362 find in a dream...the list is long. 363 364 My experience is that if I find an attraction to a person in life 365 immediately, here usually is a reason that turns up later.ften I know 366 them from the past. What the peramiters of mankind are is fascinating. 367 And the more we explore how varied those peramiters are, the more our lives 368 have a richness to them. I can see why you would be interested in this 369 aspect of your life. 370 Jessie 371 *!*!*!*!*!*! 017=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 09/09/91 18:45 Msg:6437 Call:37143 Lines:15 372 &*&*&*&*'s 373 Jessie, I have on occasion had lucid dreams. I've found that my control 374 only extends to myself. Other aspects of the dream continue to 375 act independently of my will. This used to annoy me a great deal, 376 but I have for the most part come to terms with it. 377 378 I sort of suspect that the world we life in is just a shadow world, 379 A stage upon which we play our parts. In dreams I suspect we 380 grasp some small part of the place were the plays are written. 381 382 Or perhaps not. Time or death will tell. 383 384 An Astral Dreamer 385 &*&*&*&*'s 386 018=Usr:549 alan kennedy 09/09/91 19:24 Msg:6438 Call:37144 Lines:12 387 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 388 The coming of the new age drew the Historian out of his slumber. 389 Woken by the stirings and stresses of the hatchling era against the 390 strands of time. Happenings too important to leave to minions are a foot. 391 Nations merging and separating; too many details. So much could be left 392 out. But, yet the time seemed too early. Could it be that the hatchling 393 is premature? Birth before the great year's ending would not be a good thing. 394 The scales are still at an imbalance. Even a half a century too soon would 395 send irrevocable ripples throughout the cosmos. 396 The Historian looked out through the darkness and to a point of blue 397 green light. Interferance is inevitable. But where? But when? 398 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 019=Usr:609 Doctor Duran Dur 09/09/91 21:16 Msg:6439 Call:37145 Lines:9 399 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 400 401 The most enjoyable things in life are the simplest, 402 yet, it seems that most go in-depth for enjoyment... 403 why??? 404 405 .................................................Doctor Duran Duran 406 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 407 end mess. 020=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 09/09/91 23:12 Msg:6440 Call:37148 Lines:19 408 &*&*&*&*'s 409 410 We may enjoy the simple things 411 Or so we like to think 412 413 In fact we like the smallest bits 414 of that which is not simple at all 415 416 A bit of this, a bit of that, a bit of something else. 417 Each simple in its own right 418@ 419@ 420 421 But what is the complex? 422 Its just simple little bits. 423 424 An Astral Dreamer 425 &*&*&*&*'s (You can't win them all. Sometimes you don't even score.) 426 021=Usr:530 Jessie a. 09/10/91 06:37 Msg:6441 Call:37152 Lines:8 427 *!*!*!*!*!*!*! 428 I have found in lucid dreams I can affect the environment surrounding me 429 though I have never tried to affect other people in the dreams. As a way 430 to play in life and feel a sense of total freedom they are fascinating. 431 432 I suspect each of us uses them for different purpos Astral Dreamer. 433 Jessie 434 *!*!*!*!*!*!*!*! 022=Usr:131 THE VISION 09/10/91 19:22 Msg:6443 Call:37176 Lines:21 435 ____________________________T H E V I S I O N__________________________ 436 Hello. I have many dreams about planes and plane crashes. I think this 437 is because I have a real phobia of flying. It was learned when I was 438 about 8 or 9 years old and was in a crash landing in Hawaii. Must've 439 really set in and developed because I haven't flown since and refuse to 440 fly completely...(I've even taken greyhound for 34 hours from school 441 and had the toilet overflow..and, being above the engine, it smelled 442 like hot piss the whole way!! :) was terrible!...the train is beautiful 443 though. Even if I wasn't afraid of flying I'd probably still take the 444 train. 