NUMBER OF LINES: 999 001=Usr:0 Null User 06/30/87 20:34 Msg:0 Call:0 Lines:19 1$If you are in need of help, you need but ask... 2$************************* 06 DEC 91 ************************************** 3$Welcome to BWMS II (BackWater Message System II) Mike Day System operator 4$************************************************************************** 5$GENERAL DISCLAIMER: BWMS II IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INFORMATION 6$ PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM. 7$BWMS II was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS II is a privately 8$owned and operated system which is currently open for use by the general 9$public. No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the 10$system is privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all 11$messages which I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the 12$system, it will be periodically purged of messages (only 999 lines of data 13$can be saved). To leave a message, type 'ENTER'. Use ctrl/C to get out 14$the ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering 15$the message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to 16$replace the line. To exit from the system, type 'BYE' then hang up. 17$Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system. 18$************************************************************************** 19$ 002=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 12/06/91 21:09 Msg:6862 Call:38779 Lines:3 20 Life is short, the art long, opportunity fleeting, 21 experience treacherous, judgement difficult. -Hippocrates 22 ************************************************************* 003=Usr:13 voyeur 12/06/91 23:40 Msg:6863 Call:38782 Lines:100 23 :::::::::O O::::::::00:05:33::::::::::::::::::::12/07/91:::::O O::::::::::::: 24 L'homme - here's the article you mentioned... 25 26 Love, Willamette Week Style 27 by Karyn S. Hunting 28 29 Allow me to begin by striking a familiar chord with readers of 30 the Willamette Week personals: "SYNCRONICITY, ANYONE?" Flip anyone's 31 switch? It's really me, and no, my name's NOT Susan, is it? Well, 32 enough with the rhetorical for now, and on to some answers... 33 Lest some balk at the unfamiliar by-line, I truly am an M, (candy 34 shell and all). A reinstated M, that is. You see, I deactivated myself 35 (the red button on the left) circa 1986. And then, thanks to a personal 36 (sorry) re-realization of the validity of Jung's essays on "the S word," 37 via an impulsive ad in the much touted and widely perused Willamette 38 Week magazine, I reinstated myself circa not too long ago. Make sense 39 yet? Okay, I give. It went something like this: 40 Boyfriend (whose favorite phrase was, "You Menses people are too 41 weird for me...") for a year and a half. Frustration for 17.5 months of 42 that. Perseverance until March last, when I met one of those tall, dark, 43 gorgeous Chippendale types (TDGCT's) and flung caution, security, and 44 fidelity (okay, sort of) to the wind. Peace and quiet until I called an 45 old "companion" (another TDGCT-my classic prerequisite to 46 anything-anyone-worth doing). Contentment until I realized why it never 47 worked in the first place (yes, Virginia, there really IS a left side to 48 that bell curve - that's why they named it that way)... 49 We're up to July 1991 now. 50 Well, jeez, I figured. I met Mr. Un-M when he placed an ad in WW. 51 Do smart men read this kind of smut, too? Aha, thought I. I have a 52 theorem, a hypothesis, and an urgent mental/hormonal need to meet a guy 53 that can do more than grunt and look "stupid but cute" when he's not 54 lying down. So, being a modern day Nike fan with a cause, I just did it. 55 Five days and $112.70 later, my impulse stared back at me as I gingerly 56 opened my new WW issue. 57 (Since Michael says to keep it to about 5K, the text isn't here, 58 but for a modest fee...) I asked, more so in my "voice mail ad" than 59 the written one, for a definite TDGCT. With an IQ in the three digits. 60 Being the generous, though perhaps picky, soul that I am, I offered 61 Bonus Points for any/all of the following: over 6', dark hair, tan, 62 hairy chest, and "to-die-for looks." Silly me. 63 After the contestants started rolling in, I anxiously typed away 64 each night, entering their qualifications and amusing statements into my 65 database. (Yes, database.) I called about five of them the first two 66 weeks. Met a few. TDGCT's, yes, surprisingly. Synchronicity (my ad 67 title, mind you), not really. Bonus points, all but one. (He was 68 blonde. Two blondes together... well... couldn't bring myself to try 69 it.) I continued on, leaving the database project in the dust after 70 about 150. Got over 350 altogether to date. Or, rather, not to date. 71 (But that is not the question, is it?) 72 "So," Michael asks one day, "what kind of responses did you get?" 73 (I still hadn't gone back to a TGIF yet.) Final demographic run-down 74 was kinda like this, for those of you who are into the means and can 75 wait for the ends: Winners for most common comment were, "I'm not 76 intimidated" (made ME wonder a bit), and "I want the Bonus Points" (the 77 gimmick worked). Most common professions (in order): physicist/ 78 scientist, computer pro, business owner/president, attorney, professor, 79 and "unspecified." Age? I asked for 30.2-43.5. Most were 38 to 45 (I 80 didn't specify mathematical aptitude). Most were longwinded - couldn't 81 get it all in within 2 minutes (please, no pun assumptions - I wouldn't 82 know). Overall? Pretty impressive as a group, I must say: articulate, 83 educated, humorous, intelligent (ooooooh, gimme more!), and seemingly 84 "nice guys." 85 Oh, almost forgot. Their reaction to (it was in my ad to attract 86 "the right stuff") MENSA? (1) Are you SURE you're cute, too? (2) 87 Finally! (3) I'm impressed/intrigued/ fascinated. (4) What's MENSA? (5) 88 Are you really one of THEM? (6) That's nothing but a mutual admiration 89 society for social illiterates (these were the M-hopefuls who flunked 90 the test) . 91 Best of all, though, was MY reaction to their reactions. I meekly 92 came crawling back to TGIF one Friday, after five years away. After 93 about ten minutes of sheer trepidation, I entered the hallowed meeting 94 room, and said to myself, "Oh, you're really BRILLIANT, aren't you? 95 What do you think you're going to find HERE? You didn't like it BEFORE 96 when you... Wait! WOW!!! It's SYNCHRONICITY! With a capital frigin' S! 97 Where has this guy BEEN all my life?" (Ever see an agnostic sport an "I 98 found it! " bumper sticker?) 99 And therein began my latest journey into the world of timespace. 100 He's just over the 43.5 limit (so, what has math ever done for ME?) , 101 he's not over 6', not tan, and is not one of those hairy types (ar-ar). 