Numb: 1 Subj: [ Movie Alcove ] From: SAFEHOUSE MANAGER Date: 05-22-84 at 09:06 PM Welcome to The Movie Review Alcove! The Alcove is for you to read about new movies, and to post your own reviews for others to read... Seen a good movie lately? A bad one? Post it! -The Manager Numb: 3 Subj: Temple of Doom From: APPLE AVENGER Date: 05-24-84 at 01:13 PM Well Lord Foul and I braved the lines and saw Temple of Doom on the opening day first showing like and all I have to say about the movie is this: Awesome!!!!!!!!12121212226969 Its is a 69 on a scale from 1 to 10. be looking for more reviews soon like in Star Trek ///. -Avenger Numb: 4 Subj: STAR TREK 3 From: SCOTT YANG Date: 05-27-84 at 10:11 PM HHAVE'TTBN'T SEENSEEN IT YETYET! AIN' AIN'T EVER GONNA WATCH IT UNTIL IT'S ON CABLE IN ABOUT ANOTHER YEAR OR SO. /EX Numb: 5 Subj: Temple of Doom II From: MINI APPLER Date: 05-27-84 at 11:05 PM The lines *ARE* bad so make sure you get there early! I don't agree with the first review because I think it is *SO* awesome! Yes! I loved every momen't of it...(sept the snake sur- prise) [you'll see]. Anyways...I give this movie a 10! Go see it now! It's worth the money! p.s. A.A, want to get a crew together to see Star Trek III???? Numb: 6 Subj: SEARCH FOR SPOCK From: St. Paul c64 & IBM Date: 06-04-84 at 11:38 AM trekkies, don't waste your money -- the search for spock is boring, not really believable, and by far the worst of the three. the only high point is seeing christopher lloyd ('jim' from taxi) dressed up in monster makeup and costume, still talking like a spaced druggie. score now: 1 for 3 on trek dreck -- only the wrath of kahn was any good! Numb: 7 Subj: Pound a tribble in your ass. From: APPLE AVENGER Date: 06-04-84 at 06:34 PM To the above ruggie: I found that Star Trek /// was far the best* of all of them. Star Trek / was to much special effects and no story. Star Trek // was great, but the ending was stupied (play 'amazing grace' at spocks funeraul was stupied!). I found star trek /// at times boring, but the actors got to play the roles as they wanted. The other 2 movies the directors ran the characters. Star trek /// was more for the characters and the people that play them. The movie gave us a new way to think about star trek. Is it totally over for the entire crew? Will they get a new enterprise? Will spock fully return to us? This we will never know or maybe we will soon know because paramount studios is talking about star trek ////. -Avenger Loyal trekkie for life Numb: 8 Subj: STAR TREK /// From: APPLE VENDOR Date: 06-05-84 at 09:23 PM I AGREE WITH A.A. STAR TRAK /// IS BY FAR THE BEST TREK MOVIE TO DATE. INN MY OPINION THE BEST OF THE SUMMER! IT CAPTURES THE 'FEELING' OF THE SERIES UNLIKE THE FIRST TWO. A MUST SEE!!!!!!!!!! Numb: 9 Subj: Good point but. From: MINI APPLER Date: 06-06-84 at 10:10 AM Pergrin, It is a proven fact that peoplewill get off their *ss to complain before they will give some positive words. That seems to be popular with human nature. Anyways... Enough of these bad remarks about Star-trek ///. It's awesomeness, and definatly worth $4.50. AM pi pn li e r Numb: 10 Subj: GREMLINS From: THE SPLITTER Date: 06-09-84 at 11:01 AM I WENT TO SEE THE MOVIE, "GREMLINS", YESTERDAY AND IT WAS GREAT! I THINK THAT THIS MOVIE WAS AT LEAST 10 TIMES BETTER THAN E.T. THE MOVIE IS ABOUT THIS KID WHO GETS A GREMLIN FOR A CHRISTMAS PRESENT. THERE ARE 