445 (oh BTW it wasn't me who made the toilet overflow...I only used the 446 restroom at stops..and they weren't much better :P Yuk! 447 I also dream about flying (like Superman) a lot...except it is really hard 448 to do it at first and I have to try really hard. Then it gets easier but 449 it only lasts for a little while and soon I'm down on the ground again 450 trying to fly but can't do it. It's frustrating and annoying! :) 451 I don't really have nightmares anymore...they are so fascinating. I kind 452 of miss having them. Every once in a while I'll have one but they're 453 never as bad as when I was a kid. 454 __________________________________________________________The Vision_______ 455 023=Usr:609 Doctor Duran Dur 09/10/91 22:58 Msg:6447 Call:37184 Lines:32 456 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 457 458 A Real Experience... 459 460 Out on my own, all alone 461 in the shadows of the moon and stars 462 I walked through the knee-high grass 463 growing in the sand. 464 The wind blew at my face, and the chill of Fall was very near; 465 as I followed an abandoned trail, 466 I could hear the thundering waves hitting the beach. 467 I reached a cliff (ten feet high) 468 that a overlooked a scenery so beautiful, 469 it sent a warm chill down from head to toe. 470 The moon lit the night to shine a peaceful light 471 on everything below. 472 The clouds slid across the evening sky 473 like a balloon on ice; 474 and beyond the clouds, 475 the heavens shown through with greatness. 476 Every star and planet was visible to the naked eye, 477 and they sparkled like diamonds on black velvet. 478 Together with the wind in my face, 479 and the sense of complete freedom from reality, 480 I absorbed the sound of the ocean's power 481 with the silent beauty of the heavens above. 482 I have never experienced anything like it before, 483 nature's most peaceful bliss in my eyes. 484 485 ..............................................Doctor Duran Duran 486 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IN THE EYES OF A STRANGER<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 487 end mess. 024=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 09/12/91 00:20 Msg:6450 Call:37187 Lines:3 488 Sorry all, the mail room seems to be suffering from galoping bugitus. 489 sometimes crashing the system. It is back on line for now. 490 *********************** CM ********************************** 025=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 09/12/91 06:29 Msg:6452 Call:37190 Lines:9 491 &*&*&*&*'s 492 Is it save to leave mail CM? I've trashed the system twice now, and 493 am feeling a bit guilty... 494 495 TV: call my board if you want a reply to your email. 496 497 An Astral Dreamer 498 &*&*&*&*'s (Bug attractor) 499 026=Usr:219 Friar Mossback 09/12/91 07:23 Msg:6454 Call:37191 Lines:23 500 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 501 For Sale or Trade 502 I was stupid, and not thinking,s I have the following to sell 503 or trade. 2 70ns 4 meg by 9 simm module. These are completely 504 unused, and were purchased only a week ago. I o them from 505 Nevada Computer, and the ill not let me return them as there is 506 nothing wrong with them. I onywanted to add 8 mb to my 507 machine, and got only two simms. Bzzzzz! Yo an't do that, you 508 ne to add them in sets of four. No problem, justsnd off 509 another $ 43 nd get two more sets, right? Bzzzz! You can'td 510 that either. My mcine can't handle 4 mb simms, only up to 511 eight (actually either four o ight) simms. And only 256k or 512 1m imms. So you see where this is heading. I woudlike to 513 trade two saic bag protected, never unpacked, 4mb simm modue 514 for 4 1mb simm modls of the 70ns clan. Or I will sell them and 515 get the money for the simmodules I need.Please let me know 516 here, or call 464-xxxx during the da. I will pay postage both 517 ways. (How much can it be, they don't weightat much) 518 Thanks, 519 Dave 520 Upload fuzzy, but you get the idea. 521 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Friar [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] 522 027=Usr:322 Stray Cat 09/12/91 10:35 Msg:6457 Call:37194 Lines:6 523 524 LOOKS LIKE FOREST GROVE HAD A RATHER BAD DAY YESTERDAY. Funny neither 525 incident hit the dailies. Particularly funny about the school incident ... 