102 And he's BLONDE. So, did he read my ad? Yes, and he said he wouldn't 103 have responded anyway "because you wouldn't have responded back if I 104 did." Now, THERE's a smart guy for you. 105 Yes, but what about the other 349 men, you ask? I'm afraid I'm just 106 too busy being ecstatically synchronous with my re-definition of TDGCT. 107 Do I regret spending $112.70 to end up with someone I DIDN'T meet 108 through my WW ad? Not at all. In fact, the only regret I have these days 109 is that Jung couldn't be here to take notes. 110 111 --------------------- the ad ---------------------------------- 112 SYNCHRONICITY, ANYONE? 113 114 Yes. Virginia. brains and beauty CAN coexist!! Fascinating, attractive 115 MENSA lady (28, 5'6", blonde /blue, tan). dynamic, multi-faceted. fun, 116 quick-witted, Professional. positive, affectionate, classy, sexy (by 117 majority vote), logical, longwinded, with good teeth. seeks same 118 qualities in attractive S/DWM. 30.2-43.5, to share conversation. 119 numerous interests, dining, dancing, movies, beach. travel, borderline 120 insanity, and timespace possibilities. bonus points for photo. 121 122 :::::::::O O::::::::::::::::::::voyeur::::::::::::::::::::::O O::::::::::::::: 004=Usr:659 David Turner 12/07/91 14:32 Msg:6864 Call:38790 Lines:2 123 124 en 005=Usr:660 Rick Young 12/07/91 19:43 Msg:6865 Call:38805 Lines:16 125 >})/ RORSCHACH \({[< 126 127 128 12-7-91 129 130 Been realizing how meaningless this life has been. No goals, no purpose, no 131 plan. "It takes a certain insight.." _That_ is what I need. Where am I 132 trying to go, how do I get there, and _why_? 133 134 I have started many paths, yet abandon them for others. Joke about brother 135 never finishing things. Am I any different? 136 137 Soon I must find my way, or I shall lose it. I need insight. But where/ 138 how/why/when? 139 140 ]})/ RORSCHACH \({[< 006=Usr:657 Shrew kate 12/07/91 22:29 Msg:6866 Call:38807 Lines:13 141 142 So Karyn (or voyeur) what's this $117.40 charge ... the Discount price 143 on a pair of Nikes? 144 145 And a further note re: The Great White Father Faust: The only two financial 146 planners (or maybe three) have beeamong the slimest people I've ever met. 147 The first bilked my aged neighbor lady who sold us the first house around 148 , the second lived right down the street from the esteemed Babsons and 149 used to share a office downtown with race-horse breeders o he was always 150 discussing betting with (another Manpower j and one which I simply 151 walked out of) and the t a totally questionable neighbor whose told 152 us some of the most outrageous lies ... 153 007=Usr:657 Shrew kate 12/08/91 11:06 Msg:6867 Call:38814 Lines:5 154 155 ***************************************** 156 As a matter of fact, I think the gold geezer dropped me off at the Safeway 157 parking lot there on Barbur ... where I could catch more buses that just 158 the Tigard one. 008=Usr:660 Rick Young 12/08/91 20:29 Msg:6868 Call:38829 Lines:18 159 160 /+-{]`#O=+ RORSCHACH +=O#'[}-+\ 161 162 12-8-91 163 164 No messages on the phone today. Nothing in the paper. I sat at the restaraunt 165 and let the city open it's heart to me. I sat and smelled the decay. It is 166 not good. This city needs help. 167 168 There is nothing here I can do but watch the city drown in a flood of decadence 169 and degradation. Eating away at it's soul as I am eating away this sandwich. I 170 know something must be done. But I dont have the menu for action. 171 172 Something, some event will occur. Something will bring me knowledge. I must 173 wait, but can the city? 174 175 /+-{]`#O=+ RORSCHACH +=O#'[}-+\ 176 009=Usr:609 Doctor Duran Dur 12/09/91 02:48 Msg:6869 Call:38833 Lines:50 177 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 178 179 {ThingFish} -- 180 Excellent should really try to write some 181 short story (edit it), then publish the damn thing... 182 "Lost Train to Jamaica" was keenly polished!!! 183 184 {Rorschach} -- 185 Hey, I'm on your EXACT frequency in life... 186 Yes. There is a lot to do in this shifted world: 187 BUT, the question is "WHAT?" 188 I feel the same way you do about all this stuff, 189 and I have asked my self many questions in the past... 190 but have only found confusion and disappointment. 191 For example: my mortality, purpose, career, significant 192 other, children, all has one thing in common. 193 My FU*KING identity that I will have for the rest of 194 this life (and possibly, other lifes to come). 195 I think it's a constant struggle to remain sane!!! 196 One thing that helps me understand REALITY is that 197 we have some-billion other people in this world trying 198 to do the same damn thing at our age. 199 Another thing is perspective: 200 a lot of people in the world DO NOT have the same 201 freedom we better ourselves, and help others 202 better themselves (or, get through the tougher times 203 of REALITY). 204 So, at this time in my life (though I'm uncertain about 205 practically EVERYTHING), I'm giving my best shot at 206 making honestly wise decisions concerning my next goal, 207 or move...because, the ONE thing I do know is that I can 208 continue to party and put-off certain things that will 209 help me later in life. 210 Sure, you can be hit by a car, tomorrow (and THAT would 211 SUCK), but the KEY-thing IS perspective. 212 Give it ALL a chance...and persevere...'cause it can 213 only end with "good" if you follow your own voice/heart. 214 That's where I am actually at so far, and it feels real 215 natural...LIKE I REALLY DO HAVE A GOAL/PURPOSE IN LIFE, 216 AND I'M ATTEMPTING TO ACHIEVE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 217 Later, 218 219 220 ...........................................Doctor Duran Duran 221 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IN THE EYES OF A STRANGER<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 222 .. 223 .. 224 ... 225 226 ........................................................................ 010=Usr:322 Stray Cat 12/09/91 08:51 Msg:6870 Call:38836 Lines:73 227 VMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVM 228 229 Take my neighbor Ma Gilliam for instance. To avoid running into the rather 230 typical situation (in THIS neighborhood anyway) or possibly not having 231 enough money fo property taxes some year and losing it all to some "friend" 232 of the neighborhood tax collector for the mere taxes, she went through 233 a Multnomah County program where you're exempt from taxes until you die 234 and then it's taken out of your estate. Wel, lo and beehold, what hap- 235 pens??? She gets slapped into a horribly noisy, degrading and EXPENSIVE 236 nursing home hortly thereafter and they STILL "sell" her property **AND** 237 belongings right out from under her. 238 239 Needless to say, I was QUITE upset. In fact, I think the "estate" lady, 240 DELORES MARTINDALE (<-- she'still in the same b, who 241 was sent to descecrate te shring, got a restraining order aganst me ... 