3 THINGS YOU HAVE TO BE CAREFUL ABOUT GREMLINS: (1) DON'T GET THEM WET (2) DON'T FEED THEM AFTER MIDNIGHT (3) I DON'T REMEMBER THE OTHER ONE! OH YA! THEY DIE IF THEY ARE IN BRIGHT LIGHT. YOU CAN SEE THAT THIS COULD TURN INTO AN INTERESTING MOVIE, ESPECIALLY IF THEY ACCIDENTLY GOT WET....OR ACCIDENTALLY WERE FED AFTER MIDNIGHT! I RATE THIS MOVIE AN "A". ONE LAST NOTE...IF YOU GET THEM WET, THEN THEY REPRODUCE! Numb: 11 Subj: GHOST (BLOCK)BUSTER From: APPLE MAN Date: 06-11-84 at 03:04 AM A VERY INTERESTING AND WELL TIMED COMEDY STARRING BILL MURRY ,DAN AYKROID. GHOST BUSTERS IS A MOVIE THAT WILL HAVE YOU STILL LAUGHING EVEN WHEN YOU SEEN IT 100 TIMES. THIS MOVIE SO FAR IS THE BEST COMEDY IS SUMMER SO FAR AND WILL BE HARD TO BEAT. THE MIXTURE OF SPECIAL EFFECTS AND WILL TIMED JOKES WILL HAVE YOU GOING BACK EVERY TIME YOU SEE THE COMMERCIAL ON TELEVISION. -REX REED Numb: 12 Subj: indiana jones From: APPLE REBEL Date: 06-11-84 at 03:31 PM wowwowwow!!!!!!! what a movie!!!!!!!!!!!! this movie is awesome!!! it will blow you away!!! go see it!!! it's totally awesome!!!! of course i'm talking about the one and only...........: *indiana *+*+jones in the *+*+temple of ()d()o()o()m()() it rates on a scale for 1 to 10 a: 12345678910......0!!!!! he only problem with it is you have to get there *early* to get tickets... its worth it tho!!! lat0r...... -ar Numb: 13 Subj: GHOSTBUSTERS From: BIGGS DARKGLIDER Date: 06-14-84 at 11:34 PM AN EXCELLENT MOVIE.. IT IS TOTALLY A BILL MURRY FAN EXTRAVAGANZA. THE SFX ARE SUPER AND IT HAS AN EXCELLENT SCRIPT. IT WILL BE THE COMEDY HIT OF THE SUMMER. / Numb: 14 Subj: Ghost busters. From: MINI APPLER Date: 06-18-84 at 07:11 PM I give it a 10! For ages 1 to 100, and ever 101. Excellan^t. wow...neat...spend the 4.50. you wont regret it. ~MA~ Numb: 15 Subj: INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE From: FREDDIE STUBBS Date: 06-16-84 at 11:14 AM THIS IS A RAD MOVIE! I COULD GIVE A SHIT WHAT THE CRITICS SAY. INDIANA JONE AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM IS FILLED WITH EXCITEMENT,COMEDY, SUSPENSE,HORROR,AND ANYTHING ELSE YOU CAN THINK OF. THE FIRST YOU MINUTES GET YOU STARTED OFF WITH THIS SEQUEL. THE MOVIE IS NOT BORING AT ALL \ IT KEEPS YOU ALWAYS AT THE EDGE OF YOUR SEAT. IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY SEEN THIS CLASSIC,SEE IT DUDE! Numb: 17 Subj: top secret! From: DISK DOCTOR Date: 06-23-84 at 11:43 AM top secret. this is a very!!! good movie. if you liked airplane, you will love this. it has the same airplanesque humor, but with a much better plot, and very good music to boot! there are some really brilliant scenes that you do !not! want to miss. the bookstore scene for instance. or the underwater fight. see it. you'll love it. disk doctor. Numb: 18 Subj: Streets of Fire/shit From: THE CRACKON Date: 06-24-84 at 11:42 PM Ooh. That makes me mad. I finally decided to get off my ass and go se Streets of Fire on Saturday night, except wouldn't you know, it is not playing anymore in the Twin Cities! I heard it had lots of great music, particularly "Deeper and Deeper", a great song by The Fixx. Did anyone see this movie? Was it good? Will it ever be in Stereo on cable? It damn well better be. Thank you, very much. Numb: 19 Subj: Top Secret. From: MINI APPLER Date: 06-25-84 at 06:22 PM I saw it also, by I give it a 6 . It wasan O.K. to better movie...but not hing tremendous.... You'll