526 wish somebody would say what directly led up to them being suspended. Was 527 it JUST the clothes or some trumped up "behavioral problem?" 528 028=Usr:322 Stray Cat 09/12/91 10:41 Msg:6458 Call:37195 Lines:3 529 530 .... uh, excuse. That should be the DAILY **not** (as we all know) DAILIES. 531 029=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 09/12/91 20:58 Msg:6459 Call:37206 Lines:5 532 &*&*&*&*'s 533 Just semi-lurking. 534 535 An Astral Dreamer 536 &*&*&*&*'s (<[{}]>) (No hidden meaning) 030=Usr:131 THE VISION 09/12/91 21:51 Msg:6460 Call:37207 Lines:1 537 ________________________________________________________Visionlurker________ 031=Usr:609 Doctor Duran Dur 09/12/91 22:24 Msg:6461 Call:37208 Lines:44 538 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 539 540 I'm silent in the corner without any feeling, 541 alone to sit in sorrowful peace. 542 My crimes - I am guilty... 543 many things I have done with careless thought. 544 How many people can be touched with one hatred excerpt 545 from the lips of a fool? 546 There's nothing to say in the aftermath, 547 for actions speak louder than words.... 548 silence, then, is, but still, golden. 549 Now, it's my turn to experience the other side of the crime, 550 but ten-times fold. 551 ...............................................Doctor Duran Duran 552 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IN THE EYES OF A STRANGER<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 553 end mess. 554 555 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 556 557 "DAILIES"-- 558 Who cares? Does the issue directly affect you? Were you under the gun 559 for suspension in that incident? 560 Each for his own -- ya' know? 561 Would you sacrifice your day to protest what happened at Forest Grove HS? 562 You and I both know what Raiders' clothing stands for besides just a 563 little more attention (which seems totally harmless). I mean, who cares 564 if somebody wants to wear what they want to wear - freedom of expression, 565 right? But, what if you are wearing a widely-accepted norm? What if 566 public school officials were to wear police uniforms in school? I bet 567 children and parents would really appreciate that kind of psychology 568 used on a daily basis. 569 So, getting back to my point - who cares? Are you going to go to pieces 570 over the issue, or are you just trying to get a conversation going? 571 I really am not trying to shoot ya down, far from it, but when it comes 572 to the MEDIA covering news, I just think things are totally blown out of 573 proportion...from both sides of good and evil...from that "cannibal" in 574 Wisconsin to that damn weather cat named BOB!!! The news is just trying 575 to get their ratings to be #1 in business, just as if you and I were going 576 for the same job (especially after telling you how I feel) 577 I think you know what I mean...... 578 579 ................................................Doctor Duran Duran 580 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IN THE EYES OF A STRANGER<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 581 end mess. 032=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 09/13/91 22:02 Msg:6467 Call:37231 Lines:4 582 Yes, MAIL is fine for now. It just has a problem if it gets too full, so I 583 went through and cleaned out mail that was over a year old. 584 gee, doesn that remind you of gthe old Blue Parrot problems? ..... 585 ************************ CM **************************************** 033=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 09/15/91 21:10 Msg:6474 Call:37258 Lines:21 586 &*&*&*&*'s 587 588 Well, I'm feeling optomistic today. Not. 589 590 I hate being down. It makes me grouchy and sarcastic. It makes me 591 hate the thought of tommorow. 592 593 Of course I always get over it. 594 595 But I'm getting really tired of hitting these lows. I've got all sorts 596 of theories as to what causes them. Some wild, and some mundane. 597 598 Whats wierd, is I really do know whats wrong with me, even if I don't 599 know why. But I can't seem to do anything much about it. I think 600 thats the worst part. 601 602 I'll get over it. I always do. I'm very frigging good at it. 603 604 An Astral Dreamer 605 &*&*&*&*'s (Traped in a cage of his own making?) 