242 after I'd called about everybody in town for help wch was, of course, 243 the same brick wall it still is. But then one of her "assistants" 244 "Worked" for the police department, he vivulged lter, when he also con- 245 fessed he might tend to consider the whole operation rather corrupt, 246 along with some of Delores' OTHER sidelines. And although most neighbors 247 ":turned theire other cheeck" at the time, some DID later concede the 248 whole things was unbelievably outrageious ESPECIALLY, I think, after 249 three of Ma's four lots "went" to a corrupt "favorite son" developer who, 250 if I have the "facts" straight, was largely "responsible" for that first 251 S&L failure in town and whose name, coincidentally, sounds too frighten- 252 iongly like DOMINION. 253 254 Then as it ended up, the people in THOSE "project" houses were later 255 totally outraged to find they'd bought some fine print contracts declar- 256 ing they had no choice but to paya thru the nose for a road they didn't 257 want so another "favorite son" developer and his two-attorney neighbor- 258 hood deedholders could put THEIR chintzy Project in ... but THAT's a 259 whole 'nother Book. 260 261 About Ma, let's just sa she was quite a character. She came from a wealthy 262 "horse" family in Salem (which was burned out by the IWW, she once said), 263 CLAIMED she got her RN from Columbia in New York, had TWO shackfuls of 264 priceless antiques left over from her (and his) "previous" lives, and 265 she absolutely LOVED to tell me stories ... which I LOED to hear. And 266 she knew EVERTHING that was ging down (and HAD) in the neighborhoodl, 267 like alot of the other old ladies around here --- even what flocks of 268 birds were passing through. She and her husband (I never met him) used 269 to manage some kind of fishing lodge or something she always referred to 270 as Three Creeks, and when she and I would go places someone ALWAYS 271 recgnized her from having been there. Even the guy who used to give me 272 a ride to work knew of her or theplace, whichever, which I thought was a 273 real coincidence. 274 275 Delores, on the other hand, was the wife of a bank VP and probably 60- 276 something ... a bleached blonde with skin-tight designer jeans and back- 277 less spiked heels, all of which seemed so silly when she had to wade 278 thru Ma's knee-high hay to get to the house in order to sort thru Ma's 279 most prized possessions (including her letters and photos, which were 280 merely thrown into a dumpster) ... then out to supervise her rather 281 extensive trucking crews in their removal of all the "garbage" that was 282 stuffed to the gills in her even-larger U-shaped outshack(s). And 283 Delores always brought along her rather bizarre 20-something yo daughter 284 too, who was always outfitted really retro (WITH white gloves, no les, 285 which she'd wear the whole day) who'd simply sit by Ma's stove and 286 crystal lamp all day and play with her "simple Simon" toy <- I kid you 287 not. I think the chick even talked babytalk. 288 289 But to top it all off, "friends of the Bank/Mult. Co./Delores/Whomever" 290 antique dealers statewide then had first shot at what was left of the 291 loot Delores hadn't hauled off. There were hordes of 'em that spent 292 the night in their cars all up and down our street so's to get frist 293 grabs on what was left. Ma's place was lit like a Christmas tree all 294 night long I suppose so nobody would do anything "stupid," so I bet 295 neither Delores didn't sleep all night long either. 296 297 I don't know how soon after They all did That to her it was that Ma 298 died. 299 011=Usr:660 Rick Young 12/09/91 20:28 Msg:6872 Call:38854 Lines:14 300 /+-{]`#O=+ RORSCHACH +=O#'[}-+\ 301 12-9-91 302 Long day. Felt the rain on my skin and the breeze through my soul. Walked 303 home past trashcans stuffed with rumors, weighing factors, bodies motives. 304 Waiting for a flash of enlightenment in all this blood and thunder. 305 306 Various deposits. Candy wrappers, a pair of Keds strangled by own laces, 307 tongues lolling out horribly. 308 309 This city is an animal, fierce and complicated. To understand it, I read it's 310 droppings, it's scents, the movement of it's parasites. 311 312 313 /+-{]`#O=+ RORSCHACH +=O#'[}-+\ 012=Usr:658 Justin Klein 12/09/91 22:44 Msg:6873 Call:38857 Lines:59 314 ------------------------------ Justin the Blue ---------------------------- 315 316 The City of Portland miring in decay and decadence? I think the owner 317 of that opine doth complain too much. I've been in places that are 318 currently Hell on Earth compared to dear old pdx, and I'd take pdx over 319 SeaTac, SanSan, ChiPitts...BosWash, that one goes without saying. 320 321 But maybe tossing about the names of the megalopoli are are little too 322 arrogant. OK. Given. I've seen many places, but let me clue you on a 323 little thing about little towns close by. To be grindingly exact, Corvallis. 324 325 Corvallis is a wonderful little place. Healthy. Calm, despite the Geeks 326 who go to OhEssYou. They even have free (but for how long is anybody's 327 guess) unix Internet sites (don't write 'em and ask; I was a system 328 administrator down there and they're letting locals only on these days). 329 330 You could live quite well in Corvallis. But there is no decent place 331 to have coffee in the wee-hours, for one thing. The only 24-hour place 332 is the Lyon's, and it just isn't Q.P., if you get my drift. 333 334 But then again, what is? But I hope you get my point. 335 336 For a city it's little size, it's darn sophisticated. Best coffee in that 337 section of the world. But it just isn't the place a confirmed urban can 338 really enjoy life in unless you already have the bux. The nourishment 339 of the soul just isn't there. 340 341 Other places might be peaceful and nice. But then, so's certain forms 342 of medication. 343 344 pdx, for all the drawbacks, is a lot nicer than you think. If you think 345 that pdx is Hell In a Handbasket (tm), then take a break in the hinterlands 346 for a while. If pdx has nourished your soul as mine, then you'll be back. 347 348 I left for Corvallis four years ago, and I thought I'd never be back. 349 350 351 Well, it's either that, or I'm doomed. 352 353 354 ------------------------------Special message to:------------------------------ 355 Those who are friendly and especially those who look like Cheryl York, and 356 any others who need to remind me that we are friends, my user number 357 is 658. Email me. 358 -------------------------------Justin the Blue--------------------------------- 359 -----------------------------Justin the Blue, addendum------------------------- 360 Friar and A.A.Dreamer: Thanks for the welcome. Especial to Friar; my lady 361 Brenda (you may or not remember her), who is now my wife, was delighted 362 to hear that you are still I am, and happy that BW and agora 363 and such places still exist. 364 365 It's nice to know that we are remembered and welcomed by nice folx. I 366 anticipate with ardor the new discussions that will arise, and the sagacity 367 thereon. 