chuckle, even laugh afterwards...but, not worth the 4.50...what do you thing A.A.!? ~MA~ Numb: 21 Subj: ghostmen From: MICHAEL HUSPENI Date: 06-29-84 at 04:42 AM Just like ~MA~ said, one h*ll of a funny movie. Everything you expect in a movie: -Heroes -Ghosts, eh? -Violence -Nuclear weapons -Assholes -StaPuft marshmallow man (ha!) Numb: 22 Subj: cannonball ii From: BRAD BAIL Date: 06-30-84 at 12:55 AM it's not bad but not nearly as good as the first one. jj, and capt. chaos are back and so is the lamborginnie (which the dumb broads leave by the side of the road when it breaks down) frank sinatra is also in this movie but the real surprise is the fact that an orangatang (everywhich way but loose) wins. i give this movie **1/2 out of 4 Numb: 23 Subj: best defense From: APPLE REBEL Date: 07-22-84 at 12:48 PM got out to see best defense this weekend.... it was ok, not worth $5 go see it at the bargaun matinea (sp?) anyways, eddy murphy is funny as hell like always, but he's hardly in the movie for a 1/2 hour.... he movie revovles around dudley moore ^t and the way his life as some dip gyro manufacture for a tank is going.... rating:12345677.5 (for $2.50) lat0r..... -ar ex ^damn! Numb: 24 Subj: THE LAST STARFIGHTER From: THUFIR HAWAT Date: 07-23-84 at 11:13 PM Or at least let's hope it's the "last" starfighter, the ending leaves it wide open for a sequel. The plot for this movie was horrible. It was a not-too-original blend of Star Wars,Close Encounters, and E.T. and you could tell. This movie is certainly not worth $4.50. The only thing that saves this movie is the computer graphics which are FANTASTIC. If you go, don't expect too much from the movie. Go for the computer graphics. Unfortunately, the compter graphic segments are too far between to make it a worthwile movie. T.H. Numb: 25 Subj: BACHERLOR PARTY From: THE BACH Date: 07-24-84 at 02:34 AM GREAT MOVIE. THERE IS NOT AS MUCH SEX IN IT AS YOU MIGHT THINK. INSTEAD THERE IS A LOT OF GREAT COMEDY. I WOULD RECOMEND THE MOVIE HIGHLY IF YOUR A COMEDY FAN. Numb: 26 Subj: GHOSTBUSTERS From: PAUL KANG Date: 07-27-84 at 12:27 PM COULD SOMEONE PUT IN A REVIEW ON GHOSTBUSTERS? Numb: 27 Subj: [Purple Rain] From: APPLE AVENGER Date: 07-27-84 at 04:56 PM Princes first moive "Purple Rain" is awesome! the best picture of the year. Its a must if you are a prince fan. Go see it.. Its is deffinatly worth $4.50... -Avenger Numb: 28 Subj: From: JOY DIVISION Date: 08-06-84 at 04:10 AM Purple Rain is sooo cooool, especially Morris Day. Even if you don't like Prince's music you'd probably like the movie. A little corny/campy in spots, but well done. It's fun seeing First Avenue larger-than-life! Do check it out.... ++++> Joy Divisionn Numb: 29 Subj: Ghostbusters From: THE BARNSTORMER Date: 08-07-84 at 03:25 PM Paul, you really shouldn't have to ask for a review of Ghostbusters. It has every element for an excellent movie. Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd, and good special effects. Anyway here goes: Ghostbusters is a movie about three guys who go into busines for themselves catching and storing troublesome ghosts in New York city. When the city is threatened by a ghost takeover it's the Ghostbusters to the rescue. I can't realy say much more without giving away some of the really funny parts. Go see it, it is one of the best movies of the year. Bill Murray is hillarious. He's the greatest. Not necessarily lator, The Barnstormer Numb: 30 Subj: NEW RATING SYSTEM From: THE DEALER Date: 08-10-84 at 12:39 AM I HAVE A NEW RATING SYSTEM FOR ALL MOVIES!!!! ******************************************************************************* **********THE JOINT SYSTEM************** 0 JOINTS MEANS THAT THE MOVIE IS FANTASTIC AND NEEDS NO HELP. 1 JOINT MEANS THE MOVIE IS GREAT BUT HAS SOME PROBLEMS 2 JOINTS MEANS THE MOVIE IS OK BUT YOU MUST BE IN A GOOD STATE OF MIND 3 JOINTS MEANS THE MOVIE IS REALLY BAD AND YOU SHOULD NOT SEE IT UNTIL IT COMES OUT ON CABLE. 4 JOINTS FORGET IT . DON'T EVEN WASTE THE DRUGS. THIS MOVIE WILL BE ON CABLE NEXT WEEK... Numb: 31 Subj: THE NEW SYSTEM From: THE DEALER Date: 08-10-84 at 12:52 AM OK Here are some examples of the joint system..... Bachelor Party: I saw this on one joint and I needed at least two!! Ghostbusters: 0 a great movie!! Star Trek 3: a one joint movie, to help with the special effects. Top Secret : haven't seen it yet guessing about a 2 joint movie!! Revenge of the Nerds:4 don't waste your money, will be on cable very soon!! Gremlins:2 joint movie, don't be too stoned some scenes are to intense. Red Dawn: Haven't seen that yet either. I am guessing a 3 joint movie or 2 to hard to tell. Depends on quality of film Purple Rain: 1 joint movie to really appreciete Prince's music.. Ok that is the system, of course each person has thier own tolerance level. Some people 4 joints will kill. until next month ..... The dealer Numb: 32 Subj: THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT From: SGT. PEPPER Date: 08-10-84 at 03:05 AM THIS MOVIE SUCKED! NOT ONLY DID THE WRITERS STEAL PLOT LINES FROM "CLOSE ENCOUNTERS" AND "THE FINAL COUNTDOWN", THE SPECIAL EFFECTS LOOKED HOME-MADE AND THE ACTING WAS JUST AWFUL. ANYWAY, THRU THE WHOLE MOVIE YOU NEVER REALLY KNOW WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON, AND A LOT OF THINGS ARE NEVER EVEN EXPLAINED BY THE END. DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY. DO NOT GO SEE "THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT".. SGT. PEPPER Numb: 33 Subj: CLOAK & DAGGER From: SGT. PEPPER Date: 08-13-84 at 06:06 AM I THOUGHT THIS MOVIE WAS PRETTY GOOD. A LITTLE PHONY AT TIMES, BUT STILL RELATIVELY GOOD. IT STARS HENRY THOMAS AS DAVEY OSBORNE, A PRECOCIOUS LITTLE KID OBSESSED WITH GAMES; AND DABNEY COLEMAN IN A DUAL ROLE AS "JACK FLAK", AN IMAGINARY SECRET AGENT, AND DAVEY'S FATHER. WELL, THE ACTION BEGINS WHEN DAVEY IS HANDED A "CLOAK & DAGGER" ATARI CARTRIDGE (CONTAINING SECRET PLANS) BY A DYING MAN BEING PURSUED BY THE SINISTER SECRET AGENTS. ANYWAY, THEY CHASE DAVEY THROUGH THE WHOLE MOVIE, AS DAVEY TURNS TO JACK FLAK FOR ADVICE. WELL, I WON'T GIVE OUT THE END; WHICH WASN'T TOO SUSPENSEFUL ANYWAY, BUT I WILL SAY THAT THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST VIOLENT MOVIES EVER GIVEN A PG RATING. HOW THIS FILM ESCAPED THE DREADED 'PG-13' I DON'T KNOW.. BUT SEE IT FOR YOURSELF AND FIND OUT. "CLOAK & DAGGER" IS A WORTHWHILE FILM. SGT. PEPPER Numb: 34 Subj: DREAMSCAPE From: SGT. PEPPER Date: 08-24-84 at 06:22 AM THIS MOVIE WAS GREAT! IT HAD A SUSPENSEFUL PLOT, GOOD SPECIAL EFFECTS, AND A LOT OF ACTION. IT WAS ABOUT A PSYCHIC WHO IS ABLE TO PROJECT HIMSELF INTO OTHER PEOPLES DREAMS AND PARTICIPATE IN/OR ALTER THE OUTCOME OF THAT PERSON'S DREAM. WELL THE ACTION PICKS UP WHEN WE LEARN THAT THE DREAMSCAPE PROJECT IS BEING RUN