606 034=Usr:609 Doctor Duran Dur 09/15/91 21:34 Msg:6476 Call:37259 Lines:22 607 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 608 609 Everytime I concentrate on the things that I really hate, 610 I grow old inside and try to hide my most important feelings. 611 A wall is built around me that can only grow with more lies. 612 Breaking it down and leaving it all behind becomes more of a 613 dream than's really too bad. 614 615 So I escape from reality, and then I'm gone... 616 no one can touch me, and I cannot hurt anyone's feelings. 617 My imagination takes me to the four corners of the world, 618 then to the edge of the galaxy where I can look at things from the 619 outside-in. 620 621 Once I'm there, I can look at my life from scratch 'til now -- a very 622 beautiful site to see and learn from. 623 624 Then my alarm sounds!!!! 'Time to get ready for work... 625 626 ..............................................Doctor Duran Duran 627 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IN THE EYES OF A STRANGER<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 628 end mess. 035=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 09/16/91 17:26 Msg:6479 Call:37278 Lines:6 629 &*&*&*&*'s 630 Well, I'm feeling a good deal better today. Knew I would. 631 632 An Astral Dreamer 633 &*&*&*&*'s (Conversation killer?) 634 036=Usr:131 THE VISION 09/16/91 19:49 Msg:6481 Call:37282 Lines:7 635 _______________________________T H E V I S I O N___________________________ 636 AD - Good to see you're feeling better! I get in those moods sometimes as 637 well. It's pretty empty/slow around here lately huh? Oh well...anyways, see 638 ya later. - To Doctor Duran Duran - I have really enjoyed your posts; keep 639 them coming! You've got some really good written expression.... 640 _______________________________________________________________The Vision____ 641 037=Usr:165 Bart Simpson 09/17/91 02:42 Msg:6484 Call:37289 Lines:65 642 696969696969 643 644 BCCI/Oct Surprise: Castalero Killing Source: Peacenet 645 646 On a Saturday in August '91, reporter Joseph Danial Caselero was found dead in 647 a hotel room in the Sheraton in Martinsburg, West Virginia. His death was 648 ruled a suicide and his body was embalmed the next day. His family was angry 649 that the embalming was ordered before they were notified. 650 651 Casalero's investigations may have been about to tie together the October 652 Surprise, BCCI, Reagan adminstration officials, and INSLAW software piracy 653 case. The latter is an eight-year court case in which the computer firm, 654 INSLAW, has accused the Justice Department of stealing its software. 655 656 Casalero had a theory about a network, allegedly led by an associate of former 657 Attorney General Edwin Meese, that he called the "octopus". The theory 658 alleges that the "octopus" funneled money through BCCI to the Iranian 659 government to keep the 52 American hostages from being released before the 660 1980 presidential election. The Republican campaign team believed that 661 release could have been a decisive October surprise, giving Jimmy Carter the 662 victory. The theory alleges that as a reward, the "octopus" was allowed to 663 sell INSLAW's software program to foreign governments, including Israel and 664 Iraq. 665 666 Other reporters have explored the "octopus" theory, but Casalero alone claimed 667 to be close to proving its existence and its connections to the Reagan and 668 Bush adminstrations. 669 670 The media buried the story under leads touting Caslero's financial situation 671 as a likely motive for suicide. The coroners said that his death "was not 672 inconsistent with suicide". The FBI investigation amounted to a two hour 673 interview with the local police, after which they announced that there was no 674 reason to investigate further. 675 676 "Here you have a case of a man who told friends and confidants he was on the 677 brink of proving the involvment of the Justice Department in possible criminal 678 activity and nothing further is done," former Attorney General Elliot 679 Richardson said. "I do not see how someone in a responsible position can let 680 a thing like this stand," Richardson said refering to the FBI decision to not 681 investigate further. 