368 369 Bonhomie, 370 ------------------------------Justin------------------------------------------- 371 ----------------------------(remember the border wars-------------------------- 372 -------------------------------of '88?)---------------------------------------- 013=Usr:609 Doctor Duran Dur 12/10/91 04:35 Msg:6874 Call:38860 Lines:2 373 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 374 014=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 12/10/91 19:19 Msg:6875 Call:38867 Lines:50 375 &*&*&*&*'s 376 Justin, I first logged in on July 6th of 1988. I believe I missed your era 377 by a fairly short margin. I've been hanging around here ever since. I agree 378 with what you say about Portland. It ain't perfect, but it has a lot going for 379 it. 380 381 I spent all of my pre college days in towns of 50000 or less, with 11000 being 382 the size of The Dalles, where I graduated from HS. It only took me a month 383 or two to figure out that Portland was nirvana in comparison. Powells, record 384 stores, shopping malls, libraries, BBS's, education etc. I don't think 385 I could settle for anything less. So, when people around here go on balistic 386 whines, I start to wonder about their motivations. Do they have the slightest 387 clue as to how things work elsewhere? It doesn't seem that way. 388 389 Portland ain't perfect, but what is? We've got a fairly decent thing going 390 here. I'm not saying it couldn't be better, I'm not saying its perfect. But 391 any faults it does have tend to be way short of the typical problems you'll 392 find in a city of this size. Blame people, not power, not money. If they 393 want to find the enemy, they only have to look in the mirror. 394 395 We are the enemy. As long as we focus in on others exclusivly, whe don't stand 396 a chance of improving the big picture. Who here hasn't been touched by greed 397 and coruption? Who here hasn't participated atleast once? Who here has never 398 lied or cheated? Who here has never treated another unjustly? We are all 399 responsible to one degree or another. 400 401 The world can be a better place. We must start with ourselves, and work our 402 way outward. It is counterproductive to try to fix the world when we ourselves 403 are broken. Without inner piece, there can be no lasting change. Anger is 404 a negative emotion. Violence at best brings about the illusion of change. 405 Underneth the surface the old pains and hatreds will still seth. 406 407 Yet humanity seems anxious to try these dysfunctional solutions. Will we 408 ever evolve beyond the stick and muscle diplomacy that still hides barely 409 beneath the surface of so much that happnes in the modern world? 410 411 Or are we destined to be one of natures failures? Not even a footnote 412 in the history of the universe? I just don't know. But with each passing 413 year, I move closer to the conclusion that we will in fact fail. If I am 414 around when it happens, I will feel no joy, being right about such an 415 ending would be at best a no win situation. 416 417 But it doesn't have to end that way. There is so much potential in we the 418 human race. There is beauty and genius in all of us. If we do not shut 419 them off. If we do not deny them. If we do not take the path that leads 420 only to self gratification. 421 422 An Astral Dreamer 423 &*&*&*&*'s (And still some argue.) 424 015=Usr:658 Justin Klein 12/10/91 19:47 Msg:6876 Call:38868 Lines:45 425 ----------------------------Justin the Blue--------------------------------- 426 427 Astral 428 : 429 Your friendly welcome made me think that maybe I had known you before 430 when I was a pdx'er. You see, I've made high friends in low places.... 431 they come out of the woodwork from time to time. 432 433 Back in '88, just before I left for Corvallis, my then-girlfriend now-wife 434 Britt helped initiate the oft-misspelled "Boarder" wars. Of course, I can 435 see you know, in a limited way, the advantage of having a finder-tag-string 436 in your posts here. I've noticed that the use of full borders has fallen 437 off here, but back then, that was how you opened and closed your entries 438 if you wanted to be separated from the great ASCII horde. 439 440 The Border Wars of 1988 primarily consisted of "This is my Boarder! No it 441 isn't I had it first! Yes it is, I was posting here before I was born 442 and I have blood samples to prove it...." 443 444 I was foolish enough to mention that it wasn't a "Boarder", but a "Border" 445 war that was going on. I was promptly ascii-dogpiled on and learnt my 446 lesson. Nuff said. 447 448 449 In your reminisicence of why pdx is not as bad as they say and just 450 aout better than anyplace else, I realized that the concern I had 451 really didn't go that deep...though our thoughts along the sentimental 452 line were valid enough. The thing that gets me is that most pdx.whiners 453 just seem to need something to whine about. They really seem to need 454 to see somthing though what was wrong wasn't bad enough... 455 it's not good enough that the city's on the banks of the Styx, it's that 456 it's across the river from Hell...that sort of thing. It's not bad enough 457 that it can't be worse. 458 459 My mother in law's that way. She has a house in McMinnville that is 460 in below average shape, and that's all she knows. Can't blame hre 461 for it, but it gets to the extreme when she comes to our new neighborhood 462 and sees all the wonderful architecture in Brooklyn (you know, around 463 Powell Blvd and Milwaukie Ave) and admires the houses, but can't look 464 at them beyond how much work there would be in maintaining them. 465 466 Each is magnificent. A magnificent job of work. 467 468 I'm rambling. I'll go on later. 469 ----------------------------Justin the Blue----------------------------- 016=Usr:663 Brittania Klein 12/10/91 20:50 Msg:6877 Call:38870 Lines:10 470 >>>>>>> Hmmmm, no massive borders. Gonna have to fix that..... <<<<<<< 471 472 HEY, EVERYBODY! 473 474 Brittania's back, and now she's got a HUSBAND. 475 476 Thank you, thank you...... Ahhh, adoring crowds. :-) 477 478@ 479 >>>>><<<<<>>>>><<<<<>>>>><<<<<>>>>><<<<<>>>>><<<<<>>>>><<<<<>>>>><<<<<>>>>> 017=Usr:660 Rick Young 12/10/91 21:06 Msg:6878 Call:38871 Lines:20 480 /+-{]`#O=+ RORSCHACH +=O'}+ 481 482 December 10, 1991 483 484 Leaving restaraunt today, police restrained youth on drugs. He was screaming 485 about president bush. Something about bombs. Is everyone but me going mad? 486 487 Overhead, bird circling in flight south. Beyond that, unseen, spy satellites. 