BY SOME GOVT. NASTIES WHO WANT TO USE THE ABILITY FOR EVIL INTENT..... ANYWAY, IT'S REALLY GOOD AND YOU SHOULDN'T MISS IT. SGT. PEPPER P.S. IT WAS RATED PG-13 BECAUSE OF SOME GORY EFFECTS, BUT THAT'S ABOUT IT. Numb: 35 Subj: Buckaroo Banzai From: GUIDO GUIDOVIK Date: 08-25-84 at 03:05 PM Buckaroo Banzai is a modern comedy adventure film starring Peter Weller as a Brain Surgeon/Rock Star/Astronaut and full time adventurer. The film revolves around a bunch of aliens called lectroids from planet 10. I am running out of time, I'll finish tomorrow. Numb: 36 Subj: -=>THE EVIL MEN DO<=- From: RON LUSK Date: 10-19-84 at 08:52 AM Don't waste your money on this one (buy a disk instead). The acting was bad, the story was worse, the action dull and predictable, I'm supprised that Charles Bronson agreed to do this film!!! I went to it thinking it might be like "Death Wish" but I could not have been more wrong!!!! Numb: 37 Subj: D U N E From: SGT. PEPPER Date: 12-15-84 at 09:37 PM Well, I saw "Dune" last night and it was pretty good.. The special effects are terrific and the story is quite faithful to the original text by Frank Herbert. Newcomer Kyle MacLachlan is convincing in the role of Paul Atreides the Kwisatz Haderach.. and Sting comes off the screen as a very stylish villain. Some other cast members include: Jose Ferrer as the Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV, and Kenneth McMillan as the vile and disgusting Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. Anyway, the movie was good, so I'd recommend seeing it.. Sgt. Pepper Numb: 38 Subj: 2010, The Movie From: SAFEHOUSE MANAGER Date: 12-17-84 at 10:52 AM I saw 2010 and really enjoyed it... But I didn't see the original 2001, so I really wasn't in on the entire overall storyline.. Still, I enjoyed it a lot. The effects were great, and didn't overpower the meaning of the movie. Anyone got some other Holiday Movie reviews? There's a lot of new movies out there... let's hear which ones are good and bad, here on board 26... -Sysop Numb: 39 Subj: Beverly Hills Cop! From: BLACK KNIGHT Date: 12-17-84 at 08:54 PM Hello There... Well I must say Eddie Murphy is one of the best Young Comedians in the Country at this time! He is right up there with are ol' friend and Buddie! John Belushi and Dan Akroyd(sp?) Yes I must say over all B.H.C is the best holday movie out. Great Comedy and Some great lines you can use on your Buddies! I give this movie thumbs up! Black Knight | --+ Darc Deathe --+ | Well There you have it! a perfect 10 on the Movie Scale Next weeks review will be.. 1] Mickey's Cristmas in Canbodea 2] Rumplstilskin goes to Paris And My favorite Buck Rogers gets a Bisectemi! Tell Then this is Black Knight and Darc Deathe signing off! ------------------------------------- :[ 10239394 ] | | | | A D M I T O N E | | | |------------------------------------| Numb: 40 Subj: A VIEW TO A KILL From: CRACKER HACKER Date: 12-30-84 at 01:19 AM JUST SAW THE NEW BOND FILM "A VIEW TO A KILL".. NOW BEFORE YOU SEND ME HATE MAIL.. SAW A PEVIEW SHOWING.. AWESOME! EVEN THOUGH ITS NOTHING LIKE THE SHORT STORY IT WAS BASED ON, IT STILL RANKS AS ONE OF THE BEST.. DON'T WORRY, ROGER MOORE IS BACK.. ALONG WITH TANYA ROBERTS (OF SHEENA), AND EVERYONE'S FAVORITE, GRACE JONES, AND CHRISTOPHER WALKEN... RAD PLOT, GREAT EFFECTS, AND LOTS OF SCANTILY CLAD GIRLS... CHECK IT OUT IN A FEW MONTHS... ->CRACKER HACKER<-  .