682 683 What was mentioned in only two newspaper reports of twelve this reporter could 684 find, was that Casalero had been receiving phone calls threatening his life, 685 warning him to back off of his investigation. And only one source quoted his 686 mother saying that just days before his death he told her, "If there is an 687 accident resulting in my death, don't believe it." 688 689 In a related devolpment British journalist, Anson Ng Yong, was found shot to 690 death in Guatemala, where he'd been investigating Guatemalean army generals 691 involvment to BCCI. 692 693 Somethings to think about as you listen to the reports on the confirmation 694 hearings for Bush's choice to head the CIA, a man who should have been aware 695 of the entire sordid affair. Either he is dishonest, or incompetent. Not 696 good choices for the man heading the Central Intellegence Agency. The folks 697 who were too busy running drugs, and selling arms to notice the falling of the 698 Communist government that had been their primary focus since World War II. 699 Incompetence or dishonesty. George Bush's man, alright. And Ollie North is 700 a hero for getting off on a Constitutional technicality. That's right, the 701 same Constitution towards which he showed so little respect, and tried so 702 desparately to subvert, saved his ass. Irany...I mean irony, at it's finest. 703 704 696969696969696969 705 Manuel Noriega and Saddam Hussein are the enemy? 706 038=Usr:31 The Doctor 09/17/91 12:37 Msg:6486 Call:37295 Lines:1 707 ????????????????????? DocLurk 039=Usr:609 Doctor Duran Dur 09/17/91 21:03 Msg:6487 Call:37304 Lines:14 708 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 709 710 I am tired now, my day is done; 711 there was work, rest, and time for fun. 712 But my eyes are closing soon too fast, 713 for yesterday is gone, it's now the past... 714 History was made, and what have I done? 715 I worked, rested, and had some fun. 716 Tomorrow will come and go the same, 717 as I continue to do it again and again. 718 719 .................................................Doctor Duran Duran 720 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IN THE EYES OF A STRANGER<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 721 end mess. 040=Usr:610 Peace 09/18/91 16:47 Msg:6489 Call:37320 Lines:4 722 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 723 DocLurk: No, sweetheart, it is our own government (You remember? 724 "by the people, for the people," etc?) which is the enemy. 725 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Peace Lady $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 041=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 09/18/91 19:56 Msg:6492 Call:37321 Lines:11 726 &*&*&*&*'s 727 Been sort of slow recently. 728 729 I've written a couple more songs, but I think I'll hold them in reserve 730 for now. On the plus side, I'm actually starting to like my voice. 731 My guitar playing however is still real rough. What I need to do 732 is get rich, so I can afford to hire other people to play the 733 instruments for me. :-) 734 735 An Astral Dreamer 736 &*&*&*&*'s (Pithy words and phrases ofteen create dazzes.) 042=Usr:609 Doctor Duran Dur 09/18/91 22:11 Msg:6494 Call:37327 Lines:22 737 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 738 739 Give me a penny and I'll make it last, 740 give me a dollar and it'll go fast. 741 "So, buy me a stereo, a car, a house -- 742 I'll treat them with care," said the cat to the mouse. 743 You reap what you sow, 744 and that's no lie. 745 Everyone who lives will eventually die. 746 747 Riddle me, confuse me, take me for a fool, 748 everyone knows simplicity is cool. 749 Spare me the details, I am totally perplexed, 750 because everything you say is completely complex! 751 All I know is that I try and try 752 to earn respect in another's eye. 753 Good hard work has taught me well, 754 to stay away from an earthly hell. 755 756 ............................................Doctor Duran Duran 757 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IN THE EYES OF A STRANGER<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 758 end mess. 043=Usr:31 The Doctor 09/19/91 16:02 Msg:6501 Call:37341 Lines:1 759 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? DocLurk 044=Usr:609 Doctor Duran Dur 09/19/91 23:18 Msg:6504 Call:37350 Lines:17 760 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 761 762 No new messages, give me a break! 