488 If they so much as narrow their glass eyes, we shall all be dead. 489 490 This rudder less world is not shaped by vague metaphysical forces. It is not 491 god who kills the children. Not fate who butchers them, or destiny that feeds 492 them to the dogs. 493 494@It' 495@ 496 It's us. Only us. 497 498@ /+-{]`#O=+ RRCAH+O'}-+\ 499 /+-{]`#O=+ RORSCHACH +=O#'[}-+\ 018=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 12/11/91 08:50 Msg:6879 Call:38879 Lines:8 500 &*&*&*&*'s 501 I go on those little tirades every once in awhile. Your post just gave me an 502 op to spew at certain parties that have been making BW a very unfun place to 503 be recently. We'll just have to post them into submissio. :-) 504 505 An Astral Dreamer 506 &*&*&*&*'s (I want to be a Rock N' Roll star) 507 019=Usr:657 Shrew kate 12/11/91 10:14 Msg:6880 Call:38881 Lines:2 508 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 509 020=Usr:657 Shrew kate 12/11/91 10:17 Msg:6881 Call:38882 Lines:14 510@Like the Brown residence, heds stood empty for some time before 511@ty were "given away." And thinking I was just another of those filthy 512@t ruined the world (because I didn't appear to work full tim{ 513@ 514@all the time and I gardened alot, I suppose), another of the Gang of swell 515@neighbors around here tried to proposition me into growing a massive amount 516@of dope in Ma's shed. The deal was he'd provide all the "stuff" and seal 517@off the sheds with plastic inside if I'd "just" do the growing. Said he'd 518@split the profit with me. His purpose, he said, was to get enough money 519@ 520@dream vineyard he was gonna have some day. 521@ 522@Not that I ever WOULD consider i}t, but I already had the guy's nu 523@ 021=Usr:657 Shrew kate 12/11/91 12:39 Msg:6882 Call:38884 Lines:39 524 Like the Brown residence, Ma's house/sheds stood empty for some time before 525 they were given away. And thinking I was just another one of those filthy 526 hippies that "ruined te world" (because I didn't appear to be working full 527 time all the time and I gardened a lot, I suppose), another of the Gang of 528 swell neighbors around here tried to proposition me into growing massive 529 amounts of dope in Ma's shed. The deal was, he said, he'd provide all the 530 "stuff" and seal off all the sheds with black plastic inside if *I'D* do 531 the GROWING. Said he'd SPLIT the profit with me. His purpose, he said, 532 was to get money for the "dream vineyard" he was gonna have some day. 533 534 Not that I ever WOULD consider it, but I already had the guy's number 535 anyway. See, some years earlier I'd had some Trouble with the Revenew's 536 kid Ceaselessly taunting my dog so that one fine day, while I was engaged 537 in a phone conversation, she happened to bolt out of the house after this 538 kid which, of course, resulted in a messy tangle and the kid ended up with 539 atiny cut on his l. most probably from his own braces. I wasn't 540 any too concerned about it until Ma informed me there might ben to 541 be, lived t 30-40 years previou and KNOWING about 542 such thing. And sure enough, not only did "the police" show up to 543 question me about possible chickenpoop "assault" charges (IF you can 544 imagine???), but they Ceaselessly "patrolled" my house for weeks after- 545 ward. Evidently Ma had also notice 'cause she told me to call down and 546 tell the department that a brother of my neighbor down the street was 547 harassing me ... with city equint an their time. ~'{Ma'd Ma'd told me it was p 548 [D 549 ] 550 probably the guy who lived dowon by Fred Meyer who'd always kept his patrol 551 car right there in his driveway who was related to this Mr. Day who lived 552 right down from us (and UP from the Revenewer). So I checked it out and 553 sure enough ... and nwhen I called 'em down at the department they just 554 kinda chuckled and said they'd look into it. But the "patrolling" DID stop. 555 556 Now I ask myself, with all this fine local police assistance available 557 right here, HOW could it be that there is STILL so much **REAL** crime in 558 the neighborhood??? I hope poor Al Brown wasn't picked on all this time 559 for being the same calibre of criminal I'm apparently considered to be. 560 561 Or should I say maybe I hope he was??? It's so confusing. 562 022=Usr:657 Shrew kate 12/11/91 17:51 Msg:6883 Call:38890 Lines:28 563 564 XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX THE SANGE CASE OF DAN KLEE, HUH???? XOXOXOX 565 566 Excellent article. And very typical of the BS at PPS, as WE ALL KNOW. 567 I think it's interesting also that there is a VIRGINIA MC ELROY down 568 the School of Education at PSU who is in charge of placing student 569 teachers at PPS I included this in my extensve report to the Board of 570 Education, which I have confirmation in writing that Mr. RIeke and Mr. 571 Kafourey have read. I originally submitted it to Carol Turner, but she 572 wouldn't neither send me a written reply, as requested, OR return my 573 phone calls. I sent the report because they refused to grant me the 574 "executive" meeting they USED to have when "personnel matters" were 575 involved. I see tEd Schmidt is not heading Personnel. Homany 576 henchmen positions has he held over the last 10 years anyway. Seems 577 like he's somewhere new every year or so. 578 579 But it's funny, the bizarre problems I had at PPS (other than with Don's 580 FORMER secretary who was finally Given a department of he own) was with 581 the wife of the Asst. Dean of Education at PSU ... who DOES hiring of 582 the adjunct types, I believe. Tightknit bunch, huh? 583 584 But isn't it funny too how few teachers felt free to respond when the 585 guy was obviously totally obnoxious??? (that's not a criticism ... 586 teachers already have it bad enough already) 587 588 XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX Something needs to be done about the Board and the 589 Board needs to DO SOMETHING about McElroy. This is TOO TYPICAL!!!!!!! 590 023=Usr:658 Justin Klein 12/11/91 19:09 Msg:6884 Call:38891 Lines:26 591 ----------------------------Justin the Blue-------------------------------- 592 As long as we are pontificating on REAL problems that need solving, 593 did anybody read that one in The Oregonian about those impoverished souls 594 at a SE Division area (I think) apartment complex? They're kicking everyong 595 there out after just a month after the place changing owners. 596 597 It's front page news. The agent for these folx needs a PR lesson, bad. 598 He said the single mothers and poor people who live there are "just lazy" 599 and he "didn't believe" that it cost somebody $750-1000 to get into another 600 apartment. I'd like to backhand him one. This apartment we are in right 601 now is nothing if not modest...moderate rent, too....over $800 to move in, 602 counting the pet deposit. 603 604 What got me is that the company (a California one, wouldn't you know?) 605 sent all the tenants a note of greeting and a bottle of Champagne last 606 month when the complex was bought. These are the kind of people 607 that give all landlords a very bad name. 608 609 Thank God MY life is going alright. So may others are on the ropes.... 610 611 Been so busy I haven't even stopped to look on the Mall downtown...looked 612 up and saw Portlandia. Like a shot in the arm. Q.P. times are soon. 613 614 ....and, one wonders the general interval between disk cleanups....... 615 --------------------------The above was a whine. Though---------------------- 616 it would be nice if Disk A opened up some................................... 024=Usr:322 Stray Cat 12/11/91 20:34 Msg:6885 Call:38892 Lines:3 617 618 Hmmmmmm.... Well, poor Hosford. I've heard Ron Hanlon ipretty much of 619 025=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 12/11/91 20:53 Msg:6886 Call:38894 Lines:16 620 &*&*&*&*'s 621 I moved a couple of months back. Total cost, $975 for the first month I only 622 had to come up with $775 right of the bat though. Talk about painfull. It'll 623 be the end of febuary before I really recover. And this was for a decent sized 624 one bedroom apartment in an older building downtown. Of th $575 move in cost, 625 $400 is refundable when I move out. 626 627 And this is one of the cheaper places to live in the DT area. They keep 628 buildin these upscale apartment buildings. The city give the developers a 629 10 year break on property takes. One bedroom apartments cost about $750 630 a month in most of these places. What a deal eh? And we all pay that little 631 extra to make up for the loss, while the tenants pay thru the nose as well. 632 633 An Astral Dreamer 634 &*&*&*&*'s (Oh no, its catching. But atleast its interactive now.) 635 026=Usr:660 Rick Young 12/11/91 21:25 Msg:6887 Call:38896 Lines:16 636 /+-{]`#O=+ RORSCHACH +=O#'[}+ 637 638 12-11-91 639 640 The morning roads are choked with attitudes like blood cells in a vein; to go 641 anywhere you push your way in and go with the flow. 642 643 If a cell should crash, others clot as they go by, congesting the vein. 644 Mindless drones. 645 646 One day, perhaps enough cells will crash and the blood will overflow the 647 sewers. When the sewers finally scab over, we will all drown. 648 649 Have to rise above that if we want to keep our noses clean. 650 651 +{`#O=+ RORSCHACH +=O#'[}-+\ 027=Usr:663 Brittania Klein 12/12/91 00:29 Msg:6888 Call:38897 Lines:10 652 >>>>><<<<<>>>>><<<<<>>>>><<<<<>>>>><<<<<>>>>><<<<<>>>>><<<<<>>>>><<<<<>>>>> 653 654 I just caught my cats trying to boff each other. 655 656 Both are male. 657 Both are fixed. 658 659 Makes you wonder, don't it? 660 661 >>>>><<<<<>>>>><<<<<>>>>> Britt <<<<<>>>>><<<<<>>>>><<<<<>>>>><<<<<>>>>> 028=Usr:657 Shrew kate 12/12/91 06:48 Msg:6889 Call:38900 Lines:6 662 663 664 665 666 667 029=Usr:657 Shrew kate 12/12/91 06:59 Msg:6890 Call:38901 Lines:16 668 669 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 670 671 What the @#$(*&^!! Every time it seems really important I seem to get 672 such horrible line noise I can't make my postings and I can 673 never figure out where the trouble lies. I just completely turned off 674 my MAChine (actually it's an IBM clone ... I don't have a printer for 675 the Mac) and now I can re-enter, so it MUST be the machine, huh??? 676 So, I wonder of NOW IS THE TIME to see if I can't get some help for MY 677 case against PPS. I really SHOULD complete my Pat North entry ... oh 678 well. 679 680 I sure hope my modem problems aren't my phone jacks, though, because it 681 costs two arms and a leg to have them even diagnose a problem?? Isn't 682 there still a monopoly on phone line repairs, though? 683 030=Usr:322 Stray Cat 12/12/91 09:25 Msg:6891 Call:38903 Lines:14 684 685 ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() Deja Vu or WHAT??? 686 687 Geesh! I walked down to Dirty Fred's this morning (outta coffin nails) 688 and stopped off at Burger King for one of their TINY breakfast sandwiches 689 (I think they're 1-1/2" across) and this guy walks in and says the entire 690 Tigard police department is right up in the next parking lot ... said he'd 691 heard some guys arguing up t but that was all. So after about 20 min- 692 utes I left and strolled on by and sure enough there WERE 4-5 police cars 693 up there settling the dispute.I guess I was over-paranoid about having 694 4-5 cars show up at the very same spot when all we'd evidently done was 695 gone through a red light at a very confusing spot (in a very old car ... 696 THAT's probably what they didn't like). 697 031=Usr:660 Rick Young 12/12/91 16:30 Msg:6892 Call:38905 Lines:21 698 /+-{]`#O=+ RORSCHACH +=O#'[}-+\ 699 700 12-12-91 701 702 Pompous piping parakeets bickered it out at work today. Listening to them 703 screech at each other over who is doing the most annoying things. Are earplugs 704 inexpensive? 705 706 All this useless arguing when there's so much to be done. So what if they dont 707 kow that by driving down the street they can change the future of mankind by 708 simply running over a small child or not. 709 710 They dont stop to realize the importance of events that do and do not happen. 711 Perhaps their removal from existance would enlighten them. For all their 712 volume they are but ostriches, who dont know the difference between themselves 713 and a human. 714 715 The universe is an ostrich. You can as easily be as dead or alive as you ar 716 now. The universe doesn't know the difference. 717 718 +{]`#O=+ RORSCHACH +=O#'[}-+\ 032=Usr:658 Justin Klein 12/12/91 20:00 Msg:6893 Call:38910 Lines:35 719 -----------------------------Justin the Blue------------------------------- 720 Catching up on current pdx events, I saw the story someone mentioned here 721 about Dan Klee in Willy Week. God, what an unmitigated slime. And he 722 got away with it, too! 723 One of the reasons I want to make a lot of money is so I can send 724 my kids (if we have them, if in pdx) to private schools. PPS are poor 725 excuses for learning. My little sister started in them, and was doing 726 badly 'till she moved to Stayton. Stayton has many drawbacks, but one 727 of them is NOT having schools that don't give a darn. 728 729 More on the Landlords from Hell: the agent for RSVP Management (a 730 Burlingame, CA, business), one David Maxwell, recived a lot of hate 731 'phone calls that morning. He said he'd help by getting in touch 732 with social service agencies. In the meantime, wonderful folx from around 733 the pdx have offered help in the form of money or help finding places to 734 live. Bless them. 735 736 The thing that made me angry about this so=called gent? In evaluating 737 the tenant's situation, he mentioned that they should "get off thier lazy 738 butts"; and The Oregonian related that he "didn't believe" that it cost 739 $800-$1000 to get into A Place Of Your Own. 740 741 What a royal ass. I hope his little slips of the lip cost him his job 742 and his rent. Be about right, I figure.... 743 744 On the #19-Woodstock, crossing the Ross Is. Bridge, I saw a single 745 Christmas boat alight on the Willy, under the Marquam Bridge. An 746 early starter, no doubt (it was only about 6:00pm, and the Fleet 747 generally doesn't sail 'till around 7:00). 