763 And, my stomach is killing me from that peppered steak... 764 I just ate... 765 yesterday. 766 767 Words to the wise, 768 hey, listen guys-- 769 I got somethin' to say, 770 today, today... 771 How did it go? I guess I forgot, 772 what I just learned, that was recently taught. 773 774 ....................................................Doctor Duran Duran 775 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IN THE EYES OF A STRANGER<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 776 end mess. 045=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 09/20/91 06:47 Msg:6506 Call:37356 Lines:21 777 &*&*&*&*'s 778 (Imprompto versre follows) 779 780 Destiny, a two edged sword 781 Shining bright in night. 782 Has the hidden point of view 783 Knows the secret word 784 785 Palace on an open hill 786 Open gate for fate 787 Find the missing piece or part 788 Look and get your fill 789 790 Cable me your point of view 791 Token sigh from high 792 Take me into your silence 793 Place me with the few 794 795 An Astral Dreamer 796 &*&*&*&*'s (TGIF) 797 046=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 09/20/91 21:36 Msg:6508 Call:37370 Lines:7 798 &*&*&*&*'s 799 15 hours, 13 callers and no posts. Come now, you people must have something 800 to say? 801 802 An Astral Dreamer 803 &*&*&*&*'s () 804 047=Usr:609 Doctor Duran Dur 09/20/91 22:19 Msg:6509 Call:37371 Lines:26 805 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 806 807 A recent observation today... 808 about life in general and the games people play. 809 I was watching a show (CLUB MTV), 810 which had dancing, and music, and plenty to see. 811 The leaders of tomorrow were flying around, 812 with the bare essentials, and sex abound. 813 As I examined them carefully, I curiously thought, 814 about the present and future going to pot! 815 Sometimes I think that I am out of place, 816 in this "liberal" society and its revealing tastes. 817 But not with this, which I am deeply concerned, 818 about children that were taught, but never learned. 819 There are so many traditions, and cultures lost, 820 with common courtesies that seem to be tossed. 821 "Give them an inch, and they'll take it a mile," 822 as they sit in their chairs with an innocent smile. 823 Parents need to spend more time with their kids, 824 not the TV with so many zr"vids"... 825 I love life more than anyone can guess, 826 maybe that's why I feel it's a mess... 827 828 ..................................................Doctor Duran Duran 829 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IN THE EYES OF A STRANGER<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 830 end mess. 048=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 09/21/91 01:41 Msg:6511 Call:37373 Lines:5 831 *%@#*%)_@#*%)__$@(%+$)!@+*%@#)+$(!@$@+)^%@#)(%+$(!@+#$(#*%&+($!+@(!@+$!+$!+@$( 832 MIKE, WHAT IS THE STATUS OF THE ARCHIVE DISKS? WHAT ARE WE UP TO NOW? I NEED 833 TO GET CAUGHT UP ASAP... THNX. 834 %*_)*%@%@%*@*%_)!$_&^)_*%@# L'HOMME SANS PARITY *($@)%_)($)_!@*%_)()_@()_$($!@$ 835 STRANGE KEYBOARD? ALL CAPS??? 049=Usr:322 Stray Cat 09/21/91 07:51 Msg:6512 Call:37378 Lines:5 836 837 What I really wanna know is, does Packwood PAY for any of that police 838 protection it took to raise half a mil for his campaign? And all the 839 hours of planning, etc.? Or do WE get to pay for that too??? 840 050=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 09/21/91 10:11 Msg:6513 Call:37379 Lines:27 841 &*&*&*&*'s 842 What I'd like to know, is why some people think the Oregonian is 843 liberal. Check out the headlines in fridays paper. We had the 844 "Loyal 800" who showed up to see Bush and Packwood, and then 845 we had the "400" people who showed up to demonstate and riot. 846 (Atleast thats what the oregonian said.) Of course, I talked to 847 somebody who was there, and he claimed more then 800 people were 848 there to demonstrate. So, what we have is an under reporting 849 of the number of people there, a very slanted article on what 850 went on (Emphasizing the rioting, which was a small group of 851 people, and had nothing to do with the main part of the demonstrations.) 