748 749 Remember: pray for the little guy. You never know when you might 750 become him. 751 -------------------------Justin the Blue---------------------------------- 752 Hey, if SysOp don't clear off the A drive, let's start posting in the 753 Mall. 033=Usr:92 Katherine Dohert 12/12/91 21:30 Msg:6895 Call:38912 Lines:26 754 ************************************************************************** 755 Note-I'm "stealing Mikey's border " - h aha ha ha 756 Unless things have changed here recently, doesn't each drive goto 999 lines? 757 What is this noice (whoops) noise I hear on line 752? get a life! 758 All is quiet here, getting a little stressed about how far behind I am in 759 getting the Christmas cards out and getting shopping done (with ? money?). 760 I'm starting to miss Ms Nomer, she's been gone for about what 7 months now? 761 Haven't heard a word, I hope she's happy in England. I hope she comes back 762 home sometime. The last time I saw her was in my driveway, she was driving 763 her little white rabbit and had her boyfriend with her. That's when she 764 gave us the news. I was stunned, I don't do well when I'm stunned. And then 765 she was done/gone. Oh well, Merry Christmas Kristy. Have started going to 766 a health club to try and beat the holiday excesses before they start. It's 767 an atempt anyway. I don't have anything exciting to write a story about, 768 now that is sad. I could make a comment about the Kennedy trial, ok let's 769 do that. I'm glad that he got off. I'm also sad for the "girl", but 770 hey, now she can make a mint off the mini series. Only in America. Ok, 771 on to world politics. I read in the Oregonian (what a joke) today while 772 riding the lifecycle that "US offica\ials believe power is shifting to 773 Yetsin" NO KIDDING?/! I can't believe some of the trash in the paper. 774 Ok, so the USSR is no more, now we can look forward to all kinds of civil 775 war s in these new nations. I can't even bear (sp) to think of what kind 776 of money this will cost us when we rush into each dispute to "save democracy".. 777 Bah. Well, that's enough mindless typing. I think I'll sit down and write 778 a real story. 779 ******happyholiday'severyone**************kathyD**************************** 034=Usr:657 Shrew kate 12/13/91 05:46 Msg:6896 Call:38919 Lines:20 780 Although I've never MET Ron Hanlon, I remember being shocked by 781 the rantings of a fellow secretary about how unbelievably cruel he'd been 782 to here ane had a horrible shock. I was shocked 783 ed quiteith his wife ...who is, evidently, a long-term good friend of Eleanor 784 Hardt, whose husband probably hired Dan Klee. 785 786 Also interesting is that the current Union rep refused to work for Eleanor 787 although she only had about three other people she worked with when the 788 only other secretary in the department had about 10 people she worked for. 789 Eleanor had her desk in Avis' room, but Helen had d 790 hall (rea?) Avis always 791 792 for other people outside the building ... people I'd never met. Helen 793 had catar and had trouble sg and would have to have her husband 794 come in weekends to help her finish unbelievable overload. It was 795 a nightmare, but I was told all offices were that way (like I fell off a 796 vegetable truck just that week) ... 797 798 A second secrry ref Eleanor too. 799 035=Usr:657 Shrew kate 12/13/91 06:05 Msg:6897 Call:38920 Lines:2 800 Which, as TAG will remember, is exacth Bevanged thin. 801 036=Usr:322 Stray Cat 12/13/91 08:10 Msg:6898 Call:38922 Lines:12 802 803 @_)#($&^#)!(#@_)!@(#_^^%$#!^@#)(!*#_)!*#_!*@#)&%@&~$!@~~*@_~@~^@# 804 805 In the interests of being impartial, I think the KATU newsteam's (and 806 more importantly Northwest Natural Gas') Earth Agenda should report on 807 the swindles perpetrated on unsuspecting landowners in order for "favorite 808 son" developers to built on the millions of acres of wetlands that have 809 already been ruined ... so we wouldn't have to pay some other "favorite" 810 son to p to erect a phoney likeness of the same. 811 812 Why doesn't somebody do a huge study on Citadel Estates, for instance??? 813 037=Usr:322 Stray Cat 12/13/91 08:22 Msg:6899 Call:38923 Lines:6 814 815 And why doesn't KATU do one on the new freeways 816 going in to service Bull Mt. so that Bob Ames/Dale Johnson (formerly 817 of NWNG CO. but now with Esco I believe -- y need cheap 818 steal) can develop their vast holdings for even better returns??? 819 038=Usr:322 Stray Cat 12/13/91 09:45 Msg:6900 Call:38925 Lines:5 820 821 822 Does anybody wanna bet their farm 823 824 Does 039=Usr:658 Justin Klein 12/13/91 18:54 Msg:6903 Call:38933 Lines:48 825 --------------------------Justin the Blue-------------------------------- 826 Freeways on Bull Mountain? Could the scribe who mentioned that be a 827 tad more exact? Freeways are certain things, and only certain roads with 828 certain features can be considered freeways. 829 Unless, of course, you are very angry. 830 The person who wrote the development complaint was interesting...but 831 incoherent. No, semicoherent. The person writing about something being 832 "exacth Bevanged thin", as "TAG will surely know"? There seemed to be 833 some parity problem here. It seemed interesting...I sure would like to know 834 exactly what it was about. 835 836 Why doesn't KATU investigate? Well, how about KGW or KOIN...or even 837 KPTV (Lars Larson would do an awesome job)? The complaint was a a little 838 confusing. 839 840 One of the ways that news such as this gets to ANY news organization 841 is for citizens just like you and me to call them or write. And don't 842 stop at television...go to radio and the newspapers. I bet someone 843 like Phil Stanford or Steve Duin at the Big O would give it a listen at 844 least. Or, if they don't get to it, try radio...surely somebody at 845 KBOO would like to get thier teeth into it. 846 847 Don't be disappointed if the "big" broadcasting folx don't slaver at 848 the bit, though. The only source of revenue for TV, (most) radio, and 849 newspapers is advertising. Advertisers have to be pleased with them. 850 Also there are the folx who view TV and the paper as nothing more than 851 entertainment...they don't want to be challenged, and won't be pleased if 852 thier TV is taken up with a lot of serious news. 853 854 Media has to please everyone. They don't. Any wonder? 855 856 And if the media prove fruitless in getting the word out, do it yourself. 857 Just because there's no money behind you...did someone take away your 858 mouth? Posting here was the first step. Get on your typewriter and 859 get to the xerox machine and take it to the streets if you have to. 860 861 Don't make the excuse that you're just one voice either. That's copping 862 out. Greater things have been started on a single voice, going on 863 until nobody could ignore it anymore. 864 865 Rambling about social responsiblility, now. Hmm. I guess it comes down 866 to this; if it's important, it's important enough to yell about. Don't 867 blame the media. If something isn't out there and it needs to be seen, 868 then get it out there where it CAN be seen. Don't wait 'round for someone 869 else to do the dirty work. 870 871 If nobody else will, it's your turn. 872 --------------------------Justin the Blue---------------------------------= 040=Usr:660 Rick Young 12/13/91 22:22 Msg:6904 Call:38939 Lines:16 873 /+-{]`#O=+ RORSCHACH +=O#'[}-+\ 874 875 12-13-91 876 877 Watched street kids lighting matches and heating pennies to throw at homeless 878 people on street. They thought it was funny. Three of them, not older than 14 879 or 15. Didn't laugh when I kicked over their bicycles. Just ran. 880 881 Used broken glass from street to flatten tires. Maybe they'll laugh on the way 882 home pushin their bikes. Homeless man laughed at the scene as I sliced their 883 tires. 884 885 This city is dying of rabies. Is the best I can do to wipe random flecks of 886 foam from it's lips? 887 888 /+-{]`#O=+ RORSCHACH +=O#'[}-+\ 041=Usr:658 Justin Klein 12/14/91 11:50 Msg:6905 Call:38946 Lines:28 889 -------------------------Justin the Blue--------------------------------- 890 891 Good boy, Rorschach. The homeless have it bad enough without little 892 twits like those harassing them. I would have done the same thing if I 893 were in your situation. 894 895 It's not a sign of the city's decay, though. If it were, then the 896 homeless and people like you saw would only exist in pdx. They are almost 897 everywhere. 898 899 The reason that people are like that is becuase for more than ten years 900 now we have had leadership that have said grand things while all the while 901 giving a tacit okay to derision and contempt for the less fortunate. These 902 days, not having money is a social crime that people are despised for. The 903 Reagans and the Bush's, and those like them who have driven events having 904 to do with however much money you and me and others get to lead our lives, 905 have sold the vast flocks of sheep that elect them on the premise that one 906 is poor and homeless because They Want To Be. Nobody assumed that the 907 homeless were homeless by choice until the Reaganites came along. 908 909 Actually, it's not so bad here. What you saw was despicable, but it was 910 near the kinder end of the spectrum. It's worse elsewhere. 911 912 Not to excuse the fact that it happens here, of course. It should not happen 913 anywhere. But we'll have derision of the extremely poor as long as we 914 have leaders who love the rich and keep themselves in power by turning 915 fellow citizen on fellow citizen. 916 ---------------------------=Justin the Blue=------------------------------ 042=Usr:660 Rick Young 12/14/91 20:20 Msg:6906 Call:38952 Lines:21 917 +{`O+RORSCHACH +=O#'[}-+\ 918 919 12-14-91 920 921 More and more the city starves itself. Money is funded for street repairs, 922 replacing street signs, painting old buildings. Covering the decay. 923 924 But it's still there. 925 926 More and more the city hides it's welts and bruises. They are out there. I 927 have seen the blood in the gutters. I can walk by, and see it still. Even 928 after it's been washed away. It's still there, just hidden. 929 930 The city beautifies itself by covering up it's rotting core. Why cant they see 931 that the city is a whole. Not just a succession of mayors or the top 20 riches 932 of the last 10 years. It is a whole from the richest person to the lowliest 933 beggar. 934 935 But the city doesn't care. It is a pile of excretion with fancy dressing. 936 937 /+-{`O+RRCHACH +=O#'[}-+\ 043=Usr:660 Rick Young 12/15/91 18:09 Msg:6907 Call:38964 Lines:17 938 /+-{]`#O=+ RORSCHACH +=O#'[}-+\ 939 940 12-15-91 941 942 Not much today. Millions of death and births around the world. More than 943 2000 women have been raped while I typed this sentence. Less than 300 will 944 report it. 945 946 We overlook the miracle of the thermo-dynamic chance that each one of us 947 suceeded in becoming the life form we are, that we often take it for granted. 948 We cant expect to forget the miracle of our own lives that we take others 949 needlessly. 950 951@ /+-{]`#O=+ RORSCHAH+O'}+ 952@ 953@de 954 /-]#= RORSCHACH +=O#'[}-+\ 044=Usr:322 Stray Cat 12/15/91 21:13 Msg:6908 Call:38967 Lines:7 955 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 956 Wel I finally got the nerve to read the rest disk. I knew I 957 coul the ual Supporregar But I 958 know when you're workin networked tyrant such as Walt Hathaway, 959 you gotta be that way ... which, as WW pointed out, is EXACTLY what 960 is wrong with the District. 961 045=Usr:322 Stray Cat 12/15/91 22:15 Msg:6909 Call:38969 Lines:10 962 Actually, AD, I should be quite angry with you. It's people like YOU that 963 keep things staying the same. You spout the same BS as the school, 964 churches, and psychiatric community intended to keep the masses humiliated, 965 feeling trivialized, and most importantly QUIET. But I think you're 966 especially irresponsible since you work AT the ad building where alot of 967 this shit comes down. Not only that you're single and have no kids. You 968 can AFFORD to stand up and make the difference. YOU SHOULD BE OUTRAGED 969 ABOUT WHAT GOES ON IN THE DISTRICT. Instead you pontificate the standard 970 stonewall program. You should be ashamed of yourself. 971 046=Usr:84 Michael Miller j 12/16/91 07:05 Msg:6910 Call:38974 Lines:28 972 &*&*&*&*'s 973 You only just read the disk. Thank you oh so much. Let me kiss your feet. 974 Walt has exactly zero to do with my opinions. Your endless blathering 975 without bothering to read rebutals however is a major factor. Congrats, 976 you've gotten me to the point where not only do I not care about what you're 977 saying, I'm rooting for the other side. Was that your intent? 978 979 I work very hard to make this world a better place. I donate to charity, 980 I help my friends and neighbors whenever I can, I speak out against 981 abuse and lies. I also LISTEN to the other side. Its amazing how usefull 982 that is. It gives me a chance to understand how there minds work, and 983 where they are coming from. I can then proccede to tell them just how 984 full of sh*t they are, and why. Its a method you might want to try. 985 Being destructive all the time serves no good purpose. It just makes people 986 think you are a whiny neurotic. And thus they ignore you, or worse they 987 do the opposite of what you recomend. If your only goal is to spew without 988 results, then thats fine. If however you truely want to make a change... 989 990 I work my way, you shot yourself in the foot your way. The tone of this 991 message has not been friendly I know. But frankly, I've gotten very tired 992 of you questioning my personal integrity. I am all to painfully aware of my 993 faults, as well as my strengths. I am also well aware of what goes on in 994 my little corner of the admin building at work. People are not perfect. Thats 995 a lesson you should have learned by now. We're all fighting entropy. Some of 996 us are doing it by building, rather then destroying. 997 998 An Astral Dreamer .