852 Plus a glowing description of the Bush supporters and the terrible 853 ordeal they went thru to get in. (Havn't they ever heard about that 854 old adage, ...names may never hurt me?) 855 856 In the same paper they talk about the Govenors visit to Pendlton, (I 857 believe thats right) Anyway, Shes trying to get a consensus on what 858 needs to be done to overhaul the tax system here in oregon. So what does 859 the oregonian report? A rather tepid description of her purpose, followed 860 by nothing but quotes from people who are up for lettin the state go 861 under financially, with nothing from the other side. 862 863 (Gotta go.) 864 865 An Astral Dreamer 866 &*&*&*&*'s (Late, Late, Late.) 867 051=Usr:165 Bart Simpson 09/21/91 13:23 Msg:6514 Call:37381 Lines:21 868 696969696969 869 You got it right. Packwood, and the wealthy Republicans pay zero 870 for the opportunity to raise more than $500,000 (That's a half a million big 871 ones), while the taxpayers foot the bill for police overtime (the same police 872 that don't have time anymore to respond to theft reports and other miscellaneou 873 crimes). Not to mention tying up the Banfield AND MAX during Thursday morning 874 rush hour. Who are these people anyway who get away with such arrogance? 875 Can YOU afford $600 for a meal? Can YOU afford $600 for anything but a 876 neccessity? Can YOU afford to re-elect Bob Packwood? A man who has embraced 877 everything that the Reagan/Bush Empire stands for? (And he gives Bush a 878 tree seedling...want to bet it never got planted anywhere and rotted in the 879 pot?) Who owns who? Does Packwood represent Oregon interests? Or the out 880 of state money lords who want to cut down all the trees and export them 881 instead of keeping jobs processing them into lumber in the U.S.? And what 882 about all the money Packwood receives from the other out of state interests 883 that are so concerned with whether or not he gets re-elected? Do you think 884 YOUR concerns are theirs? Over 1/2 million dollars in less than two hours. 885 Not bad work if you can get it. 886 887 696969696969696969 888 052=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 09/21/91 15:20 Msg:6515 Call:37383 Lines:2 889 L'homme: We are up to archive #105. Things have been rather slow... 890 ************************ CM *************************************** 053=Usr:609 Doctor Duran Dur 09/21/91 22:07 Msg:6516 Call:37390 Lines:17 891 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 892 Well, speaking about politics gets me cornfused, but, here I go... 893 894 Having a major bureaucracy (the US govt) costs the people of the US major 895 bucks. Not to mention all of the minor bureaucracies in between the 896 White House and your local city government. I do believe we are being taxed 897 unfairly to this vary day and I have evidence (first-hand info. from prior 898 experience with working for the government) prove it. Medical, education, and 899 a secure standard of living are the three main priorities I would like to see 900 our government tackle. 901 Recently, I spoke with a middle-aged woman who was born and raised in Holland, 902 which is currently a socialistic country. According to our conversation, the 903 standard of living there is extremely secure. Education, medical and 904 government services are all paid for. I was amazed!!! I asked her how this 905 was possible -- she said that there was approximately a 30% deduction out of 906 paycheck and that was it -- no taxes to pay at the end of the year. 907 So, I asked myself why we have an average of 25% taken out of our paycheck at 054=Usr:609 Doctor Duran Dur 09/21/91 22:25 Msg:6517 Call:37391 Lines:43 908 and we still have to pay federal and state income taxes at the end of the year. 909 Not to mention the fact that we end up paying bucks through the ass for all 910 different kinds of insurance (I don't want to EVEN get started on insurance!). 911 Then we have house payments, etc. To tell you the truth, our government IS 912 getting the best out of us. 'Not to much to say about that, really. 913 914 So, my question is: why aren't we heading towards socialism at a faster 915 momentum??? Because, the people who are in power now (who have all the money) 916 DO NOT want to lose any more power than they have to. This "NEW WORLD ORDER" 917 thing is bad news -- if you like to read the bible occasionally, pick it up 918 and read about what the Lord thinks about it. I'll tell you anyway... 919 the "NEW WORLD ORDER" has to do with the consolidation of power and control 920 into one ruler and king over all the continents of the world. Satan's dream 921 is to rule the entire world. Supposedly, there will come an ANTI-CHRIST 922 (who will say he is Jesus coming back for the last time) who will lead a 923 majority to believe in him that he is Jesus (when he's really not) and he will 924 become a very powerful political leader -- eventually becoming THE LEADER of 925 this "NEW WORLD ORDER". For a short time, there will be a world peace -- 926 where no wars will be fought, then, soonafter, all hell will break loose!!! 927 928 So, I'm not to crazy about this "NEW WORLD ORDER" thing, it really scares me. 929 Another part of trivia -- people say Satan's number is 666. Well, a lot of 930 people believe that number means that Satan will have complete control over the 931 world through the use of numbers -- i.e., what's your social security number; 932 or, your driver's license number; or, your credit card numbers; or, your bank 933 account numbers -- the principal behind it is that everyone will be known as 934 a number instead of a name (Satan's # happens to be 666). 935 936 It really doesn't sound too stupid when you think about it all -- it just gets 937 really scary. 938 939 As far as politics are concerned, I think we can eliminate a few hundred 940 bureaucracies (AT LEAST), and start focussing our attention on more valuable 941 resources on the "home-front", like our children for instance. 942 943 We still do live in one of the richest countries in the world, though, and 944 I am very thankful for that!!! Simple things, like indoor plumbing and nice 945 roads to drive on are very scarce in most parts of the world. Not to mention 946 our freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 947 948 ...............................................Doctor Duran Duran 949 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IN THE EYES OF A STRANGER<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 950 end mess 055=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 09/22/91 12:37 Msg:6524 Call:37402 Lines:49 951 &*&*&*&*'s 952 953 Time to finish off the disk. 954 955 I'm currently of the opinion that humanity is programmed to self 956 destruct. Follow my logic if you will. 957 958 We all have an ego. Now, this in and of itself is not bad. It makes 959 us what we are. Individuals, beings with free will. Thats the upside. 960 961 The downside is the self deception we use to maintain our egos. This 962 self deception is built in. It is a survival mechanism. Without it 963 we would be forced to commit personality suicide, and death (In any 964 form) is amoung our greatest fears. 965 966 So, if I am correct, then we are stuck in a system were we cannot succede 967 beyond a very inefiant level. 968 969 Has anyone ever wondered why it took us so long to get to this point? 970 (Speaking in terms of understanding the universe and the technology 971 that leads to and comes from said understanding.) Could it be because 972 any idiot can get lucky eventually? 973 974 Of course, I can of course postulate that we may if fact learn to 975 overcome this built in liability. But should we? What are we now? 976 What would we become? Do we have the courage? 977 978 "We are stubborn built up places 979 Built close but apart. 980 Two walls that crumble and merge 981 time will wear apart 982 Casting shadows we are alone 983 moving closer?" 984 985 Be aware of the filters on your ears and eyes. They may blind 986 and deafen you at times, but that is the least of their dangers. 987 It is worse when they manipulate and twist the things you hear 988 and see. 989 990 Platos cave. Read it. Learn it. Know it. 991 992 (I'm through being preachy now.) 993 994 (Six lines remain.) 995 (five including this one) 996 Thats all for now. 997 998 An Astral Dreamer 999 &*&*&*&*'s (At the bottom, looking up.) .